Going to Gigglecorp social and getting worried about popping a boner around Jeff and Cory
This reads like an imagine
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chozoremake · 1 year
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this looks like one of these 1Dimagine but with rv
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1dimagineoutfits · 5 years
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shadowfire1393 · 4 years
Waiting Forever is Nothing
“Jocelyn, dear, here let me help you with your veil.” her mother, Janet said when she saw her struggling to put the veil on. Today was Jocelyn’s wedding day and she was marrying the man of her dreams, Harry Styles. Her best friend was standing next to her helping Jocelyn’s mother pin her veil into her hair. When they were done, she turned to look at herself in the mirror in awe.
“You look so beautiful, Joce!” Anna exclaimed. Jocelyn smiled at her with tears in her eyes, and Anna helped her wipe them away without messing up her make up.
“I will go tell everyone you are ready,” Janet said before leaving the room.
“And I will go get the boys ready. We all know they probably aren’t done and are in a little need of a woman’s helping hand.” Anna laughs and walks out of the room behind Janet through the door. Jocelyn was left in the room by herself and she just stared at her beautiful reflection in the mirror. All the sudden she heard the door open again behind her.
Without turning around, she joked, “I thought you went to go help the boys finish getting ready” thinking that Anna had come back into the room.
“Now why would I help any guy, or his friends get ready for a wedding to the woman I love,” responded a familiar voice. Jocelyn stiffened at once and turned around slowly to see her crazy ex-boyfriend standing just inside the door with a gun in his hand.
“What are you doing here, Derek? And why do you have that gun?” Jocelyn was starting to get very scared.
“Why do you think, JoJo? I am here to make sure no one else can have you. You left me for a good for nothing boy band member, and I was the best thing you ever had. You were my life I will never let you go, and I sure as hell will not let you marry that scum bag. So, if I can’t have you no one can!” his voice got louder in the small bridal suite.
“The best thing I ever had?! You beat me almost every night, you kept me away from my family and friends, and you told me I was fat and ugly every chance you got. How in the hell is that the best thing for me?” Jocelyn exclaimed surprised by his proclamation. “Harry treats me with respect, he reminds me every day that I am beautiful, and he shows me that he loves me every day. Why, when I have all that would I ever go back to you?!” She could feel the tears starting to stream down her face. She couldn’t stand that a jerk like him would have the audacity to say such horrible things about Harry.
“Fine you just chose your own fate, and I hate to see you die but you have to now. I will never let you marry another man and live!” Derek pointed his gun at Jocelyn and pulled the trigger twice. She felt the bullets pierce through lower chest and stomach. Everything fades from Jocelyn’s vision as she blacks out. When she opened her eyes again it was to see Harry sitting next to her holding her upper body in his lap and crying. Off to the side Jocelyn could see Niall and Liam holding Derek to the ground as he was shouting something that she couldn’t quite make out. Zayn and Louis were trying to comfort Harry. Anna, Jocelyn’s mother, and her father were standing in the corner crying. She can’t quite remember why she is on the ground for a moment but then the pain in her stomach and chest remind her. All the sudden she heard Harry saying something in your ear.
“Please baby girl stay with me. I can’t lose you please wake up.” He whispered through his tears.
“Harry, don’t cry baby shh,” Jocelyn could barely get out before she felt more pain as Louis replaced the fabric on her wounds and reapplied pressure.
“Jocelyn! Oh my God you’re awake. Babe, stay awake please just stay awake, you will make it I know it. Please just stay with me!” Harry saw her eyes start to close again.
“Harry…I love you more than anything in the world…even if I am not here I will love you…..forever and always….” Jocelyn coughed out her words and blood started to come out of her mouth as she spoke. Harry started to cry harder because he knew that she was dying and he didn’t want to lose her, he loved her too much. By this point the only person in the room not crying is Louis. Though that was probably because he was trying to stay focused on keeping Jocelyn from bleeding out.
           “Joce! I don’t want to lose you, I love you, so much PLEASE JUST STAY WITH ME PLEASE!” Harry cried harder.
           “Harry sweetie, we both know I am not…. going to make it,” she cried and reached up to stroke his cheek, “When I get to the other side, I will wait for you no…matter how long it takes…... I will wait for you…...till the end of time if I have to.” Tears streamed down her face as she finished her sentence. Jocelyn’s eyes started to grow very heavy. Her breathing started to stutter, and it became harder and harder for her to inhale. She could tell she was about to leave, but she had to hear Harry’s voice and kiss his lips one last time before her life was over.
           “Please stay….” Harry begged again seeing her breathing become labored. “And if you can’t stay with me then please wait for me as long as you can. I love you now, tomorrow, next week, forever and always!” Harry said as calmly as he could, and he leaned in and gave Jocelyn one last kiss. His lips on hers was the last thing she remembered from the day she died.
Next thing Jocelyn knew she was in a completely white room. When she looked around her saw a woman walking toward her. Before she can say anything though, the woman smiled and took a seat next to her, “Hello sweetheart. Do you know where you are and what happened to you?”
           “I... I think that I am dead, but I have no clue where I am,” Jocelyn looked around the room, which looked like a mix between a hospital and an airport terminal.
           “Yes, you are right about being deceased Jocelyn. You are currently in a place which you would have probably called limbo when you were alive. Everyone ends up here after they die, and they stay here until it is their time to move on to the afterlife. You happen to be one of the lucky ones because we haven’t been too busy today, so you are going to be able to go straight to afterlife with no delays.” The woman had huge smile on her face.
           “Wait how is it that you know my name?” Jocelyn was a little freaked out and scooted away from the woman.
           “Oh well, that is an easy question to answer I am a greeter, and my name is Jamie” she stretched out her hand for Jocelyn to shake, “I stay here and greet all the newly deceased people who pass through here. Now come on sweetheart time to get you passed over.” Jamie said like it isn’t a big deal.
           “No, I can’t leave here yet I promised my fiancé, Harry, that I would wait for him. I won’t break my promise to him. I never have before, and I don’t plan on starting now!” Jocelyn was confused and didn’t want to leave.
           “Jocelyn, I would not recommend on going to the afterlife now. I have seen too many girls wait for their boyfriends and fiancés before and when the guy finally died, they either forgot all about the girl or moved on to another person that they loved more.” Jamie explained with a calm reserved smile. “I have been working here for about 500 years and I don’t really want to watch another girl get her heart broken. So, if you would just please follow me. I will help you pass over; it will be easier that way.” She gently tries to urge Jocelyn towards the door that leads to the afterlife.
           “I don’t care what happened to those girls in the past their boys were not Harry. Harry would never ever forget me. He said he would love me forever and always.” Jocelyn was yelling now. She was angry that the woman would actually think that Harry would ever forget her or stop loving her.
           “Jocelyn, I understand how you must feel, but it has happened every…” Jamie began.
           “You don’t know how I feel because you don’t know Harry. He would never do that to me, and I am not leaving till we can go to the afterlife together.” Jocelyn was determined to not move from her spot.
           “Okay then, I see you won’t listen to reason. I just hope that I won’t have to see your heart get broken like I have so many others.” Jamie gave up and walked away. The weird thing about this limbo was it was almost impossible to tell how fast or slow time went compared to the living world.
           One day Jocelyn was just sitting down reading a book, which Jamie had provided her with sometime back, when Jamie suddenly came running over to her. “Hey Joce, sweetheart, I don’t mean to bother you but we have a lot of deaths today and I thought that it would be a lot easier to get them all through faster if I had some help so do you mind giving me a hand with them.” She was freaking out. Her hair was jostled all over the place due to her continuously messing with it while stressed.
           Jocelyn looked at her cautiously, “as long as you promise not to send me to the afterlife without my permission, then I will help you.”
           “Honey, you can’t go to the afterlife until you yourself are ready. So, even if I wanted to do it I couldn’t.” Jamie smiled for the first time that day at how adorable Jocelyn’s paranoia was.
           “Okay then I can help you! Where do you need me to start?” she stood from her seat putting her book down. Jocelyn was excited to finally have something to do other than read books.
           “With that group over there if you don’t mind. Here is a clip board with their pictures and names on it. Do you know what to do?” Jamie became incredibly happy to have help.
           “I have been watching you do this for about fourteen years now Jamie, so yeah I think I have the hang of it,” Jocelyn laughed and took the clip board ready to go over to the group before Jamie grabbed her wrist to stop her.
           “Wait, how do you know how long you have been here?” she asked surprised
           “I am starting to get used to it. Especially when I have been asking the people who appear in the seats close to me what year it is when they pop up here!” Jocelyn winked at Jamie before pulling her wrist out of the others grasp and skipping away toward the group of people. From that day onward she would help Jamie with the greetings every day. And she even started to become enjoy to it.
           Years later Jocelyn was greeting an older woman, about the age of 46. “Hello, you must be Abigail Styles! My name is Jocelyn and I will be here to help you through everything. First, I must ask do you know where you are and what happened to you?” she asked the woman the usual questions, not even being phased by her the last name. There were a lot of people in the world with the last name Styles after all.
           “Yes, I died, and I guess I am in the afterlife?” Abby was almost questioning rather than stating.
           “Yes, I am sorry to say you are dead, but you are not in the afterlife quite yet. I am here to show you the way, though.” Jocelyn smiled at her as she reviewed her clipboard with all of Abigail’s information on it to make sure she lived a fulfilling life and was ready to move on.
           “Do I know you? You look so familiar to me” Abby tilted her head left and right as if that would get her a better view and memory of the woman in front of her.
           “I don’t think we have met, but with working here you never really know who you will run into from your past. Especially after being here for as many years as I have.” Jocelyn answered back looking up from her clip board.
           “From the past…From the past…” Abby toyed with the words for a minute then all the sudden her eyes lit up with realization. “your name isn’t Jocelyn Lyann Prince, is it?” she asked as she quickly realized who they girl looked like.
           Jocelyn looked at her in amazement she had seen a lot of people pass through here that she knew including her parents, but it has been so long since someone had said her full name, “Yes as a matter of fact I am, do I know you?” she looked at Abigail trying to remember where they might have met but she couldn’t remember her at all.
           “No, but you knew my husband. The only reason I recognized you was because he used to show me photos of you and him all the time. I would catch him looking through his memory books of you quite often.” Abigail smiled at the memories. As soon as she said that however, Jocelyn knew exactly who Abby’s husband was and her heart broke a little bit. All she could think was ‘Oh My God Jamie was right he moved on, he got over me and married someone new. I waited for him and yet he moved on from his love for me.’ Jocelyn continued to run through these thoughts while she sat down on the chair next to Harry’s deceased wife. She began to cry and all she could do was cry her eyes out. Jocelyn didn’t even know how to respond to Abigail. The latter saw her tears and grabbed her hands.
“Jocelyn, please stop crying dear. You have no reason to cry. He never stopped loving you. I know we were married and all, but I knew the day I met him someone else had his heart and I could never take it from her. I think we got married out of pure convenience and pressure from our parents. We even named our first daughter after you. It was his idea, but I knew how much he still loved you, so I agreed. Her name was Jocelyn Lily Styles, and she was just as beautiful as you.”
           “Did you just say her middle name was Lily?” Jocelyn inquired.
           “Yeah why does that name have any importance to you? I mean Harry chose the whole name. I agreed to it because I knew he needed some way of feeling connected to you still. He never really told me why he chose Lily for her middle name.” Abby seemed intrigued to finally find out the meaning behind their daughter’s middle name.
           “Harry used to call me his Lily Pad because he said I was as beautiful as the flower that bloomed on one, but still had the strength to support him like the leaf does a frog. He just made it up to be corny, but I thought it was so cute and sweet that the name always stuck.” Jocelyn smiled at the memory as tears of happiness fall from her eyes.
           “If I remember the story from day you died that the boys told me, you promised before you died that you would wait for him for as long as you had to. Is that what you are still doing here?” Abigail looked deeply into her eyes.
           “I never broke a promise to Harry while I was alive, and I don’t plan on breaking the last one I ever made to him before I died. I am so glad the boys are still in Harry’s life! How are they and the band what happened to it after I died?” Jocelyn excited asked as she stood and gestured for Abby to follow her.
           “The boys are great Louis, Liam, and Zayn married Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie. And they have children. Then of course Niall surprised the boys by marrying your best friend, Anna. They also have children.” She looked at Jocelyn just in time to catch the smile on her face. During the reception Jocelyn had been planning to hook Niall up with Anna, but that time unfortunately never came. Abby continued, “The boys kept going at full force after you died, but I think that was mainly because Harry wanted to make sure you would be proud of him. They did take breaks to work on their own things occasionally, but they always came back together. Harry has definitely made sure that he will have a lot of stories to tell you when he finally departs from the land of the living and joins you here. For the last 9 years though, they stopped touring to spend more time with their families. Now that all their kids have graduated high school, they were planning a reunion tour!” She finished as they reached the door to the afterlife.
           “I am glad they all ended up happy! I miss them all so much this waiting is starting to kill me, and it has only been like 26 years.” Jocelyn looked down sadly. She never wished death upon any of them but she really wanted to see them again.
           “Keep holding in there, sweetheart because I promise you Harry will be happy to see you when he gets here!” Abby smiled giving Jocelyn a gentle hug, “I am so happy I got to meet the love of Harry’s life. Now I can see what he loved so much about you. That is why I am able to move on to the afterlife without him because I know you are waiting here for him.” She hugged Jocelyn again before finally walking through the Gate to the afterlife and with that Jocelyn knew she was meant to wait for Harry till the end of time itself if she had to.
           Years continued to pass as Jocelyn saw all her loved ones pass through the limbo area. It started with Liam, who died of kidney failure. He hugged her so tight that if she were living, she wouldn’t have been able to breath and kissed her on the cheek having missed her as much as she missed him. He had always been like a dad type figure to Jocelyn and Harry when he thought they were in danger or acting up. Then about 3 years later came Perrie, and of course not to long after Perrie was Zayn, who died they said of a broken heart, but it was really just of old age. Zayn gave Jocelyn a tighter hug than Liam. Zayn had been her best friend that she told everything to.
Louis followed a few years after Zayn and when he saw Jocelyn, he ran up and lifted her in the air spinning her around, while hugging her tightly. When he finally put down her, she gave her crazy friend a kiss on the cheek. Then they sat there and talked for hours. Louis decided to stay and wait for El. Half a year later Dani came through giving both Jocelyn and Louis a quick kiss on the cheek and then heading to the afterlife where she knew Liam would be waiting for her.  A year to the day of Louis’s death, Eleanor died because she truly did have a broken heart. Without Louis’ craziness in her life she had nothing left to live for, except the kids and they understood how much she missed him.
Together they went through the door to the afterlife, and it had been about 48 years since Abigail told Jocelyn to keep waiting because Harry still loved her. Though seeing all her old friends and still no Harry it became harder for her to keep her promise to wait. Of course, that was till about five years after Louis and Eleanor went through the door, when Niall and Anna died almost within the same day. Jocelyn squeezed them both as tight as she possibly could because Anna and Niall were like sister and brother to her. Half-way through the hug with Niall though Jocelyn finally broke down into tears about ready to give up on waiting for Harry.
           “I don’t think I can wait anymore, Niall, it is killing me as I watch all my family and friends move onto the afterlife, and I am just stuck here waiting. I feel like I have been here forever. I know I promised Harry and all, but you don’t realize how hard it is to watch you all leave me here.” she cried out not being able to hold her tears back anymore. Niall picked her up and sat her on his lap in a chair and Anna sat next to them rubbing Jocelyn’s back. The two of them just let her cry for a bit.
           When Jocelyn had finally calmed down Niall decided it was safe for him to speak, “Joce, Harry was by all of our death beds as we were dying. Maybe everyone else didn’t hear him but I heard him every time because we always went together. He would ask us to remind you how much he loved you if we saw you here. I heard him say it one last time before I passed.” Niall wiped away the tears still on her cheek. “He doesn’t want you to give up on him. He will join you one day but you just have to keep remembering that love you once had for him and the love he has always had for you, pumpkin!” He finished giving her waist a tight squeeze.
           “I have never stopped loving him and I never could he was my life, my protector, my friend, my lover, and my heart. It just has been getting harder the past few years with all of you passing through and still no Harry!” Jocelyn explained with a small pout.
           “I know pumpkin it has been hard on Harry too. Losing all of his friends and he continues to live not only without you but now without his brothers there to help him get through every day. There have been many times that he has wanted to end his life but didn’t because he knew how disappointed you would be in him. We all missed you but no one else’s missing or love for you could ever be as strong as Harry’s. Please just hold on for a little bit longer.” He whispered in her ear causing her to giggle when it tickled. “If you want Anna and me to wait with you, so you are not completely alone you know we will do it. We love you, Joce. I don’t want to see my little sister sad, especially since this is the first time I have seen you in almost 53 years...” He said and she looked at him.
With a shake her head she told him no. She knew it was his time to go to the afterlife and the fact that him and Anna died together like in the Notebook, she knew they loved each other and deserved to be in the paradise that is was through that door. They shouldn’t have to wait for her. After a couple more hours of talking to help calm Jocelyn down more, she led Niall and Anna to the door to the afterlife. Anna hugged her first and kissed her cheek one last time before stepping back so Niall could hug her as well. When Niall hugged her and he squeezed extra tight hoping some of his strength would help her make it through, like he used to when they were alive together and Jocelyn was in an upset and weak state. He kissed her cheek then laid his forehead on hers.
           “We will be waiting for you two on the other side of that door. All of us will, because I am sure with how many years, we have had to live without you the others are already waiting so we can make up for it all. So, stay strong pumpkin and I will see you soon.” He kissed Jocelyn one last time on the forehead then stepped back, took Anna’s hand and walked through the door to the afterlife!
           After that day Jocelyn told Jamie she couldn’t be a greeter anymore and she went back to reading the books Jamie brought her. One day she heard a disturbance coming from across the room and saw Jamie struggling with an elderly man. Jocelyn thought she would be nice and try to help Jamie out. She ran over to them and stepped in between the man and Jamie.
           “Excuse me sir, what is the problem?” Jacelyn asked trying to stop the fight before it got out of hand.
           “Lily Pad, is that you?” the elderly man asked staring into her eyes. She looked back into his and saw those beautiful emerald green eyes she loved and knew so well.
           “Harry, Oh my God Harry. But wait why do you look so old, the other boys turned young again when they got here?” she touched his face with a worried look on her’s. She turned to Jamie very confused.
           Jamie shook her head, “It happens sometimes, but no one is quite sure why!”
           “Harry, baby, are you okay? Why were you fighting with Jamie?” Jocelyn turned back to the elderly Harry. He looked at her and touched her cheek gently like he used to when they would cuddle in bed and he wanted a kiss. She almost pulled away from his touch, but then she remembered this is the man she loved more than anything in the world, the man she had planned to grow old with, and the man that she had waited in limbo all these years for. With tears in Jocelyn’s eyes at all the wonderful memories they had shared, she leaned in and kissed Harry like they had the day she died. It felt exactly the same and as she was kissing him, she felt him smile into the kiss. When Jocelyn pulled away, she kept her eyes closed remembering every sweet kiss they had ever shared. After a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes and see that Harry was back to the age had been on the day they were going to get married.
           “I was upset because I didn’t see you when I got here. At first, I thought you forgot about me and didn’t wait for me like you promised. So, I got really upset but then you came running over here and I knew I was just being stupid. You have never broken a promise to me!” he wrapped his arms around Jocelyn’s waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh my God Jocelyn, I have missed you so much. I never stopped loving you. Maybe the reason I still looked like I did the day I died, was because I thought all my years of living was for nothing if the love of my life wasn’t here waiting for me. Loving me.” he leaned his forehead against hers, “Then when I saw you and you didn’t recognize me, I was sad that you didn’t love me as an old man, but then you kissed me and I realized no matter how I looked or how long I made you wait you definitely loved me. I know I have said this already, but I love you Lily Pad. I love you so very, very much. Please, please, please never leave me again.” He finished his speech and kissed Jocelyn softly but deeply not wanting it end.
She finally pulled away, “Harry, you know I never break my promises. When I met your wife for the first time, I have to admit I thought about breaking my promise for a split second but only because you married someone else.” She began to tear up and Harry started to wipe them away, “Then she told me that you never genuinely loved her but had always loved me and how she understood the whole time. Then I knew our love could make it through till you found me again. Then when Niall and Anna came through and I broke down again because I had to watch all my friends pass over while I stayed here. Niall reminded me that I was waiting for a man who loved me dearly and that I loved just as much. He said that I could make it and he was right!” she pulled him closer to her as more tears fell.
“It feels so good to be in your arms again after all these years. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you at first but then I saw your eyes Hazza. Of course, I still loved you no matter how you looked or how old you were. After all you were the guy, I was planning on growing old with anyway. It’s just that you actually made it to the old age part of life, and I stayed like this for all those years.” Jocelyn put her nose against his. “I love you so, so very much and I have missed you more than I missed living. I will never leave you again because without you I have nothing and I don’t think any of our friends could make me as happy as you always have and always will.” They kissed again and then Jocelyn turned to Jamie.
“You were right! All along you were right! And I am so sorry from doubting you in the beginning, but you were right!” Jamie said with tears in her eyes.
She grabbed Jamie’s hand, “What do you mean I was right? What is it I right about exactly?”
           “You were right about Harry’s love for you. You told me 76 years ago when you first passed away and showed up here that Harry would never, ever forget you or move on because he said he would love you forever and always. You were right he never forgot about you and never really moved on. This is the first time I have seen a love so pure and true. Thank you for that I was giving up on love after the past 576 years I have been working here. but you two and all of your friends that have come through here have shown me love does still exist in the horrible world of the living.” More tears fell down her face. Jocelyn wiped her tears away with her free hand and then pulled her into a hug.
           Once Jamie had calmed down Jocelyn pulled back and smiled at her. “You’re welcome because everyone should believe in love even if it is very seldom and exceedingly rare. It is out there. Thank you as well, Jamie!” she smiled even brighter this time and took both of Jamie’s hands in hers, “You helped me stay distracted while I was waiting, you helped all these years to pass by as normally as you possibly could. You were there for me when I needed to talk or cry. You became like a mother figure to me, while I was like a stubborn, love stricken, teenage daughter. Thank you for everything you have done for me, for my friends, and for everyone else that has and will come through here. It sucks that I have to leave you here alone now, but always remember that I love you like family.” Jocelyn hugged Jamie one last time and squeezed extra tight.
           “I love you too, dear. I will miss you, but I will be okay on my own. After all I had been doing it for 500 years before I met you. You were just the first girl that had this sort of effect on me the others were incredibly rude and snobby. You were sweet, kind, and very helpful when I needed it. You have waited 76 years for this day, now it is time for you to go through that door that you helped so many people through over the years. So, GO!” Jamie cheered. Jocelyn smiled and took Harry’s hand finally letting go of Jamie and walked toward the door. It opened up for her and she could finally see what she never got to see before, when she wasn’t ready. There on the other side of the door stood her parents, Harry’s parents and sister, Liam and Dani, Zayn and Perrie, Louis and El, and Niall and Anna. All of them stood there with smiles on their faces, waiting for Jocelyn and Harry to come join them. She took one last look back at Jamie and who had tears running down her face, but she was still smiling. Jocelyn waved to her and blew her a kiss. Jamie caught the kiss and waved a sorrowful goodbye back to her. Then Jocelyn and Harry walked through the door hand in hand and started to hug all their friends. Then the door closed behind them and Jocelyn knew everything would be better from that moment on!
 A/n: This was my first ever Imagine/One Shot back when 2012 when I was still very much into One Direction. I have edited from 2nd person to 3rd and fixed any grammatical errors I could find since then. If you have read this previously on a Tumblr page by the name of Thedreamerwhowrites, that was my old Tumblr page which I decided to get rid of and start a new one with my new fanfictions of my kpop bands I like. I wanted to add the 1D stories I wrote on here as well so you guys could enjoy them, too. Sorry if this was a weird story, I wrote a story sort of like this when I was in middle school and thought it would be cute to change it to have the 1D boys in it!
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v4mpantics · 5 years
ugh imagine the boys doing the choreography to best song ever on your deathbed😍😍🥰🥰
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1D Imagine
Imagine you and Harry are out at Chili’s. “BAbey do you like my luuk?” You ask. “Yes, Y/N.” Harry eats your poiny tail in his mouth.  
imagine you and harry are doing the no no he crawls in your pussie and swims up. he uses his magickal nipple powers to make you a nipple
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skunkamunka · 6 years
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I made an imagine
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fuckmytommoconda · 6 years
Guys in about 2 weeks I’m going to London for about 3 months. I was hoping on making friends with some fellow OT5/OT4/solo stans there! So PLEASE hit me up if you’re up for it!
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heckyeahitsnick · 7 years
Jealous of One of the Boys  - Liam (1/5)
Although it was still new and you were still in the stage of getting to know each other, you were really excited about your relationship with Liam and felt that everything was going well. It had been a while since you’ve felt this way about a boy, love-struck and smitten, ever since your last ex-boyfriend from a three year ago, memories of whom left a bad taste in your mouth and the inability to ever eat at Olive Garden again (the place he deemed suitable to break your heart and end things). But Liam was nothing like the other guys in your past. He was kind and sweet, always rushing to open your door on dates, and considerate, ensuring arriving on time and offering his coat in the cold. He was also charming; when he met your group of close friends, he was able to break down their apprehensive walls within the hour, assuring them that he was equally as entranced by you and had no interest in breaking your heart. Which is why, as you were minutes away from meeting Liam’s best friends for a small dinner, you vowed to make sure to impress them.
“Hey babe,” he greeted with a peck to your lips as you stepped inside his apartment, determined and nervous. You returned the greeting and took off your flats before stepping onto the plush, white carpet, still unaccustomed to the luxurious loft he called home. “Okay,” you said, loosening your grip on the neck of the expensive wine bottle you purchased, leaving your college student bank account severely depleted, and handed it to Liam “I bought this for the boys, I wasn’t sure if they’d prefer red or white so I bought the most expensive one at the store so it’d better taste freaking amazing.” With the determined face of a footballer before a big match, you gathered your hair into a ponytail, tightening it as you enunciated, “It’s almost game time. Remember, I am the most loving girlfriend you’ve ever had and I adore you and you adore me. We’re overall, adorable. I’m super caring but also, I’m not clingy. The not clingy part is important. Did you get that Liam?” You screeched the last part a bit, borderline hysterical, as your boyfriend was snickering into the palm of his hands, eyes aglow with amusement and adoration at your antics.
“Love, seriously. They’re going to think you’re as brilliant as I do. And they’re pigs. They don’t even have a palate refined enough to differentiate between red and white wine,” he cooed into your ears, capturing you into an encompassing hug so you were unable to continue flitting around the room to straighten things up. Allowing yourself to take the pleasure of leaning against his hardened chest for one moment, you inhaled the comforting smell of his rich cologne, smiled to yourself, and pushed him away from you.
“I’m not taking any chances so I need you to bring your A-game. I have a list of talking points. I’ll bring up sports – don’t worry I googled the highlights of yesterday’s game. Then, I’ll be sure to mention how I’m majoring in anthropology so they’ll know I’m smart and goal oriented and finally, I’ll let it slip that my parents are both surgeons so they won’t think I’m after your money,” you stated, grinning like a proud Cheshire cat, a complete contrast from Liam’s widened eyes and gaped mouth, somewhat horrified and amused. “I dunno if you knew this but this isn’t a job interview. And the boys aren’t my parents,” he chuckled, apparently choosing to find your nervous state to be humorous.
His word however had the opposite effect that he had hoped, as you weren’t comforted but rather your eyes widened in horror as you gasped “Parents?! I didn’t even think about that! I have to get my fancy dress dry cleaned if we’re meeting your parents and then I’ll have to – no! No, I have to focus!” you stressed, throwing your hands to shield your eyes from being distracting from anything peripheral.
Your retort was interrupted by a series of knocking, prompting Liam to stride across the room to open the door as you hastily tugged at your carefully planned outfit to make sure you were presentable. Liam shot you a loving smile before he swung the door open, followed a variation of “Hey Liam,” being delivered by four different voices. Taking a deep breath and stepping forward, you put your plan into action. “Hey guys! I’m Y/N! Liam has told me so much about you all,” you greeted, hoping you projected how excited you felt despite your nervousness. You were about to follow up and ask if they were hungry when your eyes met a face you were sure you’d never see again, especially because you painstakingly took the time to unfriend him on all social medias, delete his number, and burned all of the pictures you had of him during a dramatic but necessary night in with your girls while getting drunk and nursing your broken heart. “Harry?!” you exclaimed a bit too loudly, the epitome of shock, as you looked at the boy who had your heart all those years ago, and had carelessly returned it a little bruised and definitely broken. “Y/N?” Harry said, equally bewildered, “Wha – What are you doing here? How do you know Liam?”
Liam, always charismatic and caring, but never observant, wrapped his arms around you and interjected, “This is Y/N, my girlfriend! Small World! How do the two of you know each other?”
“Um. We used to date actually. A while back,” Harry answered, seemingly breaking out of a trance that consisted of him staring at your face with wonder. You rushed ahead, meaning every word, “A long time ago, yes. I swear I didn’t know you all were friends, Liam, or I would’ve said something. But it doesn’t mean anything!”
One of the boys, Louis, piped up to ease the tension “Well, it’s nice to meet you Y/N. That’s such a crazy coincidence that I’m sure means nothing,” he ushered the other two boys into the kitchen, “We’re just going to go on ahead and start eating.”
“And definitely not talk about how awkward this is!” piped up the blonde one, who you knew to be Niall. “And we’re also definitely not going to eavesdrop!” exclaimed Zayn, each receiving a blow to the head by Louis as he all but dragged them away, leaving you alone with your current and former lover.
Liam loved Harry, he truly did. But he had always felt a little envious of him, always believed him to get things easily in life and would be often annoyed at how just the slight appearance of his dimples would lead to girls swooning and having doors of opportunity opened for him. And now, after he felt that he found ‘the one’, the girl who he has been enraptured by since day one -  when you first met at a party and immediately engaged in a drunken conversation about your fan theories for Stranger Things (with your hair messily cascading down your back and your smile widened with lack of inhibition, he was enamored by you even then, especially then) - he finds that Harry loved you first. And worse, that you used to love Harry once upon a time. But the worst part that had Liam scared and wanting to clutch you into his arms (much like an only child with their beloved toy when asked to share), was the look in Harry’s face as his eyes bore into yours. Liam knew Harry enough to recognize the expression of regret, nostalgia, and desire.
Taking a quick peek at you, his heart stopped doing somersaults in his chest and began to beat at a steadier pace, as you were just looking back at him with worry and care, not even paying attention to Harry’s leering.  One arm tightened the hold Liam had against your waist, pulling you towards him almost possessively, while his other hand formed into a fist as he tried to mask his jealousy. He leaned over to give you a passionate kiss, his mouth amorously pressed against yours, before adopted fake complacence, “It’s okay love. It was a long time ago.” Eyeing Harry, he continued, “Besides, you’re with me now,” as he steered you to the kitchen to rejoin the others for dinner. And if his hands slipped to settle on the curve of your ass as you walked away, directly in the line of vision of a disgruntled Harry trailing behind, well he could always feign innocence.
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rockimagines1d · 7 years
Imagine Louis Tomlinson - Perfume parte 2
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parte 2
ok, vamos lá. fiquei cheia de dúvidas se eu iria realmente postar isso. para quem não sabe, a primeira parte dessa imagine eu postei faz mais de um ano. eu não tenho certeza alguma se eu vou voltar a postar nesse tumblr, eu infelizmente não tenho mais tempo como antes, mas posso quem saber tentar fazer um esforço. 
de qualquer jeito, boa leitura meus anjos.
A verdade é que nada é como antes.
Com o tempo eu aprendi que se não tomamos cuidado com que é nosso, consequentemente irá se desgastar, tornando as memorias nossas mais valiosas lembranças. Lembranças do que já foi bom, do que já aconteceu e do que já vivemos.  E eu vejo um relacionamento como algo assim, devemos cuidar do que é nosso e amar quem está no nosso lado. Preserva os momentos em conjunto. 
E me doí pensar em que eu e Louis nós tornamos. Se no inicio eramos algo puro e doce, hoje somos tudo que eu menos desejávamos ser, quase dois desconhecidos. Sinto que ele não me ama como um dia já me amou. O que ele sente por mim se tornou tão fraco ao ponto de não consegui largar uma outra pessoa para ficar apenas comigo. 
Mas aí que está a questão, o Louis deveria deixa ela de lado ou eu deveria seguir em frente? 
São inúmeros pensamentos, todos rondando minha mente frenquentemente, coisas que eu devo falar e fazer. Mas eu sei que continuar só vai me deixar pior. 
Cansa está em um relacionamento e ter que amar pelos dois. 
E eu estou cada vez mais cansada de Louis. 
Refletindo sobre essa situação, tomei uma decisão que poderia achar precipitada no futuro. Mas que também poderá me fazer tão bem e me deixar leve. 
Irei embora da vida de Louis. 
Eu o amo e sempre amarei. Mas se já não é recíproco, por quê eu teria de continuar? Se em uma parte de sua vida deixei de ser a única em que ele irá beijar, tratar de uma forma especial ou simplesmente demonstrar que vai estar presente quando eu precisar, para que continuar me atormentando se ela é melhor que eu? 
Sei que não terei coragem o suficiente para dizer para Louis tudo que penso e sinto. 
Então escrevo uma carta me despedindo, sei que isso me torna fraca e covarde. Mas sei que isso é tudo que posso e preciso fazer. Ao terminar de escrever, faço questão de deixar rastros do meu perfume pelo papel, pois essa será a única lembrança que ele terá de mim. 
Louis eu te amo, mas eu preciso me amar ainda mais. 
não sei se esperavam algo feliz, mas basicamente esse foi o final. quando eu postei a primeira parte desse imagine eu tinha a intenção de deixar os dois juntos, mas depois de ter relido isso hoje percebi que não iria me agradar. 
porém, se vocês quiserem, posso tentar fazer uma terceira e definitivamente ultima parte deles se acertando. 
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niall-the-churchboy · 4 years
On the road ~ One direction
In which Y/n falls from her bed and Liam is concerned. This is set on WWA tour, 2014.
You’ve never had problems with sleeping, in fact you can sleep pretty much everywhere. But the bus, the tour bus is a complete other thing. The mattress is thin, and the cubic-like bed makes you feel traped. But the schedule is so tight ,you are always tired enough to roll in bed without any problems.
This isn’t the first time you tour with the boys, more like the third, however this time you’ll be accompanying them until the first half of the tour given that you have a certain event you need to attend to in London. The boys are not happy with this, and to be honest, you aren’t either. They are your family, and thinking about being apart for so long makes you sick in the stomach. But sometimes you have to appreciate and enjoy what you have.
And certainly, you and the boy have been doing exactly that, and after a long day of running around escaping from interviews and outfit changes, you all couldn’t bare to keep standing.
And you were sleeping, but the bus is moving significantly tonight and you were jolt awake. And that leaves you here, turning back and forth on the miniature bed while grabbing the sheets for dear life. It’s freaking cold!
You hear the snores of the five guys and instantly feel jealous, you can only not sleep, but have to hear their ridiculous loud snores mixed with their boyish-odor.
The bus makes a sudden strong turn and you feel yourself falling from the bunk. “Ow!”, you complain when your butt hits the floor, the curtains to the other five beds are quickly opened and you see five perked faces leaning to see you.
“Y/n, are you okay?!”, Liam is the first to leave the comfort of his bed and run to your side. Louis on the other hand starts laughing at you eventually making Niall laugh too. “Yeah, I’m fine. My bum just hurts”, you say pouting. Liam pulls you up as Harry leaves his bed, “I’ll go check what’s going on”, the curly-haired announces as he walks to the front of the bus. Liam starts inspecting your arms and head, looking for cuts or bruises, but after awhile he understands you just fell and thankfully, you are okay. At this, you all decide to go back to sleep, after all tomorrow is a long day too. 
You close your eyes and try to sleep, but its probably the adrenaline of falling that’s preventing you from sleeping soundly, so after awhile, you decide to watch some tv on the small bus lounge. 
“Y/n?”, you hear your name being called, the bright light of the tv illuminating your face. “Y/n, where are you-?”, Liam walks in, looking at your comfy state, he sighs, “I almost lost my mind! I cant’s sleep so I decided to check on you again, and you weren't there”, he explains and you scoot to the side of the couch, patting for him to sit next to you. “M’ sorry, can’t sleep either”, you explain. Liam nods and places an arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him, “It’s okay, Y/n. I just got scared.” You giggle at him, placing your head on his shoulders, “I’m okay, daddy direction”.
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soangelpaper · 3 years
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Please, I love you - Welcome (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1102866378-please-i-love-you-welcome?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=1Donedirectionstan&wp_originator=padYl0ca1ROkdsKY0au1Ge9vPCAsy4SnEri94VflFtE%2FOgXojjx7rAZoPRwW4sdwNMfPhrezEuhwTkIwcuCuh%2Bq0AcCBJrgXZUKqq5lL6S1mZzsz39rOgRnyxykbbbPL Imagines with 1D in a story version might make more
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especial de aniversário (2020)
não poderia deixar de comparecer aqui nesse dia. aniversário é do harry mas o presente é de vocês. sei que harry não tá lendo isso, mas eu nunca esqueço do aniversário dele. e nem poderia. espero que vocês gostem. é de última hora e cheio de erro de ortografia mas é de coração, tá??
se quiser, ouça sunflower, vol 6.
enjoy it!
ele estava deitado, o lençol fino e branco (que só podíamos usar pelo aquecedor milagroso é totalmente necessário) o cobrindo até a cintura, a boca levemente aberta e alguns fiozinhos de cabelo em seu rosto. estava lindo. como sempre estaria. mesmo que tivesse babando um tiquinho.
sorriu sozinha, pensando que só mesmo ele pra faze-la acordar antes do sol pra preparar toda uma surpresa especial, afinal tinham que comemorar sozinhos antes de comemorar com os amigos dele. a festa com os amigos era legal, era mais que legal, era maravilhoso! mas a festa que faziam sozinhos era melhor ainda. e ela, que era declaradamente uma pessoa totalmente não-matinal tinha acordado junto com o sol pra preparar uma mesa de café da manhã especial pra ele.
o que o amor faz, só ele é capaz de fazer. ela não conseguia encontrar uma explicação plausível. dizia para si mesma que estava tudo bem, mas era só pra não se apavorar com o fato de que o amava tanto.
fingia pra si mesma que o motivo de acordar tão cedo para fazer um café da manhã especial (com direito a girassóis enfeitando a mesa, além do buquê que havia comprado para lhe entregar na cama) não tinha motivos simples como: ver o sorrisinho de canto que ele daria e simplesmente tomaria o rosto inteirinho quando ele se desse conta do esforço que ela tinha feito só pra cuidar dele. ou que não tava pensando no abraço de urso, no beijo gostoso que receberia e no amor que fariam depois dali.
se balançou pra deixar de olhar pra ele e foi correndo na ponta dos pés até a cozinha ver se já tava tudo certinho e poderia acordar ele. pegou o cupcake com a velinha acesa e o buquê que o havia comprado e voltou a porta do quarto. tendo que realmente se segurar pra simplesmente não ficar escorada, vendo o quão lindo ele ficava quando tava dormindo e esquecer do tempo. ela precisava se policiar quanto a isso, as vezes. eram nesses momentos que ela via o nível que havia chegado. mas, na maioria das vezes, preferia ignorar. só pra não surtar.
com um sorriso contido no rosto, apoiou o buquê no pé da cama e sentou do ladinho dele na cama, usando a mão livre pra fazer carinho no cabelo dele e no rosto. sentindo pena por ter de acorda-lo. mas era por um bom motivo. aproximou o rosto do dele e já podia ver a expressão dele mudando.
- parabéns pra você, nesta data querida... - o sorriso de sono que tomou o rosto dele, valeu cada segundo de sono que ela perdeu. ela tinha plena certeza disso. - muitas felicidades, muitos anos de vida...
- tem até velinha pra assoprar, ein? - a voz rouca de sono e o sorriso mais lindo do mundo todinho no rosto. ela não sabia que ainda conseguia amar ele mais, mas naquele segundo ela conseguiu.
- pra você tem tudo, tudo, tudo!!! - ela riu, dando o cupcake na mão dele e virando pra pegar o buquê, o sorriso dele que já era grandão ficou maior. a coisa mais linda desse mundo. - é a nossa flor, você sabe.
- você é perfeita, sabia? eu te amo tanto, tanto, tanto. - sentou na cama, o cupcake na mesinha de cabeceira e o buquê no travesseiro que ele tava antes. as mãos segurando o rosto dela, espremendo os lábios num biquinho que não conseguia conter o sorriso dela, ele a beijou. e ela nem reclamou que ele tinha acabado de acordar...
- te amo, amor. muito, eu juro. só que agora você vai vir comigo tomar café. acordei junto com o sol pra te fazer um café da manhã com tudo que você gosta. - ela levantou, a camisa dele pendendo num dos ombros dela enquanto ela tentava puxar ele pra fora da cama. nenhum dos dois tinha parado de sorrir ainda, não tinha condições.
- mas hoje eu quero comer na cama, amor... e eu tenho certeza que na mesa não tem o que eu mais gosto de comer. - o sorriso fofo mudando devagarzinho pra um sorriso ladino, aquele tipo de mudança sútil que só quem tem um relatório de todos os tipos de sorriso que ele é capaz de dar saberia identificar. ela sabia bem.
- e o que seria isso, senhor?? - por mais que visse a mudança acontecendo no rosto dele, não havia ainda entendido onde (especificamente) aquele sorriso de harry ia levá-los.
- você. e nada de mesa, hoje quero te comer na cama. - ela sentiu as pernas amolecerem na hora. ele deu uma risadinha de quem sabia muito bem o que causava nela e a puxou mão com uma delicadeza absurda, fazendo-a sentar em seu colo, uma perna de cada lado de sua cintura.
- ah. - além dos suspiros (e futuros gemidos) essa foi a única palavra que saiu dos lábios dela naquele momento.
o sorriso ainda preso no rosto dele e ela com as expressões amolecidas, a boca levemente aberta esperando o beijo. cheia de tesão sentindo a nudez dele por baixo do lençol que ainda o envolvia, sem conseguir impedir os quadris de se moverem devagarzinho, se esfregando nele e sentindo os beijos que ele dava em seu pescoço.
- olha pra mim. - ele pediu e ela, que não conseguia lhe negar nada o olhou, os dedos que antes estavam enfiados na carne de sua bunda foram para seu clitoris. ela gemeu alto, rebolando com uma vagareza em seus dedos, suas mãos enfiadas no cabelo dele, juntando suas testas. gemendo na cara dele, na boca dele.
- eu amo quando você me segura assim, amor. só que você vai ter me largar porque a gente vai fazer outra coisa... - um gemido de protesto saiu dela boca dela, quando o dedo dele parou de trabalhar em seu clitoris, ela abriu os olhos e o olhou bem no fundo.
- o que?? - a voz saia rouca e falhada de um jeito que só o tesao que ela tava sentindo podia deixar.
ele deitou na cama, a cabeça por cima dos girassóis que ela havia lhe dado, ela sentada em sua cintura enquanto ele a segurava com força, imprimindo certa pressão. queria contato com ela. o tempo todo. puxou a camisa dele que ela usava, acumulando todo o volume dela na cintura, ela a tirou e ficou nua. agora estavam os dois, ele a encarando nos olhos enquanto mantinha uma das mãos em seu mamilo e a outra em sua cintura, guiando as fricções que ela provocava entre os dois.
sua voz rouca soou entre eles, dizendo seu nome. quando conseguiu atenção dela, ele disse:
- senta na minha cara.
e ela soltou um gemidinho junto de um suspiro só de imaginar aquilo, mas foi pra cima dele. mantendo os olhos nos dele o tempo todo. e sentou na cara dele. agarrou um dos próprios seios, enquanto as mãos dele se ocupavam uma em sua cintura, guiando seus movimentos e uma em sua boceta. a abrindo para recebê-lo. ela o fez de bom grado. enfiou uma das mãos no cabelo dele, tentando controlar as reboladas, o tesao e a vontade que tinha dele. o tempo todo.
ela, cheia de vontade conseguiu firmar os pensamentos só pra analisar o quão lindo ele tava com os girassóis na cabeça, entre as pernas dela de uma forma que nunca havia estado antes. e olha que ele já havia estado nela de N formas diferentes. quando o olhou, ele a olhava de volta é isso só serviu para lhe dar mais tesao, mais vontade. a língua dele provocando o clitoris dela do jeitinho que ele já sabia que ela gostava, que ele sabia que a faria enlouquecer. e ela estava a ponto de enlouquecer mesmo.
- amor... - ela rogou, gemeu, suspirou, chamou. uma mistura de um pouquinho de cada um.
- hmm... - ele meio gemeu, meio respondeu, meio saboreou. nenhum dos dois saberia realmente responder
- eu amo... a sua língua... - puxou um pouco o cabelo dele, afastando-se da boca dele. e olhando bem no fundo dos olhos dele.
- a minha língua também ama a sua boceta, amor. - ele deu um sorriso de lábios molhados e vermelhos. ela quase derreteu. e deu um suspiro pra conseguir falar.
- só que agora ela precisa do seu pau, amor - ela disse, enquanto engatinhava o corpo dele, tirando o lençol e segurando no pau dele, apoiando o corpo todo em cima dele, os lábios quase juntos quando ela suspirou e começou a sentar devagarinho.
devagarinho demais pra um harry cheio de vontade. e ele, que normalmente era o paciente da relação, apoiou as mãos na cintura dela e meteu com força.
- ah, deus!! - ela sussurrou, o rosto pertinho do dele quando ele os virava na cama, ficando por cima dela.
- não acredito que estamos num momento tão celestial, amor. - ele sorriu perverso, começando a se movimentar dentro dela.
ele continuou metendo com força, desejoso demais para manter as provocações, como normalmente gostava de fazer. sentia ela o agarrando cada vez mais forte, uma das mãos segurando sua coxa com força enquanto a outra mantinha sua cabeça no lugar lhe dando acesso a sua boca. não queria se manter nem um centímetro distante dela. queria ela inteira em si, para si.
sentiu no exato momento em que suas pernas começaram a tremer, a respiração mais ritmada ainda e os gemidos mais urgentes. o chamando, sempre o chamava. seu nome soando urgente nos lábios bonitos dela, enquanto ele se mantinha dentro dela, entrando cada vez mais forte e os olhos sempre em seu rosto. olhando a expressão de prazer dela quando ele a preenchia de si.
ele acabava de mudar de ideia. talvez, realmente fosse uma experiência totalmente celestial.
quando, logo depois dela alcançou o máximo de seu prazer, ela ainda o mantinha dentro de si pelas pernas cruzadas em sua cintura. ele apoiava o peso em cima dela, mas era tudo que ela precisava. ficaram um tempinho somente abraçados antes de ele sussurrar:
- não aceito ser acordado de forma diferente daqui pra frente.
- feliz aniversário, harry
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1dbyheart · 4 years
Zzaaaiiilll!!!! #niallhoran #nialler #niall #nialljameshoran #onedirection #onedirectioninfection #onedirectionfunny #onedirectionimagines#1d #1direction #emabiggestfans1d #1daf #1dfamily #1dimagines #onedirectionimagine #onedirectionedits#harrystyles#liampayne #harrystylesimagines #harrystylesfanfic #happybirthdayharrystyles#louistomlinsonimagine #louistomlinson #louistomlinsonfanfic#zaynmalik#larry #amazayn #zayn #dizayn #zaynimagine https://www.instagram.com/p/CApGhPLlRQk/?igshid=caq7rd349so
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thesadstoryofme · 6 years
Harry Styles Imagine
Imagine you're having his baby & it is his business
You took a deep breath as your hands ran over the pink stick that had a “+” on it. You took a deep breath out and placed the stick back in the box, stuffing the box under the sink.  You only been dating Harry for 3 years and never did you imagine to be pregnant or let alone pregnant with a pop stars baby. You didn't have anything to say, you just mentally kicked yourself for not being careful. Telling Harry that you'll eventually get on the pill and him always using a condom. You stumbled down stairs and your eyes met with Harry's. He smiled and placed a kiss on your lips before sitting down on the couch. You sat down next to him and tried to find the words to tell him. How do you tell him that his life is about to change. You're afraid he'll run away and never speak to you again. He'll break up with you the second you tell him or maybe he'll be a little surprised but excited because he's always talked about being a dad. You'll watch him with kids and it melted your heart hoping that one day it'll be your kids he's playing tag with or helping them tie their shoe.
 “Everything alright my love? “ He asked you but you couldn't even look him in the eyes.
 “Mmh, just thinking about things. “ You shrugged your shoulders as you played with the Hem of your shirt.
 Harry got up from the couch saying he had to use the bathroom and he'll be right back. You sat there thinking about ways to tell him. Thinking about how you'll face the media. Do you keep it a secret or do you let the whole world judge you? You were shaken out of your thoughts when Harry appeared with a box in his hand and you stopped and knew you were in trouble.
 “I was looking for my shaving stuff and I found this box with a positive test in it. Is this yours y/n?” He placed the test in front of you.
  “ You weren't supposed to find that” is all you could say. You were shaking and your heart was beating a million times faster
 “ What do you mean I wasn't supposed to find it? It's yours right? So you're pregnant and didn't bother to even tell me? “ He was mad & he had a right to be
 “I only took it a few hours ago. I wasn't hiding it from you I just didn't know what to say to you Har” you took the test and placed it back in the box.
 He sat back down next to you and intertwined his fingers in yours. You weren't sure what he was gonna say and if this was the last time you'd be next to him.
 “ Am I going to be a father? Y/N? “ You shook your head yes and he smiled and it made you smile.
 “ You're not mad at me?”
 “Why would I be mad? I've always wanted to be a dad and I wouldn't want to have a baby with anybody else” he kissed your head and placed a hand on your stomach.
“ I love you so much & I can't wait to start this chapter of my life with you” and in this moment all of your doubts faded away. He was gonna be an amazing father & he always treated you well and you knew this was the man you wanted to have a baby with.
 For most of your pregnancy you tried to hide from the media because you didn't know how the world would take it. Only posting a few baby bump pictures and it ending up on TMZ and Harry would talk about it in interviews only when they asked him.
 You finally gave birth to your son and Harry was in love the moment he met him. Talking to him every night saying how he'll teach him how to play guitar & how to tie his shoes and how he'll teach him how to write so one day they can write songs together.  He always helped change the diapers and give baths and he would sing him to sleep.
You guys decided to name him Mitchell Robin Styles. It was a name Harry loved and you did to and it was the only name you guys could agree on. Harry only ever called him Mitch.  When you guys moved in to your first home. Harry had Mitch attached to his side, your dog's Cam & Nolan barking up a storm outside and you couldn't help but admire your life and how it changed the moment you took the test and that you wouldn't have it any other way. Harry was the best man & best dad you've ever met.
( I hope this is good??? I don't know. Enjoy! Send some request. )
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