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f-rg-tmigej · 2 years ago
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"The world seems to be in a rush but i choose to remain still"
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robmoses1 · 1 year ago
Deer in the Street Lights
I was out trying to get some city shots last night and then these deer just started walking down the street I was on. I tried getting a shot of another deer but he was hanging around a dark part of the street. Then I saw this other deer wandering over and he stopped to eat some grass right under the street light. I walked a little closer to him and I shot a few photos of him eating. I thought it…
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erock-b · 1 year ago
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Games in black & white
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househuntingscotland · 2 years ago
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2 bedroom flat for sale on Bathgate Street, Dennistoun, Glasgow
Asking price: £159,950
Sold price: £185,500
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galilleon · 1 year ago
Hey all, This is my first Tumblr post ever! I'm pretty new here, but I'm hoping to share some DM techniques, tools and tips and to make some new friends as well! Feel free to send a chat request (an ask[?]) if you're interested!
With that aside, on with the post!
Better and More Meaningful Random Encounters!
Random encounters are a staple of DnD, they are expected to be there during exploration as a way to make the world feel alive, to have it have an aura of adventure and danger, to eat up party resources and put pressure on the PCs to make interesting and important choices, and also as a way for a DM to reasonably 'stall' the party with a quick and easy situation.
Usually, it ends up something like this:
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There's just one problem with most random encounter tables though, it's so easy for them to be GOSHDARN BORING! Especially for a newer DM.
Making them interesting becomes gambled improv on the DM's part if they're not used to it, and it's hard to keep track of the important factors that need to be kept in mind
Luckily, I ended up finding a great source for random encounters from 'Dungeon Masterpiece' on YouTube, and I integrated it into my own DMing. I figured that I'd share it here for any that want to work it into their own sessions as well!
After adjustment, a single table can account for multiple entire sessions of in-depth worldbuilding and fun without getting dull!
Source 1 (Creating interesting Random Encounter Tables):
Source 2 (Making Random Encounters reflect your Worldbuilding):
There's 4 major methods we can use to improve the Random Encounter table
1. Make the table a straight 1dx roll.
2. Adding 'depth'.
3. Adding meaningful encounters.
4. Prerolling and/or Multirolling.
You can also check out the "Where to Start?" section for some direction to make getting it down and prepped all easy peasy!
1. Straight Roll:
Its enticing to go for 2d6 or the such in order to add non-linearity to the rolls, but these sorts of adjustments only end up making one or two encounters extremely likely and leave all others in the dust, it often ends up defeating it's own purpose of interesting randomness.
In the previous example, it was extremely likely to only get Wolves, Barbarians, Orcs, or Spiders, from a table of 12! A straight roll would serve us much better. The rare rolls are already rare enough as is!
Simply enough, adjusting the original example by replacing the 2d6 with 1d12, it'd become something more like this:
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#2. Adding Depth:
We can add more columns in the encounter tables. These columns will represent different aspects about the encounters that we can roll on separately!
Usually it can be difficult as a DM to naturally come up with motives for the encounters, showcase the worldbuilding and have it all come together.
This setup can give you a solid guideline on how the creatures/people think (if any), and also sets up the overall area so that you get an idea of what events tend to occur there as a result of its occupants. 
We want to add 3 more columns to the tables to convey different aspects of the encounter. Fill in these new columns corresponding to the expectations of each encounter.
We'll roll each of these and combine them, then we'll interpret them to make a robust, in-depth random encounter with truly unexpected results!
I recommend rolling alot of complete encounters at once and interpreting the context to the vast general area the party is travelling in.
i. Behaviour: How the creatures act. Are they friendly, scared, aggressive, curious, mischievous?
ii. Complication: Something behind the scenes in the encounter. Do they have sick young? Broken equipment? Are they starving?
iii. Significant Impact: This is a tick box, and will only be present under ONE of the rows. It will be rolled like the other columns, but ONLY once. It signifies which encounter is the Significant Encounter
The Significant Encounter will have its encounter's presence prominent amongst all the other random encounters in the area. There could be burn marks and carcasses from a rampant dragon, or a goblin raid leaving tracks moving through the area. Which is the most impactful of the different encounters?
Adding this to our previous example would expand it to:
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Rolling this would give us things like:
Significant encounter: Owlbears
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Note that the significant impact shows that the Owlbears are a massive problem in the area. Perhaps the Owlbears are agitated for an unknown reason, and are unnecessarily aggressive.
The significance of Owlbears gives us context to the second one as well! Perhaps the hunters raided an Owlbear den, and adopted an Owlbear cub from there as well.
There could be uneaten carcasses, ravaged trees, less wildlife, etc around these parts.
Note how much sheer CONTEXT these columns add to our encounters. It's invaluable!
3. Adding Meaningful Encounters
Usually random encounters tend to be rather mundane and very one-note.
There's usually some general wildlife and monsters, different disparate factions without any rhyme or reason, and maybe a general non-combat encounter or two, but these don't really tell us about the area or its surroundings at all by themselves.
Instead, we can add in wildlife and monster encounters specific to the biome, non-combat encounters, and encounters of nearby factions and/or settlements to the table, and we can even add environmental encounters in there as well.
Note that we're not tied down to 12 encounters, and can expand it ad infinitum according to our need of diversity in our encounters.
Just add in specification and connection, and suddenly the dominos all fall into place.
Lastly, we'll also be adding in 'DOUBLE TIME' which will let us roll on everything twice, and make it so it's a double encounter!
Thus, the table can instead be adjusted to:
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Note how each and everything has its relation in one way or another, but through the sheer variance, they remain truly random and novel.
4. Prerolling and/or Multirolling
Lastly and this is just something that I do, but that I found gamechanging. Be sure to pre-roll 5-7 encounters for each session, for the general area the players are going to be headed in.
Note that you don't need to really prep anything at all, just interpret all of them on a surface level as a buffer.
Also note that you don't need to use all of them if they're not needed. The foreshadowing and signs are worldbuilding and having secrets that the players don't unravel is just as useful as the ones that they do, perhaps even moreso. It adds depth and detail beyond the scope of what the party will encounter
It simply let's you get an idea of the connections between encounters, allows for foreshadowing, and acts as a deterrent to getting caught off guard.
Even if you roll mid-session, I recommend calling for a 5 minute break, rolling 5-7 encounters at the same time and interpreting them and their connections before resuming the session.
It WILL make a difference, trust me
Where to start?
It can be difficult getting inspiration or direction to get started in creating these random encounters, and sometimes you don't want to go through the hassle of thinking them up from nothing
For some great conceptual headstarts and examples for these tables, you can check out 'Worlds Without Number' and it's:
- Page 205 (Great general templates for encounters differentiated by broad creature types such as Beasts and Monsters, Sapient Monsters, and Humans)
- Pages 206-219 (For inspired locations to occasionally run rare encounters or groups of encounters in. This works best with flexible/discovered worldbuilding given the significance of some of these, and you also want to add these in sparingly to keep them significant)
- Pages 246-247 (These pages have great templates for the kinds of encounters and situation to be included in the tables, and it can be expanded vastly, and certain options can be selectively and repeatedly chosen to meet our needs. Mood works well as a complication.)
There might be other pages that are useful as well for these sorts of random encounters in the wilderness that I haven't come across yet. If so, give them a shout out and I'll be sure to add them in. It's worth checking it out in its entirety for some great tips!
Again, credit goes to Dungeon Masterpiece and Worlds Without Number for excellent adjustments. This has been quite long, but I hope you stuck around till the end.
Many a session have been made easy but complex ever since this was introduced and I hope that this helps you out as much as it helped me in my prep and improv!
Feel free to give any advice in formatting on Tumblr, or any feedback on the post itself. It really means a lot to me, thanks!
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bad-quail · 2 years ago
An Idea for Hexcrawl Random Encounters
Borrow a page from depthcrawl procedures and have your encounter table be 1dX+Y where X is the size of the die you want to use and Y is your "depth", measured as distance in hexes from a central "safe" hex. The higher the encounter roll result, the more dangerous or weirder the encounter. So, you can get the feel of the world becoming more and more dangerous the farther from town you get.
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sharkrad08222222 · 5 months ago
Stating equipment: plague doctor mask, big hat,anti plague robes,Med Kit(3 charges)
Starting skill:1 Quatrinetine  2 Digaononse 3.Herbology
A Suppress Disease ,wound dresser B invigorating Vapors, Transfusion of life C Unbalance humors, Bloodletting D Confer Immunity , Grafting
Gain +1 on saves against poison and illness each template you own.
A:Suppress Disease and Poison 
Spend a Med kit Charge to Temporarily suppress the effects of a Poison or Disease for a Day.
A:Wound dresser 
Remove a Fatal wound without rolling. You can spend a Turn to whip up a mini Field hospital that will add a +1dX  to any healing done to the whole party during down Time, at the cost of one Med Kit Charge. 
B:Invigorating Vapors 
Spend a Med Kit charge to give someone a +1dX to their next attack's damage.  
B:Transfusion of life
You can transfer a number of hp equal to half of cha to another party member. How you do it is up to you, Blood Transfusion, Bile stuff, Blunt rotation, ETC
This does not revive dead party members 
C:Unbalance humor 
Via spending a Med Kit Charge, deal 1dX damage, and cause an Condition of you Choice(stun, Blinded,posioned maybe), the target still get a save for the condition
C:Remove the Bad blood(Reflavor as you see fit)
Using leeches, a sharp blade, or some other blood letting apparatus you can have them remove a single illness or poison.
It takes 3 turns to pull off, and inflicts 2d8 damage.
D:Transfer Illness
Once per day , tell an illness to leave a body, but you have to put it into a new body. To put into an unwilling Target , it would be a test of Con against the Plague doctors Cha. Can use your own body for this.
D:Grafting With a Med Kit charge you can Graft a different creature's limb to someone with a Missing Limb. Giving it a non Humanoid limb(A spider leg instead of a human leg) They gain a Muntion related to it. 
Med Kits
Improvised Cost 5cp per charge, but could be made in the feild +1d4 healing Crafted form Forged Herbs, Improvised bandages, and whatever else seems useful Common Cost 5 sliver piece Per Charge, but could be made in town for cheaper +1d6 Healing Crafted in a city with access to good(for Medieval and Fantasy standards) Medical supplies Rare Cost 5gp Per Charge, good luck making it. +1d8 healing The top of the line medical supplies
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postsofbabel · 2 months ago
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leicamoments · 2 years ago
A Run of Bad Luck
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It's not been a good couple of weeks. No really, it hasn't...well from an equipment point of view that is.
First a trusty old Canon 1DX's shutter started giving problems...so I started ringing around to try and get an idea of the cost to repair. Long story short...no one wanted to quote a price and I needed to send it somewhere.
My first choice was Fixation, but someone suggested Canon...so I got in touch with them and they said that they'd stopped producing shutters for the camera back in November 2022.
This was proving more problematic than I expected.
They escalated the request to second tier support and they suggested that I send the camera in to be assessed.
'Could you give me an indication what sort of price we're talking about?' I asked.
'Sorry! We can't estimate until we receive the camera.' Came the reply. 'Oh and it will cost you £87 for that assessment.'
So back to Fixation...at least their inspection was free...so off it went.
A couple of days later...the estimate popped into my inbox...just about £800! New shutter, mirror box and pin...along with the charge to replace...the camera is beyond economic repair - you can buy these cameras second hand for cheaper.
Okay...it is a decade old and it doesn't owe me anything, so I've let it go into retirement in my display case.
Feeling a little peeved, I got into work for the week, including some on-location interviews, so out came the Zoom F1 field recorder packs.
All was going so well until...the dreaded battery door issue! It broke!
Now...I was a little upset at this happening...they've been so reliable, really good units to use, and produce excellent recordings.
I hopped onto the old Interweb and searched for fixes/replacements...quite a few sites talking about bodges...a few how to 3D print a replacement door latch...and some sites trying to sell me a door for over £20 (with P&P).
My heart sank...so on an impulse, I contacted Zoom support and waited. Next day I received an email in my inbox saying they'd send me a replacement out free of charge!
Not only that...they've redesigned it with a new metal clasp! Fantastic!
At the time of writing, I've just got a shipping email saying that it will be with me on Friday.
THIS is how you do technical support for your products! Thank you Zoom!
But don't things come in threes???
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f-rg-tmigej · 2 years ago
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"-I'm the king of the world!"
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robmoses1 · 1 year ago
Curry 11 'Future Curry'
If you follow me on Instagram you likely already know I’ve been getting some gear from Under Armour & Curry Brand. If you don’t, well there ya go haha. FYI here I am on IG instagram.com/robmoses 😉 Anyhow, Curry Brand sent me these Curry 11 basketball shoes to try out. It just so happens that right at this moment my younger son Cameron wears the same shoe size as me. Since he’s playing club…
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m-mossed · 6 months ago
وظائف عسير اليوم براتب 5500 ريال
وظائف عسير اليوم براتب 5500 ريال
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rainsofcastamererpg · 6 months ago
Hola, quería preguntar como serán los combates, si irán con dados o si se dispondrá de una tienda del foro.
¡Valar Morghulis, Anon! Efectivamente, el Sistema de Combate está compuesto por dados numéricos específicos (1DX) que deberéis tener en cuenta a la hora del cálculo del daño. También dispondréis de objetos en la Tienda del Foro, desde protecciones hasta armas, que servirán como modificadores que subirán vuestras estadísticas. También es de tener en cuenta los Talentos pues existirán unos enfocados en el combate que sumarán ventajas. También, y para hacerlo más visual, dispondremos de una Tablilla de Combate donde deberéis rellenar vuestros datos e iréis actualizando durante el combate, es de uso fácil. Como pildorita del Sistema de Combate, te adjuntamos cómo se verá la tablilla que mencionamos
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shamsabaddai-ardn631 · 7 months ago
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Photographed By Jonathan Bachman in New Orleans during the Black Lives Matter Movement
To follow on from Jonathan Klein's Ted Talk. Here's another image that comes to my mind.
Incase you were curious about his tools- he used a Canon 1Dx, with a 16-35mm, f/2.8L. But we all know it wasn't the tools that made this image. It represents power, strength, adversity, and peaceful protest. It also transcends the environment it's in, because it doesn't just apply to the Black Lives Matter Movement, it can represent a moment in your life, or reflect an aspect of your story and resonate on a whole personal level as well.
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jorichingsuk · 6 months ago
Details Presentation Burton Driving School
We founded Burton Driving School with one goal in mind: giving our students the best, most rewarding learning experience. Burton Driving School is located in Burton on Trent and reflects the vibrant energy of the area. Our passionate and skilled team members are here to help students achieve their goals.
9 Cascade Close,Burton on Trent,Staffordshire,DE14 1DX
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teresabeadle5 · 8 months ago
Polygonia egea
Polygonia egea by fernando santos Via Flickr: Canon eos 1DX, Canon 400mm 5.6 L lens
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