d0wnright-ic0nic · 3 years
Sweater Weather | Explicit
Summary: Ben has known Armie for twenty-two years, and yet…
Alternately: Armie wears one of Ben’s old sweaters, and not much else, and Ben has a lot of… feelings. Mostly the tingly kind.
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judgmentalfishnun · 5 years
1oveclub replied to your post “you know what I want? I want teenage Albus Dumbledore dressed like...”
Okayyy, I had to google that but same
this be Grell if anyone else is curious
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bloodtroth · 5 years
1oveclub replied to your post “Last Line Meme”
So I can bathe in the tears of my readers, obviously. Do you have any idea how expensive water is these days?
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bluecrownedbird · 5 years
Your art is the most beautiful, your shadowing and detail is AMAZING. Everything you post is my favorite 😩 ♥️
Yo ♥ I’m happy that you like my stuff, thank you very much (◡‿◡✿) 
And I loved your last grindeldore fic btw ~
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isabellaofparma · 5 years
Do you know of any English dubbed versions of Skfr and where they can be watched?
Oh, I don’t think a dubbed version exists. You could watch all seasons with subtitles here and their official youtube channel has subtitles too, but I don’t know of a dubbed version, sorry. :(
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sweetlittlevampire · 5 years
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@1oveclub :
🎥 Fave film
I don’t have one specific fave film; I like many. The Harry Potter movies plus the Fantastic Beasts movies are, like, my comfort movies. I really do like The Hobbit movies though, especially the first one.
👾 Do you believe in aliens
I do. To believe that we’re the only one in this universe seems more than unlikely to me.
Thank you for asking! ♥
Get to know me, send me a symbol.
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grindy-cog · 5 years
21 & 22 for the ask meme??
Thank you @1oveclub xx
21)  Honestly, I do not know. I consider myself to be a self-aware person, yet boggart is something that would be very tricky to specify, I’m afraid. The only thing I can think of as a possible boggart, is a vision of myself in a crowdy place. I hate those but they never scare me; rather irritate me.
22) Now, according to Pottermore, my patronus is a thestral. If I could have a chance to change it however, I’d love to have a cat-like creature as one, or even a phoenix.
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ante--meridiem · 5 years
A long overdue Grindeldore fic rec list
Because I finally figured out how links work on tumblr. A (non-comprehensive) list of my favourite stories in this fandom.
Hyperboreans by @magneto-was-left​: One-shot, Gellert centric. Lots of classics references. If you read nothing else on this list, please read this. It is beautifully intense and just perfectly atmospheric.
Time Parts the Hearts of Men by Hijja: One-shot, afterlife fic. Bittersweet in the best way.
Symphony for the Forseen by @litsetaure: One-shot, a take on the vision of an obscurial killing Albus. Really lovely writing style.
The First Time by aslytherinsukkot: One-shot AU where they stayed together. Interesting look at what their dynamic would be, plus some nice world-building.
The Trial of Albus Dumbledore by Aurora_xx: Multichapter, incomplete. The only fic that has made me really enjoy Fantastic Beasts characters that aren’t Grindelwald and Dumbledore (not to imply that those two don’t have major roles). Some great attention to detail, wonderful building of tension. Read if you want to feel a burning desire to punch Travers in the face (more so than I assume most already do).
The Devil’s Advocate by @kierkegarden: One-shot, focused on Gellert in prison. Wonderfully poetic.
And We Mend Our Broken Wings by @the-marron: Series, old Grindeldore AU where they fight Voldemort together. Have I recommended this like a hundred times before? Yes. Is it worth doing again? Absolutely.
Light Bringer by @meanwhiletimely: Summer of 1899 one-shot. One of the first fics I read in this fandom and the one which did the most to shape my views of the characters. Really captivating.
Shoot Me Down (With My Bitter Heart) by @bloodtroth: FB-era, One Shot. Jealous Albus is much sadder than jealous Gellert.​
refero by @1oveclub​: One-shot, Albus visits Gellert in prison. Feelings abound.
Until Love Do Us Part by @inessencedevided: One-shot spanning from 1899 to 1945. A very comprehensive and emotional exploration of their relationship from start to finish.
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hoeseok · 5 years
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hello! it’s rachel here, and today (feb. 4, 2019) marks my two year anniversary. tbh i can’t believe i’m still blogging even though i’ve wanted to quit multiple times already. the love i have for seven beautiful boys and my dear friends keep me going strong and shine a light when i’m surrounded only by darkness. all the love and kindness i’ve received has made my time on tumblr worthwhile.
to the friends i’ve made, thank you for sending the first ask, the first message, tagging me in a post, or chatting with me in a gc if i wasn’t the brave one to say hi first. thank you for bonding with me over bts, whether it was laughing, crying, thirsting, or even all three. y’all have a special place in my heart, and i love everyone to pieces. 
to my beautiful mutuals, y’all are spectacular, sweet, outstanding, caring, kind, loving, talented, the list could go on. i know everyone is busy with their personal lives, but i hope we grow closer and see where our friendship leads us to. if we haven’t talked before and you want to change that, you can message me whenever about whatever! my messages are open, and i don’t bite.
to my followers, old and new, thank you for following this blog from the very beginning when i didn’t know how tumblr worked or stumbling across my blog just recently. idk where i’d be without y’all.
this is probably getting too long now, so i should stop here before it turns into a novel lmao. because of my two year anniversary, here is my first mutual appreciation post for all my beautiful mutuals! 💗💕💓💞
# - f
@atlasjoons // @bfjooonie // @fluffyjhs // @emotual // @ddaengjhope // @bfkook // @dearhopeworld // @1lsans // @daegusbitch // @fluffykth // @dimp1ejoon // @1oveclubs // @blondejinismyreligion // @ahsuga // @cherryxiu // @angustdtt // @cinnawon // @bluesxde // @disillusionedgay // @cinnaminsvga // @floral-hobi // @cutesunggyu // @fluffyyseokk // @def-initely-soul // @dianas-world // @bfjhs // @btsmee // @c-kyunjpg // @bubblegumochi // @drquinzelharleen // @baebae-goodnight // @btsmutimagines // @blameblamebts // @amazzjin // @chiminichangas // @dadcrisis // @bottleofjin // @aiimaginesbts 
g - m
@monstudios // @loveablejimin // @hobslobster // @jeonmoonchild // @honeylovecult // @hoseokiehopie // @guksheart // @minnpd // @kimnamtaejin // @jihopi // @icantevenbtsedition // @kyoojimin // @jiminyippee // @misohobi // @minsbutt // @jhsgod // @msyoonji // @hobsolostan // @jvnckles // @inktae // @gothnamgi // @jeonjeongguke // @iweedu // @lovesyoongs // @junghosoks // @kiimtaehyng // @into-the-new-w0rld // @jinandtonics // @myg // @geniuslab // @joonpd // @hopeworlds // @idoljoon // @jisawang // @heythereitsmo // @kpopfanfictrash // @jeonnings // @milkvmin // @king-beluga // @itskimtaehyung // @gabdominates // @jjkscafe // @lacuna-matata // @gentlekook // @hobikookie // @myjaebutt // @jiminxh // @jungcock // @je0n // @lesrreveurs // @hobiminkooksprincess1990 // @lordparkjimin // @hipsterminseok // @minyoongistummy // @hobi-isadaydream // @mochiminii // @jiminddeok // @kook-tae // @jjeongukie // @jeonjiah // @liebeoppa // @godsavemefrombts // @miozuru // @jeongguvk // @fenlily // @jiminsmrs
n - t
@softesthobi // @seoulsbabe // @taehyunger // @stardustjeon // @parkjimni // @singularlytae // @ofkimtaehyung // @pohcoyo // @screaminghoseok // @trickstersweet // @sailoreunha // @taehungies // @taesflower // @raplinesbitch // @slutdropjin // @taekookk // @seokjiniesgf // @sugaforyou // @springsn0w // @shook-kookie // @raeindrop // @taelephannt // @sugasgrowl // @omfgbts // @se0kjinie // @syonderlys // @tokyoblack // @silvertae // @notaspringday // @saraaboo // @namsuniverse // @teagguks // @pjmsbooty // @prettymochi // @taesjpg // @rielleria // @noona4bts // @sugasxsugar // @sexiimochi // @tokyoknj // @the95liner // @parkjiminbiased // @nyamjoontual // @seokjinchuriki // @peri-lycanjins
u - z
@ve1vetyoongi // @vocalistmyg // @xiaojunanti // @yeoltidecarol // @ungjaesmile // @yoonggukl // @yoonkookl // @yoongsb // @wastedkalice // @wastedkookies // @withnosuchgrace // @velvethoseok // @wow-bangtanlovely
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gukseuphoria · 5 years
emergency support group
In light of recent triggering events, I’ve decided to make an emergency support group for a few reasons:
To have an area to discuss the issue together as a group
To offer support to one another through this really awful and toxic time
So that I may update you all more easily on what my next steps will be to try and make sure that she can never harass any of us ever again, or @ us in extremely triggering content.
I will be hosting this group chat on kkt.
I will be tagging the people that Luna tagged in her post, but this is open to ANYONE who has engaged with her and needs moral support or wants to be kept updated.
You do NOT need to talk in the chat if that’s not what you need. Sometimes all we need is a presence to know we’re not alone, especially when triggered by such content.
Please send me a pm or ask if you would like to join.
@angeljk @bfjooonie @joonsplaylist @dancekinghope @softie-yoongi @tatavangogh @hobiruary @jeonsdear @poutaes @irishbamb @wingscouldfly @taehyunger @nyamjoontual @hobieuphoria @hobikookie @outrobluesides @kimnamtaejin @cutelittleyoongi @jinie @dearlytea @minnpd @minyoongos @yoonjismom @jins-kiss @minsbutt @hobae @nambewb @bangtantannie @ofkimtaehyung @koyasdad @aurjeon @jsuga @softesthobi @triviamang @sugahoped @geniuslab @hosnack @minjoun @jho-seok @glowsj @honeygoldyoongi @chim-chimmie @njssi @softjeon @tearsgf @jung-koook @adoreyoongi @gwangjulegend  @honeylovecult @joonslovecult @holy-jinsus @hoeseok @ktheaven @minbuwuty @gguk @agusmyg @hobiswitch @vantear @jjksangel @1oveclubs @jhlovebot  @94dimple @tinyjjks @minyoongislaysme
(I would also like to apologize in advance if you would’ve preferred not being tagged in this post, it’s just easier to mass communicate like this will all of you that she has forcibly involved into this situation.)
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judgmentalfishnun · 5 years
1oveclub replied to your post “Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore had sex with Gellert...”
What’s Gellert’s middle name(s) tho
Here’s the thing: I don’t know Gellert’s middle names, but I've decided that he has two of them, and when Albus and Gellert were introduced, Albus made up “Brian” and stuck it in there after Percival Wulfric just so that he would have exactly one more than Gellert.
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bloodtroth · 5 years
21. What would your boggart be?
Hmm, that is such a good question. And a tough one as well. 
I think what I fear most are failure and ridicule, so the boggart would probably manifest itself as a person who represents that fear, just like it did with Hermione and Neville.
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vocalhyuck · 6 years
happy birthday!!! 🎂💌 hope you’re showered w love
thank u victoria !! 💓
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isabellaofparma · 5 years
1oveclub replied to your post: i feel like i could go somewhere in life if i...
Can i reblog this cause like mood
sure, go ahead!
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sweetlittlevampire · 5 years
1oveclub hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “9 PEOPLE YOU’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER rules: tag 9 people you’d like to...”
Omg are you an evanescence freak too ����
I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’m a freak. XD I used to really really love them when Fallen came out, then it was like, on and off...but I fell head over heels in love with Synthesis; I listen to it while going to work.
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luckymoonly · 5 years
                                               Last Line Meme
Tagged by  @1oveclub  and @queenieg13      
Rules: write down the last line you wrote
‟Well,  she didn’t saw much of you considering your most private part was down my throat.”
(Working on a cracky OS where Bathilda gets an unexpected eyeful XD)
Tagging @albusgellertalways,  @intpdreamer and @litsetaure(Sorry if you were already tagged Xxx)
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