#2) i saw a seagull on the ground! close to me! what an experience.
crescentmp3 · 1 year
many experiences today!
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peach-the-owl · 4 years
Child of the Nein
When you first meet (Mighty Nein & Child!Reader) Part 2
Finally here’s part 2 like promised :)
Again not 100% accurate but I tried to keep it as close as possible
Walking along the shores of Port Damali was a common activity for you, the sound of the waves and seagulls brought a sense of calmness to you. Today however proved to be a bit different when you saw a body laying on the beach (I’m guessing this is where he had ended up, if not feel free to correct me), waves lapping around the unconscious half-orc. You proceed cautiously not entirely sure how to approach the situation, were they dead? Alive? You couldn’t tell at first glance, so doing what any reasonable kid would you find yourself a nice long stick and start poking the body. When they let out an irritated groan you flinch back waiting for something to happen, when nothing does you resume your poking. "Hey! Are you dead!?" The words slipped out before you knew what you were saying, however the half-orc stirred once more.
When Fjord first regained consciousness he was surprised to find himself back on shore a sword in hand. The strange poking sensation while mostly irritating did help him get some focus back as he recoiled from the source. A small yelp pulls his attention to a kid, maybe 10 or 11 years of age, who’d stumbled to the sandy ground at his sudden action. A small staring contest ensues as neither say anything.
"Are you ok? I thought you were dead." You had decided to break the ice first, albeit in a rather odd fashion.
"I’m… fine?" You quickly noticed the shift in his tone of voice from a softer british composure to a heavy southern drawl. "Now what’s a kid doin' out here all alone? You should be getting back to yer parents."
"I would if I had any." You say nonchalantly.
"Oh, I’m sorry to hear-"
"It’s fine, can’t feel sad over people I never met. I’m (y/n) by the way." You quickly change the subject, holding out your hand for him to shake.
"Uhh… Fjord." He accepts the handshake, after which you help pull him to his feet.
"So, Fjord are you going to stay in town long?"
"What’s that supposed to mean?" He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow at you.
"Well…" You let the word drag for a second, before deciding to come clean. "It's just that you look like a man on a mission and I for one would like to join you. I’d do anything to get out of here." You flash him your big puppy dog eyes in hopes of enticing him to agree. Sure it was a little selfish and possibly unwise on your end to ask a stranger such a bold question, but you were desperate to leave and he didn’t seem like a bad guy.
"While I don’t plan on staying long, I’m not sure I feel all too comfortable with a kid taggin' along either." He shifts a little, scratching the back of his head before looking over to you. You weren’t ready to give up so quickly.
"Oh please, the people here are awful, they don’t even care that I’m all the way out here without anyone looking after me. Look, I know the worlds a dangerous place but I’ve gotta face it eventually, and what better way to face and learn about it then with someone who already has experience." As you spoke you could see his resolve slowly break, you kept pushing. "I want to prove myself better then the dirt these people say I am, haven’t you ever felt the need to prove yourself?" It's not like you were lying about any of this and Fjord could see that written on your face. He felt pity for you but also hesitant at first, trying to think this through, your little puppy dog stare kept getting in the way however. He sighs in defeat.
"It may not be all bad to have some… company along-" He spoke slowly, almost trying reason with himself. You don’t let him finish as you practically squeal with joy and give him a quick hug.
"Thank you! You won’t regret this I promise." You let go and flash him a bright smile, in return he gives an amused side smile. As the situation fully dawned on Fjord, one part of him still wasn’t sure about this while the other hoped he made the right choice. You seemed like a smart kid to him surely you’d be able to learn quickly too. What could possibly go wrong?
Beau gave an exasperated sigh while trudging down the halls of the Cobalt Soul, she had been summoned for some "important training and experience" which wasn’t specified when she questioned them about it. Once she enters the sort of meeting room she sees 4 individuals, one being Archivist Zeenoth with two others from the Cobalt Reserve and the last looking to be a child, about 10 years old.
"The hell's all this?" The words came out before Beau could catch what she was saying.
"Language Miss Lionett, there are children present." The archivist scolds while gesturing to them. "Regardless, I’ve called you here because from this point forward you shall be this child’s new teacher."
"I’m sorry what!? You do realize that this is a bad idea, right? I haven’t even finished my own training." Beau was taken aback by his words, surprised they even considered her to be teacher material as it were.
"I’ve… considered it. However, as per mentioned earlier, I do believe this will make for a good exercise not just for this young one but for you as well."
"… I really don’t have much of a say do I?" She lets out a sigh as Zeenoth shakes his head. "Fine, whatever."
The archivist leaves the room with the two other monks that had escorted you in, leaving you alone with your new mentor. The two of you just standing in a silence that feels as though it’ll last an eternity.
*Sigh*"So, you’ve gotta name kid?" You could hear the annoyance in her voice.
"Yeah, I’m (y/n) (l/n) and if I’m not mistaken your Beauregard Lionett."
"No need for the formalities, just Beau is fine."
"Right, ok…" Your voice trails off as an awkward silence now takes over. After a moment or two you decide to try speaking up again.
"So what should we do first?" You ask, hoping your question leads somewhere. Beau stares off into space for a moment, scratching the back of her neck. You could tell she wasn’t used to this.
"I guess we'll start with the basics. Come on, there should be a more open room to spar in somewhere." She starts heading out of the room, you following close behind. From what you could gather so far, the passive aggressive tone was just a default for her and nothing to be taken too personally. After all she was your teacher now so you’d have to take everything in stride. What could possibly go wrong?
You sat by the alter, you don’t remember much, just that you were guided here, HE had guided you here. When you had first arrived you saw a woman laying unconscious before the alter, you didn’t know what to do so here you now sit, waiting, waiting for something to happen. The woman begins to stir a groan escaping her, you scramble back a bit and hide behind the alter.
Yasha pushes herself off the ground and looks around, she didn’t know where she was or what was going on all she knew was that she was here at this alter. She decides to approach the alter, seeing two medallions. Confused she picks up both, as she does there's a soft but somehow comforting sound of distant rolling thunder. She then looks back to the alter, catching a set of curious eyes watching her before ducking out of sight. She readies herself for a fight.
"Who's there?" Her tone sounded both threatening and a little scared, she was surprised to see a child step out from behind the alter, their hands up as a way to show they meant no harm. Her stance relaxing just a little as they now stood before her.
"I’m not here to start a fight. I was guided here, like you." You could see her trying to process whatever was going on, honestly you still were too. You try to think of something else to say, thinking it best to simply introduce yourself. "Ummm… my name's (y/n). What’s yours?" You give a slight bow.
"… My name's Yasha… uhhh… I think this is yours." She kneels down and holds out her hand with one of the medallions in it, you carefully take it from her, examining the beautiful design. The silence that soon falls between you feels awkward yet comforting all at once. Neither one of you knowing what to say or do next.
"What happens now?" You ask, breaking the silence. Yasha looks to you and shrugs. "Yeah I’m not good at this either." You scratch the back of your neck feeling a little sheepish for asking. Another chorus of distant rolling thunder breaks you both away from your thoughts, this time seeming to call both of you to follow it. Sharing a look and finding no other options, you both set out to an unknown future. What could possibly go wrong?
Your legs felt as though they were on fire after hours of walking and your stomach growls at you in hunger. You march forward nonetheless, not sure as to where you were going, but just going. The burning slowly turned to a biting feeling until eventually your body forced you to drag yourself somewhere safe and out of sight to rest.
As you let the evening air blow past you a very faint scent of sweets hits your nose, looking in the direction of the scent you could make out thin pillars of smoke still a distance away, most likely the source of the sweet smell. You tried to get up but your legs wouldn’t allow it making you stay put until the pain subsided. Hours seemed to pass, you fiddled with some grass to entertain yourself, feeling the ground shift a little as you did so, strange. Ignoring that and shifting your gaze up to the sky you watch the night take over, stars dotting the darkness and a beautiful full moon seeming as if it was looking right back at you. By now the pain subsided, you now being able to start heading for that town, or what you hoped to be a town anyways. However when you try getting up this time it isn’t your wary legs that hold you back but something gripping onto you. Looking down you see a lavender hand clinging to your pants. You yelp in shock and try to pull away, tugging at the fabric to get whoever or whatever this was to let go, but to no avail. Soon another hand emerges from the ground then the top half of the body, the individual gasping for air as their head breaks past the soil. You stumble backwards, not getting far as they still had you in their death grip, all you could do was stare at them. Where they undead? No that didn’t seem right, they were breathing and defiantly looked to have all their skin intact. Maybe it was a resurrection spell? No, you seemed to be the only one around from what you could observe and you certainly didn’t know any powerful magic like that.
Dozens of questions swam around your brain as you tried to decide your next course of action, this somehow not dead person amazingly didn’t seem to notice your presents or that they were still holding onto you, their eyes fixated on the sky. You shuffle a bit to get into a more comfortable position, when you do you see the mystery man had finally moved their gaze away from the sky and onto you. Red eyes beating into you, yet you no longer felt fear from them as you could now see, much like yourself, the fear and confusion in their own eyes.
"Uhhh… hi?" You really weren’t sure how to approach any of this, and when they don’t respond you could only assume they didn’t know what to do either. They do however release their grip on you, retracting their hand to their chest. You could run, but should you really just leave them here? They were a stranger that just popped out of the ground (like daisy's) but that didn’t mean they were instantly bad. You slowly rise to your feet, and with a deep breath hold your hand out for them to take. You see the hesitance in their face as they just stare at you.
"Come on it’s just a hand. I don’t bite, promise." You offer a welcoming smile, and after a second they accept the offer, you helping them up. "I’m (y/n) by the way. What’s your name?" They look at you but their voice was so quiet you weren’t even sure if they were actually talking. It’s then that your stomach rumbles again, making your hunger known after being ignored for so long.
"It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t wanna. Let’s just get moving, I think I saw a town not too far away. We can go there, maybe find something to eat and then figure this out." You give another reassuring smile hoping to calm your new mystery friend enough to focus a bit more. While still holding onto their hand you gently start tugging them along, they follow you like a lost puppy toward where you’d seen the pillars of smoke earlier. You tried to stay optimistic in your assumption and hoped to find somewhere to stay soon. What could possibly go wrong?
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sk8er-sandwhich · 5 years
I Can't Lose You // Part 2
David was furious. He could no longer handle what he had been witnessing for the past hour. Jeff had been sitting way to close to Natalie for David's liking and whispering nothings making his 'assistant' laugh her heart out. She was smiling at him the way she had never smiled at him! David wanted Natalie's heart eyes only for him and not for some other man.
Oh man, David realised, he was so fucked. He never got this jealous over some girl. But this wasn't some girl, this was his Natalie. David took a breath and looked at Natalie. When was it that she became more than an assistant? More than his best friend?
Was it when se was there with him till 4 am when he edited his vlogs or when she was running him errands while being jet lag? When did her long stories sound like sweet harmonies to him? Fuck, out of all the people he could fall in love with, he fell for his freaking best friend.
After a restless night of Natalie tossing around her bed, today was shooting day and Natalie had a lot on her plate for the day. Nick, the science guy, was going to arrive any moment and they had to carry out this made-for-YouTube science experiment. While Natalie sorted David's flights for the next week's show in statten Island, Jeff came and sat next to her on the comfortable white sofa.
"Hey, Nat. Watcha doing?"
"Hi, Jeff. I'm just doing the usual 'assistant' stuff. David has this show in a Statten Island college next week so I'm just booking flight tickets." said Natalie, while quickly tapping away on her Macbook Air.
"Statten Island, eh? You know who's from there? Me." said Jeff, pointing to himself, "which means I'm half seagull and half garbage"
A laughter escaped Natalie and filled the living room of David's house. It quickly caught David's attention. Natalie couldn't escape his gaze and both were caught in an unspoken moment. Natalie was the first one to break away from David's gaze, remember what he had said last night to Jason. He had basically called her boring and thought that no guy would ever kiss her. How could she let herself develop feelings for a guy who thought she wasn't exciting enough for him? Damn, Natalie.
"Hmm, David?"
"Let's go" said David as he picked up the keys for his ferrari.
" But where? Isn't Nick coming over? What about the science experiment?" said a puzzled Natalie.
"Change of plans, he texted me a list of stuff we need so gotta go to nearby home depot" lyingly said David, he just wanted to be alone with Natalie. She he hadn't talked to him much since yesterday night. He thought that maybe she was sick and tired after a long day but today seeing her laugh with Jeff with no worries on her face, he couldn't stomach the fact that she was sick last night. Had he done something to upset her?
"But I brought everything he texted me, I don't think I have missed anything" said even more confused Natalie.
" Oh, yeah you bought stuff for other experiment. I just talked to him 5 minutes ago and we decided on doing this experiment which could possibly break the Guinness World Records, so we gotta bring some more containers and he'll probably bring other chemicals " said David, quickly coming up with a theory to support his earlier lie.
" okay, let me grab my purse and glasses"
Natalie left the room and heard Jeff say
"So why do you need your ferrari to go to a store? Isn't that what you call a 'perfect - for- date' car?"
"Ah, dude nothing like that. Just felt the need for speed" David said jokingly, while making finger guns at Jeff.
Before Jeff could grill David anymore, Natalie reentered the room with her hands full of stuff.
Both buckled in, silence surrounded David and Natalie. Natalie's mood had become sour soon after hearing David's comment about 'need for speed'. Why God, why did she ever develop feelings for this idiot who thought of her nothing more than a friend?
"So, you and Jeff seemed quite cozy this morning on the couch" David said breaking the silence, his grip around the wheel suddenly tightened. He couldn't even confront her without getting angry.
"What are you trying to say Dave?"
" I don't know, should I know if you're having an affair with one of my friends? I mean I AM your boss and would not be pleased with that" said David with his jaw muscles clenched.
"WHAT? what the fuck dave? Are you implying that I'm having an 'affair' with Jeff? Since you're my 'boss', please enlighten me how you came to this conclusion?" shouted an angry Natalie. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, an affair? With JEFF?
" There is no need to shout at me. I'm saying what I saw. You were clearly enjoying talking to him evident from your loud af laughter!"
"Excuse me, wait a fucking minute. Am I not allowed to laugh in your house?!"
" No, laugh as much as you want to but what you're not allowed to do is waste my time. You're supposed to be my assistant and not some social butterfly who needs to speak to each of my friends when they come to the house!"
After uttering those words did he realise what he had done, he had just accused Natalie of being 'useless'.
Meanwhile, out of anger, David's foot hit the gas. Now they were going at a speed which was suitable for a racing ground not streets of L. A.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE! I do ALL the work I'm supposed to day as your fucking assistant. Never have I ever said no to your menial tasks or shooting idiotic vlog bit. And here is what I get for doing all that, being accused of being a useless assistant!" Natalie could feel tears brimming, anger did that to her. But she felt more than anger, she felt hurt.
" I can't believe this, earlier you calling me boring and now this, fucking useless. What do you think I am? A ragdoll? Do I not deserve an ounce of your respect, if not as an assistant then as a friend?" a tear tricked down her cheek.
Before David could say anything, everything went black.
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memories-are-mine · 5 years
We Survived The Crisis, Babe
You want to know what happened to Hannah and Ethan, you say? Give Ethan some medical attention, you say?
Well, I’m terrible, so no. But here’s some Lex to make up for it. 
Some handy links:  Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 
As always, let me know if you wanna be on the taglist!! 
TW:  References to child abuse, near-death experiences - stay safe kids
Chapter 4 - Lex 
This is not how I wanted it to end. 
That was all Lex Foster could think as she knelt on the floor of the Toy Zone stockroom, Sherman Young’s arm wrapped tightly around her neck, constricting her breathing. It was not how she imagined that she was going to die. 
Fighting her mother, maybe. Defending Hannah from her drunken wrath. Or saving a small child from the middle of the road. Something heroic, something she would be remembered for. Or, after a nice, long life in California, she would die peacefully in bed with Hannah and Ethan by her side. Instead, it was this. 
Dying in the stockroom of a shitty toy store, in a town she had sworn that her life would not end in. A town where the only two people who loved her were likely dead already. She was alone. No one would save her. California would die with her. That’s what she got for wishing. 
Only her ashes would ever see the sea. 
It was a nice dream while it lasted. 
The edges of Lex’s vision began to go black as Sherman squeezed harder. She was strangely calm. It didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would. It was almost like falling asleep with her eyes open. She refused to close them. She wanted to look death straight in the face. 
It was serene in a way, almost beautiful. There was no noise, and Lex could vaguely hear the sounds of seagulls and wind through trees, how the beaches were in the movies. Maybe dying wouldn’t be so bad. Then Lex’s oxygen-deprived mind went to her two last regrets. 
Her biggest regret, of course, was Hannah. She would never see her little sunshine sister again. Never get to hold her again - God, she’d miss holding Hannah. Hannah had been the only thing worth living for, for such a long time. They needed each other. Lex hoped that she could go on alone. She was strong. And Lex was leaving. And her sister was going to be murdered by the psychotic, toy-worshipping cult that Linda Monroe was leading out in Toy Zone. Hannah wouldn’t be shown any mercy. 
Sorry, I couldn’t save you, Banana. 
Her other regret was Ethan Green. Funny, dumb, loyal, brave, incredible Ethan Green. Ethan Green, who let her cry on his shoulder and cried on hers. Ethan Green who was really good with anything mechanical. Ethan Green, who, on a day that Lex had a big test, cut school to take care of Hannah when she was sick and Lex’s mom was too drunk to be bothered, knowing full well he would earn a beating for skipping. Ethan Green, who she kissed and smoked and dreamed with. Ethan Green, whom she loved. She’d never had the courage to actually tell him that.  
Now, I’ll never get the chance. 
If he had stayed with Hannah, as Lex knew he had, the cult would kill him too. There would only be ashes in California. 
Suddenly, it hurt a lot more to die. Lex gave up the “facing-death-with-my-eyes-open” shtick and allowed her vision to go dark. She didn’t want to look anymore. 
“You aren’t dead yet,” a new voice said. Lex managed to open her eyes and look to her right. A man, with shoulder-length hair and a scruffy beard, dressed in black combat fatigues and what looked like one of those weird floppy artist hats, floated a few feet off the ground. Sherman wasn’t reacting to this intrusion, so Lex figured this was some sort of near-death hallucination. 
“Alexandra Foster,” Lex’s near-death hallucination said in an authoritative tone. “My name is General John MacNamara and I’m going to help you through this.” 
“Wh-what?” Lex managed to gasp out.
“First, you need to subdue your assailant,” General John MacNamara said, efficiently removing a gun from a holster at his belt. He flipped it around and offered it to Lex, handle first. “I’m authorizing you to use my firearm.” 
This was cruelty - Someone offering to save her, to give her a fighting chance to save her family. And it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. And yet Lex found herself raising her arm, desperately stretching for the weapon. 
“I can’t reach it,” she choked. 
“Yes, you can.” General MacNamara looked Lex directly in the eye. “Your sister has always had the power. Something tells me your friend has it too now. You have it.” 
Lex barely had time to process that. Power? What the fuck was this guy talking about. 
“Reach into the Black and White. You must manifest this weapon into your reality.” 
The Black and White. That was the thing that Hannah always talked about. 
Okay, so this definitely was a hallucination. Lex could barely manifest the will to get up in the morning. She could not manifest things from other dimensions. She felt like she would have known that about herself. So why did that statement set every single one of her cells jumping, and not because she was being strangled. 
“Look me in the eye, now, Lex,” the general barked. “Become your best self. If Wiggly’s been born, then who knows what will happen. But people are depending on you. It’s time to lead.” General MacNamara’s image began to flicker. “Time is running out. It’s time to make your choice.” 
Lex somehow stretched her arm a little farther. Her mind was clear. She could not give up. She would not give up. For Hannah. For Ethan. For herself. 
“I’m gonna kill you,” Sherman hissed in her ear. 
No the fuck he was not. 
Adrenaline rushed through her. Before Lex even knew what she was doing, she dislodged Sherman, twisted and pulled the trigger. 
Direct hit. 
Sherman stumbled back. “Where did that come from?” 
Then he collapsed. Dead. 
Lex gasped. The gravity of what she had done began to sink in. She had killed someone. Sure, she had done it in self-defense but she had still killed someone, and she felt horribly guilty. 
“Nice shot, Lex.” General MacNamara’s image was definitely beginning to fade now. Still there, but less substantial. Apparently, Lex wasn’t hallucinating. Hallucinations didn’t give people guns. “But we aren’t through yet. The leaders of your world are lost and helpless. You’ve been called to serve.” He spoke louder, now, as if afraid Lex wouldn’t be able to hear.  “If you can defeat Wiggly here in Hatchetfield, then he can be defeated anywhere.” 
That seemed like a tall order for Superman. But here, it was wildly hopeless. She was Lex Foster - a high school dropout with no prospects and a drug addiction and who was positively not Superman, no matter what weird-ass power she had just discovered. She was being called upon to save the world. What could she possibly do? 
Then, she thought of Hannah. Of Ethan, and her resolve hardened. 
“What do I have to do?” 
“Gather your forces,” General MacNamara said. His image was so faint now that he was almost impossible to see. “There is a warrior of light trapped in a deep sleep. Wake the warrior. Kill the prophet. Save the world.” 
Oh, was that all. 
General MacNamara gave Lex a salute, then faded into nothingness, leaving her alone in darkness. 
Lex stayed on her knees for a few moments, trying to catch her breath and process what had just happened. 
Okay. First, a man had appeared while Lex was being strangled in a toy store stockroom and had told her she could manifest things from other dimensions. Then she had actually done that, and shot Sherman Young with an actual bullet. And now she had to gather some forces, kill the prophet, and save the world. 
Awesome and totally doable. Except for literally all of that. 
First, Lex did not have any forces. The only possible ally that she would have had in Toy Zone was Frank. And he was dead. 
Second, the prophet, presumably Linda, had an entire goon squad of crazy people surrounding her, and, going back to problem one, Lex was by herself. 
She could have kept going, but this already seemed impossible. 
She glanced out the stockroom window to the loading lot at the back. Was it possible that just this morning she was there, with Ethan and Hannah, laughing and dreaming about California. It seemed like a million years ago.  She saw Mr. Houston’s car, still in the loading dock, with a bright pink ticket on the windshield and laughed, despite herself. God, had really been this morning that she’d seen…
Holy shit, Mr. Houston. 
Maybe Lex wasn’t entirely alone in this mall. Maybe, possibly, in a one-in-a-bazillion chance, she could find Mr. Houston, and he wouldn’t be corrupted by Wiggly. And if she found Mr. Houston, maybe she could find Hannah and Ethan and get out of this mall. Maybe she could save the world. Maybe she’d even make it to California. Maybe she’d just die, but damn if Lex wasn’t going to die fighting. 
Lex got to her feet and cocked her new pistol. 
General MacNamara had told her to gather her forces. So that was what Lex was going to do. 
“Stay alive, you two,” she said to empty air. “I’m coming.”
@hurricanehellion, @asshole-gay-797, @ethngreen, @just-a-side-kick, @theirishhufflepuff, @somegeekychic, @curse-brekker, @unusual-ly, @softotacoo, @believeinasmilinggodtoday, @scorpiotrash468
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Notebooks and post-it’s - chapter 2 - (Branjie) - thankyoumissvanjie
A/N: come the angst filled rabbit hole with me.
“Oh. It’s you. What do you want?” Vanjie wanted to shiver with the iciness of her tone, as Brooke just kept on blending her purple smokey eyes.
“We got’s to talk.”
The season 11 tour was an experience.
It was hard work, an insane amount of travelling and also a bit like being on summer camp.
There was no other way for Nina explain it. Being together with her season 11 sisters was amazing. The absence of cameras made them all relax more, which made the drama disappear.
It made it possible for her to really appreciate all her sisters.
She was in awe over Yvie’s drag, she loved A’keria and her tendency to stir the pot. Plastique, Soju and Ariel made her feel old while teaching her everything about filters and hashtags. Shuga was a delight and Silky was loud and fun. Vanjie was… different?
Nina couldn’t really put her finger on it. Vanjie was still loud and hilarious. But something seemed very off.
It was, however, difficult to investigate, as both Silky and A’keria had kind of closed ranks around Vanjie.
They probably thought that Vanjie needed protection from Brooke, even though the Canadian queen was isolating herself from everyone, even Nina.
The last time Brock had reached out to her was weeks ago, as he called her in the middle of the night, sobbing and completely out of it. From what Nina could gather, Brock had drunk dialled Vanjie, only to realise that she was with… someone.
Nina tried to console him, to tell him that maybe he needed to reach out to Vanjie after he had sobered up.
But she knew that he hadn’t done it. In fact, the day after all she got was a text that said
Sorry. Got a bit too drunk last night and was an idiot. Please don’t make a thing out of this.
So Nina didn’t.
She left Brock alone and saw him transform into Brooke Lynn Hytes, current reigning queen. Brooke was flawless and if you didn’t know her you would think that she was doing okay.
But Nina could see the protective layers of ice that she had covered herself in. She saw how Brooke only truly shined on the stage and during Meet & Greet’s.
Nina noticed how the smile would fall from her lips the moment Brooke walked backstage. How the queen would keep to herself and not really participate in any of the shenanigans.
But Nina didn’t know what to do. Brooke had put up an impenetrable wall that would’ve made Trump jealous.
Seeing the heartbreak that Brooke was going through made Nina want to yell at Vanjie.
Except, It was clear that she was hurting too.
It was obvious that her eyes sought out Brooke in every room she entered. Just for a moment. Every single time that Vanjie thought no one was looking, she would search for Brooke.
So what was a soft and cuddly Miss Congeniality, who most of all just wanted her friends to be okay to do? Brooke was out of the question, and getting close to Vanjie seemed almost impossible to-
“Hello, hello, hello Miss Nina. Whadya done being hiding here?” The loud trucker voice startled her out of stupor, making her jump a little in her heels.
She turned around, coming face to face with Vanjie in full drag. Her brunette hair, thigh high boots and sparkly t-shirt dress made her look street-fish.
What she also noted was that Vanjie was alone.
“Biiiitch. You can’t scare an old woman like that!” Vanjie’s laugh sounded like a cross between a dying seagull and an old man having an asthma attack. Which in turn made Nina laugh.
Fucking Vanjie.
They both stopped laughing at the same time, staring at each other. Nina opened her mouth ready to finally broach the subject of a certain moody Canadian, but it was Vanjie who spoke first.
“How is he?” It was said quietly, yet quickly. Vanjie looked slightly surprised, as if she herself was bamboozled over the fact that she had actually asked that question.
It was certainly not what Nina expected.
“He’s…” she didn’t want to out Brock, certainly not to his ex. But lying to Vanjie also seemed out of the question. “...good. Yeah. Good.”
That fooled no one, you idiot.
“Don’t be lying. I know him. He be drinking and smoking like he’s Bianca’s Motherfucking twin. He ain’t right and I think I gone done fucked up…”
“I know you his good Judy and I ain’t trying to be starting anything… just… I see him and get emotianat- emotio- I get up in my feelings okay. He doesn't look good, Nina.”
“I know. But I-“
“And then he called me - we ain’t talking for months and he just calls drunk on vodka. What was I ‘posed to do? He had on his sad big eyes, looking like I ate the last bit of that stupid Canadian food he fucking love-“
“Poutine ?”
“Yeah, that Putin shit… He done left me, and then he be calling, at night? That’s some wrong ass shit, Miss Nina. I am trying to move on instead of thinking ‘bout what could’ve been. Bitch left me, so why he moping like a toddler?”
“You guys left each other. You were both scared and not ready. You know this. Stop only blaming him, Vanj.”
“I ain’t blaming him! I am just sayin’... he left me.” Her voice cracked on the last syllable. It made Nina’s heart ache.
These two idiots.
“Maybe you guys should talk with each. You’re not okay, and he is… whatever he is. Maybe you need to clear the air, there’s obviously some unfinished business here.”
“Okay, Miss A’keria. Have you seen that tall glass of Canadian ball busting ballerina? He don’t wanna talk with me. I’ve tried.”
“It’s Brooke. You gotta give her no choice. And come on. You’re Vanessa Vanjie Mateo. Since when have you ever let a little Canadian bacon get in your way”
“Well shit, mama. You’re right.” And with that she turned on her heel, marching down the hall with determined steps towards Brooks room.
Vanjie was a chicken.
Despite her determined steps and iron will, she found herself faltering as she stood outside Brooke’s room.
Could she really do this? Maybe Nina was wrong, maybe she should just forget about all of this.
But then she thought about Brooke’s face, the way that she didn’t really seem happy anymore, and made a quick decision.
She was Miss Motherfucking Vanjie, and she sure as shit didn’t hide away nobody.
Pushing open the door, Vanjie barged in, quickly closing the door after herself, ensuring that they would have no audience for this.
The sudden sound made Brooke look up startled, getting eye contact through the mirror with Vanjie.
Her face went through several emotions in a span of a few seconds - all too quick for Vanjie to identify any of them - before she settled on cold and blank disinterest.
“Oh. It’s you. What do you want?” Vanjie wanted to shiver with the iciness of her tone, as Brooke just kept on blending her purple smokey eyes.
“We got’s to talk.”
“I’ve got nothing to say to you. Please leave”
“Vanj. Leave.”
“Nu-uh Mama, we doing this.” Vanjie quickly turned around and locked the door, leaning with her back up against looking right at Brooke.
She knew that Brooke could lift her with a pinky, if she really wanted to move her, but shit, there weren’t a lot of options left.
“Oh. So now you want to talk?” Brooke turned around in her chair, looking Vanjie directly in the eye instead of through the mirror. Her eyes were thunderous and Vanjie wanted to cheer out loud, as it was the most emotion the queen had directed at her since it became official that they had broken up.
“Yeah. I’m done hidin’... So let’s talk.” Crossing her arms in front of her chest, Vanjie looked at Brooke expectantly.
“About what? What could I possibly have to say to you?” Brooke got up from her swivel chair and walked towards Vanjie. She was wearing her signature blonde hair and her purple stepford-wife-kaftan-realness dress was swishing behind her.
Vanjie’s mouth dried up, as she was once again reminded of the beauty that was Brock in full drag. The beauty and grace made Vanjie want to stare at her forever, while also making her tingle with the need to wreck the sheer perfection in front of her.
“No really? What? You want to talk about how everyone is blaming me? What about your little post-it quote? Should we discuss how A’keria and Silky keep giving me the side eye?” Brooke’s voice slowly increased in volume as she walked closer and closer to Vanjie. Towering over the smaller queen.
“No wait… I know. Let’s talk about how I fucking have to stare are your face every day and be reminded of what could’ve been!” Brooke poked Vanjie in the chest her eyes flashing.
“I am done with all of this.”
Vanjie’s heart skipped a beat as her mind processed what Brooke had just said “what could’ve been”, the air electric between them.
“We have a meet & greet in 10 minutes.” Brooke was gorgeous, her blue eyes like a storm, anger collected in the fine lines of her face. “So move.”
“No.” Vanjie stood her ground, the word almost getting caught in her throat, Brooke looking like a hunter.
Brooke stepped forward, and Vanjie was the first one to move, her hand slamming into Brooke’s chest pushing her back slightly
“Oh...” Brooke looked down at the hand, like she couldn’t believe what Vanjie had just done.
Brooke shoved back, Vanjie almost stumbling, and then they were kissing, teeth clicking, lips sliding, hands gripping, tearing, taking and Vanjie wanted to disappear into Brooke.
“You fucking bitch.”
The words were hissed through clenched teeth, as Vanjie grabbed Brooke’s hair, her fingers buried in the blonde wig and pulling, forcing Brooke closer, making her be the aggressor. Brooke was quick to catch on, slamming Vanjie against the door.
“No, you’re the bitch.” Brooke whispered it between kisses.
It was hot and hateful, tender and burning, everything crashing down with the words they could not bring themselves to say out loud. Their bodies telling stories of longing and love, of broken promises and heartbreaks that were still bleeding. Tender stories of what they both so desperately wished they could still have; their swollen lips, gripping fingers and tender jaws an exchange between two wounded people who had no language left, but the most primal of all.
It was Brooke who broke them apart.
Brooke who stood up and turned to the mirror, checking her makeup.
It was Brooke who avoided Vanjie’s eyes as she calmly walked out of the dressing room with the parting words:
“You better fix your makeup, meet & greet starts soon”
Vanjie was left all alone in the dressing room. With a heaving chest, wide eyes and a muddled mind that tried to understand what had just happened.
“Well… shit.”
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mechaspirit · 7 years
Author’s Notes: So this is basically the aftermath of what happened after all that crazy shit going down in the final chapter of Endless Summer Book 2. Seriously, that chapter was...painful to watch. I didn’t want to restart it, but I have to just so I can gather all the idols in order to solve the puzzle. Dang, Pixelberry really has outdone themselves in Endless Summer. They know how to break our hearts on this one. Makes me wonder what’s going to happen in book 3.
So onto the actual fanfic here. Everyone in the group, of course, are separated and should still be alive somewhere on the island. Otherwise, the amber idols wouldn’t be activated in that temple. Here, I’m trying to do the possible insights on what actually happened after all that...crazy attempt to escape only to be separated again. And that’s actually worse than in the first book in my opinion. Emotional wise, of course.
Anyway, to those who are really emotional, prepare your tissues. Because...you might need it.
Rated: T
Pairings: MCxJake, DiegoxVaryyn, & CraigxZahra.
Summary: After being separated and going through the terrifying escape attempt, the gangs are left with what’s to come as well as trying to piece through what just happened.
“Diego, just go!”
“No way!”
“He’s trying to stall us! You have to go, now!”
“Hey D. You’re okay? You’re looking really pale right now.”
“Huh?!” Diego sat up straight just to see three of his friends surrounding the campfire, looking at him in concern, “Oh, sorry guys. I’m just...worried about the others. Y’know...”
“Even Yurika?” Raj asked. Seeing his head down and his hair covered his eyes indicated that Raj was correct, “Hey man. It’s okay. We’re all worried for them.”
“I know,” Diego responded as he wrapped his arms around himself, “It’s just that...I have a bad feeling for her. I didn’t want to leave Rika there even after she told us to leave without them. I mean, we did see the top part of the MASADA facility exploded. And now...”
Michelle sighed at the dark haired man’s response, “Look Diego. Yurika’s a tough girl. And she knows what to do with this kind of situation ever since we entered this island. You gotta put more trust in her. Trust me, if it weren’t for her putting others before herself, any of us would’ve been dead by now.”
Both men were surprised to see the pre-med student making an encouraging comment rather than a snarky one. Nevertheless, Raj nodded in agreement.
“Michelle’s right. We just to trust that Yurika and the other’s are fine and that they escaped! Plus, as soon as we find them, we have to save Grace as well. There’s still a lot to do before we leave this island, so don’t fret just yet, D.”
Diego managed to smile a little, seeing encouragement from his two friends. “Thanks, guys. I kinda need to hear it.”
Just then, a cold wind breezed through the campsite and Diego started shivering from the cold. Dammit. Part of him wished that they were at the Elysian Lodge instead, but none of them want to risk staying there in case Rourke and his goons managed to catch up with them and find them there, so they just have to stay at the campsite.
“Diego, you’re cold. Here.”
The Latino man felt a blanket wrapped around him and saw that the blue-skinned, golden-eye elyyshar was the one who gave the warm fabric to him.
“Thanks, Varyyn. But aren’t you cold, too?” Diego said in concern, noting the lack of warm clothing on Varyyn.
“Do not worry. I know how to adapt to the heat,” Varyyn responded, “Besides, you need it more than I do.”
The dark-haired man smiled in a loving gratitude and gently rest his head on the blue man’s shoulder. The latter responded by wrapping his arm lovingly around Diego and holding him close, telling him that he should rest for now since they still have a long journey ahead of them.
After helping Raj putting out the campfire and preparing to sleep for the night, Michelle looked up at the starless sky...and then to the remains facility where they barely managed to escape. The dark blonde hair woman can’t help but wondered what really happened to the rest of the gang. Then, she let out a whispered in prayer.
“Sean...Quinn...Yurika...everyone. Please be alright.”
Those were what Zahra was feeling right now ever since that damn Arachnid commander dragged her down along with him from the helicopter after she manages to electrocute him.
She did vaguely remember seeing Craig reaching out trying to save her, but failed to do so in time. Zahra may not be the most amiable person in the world, but she does care about that dumb jock a lot. No matter how much she tried to push that feeling away. Being on that crazy island made her realized that.
But is Craig still alive along with the others? Did they at least land somewhere safely? If that’s the case, is Craig still worried about her, perhaps maybe even looking for her?
Just then, as if being pulled back to the surface again, the dark hair woman woke up with a jolt, panting really heavily. As soon as Zahra readjusted her senses, and saw that she was in a white room, wearing white pajamas, and lying on a white bed. Zahra could feel white bandages wrapped around her head, and her arm was hooked to an IV as well as a heart monitor.
What the actual hell? Zahra thought, Where am I? This can’t be a hospital.
As far as the hacker genius is concerned, there are no actual hospitals in La Huerta. Hotels? They’ve been to two so far, so yes. Laboratories? No doubt about that. But hospitals? No. Definitely not normals ones unless that scumbag wants his workers to do some experiments or dissections on them. Zahra, who was trying to recover from her fall, still have no idea where the heck is she nor did she knew where Sparky went.
“Well well well. The hacker is finally awake.”
...But Zahra now knows who had found her unconscious. And that voice confirms it. She turned to her captor and glared at him menacingly.
Rourke can only grin in satisfaction as a response.
“Now there’s no need to be hostile like that, Namazi. In fact, I have an interesting proposal for if you’re willing to listen...”
“Ngh...Where am I?”
A young woman, possibly around twenty to twenty-one years old, woke up groggily and found herself on a sandy beach. She could hear the waves flowing and the seagulls chirping. Although the scenery is beautiful, the woman appeared to be more confused than awe with her surrounding. She has no idea why is she lay unconscious on the beach...
...nor she knows she is. Not even her name.
Slowly, the woman approached towards the shore where she can see her reflection above the clear, blue water. She could make out that she had really long, red hair and beautiful, bright blue eyes filled with confusion. Her outfit consisting of a simple white-button up shirt and blue shorts were covered in ashes, which confuses her even more because she couldn’t recall anything that she had done with anything with fire.
Just what the heck happened to her?
Suddenly, a flash appeared before her eyes. The red-headed woman could make out the sound of the alarm ringing, the helicopter flying...and another young woman around her age with long blonde hair and dark green eyes looking back at her in shock and realization.
The ginger can hear her own voice saying, “...I won’t forget you, Yurika.”
“What? Quinn, what are you-”
Then, her visions started to flash in green and that was the last thing that she could remember before everything else ended up in explosions.
Quinn? Is...is that my name? And who is Yurika?
The red hair woman clutched her head. This...this all of a sudden became too much for her to process what’s going on and what really happened to her. Unbeknownst to her, the red-headed woman’s eyes started glowing green again in confusion and remorse...
Somewhere in an unknown part of the mysterious island, a dismantled, burnt Arachnid helicopter landed in the middle of the tropical forest. Sean, Jake, Estela, and Craig were fortunate enough to survive the crash. However, that crash has cost them some medical attention due to the impact from the landings they have before that helicopter exploded.
Luckily, the survivors were able to snag a medical kit left in the helicopter before the explosions and are in the process of patching each other up. Despite their best effort of doing that, none of them are medical experts like Michelle and they wished that the Vietnamese pre-med was here to patched them up because their injuries hurt as hell.
For a couple of them, however, their physical pain from their injuries felt nothing compared to the pains in their heart.
Craig slumped down next to a palm tree and stared down at the sandy ground, looking remorse. The star quarterback noticed this and sat next to his best friend.
“Hey man. Is something wrong?” Sean asked, concerned.
“It’s...it’s nothing,” Craig muttered.
“...It’s Zahra, isn’t it?” Sean heard his partner whimpered slightly, indicating that he was right.
“I...I let her fall, Sean,” Craig cried, burying his head into his knees, “I’ve could run fast enough and grabbed her to safety, but I was too late. She...She-”
Craig couldn’t finish his words and instead, let more tears fell from his dark brown eyes. Sean gently wrapped his arm around his best friend and let the latter cried onto his shoulder. He knew how important Zahra is to Craig, and he also knew that they were starting to become closer again ever since they entered this island.
“Don’t worry, Craig. We’ll find her,” Sean told him, “We’ll find Zahra and everyone else on this island because we aren’t leaving this place without them.”
As he said this, Sean looked across the sandy path straight of them and a worried look crossed his face as he realized that Craig isn’t the only one dealing with his loss.
Meanwhile, a dead look crossed his face as Jake sat against another palm tree, blankly staring at the dark sky. There were no stars shining this time, which certainly fits the mood here. The pilot really wished that he has a flask on him, filled with whatever alcohol there is it the numb the pain inside him.
First of all, not only did Jake found out that his best friend, Mike, was alive, but he also found out that Mike turned out to be one of Lundgren’s lieutenant, Mouse. To make that situation worse, that fuckin’ commander did something to the poor guy to make him a mindless soldier and work for him. Jake could tell that because of the emotionless look Mike gave him while hanging onto to the mountain cliff of the MASADA facility. Part of Jake wished that Mike remained dead because the latter didn’t deserve to go through all of this and he also wished that he could’ve killed Lundgren sooner while he had the chance. Hell, he wasn’t a hundred percent sure if he could bring Mike back despite Yurika encouraging him that they should at least try.
Yurika...Tears began to fall from his cerulean blue eyes. The thought of his princess caused the pilot to slumped down and buried his head to his knees. Memories from that helicopter crashing were coming back to haunt him. Jake remembered hearing Yurika screaming Quinn’s name in desperation before ended up slipping out of the helicopter and clinging onto the landing ski for her dear life. Jake didn’t hesitate to abandon the control of the copter, despite Estela, Sean, and Craig cussing at him for doing so just so he can grab the young woman to safety. Unfortunately, fate had other ideas. As soon as their hands slightly touched each other, Yurika’s other hand slipped from the ski and she fell and crashed into the ocean, much to the pilot’s despair.
That was the last straw for him. Jake lost another person close to him, yet again. He lost Mike. He was forced to abandon his mother and his sister. Lost his plane. And now, he lost the love of his life. The one who can keep up with his recklessness and sarcastic banter. The one who continues to impress him with her leadership and quick-intelligent skills. The one who chooses to always be by his side to comfort him, despite his attempts to push her away. The one who revealed her love to him at the campsite on the snowy mountains after he did the same to her. And now...she’s gone. Just a slip away from his fingers.
Estela glanced at the pilot and noticed a familiar dead look on his face. It was the same look she bored when she found out that her mother was killed and it took her couple of days before she finally broke into tears after locking herself in her room. Estela knew what it was like to lose someone important to them, and Jake’s situation was no different. She knew how much Yurika meant to him...to everyone...to Estela herself especially since she always admired Yurika’s honesty and the way she handles the dangerous situation despite not being a skilled fighter herself. It was hard for all of them to handle the fact that she was gone.
The skilled assassin walked up to the crestfallen pilot and silently next to him, letting her presence at the very least calmed him down. It was the same method that her uncle used when he found Estela curled up into a ball and crying from her mother’s death. Funny thing is that neither of them is the kind of people who show affections, yet they’re attempting to comfort another people by sitting next to them and remaining silent, which works sometimes. The young brunette wasn’t sure if it’s going to work on the pilot, but at the very least she was attempting to do so.
As she does that, Estela looked up to the sky and noticed a column of smoke rising from the tip of the volcanic island realizing that their time on the island was far from over.
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Road trip in New Zealand with my super awesome 2 years old Mia
To start with I have to write how extremely glad I am that we’re here, just two of us. It is a crazy great experience, I learn so much about my daughter and being a mother. How to deal with problems, how to give up on plans because kid does not approve and how to laugh instead of getting mad. Because kids can make us angry from time to time, even a sweet 2 year old. The deal is that we have to get, that they don’t do it to make us angry. They just do things out of curiosity and to have fun. My Mia is quite a character. She’s curious and scared of nothing or no-one. Except for chickens, she does not trust these birds.
So lets start.
How we packed
Minimalism was my call. I took as little as possible. I am traveling with a backpack and the idea was that when needed I can close small backpack into the big one. I did not make long trekking (not fun for Mia), so I didn’t have to take big boots. Only one sweater and one jumper. I took a lot of t-shirts and trousers for Mia, but not many jumpers. When things get dirty we wash it. In New Zealand there’s many laundry places on a way and you can wash it and dry on a campground for 4-8 NZ$. Thanks to it our van is more comfortable and our clothes fit in one shelf.
I did not pack many toys either. Just 3 tiny books and How How - Mia’s favourite dog toy (I was trying to convince her to a cat toy but no luck in this area). I get small things on a way from time to time and she gets so excited! I took a few diapers for a flight and the rest I bought in New Zealand.
We hired a van, the most beautiful, cool, awesome and lovely Classic VW. It’s called Miss Sunshine. The first idea was to take one with a toilet and a shower, as I like to stop on a free camping spots and it will just make much more sense, since I travel by myself with a tiny kid. But hey, nobody said that I’m smart. I took an old school classic option with no steering wheel support, manual gear handle, where I have to refill oil each 1000 km. All worth it. I love our tiny home.
I came to New Zealand without a plan really. I knew that I’ll go around the South Island, and maybe will visit the north one as well. No idea about my stops, where to sleep or what to see. I’ve been here two times already so I knew how easy it is. So… what you do is pick up your car and drive. Oh, and of course you need to buy a lot of food first, so you don’t have to worry.
You can get mobile internet (8GB), so you can plan on a way. There are also mobile apps, which tell you where is the next van site, free camping, toilet or a gas station. Technology makes everything so much easier.
I cook in the van mostly, sometimes I stop in a lovely small local restaurant or when I don’t feel like cooking or I just want to hang out with adults for a change. This is such a great experience. I wake up usually very early, Mia is still asleep. I make a coffee and go outside, to look at the water, listen to waves, watch how colours change. Then I make a breakfast and slowly wake Mia up. If she feels like sleeping longer, I don’t mind, but usually she doesn’t. We have a fridge, sink with water and cooking equipment. We just have to remember to get food (I have to remember).
As I mentioned, we do not have a shower nor toilet in our tiny van. However, there’re plenty of spots with toilets in a great condition and you can shower on a camping or there are places where you can take a shower for 2-6 NZ$. I like it. I spent my childhood vacations on camping grounds and I enjoyed it. What I prefer though is free camping. Usually I choose one where’s there’s only us or maybe one more van. The view is spectacular, it’s so quiet and peaceful. And no, I’m not scared.
Mia in a van
She loves it! Ok, it’s not said enough. She can’t get enough of it! In the morning she welcomes the car. When we walk too much she demands going back to her Auto. And the first thing she says in the morning is “food” or “lets go!”. She looooooooves it! The cool part is that she can sit up front next to me, so we can talk all the time (I do not understand what she’s talking about in most cases), sing and it’s just so much more comfortable.
Traveling with a small kid
This is the part I love most. I had to realise so many things and accept them. For instance, kids do not appreciate everything we do. When there’s a spectacular sunset with the biggest magical waves - they do not care much. They want to go back to a car to watch Peppa Pig. They prefer an hour on a playground (we search for one almost each day) than to sit in a cafe, while you catch up with the internet. Mia does not care that I miss Tomasz and I want to talk to him, because she desperately needs an ice cream, and we need to go and find it in that exact moment (power of distraction is used in this situation a lot).
I love to get up super early and enjoy the light. Mia does not, so she stays in a car sleeping and I park somewhere, where I can leave the car, but be next to it. Whenever she wakes up, I’m there, so she is not scared.
I’ve learned to recognise when she gets tiny sleepy, which is perfect to go back to a car as I can drive for an hour and she will fell asleep within the next 10 minutes. I also know when enough is enough. So some stops will not be in her interest area, which means we have to go.
Sometimes she refuses to go further. She does not want to drive anymore and I have to respect it. We will play, run and talk for an hour or two and then she’s always happy to rest in her comfy seat.
When I got all these things, traveling became easy like a piece of cake.
Crazy situations
There are moments like me taking a picture and holding her with another hand, as she figured out that the funniest game ever would be to run on a highway, or roll down from a side of a very steep hill. She runs a lot and sometimes she does not get, that what she’s doing is running away. We’ll get there, for now I chase her quite a lot.
Mia does not appreciate showers lately. It’s a phase, it will pass. Going for a shower with her is an adventure though. I can not leave her obviously, so she goes with me each time. And it starts… She cries like if I was pouring a boiling water over her. She keeps repeating “mom, mom” and I can only imagine what others think. The moment I put a towel around her she becomes the happiest kid in the world.
She discovered ice creams. When we go to a place she can see a freezer she glues to it and there’s no way to unglue her without a scene. First she just hugs it and keeps saying “ice cream” then she comes to me and pulls me, because most probably I haven’t seen it. Then she tells everyone around (with a proper excitement) that there are ice creams in this place. Then she refuses to leave until she gets one. If there’s a safe choice she gets one, but sometimes I cannot give it to her and I can’t stop laughing, because my daughter acts like the biggest tragedy in her life has happened. I am so happy that it’s still easy to distract her :)
We also had one bleeding accident. My tiny runner fell down and started to bleed from nose. Within the next 10 seconds she covered her whole face with a blood and looked like after a shark attack. Whoever saw me carrying her to a car, asked if they should call an ambulance. Thankfully a piece of chocolate solved the situation, I cleaned her face, stopped the bleeding and we were all happy again. To be perfectly honest I had to eat a whole chocolate myself as it freaked me out as well.
More to come…
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