#15x12 spoiler
Zane Julien Whumplist (Ninjago S8-S16)
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Character: Zane Julien (voiced by Brent Miller)
For other characters, click here
For Dragons Rising, click here (unfinished)
Age Rating: TV-Y7 (FV)
Show available on Netflix
Notes: This list is only for seasons 8-16 of Lego Ninjago due to the animation style and voice actor changes that occur starting with season 8.
List Key:
bold = most whump, best whump, or favorite whump scenes
~ = a scene break
--- =
sons of garmadon: 
8x01: worried
8x02: worried, hit with electric blast
8x03: undercover, worried 
8x04: undercover ~~ jumps off bike, in pain
8x05: fought, in pain, heavy breathing, collapsed, unconscious ~~ concern for him, lifted in a gurney ~~ hooked up to machines, in a coma ~~ confused 
8x06: stressed, at sword point 
8x07: chained up with vengestone ~~ thrown around, worried about lloyd 
8x08: worried about lloyd 
8x09: extremely worried about lloyd
8x10: extremely worried about lloyd, almost loses powers ~~  almost crushed, presumed dead
9x01: stressed ~~ captured, chained with vengestone, blindfolded
9x02: chained with vengestone, thrown to the ground ~~ lead in chains, grabbed, scared ~~ made to fight in an arena 
9x03: outnumbered, dragged in chains ~~ in a cage, chained up, used as bait 
9x04: unconscious in cage ~~ chained up 
9x05: stressed 
9x06: none
9x07: stressed
9x08: chained up 
9x09: still chained, exhausted ~~ rough landing, groaning 
9x10: stressed, fought 
march of the oni: 
10x01: stressed
10x02: worried about lloyd 
10x03: in shock, grieving ~~ angry 
10x04: grieving ~~ rough fight, emotional reunion ~~ extremely worried about lloyd, emotional
secrets of the forbidden spinjitzu: 
fire chapter:
11x01: frightening vision, wakes up gasping, panicking ~~ frustrated
11x02: none
11x03: stressed
11x04: concern for him ~~ knocked out 
11x05: rough landing, groaning ~~ blasted back ~~ concerned, thrown, chained
11x06: none
11x07: chained, argued ~~ stressed 
11x08: none
11x09: fought, thrown, knocked out
11x10: stressed, fought 
11x11: none 
11x12: stressed 
11x13: scared 
11x14: glowing eyes, sacrifices himself
ice chapter:
11x15: none
11x16: none
11x17: none
11x18: none 
11x19: none
11x20: *in video recording* sad
11x21: none 
11x22: none 
11x23: none 
11x24: none
11x25: none 
11x26: none 
11x27: crash landing, confused, frustrated, glowing eyes ~~ fought ~~ recording message in case he dies, sad ~~ wakes up gasping, memory loss, manipulated, glowing eyes 
11x28: none 
11x29: fought 
11x30: fought, angst, gets memories back, gasping, emotional reunion 
prime empire: 
12x01: thrown 
12x02: stressed 
12x03: fought 
12x04: none 
12x05: none 
12x06: none 
12x07: none 
12x08: none 
12x09: none 
12x10: none
12x11: none
12x12: none 
12x13: electrocuted, knocked out, concern for him, kidnapped 
12x14: chained with vengestone, scared, angry, interrogated ~~ threatened, struggling, power channeled through him, screaming in pain
12x15: none
12x16: screaming in pain, collapsed, gasping
master of the mountain:
13x01: fought 
13x02: worried 
13x03: worried 
13x04: stressed 
13x05: none
13x06: stressed, worried about kai ~~ fought 
13x07: none
13x08: none 
13x09: none
13x10: none
13x11: straining powers, worried about lloyd 
13x12: none
13x13: fought 
13x14: none
13x15: caged, fought 
13x16: fought
the island:
14x01: stressed
14x02: fought ~~ shocked unconscious 
14x03: electroshocked, imprisoned ~~ tied up 
14x04: fought 
15x01: worried about nya
15x02: stressed, worried 
15x03: stressed 
15x04: none
15x05: worried about jay
15x06: stressed, shot at 
15x07: stressed
15x08: none
15x09: fought, stressed
15x10: stressed 
15x11: none 
15x12: fought 
15x13: stressed
15x14: ---
15x15: ---
15x16: stressed, worried about nya -- grieving
16x01: turned off his emotions, concern for him
16x02: none 
16x03: none
16x04: fought 
16x05: fought
16x06: rough fight, arrested and put in handcuffs 
16x07: in prison, freaking out 
16x08: fought 
16x09: fought
16x10: none
16x11: none
16x12: fought 
16x13: worried 
16x14: scared, trapped underground, presumed dead 
16x15: still trapped underground, stressed
16x16: ---
16x17: ---
16x18: ---
16x19: ---
16x20: ---
16x21: ---
16x22: ---
16x23: ---
16x24: ---
16x25: "damaged", concern for him 
16x26: unconscious 
16x27: ---
16x28: fought
16x29: rough fights
16x30: rough fights, emotional
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destielfanfic · 1 year
Lost and Found, #3
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Lost and Found, vol.3 (you can find previous posts here)
Long time since I posted the L&F post, here’s some of my favorite lost fic asks that I knew the answers to. Some asks may contain spoilers for the fic, proceed at your own risk!
When possible, fic links go to posts on our blog, if the fic is not featured on the blog, we link to the hosting site. If you think that some other fic is a better fit, let us know! Gif from the gorgeous gif set by @magnificent-winged-beast​ , original post here, SPN, 15x12. Used with a permission.
Lost and Found fic #1
I'm looking for a canonverse fic where Castiel took on Sam's hell madness, and he had to remove part of his grace to let it heal the madness on its own for a very very long time. So long that Sam and Dean died, and Cas was left alone on earth while he waited for his grace to recover. When it did, he became a full angel again and went to heaven where Dean and Sam (and Sam's TWO soulmates!) were waiting for him. Also Castiel's grace was stored in an ugly, diseased tree. Can you help me find it? 
The Answer: In the Shuffling Madness by araftatsea [T, 45,500, SU, angst] This poignant and poetic fic dives deep in season 7 mental hospital!Cas mind and brings closure to his story. It was a sad day when the author unexpectedly deleted all their fics from AO3. But you can find an ePub linked on our review. 
Lost and Found fic #2
Hi, I’m looking for a fic I read awhile ago on ao3. Dean and Cas go on a sort of couples cruise/couple therapy thing for a case. At one point the main “therapist” makes one of them stand on a diving board over the ocean while the other has a slight panic attack. If you know what fic this is that would be great. Thanks!
The Answer: any port in a storm by mishcollin microcomets [M, 52,700, SU, angst] A fandom classic really. Pretend relationship, true feelings in canon setting.
Lost and Found fic #3
Hi I'm looking for a specific fic it's a fallen cas fic except it wasn't really an angst fic more like just him pining and satisfied with it. Sam knows cas is pining in the fic and wants cas to leave the bunker because he thinks cas can do better if he stopped loving dean and Dean and Sam argue about whether cas should leave. Do you know what I'm talking about?
The Answer: This Isn’t Where We Intended To Be by porcupinegirl [NC-17, 14,000, SU, fluff] Lovely canon verse fic that looks at pining Cas in the bunker from a different, less angsty angle.
  Lost and Found fic, #4
Alright. I've been through what feels like a mountain of fic. I read this fic probably at least 10 years ago. Porn star AU. CAS was doing his first gay scene with Dean. Sam is also a porn star. There is a fever dream Wincest chapter which was... Whatever. Dean eventually reveals his big secret that he used to do BDSM stuff with Alastair but he one day went too far and hurt someone and now he doesn't do it. Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
The Answer: The Daily Grind by highermagic [NC-17, 87,200, AU, porn] Another fandom classic but for completely different reasons. Posted in 2010 this was the fic to read back in the day when pornstar AUs were all the rage. Warning about that fever dream wincest scene, it was just a weird dream Cas had, nothing more. (PDF link in case the one on the review is broken)
Lost and Found fic, #5
I'm looking for a fic (~10k words) I think was posted on LJ. It's an AU where Cas and Dean grew up as neighbors, Dean was getting into magician's magic (not real), and Cas becomes a cop and Dean's a wanted fugitive. It goes back and forth in time from kids to adults where Cas is searching for him, and Cas shoots Dean and appears to kill him, but Chuck(?) gives him a ring at a cafe, indicating Dean is alive and Cas chases after him and ends up back at the building they lived in as kids
The Answer: Sleight of Hand by melo [T, 14,700, AU, angst] A puzzle box of a fic wrapped up in secrets and lies. Read it. Cry your heart out. Read it again?
Lost and Found fic, #6
Hi, I was wondering if you can help me find a fic. Zachariah (I think) asks Cas to sleep with Dean to gain his trust, Cas does and then actually starts to fall for Dean, Dean thinks it's all consensual.
The Answer: Hesitation by apokteino [NC-17, 24,500, SU, angst, fluff, porn] A look at Cas and Dean relationship in season 4 through intimate relationship gaze. I’d say that apokteino is your author to go to when looking for fics exploring consent and non con, but alas. The author has deleted their AO3 profile, see this post about their deletion. Our review hosts an ePub link of the fic. 
Lost and Found, and Lost Forever
hey! i’ve literally searched everywhere and i think i’m either going crazy or it’s been deleted. sam, cas, and dean go to like a fisherman town where one guy was infected and shot somebody. and then there were these giant red balls on the beach they later find out are eggs from a creature cas killed? cas and dean were already in a relationship and cas touches the eggs and get infected and pours a bunch of fish in the sink lol. i swear i read it a few months ago but now it’s just gone? does anyone have this downloaded or a link?
hey! i'm in the process of adding old fics to my tbr and i came across a rec for "architecture of the minotaur's heart" from back in 2015. the fic has sadly been deleted on ao3 but the original rec of yours referenced a pdf. i was wondering if that was still available and if there's somewhere i can download it. thank you.
The Answer : Bring Up the Deep by beenghosting [NC-17, 22,700, SU] and Architecture of the Minotaur’s Heart by beenghosting [NC-17, 45,000, AU, angst] Unfortunately, destiel writer beenghosting deathbanjo has deleted their AO3 profile and has asked not to share their fics. See this post and relevant links about their deletion. 
Other stuff to remember:
If we answered your lost fic ask and you never responded back, we are assuming that we have found your fic. If you have sent us an ask and never heard from us, privately or via our Group Asks, don’t hesitate to send another message!
Lost fic asks that we couldn’t answer privately, are added to our Group Ask for our followers to help!
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts.
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missjackil · 5 years
My 15x12 Opinion
Galaxy Brain
Though I had hoped for something more dramatic after such a long hiatus, I dont think this was a bad episode. Maybe the placement was wrong is all. It was arch heavy and yet closed the Wayward loose end.
To start, we have Chuck in Radio Shed which was funny in and of itself. That poor random kid! We got to see a little more into Chuck’s head, what his point is and as dickish as he’s been, I can actually relate to him not wanting all these different versions of Sam and Dean or different outcomes of the story, for me it relates to my relationship with fanfic. Without begrudging anyone from enjoying it or writing it, for me, it doesn't do much.  I love this story and I love THIS Sam and Dean, they “spark joy” they engage me, interest me, challenge, surprise and disappoint me. All the other ones out there are fine, but I love the REAL Sam and Dean! I get it Chuck.... now stop being a tool!
I still dont think Jack lost his whole soul. Maybe most but he obviously feels something. Love, remorse, guilt.. things soulless people dont feel. I liked Sam’s talk with him, like he started out as though he had a rehearsed speech for him then decided to get real. I liked it, it was believable. 
So now we have the whole Dark Kaia thing with Jody. The sad thing is, is that she really could have just knocked on the bunker door and asked the boys for help and they would have.... not a lot of people have realized how willing these boys are to help others. 
Im glad Jody finally met Cas, Im glad the Wayward shit is over, and Im glad we only had to deal with Kaia since she was the only interesting one.  I have seen a lot of you folks upset that she hugged Dean, but you dont remember they left on very good terms. Remember she wanted to help Sam and Dean at the end of The Bad Place and wanted to help rescue them in Wayward Sisters. They didnt end on Dean yelling at her with a gun pointed at her... they moved on.
Now dont you all go thinking this plan to kill God is going to be the endgame. This is just plan B which never works.  Jack is way too willing to obey Billie, Cas is too willing to trust the BillieJack situation, and Dean is too happy to get revenge.  Sam is sitting back like hmmmm somethings not right.
Let's not forget you cant kill Chuck without killing Amara and since shes not harming anyone, the guys aren't going to want to just kill her. Im thinking maybe Billie is the BIG BIG bad because seriously, hasnt death really been the Winchesters enemy from the jump? 
I believe Sam’s book says the only way he can die is if Dean kills him and that's why it hasn't been revealed yet. 
Kudos to the FX department, I liked the comet and the destruction of The Bad Place... it looked really good!
Overall it was a decent episode, Ill rewatch it, it might not make my top 30 but it wasnt bad at all.
On a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon Ill give this one a 7, Next week looks amazing even from  the trailer lol
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thelordsoftherings · 4 years
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buga-lugs · 3 years
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crabtreee · 3 years
did margaret brackenreid just invent OnlyFans……
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nikossasaki · 5 years
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Galaxy Brain ➤ DeanCas + 🥃
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estrel · 4 years
Here's to Being Right
right right, okay so, hear me out
if we’re looking at uh the entirety of s15 being framed as the author and his story (chuck and his control of the winchesters)
and, most importantly, how they are trying to break free from his story
and then we are told that cas is free of the story, the narrative, and the author and has constantly been choosing his own path (stick with me here)
then shouldn’t we be like...taking this bit of dialogue into consideration??
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[gif cred]
"I knew the story wasn't over. I knew Jack wasn't done. I was right."
"Well, here's to being right."
and then... the end of 15x19 (and just that entire ep in general) being a fake out ending? making it feel like it was the last episode, when it really wasn't? when we "knew the story wasn't over"??
and now, with chuck gone, with the author out of the story, who's in charge? we are.
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and...what were we right about?
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why does it always seem to come back to the Fan Fiction Meta
not to mention that sam and dean also shared a toast in the beginning of 15x18. "to somehow"
and finally. allow me to remind you of what happened in this episode (15x12 Galaxy Brain)
oh? right. kaia, who was gone to another universe and believed to be dead, was alive! suddenly! and rescued and able to reunite with her love interest! her love interest who is a direct mirror for dean!!
cool cool cool... awesome, awesome
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inacatastrophicmind · 5 years
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angeltiddies · 4 years
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“He will brace himself to be taken, but not until he wrings out every ounce of every moment that he’s granted.” 
words from this beautiful piece of writing by @cursed-or-not 
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holycafe · 4 years
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Hey, remember this conversation from a few episodes ago? The one where Cas knew in his heart that Jack’s story wasn’t done, even though all evidence said otherwise.
Remember how Cas and Dean celebrated him being right?
Yeah, think about that as we wait for the finale…
[GIFs created from S15E12, aptly titled ‘Galaxy Brain’]
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thefandomsinhalor · 5 years
Jody: *been on the show since 5x15*
Cas: *been on the show since 4x01*
Cas and Jody, 15x12: Hey. Nice to meet you.
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Ok so I just have one question about 5x12...
If Chuck destroyed all the worlds...
And French Mistake made our world canon in the Supernatural universe...
Did we all just get killed off?
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Notice how Meryl looked RIGHT at Dean and said “I’m gonna need to borrow YOUR angel”
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thelordsoftherings · 5 years
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7faerielights · 5 years
‪Jack may have learned Winchester stupid but he’s also learned Winchester devious extortion and I am here for it. ‬
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