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Revolutionary Organization 17 November, (17N)
A revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group led by Alexandros Giotopoulos. It waged an extensive guerilla campaign against the Greek state, targeting banks, politicians and buisnesses.
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kubra-nur-gunes · 2 years
Ben belki hastayım ama sevgim değildi...
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kozakuwas · 1 year
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this but with kagepro
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watchilove · 10 months
TUDOR Pelagos FXD Reference 25717N
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WIBTA for telling my sister that she doesn't have OCD?
I (17n) share a room with my sister (15f). She's been a "neat freak" her whole life and is absolutely anal about certain things. She used to have a lot more of those fixations and got anxious enough about them that she would burst into tears if they weren't fulfilled, but I'm fairly sure she doesn't anymore. For example, she used to have anxiety around not being on time to get places, but now she always severely underestimates the time it will take her to get ready for something and makes us all late, and doesn't seem to care all that much. What's more, she yells at me frequently for leaving my stuff out around our room because it isn't "tidy", but she leaves her dirty clothes and makeup out all the time and doesn't put them away for days.
Now, here's the thing. For as long as I can remember, she's been blaming these behaviors on "OCD". She has never been diagnosed with it, though she did once try to claim that the counselor she saw when she was younger diagnosed her (this is obviously false as school counselors don't have the authority to diagnose you with anything, at least not in my country). Now, I support informed self-diagnosis, but A) she's been claiming OCD since long before she had access to the Internet or any other resources to research it, so her only exposure to it at that point would have been pop culture, which is notoriously inaccurate, and B) when I asked her why she thought she had OCD, she said it was because she felt an urge to make things neat all the time, which, while I'm sure it could be a manifestation of OCD, is more in line with the stereotype than with common presentations of the disorder, nor does she seem to have any of the characteristic anxiety of the disorder anymore. Even her urges to make things clean seem entirely focused on me and my stuff, and she's completely okay with leaving her own things out wherever and whenever she wants. So while normally I would never fakeclaim anyone, I really don't think she actually has OCD.
I don't know if she is genuinely self-diagnosed with OCD or if she just uses the label as an excuse to be controlling, but either way, I'm sick of it. She did it again yesterday: I had put a folded-up blanket on my beanbag chair in our shared room, and she told me I had to move it because it "didn't look nice" and was triggering her alleged OCD. WIBTA if I told her she doesn't have OCD and can't use it as an excuse to be pushy about where I put my things?
I might be TA because: fakeclaiming is wrong, and it's possible she does happen to have anxiety about the specific things she gets anal about, since mental illness isn't always rational.
I might not be TA because: she has none of the symptoms of actual OCD and doesn't seem to understand what they are, she uses it as an excuse to harass and scream at me
What are these acronyms?
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backsideattackkkk · 13 days
BACKGROUND during 1994-2006, Italians living in veneto and friuli, in the north east of italy, most frequently in the comuni of pordenone and portogruaro had somebody who was leaving concealed bombs in crowded places, often disguised as household objects, which would explode as soon as they were picked up, severely injuring the victims.
journalists named this unknown person the italian unabomber, associating him to ted kaczyinski. however the similarities between the american unabomber and the Italian unabomber are very mild.
a journalist proposed changing his nickname to monabomber, where "mona" is a word that refers to female genitals, but it also means "idiot". he didn’t want the unknown bomber to feel "honored" by the association with kaczynski. overall there were 31 bombings, no one was killed in any, 17+ people were injured
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BOMBS the bombs were made, with common, house hold items. his 90’s (1994-1996) bombs are mainly pipe bombs — a plumbing tube filled with an azo compound, usually from fertilizers, fireworks and herbicides.
after his hiatus (1996 — 2000), he comes back in 2000 with much more sophisticated bombs, this time made with nitroglycerin, and hidden in household objects like food jars, pens, and candles.
preferred locations are very crowded places: churches, beaches, squares. he hits especially during festivities, where more people are likely to gather.
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IDENTIFICATION investigators assume he is a 35 to 50 yo man, native to friulian area, possibly living in pordenone. he probably lives alone, allowing him to work on his bombs in peace, and might have an above average knowledge of chemistry and science in general. they also think he might have had some kind of trauma or mental illness.
SUSPECTS andrea agostinis
august 5 1996: after the lignano beach attack, a news agency (ANSA) received an anonymous call claiming responsibility by a greek terrorist group, 17N. but before ANSA could report it, an Italian man, agostinis, who claimed to be an expert on 17N, mentioned it on a radio show. Investigators suspected agostinis might be the bomber but later dismissed him due to his eccentric claims of being harassed by 17N and having knowledge of the culprit through numerology.
elvo zornitta
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In 2004, zornitta, an engineer, became a suspect in the monabomber case after someone called him a "bomb expert." although police found bomb-making materials in his house, his DNA didn't match evidence from a previous attack and he had alibis for others. despite continued surveillance, the bombings continued. a supposed match between scissors found at zornitta's house and bomb components turned out to be fabricated evidence by an investigator. with no credible link, zornitta was cleared of all charges in 2009.
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for accidentally killing someone?
I (17N) recently started working at an indie film company my dad works at, where we work is in an old abandoned mall, it's very unstable, things fall, etc.
I don't expect them to have the best place since they don't have much money (it is an indie company after all) but things fall very often, one of my coworkers has had multiple things fall on them, leaving them with a broken arm.
Fast forward a bit
(for context I always have a mask on, I have low self-esteem for my face)
Today, someone got pictures of my face, I don't know if they worked at the company or not, but I was chasing them trying to get them to stop, we were in the building, things kind of get blurry here from the shock of what happened, but I pushed them, and something fell, killing them instantly.
My coworker was there and he saw it happen, I was freaking out, panicking, I didn't know what to do, he was trying to comfort me saying it wasn't my fault, it was the buildings fault, but I still think I'm responsible for this, I shouldn't have pushed them, but it's hard to think right now...
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (18/n)
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Author’s Notes: Cannot lie - much happier to be writing about things that aren’t tearing my heart out like reliving the trade. New chapter in Tyson’s career, and a new chapter in my story. And can I just say how much of a badass mom Laura is for heading to Denver to pick up some of Tyson’s things from his apartment so he wasn’t stuck in St. Paul with hardly any clothes? This really happened! (Actually a lot of things in this chapter are real events that happened - that’s why it was fun getting to recap the first few weeks in St. Paul and on the road!)
This chapter is very dialog heavy.
Also I don’t normally do this, but if you need a dose of serotonin to amp up Tyson Tuesday even more - I did include a photo in this installment. I couldn’t not. Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC (AJ) Word Count: 5449 (it’s another long one) TW: Hmm. Language? There is drinking. This is probably one of the more tame chapters honestly. Need Chapter 17? Check it here: https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/692726073181585408/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-17n
March 16th. The first official day that Tyson was in Minnesota. After talking with his mom and AJ the night before, getting some sleep, and having a full schedule ready for him that first day, including a game that night, Tyson actually felt different than he had for a while in Denver.
Sure, he missed waking up and seeing the mountains, he missed a fuzzy, bedheaded AJ curled up next to him. Crawling out of bed, his view was actually an apartment building across the hotel’s valet parking lot. That wasn’t stellar.
But with a deep breath in and out, Tyson realized today was a new page in a new chapter of his life. 
He felt nervous. But he was also excited.
Texting AJ, even though he knew she’d probably still be asleep, he let her know he was thinking of her. In his head, this was going to be his new thing. Until she was with him, he was going to greet her with a text or call every morning. This was cemented in his mind when he decided to open Instagram and saw a ton of DMs from girls in the Twin Cities area already hitting on him. He smiled, but he knew it wasn’t what he wanted. And what he wanted… was going to have the ultimate decision up to her.
A quick shower, and into his travel suit, Tyson grabbed breakfast, and hopped the hotel shuttle to get to the arena for media availability and practice that morning. Greeted by the front office, Tyson was shown around, and provided some Wild gear to wear during the morning interview. The socials team snagged some photos of him in his new uniform.
AJ saw the tweet, and forgot that Foligno already had 17 for his jersey number. Tyson was now wearing 10 on his back, and it was something AJ was going to have to get used to seeing. While she didn’t want to admit it… Tyson looked damn good in that green. (Of course, she hadn’t found a color yet that he didn’t look good in.)
AJ: Morning, my Minnesota man… As much as it stings to say it, lookin’ damn fine in that green. Hope you have a good day. Call after the game?
With as jam packed as his schedule was, she wasn’t expecting any messages any time soon honestly. Which was fine with AJ anyway, she really did need to focus on work today with the previous afternoon being a bit of a washout. The phone in her pocket buzzed often throughout the morning, with various friends and family asking how she was doing, and if she had heard from Tyson. Thankfully she set her watch to alert her of messages from Jess, Mel, Laura, and Tyson himself. Made sifting through all the random buzzes not a constant grabbing of her phone while at work.
After presumably practice, AJ’s watch buzzed, leaving her with a grin.
Tyson: Is that what color I’m wearing? (winking emoji) Apparently the guys want to go out after the game, but I’ll make sure I call before you go to sleep. You watching me tonight?
AJ: Of course. You know I’ll be up late, call when you get back in. (heart emoji)
Tyson: You’re the best (kissing emoji)
After a few more hours of work, AJ chatted a bit with Laura about her quick trip into Denver on Friday. This gave AJ two evenings to get a few things packed up for her to bring with for Tyson so he wasn’t wearing the same clothes for more than a week straight. On her way to Tyson’s from work, she stopped in at the store and picked up some colorful markers and a notepad, with ideas swirling in her head.
It was a weird feeling, being in a place that felt so much like home, but now so empty and lonely. Looking around, AJ began remembering things that happened or things that were said in certain areas of Tyson’s home. 
The corner where the Christmas tree was, the one that they picked out ornaments for each other and decorated together not four months ago. 
The table in the kitchen where Tyson and AJ ate spaghetti and meatballs that he prepared the first time he cooked for her.
Tyson’s ukulele sitting on the coffee table.
AJ looked over at the front door, the same front door that the two came into late after a game, or after dinner. The door that he would playfully pin AJ against, either in the heat of the moment to kiss her passionately, or to start tickling her sides to make her squeal. It was always a 50/50 on which he was going to do.
With a heavy sigh, which she wasn’t sure if it was a happy or a sad one, AJ got to work digging out the suitcases from the closet, and took them upstairs to Tyson’s bedroom to fill them with clothes and a few other items. She realized half of his clothes were dirty, so she started running the washing machine. All the while, she was scribbling on the notepad and ripping pieces of paper off.
By the time the laundry was finished, AJ had Tyson’s two suitcases filled with clothes, toiletries, and a few items he had requested to be shipped to him. Also half of the notepad was already used. Her plan was then to clean up the place Thursday night, and his mom was going to spend the night Friday, and head out to St Paul on Saturday - a very quick trip. The two agreed to meet up for dinner, and have a bit of a girl’s night.
Satisfied with her work for the evening, AJ headed back to her place in time to catch the game. The team had already taken a shine to Tyson’s ultimate hype man status, having him read the starting lineup list in the locker room pregame. The team cheered with every name on the roster he read, and they all cheered for him when finished. AJ felt a warm feeling in her chest as she watched the clip on Twitter as she sat down with some takeout from Kickin’ Chicken she picked up on the way home. 
This might have been the first time ever that AJ purposely watched a hockey game that the Avalanche weren’t playing in. She’d always been loyal to the Avs, but where Tyson was starting a new chapter in his book of stories, AJ was following suit. It didn’t feel right watching a game that no one was in burgundy and blue. She didn’t know most of the players’ names on either team. It was then and there she decided she was actually going to study up on everyone during the game.
And there he was… Tyson Jost, wearing number 10 and a fishbowl still as he hit the ice for the first time playing for the Wild organization. AJ got teary-eyed seeing him skate around on the fourth line. Part of it was just happiness that she was seeing him on the ice doing the thing he loved, but part of it was still sadness that he was still on fourth line. Through it all though, the realization of he’s the new guy and they literally had to insert him in the roster somewhere hit. Tyson held his own though, still playing center on the line. And it wasn’t a LOT of ice time, but still over ten minutes. He hadn’t had that with the Avs in weeks. Other than a few hits and some special teams’ time on the ice, he didn’t have anything noteworthy to report in the game. 
But he got to play. And it made him happy.
Cleaning up a bit after the game, AJ’s phone alerted her to the fact Tyson was trying to facetime. Upon answering, lots of cheering and hollering was happening in the background of the Wild locker room as Tyson tried to have at least a tiny conversation before AJ would need to get some sleep. The smile was a mile wide on his face when she answered.
“HEY! Did you catch the game? Are you a fan yet?”
“Hey babe, I did watch the game. And you know I’m a fan of you! How’s it going?”
AJ could see faces peeking into the frame behind Tyson, being silly and waving. 
“Josty, is that your GIRRRRRLFRIEND?!”
The face wasn’t familiar, but AJ still laughed and waved, saying hello. Tyson turned a little pink in the cheeks.
“Yeah! This is AJ. AJ, this is everyone!” Tyson panned the phone around as AJ waved. The voices did quiet down in the background slightly as the conversation continued.
“How did it feel tonight?”
Tyson thought about it for a few moments. “It felt good. Different, but good.”
“I could tell! The style is so different from what I’m used to watching. Don’t get too excited, but it was actually fun to watch. Is this what it feels like to actually watch other teams play?”
A guffaw and smile hit Tyson. “Yeah, I suppose so.  How was your day? Has my mom reached out? She’s coming Friday to Denver, she said she wanted to meet up with you if possible. Then she’s here Saturday.”
“Oh, good to know what’s up with your mom. I’ll reach out to her in that case. Work was alright, pretty tired. It’s been a long week and it’s catching up with me. It’s almost the weekend though at least. I know that doesn’t mean a whole lot to you though. Did you at least make it to Target to get some clothes?”
“I got loaded up with team wear, I should be good until Saturday,” Tyson turned his head to say something to one of his new teammates. “I think I’m actually just going to head home, I’m exhausted. Raincheck on going out though!”
It was clear that he was getting ribbed for still talking to AJ and not wanting to go out, but AJ saw Jared in the background patting him on the shoulder and nodding in approval. Spurgeon was no Landeskog, but AJ had an inkling he was a good guy.
“Can I call you back when I get home? It’s a little loud here…”
“Of course, I’ll be up a little longer. I want to hear all about your day. Love you, talk soon.”
(“OooOOOOOOoooooh!” heard from the background)
“Love you too babe, talk in a bit.” 
Tyson turned around with a smirk, finding three of his teammates behind him laughing. All he could do was roll his eyes. He fielded a few questions about her, namely…
“So when is she moving out here?”
He didn’t know how to answer, because he didn’t have a real one to give. “Soon I hope. She had just moved to Denver last year and was just getting truly settled when this all hit.” He sighed sadly. Really he hoped she would come with, but he wasn’t absolutely sure how it would work out.
“You’ll see her soon enough, Tyson. It’ll be alright.” 
After a bit longer with media availability and getting dressed to leave, Tyson got “home” in a few minutes (it was actually faster to walk with all of the foot traffic surrounding the Xcel Energy Center - his hotel was just a couple blocks down the street), and tapped his keycard against the door. Hanging up his suit jacket in the closet and loosening his tie, he flopped onto the chaise portion of the sofa in his room, digging his phone from his pocket. Muscle memory found him tapping apps and contacts, and a tired smile graced his face when AJ answered.
“Hey Eggo. How was your day?”
The two chatted for a good half an hour before AJ could tell Tyson was more exhausted than she’d ever seen him. He had quite a day going through practice, more interviews, and the game. She was glad he opted to not go out that night, that a good night’s sleep would probably be best (for both of them really, she was tired from packing up a couple suitcases). Tyson saw her eyes drooping a bit too, so the two agreed to talk more the following day, at least a few texts, and would call later that evening. 
With an extended goodnight, the two crashed, albeit alone, but definitely hard.
AJ’s day was typical work, and Tyson was learning the ropes in his new organization. He texted when he had free time, sending photos of interesting things he saw throughout his day. AJ smiled with each message, happy that he was finding his groove pretty quickly. She’d already started following Minnesota’s social media accounts, and listened in to Coach Evason’s presser that morning. Their social media style was so different from the Avalanche’s, but, just like the game the previous night, it was a different vibe. It wasn’t bad, it was just different.
One thing AJ did love hearing though was how the fourth line wasn’t referred to as “fourth line,” how Bednar would refer to it - Evason referred to it as “Jost’s line.” It did give her a warm fuzzy, that it felt like Minnesota was already giving Tyson ownership of his line. And the talk about him being put in more situations, hoping he’ll get to showcase more of his skills on special teams (and not just the PK), made her heart swell with pride. 
This was Tyson’s chance to shine like she knew he could.
After work, AJ chatted with Laura a bit before heading back to his apartment to clean up. Thankfully Tyson didn’t have a total bachelor pad, and he’d really done a good job of keeping it moderately picked up, especially since they’d been dating. Only once did AJ have to voice her frustration of almost falling into the toilet in the middle of the night from him leaving the seat up. But he quickly got back in the habit, after having lived with his mom and sister growing up. Really it was just picking up some of the mess she’d made while packing, cleaning up the kitchen a bit, same with the bathroom. Lastly she changed the sheets on the guest room bed so they’d be fresh for her when she arrived.
Nearly back home, AJ’s phone rang through the speakers of her car, Tyson’s face plastered on the caller ID. Grabbing the phone, she brought him inside with her and collapsed on the sofa in the living room, kicking her shoes off as Tyson asked how her day was.
AJ mentioned how she was elbows deep in a large printer, and that she had to take apart a computer and replace a power supply. Typical day stuff for her, but he thought it sounded amazing that she could fix this stuff. The two talked about his mom coming in the next day, and AJ confessed that she was actually going to pick Laura up from the airport, and they were going to have dinner before getting to his place for the evening. 
“You’re not going to pump my mom for dirt about me as a kid, are you?”
“Hmm… well I hadn’t planned on it, but I feel like there must be something… what are you hiding Jost?”
Tyson turned bright red, but inside, he was all smiles. AJ was the first girlfriend in quite a while that had met his mom (and family), and the fact that she felt okay with meeting up with mom without him made him feel even more at ease. Although, not going to lie, he was a little worried about what his mom might bring up. Not that Tyson was a bad kid, he just had some silly moments. He had a feeling his mom would be all about telling those stories.
AJ went in to work the next morning an hour early to make up for leaving early to pick up Laura at DIA, and the day dragged. She was starting to get a little nervous about how the conversations would go, but she also knew that if she could talk that easily with Tyson, she should be able to chat with Laura the same way. 
With just practice and the rest of the day to himself, he explored the city a little bit, at least walking the neighborhood around his home for the next couple of weeks, if not months. Donning some sweatpants, and AJ’s Wizard World hoodie, he hit the street. A number of shops, pubs and eateries lined 7th Street in the neighborhood, although it seemed like it might be a little rough around the edges late at night on non-game nights. Otherwise it seemed like a pretty normal little entertainment district near the arena, much like LoDo is to Ball Arena (just smaller). He snagged a coffee at Cafe Astoria, and peeked in the front windows at Cosetta, places he could see taking AJ, even if it were just for a visit. He also Googled a record store that AJ had mentioned, Electric Fetus, but unfortunately that one was a bit of a ways away in Minneapolis, and he didn’t have a car yet. It wasn’t going to be this visit, but his mom’s next visit that hopefully she’d be able to get his car to him.
Selfishly, he wished AJ could just drive the Grand Cherokee to him and just stay, but he realized then her car would still be in Denver.
After a few hours of meandering the neighborhood, Tyson headed back to the hotel for a nap. His phone buzzing though is what woke him up, and it was a selfie of AJ and Laura at the airport. 
Just as AJ hoped, the conversations flowed fine between herself and Laura. It gave the two a chance to really talk, uninhibited by Tyson (and Kacey) like the last time they met up at Christmas. Laura asked all sorts of questions about what AJ does, and how she got into it, how she ended up in Denver. 
“So how did you and Tyson meet? I’m curious to hear YOUR side of the story.”
“Wait, now I feel like I need to know how Tyson tells the story.”
“Oh no, I want to hear it from you so I can compare notes, and then I’ll tell you if there were any major differences.”
AJ told the story as she navigated the ever-present and especially busy rush hour traffic and construction on I-70, excluding the fact he was only in a towel, and that she had her headphones in and was singing.
All Laura could do was laugh for a couple moments. “That’s not quite what Tyson had told me. He mentioned he was in a towel, and apparently heard you singing all the way from the showers in the locker room. Don’t tell him I told you, but that was one of the first things he ever told me - that you have a beautiful singing voice.”
“WHAT? Hahah oh that’s… not true. Wait, when did he tell you this?”
“Again, don’t tell him I told you, but he called me that night before the game, and mentioned it. You made quite a first impression.”
AJ blushed, and got a little quiet.
Laura continued, “Those first few days were rough on him, he was sure you were dating someone else on the team. I had a feeling though things were going to turn out though. All the things he had said about you, other than dating… Nate? It just felt like he knew instantly.”
The driver cringed at the mention of dating Nate. It definitely wasn’t dating, and honestly, if she had a brother, AJ would have felt like kissing Nate would be like kissing that brother. But then the weight of what Laura just revealed hit. And she could see the realization on AJ’s face.
“Thankfully he was wrong about Nate - that’s a story in itself. Nate’s the reason I ended up out here, that I have my job, and that I was in the locker room that day. But… nooo. Definitely not dating Nate. And aside from the totally awkward meetup with Tyson in a towel and me on a ladder… I knew there was something different about him, in the best way possible. It probably sounds weird to say this in response, but… you raised an amazing son. You and the whole family.”
“Thank you, it means a lot to hear that we got things right with him. That reminds me, when we stop, and don’t tell him, but I couldn’t not come down to see you and NOT bring a couple baby photos.” Laura’s smirk was just as mischievous as Tyson’s - AJ now knew where he got it from.
The two women stopped for a quick bite to eat at a local bistro, and then headed to Tyson’s. And Laura kept her promise of showing off a couple of adorable baby Tyson photos.
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(photo credit - Tyson’s IG. LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!)
Rummaging through the kitchen cabinets, AJ remembered that she had left a bottle of wine there a few weeks prior for Tyson’s birthday, not knowing that he wouldn’t be able to drink any due to the painkillers he was on for his mouth at the time. Splitting the bottle, they laughed and told all sorts of stories, about themselves, about Tyson and the family. Realizing it was getting late, AJ ended up staying over, crashing in Tyson’s bed, Laura in the guest room. This was a much better idea than driving home, then having to get up, drive back to pick up Laura and snag breakfast before heading back to the airport, luggage in tow.
Before falling asleep, AJ texted Tyson, whom she guessed was asleep by that point.
AJ: You had such chubby cheeks as a toddler!!! What a cutie you were… (heart emoji)
The morning came early, with AJ and Laura lugging suitcases to AJ’s car parked on the street. Quick trip to get some of the best pancakes in town, and the two were off to the airport. Making sure she was at the correct terminal, AJ helped her with the luggage, making sure they were able to get it checked. Before hitting TSA security, Laura gave AJ a huge hug.
“You take care of yourself! And when you can… get up to St. Paul. Tyson misses you.”
“Did he tell you to tell me that?”
“Maybe,” Laura chuckled, “Seriously though, if you need anything, you know you can call me anytime, and if I can, I’ll do it. You know you’re an honorary Jost.”
AJ nodded, and with another hug and photo together, Laura disappeared into the TSA line. Heading back to her car, AJ grabbed her phone to let Tyson know what was up.
AJ: Hey babe, just dropped off your mom at the airport. Had a really good time with her! She should get there in a few hours.
Tyson: I can’t believe she showed you baby photos.
AJ: She’s got a flair for mischief. It must be genetic, I know where you get it from now.
Tyson: You love it.
AJ: I love YOU. The mischief just comes with, package deal. Driving home, going to get a quick nap… was a late night.
Tyson: Wait, what did you two get up to?
AJ: Just a girls’ night in. Plus it is fun to let you sit and wonder. Love you (winking emoji)
Tyson: … and I’m the mischievous one? Love you babe. Gotta get to morning skate before the game tonight. 
Finding her bed at home, AJ almost instantly passed out, curled up with Maple. She groggily woke up, squinting at the phone screen.
Tyson: Back at the hotel with mom. How did you pack this much stuff?
AJ: Sounds good. And I told you I was a Girl Scout back in the day. Just wait until you see how I pack when I fly!
Tyson: I hope that means I find out soon.
AJ: No promises. Kick some ass tonight babe, I’ll be watching the game. (heart emoji)
With his mom crashed on the sofa after a long 36 hours, Tyson began carefully unpacking the suitcases a bit before heading back to the arena, where he found a number of things he did not expect.
Namely notes from AJ, folded and tucked into various items in the suitcases. In pant legs of slacks. In suit jacket pockets. In the waistband of some boxer briefs.(“Miss seeing you in these.”) Wrapped around his razor handle (“Lookin’ sharp babe!”) He only found a fraction of them while unpacking - AJ was quite skilled in hiding them.
The last one he found though was in the kangaroo pocket of his burgundy hoodie. (“I want my hoodie back, damn it. Love you baby, can’t wait to trade them in person.”)
With Laura getting to watch her son for the first time in person wearing a Wild uniform, the team beat the Blackhawks 3-1.
After that, it was a hell of a homestand for Minnesota, with Tyson getting his first point as a member of the Wild vs the Golden Knights, an assist on Deslaurier’s goal - another new guy on the team, along with Marc-Andre Fleury. It was definitely an intense trade deadline for them.
The Avalanche came to town, and AJ was internally struggling on who to root for. Tyson didn’t have any points on the night, but the Wild did win 3-2 in OT. There were definitely some shenanigans going on with EJ and Tyson - come to find out Tyson was mic’d up that game for a future bit from the Wild’s media team and that came out later. After the game, Tyson was interviewed, and clearly Mikko was in the connecting hallway, seemingly waiting to stop and say hello before they had to leave to head back to Denver. He might have had a message for him - AJ was plotting something, but he was sworn to secrecy as to what. Tyson tried to get any sort of clues from her on their daily talks, but she wasn’t divulging ANYTHING. He even tried getting Jess and Nate to give some sort of hints, but he was shut down everywhere.
He couldn’t deny it, every time he saw a black Kia Soul on the street, he hoped it was AJ. Anytime he caught highlights of Avalanche games on the news, he squinted in hopes of catching AJ in the background. He stayed following Avs socials in the hopes to find AJ and Jess in the background during warm up videos holding signs. (He did catch them a few times, actually.) But not knowing what she was up to was driving him up the wall.
Continuing what was always a roadie for AJ, the Wild hit the road, which was AJ’s moment to pull off what she’d been planning for weeks, pretty much since Tyson was traded. Taking a couple days off of work, AJ drove back to her hometown, spent the night with her folks, and then drove to St. Louis. In tow were a hoodie she made with JOSTY 10 on the back as she couldn’t get a jersey that fast with his name and new number. Not surprising, she also had a sign.
When AJ picked out her seat, she wasn’t expecting to find one where she did, but found herself against the glass, where the Wild would be warming up at Enterprise Center. She also found out that it was like a Club Lexus ticket, but the “Rinkside Club” - she had access to get dinner from an incredible buffet, as well as visit Pub 67. Opting for just dinner and a soda, she headed back to her seat, where she befriended an official photographer, bonding over camera talk. But when it was time for warm ups… AJ’s heart started pounding.
Standing up against the glass, she pressed her tiny sign up - Enterprise Center has the weirdest rules about sign size restrictions. But AJ crammed what she needed to say on it.
Tyson - I miss you as 17, but you’re a perfect 10 to me! <3
The team took the ice, swooping around in loops, shooting pucks at MAF, but Talbot took his place.
And where it was usually EJ that would slam into the glass directly in front of her, or shoot a puck at her head… this was the start of AJ getting the absolute hell scared out of her when Deslauriers would launch himself into the glass in front of her. She wasn’t sure if he recognized her from the few times Tyson would facetime with her while at the practice rink or at the arena, but he had a grin on his face… and then completely hid her sign with how broad he was.
However it was just a couple moments later, that AJ kept her eyes trained on Tyson as he slowly skated by to get in line to take some pucks to launch at Talbot. He stopped dead in his tracks, and inched slowly backward to read the sign, realizing his name was on it. This was the first time on the road someone had a sign for him, and he was smiling at the thought.
Tyson chuckled and turned red, side-eying the sign, until he realized he recognized the handwriting.
He twisted around, finding himself face to.. Well sign, because the seats were a little higher than eye-level, so AJ stood about two foot taller than him. The confusion set in, then the absolute realization that AJ was definitely in front of him hit. If he weren’t trying to stay focused, he probably would have been in tears, he was so happy to see her, even if there was a two-inch thick piece of plexi between them. Eyes glassy regardless, Tyson kissed the knuckles of his glove and fist bumped AJ through the barrier. 
In her peripheral vision, she could see the younger girl next to her visibly huff that Tyson was not paying any attention to her.
AJ’s eyes mirrored Tyson’s, a tear falling down her cheek as she mouthed “Love you.”
It wasn’t much, but this was going to be the closest they were going to be for a bit longer. But the fact that she was able to even make this happen was so huge to Tyson. He loved seeing his girlfriend in the stands again, wearing his colors, and his name and number, even if it was his nickname. He finished up with his stick handling drill in front of her, trying to stay near her as much as possible.  
With warmups complete, the game started, and Tyson notched an assist on Fiala’s goal in the first. While the teammates on the ice high-fived the bench, Tyson did something a little unexpected - he turned to the other side of the rink, and pointed at AJ before hopping back over the boards to the bench. A couple of teammates questioned the action.
There was no containing the excitement. “AJ IS HERE!”
Spurgeon leaned in with a, “Told you that you’d see her soon.” He slugged him on the shoulder.
The downers though, other than the 4-3 loss in OT, was that the team was flying back to Minnesota directly after the game. And worse was that no matter what Tyson or AJ said to security, she couldn’t get back to see him. 
AJ ended up texting him from the parking lot at Union Station, where it was probably going to be about an hour before she could get out. This of course turned into a quick phone call before Tyson made it to the airport.
Despite the loss and the security at the arena wrecking plans, Tyson was still ecstatic knowing his girlfriend was there.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“It was a surprise!”
“Well it was a good surprise, I just wish we could have met up… but… where did you get that hoodie?”
“I wanted to get a jersey, but I couldn’t get it in time… so I made it.”
“I could have gotten you one.” Tyson chuckled. “I just didn’t know you would be needing it so soon. But you know I love seeing my name on you. AHHH I can’t believe you were here! Next time you do that though, will you tell me first?”
It was AJ’s turn to not be able to keep composure, and get excited. “Hey uh… you know how you’re back in St. Louis next week Saturday? So am I.”
Tyson got quiet. AJ could tell the gears were already turning in his head.
Chapter 19: https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/693990316680904704/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-19n
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ee22iicoi · 25 days
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👌웰홈 커피그라인더 ZD-17N👌
🍰 주문하기 🏹클릭하기
📌이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로,일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
📣가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요📣
📢죄송하지만 메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 못읽어요ㅠㅠ
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fortrove · 24 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Authentic! Chanel Mademoiselle 18k Yellow Gold Diamond Amethyst Citrine Earrings.
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onglong90 · 29 days
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✍️웰홈 커피그라인더 ZD-17N✍️
👀 제품보러가기 👆클릭
🐌이포스팅은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요🏳️‍🌈
💠메신저(쪽지)와 dm은 못봐서 죄송해요
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m-mossed · 3 months
وظائف الرياض بالأكاديمية الوطنية للبناء تعلن عن تدريب منتهي بالتوظيف براتب يصل 7,000 ريال
بدأت الأكاديمية الوطنية للبناء بفرعها في الرياض استقبال طلبات التسجيل في برامج التدريب المنتهية بالتوظيف لحملة شهادة الثانوية العامة، سواء للرجال أو النساء، حيث يصل الراتب بعد التخرج إلى 7,000 ريال، وذلك وفقًا للتفاصيل وطريقة التقديم المشار إليها في الإعلان.
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alzeyoudidubai · 4 months
Machete MPT-17N
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Machete MPT-17N – Al Zeyoudi
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tanggushopinfo · 4 months
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업소용커피그라인더 웰홈 커피그라인더 ZD-17N
📢쿠팡에서 아무 물건이라도 사�� 싶다면 바로 여기📢
✅이 포스팅은 쿠팡파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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AITA for not watching the videos my brother sends me? 🐛🐛🐛🦞 to spot it later
I (17n) have a younger brother (12m) who sends me a lot of videos via Whatsapp. The thing is that I don't watch a lot of the videos he sends because I don't usually have my headphones on me when he sends stuff. I don't like watching stuff without my headphones, not for any particular reason, just because I'm very private when it comes to my phone.
Also, the stuff he sends isn't really my thing; it's a lot of video game stuff and I don't know, I just don't enjoy them a whole lot.
I feel bad about it though because clearly he's trying to connect with me, even though we spend a lot of time together. He seems fine about it, but will ask if I've watched the videos. I usually tell him that I'll get around to it, but I don't usually.
To be clear I love my brother. Some of the videos are funny, just not my thing. Also I do genuinely forget they're there. I'm bad at replying to people
What are these acronyms?
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toostarlightmiracle · 5 months
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💥웰홈 커피그라인더 ZD-17N💥
🚀 구매정보 ✔️클릭하기
🖋️위 글은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
🙅메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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