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panmikola · 9 days ago
"В музее" 1871 г.
Карл Бёкер (Германия, 1836-1905)
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oldpaintings · 1 month ago
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At the Museum, 1871 by Karl Böker (German, 1836–1905)
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hildegardavon · 1 year ago
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Odoardo Tabacchi, 1836-1905
Hypatia, 1874, white marble
Private Collection
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antiqueanimals · 1 year ago
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Frederick A. Verner (1836 – 1928), Grazing Buffalo (1905), oil on canvas, 24 × 36 inches.
Coeur d’Alene Art Auction
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uwmspeccoll · 22 days ago
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Feathursday Icterids
On this first Feathursday of the New Year, we present four members of the Icterid family of New World blackbirds that are common here in the Upper Midwest. From top to bottom, they are:
Yellow-headed Blackbird  (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) 
Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Bobolink, male and female (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
This image is from a painting by the German naturalist artist and ornithologist Anton Göring ( 1836-1905), reproduced as a chromolithograph in our 2-volume set of Our Native Birds of Song and Beauty, by the late-19th-century director of the Milwaukee Public Museum Henry Nehrling (1853-1929), and published in Milwaukee by George Brumder (1839-1910) from 1893-1896.
View more posts from Nehrling’s Our Native Birds.
View more Feathursday posts.
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 8 months ago
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Sir Edward John Poynter, PRA, RWS (British, 1836-1919) The Cup of Tantalus, ca.1905
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curatorsday · 3 months ago
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Thursday, November 7, 2024
Today, I felt like doing a brief appreciation post for Susan Crane (1836-1924) - activist, humanitarian, reformer, businesswoman, and sister-in-law of Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain). I wrote a post about her for the museum's history blog back in 2016, so please take a look to read all about her. To keep this brief, though, I just want to mention that one of my favorite things about her is that she was an independent woman with an identity outside of that of her husband.
Susan Crane appears hundreds of times in local newspaper articles under her own name, not as Mrs. Theodore Crane (though that does happen a few dozen times). She spent the last 35 years of her life as a widow, so it makes sense for the reporters to use her actual name. Yet many women, widowed or not, were called by their husbands' names right up until their deaths, and often in their own obituaries. Susan Crane was one of just over a dozen women listed in the roll of charter members of the Elmira Women's Federation that was published in the September 16, 1905 issue of the Star-Gazette. There were more than 300 members listed. The vast majority were Mrs. Husband'sName LastName or Mrs. Initials LastName. Only Misses consistently used their own given name.
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hd-jawad · 7 months ago
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تاريخ موجز لساعة بيغ بن وبرج الساعة الخاص بها --- التسلسل الزمني لأشهر ساعة في العالم. برج إليزابيث ، ساعة بيغ بن ، برج سانت ستيفن ، برج الساعة وستمنستر ... سمها ما شئت * ، تعد الساعة متعددة الطوابق لمجلسي البرلمان واحدة من أعظم المعالم في العالم. لقد استمر لمدة 200 عام منذ أن تم تصميم الصرح لأول مرة ، وقد شوهد قدرا لا بأس به من العمل في ذلك الوقت. إليك التسلسل الزمني المقروء بشكل بارز ، ولن تجده على ويكيبيديا لأعجوبة الساعات. 1834 (16 أكتوبر): مجلسا البرلمان القديمان يحترقان على الأرض في حريق مدمر. فقط قاعة وستمنستر وبرج الجوهرة وعدد قليل من الأجزاء الأخرى على قيد الحياة. على الرغم من أنه كارثي تماما ، إلا أن الحريق يمهد الأمور لمجلسي البرلمان الأكثر إثارة للإعجاب الذي نعرفه اليوم.
1836 (29 فبراير): بعد منافسة شرسة مع 97 مشاركا ، تم الإعلان عن المخطط الفائز لأعمال إعادة البناء في يوم الكبيسة. فازت الخطط القوطية الكبرى لتشارلز باري وأوغسطس بوجين بموافقة بالإجماع ، على الرغم من إثارة المخاوف بشأن التكلفة الضخمة للشيء.
1843 (28 سبتمبر): بدء أعمال البناء في برج الساعة.
1852: تم بناء الساعة العظيمة في قلب البرج من قبل جون دنت ، لتصميم إدموند بيكيت دينيسون.
1856 (أكتوبر): ظهر اسم "بيغ بن" في الطباعة لأول مرة. تشير صحيفة لندن إيفنينج ستاندرد الصادرة في 22 أكتوبر إلى أن "جميع الأجراس ، كما نعتقد ، يتم تعميدها قبل أن تقرع ، وفي هذه المناسبة يقترح تسمية ملك الأجراس لدينا "بيغ بن" ، تكريما للسير بنجامين هول ، رئيس مجلس الأشغال ". لم يتم ذكر النظريات المنافسة القائلة بأن الجرس كان يلقب على اسم ملاكم مشهور في ذلك الوقت في الصحافة ، ولكن من المحتمل جدا أن يكون اللقب قد لعب على هذا اللقب بالإضافة إلى تكريم بنيامين هول.
1856 (13 نوفمبر): بيغ بن ، المدلى بها في ستوكتون أون تيز ، تحصل على أول اختبار لها. تم ضرب الجرس العظيم - الأكبر في إنجلترا - لأول مرة في الأماكن العامة عند سفح البرج الذي لا يزال قيد الإنشاء. وضع الرنين المزدهر عائلة ويليز في نصف وستمنستر. وفقا لأحد المراسلين في ذلك الوقت ، كان "مثل السم القوي ، يخترق الاهتزاز كل وريد في الجسم. إنه يضرب كل عصب ، ويهاجم ويجرب كل ألياف في العضلات ، ويجعل عظامك تهتز ويزحف نخاعك ". ستبلغ الساعة 1 مساء كل يوم سبت لمدة 11 شهرا القادمة.
1857 (24 أكتوبر): كارثة! يرن الجرس في درجة مختلفة تماما. يكشف الفحص اللاحق عن وجود صدع عميق في المعدن. الجرس لا يمكن إصلاحه ، لذلك يتم إزالته وذوبانه.
1858 (12 مايو): ساعة بيغ بن جديدة تماما ، أعاد صياغتها مسبك وايت تشابل بيل ، تحصل على أول بث علني لها. هذه المرة ، يتم نشر المصفق في وايت تشابل نفسها ، "لدهشة وقلق المنطقة المجاورة بأكملها". من المضحك أن نعتقد أن ساعة بيغ بن خرجت ذات مرة فوق الطرف الشرقي. يتم نقله لاحقا إلى نيو بالاس يارد.
1858 (14 أكتوبر): رفع الجرس العظيم إلى البرج. وتشير التقارير الصحفية في ذلك الوقت إلى أنه سيتم الكشف عنها رسميا من قبل الملكة فيكتوريا وتسميتها "رويال فيكتوريا" تكريما لها. يبدو أن هذا لم يحدث ، وأصبح لقب بيغ بن بحكم الأمر الواقع.
1859 (11 يوليو): تم تثبيت الجرس الثاني في الموقع لأول مرة. يعتقد أحد المعلقين: "إن الضوضاء التي تحدثها غير مكتشفة وقبرية وبائسة للغاية ، لدرجة أن المرء قد يفترض أنها كانت تدق جنازة الجنس البشري بأسره... يتم التصويت عليه بالموافقة العامة ".
1859 (سبتمبر): بشكل هزلي ، يطور الجرس الثاني أيضا صدعا ويتم إخراجه من الخدمة لمدة أربع سنوات.
1863 (نوفمبر): بونغ! ساعة بيغ بن المصححة تستأنف أخيرا رسومها. يعتقد أن النغمة أكثر هدوءا خلال مهدها. استمر الجرس في العمل منذ ذلك الحين ، على الرغم من التوقف العرضي.
~ 1882: تم تحويل برج الساعة إلى أطول أنبوب نتن في لندن ، لتقليل الروائح الكريهة في الغرفتين. (لم يتم توصيل المبنى بشكل كاف بمجاري Bazalgette ولا يزال يعتمد على حفر cess.)
1885: تم تجهيز الجزء العلوي من البرج بمنارة جديدة ، والتي تضيء مثل المنارة كلما جلس أي من المنزلين بعد حلول الظلام. سمي ضوء أيرتون على اسم أكتون سمي أيرتون ، الذي اقترحه. ~ 1905: يبدأ البرج في الظهور على كل زجاجة من صلصة HP ، بعد أن يفوز البهارات بموافقة مقصف القصر. عادة ما تؤخذ HP على أنها تعني صلصة "مجلسي البرلمان".
1910: تم اختيار ساعة بيغ بن في موكب جنازة إدوارد السابع. قرع الجرس 68 مرة بمناسبة سنوات الملك الراحل. سيتكرر التقليد مع الملوك اللاحقين.
1916: يتم إسكات الأجراس وعدم إضاءة وجوه الساعة ، حتى لا تجذب غارات زيبلين.
1918: بدأت الأجراس تقرع مرة أخرى ، رمزيا في الساعة الحادية عشرة من يوم 11 نوفمبر.
1923 (31 ديسمبر): ظهرت ساعة بيغ بن لأول مرة على الراديو ، وهي ترن في العام الجديد.
1940: ساعة بيغ بن تضرب الثالثة عشرة في منتصف الليل! على الأقل وفقا لإعلان إذاعي ألماني ، والذي يبدو أنه كان يستدعي triskaidekaphobia كحليف غير محتمل في الحرب الدعائية.
1941: تضرر البرج بشكل طفيف بسبب غارة قصف دمرت مجلس العموم. من الغريب أن الأجراس لم تتوقف على الإطلاق خلال الحرب ، على عكس الصراع السابق. ولهذا السبب تمكن الألمان من المطالبة بثلاثة عشر حصيلة.
1949: قطيع من الزرزور ، يجلس على عقرب الدقائق ، يكفي لإبطاء الساعة لمدة أربع دقائق ونصف.
1959: للاحتفال بمرور 100 عام على ساعة بيغ بن ، افتتح معرض في برج الجوهرة القريب ، ويضم رسومات أصلية ونماذج وصور فوتوغرافية مبكرة. إنه موقد بطيء. حضر 91 شخصا فقط في الأسبوع الأول ، على الرغم من أن الأرقام تزداد مع مرور الأسابي��.
1962/3: تأخر شوط رأس السنة الجديدة لمدة تسع دقائق ، وذلك بفضل تساقط الثلوج في الوقت المناسب للأسف. تخيل أن هذا يحدث اليوم ، على الهواء مباشرة على التلفزيون في جميع أنحاء العالم.
1970 (5 أغسطس): تسبب عطل داخلي في تلف الآلية ، مما أدى إلى إيقاف الساعة لمدة شهر تقريبا للإصلاحات. 1980: أعلنت هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية (بي بي سي) أنه سيتم إعطاء ساعة بيغ بن قراءة رقمية جديدة ، مع إعطاء عقارب الساعة لأول أربعة أشخاص للاتصال بالمحطة. يفشل المستمعون في ملاحظة التاريخ (1 أبريل) و "مصدومون وغاضبون" من الاقتراح ، مما يغمر المذيع بالشكاوى. إنه أزيز تم اقتراحه عدة مرات منذ ذلك الحين - فقط قم بالبحث عن الصور.
1980: على الرغم من أنهم لم يتمكنوا من رقمنة الساعة ، إلا أن بي بي سي ألقت مفتاح ربط في الأعمال في وقت لاحق من العام. حسنا ، ليس بالضبط مفتاح ربط ، ولكن قدم مقدم بلو بيتر. كان بيتر دنكان يتدلى أمام وجه الساعة كجزء من إحدى "جرأته" على علامته التجارية عندما ركل عقرب الدقائق عن طريق الخطأ. تم طرقه بعد أربع دقائق من المستقبل ، ولكن تم إصلاحه بسرعة.
1996-7: ومن المحتمل أن يؤدي بناء محطة خط اليوبيل الجديدة في وستمنستر إلى تعريض البرج للخطر. تظهر النماذج أن المعلم قد يميل حتى 10 سم دون اتخاذ إجراء علاجي. يضخ المهندسون "الحشو التعويضي" في الأرض أسفل الهيكل ، مما قلل بشكل كبير من الآثار.
2012 (2 يونيو): تم تغيير اسم الصرح إلى برج إليزابيث كجزء من الاحتفالات المحيطة باليوبيل الماسي للملكة. إنه ليس مجرد نصب تذكاري مناسب لجلالة الملكة. بضربة واحدة ، فإنه ينهي أيضا الحجج الدائمة حول ما إذا كان ينبغي تسمية البرج بساعة بيغ بن أو برج الساعة أو برج سانت ستيفن.
2012 (27 يوليو): في عام مزدحم للبرج ، تتناغم ساعة بيغ بن 30 مرة متتالية للترحيب بالأولمبياد الثلاثون ، الذي استضافته لندن.
2016: تم الإعلان عن Pimm's كراع رسمي لساعة بيغ بن ، على الرغم من أن تاريخ 1 أبريل يجعلنا نتساءل ... 2017: تم تدمير البرج من قبل سمك القرش الهائج ، والذي يبدو أنه ينجذب نحو أكثر معالم العاصمة جاذبية. ليست هذه هي المرة الوحيدة التي يتم فيها تدمير ساعة بيغ بن في الفيلم. تشمل الكوارث البارزة طاعون التنانين (عهد النار) ، وجسم غامض (دكتور هو) ، وهجوم إرهابي (لندن قد سقطت) ، وسقوط دبي بأكملها فوقها (يوم الاستقلال: الانبعاث).
2017 (21 أغسطس): ربما كان سمك القرش خياليا ، لكن ساعة بيغ بن صامتة بالفعل هذا العام قبل أعمال الترميم. لن يرن بانتظام مرة أخرى حتى عام 2022. تشمل الأعمال أيضا تركيب ��مود رفع ، مما يجعل الوصول إلى الجولات العامة أكثر سهولة.
2018 (أبريل): لم ير أحد على قيد الحياة وجه ساعة بيغ بن بدون عقارب. الآن ، بفضل أعمال الترميم ، نقوم جميعا. 2019 (مارس): بعد عامين من الترميم ، يتم الكشف عن وجوه الساعة مرة أخرى ... وقد ذهبوا إلى اللون الأزرق. إنها في الواقع استعادة للألوان الأصلية ، والتي سرعان ما تم تلطيخها بالسخام والضباب الدخاني.
2022 (نوفمبر): عودة بونغ بن ، بعد خمس سنوات من الصمت شبه التام. شهدت الفترة الانتقالية ثلاثة تغييرات لرئيس الوزراء ، وملك جديد ، والخروج من الاتحاد الأوروبي ، ووباء عالمي ، وحرب في أوروبا ، وأزمة غلاء المعيشة. عمل جيد نحن لسنا مؤمنين بالخرافات.
2023: عرض الجولات العامة للبرج للبيع. في السابق ، للحصول على جولة ، كان عليك الكتابة إلى النائب الخاص بك ، والذي تأمل أن يكون لديه أشياء أفضل للقيام بها من ضوء القمر كوكالة حجوزات.
6011: في عام 2011 ، حذر الخبراء من أن الميل الطفيف للبرج يمكن أن يصبح مشكلة بين 4000 و 10000 عام في المستقبل ... لذلك هذا هو أقرب تاريخ ؛-)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months ago
Birthdays 10.15
Beer Birthdays
Doug Odell (1952)
Julie Nickels (1959)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Michel Foucault; philosopher, historian (1926)
Friedrich Nietzsche; German philosopher (1844)
Jim Palmer; Baltimore Orioles P (1945)
James Tissot; French artist (1836)
P.G. Wodehouse; English writer (1881)
Famous Birthdays
Italo Calvino; Italian writer (1923)
Richard Carpenter; pop singer (1946)
Chris De Burgh; rock singer (1948)
Sarah Ferguson; British royalty (1959)
John Kenneth Galbraith; economist (1908)
Samuel Adams Holyoke; composer (1762)
Lee Iacocca; businessman, Pinto-maker & apologist (1924)
Helen Hunt Jackson; writer (1830)
Tito Jackson; pop singer (1953)
Emerill Lagasse; chef (1959)
Linda Lavin; actor (1937)
Mervyn LeRoy; film director (1900)
Penny Marshall; actor, film director (1942)
Warren Miller; sports film director (1924)
Stacy Peralta; skateboarder, film director (1957)
Jean Peters; actor (1926)
Mario Puzo; writer (1921)
Tanya Roberts; actor (1955)
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.; historian (1917)
Bruno Senna; Braziliam race car driver (1983)
C.P. Snow; English writer, physicist (1905)
John L. Sullivan; boxer (1858)
Virgil; Roman writer (70 C.E.)
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solnunquamoccidit · 1 year ago
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Wandbekleidung von Azulejos in einer Gartengalerie des Palastes Infantado
by Constantin Uhde (Brunswegian, 1836 – 1905)
from his Baudenkmäler in Spanien und Portugal (1892)
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packedwithpackards · 1 year ago
Bowdoin College, academia, and the two Alpheus Spring Packards
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Left: Engraved illustration of Alpheus in 1882 from History of Bowdoin College: with biographical sketches of its graduates from 1806 to 1879, inclusive (also Wikimedia). Right: Illustration of his son of the same name in 1888 from Popular Science Monthly Volume 33 (also Wikimedia)
In an interesting twist of fate, there are two Alpheus Spring Packards who are my ancestors. One of them, Alpheus Spring Packard, Sr. (1788-1884), is my 3rd cousin, 6 times removed. The other, his son, Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr. (1839–1905), is my fourth cousin 5 times removed. In this post I'll examine each of them and explain how they are different from one another, and note their similarities.
Alpheus Sr., as he will be called for the rest of this article, was born on December 23, 1798 in Chelmsford to a reverend, Hezekiah Packard (1761-1849), and Mary Spring (1773-1829). At the time of his birth, he was an only child. He would be joined, by 1816, by five siblings: George Thomas (1803-1876), Hezekiah (1805-1867), Sarah Spring (1808-1894), Joseph (1812-1902), and William (1816-1834).
He was educated at home, educated from Bodwin College in 1816, and became tutor in Bodwin College in 1819. A few years later, in 1824, he became professor of Greek and Latin, staying as such until 1865. He later became a religious professor in 1864, wrote many publications, and even served as college librarian. There was much more to his life than this simple biography. In June 1827 he wedded a 23-year-old woman, Elizabeth Frances Appleton, said to be a "woman of rare excellence". Unfortunately, their marriage was short-lived, as she would die 12 years later in June 1839. [1] Before that time, they would have five children: Charles Appleton (1828-1909), William Alfred (1830-1909), George Lawrence (1834-1916), Frances Appleton (1837-1902) (herein Frances A.), and Alpheus (1839-1905). The latter will later be described in this article as Alpheus Jr. or known as "Alpha" for short.
A few years after Elizabeth's death, in September 1844, and at age 45, Alpheus Sr. would marry again in Portland, Maine, this time to woman named Caroline McLellan, who was over 15 years younger than him! They would have one child: Robert Lawrence (1847-1913). Caroline married one time before to a man named Peter Osgood McLellan in 1836, with her original name as Caroline W Bartels, named after her father John Bartels. Her first husband, Peter, had died five years before in September 1839. [2]
Despite the fact that Alpheus Sr. and Caroline only beared one son, Robert Lawrence, as noted earlier, she lived most of her life, from age 30 to age 70, with Alpheus Sr. She even lived beyond him to 1893, to the ripe old age of 79, and was buried in Brunswick. She would be a mother of sorts to the children from the previous marriage of Alpheus Sr. with Elizabeth. At the time of Elizabeth's death, Charles Appleton was only 11, William Alfred was nine, George Lawrence was five, Frances A. was two, and Alpheus Jr. was not even one year old. In 1850, all of them were living together in Brunswick, Maine, along with George O. McLellan, the 12-year-old son Caroline had with her husband, Peter, and a 17-year-old woman named Joanna Sillers. [3]
In 1860, the household of Caroline and Alpheus Sr., still in Brunswick, would include Caroline's son, George O., now a seaman, Alpheus Jr., their son Robert L., and an Irish servant named Winifred Leonard. Alpheus Sr. would have real estate worth $2,000 and personal estate worth $1,000. [4] Unlike in 1850, Charles A., the engineer, and William A., as a student, were not in the household. Neither were Frances A. or Joanna Sillers. By 1870, the household had changed again. A 62-year-old woman, Rebecca P., and her seeming 31-year-old daughter, Charlot M., were in the same house as Alpheus Sr., Caroline, and Frances A. The real estate owned by Alpheus Sr. had grown to $3,500 while his personal estate was $7,500, much more than the combined real and personal estate owned by Rebecca, numbering at $3,000. A deeper dive shows that Charlot M. refers to Charlotte Mellen (1838-1923), the daughter of Charles Packard (1801-1864) and Rebecca Prentice Kent (1808-1905). A clergyman, Charles was another brother of Alpheus Sr., who was living in Biddlefield, Maine with Rebecca, and their children, Charlotte, in 1860, and in Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts in 1850. [5]
By 1880, the household would be small. Frances A. would be living with her mother of sorts, Caroline, and father, Alpheus Sr., in Brunswick. Also, an 18-year-old Irish servant named Margaret Cusick would be living in the same household. [6] This is the last census Alpheus Sr. appears in, as he died in 1884. By that time, he had also corresponded with Charles Darwin, taught writers like Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882), was acting President of Bowdoin College from  1883 to 1884, wrote 25 publications, and was key figure in the Maine Historical Society, along with a literary society known as the Peucinian Society and other historical societies. He would die on Squirrel Island of heart disease while on a trip with his family and be buried in Brunswick's Pine Grove Cemetery. He was said to be involved in the anti-slavery and temperance movements as well. [7]
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Undated via wikimedia and illustration of him in 1905
Alpheus Jr. would be different. He was born in February 1839 in Brunswick, Maine, and the last child of Elizabeth and Alpheus Sr. By age 21, in 1860, he was a student, likely at Bodwin College. He would marry a 25-year-old woman named Elizabeth Derby Wolcott a few years later in Salem, Massachusetts. By 1870, he and Elizabeth would be living in a house headed by 67-year-old woman, Martha P. Wolcott, and include a 36-year-old mariner named Samuel P. Wolcott, a presumed one-year-old daughter named Martha M., and two servants: 60-year-old Irish man named Daniel McDoregh and his 50-year-old wife Bethsheba, from Massachusetts. Martha was the mother of Elizabeth, while Samuel was likely Elizabeth's brother. It is curious that in 1860, Bethsheba was living with Elizabeth and her family, as was a man named John, who may be the same as Daniel. [8] In the 1870 census Alpheus Jr. is curiously listed as a naturalist.
That occupation was fitting. By 1870 he had already published works about collection and observation of insects, study of languages, Socrates, the Bunker Hill Monument, and how insects could benefit and harm crops. This would be the beginning of his career as an "eminent zoologist", which would lead him to become professor of zoology and geology at Brown University in 1878, building upon his role as custodian of the Boston Society of Natural History from 1855 to 1865 and connection with the Peabody Academy of Science from 1865 to 1876. He was also Massachusetts state entomologist from 1871 to 1873 and editor-in-chief of the American Naturalist for 29 years! [9]
By 1880, Alpheus Jr., Elizabeth, and their children were in the same household, now in Providence. Their children included Martha Walcott (1868-1956), who was at school, Alpheus Appleton (1871-1948), Elizabeth Darby (1877-1885), and Frances Elizabeth (herein Frances E.) (1880-1971). There were also two Irish domestic servants in the household: 20-year-old Bridget Maguire and 30-year-old Ellen Donahue. [10] By this point, Alpheus Jr. had published even more works, this time on Mammoth Cave, common insects, life histories of animals, zoology textbooks, and insects that can harm shade trees. Since no full census for 1890 exists, we can't say for sure what was happening at that time. However, we do know that by 1900 he had published books about geology, cave fauna, entomology, the Labrador Coast, French philosopher Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, a volcano in Sicily, and prehistoric tombs in eastern Algeria. A sketch of him written in 1888 in Popular Science Monthly notes his naturalist expeditions over the years, that he served for three years as assistant surgeon in the First Regiment of Maine Veteran Volunteers from 1863 to 1865, and said to have a "very pleasant and entertaining companion".
In 1900, the census enumerators described him as a professor of zoology. He lived in Providence that year with his wife Elizabeth and their children Mary W., Alpheus A., and Francis E., along with an Irish servant named Ritta Hackett. This is the last census he would appear in. By 1903 he was said to have written over four hundred geological and zoological works, and living at 275 Angell Street. He also was said to have grey eyes, tall, very slight, and was an immaculate dresser. [11]
A sketch by Albert Davis Mead of Alpheus Jr. after his death, in February 15, 1905 from an ulcerated tooth, causing necrosis to develop and septic poisoning, would describe him as an American naturalist. It would also praise his "sterling quality and the wide range of his life work", note his lineage, and praised his "scientific career". [12] He had also been a member of American Philosophical Society. There was even a 1920 biographical memoir of Alpheus Jr. written by T.D.A. Cockerwell. That book notes his lineage, that while in Brunswick an unnamed "maiden lady" assisted him about shells and naming native plants, while a Miss Ann Jackson told him about Lamarck as a boy, and notes that Alpheus Jr. "never knew his mother" due to her death when he wasn't even a year old. It also reveals that his aunt, Sarah, took charge of the household in the wake of the death of the mother of Alpehus Jr., and notes his antislavery sentiments, even at a young age, although there is some racist anti-Kurdish views mixed in there. At the same time, it reveals his use of local libraries as a form of self-education, excerpts from his diary, and his naturalistic trips, support of evolution, and more. [13]
In the years following Alpheus Jr.'s death, his wife Elizabeth would move to Haverhill Ward in Essex, Massachusetts, in 1910 living in a household headed by Percy W. McClellan and Frances E. By 1920 she would be seemingly be living in Andover with her daughter Martha, and a 51-year-old boarder named Lara Black. [14] In the end, there were similarities between the two Alpheus Packards, but also differences which separated them from each other, with Alpheus Jr. called Alpha in his early life, and had his own life separate from his father.
[1] "Death of Prof. Packard - Jul 17, 1884 obit" clipping from The Republican Journal, Belfast, Maine, 17 Jul 1884, Page 2; Francis E. Appleton in the Massachusetts, U.S., Marriage Index, 1784-1840, Index of Marriages in Massachusetts Centinel and Columbian Centinel 1784 to 1840, page ****94, American Antiquarian Society. Index to Marriages in Massachusetts Centinel and Columbian Centinel, 1784-1840, Vol. 1 A-D. Boston, MA, USA: G.K. Hall, 1961; Frances E. Appleton in the Massachusetts, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1633-1850; Family History Library; Salt Lake City, UT; Film # 0818093-0818095, Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Massachusetts, Marriages, 1633-1850; Frances A Packard in the Massachusetts, U.S., Marriage Records, 1840-1915, New England Historic Genealogical Society; Boston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911–1915, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840–1911. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911–1915. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts; Nehemiah Cleaveland, History of Bowdoin College: with biographical sketches of its graduates from 1806 to 1879, inclusive (ed. Alpheus S. Packard, Boston: John Ripley Osgood & Company, 1882), 188-190.
[2] Caroline W Bartels in the Massachusetts, U.S., Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, Town and City Clerks of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Vital and Town Records. Provo, UT: Holbrook Research Institute (Jay and Delene Holbrook), image 10071; Peter Osgood McLellan in the U.S., Newspaper Extractions from the Northeast, 1704-1930, Newspapers and Periodicals. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, image 97.
[3] 1850 United States Federal Census for Caroline W Packard, Maine, Cumberland, Brunswick, Year: 1850; Census Place: Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: 251; Page: 254b.
[4] 1860 United States Federal Census for Caroline Packard, Maine, Cumberland, Brunswick, Year: 1860; Census Place: Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M653_437; Page: 58; Family History Library Film: 803437
[5] 1870 United States Federal Census for Caroline W Packard, Maine, Cumberland, Brunswick, Year: 1870; Census Place: Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M593_539; Page: 75A; 1850 United States Federal Census for Charles Packard, Massachusetts, Worcester, Lancaster, Year: 1850; Census Place: Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts; Roll: 343; Page: 172a; 1860 United States Federal Census for Chas Packard, Maine, York, Biddeford, Year: 1860; Census Place: Biddeford, York, Maine; Roll: M653_450; Page: 384-385; Family History Library Film: 803450. Also living with Charles and Rebecca in 1850 was an 18-year-old woman from Ireland named Catherine Conway, likely a servant.
[6] 1880 United States Federal Census for Caroline W. Packard, Maine, Cumberland, Brunswick, 024, Year: 1880; Census Place: Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: 477; Page: 55C; Enumeration District: 024.
[7] "PROF. ALPHEUS S.PACKARD," New York Times, Jul. 15, 1884; "Pine Grove Cemetery Walking Tour," Pine Grove Cemetery, October 2011; "Guide to the Alpheus Spring Packard Papers, 1819-1886 undated," George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, Bowdoin College, accessed September 26, 2022; "PACKARD, Alpheus Spring," Database of Classical Scholars, Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences, accessed September 26, 2022. The latter source notes that he was college librarian from 1869 to 1881, and librarian of Maine Historical Society, was a legend at the college, and said teachers are "like faithful guides we are to show the pupil the most direct path to knowledge and become the companions of his way." Even Henry Wadsworth Longfellow reportedly paid a tribute to him in his poem "Morituri Salutamus," which spoke of "Honor and reverence and the good repute / That follows faithful service as its fruit."
[8] 1860 United States Federal Census for Caroline Packard, Maine, Cumberland, Brunswick, Year: 1860; Census Place: Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M653_437; Page: 58; Family History Library Film: 803437; 1900 United States Federal Census for Alphius Packard, Rhode Island, Providence, Providence Ward 01, District 0007, Year: 1900; Census Place: Providence Ward 1, Providence, Rhode Island; Roll: 1506; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 0007; FHL microfilm: 1241506; 1870 United States Federal Census for Alpheus F Packard, Massachusetts, Essex, Salem Ward 5, Year: 1870; Census Place: Salem Ward 5, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M593_613; Page: 654A; 1860 United States Federal Census for Elizabeth D Walcott, Massachusetts, Essex, Salem Ward 5, Year: 1860; Census Place: Salem Ward 5, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: M653_497; Page: 1131-1132; Family History Library Film: 803497.
[9] The Boston Herald – Wednesday, February 15, 1905, page 3 via Find A Grave Memorial. This obituary claims that his mother Frances was a "sister in-law of President Pierce". It also notes that he was "member of the national entomological commission from 1877 to 1882 and president of the zoological congress in Paris, and a member of the National Academy of Science".
[10] 1880 United States Federal Census for Elizabeth W. Packard, Rhode Island, Providence, Providence, 011, Year: 1880; Census Place: Providence, Providence, Rhode Island; Roll: 1211; Page: 181A; Enumeration District: 011.
[11] 1900 United States Federal Census for Elizabeth Packard, Rhode Island, Providence, Providence Ward 01, District 0007, Year: 1900; Census Place: Providence Ward 1, Providence, Rhode Island; Roll: 1506; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 0007; FHL microfilm: 1241506; U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900-2016 for Alpheus Spring Packard, Rhode Island, Providence, Brown University, 1903, p. 15; entry in Encyclopedia Brunoniana by Martha Mitchell, 1993.
[12] The Boston Herald – Wednesday, February 15, 1905, page 3 via Find A Grave Memorial; Albert Davis Mead, "Alpheus Spring Packard", Popular Science Monthly Volume 67 May 1905 (1905); "Packard, Alpheus Spring", The New Student's Reference Work  (1914).
[13] He is also mentioned in "Folder 5 Packard, Alpheus Spring, Jr., 1870-1879" within Box 31 of the Spencer Fullerton Baird Papers, "Folder 14 Packard, Alpheus Spring" within Box 4 of the Marcus Benjamin Papers, 1886-1929, "Folder 6 Packard Jr., Alpheus Spring, (1839-1905). Includes biographical sketches, 1920, 1966. See Series 2 for photograph" within Box 10 of Photographs and Biographical Information, 1797-1988 and undated, "Folder 28 Packard, Alpheus Spring (1839-1905). Includes an obituary, and a biographical memoir, 1905-1920" within Box 12 of National Museum of Natural History. Division of Mammals Biographical File, 1860-1973 and undated.
[14] 1910 United States Federal Census for Elizabeth Packard, Massachusetts, Essex, Haverhill Ward 5, District 0317, Year: 1910; Census Place: Haverhill Ward 5, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: T624_582; Page: 25A; Enumeration District: 0317; FHL microfilm: 1374595; 1920 United States Federal Census for Elizabeth Walcott, Massachusetts, Essex, Andover, District 0008, Year: 1920; Census Place: Andover, Essex, Massachusetts; Roll: T625_688; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 8.
Note: This was originally posted on Apr. 10, 2023 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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poddyshobbies · 2 years ago
JR 採銅所駅とドクターウエスト(キヤ141)
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2023.3.10 ~ 日田彦山線の検測日でした。> YouTube(7分14秒)… 列車交換でした。
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関連投稿 > JR 添田駅とドクターウエスト(キヤ141) / ノスタルジー ~ 採銅所駅 寸景
DATA:3/10 竹下~門司港~添田~田川後藤寺 1534-1550 採銅所 1603-1619 石田 1650-1654 城野 1700-1706 西小倉 1725-1740 折尾 1742-1747 遠賀川 1808-1820 赤間 1836-1847 福工大前 1848-1901 吉塚 1905-1909 博多 1918-1922 竹下(小)
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ultraheydudemestuff · 6 months ago
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Lorain Avenue Commercial Historic District (Lorain Fulton Square)
3202-5730 Lorain Ave.
Cleveland, OH
Buildings on the northern side of Lorain Avenue (State Route 10) east of the Forty-first Street intersection in Cleveland, Ohio, are part of the Lorain Avenue Commercial Historic District, a historic district that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Fulton Road is one of seven streets that were originally designed to radiate from Franklin Circle in accordance with the 1836 subdivision plat created by Ohio City pioneer real estate developers Josiah Barber and Richard Lord. Starting at the Circle, it runs for one-half mile in a southwesterly direction, intersecting several grid streets at sharp angles, before terminating--at least until 1905--at Lorain Avenue (then, Lorain Street). It is unknown whether Barber or Lord envisioned it, but the original terminus of Fulton Road was destined to become one of the most commercially important corners on the west side of Cleveland in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
At least since 1993, when the Cleveland Landmarks Commission cataloged historic buildings on Lorain Avenue between West 32nd and West 58th Streets during the process that created the Lorain Avenue Commercial Historic District on June 17, 1994, the City has been aware of the extent of the deterioration and loss of historic buildings at or near Lorain-Fulton Square. Before Landmarks Commission intern Don Petit walked up and down Lorain Avenue in that year, snapping photos of the historic buildings, many historic buildings were already lost--burned down, torn down or perhaps blown down in the 1953 Tornado. The photos he took were part of a City effort to save the remaining historic buildings. Many of the buildings that were still standing at or near the intersection of Lorain and Fulton when Petit walked the area in 1993, no longer are. Lorain Fulton Square has become a very different place than it was one hundred or even thirty years ago.
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verdepradera · 2 years ago
Máximo Gómez - Cuba 1918
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Máximo Gómez - Cuba 1918PolíticosMáximo Gómez, reconocido líder militar en la lucha por la independencia de Cuba, dejó un legado perdurable en la historia de Cuba y en la búsqueda de la libertad. Nació el 18 de noviembre de 1836 en Baní, República Dominicana. Su importancia radica en su papel como líder revolucionario y estratega durante la guerra de independencia cubana.Gómez se unió a la lucha en Cuba en 1868, durante la Guerra de los Diez Años. Su valentía y habilidades tácticas le ganaron el respeto tanto de los cubanos como de los españoles. Lideró numerosas campañas y guerrillas, utilizando tácticas de guerrilla y conocimiento del terreno para desafiar al ejército colonial español.Después del Pacto del Zanjón en 1878, Gómez se exilió en Estados Unidos, pero siguió siendo un líder clave para la siguiente etapa de la lucha: la Guerra Necesaria, que condujo a la independencia de Cuba en 1898.Máximo Gómez falleció el 17 de junio de 1905 en La Habana, Cuba. Su legado perdura como símbolo de valentía y sacrificio en la búsqueda de la libertad. Su importancia para la historia de Cuba es indiscutible, ya que su dedicación y liderazgo inspiraron a futuras generaciones de revolucionarios y líderes.Sello “Máximo Gómez - 1836-1905” - PolíticosSi tienes este sello antiguo de Cuba con Máximo Gómez - 1836-1905, y tienes alguna consulta deja un mensaje en este artículo (post), utiliza el enlace “Deja un comentario” al principio del post (al lado de la fecha). Máximo Gómez - 1836-1905 Catálogo Sooluciones Nº 03954 - Sello de Cuba. Sello postal emitido el ??/??/1918.
Sello de Cuba Políticos
Información del sello: Catálogos: Michel: CU 40b.   Formato de la pieza Sello. Valor facial del sello  2 ¢ - Centavo Cubano. Tamaño del sello ancho y alto: 22 x 25 mm.   Dentado: 12.   Marca de agua: no .   Tipo de impresión de la estampilla Rebaje.   Colores: Rojo marrón.   Serie: Políticos. Temáticas: Hombres, Personajes famosos, Políticos, Sellos Cuba 1918. Formato: Sello. Categoría: Definitivo. Variante: Sin marca de agua. Precios de Venta o Compra de sellos aproximado vistos en internet: Precio mínimo estimado: 0,09 € (euros) Precio máximo estimado: 0,75 € (euros) Datos actualizados junio, 2023 Máximo Gómez - Cuba 1918 Comienza tu aventura filatélica hoy mismo: Agrega sellos postales a tu colección. Descubre cómo mejorar tu colección de sellos postales y aprende por qué la filatelia se considera un arte. Encuentra el sello que buscas (país, año, idioma). Con cada sello que agregues a tu colección, tendrás una pequeña obra de arte en miniatura. ¡Empieza tu aventura filatélica hoy mismo! Comienza tu colección de sellos postales con el primer sello y descubre un mundo lleno de cultura y entretenimiento. Si buscas un álbum o catálogo de un sello en particular (país, año, idioma), escríbeme y te avisaré cuando esté disponible. A través del enlace "Deja un comentario" ubicado al principio del post, puedes agregar información para este artículo y mejorar nuestro catálogo. También tenemos fichas para sellos en archivos en formato PDF descargables para imprimir (te ahorras el costo del envío, y el tiempo de espera), en papel normal o papel de 200gr de excelente calidad Para mejorar este catálogo, (número de catálogo, colores, dentado etc), puedes agregar información o informar de un error, para este artículo utilizando el enlace "Deja un comentario" ubicado al principio del post, junto a la fecha. La filatelia se considera un arte y cada sello es una pequeña obra de arte en miniatura. Con cada sello que agregues a tu colección, tendrás la oportunidad de aprender algo nuevo cada día y descubrir diferentes culturas. Si algo no está en un sello, no existe. ¡Empieza tu aventura filatélica hoy mismo! Read the full article
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year ago
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A Red-Flourish Feathursday
Today we present a chromolithograph of a male Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea), a male and female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus), and a male and female Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) from a painting by German naturalist and artist Anton Goering (1836-1905), reproduced in our 2-volume set of Our Native Birds of Song and Beauty by the late-19th-century director of the Milwaukee Public Museum Henry Nehrling, and published in Milwaukee by George Brumder from 1893-1896.
The Tanager and Grosbeak are currently in the Cardinal family, while the Towhee is a sparrow. All three are fairly common in our neighborhood, but unfortunately, we rarely see them. However, we do hear them, or at least we think we hear them, since the song of the Tanager and Grosbeak are similar, and even worse, they both sound, to our ears, somewhat similar to the very common American Robin, which is an unrelated thrush:
Scarlet Tanager song
Rese-breasted Grosbeak song
American Robin song
Fortunately, the Towhee has a very distinctive call that we find easily recognizable:
Eastern Towhee song
Because German was prominently spoken in Milwaukee through the middle of the 20th century, these birds are also identified in Nehrling's book by their common German names:
Scarlet Tanager = Scharlachtangara
Rose-breasted Grosbeak = Rosenbrüstiger Kernbeisser
Eastern Towhee = Erdfink
View more posts from Nehrling’s Our Native Birds.
View more Feathursday posts.
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palabrasdoradas · 7 months ago
Andromeda was the daughter of the king of Ethiopia, Cepheus, and his wife Cassiopeia. After her mother boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, Poseidon demanded that she be sacrificed to the sea monster Cetus. She is saved by Perseus, with whom she had seven sons and two daughters. As was already typical in ancient portrayals of Andromeda, Bukovac depicted her awaiting her fate.
Bukovac probably based his Andromeda, painted in Paris, on the works of English and French painters such as Edward Poynter (1836–1919), Gustave Doré (1832–1883) and William Bouguereau (1825–1905), who likewise painted Andromeda and Venus as idealised women with long red hair.
Source: Realism - National Gallery of Slovenia (ng-slo.si)
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Vlaho Bukovac (Croatian, 1855-1922) Andromeda, n.d. National Gallery of Slovenia
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