#1948 Democratic National Convention
deadpresidents · 1 year
Carter has passed Garner! He now holds ALL the records for anyone who has ever been President or VP! Only Alf Landon's still stands and he was never President!
Yes, you are correct! Jimmy Carter has now passed John Nance Garner on the list of longest-living Presidents or Vice Presidents (here was that list at the beginning of September). And we are 10 days away from President Carter becoming the first President or Vice President to ever celebrate their 99th birthday. Not bad for a guy who has been in hospice care since February.
And, yes, Alf Landon is the longest-living major party nominee for President or Vice President. Landon was the 1936 Republican Presidential nominee and lost the general election to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Landon was 100 years, 33 days old when he died in 1987. Think about that for a second: Alf Landon was the Republican Presidential nominee when FDR ran for his second term as President, and Landon died when Ronald Reagan had a little over a year left in his Presidency!
BUT, it's worth nothing that while Alf Landon is undoubtedly the longest-living Presidential or Vice Presidential nominee by a major party, he is NOT the longest-living person to ever win Electoral votes as President or Vice President.
In 1948, many Southern Democrats opposed to support for civil rights in the party's platform at the Democratic National Convention bolted from the party and formed the States' Rights or "Dixiecrat" party to run against incumbent Democratic President Harry S. Truman and Republican nominee Thomas Dewey. The Dixiecrats nominated South Carolina Governor (and future longtime Senator) Strom Thurmond as their Presidential nominee. Despite not being a major party nominee, Thurmond and the Dixiecrats, relying on voters in former Confederate strongholds in the South, performed better in the general election than just about any third-party Presidential candidate of the 20th Century.
Thurmond and the Dixiecrats won 4 states and 39 Electoral votes in 1948. In 1936, Republican nominee Alf Landon won two states and just 8 Electoral votes. So Thurmond's racist, third-party challenge performed far better than the GOP nominee had done twelve years earlier.
So, unfortunately, while we're talking about longest-living President or Vice Presidential nominees, we have to throw Strom Thurmond in the conversation considering the fact that he won far more Electoral votes in 1948 than Alf Landon did in 1936. And Thurmond lived longer, as well. Thurmond was 100 years, 203 days old when he died in 2003 -- he lived 170 days longer than Alf Landon did.
Thurmond is also almost certainly the oldest person to ever be one of the top officials in the Presidential line of succession. As I mentioned, Thurmond eventually served in the U.S. Senate from South Carolina -- a seat that he held from 1954-2003 (except for a period of about 7 months in 1956) -- where he eventually became the first (and only, so far) person to serve in Congress after their 100th birthday. Due to his lengthy tenure in office, Thurmond was president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate for several years when his party was in control of the Senate.
As president pro tem, Thurmond was third in the Presidential line of succession, behind the Vice President and Speaker of the House. This meant that, Thurmond was third in the line of succession well after turning 98 years old. In June 2001, Vermont Senator Jim Jeffords announced that he would begin caucusing with the Democrats in the Senate, which gave the Democrats a narrow majority and control in the Senate, However, if Jeffords had not made that decision when he did, Strom Thurmond would have been president pro tempore on September 11, 2001. That means a nearly 99-year-old man would have been third in the Presidential succession at the time of the 9/11 attacks.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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My friends, to those who say that we are rushing this issue of civil rights, I say to them we are 172 years late. To those who say that this civil-rights program is an infringement on states’ rights, I say this: The time has arrived in America for the Democratic Party to get out of the shadow of states' rights and to walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights. People—human beings—this is the issue of the 20th century. People of all kinds—all sorts of people—and these people are looking to America for leadership, and they’re looking to America for precept and example.
—Hubert H. Humphrey, 1948 Democratic National Convention Address, Philadelphia, PA, July 14, 1948
[Robert Scott Horton]
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liberalsarecool · 1 month
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This statement was made during the 1948 Democratic Party National Convention. Its adoption caused Strom Thurman and the Dixiecrats to storm out and re-align themselves with the Republican Party.
This allowed the Democratic Party to become the champions of civil rights, human rights, and inclusion.
Another Minnesotan.
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radiofreederry · 27 days
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1948: The support of the superheroes Statesman and Rosie the Riveter at the 1944 Democratic National Convention ensured the renomination of Vice President Henry Wallace, who thus succeeded the Presidency after Franklin Roosevelt died in 1945. Wallace and his liberal faction of the Democratic Party were able to keep control of the 1948 nominating convention and a majority of the states’ delegates, ensuring Wallace’s nomination to a term in his own right. The platform adopted by the party was the most liberal in its history, with a civil rights plank added at last. This precipitated a walkout by many Southern delegates, led by Strom Thurmond, who formed an alternate ticket on the banner of the States’ Rights Democratic Party. Wallace selected Texas Senator Tom Connally as his running mate to stop the bleeding.
The frontrunner for the Republican nomination was New York governor Thomas Dewey, but he was injured in a car accident before the convention and declined to pursue the nomination while he recovered. Thus, it fell to conservative leader Robert Taft to carry the party’s banner, with prominent liberal Harold Stassen on the ticket for balance.
Although Wallace was initially expected to face some difficulty in his campaign, with Taft labeling him soft on communism and bringing up his past associations with radicals and esoteric figures, Wallace was deftly able to tie Taft’s campaign to the unpopular 80th Congress, a move suggested by Missouri Senator Harry Truman. Thus, on Election Day Wallace was able to secure the last electoral Democratic landslide of the New Deal era. Sadly, less than a year later he died under unclear circumstances, with the more conservative Connally reversing many of his policies of rapprochement with the Eastern Bloc upon assuming the Presidency.
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intersectionalpraxis · 11 months
The hospital was not bombed by Israel, it was a result of a faulty missile launch by the Islamic jihad. There are video evidence for that, and probably more to come.
Israel is committing war crimes right now and has been relentlessly bombing Gaza: killing now up to 3000 innocent Palestinian civilians JUST these past several days. Most of whom are children because they represent 50% of Gaza's population.
There have been innumerable Israeli propaganda videos dehumanizing Palestinian people, yet without fail -videos of Israeli soldiers in Gaza and West Bank brutalizing Palestinian civilians and often proudly spewing genocidal rhetoric about oppressing the Palestinian people -are often taken down.
Israeli apartheid has been ongoing violently for 75 years, and NO major western/European power had openly condemned this deliberate ethnic cleansing, which had been systemically done by the Israeli government by settling illegally on Indigenous Palestinian land in the first place with help from Britain and the United States, displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people during thr Nakba of 1948 (which forced these people into Gaza) and an estimated tens of thousands were murdered if they did not go).
Do you think for one second that I would believe ANYTHING that comes out of Israeli governmental/military mouths when they lied about Hamas beheading 40 Israel babies heads (when Israeli military actually beheaded 10 Palestinian babies heads), or the fact they LIED about an assault on a German woman, as well as countless other sexual assault allegations, which in this case was proven to be false and something to further their violent agenda. Less we also conveniently forget to mention the amount of Palestinian women that the IDF/Israeli officials have raped and brutalized during 'interrogations,' which of course Isreal/Netanyahu vehemently denies because it's not becoming of a democratic nation right?
Rampant crimes against humanity, breaking of Geneva Conventions, getting 3 BILLION in military aid EVERY year from the United States. Controlling what goes in and out of Gaza for decades, and making Gaza the largest concentration camp in the world. Intending to decimate Palestinian people and some of ya'll can't stop to actually think about what is really happening? To see how Western media, without fail, has been almost immediately spreading Isreali propaganda without sharing content and videos from the ground in Palestine (it certainly doesn't help the Israeli government cut electricity and wifi).
So before you come on my page and try to proclaim/claim that Israel is innocent or is not at all at fault for this massacre, maybe unpack it more and bear witness to Palestinians losing their lives for simply existing in what Israeli settlers consider to be their right to control.
Here is a series of tweets that convey information about this strike and also with original evidence of the strike, which people have already distinguished as NOT a rocket (which is what the Israeli government said initially):
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This person also did great work debunking the EDITED video Israel posted about the bombing if you want to take a look:
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And we now how confirmation this happened:
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#RudyTuesday Network crews setting up for television coverage of the 1948 National Conventions in the Philadelphia Convention Hall. Republicans met in June, Democrats in July.
“Television is at the root of the heat trouble in the convention hall. Before television, when the bright lights were used only at intervals for the benefit of photographers and motion picture cameras, there was relief from the furnace-hot rays of the big lights. But television instruments are at work all the time. Consequently, the hot lights are blazing from the start to the end of the session.” – Maurice Early, The Muncie Star, July 18, 1948
One in a series of photos from the Rudy Bretz papers at UMD.
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newhistorybooks · 1 year
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"Samuel Freedman, one of the great chroniclers of modern America, provides us with a fascinating history of racial liberalism in Cold War America, unpacking the origin story of Hubert Humphrey's pathbreaking speech at the 1948 Democratic National Convention. Capturing a pivotal moment in the history of civil rights politics, Freedman's book is a significant contribution to the literature on American politics."
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The Ballot Or The Bullet - Malcolm X
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Dixiecrats and the “Southern Strategy” was born. At the 1948 Democratic National Convention, a group led by Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota proposed some controversial new civil rights planks of racial integration and the reversal of Jim Crow laws to be included in the party platform.
Southern Democrats were dismayed. President Harry S. Truman was caught in the middle for his recent executive order to racially integrate the armed forces. As a compromise, he proposed the adoption of only those planks that had been in the 1944 platform. 
That was not enough for the liberals. Truman's own civil rights initiatives had made the civil rights debate unavoidable. The planks were adopted and 35 southern Democrats walked out in protest. They formed the States' Rights Democratic Party, which became popularly known as the Dixiecrats.
Their campaign slogan was “Segregation Forever!” Their platform also included “states’ rights” to freedom from governmental interference in an individual's or organization's prerogative to do business with whomever they wanted.
Clearer political and ideological lines began to be drawn between the Democrat and Republican parties as moderates and liberals converted from Republican to Democrat. Conservatives in the Democratic Party began to move to the increasingly conservative Republican Party. Meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, the Dixiecrats nominated South Carolina governor Strom Thurmond as their presidential candidate. (NOTE BIDEN WAS MENTORED BY STROM THURMOND) CNN FACT CHECK  Biden on his past praise of segregationist senators - click the link to read
They remained in the Democratic fold, restive, until the candidacy of Republican conservative Barry Goldwater liberated them in 1964 by refreshing some of the Dixiecrat ideologies and therefore accelerated the transition from a solid South for the Democrats to one for the Republicans. Strom Thurmond switched to the Republican Party that year and remained there until his death in December 2003. Other presidential candidates, such as Republican Richard M. Nixon in 1968, have effectively used the Southern strategy of "states' rights" and racial inequality to garner votes from the racially conservative electorate in the southern states. Excerpt Dixiecrats  by US history.com
Letters: The old Dixiecrat racists are now the Republican obstructionists of today - click link for complete story
The party was dominated by Dixiecrats and they were the Democrats of the past. Many members of today's Democratic Party were prevented from voting. When they finally received help from the voting rights bills of the 1960s, the Dixiecrats started their move from Democrat to Republican. We now have a Republican Party that has taken on the old tried and true model of the Dixiecrats. (excerpt)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 2.21
452 or 453 – Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis, is martyred in Palestine. 1245 – Thomas, the first known Bishop of Finland, is granted resignation after confessing to torture and forgery. 1440 – The Prussian Confederation is formed. 1613 – Mikhail I is unanimously elected Tsar by a national assembly, beginning the Romanov dynasty of Imperial Russia. 1797 – A force of 1,400 French soldiers invaded Britain at Fishguard in support of the Society of United Irishmen. They were defeated by 500 British reservists. 1804 – The first self-propelling steam locomotive makes its outing at the Pen-y-Darren Ironworks in Wales. 1808 – Without a previous declaration of war, Russian troops cross the border to Sweden at Abborfors in eastern Finland, thus beginning the Finnish War, in which Sweden will lose the eastern half of the country (i.e. Finland) to Russia. 1828 – Initial issue of the Cherokee Phoenix is the first periodical to use the Cherokee syllabary invented by Sequoyah. 1842 – John Greenough is granted the first U.S. patent for the sewing machine. 1848 – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish The Communist Manifesto. 1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Valverde is fought near Fort Craig in New Mexico Territory. 1866 – Lucy Hobbs Taylor becomes the first American woman to graduate from dental school. 1874 – The Oakland Daily Tribune publishes its first edition. 1878 – The first telephone directory is issued in New Haven, Connecticut. 1885 – The newly completed Washington Monument is dedicated. 1896 – An Englishman raised in Australia, Bob Fitzsimmons, fought an Irishman, Peter Maher, in an American promoted event which technically took place in Mexico, winning the 1896 World Heavyweight Championship in boxing. 1913 – Ioannina is incorporated into the Greek state after the Balkan Wars. 1916 – World War I: In France, the Battle of Verdun begins. 1918 – The last Carolina parakeet dies in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. 1919 – German socialist Kurt Eisner is assassinated. His death results in the establishment of the Bavarian Soviet Republic and parliament and government fleeing Munich, Germany. 1921 – Constituent Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Georgia adopts the country's first constitution. 1921 – Rezā Shāh takes control of Tehran during a successful coup. 1925 – The New Yorker publishes its first issue. 1929 – In the first battle of the Warlord Rebellion in northeastern Shandong against the Nationalist government of China, a 24,000-strong rebel force led by Zhang Zongchang was defeated at Zhifu by 7,000 NRA troops. 1934 – Augusto Sandino is executed. 1937 – The League of Nations bans foreign national "volunteers" in the Spanish Civil War. 1945 – World War II: During the Battle of Iwo Jima, Japanese kamikaze planes sink the escort carrier USS Bismarck Sea and damage the USS Saratoga. 1945 – World War II: the Brazilian Expeditionary Force defeat the German forces in the Battle of Monte Castello on the Italian front. 1947 – In New York City, Edwin Land demonstrates the first "instant camera", the Polaroid Land Camera, to a meeting of the Optical Society of America. 1948 – NASCAR is incorporated. 1952 – The British government, under Winston Churchill, abolishes identity cards in the UK to "set the people free". 1952 – The Bengali Language Movement protests occur at the University of Dhaka in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). 1958 – The CND symbol, aka peace symbol, commissioned by the Direct Action Committee in protest against the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, is designed and completed by Gerald Holtom. 1965 – Malcolm X is gunned down while giving a speech at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem. 1971 – The Convention on Psychotropic Substances is signed at Vienna. 1972 – United States President Richard Nixon visits China to normalize Sino-American relations. 1972 – The Soviet unmanned spaceship Luna 20 lands on the Moon. 1973 – Over the Sinai Desert, Israeli fighter aircraft shoot down Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 jet killing 108 people. 1974 – The last Israeli soldiers leave the west bank of the Suez Canal pursuant to a truce with Egypt. 1975 – Watergate scandal: Former United States Attorney General John N. Mitchell and former White House aides H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman are sentenced to prison. 1994 – Aldrich Ames is arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for selling national secrets to the Soviet Union in Arlington County, Virginia. 1995 – Steve Fossett lands in Leader, Saskatchewan, Canada becoming the first person to make a solo flight across the Pacific Ocean in a balloon. 2013 – At least 17 people are killed and 119 injured following several bombings in the Indian city of Hyderabad. 2022 – In the Russo-Ukrainian crisis Russian President Vladimir Putin declares the Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic as independent from Ukraine, and moves troops into the region. The action is condemned by the United Nations.
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thursdaymurderbub · 2 months
Excerpt from an interview with Melvyn Douglas in 1980 Toronto about his wife Helen Gahagan Douglas, taken from Conversations with Classic Film Stars: interviews from Hollywood's golden era (2016) by James Bawden and Ron Miller.
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Then-Representative Helen Gahagan Douglas speaks at the Democratic National Convention in 1948. She once filibustered for days to name every Black man who had served in the war, to make sure they got listed in the Congressional Record.
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deadpresidents · 3 months
So prior to 1960, presidential debates didn't exist?
No, not between the general election candidates. There were a couple of debates before 1960 between candidates during the Presidential primaries: Republican candidates Thomas Dewey and Harold Stassen in 1948, Democratic candidates Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver in 1956, and Democrats JFK and Hubert Humphrey in 1960.
There was also something close to a debate between JFK and LBJ the week of the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. LBJ had hesitated and hesitated about jumping into the campaign in 1960, but finally tried to get in at the last minute before the Convention. To make a splash, LBJ challenged Kennedy to a debate and JFK accepted. But it was really just a poorly-organized, last-minute exchange of views in front of Democratic delegates -- mainly from the Texas delegation instead of a formal, strictly moderated back-and-forth with clearly set ground rules. It was too late for LBJ to realistically get the Presidential nomination and JFK came across so well in their "debate" that he not only won over most of the delegates in the room but also impressed LBJ. To illustrate how last-minute the debate and LBJ's official entrance into the campaign was, the debate took place on July 12, 1960, which was already two days into the Democratic Convention. JFK was nominated for President on the first ballot the following day, and ended up choosing LBJ as his running mate.
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wikiuntamed · 5 months
Five steps of Wikipedia for Friday, 19th April 2024
Welcome, καλωσόρισμα (kalosórisma), dobrodošli, chào mừng 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Pierre Kandorfer" to "1792 United States presidential election". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Pierre Kandorfer "Pierre Antoine Kandorfer (born August 17, 1943) is a German–American author and journalist. He is best known for his work as a media professional and the founder of Aviation Television. In 1970, he won the first film prize in the "Films of the Youth" category at the International Short Film Festival..."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: NASA "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA ) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research. Established in 1958, it succeeded the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) to give the..."
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Image by National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Step 2️⃣ 👣: 1948 Republican Party presidential primaries "From March 9 to June 1, 1948, voters of the Republican Party elected delegates to the 1948 Republican National Convention, in part to choose the party nominee for president in the 1948 United States presidential election. The 1948 Republican National Convention was held from June 21 to June 25,..."
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Image by Greystone Studio, N.Y.
Step 3️⃣ 👣: 1844 Whig National Convention "The 1844 Whig National Convention was a presidential nominating convention held on May 1, 1844, at Universalist Church in Baltimore, Maryland. It nominated the Whig Party's candidates for president and vice president in the 1844 election. The convention selected former Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky..."
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Image by Julian Vannerson or Montgomery P. Simons
Step 4️⃣ 👣: 1848 United States presidential election "The 1848 United States presidential election was the 16th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 1848. In the aftermath of the Mexican–American War, General Zachary Taylor of the Whig Party defeated Senator Lewis Cass of the Democratic Party. Despite Taylor's unclear..."
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Image by Cg-realms (current) AndyHogan14 (original)
Step 5️⃣ 👣: 1792 United States presidential election "The 1792 United States presidential election was the second quadrennial presidential election. It was held from Friday, November 2, to Wednesday, December 5, 1792. Incumbent President George Washington was elected to a second term by a unanimous vote in the electoral college, while John Adams was..."
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Image by AndyHogan14
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dunilefra · 8 months
Facts of Mauritania's Constitution
Trusting in the omnipotence of Allah, the Mauritanian people proclaim their will to guarantee the integrity of its Territory, its Independence, and its National Unity and to assume its free political, economic and social evolution.
Strong from its spiritual  values and from the radiation of its civilization, it also proclaims, solemnly, its attachment to Islam and to the principles of democracy as they have been defined by the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of 10 December 1948 and by the African Charter of the Rights of Man and of Peoples of 28 June 1981 as well as in the other international conventions to which Mauritania has subscribed.
Considering that the liberty, the equality, and the dignity of Man cannot be assured except in a society which consecrates the primacy of law, concerned by creating durable conditions for a harmonious social evolution, respectful of the precepts of Islam, sole source of law and open to the exigencies of the modern world, the Mauritanian people proclaim, in particular, the intangible guarantee of the following rights and principles:
the right to equality;
the fundamental freedoms and rights of the human person;
the right of property;
the political freedoms and the trade union [syndicales] freedoms;
the economic and social rights;
the rights attached to the family, basic unit of the Islamic society.
United throughout history, by shared moral and spiritual values and aspiring to a common future, the Mauritanian People recognize and proclaim their cultural diversity, base of national unity and of social cohesion, and its corollary, the right to be different [à la difference]. The Arabic language, official language of the country and the other national languages, the Poular, the Soninké and the Wolof, constitute, each in itself, a national common patrimony to all Mauritanians that the State must, in the name of all, preserve and promote.
Conscious of the necessity of strengthening the ties with [their] brother peoples, the Mauritanian people, Muslim people, Arab and African, proclaim that they will work for the realization of the unity of the Grand Maghreb, of the Arab Nation and of Africa and for the consolidation of peace in the world.
Article 1 (Part of it)
Mauritania is an Islamic, indivisible, democratic, and social Republic.
Article 2
The people are the source of all power.
The national sovereignty belongs to the people who exercise it through their elected representatives and by way [voie] of referendum.
No fraction of the people or any individual may arrogate its exercise.
Political power is acquired, is exercised and is transmitted, within the framework of peaceful alternation, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. The coups d’état and other forms of unconstitutional changes of power are considered as imprescriptible crimes whose authors or accomplices, physical or juridical persons [personnes physiques ou morales], are punished by the law. Nevertheless, these acts, when they were committed before the date of entry into force of this constitutional law will not give rise to prosecution.
No partial or total abandonment of sovereignty may be decided without the consent of the people.
Article 5
Islam is the religion of the people and of the State.
Article 23
The President of the Republic is the Head of the State. He is of Muslim religion.
Article 29
The President of the Republic newly elected enters his functions at the expiration of the mandate of his predecessor. Before entering into [his] function, the President of the Republic takes an oath in these terms:
"I swear by Allah the Unique to well and faithfully perform my functions, respecting the Constitution and the laws, to watch over the interest of the Mauritanian People, to safeguard the independence and the sovereignty of the country, the unity of the fatherland and the integrity of the national territory.
I swear by Allah the Unique, not to take or support at all, directly or indirectly, an initiative that could lead to the revision of constitutional provisions related to the duration of the presidential mandate and to the regime of its renewal, specified in Articles 26 and 28 of this Constitution.”
The oath is taken before the Constitutional Council, in the presence of the Bureau of the National Assembly, of the Bureau of the Senate, of the President of the Supreme Court and of the President of the High Islamic Council.
by Dunilefra, working for Political Analysis
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nedsecondline · 1 year
“Walk … Into the Bright Sunshine of Human Rights” For All of Our Labor
That was what Humphrey urged the Democratic party to do, when discussing the idea of states rights, in 1948 at the Democratic National Convention, as…“Walk … Into the Bright Sunshine of Human Rights” For All of Our Labor
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shiradestin · 1 year
"Walk ... Into the Bright Sunshine of Human Rights" For All of Our Labor
      That was what Humphrey urged the Democratic party to do, when discussing the idea of states rights, in 1948 at the Democratic National Convention, as the defection of Dixicrats sped up, into the Republican Party, which was once the party of Lincoln, and of Abolition. “… Democrats gradually followed the direction of a young speaker at the 1948 Democratic Convention. That was when Hubert…
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Anti-Communist Propaganda Cartoon | Make Mine Freedom | 1948
Sounds like the Democratic National Convention Party
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