maidoookini · 2 years
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Happy New Year 2023 #happynewyear #happynewyear2023 #1january #kimono #kimonostyle (長瀬神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3X2YIPeoS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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proponenttechnologies · 9 months
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Wishing you a New Year filled with innovation, success, and endless possibilities! 🚀✨ May 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 continue to lead in groundbreaking advancements. Here's to a year of growth and prosperity! 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫! 🎉🥂
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ventyherdian29 · 2 years
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And So The Adventure Begins ! 💜 New adventures are around the corner #HAPPYNEWYEAR #2023 #1JANUARY #BTS #BTSARMY #ARMYLIFE #BANGTANBOYS (di BTS - ARMY Forever) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4RrAXv2lE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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onphione · 2 years
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#onphione #happynewyear #happynewyear2023 #january #1january #2023 #artwork #art #painting #photooftheday #phonephotography #pictureoftheday #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm29-pzP7sf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hsc285 · 2 years
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Happy 2023, everyone. #happynewyear #happynewyear2023 #2023 #1january #partywear #partyglow #newyear2023 #newyear https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2x2m7o7b8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grammarrrrrr · 2 years
Happy new years!
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bayuvedha · 2 years
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Kita ingin menjadi berarti, menjadi bermakna bagi orang-orang yang kita kasihi.. Maka jangan takut untuk bersepakat dan menyatakannya menjadi sebuah janji.. Karena dengan bersepakat, kehidupan akan semakin ringan dijalani.... Terimakasih atas kepercayaan terbaiknya @_kanay___ 😊🙏... #akad #bersepakat #life #bayuvedha #vd #KLIK #id #SaveJomblo #fyp #1january #anniversary #2022 #2023 #beranda #ig #post (di Tulungagung) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2UvnnBVFfv8a-36i6z-HLab9GiCOyHhpWqZA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haarlemupdates · 2 years
Op zondag 1 januari 2023 kon iedereen weer een frisse start van het nieuwe jaar maken met de traditionele Nieuwjaarsduik in Zandvoort. Het was de 63e editie van deze oudste en gezelligste Nieuwjaarsduik van Nederland. Vanaf 12.00 uur was het ter hoogte van de rotonde één groot feest. Op het strandpodium waren optredens van artiesten. Rond 13.45 uur begon de belangrijke warming-up voor de duikers. De buiten temperatuur was rond de veertien graden. De temperatuur van het zeewater rond de zeven graden. Bij het aftellen voor de start was het enthousiasme van de deelnemers zo groot dat er te vroeg werd gestart met rennen. Na de duik was het tijd om weer warm te worden met een lekkere kop erwtensoep. Ieder jaar verbindt de Nieuwjaarsduik Zandvoort zich aan een goed doel. Dit jaar konden mensen doneren voor Ontmoetingscentrum De Zandstroom. De Zandstroom is een innovatieve club waar mensen met een ‘haperend brein’ elkaar kunnen ontmoeten. Hier ontstaan nieuwe vriendschappen tussen mensen die er iedere dag een feestje van maken. Een reportage van Foto Ad Schaap.        
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 months
CDAN Reveal - Yacht Girl Snared Prince Via Two Week Sexual Romp In Exhchange For Insider Info by u/Realistic_Twist_8212
CDAN Reveal - Yacht Girl Snared Prince Via Two Week Sexual Romp In Exhchange For Insider Info THURSDAY, JULY 04, 2024Blind Items Revealed #1January 11, 2024For many years, this almost A- list actress precariously balanced herself between dating and yachting. She thought of it as dating upward and there are perks such as lifestyle and glamor and gifts of dating upward rather than yachting in the traditional sense. It was through  her willingness to straddle the line that she fit right in with an organization that has locations all over the world to facilitate meetings between the wealthy and the attractive people who are drawn to the wealthy. Our actress made it a point to befriend someone who worked for the organization and could put you in a position to be in front of someone wealthy and looking, or this person could could also keep you from any possible interaction with their patrons. I have discussed this relationship between the actress and the person in the organization. What I didn't know until very recently, is that to facilitate a meeting she really desperately wanted and the inside information of what buttons to push, she slept with the higher up in the organization. He didn't and doesn't normally work on a quid pro quo basis, but he did that day and the next day and for nearly two weeks. Our actress was fully on board and got her meeting.Meghan Markle/Soho House/Markus Anderson/Ron BurklePOSTED BY ENT LAWYER  post link: https://ift.tt/xHMo0Zc author: Realistic_Twist_8212 submitted: July 04, 2024 at 08:20PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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Heya! How are y'all doing today? I am doing well. I hope your day/afternoon/nite has been absolutely wonderful and continues to be. However, if your day has been utterly craptastic , know that it gets better and that I am sending you a hug...(((Hug)))
In the shop news for today, we are kicking off our "Christmas in July" sale just prior to closing the commissions shop for the season. I was right in that I have to pull the Reed, so yall will see it under a different name next season. However, the Casey is nearly finished and should be completed this week, so she'll still be in this seasons collection.
This season, I have learned a lot, and I look forward to next season with renewed vigor and vitality. I hope to have at least the winter/spring line done before 1January when the commissions shop reopens. This will leave me with the spring summer collection to do during our 'Stitch and Breathe' over on YT.
Anyways, existing things are happening, either way.
Hope you have a FANTABULOUS day!!
Much Love!
Huge Hugs!
Happy Knitting!
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Curriculum for the Solo Writer
Some years ago I came across Radiorunner’s Curriculum for the Solo Artist. Ever since then I have wanted to produce the same thing for creative writing. And here it is, or, at least, the beginning of it. This is a project that is going to take some time to complete.
What will make up the curriculum?
I am going to draw on the following sources:
Youtube videos
Writing prompts and projects
The idea is to bring together available resources into a curriculum that can be followed. For the most part, the content will be free or low cost. There are some expensive options available and some of them are excellent in terms of what they might offer. However, there are lots of people for whom those are out of reach, and so this list will be aimed at them.
What will the content look like?
Each month will contain a topic and prompts. You can use these together, or simply use the prompts for practicing your craft in some way. In addition, once every quarter a month will be dedicated to creating alone. Because practice is the best teacher. You don’t have to follow this, but its there if you want the structure (and for me).
The Solo Writer’s Year
Quarter 2
April - Camp NaNo May - Mermay Prompts + Learning June - Prompts + Learning
Quarter 1
January - Prompts + Learning February - Flash February March - Music Prompts + Learning
Quarter 4
October - Inktober Prompts + Learning November - NaNoWriMo December - Prompts + Learning
Quarter 3
July - Camp NaNo August - Prompts + Learning September - Prompts + Learning
What content will be provided?
I will host a list of possible materials to study and prompts to practice from. I will attempt to provide content for all fiction writers, though some modules might tend towards certain genres. A rough outline will be:
Ideas and Preparation
Being a Writer
Revision and Editing
Marketing and Publication
While this will be the general order of things, some elements will be interspersed with one another.
How can I get involved?
I’d like to encourage people to respond to posts on this site, Instagram, Tumblr or Discord with their own responses to the content. I will link these options in the course. Post how you are using it. Post things that might help other writers to get the most from it. Post alternative resources. I am a single writer with a single methodology and and preference for certain genres. The more experiences we can bring together, the more useful this resource will be.
Please feel free to promote this resource if you think it is helpful.
How much will this cost me?
That is up to you. My thinking is that you will get some value from the books included, and at least some of these might be worth buying. I will keep a list of these and the cost of them (at the time of writing). If you want to spend money on the courses, you can. I may or may not purchase them and will make clear which ones I have completed myself. I know some people prefer to learn in this way, so if I come across a course I am confident will have value, I will list it. The videos and books are sufficient for me.
I am not going to make money from this. If I ever charge for content, it will be content I have created. If anyone makes money from this, it should be the people whose content I am suggesting.
How often will you update this content?
For quite some time I will be generating new content, rather than updating old content. If I come across something that stands out, I will update the module at the time. Otherwise, when the curriculum is complete, I will go through and do an update on the whole set. Beyond that, we’ll see.
If you have content you think would fit in well, or know of content that may be useful, please post it under a linked post. That is the first place I will look for updates.
You’ve listed my content and I would like it removed.
Just let me know. I’ll remove it.
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saudarimu · 9 months
Hari ke 1: Memulai lagi tanpa resolusi
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Sempat terbesit niat untuk ikut #30haribercerita2024 meski tulisan saya gak bagus-bagus banget dan ceritaku gak menarik-menarik banget. Tapi saya meragukan kekonsistenan saya sendiri dalam hal tulis-menulis. Buktinya masih hari kedua tapi saya sudah gak ada bahan sama sekali. Meski begitu saya ingin memposting curhatan saya di tanggal 1Januari 2024 dengan jawaban ini.
Di saat orang-orang optimis membuka halaman baru perjalanan hidup mereka, di saat orang-orang membawa kabar bahagia tentang pergantian status bersamaan dengan pergantian tahun, di saat orang-orang penuh harap menata kembali mimpi yang belum tercapai untuk dibangun kembali, aku mengawali tahun ini dengan kepala yang sakit akibat kurang tidur karena kemeriahan kembang api dan suara heboh tetangga beserta rasa insecure karena bekas jerawat belum hilang dari tahun kemarin dan wajah yang belum berubah menjadi cerah dari kekusaman sebanyak apapun pelembab yang kugunakan.
Dibanding duduk di tengah keluarga aku memilih menikmati kesendirian di dalam kamar kosong yang tak berpemilik. Menghirup aroma kayu dari lemari yang baru jadi ditemani suara hujan deras yang amat sangat kusyukuri turun siang ini.
Kedengarannya menyedihkan ya? Seperti tidak ada bahagia dan semangat sama sekali. Tapi yang sebenarnya terjadi adalah aku yang ingin menyembunyikan rasa malu dan rendah diriku. Aku yang tidak ingin menaruh harap dan ekspektasi terlalu tinggi pada segala hal yang tidak berada dalam kekuasaanku. Serta aku yang berulangkali bertemu kegagalan sehingga tidak lagi ingin mendahului kehendak Tuhan.
Tidak ada lagi daftar resolusi. Tidak ada lagi mimpi yang sangat kuharapkan tahun ini bisa terjadi. Yang tersisa hanya manusia yang sudah pasrah dan berserah. Sudahlah raga dan batin terlalu lelah seperti ingin pergi tapi sangat takut merasakan sakit. Jika memang seperti ini mau diapakan lagi?
Makassar, 1 Januari 2024
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rptv1 · 2 years
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Planet Comics #1
January 1940
cover art by Will Eisner and Lou Fine
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Tanaka Tatsuya-Rice Cake Moon.
1January 2023
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Tanaka Tatsuya
Fotógrafo y escritor especializado en miniaturas nacido en la prefectura de Kumamoto en 1981. Goza de popularidad en internet gracias al sitio web Miniature Calendar, en el que presenta fotografías de objetos cotidianos vistos desde una perspectiva peculiar que los transforma en algo diferente. Los distintos medios de comunicación también se han fijado en la página y le han dado cobertura. Además de trabajar en diversos proyectos de publicidad, en 2017 se encarga de la secuencia de apertura de la serie Hiyokko, emitida por el canal de televisión NHK. Entre sus libros de fotografía destacan Miniature Life y Miniature Life 2 (Vida en miniatura y Vida en miniatura 2), publicados por la editorial Suiyōsha, y Small Wonders (Pequeñas maravillas), de Nippan Ips
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guitartechindonesia · 2 years
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. GuitarTech⚡Indonesia : Selamat Ulang Tahun ke 6th and Happee Nuu Yerr 2023 , Kakkakk Boss... @quinn_carrissa Papa ... Mama ... ucapkan..... Selamat Panjang Umur dan Happee Selalu , Kakkakk Boss... Papa ... Mama ... 'kan DOA'kan. Selamat Sejahtera, Sehat Sentosa.. Selamat Panjang Umur dan Bahagia.. HEPPEE BESTday en HEPPEEE NUU YERR... Kakkakk Boss... PAPA ... MAMA ... LOVE U... @quinn_carrissa 😘😘😘 . . #happybirthday #selamatulangtahun #quinncarrissa #davidbogarts #wichaniyadewi #carrissaquinn #bowic #happynewyear #happynewyear2023 #selamattahunbaru #selamattahunbaru2023 #indonesia #babysing #babybirthday #ulangtahun #ulangtahunanak #lovechild #papalove #carrissalove #2023 #1january #lovelove (at GuitarTech ϟ Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm3trP1LKAp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vikashnik · 2 years
कोई मुझसे पहले न 🥰बोल दे
इसलिए सोचा ♥️🎉क्यों न आज ही 
आपको हैप्पी न्यू इयर बोल दूं।🎉🎉❤️💕💕😊
Happy New year advance mein 2023☺️♥️🌹🎁🎀🎈🎊🎉🧨
#instnewyear #happynewyear2023
#newyear2023🎉 #viral post #31 #31december #newyear @vikashnik07 #january2023 #1january
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