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nectar-cellar · 8 months ago
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Downtown Roles Mod Tutorial - TS3 - Mature Gameplay Ideas
NSFW 18+ mature content / a long read   
TLDR: this is a compilation/recommendation list of mods, a tutorial on how to set up NPCs, and how to tie it all together to add some mature gameplay to your save. 😈
Misukisu/Virtual Artisan had a “Downtown Roles” mod that sadly does not work anymore for the latest versions of TS3. Her mod basically allowed players to add role sims to community lots so your sims could have more NPCs to interact with, making the lots feel more alive in a mature "downtown" sort of way.
I was inspired by her mod and I want to share how you can recreate and expand her mod’s functions with Nraas Register and Arsil’s Custom Generic Role mod. Some players might already know how these mods work, but it was a new discovery for me. I didn’t know how useful role sims could be! It got the gears in my dirty mind turning.
The main purpose of this mod list/tutorial: to add role sims to community lots for your main sims to interact with, while they’re out on the town. These will be sims outside of your household. Their main “job” is to hang out at the lot. You can let the game generate new sims to fill these roles, or assign existing sims in the town to fill the roles.
Examples of role sims you can create: 
A regular patron at a dive bar for your sim to befriend or make enemies with.
A sexy single sim at a beach, gym, pool, bar or club for your sim to mingle and hook up with. 
An escort at a brothel for your sim to woohoo with (Passion mod). 
A client for your sim to sell drugs/weapons to (MonocoDoll Vile Ventures mod and Arms Dealing mod) - I have not tested this but in theory it should work. 
You can add multiple role sims on each lot. You could have a number of partygoers on a club lot/a number of escorts on a brothel lot/a number of mobsters or criminals on a warehouse lot who will always be there when your sim visits.
Why role sims?
Townies are unpredictable - you never know which lot they’ll show up on, and how long they’ll stay. Role sims will consistently be there as the supporting characters in your main sim’s story. 
Having consistent NPCs at certain locations around town can help with story-driven gameplay scenarios.
You can move a household of your own sims into town and assign them to fill various roles. See pretty NPCs around town!
If you let the game generate new sims for the roles, then it saves you the hassle of setting up new households yourself. You can always edit them later in CAS.
According to Arsil, it seems like sims who are already employed (such as most townies) will be removed from their jobs if they are assigned to be role sims. So I would avoid using any employed townies for this unless you are ok with that. Use unemployed residents instead.
I believe the role sim cannot leave the lot during the designated work hours. Your sim cannot form a group with them and go to another venue. However, you can invite the sim over or hang out afterwards from the relationship panel.
Mods Needed:
Nraas Master Controller + Integration Module
Nraas Register
Arsil‘s Custom Generic Role mod (both the floor marker and the desk)
Passion (if you want your sim to be able to have sex with the role sims on the lot or have the role sims dance on the stripper pole) 
MonocoDoll’s Vile Ventures mod (if you want to create NPC clients for your sim to sell to) 
MonocoDoll’s Arms Dealing mod (if you want to create NPC clients for your sim to sell to) 
How to Set Up: 
Step 1: Install the mods listed above. Then, open the save file you want to add some downtown sleaze to. 
Step 2: Find a community lot you want to add role sims to. This could be a bar, nightclub, brothel/motel/strip club, a run-down warehouse or block of buildings, casino, etc. I have downloaded many lots from Flora2 at ModtheSims and @simsmidgen here on Tumblr that fit the gritty urban vibe.  
Step 3: Enter Build/Buy mode. You can do this from Live mode. 
Press Ctrl + Shift + C, enter this cheat: testingcheatsenabled true 
Press the Shift key and click on the ground of the community lot. 
Click on “Build on this lot”. 
You can also enter Edit Town mode to renovate the community lot. 
Step 4: Place Arsil’s Custom Generic Role floor marker or desk on the lot. Place one for each role sim you want to create. They are located in Build Mode -> Community Objects -> Misc. If the desk looks out of place, use the floor marker instead. 
Step 5: In Live mode, click on the object -> Settings to set:
The name of the role (clubgoer/stripper/escort/mobster/etc.) 
The “work” hours the sim will be on the lot for 
The days off 
The motives to freeze or not (I recommend freezing all the motives to avoid interactions being interrupted/sims complaining due to low motives) 
If the sim you want to assign to the role already lives in town, click on the object -> Nraas -> Register -> Select -> Choose criteria -> select the sim from the list. I would avoid choosing any employed townies as they may lose their job when switching to this role. Choose unemployed residents to avoid conflicts.
Remove assigned roles: click on the object to remove the sim from the role.
Step 6: In Live mode, click on City Hall -> Nraas -> Register
Allow immigration: choose whether you want new sims to be moved into town to take the roles (enable this if you want the game to generate new sims for the roles) 
Allow immigration = False: if you set this option to false, then a new option called "Find Empty Roles" should appear. You can then assign any sim to the role object you placed, from City Hall.
Allow resident assignment: choose whether you want existing unemployed townies to be randomly assigned to fill the roles (I recommend to disable this. I had Buster Clavell show up to work at my strip club. NO!)
Pay per hour: I'm not sure how to adjust the pay for each custom role but you can just leave it at the default or change it globally
Remove roles: click on the object to remove the sim from the role, or click on City Hall -> Nraas -> Register -> Global Roles -> Remove by sim
Step 7: In Live mode, give the game some time to generate the role sims. Visit the community lot and have a look at your new role sims. The role sims should autonomously interact with other sims and objects on the lot. Using Nraas Master Controller, you can take the sim into CAS to give them a makeover, edit their traits, or replace them with a sim from your sim bin. 
Step 8: Make your sim interact with the shiny new role sims and play out the storylines you always wished were possible. Public hookups, functioning brothels, selling drugs and guns - this is what The Sims 3 was made for, baby!!! 
Related Mods:
Arsil’s Exotic Dancer Stage - if you have a club community lot, you can use this mod to hire dancers. You can use role sims to add other NPCs to the club such as guests, shady business sims, or non-dancer sex workers. 
Nraas Relativity - this handy mod can slow down the speed of time so your sim can spend more time doing their "activities"
Nraas Woohooer - if you don’t want the explicit sex animations from Passion, you could use this mod instead to provide more woohoo options. 
Passion - for brothels/strip clubs, this mod will add sex animations and the ability to have role sims dance on the stripper pole. 
MonocoDoll’s Vile Ventures mod and Arms Dealing mod - you can use role sims to create more clients for your sim to sell drugs and weapons to, like different individuals/gangs/mobs. You could have different clients hanging out at different spots in the city. 
LazyDuchess Lot Population - this mod populates community lots with townies, and they can interact with the role sims you’ve created. 
Service Sims Out on the Town - this pushes service sims to visit community lots, to add even more variety to your crowds. 
If you made it to the end, thank you for reading. Please let me know if you try out this style of gameplay, and if you have ideas for more role sims and community lots to make. This tutorial was NSFW-oriented but you could easily adapt it to create NPCs for SFW community lots.
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out-with-the-boys · 6 months ago
The Dance- Chapter 07
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Homelander x Supe OC
Notes: 18+ This chapter contains themes of and references to deep, personal losses, which may be distressing to some readers. Please take care while reading.
Each chapter will have individual content warnings as they apply to avoid spoilers. Find this work on AO3. Tumblr master post here.
Previous chapter.
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To say that Morgan was a difficult and stubborn patient was an understatement. With the extent of the injuries she sustained when a Harlem apartment building collapsed on her, she was ordered to be on strict bed rest for a few weeks at least. Keeping her down was easier said than done, however.
Bed rest literally means bed rest, Ms. Daly. Lounging in your chair in the conference room doesn’t count.
Dr. Foster had personally ordered her back to bed herself too many times already. If it wasn’t for her Hippocratic oath, Morgan was certain the woman would have strangled her by now. As punishment, she was stuck in bed for one more week before she could get back to work on less taxing duties.
At the very least, she had her script for Dawn of the Seven , to rehearse.
“And you’re sure they won’t throw a fit over you breaking your NDA?” her sister asked, her wide grin practically audible over the phone. 
“Sammy, you’re my big sister.” Morgan said with a soft snort. “We’re basically extensions of each other. Besides, I know how you are about spoilers. You’d sooner invoke the curse of MacBeth than give away the story.”
“Shh! Don’t say that name!” Sammy hissed. “You’ll jinx the movie!”
“Relax, the curse only works for stage productions.” Morgan laughed softly, wincing slightly as a sharp pain shot through her ribs.
“Hey, all the world's a stage.”
Morgan wished she could have seen the wry grin her sister was likely wearing. One day she would have to convince her to upgrade her phone to something that actually had video call capabilities. The flip phone Sammy insisted on using was sure to break eventually.
Still, even without seeing her, Morgan could sense the shift in tone before Sammy could say what she was thinking.
”Sorry to change gears here, but have you found out anything else about the Compound V situation?” Sammy asked, her voice low.
Drawing in as deep a breath as she could manage, Morgan pressed her lips into a thin line.
”I don’t have any solid leads yet.” She murmured back.
Ever since the origins of supes came to light, Morgan’s family had been scratching their heads. Neither of her parents had struck any sort of deal with Vought to juice her with their super drug. If they had, Morgan would have known about it a long, long time ago.
Another worrisome piece to the puzzle was Dr. Foster’s silent panic with a recent panel of bloodwork she had done. Morgan’s already fragile trust with Vought and its other employees had been dwindling. After what happened with Stormfront in Harlem, Morgan felt less and less inclined to keep from reading minds without permission.
This can’t be right.
Foster’s voice still echoed in her mind even weeks after the fact. She had gleaned a few things from a quick mental scan, but it was still only a fraction of the bigger picture.
Edgar had ordered a test to be run on Morgan, all without her knowledge or consent. Dr. Foster was to see if she had any markers in her system that would indicate she had ever been touched with Compound V. Much to her surprise, and consequently Morgan’s, the tests came back with negative results.
Not minimal, not inconclusive– negative .
“What do you think that means?” 
Sammy’s question echoed in her ear just as a soft knock interrupted the moment. Morgan’s gaze flicked toward the door. Her telepathy warned her before she even saw him, and her chest tightened.
“Hey, I’ll call you back,” Morgan quickly said, her voice quieter now. 
“Everything okay?” Sammy asked.
“Yeah, just... something came up,” Morgan replied, eyes still on the door as she disconnected the call and set her phone aside.
The door opened with the unmistakable quiet confidence that only one person possessed. Homelander stepped into the room, the air seeming to shift with him. His presence was magnetic, almost suffocating in the small space. He was dressed in his usual immaculate suit, the red and white cape trailing behind him with an air of regality.
“Psyren,” he greeted, his tone somewhere between a question and an observation.
“Homelander.” She didn’t bother to hide the weariness in her voice. She shifted slightly under the covers, painfully aware of how feeble she must look to someone like him—someone who never seemed to show physical weakness.
He stood at the foot of her bed, his steely blue eyes scanning her as if taking inventory of whatever scratches, cuts and bruises still remained. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the silence stretching out uncomfortably.
“Am I interrupting something?” he finally asked, his tone deceptively casual, but there was always that edge to it—like he was testing her.
“Just a call with my sister,” Morgan said. “Nothing important.”
They both knew the other knew better than that though. She was already in his head, and he had been listening in with his acute hearing. The most worrisome part about that though, was he seemed to already know what Sammy was referring to. Morgan couldn’t fathom why Edgar would have disclosed the results of her secret Compound V panel to Homelander, but he had. 
Homelander nodded, though his gaze lingered on her phone for a beat longer before returning to her. “How are you feeling?” The question sounded almost... polite. Uncharacteristically so.
“Like I got buried under a building,” she said dryly, unable to help herself. “But I’m fine. You really don’t need to worry about me.”
Homelander’s lips twitched in a semblance of a smile. “Oh, but I do. I'm the leader of The Seven, and you’re a valued member of the team. I’m fully invested in your recovery.”
“I’m just saying you don’t need to keep checking up on me like this,” Morgan replied, her voice steady despite the tightness in her chest. “I’ll be back on my feet soon.”
“I’m sure you will,” he said, that small, almost imperceptible smile tugging at the corner of his mouth a little more. He took another step toward her bed, close enough now that she could feel the subtle shift in the air between them. Something about the way he was staring at her, trying to discern what he could about her from a simple look, made her feel like a bug under a microscope.
Conversely, she hadn’t ever taken her eyes off of his, and now his thoughts were a storm of unanswered questions. He had no way of knowing when she was in his head, and that unnerved him. Even more than that, the origins of her abilities had come into question, and he wasn’t even remotely sure of how to deal with that. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” she asked, a spark of mischief in her eyes. “I can hear those gears in your head turning.”
There was a brief flash of surprise that passed over his face before his expression quickly darkened. He was already worried she was in his head, but now he knew she was teasing him about it.
“Oh, I don’t know.” he huffed, his lips pulling into a tight smile. “Why don’t you tell me? Go ahead, tell me what you find.”
Morgan raised an eyebrow, her eyes never leaving his. “You sure you want me to do that?”
It was a challenge, and they both knew it. His smile faltered, just for a second, before it returned, this time sharper—dangerous.
“Go ahead,” he said, leaning in just enough to make the air between them feel heavy. “Take a peek. Maybe you’ll learn something useful.”
She could hear the anger creeping into his voice, the way it thinned, despite the control he was desperately clinging to. It was always like this with him. A balancing act. One wrong move and the mask would slip. One wrong word and she’d see just how close to the edge he was.
But Morgan wasn’t afraid of him. 
“I don’t need to read your mind to know you’re feeling threatened,” she said, her voice dropping slightly, her tone turning more serious. 
His jaw tightened, the facade of calm crumbling just a little. “Threatened? By you?” He laughed, forcing a smile. “You’re cute, you know that? Do you really think that? Or is that the pain-killers talking? I’m sure Doc Foster has you all hooked up with the best stuff.”
“Oh, I’ve been off the pain-killers for a while now.” Morgan said, cracking a wry grin. “Gotta keep this mind sharp. I’ve already let you see me impaired a few too many times.”
Homelander’s smile faltered, but only for a second. He adjusted his posture, arms crossing over his chest, the tension still simmering behind his eyes. “Then I guess you’re just naturally delusional.”
"Maybe I am delusional," she said with a shrug, but her voice lacked its usual bite. "Or maybe—"
Her phone buzzed in her lap, interrupting her mid-sentence. Morgan glanced down, seeing Sammy's name flash across the screen. She sighed, sending the call to voicemail and focusing back on Homelander, though something in her expression had shifted.
“Or maybe you're just not used to anyone calling you out on–" she was cut off once more as her phone began to buzz again. 
Homelander raised an eyebrow, noticing the change in her demeanor. "You gonna get that?" 
"It’s just my sister." Morgan waved it off, her voice tight as she ignored the call with a tap of her thumb. "I’ll call her back."
But no sooner had the words left her mouth than the phone buzzed again, Sammy’s name flashing across the screen. This time, Morgan hesitated, her fingers tightening around the phone. Sammy never called more than twice in a row unless it was urgent. Something twisted in her gut—a sinking feeling she couldn't quite shake.
Homelander watched her carefully, his expression unreadable. "Maybe you should answer."
Morgan didn’t respond right away. Slowly, she picked up the phone, a strange, cold dread settling in the pit of her stomach. She slid her finger across the screen and held the phone to her ear.
"Sammy?" Her voice was a little too calm, as if she was bracing herself for bad news but still hoping it wasn’t what she feared.
There was a pause on the other end. She could hear her sister breathing, and that alone was enough to send her pulse racing.
"Morgan..." Sammy’s voice broke, shaky and thin. "It's Dad. He's... he's gone."
The words hit like a physical blow, knocking the air out of her lungs. For a moment, everything around her faded—her lavish bedroom, Homelander’s presence, the soft hum of the city beyond the tower. It was just her and Sammy’s voice, raw and filled with grief, and the heavy, final truth that her father was gone.
Morgan blinked, her mind racing to catch up with the weight of the words. She swallowed hard, her throat tight, but she couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. All she could do was sit there, frozen, as the reality sank in.
“I—” Morgan started, her voice cracking before she could even form a coherent thought. Her chest tightened, an overwhelming ache swelling beneath her ribs. “I... okay. I’ll—I’ll make my way home. Do I need to call Lucas?”
For a solid minute or two, Morgan shifted into autopilot. On one level, she was aware of the things Sammy was telling her, and she was responding appropriately. On another level, all she seemed to be conscious of was her heart thundering painfully hard in her ribcage. 
Her father had been battling with stage four pancreatic cancer for some time already, and she knew that this was an eventuality. Even so, she thought she would have had more time. He had sounded well enough on their last phone call, but now she was wrestling with the fact that he was gone.
At some point she had said her goodbyes, and she was vaguely aware of her name being called.
“...Psyren? Psyren?” Homelander’s voice pierced through the haze in her mind, tinged with irritation but laced with something else, something uncharacteristically soft. “Morgan, are you in there?”
“Yeah…” she responded automatically, her brow furrowing as she sat up straighter in her bed. The room felt too small, too cold. “Yeah, I just need to... I have to go.”
Her pulse rushed in her ears, drowning out everything but the thundering ache in her chest. Her hands trembled slightly as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She moved on autopilot, ignoring the sharp pain still lingering from her injury as her body adjusted. A wave of numbness washed over her, a protective shield against the weight of her father’s absence.
“Go?” Homelander echoed, the concern etched into his brow deepening. “You’re on bed rest, doctor’s orders. You can’t go.”
Robotically, she brushed past him, her eyes distant as she made her way to the dresser. Her fingers fumbled with the drawers, yanking out clothes without much thought.
“Dr. Foster can kiss my ass,” Morgan murmured, her voice hollow. The grief that threatened to engulf her pressed against her ribcage, tighter with each breath. “My dad just died. I’m going home.”
She didn’t care about the dull throb in her side, or the way her vision blurred as tears welled up. She couldn’t afford to break down. Not yet. Not in front of him. Not again. Her family needed her. Everything else could wait.
Homelander stood frozen, his usual air of control slipping as he watched her. He opened his mouth to say something, but for once, the words didn’t come. Instead, he just watched her pack with that same intense, unreadable gaze, the silence between them thick with unspoken things.
Finally, he spoke, quieter than before. “Do you need anything? I can... help.”
Morgan stopped, hovering in the entry of her walk-in closet. For the briefest moment, she let herself meet his eyes, surprised by the offer. But she shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. “No. I just need to get home.”
Leaning her head against the open archway into her closet, she drew in a painfully deep breath. 
“I’ll reach out to Ashley then.” He said decisively. “She can help arrange everything you need. It’s not like you’ll be out in the field in the next few days anyway. You might as well spend the rest of your recovery with your family.” 
If Morgan had been paying closer attention, she might have registered the undercurrent of bitterness in his voice, tinted with the slightest degree of curiosity. That was a detail she would have to file away for a later time. For the moment, she was desperately trying to keep herself grounded and focus on the things she needs.
”Thank you.” She murmured with a gentle nod, before retreating into the closet to find her luggage.
Morgan stayed in the closet longer than necessary, her fingers tracing the edges of her suitcase. She could hear Homelander’s low voice outside the room, speaking to Ashley, but the words blurred into static. 
Just breathe. Just get through this.
It was a simple mantra that she played through her mind on repeat until the moment she was on a private jet bound for the Pawhuska Municipal Airport. The hum of the engines filled the quiet space as Morgan sat beside the window, staring out at the clouds but barely registering the view. She was exhausted, emotionally drained, but sleep wouldn’t come. Her thoughts drifted back to her father. 
She should have been there. God , she should have been there for him. For all the highs and lows he had been there for her, she should have been home and holding his hand in his final moments. Instead, she had been halfway across the country, playing at being a hero and acting as a glorified babysitter for a company that didn’t give a damn about her as a person.
Her father had always been her rock, the one who believed in her ability to change the world. She could hear his voice in her head, telling her that true strength wasn’t in power, but in the courage to stand for what was right. Before her abilities even manifested, he had taught her to be a force for good.
It was because of him that she decided to accept Edgar’s invitation into The Seven in the first place. Despite his distaste for the posturing and pageantry that surrounded Vought and its superheroes, he believed she could make a difference. But now? Now, she felt like a fraud. 
Try as she might to fight against it, she still found herself neck deep in endorsement deals, social media campaigns and all the other superfluous bullshit Vought threw at her. True, she had saved some lives along the way, but she could be doing more. She needed to be better.
The thing that probably hurt the most, was knowing that no matter what, he would have still been proud of her. She just wouldn’t ever get to hear him say it again when she needed it most.
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Song: Losing My Religion by BELLSAINT Author’s notes: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter! It’s a bit shorter than the others, but for me it was emotionally heavy. In the next chapter, we’ll see Morgan return home and confront some long-buried emotions as she navigates her family’s grief, all while the pressure from Vought—and Homelander—continues to mount. As always, your feedback means the world to me, and I appreciate all the support you’ve given this story so far!
Next Chapter.
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rickeryraymond · 17 days ago
PUNCH Newspapers | In 1996, a pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, administered a drug known as Trovan to children in Kano State, leading to deaths and permanent... | Instagram
RE@llY thINk Albert Einstein With A NuclearBomBunker(?) An ActuALL "PARKING LOTTED CHRISTIAN'S IN JAPAN" (A Genocid@llnALL) "GENIUS?!!";);( Did He Drink NeuroTox6x6x6'5ick6k6k6 ChemikILLieser LIBERALLcohALL?!!;);(
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OverDoseRaveRAPIST'SOdoMITE...THE NAZI CRACK EMPIRE: How Nazi Germany used drugs to destroy nations and build their economy : r/imaginarymaps
zionist/Antisemtic PfizzzerN/ArchetypElonJet D.S.M.usk'SeroQ.uILLed christmASS christianPIBBLE'S
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Texas Needs an Independent Ombudsman to its prison system
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Ecocide@llnALL Genocid@llnALL GMOAFountainTireRubbeRAPISTreeX6x6x6PEN-Sive BeerQ.ueer CASSinOverDoseRAPIST vegASSODOMITE "Super-i-OR" StocK6K6Karace'SACRIFICINGMONSANTORONTONTARIOTTAWASHINGTON D.C./SEATTLETFC. PROFIT'S Over OWNOWNED SAME PERSONALITy PROFILED.S.M. SINple'STOOPI.D.'SIMPLE'Stupi.d. "christian'SMITH's" N DEAD 2 EACHOTHER N OWNOWNED berry n smith trucking bus driver's (2EAST INDIAN'S ARE COOL!!) 01b.D.S.M.i$.$.ogynisticSeX6x6x6Cist'SOdoMITE BeastiALLitye'Snuf.f.IncestPedofileRAPISTorturePornetwork RACIST AGAINST immature "JAPANKNEES/PIBBLE'S/ INDIOT/BLACK NAZI CBT JustinKASEd.s.m." GRAND-KI.D.'S "Duh i.A.A./Duh i.H.A." (DuhDruther/TrumpTRASHOElBrOAF?!!) profit's over PEOPLE/"McPeople!!";);(
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12-panelnow · 11 months ago
Discover the Difference with 12 Panel Now's Drug Test Cups
At 12 Panel Now, we are committed to providing high-quality, reliable drug testing solutions tailored to meet the needs of both professional and forensic environments. Our range of drug test cups is designed to offer rapid results with accuracy and ease of use. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the features and benefits of our drug test cups, explaining why they are the choice of professionals across the country.
13 Panel Cup – Comprehensive Screening Made Easy
One of our most popular products is the 13 Panel Drug Test Cup. This robust tool is designed to detect a broad spectrum of substances, ensuring comprehensive screening in one simple step. Wondering what a 13 panel drug test checks for? This cup tests for substances including Amphetamines, Opiates, Methamphetamine, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Methadone, Oxycodone, Buprenorphine, MDMA, THC, Barbiturates, Tricyclic Antidepressants, and crucially, Fentanyl, which is increasingly important in today’s testing landscape.
Whether you're conducting screenings near or far, the ease of use of our 13 panel urine drug screen makes it a dependable choice. The cup itself is a closed system that reduces the mess and complexity often associated with drug testing. With clear instructions, reading the results is straightforward, enhancing the efficiency of the testing process without the need for extensive training.
Our cups are competitively priced at just $1.99 each, making the 13 Panel Drug Test Cup a cost-effective choice for bulk purchasing. It's perfect for hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and law enforcement agencies looking to buy dependable drug tests in wholesale.
16 Panel Cup – Extended Detection for a Safer Environment
Expanding on our 13 panel model, the 16 Panel Drug Test Cup includes additional tests for Phencyclidine, Ethyl Glucuronide, and Kratom, along with the standard panel. This cup is essential for institutions that require a more extensive screening to maintain a safe and productive environment. The addition of Ethyl Glucuronide allows the cup to detect alcohol consumption, a crucial factor in many testing protocols.
The 16 Panel Cup, priced at $2.69, includes all the features of our other cups, such as easy-to-read results and a no-leak seal, making it ideal for use in high-volume testing scenarios.
16 Panel TRA Cup – Tailored for Comprehensive Insights
Our 16 Panel TRA Cup includes all the substances our standard 16 panel tests for, with the addition of Tramadol, a commonly prescribed pain medication that is not typically included in standard tests. This makes the TRA Cup particularly valuable in environments where a comprehensive analysis of prescription medication usage is necessary.
Like our other products, the 16 Panel TRA Cup is designed for simplicity and accuracy. Priced at $2.39, it offers excellent value for those needing to screen for a wide array of substances, including Fentanyl and alcohol.
18 Panel KET Cup – The Ultimate in Substance Detection
The most comprehensive option in our lineup is the 18 Panel KET Cup. This cup tests for all substances included in our 16 panel cups, plus Ketamine—a drug that is not commonly screened for but can be crucial in certain forensic and clinical settings.
Priced at $2.69, this cup provides unparalleled breadth in drug testing, ensuring that facilities can have the most thorough screening tools at their disposal, complete with fentanyl, alcohol, and now ketamine detection capabilities.
10 Panel Cup FYL – Focused Testing with Critical Insights
For those who need a more focused range of testing while still including critical substances such as Fentanyl, our 10 Panel Cup FYL is an ideal choice. This cup tests for the most commonly abused substances, ensuring that it covers the essentials of drug screening.
The 10 Panel Cup FYL, priced at an affordable $1.59, is particularly suited for quick screenings in settings where the most common drugs of abuse are the primary concern.
Choose 12 Panel Now for Reliable, Efficient Drug Screening
Each of our drug test cups is designed with the user in mind, from the simplicity of obtaining a sample to the clarity of interpreting results. At 12 Panel Now, we are dedicated to providing you with tools that not only meet but exceed the requirements of modern drug testing. Our products are all certified for forensic use, ensuring that they meet the rigorous standards required in professional settings.
Whether you are in the healthcare, law enforcement, or any sector requiring accurate drug screening, our drug test cups provide a reliable, cost-effective solution. Choose 12 Panel Now for your drug testing needs and join countless professionals who trust us to help maintain safety and compliance in their organizations.
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writerscampus · 2 years ago
57-year-old Caucasian male presents with generalized abdominal pain
New Post has been published on https://writerscampus.com/2023/06/09/57-year-old-caucasian/
57-year-old Caucasian male presents with generalized abdominal pain
57-year-old Caucasian male presents with generalized abdominal pain and fullness, urinary frequency, urgency, and nocturia for two months.  He has unintentional weight loss of 40 pounds over the last six months and he has been experiencing fatigue, malaise, general body aches, polydipsia, and polyuria.  He has not seen a physician since he was a child. His past medical history is negative. His past surgical history is negative. He quit smoking five years ago but smoked four packs a day for eight years. Denies any alcohol or drug use. His family history is positive. His mom had some type of cancer but does not know what kind. She also had Parkinson’s disease and pneumonia. His father had diabetes, chronic kidney disease and hypertension. Physical exam.  His temperature is 98.6, Heart rate is 82, respiratory rate is 18, blood pressure is 160/90 and O2 sat is 98% on RA.  He is alert and oriented x 3. He is obese and in no acute distress. His head is normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. There’s no nystagmus or scleral icterus. His neck is supple, there is no JVD. There’s no tracheal deviation, or thyromegaly, or thyroid nodules. His rate is, uh, normal. His has an S1 that is normal and S2 that’s present without any S3, S4, gallop, friction rub or murmur. There’s no edema in the lower extremities. The brachial, radial, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses are 2+/4+ bilaterally.  Respirations are regular and even. Lungs are clear in the anterior and posterior bilateral lung fields. Abdomen is obese and soft. Bowel sounds are active. There’s generalized tenderness. We’re unable to palpate the liver due to his body habitus, and there’s no rigidity rebound or guarding.  There’s no cervical lymphadenopathy. Cranial nerves II-IV are intact. The skin is warm, dry, and intact. There are no rashes, lesions, or abrasions.  Mood and affect are normal. He has a calm and cooperative behavior and judgement is intact. As you recall, he’s not on any medications. During your first visit, you ordered labs and a CT of the abdomen, and now more labs are available. Unfortunately, the liver function tests, lipid panel, TSH are still pending. If you remember his CT of the abdomen/pelvis shows hypovascular liver masses consistent with metastatic disease of unknown primary.  His available lab results are here. His sodium is 125, potassium 5.7, creatinine is 1.5, BUN is 35, Glucose is 350, his serum bicarb or CO2 is 15. Anion gap is 22. Osmolality is 302. WBC is 5,000. RBC is 3.0. Hemoglobin is 8.0. Hematocrit is 24%. MCV is 72 and the platelets are 200,000. 
What type of anemia does patient most likely have? 
What additional lab work would be helpful with helping you determine the type of anemia?
What is most likely cause of his anemia? 
What is patient at risk of developing? 
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mystlnewsonline · 2 years ago
CBP San Diego Field Office Seizes $7.8M in Narcotics
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U.S. Customs and Border Protection, San Diego Field Office seizes $7.8 million worth of narcotics. SAN DIEGO, CA (STL.News) U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers within the San Diego Field Office are commended for their diligence and outstanding work in seizing $7.8 million worth of dangerous drugs in the week leading up to Memorial Day. - May 18, at the San Ysidro port of entry, 36 packages were discovered and extracted from the floor, firewall, and gas tank of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as fentanyl powder with a total weight of 4.67 pounds, fentanyl pills with a total weight of 2.25 pounds, and methamphetamine with a total weight of 27.47 pounds.  Altogether, the narcotics have an estimated street value of $305,200. - May 19, at the Tecate cargo facility, 50 packages with a total weight of 123.46 pounds were discovered and extracted from the gas tank of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as cocaine with an estimated street value of $2,000,000. - May 19, at the Calexico port of entry, 78 packages with a total weight of 109.17 pounds were discovered and extracted from the rear quarter panels, doors, seats, and speaker box of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as fentanyl pills with an estimated street value of $3,000,000. - May 19, at the Otay Mesa port of entry, five packages with a total weight of 11.42 pounds were discovered and extracted from the rear quarter panel of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as fentanyl powder with an estimated street value of $158,000. - May 20, at the Calexico port of entry, three packages with a total weight of 15.30 pounds were discovered and extracted from the undercarriage of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $100,600. - May 23, at the Calexico port of entry, six packages with a total weight of 7.45 pounds were discovered and extracted from a traveler’s backpack.  The narcotics were tested and identified as methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $16,390. - May 23, at the San Ysidro port of entry, 40 packages with a total weight of 77.21 pounds were discovered and extracted from the rear doors and gas tank of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as fentanyl pills with an estimated street value of $2,101,200. - May 24, at the San Ysidro port of entry, 30 packages with a total weight of 60.80 pounds were discovered and extracted from the spare tire of a vehicle.  The narcotics were tested and identified as methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $133,760. “Narcotics smuggling continues to be on the rise, and our officers will relentlessly continue doing everything they can to keep our communities safe,” said Sidney Aki, CBP Director of Field Operations for San Diego.  “Remaining vigilant for something that looks out of place and keeping a keen eye for unusual travel patterns is what our officers are trained for and what they do best.” The CDC states that more than 150 people die every day from drug overdoses related to synthetic opioids derived from fentanyl.  https://www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/index.html The total estimated amount of narcotics found by CBP officers within the San Diego Field Office was $7,815,150.  All travelers were turned over to the custody of Homeland Security Investigations for further investigation. The narcotics and any associated vehicles used to smuggle the drugs were seized by CBP officers. SOURCE: U.S. Customs and Border Protection Read the full article
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lisamathew · 2 years ago
Understanding the 18-Panel Drug Test Kit
A drug test kit refers to a collection of tools and reagents used to detect the presence of specific drugs or their metabolites in biological samples such as urine, saliva, or hair. The number of panels in a drug test kit refers to the number of substances it can detect. The 18-panel drug test kit is designed to identify a wide range of commonly abused substances, providing a more comprehensive assessment compared to tests with fewer panels.
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amhnationwide · 2 years ago
Drug test for Kratom 18 panel drug test
New Post has been published on https://amhnationwide.com/drug-testing/drug-test-for-kratom-18-panel-drug-test/
Drug test for Kratom 18 panel drug test
categories: #DrugTesting tags: #18PanelDrugTest, #18PanelHairDrugTest, #18PanelNailDrugTest, #DrugTestForChild, #DrugTestForKratom, #HairTestForKratom, #KratomDrugTest, #NailTestForKratom
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12panelnow · 3 years ago
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angelprinz · 3 years ago
ENTER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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synopsis: naïve reader volunteering in albedo's project for extra cash. you really should've read the fine print.
warnings: yandere albedo, afab gn! reader, syringe usage, somno, rape, nonconsensual filming, drugging, public use, gangbang, manipulation, exhibitionism, choking, snuff "science experiment" gone wrong???
a/n: this is not your run of the mill smut. heed the warnings and understand that they are there on purpose, to let you know that this work is disturbing in nature. if you can't stomach it, simply exit this post. it only gets darker on the way to hell.
ENTRY ONE > for your senior, albedo, the well known medical major, it's no secret how important his graduating research is. you knew that he was on his way to be one of the youngest to cross the stage and collect his PHD, yet he asked you to help with collecting the final data by being an experiment participant. it seemed simple, just sign a document and go through a few tests then you walk away with money and another credential! you even had the chance to get in the good graces of the man you've been smitten with since first year, after all he might even mention your name in his research if you're good for him.
so you ask no questions nor read the extensive fine print of the agreement, obediently following albedo into an isolated lab resembling an operation room with darkened panels of glass. as albedo guides you in and lets you know the process, you're too distracted by his voice and the way his fingers wrap around the syringe in his hand to focus on the details.
when he asks in a concerned tone, "do you understand?" you confess you're just clear that he'll be placing you under anesthesia and running some tests? he nods, gentle grin letting you know that he's pleased and he helps you lay down on the operating bed, gently distracting you by murmuring how well you're doing as he inserts the needle into your arm. almost immediately you feel the effects after the sharp sting, feeling drowsy and consciousness leave you as albedo walks away with your vision fading out, spots of black covering your sight until you're conscious no more.
by the time albedo has discarded of the syringe and turned back to check your status, you're long gone, slow breaths and completely sedated. albedo prods you with his finger, poking the fat of your cheek with a light laugh. no reaction. he knows that you'll be immobile for hours to come and have no memory whatsoever now that he's administered the drug so now the real experiment begins.
ENTRY TWO > albedo can't help but admire your peacefully 'asleep' form, vulnerable and defenceless for a man like him to taint, so turned on by your helpless state that he hurriedly pulls his cock out of his slacks, fisting it with quick pumps until he spurts ropes of cum onto your passed out face.
despite blowing a load, albedo remains hard with a desperate lip bite to contain his frustration as he simply hasn't had enough of you. he pulls down your pants and underwear in a single swoop, leaving your private parts bare for him to leer at, cock throbbing with interest at the sight of your two holes. a tight cunt and ass for him to bury inside, with no need to care about preparation nor pleasure, after all you're knocked out.
albedo pushes his leaking tip into your cunt's entrance, hissing in pleasure from the contact with your folds that graze the sensitive head, bullying past the resistance of your unwilling insides by thrusting in with a decisive stroke, heavy balls slapping your clit when your cunt's forced open to take him till the hilt. with your pussy convulsing so deliciously on his cock, albedo fucks into your warmth without abandon, lewd sounds resounding from where your bodies connect.
as albedo pants and pounds into you, getting his fill of you in the missionary position, he looks up to see your unreacting face that only lets out gentle huffs of pain and whimpers to the pain of his brutal pounding then decides with his dick that your throat is simply begging for his fist around it. with a tight unrelenting grasp, albedo chokes you so your walls around his cock tightens up, face paling at the lack of air yet still asleep with the discomfort of albedo's hips rolling into yours and his hands taking away your precious air.
when he finally lets go of your neck to instead place a bruising grip on your waist, the struggle is evident by angry red marks and your bated breath. still, albedo drags you onto his cock like a fleshlight, uncaring of how you're treated and only focused on achieving his orgasm with every thrust into your cunt. he can only last so long however with you so blissfully unaware of him taking advantage of you and dumping his cum inside your pussy with a euphoric moan. albedo remains balls deep until he's certain his orgasm is over, warming himself in your wet and now creamy cunt.
with your obliviously placid circumstance laying there without even so much a sound through the entire ordeal has albedo's arousal stirring inside you again, getting erect as he turns you over and viewing your untouched ring of muscles that seem to invite his interested length. his fingers play with the pouting hole of your ass, feeling the heat that lies beyond the obstructing opening and pulling out of your cunt with a wet squelch before slapping it against the tiny bud.
his cock is covered in your juices and his previous load, and albedo uses it as lube, wiping his precum onto your asshole before shoving his way into the tight hole. albedo groans at the new sensation, the walls of your asshole gripping his girth as if trying to force the intrusion out and snapping his hips animalistically, determined to ruin the hole until it gapes wide for his cock. when succeeding in making your ass flutter and part for his thick cock with each thrust, albedo would make sure to fill the hole with cum till it overflows, dripping out as he gyrates against you.
once he's done and looking at the mess he's made of your naked body, covered in his multiple loads, decorating your fucked raw holes and skin painted white with his semen, he's satisfied with the effectiveness of his experiment. he turns to the blinking camera on the other side of the room, smiling at the one way window that mirrors his reflection with your 'asleep' form behind him and presents you as his experiment.
"now, i invite you all, guests, professors, fellow students and others, to take part. their holes are all for you to use."
warning. the content gets extreme beyond this. includes mutilations, murder, gore, anesthetic awareness, mind break, wound fucking, torture, scalpel usage, dead dove do not eat.
CONCLUSION... after you're used thoroughly by everyone else watching, albedo takes his time cleaning up your wrecked body, tracing each bruise from the tight grips on your throat and waist with pride before his eyes fall upon his table of medical tools. since you don't feel pain, it should be alright to take a few incisions right? it's in the name of science, not his leaking cock that yearns to see your body littered in wounds that ruin you completely. albedo had already felt his dick grow hard as he caressed your naked body, spoiled with countless loads of cum and wanted something unused, new yet sloppily wet to take him in like your cunt that is now raw from ruthless cocks that raped it beyond recognition.
wiping the last of the sticky semen off your skin, albedo discards the towel and grabs his scalpel, heart pounding in excitement in his chest as he places the slim blade to your stomach, digging deeper until the skin breaks revealing your internal organs, skin tissues carved into a heart with blood spilling as albedo's cock feels so heavy in his pants, pulling the length out to slick up in your blood. nudging the tip into the wound with a guttural groan, the ecstasy of defiling you to this extent making his blood rush and rationality fly out of the window as he ruts into the open flesh, pace picking up as blood gushes out, sickening sounds of wet plap plap plaping echoing the now empty room, save for the audience of the camera still rolling as albedo messes up your innards.
the tape captures every detail of albedo's merciless sadistic thrusts into your brutalised insides, even the moment when albedo's climax arrives, his eyes rolling back from the high as he pumps a wad of cum right above your exposed womb, cock twitching as the liquid spurts out. when he finally pulls away with his length covered in dripping blood, albedo uses the scalpel to open your womb, gloved fingers pushing his cum into the destroyed cavity, a deranged smile dancing on his lips as he proclaims to nobody but himself, "now, you've even taken my kids. how successful this trial has been, you truly were the best test subject."
WHAT IF... the drugs don't kick in, no not fully. or at least that's what you delude yourself with, unable to blink with your muscles paralyzed, unable to struggle with your eyes fully open while albedo assumes you're unconscious. the terrible truth is you're able to see and hear every word, misery setting in as you can't even scream or cry for help as they tears your clothes apart, body molested by all these strangers all because you didn't read the fine print and trusted albedo too much.
you'll never know that albedo had planned this, wanted you to experience it all, the pleasure of being used like a immobile fuck doll to break your mind forever. and when you "wake up"? he'll convince you it was all a sick dream, poor thing, let him comfort you.
FINALE... or if it was like originally... albedo mutilates you and collects all your organs in a pretty jar! you can feel every surgically precise cut yet can't move your mouth or limbs to protest as albedo collects your flesh, to have you forever! albedo keeps them stored in perfect condition, his favourite one being your pretty severed head that surprisingly has a tear leaking from it's eye as he brings the medical knife down onto his dear patient hmmm...
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years ago
Who Wants to Rule the World?
A Lovelink fanfic
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Okay, so you never choose who makes your heart beat faster or your knees go weak, and very unexpectedly, yet another fictional character has given me the wobbles. Dr Vile from Ludia’s Lovelink App is the virtual man in question, and I had had a TON of fun writing this. As always, this is an adult blog, so it will get hot and steamy and it is NOT SUITABLE FOR UNDER 18s
Word Count 2350
A/N Please note that Dr Vile, whom I have given the first name James, has no henchmen. Instead he has an army of drones to do his every bidding. Dr Vile is not my creation, he belongs to Ludia. 
I have an almost non existent tag list here, so if you like, reblog or comment I will add you.
1 Secret Base
Dr Vile’s face drifts into view, blurred and wavering but most definitely there as he stands over you. You blink in an attempt to clear your eyes. You’re lying on a firm surface, and the room is dimly lit. You hear the hum of a drone.
‘Hello Lucy’ You know his voice – he tries to sound intimidating but you detect a hint of warmth – a little doubt perhaps, as if he’s unsure of himself. Impossible. Unless – does he really have feelings for you?
‘How – how did I get here?’ your voice is weak. You try to sit up, but your head hurts and something stops you. Your wrists are secured by your sides, your ankles also immovable.
‘I rescued you’ You look around, and recognise your surroundings. His base – the one he brought you to only a week ago.
‘Rescued? From what?’
‘From whom…’
‘Oh’ a memory tickles the back of your mind. ‘It was F’
‘It was. They were questioning you, trying to get information on my base’ He chuckles ‘They walked right into my trap’
‘Your trap?’
‘I planted a device on you when we last met. You led me right to their den’ You try to move again.
‘This is your interrogation table’ As always, his face is half in shadow.
‘It is, Lucy. I have to be sure.’
‘Sure of what? That I’m loyal to you? How could you doubt me?’ He draws a deep breath and squares his jaw.
‘Tell me what you remember, Lucy’
‘Do you have to do it like this – on the table? My head hurts’ He looks away.
‘If you answer my questions correctly I’ll let you go. It’s base protocol. The drones demand it.’
‘And if I don’t?’
‘The drones will take care of you. They’re programmed to neutralise threats. I have to protect my interests.’
‘I’m not a threat – James, please’ you struggle against your bonds, then gasp. ‘They – you’ve lined the restraints in silk, haven’t you? Stainless steel lined with silk’ He squares his jaw.
‘It’s the least I can do’ You relax against the cuffs and close your eyes, trying to remember. He cares. Just a little, but he cares about your comfort. Even if his drones will most probably dispose of you if you don’t tell him what he - or they – need to hear. You take a deep breath past the pain in your head and gather your thoughts.
‘It’s all fuzzy. They – I wanted to tell them I wouldn’t betray you. We met at a bar. We had a drink, they said they quite understood and that there were no hard feelings. Then I felt dizzy. I passed out’
‘They drugged you.’ Vile says. ‘My drones found traces in your blood. They drugged you and took you to their den, and interrogated you. Or they tried to. Tell me more’
‘I don’t know. Was it a dream? I can’t remember’  He leans over you as a drone hums just out of sight, keeping watch. You know those drones are efficient and ruthless, no matter what Dr Vile may feel.
‘I need more details, Lucy, or the drones will take action’ Tears spring to your eyes as you struggle to recall what happened.
‘I – I think I woke up. I couldn’t move, and they asked me – they asked me where your base was. I don’t know exactly where it is, of course, you saw to that, so I couldn’t tell them, even if I wanted. But I didn’t’
‘Did you give them any clues?’
‘No’ you screw up your eyes ‘I told them – I told them…’ it comes to you at last ‘I told them I would never betray you, because I love you’ He leans on the table, his head dropping. The drone next to him whisks away and the cuffs snap open, freeing you at last. You struggle to get up, but Vile scoops you into his arms and lifts you bodily off the table as if you were light as a feather. You steady yourself by grasping his arm as he puts you on your feet beside the table.
‘That was the right answer’ he says softly. You test the strength of your legs, which just support you, but you lean back on the table. You cross your arms and wait for him to speak, holding your breath in anticipation.
‘I’m not sure I know what love is’ he says ‘But I think – I love you too, Lucy’ You step toward him, encircle his waist with your arms and turn your cheek to his shoulder against his armour. His body is solid against you, his arms warm and reassuring as he returns the embrace, hesitantly and softly as if you might break. You feel so safe. How could you not? He’s so powerful, so self assured and confident. It’s like an aphrodisiac.
‘What happened to F?’ you ask. He laughs, and you feel it in his broad chest.
‘They won’t be troubling us again’ You gasp as you pull away from him.
‘Are they – dead?’ After all, he is a super villain and wouldn’t scruple to kill, surely.
‘No, but they have a terminal case of amnesia, they’ve forgotten all about me – and you’
‘I have a very nifty little device that wipes memory like wiping a hard drive. The drones would have applied it to you if you’d failed my interrogation.’
‘Oh – I thought you might have..’
‘Killed you?’ he laughs sardonically ‘That would have been a waste. I may want to rule the world, but I’m not totally evil. The safety protocols on the drones are very strict.’ You realise you still feel groggy, presumably from the drugs and most probably from dehydration. You slump in his arms and he supports you without hesitation.
‘I’m sorry, you’ve been through a taxing ordeal.’ You nod weakly, and he leads you to a padded recliner. Unfortunately its obvious purpose is torture, not comfort, and your eyes widen in alarm. He tuts in irritation. ‘How stupid of me.’ he berates himself, and scoops you up in his arms again. Once more you feel safe. You fight a wave of dizziness and close your eyes, aware that he’s taking you somewhere else but too sick to register your route. After a while you feel him lower you down, and you open your eyes.
You recline in a full length padded leather seat, the décor around you strongly masculine but designed for comfort rather than torture or world domination. It rather resembles the lounge of a gentleman’s club, panelled wood and brass and leather everywhere. He snaps an instruction.
‘Base, change command protocols. Upgrade Lucy to level two. Confirm’
‘Confirmed. Lucy Valois upgraded to level two.’ the calm dispassionate voice chimes. ‘Base and drone records amended’ He turns to you, eyes glittering in the half shadow of his handsome features.
‘Choose a gesture that the drones will recognise’ he says ‘Some movement you wouldn’t normally make.’ You grope through the fog in your brain, and raise your hand, bending your wrist and pressing your thumb to your fingers like a glove puppet, opening and closing them three times. He grins ‘Excellent. Again, to my prompt’ He straightens and addresses the computer again.
‘Computer, record Lucy’s command prompt’ he nods to you, and you make the gesture.
‘Prompt recorded’ He pulls up a stool and sits close to you.
‘Try it out. Ask for something’ Once again I make the gesture, and a drone that had been waiting discretely in the corner of the room scoots over and hovers in front of me, red light blinking under the rotors.
‘Water’ The red light blinks.
‘You need to be more specific’
‘Bring me a glass of water. Cold mineral water, still’ The light blinks green then steadies and the drone whisks off. Within seconds it comes back with three other drones carrying a tray with a glass and a sealed bottle. Dr Vile gestures to the table next to me and they put it down.
‘Allow me’ He picks up the bottle, opens and pours, handing it over to me. I take it, but he puts his hand to mine as I raise it to my lips ‘Just sip. Slowly’ he advises ‘I’d have put you on a drip, but I thought you would find these surroundings more comfortable.’ I sip and sigh with satisfaction, my dry throat soothed.
‘I thought you didn’t do down time. Too busy with your projects’ I continue to take small mouthfuls, feeling it soaking into my parched mouth and tongue, lubricating my throat.
‘I had this made when you so rightly pointed out that I’m a workaholic. I sometimes sit in here and contemplate my plans.’
‘I’m impressed’ A faint smile plays across his lips.
‘So, what would you like to do now? Are you hungry?’
‘A little, but I’m more tired than anything else – but can I ask you something?’
‘Of course, Lucy. You should know by now that your happiness is important to me’
‘Can I stay with you? Just for a little while. I feel a bit shaken up after all that. What if the Organization comes after me?’ He reaches across and runs his gloved fingertip along your jaw. A delicious shiver runs down your spine.
‘You’re safe here, Lucy. You can stay for as long as you want, my dear.’
‘You can rule the world by my side’ His smile is triumphant.
‘Figuratively speaking’ He nods and inclines his head
‘You’ll have to wait and see. You know I have objectives.’ You smile back at him.
‘I believe in you, James’ you feel a wave of weariness sweep through you, and you lie back, closing your eyes. ‘I just need to rest’ are the last words that leave your lips before you drift off into an exhausted sleep.
 You wake with a start. Your surroundings are different. The light is dim, the room about you in shadow. You feel cool cotton sheets draping your body, a firm mattress beneath you. You hear the whirr of a drone whisking away, the swish of a door straight from a science fiction film opening and closing. You struggle to sit up, your belly rumbling and your mouth dry again. You look to the bedside table, where a glass of water sits waiting for you, so you take it and sip. You remember what happened to you the day before and gasp as you realise you are naked beneath the sheets. The door swishes open again and the light levels slowly increase as Dr Vile enters.
The room is dominated by the huge bed you lie on. The décor is monochrome with red accents and chrome or steel fittings. The bed linen is a crisp white and the coverlet a pale grey, the carpet a darker shade. You look up to see a mirror mounted above the bed, a bar at the opposite side of the room. Somehow you had expected a picture window, but there is none, the lighting soft but artificial. As Dr Vile approaches you clutch the sheets to you, your face flushing.
‘Don’t be afraid my dear, nothing improper happened’ he assures you, standing by the bedside. He no longer wears body armour, but the soft fabrics he wears resemble his usual garb, minus the cloak. You get the impression of cashmere and silk, expensive and well fitted to flatter his figure. ‘You were very tired and I brought you where you’d be more comfortable’ He gestures around the room ‘Do you like it?’
‘It’s – very masculine’ you remark, and he sits beside you on the bed.
‘It is my usual night refuge. You may choose another if you wish, or have one designed to your own specification’ You stomach rumbles, and he smiles ‘Breakfast in bed?’ he offers. You hold the sheet to you.
‘I – did you undress me?’
‘I would not pass such a delicate task onto my drones, so yes.’ His eyes glitter ‘It was done with the utmost respect, I promise you’ He gets up and disappears behind a sliding door for a moment, returning with a dressing gown. He hands it to you - it is soft and silky to the touch, and you shrug your way into it, instantly feeling more modest and comfortable. You turn to readjust the pillows.
‘Allow me, Lucy’ with a few gestures the pillows are perfect to lean up against. ‘What would you like to eat? He asks ‘Name it. Unless it’s very exotic I most likely have it although as you know I have only myself to please.’ You think for a moment, and remembering, you make the command gesture and wait for a drone to whip to your side, waiting.
‘Eggs benedict on a wholemeal roll and black coffee’ The lights blink green and it leaves the room. Dr Vile smiles and nods.
‘Well remembered, Lucy. Making commands suits you. And a good choice, it won’t take long.’ There is silence, but he breaks it before it becomes awkward. ‘I believe you had a fantasy about the interrogation table. I hope I didn’t spoil it by using it as it was intended’ He cocks an eyebrow at you. You sigh.
‘I’ve been drugged, kidnapped, rescued and interrogated twice - all in one day. I think need to gather my strength before I try anything like that’ You look up at his rugged half shaded profile; if you weren’t hungry and dying for a shower and a bath you’d drag him into bed with you right now.
‘Whatever you wish, Lucy. The drones will serve you too now, though I am still their master’ You shiver again.
‘Are you my master?’
‘If you want me to be, my dear’ He puts his hand on your thigh, which sends shocks of electricity to your core. ‘But I may consider other roleplays, as you suggested’
‘You’re seriously testing my resolve’ you murmur.
‘I have an excellent walk in shower with power jets’
‘Is it big enough for two?’
‘After you’ve eaten, I’ll show you’
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ijcmcrjournal · 4 years ago
When is Surgery an Option for Infectious Bowel Disease? by Francesk M
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Inflammatory bowel disease is comprised of two major disorders: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, while ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects the large bowel. Despite the new and ever expanding array of medications for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, there are still clear indications for operative management.
Key words: Crohn's Disease; Ulcerative Colitis; Surgical Treatment; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Laparoscopic Surgery
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. Individuals with Crohn’s disease often experience periods of symptomatic relapse and remission. The estimated prevalence of Crohn’s disease is about 322 cases per 100,000 persons among adults in Europe and 43 per 100,000 among children.  It is considered a disease of the rich, as the estimated prevalence of Crohn’s disease is higher in urban areas and upper socioeconomic classes. It is thought that this is due to increased access to the health care system [1].
The exact cause of Crohn’s disease remains unknown. Several factors (genetic, environmental, immunologic, dietary etc.) are thought to play a role to the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. IBD1 gene located on the chromosome 16 is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease.  Furthermore, infectious agents such as Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Pseudomonas species, Listeria species, environmental factors such as tobacco use and dietary factors such as a diet high in fatty acids have all been implicated in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects primarily the superficial mucosa and then spreads to the deeper mucosal areas, causing transmural inflammation.  Granuloma formation is pathognomonic of Crohn disease. The granulomas extend through all layers of the intestinal wall and into the mesentery and the regional lymph nodes.
Clinical manifestations of the disease include constitutional symptoms such as low grade fever, weight loss, and fatigue. As mentioned before, Crohn’s disease affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Oral manifestations such as oral ulcers are quite common. When the small intestine is affected, diarrhea, malabsorption, weight loss and abdominal pain are the predominant symptoms. When the colon is affected (terminal ileum is the most common affected part of the gastrointestinal tract), the patients report diffuse pain accompanied by diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool. Extra-intestinal manifestations are also quite common in Crohn’s disease. It also affects skin, joints, eyes, liver and bile duct. Arthritis is the most common extra-intestinal manifestation. Central or axial arthritis, such as sacroiliitis, or ankylosing spondylitis, may also occur. Examination of the skin reveals erythema nodosum and pyoderma gangrenosum. Eye manifestations include uveitis, iritis, and episcleritis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis occurs in approximately 5 percent of patients [2,3].
Complications of the Crohn’s disease include: Fistulae that may develop between the diseased bowel and a variety of adjacent tissues, abdominal abscesses and small bowel obstruction and perianal abnormalities (abscesses and fistulae). It is worth mentioning that in threatening the above mentioning situations, a consultation with a surgeon is often needed [4].
The diagnosis of Crohn’s disease is based on laboratory tests, imaging studies and more invasive procedures, such as endoscopic visualization and biopsy.  Routine laboratory studies that are quite useful in the diagnostic process of Crohn’s disease include: CBC count, chemistry panel, liver function tests and inflammatory markers. It is worth mentioning that fecal calprotectin is a new marker that is proven to be quite useful in the diagnostic process and in the prediction of clinical relapse of inflammatory bowel disease. Specifically, the fecal calprotectin is a calcium- and zinc-binding protein, which for practical purposes can be considered to be neutrophil-specific. Fecal calprotectin test is a functional quantitative measure of intestinal inflammation. Therefore, fecal calprotectin tests are quite useful in gastroenterologists, in order to distinguish inflammatory bowel disease from other common diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Except from the above, calprotectin also predicts imminent clinical relapse with an 80% sensitivity and accuracy in patients with established, relatively asymptomatic inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease) [5].
Treatment options are individualized based on the severity of symptoms and the complications of the disease. In mild affected patients, such as patients with mild disease limited to the terminal ileum and/or colon and no complications, enteric-coated budesonide as the first line treatment for inducing remission. The use of 5-aminosalicylates (5-ASA) for Crohn’s disease is controversial, and we limit its use to patients with mild Crohn’s disease with limited ileocolonic involvement who prefer to avoid glucocorticoids. For patients with limited ileitis and mild symptoms, a slow release, oral 5-ASA agent is suitable, such as mesalamine (eg, Pentasa or Asacol). By contrast, sulfasalazine (the prodrug of 5-aminosalicylate) is less useful for ileitis because colonic bacteria must cleave the drug to release the active 5-ASA moiety, so it is reserved for cases of colitis. For low-risk patients with mild Crohn’s disease who achieved remission with a glucocorticoid tapering and then discontinuing the glucocorticoid is recommended. For low-risk patients with mild Crohn’s colitis who achieved remission with a 5-ASA agent (or sulfasalazine), the same agent should be used for long-term maintenance therapy [6-8]. On the contrast,  patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease ie patients younger than 30 years , with tobacco use with elevated C-reactive protein and/or fecal calprotectin levels, deep ulcers on colonoscopy ,long segments of small and/or large bowel involvement, perianal disease, extra-intestinal manifestations, history of bowel resections, first-line options for induction therapy include a biologic agent tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) inhibitor (eg, infliximab) with or without an immunomodulator (eg, azathioprine [AZA], 6-mercaptopurine [6-MP], or methotrexate).After clinical, endoscopic, and histologic remission following induction with combination therapy, the same agents are used for one to two years [9-12]. For many patients with Crohn’s disease, may have a continuous and progressive course of active disease, while approximately 20 percent of patients experience prolonged remission after initial presentation. There is an increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus and skin, adenocarcinoma of the small bowel and duodenal neoplasia in patients with Crohn’s disease [13-15].
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects the large bowel. It is three times more common than Crohn disease.In the United States, about 1 million people are affected with ulcerative colitis. The exact cause of ulcerative colitis remains unknown. Several factors (genetic, environmental, immunologic, dietary etc.) are thought to play a role to the pathogenesis of the disease. A family history of ulcerative colitis (observed in 1 in 6 relatives) is associated with a higher risk for developing the disease. Disease concordance has been documented in monozygotic twins. Unlike Crohn’s disease, smoking is negatively associated with ulcerative colitis. Dietary factors such as milk consumption may exacerbate the disease. Last but not least, psychological and psychosocial stress factors can play a role in exacerbations of ulcerative colitis.
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects colonic mucosa. It involves erosions and/or ulcers and individuals with Crohn’s ulcerative colitis often experience periods of symptomatic relapse and remission. As mentioned above, ulcerative colitis affects predominantly the colon. Clinical manifestations of the disease include rectal bleeding and diarrhea with mucus in the stool. Lower abdominal pain is also a common symptom. Extra-intestinal manifestations are also quite common in ulcerative colitis. These include uveitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, pleuritis, erythema nodosum, ankylosing spondylitis, and spondyloarthropathies. Among them arthropathies are the most common, with an incidence of 39% and primary sclerosing cholangitisis is a potentially serious condition, which can often lead to liver failure. Complications of ulcerative colitis include: Severe bleeding happens in up to 10 percent of patients. Massive hemorrhage occurs in up to 3 percent of patients [16,17]. Urgent colectomy may be needed in these cases [18]. Another complication is fulminant colitis with more than 10 stools per day, bleeding, abdominal pain,and distension. Patients with fulminant colitis are at high risk of developing toxic megacolon. Perforation of the colon most commonly occurs as a consequence of toxic megacolon and requires surgical intervention [16].
Treatment options in ulcerative colitis are individualized based on the severity of symptoms of the disease. Patients with mild clinical disease are considered those who have ≤4 stools per day with or without small amounts of blood, no signs of systemic toxicity and a normal C-reactive protein (CRP) and/or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Patients with moderate clinical disease may have frequent (four to six per day) loose, bloody stools, mild anemia, and abdominal pain that is not severe. Patients have no or minimal signs of systemic toxicity.  Patients with a severe clinical disease typically have frequent loose bloody stools (≥6 per day) with severe cramps and evidence of systemic toxicity as demonstrated by a fever (temperature ≥37.8°C), tachycardia (heart rate ≥90 beats per minute), anemia (hemoglobin <10.0 g/dL), and/or an elevated CRP or ESR. For patients with mild disease, mesalazine is the drug of choice in inducing remission and preventing relapse [19-23]. For patients with severe disease, the use of glucocorticosteroids is necessery in inducing remission. For patients with steroid-resistant disease, monoclonal antibodies such as infliximab, adalimumab, and golimumab are used [24,25].
Generally, anal and colon lesions can occur due to infectious and neoplastic etiology, and a prompt and multidisciplinary approach may prevent poor outcomes [26]. Patients with ulcerative colitis are at increased risk for colorectal cancer. The risk appears to be highest in patients with pancolitis and begins to increase 8 to 10 years following the onset of symptoms in patients with pancolitis. In one prospective study, the incidence of colorectal cancer was 2.5 percent after 20 years and 7.6 percent after 30 years of disease [27].
Surgery as an Option
Indications for operation in Crohn’s disease are failure of medical management (most common reason), extra-intestinal manifestations (25%), intestinal obstruction, fistulas with associated abscess or stricture, perforation, bleeding and cancer. Resection is the most commonly performed surgical procedure for small bowel Crohn's disease. Other surgical options for the treatment of small bowel Crohn's disease include bypass operations or ileostomy formation. These procedures can also be performed laparoscopically with decreased morbidity and length of stay in the hospital [28,29]. Laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery should be preferred to open surgery due to its advantages [30].
Indications for operation in ulcerative colitis are failure of medical management (most common reason), risk of malignancy and severe extra-intestinal manifestations of ulcerative colitis. Worsening signs and symptoms of colitis, including numerous bloody stools per day, fever, elevated heart rate, anemia, elevated sedimentation rate, radiographic evidence of colonic distension, and abdominal distension with tenderness on exam are indications for an emergent surgery. Total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy remains the operative standard against which all other resections for ulcerative colitis are compared. Surgical options of ulcerative colitis in the emergent setting is aimed toward removing the inflamed bowel while minimizing morbidity, and a total abdominal colectomy and end ileostomy is the procedure of choice [28,29]
For more information about Journal : https://ijclinmedcasereports.com/
https://ijclinmedcasereports.com/pdf/IJCMCR.SC.ID.00046.pdf https://ijclinmedcaser Crohn's Disease eports.com/ijcmcr-sc-id-00046/
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chidoroki · 4 years ago
The Promised Neverland S2EP6
aka: manga content is bliss!!!!
I will never get over how perfect those match cuts between the demon/human handshake, the chains & Emma are during the OP.. and how it builds up to the chorus is just.. aaahh, fantastic.
Oh! Lambda crew was added to the OP alongside the GF escapees. Norman too!
AAhh they really did fill in that empty spot with him during the last shot of Emma and Ray.. that’s wonderful!
“Emma’s Determination” starts up as I realize how foolish these kids are right now. Y’all are really about to have a touching reunion with each other in the middle of a demon town? With your disguises off?
Aaaaww that hug though!!
Look at her touching his face to make sure he’s real! I’m so glad they kept that panel! And how he noticed her missing ear too!
“I brought Ray out, too.” Well no shit honey.
YAAAYYY BEST BOY SLAPPED NORMAN!! Too bad it wasn’t hard enough to knock him to the ground like in manga but I’ll take it!
“But you say something cool, right?” “Yeah. Thanks to you. I’m glad I’m alive.” Dude, my heart.. aahhh!
The trio hug!! They’re all so cute!! I can’t handle all these happy feelings!
The Lambda crew is just standing there in the back like.. yeah, okay.
The younger kids are so happy to see Norman too.. but again manga did it better when they all tackled him to the ground. Granted that was a different scene but I would’ve loved to see it happen still.
Ah there’s his Lambda marking.
“I only took tests, so I’m fine.” Are you sure? Or are you just saying that so they won’t worry? Kind of like how he told the Lambda crew he didn’t get seizures when he actually did.
Also, I know some might think what was just said is true since Norman looks young and not like the “boss” Norman we were hoping for, but the anime is actually accurate in regards to that. Ch129 shows a flashback that takes place in February 2047 where Norman still looks younger. When the initial reunion in ch118/119 happens in November 2047, so perhaps the experiments/drugs manga Norman was given take time to affect his physical state or whatever. What I’m getting at is the anime isn’t denying us of “boss” Norman, it just hasn’t happened yet in this timeline.
Oh, Smee was actually mentioned!
Here comes the demon chatter and the poison.
“No, we’d fare better than going against a smarter demon.” True, not that anyone would truly know that because, you know, no GP..
“We’ll make the demons extinct. There will be no more Neverland.” Okay yeah, Norman takes Emma’s wish to heart by trying to create a world in which their family can live happily, but do you have to go through such extremes dude?
“Let’s establish a paradise for all of us in this demon world.” Manga Norman accomplished that, anime Norman.
Ohhh Ray notices Emma’s bluff, doesn’t he?
“If I give the word, even as early as tomorrow.” That’s quick, but fits with the pace of this season well enough..
“Now we can move forward, thanks to Norman.” Ah yes, we’re all saved thanks to our main character. Oh, wait.. that’s right. She’s over here being disrespected!
The base Smee left them? Is that the Paradise hideout? I forget.. or are we talking about the D100 location now?
Norman’s going back somewhere?
“It’s great.” “Is it really, though?” AH! Shut the fuck up! Are we getting the balcony scene here?? Right now?? Sure the duo is on top of a tower right now but y’all know what conversation I’m referring to!!
“About Norman’s plan.. you actually don’t want that, right?” IT’S HAPPENING!!! Oooh my god!!!
“But that’s not the future you want, is it?” “Something’s wrong with me.” Quick! Someone hold me! I’m not ready!!
Aww, Gilda helping Alicia with her nightmare.. that’s so precious!
Emma’s voice actor is totally nailing this scene so far.
“Yeah, nothing can be done.” Y’all, the way his voice became significantly confident and so positive and Emma’s reaction to him were perfect!!
“Don’t dig up my buried feelings, you jerk!” Emma sweetheart, I love you so much!
“If you’re going to bury your feelings, then take them to your gave, no matter what.” I know I said this once in the past, but after what happens in ch180, yeeaahh she takes his advice reaaallly well.
Oh they brought back “Emma’s Sorrow” to really make me even more emotional during this scene!!
You can always count on Ray to be completely blunt.
“Depending on the circumstances, we might get a clue on how humans and demons can coexist.” “Ray!” Bro she looked so hopeful and thankful that he’s even considering it! You could literally hear the relief in Emma’s voice!
“Choose what you want to do, and I’ll support you. No matter what you choose, you’ll be okay.” AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! HE SAID IT!!
“You can do the impossible. That’s your specialty, right? Let’s create a future we won’t regret.” “Okay! Thanks, Ray!” AAH I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY!!! And the sunrise makes this scene so beautiful!!!
“My head feels clearer now.” “You’re too easy!” They even remembered those tiny lines too!!!
Y’ALL!! I am feeling.. SO DAMN SOFT RIGHT NOW!! Holy shit.. yes, this scene would’ve been 5x better in terms of weight and importance if we saw every manga event that built up their bond and led up to this scene, but still!! The dialogue was on point! The emotion in their voices was everything I hoped for! The animation itself was good too!
Also, the sunrise?? Genius! Here we have our girl lost within her own mind and feeling completely alone due to her ideals, then BAM! Ray listens to her concerns, lends his assistance by thinking through a different course of action that would ease her wavering heart and restores some of her usual optimistic attitude. My boy literally helps our girl out of the dark and shined light on her mood/plan and that’s absolute perfection. (my ship bias is real obvious right now huh?)
Did we get the head pat? No, of course we didn’t. But I’m so happy to actually see & hear this conversation that I don’t care! I love these two so much. I honestly didn’t think we would get this scene. Even after the episode preview yesterday I still had my doubts but aahh my heart is so insanely happy right now!!
Oh? The duo is off to the location Norman gave them? This random, small house in the middle of no where?
Aaah Lambda crew! And THEY SPOKE WORDS!
Pfft they still had Barbara mix up “shield” and “field” and I love it.
Look how much shorter the duo is compared to Vincent!!
“He’s with Boss now, they’re..�� Okay, one: I love that they still refer to Norman as “boss” despite him still looking like a child. Two: is he making the fake alliance with that demon clan already or nah?
Haahaha YEESS! They still had Ray choke on his drink!!
Vincent has such a deep voice.. he’s what, 17? 18? But damn.. who is his voice actor?
Also, just noticed the star on Barbara’s shirt doesn’t have the little face on it.
Mmhhmm, Barbara’s frustration was nice.
Oh, Norman returned.. and left as quick as he came.
Ahh! This is the conversation the duo had at the start of ch126!
Well, a real tiny part of it.. thanks for cutting it short, Norman.
“The Evil-Blooded girl is still alive?” Aayy the anime did their best with that panel. I’ll give them that much.
Okay.. that episode was great. Ya see what happens when you actually follow the manga? Sure some scenes/locations/panels were off but overall it was just so wonderful.
I’m happy. Granted the RE scene put me on a real high but yeah.. anime, I’m praising you! Keep it up!
(though I’ll be salty over no GP for the rest of my life, don’t worry.)
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strawberrysoup · 5 years ago
Let’s Review || Chapter 11
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit/18+ warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con elements, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, very dark 
There was a weird sense of urgency and purpose when the soldiers appeared to collect her from the kitchens. They weren’t frantic per say, but she was definitely aware of a certain energy around them. As soon as Bucky walked through the doors, he made a beeline for her and swept her up into his arms. The pair were pretty touchy feely with her as a rule, but this was different for some reason. 
Most of Penny’s irritation had dissolved with the excellent meal she’d received. Chef Cohen had prepared Shakshuka, a very traditional dish that she hadn’t eaten since her mother had died. She’d burst into tears at the first bite and thanked him profusely through the meal. He was a very kind man in his late 50’s who explained that he was at her disposal whenever she was hungry, literally at any time, and would make whatever she asked for. She didn’t even have to know what she wanted specifically, all she had to do was ask for food and he would whip something up in less than an hour. 
She wasn’t sure if he understood her circumstances. He never let on that he had any idea what the situation was and she was too afraid to tell him and potentially put him in danger. He was so nice, had told her about his family— she couldn’t do anything to jeopardize him. And if he did know, she decided she’d rather him not tell her. He felt like he could be a friend if not a confidant and she couldn’t ruin that. 
“Did you have a good breakfast precious?” Bucky’s voice was nearly a coo, burying her into his arms and nuzzling against the side of her face, “I’m so sorry, baby, I’m so sorry we didn’t realize how hungry you were. We should’ve noticed, we should’ve taken better care of you.” 
Penny didn’t get a chance to answer before Steve came up behind her, pressing against her back and wrapping around the both of them, “we’re gonna do a better job from now on, doll, I promise.”
“We’re gonna take you to see Bruce for a check up, okay?” the brunet pressed against her brushed his lips over her temple, “Peter said you haven’t been to the doctor in a while, he’s just going to make sure you’re alright. If there’s anything you want to talk to him about, we’ll step out of the room.”
For a moment, she considered not answering. She hated that they were making her do anything, that they were telling her what was going to happen instead of asking, but she hadn’t been to a doctor in nearly 10 years. In fact, her desire to go to the doctor was outweighing her irritation. The food had helped too. 
“Yeah, okay,” she nodded in agreement, ignoring their mutual smiles as Bucky pulled back and wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her close before beginning to walk back towards the elevators. 
It didn’t take long to get to the doctor’s office, which was actually a lab. In the back of her head she remembered Tony saying that Bruce was a scientist that Peter liked to learn from. It would’ve endeared the man to her, if he wasn’t so fucking complicit in her kidnapping. The same thing had happened with Clint; he seemed like such a decent guy, they could’ve been friends in any other situation, and yet he wasn’t doing anything to help her. 
“Hey guys, come on in, I’m just finishing this up,” Bruce called from behind a computer, gesturing towards a table that almost resembled the chair from a doctor’s office. 
Steve lifted her up, setting her on the edge and giving her what was—fuck that was winning smile. She refused to let her heart race, remembering back to once upon a time in the coffee shop when she’d thought he was incredibly attractive and so, so nice. It was almost distracting. He leaned down and brushed his nose against hers sweetly, pressing a kiss there a moment later before backing away. 
“Alright Penny, I went ahead and pulled your medical records,” Penny didn’t want to know how he’d done that, what an invasion of privacy, “but we’re going to need to go through a lot of it now since you haven’t seen a doctor in so long and you’re a lot older now. If at any time you’re uncomfortable answering questions in front of Bucky and Steve, all you have to do is let me know and I’ll send them out, okay?” 
“Okay,” nervousness was thrumming through her a bit more now- God she hadn’t been to the doctor in so long, she wasn't sure what to expect. 
An arm came around her shoulders, a metal hand settling over the top of her arm. Bucky had saddled up as close to the table as possible, trying to offer comfort through his presence. She would absolutely never admit that she leaned into his heat a little, or that the attempt was even fractionally successful. 
The appointment wasn't as nerve wracking as she'd expected; there were a lot of questions about her past medical history and family medical history, her habits regarding smoking and drinking and exercise, he looked in her eyes and ears and listened to her breathing, did she have any allergies or take any medications? It was a lot of things she remembered from going to the doctor as a kid.
There was only one time when her heart felt like it might burst out of her chest: Bruce mentioned wanting to do a blood test. It was important in part because she hadn't ever had one, but also because she was Jewish and there were dozens of diseases passed genetically through the population. She knew of them of course, Tay-sachs and Gauchers and a slew of other things, but she'd never considered she could have them— there was no time. 
Luckily, he'd decided it wasn't a good time since she had barely been eating. Escape had been on her mind almost constantly since waking up in Stark's home but never so critically as when she thought there would be needles involved. Penny's fear of needles had started as a child and overtime had become an overwhelming, if irrational, phobia. The kidnapping via injection certainly made it worse too. 
Bruce finished up, continuing to address her rather than Steve or Bucky. It seemed peculiar for some reason, that he was being sure to treat her like her own person instead of the soldiers' property. 
"Have you ever had blood drawn Penny?" 
"Uhm, no," she did her best not to shift, not wanting to show weakness, "I'm sure it's not really necessary. I feel completely fine and—"
"There are certain genetically linked diseases I can test for with a blood panel. The fact that you probably have anemia is a little worrying because of your heritage. Now we can’t do the test today, you haven’t been eating or drinking enough, but we’ll keep an eye on your recovery over the next few days and schedule one. That being said, I want to hook up an IV for a few hours, you’re very dehydrated.”
“No, thank you,” Penny stood up from the table, composing her face carefully and putting her hands on her hips, “I’d rather just drink water.” 
“Penny I can tell you haven’t been getting enough hydration for days,” Bruce stated, ignoring the semi-panicked looks the soldiers sent each other, “Whatever your reasoning was, it’s hurting you. A drip will rehydrate you relatively quickly and you can get on with your day.” 
“I’m not in any critical danger, drinking water will be enough,” usually she wouldn’t argue with a doctor but if he came near her with a needle she would throw down. 
“Doll, it’s not an option.” 
God, how many times had she heard that. It’s not an option. It’s not an option. Nothing was ever an option. She’d been kidnapped, was being held against her will— fuck, she refused to list their sins against her again.
"I'm an adult, I get to decide what medical procedures I do and don't consent to."
"Baby, did you hit your head again? I think we're a little past consent." 
How many times would she have to physically fight these motherfuckers before they gave up. 
"I hate needles," she snapped, glaring at Steve with as much rage as she could muster, "no blood draws, no IVs, no vaccines, nothing."
Bucky stepped closer to her side, an imploring look on his face, "your health is suffering right now sweetheart, if Bruce says you need an IV, you're going to get it. We're going to take of you, Penny." 
They'd done a real stand up job of taking care of her in the last several days for sure. She'd only ended up drugged, concussed twice over, half starved, dangerously sleep deprived, and enraged. The skepticism must've shown on her face because Bucky visibly winced at the implication while Bruce had to turn and pretend to cough to cover his laughter. 
"Sweetheart, I understand that it makes you uncomfortable," Steve somehow managed to manifest in front of her in the blink of an eye and she startled backwards a step. 
The blond was freakishly fast and Penny was beginning to suspect that everyone calling him and Bucky 'super soldiers' weren't just mocking their demeanors. Steve had been strong enough to snap the lock on the bathroom door like twig, could bodily lift her with just one arm, and he moved a fraction of an inch too fast to be normal. Bucky was similar in the strength department, plus he had that arm. But instead of nearly vibrating with restrained power at all times, Bucky was almost preternaturally still. Even when she moved in the middle of the night and startled him awake, the only way she knew was because his eyes would open. He was so still sometimes she wondered if he even had to breathe, was his heart even beating? 
The brunette's arms came to wrap gently around her shoulders from behind; the way he held her was more reminiscent of a loving cuddle than a restraint but it worked all the same. If they didn't want her to go anywhere, it was going to be very hard to run off. The doors to the lab swept open abruptly, as if beckoning her to escape, but no one came through. JARVIS, always looking out. 
"I'll make your lives hell," she hissed through gritted teeth, eyes locked on the blond in front of her while Bucky backed them up and sat on the exam chair, tugging her into his lap, "if you come near me with a needle I'll shove it through your eye." 
"Penny, be sweet," Bucky's tone was firm, his arms squeezing around her in what she assumed was supposed to be a comforting gesture, "it'll all be okay and you'll feel so much better after."
Penny's eyes were dragged away from Steve when she caught movement, zeroing in on Bruce. He was fiddling with something in crinkly plastic and her blood froze in her veins when she realized it was a sterilized needle. He was preparing an IV despite her protests and panic began coursing through her like poison. 
"W-wait, wait I don't need an IV, I swear I feel fine, I'll drink a ton of water, don't do this—" 
"It’s gonna be alright babydoll," Steve cooed, understanding that her anger in this case was 100% a result of sheer terror, "Buck's gonna hold you the whole time. Bruce will give you a shot to numb the pain and—" 
"No, n-no, no, no please," Penny could barely move as Bucky locked his arms in place, holding her steady while Steve moved to block her view of Bruce, who was filling a syringe with lidocaine. 
"Shhhh, just watch me, baby," the blond brought his hands up to cup her face, manipulating her head to face him dead on, "don't pay attention to Bruce, just keep your eyes on mine." 
Tears of panic and fear began falling from her eyes, overwhelming terror beginning to consume her. There was no rationalizing the phobia, no talking herself through the fear, all she could think was I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. When she could hear the doctor's footsteps shift in their direction, she opened her mouth and started to scream bloody murder. Thrashing wasn't effective in the least but she did the best she could, jerking every inch of her body as violently as possible. She couldn't hear anything any of them were saying, she couldn't even hear her own screams; all she could hear was the blood rushing through her ears and the mantra, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die over and over again in her head. 
"Dr. Banner, sir is currently on his way and asks that you wait to perform any procedures until he arrives." 
Bucky tensed under her but Penny barely noticed. The edges of her vision were going dark and Steve wasn't so much holding her face in place anymore as trying to caress her cheeks and jaw. She could see the doors to the lab, still open as if waiting for her to run.
Instead, Stark came through them. There was a tightness to his usual swagger and she wondered if she was imagining the irritation in the lines of his face. 
"You know I thought I had sound proofed all of the labs, but I can hear my poor girl screaming from three floors away," he commented casually as he swept in, easily pushing past Steve and stealing Penny from Bucky's lap,  pulling her into the cage of his arms, "now this is over an IV, correct?"
"Please, please, please—" Penny's voice choked off in a sob as she tried to tug away and make a break for the door. 
"Shhhh, angel, look at me," Tony carefully manipulated her head, making her look up at him through her panic, "you're going to drink plenty of water and relax all day, understand? You're going to eat plenty and drink so much water you have to pee every thirty minutes." 
"N-no needles—" 
"That's right baby, no needles," he pulled her into his chest and hushed her, stroking her hair gently while giving the three men behind her a careful look, "with supervision you'll be fine without an IV, but you have to be good, do everything you're told. Can you be a good girl for me, Penny?"
Steve and Bucky watched as their girl nodded against the man's shoulder, still crying. This wouldn't be strike two, not quite since she'd gotten so upset as a result of them trying to take care of her, but apprehension was setting in. Tony was their friend, but he wouldn't put their feelings before Penny's and that was a dangerous position to be in. Especially considering JARVIS had all but jumped ship on them and was firmly on Penny's side. 
"Now, is there anything else Brucie Bear? Because I think Penny here is gonna come with me to the labs and watch Peter try to make a robot." 
Somehow, despite the fact that they knew Penny hated Tony just as much if not more than she hated them, he was the one who managed to get through to her. Tony Stark was her mortal enemy, the kidnapper, the pedophile, and yet he was the one holding her while she cried in distress. Bucky and Steve watched on in amazement and disbelief. 
There was something about Tony that was just a touch unnatural. The way he could manipulate people was almost beyond comprehension. It showed in his friendships, the way that people who were sent to kill him were so easily turned to his side. People who didn’t want anyone, who didn’t want friends, found themselves enfolded in his presence. It was also apparent in the way that Peter had almost accepted his new situation, how he was so quickly coming to terms with the way his life had changed. Tony Stark was, as far as anyone knew, not enhanced in any way, but some of his companions had started to wonder. 
They watched as the older man spirited her away, talking loudly and keeping her tucked under his arm as they walked. Steve and Bucky were left in the dust, feeling dejected once again. 
“Leave it to Tony to decide he has more medical authority than me,” Bruce gave a low snort, rolling his eyes, “does he have 7 PHDs? No, he doesn't.” 
“We keep fuckin’ it up, don’t we?” Bucky groaned, watching the doctor step back towards his computer system, “We’re gonna end up dead. World War II and HYDRA couldn’t kill us but Tony fuckin’ Stark sure will.” 
“Hard to compete with a Goddamn witch,” Steve muttered, running a hand through his hair before crossing his arms over his chest. 
“You two need to be doing what Tony is with Peter,” Bruce interjected before the super soldiers could continue to lament their situation, “he panders to him just enough to keep him happy. He can give an inch and Peter thinks its a mile. You’re strategic geniuses, master interrogators, use your strengths.” 
The ‘dumbasses’ was implied at the end of the statement. In all fairness, he was right. 
Steve exhaled through his nose, a stabilizing breath, before turning to regard Bucky, “A garden, to start. She had a lot of things on her Pinterest account, we’re gonna look through there. JARVIS? Can you please make sure our kitchen is stocked with plenty of kosher foods?” 
“And is there anyway we can get the extra room in the apartment turned into a garden? Maybe a rooftop garden?” 
“Sir has given me full discretion to green light any construction projects that will aid in Ms. Parker’s adjustment. A section of the roof can easily be cleared for a garden and greenhouse. The east facing wall of the spare room can be replaced with floor to ceiling windows and UV lights can be installed. Might I also suggest a knitting area?”
"Yeah, that," Bucky nodded, "any other suggestions JARV?" 
"On her Pinterest Ms. Parker has shown interest in softball, soccer, crocheting, yoga and video games."
"Can you have everything she needs for those things sent for and brought to the apartment? And have everything set up as much as possible considering the renovations that'll be made for the garden room?"
"Yes sergeant, although I would suggest making room in your personal gym for Ms. Parker do to yoga."
“Good idea JARVIS,” Bucky felt a bit of relief that the AI was willing to help, even if it was only because it would help Penny in the long run, “I know we talked about keeping her secluded but I think we should show her the game room, introduce her to Thor and Sam so she can play video games with them.” 
Steve looked hesitant. The brunet knew why; they’d waited what felt like so long to find a girl who appealed to both of them. They were possessive by nature and having so little over time, growing up in the Great Depression followed by fighting in the war, only to suffer a hellish betrayal and go into the ice for so long, meant they were covetous. Sharing their girl so soon was uncomfortable and just the idea made both of them chafe. 
“Yeah, we should,” he choked after a moment, clearing his throat. 
“We’re gonna build a life, Stevie,” Bucky said quietly, stepping closer to the man and putting his hands on his shoulders, “we’re going to work this out with our girl and eventually, she’ll want to be with us as much as she can. But until we get to that point we have to make some concessions.” 
“But she’ll still sleep in our bed.”
“Yes Stevie, she’ll still sleep in our bed.” 
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Iris Publishers - Current Trends in Clinical & Medical Sciences (CTCMS)
Inadvertent Sulfonylurea Overdose and treatment with Octreotide: A Case Report
Authored by Sameed Qureshi
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The most common complication of sulfonylurea overdose is hypoglycemia [1]. The toxicity is caused secondary to the exertion of the sulfonylurea pharmacological properties. It reduces the glucose level by release of insulin from beta cells of the pancreas [2]. Early symptoms of hypoglycemia from sulfonylureas are characterized by weakness, hunger, diaphoresis, pallor, palpitations, sinus tachycardia, headache, irritability, and tremor. If hypoglycemia remains untreated, neuroglycopenia may develop resulting in impaired concentration and judgment, confusion, blurred vision, drowsiness, and amnesia. Further progression can result in seizures or coma, and possibly death [3].
Conventional therapy of hypoglycemia with intravenous dextrose infusions may only temporarily correct blood sugar levels as sulfonylurea and active metabolite levels may remain high for a prolonged period resulting in persistent hypoglycemia [4]. Although octreotide use has been advocated as a first line therapy, indications and dosing are not firmly established. It has also been identified that the use of octreotide may reduce the incidence of recurrent hypoglycemia that is seen with dextrose-alone therapy. Our case report discusses a patient with severe hypoglycemia resulting from suicide attempt by ingesting 24mg of glimepiride and highlights the response to treatment with octreotide after failed attempts to correct the patient’s hypoglycemia with dextrose.
Case Report
A fifty-eight-old male with no previous co-morbidities was presented to was presented to the emergency room of Northwest General Hospital, Peshawar in the month of January 2019. The son reported that the patient is a non-diabetic. He ingested his spouse’s 12 tablets of 2mg glimepiride as a suicide attempt. In the emergency room, the patient was tachycardic, tachypneic and diaphoretic. Initial glucose meter reading was found to be 36mg/dL and a blood glucose level on the metabolic panel was 49mg/dL. Patient serum creatinine was 2.1mg/dL. While in the emergency room, the patient received 50% dextrose intravenously eventually requiring an intravenous infusion of 10% dextrose. Despite this treatment, the patient remained persistently hypoglycemic with blood sugars less than 80mg/dL. He was admitted to the medical intensive care unit for close monitoring.
Despite giving high dose of dextrose infusion, his blood sugars remained low. A decision was made at this point to administer 50 micrograms of octreotide subcutaneously. Two hours later, the patient’s blood sugar started to improve, and the intravenous 10% dextrose was discontinued. Eight hours later, the patient received another dose of 50 micrograms of octreotide and his blood sugars started improving. The dose was continued for two days and he remained consistently euglycemia.
Once stable, his insulin levels and C-peptide levels were done which were normal. Other parameters including complete blood picture, U&Es, liver function tests and urine analysis were within normal limit. Following initial correction of his low blood sugar, the patient was encouraged orally. Once stable he was discharged on normal blood sugars with advice to see a psychiatrist.
Glimepiride is a second-generation sulfonylurea indicated for diabetes mellitus type 2. After the intake, the drug is completely absorbed, and the maximum concentration is reached in 0.7-2.8 h. It is primarily metabolized in the liver, first to its active metabolite via the cytochrome P450 and then to its dehydrogenated inactive metabolite [5]. Glimepiride was generally associated with lower risk of hypoglycemia compared to other sulfonylureas and it should be used in caution with hepatic and renal disease. It has a narrow therapeutic index. Glimepiride overdose is associated with hypoglycemia [1]. Onset of hypoglycemia may be delayed up to 12h, and duration may be prolonged for days after overdoses. Patients who are hypoglycemic experience dizziness, weakness, headache, confusion, lethargy, slurred speech, coma, and seizures. Other clinical effects include tachycardia, palpitations, nausea, and diaphoresis. Protracted hypoglycemia can result in death [2].
Several case reports are published on sulfonylurea overdose in adults. Potential for hypoglycemia associated with dosage increases is well described, especially in older patients, sometimes with fatal outcomes. Review of national poison center data found 14 sulfonylurea-associated fatalities reported between 1992 and 1996 in adults aged 18 to 79 years. Eleven cases were the result of suicides and involved contestants [6].
A potential complication of treatment of sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia with intravenous dextrose is recurrent hypoglycemia. Dextrose administration results in hyperglycemia which in turn potentiates insulin release from the pancreas leading to recurrent hypoglycemia. Re-administration of dextrose perpetuates this cycle, resulting in high dextrose requirements and the need for frequent monitoring of blood glucose levels.
By contrast, octreotide, a synthetic octapeptide analogue of somatostatin, effectively suppresses insulin secretion and has a very benign adverse effect profile. The long-acting, synthetic somatostatin analog, octreotide, is FDA-approved for the treatment of acromegaly, metastatic carcinoid symptoms, and vasoactive intestinal secreting tumors. It has also been used for the cessation of upper gastrointestinal bleeding and to correct refractory hypoglycemia caused by sulfonylurea overdoses. Octreotide can be administered either intravenously or subcutaneously, with both routes having equivalent bioavailability. It appears to abolish the need for hypertonic dextrose infusion, thus avoiding the need for a central line, close observation, and complications relating to fluid and electrolyte disturbances. This obviates the need for prolonged ICU admission. Octreotide is now regarded as a first line antidote for sulfonylurea poisoning with the role of dextrose confined to rapid restoration of euglycemia in the already hypoglycemic patient and maintenance of euglycemia until such time as octreotide can be sourced and administered [7].
Patients who developed hypoglycemia with therapeutic doses of sulfonylureas have been given supplemental dextrose and octreotide, with subsequent correction of the hypoglycemia. There are numerous case reports describing treatment of sulfonylurea overdoses with octreotide. In 2002, Carr and Zed described glyburide overdoses in two patients with refractory hypoglycemia despite dextrose 50% boluses and 10% infusions who demonstrated fewer hypoglycemic episodes and lower dextrose requirements with octreotide 50μg every 8h for three doses. These authors provide a summary of six previously reported cases that demonstrate the benefits of octreotide therapy [8]. Subsequent to Carr and Zed’s report, there have been 13 case reports on the treatment of sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia with octreotide, including two cases in young children [9].
As octreotide represents the definitive management of sulfonylurea induced hypoglycemia, efforts should be made to administer it as soon as possible. If available in the remote area, it can be safely commenced according the administration regime described above. If not immediately available, efforts should be made to move the antidote to the patient as part of the management plan
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ctcms/fulltext/inadvertent-sulfonylurea-overdose-and-treatment-with-octreotide-a-case-report.ID.000509.php
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