palebluesunrise · 1 year
Indeed, life can present us with countless challenges and obstacles that seem insurmountable. But we should always remember that these trials are not meant to break us, but to make us stronger. They are a part of our journey, shaping us into who we are and who we are becoming. It's in these moments of struggle that we discover our true resilience and capacity for growth. Each hardship is an opportunity to learn, evolve, and ultimately transcend our past limitations.
In the face of adversity, we must always hold our heads high, not because the world owes us anything, but because we owe it to ourselves. We have the power within us to persevere and to prevail. Our worth isn't determined by the troubles we face, but by how we respond to them. We need to find courage in our despair, hope in our darkest hours, and strength in our vulnerability.
So let us not be disheartened by the trials of life. Instead, let us embrace them with courage and determination, knowing that they are not permanent, and that the sun will rise again. After all, it's often the deepest valleys that lead us to the highest peaks.
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hudasyahdan · 5 years
Sepuluh : Dalam Rangka
"Dalam rangka apa mas?"
Pernah gak pas kamu lagi niat baik terus ada orang yang nanya begituan? Wkwk kalau ada selamat, berarti itu tandanya kita masih kurang sering berbuat baik wkwk.
Dalam hidup ini, sering ya kita itu kadang berbuat baik itu cuma karena ada maunya aja. Pengen ujian, sholatnya rajin biar ketemu penguji yang baik. Pengen responsi, tilawahnya dikencengin, biar kasus yang keluar yang gampang. Dan segala keinginan lainnya. Atau mungkin kadang kita pengen berbagi karena kita habis dapet nikmat dari Allah.
Itu gak salah kok, selama niatnya buat kebaikan dan tetap ikhlas untuk Allah. Tapi bukankah sebenarnya ada banyak alasan buat kita berbuat baik? Lagian juga betapa masih banyak kebaikan yang kita inginkan dan betapa lebih banyak kebaikan yang perlu kita syukuri dalam kehidupan? Aih, atau mungkin bisa dibalik, bukankah kadangkala berbuat baik tak perlu alasan?
Selamat terus berbuat baik ya. Semoga kebaikan kita bisa bertemu dan dipertemukan, kalau enggak di dunia, paling enggak nanti di surga.
Rahmi 15.5.2019
HS Drajad
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eillieneref · 5 years
the power of sabar.
Hari ini, 2 Ramadhan 1440 H... lagi-lagi Allah tunjukkan kekuasanNya melalui perantara kejadian-kejadian yang ada.
"Sholat dulu yoook."
Benar, kalau udah koas gini, mau sholat tepat waktu (sebenarnya) ya nggak susah-susah amat. Hanya harus pintar mencari waktu. Tapi, kita tak pernah tahu apa yang terjadi setelahnya ketika kita mengutamakan Allah lebih dahulu.
Dengan segala hal yang terjadi dari Jumat hingga kemarin, kesabaran yang terus menerus harus mengalir, dan prasangka baik yang senantiasa dipanjatkan kepadaNya.
Alhamdulillaaah alhamdulillaaaah. Allah maha Adil dengan segala keparipurnaanNya!
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dikabicara · 2 years
30 Day, 30 Post
Hello guys! Sudah lama tidak menulis di tumblr lagi. Kali ini saya mau coba buat project menulis baru ya #30day30post sama sih kayak cerita hari ini gitu gitu, tapi kita buat di awal 30 hari aja dulu. Yang mau ikutan sok mangga ya kita nulis bareng bareng! kan asik ya nulis bareng bareng mah wk nanti tuker tukeran komen kita ya!!
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jack2222 · 4 years
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m3lfrancesca · 7 years
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#Repost @komikbangkek ・・・ Kalian tim Street Fighter atau tim Tekken?! . . . 🎮 Street Fighter vs Tekken . . Day 64 #1day1post #komikbangkek #streetfighter #tekken #fight #arcade
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pukiscoklatkacang · 8 years
Kita tidak terancam oleh lisan dan tulisan orang lain. Tapi kita bisa binasa oleh tulisan, lisan dan sikap hina kita sendiri.
Aa Gym
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butterlien · 8 years
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Place to come back. Place to rest. Place to be missed.
Now that I’m in college and life far away from home, everytime I exhausted, tired, feel like crying, or have bad days, I’ll always think about home. But these days even when I’m so happy, or just so so, I’ll think about home. Growing up is really suck. It force you to stand alone. It force you to go far away from home, from your comfort. And I don’t like it. I want to be like Peterpan if I can. Never growing up. Never far from home.
I want to go home. Not just because the comfort given by the space. But because the people inside, my family of course, the memories, the warmth, the dejavu, the scent, and the familiarity that I miss so much and will remind me of mom, in every corner of my home.
And sometimes it’s make me want to cry out loud and tell mom that I miss her so much. And I love her so much that it hurts.
These past years, my home just feels a bit different. It used to be four people living there but now it just two. It always make me sad to just thinking how empty my home is now. And make me really want to go home to accompany my dad and my sister. And tell them that they don’t have to worry, they got me.
I just always hope that they can live heathily and happily for a long long time in that home and to accompany me. Well maybe it’s not have to be that home, but there are memories of mom in there. And I want to treasure it.
And I hope that we will meet again. In the afterlife.
That is my eternal prayer.
January, 14th 2017
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jules-hazard · 3 years
hey guys! it appears that i've unfortunately missed my first round number: 100 followers, and i'm super grateful for your presence and precious feedback! some of you are my beloved mutuals, some of the beautiful people i am yet to know but i'm on my way there :) i deeply appreciate you and encourage to send asks or message me privately if you feel like chatting ❤️💜💙
in the meanwhile i started a side blog dedicated to my exploration of visual/mixed art and search for my own aesthetic. feel free to follow me there!
@saint-somnus ✨
my plans for the side blog:
sharing fun facts i discover in my chaotic studies of art movements and stuff
reblogging artwork with occasional (or not so) comments about my impressions and ideas
starting a 1day1post challenge since it would be fun if i, as a total amateur in any art, made notes of my discoveries every day
sharing my own traditional collage art, bad quality photos and moodboards
reblogging my extra talented boyfriend @al-yen
sooo, welcome!
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kosoren-boy · 3 years
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This person is eating something.
because Ketchup is in him mouth.
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palebluesunrise · 1 year
What's with November?
November is a mystery to me, a question my subconscious persistently poses. A nocturnal dream about a month, bereft of memories, it teases and torments my waking thoughts. Yet, a solitary date rises like a beacon from the fog of uncertainty - November 23.
It was on this day, amid the bare and stark beauty of late autumn, that a life was kindled, a life that spanned twenty-three years. Her life, a rich tapestry woven with threads of exuberant joy and heart-wrenching sorrow, complex patterns of triumph and trial. Her existence, much like the relentless cycle of seasons, had its fair share of sunshine and storm, yet it remained profoundly beautiful in all its hues.
It was her, her life, her spirit that taught me to dream. Before her, I was like the silent earth, unawake to the promise of seeds hidden beneath its surface. But her influence, much like the gentle, persistent touch of spring rains, brought forth a profusion of dreams, a vibrant garden of aspirations within me.
Memories of her are still as vivid, as dew-kissed as the morning leaves of Yggdrasil, the tree of life in Norse mythology. Each recollection is a precious pearl, a moment in time forever immortalized, treasured within the deepest chambers of my heart.
Our shared moments are not just nostalgic reminiscences, they are sacred relics. They represent not just our shared past, but a part of my very being, my identity. And so, each November, each dream, serves as a solemn reminder, a pilgrimage to the sacred place within my heart where her memory dwells. This is the essence of November, the significance of this mysterious date - a celebration of her life, her influence, and the indelible imprint she left on the canvas of my existence.
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hudasyahdan · 5 years
Tujuh : Yang Pertama
Masih ingatkah kita setiap momen pertama yang kita lewati?
Waktu pertama masuk sekolah, kita takut dan menangis karena ditinggal orang tua. Lalu semua berlalu sampai akhirnya kita berani sekolah sendiri bahkan kadang disuruh pulang males-malesan.
Waktu pertama kali disuruh pidato kita berkeringat dingin. Takut banget kalau audiencenya mengkritik kita. Lalu semua berlalu sampai kadang kalau udah dapat mic kita lupa waktu.
Waktu pertama ketemu cadaver kita takut. Mau salaman gak berani. Tapi semua berlalu sampai akhirnya berani ngublek-ublek bahkan jadi asisten anatomi.
Masih ada momen osce pertama, ujian pertama, diuji pertama, jaga pertama, dan hal-hal pertama lainnya. Ada banyak hal pertama yang kita lalui yang mungkin tak seperti yang kita bayangkan, mungkin banyak sedih dan merasa cupil, tapi akhirnya sekarang kita bisa mengenangnya sebagai momen yang menumbuhkan diri dan mendewasakan kita.
Mari berterima kasih untuk diri kita, karena tak pernah berhenti untuk belajar meskipun terkadang salah di percobaan pertama. Tanpa berani memulai langkah pertama itu, mungkin kita tak pernah ada di posisi ini, dimana kita sekarang berada.
Maaf ya kalau nanti aku mengucapnya bergetar, karena mungkin hari itu kali pertama aku menerima titipan yang begitu berat bernama kamu.
Moe 12.5.2019
HS Drajad
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hide10com · 6 years
「最近、こんな映画みました」ってお題だけど、プライム番組「有田と週刊プロレスと」を推す #1Day1Post
View On WordPress
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kongpanhavuth-blog · 7 years
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+​ចំណុច​​​4​យ៉ាង ​ដែល​បុគ្គល​ជោគជ័យ​​​ក្នុង​លោក​ ​មិន​និយាយ​ដាច់ខាត​!​📚📝 (ភាគទី72) -​បុគ្គល​ដែល​ជោគជ័យ ​​ក្នុង​ជីវិត​ ជា​មនុស្ស​ដែល​មាន​ ​ការ​គិត ​និង សកម្មភាព​រប��់​ពួកគេ​គឺ​ផ្ទុយ​ស្រលះ​ពី​មនុស្ស​ធម្មតា។ +តើ​បុគ្គល​​ជោគជ័យមានគំនិតដូម្តេច? ---------------------------------------------------------- 💁ខាងក្រោមនេះជាគំនិត4របស់បុគ្គលជោគជ័យមិនគិត រឺនិយាយដាច់ខាត៖ 1)​​​​វា​​មិនមែនជា​ទំនួល​ខុស​ត្រូវ​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​៖ បុគ្គល​ដែល​ជោគជ័យ ​គឺ​ត្រូវ​តែ​ជា​មនុស្ស​ដែល​មាន​ទំនួល​ខុស​ត្រូវ​ខ្ពស់​។ 2) ​​ខ្ញុំ​ស្អប់​ការងារ​របស់​​ខ្ញុំ​ណាស់​៖ គ្មានបុគ្គលជោគជ័យណាស្អប់​ការងារ​ដែល​ខ្លួន​កំពុង​ធ្វើ​ឡើយ។ 3) ​​​មិន​យុត្តិធម៌​សម្រាប់​ខ្ញុំ​សោះ​៖ ​ក្នុង​ពិភពលោក​នេះ ​​គ្មាន​យុត្តិធម៌​100​%​នោះ​ទេ ​ដោយ​វា​តែងមាន​លើស​​និងខ្វះ​ ​ដូច្នេះ​អ្វី​ដែល​សំខាន់​នោះ អ្នក​មិន​មែន​អង្គុយ​តែ​បន្ទោស ​និង ​រអ៊ូ​ថា ​អ្វីៗ​មិន​យុត្តិធម៌​សម្រាប់​អ្នក​នោះ​ទេ​។ 4) ​​​មិន​អាច​ទៅ​រួច​ទេ​៖ បុគ្គល​ជោគជ័យ​ ​ពួកគេ​មិន​ដែល​គិត​អវិជ្ជមាន​នោះ​ឡើយ​ចំពោះ​ការងារ​អ្វី​ក៏​ដោយ​​ ​ព្រោះ​បើ​គិត​ថា ​មិន​អាច​ទៅ​រួច​ ​វា​ស្មើ​នឹង​​ច���ញ់​មុន​ការ​ប្រកួត​ចាប់​ផ្ដើម​ទៅ​ហើយ​។ ---------------------------------------------------------- 📚សូមរង់ចាំភាគបន្តអំពី៖(🕴​ក្បួន​រកស៊ី​​​6យ៉ាង​ ​ដែល​ជួយ​​ឲ្យ​​​អាជីវកម្ម​ទទួល​ជោគជ័យ📚📝) ---------------------------------------------------------- #1day1post #Businessideas #KongPanhavuth #MBA
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rose-is-blue · 7 years
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my-home-design · 4 years
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1Day1Post # 22 – Mineral Garden x Cactus | Kutch x Couture https://ift.tt/3bgEnnW
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