#2 Chronicles 1:2
freakova · 9 months
It's 2024 and people still seem to get mixed up between the rabbits so have these banners for your convenience!
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Feel free to use
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haflacky · 1 month
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Repost my season 1 art and welcome new fans! This show is incredible and should get all the attention!
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unluckedtj · 12 days
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revival? a part of you is still dead
(ʀᴀɪsᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀɪɢʜᴛɴᴇss!)
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quiddling · 7 months
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i am literally on my HANDS and KNEES for u n. sewell
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cross-mountain · 1 year
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Memory space
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marengogo · 1 month
Are You Sure?! - #1: A Vampire’s Utopia
Who by Jimin focused playlist 
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello my JM & JK Loving Gurls, Bois and Enbys! 
How have we all been since Thursday? 😌 Who’s watched both episodes at least 3 times? 🤡 Who’s gonna keep watching the episodes until Thursday? 💜 Who’s been left marvelling, yet again, about how intricately beautiful human beings are 🙋🏾‍♀️…
Oh! Only me?! 👀.
... Well what can I say? If it weren’t for my undying love for movies I would have definitely chosen a job related to psychology. Now whether I would have turned out to be a help or a menace to society, is anyone’s guess, after all, there is no sense, or point, in speculating things that have no way of presently happening due to decisions made in the past. However, do y'all know what we can speculate on? The present based on actions that actually happened in the past.
I’ve admittedly rewatched both episodes of AYS for the fourth time yesterday for research purposes obviously, and what brings me here is that now very infamous moment there are presently ao3 books being written on this particular moment ? The one when my cutie-patootie twin-flame very concisely summarises his and JM’s “solo/chapter 2 relationship”, up to that point (which to be precise, is the period of time between 14 July 2022: Hobi’s Listening Party and 13 July 2023: AYS in USA… exactly 1 year: DAMN!) as per below:
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First time I saw this part, the first thing I did was snort and then I immediately thought: DRAMA QUEEN and trust me, I would know. Oh, and let it be clear, I can only attempt to speculate on my twin-flame, especially in cases like this when I strongly feel that my boi has been … misunderstood. If it weren’t clear enough from the title, this is indeed a JK post you know JM-blood thirsting vampire etc etc etc.
Let's start with the fact that I beleive that JM was simply trying to start a simple bit of banter when he said:
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And I would sincerely like to apologise to JM cause, indeed, this simple type of banter would have warranted a just as simple type of reply. Something like what JK eventually ended up saying after he allowed his thoughts to come forth and take the stage, but we will address this in a second:
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But no.
You see, homeboi over here seems to be the type to hold on to things and will not let go until he’s cleared things, or situations, in the way he has known and/or perceived them to have happened, which tend to happen a lot when you are a very emotional person, who isn’t necessarily as eloquent. The most important thing to understand here, however, is the fact that whatever topic such people decide to discuss is all according to their most sensible account of facts and perceptions. They don't mean to offend or distort truths, they just ... emote for lack of better words. For example, it is a fact that, during that period, JK & JM were both busy, it is apparently also a fact that JK didn’t call, but according to JM it is not a fact that he himself didn’t call. 
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Does that make JK a liar? In my opinion, not only can't I know what actually happened, but in fact, that is absolutely not the point of the case at hand. The way I see it, this is simply how JK has perceived this particular absence in his life, during that particular period. In fact, let’s dive even deeper.
Because of those two sentences, you’d I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT MANY DO ... think that JM and JK actually never met each other during that particular period of time 14 July 2022 - 13 July 2023. Now, I am sure we all remember him sorta/kinda pining on weverse during the period from 3 February 2023 and 14 March 2023, right?:
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But let’s quickly look at a timeline of the 14 July 2022: Hobi’s Listening Party and 13 July 2023: AYS in USA period. Below are dates when they definitely met, with other members, that we are aware of. I’ve also inserted his most relevant weverse pinings, and the period of time they were busy at the same time, just for me to have a time reference:
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・14 JULY 2022: J-HOPE’S LISTENING PARTY - OT6 (Yoongi was sick)
・1 SEPTEMBER 2022: JUNGKOOK BIRTHDAY - JM waint with Hobi to celebrate his birthday
・most likely FEBRUARY-MARCH 2023 - LIKE CRAZY DANCE PRACTICE - JK went to see JM practice
 3 Feb 2023 - 14 Mar 2023 ——— LIGHT WEVERSE PINING - The above collage period
27 March 2023 ——— HEAVY WEVERSE PINING - JK posting “I miss you”, then watching Suchita and reacting to JM content.
April - May ——— both JK & JM are travelling around the world for work and/or pleasure.
・25 JUNE 2023 - D-DAY in SEOUL ‘DAY 2’ - VMINKOOK at Yoongi’s concert 
・13 JULY 2023 - AYS in NYC - JK & JM (and staff) have dinner at ANTOYA 
… If you asked me, it would appear that JK’s issue is actually the fact that they didn’t get a chance to go out alone, just the two of them. Yeah … My twin-flame seems to always have had strong, almost impulsive, reactions when it comes to anything concerning JM, it is actually probably the most vocal he becomes for a non-talkative guy that is.
Can you recall any other member, other than JM, he was ever upset about because he didn’t get to hear their music? Can you think about any other member other than JM, who JK would most likely be spending time rehearsing, eating, doing nothing during band activities? Can you think of any other member other than JM, for whom he’s made a bit more of an effort during birthdays and special dates? Once again ... If you ask me ... JK truly values his time alone with JM, which is why I think his perception felt so fatalistic/dramatic we all know that for example, JM did go to the Golden Listening Party in October ... 
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And don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t believe it to be a one-way affair. Are You Sure?! exist exactly because JM would seem to also appreciate his alone time with JK, be it in front of a camera, in a hotel room, or whreever. After all, they were supposed to only go for one trip, but not only did they magically whip out time to go on two more Jeju and Sapporo, but they are now talking about doing this until they are 50. LOL I’ll be in my 60s but I’ll tune in! . And then, to top it all off … They ended up enlisting together. The way JM wanted to “make a video of their adventures and freedom” before enlistment, you’d think they’d be apart for the following 18 months because of said enlistment 😒.  
It’s actually quite funny if you think about it. Between the two of them JM is most definitely the shiest, but JM is most definitely the better one at expressing himself. Y’all can obviously disagree with me, but from where I stand, my twin-flame is actually smart as hell one day people will finally acknowledge that, but he is not the best with words. I’m sure in JK’s Utopia, the world is a place where people sing to each other in order to communicate, instead of spoken words. Alas, this is not JM-blood thirsting Vampire Utopia, and in the world where we presently live, JK seems to be the type who’s first reaction to stressful situations is finding the funny side of things and when that fails then he needs to do something about it; anything.
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Now, as always, everyone is entitled to their opinions, in fact, many have made it very clear that to them JK was feeling “off” in these episodes, but to me, not only he was being his typical weird self, but I also I discovered a few new aspects, for example, when he truly cares about something, his devotion has really no limits. But let me use some images, and some words, to better explain how I perceived JK in these two episodes. Remember how JK once substituted the word Love with Jimin, in a Boy with Luv lyric Jimin nothing stronger? Well I’d like to do the same thing and sub the word Love with JK in the following very famous biblical paragraph and associate specific moments in both episodes to each line:
JK is patient, 
If this is not the testament sequence of a man who’s been waiting to spend time with you, no matter what, then I don’t know what else is.
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JK is kind.
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He does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud.  
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He does not dishonor others, he is not self-seeking, 
LOL … one day JK will be able to pull a prank on JM; I believe in you.
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He is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs.
I shouldn’t have to say this, but ... there are no “wrongs” done between JM & JK, what they do with each other is joke, have accidents and play around - but gotta say this just in case!
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Last but not least, though JK was coughing like there was no tomorrow, wouldn’t you think that JM being vehemently sick, would be grounds for the whole show to be cancelled? In fact, we didn’t even know there was going to be a show, so nobody would have missed anything and at some point they could have used the footage in a bangtan-bomb, or during Festa, or something. … The fact that they were willing to keep going and even show us themselves in such a vulnerable state, the fact that because of it JM was so worried and doubting almost everything, and the fact that JK ultimately wasn’t worried and regretted nothing, kinda reinforced for me just how much they truly wanted to be together on that trip at that time it was basically overdue. 
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In conclusion, though my Twin-flame’s strongest suit isn’t communication, and his recollection of events may or may not be as accurate due to emotional perception, his heart is ALWAYS in the right place, sturdy, confident and ready to let JK be the best he can be, at all times. I mean, you don’t have to take my word for anything I've just said but below is JK a mere 10 days after they separated from NYC/Connecticut ... look at him ... giddy AF and hella playful if you ask me and once again … weverse pining.
I guess one alone trip wasn’t enough after all 😉.
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Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 month
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Kyoshi in Suki, Alone without white makeup
(Another edit the same vein as my Avatar Generations Kyoshi edits, I like her look without the white make up :3c Let them freckles show girl~! \u0u/)
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
Hi I’m very new here and this may be a stupid question but where can I play the first three books of the game? <3
No question is stupid!
Here's a link to where you can find them all:
Seraphinite Games Website—Book Links
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much for the ask! Hope you enjoy them if you get the chance to play :D
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apollolewis · 4 months
I love nopons in xenoblade. Like they’re these cute little creatures that talk in a cutesy way. Then one of the main plot lines of the Nopon village side quests invoked murder, drugs and a literal Nopon mafia.
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helenofblackthorns · 8 months
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headcanoning that Sebastian did inherit Jocelyn's curly hair but he just straightens it constantly. like he brought his hair straightener to hell & everything
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teto414 · 8 months
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first real illustration of 2024 done yay
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strivingscribe29 · 1 year
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But we still love A wholeheartedly ❤️
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cruelyear · 2 months
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She's something, your Claudia / A spark in the dark
i. screencaps from Interview with the Vampire (2022-) S1E3: Is my very nature that of the devil, S1E4: the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding, S2E1: What can the damned really say to the damned & S2E7: I could not prevent it
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knifefightandchill · 4 months
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"Nothing is real but pain now"
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The bRATcket
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We’re starting this round off with our celebrity chef star, Remy VS. our warrior who has proven to overcome the odds, Ripred!
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itsbebebe · 1 month
I swear the line "and to my extortioner, mael stronghart, may you feel the jaw of my beast at your throat every time you swallow" changed me eternally or smth
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