#2 Cor 13:8
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adedokunr · 1 year ago
Unveiling the Truth: A Blueprint for Success
Simplicity is synonymous with originality. Anything you can’t grasp in simple terms becomes a challenge in logical terms. Here lies the secret: if you’re not first, you are last. Unfortunately, life doesn’t provide for average living; it’s a binary reality where you’re either at the top or at the bottom. In the school of success, failure is acknowledged, but there is no room for being average.…
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miss-saco-de-ossos · 14 days ago
A dieta das princesas
para perder de 10 a 13kg em 15 dias
dia 1
Branc4 de n3ve
Você so pode comer maças, sejam elas vermelhas ou verdes, que de preferência não estejam envenenadas.Você precisa comer mais que 2 no dia, mas nn passar de 7
Dia 2
É uma seria, vive no fundo mar, logo nesse dia agua é a vontade! pode beber com saborizantes 0kcal!
Dia 3
So podera comer dps que o relógio soar 12h e no maximo 600 kcal!!
Dia 4
toca um ponto ali, toca um ponto la, só pode comer 3 colheres das 3 refeições (cafe//almoço//janta)
dia 5
Como uma boa leitora vc precisa de energia!! coma no max 500 calorias
Dia 6
Que tal uma boa dieta mediterrânea? so pode comer frutas, verduras e grãos sem passar de 500 kcal
dia 7
Você so comera verduras seu desjejum sera 1 copo pequeno de leite, maximo 500 kcal durante o dia
Dia 8
Meus parabéns se seguiu tudo certo ate aqui, sua mf chegara logo!! hj so pode comer comida crua como a boa cidade da aldeia, maximo 400kcal
Dia 9!
Parabéns pelo foco q so uma guerreira oriental pode ter, hj vc pode almoçar um
prato de arroz e 1/2 ovos cozido com apenas metade de uma gema!
Dia 10
Agora esta ainda mais perto que ontem, vamos la!
para virar uma princesa so pode comer coisas da cor verde, de no max 400 kcal!
dia 11
Quando acordar tome uma xícara de cha com uma colher de cha de mel, ficar presa em um torre nn é facil pode comer 500kcal sem contar a colher de mel!
Dia 12
Vc eh guerreira, mas uma grande fa de biscoitos pode comer um biscoito e ate 150kcal sem contar o biscoito
dia 13
Ao acordar pode tomar uma xícara de cafe.Antes do relógio do coelho dar 5 da tarde voce pode comer ate 300kcal, dps disso so agua
Dia 14
Vc so comera frutas frescas e beberas 200ml de leite
Dia 15!!!
Como a princesa do gelo, esse dia so bebera agua gelada isso ativa o metabolismo e quem sabe te da poderes mágicos
Essa dieita pode ser acompanhada de exercícios leves como
Nadar &
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only0kcal · 7 months ago
50 dicas básicas da Ana e Mia. JAMAIS ESQUEÇER.
1. Coma sempre o pequeno-almoço! Isto mantém o teu metabolismo trabalhando.
2. Coma o mais devagar que puder. O organismo leva cerca de 30 minutos a perceber que está cheio. Mastigue até sentir a comida completamente desfeita na boca.
3. Coma em frente ao espelho.
4. Quando tiveres ânsias (compulsão) por comida conta até 100. Geralmente só o fato de te concentrar, faz-te perder a fome.
5. Pouse o grafo entre cada garfada.
6. Nunca comer a partir das 19h/20h (o metabolismo fica mais lento).
7. Disfarça a descoloração da pele debaixo das unhas por falta de nutrientes com verniz de cor.
8. Tome comprimidos para a azia se tiveres com muita fome. Neutraliza o ácido do estômago que te faz sentir fome.
9. Mantenha um caixote perto de onde come. Se sentires que vais comer demais, jogue o resto fora.
10. Beba refrigerantes light. Enche e têm apenas 1 caloria. (mas é preferível beber água)
11. Limpe alguma coisa nojenta, certeza que vais perder o apetite.
12. Escove os dentes. O sabor da pasta é horrível se comer em seguida.
13. Todas as calorias são importantes. Quando sentado(a) mexe a perna, contrai os abdominais, nunca pare de se exercitar.
14. Beba um copo de água por hora, não só vai fazer com o estômago se sinta cheio, mas também te vai dar uma pele hidratada. Água fria queima mais calorias, água quente enche mais.
15. Jogue fora a comida que achar que pode comer compulsivamente.
16. Quando sair, leve só o dinheiro que precisar, nada extra. Assim, não terá a tentação de gastar em comida.
17. Senta-te com a coluna direita, ter uma boa postura queima mais 10 calorias do que curvado(a).
18. Bebe um gole de água entre cada garfada. Isso vai te dar uma sensação de satisfação mais rápido.
19. Não fique muito agasalhada. O organismo gasta mais energia a manter o corpo quente.
20. Se tiver um ataque de comer compulsivo, mastiga a comida e cospe a seguir.
21. Coma as refeições em pratos pequenos.
22. Ande sempre com as nádegas contraídas, gasta imensas calorias e o resultado é bom.
23. Tente ficar confortável na cama, uma posição a qual terá certeza que não vai levantar-te para ir comer a noite.
24. Use a imaginação. Imagine como será a comida no estômago e como a gordura será formada (eca).
25. Estrague a tua comida. Coloque demasiado sal, por exemplo, resulta muito bem e você não irá comer. 26. Vai a lojas e experimenta roupas que gostaria que te servissem.
27. Olha para a gordura que tens no corpo e imagina que se comer, não vai fazer mais nada senão adicionar mais gordura ainda.
28. Coma quando estiver rodeada de pessoas. Com a conversa elas irão esquecer de te vigiar.
29. Obesidade é horrível e gordos são inúteis lembre-se disso.
30. Veja sempre foto daquele thinspiration linda.
31. Pesa-te sempre.As balanças não enganam.
32. Coloque na cabeça que se o teu amigo(a) magérrimo(a) come 3000 calorias e não engorda, não quer dizer que possa fazer o mesmo.
33. Aprende a gostar da sensação de vazio no estômago. Confia em mim, vai sentir-te enjoado quando comeres exageradamente mais uma vez.
34. Observa as outras pessoas, especialmente gordos (as), quando estiverem a comer, e sinta-se superior por não estar comendo nada e ter seu corpo limpo.
35. Come pastilhas elásticas (sem açúcar), mantém a boca distraída e não pensas em comer (só no último caso.).
36. Se comer, tenta comer sempre no mesmo lugar, mas sozinho(a), sem ver Tv ou no PC. Comer em frente a Tv distrai dos sinais de estômago cheio, e provavelmente não vai reparar na quantidade que comer.
37. Se estiveres com muita fome sai de casa , visita amigos onde não pode comer a vontade.
38. Quando sentires dores de estômago da fome, curve-se e encolha a barriga. Pelo menos para mim funciona.
39. Tente comer algo calórico, mas saudável, (ex.: uma banana) logo de manhã. O resto do dia sempre que te sentir tentado(a) a comer pense nas calorias que já comeu e que mais comida não será necessário.
40. Lembre-se sempre de uma coisa, perder peso não é só um objetivo, mas também uma disciplina.
41. Como uma data de evento (casamento, formatura) na vida é preciso esforço e força de vontade. É necessário planear e organizar a dieta, e não desistir nunca.
42. Um dia desleixado na dieta não é desculpa para parar e engordar horrores. Desistência é desculpa de pessoas fracas. E você não é fraca, não é mesmo?
43. Durante os dias de NF ou de LF muito baixo, pingue entre 3 à 10 gostas de limão (com uma gota de zero cal, a gosto) em 500ml de água gelada. Vai te refrescar além de te fazer sentir melhor e queimar calorias! (agua gelada acelera metabolismo)
44. Se bater uma vontade de compulsão troque refeiçoes para não entrar em desespero! Por exemplo, ao invés de almoçar algo que você não está com vontade, chupe uma bala ou coma azeitonas por exemplo. Aprenda a balancear.
45. Evite passar perto da cozinha principalmente nos horários de comer em que seus parentes estarão lá.
46. Cuide-se. Faça uma escova no cabelo ou mude o corte por exemplo. Tudo isso te fará se empenhar no emagrecimento.
47. Estaveleça punições. Eu sempre ando com um elástico azul no braço daqueles de colocar dinheiro. Deu vontade de comer ou abandonar a anna? Aperte bem forte no braço, fique na posição fetal e puxe! Você vai se sentir melhor,acredite.
48. Arranje um namorado ou alguém especial. Uma pessoa que é importante na nossa vida, sem ser da família obvio, nos faz esquecer de tudo fútil, por exemplo, comida.
49. Ouça músicas que te encorajam a ser bonita!
50. Uma ótima forma de se inspirar é vendo fotos de quem realmente tem o corpo dos seus sonhos!
51. Escreva textos sobre como você gostaria de ser, e o que você faria se fosse assim! Te dará ânimo para emagrecer!
52.Compre aquela roupa perfeita a qual você se comprometeu a usar. Eu sei como é difícil domar a anna as vezes até porque eu sou uma! Mas entenda que não adianta você ler mil dicas e não fazer nada. Não só pense, aja! Não sonhe, seja! Ana, make me beautiful.
Creditos: pro-annnamia-blogspot.com
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astronom27 · 5 months ago
Success Stories
1 - passa nas provas de 2 cursos que eu queria muito, um de programação e outro de inglês
2 - passa na prova da obmep 2 vezes com a maior nota da sala sem saber de nada, (não fiz a segunda prova porque eu não quis)
3 - Glow up e mudança de algumas características do meu rosto como lábios, nariz, mandíbula, cor e formatos de olho, mudança de cor de pele.
4 - conseguir fazer minha mãe para de vomitar instantaneamente, pamigo ter alta do hospital em menos de um dia (ele tava internado)
5 - cura qualquer ferida/queimaduras em mim instantaneamente
6 - corpo dos sonhos
7 - mudança de voz grossa e depois para fina (nunca me senti satisfeita com minha voz)
8 - revisão de momentos constrangedores, acidentes e corte de cabelo
9 - mensagens de pessoas específicas sem contato a muito tempo
10 - meu namorado do 0, ex Sp, ex crush
11 - mudanças de clima
12 - comidas específicas de graça
13 - um celular novo em menos de 10 horas
14 - Cura meu pai do alcoólismo
15 - 2 ex grupos de amigos específicos
Ainda tem mais, só que tenho a memória ruim então ser eu lembrar faço outra lista.
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kingdomreigns · 5 months ago
A believer's identity “in Christ” means we are:
1. Saved
Rescued from sin’s penalty (Eph 2:8-9)
2. Sealed
Marked by the Spirit (Eph 1:13-14)
3. Secure
Eternally safe in God (Rom 8:38-39)
4. Sanctified
Set apart for God (1 Cor 6:11)
5. Sent
Christ’s ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20)
—Dustin Benge
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lovebirdgames · 2 months ago
In the end we got 36 likes so here are 36 random facts from Band Camp Boyfriend!
1 - Most people probably know this one, but it’s a good spot to start. The majority of names in BCB are music/instrument puns. Tom, trombone, TOMbone. Peter, trumpeter, trumPETER. Susie sousaphone. You get it.
2 - Cadence's dating history. She's already had her first kiss (which is why she doesn't make a big deal out of it), but not her first love, which is far more important. <3
3 - Initially Olive’s name was Angryphone, then Francis (for French horn) as she grew into a bigger character, then we finally settled on Olive (for oboe).
4 - Peter was the first character conceptualized and the first boy we asked Flora to draw. Don't tell him, he will get a big head.
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5 - In this background, the football goalposts are missing because Blue Mountain High School is having them replaced…just kidding it’s because we the devs did not realize we forgot them because marching band is all that matters.
6 - Mr. Wiley has some of his roots in a Hunger Games OC I made in college. Namely the name, hair, and glasses…and the fact they both go crazy. Hunger Games Wiley had a much grislier fate though.
7 - Peter can’t remember his first kiss because he went around kissing all the girls when he was little until his mom gave him a stern lecture on germs.
8 - Tom is the only one allowed to ride in Peter’s car (which he got as a graduation gift) but he’s not allowed to bring food in.
9 - This one's right out of my old fact doc: Clark got bullied a lot as a kid for being a teacher’s pet. Got called names like tattle-tale, four-eyes, Clark eats tanbark, Clark the narc, etc. but who graduated top of class & got the good citizenship award from the Principal? hIM.
10 - Samuel was a super quiet kid, but somehow extremely popular. His fellow children craved his approval for some strange reason. Got good grades but the teachers got on him to participate more and be more outgoing. Of course, he didn’t. He just did his own thing.
11 - Poptart’s albinism affects his depth perception, making marching a little bit harder for him.
12 - Doug’s least favorite food is black olives. Also he drives an old clunker truck to practice (when he can get it started) and gives an illegal amount of kids a ride every day (namely the whole drumline). He makes everyone duck if he spots a cop.
13 - Leon has an older brother, Buck, who lives in the woods and owns a possum named Beauford. If they ever met, Beauford the possum and Bandit the raccoon would have been rivals.
14 - Susie’s a dog person. Her family owns a fluffy Newfoundland named Benji.
15 - Felicity was initially going to be a “mean girl,” until we decided her being a “pick me” was more realistic and less stereotypical.
16 - There’s an easter egg for our next game, Heartbreaker, in Band Camp Boyfriend, and vice versa. Players already have the concept and names of the LIs, they just don’t know it.
17 - In the end, Garth lands the leading role as Harold Hill in The Music Man musical and no bitches needed to be cut.
18 - As a child, Doug wanted to be the Kool Aid man when he grew up.
19 - A lot of stuff in BCB is inspired by our real lives. One of the craziest things is that our college marching band had a man auction to win dates with the guys. I showed up with $40 trying to summon the courage to bid on my crush at the time.
20 - Aaron has OCD and used to tap his fingers on everything, but drumming has helped him get a lot of his nervous energy out.
21 - All of the Drum Corps named in BCB are parodies of real life corps.
Red Angels = Blue Devils Yellowjackets = Bluecoats Tennessee Tiara = Carolina Crown Space Cadets = The Cadets
22 - You can find song motifs from Gustav’s Holsts “Planets” hidden within the BCB soundtrack. For example, Mars hides within “Run Like Hell” and Venus is in the romance theme, “Venus and Mars.”
23 - Drum and Drummer were the last characters to make it across the line into spritedom. Next up would have been Erin and Cornelius, but you gotta draw the line somewhere.
24 - The Warden is based on Mr. Friendly from Lost.
25 - All of the band directors have a clever name theme. Wiley, Craft(y), Knowles (Knowledgeable), Savage (Savvy), Brighton (Bright).
26 - Initially Tom was going to have a Triforce on his shirt, but we switched it to hearts because it’s more generic and fits with multiple games. Also we joke that you can either fill up his hearts or let them run out!
27 - Sabrina is an orchie dork and plays violin 2 in the orchestra.
28 - Marian, Garth, and Sabrina are all choir kids. Felicity is a former drama club kid.
29 - In my head Eugene resembles Eugene from The Walking Dead so…yeah his sprite definitely low-key has his look haha.
30 - Alex came up with our little heart trumpet logo. She used to draw it everywhere in high school!
31 - The original Higurashi anime was definitely an inspiration, with it’s cute-on-the-surface look and darkness waiting in the wings.
32 - There’s always a kid with a nickname in the band and it’s used so often you have no idea what their real name is. Poptart was the first thing I blurted out so that’s what we went with.
33 - The story of Rebecca was told to me when I was at camp in 5th grade. Still surprised our principal told a bunch of 10-year olds a story involving matricide and suicide. I made some modifications for BCB but…who knows…maybe she’s real.
34 - The rock in this background marks the grave of Rebecca and her family.
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35 - Doug was originally going to carry the smallest bass drum for comedic purposes, but then we had a reality check.
36 - Some names that were suggested and didn’t make the cut: Clarence (Clark), Fleur (Felicity), and Gordon (Garth).
Bonus: Ms. Craft's maiden name is Kim.
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promiscua-se · 7 months ago
36 Perguntas (naquele modelo que a gente gosta):
1- qual parte do corpo você gosta que massagiem?
2- o que faz você sentir tesão por uma pessoa?
3- Você se lembra como foi seu primeiro beijo?
4- Qual foi o lugar mais inusitado que você transou?
5- Qual sua posição favorita no sexo?
6- você já ficou com alguém escondido por ser proibido?
7- o que você mais gosta no seu corpo?
8- Você dorme com roupa ou sem roupa?
9- Qual sua atriz pornô favorita?
10- um ano sem cigarro ou um ano sem sexo?
11- Qual foi a coisa mais louca que você fez no motel?
12- o que é mais importante para você as preliminares ou a foda?
13- você gosta de bdsm?
14- Sexo violento ou romântico?
15- Você já foi em um sex-shop?
16- de 1 a 10 o quanto vc curte anal?
17- já teve um sonho erótico ao ponto de acordar toda molhada?
18- Posição favorita?
19- Existe alguma coisa que você jamais faria durante o sexo?
20- você já foi paga por sexo?
21- Já nadou sem roupa?
22- Você acha que pode rolar de tudo em um primeiro encontro?
23- Qual a sua opinião sobre relacionamentos abertos?
24- Você já usou comida durante o sexo?
25- já fez uma orgia?
26- Já fez sexo por telefone?
27- Quais são suas medidas (perto, cintura, Quadri)?
28- Qual a cor da calcinha/cueca que está usando agora?
29- Preferiria ser dominador (a) ou submisso (a)?
30- Você já fez striptease para alguém?
31- já fez Gang Bang?
32- já fez ménage com duas mulheres?
33- já transou em público?
34- você já gozou até esguichar?
35- Qual o maior tempo que você ficou transando sem parar?
36- BÔNUS: Mande sua própria pergunta, caso seja interessante, eu respondo!
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years ago
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I am chosen - 1 Thess 1:4
I am called of God - 2 Tim 1:9
I am being changed into His image - 2 Cor 3:18
I am a new creation - 2 Cor 5:17
I am the temple of the Holy Spirit - 1 Cor 6:19
I am forgiven of all my sins - Eph 1:7
I am redeemed from the curse of the law - Gal 3:14
I am blessed - Gal 3:9
I am the head and not the tail - Deut 28:13
I am above and not beneath - Deut 28:13
I am victorious - Rev 12:11
I am set free - John 8:32
I am strong in the Lord - Eph 6:10
I am healed by His wounds - 1 Peter 2:24
I am free from condemnation - Rom 8:1
I am reconciled to God - 2 Cor 5:18
I am joint heirs with Christ - Rom 8:17
I am more than a conqueror - Rom 8:37
I am accepted in Him - Eph 1:6
I am complete in Him - Col 2:10
Friend, this is who God says you are. This is who you are in Christ. Amen! 🙌
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 6 months ago
A Believer's Identity “in Christ” Means We Are:
Saved Rescued from sin’s penalty (Eph 2:8-9)
Sealed Marked by the Spirit (Eph 1:13-14)
Secure Eternally safe in God (Rom 8:38-39)
Sanctified Set apart for God (1 Cor 6:11)
Sent Christ’s ambassadors (2 Cor 5:20)
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Dustin Benge
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anastpaul · 2 months ago
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One Minute Reflection – 4 December – “The Month of the Divine Infancy and the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary” – St Peter Chrysologus (c400-450) “Golden Words” Confessor, Father & Doctor of the Church – 2 Timothy 4:1-8; Matthew 5:13-19 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “I am not come to destroy but to fulfil.” – Matthew 5:17 
 REFLECTION – “Grace which was formerly veiled, so to speak, in the Old Testament, has been fully revealed in the Gospel of Christ by a harmonious disposition of the times, just as God usually disposes of everything with harmony … But within this wonderful harmony, we notice a great difference between the two ages. On Sinai, the people did not dare draw near the place where the Lord was giving His Law; in the Upper Room, the Holy Ghost comes down on all those assembled there, while waiting for the fulfilment of the promise (Ex 19:23; Acts 2:1). In the first instance, the Finger of God inscribed the laws on tablets of stone but now, it is in human hearts where He writes it (Ex 31:18; 2 Cor 3:3). Formerly the Law was written without and brought fear to sinners but now, it has been given to them within, to make them righteous … Indeed, as the Apostle Paul says, everything written on the stone tablets, “you shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill. .., you shall not covet” and whatever other commandments there may be, are summed up in this saying: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Love does no evil to the neighbour; hence, love is the fulfilment of the Law” (Rm 13:9f.; Lv 19:18) … This charity has been “poured into our hearts through the Holy Ghost Who is given to us” (Rm 5:5).” – St Augustine (354-430) Father and Doctor of Grace (On the spirit and the letter, 28-30).
(via One Minute Reflection – 4 December– “I am not come to destroy but to fulfil.” – Matthew 5:17 – AnaStpaul)
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ladykailitha · 2 years ago
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 17
Welp. We are in the home stretch. I’m almost done writing the last chapter and then there will be a small epilogue. Thank you so much for sharing this ride with me on this one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Edie isn’t exactly sure when it started happening, but she began to notice little changes in her dad’s eating habits. Some times he would go for seconds if he liked it or he would keep some kind of fruit on hand to snack on.
But knowing her dad’s past also helped her notice when he would get that thousand yard stare or when he would jump at certain sounds. Knowing that he had walked through hell, not just once, but multiple times was like slotting in a piece of the puzzle you didn’t know was missing. And just watching all the other pieces that didn’t make sense before form a complete picture.
She knew that they had told her was only scratching the surface. Things they weren’t directly involved in but didn’t want to know. After she was told about their past Mr Munson gave her permission to dig into the incident surrounding the actual fucking lynch mob that was led by a psychotic basketball star.
What made her the angriest was that the asshole died in the earthquake and never had to deal with the consequences of his actions. That the town took that as liberty to just sweep it under the rug. The police chief quietly resigned two years later. No one that was involved in the witch hunt was actually punished for what they did to Mr Munson.
So she decided she was going to make a long distance phone call. A very long distance phone call.
“Miss Thing!” Lily Byers greeted cheerfully. “To what do I owe this totally awesome pleasure?”
“Cousin Itt!” Edie greeted back. “How’s it rocking, girlie?”
“You know,” Lily said, “as much as I love traveling the world, I got soo super jelly of your prom pictures. I’m trying to convince Mom to let spend the last year of high school with you.”
“Just say the word, Cousin Itt,” Edie said seriously, “I will deploy the puppy dog eyes.”
Lily laughed. “I’m not quite that desperate. Yet.”
“Duly noted,” Edie said. “Hey, I need a favor. But first how much do you know about your parents’ high school days?”
“You talking normal angst filled love triangles?” Lily ask slowly. “Or are we talking about nightmare fuel?”
“Nightmare fuel.”
Lily let out a slow breath. “I got ‘read in’ last year.” Edie could feel the air quotes from here. “I’m guessing you’re new to the ‘my parents are fucked up’ club?”
“About a month I guess,” Edie said with a sigh. “Me and Harri Munson. They tell you about what happened to his dad? Eddie Munson? Not the monster shit, but the normies fucking shit up stuff?”
Lily let out another long sigh. “Yeah. The witch hunt of the century.”
“Can you please explain why your mother and father didn’t expose the fucking town the way they did the Lab?” Edie asked pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
“That is a really good question, Miss Thing,” Lily said. “And I think you just gave me new leverage against my parents over the whole high school senior year dealio. I’ll get back to you.”
“Love you lots!” Edie said.
“Love you more!” Lily replied and then hung up.
“You know,” a voice said from behind her, “that’s a pretty low blow, weaponizing your cousin that way.”
Edie whirled around to see her dad leaning against the doorframe of her bedroom. His arms were crossed over his chest, but he had an easy smile on his face.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to eavesdrop,” she said glaring at him.
“I just came to ask if you wanted pizza or kebabs tonight,” he said, his smile turning into a grin. “I did knock. A couple times in fact. But you were the one plotting world takeover with your bedroom door open.”
Edie flopped on her bed. “Is that one of the reasons we rarely get together, because we’d take over the world?”
Steve laughed. “One of many. One of many.”
Edie grinned. “I’m just correcting a miscarriage of justice is all.”
“Oh, is that all?” he asked grinning back at her. “Knowing Lily Byers like I do, I fully expect an expose by the end of the week and formal apology from the city of Hawkins and the state of Indiana to Eddie by the end of the month.”
Edie pretended to toss non-existent long hair over her shoulder. “Good.”
Steve pulled her in for a hug. “I think the reason she didn’t is because of me.”
Edie pulled away slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I think she didn’t want to stir up feelings for Eddie after he left.”
“But he left three months after,” Edie insisted. “Why didn’t she say something then?”
“Our town was nearly destroyed,” Steve reminded her. “And the government had found a scapegoat in Henry Creel, got Eddie off and all this while Eddie was still in a coma from being nearly ripped to bits. She had a lot on her mind those first three months. We all did. And then he got a record deal, he was going to be famous. She probably didn’t want to make waves for him and ruin his chances.”
“Damn it,” she sighed. “Those are all really good reason not blow up the biggest scandal since the ‘gas leak’.”
“So maybe tell Lily to ease up a bit on her mom?” Steve asked.
“Not a snowball’s chance in hell, Dad.”
Steve sighed. He figured that was the answer, but felt he had to try. At least a little.
School was ending and Edie and Harri both had summer school. Mandy and Kenny were free, but then they were good in school and mostly liked by the teachers.
Their rich school was a bit backwards. Probably because it had only been built in the last decade, but Mr Pearson wasn’t the only teacher that turned their noses up at old money students like Edie. She had the misfortune to be old money, too. Her family’s wealth went back as far a century at least.
She wasn’t third or even fourth generation wealthy. Her great-great grandparents were stinking rich. They were among the few families to come out of the stock market crash and Great Depression relatively unscathed. It’s why Dad’s trust fund was so sought after.
A trust fund that only grew because he may not have had a head for numbers, he had a head for business. He knew when to pull out if something was failing and when to pour more money in if they looked on the verge of discovery.
But it meant that all the teachers thought that her dad didn’t earn having his daughter at their school. So they always went a lot harder on Edie then they did her friends. All three of which had parents that came from nothing or very little to make their wealth. Mandy and Harri were both children of rock stars. Kenny’s mom invented some kitchen gadget that had taken the world by storm and now was in nearly every house in the country.
Harri was only joining her in summer school hell because two of the credits he needed to graduation next year didn’t transfer over and he had zero desire to sit with sophomores and juniors his last year of school.
“They should standardize the curriculum across the country,” Harri grumbled, kicking at a rock on their way into school.
Edie sighed. She agreed with him, but if they had she wouldn’t have a summer school buddy to be miserable with.
“I hear that,” was what she said instead. “And you should be allowed to skip a class if you don’t want to take it. As long as you get two years of math, who cares if it’s just basic math. It’s like judging a fish by its ability to climb or however that quote goes.”
“Right?” Harri agreed. “Like if what you want to go into takes heavy math that sure, you do the advanced math, but if you’re going into art and the only math you’re going to need is fractions they shouldn’t have to force you into bullshit like that.”
They both had to take a math class and a science class, so they took the same ones so that they could at least have a study buddy.
“I hate that I have to do this,” Edie groused as she flopped down in a desk somewhere near the back of the class. “It means I can’t go to the gala this year.”
“Gala?” Harri asked, sliding into the desk next to hers. “What gala?”
“The biggest event my dad does all year,” she explained, resting her head on her hands and staring off into the distance dreamily. “He’s involved in a shit ton of charities, but this is his biggest. It’s like the it party of the year and everyone foams at the mouth for an invite.”
“So why can’t you go?” Harri asked.
“Because for everyone else it’s a one night event,” Edie said, “but for my dad it’s a week long thing just prepping for it. And because I have summer school, I can’t help him. His rule has always been that I’ve been too young and that was supposed to change this year. I was going to help out and get to go. But because I have this stupid shit, I have to spend the week at Mandy’s.”
“You’re nearly eighteen,” Harri protested. “Can’t you be left home alone?”
Edie sighed. “If it was about Dad being gone all the time, sure. But it’s not. It’s held at the house. Or rather the backyard. There are people coming and going all hours of the day and night. Setting up lights, preparing food, setting up tables. It’s a whole thing. And if I want to actually pass these classes...”
Harri winced. “You can’t be around all that shit...Point well and truly taken. So what are you going to do instead?”
Edie shrugged. “Normally Mr Lawrence lets Mandy have a party that night and we stay up late watching movies, but I think the Lawrences are going this year, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Harri opened his mouth to ask another question, but the teacher chose that moment to walk in and they were forced to pay attention to the class.
Part 18 Epilogue
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 month ago
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The Victory of Grace...
“The unwounded life bears no resemblance to the Rabbi.” - Brennan Manning
You've likely have heard the saying, "hate the sin, love the sinner," and while it is true that we should hate sin (most of all, our own sin), it is contrary to the gospel to hate the sinner. After all, Christ died for the ungodly; he came to seek and to save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). “God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Yeshua died for us - the just for the unjust - that we may reconciled with him (Rom. 5:8; 1 Pet. 3:8; 2 Cor. 5:21). Indeed Yeshua was maligned by the self-righteous of his day by being called "a friend of tax collectors and sinners" (Luke 7:34, 15:2). So it is a spiritual misstep to hate the sinner because we hate their sin.
On the other hand the sages have repeatedly taught that love cannot take root within our hearts unless there is a hatred of the enemy, that is of the devil and sin. Indeed to hate sin indicates love for the sinner because sin inevitably yields suffering and loss (Psalm 97:10). So how is it possible to love others - including ourselves - if we do not hate evil? How can we exist within this state of inner contradiction? Doesn't "holiness" mean separation from what is evil and to no longer partake of "works of darkness" that mark a godless life? (Rom. 13:12; Eph. 5:11; 1 Pet. 4:1-3). Is that not the meaning of "sanctification"?
How can we love someone who does evil? Well, it’s not really that difficult. Indeed, as C.S. Lewis once observed, we love someone who does evil all the time - namely, ourselves! "You dislike what you have done, but you don't cease to love yourself. You may even think that you ought to be hanged... Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained." The point Mr. Lewis makes is simple. If we are able to love ourselves despite our shortcomings and faults, surely we ought show the same compassion to others. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive others," Yeshua said, for if we do not forgive others, we ourselves remain unforgiven (Matt. 6:12-15).
It's easy enough to love goodness; it's no struggle to desire or cling to our supposed ideals. Even the pagans do as much. But Yeshua wants us to go beyond these sorts of natural affections to the realm of the divine, that is, to love our enemies and to care for them (Matt. 5:44; Luke 6:27). But how is that love possible if it is not a decision, an act of will to unconditionally give goodness to others (including ourselves)? When we pray and ask God to forgive us, our spirit cannot say "amen" and receive pardon unless we trust in God's unconditional love for us. And this is the very love he wants us to give to others...
Still, there is this tension within us - the "demand" to be perfect alongside the reality of our daily imperfections.... Since we must, however, coexist with evil, what is essential is for us is to remain righteous by holding God's goodness close to our hearts. This is the goodness of God's unconditional love, his grace that overcomes all the evil in ourselves and others.
The devil seeks to steal, kill, and destroy; he wants to steal goodness from our hearts. He tempts us to judge ourselves and others as being no good, unworthy, sinful - and therefore unlovable. To overcome this temptation is a work of faith wherein we reaccept that we are accepted by God on account of his great love. That is the meaning of the redemption, after all, that God so loves you that he bears your evil and loves you in spite of it all. Yes, the Lord will help us and transform us so that we will learn to walk in love and stop being evil, but we love God because he first loved us. Or as C.S. Lewis again said, "the Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
The only way we can overcome evil is by the power of faith, seeking God in all things, and understanding that his redemptive love is our salvation. Practically speaking this means learning to see the good in all things, and especially in others. We have to overlook much, to forgive much, and so on, but that is what Yeshua meant when he said "judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24). Such righteousness "sees beyond" superficial appearance to discern the underlying good. It is seeing by the truth of mercy and by the truth of hope more than "factual" seeing... The Hebrew word for "righteousness" is tzedakah (צְדָקָה), which is a kind of giving to others than goes beyond natural measures of justice, such as "eye-for-eye" retribution or even the reward for doing good.
"Judge righteous judgment." Don't be holier-than-thou, damning others for their sinfulness. If we are not willing to overlook imperfections in ourselves and others, we will be miserable, angry, and hateful people. As Friedrich Nietzsche once cryptically wrote: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster, and if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." Again, we overcome the power evil by means of the greater power of the good. And that's really the message of the cross, after all: God overcomes evil by means of love. Focusing on the good does not deny that sin and evil are real problems, but it ensures that our response to such is grounded in God's love that overcomes the darkness.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Isaiah 53:5 audio:
Hebrew page:
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gravedangerahead · 2 years ago
Torneio Sexyman Brasil
These are my cats when they were babies, my former pinned post so I can find it again
Aqui está o post original com a lista dos competidores, tinha algumas descrições engraçadas.
Fase de grupos do Sexyman Brasil:
O vencedor do grupo 1, personagens brasileiros de obras gringas (07/02), foi NICO, O CANÁRIO DE RIO.
O vencedor do grupo 2, pessoas de verdade que eu achei graça (08/02), foi o PRESIDENTE LUIZ INÁCIO LULA DA SILVA:
O vencedor do grupo 3, Turma da Mônica Jovem (09/10), foi o DO CONTRA
O vencedor do grupo 4, Rinha de Rodrigos Santoros (10/02), foi o AFRÂNIO DE VELHO CHICO
O vencedor do grupo 5, Crushs da Infância, (11/02) VISCONDE DE SABUGOSA
O vencedor do grupo 6, (Wagner) Moural Kombat (12/02), foi o LOBO DO GATO DE BOTAS
O vencedor do grupo 7, Selton (Mello) Showdown (13/02), foi o CHICÓ DE O AUTO DA COMPADECIDA
O vencedor do grupo oito, Programas de Comédia (14/02), foi AGOSTINHO CARRARA DE A GRANDE FAMÍLIA
Grupo 9 Novela das 7, 8, 9 e Record (15/02) Vencedor: ??????? Segundo turno (17/02, 18:00), vencedor foi FELIX DE AMOR À VIDA
O vencedor do grupo 10 Novela das 6 (16/02), é o PETRUCHIO, DE O CRAVO E A ROSA
O vencedor do grupo 11, Folclore (17/02), foi o BOTO COR-DE-ROSA
O vencedor do grupo 12, Livros e séries (18/02), foi o ESCOBAR DE DOM CASMURRO
O vencedor do grupo 13, Ícones (19/02), foi o NOSSO QUERIDO ZÉ GOTINHA
G14 O vencedor do grupo 14, Lutinha de Lázaro Ramos (20/02) foi ZÉ MARIA DE LADO A LADO
O vencedor do grupo 15 UFCristo (Blasfêmia) (20/02, 12h) foi JESUS DE O AUTO DA COMPADECIDA
G16 O vencedor do grupo 16, Repescagem (21/02), foi OLAVO DE AMOR À VIDA
Fase mano a mano:
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22/02, quarta-feira - As 4 Primeiras Enquetes das Oitavas de Final
1. Boto Cor-de-rosa X Visconde de Sabugosa
2. Jesus de O Auto da Compadecida X Escobar de Dom Carmurro
3. Zé Gotinha X Zé Maria de Lado a Lado
4. Presidente Lula X Petruchio de O Cravo e Rosa
23/02, quinta-feira - As 4 Últimas Enquetes das Oitavas de Final
5. Agostinho de A Grande Família X Afrânio de Velho Chico
6. Chicó de O Auto da Compadecida X Felix de Amor à Vida
7. Lobo de O Gato de Botas X Nico, o Canário de Rio
8. Do Contra Jovem X Olavo (Wagner Moura) de Paraíso Tropical
24/02, sexta-feira - As 4 Enquetes das Quartas de Final
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1. Boto Cor-de-rosa X Do Contra Jovem Adulto
2. Jesus de O Auto da Compadecida X Lobo Gringo
3. Zé Gotinha X Chicó de O Auto da Compadecida
4. Presidente Lula X Agostinho Carrara de A Grande Família
25/02, sábado - As Duas Enquetes das Semifinais
1. Boto Cor-de-rosa X Presidente Lula
2. Jesus de O Auto da Compadecida X Zé Gotinha
26/02, domingo- GRANDE FINAL por uma semana
Terceiro Lugar
Dicas culturais Sexyman Brasil
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banana-with-a-bow-tie · 5 months ago
Doesn't 1 John 1:8-9 contradict with OSAS/perseverance of the saints since it says that if we say not to have sinned when we did sin we make God a liar and the truth is not in us, and IF we confess it He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness? Where it would logically follow if we hide our sin he will NOT cleanse us, so it seems from this passage that salvation CAN be lost in that case. I discussed this with an OSAS believer named Ryan Rufus (he's on YT, but no need to watch his sermons, they are very weird, too much eisegesis and too little scripture, reminds me of Benny Hinn if you ask me) and he said that 1 John 1:9 was written to gnostics, not Christians. Your reponse?
Confessing that you are a sinner and need Jesus to save you is essential to saving faith. You cannot be forgiven and made righteous if you do not agree with God that you need saving and ask Him to save you.
Ask any person that God has genuinely saved, "Are you a sinner?" and you will always get an affirmative answer. Before God saves us, our predisposition is self-righteousness, to proclaim our own goodness or to redefine what good is (Prov 20:6; Isa 5:20). After God saves us, He opens our eyes, convicting us of sin, righteousness, and judgment, so that we know who we really are and start thinking His way instead of our own way (Isa 55:7).
Can Christians still sin even after God has opened their eyes? Yes. We are all commanded to continually put off what we used to be and put on what we are (Col 3:8-10). Can Christians fall into a pattern of sin and try to cover it up? Yes. Look at the lengths David went to so he could cover up his sin with Bathsheba. But God's grace always arrests the genuine believer, intervening to bring that conviction back and produce repentance.
Can a Christian love sin and call it good or claim he is going to heaven because of his own righteousness? No. If someone claims to be a Christian but does not believe or obey God's Word then he is showing his faith is worthless (Jas 2:14). He was never changed by God to begin with because God always makes a new creation when He unites them to Christ (2 Cor 5:17).
Salvation from beginning to end is a work of God's grace. God decided in eternity past that He was going to save sinners, and He doesn't save anyone part way. Those He predestined, He justified, and those He justified, He glorified, and nothing in all creation can separate us from His love (Rom 8:29, 39).
God didn't make us righteous and then tell us, "You have to be righteous from now on or you're out." 1. We can't do that, we can never be perfectly righteous this side of heaven (1 John 1:8). 2. That would make salvation dependent upon us and give us reason to boast. The only reason the saints persevere in the faith is because God is working in them to will and to work (Phil 2:13). If for one second He stopped working in us, we would fail, but God will never abandon those He purchased through His Son.
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stardustizuku · 5 months ago
The Avatar of Mestionora
~ Rozemyne Playlist || The commoner daughter of a soldier, turned goddess
A little playlist I made from the start of the series; to the very end
(This was a fun project I’ve been making since halfway through Part 5. I’m so excited to finally see it finished. This was a wild, long ride, and I can’t express how much fun I had. This series has made me go through such an emotional roller coaster, so I decided to share this playlist. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as i enjoyed making it.
I’m thinking about making a separate post explaining the background of my selection. Why i chose what songs, why in that order, and how I separated the parts. But given the size of the playlist, it may take a while. That said, if you’re interested and wanna know about anything, feel free to ask! I will answer with delight).
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PART 1 - Daughter of a Soldier
1.- Naughty - Matilda Cast (From Matilda Musical)
2.- Ponyo on the cliff by the sea - Noah Cyrus, Frankie Jonas (From Ponyo)
3.- Flowers in my hair - Wes Reeves
4.-My Love is Mine, All Mine - Mitski
5.- When I Grow Up - Matilda Cast (From Matilda Musical)
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PART 2 - Apprentice of a Shrine Maiden
6.- Quiet - Matilda Cast (From Matilda Musical)
7.- Unsweetened Lemonade - Amélie Farren
8.- Once Upon a December - Christy Altomare ( From Anastasia Musical)
9.- Only Love Can Save Us Now - Ke$ha
10.- Go Tonight - Krystina Alabado, Emma Hunton (From Mad Ones Musical)
11.- Two Orugitas - Sebastian Yatra (From Encanto)
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PART 3 - Adopted Daughter of the Archduke
12.- Chiquitita - ABBA
13.- Class of 2013 - Mitski
14.- The Milk Carton - Madilyn Mei
15.- Family Jewels - MARINA
16.- Seventeen - MARINA
17.- We Both Reached For The Gun - Chicago Cast (From Chicago Musical)
18.- Found - Sarah Stiles & Zach Callison (From Steven Universe The Movie)
19.- She Used to Be Mine - Jessie Mueller (From Waitress Musical)
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PART 4 - Founder of the So-Called Library Comittee
20.- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Life - MARINA
21.- Belle - Beauty and the Beast Cast (From Beauty and Beast Movie)
22.- Non-Stop - Hamilton Cast (From Hamilton Musical)
23.- Put You in Your Place - Percy Jackson Cast (From Lighting Thief Musical)
24.- Little Wolf - EPIC Cast (From EPIC Musical)
25.- Téir Abhaile Riu - Celtic Women
26.- Fine on the Outside - Priscilla Ahn (From When Marnie was Here)
27.- The Prophecy - Taylor Swift
28.- Francis Forever - Mitski
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PART 5 - The Avatar of a goddess
29.- Warrior of the Mind - EPIC Cast (From Epic Musical)
30.- Idol - YOASOBI
31.- Venus Fly Trap - MARINA
32.- Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde (From the Hunger Games Movies)
33.- LABOUR (Cacophony) - Paris Paloma
34.- Don’t Make me - MALINDA
35.- Breakfast - Dove Cameron
36.- Hit me with your Best Shot - ADONA
37.- Nothing You Can Take From Me - Rachel Zegler (From Ballad from Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes)
38.- Breathe - Leslie Grace (From In The Heights Movie)
39.- I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - Taylor Swift
40.- Fine Line - Ke$ha
41.- Product of My Own Design - Artio
42.- Queen of Kings - Alessandra
43.- No Good Deed - Wicked Cast (From Wicked Musical)
44.- Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift (From the Hunger Games Movies)
45.- Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - Taylor Swift
46.- Ruthlessness - Cast of EPIC (From Epic Musical)
47.- They’re Only Human - Annapantsu & Caleb Hyles (Death Note Musical Cover)
48.- Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
49.- Respectless - Hazbin Hotel Cast (From Hazbin Hotel)
50.- The Greatest Show - Panic at the Disco! (From Greatest Showman)
51.- Different Beast - Cast of EPIC (From Epic Musical)
52.- Done For - Cast of EPIC (From Epic Musical)
53.- I am not a woman, I’m a god - Halsey
54.- Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil
55.- Sea of Love - Cat Power
56.- Once Upon a Dream - Lana del Rey (From Maleficent)
57.- Paciencia Y Fe - Olga Merediz
58.- To Build A Home - Patrick Watson
59.- Lover - Taylor Swift
60.- When You’re Home - Leslie Grace & Corey Hawkins (From In The Heights)
61.- Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine
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coolksaposts · 2 months ago
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we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain—for He says, “At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation”— (6:1b–2) 2Corinthians
2 Corinthians 6
Code: QA0297
The following is an excerpt from The MacArthur New Testament Commentary on 2 Corinthians 6.
we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain—for He says, “At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation”— (6:1b–2)
Paul’s use of the verb parakaloumen (urge; “plead”; “beg”) in the present tense reflects his constant, passionate concern for the Corinthians (cf. 2:8; 10:1; 1 Cor. 16:15–16). God’s ambassadors are privileged pleaders, begging their hearers to respond to the truth.
Specifically, Paul was urging the Corinthians not to receive the grace of God in vain; not to turn away from the gracious opportunity to hear the gospel of forgiveness he had so faithfully preached to them. He had poured his life into the Corinthians during his long stay in their city (Acts 18:11), pleading with them for the gospel and teaching the new converts how to grow in grace. But events in Corinth caused the apostle to fear that his intense labor had been for nothing. The church was riddled with sin, as Paul’s first inspired epistle to them reveals. False teachers, those wolves in sheep’s clothing both Jesus (Matt. 7:15) and Paul warned of (Acts 20:29), were luring many in the assembly away from the truth. This passionate concern for the Corinthians was behind what he wrote later:
But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. (2 Cor. 11:3–4)
Paul could not stand idly by and allow his diligent efforts to be undone. He could not permit his spiritual children (1 Cor. 4:15) to be deceived by a false gospel or led astray from the true path of sanctification. His duty before God, like that of all faithful ministers, was to exhort people not to receive the grace of God in vain. The apostle had given them the grace of God, as embodied in the truth of the gospel of grace, for their eternal benefit.
Paul was concerned first that the Corinthians not receive God’s grace in regard to salvation in vain. As in any church, not everyone in the Corinthian assembly was redeemed. Some had intellectual knowledge of the gospel but did not have saving faith. That is why Paul challenged them, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?” (2 Cor. 13:5). Those in the congregation who were not regenerate were in grave danger of being deceived by the false teachers. To follow those preaching another Jesus, another Spirit, and another gospel would lead to a waste of their privilege and to spiritual ruin. Paul was similarly concerned about the Galatians.
I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! (Gal. 1:6–9)
The Corinthians were also in danger of receiving God’s grace in vain with regard to sanctification. The legalists sought to turn them away from living in the power of the Spirit to living in the strength of the flesh. Paul chided the Galatians, also under assault by legalism, “Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” (Gal. 3:3). Sanctification, like justification, is a work of God. It does not come from legalistically conforming to an external set of rules but from a Spirit-generated, heartfelt love for and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Some of the unsaved Corinthians were being led astray by a false gospel of salvation by works. Others were saved, but legalistic false teaching was stunting their spiritual growth. In either case, the grace of God to them that sent Paul with the gospel was in danger of being nullified.
The corrupting influence of the false teachers hindered evangelism. That made the Corinthians’ defection all the more galling to Paul, for it was (and still is) the time for the ministry of reconciliation. To stress the urgency of this time, Paul quoted from Isaiah 49:8, where God declared, “At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.”
There is a time in God’s grace when He may be sought by sinners. The Lord warned the pre-Flood world, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years” (Gen. 6:3). Isaiah 55:6 commands, “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.” Hosea warned that apostate Israel “will go with their flocks and herds to seek the Lord, but they will not find Him; He has withdrawn from them” (Hos. 5:6).
Repeating behold and now to emphasize his point, Paul declared that now is “the acceptable time,” “the day of salvation”   when God will listen to repentant sinners. Now, when the fields are ripe for the harvest (John 4:35), is not the time to waste gospel opportunity, or to be feeble, vacillating, or deceived by false teachers. It is the time to hold fast to the truth and faithfully proclaim it. “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day,” Jesus admonished. “Night is coming when no one can work” (John 9:4).
Knowing the urgency of the times Paul, true to the urgency of his calling, passionately pleaded with the Corinthians not to let God’s grace in their lives be in vain.
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