#2 Cost efficiency
joshua--12 · 4 months
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honourablejester · 4 months
That Astral Sea Fish Suit art reminded me that one of the augmentations that really enchants me in Starfinder is the Angler’s Light. Which is, as it sounds, a biotech augmentation that gives you a bioluminescent antenna to raise the light level in your vicinity one step. It was originally developed by asteroid miners who needed both hands free for heavy equipment (which I love a lot, and also would like to make a Diasporan asteroid miner character just to have one of these), but amusingly has now also taken off in the Pact World rave scene as an aesthetic augmentation.
And. I do get that you could go with Bioluminescent Skin instead, which you can get faster and cheaper, has a bigger radius, and can be explicitly be suppressed for stealth reasons. And is prettier, if that’s a consideration. Or, you know. You could clip an actual light to your armour or get a headlamp. There are cheaper and more effective and more practical ways of getting light in this game. But.
I really just want my own personal anglerfish lure? IDK, the idea just enchants me. A hardbitten Diasporan asteroid miner, a human or a dwarf or a sarcesian or an ysoki, in no-nonsense utilitarian coveralls, with this delicate luminous antenna curling beneath their helmet and illuminating the rock and dust and ice in front of them.
I want one. I just really really want one. Heh.
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softshuji · 6 months
... rich ppl I swear.
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idontknowiknow · 10 months
what if I attempt to learn 15 languages for the first time simultaneously on duolingo. What then
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miutonium · 1 year
I am going through my commission queue right now and will probably open my commission back around this week because uhhhh zucc took my money so kinda left me short on funds this month _(:3」∠)_
Anyway, I can explain my situation I guess??? For some unknown reasons I got an unauthorized charge from Facebook last week (yes, Facebook.) On my card for 600++ bucks. I frantically called the bank to block my card because I have bills to pay and I dont want more of my cash to be taken. Turns out, facebook took my money a few days earlier for 17 bucks and I didn't notice that (there was no sms notification either) and a few days later it decided to took a large chunk of money. I'm glad I noticed it earlier but like it's not fun having money taken :/
It's still under bank's investigation and so far I got the 17 bucks back but I am not sure if I ever get the 600 bucks back.
Truthfully, I dont fucking know how and why it happened. I did not connect my bank or card info nor put my bank info to any site, yet I still got the money taken. And you guys would be surprised if I tell you that I wasn't the only person that had this happened to me because months ago this was a big issue were people get their money stolen out of the blue. And all of them have 1 in common: it came from Facebook.
Anyway, don't worry, I still can survive. I still have my basic needs and I live with my parents (justasianthings lol) so I can assure you guys that I am not in danger of being kicked out or starve. But I can't deny that it really sucks losing money that I use to pay the bills and save money for a brand new laptop zzzzz so uhh expect me to post a new commission sheet soon aha _(:3」∠)_
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
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the list Yahaha...
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canadiangold · 2 months
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#made myself grumpy in the shower again#did you know. last year a little over 60% of america's electricity came from fossil fuels? that's straight from government data#admittedly that's down a little bit from 2019 but like#solar and wind combined made up less than nuclear by a long shot despite the pushes for more renewables and less nuclear#when we're all forced to buy electric cars because nobody knows how to think big picture where will that power come from?#because it's still mostly coal. 'uwu natural gas' that's still fossil fuels you halfwits#nuclear power plants are (more than) 100 times more waste-efficient than coal plants and 60 times more space efficient than wind#AND it doesn't require ruining virgin land for it since most nuclear plants are built on existing industrial developments#AND AND modern reactors have incredibly low operating costs#'buuh buut what about meltdown explosion danger please help everything i know about nuclear plants comes from pop culture???'#oh right like chernobyl. because 1970s soviet technology is totally 1-to-1 with modern installations#oh right like fukushima. that melted down because of a fucken massive earthquake and tsunami 1-2 punch that killed thousands#oh right like 3 mile island where nobody died#would you avoid getting on a ship because the titanic sank? would you never sit in the backseat of a car because of the ford pinto's rep?#im so sick and tired of fringe cases being held up as counterarguments by people who pretend to know better
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vivekbsworld · 3 months
Driving Efficiency: Fleet Management Software Solutions in Dubai
In the heart of the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where every minute counts and precision is paramount, efficient fleet management is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. From logistics companies navigating the city's intricate road network to construction firms overseeing a fleet of heavy machinery, the ability to monitor, track, and optimize fleet operations can make all the difference. This is where fleet management software solutions in Dubai come into play, offering innovative tools to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive business growth. Let's explore some of the top fleet management software solutions making waves in Dubai's dynamic business landscape.
1. Trinetra
Trinetra is a leading provider of fleet management software solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses optimize their fleet operations. With features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, and driver behavior monitoring, Trinetra empowers businesses to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Whether it's managing a fleet of delivery vehicles or a construction fleet, Trinetra's customizable solutions cater to a wide range of industries and business needs.
2. Chekhra Business Solutions
Chekhra Business Solutions specializes in fleet management software tailored to the unique requirements of businesses in Dubai and the wider UAE. Their user-friendly platform offers advanced features such as GPS tracking, fuel management, and maintenance scheduling, allowing businesses to gain real-time insights into their fleet operations. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Chekhra Business Solutions is committed to helping businesses maximize their productivity and profitability.
3. Carmine
Carmine is a cloud-based fleet management software solution designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes in Dubai. With features such as vehicle tracking, driver management, and compliance monitoring, Carmine helps businesses streamline their operations and ensure regulatory compliance. Its intuitive interface and customizable reporting tools make it easy for businesses to track their fleet performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize efficiency and reduce costs.
4. Fleet Complete
Fleet Complete is a global leader in fleet management software solutions, with a strong presence in Dubai and the UAE. Their comprehensive platform offers a wide range of features, including GPS tracking, route optimization, and asset management, enabling businesses to maximize the efficiency of their fleet operations. With real-time visibility into vehicle location, status, and performance, Fleet Complete empowers businesses to improve productivity, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance customer service.
5. GPSit
GPSit is a trusted provider of fleet management software solutions, offering cutting-edge technology to businesses across Dubai and the UAE. Their platform provides real-time tracking, route optimization, and driver behavior monitoring, helping businesses optimize their fleet operations and improve overall efficiency. With a focus on reliability, scalability, and customer support, GPSit is committed to helping businesses achieve their fleet management goals and drive success in a competitive marketplace.
In the fast-paced business environment of Dubai, where efficiency and productivity are paramount, the adoption of fleet management software solutions is essential for businesses to stay competitive and thrive. Whether it's optimizing routes, improving fuel efficiency, or ensuring regulatory compliance, these software solutions offer a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses streamline their operations and drive growth. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, businesses in Dubai can unlock new opportunities for success and maintain their position as leaders in their respective industries.
#In the heart of the bustling metropolis of Dubai#where every minute counts and precision is paramount#efficient fleet management is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. From logistics companies navigating the city’s intricate r#the ability to monitor#track#and optimize fleet operations can make all the difference. This is where fleet management software solutions in Dubai come into play#offering innovative tools to streamline processes#enhance productivity#and drive business growth. Let’s explore some of the top fleet management software solutions making waves in Dubai’s dynamic business lands#1. Trinetra#Trinetra is a leading provider of fleet management software solutions#offering a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses optimize their fleet operations. With features such as real-time tracking#route optimization#and driver behavior monitoring#Trinetra empowers businesses to improve efficiency#reduce costs#and enhance customer satisfaction. Whether it’s managing a fleet of delivery vehicles or a construction fleet#Trinetra’s customizable solutions cater to a wide range of industries and business needs.#2. Chekhra Business Solutions#Chekhra Business Solutions specializes in fleet management software tailored to the unique requirements of businesses in Dubai and the wide#fuel management#and maintenance scheduling#allowing businesses to gain real-time insights into their fleet operations. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction#Chekhra Business Solutions is committed to helping businesses maximize their productivity and profitability.#3. Carmine#Carmine is a cloud-based fleet management software solution designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes in Dubai. With features s#driver management#and compliance monitoring#Carmine helps businesses streamline their operations and ensure regulatory compliance. Its intuitive interface and customizable reporting t#4. Fleet Complete
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travels8090 · 3 months
VRV AC Installation: Enhancing Comfort and Efficiency
Are you considering upgrading your air conditioning system to something more efficient and advanced? If so, you might want to explore the benefits of Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) air conditioning. In this article, we'll delve into what VRV AC installation entails, its advantages, factors to consider, installation process, maintenance tips, and more.
Introduction to VRV AC
VRV air conditioning systems are known for their energy efficiency and advanced technology. Unlike traditional systems, VRV AC units use variable refrigerant flow control to maintain precise temperature levels in different zones of a building.
Benefits of VRV AC Installation
Energy Efficiency
One of the primary benefits of VRV AC is its energy efficiency. These systems adjust their cooling output based on the specific requirements of each zone, reducing energy consumption and utility costs.
Zoning Capabilities
VRV AC systems offer zoning capabilities, allowing users to control the temperature in individual rooms or zones. This feature enhances comfort and flexibility while minimizing energy wastage.
Quiet Operation
Another advantage of VRV AC is its quiet operation. The outdoor units are designed to operate quietly, making them suitable for residential and commercial settings where noise pollution is a concern.
Factors to Consider Before VRV AC Installation
Space Requirements
Before installing a VRV AC system, it's essential to assess the available space for both indoor and outdoor units. Proper spacing ensures optimal performance and airflow.
Consider your budget when planning for VRV AC installation. While these systems offer long-term savings through energy efficiency, they may require a higher initial investment compared to traditional HVAC systems.
Maintenance Needs
Understand the maintenance requirements of VRV AC systems. Although they are generally low maintenance, regular servicing and cleaning are necessary to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
Steps for VRV AC Installation
Assessment and Planning
The first step in VRV AC installation is to assess your cooling needs and space requirements. Work with a qualified HVAC contractor to determine the most suitable system size and configuration for your property.
Unit Selection
Choose the right VRV AC units based on your requirements and budget. Consider factors such as capacity, energy efficiency ratings, and additional features like zoning capabilities.
Installation Process
The installation process involves mounting the outdoor and indoor units, connecting refrigerant lines, and configuring the system for optimal performance. It's crucial to hire experienced professionals for this task to ensure safety and efficiency.
Testing and Commissioning
After installation, the HVAC contractor will conduct thorough testing and commissioning to ensure that the system operates correctly. This includes checking for leaks, verifying refrigerant levels, and calibrating the controls.
Hiring Professionals for VRV AC Installation
Importance of Professional Installation
Professional installation is crucial for the proper functioning and efficiency of VRV AC systems. Trained technicians have the expertise and equipment to handle the complexities of installation and ensure compliance with safety standards.
How to Choose the Right HVAC Contractor
When selecting an HVAC contractor for VRV AC installation, consider factors such as experience, licensing, insurance coverage, and customer reviews. Request multiple quotes and compare services before making a decision.
Cost of VRV AC Installation
Factors Affecting Cost
The cost of VRV AC installation varies depending on factors such as system size, brand, complexity of installation, and labor rates. Additional expenses may include ductwork modifications and electrical upgrades.
Average Cost Estimates
On average, VRV AC installation costs range from $10,000 to $30,000 for residential applications, while commercial installations may cost significantly more. It's essential to obtain detailed quotes from HVAC contractors to understand the total cost.
Maintenance Tips for VRV AC Systems
Regular Cleaning
Keep the indoor and outdoor units clean to prevent dust buildup and airflow restrictions. Clean or replace air filters as recommended by the manufacturer.
Scheduled Inspections
Schedule annual inspections with a qualified HVAC technician to check for any issues and ensure optimal performance. Addressing minor problems early can prevent costly repairs later on.
Professional Maintenance Services
Consider signing up for a maintenance plan with your HVAC contractor. Regular servicing can prolong the lifespan of your VRV AC system and minimize the risk of breakdowns.
Troubleshooting Common Issues with VRV AC
Poor Cooling Performance
If your VRV AC system is not cooling adequately, check for airflow obstructions, dirty filters, or refrigerant leaks. Contact a professional technician for troubleshooting and repairs.
Refrigerant Leaks
Refrigerant leaks can lead to reduced cooling efficiency and potential environmental hazards. If you suspect a leak, turn off the system and contact a qualified technician for inspection and repair.
Electrical Problems
Faulty wiring or electrical components can cause issues with VRV AC operation. If you experience electrical problems such as tripped breakers or erratic behavior, seek professional assistance to avoid safety risks.
VRV AC installation offers numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, zoning capabilities, and quiet operation. By understanding the installation process, maintenance requirements, and troubleshooting tips, you can enjoy reliable comfort and cost savings for years to come.
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jingbang1 · 6 months
1、 Cutting method
Cutting method is currently one of the most widely used thread machining methods. This method can use cutting tools such as turning tools, cutting cutters, and milling cutters for machining. The cutting method is simple to operate, but requires precise machining equipment and low machining efficiency. In addition, due to the slow relative movement speed of the cutting tool, it may cause the problem of rough machining surface.
2、 Etching method
Etching method is a chemical processing method, which has the advantage of being able to process very small and complex thread shapes. The etching method requires the use of chemicals such as acids and bases for processing, and requires hazardous material management and strict operating procedures. In addition, the etching method also requires the processing of molds, so the cost is relatively high.
3、 Rolling method
Rolling method is a processing method that uses rollers to press the workpiece and convert its shape. Rolling can process the surface of a workpiece into parallel and continuous external and internal threads. Compared to the cutting method, the rolling method has the advantages of high machining efficiency, good surface quality, and high material utilization of workpieces, especially suitable for large-scale thread processing.
4、 Line cutting method
The wire cutting method is a method of using high current discharge to process the spiral shape on the electrode along the workpiece. This processing method can produce very small spiral lines, with high processing accuracy and good surface quality. However, the processing speed of wire cutting method is relatively slow, and it also requires periodic maintenance and upkeep of the processing equipment.
#1、 Cutting method#Cutting method is currently one of the most widely used thread machining methods. This method can use cutting tools such as turning tools#cutting cutters#and milling cutters for machining. The cutting method is simple to operate#but requires precise machining equipment and low machining efficiency. In addition#due to the slow relative movement speed of the cutting tool#it may cause the problem of rough machining surface.#2、 Etching method#Etching method is a chemical processing method#which has the advantage of being able to process very small and complex thread shapes. The etching method requires the use of chemicals suc#and requires hazardous material management and strict operating procedures. In addition#the etching method also requires the processing of molds#so the cost is relatively high.#3、 Rolling method#Rolling method is a processing method that uses rollers to press the workpiece and convert its shape. Rolling can process the surface of a#the rolling method has the advantages of high machining efficiency#good surface quality#and high material utilization of workpieces#especially suitable for large-scale thread processing.#4、 Line cutting method#The wire cutting method is a method of using high current discharge to process the spiral shape on the electrode along the workpiece. This#with high processing accuracy and good surface quality. However#the processing speed of wire cutting method is relatively slow#and it also requires periodic maintenance and upkeep of the processing equipment.
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rhsofttech2023 · 10 months
A Guide to SAP HCM Online Training in India
#In the fast-evolving landscape of human resources management#businesses are constantly seeking efficient solutions to streamline their processes. This is where SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) comes#offering a comprehensive suite of tools to manage various HR functions. With the rise of online education#SAP HCM online training in India has emerged as a convenient and effective way to master this essential system.#Why Choose SAP HCM Online Training?#SAP HCM encompasses a range of critical HR processes such as payroll#talent management#workforce planning#and employee administration. Mastering these functionalities demands a thorough understanding of the software#and online training brings several advantages to the table.#1. Flexibility: Online training allows you to learn at your own pace#fitting seamlessly into your existing schedule. Whether you're a working professional or a student#you can access the course content when it's most convenient for you.#2. Cost-Effective: Traditional classroom training can be expensive due to travel and accommodation costs. With SAP HCM online training in I#you can save on these expenses while still receiving high-quality education.#3. Comprehensive Curriculum: Reputable online training providers offer comprehensive courses that cover all aspects of SAP HCM. From basic#you can gain a deep understanding of the system.#SAP HCM Online Training in India: What to Expect#India has become a hub for online education#and SAP HCM training is no exception. When enrolling in such a course#here's what you can expect:#1. Expert Trainers: Reputed online training platforms collaborate with industry experts to deliver high-quality instruction. You'll receive#2. Hands-on Experience: Practical exposure is crucial when learning SAP HCM. Look for courses that offer hands-on exercises and simulations#3. Certification: Many online courses provide certification upon completion#which can significantly enhance your resume and job prospects.#Conclusion#As businesses recognize the importance of effective HR management#proficiency in SAP HCM has become a valuable skill. With the convenience and flexibility of SAP HCM online training in India#aspiring HR professionals#existing HR personnel
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jackhalljrs · 11 months
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Storm Shutters by Jack Hall Jr’s Professional Confident Installation Lakeland, Florida, 863-667-0068 Ask for Jack
Installation Lakeland, Florida, 863-667-0068 Ask for Jack
Why pick jack?
1. Storm Shutters provide security and protect your home,while providing  long-lasting storm protection.
2. Hurricane Panels can do more for your Polk County Florida home.
3. Storm Shutters by Jack Hall Jr’s are Hurricane season ready.
Remodeling your family home,energy efficient windows and doors, a new space for a sunroom, a new Kitchen or Bathroom, many renovation projects inside or out. Jack Hall Jr’s is the best contractor for your remodeling job.
Jack Hall Jr’s Construction a Remodeling Contractor Florida, can help make your vision a reality. A state licensed residential contractor in Florida with 35 years A+ BBB, Accredited Top contractor.Jack Hall Jr’s provides the highest quality vinyl replacement windows in Bartow, Lake Wales Florida. Jack Hall Jr’s also maintains the best customer satisfaction after the sale.
Jack Hall Jr’s installs the best Impact Windows and Doors installs impact windows and doors in Florida. Our professional installers replace your existing windows with very little mess or bother.
Improving energy efficiency with new replacement windows and doors can reduce the cost of your already expensive electric costs but it also protects your home in high wind conditions like Hurricanes and Tornado’s and will lower your homeowners insurance costs.
Your go-to Florida contractor for replacement windows and doors, impact windows, professional installation in Central and South Florida.
We recommend the “King” line of vinyl Impact replacement windows with all the latest technology but with a down to earth price. We sell, Furnish and install only the best because our family has been trusted with Florida homeowners over 40 years.
Check us out on:
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/remodeling-contractor-florida-jack-hall-jrs-jack-hall?published=t
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackhalljrs
Craigslist: http://lakeland.craigslist.org/hss/5428365883.html
Google: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/114537062565350422548/114537062565350422548/posts
Contact Jack: Bartow, Lake Wales Florida 1-800-741-0068 Ask for Jack
Lakeland 863-667-0068
Winter Haven 863-293-5253
Tampa 813-754-7930
Se habla Espanol
#Storm Shutters by Jack Hall Jr’s Professional Confident Installation Lakeland#Florida#863-667-0068 Ask for Jack#Installation Lakeland#Why pick jack?#1. Storm Shutters provide security and protect your home#while providing long-lasting storm protection.#2. Hurricane Panels can do more for your Polk County Florida home.#3. Storm Shutters by Jack Hall Jr’s are Hurricane season ready.#Remodeling your family home#energy efficient windows and doors#a new space for a sunroom#a new Kitchen or Bathroom#many renovation projects inside or out. Jack Hall Jr’s is the best contractor for your remodeling job.#Jack Hall Jr’s Construction a Remodeling Contractor Florida#can help make your vision a reality. A state licensed residential contractor in Florida with 35 years A+ BBB#Accredited Top contractor.Jack Hall Jr’s provides the highest quality vinyl replacement windows in Bartow#Lake Wales Florida. Jack Hall Jr’s also maintains the best customer satisfaction after the sale.#Jack Hall Jr’s installs the best Impact Windows and Doors installs impact windows and doors in Florida. Our professional installers replace#Improving energy efficiency with new replacement windows and doors can reduce the cost of your already expensive electric costs but it also#Your go-to Florida contractor for replacement windows and doors#impact windows#professional installation in Central and South Florida.#We recommend the “King” line of vinyl Impact replacement windows with all the latest technology but with a down to earth price. We sell#Furnish and install only the best because our family has been trusted with Florida homeowners over 40 years.#HIRING QUALIFIED INSTALLERS#Check us out on:#Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/remodeling-contractor-florida-jack-hall-jrs-jack-hall?published=t#Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jackhalljrs#Craigslist: http://lakeland.craigslist.org/hss/5428365883.html
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batboyblog · 27 days
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #20
May 24-31 2024
The EPA awards $900 million to school districts across the country to replace diesel fueled school buses with cleaner alternatives. The money will go to 530 school districts across nearly every state, DC, tribal community, and US territory. The funds will help replace 3,400 buses with cleaner alternatives, 92% of the new buses will be 100% green electric. This adds to the $3 billion the Biden administration has already spent to replace 8,500 school buses across 1,000 school districts in the last 2 years.
For the first time the federal government released guidelines for Voluntary Carbon Markets. Voluntary Carbon Markets are a system by which companies off set their carbon emissions by funding project to fight climate change like investing in wind or solar power. Critics have changed that companies are using them just for PR and their funding often goes to projects that would happen any ways thus not offsetting emissions. The new guidelines seek to insure integrity in the Carbon Markets and make sure they make a meaningful impact. It also pushes companies to address emissions first and use offsets only as a last resort.
The IRS announced it'll take its direct file program nationwide in 2025. In 2024 140,000 tax payers in 12 states used the direct file pilot program and the IRS now plans to bring it to all Americans next tax season. Right now the program is only for simple W-2 returns with no side income but the IRS has plans to expand it to more complex filings in the future. This is one of the many projects at the IRS being funded through President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.
The White House announced steps to boost nuclear energy in America. Nuclear power in the single largest green energy source in the country accounting for 19% of America's total energy. Boosting Nuclear energy is a key part of the Biden administration's strategy to reach a carbon free electricity sector by 2035. The administration has invested in bring the Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan back on-line, and extending the life of Diablo Canyon in California. In addition the Military will be deploying new small modular nuclear reactors and microreactors to power its installations. The Administration is setting up a task force to help combat the delays and cost overruns that have often derailed new nuclear projects and the Administration is supporting two Gen III+ SMR demonstration projects to highlight the safety and efficiency of the next generation of nuclear power.
The Department of Agriculture announced $824 million in new funding to protect livestock health and combat H5N1. The funding will go toward early detection, vaccine research, and supporting farmers impacted. The USDA is also launching a nation wide Dairy Herd Status Pilot Program, hopefully this program will give us a live look at the health of America's dairy herd and help with early detection. The Biden Administration has reacted quickly and proactively to the early cases of H5N1 to make sure it doesn't spread to the human population and become another pandemic situation.
The White House announced a partnership with 21 states to help supercharge America's aging energy grid. Years of little to no investment in America's Infrastructure has left our energy grid lagging behind the 21st century tech. This partnership aims to squeeze all the energy we can out of our current system while we rush to update and modernize. Last month the administration announced a plan to lay 100,000 miles of new transmission lines over the next five years. The 21 states all with Democratic governors are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington, and Wisconsin.
The Department of Transportation announced $343 million to update 8 of America's oldest and busiest transportation stations for disability accessibility. These include the MBTA's the Green Line's light-rail B and C branches in Boston,  Cleveland's Blue Line, New Orleans'  St. Charles Streetcar route, and projects in San Francisco and New York City and other locations
The Department of interior announced two projects for water in Western states. $179 million for drought resilience projects in California and Utah and $242 million for expanding water access in California, Colorado and Washington. The projects should help support drinking water for 6.4 million people every year.
HUD announced $150 million for affordable housing for tribal communities. This adds to the over $1 billion dollars for tribal housing announced earlier in the month. Neil Whitegull of the Ho-Chunk Nation said at the announcement "I know a lot of times as Native Americans we've been here and we've seen people that have said, ‘Oh yeah, we'd like to help Indians.’ And they take a picture and they go away. We never see it, But there's been a commitment here, with the increase in funding, grants, and this administration that is bringing their folks out. And there's a real commitment, I think, to Native American tribes that we've never seen before."
Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged $135 million to help Moldavia. Since the outbreak of Russia's war against neighboring Ukraine the US has given $774 million in aid to tiny Moldavia. Moldavia has long been dependent on Russian energy but thanks to US investment in the countries energy security Moldavia is breaking away from Russia and moving forward with EU membership.
The US and Guatemala launched the "Youth With Purpose” initiative. The initiative will be run through the Central America Service Corps, launched in 2022 by Vice President Harris the CASC is part of the Biden Administration's efforts to improve life in Central America. The Youth With Purpose program will train 25,000 young Guatemalans and connect with with service projects throughout the country.
Bonus: Today, May 31st 2024, is the last day of the Affordable Connectivity Program. The program helped 23 million Americans connect to the internet while saving them $30 to $75 dollars every month. Despite repeated calls from President Biden Republicans in Congress have refused to act to renew the program. The White House has worked with private companies to get them to agree to extend the savings to the end of 2024. The Biden Administration has invested $90 Billion high-speed internet investments. Such as $42.45 billion for Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment, $1 billion for the The Middle Mile program laying 12,000 miles of regional fiber networks, and distributed nearly 30,000 connected devices to students and communities, including more than 3,600 through the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
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dravidious · 1 year
Woah, you're awesome!
Update: I've played a fair bit of the pokemon card game video game for game boy color game, and I've found that Hitmonchan is the best pokemon.
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It's attacks are stronger and cheaper than most evolved pokemon, and it's a fucking basic. 90% of pokemon are just straight downgrades of Hitmonchan. This game sucks.
In unrelated news, I've taken a sudden interest in designing and rebalancing pokemon cards.
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Solar Water Pumps
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cleo-fox · 10 months
Close Quarters
Part 1 of 2
Summary: “You don’t have to like it,” says Fury, “you just have to do your job.”
Your job, as it turns out, is to go undercover at a luxury resort.
The only problem? Your fake husband is Loki Laufeyson—the infuriatingly handsome Norse god turned Avenger who delights in making you flustered. What could go wrong?
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+ (Minors DNI), dirty talk, praise kink, fingering, elevator sex, semi-public sex, multiple orgasms, a hint of dom/sub, Dom Loki.
A/N: there will be a part 2. Also have a handful of related one shot ideas, so if people like this, I may post those. This is also posted on AO3.
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Your self-sufficiency has always been a point of pride for you, both personally and professionally. The highlight of your career was overhearing Nick Fury say that he didn’t need to send in a team of people for a mission so long as he had you on the payroll. You are calm, competent, and ruthlessly efficient; you are used to relying only on yourself.
So it comes as something of a surprise when Fury informs you that Loki Laufeyson will not only be accompanying you on this undercover mission, but will also be taking the lead.
It takes a lot to render you speechless these days, but this does it. You gape at Fury for a moment before you’re able to speak.
“You never send me in with anyone,” you say.
“This mission requires a unique skillset.”
You scoff. “He can’t do anything that I can’t.”
Fury raises an eyebrow and folds his arms across his chest. “Really? How’s your conversational Sokovian?”
There’s, of course, no argument to be made with this. Your lips press into a thin, hard line. “I still don’t like it.”
“You don’t have to like it,” says Fury, “you just have to do your job.”
Your job, as it turns out, is to play the part of Nina Pine.
Nina Pine is bubbly and vivacious, the sort of person you’d see in the society pages. She wears designer clothes and owns jewelry that is so ostentatious and expensive that it looks like it must be fake. She is not particularly bright or talented; she is the product of good luck and generational wealth.
Three weeks ago, Nina married Jonathan Pine, who she met six months ago at the home of a mutual friend. Jonathan does something in finance that sounds like it’s just a tarted up version of gambling, but with more complicated rules and less oversight. It is Jonathan’s higher tolerance for risk (and healthy trust fund assets) that has him considering an investment in KorolCo, a company owned by Ivan Litvinchuk. Litvinchuk uses KorolCo as a front to launder money from illegal arms deals.
Loki would be going undercover as Jonathan. Your new husband.
You are not particularly happy about this little detail (a detail that Fury mysteriously failed to mention when you met with him), in no small part because Loki has already started leveraging it to annoy the shit out of you.
“How are you already this annoying when we’re still in prep?” you say after a particularly exasperating meeting.
“I’m simply overcome by my love for you,” says Loki with a cloying faux sincerity that makes you yearn for the sweet release of death.
Fury, you note, is suspiciously unavailable during all of this. After ignoring three of your (admittedly lengthy) emails on the subject, he sends you a frustratingly short reply:
Do your job, Agent.
Maybe you’ll take up meditation.
If there’s a bright side to what appears to be a massive clusterfuck in the making, it’s that you’ll at least get a free vacation of sorts
The mission will be taking place at The Indigo, an absurdly expensive and exclusive hotel on a private beach not far from La Jolla Cove. The Indigo is the sort of place that you’d only read about—the kind of hyper exclusive resort that is only ever mentioned in damning Pro Publica reports about the questionable actions of high ranking public officials. Rooms start at fifty thousand a night and you are staying in one of the suites, which likely costs more. Your room information was included in your briefing materials and it all sounds too good to be true: a soaking tub and waterfall shower. Private terrace with an infinity pool. Private bar. In-suite chef and spa services by appointment. Ocean view.
One Norse god who delights in irritating you (non-negotiable).
You suppose you’ll try and make the best of it.
The first problem is your sleeping arrangements: there’s only one bed. Granted, it’s a big bed, but still—it suggests a level of intimacy that you had not thought about and are not at all prepared for.
“Well, Agent, this isn’t how I envisioned taking you to my bed, but I suppose it’ll have to do,” says Loki on your first evening there.
You chuck a pillow at him, which he easily dodges.
“Keep it up and you can magic yourself a pillow and sleeping bag and sleep in the hall,” you say.
“Even if that were an appropriate accommodation for someone of my rank and title, I rather think it would do some damage to our cover.”
He has a point and you don’t like it. You decide to ignore him and start getting ready for bed.
The pajamas that had been packed for you are a little fancier than what you’re used to—satin and lace instead of cotton tees and shorts. Normally, you’d relish the opportunity to feel a little fancy—it’s an unexpected indulgence, a splurge on the company dime.
But with Loki now thrown into the equation, you are suddenly hyper aware of the fact that the fabric will likely cling to your curves, that the hem of the skirt is just a little too high. You choose the most demure one of the lot—a pale rose colored thing hemmed with lace—and head to the bathroom to change.
Even with the matching robe, you still feel a little awkward and oddly nervous. You avoid looking at Loki—if his gaze is lingering on your legs or your hips, you don’t want to know about it right before you hop into bed with him—and go about your normal routine. You manage to have a relatively normal conversation about your plan for tomorrow and you read a couple chapters of your book before you start to drift off.
It’s a king sized bed with plenty of room, but somehow you wake up perched near the edge of the bed with Loki pressed up against your back.
He’s got one arm wrapped around your waist so that you’re pinned against him and the deep, even breaths brushing against the back of your neck tell you he’s still asleep. You’re pretty sure this must have been unintentional on his part: Loki doesn’t seem like the sort to willingly allow himself to be seen seeking out human contact. It’s too vulnerable, too soft for the sharp and sarcastic veneer he presents to the world.
He shifts slightly in his sleep, his grip on you tightening. Something hard pokes against the curve of your ass.
You can’t help the responding ache between your legs. You should feel embarrassed—and you do, just a little—but there’s a competing feeling of warm curiosity that makes you press your thighs together. It’s been a while and you miss being held like this. The silk of your nightgown is cool and slippery against your skin, and you feel oddly restless and alert despite the early hour.
You should put a stop to this—that is the professional and sensible thing to do. So you carefully lift his arm from your waist and gently extricate yourself from his embrace. You pad to the bathroom, leaving the light off to spare your eyes.
In the bathroom, you run the tap as cold as it will go. You cup your hands and drink before splashing some water on your face in an effort to quell the restless heat building between your thighs.
It doesn’t really work. You’re not entirely surprised—if you were by yourself, you would simply take care of it, but that’s obviously not an option now. Out of curiosity, you slip your fingers between your thighs to assess the state of things and you immediately regret it: you’re soaked and just the feeling of your index finger glancing against your clit is enough to undo the admittedly minimal effect of the cold water.
You splash your face again and shut off the tap, taking a few deep breaths and smoothing your hands against your hair.
You exit the bathroom and slide back into bed. Loki reaches for you in his sleep and you are only half surprised when you let him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you to him. The throbbing ache between your thighs intensifies and before you can think about it, your back is arching and your breath is hitching.
He pulls you closer and suddenly his breath is warm on your ear. “You know, if you wanted me, all you had to do was ask,” he says, his voice deep and smooth, only a little husky with sleep.
“This is a bad idea,” you say, even as your back arches again and you press yourself against him.
Lips press against where your neck and shoulder meet. “But you want it.” His fingers toy with the hem of your nightgown. “Yes?” he asks, his voice husky against your ear.
“Yes,” you breathe.
“Yes. Please.”
Your eyes flutter open. Loki is standing at the foot of the bed, hair wet, and wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist.
“It’s eight o’clock,” he says. “You need to shower and dress if we’re to make it to breakfast on time.”
It takes you a moment to process this information. Partly because he just woke you up from a sex dream about him and partly because wearing only a towel should be fucking illegal when you look like that. You try to keep your eyes trained on his and not let them drift to his flat stomach where you can see a faint smattering of chest hair that gathers in a line that trails directly to his cock. And definitely not to any of the muscles that are on tantalizing display and dotted by drops of water that are begging to be licked away. Nope. Not looking at any of that. Just at his devastatingly handsome face. 
You shake your head. “Sorry. Bit groggy this morning. Finish up what you were doing and I’ll go jump in the shower.”
He gives you a bit of an odd look, but mercifully walks away without further comment. 
This gives you an opportunity to stare at his broad back as he walks away. Goddammit, even his ass looks good in that towel.
You have a feeling this is going to be a long week.
It’s only day one and it’s becoming clear to you that you are not really prepared for some of the practicalities of being Loki’s wife.
Specifically: being the primary focus of his flirtations and little gestures of affection. His hand on the small of your back, his fingers lacing with yours, the brush of his lips against the back of your hand or the shell of your ear—it’s all a little overwhelming in a way you don’t expect. It was one thing when he was razzing you in your prep meetings—he was quite clearly doing it to be irritating. But at The Indigo, he has to appear sincere for your cover and that particular detail makes it a different beast entirely. 
The fact that both his regular appearance and the blond-haired, blue-eyed glamor he’s adopted for the mission are both devastatingly handsome certainly doesn’t help. Nor does the additional baggage of your sex dream this morning.
Unfortunately for you, Loki quickly ascertains that he now has a great and novel way to fluster you. Equally unfortunate is the fact that he seems to find this as hilarious as he did back in prep meetings, which prompts him to be only more outlandish.
“Are you trying to sabotage this?” It’s later that afternoon and you’ve gone down to the pool with the plan of schmoozing with Litvinchuk and his associates. Loki has clearly decided that this needs to be more difficult than it is and has fully committed to the bit, as they say.
(You’ve also gotten very good at whispering threats under your breath and making it look like you’re flirting; the timing of this is not a coincidence).
“I don’t know why you’re so distraught about sunscreen,” says Loki, rubbing a generous amount between his palms.
“It’s not the sunscreen, it’s that you’re going to find some way to be inappropriate about it.”
“I’d never.”
“You are so full of shit.”
“You wound me.” He places his hands on your shoulders and begins rubbing in the sunscreen, going much slower than you think is strictly necessary. “Perhaps this trip is merely bringing out our natural chemistry.”
“You wish.”
“Is it the hair that does it for you, Mrs. Pine? Do you have a particular fondness for blonds?”
“Do you have a fondness for being murdered in broad daylight? Because that’s the fate you’re headed towards, buster.”
He tuts at you as his hands slide to the small of your back. “Temper, temper. You really need to work on that.”
“Have you considered working on not annoying the ever-loving shit out of me?”
His breath is suddenly warm against your ear. “Now where’s the fun in that? And before you answer, be advised that Tarasevich is looking right at us.”
Fuck. Tarasevich is the most suspicious and paranoid of the lot—years in the Sokovian mafia paired with recreational drug use will do that to a guy. You turn so that you’re facing Loki. He looks at you fondly, looking for all the world like a loved up newlywed just smitten with his new wife.
“One of these days, I’m going to drop kick you into the motherfucking sun,” you say in the sweetest voice that you can muster.
“Now, now, Mrs. Pine, let’s keep the foreplay in the bedroom.” He rests his forehead against yours, reaching up to stroke your cheek. “There’s such a thing as public indecency laws, you know.”
You sigh heavily. “Why are you like this?”
“Oh, because it’s so much fun.”
“Is he still looking?”
“Yes and I’m going to kiss you to put him off, so do try to contain yourself.”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll manage.”
You catch a flicker of a smile before he leans in and brushes his lips against yours. You intend for this to be brief, but his mouth is so warm and inviting and before you know it, he’s gently coaxing your lips open and leading your tongue in a slow and seductive caress that has your mind drifting straight to the gutter.
His hand slides to your thigh and you can’t bring yourself to be mad about it.
“Ah, Pine. Mixing business and pleasure, I see.”
You pull back from Loki to find Ivan Litvinchuk standing in front of you, wearing the smug, congratulatory smirk that you often see men like him trading with one another when they think they’re getting somewhere with a woman.
“Normally I try not to, but I’ve found it rather impossible these last three weeks, haven’t I, darling?” Loki takes the opportunity to loop his arms around your waist and pull you into his lap, nuzzling your neck.
You give a good natured laugh. “You’re insatiable.”
“Oh, I don’t think anyone would fault me when I have such a tempting little wife.”
This, paired with the squeeze of his hand on your thigh, sends an unexpected rush of heat to your cunt. Fortunately, the effects of this are quickly tempered when you notice that Litvinchuk is eyeing you rather appreciatively. The wardrobe team has really outdone themselves with your clothes, but the swimsuits they’ve sent are definitely more revealing than you are used to—today’s choice is a bikini with a split sweetheart neckline that dips a lot lower than you’d like and a fucking underwire in the top. Underwire! The bottom is no better—it’s both low rise and high cut, the perfect way to ensure that half of your ass is exposed at any given time. Even in the matching translucent cover up—which of course you’ve left on the chair that Litvinchuk is standing in front of—you feel a little more bare than you’d like, a fact that Litvinchuk seems to be appreciating, if the path of his gaze is any indication.
“You’re a lucky man, Mr. Pine,” he says, his eyes flicking briefly to your cleavage.
You expertly tamp down your disgust and smile at Litvinchuk before turning around to bat your eyes at Loki.
“You are, aren’t you?” you say, twining your arms around his neck and planting a brief, chaste kiss on his lips.
He gives you a dazzling smile that’s so sincere it makes your stomach flip. “Very much so.”
Another squeeze of your thigh, more heat to your cunt. Fuck.
“Well, Pine, when you are ready to discuss more business—” Here he switches to Sokovian.
This is the part you dislike the most about this particular mission: whenever anything of substance comes up, Litvinchuk and his cronies immediately switch to Sokovian, leaving you in the dark.
To add insult to injury, Litvinchuk still seems infatuated by your cleavage.
Litvinchuk says goodbye a few minutes later and you manage to bite your tongue until he’s out of earshot.
“I really don’t love the fact that he spent half of that conversation sneaking looks at my boobs,” you say quietly.
“Well, to be fair, they do look spectacular,” says Loki. “I’ll have to send a thank you note to the wardrobe team for that.”
Heat stirs hopefully and unhelpfully in your hips at that comment.
“This is what I meant by being inappropriate, you know. Did he have anything interesting to say?”
“He’s invited me to a game of cards this afternoon.”
“Do you need me for that? I could go try and talk to the wives, see what I can find out.”
“Originally, I’d thought no, but since dear Ivan seems so enamored of your assets, it might not be a bad idea to have you come along.”
You sigh. “How am I now at the point in my life where letting an illegal arms dealer stare at my tits is a fucking mission objective?”
Loki laughs quietly. “We’ll keep that out of the final report.”
The card game ends up being a lot worse than you thought it would be. And not because of Litvinchuk’s wandering eyes.
They’ve set up the game on the pool deck tables and chairs. As best as you can tell, it’s a Sokovian twist on a combination of rummy and poker. You’re not the only woman at the table: a few of the other men have their girlfriends or mistresses draped over them like strange human scarves, though their roles seem to be largely decorative.
Loki makes a big show of pulling you into his lap, saying how he just can’t bear to be apart from his new wife for terribly long.
“Ah, young love,” says Mikhnevich. “I remember when my Irina and I were like this.”
“Now she begs for him to leave the house!” says Litvinchuk. There’s a hearty round of laughter—it’s not a particularly funny joke, but you suppose that’s one of the benefits of moving up in the world of crime: people will laugh at your jokes because they’re afraid you’ll kidnap their families or something. It’s all very dysfunctional.
Loki makes an effort to teach you the game, but Nina is not the sort who pays very close attention to that kind of thing, so you find yourself giggling and letting him steal kisses or whisper in your ear as he explains some strategy or another.
There are several problems with this arrangement. The first is that you are positioned on his lap in such a way that you can feel his cock nudging your ass or your thigh, depending on how he’s sitting. And it’s close enough proximity for you to ascertain that he is long, thick, and semi-erect.
The second problem is his thigh; specifically, how it presses against your cunt, how every time Loki leans forward to draw a card, he inadvertently rocks you against the firm muscle. Each time, it feels better than the last; each time, you clench and ache and talk yourself out of riding his thigh until you have a screaming orgasm right on the pool deck. Each time, the idea becomes more and more tempting.
The third problem is his hands. Specifically, where and how they are wandering. He plays it off like it’s unintentional, like he’s just absently fidgeting with the part of your suit that lays against your hip or idly drawing lazy circles on your thigh. You can’t help but think that it must be calculated. He’s spent the last twenty-four hours intentionally trying to drive you crazy–there’s no way that he would pass up an opportunity to play his little games without you scolding him or rolling your eyes.
The fourth problem is that the first three problems are turning you on a lot.
Your clit seems to swell with every pass of his fingertips on your bare skin, no matter how casual. It drags against the slick material of your swimsuit every time you shift on Loki’s muscular thigh. You can feel yourself growing slicker and slicker with every moment. Eventually, it becomes too much and you try to shift in his lap, crossing your legs to give yourself a little relief.
This does exactly nothing useful. Instead, your movement causes his cock to twitch against you, which only escalates your growing arousal. He hooks the elastic of your suit at your hip onto his thumb and pulls, letting it snap back against your skin. His expression is playful when you look up at him, but there’s a fire in his eyes that wasn’t there before.
You are throbbing, your cunt practically weeping with slickness. And you’re pretty sure he knows.
And you’re pretty sure you don’t mind.
You lick your lips.
He hooks his thumb back into your suit at the hip, and this time he leaves it there, his fingers splayed along the curve of your hip. It’s casually possessive and ridiculously hot and the polar opposite of helpful.
He definitely knows.
Your heart is pounding. Can you go into cardiac arrest from being too turned on? You wish you could use Google. At a minimum, some sort of visual equivalent of a cold shower would be helpful. Pictures of Henry Kissinger or something. Budget reports. Taxes. Anything to get your mind off your aching cunt and the mess that you’re making in your swimsuit.
“I think you could do with a bit of a lie down, Mrs. Pine.” Loki's voice is low in your ear. “You seem…warm.”
You would have thought that Loki knowing about your current state of arousal would be cause for humiliation, if not irritation. Instead, it only seems to add fuel to the fire, especially with the way he’s talking to you. You’re not sure how he’s doing this, but it feels like his fucking voice is vibrating in the cradle of your hips, sending a fresh wave of slick arousal to your dripping cunt.
“Yeah,” you say. “Very warm.”
It’s perhaps a testament to your current state of mind that you can only manage this sentence and not some smart remark.
“Would you like my help with that, darling?” he asks. The phrasing is innocent, but the question is loaded. And sincere. You take in a shaky breath. You know all the reasons why this is a bad idea, but you also can’t bring yourself to say no. He may be wildly irritating, but you suspect he’s likely a good fuck…and you really need to be fucked.
You nod. “Yeah…I’d like that.”
“We’ll go up to the room after this game ends,” he says. “And then I’ll take very good care of you.”
It takes everything in you not to whine. Fuck. You didn’t think it was possible to be this wet, this turned on. 
Loki shifts slightly, pulling you close against him, his cock now fully erect and pressing hard and thick against your ass. 
“Do you feel me?” he asks, his lips grazing your ear. “Do you feel what you’ve done?”
You nod and wiggle your hips slightly, partly to situate yourself and partly because you want a little bit of payback. His grip on your hip tightens.
“I’d advise you not to play games, little wife,” he rasps in your ear.
More heat builds in your hips. You can’t remember the last time you were this turned on. Maybe never. You throw a look at Loki over your shoulder. “It’s not a game,” you say. “I’m just very warm.”
His eyes are dark. “Burning up, I suspect.”
“You have no idea.” You lean back against him, turning so you can nuzzle your face against his neck. God, he smelled good. “Please,” You say it so quietly that only he can hear, “I’m aching.”
He sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth and you feel his cock throb. He clears his throat. “Gentlemen, I’m afraid I’m going to have to take my leave a little early—Mrs. Pine is feeling quite unwell.”
Fuck yes.
If Litvinchuk and his men suspect there’s anything untoward about your departure, they don’t say so—and you imagine you must look a little unsteady anyway. Loki slides an arm around your waist as you leave.
“Now Mrs. Pine,” he says once you’re out of earshot, “tell me exactly what ails you.”
You let out a shaky sigh. “Are you seriously going to do this?”
“I only want to ensure that we are on the same page,” he says with a smirk.
“Like hell you do. I already told you, you just want to hear—” You cut yourself off, realizing that you’re playing right into his hands.
He smiles like a cat with a bowl full of cream. “What do I want to hear, darling?”
You press your lips together. This is infuriating.
“I’m waiting…”
You blow out a shaky breath. Fuck it. “You just want to hear me say that I’m fucking soaked because you’ve been rubbing me against your thighs and touching me for the last two hours and if I don’t come soon, I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.”
He smirks as you approach the hotel lobby. “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting to hear you say all that.”
“You absolutely were.”
The air conditioned air in the hotel lobby feels extra icy against your sunwarmed skin and your sandals seem to clack particularly loudly against the marble floors.
“You have a smart mouth, do you know that?”
“You like it,” you say as you approach the bank of elevators. “That’s the reason why you pull half of this shit with me.”
“Perhaps.” He gives you a smile that feels a little dangerous and sends even more heat to your aching cunt. “But do you know what my favorite part of your smart mouth is, Mrs. Pine?”
“I’m sure you’re about to tell me.”
The elevator door opens. It’s empty and your cunt clenches at the possibilities this presents.
“My favorite part about your smart mouth,” says Loki in a low voice as you step into the elevator, “is that it will sound that much sweeter when I make you beg for me.”
The elevator door slides closed and you barely have a chance to react before he’s backing you up against the wall and pressing his thigh between your legs.
“You’re a disobedient, wicked tease, Mrs. Pine,” he growls, sending a thrill through you. “I think you could benefit from a firm hand.”
“You like it,” you breathe, rocking your hips against his thigh, trying to capture some of the same friction that was driving you wild earlier.
“Rutting yourself against my thigh in public like a common slut,” he purrs. “You must be desperate.” He slides a hand between your legs, slipping his fingers under your bathing suit. His expression changes the moment his fingers dip past the fabric—almost like he expected you to be wet, but not this wet.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he purrs as you keen. “You’ve made a mess of yourself, haven’t you?”
“I need to come so bad,” you gasp.
“I know you do.” He reaches over and slams the emergency stop button and the elevator shudders to a halt. “And you’re going to. Right now.”
“I can wait until we get to the ro—”
He spins you around and pulls you to him so your back is pressed against his chest.
“No, you can’t.” He curls his big frame over yours, sliding his hand back into your bathing suit and stroking the full length of your sex and making you cry out again. “You need it too badly.” He starts rubbing your clit with his middle and index fingers. “And I don’t think it’s going to take all that long, darling,” he growls, sucking your earlobe into his mouth, “because you’re already so fucking wet.”
There’s a small, distant part of you that resents the fact that he’s right about anything, let alone anything pertaining to your orgasms.
The larger part of you is focused on the fact that he’s right: you’re going to come and you’re going to come hard.
Your legs are shaking and you brace your arms against the elevator wall to hold yourself up. You moan loudly and arch your back as the feeling starts building in your hips.
“You need this so badly, don’t you?” He nips hard at your earlobe. “You’re desperate for it. I felt you tense up every time your sopping cunt rubbed against my thigh, every time I touched you just right.”
You whimper, pressure rising in your hips as you rock with his hands.
“You’re so close,” Loki purrs in your ear. His hips are thrusting mindlessly against your ass, like he can’t wait to be inside you.
“Fuck, I need to come,” you whimper.
“Oh, I’m going to make you come, darling, but I think what you really need is to be fucked.”
You moan as your orgasm starts to crest.
“You need to be fucked properly and hard,” he murmurs. “You need me to take care of your sopping wet, needy little cunt. You need to be filled to the brim with my cock and my come like the good girl that you are. You need to come over and over on my cock until you can’t take it anymore.”
This is what pushes you over the edge. The muscles of your cunt clench and then pleasure is blooming in your belly as the tension of the last two hours comes to a peak and you come hard. You cry out, your hips rocking against Loki’s hand, chasing the shimmery aftershocks.
“There she is, that’s my good girl,” he purrs. He holds you as you shudder and shake, his fingers still moving, still coaxing out those final waves of pleasure. But just when you think he’s about to pull his hand away, he starts massaging your clit again, one long finger slipping inside you.
“You don’t think you’re going to be satisfied with just one, do you?” he growls in your ear. “Not a needy girl like you, not when you’ve been dripping for hours. You need more, don’t you?”
“Oh fuck—” You can feel that pressure growing again and you know it’s going to be different this time.
“You’re going to come for me again, pretty girl,” he purrs. “And this time, I want to hear you scream.”
Everything is coiling up so tight and tense and suddenly two of his fingers are inside of you and they’re curling just right and the edges of your vision go white as everything inside you fizzes and releases and a sharp cry falls from your lips as you come.
“Good girl,” his voice rumbles low over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears.
His hand finally stills once the final aftershocks roll through you. Your legs are shaking, but his grip on you is still firm. Boneless, you turn to him and he presses his slick fingers past your lips. You suck and lick his fingers clean and then he’s kissing you, sucking your own essence from your lips and tongue.
“Fuck,” you breathe as the elevator shudders to life. “Fuck, that was so good.”
Loki laughs quietly and scoops you up into his arms as the elevator arrives at your floor.
“Oh, we’re nowhere near done, darling.”
Continued in Part 2
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