#17 june 2020 horoscope
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astrojulia · 2 years ago
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[1] TOMPKINS, Sue. Aspects in Astrology: A guide to understanding planetary relationships in the horoscope. One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 057067: Destiny Books, 2002.
[2] RIBEIRO, Anna Maria da Costa. Sinastria: Estudo dos Relacionamentos Teoria e Prática. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Hipocampo Editora e Distribuidora Ltda., 1989.
[3] ABDUL-KHALIQ, Ajani. Hayden’s Book of Synastry: A Complete Guide to Two-Chart Astrology, Composite Charts, and How to Interpret Them. 13 junho 2017.
[4] LEWIS, James R. The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press™, 2003.
[5] WOOLFOLK, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Lanham, Maryland: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006.
[6]NICHOLAS, Chani. You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2020.
[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[10] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 4: Planets in Aspect. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[11] REED, Theresa. Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginner. Newburyport, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 2019.
[12] LISBOA, Claudia. Os astros sempre nos acompanham (Edição revista e ampliada): Um manual de astrologia contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 2021.
[13] ORION, Rae. Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ; Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007.
[14] DEVORE, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: The Philosophical Library, June 1947.
[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.
[15] SERVANTOFTHEFATES. Disponível em: https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[16] LINHA ASTRAL - ASTROLOGIA: Seu site de Pesquisa Astrológica. Disponível em: https://linha-astral.com.br/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[17] Astromatrix. Disponível em: https://astromatrix.org/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[18] Astrolibrary.  Disponível em: https://astrolibrary.org/  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[19] Cafe Astrology.  Disponível em: https://cafeastrology.com/.  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[20] Astrologia na era de aquário, astrologia e estudos astrológicos. Disponível em: http://astrologiaeradeaquario.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[21] Astrology and Numerology Study. Disponível em:https://astrologystudy.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[22] Astrologia Luz e Sombra. Disponível em: https://astrologialuzesombra.com.br/ . Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[33] Astrolink. Disponível em: https://www.astrolink.com.br/artigo/a-historia-da-astrologia. Acesso em: 25 de maio de 2023.
[23] Marcelo Levi. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@oimarcelolevi  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[25] Encontros Astrológicos: Débora Mechica. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@encontrosastrologicos. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[26] Lais Casttelo Academia Astrologia. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@laiscasttelo . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[27] Marcia Fervienza Astróloga+. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@MarciaFervienza . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
अंक ज्योतिष 17 जुलाई: शुक्रवार के लिए आपका लकी नंबर और शुभ रंग
अंक ज्योतिष 17 जुलाई: शुक्रवार के लिए आपका लकी नंबर और शुभ रंग
ज्योतिष डेस्क, अमर उजाला, Updated Thu, 16 Jul 2020 05:41 PM IST
Ank Jyotish Numerology Prediction 17 July 2020
अंक ज्योतिष की गणना में किसी व्यक्ति का मूलांक उस व्यक्ति की तारीख का योग होता है। उदाहरण के लिए समझिए यदि किसी व्यक्ति का जन्म 23 अप्रैल को हुआ है तो उसकी जन्म तारीख के अंकों का योग 2+3=5 आता है। यानि 5 उस व्यक्ति का मूलांक कहा जाएगा। अगर किसी की जन्मतिथि दो अंकों यानि 11 है…
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newsedigital · 5 years ago
17 जून राशिफल: योगिनी एकादशी पर जानें सभी राशियों का राशिफल, कर्क, तुला और मकर राशि वाले आज रहें सावधान
17 जून राशिफल: योगिनी एकादशी पर जानें सभी राशियों का राशिफल, कर्क, तुला और मकर राशि वाले आज रहें सावधान
Horoscope Today: आज का पंचांग बता रहा है कि आज बहुत ही शुभ दिन है. आज एकादशी की तिथि है. जिसे योगिनी एकादशी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. आइए जानते हैं आपके भाग्य के सितारे क्या लेकर आ रहे हैं.
By : ऐस्ट्रोलॉजर शिल्पा राना | 17 Jun 2020 05:11 AM (IST)
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17 June 2020 Aaj Ka Rashifal: आज के दिन मेष राशि वाले नई जिम्मेदारी निभाने के लिए तैयार रहें.…
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bearingwater · 4 years ago
Aquarius Horoscope 2021: What the Stars Predict for You This Year
This year, try to let your guard down a bit. Being vulnerable is actually a strength.
Welcome to 2021, Aquarius, and congrats on surviving 2020. Despite your aloof nature, your emotions run deep, and the stress of the pandemic has taken a toll on you. As an intellectual air sign, you used your brain try to stay busy rather than sink into despair. You may have found yourself busy organizing virtual family get-togethers or anti-racism fundraisers. While both are honorable tasks, you must be exhausted. It's likely that you may be in need of a little care and attention yourself these days. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, Aquarius, and if you want attention, you're going to have to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable and ask for support. Your task for 2021 is to break down your walls, as well as to learn to put yourself first.
Your season begins on January 19, giving you no excuse not to start celebrating yourself early in the year. Remind your friends and family that it's your birthday, but let them do the work. When Aquarians aren't trying to help others, they may give in to isolation, and separate themselves rather than deal with what's going on in the world. None of that is going to fly this year, as the planets are lining up to give you much-deserved recognition.
Your ruling planet, independent Uranus, will be in Taurus all year and your 4th House of Home and Family. The planet squares off with responsible Saturn, your sign, Aquarius, in your 1st House of Self, on February 17, again on June 14, and finally on December 24. This transit only happens every 22 and a half years, and fittingly, marks periods of time where conservative politics clash with more progressive and radical ideas. So what does that mean for you?
An Aquarian trope is that you can become so concerned about your community that you forget to pay attention to your inner circle. The water bearer may create a fundraiser or share their personal artwork on social media but forget to text back friends and lovers. While this can sometimes be true, there's another part to you that's overlooked. Often, the person you neglect the most isn't your partner or best friend, but yourself. This year asks you to start a self-care regimen that will help bolster you so that you can properly step into the spotlight. Professionally and creatively, this means stepping away from behind-the-scenes work and becoming brave enough to put your name and face out there. You deserve the attention!
Due to pandemic-related travel restrictions, many of us have opted out of seeing our family for the holidays, even if our loved ones might not have agreed with our assessments of risk. As your 1st House of Self clashes with your 4th House of Home, 2021 also asks you to set up firmer boundaries with your family, both blood and chosen. Practice clearly stating your needs and using your backbone so that you don't back down.
There are three Mercury retrogrades this year for you to take note of. The first is in your sign from January 30 to February 20. The second is in Gemini from May 29 to June 22, and finally, the last is in Libra from September 27 to October 18. While the first cycle in your sign may be the most intense personally, circle all of these dates, as communication mishaps occur and could get in the way of your task to establish boundaries. We hear a lot about exes returning during Mercury retrograde, but friends, family, and other folks you've previously cut ties with may also resurface and try to throw you off course. Don't let them.
Lucky Jupiter is in Aquarius, and in your 1st House of Self, for most of the year, bestowing you with gifts. It can sometimes be harder for you to accept love than criticism, Aquarius, but remind yourself that you deserve it. With generous Jupiter in your sign, opportunities for work and money come your way. It would be a sin not to snatch them up in this economy. The healing planet briefly leaves your sign and enters Pisces in your 11th House of Friends from May 13 to July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on December 28. During this time, you may notice shifts in your social circle, but don't let these changes scare you. They are the result of erecting healthy boundaries; the universe wants you to have the best friends possible.
There is a lunar eclipse on May 26 in Sagittarius, a solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10, a lunar eclipse on November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on December 4, also in Sagittarius. Circle all of these dates in your calendar, Aquarius, as eclipses can bring drama and unexpected news. That's not always a bad thing. In particular, the solar eclipse in Gemini and your 5th House of Pleasure on June 10 may bring a new lover, or if you're already partnered, exciting relationship news. Some Aquarians may get engaged around this date.
Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance goes retrograde in Capricorn and your 12th House of the Unconscious on December 19. When this planet reverses its path, it can be harder to express ourselves romantically. The House of Unconscious can also indicate a retreat. If you need to heal from heartbreak, remember to take your time, and ask for space if you need to. However, be careful of hiding from the world (and crushes and romantic partners). Remember Aquarius: In 2021, your rightful place is centerstage. Enjoy the spotlight and see you next year.
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snarkywrites · 5 years ago
July Horoscopes: A Rewind
This month has several retrogrades in motion as we all come to terms with our new normal. The Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th marks a new period where we all feel an awakening to do more and be more focused. Mars has entered the sign of Aries, motivating and pushing us to get what we want but it will also need to keep those temper tantrums in check. Cardinal planets are helping us to take action and with these transits causing squares or tensions, we need to find a way to stay grounded when everything seems to be moving too fast and beyond our control. There is a Mercury Retrograde happening this month and things will ease when Mercury goes direct on the 12th telling us to handle ourselves and our emotions with much more intelligence. The New Moon in Cancer on the 20th touches on sensitive themes regarding family, we will want to focus more on home and those who we love dearly. Finally, the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, bringing us back to fire energy and most importantly our confidence. This year has been filled with tests and challenges, but we have endured and learned. This Cancer Season makes us grow, connect and be more compassionate with others.
Aries – This month Mars enters your sign from June 17th through January 6th, 2021. Mars in Aries is a very important transit for you since it will force you to make changes. Your card for the month is the Four of Wands Reversed, this is still a positive card that shows that this is a change in the works connected to all of the shifts in planets this month. There will be delays in achievements, but you will be recognized for them as time goes by. Saturn also makes it’s return in the sign of Capricorn, getting you in tip top shape to face the upcoming challenges for the next six months relating to work and status. You might want to give up, but with Mars in your sign, you will power through it with a clear focus on getting where you want to be. Make sure to keep calm when you want to explode. When the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd, you will feel excitement and joy since this Season makes a positive aspect to your sign, inspiring your creativity and bringing back that fulfilment in ego and power.
Taurus – This month Saturn goes back in the sign of Capricorn, letting you breathe peacefully since that square to your sign will reappear later this year. For now, you will be back to feeling motivated because slow and steady always wins the race. Your card for the month is Strength and this will be essential to get where you plan to go for the remainder of the year. The Full Moon on the 5th will bring back some inspiration that you tapped into earlier this year. This is a time to reconnect with what drive you and motivates you. Mars has changed signs to Aries, making you feel frustrated as you try to channel that ambition into getting something done. Do not fret, you still have that drive thanks to Saturn, but it will be at your own pace. With the New Moon on the 20th, you will get that boost of confidence with a new project in the works. The Sun’s entry in the sign of Leo on the 22nd will initiate a new era for you as we mark down the final months of Summer and get ready for what the fall will bring in the next few months.
Gemini – A very favorable card appears in your reading this month with the Ace of Swords. Get ready for the motivation that this period will kick off for you. Venus is still in your sign, but you have dealt with the tougher sides of this with the Retrograde. You have worked on yourselves and the lessons that Venus wanted you to learn. For those who did not benefit from the lessons of retrograde, be ready to repeat them. Overall, this should be a period of growth. Cancer Season adds on to the theme of changes that are to be expected for the upcoming months. Saturn is in Capricorn now until the rest of the year, allowing you to redo and experience once more the tougher parts of your chart, coping with trauma and finding ways to heal. Nevertheless, you are stronger and more prepared now to deal with the conflicts and topics from January 2020.
Cancer – A major transit for you this year is Saturn’s return in the sign of Capricorn, creating an opposition with your sign. Once again, you have to deal with pressures from relationships and your own independence. For the next six months, you will repeat those themes from earlier this year, however, you have the tools needed to care those challenges. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 5th will be adding additional importance to this Saturn transit, making the energy heavy for you. With the Knight of Swords appearing in your reading, this shows you are at least motivated to tackle anything, but exercise caution. Another stressor will be Mars in Aries, making you reflect on your position in the world and the progress you have made. This is overall a good transit, even if it creates a square with your sign because you will be driven to get things done. The New Moon in your sign on the 20th is another awakening for you and it will feel like a karmic beginning. Expect positive things with this as you reclaim your power.
Leo – This month will have you reflecting. Saturn finally leaves Aquarius, releasing the pressures on your sign. You will enjoy the Saturn in Capricorn transit since you will be ready to deal with it this second time around. There will be a focus on work and you are ready to take on the challenges because this journey will continue until the end of the year. The Full Moon on the 5th will add more pressure and importance to this Saturn transit as the themes now will be important until the end of the year. Your card for the month is Four of Pentacles, showing that you will be more concerned with maintaining stability. It will be important for you to be cautious with your resources and energy this time around as you begin to settle in with what Saturn has planned for you for the next six months. Mars in Aries will keep you motivated and it will want you to get to the top. The Sun enters the sign of Leo on the 22nd, reigniting your passion and ego. You will be feeling more in your element as you get ready to take on the world with a smile and confidence.
Virgo – With Saturn’s shift back in the sign of Capricorn, you will be ready to get ready to work hard and focused. This Full Moon on the 5th will have you take out your pen and paper as you begin to look at your planner to make any changes necessary to get where you want to be. This Saturn transit is important for earth signs since you will now get that push needed to get everything done. With the Seven of Pentacles appearing in your reading for the month, you are in a place where confidence is brewing thanks to Saturn’s reappearance in Capricorn and you are ready to put in the work. Mars entered the sign of Aries earlier this week, adding a focus on building and restructuring from a financial as well as your foundation and ego. These are themes that will persist until 2021. Get ready to deal with closing out issues from a few years ago as you now have the mindset to heal and make peace. The Sun enters the sign of Leo on the 22nd, a time to rest, recharge and get motivated because next month all eyes are on you.
Libra – Saturn’s ingress in the sign of Capricorn will once again open up a can of worms you had to deal with earlier this year. On a positive note, you are ready to handle everything and you have the confidence needed to keep going stronger than before. Your card for the month, the Ten of Wands reflects this, that the journey is tough but you are the one that is capable of dealing with it all. This Cancer Season, you will be learning a lot of Saturn related themes regarding power, control and finding how your sign of Justice will allow for balancing the power dynamics that are in your life and career front. Mars in your sister sign, Aries will keep you motivated for the next six months, allowing you to take on a different approach when handling stressors by utilizing those around you to build stronger teamwork dynamics that will surely get you to the top. The New Moon in Cancer on the 20th has you planning for your next adventure as you prepare yourself for a period of more work and responsibilities. Leon Season begins on the 22nd, a time to build on relationships with others to continue your path for success.
Scorpio – Cancer Season brings all of the elements needed to get to the path of success for you. It all begins with a change in mindset motivated by the New Moon on the 20th, bringing you to new heights as you begin to focus on how you want the world to view you. This is a month of creativity, as we all cope with some emotional traumas that need to be healed. Of course, you are a water sign and are able to navigate these waters with ease and finesse. All eyes are on you. Saturn will no longer be stressing your sign since it will return to Capricorn this month, giving you room to breathe when it comes to handling some drama at the home front. You are now ready to deal with the blockages Saturn in Capricorn imposed on you earlier this year; communication is freer, and you can express yourself without doubt. Your card for the month is the Queen of Pentacles, reclaim your throne and power when Leo Season begins on the 22nd, your time to lead and command will arrive soon enough as those in power ask of you to take the reigns on some projects. This is also a good time to rekindle your love with ego because things always seem to flow better when we believe in ourselves and out capacity.
Sagittarius – This is a month with a lot of momentum for fire signs as seen with the Chariot, which is your card for the month. Get ready for some unexpected changes that aim on the positive side of things. Mars has entered the sign of Aries, adding on to the themes associated with this Major Arcana. You have determination and drive, especially with Saturn entering the sign of Capricorn once again. Focus on stability and your foundation are themes that will once again keep you on alert. But the pressure eases with all that you have handled throughout this transit because you are just repeating situations from earlier this year. The New Moon in Cancer on the 20th will have you reconsidering your financial situation as you begin planning to make things more stabilized. With Venus direct, you are on your way to manifesting more material success as she finally makes an exit from Gemini and into Cancer next month. Leo Season begins on the 22nd, initiating a period of much needed joy and creativity. You will be inspired as Jupiterian topics will come alive for you, getting you into a new mindset to stimulate more growth and opportunity for the months to come.
Capricorn – We finally make it to the star of the show, Capricorn. This month will have Saturn’s ingress back in your sign making you feel more nervous than usual and the Full Moon on the 5th will add to that energy. This anxiety is reflected in the Eight of Swords, a card that shows you need to take it easy. It is a great thing that Saturn is back in your sign, finishing off this transit that has been going on since 2017. You will see all you have achieved and the inner growth you have made. This Cancer Season, especially with the New Moon on the 20th, will have you wanting to strengthen your connections to friends, family members and business partnerships. You are on your way to a transformation especially with Mars in Aries squaring your sign, letting you know you need to shape up, make changes and continue to put in your hard work and efforts on goals and dreams. Do not give up when the going gets tough, keep fighting at it because you have come a long way. Only you can cut the binds and the chains that keep you down in your mind. Release and fight on.
Aquarius – The Hierophant is your card for the month. A period of growth, learning and mastery is in the works as Saturn leaves your sign and returns to Capricorn. The Full Moon on the 5th has you questioning where you are and how far you have come along, as you might feel content with all that has happened and all you have learned so far. Venus in Gemini is giving you a wonderful and pleasant aspect to your sign, adding to the comforts and joys that Venus has to offer as well as a burst of creativity and passion. With the New Moon in Cancer on the 20th, your focus will be on excellence. Before taking on any new tasks, be sure to plan things out so you do not become overwhelmed with what you have pending. The Sun enters your sister sign Leo on the 22nd, adding on to the need to be a mentor and to grow from uniting with others. You will see the value of friends and family during this transit. There can also be a new period of romantic pursuits if you are single and ready to embark on a new relationship.
Pisces – This month promises to be the period where you will experience the beginning of some much-needed enjoyable moments with the Ten of Cups appearing in your reading. Saturn in Aquarius was probably a challenge for you or an interesting transit. Either way, this was a period of learning where you are and what you need to make changes for the next two years. A Saturn transit in the 12th is not easy, as it can be a period of isolation and loneliness. With Saturn returning in Capricorn and the Full Moon on the 5th, you have the opportunity to reach out to friends and family and find ways to stay connected. Focus on your health and goals as well. Mars has left your sign and is now in Aries, prompting you to work hard for yourself and to rebuild the ego by maintaining financial or material stability. Make this a transit where you work smart for what you want; reach for the stars. The New Moon on the 20th is a good period to find joys and do things that make you happy. When the Sun enters the sign of Leo on the 22nd, expect to feel motivated to focus on some self care as well as fulfilling your paths to success. You can easily achieve your ten of cups, as long as you continue to put in the effort and take care of yourself.
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funkylittlebidiot · 3 years ago
Ciao. I'm just a bit confused with the About Them AU timeline? What year did the snap happen and when was the second snap? What year is the About Him set? Thank you.
which is why over the last few years I’ve been desperately trying to make sense of it myself.
Short answer: The timeline exists the way I want it to okay I did not think it through while starting About Him it existed purely out of vibes and what i wanted to happen 😣
long answer:
Anyway, by the start of About Them, I did kind of figure it out but you’re just going to have to accept that Peter was 13 during CW/when he became spiderman and 14 during Homecoming/IW.
So the snap happened in 2019, but instead of the whole time-travel thing, they managed to find and kill Thanos in about a week before the stones were destroyed, and then Carol snapped everyone back into existence. it was basically just another Tuesday.
So homecoming and the snap happened during Peter’s freshman year when he was 14 and About Him starts in september 2019 when Peter just started his sophomore year (and just turned 15) and Harley’s in Junior year (about to turn 17). Harley’s actually 2 years older than Peter (a year and a half as his birthday is in december), but with the move from Rose Hill to NY and the different curriculum he decided to just retake his year.
The Avengers are pardoned in November 2019, Welcome to The Avengers Compound takes place in January 2020, Tony and Stephen get together around March of that year and around June the About Them flashbacks start, and a year-and-a-half later, in October 2021, the AT main timeline starts when they adopt Sophia. 
I don’t remember why it had to be 2019 and not just 2018? perhaps i just misremembered the canon date or maybe i got confused when I started About Them i really don’t know and I can’t just move everything back a year because at this point there are dates and horoscopes involved.
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 years ago
Transiting Mercury enters Retrograde Zone
Timeline (current events in bold)
Tuesday, June 2, 04:51 UT - Mercury enters retrograde zone, 5:30 Cancer
Thursday, June 18, 04:59 UT - Mercury stations retrograde, 14:45 Cancer
Wednesday, July 1, 06:07 UT - Sun-Mercury Inferior Conjunction, 9:04 Cancer
Sunday, July 12, 08:26 UT - Mercury stations direct, 5:30 Cancer
Sunday, July 26, 17:09 UT - Mercury exits retrograde zone, 14:45 Cancer
Perhaps the most outstanding feature of this particular Mercury retrograde is that it seems to be working outside of what has so much preoccupied us in 2020. In other words, it doesn’t directly connect to Jupiter, Saturn, or Pluto. We should all feel relieved, not to mention grateful, about one less hassle.
Mercury in our birth charts is our little CPU. It can be summed up like a computer program:
Input → Process → Output
“Input” is how we learn; “Process” is how we think and reason; “Output” is how we communicate.
Mercury retrograde periods can therefore be likened to taking a laptop in for a checkup and cleaning - along the same lines of taking the car in to be serviced every few thousand miles. Or perhaps like a server being shut down for maintenance? Either way, it’s necessary to step back and take a breather from our usual Mercury functions. Most astrologers advise us to go heavy on the verbs beginning with “re-”: re-evaluate, re-search, re-view, re=pair, re-schedule, and so forth.
What I’m finding interesting (aka what other people might find frightening) is that this Mercury retrograde period encompasses the eclipses. Merc enters the Rx Zone about four days before the first Sagittarius lunar eclipse in June, and exits the Rx Zone a week after the Capricorn lunar eclipse in July. Mercury is in the Moon’s sign, and the Moon is of course an eclipse participant. Expect that whatever these eclipses stir up will be on our minds (Mercury) to an obsessive, broody (Cancer) level. Check out transiting Mercury’s house position in your birth chart for personal details.
Most retrogrades will have a few “three-peat” aspects between the backwards planet and something else: once when the planet is in the pre-retrograde zone, the second the the planet is retrograde, and the third when the planet is direct again. Mercury has four “three-peats” this time:
A square to Juno/Libra
A trine to Ceres/Pisces
A square to Chiron/Aries
A sextile to Uranus/Taurus
Nice and balanced between “stressful” and “flowing,” I’d say. For the two squares, a phrase that comes to mind is “I can’t believe what I’m hearing from you.” Are we saying it or is someone saying it to us? Probably both. We can all stand to be a little more “Cancerian” in how we communicate - a little more compassionate, and a lot less wanting to butt in with our own two cents’ worth. Time to learn how to listen to understand, not to listen to reply.
I love those flowing aspects - Ceres asking us to extend a Mother’s compassion to the whole world, and Uranus asking for a revolution in simplicity and naturalness.
(I’ll write about Mercury events as they happen, of course - I just wanted to focus on getting something out that was more focused on just Mercury, than I like to do in the daily horoscopes.)
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ouranoshoroscopes · 5 years ago
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏/𝟑
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June 2020 | Horoscope for sidereal rising sign
♈ Aries Rising
Speed is the keyword of this month. This a great time for students as the Sun conjunct Mercury in the 3rd house of Gemini favours all intellectual activities. Your thought process will be fast and you will feel like doing everything at once. If you can go out, the moment is favorable for small journeys.
You will speak your mind very easily, but may tell some lies once in a while. Beware of overthinking.
There's a chance of ego disputes among siblings and peers. Overall, this period is going to be full of energy.
Best days: 11, 12, 16,17, 21, 22
Worst days: 4, 5, 14
♉ Taurus rising
This is going to be a good period for Taureans. Financial gains will be highly favored this month and increasing the income will be your top priority. You will enjoy good food and material comforts. Stay alert, as great opportunities may arise.
Best days: 14, 18, 19, 23, 24
Worst days: 7, 8, 16, 17
♊ Gemini rising
This month will be hardly indifferent, as it features a triple conjunction [Sun, Mercury and North Node] in your 1st house, starting day 11. You will be at good terms with yourself as you have never been so much in touch with your own personality. You will feel restless and may start many projects; this is a favorable moment for most anything you do, so don't waste the chance. Though the time calls for action, take care not to stress yourself too much. This is going to be a productive period.
Best days: 16, 17, 21, 22, 26
Worst days: 9, 10, 18, 19
♋ Cancer rising
You may feel sad and confused for apparently no reason this month. Sleep problems may disturb you. Try to keep yourself in a calm mood by distracting your mind with good entertainment and relaxing activities. Don't give too much importance to intrusive and negative thoughts: they are just thoughts and will have power over your actions only if you allow it. Take care of your health, both physical and mental. This is going to be a month in which you have to wait for better moments.
Best days: 1, 18, 23, 24
Worst days: 11, 12, 21, 22
part two will be posted this Sunday night
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tabloidtoc · 4 years ago
In Touch, November 16
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Duchess Kate vs. Duchess Camilla -- fight for the crown as queen’s health fails 
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Page 1: Contents
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Page 2: Who Wore It Better? Rachel Zoe vs. Ashley Greene, Emma Mackey vs. Bryce Dallas Howard, Dua Lipa vs. Yael Cohen Braun 
Page 4: Couple of the Week -- Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are engaged, Crime Victim of the Week -- Conan O’Brien after thieves stole equipment from his Conan talk show set, Denial of the Week -- Adele shutting down rumors that she’s dating rapper Skepta, Man Candy of the Week -- Hunter March 
Page 5: Makeover of the Week -- Camila Cabello showing off her new short hairstyle 
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden’s Beverly Hills mansion, Number of the Week -- $1.015 million is the value of an Instagram post by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson making him the highest-paid celebrity on the social media service dethroning Kylie Jenner, Winner of the week -- Sacha Baron Cohen who in honor of Jeanise Jones the babysitter who appeared in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm donated $100,000 to help the needy in her Oklahoma City community, Loser of the Week -- Keith Raniere the leader of sex cult NXIVM is sentenced to 120 years in prison after being convicted on sex trafficking and forced labor conspiracy and racketeering charges 
Page 8: Up Close -- Khloe Kardashian celebrating sister Kim Kardashian’s birthday on a private island 
Page 12: Chris Hemsworth gives meditation a try in three different spots, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban in honor of his 53rd birthday
Page 14: 2020′s best Halloween costumes -- Neil Patrick Harris and husband David Burtka and twins Harper and Gideon as Willy Wonka and Slugworth and Veruca Salt and Charlie, Jennifer Lopez as ‘80s-era Madonna, Lil Nas X as Nicki Minaj, Hailey Baldwin as Ratched’s Nurse Dolly alongside her cowboy husband Justin Bieber for a visit to the Casamigos Halloween Truck 
Page 17: Beyonce strikes a pose in a bodysuit and socks from her Adidas X Ivy Park Drip 2 Collection 
Page 22: Adam Levine is being lured back to The Voice because execs know the show hasn’t been the same since he left 2019 so they’re trying to get him back but there’s one big issue: Gwen Stefani loves working on The Voice and is hoping to do another season but bringing Adam back could change that
Page 23: Drew Barrymore is finally speaking out about her painful divorce from actor Will Kopelmann saying she did not take divorce well, after movie producer Steve Bing took his own life at age 55 in June it was revealed he’d lost the $600 million fortune he inherited at 18 and a lot of it went to gambling and women as well as philanthropy and bad movies and fighting paternity suits and political efforts, Star Sightings -- soccer star Alex Morgan posed with her two rescue dogs and a paw print she signed in honor of them for Stella & Chewy’s National Adopt a Senior Pet Month Program, Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev took son Matteo for a stroll 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Who will be the next queen? Kate Middleton and Camilla Parker Bowles battle it out for the throne as Queen Elizabeth’s reign nears its end -- Camilla is dying to be queen and she’s always dreamed of inheriting the crown jewels but the queen appears to be grooming Kate to fill her shoes -- if Princess Diana were alive today she’d be so proud of Prince William; she always wanted him to be king over Prince Charles 
Page 28: Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost wedding joy and drama -- after a rocky few months Scarlett and Colin tie the knot 
Page 30: Did Brad Pitt get dumped? The supermodel Nicole Poturalski who stole Brad’s heart is suddenly back with her husband Roland Mary -- after the initial sting of it Brad looked on the bright side: at least he had some fun 
Page 32: Lori Loughlin’s first days in prison -- she’s struggling to adjust to life in the big house 
Page 34: The Big Interview -- Keshia Knight Pulliam on growing up on The Cosby Show -- she had a great childhood -- the actress shares fond memories of growing up on the hit sitcom 
Page 38: Shop Now -- sleep aid -- daylight saving disruption! Make up for that lost hour with these must-haves for a good night’s rest 
Page 40: Entertainment 
Page 42: Animal Overload -- my cat looks like Prince Harry 
Page 45: Double Take -- garden guru Shirley Bovshow appears on Home & Family 
Page 46: Horoscope -- Scorpio Ellen Pompeo turned 51 on November 10 
Page 48: Last Laughs 
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/true-sidereal-astrology-mars-conjunct-neptune-june-12th-14th-2020/
True Sidereal Astrology ~ Mars Conjunct Neptune | June 12th - 14th 2020
True Sidereal Astrology ~ Mars Conjunct Neptune | June 12th – 14th 2020
The daily horoscope for June 12th 13th & 14th, 2020 has Mars conjunct Neptune. There is a deep water energy starting this weekend for the next six months. Mars goes over Neptune and enters receptive Pisces. Finding great peace in our lives, and listening to what’s important to us on a soul level is a great way of working with this transit.
Please see video for full details. – True sidereal astrology uses the real size and location of the constellations. For more info see: http://masteringthezodiac.com/#learnmore – True Sidereal Sun Signs: (Based on the midpoint between constellations. If you are within three days of another sign you may want to watch that sign as well, since you are a blend of both.) Aries (Apr 21 — May 12) Taurus: (May 13 — Jun 19) Gemini (Jun 20 — Jul 16) Cancer (Jul 17 — Aug 6) Leo (Aug 7 — Sep 14) Virgo (Sep 15 — Nov 3) Libra (Nov 4 — Nov 22) Scorpio (Nov 23 — Dec 6) Ophiuchus (Dec 7 — Dec 18) Sagittarius (Dec 19 — Jan 19) Capricorn (Jan 20 — Feb 13) Aquarius (Feb 14 — Mar 9) Pisces (Mar 10 — Apr 20) To find your sidereal moon and ascendant use the sidereal birth-chart calculator here: https://masteringthezodiac.com/sidere… – Times in the video are in Eastern Time (ET) of the Americas. If you are in the East it’s recommended you watch the prior day’s video for your forecast as well. – Join the MTZ Insiders Community for exclusive videos, personalized horoscopes, and more.. https://masteringthezodiac.com/insiders/ – Official Site: http://masteringthezodiac.com Personal Readings: http://masteringthezodiac.com/sessions Sidereal Astrology Course: http://masteringthezodiac.com/siderea… Sidereal Astrology Software: http://masteringthezodiac.com/siderea… Questions: [email protected]
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astrology-with-charu · 5 years ago
#Scorpio March 2020 #Astrology #Horoscope
Scorpio March is the month of bold steps & showcasing talent, creativity, passions, enjoying children & loved ones. Busy with opportunities to talk, share ideas, write, sell, market, learn. An important news might come between 20-23 Mar - 7 planets in supportive aspect, we have a lot going for us!
The Video - https://youtu.be/xX2fbJaRzUo
Scorpio March 2020 Astrology Horoscope - The Details
If you have your rising sun moon or ascendant in zodiac star sign of Scorpio this is the Mar 2020 reading for you.
Scorpio focus of Pisces season & month of March especially till 19 March is very much on your creativity, joy, children, love, romance - all the things that you are passionate about & where you take risk on your intuition insight & gifts to produce your life’s work. We are supported by 7 planets this month & they help us move forward with confidence, thoughts discussions flow easily as Mercury in Pisces for most of March is in positive aspect with you, positive news, trips, communications come easy. While Mercury is retrograde till 9 March you might embellish your Creative projects, connect deeply with your children, connect deeply with your own passions, rekindle romance or just love for life - try to not close on things or finalise contract or relationships till 9 March - let things take their course - refer to my detailed video on Mercury retrograde in Pisces -
Neptune in Pisces is slowly but steadily altering your world view, you are gaining faith in your ability to pursue what your heart desires and gaining confidence to tap into talents you didn’t see before. This is slowly but steadily reshaping who you are - many false self perceptions fall away as we would try out different life roles to select what works for us. It’s a flexible, adaptable, learning time when your self knowledge is enhanced by letting yourself go with the flow & try out what inspires you.
Full moon of 9 March will not just bring Mercury in Pisces direct resolving communication gaps - it will bring to culmination a Long held dream or vision - bringing you the resources to make it happen - a network contact, influential friend, apt platform, fan following, social position of desire - things you have worked hard on for last6 months or possibly since Sept 2015 - especially for ~20° Scorpio or around 12 Nov born. This will give you chance to bring your passions to a lucrative platform - use 11/14/19 March to make an impact - materialise your unique tale to & viewpoints by showcasing them - convincing or selling or influencing people in your network on it.
With Mars in Capricorn, you are going to be busy this month - lots of information, talks, deals, commercial dealings, marketing, making lucrative influential connections & this would feel into well the background theme of boldness and following your passions - they would both feed off each other. Doing what you love adds to your commercial success - very courageous actions are taken as you know who you & who you want to become. Opportunities to study, learn, speak, write, share your knowledge as well as learning from your surroundings or a formal course will be abundant & should be made use of. As Sputh node in Capricorn activates the Dec 2019 eclipse on 22/23 March - an important fated communication might be received. Don’t underestimate the power of your own positive thinking this year - Jupiter in Capricorn in your house of internal & external communication will help you convert your thoughts to reality & can help us tap into positive thoughts provided we consciously try. Period between 20-23 March specially is very good for making a pitch, publishing, marketing, enrolling for a course, writing, engaging in a commercial deal - you can seal the deal boldly with abundant support especially if you have planets between 18-25° Scorpio or 10-17 Nov born.
After 24 March as Sun moves into Aries flavour of the days ahead will shift focus to now bringing order to things - taking initiative to start new projects, new work, new work environment, new team or coworkers as well as new health regime. Lot of effort will go this year in second half of the year starting 27 June in same area of your life - projects you initiate now or work shifts or health changes you implement now - you will give it your all.
21 !arch Saturn will move into a very critical part of your chart after 29 years - this is an important growth cycle which will shift your home, family, personal life & emotional endurance to make more of yourself in the outer world. I have given tips on lucrative career shifts, gainful projects that you can implement or initiate till Dec 2020 which will become part of your next 20 year of growth - must watch for Scorpio
Venus in Taurus in March will support you throughout this month helping you attract support from your partners - business & personal - connect with them, seek support, Shake things up in your personal relationships- 8 March will give you an opportunity to do so & 28 March can bring positive gains or love or a lucrative client contract - excellent way to clos3 the month!
Enjoy March Scorpio & Follow your bliss 💫
Love & more 💕
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vilaspatelvlogs · 5 years ago
17 जून राशिफल: आज इन पांच राशियों की चमकेगी किस्मत, धन, व्यापार और नौकरी में होगा लाभ
17 जून राशिफल: आज इन पांच राशियों की चमकेगी किस्मत, धन, व्यापार और नौकरी में होगा लाभ
आचार्य मानस शर्मा, Updated Wed, 17 Jun 2020 10:28 AM IST
Today Horoscope in Hindi, June 17, 2020 दैनिक राशिफल चंद्र ग्रह की गणना पर आधारित है। आज का राशिफल निकालते समय पंचांग की गणना और सटीक खगोलीय विश्लेषण किया जाता है। हमारे इस दैनिक राशिफल में सभी 12 राशियों का भविष्यफल बताया जाता है। इस राशिफल को पढ़कर आप अपनी दैनिक योजनाओं को सफल बनाने में कामयाब रहेंगे। आज का राशिफल में आपके लिए…
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journalistcafe · 5 years ago
राशिफल 17 जून 2020: जानें कैसा रहेगा आज आपका दिन?
राशिफल 17 जून 2020: जानें कैसा रहेगा आज आपका दिन?
सभी 12 राशियों के लिए कैसा रहेगा आज का दिन। किसको मिलेंगी खुशियां और किस राशि वालों को करना पड़ सकता है परेशानियों का सामना। अपनी राशि के अनुसार जानिए क्या कहता है आपका राशिफल। Horoscope 17 June 2020
[bs-quote quote=”भाग्योन्नति का मार्ग प्रशस्त. व्यावसायिक वातावरण मनोनकल, नवसमाचार की प्राप्ति, दाम्पत्य जीवन से मधुरता, सुख के जरूरी साधन सुलभ, यात्रा सकुशल।” style=”style-12″ align=”center”…
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bearingwater · 5 years ago
Daily Horoscope for Aquarius: June 17, 2020
It's all about perseverance today. Whatever you're doing, just keep at it! You may be sidetracked from your initial goals by an inconsiderate person or unexpected interruption, but you can't let that stop you from trying to get back on track. Throwing up your hands and giving up has never been your strategy for handling problems, and it you shouldn't even consider it today. People admire your stick-to-it attitude. It's part of the reason you're so inspiring.
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Betty White is was and forever will be an American actor, a True OG, and an Icon of so many childhoods.
January 17, 1922 in Oak Park, Illinois - December 31, 2021 in Brentwood, Los Angeles, California
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑🐐
Horoscope: Sagittarius ♐🏹
What's actually even worse is that I, probably among others, was rooting for her to live to see triple digits, only for her to die 18 days, that's 2.5 weeks, before she would have been 100 years old.
Betty White is the latest American Icon of a human being in History to have passed away in the last 8 years, joining American Lawyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg: March 15, 1933 in Maimonides Medical Center, New York, New York - September 18, 2020 in Washington, D.C., American Comic Book Writer and Marvel's The Watcher, Stan Lee: December 28, 1922 in Manhattan, New York, New York - November 12, 2018 in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, His wife and supposedly would have been Marvel's Lady Watcher, Joan Boocock Lee: February 5, 1922 in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom - July 6, 2017 in Los Angeles, California, And American Singer Songwriter, Prince Rogers Nelson: June 7, 1958 in Minneapolis, Minnesota - April 21, 2016 in Paisley Park, Chanhassen, Minnesota.
Let me end this post with a Simple yet True Statement:
Rest In Peace to a True OG! There will probably Never be Another like You.
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Rest in Peace Betty White.
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ouranoshoroscopes · 5 years ago
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐/𝟑
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June 2020 | Horoscope for sidereal rising sign
♌ Leo rising
This is going to be a happy month, with three planets sitting in the friendly sign of Gemini. You will have a great time with your friends and family.
During this period, you will be in an adventurous mood; if you can go out, traveling is favorable.
Best days: 2, 3, 21, 22, 30
Worst days: 13, 14, 23, 24
♍ Virgo rising
You will feel restless, ambitious and workaholic during this month. Opportunities at work may arise. Responsibilities will take most of your time but will give good results. You will have a clear judgement and your ability for making the right decisions will be enhanced.
Best days: 1, 4, 5, 23, 24, 28, 29
Worst days: 16, 17, 25, 26, 27
♎ Libra rising
Mercury sitting in the 9th house will make you interested in furthering your education. In the course of the month you will acquire mind broadening knowledge that may bring positive changes into your life. The moment is very favorable for studying geography, foreign languages and spiritual subjects.
Best days: 7, 25, 26, 30
Worst days: 18, 19, 28, 29
♏ Scorpio rising
Gemini season isn't the best season for Scorpios. With a three planet conjunction stationed in the 8th house, there's a high chance that you will feel like your life is upside down this month. Expectations will be frustrated and unpleasant surprises may occur. There will be a tendency for pessimism and bigotry on your part. Try to keep your mind balanced, as your negative attitude may turn a regular situation into a bad one. The moment demands that you give special attention to your health.
Best days: 1, 4, 5, 9, 28
Worst days: 2, 3, 11, 21, 22, 30
read part one here
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