jasonstuart · 15 days
At my goal weight! 190 pounds and im feeling great! Check out Mindful Wellness If you need support and want to get healthy! http://www.Mindfulwellness.com #weightlossjourney #lgbtqia #standupcomedy #comedy #characteractor 9/11 - Gotham Comedy Club 9/12- #rodneyscomedyclub Tickets: Http://JasonStuart.com
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joeys-babe · 2 months
Joey B Imagines: Two Of Us*
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Summary: More Father’s Day festivities!
(Part Two to - Part 1)
Warnings: Fluff, LITTLE angst, smut (f & m receiving oral)
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
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June 16, 2024 - Continuation of part one!
After dinner was done, I was setting the table while Joe tiptoed into the living room to wake the twins up from their post-swimming naps.
A blissful grin formed on my lips as Joe bent over and lightly ran a big hand over Tyson’s back.
“Hey, bubba. Dinner’s ready.” - Joe
Tyson started squirming around, letting out soft toddler grunts before leaning up and looking up at his dad. He rubbed his little eyes before lifting his arms and making grabby hands towards Joe. Joe easily tucked his hands under Tyson’s arms and lifted him into his chest, Tyson immediately melting into Joe when he laid his little head down onto his shoulder.
Joe used one arm to support Tyson before bending down and gently ruffling Miles’s hair. He got up quicker than Tyson, immediately peeking up when he smelt food. The way he stood up with a big sniff made Joe and I laugh, and soon, we were all sitting down at the table.
I left the music on but turned the volume down, so it was a lot softer. Joe had just settled next to me when Two Of Us by The Beatles came on. Hearing the love song start playing, Joe reached over to my lap and laced his fingers with mine.
During dinner, Tyson recalled the crazy dream he had where he and Joe fought a dragon to save the kingdom they lived in.
“Were you the king?” - you
“No. That’s Daddy!” - Tyson
“If I'm the king then you were a prince.” - Joe
Tyson nodded his head, thinking about what more he could say to add to the dream. Of course, it was obvious that after a certain point, he was just making it up as he went.
“And Daddy could fly!!” - Tyson
Joe gently nudged me with his elbow under the table, and I couldn't help but laugh. Something about Tyson making up more to the story made it sweeter.
After dinner, I made Joe sit on the couch so that I could give him his gifts. I sent Miles and Tyson off as well to grab what they had made for him. By the time they came back, I was sitting next to Joe, sneaking a few kisses with him before the boys could see.
“You guys go first.” - you grinned
Tyson and Miles handed Joe the cards they made, and I watched his heart melt before my eyes.
“Aww. Thanks, guys.” - Joe
Joe pulled them both into a big bear hug, pressing a kiss to both of their heads before they ran off to play. Though the boys lost interest fast, when my gaze left their little bodies running up the stairs and back over to Joe, I noticed that his eyes were misty as he looked over the cards.
“You okay?” - you
I reached out and rubbed his back. Joe only pretended like he didn't know what I was talking about and shrugged before sniffling.
“Me? Yeah, I'm perfect.” - Joe
“Aww, baby.” - you
Chuckling, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him into me. I gave his forehead a few kisses before pulling away and grabbing his three gifts.
“Woah, you spoiled me.” - Joe
“I wouldn't say that yet. You could not like everything.” - you
Joe rolled his eyes and shook his head, and I put his first gift in his lap. A smile formed on my lips as he slowly pulled it out of the bag. It was just a plain cardboard box on the outside, so he looked at me rather confused.
“What is this? Is there a bomb in this?!” - Joe
I laughed at his super-animated scared face, which immediately ended when he joined in with my laughter.
“No bomb. It’s a custom LEGO set. It’s our back porch, including all of us in character form. I even got a baby character even though she isn't here yet.” - you
“That’s sick. Can we build it tonight? After the boys go to bed? I was thinking we could do a little date night in bed. Last night, I looked up how to make some cool mocktails. We can try a couple if you want.” - Joe
“Sounds fun. I made pumpkin pie, too. We can eat that in bed and put a movie on while we sip on some mocktails.” - you
Joe nodded, happy that we'd get to have a little makeshift date. It was then that I handed him his next gift, and Joe gasped when he opened the velvet box to see a dainty yet masculine gold chain necklace in it. It had five alternating stones, and Joe looked up at me for an explanation.
“It’s your birthstone, mine, the twins, and baby girl’s. So hopefully she doesn't decide to come early or late.” - you
“It’s awesome. I love it. It was probably very expensive, though. You didn't have to do this for me.” - Joe
“Of course I did. You deserve everything and more for all you do for me and those boys.” - you
Joe just looked at me, not exactly knowing what to say in return, so he put the chain back in the velvet box. I grabbed his last gift and handed it to him moments later.
It was a velvet bag, and when Joe opened it, he pulled out a silicone wristband. It was plain orange, so again, he looked at me for an explanation.
“Look on the inside.” - you
He did as I had said, smiling when he saw what was there. In a black block letter font, it had my initials, the twins, and the baby’s. I knew he wore his wristbands 24/7, so he would have a piece of us with him all of the time, especially on the field.
“This is so cool. It’s like I’ll always have you guys with me.” - Joe
“Mhm. Exactly.” - you
“Thanks, baby. I love everything.” - Joe
Joe leaned forward and pulled me into a hug. I leaned into him for a few seconds before pulling back and giving him a quick kiss.
“I was right when I said you spoiled me.” - Joe laughed
“We aren't done with the spoiling just yet! You have one last surprise. It’s in your office.” - you
I laughed when Joe bit his lower lip and wiggled his eyebrows at me, knowing his office was where we would sneak off during the day because the twins would think Joe was working if they noticed we were gone.
“Not that!” - you
After lightly slapping his bicep to tell him to cut it out, we both got up from the couch and made our way to Joe’s office. Joe, of course, had to give me some assistance to get up, but I couldn’t complain about my handsome husband using his football muscles to help me.
“Is something gonna jump out at me?” - Joe
I rolled my eyes at his silliness before pushing open the door. Joe plopped down on the leather couch facing the projector screen, waiting patiently for his last surprise. When I rolled out a little cart, Joe was completely confused with what he saw.
“What is that? Is… is that lube??” - Joe
Again laughing at him, Joe looked at me with pure seriousness.
“It’s a gel, Joe. It’s an at-home ultrasound machine.” - you
Joe’s jaw dropped open at the surprise. Though he always tried to make it to every single one of my appointments, there were times that he couldn't make it due to football or brand partnership-related things. Knowing that I had to go into an ultrasound alone made him feel devastated every time, even going as far as to question if football was even worth it.
This was the last thing he expected, and it was so thoughtful that he couldn't help his eyes getting watery. It took me a minute to notice, but when I did, I walked toward the couch and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
“Aww, baby.” - you
Joe buried his head into my neck, muffling his sniffles.
“Thank you.” - Joe
“You’re so welcome. Do you want to try it out? You can be my ultrasound tech.” - you giggled
After looking through the instructions and getting it working, along with figuring out how to work it, I laid back on the couch, and Joe was lifting my shirt.
“You good?” - Joe
“Perfect.” - you nod
I watched as he applied the gel to my stomach before placing the transducer on it. He started moving it around, recalling everything he'd watched during my ultrasounds. I couldn't help but giggle at the focused look on his face as he searched for the heartbeat, and a few moments later, we heard the familiar whooshing sound.
“I did it!” - Joe
Joe did a little happy dance in his office chair, drawing a laugh from my lips before my eyes were glued to the monitor.
“If this whole NFL thing ends badly, I could always do this.” - Joe
I rolled my eyes at him before he leaned down for a kiss. We wrapped up a few minutes later, and Joe cleaned my stomach up for me.
We shared an embrace for a few moments, just giving each other light touches as we held on to one another.
“I love youuuu.” - Joe
“I love you too.” - you grinned
Thirty minutes later, we all subsided into the living room to watch a movie before the twins had to go to bed. I was sprawled out on the couch on my back, Joe lying on his side with his back against the back of the couch as he tucked himself into me. Joe had his head on my chest, his arm thrown around me just above my bump.
Now and then, I’d lean over and press a kiss on his forehead. Joe, in turn, would cuddle deeper into me. I had one arm around his shoulders to go between playing with his messy curls and rubbing his back while my other hand gently rubbed the arm of his that was draped over my middle.
I loved cuddling with Joe. I never took it for granted, feeling thankful that I had a man who loved laying with me just as much I loved laying with him.
Joe slowly started falling asleep, and I grinned when I felt his eyelashes flutter closed against my neck.
The twins were both on one of the loveseats, intently watching one of their favorite movies, Ratatouille. A blissful smile spread on my lips as I watched the reflection of the TV in their baby blue eyes.
When the movie ended, though it was nine o'clock, the twins still seemed to have all of the energy in the world. They ran around the dark living room playing what they called ‘jungle’ where they were both tigers - “Like the mascot for Daddy’s team” - running through a deep jungle.
I was surprised that Joe hadn't woken up yet because they weren't necessarily being quiet. It had been a long day, and I was feeling tired, so I let my eyes close for a few minutes.
I reopened my eyes when the room fell silent, a clear sign that the boys were up to something. My eyes snapped open to see Miles and Tyson standing at the foot of the couch. Miles was holding my phone, pointing it toward Joe and me.
Miles would do this regularly. Taking my phone and videoing or taking pictures of Joe and me. I smiled when I saw the little grin on his lips, and Tyson was standing right behind him with a matching expression.
He angled the phone back down, seemingly done taking the video but not quite figuring out how to stop it.
“Mommy, help.” - Miles
Miles toddled over to me, handing my phone back to me, and I gasped when I saw my screen.
He hasn't been videoing. He was live on my Instagram. Miles was attached to my hip 24/7, so he knows how to take a video on Instagram stories. If you go to the camera and swipe to the end, you're on the live option. He must've pressed the button thinking it was starting a video, but instead, it started a live video that thousands of people were watching.
“Holy shit.” - you mumbled
I quickly ended it after that, but it was too late. Gracie Mcpherson sent me a text quickly after I ended it.
One of the boys livestreaming you and Joe’s cuddle sesh?? 😂
I guess so!! Did you happen to screen-record it? I need to see the damage. 😭
Attachment: 1 Movie
Thankfully, you can't see the messiness of our kitchen in the background. What you can see, though, is Joe fast asleep on my chest while I rubbed his back.
He's gonna get so much shit for this, you thought. Because of that, I started getting nervous, so I shook Joe awake.
“Mph..” - Joe
“Joe. Wake up.” - you
I continued shaking his shoulder till he leaned up, rubbing a hand over his face before locking eyes with me.
“What’s up?” - Joe
Handing him my phone with Gracie’s screen recording up, Joe’s eyes went wide when he realized what he was watching.
“Oh my god. Is it Miles recording?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you nodded
I was honestly worried to see what his reaction would be, nervous that he'd be mad about it. I’d understand if he was, though. Joe was a private person, and his wife cuddling him was just live-streamed for everyone to see, and that's including his teammates, who will surely give him shit for it.
After the video ended, Joe handed me my phone back with a sigh.
“Are you mad?” - you
I searched his eyes for any sign of emotion, along with reading his body language. He seemed more tame than I expected.
“No. I'm not mad. Would I have wanted that to be out there? No. But it is, so that's that. Nothing I can do to go back in time and wipe it.” - Joe
“I shouldn't have closed my eyes for a couple of minutes. Miles wouldn't have taken my phone then.” - you
“Hey, hey. No. We’re not gonna do that, okay? This isn't your fault.” - Joe
I looked up at Joe with misty eyes, my raging pregnancy hormones making me feel even worse than I should.
“I just feel bad because you're so private, and such an intimate moment was just shown to everyone. You're probably gonna get made fun of by the guys, too. The media- they'll say stuff too. I'm sorry, Joe.” - you
Joe pulled me into his arms, my head going onto his shoulder as he ran his fingers through my hair and shushed me.
“It’s fine, baby. Seriously. If I get made fun of for cuddling with my wife, then so be it. In my eyes, that's a pretty amazing thing to be made fun of for.” - Joe
My crying slowed down, and I pulled away from his neck with a sniffle.
“How are you acting so okay about this?” - you
Joe chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me back into him before he pressed a couple of kisses to my forehead.
“It’s not that big of a deal to me. A year ago? I probably would've freaked. But I'm in a mental state right now where I don't care about what people say about us or me. My relationship and marriage with you are my number one priorities. So why would I care if people see that?” - Joe
I didn't know what to say. I thought Joe would have the complete opposite reaction, so I was distraught.
“I’m gonna put the twins to bed, okay? We can have our little date in bed after. Just relax, Mama. No big deal.” - Joe
“Are you sure?” - you
“I’m so sure.” - Joe
Before he climbed over me to get off the couch, Joe’s lips met mine in a soft kiss. Joe tried to put as much comfort into it as possible.
I watched him scoop Tyson up in one arm while holding Miles’s hand with the other as he walked up the stairs. After watching his tall frame disappear, I got up off of the couch.
I walked (waddled) into the kitchen and grabbed two slices of pie and the can of whipped cream for Joe and me before going upstairs and into our bedroom.
As I was walking there, I passed the bathroom across from the twins' room, where the door was wide open, and the scene inside made me grin.
Miles and Tyson were sitting on the counter, both holding their toothbrushes in their mouths as Joe stood in front of them, demonstrating with an imaginary toothbrush and walking them through brushing their teeth. I watched only for a few moments before I continued walking to the end of the hall.
Around twenty minutes later, Joe came striding into the bedroom with a smile on his face. His smile was infectious, so I couldn't help but match his expression.
“What’re you smiling at?” - you
“My gorgeous wife and that piece of pumpkin pie.” - Joe
I giggled as he rubbed his hands together and launched into bed next to me. Joe got comfortable under the covers before I put the plate of pie on his lap. He got a piece on his fork and was bringing it to his lips when he abruptly stopped.
“Fuck.” - Joe mumbled
“What’s wrong?” - you
He put the plate back on my lap and got out of bed, doing a silly run out of the door. He was gone for a few minutes before he came back with two drinks in his hands.
“Okay. If it’s bad, it’s definitely my fault. Everyone in the comments under recipe loved it.” - Joe
“Good to know.” - you
Joe crawled back into bed, finally taking a bite and making appreciative groans when he did. The first couple of sounds were normal before he started making louder, more exaggerated noises in hopes of making me laugh.
“Is it good?” - you laughed
He put a finger up before dramatically chewing up his bite and slapping his lips together before answering.
“Yes.” - Joe
“Alright.” - you chuckled
I grabbed the can of whipped cream off of my nightstand to put it on my slice of pie. Before I put it back down, Joe tapped my shoulder. I turned back towards him to see his head tipped back and mouth widened, asking for me to spray some in his mouth.
Giggling to myself as I shook the can up again, I pointed the top of the can into Joe’s mouth and sprayed a bunch in there. I watched his eyes go wide when I hadn't stopped a few seconds later, the whipped cream tower now touring out of the confines of his mouth.
When I pulled the can away from his mouth, Joe tilted his head up and let the mountain fall into his hands, some landing on his adorable face.
“What the hell, baby?” - Joe chuckled
He got up and went into the bathroom, probably to wash his hands, and while he was away, I took a sip of the Shirley Temple drink he had made for me.
“Mmmmm.” - you
Joe walked back into the bedroom, whipping his shirt off before pulling his sweatpants down his legs as well.
“Taste good?” - Joe laughed
I hadn't noticed his presence yet, so my eyes went wide when I looked over to see Joe only in his boxers. My gaze moved from his perfect face down to his torso before they moved lower. I shamelessly let my eyes linger on his crotch for a few heartbeats before I looked back up to his eyes. A knowing smirk found its way onto Joe’s face. He knew exactly what I was looking at.
Joe pretended to yawn, running a hand through his hair and purposely flexing his bicep. My eyes widened once again, and Joe had to chuckle when he got the reaction that he wanted.
“You’re so cute.” - Joe
He crawled into bed a second later, and we shared small talk as we ate our pie and drank our drinks.
“Did you have a good Father’s Day?” - you
“Are you kidding?! I had the best Father’s Day. Thanks for everything, baby.” - Joe
Joe leaned in and pressed his soft lips to mine. It was an innocent, sweet kiss at first, but when he pulled away, I smashed my lips back into his. He was taken aback at first at how quickly things heated up, but he went along with it because I had initiated it.
We were just starting to let our hands wander when Joe’s phone started ringing. He disengaged his lips from mine with an audible pop before rolling over and getting his phone off of his nightstand.
“It’s Ja’Marr.” - Joe
“You should answer then. If he’s calling this late, it's probably important, right?” - you
Joe nodded and answered the call, immediately rolling back over to me after saying a greeting. He attached his lips to my neck with his phone on his ear, one of my hands making its way into his messy curls. Joe, knowing my body like the back of his hand, found my sweet spot and made sure to suck on it. I gripped his hair, and he groaned into my neck.
It was after that that he detached his lips to mumble, “Yes. I'm in bed with y/n.” As soon as he finished his sentence, he went back to kissing my neck.
A few moments later, Joe pulled his head away after Ja’Marr said something I couldn't quite hear. Joe pulled the phone away from his ear and put him on speaker.
“Alright, you're on speaker.” - Joe
“Okay, thanks. Ya know I've gotta address it, Mrs. B. Does Joey B always cuddle on your chest like that?” - Ja’Marr
I giggled at the question, and Joe rolled his eyes, laying his head on my shoulder as he held the phone to my mouth.
“What if I told you he's doing it right now?” - you
Joe rolled his eyes yet again, and I heard Ja’Marr laugh.
“So he does it a lot?” - Ja’Marr
“Yup. I love it, though.” - you
“Ohhh. That's good. I was thinkin’ that girls weren't into that. Like they liked layin’ on our chests. Not the other way around.” - Ja’Marr
I grinned as Joe rubbed his cheek into my shoulder, my hand combing through his curls as I thought of what to say back to Ja’Marr.
“You have a lot to learn when it comes to women Ja’Marr. Joe and I can teach you, though.” - you
“Nah. I’m not trying to get married and be boring just yet.” - Ja’Marr
“Marriage isn't boring.” - Joe
Ja’Marr only laughed, and there were a few seconds of silence following it. During those seconds, my gaze fell on Joe’s perfect lips, so I leaned down to kiss him.
“Y’all have kids and shit. You can't have fun anymor- are you guys fuckin’ kissing??” - Ja’Marr
I pulled away from Joe with a giggle, immediately noticing his flushed cheeks.
“Yeah, and? Joe’s my husband. I'm allowed to kiss him. And Ja’Marr… you realize I'm pregnant now right?” - you
“Yes…?” - Ja’Marr
“And you know the twins are two. So that means they were here when I got pregnant.” - you
“Yup. I don't know where you're going with this, Mrs. B.” - Ja’Marr
“You know where babies come from right?” - you
I heard Joe laugh into my neck when he realized where I was headed with the joke.
“Yes ma'am.” - Ja’Marr sighed
“So if I got pregnant while already having two kids… that means that Joe and I are still having fun even if we have kids.” - you
I dramatically gasped to add to the effect, and Ja’Marr went silent on the other line. He usually teases the hell out of us when he notices a hickey on either of us or sees us kissing, so it’s funny to see him go silent over the same subject.
“I don't need to know about y'all havin’ sex. That's nasty.” - Ja’Marr
“Are you sure? You don't want to know about how much Joe loves it when-” - you
“No no no no!! Bye, guys. Goodnight.” - Ja’Marr
Joe and I erupted into laughter as Ja’Marr quickly hung up. Joe rolled over and put his phone back on the nightstand before he pulled me back into his chest and pressed his lips to mine.
“Let’s continue, shall we?” - Joe
I never fully answered and just pulled his face back to mine. We made out for a while before Joe groaned and pulled away to catch his breath. He was getting too worked up to keep going.
After watching Joe’s heaving chest for a moment, I rolled over, reaching over on my nightstand for the bottle of whipped cream.
“I kinda want more dessert.” - you
Joe looked up at me when I said that and noticed that I was shaking up the bottle of whipped cream.
“Do you want me to grab you another slice of pie?” - Joe
“No. Thank you, though. I'm feeling something different.” - you
“Well then. What're you thinking of?” - Joe
I looked Joe up and down, making sure the trail of my gaze to his feet was an anticipatory slow movement before I flicked my eyes back to his. Sending a loaded look Joe’s way, his mouth fell open when I said my next words.
“Take your boxers off.” - you
“W- what?” - Joe stammered
“I said I wanted dessert. Didn't I?” - you
My words went right to Joe’s crotch, and the amount of blood rushing to his dick was making it hard for him to think straight. After finally blinking after twenty seconds, Joe whipped his boxers off and tossed the covers off of him.
His cock was about semi-erect, all because of me just referring to his dick as dessert. I scooted over and got comfortable between his legs before reaching out and wrapping a hand around his erection. After a few strokes, Joe was fully hard and ready for action. I took the bottle of whipped cream and spread some on his balls.
Meanwhile, Joe was mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen. The woman he was obsessed with and so down bad for was about to lick whipped cream off his balls.
What he kept repeating in his head?
Don't fucking cum as soon as her tongue touches you. Don't fucking cum as soon as her tongue touches you. Don't fucking cum as soon as her tongue touches you.
I leaned down and licked a long stripe of the cream off of him, Joe throwing his head back and immediately letting out a loud moan at the feeling.
“Holy fuck! That feels amazing.” - Joe moaned
I kept my hand on his cock, pumping away as I continued to lick the sugary product off of him. The whimpers and moans leaving Joe’s lips were loud and continuous, a byproduct of the pure pleasure he felt.
“Fuck… fuck… fuck.” - Joe panted
Joe couldn't help from moaning out. The feeling was overwhelming and insane. After getting all of the topping off of him, I continued to alternate sucking one of his balls into my mouth while I quickly jerked him off.
“Oh- oh fuck.” - Joe whimpered
I grabbed the can and once again smeared the topping on him, even trailing a line up the underside of his cock from base to tip. Though my hand wasn't fully wrapped around him, I kept my thumb on his tip and teased the slit in a way that had Joe whimpering.
“Please…” - Joe moaned
Teasing him for a few more seconds, after I was content with the way he was squirming, I leaned down and started licking everything off of his cock.
“Fuck! Oh my- fuck!” - Joe whimpered
I started with one of his balls before licking it clean and moving to the other one, repeating the process before licking a long stripe up the underside of Joe’s erection.
Joe was gripping the sheets, and his hips started bucking off of the bed, a telltale sign he was close to orgasm. The look on his face was something I'd never seen before, and I could tell he was trying his hardest to hold on as long as possible.
Noticing that he was close, I closed my mouth around his tip and slowly moved down his length inch by inch.
“Fuck, baby.” - Joe grunted
It only took a minute or so for him to throw his head back with a moan, immediately warning me that he was falling over the edge.
“Shit- I'm cumming.” - Joe moaned
Seconds later, he shot his load down my throat, and I watched him through my eyelashes as he moaned and whimpered through his climax. There was nothing hotter than that very sight, where every muscle of his was flexing and glistening with sweat, veins were popping out of his neck, chest, and arms, his chest was heaving, and his adorable face was scrunched up.
I loved knowing that this Joe was purely mine and that I was the only person that's ever seen him and had him like this. All mine.
After a few moments of cockwarming him with my mouth, I pulled off and rolled back into my spot on the bed. Any other time, I’d get a wet rag and clean him up. Right now, though, I'm almost nine months pregnant and am frankly too tired to spend five minutes trying to get up.
It took Joe a few minutes to get his breathing back to normal, but when he did, he got out of bed and went into the bathroom to clean himself up. He returned moments later and put his boxers back on before sliding back under the covers. When he did, he faced me with a dirty grin on his face, his top teeth biting his lower lip.
“Yes?” - you giggled
“Can I have extra dessert too?” - Joe
My pulse picked up when I realized what he was insinuating, and Joe crawled over me to where he was between my legs after pulling the comforter back.
“What do you have in mind?” - you grinned
“I think you already know, Mama.” - Joe
Joe sent a dirty wink my way as he wrapped his arms around my thighs and pulled me closer to him, pulling my panties down with his teeth once I was in the position he liked.
After tossing my panties on the floor behind him, Joe helped me lean up, and he took his shirt off of my body. He tossed that as well, and the stupidly sexy smug grin formed on his lips when he propped my legs up and spread them wide. His icy stare was shooting bullets right at the heaven he believed was between my legs.
“Joey.” - you breathed out
Joe grinned at the breathlessness in my tone and grinned up at me, his eyes finally meeting my own.
“Yes ma'am?” - Joe grinned
“You’re gonna have to do this fast.” - you
“Yes ma'am.” - Joe repeated
Another wink was sent my way as Joe started to lower his head, but I abruptly stopped him, and he leaned back up. I grabbed the whipped cream off of my nightstand and offered it to him, thinking he'd want to reciprocate what I did to him.
“No thanks. You already taste perfect.” - Joe
Butterflies filled my stomach - and other places - at the words leaving his lips and the gruff, hoarse voice he spoke in. Probably due to how loud he was moaning just a few minutes ago.
“Can I start now?” - Joe
I nodded, and Joe lowered his head after licking his lips. He was acting like a kid in a candy store.
“Happy Father’s Day to me.” - Joe grinned
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Authors note: IDK what to say. There wasn't supposed to be smut but Joe’s been too hot lately. 😜
This came from my own head!
Hope you enjoyed!! 🫶🫶
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oceandolores · 2 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 | chapter 7
Dbf! Joel Miller x female reader
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"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸?"
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summary: you can't get enough of him, and he wants more of you
warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, AU, No outbreak. (TW) mentions of substance abuse/alcohol use disorder, adult content, religion abuse, violence, blood gore, mentions of death, sexual abuse, sexual content, domestic violences, ped0ph!l1a, cann1bal!sm, human traff1ck1ng, dad's best friend!Joel, HUGE age gap (i will not specify her exact age, but she's legal and Joel is 49), daddy issues, mentions of toxic family dynamic, Joel is widowed, Ellie is 16, angst, smut A LOT, forbidden relationship, soft and protective Joel, innocent and pure reader. your last name is Gibson. any other details will be explain throughout the story. inspired by the album Preacher's daughter by Ethel Cain and also mix with lana del rey vibes.
masterlist of the series!
previous | chapter 6
next | chapter 8
The days after you and Joel finally crossed that line were a blur of stolen moments and lingering touches. You found yourself craving him in ways you hadn’t before, your thoughts constantly drifting back to the feel of his hands on your skin, the warmth of his breath against your ear. Every moment spent apart felt like an eternity, and you wondered how you’d ever managed without him.
For Joel, the realization that he had given in to his desires was both exhilarating and terrifying. You were like the forbidden fruit—sweet, tempting, and utterly irresistible. He knew the danger of indulging in something that was not meant to be his, yet every time he thought of you, he felt a pull that was impossible to resist. You had become a part of him, woven into the fabric of his thoughts and desires, and he was powerless to fight it.
The guilt gnawed at him, whispering that this was wrong, that he should be stronger, that he should protect you, not give in to the very thing that could destroy you both. But like the serpent in the garden, you had offered him a taste of something he had long denied himself, and now that he had taken it, there was no going back.
You were his Eve, the one who had tempted him to take a bite of the apple, and now, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get enough. Every touch, every kiss felt like a forbidden indulgence, and yet, the more he had, the more he wanted. He was a man who had long believed himself to be beyond redemption, and yet, in your arms, he found a kind of salvation, even as he knew it might be the very thing that damned him.
The nights you spent together were filled with a passion that neither of you had ever known before. Joel was gentle, always so careful with you, as if you might break under the weight of his desire. But there was also a hunger in him, a need that seemed to grow with every touch, every whispered word. You were like a drug to him, intoxicating and addictive, and no matter how much he had, it was never enough.
But as the days passed, that small voice in the back of his mind grew louder, reminding him of the consequences, of the pain that could come from this, the inevitable fallout when the world discovered what they had done. He knew he was in deep, that this wasn’t just a fling, that his feelings for you ran deeper than he had ever expected. He had been so careful for so long, keeping everyone at arm’s length, building walls around his heart to protect himself from the hurt he knew too well. But with you, those walls had crumbled, and he was exposed, vulnerable in a way he hadn’t been in years.
You were like a flame, drawing him closer, even as he knew it could burn him. But he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t stay away. You were everything he had ever wanted, everything he had ever needed, and now that he had you, he wasn’t sure he could ever let you go.
The dance troupe’s performance was just two days away, and you were supposed to be focused on your routines, on perfecting every move. But all you could think about was Joel, about the way his hands had felt on your skin, the way his lips had tasted against yours. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw him, felt him, and it was driving you wild. You wanted him, needed him in a way that was almost painful, and the thought of going even a few hours without him seemed unbearable.
Joel felt the same. He knew he was playing with fire, that this couldn’t last, that something would have to give eventually. But he didn't want this to stop. And now, he was willing to let it consume him, because the thought of losing you, of going back to the way things were before, was too much to bear. You were his forbidden fruit, his secret sin, and he was addicted to you. No matter how wrong it was, no matter how much he knew he should stop, he couldn’t.
Because you were everything he had ever wanted, everything he had ever needed, and now that he had you, he couldn’t imagine his life without you.
Today another dance practice, as the music filled the church building, you let the rhythm guide your movements, your body swaying gracefully with each note. Jem and Ben watched your group practice from the pews, but your focus was elsewhere. The melody transported you back to the nights you spent with Joel, the memories flooding your senses with a mix of desire and longing.
You closed your eyes, letting the music and the memories intertwine. The church faded away, replaced by the familiar setting of Joel’s house in Houston. You could almost feel the creaking of the bed beneath you, the sounds of your shared passion echoing through the room. His rough hands moved over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. His beard grazed your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
Each thrust he made was a reminder of how deeply you were connected, how perfectly you fit together. The world outside ceased to exist; there was only Joel and the overwhelming pleasure he brought you. The biblical teachings of your father and the church labeled this as sin, an ultimate transgression before marriage. Yet, in Joel’s arms, it felt nothing like sin. It felt like a divine ecstasy, a taste of heaven.
"If this is the consequence," you thought inside your head, moving with the music, "if this is what sends me to hell, then why does it feel so heavenly with Joel?" The thought was intoxicating, the juxtaposition of sin and salvation blurring in your mind. You couldn’t get enough of it, of him.
The memory was vivid, each detail etched into your mind. You danced faster as the music quickened, your movements becoming more fervent. The tambourine shook in your hand, its jingle a counterpoint to the imagined sounds of your intimate moments with Joel. The sensation of his touch, the heat of his body, the way he made you feel utterly cherished and desired – all of it played out in your mind like a sacred ritual.
Your eyes remained closed, lost in the reverie. You no longer cared if your friends noticed your entranced state, or if Jem and Ben watched with puzzled expressions. The rhythm of the music intertwined with the rhythm of your memories, transporting you back to the nights with Joel.
In your mind, you were back in Joel’s house. His hands were on you, their roughness a stark contrast to the gentleness of his touch. He moved with a deliberate slowness, as if savoring every moment. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I don’t deserve you.”
You shivered at his words, your body arching into his touch. “You do, Joel.” Your voice was breathless, filled with the intensity of your feelings.
Joel’s response was a deep, satisfied groan. “I need you,” he said, his words a command and a plea. “Let me show you how much.”
The memory of his lips on your skin was almost tangible. You could feel the warmth of his breath against your neck, the way he kissed you with a mixture of passion and reverence. “Yes, Joel,” you murmured, your hands finding his shoulders. “Show me.”
As you danced, the sensations became more vivid. You could feel the weight of him above you, the way he moved with a careful precision, ensuring your pleasure with each thrust. “You’re so good,” he would say, his voice strained with his own desire. “My good girl.”
Your own voice echoed in your mind, a litany of need and surrender. “Please, Joel,” you would beg, your body responding to his every touch. “Don’t stop.”
The music swelled, and your movements became more frenzied, mirroring the crescendo of your memories. You could hear the bed creaking, the sound a testament to the intensity of your passion. Joel’s hands were everywhere, his touch branding you as his.
The heat of his body, the strength in his arms, the way he looked at you as if you were his entire world – it was all-consuming. Each thrust was deliberate, sending waves of pleasure through you. “You’re everything to me,” he whispered, his breath hot against your ear. “I’ll never let you go.”
Your body responded to his every move, the sensations overwhelming. “Joel,” you gasped, your nails digging into his back as the pleasure built. ”Oh, I'm close,"
He groaned, his pace quickening. “I’m here, baby. I’ve got you.” His words were a lifeline, anchoring you in the midst of the storm of sensations.
Your response was a moan of pure need, your body arching into his touch. “Joel, please,” you begged, the words spilling from your lips without thought. “Don’t stop.”
He answered with a deep, throaty groan, his hands gripping your hips as he drove deeper. “Never,” he promised, his voice thick with emotion. As you neared your climax, the world seemed to blur, the only reality being the intense connection between you and Joel. With a final, powerful thrust, you both shattered, your climax washing over you as Joel found his own release, his warmth filling you.
The music in the church reached its crescendo, mirroring the peak of your shared passion. Your body responded to the memory, your movements becoming more fervent and impassioned. And then, as the final notes played, you felt the echo of that release, a sense of completion washing over you.
The music ended, and you heard clapping, pulling you back to the present. The applause was a reminder of where you were, and you opened your eyes, the church coming back into focus. You saw Jem and Ben watching you, their expressions a mix of admiration and curiosity. Your friends were smiling, their faces glowing with the shared joy of the dance.
You took a deep breath, grounding yourself in the present moment. The vivid memories of Joel still lingered, the intensity of your connection with him a comforting presence. As you looked around, you realized that your dance had been more than just a performance – it had been a celebration of the love and passion you shared with Joel.
Jem approached you, a knowing smile on his face. "That was incredible," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You really put your heart into that dance."
You nodded, a soft smile tugging at your lips. "Thank you," you replied, your voice steady despite the turmoil within. As you stood in the church, the sacred space, you couldn’t help but think about how your mind had been filled with memories of the unholy. It was as if you were standing in the Garden of Eden, yet your thoughts were consumed with the forbidden fruit.
You couldn’t escape the feeling that your passionate moments with Joel were both a sin and a salvation, a paradox that left you breathless. The church, with its stained glass and solemn aura, was meant to be a place of purity and worship. But here you were, having indulged in the carnal, the profane, and it felt as if you had brought a piece of hell into heaven.
Ben noticed you, his eyes locking onto yours. He gave you a smile, but there was something in his gaze that unsettled you. It was as if he could see through you, as if he knew the unholy thoughts that had been consuming you. Your breath was still ragged, your chest rising and falling with the effort to regain composure.
He approached slowly, his expression curious and knowing. "You were really into that dance," he said, his voice gentle yet probing.
You swallowed hard, nodding. "Yeah, I guess I was."
Ben’s eyes didn’t leave yours, and for a moment, you felt exposed, as if he could see every sinful memory, every intimate detail of your nights with Joel. "You seem... different," he observed. "Like something’s changed."
Your heart pounded, guilt and desire warring within you. "I’ve just been... thinking a lot," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Ben’s gaze softened, and he leaned in slightly, his voice low and almost conspiratorial. "We all have our moments of doubt and temptation," he said. "It’s human."
His words were a balm to your troubled soul, but also a reminder of the duality you lived with. The sacred and the profane, the pure and the sinful, all intertwined within you. You were a creature of both light and darkness, standing in a place that demanded only the former.
As Ben stepped back, his eyes still holding that knowing look, you felt a surge of determination. You could balance these two worlds, find a way to reconcile the love you had for Joel with the faith you were raised in. It wouldn’t be easy, but you were willing to try.
After the practice ended, Emma and a couple of your friends said goodbye and left, their laughter and chatter fading as they walked away. Jemima and Ben approached you hand-in-hand, Jemima with her ever-kind smile.
"You did a great job today," she said warmly. "You were really into it. Don't forget tomorrow is our last practice before the big performance on Sunday. I can't wait to see you on stage."
"Thanks, Jem," you replied, trying to muster enthusiasm despite the turmoil within.
They both said goodbye and left, driving away in their car. You stood outside the church, waiting for Joel. Usually, he would be waiting for you, but he had texted earlier, saying he would be late due to work. You were planning to spend the night with Joel, taking advantage of your father's absence. If he were home, sneaking out would be nearly impossible.
As you waited, a sudden voice startled you. "Hey!" It was Jamie. You sprang up from where you were sitting and took a step back, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Wait, please, just listen to me," Jamie called, taking a step towards you.
"Get out of my face, Jamie. I don't want to see you ever again," you snapped, fear and anger mingling in your voice. The memory of what he had done to you, the trauma he had caused, still haunted you.
"Please," Jamie pleaded, his voice desperate. "Just listen to me for a moment. I swear I won't hurt you."
You hesitated, knowing that if listening would make him go away, it was worth it. "What do you want?" you demanded, your voice trembling with suppressed rage.
Jamie took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I regret what I did. Please, don't tell anyone. It would ruin me, ruin my family."
"Sorry?" you echoed, your voice rising. "You hurt me, Jamie. You fucked me over, mentally and physically! You think sorry is going to fix that?"
"Please," Jamie begged, his face a mask of fear and desperation. "I know I messed up. Just don't tell anyone, please."
Your anger flared. "Get out of my fucking face or I'll fucking scream," you threatened, your voice low and deadly. For the first time, Jamie saw the seriousness in your eyes, the fury that had been building up.
Jamie stumbled back, fear evident in his eyes. Without another word, he turned and ran. Moments later, Joel’s truck pulled up. You quickly got into the passenger seat, your body still trembling with anger and fear.
Joel glanced at you, concern etched on his face. Before he could say anything, you leaned over and kissed him hard, your lips crashing into his.
Joel was taken aback but responded instantly, his arms wrapping around you to steady your trembling form. The kiss was a mixture of desperation, anger, and a need to feel something other than the fear Jamie had instilled in you. You pulled back, your eyes meeting Joel’s, and in a voice that was barely a whisper, you said, "Just take me away from here."
Joel nodded, his expression serious, and without another word, he put the truck in gear and drove off. As the town's familiar streets blurred by, you tried to calm your racing heart, but the proximity to Joel only heightened your senses. The tension from your encounter with Jamie slowly eased as you focused on Joel, his presence a comforting anchor.
Unbeknownst to either of you, Jamie had hidden behind some nearby bushes, watching the entire exchange. His eyes narrowed as he saw you kiss Joel passionately before driving away. Jamie’s mind raced with thoughts of revenge and use this against you if you ever tell anyone about him and you.
He got you.
Finally, Joel pulled into a secluded spot just outside of town, a place where the stars were visible and the world seemed to stand still. He turned off the engine and looked at you, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
You were confused about why he stopped. "Why are you stopping?" you asked, a hint of frustration in your voice.
Joel sighed, still caressing your cheek. "I just want to make sure you're alright," he said gently. "You look pissed,"
"I'm fine," you insisted, trying to push the memories of Jamie away.
As Joel continued to caress your cheeks, you felt a familiar warmth growing inside you, a need that was becoming impossible to ignore. You leaned closer, your lips brushing against his neck. "I need you, Joel," you whispered, your breath warm against his skin. "I need to feel you."
Joel's breath hitched, and he shook his head. "No, not here. Wait until we get home."
But you were determined. Ignoring his protests, you unbuckled your seatbelt and began massaging his erection through his jeans. You could feel him getting hard, and it fueled your desire even more. "See, you're hard," you murmured, your voice low and teasing.
Joel's breathing grew heavier. "Doll, not here," he said, his voice strained. "Just wait."
You didn't stop. You unzipped his pants, your hand slipping inside to free his erection. Joel groaned, his resolve weakening as your touch sent shivers down his spine. "Relax, Joel," you whispered, your fingers wrapping around his length. "Just enjoy it."
He let out a shaky breath, his head leaning back against the seat. You lowered your head, your lips wrapping around him, taking him into your mouth. Joel's hands gripped the seat, his hips involuntarily thrusting towards you as you pleasured him.
"Fuck," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "Keep doing that,"
You hummed in response, the vibration sending waves of pleasure through him. You moved your head up and down, taking him deeper each time. Joel's hands found your hair, pulling you suck his deeper as he lost himself in the sensation.
You hollowed your cheeks, increasing the intensity of your movements. Joel's breathing grew ragged, each gasp and groan driving you further. His taste, the warmth of his skin, and the way he responded to your touch fueled your own desire.
"God, you're so good," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper.
His words spurred you on, and you took him even deeper, your tongue swirling around him. Joel's grip on your hair tightened, and he let out a series of low, guttural moans, his hips thrusting up to meet your movements.
"Fuck," he hissed, his control slipping. "I'm close."
You didn't stop, your pace quickening as you pushed him towards the edge. Joel's entire body tensed, and with a final, deep thrust, he came, his release filling your mouth. You swallowed, savoring the taste of him, before finally pulling back.
Joel looked down at you, his eyes dark with a mixture of love and desire. "You're incredible," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion.
You smiled, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Well, what are you waiting for? Drive! Do you want more or not?" you teased him, your voice a sultry whisper.
With a final desire glance, Joel started the truck again, his hands gripping the wheel with a mix of anticipation and restraint. The drive to the house was charged with a palpable tension, every touch and glance between you intensifying the connection.
When you finally arrived at the house, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you and the quiet sanctuary of the night. Joel led you inside with a sense of urgency, his touch a blend of tenderness and raw desire.
The door clicked shut behind you, and the sound amplified the charged atmosphere between you. Joel’s hands roamed over your body with an assertive grace, his touch igniting a fervent passion that mirrored your own. His eyes were dark with longing as he took in every curve and contour of your form.
"You’re so beautiful," Joel murmured, his voice a low, husky whisper. His fingers deftly tore at the fabric of your dress, a playful glint in his eyes. "Looks like you’ll owe me a new one."
You laughed softly, the sound mingling with the crackling tension in the air. His lips descended on your neck, trailing kisses that were both tender and intense. Each touch, each kiss, was a promise of the desire he felt for you. As he made his way down your body, his lips moved with a fervor that left you breathless.
When he reached your breast, his tongue traced delicate patterns over your skin, his touch sending waves of pleasure through you. The heat between you was palpable, a tantalizing dance of need and connection that drew you closer together.
"Joel, I need you now,"
Joel’s breath hitched at your words, a mixture of desire and affection deepening in his eyes. His hands, now firm and steady, guided you gently yet purposefully. Every touch was a deliberate exploration, a testament to the yearning that had built up between you.
He lifted his gaze from your breast, locking eyes with you. “Are you sure?” His voice was a low, husky whisper, filled with an intense sincerity. The warmth of his breath mingled with yours, creating an intimate cocoon around you both.
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. “Yes, Joel. I want you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible but filled with longing.
With a deep, appreciative breath, Joel's hands continued their journey with an almost reverent touch. His lips followed the path his hands had traced, moving with deliberate care. As he kissed his way down your abdomen, his touch was both urgent and gentle, a contrast that only heightened the sensation.
Every kiss, every touch, seemed to create a delicate tension that made the air between you crackle with anticipation. The world outside faded into insignificance as the two of you became enveloped in this intimate space.
As Joel guided you gently to the bed, his touch remained tender despite the urgent desire that fueled both of you. He moved with a deliberate calmness, his actions conveying both care and intensity. The soft rustle of the sheets contrasted with the fervor of the moment, creating a sense of serene anticipation.
Joel's hands were steady as he reached for the condom from the nightstand. You watched him with a mixture of excitement and affection, your breath catching slightly at the sight. The preparation felt like a final step in a journey that had been building with every touch, every kiss.
Joel’s movements were careful as he opened the condom, his focus entirely on you. The contrast between his urgency and the meticulousness with which he prepared was a testament to the deep respect and care he had for you. As he rolled the condom on, his eyes never left yours, each motion filled with a deliberate tenderness.
As Joel entered you, the sensation was a blend of gentle pressure and overwhelming pleasure, each movement an expression of deep connection and longing. The rhythm of your breaths, mingling with the soft sounds of your shared pleasure, filled the room, creating a melody of intimacy that made every moment feel profoundly significant.
With each thrust, Joel's intensity matched the rising tide of your shared desire. His growl of approval mingled with your moans, a symphony of connection that built to a crescendo. You whispered for him to move faster, and his response was immediate, increasing the pace with a mix of urgency and care. The world outside seemed to vanish, leaving only the two of you in this sacred space of mutual adoration and longing.
"Fuck," you cursed, for the first time Joel heard you cursing.
Joel grinned, feeling the heat rising between them as he took control. He reached out, gripping your hips firmly and flipping you onto your stomach with ease, like a seasoned wrestler tossing an opponent in the ring. 
"Now, be a good girl," he growled huskily, his voice thick with desire, his large hands moved deftly along your curves, pulling you up onto all fours as he positioned himself behind you. With a powerful thrust, he entered you from behind, eliciting a sharp gasp from your lips.
The sound echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls and filling the air around them with lustful energy. As he began to move, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close while he fuck you in this unfamiliar position. 
"You feel so fucking good," he groaned, each word punctuated by the rhythmic slapping of their bodies colliding together.
Sweat dripped from his brow as he increased his pace, driven by raw animal instinct. "Oh God, Joel, yeah, keep doing that," you moaned, your voice dripping with desire.
The intensity of his movements caused the bedsheets to slip from beneath you, leaving you grasping at nothing but thin air as he continued to thrust into you. "You're gonna make me come so hard," he growled, his breath ragged and uneven. His powerful arms tightened around your waist, pulling you closer still as he ravaged your body mercilessly.
The force of his penetration shook the very foundations of the bedroom, creating a symphony of primal passion that seemed to shake the world around them.
With a final, powerful thrust, Joel released a primal roar that echoed throughout the room. His warm seed filled the condom completely, spilling deep inside as he collapsed onto your back, panting heavily from the exertion. As both of you lay entwined on the bed, their bodies slick with sweat and passion, he gently pulled out of you and rolled onto his side, cradling you in his strong arms.
"Fuck, baby," he whispered hoarsely, brushing a stray lock of hair from your forehead, "That was one hell of a ride." he said.
You couldn't help but smile weakly at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and exhaustion wash over you. "I love you," you said.
Joel’s eyes softened, his usual guarded expression giving way to something more vulnerable as he looked at you. His thumb gently traced the outline of your jaw, his touch warm and reassuring. “I love you too, darlin’,” he murmured, his voice low and sincere.
You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his words, the connection between you both feeling deeper than ever. The room was quiet now, the only sound was your breathing as you lay there, tangled together. It was a moment that felt almost surreal, like something out of a dream, yet it was very real and very much yours.
Joel leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “You’re somethin’ else, you know that?” he whispered, his lips brushing your skin with each word.
You giggled softly, the sound light and content. “You’re not so bad yourself, Miller,” you teased, earning a playful nudge from him.
He chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that you could feel in your chest. “I’m serious,” he said, his tone becoming more earnest. “I never thought I’d find this again, not after everything. You make me feel...alive, in a way I didn’t think was possible.”
Your heart swelled at his confession, and you reached up to cup his face, your thumb brushing over the stubble on his cheek. “You make me feel the same way, Joel,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “I can’t imagine my life without you now.”
Joel’s eyes locked with yours, and for a moment, it was as if the world outside ceased to exist. There was only the two of you, and the unspoken promise of more moments like this, of a future that was suddenly bright with possibility.
He pressed his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the small space between you. “Then we’ll make it work, no matter what,” he said softly, his words filled with determination. “I’m not lettin’ go of this, of us.”
Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes, but they were tears of happiness, of relief. “Me neither,” you whispered back, sealing your promise with a tender kiss.
As you lay there together, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside could wait. For now, it was just you and Joel, and that was all you needed.
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browneyesandhair · 5 months
Non-Exhaustive List of Soulmate Fics: Polin
Okay, I'm bored so I'm compiling my favorite soulmate fics. Here's the Polin edition:
These Days Will Fade Out by noveltyromance
Penelope walked in and inspected the silvery words embedded on her skin. She really did meet her soulmate. It wouldn’t have turned colors if he was not hers. “So he said your words,” she mumbled softly to herself in the mirror, “but you didn’t say his.” It only meant one thing. Colin was her soulmate. But she wasn’t his.
tend my garden by runimpossiblegirl
The forget-me-not on Penelope´s upper left arm had appeared when she was just sixteen. [Orinally posted with 5700 words on 31/12. Now updated to final version with 6900 and extra Colin POV on 01/01]
i'll use you as a warning sign by TheSushiMonster
The words on his body sound like Lady Whistledown. His soulmate - the person meant to capture his body and heart, his partner and love of his life - ruins lives. Perhaps it makes sense that she’s already ruined his. - Or, soulmate AU where the words you write show up on your soulmate's skin.
i might lose everything if i lose the pain by frankchurchillsaysrelax
Based on the prompt: On your 18th birthday you get a soul mark - one that would be identical to your soulmates. Colin is devastated that his does not match Marina’s. Trying to lighten up his mood days later - his brothers teasingly console him by saying that Penelope could get his mark when she turns 18 and that’s when she overhears him say that he would never marry her because he didn't think she's his soulmate. And as is Penelope's life a couple years later she gets an identical mark. Now she plans to hide it because she can’t handle his disappointment.
Give Me All The Pain (Give Me Everything) by wasteddarlinglover
Penelope Featherington's soulmate hated her. She was alright with that. She hated him just as much. The only reason for their bond to exist was to bring each other pain. Colin Bridgerton's soulmate gave up on him years ago. He was not worthy of love and patience that their bond required. He learned to accept that and move on with his life. When two broken souls are brought together, Penelope and Colin find hope. Neither one of them can be with their soulmate, but maybe they can build something remarkable together. If they manage to let go of the pain, maybe they could even let themselves fall in love.
All the Time in the World by dontmakemeover
All ladies of the Ton are instructed by their Queen to implant a TiMER on their wrists when they enter society at age 16. It is the truest and best way to find a Soulmate, with the TiMER counting down until the first time they will meet. Countless marriages have started this way (with at least a few of them ending the same way!) But Penelope Featherington does not highly rate this technology, for when her TiMER was implanted, the screen was blank. And what's more, she has seen the timer of the man she would like to be her true love, Colin Bridgerton, and knows that whoever her soulmate truly is, his is not her.
Latibule by The_Readers_Muse
It was said you would be drawn to your one. That was the only advantage you had.
For the Both of Us by logogram
A conversation with Fife and Cho leaves Colin wondering whether Penelope is his soulmate. Unfortunately, she seems to have become stubbornly attached to her gloves.
And So the Yandere Met the Bonnet Assassin by Seaowl
There was a reason Violet was so hell bent to see all eight of her children married. The most valuable things to them are their soulmates and the family is told all their life that you are to do anything to protect and keep your soulmate. Lie, cheat, kill, frame, anything is on the table. The family that is so big on love that they become quite possessive of those who marry in, even if it is the soulmate of one of their siblings.
i'm the lock and you're the key by TheSushiMonster
Penelope is ready to move on. Pining after Colin Bridgerton requires too much energy, too much of her soul. Penelope wants to find her soulmate, but maybe that may not be Colin after all. But… perhaps one last effort is necessary to completely eliminate Colin from her heart and mind. - Or, the “you must sleep with someone to determine if they’re your soulmate” AU.
Would I Lie To You? by LightLeadingMe
It has been said and even written that true soulmates cannot lie to one another. They simply were unable to. Not even a small fib could be said to the person. Penelope began to resign herself to the fact that she'd never meet her soulmate, but then she ran (quite literally) into Colin Bridgerton.
Soulmarks by Seaowl
Colin has found his soulmate, now he just has to find out who she is.
just let me adore you by TheSushiMonster
Colin Bridgerton falls off his horse at age twenty-one and laughs. It’s a full-body laugh, bright and bold and gut-wrenching, as if his soul is finally free. Then he feels a burn across his left bicep, just beside his shoulder and when he inspects his skin, the outline of a detailed feather stares back at him. - Or, now that Colin knows Penelope is his soulmate, he vows to make her laugh in his presence so she can be his too. Or, the role reversal soulmate AU.
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youremyheaven · 1 year
butterfly motif 🦋& vedic astrology
ive wanted to exclusively dedicate a post towards the use of the butterfly motif in pop culture, so here it is!! i think butterflies have had a re-emergence in fashion in the last few years and im here for it!!
🦋 as i've mentioned in many other posts, the nakshatras closely tied to using this motif repeatedly are the pisces rashi nakshatras of ubp and revati along with punarvasu nakshatra.
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Revati moon, Rihanna wearing butterfly eye lashes.
Venus exalts in Pisces and ive noticed that these natives are often drawn to Venusian aesthetics and imagery.
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Rihanna at a Savage x Fenty show. You cannot tell me this isn't reminiscent of the Birth of Venus and the colour scheme is super Venus coded as well.
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UBP sun Lady Gaga wearing butterfly face paint. she has often gravitated towards this motif over the years.
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here she is in a blue butterfly dress
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idk about you but when i see wings, i think butterfly 🦋. hence why this look is here 🤭😌
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yet another lady gaga butterfly lewk
2. bella hadid for Swarovski. bella has ketu in ubp and girlie is obsessed with butterflies 😍
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3. kendall jenner, ubp moon wearing a butterfly print dress
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4. emrata, also ubp moon wearing a butterfly print dress
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5. urfi javed, an indian entertainer who has ubp ketu wearing an outfit with a butterfly motif
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6. dua lipa, punarvasu moon and known for her butterfly obsession wearing a blumarine butterfly head to toe lewk
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7.brie larson ubp asc wearing a winged dress
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8. sarah jessica parker is ubp sun & venus with revati mercury atmakaraka and this is a vvv iconic look from sex and the city
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9.bella hadid had an nft thingie and the teaser(?) for it depicted her as a cyborg in a pool of water with butterflies. couldn't get more pisces coded than that tbh
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10. queen latifah, ubp sun with those butterfly tats. ive noticed a lot of pisces girlies specifically choosing blue butterflies over any other type👀
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11. halsey, punarvasu moon and has a butterfly tattoo!!
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12. mariah carey, i mean we all know the OG iconic butterfly top moment but here's an underrated lewk from this punarvasu queen who also has an album titled Butterfly
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she also has a perfume line called Lollipop Bling that's packaged like this:
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13. Kendrick Lamar's to pimp a butterfly
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he has mercury and mars in punarvasu. jup in revati atmakaraka and ubp rahu. lamar has implied that the title alludes to the nature of celebrity and how something free spirited and beautiful can be so violently controlled. again, VERY pisces coded.
14. brand new eyes by paramore
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hayley williams, who is the lead singer has revati mars amatyakaraka.
15. dolly parton has a very very famous song called love is like a butterfly, she has punarvasu mars conjunct saturn. look at the lyrics of the song, only a cancer girlie would go so soft like this 🥺
Love is like a butterfly
As soft and gentle as a sigh
The multicolored moods of love are like its satin wings
Love makes your heart feel strange inside
It flutters like soft wings in flight
Love is like a butterfly, a rare and gentle thing
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Dolly also has a perfume called "Tennessee Sunset" and its packaged like this:
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16. alexander mcqueen, the fashion designer had ubp sun and used lots of winged imagery in his work
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17. vincent van gogh, revati sun ubp venus and mars and punarvasu rising has a series of paintings called butterflies. i personally associate whimsical art with both pisces rashi and punarvasu. ill make another post some day but the impressionist movement and even the surrealist movement were vvv influenced by these two placements.
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18. Papillon 1973
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its based on the true story of henri charriere, who is played by steve mcqueen in the movie. not only is the movie called papillon (french for butterfly) the character also has a butterfly chest tattoo and steve mqueen has ubp sun, revati venus atmakaraka and punarvasu rising
19. silence of the lambs<3
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one of the most iconic movie posters of all time features a moth. this moth also plays a key role in the movie and is a major motif.
the book on which the movie was based was written by thomas harris, who has a revati stellium (sun, jupiter & ketu)
in the movie corpse bride, the titular character dissolves into a bunch of butterflies at the end of the movie
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corpse bride is played by helena bonham carter who has ubp saturn and ketu in revati
21. Kali Uchis, punarvasu sun often uses butterfly imagery
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This photoshoot was conceptualised and shot by the South Korean photographer Choi Gi Seok who has purvabhadrapada moon (0 degrees pisces)
His work heavily features butterfly imagery ;
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my own take is that, since pisces is the final rashi and the point of "absolution" it represents the end of chrysalis, when all elements have come together to create transformation; in pisces there is nothing left to do, but seek liberation from these cycles (its purpose is moksha,after all) and dissolve entirely into the cosmic ocean.
a butterfly is a beautiful symbol, representing not only the death of the creature that inhabited the cocoon but also reminding us that that death is necessary because only then can something as beautiful as a butterfly emerge from within that womb. the womb is the source of creation but you're not meant to stay there forever, that's not just stagnancy, that's death. birth is a painful process because you're leaving behind the only place you've ever known but you have no other option so you must be brave enough to face it.
this brings us to the connection of punarvasu nakshatra to butterflies. punarvasu's deity is goddess Aditi who is creation itself; she is the cosmic mother, she created this universe. in pisces, you seek liberation from the cycles of life but in punarvasu, life, the universe, creation itself takes place. thus it represents the butterfly emerging from the cocoon to claim its identity as a butterfly because the life it led before that was a non-life, it wasn't yet a butterfly, it was a non-being. goddess Aditi embodies infinite space and primordial vastness. what better way to represent the cosmic abundance than with a symbol like a butterfly? 🦋you cannot ask who created you because you are your own creation
“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”- Zhuangzi
that's it for now but i'll keep updating as i find more examples💛i hope this was interesting<3
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
Kids in certain media spaces/fandoms
While a certain part of my dash has this discussion - and I have heard some friends (like real world physical friends), who are in their mid 20s complain about this too - let me just try and put everyone's minds at ease: Yes, it is perfectly normal for "kids" (read = teens, maybe tweens) to consume supposedly "adult" media. And with that I mean, well... try and be a part of certain fandoms, that technically are based on media they are not old enough for if we go by rating.
Most currently I have seen the discussion arise around both Hazbin Hotel and Baldur's Gate 3. Honestly, I am not sure about the English rating system for video games, as in Germany we use the same one for games and other media, with Hazbin being "16+" and BG3 being rated "18+" over here.
And yet, obviously, there is a ton of kids younger than that hanging in those fandom spaces - and some people are very "concerned" about this.
Meanwhile I am sitting here like: "Yeah, I watched 18+ stuff at age 13 or 14 as well. Watched 16+ stuff even earlier, even though I was not allowed. And don't get me started on the books I read at age 10."
And every person who I have seen being "concerned" about this has openly admitted that, yes, they have consumed some media that technically legally they were not supposed to be exposed to at that inappropriate age, too, but "that's different". Usually this will be followed by some arguments about the abuse-themes in either piece of media.
And I am like: "Yeah, but that is actually a good thing, right? Both Hazbin and BG3 call out romantic/sexual abuse out as what it is. They show it as abusive and destructive. That is a good thing for teens to learn about." Because let me tell you one thing: No, the fact that I read 18+ Smut manga as a kid did not fuck me up. But you know what fucked me up? That back then a lot of those smut manga had stories that featured abusive/toxic relationships that were depicted as normal or even good. Because, yeah, to me when I was 14 it was indeed not quite comprehensible why my then bf doing the same stuff I read about in those manga made me feel bad. Took me into my 20s to realize what was going on there.
Sure, I kinda get what people are on about when it comes to "but what about grooming?" But... Like, most of the big fandom grooming things that happened where in kiddy-fandoms. Like, the cases I know about where in the fandoms of Pokémon and My little Pony. Because... Let's face it. The person going out of their way to groom a kid will more likely just go into one of those kid-friendly fandoms and find their victim there, than going for the teens in "adult fandoms".
I kinda feel like people are overthinking this. It is just something that happens and will always happen. Especially teens will take some interest in "adult" shows, movies and games. That always was like that and always will be like that. It was like that before the internet even, only that getting your hands at it got easier with the internet.
... Also, keep in mind that generally speaking, those age ratings are not exactly based on science, but instead mostly on moral outcry. Do I think that a 13yo will be able to comprehend the entire story of Angel Dust? Nope, probably not. And that is fine. Do I think that watching Hazbin, that is mostly rated the way it is because the characters cuss a lot, there are sexual themes and cartoony violence, will actually harm most 13yos? Nope, probably not.
Look, I do not feel comfortable with teens in most of my fandom spaces either. Especially those fandom spaces where the media deals with some adult topics. So, for the most part, I just do try to avoid interacting with them.
Just do the same. You will not be able to keep the teens out. Not by shaming them, and not by shaming their parents. And unless you want the parents to 24/7 watch their kids online (which you cannot want if you care about queer kids)... Just relax. If those kids really bother you, block and move on.
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alicewritingstories · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Scattered in the Mountains
Fandom: Linked Universe
[Previous] << Chapter 5 >> [Next]
Prompts for this chapter:
5: Wheezing / Light-headed / "I'll count, you just breathe"
9: Coughing up blood
15: Passing out / Exhaustion / "I've got you, let's sit down, I've got you."
16: Half-conscious / Delirious / "You would never say that in your right mind..."
17: Dangerously high fever / "We have to get that number down somehow."
Central characters: Legend and Sky
By the time Legend spotted a promising-looking dark crack in a cliff, the shadows of evening were lengthening and he was supporting most of Sky's weight. The other hero was audibly wheezing for breath, his eyes closed. From time to time a shudder ran through him.
"Hey, Sky, if I go and check if that's a cave, will you be OK on your own?"
Sky nodded, huffing out another difficult, noisy breath. Legend reached up and laid a hand on his forehead.
"Goddesses, Sky, you're burning up." The fever had gotten even worse than before.
Shy shivered again.
"OK, lean on the tree here." Legend helped him the couple of steps over to a nearby tree. "Are you going to be OK?"
Sky nodded, his eyes fluttering open.
"I… 'm OK," he whispered, having to gasp between words.
Legend let out an irritated sigh, but arguing about it was just wasting time and he hurried over to the cliff, balancing urgency with caution; he might not be the first to see that cave and think it was a promising place to shelter.
But this time, for once, they were lucky. Or at least all their bad luck had been used up by the malfunctioning portal and Sky's illness. The cave was empty, went back just far enough to shelter the two of them - a little more snugly than he'd have liked, but he could accept that tradeoff - and it looked safe enough.
From behind him, he heard another coughing fit. When he looked round, he saw that Sky was leaning heavily on the tree, coughing into his hand so hard he looked about to break apart. Even as Legend took a step towards him, Sky's knees buckled and Legend sprinted back to his side to support him.
Sky wheezed in a breath, then forced it out again. He was pale, his eyes distant and unfocussed as he hovered on the edge of fainting, and he was still half-covering his mouth with his hand.
"Sky, don't pass out. Don't you dare." Legend swallowed hard, looking at the cave, suddenly very aware that his friend was taller and heavier than him. He could drag him if he had to. He'd rather not, but he could.
Then Sky finally pulled his hand away from his mouth and Legend's heart skipped a beat as he saw blood splattered on his palm and smeared on his chin and pale lips.
Legend swore. Sky coughed once more and wiped the blood off his face, then scrubbed his hand clean on the tree.
"Well… I found a cave," said Legend, swallowing the anxious lump in his throat. "Not that big, but it's dry."
Sky nodded again, stumbling as he tried to take his own weight again.
"Can you make it?" asked Legend, ducking under his arm.
"Yeah…" panted Sky. "Just… spinning a… bit."
"OK, well, it's not far."
They stumbled over to the cave, Legend taking way too much of Sky's weight. A couple of times Sky coughed quietly, clearing his throat, but as far as Legend could see there was no more blood.
As they crossed the threshold and Sky had to duck slightly, the light-headedness apparently got the best of him and his knees gave way.
"Hey!" cried Legend, his own knees buckling. "Sky!"
Sky moaned. Legend saw his eyes slide open, once again rolling and unfocussed.
"OK, I've got you. Let's sit down; I've got you." He eased them both slowly down, laying Sky on the ground, on his side to ease his breathing. "OK, Sky. Can you hear me?"
"Ledge… Help…" That was all he could manage, his breath coming fast and desperate.
"OK, I'll count, you just breathe." Legend grabbed his hand and held it to his own chest. "With me. In… two… three… out… two… three…" As he counted, he exaggerated the movement of his own breathing and gradually Sky's own breathing calmed, easier now that he was lying down and no longer having to walk. He was still wheezing, but it was at least better.
"OK," said Legend softly. Sky's hand felt clammy in his, but when he laid a hand on his friend's head it was still so hot, his hair damp with sweat.
"It… I'm sorry…"
"Hey, all you need to be sorry for is letting yourself get this bad without saying anything," said Legend. "But we can talk about that later, OK?"
"I'm sorry, I… I tried…" Sky's voice broke on a sob. "I tried…" Then he started coughing again, blood spraying on the ground by his face. Legend watched helplessly, his heart in his throat, until at last the fit was over and Sky went limp, panting, blood still dripping sluggishly from his lips. Legend wiped it away, trying not to let his hand shake.
"OK," he said firmly. "So what we're going to do now is you're going to get into your bedroll and sleep this off like you should have done days ago."
Sky coughed and shivered.
Getting him into the bedroll was difficult, but the really concerning thing was the way he put up no resistance at all to having his sash, boots, and sailcloth taken off. Even when Legend unbuckled the master sword from his back, he could only murmur a protest and flail a hand, his breathing once more turning harsh. Luckily, he quieted again when he found that the sword was laid next to him.
Legend wanted to get rid of the layers of outer tunics and chain mail as well, but with no help from Sky that wasn't going to be feasible. And he was going to get no help from Sky; the older hero's eyes barely fluttered open when Legend called his name and there was no light of awareness in them.
Legend gritted his teeth and pulled Sky's blanket aside, folding it next to his bag. He was already too hot. It was best to leave that for now.
"Sky?" He hesitated for a moment, then combed his fingers through Sky's hair, pushing his bangs back from his sweat-beaded brow.
Sky thrashed his head from one side to the other and coughed up more blood. Legend gritted his teeth. It was going to be a long night.
Slowly, the light faded outside their cave and Sky's fever burned hotter and hotter while his breathing just got noisier and more labored.
Legend hissed through his teeth, cramming fear down under frustration as he tipped a little more water onto a rag laid on Sky's forehead. They were starting to run short and he didn't want to risk leaving Sky alone to search for more, but if he didn't think of something he was going to have to.
Sky whimpered, his eyes flickering open, but when Legend called his name he didn't react, his gaze hazy and unfocussed.
"Zel…" he murmured.
"Zelda's not here, Sky," said Legend.
"I… I tried… I…" Tears spilled from Sky's eyes as he flailed a hand vaguely. "I… no… Zelda, no…"
"We have got to get your temperature down somehow," muttered Legend. He hadn't wanted to do this - it seemed like it might be too much - but he grabbed his ice rod and touched it to the wet rag on Sky's forehead, activating it at the lowest power he could manage. Where the rod was touching the rag it froze solid and he snatched it away, but not before Sky let out a wail that broke down into coughing that didn't stop and left yet more blood starring on his lips.
With a curse, Legend grabbed his shoulder to pull him onto his side, but Sky squirmed free, lashing out at nothing with an elbow and grabbing for a sword over his shoulder that wasn't there.
"Sky! It's OK, it's me! It's Legend!"
Sky kept coughing even as he started struggling to get up.
"Oh, no you don't." Legend grabbed Sky's shoulders to try to make him lie down, but Sky snarled and headbutted him in the forehead so hard he saw stars.
"Get… away from me," he rasped, groping for the sword again, but then the arm he was using to prop himself up gave way and Legend just managed to throw an arm under his head before it hit the ground. Sky flailed helplessly for a moment longer, but then went limp, his breath quick with a faint gurgle in his throat. Legend thought he was unconscious and started to settle him on his side, but then he whispered, "You're a monster."
Legend startled.
"Zelda… you… she… let her go…"
He kidnapped the princess!
Legend flinched as the remembered words rang in his ears, as clear as life.
"You're… a monster…" whispered the knight in his arms.
Legend shook his head hard to push the memory away and gripped Sky's shoulder. "You would never say that in your right mind," he said, more to himself than Sky. "You don't mean it. It's fine. Zelda's fine. Just… Just get some sleep and let me take care of you."
One more time, Sky's hand twitched back up towards where his sword hilt would normally be, but he didn't fight when Legend guided it under his blood-smeared cheek to support his head. His breathing was still too fast and harsh and Legend didn't even need to touch him to feel the heat radiating off him.
Legend let out a huff of breath, then he draped the wet - now melting - cloth back on Sky's brow and froze it again. Finally, he blew out his lantern to save the oil and hugged his knees to his chest, leaning on the wall of the cave and listening to the labored sound of Sky's breath.
Once again, he shoved away the fear as best he could. There were more useful things to think about.
They were going to need more water. He had a few drops left in his bottle and whatever was in Sky's and Sky needed to drink way more than Legend had managed to get into him so far.
As if to emphasize the problem, Sky stirred and let out a soft whine as if in pain.
"Sky?" Legend pulled himself away from the wall again, his heart sinking.
"Zelda…" rasped Sky. "Rescue Zelda… she's…"
A shudder went down Legend's spine as his uncle's last words echoed in the dark.
"It's fine," he said again quickly. "You're fine. You're going to be fine." He wasn't going to have someone else die in front of him. Not again. He couldn't face this again.
Legend let out a quick, relieved huff of breath. If Sky recognised him, that could only be a good sign. "Yeah, it's me. Here, have a drink." He fumbled an arm under Sky's shoulder and tried to put the water bottle to his lips.
Sky yelped and jerked away, more shivers running through him.
"Legend… 'm so cold… Why… how'd you…" He broke down coughing and Legend kept supporting him, patting him helplessly on the back as he continued to try to speak around the coughs and spat out more phlegm.
"You just rest," said Legend helplessly. "Just rest. It's OK."
"But… no… too late…" More coughing. "Zelda… too late.."
"Zelda's fine, don't worry."
"Too slow… I have to…" Sky struggled feebly, yet again trying to get up.
"No, you need to rest. You'll be quicker if you rest, we talked about this."
"But…" Sky's voice broke in a sob.
"Tell you what," said Legend desperately. "You rest, I'll go, uh… I'll go sort out Zelda. I'll make sure she's OK."
Again, he could almost hear his uncle's dying breaths. He shuddered, dragging himself back to the present. Sky would be fine. Sky wasn't going to die.
"Yeah, it's fine. I'll take care of her."
Sky went boneless, sobbing and coughing into Legend's chest, his fever burning through the layers of sweat-soaked tunics. Legend held him, gnawing his lip helplessly, until at last he seemed to have cried himself to sleep.
Legend laid him down, froze the cloth on his brow one more time, and settled down again to try to make a plan.
They needed more water.
He couldn't leave Sky alone.
Judging by the damp chill in the air, dawn wasn't far off. He found himself glancing over and over again towards the mouth of the cave, filled with the strange foreboding that at dawn something would change for better or worse.
Beside him, Sky's breathing was harsh and shallow. From time to time, as the sluggish minutes ticked by he mumbled nonsense or suddenly moved, trying to escape some invisible attacker, but he was weak and exhausted and it didn't take much effort for Legend to restrain him until he dropped back into his delirious almost-sleep. A few times he did manage to swallow a little water and soon Legend's bottle was empty. He rummaged through Sky's bag until he found his water bottle - half-empty, to his disgust - and went back to trying to bring Sky's fever down.
As Sky once again tried to get up, hands flailing at something only he could see, Legend couldn't help thinking that letting him hold his beloved sword might help, but even though the skyloftian wouldn't be able to use the master sword on him he still wasn't willing to give a weapon to someone who had no idea where he was or what was happening.
In any case, before long Sky had collapsed again, muscles twitching, tears mingled with the sweat on his cheeks.
The sky outside was turning gray. Sky was ominously still. Legend rested a hand on his chest, his teeth gritted. At dawn, something would change.
He'd once heard that dying men would often breathe their last at the turn of the tide or the breaking of dawn.
Then Sky coughed, jerking weakly. Legend jolted back with shock, but then dived forward to roll him onto his side. This time he didn't struggle, just coughed and spat and finally mumbled, "Where…?"
"Legend? Where… What happened? 'M so… cold…"
Legend laid a hand on Sky's brow. It was still slick with sweat, his hair soaked and clinging to his scalp, but the drop in temperature was noticeable. Legend felt like the ground had just dropped out under him.
"Sky, you… your fever's broken!" he exclaimed, barely even caring as his voice cracked.
Sky shivered.
"Here…" There was a little water left in Sky's bottle and Legend helped him to drink it all. "Then let's… Let's see if we can get your clothes off. You're soaked."
Sky mumbled, but his head drooped against Legend's shoulder. He was already asleep.
Legend sighed, but laid Sky down, draped the blankets from both their bedrolls over him, and leaned against the wall again, shooting one last look at the dawn.
It's OK.
He's going to be OK.
He shuddered and couldn't help a few silent, exhausted tears.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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"Goblin Shark ~ Day 10" © Candice Sciortino, accessed at deviantArt here
[This is another "If I Ran the Zoo" monster--the adaro appears in Pathfinder 1e's Bestiary 3. But it's kind of dull. There's nothing wrong with making a mershark, but the adaro has weird magical powers in the lore of the Solomon Islands that should get some due. This is an unusual folkloric monster in that I read about them first in a D&D book, namely the 3.0 3pp Penumbra Fantasy Bestiary. There, they were evil counterparts to tritons, which informed my take, but this isn't a straight up conversion.
Also, this art isn't explicitly an adaro, but I hear "horned shark", I think goblin shark]
Adaro CR 3 NE Medium outsider (native) This creature has a humanoid torso, but the tail and dorsal fins of a shark. Its hands are webbed with long, spindly fingers, and a long horn grows from its face above snaggletooth jaws. It carries a spear in its hands.
In the belief systems of some peoples, the soul isn’t a single entity, but instead is a composite entity. The higher and more civilized soul is what passes into the afterlife for judgement, but the lower animal soul remains behind and incarnates into a new form. The adaro is an example of these incarnations—the distillation of id and impulse, transformed into a shark-like aquatic form. Adaros are selfish and violent, and enjoy bloodshed and suffering for their own sake. One of the few arts they practice other than cruelty is music. Adaros are excellent singers, and may even teach these songs to mortals in order for them to spread farther. Otherwise, they are dangerous creatures best avoided or appeased rather than confronted.
Adaros travel in schools, working together to sink ships, steal catches and otherwise torment those that ply the waters. They can and do fight with their teeth and horns, but prefer to soften up enemies from a distance by magically conjured, venomous flying fish. After a barrage of these poisoned darts, the adaros leap to the fight, charging through the air and creating a rainbow in their wake. In waters where adaros are common, rainbows are seen as an ominous, not hopeful, sign.
Adaros are carnivorous and have long lifespans. They do age and die despite their relationship to soulstuff, and the quintessence remaining in them dissipates directly into the Astral Plane instead of going to an afterlife.
Adaro   CR 3 XP 800 NE Medium outsider (native, water) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7 Defense AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) hp 30 (4d10+8) Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4 DR 5/magic Offense Speed 5 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee masterwork spear +6 (1d8+1/x3), bite +3 (1d6), gore +3 (1d4) or bite +5 (1d6+1), gore +5 (1d4+1) Ranged flying fish dart +7 (1d6+1 plus poison) Special Attack rainbow leap Statistics Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 14 Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 18 (cannot be tripped) Feats Blind-fight, Multiattack (B), Point Blank Shot Skills Acrobatics +10,Knowledge (nature) +8, Perception +11 (+15 hearing), Perform (sing) +9, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Swim +16; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception (+8 to hearing) Languages Aquan, Common Ecology Environment warm aquatic and coastal Organization solitary, pair, school (3-6) or frenzy (7-18) Treasure standard (masterwork spear, other treasure) Special Abilities Flying Fish Dart (Su) As a standard action, an adaro can create and throw a magical flying fish. This fish is treated as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 60 feet, and ignores all miss chances as if it was a seeking weapon. If it strikes a target, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage and is exposed to the following poison: flying fish toxin—injury; Fort DC 14; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d3 Con damage; cure 1 save. Regardless of whether it hits or misses, the flying fish turns into a mundane animal after being thrown once. The save DC is Charisma based. Rainbow Leap (Su) As a full round action three times per day, an adaro can move up to 10 times its swim speed by leaping through the air. It must begin its movement in a body of water. An adaro can use this ability in conjunction with a charge attack. When it uses this ability, a rainbow is created that passes through the spaces the adaro moved through. This rainbow lasts for one minute, and any character that moves through any of these spaces must succeed a DC 14 Fortitude save or be dazzled as long as they remain in the rainbow, and for 1 round thereafter. The save DC is Charisma based.  
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fivedayslater · 1 year
Part 16: Talk to Luffy
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“Let’s talk to Luffy again,” Sanji says, “That blood trail is pretty suspicious, and I want to get to the bottom of it. Besides, knowing more about the house can’t hurt.”
Usopp laughs, “Did Zoro tell you his room moving theory?”
“He did,” Sanji confirms, “But that’s not why.”
He’s surprised Zoro didn’t protest them teasing his insane room moving theory, but when he looks back at him, he’s staring at something under the table.
“Uh, so,” Zoro looks up at him, a frown on his face and a waver to his voice that has Sanji on edge, “Remember when we talked about how I should give you every clue, even if it makes me look guilty?”
“You mean the discussion we had five minutes ago?” Sanji frowns too, not liking where this is going, “Yes, why?”
“Well, uh,” Zoro gestures under the table, “I found my knife.”
Sanji is immediately on his knees to take a closer look. Sure enough, there under the table is Zoro’s knife, the blade covered in blood all the way to the hilt.
Usopp gasps from where he’s leaning over the table to take a look, his head snapping up to look at Zoro, “No way…Zoro did you…?”
“I didn’t,” Zoro insists, looking imploringly at Sanji, “I didn’t stab anyone, least of all Ace.”
Sanji grabs an empty plastic bag from his pocket and uses it to pick up the knife, sealing it shut as he stands up. When it’s secure, he turns to face Zoro, “So, your knife was missing when we asked about it before. Do you know when you lost it?”
“No,” Zoro growls as he looks away. A sudden thought comes to him, his face lighting up as he turns back, “But I know who took it. Nami has a habit of stealing my knife just to prove she can, and hiding it for me to find. I’m willing to bet that she did tonight too.”
“Well, I can at least confirm that Nami has a habit of stealing Zoro’s knife,” Usopp nods, “It’s her favorite hobby.”
“So,” Sanji frowns as he takes that in, “you’re saying Nami had your knife?”
“At some point probably,” Zoro shrugs, “If she did get around to hiding it, anyone could have found it.”
“Which brings us back to square one,” he groans and rubs his temple, “Again.”
“We must be at square two by now,” Zoro smirks, “At least square one and three fourths.”
Sanji chuckles at that, the little joke making him feel more at ease.
“Well, we can’t officially get to square two here,” he says as he puts the bag with the knife in his pocket, “Let’s go find Luffy.” He turns back to Usopp, “You said he was in the lounge?”
“That’s where he said he was going,” he confirms with a nod, “What do you want me to do?”
“Stay here and don’t move.”
“Right,” he gave him a salute, “Can do.”
Sure enough, Luffy is there when they get to the lounge, using his tongue to fish out an ice cube of what looks like a glass of cola. The fire is much lower than it was earlier in the night, but the smoky smell still permeates the room.
The smell reminds him of something else, but he can’t quite place it right now.
Luffy looks up when they enter the room, and smiles wide, “Hey, Sanji! Zoro! There you are!”
“And here you are,” Sanji glares at him, “I told you to stay in the dining room.”
Luffy shrugs, “I got bored. Sorry.”
“Whatever,” Sanji sighs as he rubs a hand down his face, “Listen, we found some blood trails that suggest that Nami’s body was moved, but only from the corner of the kitchen to the center.”
“Wow,” Luffy just stares at him, “You found out she was killed in the corner? You’re really good at this.”
“What I found was she wasn’t killed in the corner,” Sanji says as he lights a cigarette.
“What?” Luffy’s eyes go wide, “Really?”
“We’re wondering if there’s any quirks about the house that would lead to that,” Zoro says, “Like with the rooms moving around thing.”
Luffy laughs at that, “The rooms don’t move, Zoro, you just can’t find them.”
Zoro scowls, his face going bright red, and Sanji can’t help but laugh.
“But, seriously,” Sanji turns back to Luffy, “It strikes me as weird that her body was moved from the corner, and I can’t quite figure it out. Can you tell us anything about the house to explain it.”
Luffy hums as he thinks about it, and crunches on some ice. After a moment he sits up and says, “Oh, she might have come from the secret passage.”
Sanji almost drops his cigarette in shock, “What secret passage?”
“The house has a few secret passages,” he explains, “One between here and the conservatory, and another between the kitchen and the study.”
Luffy stands up and walks over to the corner between the fireplace and the door. He presses against an engraving on the fireplace, and sure enough a door swings open in the wall.
Sanji and Zoro approach the opening cautiously and peek inside. There’s a small staircase inside leading towards what looks like a dark tunnel heading towards the other side of the house.
“What the hell,” Zoro mutters right next to his ear, then turns to Luffy, “How long has this been here?”
“It’s always been here,” Luffy shrugs, “I always thought it was cool, but I don’t get to use them that often. The staff does sometimes to move around quicker, but never at night. It gets too dark.”
Sanji checks the floor of the passage. It’s pretty dusty, but he does notice fresh tracks in the dirt, indicating someone passing through recently, “Did the staff use it this morning?”
“No, I don’t think so,” Luffy frowns as he thinks about it, “Mostly they were in the kitchen and the dining room, so there wasn’t a need.”
Sanji points out the marks, “It looks like someone was in here recently.”
“Wow, really?” Luffy leans over his shoulder to take a closer look, “What does that mean?”
Sanji takes a hit from his cigarette as he thinks about it, his gaze landing on Zoro, “You said you found the letter in the conservatory, right?”
“Yeah,” he nods, brow furrowing as he looks back at him, “Why?”
“I’m just wondering how it got there,” he nods at the passageway, “If someone used the passage here to move between the lounge and the conservatory, it’s possible they had the letter and dropped it. Where exactly did you find it?”
“In the corner,” Zoro’s eyes widen as he glances at the passage, “Is that where the passage leads out?”
“Yup,” Luffy nods, “All the passages are in a corner of the room.
“So, in the kitchen,” Sanji puffs on his cigarette as he remembers the layout of the room, “does it let out in the far corner past the fridge?”
“Yeah,” he nods again, then his eyes go wait, “Wait, is that where you found the blood?”
Sanji nods, and Luffy gasps, “No way!”
“So you think someone moved Nami from the study to the kitchen?” Zoro asks as he leans against the wall.
“Or they were trying to move her to the study but didn’t quite make it,” he sighs, releasing a stream of smoke in the air, “Either way, it’s clear the secret passage was involved in some way.”
He turns back to Luffy, “Who else knew about the secret passages?”
“Uh, I think everyone knew,” he shrugs.
“I didn’t know,” Zoro huffs, disputing him instantly.
“And I didn’t know either,” Sanji agrees, “So who do you know knows about them?”
“Me, Ace,” Luffy counts off on his fingers, “the staff obviously, Nami probably because she knows – knew, everything.” His face scrunches up as he thinks some more, but eventually he shakes his head and sighs, “And if you guys didn’t know about it, then I’m not sure if Usopp or Law did either.”
“So we know Nami’s killer is someone who knew about the secret passages,” Zoro says with a quick glance to Sanji, “Right?”
“Exactly right,” Sanji confirms with a nod, feeling a little giddy at the proud smile on Zoro’s face when he does.
“Wait,” Luffy’s smile slips from his face as he glances between the two of them, “Just because I knew doesn’t mean I killed Nami.”
“We’re not saying you did,” Sanji assures him, “We’re just saying that whoever did did.”
“Well, I didn’t kill Nami,” he insists, crossing his arms in front of him.
“Noted,” Sanji says as he puts his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray, “Well, Mosshead, shall we do more investigating?”
Zoro’s grin is wide on his face, “I thought you’d never ask.”
They both head for the door, but stop when Luffy says, “Wait a moment.”
Sanji turns to look at him, and he’s still got that pinched frown on his face as he says, “I just remembered something. About the blackout I mean.”
Sanji frowns as he considers his options. If he hadn’t mentioned it before, it could just be more of Luffy insisting he didn’t do it, and they really didn’t have time to waste on that right now, but it could be something important that he did just remember.
He glances at Zoro, who’s looking at him expectantly.
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fluxrspar · 14 days
meta 01. character quantified.
(Also known as ‘the stats meta’.)
Preface: An essay attempting to translate the numbers of the game into a tangible narrative, written by one who often struggles with the task out of context. This is the culmination of nearly five weeks of research, compilation, and writing, and any attempting to read this in one sitting should make themselves comfortable beforehand.
Spoilers for Ephraim’s Route of The Sacred Stones. (Through Chapter 13.)
.01 – Intro
Before we move into the essay proper, I would like to establish that my number-crunching was by no means exhaustive—there were definitely more calculations I could’ve run, but the spreadsheet is, at present, 3 pages of comparisons (not including the stat dumping itself). Pardon me for not finding the space to cleanly do more comparisons without upending my entire foundation.
Sources for this include Serenes Forest for the base stats, growth rates, and stat caps, but I also did cross-reference with both the Fire Emblem wiki and the Fandom site during one portion of the essay in particular—you will know when you get there. That same segment was also supplemented by my own, admittedly rather messy, screenshots from in-game.
Now then.
.02 – Bases
To begin, we start where everyone begins—which is to say, with their base stats. Though Selena appears on the battlefield a handful of times across the duration of Sacred Stones (and namely—of Ephraim’s Route in particular), her first fighting appearance occurs in Ephraim Route Chapter 10: Turning Traitor, where she is given the task of executing Duessel—this is where we’ll be taking her base stats from.
Mage Knight (Level 8) HP: 38 MAG: 13 / SKL: 13 / SPD: 16 / LCK: 10 DEF: 11 / RES: 17 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
Now, there are a few things to consider when interpreting these stats—first, that Selena is a pre-promote! As such, she has leveled up at least 16 times (the 9 to reach promotion level and then the 7 after she became a mage knight). If we compare her to Duessel, who is of the same level and recruited on the same map, he has a few points of HP and strength on her as well as a bit more res and a lot more defense, but she’s a bit luckier and has a bit more skill—and she’s 4 points faster than he is base.
Given that he is a physically-inclined Great Knight and she is a magically-inclined Mage Knight, none of that should be surprising—nor is it the strongest comparison, especially given that mages generally have a lower offensive stat than physical fighters due to resistance being a commonly low stat on both sides of the battlefield. So then, what is a better metric?
Well, if we happen to compile all of the base stats of all the playable pre-promotes in Sacred Stones (including the Creature Campaign units and also Myrrh since she doesn’t promote), then why not compare Selena’s base stats to their mean?
There is a wide range of levels, but that is from Saleh as a level 1 sage to Riev as a level 16 bishop, and the average level is 8 and some change! (Mean standard deviance is roughly 5 levels or so as well, for those interested.) Smacking Selena’s stats next to the average for pre-promotes, our numbers look like so:
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And honestly? This is a reasonable stat spread! Her HP, skill, speed, luck, and defense are all pretty standard for a pre-promote—and for one roughly 8 levels into that class! Notably, her speed is a bit high, but not dramatically so, and her resistance is much higher than the average, but the former is a minor thing and the latter is, again, likely the result of resistance being a commonly low stat for non-mages. The same can be said of her magic stat—lower than average to not be too powerful—and her constitution is simply womanhood in this game I’m afraid. (That said, Syrene and Ismaire, the other two pre-promoted women, have a 7 in constitution! They could literally totally carry her.)
So then, we move onto—
.03 – Growths
Bases are pretty important for figuring out where a person begins, but where it’s really at when determining someone’s potential is their growths. You can have absolutely terrible bases and still turn out alright—or even great—with strong enough growths! Similarly, you can have amazing bases and become unviable if your growth rates are too low, or if you’re simply unlucky on too many level ups.
Usually, enemy growth rates would be equivalent to those of their class, but given that Selena is recruitable in the post-game via the Creature Campaign, she does get to have her own growth rates! They look like this:
HP: 85 MAG: 40 / SKL: 55 SPD: 40 / LCK: 25 DEF: 20 / RES: 30
Now, there are a couple of ways to contextualize these, but I first want to say—amazing HP growth, queen! Live your life! Get that vitality! Stay breathing! You’re perfect!
(I’d also like to quickly mention that while the Mage Knight growth rates don’t impact Selena’s in any way, it is fun to see that her HP growth is 40 points higher, her skill is 25 points higher, and her defense is 10 points higher. The trade-off is a luck that is 15 points less and a res growth that is 10 points less, but I still see this as a net win for the Fluorspar.)
Now then, using the same table as above but with every character and for growths instead of bases, the numbers look like so:
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For the purposes of comparison, I marked differences to be significant once it was 10 or more away from the mean (initially, it was 15, but none of her stats are that variant). Regardless, her strengths appear to be within HP and skill (which both have pretty average bases), and her weakness is in luck (which also starts a point above the mean). There is always the consideration that this mix includes both physical fighters and magicians, but these extremes are still present when we compare just the mages:
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I separated the table by those who use tomes (anima/light/dark; Table 1) and those who use staves (Table 2) on acquisition—that said, the middle of each comparison stays pretty consistent across the two, so whether Selena hypothetically promoted from a mage or a troubadour doesn’t change much! Her HP and skill growths are notably higher than her peers, even topping both tables (though tied with Lyon; let’s go, Grado!), and her defense growth is also slightly above average for tome users, but it’s only 2 points above the median. We like to call that standard.
By contrast, her magic growth is kinda low (though not the worst! She’s barely higher than Saleh!), her luck edges out against only two or three people per table, and her resistance growth is… not the best. But she is still a mage, and therefore, her below average resistance is still of the average overall!
Now then, we can use these growth rates to do a neat little trick! (Which is to say: I can figure out what her approximate level 1 unpromoted base stats were based on various potential promotion levels and her growth rates.)
As aforementioned, Selena has had a minimum of 16 level ups—so, if we take her growths, multiply them by 7 and then divide by 100 (because the growth rates are percentages and we’re going to need them as decimals), we can round and subtract to get her stats post-promotion! Those look like:
Mage Knight (Level 1) HP: 32 MAG: 10 / SKL: 9 / SPD: 13 / LCK: 8 DEF: 10 / RES: 15 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
Not too bad? That skill stat is not looking too hot though, especially given it’s a 55% growth and this is after she’s already gotten at least 9 level ups. Removing the bonuses she got from promoting, her pre-promotion stats look like this:
?? (Level X) HP: 29 MAG: 8 / SKL: 8 / SPD: 13 / LCK: 6 DEF: 8 / RES: 13 / MOV: 4 or 6 / CON: 4 or 5
(Sacred Stones has a branching promotion system, so she could’ve promoted from either mage or troubadour [shown above in that order]; all that changes is what her initial movement and con would’ve been though, so I’m leaving it ambiguous what her old class likely was.)
Yeah, these stats are… not looking too great! We get another screenshot here to demonstrate me guessing what level she promoted at, and with her really solid growth rates, only one level seems all too probable:
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The higher her promotion level is, the more questionable her bases become, so one can safely assume she promoted as soon as possible—which is to say, level 10 or so.
At the very minimum, her growths are solid enough that, even with some rather eyebrow-raising implied base stats, by the time she reaches promo level 20, her stats will, on average, appear as something close to:
Mage Knight (Level 20) HP: 48 MAG: 18 / SKL: 20 / SPD: 21 / LCK: 13 DEF: 13 / RES: 21 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
And that’s good enough I think! I didn’t do any calculations to see how they compared to other maxed out units, but if she was fighting on my team in the main story, she would Handle Things, I believe! (Truly, that’s all that matters in my heart of hearts <3)
Ah, but recall how I mentioned earlier that all of this was based on her first fighting appearance? Well, Selena actually has two! The second is in her namesake chapter, Chapter 13: Fluorspar’s Oath. Here, we encounter a Selena who is now level 11, and her stats now look like:
Mage Knight (Level 11) HP: 38 MAG: 13 / SKL: 13 / SPD: 16 / LCK: 10 DEF: 11 / RES: 17 / MOV: 7 / CON: 6
Ah. Hm. That… looks a bit inaccurate actually! If one may allow me to double-check my sources…
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This calls for me to do my own research actually! (I speedran my Ephraim save to get from chapter 9 to 13 deathless during my free time between classes.)
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(Pardon the UI overlay; I hadn’t expected to use these screenshots in the essay directly.) Oh hey! I screenshot the little mage knight animation in the same pose both times! What the fuck.
So there has been no mistake! Between her appearances in Turning Traitor and Fluorspar’s Oath, Selena gains three empty level ups. With her luck, defense, and res growths at 25%, 20%, and 30% respectively, I can’t say I’m too surprised there—but her HP is 85. Her skill is 55!
I blame this on Valter. (He’s the reason you don’t actually fight Selena in chapter 10, making the first ‘fighting appearance’ actually just a show.) They brought her level down (or up? It depends on the development pipeline) 3 levels and decided, ‘Well, the player didn’t actually fight her the first time. No need to change the stats.’ (They massacred my girl.)
Now, beforehand it was actually possible for her to cap her skill, speed and resistance if she leveled them up almost all 12 of her remaining levels! With the three empty level ups, this is no longer possible.
Ah, but I’ve been rather vague about her caps, haven’t I? I suppose I should address those!
.04 – Caps
Sacred Stones stat caps are actually by class! It is not an entry unique in this regard, but I feel like that should be explicitly stated so that we are all on the same page. These caps are not unique to Selena, but to she and those of her creed! Also the women, specifically, of her creed. (Because gender.) For women Mage Knights, the caps are:
Mage Knight (Level 20) HP: 60 MAG: 25 / SKL: 24 / SPD: 25 / LCK: 30 DEF: 24 / RES: 28 / MOV: 15 / CON: 25
The HP stat cap is universal across all classes (including unpromoted ones), so nothing to comment there; practically every cap is within 2 points of the average—the exceptions being constitution (which doesn’t really count because every mounted class is 25), skill, and resistance.
The skill cap for troubadours is 3 points below average (though it is only two if you take into consideration only the woman versions of each of the classes); resistance, however, is 3 points above average—and this distinction is maintained even when accounting for gender differences! This means that while Selena’s potential as a mage knight is generally the same as everyone else’s in their respective classes, her peak is slightly less accurate but slightly more resilient against magic.
I don’t have as much to say here as I did in the other sections, so let’s talk about that cool thing we don’t have in modern games anymore!
.05 – Affinity
I will admit, I didn’t initially intend to talk about affinity in this essay, but seeing how it uses numbers to impact her combat capabilities, let’s go into that!
Selena’s affinity (as seen in my earlier screenshots) is Thunder—a fitting one given her iconic usage of Bolting! When she is near enough to units she has triggered supports with (which, in-game, is no one, but that’s because she’s an unrecruitable enemy! That’s not her fault!), she and her companion gain bonuses to their defense, evasion, crit rate, and critical evade! Each affinity gives most of the bonuses however, so what may be more interesting to analyze may be what her affinity does not grant—which is to say, a bonus to attack or hit rate. (This is someone who emphasizes defensive capabilities and the ability to pull through in a pinch over consistent offense—the emperor’s shield, not his sword).
Not much to say about affinity either, but I think it’s super neat and wanted to include it!
.06 – Character
With everything compiled and annotated, we can finally turn these digits into a narrative—which is to say, by analyzing Selena’s unique strengths and weaknesses as a soldier (and a mage specifically), we can weave into the world a story; a beginning, middle, and end.
To start—her beginning. Whether she started off as a mage or a staff user, she was one with a strong resilience to magic, a quickness to her combat, and a plethora of vitality. Though she was lacking in skill and was not the luckiest of recruits, she was physically able—that, and sheer will, would surely suffice.
Magic became her chosen aptitude, though she wasn’t quite as strong as her peers (not by much, and it would not stop her), and her resilience grew at a steady pace; the mages of her allies grew resistant faster, but she could take a hit.
Plenty of hits, actually. Even the strong ones—she could take hits.
And that was what set her apart: she was not the strongest mage, nor the strongest weapon to wield against one, but she could stand steady against magic and blades alike—she had the knowledge to wield great magic, but she lacked the weakness to weapons that often accompanied it. All things at a cost, but a shield need not weaponize—that was the last resort. Selena’s purpose and intention was primarily to defend.
So she builds her fortitude; she builds her knowledge; she builds her experience; and she wields distant offense as her own kind of impenetrable shield.
Then war is declared, and the shield’s edges are sharpened to attack. What time would’ve been spent growing in strength instead is wasted—she gains experience, but it does not bear any fruit. Then the time comes to prove herself.
She never gets to meet her potential. (War had taken away the chance.)
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lauvra · 3 months
I have a journal document specifically to complain and write my worst thoughts and feelings in childish angsty language and I have copied the first few lines from most of them here because why shouldn't we all suffer? Even sharing a single line from these massive lengthy sook sessions are way too revealing of how SHIT THINGS HAVE BEEN FOR SO LONG NOW. We endure. 7/05/2022 Saturday. My chest hurts, my first feeling every day when I wake up is fear...
20-05-2022 All I want is cosmetic surgery to fix my appearance...
21-05-2022 ... which leaves me with $5 to my name until Thursday. That’s five days, no money. I want to work myself up to going to a pawn shop today...
18/06/2022 11:39AM. ...typical for me to smoke three on the way to work, a quick forth in the back dock, one on my tea, two on my meal, another one on my second tea and then three again on the walk home. Those don’t even mention the many had at home while preparing for work and the many many had once I reach home... ...began as a rebellious expression of freedom... ...has become a full blown addiction that runs my life...
12/07/2022 ...I don’t even want to talk to Ben anymore because he’s so much better than I am or ever will be and...
26/07/22 The way my mood fluctuates so much in a day breeds a sort of magnificent denial which helps me in the short term. Just now my intention was to document how well I’ve been doing, to note my lack of suffering... forgetting entirely that I’ve been consistently late for work, neglected my finances and rarely eat during the day. Forgot about how hard it was to leave the house yesterday because I felt hideous enough the whole community would notice if I did... 25-08-22 Mostly I think about him and money... 7/09/2022 When I’m in the shower I write the best journal entries then I sit down to relay it but it’s garbage... 9/09/2022 It’s Friday, 12:30pm. I texted into work sick again, they were cool about it... 14/09/22 ...I haven’t occupied a moment in his mind and it would be easy to fall into a shame spiral about how much space he has taken in mine… ...I’m in bed and tired but wanted to make sure I vented even badly so that I could wake up with a little more of myself chiselled out. I want simple things, I want grand things. I want to write every single day until something good comes out. I want to paint every day until something good comes out. I don’t want to need some adversarial motivation to take risks or succeed but maybe there will always be a little piece of me that wants to say ‘oh yeah?'...
22/09/22 There’s this tangible feeling out there today of togetherness, the people in the streets reach out to one another. There’s potential...
29/09/2022 I thought I was going to work today. I had planned to, or no plan not to. But I slept in, then slept instead. The longer I did the worse I felt. Heavy. An unmovable object in my bed. Penny pecked and licked her sandpaper tongue over my cheek, nipped then scratched and dug in deep and still I laid...
1/10/2022 ... Why does painting feel so empty? Why does the music feel so empty? Why does writing feel so empty? 16/10/22 I had my first session with the psychologist yesterday... 8/11/22 I know I’m not ‘too far gone’, but I worry... 24/11/2022 The past makes me feel pretty stupid, but more than that, addressing the fact I spent two years of my life getting over one relationship is seriously disturbing to me... 29/11/2022 D messaged me yesterday saying that I treat him like dog shit, that he’s done and doesn’t want to be friends anymore. It honestly felt like a relief... 1/12/22 I’m not sure I’ll ever feel comfortable journaling hand-written into books again... 24/02/2023 I still don’t feel comfortable journaling traditionally... 28/03/2023 6:58PM My work contract is now to start at 10am and finish at 6pm... 8/09/2023 My chest hurts...
16/09/2023 ...I need to change because I can’t think or write or translate what’s in my head, and that’s what’s important to me... 21/09/2023 I decided to move back home to the sunshine coast today. I’ve had complete decision paralysis for a long time, the longest time... 25/09/2023 Nevermind, lol. God it’s humiliating to be a person. Forget everything I said about moving ‘home’; there’s no home...
22/02/2024 If I died today, then I died speaking only my native language...
5/03/2024 I’ve written or brain-dumped in some form every single day since 2021...
10/04/2024 “Money always removes the charge of insanity.” ...
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omamervt · 23 days
so I wasn't crazy. Davinci Resolve really has been fucking my audio. The mic I use for streaming is old and ridiculously cheap but I know it's not nearly as bad as my TikToks make it sound.
Just in case I'm not the last person to figure this out, don't export MP4's from Resolve. Do an H.264/HEVC MOV file. For whatever reason, Resolve's MP4 settings cap you at 16-bit audio.
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kusuguricafe · 9 months
Top 23 of 2023
tagging anyone who'd like to join in!
Part 1: Fandom Faves
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year: Buddy Daddies, Paradox Live The Animation, and Tears of the Kingdom
02. Favorite new ships since this year: kazurei and lynlumi
03. Favorite anime/TV shows of the year: Buddy Daddies and Paradox Live again
04. Favorite movies of the year: Did. Did I watch any mov-OH BARBIE
05. Favorite characters of the year: Mister Lyney~ ❤️ and Furina!
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year: Paralive and the opening song to Buddy Daddies
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year: Umibe no Étranger (as in I first read it this year)
08. Favorite games of the year: Genshin Impact, Splatoon 3, and the Pokémon Violet DLC
09. Highlight of this year to remember: Waterparks being my top artist on Spotify and receiving a special thank you video from Awsten 😫 and Furina's character demo (the chaos at the end killed me)
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2023: Crab day and the Mirko cosplay craze at the beginning of the year
11. Favorite fan art of the year: Commissions of my oc by @rand0m-s1nner and @lovelymessybubbly, this scara by @shyticklemonster, and this deku request also by @lovelymessybubbly
12. Favorite fic of the year: This is really tough... I definitely have to include this lynlumi commission and this scara fic by @ticklygiggles, this bakudeku fic by @thetickleeraven, and the sequel to Upgrade, Downgrade I requested by @otomiyaa
13. Favorite ask game of the year: Definitely @otomiyaa's Genshin Profile Tag Game!
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger: Getting a little more creative with my writing inspiration, and how much of a hit the New Year's bunny fics were 🐰
15. My own best fic/post of the year: Personally, this bakudeku fic I wrote for Tickletober was my favorite 🧡💚
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year: Denki Makes a Splash!
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected: This Paralive clip
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year: My username and theme! Went from princess 👑 to café ☕️
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year: A fair amount of fics from my to write list
20. Goals for next year: Keep writing things that make people happy 💕
21. 2024 releases I look forward to the most: Hopefully the Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC, and I'm also always looking forward to more Genshin updates
22. Something else I look forward to next year: Waterparks concert and MIKU EXPO!!!!
Part 4: Spreading Love
23. Shoutouts to people who made my 2023 a better year: @otomiyaa for always being there for us, even after her original blog got nuked (R.I.P.), @ticklygiggles for the incredible fics she provides us with, @lovelymessybubbly for being a sweetie and for the amazing character sheet of Mocha-chan, @wertzunge for the constant stream of content (how does he do it??), @mai-mei for the translations (you're a godsend fr), and to everyone who left a kindhearted comment (even the keysmashes, especially the keysmashes) on or sent me a message about any of my fics—reading those always makes my day 💖💖💖 like seriously, you have no idea how happy you all have made me
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By Sean Orr and Elliot Lewis
With the largest private sector labor contract in the United States set to expire on July 31 at midnight, the eyes of the American labor movement are on United Parcel Service (UPS) and the nearly 350,000 Teamsters who work there. The Teamsters announced a UPS strike authorization vote starting this week, with results to be announced on June 16. Our contract fight matters for the entire working class. We want workers everywhere—and especially at Amazon and FedEx—to see that organizing a union leads to better pay and working conditions and greater control over their working lives and opens the door to a better world.
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gr8brandz · 1 year
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Taffware Portable HD TV Monitor 5 Inch DVB-T2 + Analog - D5 https://tokopedia.link/aBlxhKyYLBb - https://shope.ee/5AP1JwxI6i ==================================================== Spesifikasi: Ukuran Layar: 5" Material: Plastik Teknologi Panel: LED Resolusi Tampilan: 800x600 Kontras Rasio: 16:9 Response Rate: 8 ms Port I/O: DVB-T2, ATSC, Earphone Jack, TF Card, USB, DC-12 V Video: rmvb, avi, mov, mkv, 3gp, mp4 Daya / Power: Baterai Li-Polymer 7.4 V DC: 12 V - 1.5 A Dimensi: 13.7 x 2 x 8.5 cm
Sinyal Digital: DVB-T2, DVB-T Sinyal analog ATV: 48.25 MHz ~ 863.25 MHz DTV: VHF 50 MHz ~ 230 MHz DTV: UHF 474 MHz ~ 862 MHz Informasi TV Portable ini berukuran 5 inch, memiliki fitur lengkap antara lain sebagai TV digital melalui sinyal DVB-T2 DVB-T, TV Analog dan media player melalui USB, TF Slot. Fitur Televisi Mini TV ini memiliki ukuran 5 inch sehingga mudah untuk dibawa ke mana saja. Sangat cocok untuk dibawa berpergian seperti saat camping dan piknik atau untuk digunakan dalam mobil. Anda dapat menikmati siaran televisi favorit ataupun menonton film dan drama favorit dari tv kecil ini.
TV Digital  & Analog TV ini dapat menerima sinyal digital yaitu DVB-T2. Jadi, hasil gambar dan audio yang dihasilkan lebih bersih ketimbang TV yang menggunakan antena analog. Namun, saat Anda tidak menggunakan saluran TV Digital, Anda dapat menggunakan saluran TV analog.
Pemutar Media Anda juga dapat memutar berbagai media digital melalui port yang tersedia. TV portabel dapat memutar media melalui input AUX Jack 3.5 mm, USB dan TF Slot.
Baterai yang Dapat Diisi Ulang TV didukung oleh baterai yang dapat diisi ulang. Jadi, Anda tinggal menyalakan TV ini tanpa perlu terhubung dengan kabel. Pastikan Anda menghubungkan TV ke antena agar dapat digunakan untuk menonton TV.
Isi Kemasan 1 x Taffware Portable HD TV Monitor 5 Inch DVB-T2 + Analog - D5 1 x Remot Kontrol 1 x Antena DVB-T2 1 x Antena Analog 1 x Adaptor Daya 1 x Panduan Penggunaan
==================================================== https://shope.ee/A9lt8Dkz3M https://tokopedia.link/vfg3UqLVZzb
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elfntr · 10 months
In conventional MS-DOS 8086 ASM, you display a single character by loading a value into AX and calling interrupt 0x10 so like
MOV AH,0Eh ;tells int 10h to do teletype output MOV AL,"H" ;character to print INT 10h
now, AH and AL here are two 8-bit halves of the 16bit register AX (the high byte and low byte respectively) which means that this display method means conventional MS-DOS can only use up to 256 characters-- and don't forget that this includes control characters like say, line feed, carriage return, escape, so on... not just printed characters. To display a newline in 8086 MS-DOS ASM you can do:
MOV AX,0E0Ah INT 10h MOV AL,0Dh INT 10h
(i shortened the first command compared to the original snippet because you now understand the relationship between AX, AH, and AL, dear reader. This saves a few CPU clocks :)
So you're pretty limited on the number of characters you can display.... and that's why PC-98 MS-DOS is not binary compatible with standard flavor MS-DOS XD
Like, you can display 65536 characters if you use an entire 16-bit register for the character code and use another register to call the print operation, but first you need to have a reason to do this and to actually do it.
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