bobbie-robron · 3 years
The best was yet to come...
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Later - the most cherished of all birthdays with his beautiful husband that he loves 💙:
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How the husbands could have spent the whole day (not just a couple of hours) 😈
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Day 4 - Robert’s birthday
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All the best! Liana Marisa (Instagram Star), 23 years old. Happy birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you never talk to. https://ift.tt/2KdDt0e
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georgebearpark · 8 years
Bert yawned and scratched at some of the stubble on his chin. He stuck a finger into his drink, tinkling the ice cubes floating around there. He thought about the day. If he didn't go to class, he'd play Frisbee instead. In the early evening, he'd hoist a few beers here at home, then hit the bars until some o'clock in the morning. Tomorrow, maybe he would go to class. But without doubt, he'd be drinking again by around sundown. Hopefully he wouldn't black out. Odds were against his blacking out, because he hadn't in a while. Then, looking forward in time, Bert saw Thursday evening — a great big bash on his back deck, with a live band and lots of beer. And Friday evening — getting soused wherever. And, finally, Saturday — he'd be superloaded before, during and after the football game. Beyond that, into the further reaches of adulthood, he could not see. Why should he? He was deeply into the moment of now. He'd structured his entire existence — in which he always seemed to be vying for the honor of being the top partyer at the nation's top party school — around this moment of now.
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bobbie-robron · 4 years
Even on my birthday, Andy’s the center of everything...
Scene 1: It’s Robert’s 11th birthday (which was celebrated on the wrong day that year). Sarah and Jack worry about Viv making trouble over Andy with social services. They think Robert’s party would the best place for Andy to apologize to Donna if they can convince Viv to let her come.
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Robert: It’s not fair. Even on my birthday, Andy’s the center of everything.
Scene 2: Sarah has a talk with Viv and she convinces her to let Donna go to the party. If anything else happens with Andy, the threat about social services is still there.
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Sarah: Let Donna come to the party and Andy will apologize for what he’s done. And then a clean slate eh?
Viv: Alright. But anymore nonsense, I’m straight off to social services to tell them about his escapades.
Scene 3: Jack is having issues setting up Robert’s PlayStation so Andy offers to do it. Jack tells Sarah how the dry rot at the new house is costing them a few thousands quid more. The farm is turning into a money pit. Annie sent Robert trainers just in time for his football competition that’s coming up. Robert is not happy to see Andy fiddling with the PlayStation. The party guests show up.
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Robert: Get your hands off my presents.
Andy: I was setting it up for ya.
Robert: I can do it myself.
Scene 4: Robert’s playing with the PlayStation with Donna watching on. Andy wants Robert to open his present but Robert wants to keep playing. When both Robert and Donna make comments about jealousy/Andy’s parents not being about to afford something like that, Andy smashes the PlayStation.
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Andy: Are you going to open up my present?
Robert: I’m playing.
Andy: Oh go on, open it.
Robert: Wait, I’m on level 2.
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Andy: You know I spent all my pocket money to buy you that.
Donna: Just go away. You’re only jealous he got a PlayStation.
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Robert: Yeah, cos his mum and dad could never afford one of these. (Andy smashes the PlayStation)
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Scene 5: Andy tries to explain to Jack and Sarah how Robert and Donna were saying things about his dad. Would Jack ignore it if someone was slagging off Sarah? Robert meanwhile calls it a night after his ruined birthday.
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Andy: Everyone hates me around here.
Robert: Yeah, I do.
Sarah: That’s enough Robert.
Andy: You still haven’t opened up my birthday present.
Robert: And I’m not gonna now. Night everyone. Thanks for spoiling my birthday.
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