#1d used to have 2 year gaps between albums
alarrytale · 6 months
I worry that Louis will completely disappear in 2025 when he isn't touring because he never gets papped and goes for weeks without fan pics.
Hi, anon!
I think we'll get a new album from him by then so i'm not worried. If we don’t he needs to find a way to not totally vanish from our conscience, but still create headlines or be present on social media. He can't afford to not create engagement over a long period of time. He'll lose too many fans, and miss out on getting new fans. We know he's writing so i'm not worried. I'm expecting a new album in Q4 or Q1 in 2025.
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ghost-of-you · 11 months
Why do people feel the need to produce break up rumors out of thin air after every tour/album 🫥 the expectations of some people in this fandom are wild to me.
What do people think they should do? Even if it weren't for Michael's baby, they released an album last year and played two tours, of course they'll need some time to recharge now. Why would you expect new music or ANOTHER tour now already?
And they have not said or done anything that would indicate that they are thinking about breaking up and still people choose to be paranoid instead of putting some trust in them and just let them rest.
Idk maybe I'm the opposite of those people who are still traumatised by 1D or whatever but my other favourite band just had a 5 year gap between albums, they didn't play any live shows for like 4 of those years (partly bc of the pandemic od course) and the front man did a solo album + tour in the meantime. One other band member did some stuff as a producer and from like 2 of them I think I saw a total of 4 social media posts during that time lmao. I didn't see a single person worried that they would break up. That never came up as a possibility anywhere. And then I go to 5sos fandom spaces and people are freaking out when the band goes on a break because one of them will have to care for a damn newborn like please 💀
Sorry for ranting, I'm sure you have a lot of this stuff in your inbox now. No need to respond, I just needed to express to someone how truly baffled I am by this behaviour.
Honestly, I blame one direction for a large part of it. Obviously not the boys in 1D but the whole culture and the intensity around them. I like them but I was never in really invested in them so I did watch everything that happened from the outside and I keep seeing the effects of it. A lot of people did not handle their break up and since 5sos has this connection to them that ended bringing fans over to 5sos people get triggered. But it's bullshit because 5sos is a band that wanted to be the band they are. To act as if 5sos is doomed to follow 1Ds footsteps is stupid because 1D was a bunch of kids who didn't want to be in a band, who got put in a band package and explored until they broke. And all of them are doing the thing they wanted all along, which is be solo acts, so the comparison is not fair. You can't compare 5sos to the boyband curse, because they are no are not a boyband. And this is the dumbest argument ever but it is true, 5sos has a lot more freedom with each other to do other things while still keeping the 5sos project alive. Everything they do that's not exactly like the 17 yo posting keeks and doing twitcam from a mansion creating a constant stream of content creates a wave of mass histeria and honestly, I am so tired of it. Even if 5sos were about to take a decade long break, which I don't think they will, they like making music with each other too much to just stop, they can. They gave us over a third of their lives already. They are allowed different dreams.
Also I think there's this layer of desensitization surrounding famous people in general, that makes people not see them as real people with real feelings or see them as this character they get mad won't follow the script they made in their heads. And the whole way some parts of the music industry just want a really fast rotation that's not really possible and things like K-pop that end up having a higher rotation that creates a bigger stream of content that's not really sustainable in a healthy way for very long but creates a weird expectation anyway. And people think they're allowed to demand shit just because (and this goes from the temper tantrum for the lack of tour to the obnoxious hbg chanting)
5sos already did the killing themselves for the band. Now they live and have a band. I rather to see things this way. They are happy, they are thriving in other aspects of life. If that means waiting another 2, 3, 5, 10 years for new music, so be it. To use 5sos own metaphor, they're driving the bus, we're just along for the ride so whatever stops and turns they want is what goes. They can do whatever they want because is their life and it's their band. And I'm not worried they're gonna break up. Not even a little bit. If not seeing them for a year while Michael settles into being a father is what it takes for them to be happy and healthy, then so be it, let them exist outside the band.
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whenyouknowyouknow · 4 years
Harry the Womanizer
 This thing started because I find the whole womanizer image of Harry absolutely disgusting and wanted people to see how utterly bad and wrong it was.
Please be aware that the following does not reflect Harry’s personality but it shows us the image their label wanted him to be seen as.
Some disclaimer about where the data comes from
written, digital coverage (no print,  1-2 videos, no radio)
google search “Harry Styles”, I looked through the first 20 hits each month but didn’t read all of them ( headlines usually are a dead giveaway if an article contains a new “conquest”)
I did not list every woman that was mentioned in the same article as Harry. Also not those that showed interest in him. But most of those that were said he showed interest in (I might have skipped a few in the worst years just bc it was so freaking disgusting)
Often articles contained offhand comments about his pulling power or unrelatedly recounting his latest conquests in any given article to enforce the womanizer image. These did not make it into the list.
Deleted articles are of course not included (as of Aug 2020)
Some of the women turn up again for a round 2 (or 3 or 4), I only mention them once a year tho
I put the women into the list on the date the news coverage happened/started because many articles date back things by saying  “pics have circulated since…” “They have been reportedly seen together since…” or simply tell a story that supposedly happened a few years prior
Some dates overlap. Thats either bc they pushed several woman at once (very effective to drive the whole womanizer image home) or its bc one woman was seeded in while the other was happening.
Because this is a freaking long post, I’ll put it under the “read more”
About the list
split by years
each year has Harrys age for that given year in brackets
each data set has in brackets the age, occupation and date of news coverage for the woman (if available)
winter gf get their own category as they sometimes overlap with other woman
Some of the woman get brought back up (not just mentioned in passing), those are listed at the end of each year with the dates when they where brought back up
“again” is for those who dated him again
Women linked to Harry
2010 (16)
5(?) girls from bootcamp
Cher Loyd (17, txf fellow contestant, Oct)
unnamed girl fan (13.11.)
2011 (17)
Adele (23, singer, 27.09.)
Sarita Borge (record executive, 29.11.)
Caroline Flack (31, txf, 23.10.-27.01.)
2012 (18)
Pixie Geldoff (21, 09.02.)
Alexa Chung (28, model, 16.02)
Alexandra Burke (23, txf, 20.02.)
Jo Wood (56, ex of Ronny Wood 21.02.)
Denise Welch (54, actress, 21.02.)
Georgia May Jagger (20, Mick Jagger daughter, 21.02.)
Sarah-Louise Colivet (24, photographer, 11.04.)
Lily Halpern (19, singer, 11.04.)
Jillian Harris (32, reality TV star, 13.04.)
Emma Ostilly (18, actor for Gotta be You MV -  22.04.) 
Ellis Calcutt (18(?), friend, deniedm, 30.04.)
Emily Atack (22, TV star, 20.05.)
unnamed girl (Article about her one night stand with H, 06.06.)
Lucy Horobin (32, radio presenter, 24.06., dated back to Aug-Oct 2011)
Caggie Dunlop (23, TV star, 12.07.)
Allyssa Reid (19, singer, 23.07.)
Blond girl with pink bag (from a night out, 26.07.)
Cara Delevingne (19, Model, 05.08.)
Natalie Imbruglia (37, singer actress 28.09.)
Taylor Swift (22 singer 19.10.-07.01. (fling dated back to April 2012 then getting back together)
2013 (19)
Hermione Way (27, reality star, 08.01.)
Millie Brady (18, actress, 24.02.)
Shaniece Nesbitt (fan, 11.03.)
Yvette Fielding (44, TV presenter, 11.03.)
Fia Litton (niece of Preston Mahon (security), 14.03)
Chelsea Ferguson (25, stripper, 14.04)
Kimberly Stewart (33, confirmed by Rod, 27.04.)
Camilla Foss (18, fan in oslo, 09.05.)
Kara Rose Marshall (22, model, 03.07.)
Alexis Allen (19, fan, 21.07.)
Cara Delevingne (20, model, 11.09.)
Paige Reifler (17, model, 30.09.)
Sjana Earp (18, model, 25.10.)
Samantha Armytage (36, TV presenter, 27.10.)
Daisy Lowe (24, model, 01.12.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 01.02./11.09.)
Kendall Jenner (17, model, 21.10. - 23.02)
2014 (20)
mystery brunette (20.01.)
Alison Mosshart (35, singer, 07.03.)
Daisy Lowe (25, model, 11.04.)
Larissa de Macedo Machado (21, brazilian popstar, 08.05.)
Lou Teasdale (30, hairdresser, 26.05.)
Sinitta (45, Smons ex, 22.07.)
Paige Reifler (18, again, model, 25.07.)
Meghan Trainor (20, singer, 27.08.)
blond woman (at Coldplay concert, 18.09.)
Katy Perry (29, singer, 01.10.)
Erin Foster (31, 08.10.)
Kate Moss (40, model, 03.11.)
two blond woman (leaving a club in LA with H, 30.11.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 12.02./02.03./20.08./14.10./04.12.)
Emily Atack (brought back up, 23.03.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 26.03.)
Nadine Leopold (20, model, 20.12.- 12.03.)
2015 (21)
Emma Watson (24, actress, 14.01. dated back to 26.12.14)
Suki Waterhouse (23, actress, 05.04.)
Joy Muggli (23, talent agent, 12.05.)
Sara Sampaio (23, model, 15.06.)
Georgia Fowler (22, model, inspiration for Kiwi, 15.10.)
Nicole Scherzinger (34, singer, 17.10., dated back to 2013)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 15.01./13.02./10.03./08.05./13.10./28.10.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 24.05./11.10.)
Kendall Jenner (again, 30.12.- 31.01.)
2016 (22)
Pandora Lennard (28, model 31.01.)
Lindsay Lohan (30, actress, 10.03., dated back unspecified)
Kendall Jenner (again, 05.09.)
Kara Rose Marshall (brought back up, 07.10.)
Suki Waterhouse (again + dated back to 2013, 11.11.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 01.02.)
2017 (23)
Tess Ward (26, food blogger, 09.05.)
Townes Adair Jones (20s, 17.05., dated back to 2014)
Camille Rowe (31, model, 31.07.)
Sjana Earp (22, again, 05.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 18.04./12.05./03.09./09.11.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 31.01.)
2018 (24)
Delta Goodrem (33, voice coach, 27.04.) 
Camille Rowe (ends 31.07.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 15.07./12.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 21.03./)
2019 (25)
Kiko Mizuhara (28, denied by K, 12.01.)
Camille Rowe (brought back up, 22.11.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 11.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 23.08./04.11./13.12.)
2020 (26)
Daisy Lowe (brought back up, 20.06.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 02.03./24.07.)
data from here on is not included in the graphs, I will keep adding when things happen
Tracee Ellis Ross (48, actress, 28.10.)
The age differences
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The graph shows clearly how
the age gaps are very big in the beginning, likely to attract an older audience in addition to the usual target audience of teenage girls
the amount of woman linked to Harry gets smaller each year because in later years, articles could just reference his history with woman
the amount of woman linked and mentioned in regards to Harry gets significantly lower after hiatus started
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A rough timeline of women that where connected to Harry over the years
Why give Harry the womanizer image?
Would the image of a womanizer not damage the image of 1D?
If they’d portrait him as a sleeze it would have surely damaged the overal image of 1D. But Harrys image portrait him as charming, a bit quirky and overall an airhead that likes people and doesn’t want to be tied down. Thus giving the illusion of being potentially available to every woman and showing them a good, no strings attached, time. Which is a massive selling point for boybands to increase the age range of their fans.
In addition, all his conquests would be used to stir up drama or simply generate attention at crucial times to get 1D in the press without mentioning their current promo focus in every headline.
The winter girlfriends had a special role as they were the only ones actively worked as continuous dating. To build some attachment, have a continuous storyline that could be tied to the just released album and bridge the holiday pause, and when the relationship ended generate more drama to be used for promo.
Harry did keep on using his womanizer image to promote both his solo albums but in a very controlled manner. The numbers of new woman linked to him declined to 1 in 2019, for now we are at 0 (1) in 2020
HS promo used 3 woman as inspirations for songs (Towns, Fowler, Swift) and a tour gf (Rowe)
FL promo only uses the previous tour gf as now ex to push the storyline of a breakup album
He is very visibly changing his image while still maintaining a level of connection to his old image. Whether that's due to contractual restrictions or a strategy to not alienate to many fans is unclear
Jeff Azoff
For what I’ve seen Jeff and Harry seem close (the Azoff family having him on family pictures, posted by Jeff’s brother)
Looking at the timeline of Jeff and Harry
2014-03-25 first mention of Harry at Azoff family home in an article about Irvin
2014-04-23 first pics of Harry and Jeff at a sports event (Jeff named as a friend, no name or position yet)
2014-12-22 Jeff not named yet but identified as his agent
2015-01-10 first time Jeff being named and being the link between Harry and a woman
2016-03-07 Jeff leaves CAA as a music agent and launches his own company Full Stop Management
2016-03-11 Harry confirmed to have joined Full Stop Management
Jeff likely took over as Harry’s agent in early 2014. In 2015 Harry’s image change starts to become aparent and changed drastically after hiatus.
Harry choosing Jeffs management firm as soon as he left Modest is a clear indication that he feels Jeff will represent him how he wants
The Timeline - Women connected to Harry and Promo
I started the visual timeline in end 2011 when his womanizer image started to take off
The instances before where likely used as seeding for this image (first instance was a segment in txf where he was linked to 5 of the girl contestants and funny enough one older guy)
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purple - women from the entertainment industry
pink - fans/no-names
lilac - winter gf
dark burgundy - thos who date him again
dusky pink - brought back up
light blue - single release
royal blue - album release
mid blue - other releases
dark turquoise - tour legs
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Adendum: a few numbers analyzed,
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sunflowervolvimp3 · 4 years
Well I imagine Liam did that because unless your name is Niall horan or Harry styles interviewers only care about his one direction days they discuss his first album success the ask about 1d and if he tries not to discuss the band people assume somethings wrong between him and the boys and answering questions about them/ praising them apparently leads people to think his album wasn’t good enough and he wants clout. Even though it was his band too and he can discuss it however he chooses.
In regards to age difference Liam is only 6 years older than his fiancé, Taylor was 4 years older than Harry when they dated, not to mention he’s also been linked to Caroline, Nicole scherzinger, and coucou who might I add is 8 years older than him. You may not like his music or his actions but we can’t praise Harry and shame Liam when the behavior is pretty much the same.
alrighty i wasn’t even going to respond to this at first because we’ve had this debate so many times and i am truly tired of having it so point blank period. i’m not a fan of liam. i don’t like his new music and i don’t really care about him so if that’s an issue for you then you can just stop following my account and we can both save some time and go our separate ways!!!! but what you said about the age thing caught my attention so i wanted to address that.
when i talk about big age gaps in relationships being strange to me, there are three things i consider: how old each person is in relation to the other, where they are at in their lives, and how does all of that affect a power balance in the relationship.
you mentioned harry’s past relationships, which have had larger gaps, and i’m glad you did!! however, you’re incorrect in saying i praise harry and shame liam for the same behaviour, because the behaviour is not the same. in a relationship with a large age gap, the fault always falls on the person who is older. i don’t care how mature you think someone is, or how grown up they seem, because you, as the older person, should be able to remember what you were like at that age, realize how much you’ve grown, and see that that younger person is at a different stage in their life.
so let’s talk about those three things i mentioned shall we!! to begin in broad aspects, i don’t think age gaps in relationships are inherently unhealthy, depending on how old each person is and what stage of life they are in. a four year age gap is illegal and predatory when the two people are 15 and 19, but at 28 and 32? that’s perfectly fine, because it is 1.) legal!! and 2.) a gap where both people are still in the same stage of their lives!! each person has finished puberty, maybe gone to university, maybe has a career, maybe has an apartment, but either way: they are both within the same stage of their lives. a 6 year age gap between a 14 year old and a 20 year old is predatory. an age gap between a 26 year old and a 32 year old?? could be a little big, but they’ve still completed a lot of the same milestones!! they’re both adults, they’ve both made it through their early 20s, they’ve both been out of school and seen the world!! 
now. liam is 26 and his girlfriend is 20, and they started dating at when liam was 24 and she was 18. at 24, liam had been in the spotlight for roughly eight years, released multiple albums, gone on multiple world tours, made millions of dollars, and had become recognizable by sight, if not by name.
and his girlfriend had just graduated high school.
try to wrap your head around that for a minute. think about what you were like when you graduated high school. how you saw the world. how you thought you knew the world. think about how a month before, you had to ask permission to use the bathroom. think about how a lot of people graduating were still growing, still developing, and still learning how to think for themselves. 
let’s say liam wasn’t famous. let’s take fame out of the equation. if he were a regular 24 year old, he’d maybe be graduated from university, moved out on his own, maybe had a job working in an office, or at a company, or something. he’d be paying rent, making connections, and be living an adult life. and his girlfriend wouldn’t even be able to legally drink yet.
think about the power imbalance there!! think about an adult man, looking at a newly 18 year old girl, and pursuing a relationship with her. and this 18 year old girl, listening to a man with a car, and a job, and an apartment, and so many other big, adult, grown up things, telling her she’s pretty, and mature, and lovely, and all these other things that make her feel special. because she’s not like other girls her age. she is special.
now throw in liam’s actual life at 24, the millions he has, and the fame, and realize how that power imbalance triples. think about how maya was around 10 years old when one direction formed. think about how she’s seen liam in the news and on magazines and on a pedestal for over half her life. and none of this even mentions that he has a child, who his girlfiend--now fiancee--will become a stepmother to. at 20 years old.
and that’s not to say that liam hasn’t been on the lower end of a power imbalanced relationship!! i haven’t forgotten that cheryl cole is 11 years older than him, meaning that when she first met liam on the x factor when he was 14, she was 25!!!! and then less than 10 years later, they had a child together!! in my opinion, that’s grooming, and it’s awful, and i don’t think it’s right. but that doesn’t excuse liam’s behaviour here.
which is why, as i said, i don’t consider harry’s relationships and liam’s to be in the same category. harry and caroline’s relationship, with him being 17 and her being 32 (?), has creeped me out since i first heard about it at 13. it was wrong. it was a huge power imbalance. i’m 22, and i consider an 18 year old a child. how could someone in their 30s see a 17 year old and think it’s okay to pursue a romantic and sexual relationship with them? they haven’t even finished puberty. they’re a child.
harry and taylor, as well, had a larger gap, and it does make me feel a little off when i think about it. granted, they were both doing the same thing and so relatively at the same time in their lives--touring the world, releasing albums, dealing with paps and press--but it was still a larger gap and not something i would do. 
idk anything about nicole scherzinger, but as for camille, the same thing kind of applies in my opinion?? it was a larger gap, yes, but they were both adults, both fully developed, both at relatively the same place in their lives, and hadn’t just become legal.
with age gaps, i find the older both people are when it happens, the more acceptable it is, because after a certain point, you’re at the same stage in your life and are thinking about the same things and have the same goals. and this is all a matter of opinion, so you can have yours, but you cannot convince me that liam, a father, dating a girl who had just graduated high school, is not creepy. the age gap of 6 years isn’t what’s bad-- it’s what stage of life they’re at.
and that’s my opinion!! i went a lot longer on this rant than i meant to because i wanna put it to bed!! i’ve gotten so many asks about liam’s relationship every time i say i don’t care for him or i think it’s weird and i’m done so!! this is it!! take it or leave it!!
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[지드래곤/태양] GD·태양, 美퓨즈TV '음악계 위대한 브로맨스' 선정..아시아 유일
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[지드래곤/태양] GD·태양, 美퓨즈TV '음악계 위대한 브로맨스' 선정..아시아 유일
GD·태양, 美 퓨즈TV ‘음악계 위대한 브로맨스’ 선정..아시아 유일
[OSEN=선미경 기자] 그룹 빅뱅의 지드래곤과 태양이 미국 FUSE TV가 선정한 ‘음악계 위대한 브로맨스’에 아시아 가수로 유일하게 이름을 올렸다. 4일(현지시간) FUSE TV는 밸런타인데이를 맞아 현재 음악계의 진한 우정을 나누는 팀을 꼽아 간단한 스토리를 전했다. 서로를 형제처럼 사랑하며 경쟁자임에도 불구하고 서로에게 좋은 영향을 끼치는 17팀이 선정됐다. 지드래곤과 태양은 저스틴 팀버레이크와 제이지, 저스틴 비버와 제이든 스미스, 에미넴과 닥터드레, 제이지와 카니예 웨스트, 폴 매카트니와 존 레논 등 세계적인 뮤지션들과 함께 어깨를 나란히 했다. FUSE TV는 “지드래곤과 태양의 유대는 ‘원 오브 어 카인드’다. 13년 우정을 이어온 둘은 월드 투어를 하는 지금까지도 매우 가까운 사이다”라고 언급하며 두 사람의 우정을 전했다. 또 지드래곤이 태양의 최근 싱글 ‘링가링가’를 프로듀싱, 지원사격한 점을 말하며 두 사람의 음악적 시너지를 언급했다. 태양과 지드래곤은 13살의 어린 나이에 YG 엔터테인먼트로 영입돼 빅뱅의 시초가 된 가장 절친한 사이다. 항상 서로에게 ����� 받으며 함께 활동해 온 두 사람은 13년 동안 가장 좋은 친구이자 경쟁자로 지내왔다. 앞으로 두 사람이 어떤 시너지를 발휘, 무엇을 보여줄 지 그 행보에 주목할 만하다.http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=shm&sid1=106&oid=109&aid=0002707222
Valentine’s DayMusic’s 17 Greatest BromancesThese musical dudes love each other like brothers and bring out the best in one another, even when they’re at each other’s throats. From Jay and ‘Ye to Adam Levine and Blake Shelton, these are music’s greatest bromance storiesJeff Benjamin  /  February 4, 20141. Jay Z + Kanye West
Jay and ‘Ye: The hip hop kings that recorded a chart-topping joint album and date fellow queens in music and reality TV, respectively. Who can better relate to one another than these two?2. Adam Lambert + Kris AllenEven as Glamberts screamed in disbelief when Allen was named the Season 8 champ of ‘American Idol,’ the theatrical singer embraced his competitor with a huge hug. Allen has called his former roommate “one of the best guys I’ve known” while Lambert said his competitor was “the one guy I found attractive in the whole group on the show.” Doesn’t get more bromantic than that!3. LL Cool J + Brad PaisleyThe unlikely hip hop/country couple crafted one of 2013’s most universally-panned tracks, “Accidental Racist,” but not even that could shake their bond. The “blood brothers,” as Paisley refers to them, teamed up again for a track on LL’s latest LP, ‘Authentic.’4. Adam Levine + Blake SheltonAmerica has fallen in love watching the pop-rock prettyboy and the country hunk send witty jabs and mushy compliments to one another on ‘The Voice.’ It shows in their ratings.5. Eminem + Dr. DreEvery rap fan knows Dre is credited with blowing Em’s career up to multi-platinum level. But their tight bond was documented in their hit collabo “I Need a Doctor,” with Shady rapping, “I owe my life to you” as the doctor counters, “All I see is Slim / F-ck all you fairweather friends, all I need is him.”6. A$AP Rocky + A$AP FergBuds since childhood, the inseparable A$AP duo commonly refer to themselves as brothers. Their constant public support for each other—whether it be touring and collaborating together or inappropriately plugging ‘Trap Lord’ a la Rocky at the VMAs—is unbelievably endearing.7. Mick Jagger + Keith RichardsOnly the closest celeb buds can make jokes about each other’s penises and get away with it. Richards mocked Jagger’s junk in his autobiography—saying it “doesn’t quite fill the gap”—but the frontman forgave his guitarist ahead of the Rolling Stones’ 50th anniversary tour.8. Justin Bieber + Jaden SmithAs in-demand teen stars, Justin and Jaden have a lot in common. The duo have recorded together (giving us Bieb’s Top 10 hit “Never Say Never”), they hit up L.A. Lakers games for fun and Smith’s dad Will (maybe you’ve heard of him?) frequently calls Bieber to give him career advice. 9. Jay Z + Justin TimberlakeIf collabos like “Holy Grail” and “Suit & Tie” didn’t indicate a special synergy between Jay Z and JT, watching them perform live mashups of “Izzo” and “Senorita” on their “Legends of Summer” joint tour proved that their studio chemistry is just as fiery in real life.10. Diddy + Notorious B.I.G. Puff is the man who helped Biggie leave his drug-dealing past and propelled him to superstar status. After B.I.G.’s untimely death in 1997, Diddy never let us forget the fallen rapper’s legacy, most notably via the No. 1 single “Missing You” featuring Biggie’s wife Faith Evans.11. Bruce Springsteen + Clarence ClemonsWhen the E Street Band saxophonist passed away in 2011, Springsteen posted a touching eulogy for his “lifelong friend” on his website detailing their brotherly connection. “My pal was a tough act, but he brought things into your life that were unique,” Springsteen wrote. “When he turned on that love light, it illuminated your world. I was lucky enough to stand in that light for almost 40 years.” D’aww.12. Justin Timberlake + TimbalandJT’s trusted Timbo to work on all his solo records and their chemistry produced recent pop classics like “Cry Me a River,” “SexyBack,” “Suit & Tie” and many more. You don’t knock out that many hits with just anyone.13. G-Dragon + TaeyangThe bond between these two K-pop stars is truly one of a kind. With more than 13 years of friendship under their belt, the BIGBANG members met as hopeful trainees in South Korea and continue to stay close as they tour the world. Most recently, G-Dragon produced Taeyang’s latest single “Ringa Linga.”14. Paul McCartney + John LennonWhile the prolific Beatles songwriters’ relationship was notoriously rocky, you can’t deny the amazing chemistry the two had in their early career. It’s something music history has yet to recreate.15. Macklemore + Ryan LewisAfter befriending each other on MySpace, the rapper and producer hit gold with their collaborative album ‘The Heist’ that spawned a handful of hit singles and GRAMMYs. “We have different opinions all the time,” Macklemore told Fuse in late 2012. “But Ryan and I are very good about verbally communicating. That’s what keeps the creative relationship and friendship, first and foremost, in working order.”16. Iggy Pop + David BowieYou be hard-pressed to find friends who admired one another more than Bowie and Iggy. The ‘Ziggy Stardust’ singer propelled his buddy’s career into the public consciousness after producing several of Iggy’s albums (and even touring as the keyboardist in Iggy’s band).17. One Direction
All of them, all of the time. Seriously, what other group of lads looks like they have as much fun as 1D?! Answer: None.
지디와비 88라인..!
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