#1506 A. D.
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profamer · 2 years ago
This day in history, December 10, 1506 A. D., 516 years ago, Bologna captured by pope Julius I, who entered in triumph. ... #history #thisdayinhistory #chronology #historical #events
This day in history, December 10, 1506 A. D., 516 years ago, Bologna captured by pope Julius I, who entered in triumph. … #history #thisdayinhistory #chronology #historical #events
The following excerpt was not changed from its original text to maintain literary integrity; therefore, some expressions may be archaic.DECEMBER 10. 1506. Bologna captured by pope Julius I, who entered in triumph. Source: Gutenberg.orgAdapted from: The Everyday Book of History and Chronology by, Joel Munsell
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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The Lisbon massacre (alternatively known as the Lisbon pogrom or the 1506 Easter Slaughter)  began in the Igreja de São Domingos de Lisboa on Sunday, 19 April 1506.    
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litcest · 23 days ago
The House of Borgia: End of a Dynasty (Part 4)
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | References |
While the Conclave elected Pope Pius III, Cesare was occupied trying to find allies. His old friend, King Louis XII, came to his aid, issuing a statement to Romagna that their Duke was "alive and well and the friend of the King of France". Not only Cesare had the French's support, but he also counted on Ferrara's troops to protect his claim on Romagna, as Lucrezia had persuaded her husband and father-in-law to fight in her brother's defence.
Once Romagna was relatively stable and Cesare felt better, he returned to Rome, where he met with Pius III and had his position as Captain confirmed. Not only that, but due to Cesare's clever theft of the Papal Treasury, Pius III was left financially dependent on him. By all accounts, Cesare's life would continue on exactly as it had under Rodrigo's papacy.
Unfortunately for Cesare, Pius III died twenty six days after being elected Pope. The next Pope, Julius II, had been an old enemy of Rodrigo, and upon his election, was swift to force the Borgias to surrender their lands in Romagna, even ordering the new Captain of the Papal Forces to arrest Cesare when he refused to comply.
After Cesare's arrest, Julius decided to put him on trial and encouraged those wronged by him to file claims for financial compensation. Not only that, but Julius also charged Cesare with the murder of two cardinals, whose deaths were believed to have been arranged by Rodrigo. These trials never occurred, as in April 1503, Cesare was released in exchange for his remaining territories in Romagna. Once free, he departed for Naples, which was under Spanish rule and where the rest of the Borgias had taken refuge, with the exception og Lucrezia, who remained with her husband in Ferrara. Hardly had Cesare set foot in Naples when he was imprisoned again, as King Ferdinand of Spain wished to hand Cesare back to Julius II in exchange for an alliance against the French.
Cesare would remain imprisoned in Spain until 1506, when he managed to escape prison and seek refuge with his brother-in-law, Juan d'Albret, King of Navarre. Taking advantage of a civil war wrecking through Navarre, Cesare offered his services as a military leader to help King Juan reclaim the kingdom. This would prove to be Cesare's downfall, as on 12 March 1507, he was killed in battle by the revolting troops. 
Six weeks would pass until the news of his death reached Lucrazia, who was, by this point, the Duchess of Ferrara. It's said that upon learning of her brother's fate, she locked herself in her room and began to wail his name. In 1508, Lucrezia would finally give birth to a son by d'Este, named Ercole II, who would be followed by Ippolito in 1509, Leonora in 1515, Francesco in 1516 and Isabella Maria in 1519. This last birth proved itself to be terribly complicated and claimed the lives of both mother and daughter.
Rodrigo, due to being a pope, was given a tomb in the Basilica di San Pietro, near his uncle's resting place. In 1586, Rodrigo's bones were dug up and placed on a casket alongside Alfonso's, which, in 1610, was taken to Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli, where the casket was set aside and forgotten about until 1864, when it was unexpectedly found. It would take until 1889 for the joined remains to be once again given a proper tomb, with a stone memorial being carved in honour of Alfonso and Rodrigo.
Cesare was buried in a tomb by Juan d'Albret in the church of Santa Maria of Viana, in front of the high altar. His tomb, however, was destroyed by the bishop of Calahorra some time later, with Cesare's body being dumped in a hole outside the church. In 1945, the remains were exhumed and an autopsy was performed. The remains then bounced from place to place until finally being reburied in the church in 2007. 
Lucrezia, meanwhile, was buried in Monastero del Corpus Domini, in Ferrara, alongside the other Dukes and Duchess of Ferrara. In time, Alfonso d'Este joined her, as did her children and grandchildren
Thus, the era of Borgia dominance came to a close. Although the family continued to hold titles in the subsequent years (most notably, Rodrigo's great-grandson, Francis Borgia, was canonized as a saint) they never reclaimed the formidable power they once commanded during Rodrigo's papacy. Yet, Rodrigo, Cesare, and Lucrezia did not fade into obscurity. Their legacy endured, capturing the public imagination for centuries to come. Indeed, as the chronicles of their lives spread through the courts of Europe, their reputation grew, blending reality and legend. Their lives continue to fascinate audiences, inspiring countless reinterpretations in literature, drama, and visual media even to this day.
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arecaceae175 · 1 year ago
Fic raffle gift for @that-g3-obsessive :D!!!!
1506 words of fluff
Summary: Monster magic creates an unexpected blizzard. Cuddles ensue.
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myownprivate · 2 years ago
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Andrea Mantegna (vers 1431-1506), Saint Sébastien. Tempera sur toile, H. 213 ; l. 95 cm, Inv. cat. d. 11. © Venise, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, Direzione regionale Musei Veneto - reproduit avec l’autorisation du Ministero della Cultura / Photo Matteo De Fina.
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ousontlesfemmes · 1 month ago
Isabelle d’Aragon (1470-1498)
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Ou celle qui a failli être reine de Portugal, reine de Castille et reine d’Aragon !
Les personnages historiques oubliés sont ma passion. Les femmes oubliées sont ma passion. Les destinées tragiques touchent mon coeur et font que mon cerveau demande d’écrire des histoires alternatives.
Isabelle d’Aragon combine tout cela.
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Isabelle est née le 02 octobre 1470. Elle est le premier enfant d’Isabelle de Castille (1451-1504) et de son époux, Ferdinand II d’Aragon (1452-1516). Lorsqu’elle naît, son oncle, Henri IV de Castille (1425-1474), le demi-frère de sa mère, règne et surtout, ses parents sont plus ou moins en disgrâce.
Je vous explique !
En Castille, la loi salique n’existe pas véritablement : si un héritier mâle est bien sûr préféré pour succéder au roi et prendra le pas sur une sœur aînée, si le roi n’a que des filles, cela ne pose pas de difficultés, l’aînée des filles prendra la couronne.
Henri IV a été longtemps sans héritier, au point qu’on a cru qu’il resterait sans enfant. Sauf que par miracle, par l’ancêtre de la fécondation in vitro ou par passion adultérine, sa femme, Jeanne de Portugal (1439-1475), donne naissance une petite fille prénommée Jeanne (1462-1530). Oui, comme sa mère mais sachez que notre Isabelle a été prénommée Isabelle comme sa maman, laquelle est prénommée comme sa propre mère : Isabelle de Portugal, laquelle est nommée comme sa mère : Isabelle de Bragance ! Oui, on recycle les prénoms.
Bref, Jeanne naît sauf que très vite, des questions se posent sur la paternité de cette fillette à la naissance inespérée, tant et si bien qu’on finit par la surnommer Jeanne la Beltraneja, d’après son supposé père biologique qui était un favori de la reine : Beltran de la Cueva (1443-1472). Une cabale se monte autour de la reine, laquelle commet de nombreux faux pas, d’autant que durant son exil, car elle a été bannie de la cour, elle tombe amoureuse du fils de son gardien et donne naissance, en 1468, à des jumeaux. La reine qui met au monde deux enfants si peu de temps après Jeanne, cela en ajoute aux soupçons d’illégitimité pour sa fille aînée et Henri, sous la pression des nobles, doit reconnaître sa sœur Isabelle (la mère de notre Isabelle) comme Princesse des Asturies : c’est-à-dire son héritière légitime. Isabelle obtient le droit d’épouser qui elle veut si elle a l’aval du gouvernement.
Et vous vous en doutez, son mariage à son cousin Ferdinand n’a pas été approuvé, de sorte qu’au moment de la naissance de sa fille, la petite famille est en froid avec le roi et quatre ans plus tard, une terrible guerre de succession entre Isabelle de Castille et sa nièce va éclater. Spoiler alert : Isabelle gagne la guerre et Jeanne, elle, finit sa vie dans un couvent, épargnée par sa tante.
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L’enfance d’Isabelle va donc être marquée par cette guerre de succession puis par la Reconquista.
Pour vous situer, en 722, une bonne partie de ce que l’on appelle l’Espagne aujourd’hui a été conquise par les musulmans. C’est pourquoi, dans certaines régions espagnoles, vous avez des beautés architecturales très inspirées de l’art musulman, comme la ville de Grenade. Les chrétiens veulent reconquérir les terres prises par les musulmans et la Reconquista commence bien avant la naissance de notre Isabelle mais c’est sous le règne de ses parents que cela s’accélère. L’événement le plus célèbre et qui en marque la fin est la prise de Grenade, en 1492, qui force alors Boabdil (c.1476-1533), le dernier émir de Grenade, à s’exiler, laissant la ville aux mains des catholiques.
C’est aussi durant son enfance que Christophe Colomb (1451-1506) entre au service de ses parents.
Enfin, elle assiste aussi à la naissance de son petit frère, Jean (1478-1497) qui devient prince des Asturies, de sa sœur Jeanne (1479-1555) dite Jeanne la Folle et qui sera la mère de Charles Quint, de Marie (1482-1517) qui sera reine de Portugal et mère d’Isabelle de Portugal (l’épouse bien aimée de Charles Quint) et de la célébrissime Catherine d’Aragon (1485-1536), reine d’Angleterre, première épouse d’Henri VIII et mère de Marie I.
Fait rare : les parents de notre Isabelle s’aiment et sa mère est une mère relativement proche de ses enfants pour l’époque et elle se soucie véritablement d’eux. Elle surnomme Jean « Mi angel » (mon ange en espagnol) et elle est très impliquée dans l’éducation de son infant et de ses infantes.
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Malgré cela, la politique et la raison d’état prennent le pas sur le reste et notre Isabelle est fiancée au prince Alphonse de Portugal, fils du roi Jean II (1455-1495). La Castille, l’Aragon et le Portugal ont toujours eu des liens assez étroits, notamment parce que la maison de Trastamare (la maison d’Isabelle I) et la maison d’Aviz (la maison de Jean II) s’épousent régulièrement dans des cousinades, sans savoir les dangers de la consanguinité.
En 1490, à Séville, Isabelle, 19 ans, épouse Alphonse par procuration avant de le rejoindre au Portugal le 22 novembre.
L’union s’avère heureuse, les deux jeunes gens tombant amoureux l’un de l’autre. De plus, Isabelle est très appréciée des portugais : elle a passé quelques années au Portugal étant enfant, de ce fait elle connaît déjà leurs us et coutumes. Son beau-père la fait princesse de Portugal.
Hélas, le bonheur est de courte durée : le 14 juillet 1491, Alphonse décède d’une chute de cheval.
Isabelle a 20 ans, elle est veuve et elle ne se remettra jamais véritablement du décès de son premier amour.
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Isabelle rentre en Castille en tant que princesse douairière de Portugal. Profondément éprouvée par le décès d’Alphonse et persuadée que Dieu la punit car ses parents laissent les juifs (ironiquement, les juifs seront chassés du royaume plus tard) se réfugier en Castille, elle qui était déjà pieuse tombe dans une dévotion proche du fanatisme : elle jeûne à en devenir famélique, elle se flagelle. Elle refuse de se remarier et chose étonnante : ses parents respectent sa décision.
Quand Jean II de Portugal meurt le 25 octobre 1495, son cousin Manuel (1469-1521) lui succède et demande la main d’Isabelle aux Rois Catholiques (Isabelle et Ferdinand ont été surnommés ainsi). Le couple refuse, connaissant le souhait de leur fille, et lui propose, à la place, la main de sa petite sœur Marie. Manuel refuse : c’est Isabelle ou personne.
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Les raisons sont évidentes : Isabelle a gardé son titre de princesse de Portugal malgré le décès d’Alphonse. S’il avait vécu, il serait monté sur le trône sous le nom d’Alphonse VI et Isabelle aurait été reine. Elle est un signe de continuité. La jeune femme reste très populaire au Portugal et surtout, elle a 25 ans. Maria n’en a que 13. Peut-être se dit-il que l’accouchement serait plus facile pour une femme adulte que pour une enfant qui entre dans l’adolescence. Enfin, d’un point de vue purement pragmatique, Isabelle a un autre avantage : son frère Jean est un jeune homme maladif et s’il meurt, c’est elle qui devient l’héritière de la Castille et de l’Aragon, ce qui unirait alors les trois royaumes.
Isabelle résiste dans un premier temps puis accepte d’épouser Manuel à une condition : qu’il expulse les juifs de son royaume.
Ce qu’Isabelle veut, Isabelle obtient et le couple se marie en septembre 1497.
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Le destin s’accélère dès lors pour Isabelle : son frère Jean meurt le 04 octobre 1497, à 19 ans, d’épuisement, d’une tuberculose ou peut-être de la variole. A sa mort, son épouse, Marguerite d’Autriche (1480-1530), la tante du futur Charles Quint, est enceinte et tous les regards se portent sur son ventre grandissant.
Hélas, le 02 avril 1498, elle accouche prématurément d’une fille morte-née.
Isabelle est désormais princesse des Asturies et future reine de Castille et d’Aragon en plus d’être reine de Portugal.
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Isabelle rentre en Castille afin de prêter serment auprès des Cortes : l’assemblée des états des royaumes.
Pour le plus grand bonheur de tous, la jeune femme est enceinte et tous espèrent un fils qui porterait alors les couronnes de trois royaumes, unifiant une bonne partie des royaumes de la péninsule ibérique.
Sauf que la grossesse est dangereuse : malgré son état, Isabelle continue son jeûne, ses flagellations. De plus, avec la succession à régler, elle est contrainte de faire énormément de déplacements qui la fatiguent.
Le 23 août 1498, elle accouche d’un petit garçon : Michel de la Paix.
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Mais il est évident pour tous qu’Isabelle ne survivra pas : affaiblie par ses privations, elle meurt une heure après avoir mis au monde son enfant.
Elle allait avoir 28 ans.
Son fils ne ceindra jamais la couronne de son père et de ses grands-parents : il meurt à presque deux ans, le 19 juillet 1500, dans les bras de sa grand-mère : Isabelle de Castille, emportant avec lui les espoirs des Rois Catholiques.
Leur héritière est désormais Jeanne, à propos de laquelle des rumeurs de folie commencent déjà à se propager. Les regards se tournent dès lors sur son fils, Charles, le futur Charles Quint qui, de par ses héritages maternels (la Castille et l’Aragon) et paternels (le duché de Bourgogne) va étendre le royaume et fonder ainsi l’Empire des Habsbourg.
Manuel, quant à lui, se remarie peu après le décès de son fils et épouse, le 30 octobre 1500… Marie. Dont il avait refusé la main en faveur d’Isabelle trois ans plus tôt.
Isabelle a eu une vie riche, a grandi dans une période historique complexe et sa propre histoire mérite d’être connue de tous.
- Marina Ka-Fai
Si toi aussi tu veux en lire plus sur Isabelle, tu peux aller regarder ces sources :
Kirsten Downey, Isabella: the Warrior Queen
Manuel Fernández Álvarez, Isabel la Católica
Ana Rodrigues Oliveira, Rainhas medievais de Portugal. Dezassete mulheres, duas dinastias, quatro séculos de História
Isabel, série télévisée espagnole retraçant assez fidèlement l’histoire d’Isabelle de Castille et de ses enfants
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armatofu · 2 months ago
Casa Ayala y su entorno*
 DetallesCategoría: La voz silenciada Publicado: 04 Diciembre 2006 Visto: 9079
Los pagos de Casa Ayala, Costa Ayala, El Rincón y Tinoca formaron en un principio un gran lote de tierras que se repartirían entre los conquistadores de más renombre, debido a su gran importancia económica, fundamentalmente al negocio de la caña de azúcar, intimamente ligado a la riqueza en aguas de la zona, siendo hacia el año 1485 Juan de Civerio y Muxica uno de los principales agraciados, junto a Antonio de Arévalo, Hernando de Miranda, García de Asiego, Hernando de Prado, Ibone de Armas, Juan de Mayorga, Pablo Pérez, Alonso Hernández Castil de Vil y Gonzalo de Burgos; años más tarde, concretamente en 1506 con el Licenciado Zarate, se revisan las datas anteriores siendo la principal beneficiada Catalina Guerra, esposa de Juan de Civerio[1] (en muchos documentos aparece como Siverio o Siberio).
Por los mismos años de fines del siglo XV y comienzos del XVI llegará a la zona Guillén de Ayala, apellido de origen vasco[2], al igual que el de muchos otros conquistadores. No consta que este personaje estuviera relacionado con la conquista de la Isla, pero sí que llegó por aquellos primeros momentos y se hizo con un considerable lote de tierras en la desembocadura del Barranco de Tenoya. Allí construyó su hacienda, justo en la ladera del Barranco, en lo que hoy en día se sigue conociendo como Casa Ayala y en su momento se conoció como la casa de Guillén de Ayala, y plantó los terrenos colindantes, llegando sus posesiones al Llano del Mar, lo que hoy es conocido como Costa Ayala.
En el testamento del Capitán D. Juan Siberio Mujica, hecho el día 8 de noviembre de 1629, nos decía que había comprado, durante su matrimonio con Dª. Catalina Espino, un tributo de 650 ducados en los bienes que habían sido de Guillén de Ayala, en Tenoya, con sus tierras y aguas, y que continuaban pagándose.[3]
En el año 1675 Salvador Hernández y su esposa Catalina Hernández de Cerpa, vecinos de San Pedro de Tenoya, compraron un lote de tierras, compuesto por unas veinte fanegadas a D. Juan Huesterling Sarmiento y Saavedra, que a su vez había sido comprado a los herederos de D. Bartolomé de Moxica en el año 1672. Eran tierras montuosas en El Cardonal que lindaban por la parte de arriba con la Cueva del Lagarto, continuando adelante por la Cordillera del Cardonal a dar a los Caideros del Rincón junto a las tierras que llamaban de Burgos (hace mención a Gonzalo de Burgos, uno de los conquistadores ya mencionados), y que en aquel entonces pertenecían a Francisco González Enamorado, y por la parte de abajo estaba el mar y los cercados que habían sido de Guillén de Ayala, y por aquellas fechas ya pertenecían al matrimonio comprador. El personaje mencionado, Francisco González Enamorado, será el que le de nombre a lo que hoy es una de las zonas más importantes de Siete Palmas.
El mencionado comprador, Salvador Hernández, era labrador y Alcalde del Lugar de Firgas, e imponía su deuda sobre 12 fanegadas de tierra labradía de “pan sembrar”, que eran conocidas como Los Cercados de Ayala, con una fanegada plantada de viña, higueras y otros árboles frutales, casa de alto y bajo y dos días y dos noches de agua que le correspondían del Heredamiento de Tenoya. Sus linderos eran por un lado lo que llamaban el Llano de la Mar, tierras que pertenecían a los herederos de D. Gerónimo de Angulo, por el otro lado el Barranco de Tenoya, por la parte de abajo daba con el mar y por arriba otras tierras que el comprador había adquirido a D. Fernando Lezcano en el año 1648.[4]
En el año 1682 Salvador Hernández tenía todavía unas 24 fanegadas de tierra, “doce debajo de agua y doce de sequero montuosas y labradías, que estaban situadas “donde llaman El Rincón”. Lindaban con tierras de sus yernos Pedro Felipe y Juan Rivero, con las de su hijo Sebastián Hernández de Cerpa y con el Barranquillo de la Hoya de Mota[5]; evidentemente había hecho con las tierras de toda la zona, pero gran parte de las posesiones de Salvador Hernández las había repartido en las dotes de casamiento de sus hijos.
En el siglo XVIII aumenta el número de familias asentadas en este pago y así, en el año 1745 Josefa Falcón, viuda de Francisco Herrera, vende un pedazo de tierra en “Casa de Aiala” debido a las necesidades que estaban pasando sus hijos, que lindaban con tierras de los herederos de Mateo Cabrera y con otras de Antonio González, así como con el Barranco y al otro lado la Acequia del Rincón.[6] Años después, concretamente en 1780, el matrimonio formado por D. Fernando Lezcano Y Dª. Tomasa González vendieron al Capitán D. Francisco Díaz de Armas, uno de los personajes más importantes de Tenoya en aquella centuria, unas tierras labradías bajo riego ”donde dicen la Casa de Aiala” que daban unas ocho fanegadas de grano anuales[7], lindando por arriba con la acequia que iba al Rincón, por un lado tierras de Salvador Afonso y por otros dos lados tierras que pertenecían al comprador.
Por las mismas fechas el mismo personaje también compraba a Salvador Afonso, un lote de tierras con el que lindaban las tierras anteriormente citadas, cuatro trozos de tierra “donde llaman El Cortijo de Aiala” en Los Lomitos, que había heredado de Catalina Rivero[8]; otras que compró a los herederos de Catalina González en la misma Casa de Aiala, que lindaban por arriba con la acequia que iba al Rincón, y a Diego Rodríguez le compra tierra plantada de parrales en Los Risquetes, que lindaba por arriba con las propiedades del comprador, por abajo el Barranco Real y por un lado las tierras que llamaban La Capellanía.[9]
En esta lámina se puede apreciar el estado actual de la casa señorial que perteneció a D. Andrés Arbelos. Este tipo de legados merecen más atención por parte de los Organismos, y su restauración sería un gran acierto. Lámina del autor. Si en el siglo XVII fue Salvador Hernández, natural de Firgas, el gran poseedor de tierras y posesiones en la zona, en el siglo XVIII lo sería el Capitán D. Francisco Díaz de Armas, natural de La Vega[10], cosa curiosa que tuvieran que ser, en ambos casos personajes foráneos, pero ambos asentados en Tenoya después de sus respectivos matrimonios.
Ya desde mucho antes del año 1796 la familia Rivero tenía pequeñas posesiones de tierra de regadío en la Cañada Honda, lindando por arriba la Acequia del Rincón y por abajo las tierras de D. Miguel Camacho, mientras que a ambos lados las limitaba el Barranquillo[11], y así diferentes familias se fueron haciendo con pequeñas posesiones desde finales del siglo XVIII, construyendo sus hogares y aprovechando las ricas tierras del entorno.
En el año 1843 el Hospital de San Martín tenía unos terrenos que denominaban la finca de La Calzada, que lindaban con las tierras de D. Pedro Díaz Acosta, lo que hizo que éste último las quisiera comprar. Se trataba de una ladera que estaba por la parte de arriba del camino que iba a la casa que había sido del maestrescuela (dignidad de algunas iglesias catedrales a cuyo cargo estaba la responsabilidad de enseñar las ciencias eclesiásticas) D. Andrés Arbelos, incluido el rincón de la cordillera y que se denominaba genéricamente La Ladera y Rincón, la que podemos apreciar en la lámina que podemos ver en este trabajo.
El Ayuntamiento de San Lorenzo vio con buenos ojos aquella pretensión, debido a que las lluvias arrastraban la tierra y era muy necesario construir una pared para la citada Hacienda, obra que había sido solicitada en varias ocasiones por dicho Ayuntamiento, pero que no se había podido llevar a cabo debido a la escasez de recursos de la Institución responsable.[12]
Por aquellos años también eran propietarios en la zona de Costa Ayala, entre otros muchos: D. Pedro Montesdeoca, D. Pedro de Armas, D. Antonio Henríquez Granado, D. José Sánchez Rivero, Dª. Antonia Vega Falcón, D. Manuel Vega Falcón, los herederos de D. Fernando Ramos, los herederos de D. Gregorio Déniz y D. Fernando Cabrera Suárez (dueño de la Barranquerilla en Casa de Ayala, que hacía frente con el camino público de La Herradura).[13]
Hasta el año 1860 todos los pagos de la zona de Costa Ayala y sus alrededores entraban dentro de los datos de población de Tenoya, sin especificar el pago a que pertenecían, y así cuando se habla de la población de Tenoya hay que tener en cuenta esta circunstancia, ya que entraban los vecinos de los pagos de los alrededores.
En la obra de Pedro de Olive del año 1865 ya se nos dan datos de:
- Casa de Ayala, que era un caserío donde había doce edificios de un piso y dos chozas, habitadas por 15 vecinos, ascendiendo su población a 62 habitantes. - El Llano del Mar(conocida hoy como Costa Ayala) era una casa de labranza de un piso, habitada tan sólo por dos personas. - El Rincón era otra casa de labranza de un solo piso, igualmente poblada por dos habitantes. Ya a comienzos del siglo XX, concretamente en el año 1905, los datos de población de Casa Ayala se habían multiplicado, apareciendo una población de más del doble con respecto a la cifra anterior, en concreto ascendía a 154 habitantes.[14] En el Nomenclator del año 1930 los datos se hacen más precisos y se concreta aún mucho más en los pequeños pagos de los alrededores y así aparecen: - La Cañada de los Lagartos(también conocida desde el siglo XVII como la Cueva del Lagarto[15]) con una población de 23 habitantes repartidos en cuatro viviendas. - Cañada Honda, al igual que el anterior era un caserío con 51 habitantes repartidos en seis viviendas. - Casa Ayala era ya un barrio de 52 viviendas con una población de 277 habitantes. - Cortijo de Casa Ayala era un caserío con cinco viviendas y una población de 27 habitantes. - Costa de Casa Ayala era otro caserío con 49 habitantes repartidos en siete edificios. - Risco-quio tenía seis viviendas con una población de 43 habitantes. - El Rincón tenía una población de tan solo catorce habitantes, repartidos en cuatro viviendas.
Curiosamente el nombre de Guillén de Ayala, aquel personaje del siglo XVI, llegará hasta nosotros, dándonos la posibilidad de trabajar sobre él y sacar a la luz su relación con esta zona de la Isla.
Juan Francisco Santana Domínguez Doctor en Historia
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e-a-noe-henry · 3 months ago
theft of a masterwerkz somewhere between the years of our lord 1503 to 1506 rembrandt completed a painting that would become a moderately known art werk , sold to the king of france and ultimately displayed at the louvre in paris . the louvre was a museum that had opened in 1793 but the exact year it arrived is cloudy but the small painting on a poplar plank measuring only 32” x 26 “ hung between two large masterpieces . a cabinet craftsman and part time louvre employee named vincenzo peruggia ( 1881- 1925 ) one night on the 21 of august 1911 walked into the barely guarded museum and plucked her right off the fucking wall , leaving but four pins in which she hung . a different world then we live in there were no alarms and peruggia walked past a snoozing guard , boarded a bus and went home . for the next two years it stayed there coming out only periodically to be admired, back at the museum a full twelve hours after the heist a photographer came in wanting to take the painting back to his studio to photograph and then a full 24 hours later the photographer inquired about which artist had the painting because it would be lent out regularly for these purposes , only 4 pins remained where the piece once hung , meanwhile peruggia had been visited and questioned at the dining table in which the painting had been hid below the tabletop , word got out and thousands flocked to the louvre to see the empty place the mona lisa once hung . closed a full week the louvre had thousands more visitors than ever had come before . overnight it had become a world sensation . the painting was valued at a hefty $ 720 million dollars in current money value , the louvre was never prepared for a theft but braced itself for vandals who apparently had struck many times before , as hope for it’s return was being given up , ole peruggia took it to italy where he believed it belonged but was turned in by the buyer and promptly arrested , the ensuing trial was a spectacle and peruggia found guilty but received a light sentence due to what authorities called intellectual deficiencies on the part of peruggia . one and really the only real suspect of the theft was no other than pablo picasso because he had been caught with some stolen items that were bought by him . it was 1913 when she was recovered , she now attracts over seven million visitors a year , and sits in a box that she was put in around 1909 , but to most that know the real story know without peruggia ….. the mona lisa by rembrandt would be just another master works … not the master works , good story right ? i have left out copious amounts of info trying to keep this thing readable so if your interested google v. peruggia and there it will be , peace t. d.
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alphabet-statistician · 11 months ago
This post has 1506 letters. 1506 are a…z, and 0 are bonus letters. Of 26 letters, 0 are missing. The most common letter is e, appearing 180 times.
e - 180 (11.95%) +0.20% Blog; -0.75% English t - 153 (10.16%) +0.88% Blog; +1.06% English a - 124 (8.23%) +0.40% Blog; +0.03% English o - 123 (8.17%) +0.06% Blog; +0.67% English r - 116 (7.70%) +2.10% Blog; +1.70% English i - 107 (7.10%) -0.36% Blog; +0.10% English n - 87 (5.78%) -0.90% Blog; -0.92% English s - 83 (5.51%) -0.52% Blog; -0.79% English h - 80 (5.31%) +0.42% Blog; -0.79% English l - 54 (3.59%) -0.71% Blog; -0.41% English d - 53 (3.52%) -0.11% Blog; -0.78% English b - 50 (3.32%) +1.44% Blog; +1.82% English f - 39 (2.59%) +0.57% Blog; +0.39% English y - 39 (2.59%) +0.08% Blog; +0.59% English m - 36 (2.39%) -0.35% Blog; -0.01% English g - 35 (2.32%) -0.04% Blog; +0.32% English u - 35 (2.32%) -1.14% Blog; -0.48% English c - 32 (2.12%) -0.48% Blog; -0.68% English w - 28 (1.86%) -0.15% Blog; -0.54% English p - 19 (1.26%) -0.65% Blog; -0.64% English v - 13 (0.86%) -0.19% Blog; -0.12% English k - 11 (0.73%) -0.61% Blog; -0.04% English z - 4 (0.27%) +0.18% Blog; +0.20% English q - 2 (0.13%) +0.05% Blog; +0.03% English x - 2 (0.13%) -0.03% Blog; -0.02% English j - 1 (0.07%) -0.16% Blog; -0.08% English
One of my biggest nitpicks in fiction concerns the feeding of babies. Mothers dying during/shortly after childbirth or the baby being separated form the mother shortly after birth is pretty common in fiction. It is/was also common enough in real life, which is why I think a lot of writers/readers don't think too hard about this. however. Historically, the only reason the vast majority of babies survived being separated from their mother was because there was at least one other woman around to breastfeed them. Before modern formula, yes, people did use other substitutes, but they were rarely, if ever, nutritionally sufficient.
Newborns can't eat adult food. They can't really survive on animal milk. If your story takes place in a world before/without formula, a baby separated from its mother is going to either be nursed by someone else, or starve.
It doesn't have to be a huge plot point, but idk at least don't explicitly describe the situation as excluding the possibility of a wetnurse. "The father or the great grandmother or the neighbor man or the older sibling took and raised the baby completely alone in a cave for a year." Nope. That baby is dead I'm sorry. "The baby was kidnapped shortly after birth by a wizard and hidden away in a secret tower" um quick question was the wizard lactating? "The mother refused to see or touch her child after birth so the baby was left to the care of the ailing grandfather" the grandfather who made the necessary arrangements with women in the neighborhood, right? right? OR THAT GREAT OFFENDER "A newborn baby was left on the doorstep and they brought it in and took care of it no issues" What Are You Going to Feed That Baby. Hello?
Like. It's not impossible, but arrangements are going to have to be made. There are some logistics.
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rajasthanpersonaldriver · 4 months ago
5-Day Golden Triangle Tour Package with Ranthambore
Start and end in New Delhi! With the Explorer tour 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore(Tigers and Taj Mahan Sunset/Sunrise), you have a 5 days tour package taking you through New Delhi, India and 4 other destinations in India. 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore(Tigers and Taj Mahan Sunset/Sunrise) includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
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On this 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour with  Ranthambore, you will visit a city rich with history, culture and some amazing World Heritage sites. The 1000-year-old fort at Ranthambore in the southeast, Rajasthan has enjoyed the luxury of royalty and faced the wrath of battle.This Tour starts and ends in New Delhi. You have 5 days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore & Udaipur taking you through New Delhi, Agra, Ranthambore, Jaipur.See the stunning examples of Mughal architecture. Go to one of the 7 Wonders of the World to admire the marble mausoleum of the Taj Mahal. Look for the Tigers on safari in Ranthambore, and explore the “Pink City” of Jaipur.
Tour India's fabled Golden Triangle to explore the forts and palaces of the Maharajas
Have an amazing time in this tour with safaris, Taj, Tigers & Lakes
Experience the vibrancy of downtown Delhi Jewel in the crown of the British Empire.
Visit the Taj Mahal, one of the 7 Wonders of the World.
Look for tigers on game drives at Ranthambhore.
Explore the Pink City of Jaipur.
Day 1 Pickup - Delhi City Tour - Overnight in Delhi
Today At your given time you will be picked up from the Delhi Airport/Hotel/Railway station or your desired location in Delhi/Noida/Gurgaon Then proceed for the sightseeing of Delhi. The capital of India which was destroyed and rebuilt several times, virtually carries in its bosom the history of 07 cities. The present New Delhi was designed by Edwin Lutyens, and its main architect was Herbert Baker. In 1911 the capital of the British Raj was shifted from Kolkata to Delhi. Today it is the seat of power of the country and a major gateway to the country for the tourists. 
Day 2 New Delhi - Agra
After breakfast, you'll be driven to Agra via a 3-4 hour drive on the expressway. Arrive in Agra, a medieval city on the banks of the Yamuna River founded by Sultan Sikandar Lodi in the year 1506. Agra achieved fame as the capital of the Mughal emperors from 1526 to 1658 and is famous for its many splendid Mughal-era buildings. Most notably the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Fatehpur Sikri, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Arrive in Agra, and check in at the hotel. After freshening up, meet your Guide in the Hotel Lobby.
Day 3 Taj Mahal - Fatehpur Sikri - Overnight in Jaipur
At 5.45 AM, meet your guide and visit the Taj Mahal at sunrise. The design of this magnificent mausoleum and four gardens are structured on the Islamic theme of paradise built by a king as the final resting place of his favorite wife. After visiting the Taj Mahal at Sunrise, come back to the hotel, freshen up, and have your breakfast. After Breakfast, check out and you will be driven to Fatehpur Sikri {36 kms/1 hour},  It was mysteriously abandoned after 15 years due to scarcity of water. Today, it is perfectly preserved as a ghost city built at the height of the empire’s splendor. See Darbar-e-Aam, Palaces, Panch Mahal, and Tansen Seat.)  Continue driving to Jaipur. Overnight in Jaipur.
Day 4 Jaipur City Tour - Overnight in Jaipur.
Today after breakfast, you will start your sightseeing tour of Jaipur, one of the most vibrant and colorful cities in India. You will first visit the Amber Fort, a majestic hilltop fort that Raja Man Singh built in the 16th century. You will then photo-stop at the Jal Mahal, a beautiful palace that floats on a lake. In the afternoon, you will visit the City Palace, a complex of palaces, museums, and gardens that was the seat of the Maharaja of Jaipur. 
Day 5 Jaipur - Ranthambore – Evening Game Drive - Overnight in Ranthambore.
Today after breakfast, you will be driven to Ranthambore home to leopards, peacocks, numerous species of deer, crocodiles, and sloth bears, and the most famous resident is the majestic Bengal Tigers – pretty much the whole Jungle Book! Arrive at Ranthambore check in to your hotel and have lunch. Later you’ll head into the park for a Jeep/Cantar safari, to observe the jungle in the evening light. After the safari, you’ll return to the hotel. Overnight in Ranthambore. 
Day 6 Morning Game - Delhi – Departure – Tour Ends
Early Morning for your Jeep/Cantar morning safari in Ranthambhore National Park. The park’s most famous resident is the majestic Bengal Tiger, though it’s also home to leopards, peacocks, numerous species of deer, crocodiles, sloth bears, and more. After the morning safari, you’ll return to the hotel for breakfast. After Breakfast, you’ll be chauffeured back to Delhi (about 5 hours). Transfer to the airport or your hotel for your onward journey. Your Ends with wonderful memories. 
For More Info :- www.rajasthanpersonaldriver.com
Gmail             :-  [email protected]
Mobile            :-  +91 925 072 8448
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months ago
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The Lisbon massacre (alternatively known as the Lisbon pogrom or the 1506 Easter Slaughter)  began in the Igreja de São Domingos de Lisboa on Sunday, 19 April 1506.    
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chemicalbull1 · 5 months ago
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realita-lampung · 10 months ago
Kasus Korupsi Dana BOS, 4 Orang Tersangka dan Barang Bukti Telah Diterima Kejaksaan Tinggi
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Kejaksaaan Tinggi (Kejati) Lampung telah menerima 4 tersangka dan barang bukti dari Penyidik Polda Lampung, perkara tindak pidana korupsi Dana Bos Afirmasi dan Bos Kinerja SD dan SMP se-Kabupaten Tanggamus pada pengadaan Meubelair yang bersumber dari Dana APBN Tahun Anggaran (TA) 2020, yang terjadi di Kabupaten Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung. Menurut Kasipenkum Kejati Lampung Ricky Ramadan, dugaan Tipikor ini dilakukan oleh tersangka DA, bersama-sama dengan MU, AR dan PE. Kejadian periode Oktober 2020 s/d 31 Desember 2020, sebanyak 170 sekolah penerima dana BOS Afirmasi dan BOS Kinerja TA 2020, memesan Meubelair melalui akun SIPLah, masing-masing sekolah dengan cara meng-klik link yang telah di bagikan, dimana link tersebut langsung mengarahkan pada Meubelair di Toko yang telah ditentukan dengan harga sebesar Rp23.000.000,00. “Sehingga kepala sekolah tidak dapat membandingkan harga dan jenis-jenis barang meubelair dengan toko lain di aplikasi SIPLah,” kata Ricky Ramadan dalam keterangan tertulisnya, pada Rabu, (17/1/ 2024) Dijelaskan Riki, berdasarkan Laporan Hasil Audit Penghitungan (LHAP), kerugian keuangan Negara dari Perwakilan Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Provinsi Lampung nomor: PE.03/SR-1506/PW08/5/2022, tanggal 15 Agustus 2022 terdapat penyimpangan yang mengakibatkan Kerugian Keuangan Negara sebesar Rp606.347.357,00. (enam ratus enam juta tiga ratus empat puluh tujuh ribu tiga ratus lima puluh tujuh rupiah). Para tersangka dan Barang Bukti telah diterima Kejati Lampung dan terhadap para tersangka dilakukan penahanan selanjutnya diteruskan ke Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Tanggamus untuk segera dilimpahkan ke pengadilan Tipikor Bandar Lampung. Mereka dijerat dalam Pasal 2 Ayat (1) atau Pasal 3 Jo Pasal 18 UU RI No. 31 Tahun 1999, Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas UU RI No. 31 tahun 1999 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Jo Pasal 55 Ayat (1) ke-1 KUHPidana. Diketahui, sebelumnya Penyidik Tipikor Polres Tanggamus mulai memanggil sejumlah Kepala Sekolah (Kepsek) SD dan SMP di Kabupaten Tanggamus guna pengumpulan bahan keterangan terkait dugaan mark up atau penggelembungan anggaran tersebut, sejak Agustus 2021. Kasus itu naik ke tahap penyidikan setelah penyidik Polres Tanggamus telah mengantongi dua alat bukti terkait dugaan korupsi mark up pengadaan barang dan jasa dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) Afirmasi Kabupaten Tanggamus tahun 2020. Kenaikan status perkara ini dari penyelidikan ke penyidikan belum disertai penetapan tersangka. Kasus tersebut selanjutnya ditangani Polda Lampung. Dari beberapa saksi yang telah dimintai keterangan oleh penyidik, ada nama mantan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tanggamus, AD, dan H, yang merupakan oknum PBJ atau pengadaan barang dan jasa di sekolah. H ini merupakan anak seorang oknum pejabat Dinas Pendidikan Tanggamus. AD yang saat itu tahun 2021 menjadi Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, diduga kuat mengarahkan sekolah penerima BOS Afirmasi tahun 2020 dalam pembelian barang ke salah satu vendor, sehingga terjadinya mark up dan barang tidak sesuai spesifikasi. Modus intervensi AD ini diduga dilakukan lewat sosialisasi BOS Afirmasi dengan mengundang kepala sekolah penerima BOS Afirmasi. Kegiatan ini dimanfaatkan untuk mengarahkan sekolah membeli semua komponen dan perangkat pada penyedia tertentu. Caranya dengan menawarkan dan menyodorkan nota pesanan kepada kepala sekolah yang hadir. (Rls/Hadi) Read the full article
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syzygyblvd · 10 months ago
my Nintendo switch friend code if anyone wants to add me :D
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dpr-lahore-division · 11 months ago
With the compliments of, the Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, 99201390
CM Mohsin Naqvi pays a visit to the Lahore Zoo late at night, assigns a deadline to accomplish the upgradation work by 31st January
Lahore, December 23: Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi visited the Lahore Zoo late at night. CM assigned a deadline to accomplish the upgradation work by 31st January. Mohsin Naqvi reviewed upgradation work of the Lahore Zoo so as to provide quality recreational facilities to the citizens. He monitored ongoing construction activities in the zoo. CM while ordering to accelerate the upgradation work and deploying additional labour force directed to undertake the upgradation work in three shifts along with increasing the number of labour force in the night shift. 100 new animals will be brought in the Lahore Zoo. A Hologram Zoo will also be established. New animals in the Lahore Zoo will become a source of amusement for the citizens and especially for the children. CM apprised that 142 kinds of marine species will be kept in the aquarium of Lahore Zoo. An international standard cages will be built for the animals. The Lahore Zoo will be upgraded up to the international standards. Secretary Wildlife gave a briefing to CM Mohsin Naqvi about progress being made on the upgradation plan of Lahore Zoo. Provincial Ministers Mansoor Qadir, Amir Mir, Azfar Ali Nasir, Bilal Afzal, Adviser Wahab Riaz, Secretary Forest, Secretary C&W, Secretary P&D Board, Secretary Livestock, DG Wildlife,Director Lahore Zoo and VC UVAS were also present on the occasion.
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wikiuntamed · 1 year ago
On this day in Wikipedia: Sunday, 3rd December
Welcome, benvingut, ласкаво просимо (laskavo prosymo), добредојде (dobredojde) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 3rd December through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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3rd December 2021 🗓️ : Event - COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19 pandemic: New Zealand moves into COVID-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light System), moving Auckland out of lockdown for fully vaccinated people. "The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is a global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The novel virus was first identified in an outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Gustavo Basso
3rd December 2015 🗓️ : Death - Eevi Huttunen Eevi Huttunen, Finnish speed skater (b. 1922) "Eevi Huttunen, married name Pirinen (23 August 1922 – 3 December 2015), was a speed skater from Finland. She was born in Karttula. For a decade she was almost the only female skater able to compete against the Soviet ladies on the longer distances, Huttunen made a comeback specially for the 1960..."
3rd December 2013 🗓️ : Death - Paul Aussaresses Paul Aussaresses, French general (b. 1918) "Paul Aussaresses (French: [pɔl osaʁɛs]; 7 November 1918 – 3 December 2013) was a French Army general, who fought during World War II, the First Indochina War and Algerian War. His actions during the Algerian War—and later defense of those actions—caused considerable controversy.Aussaresses was a..."
3rd December 1973 🗓️ : Event - Pioneer program Pioneer program: Pioneer 10 sends back the first close-up images of Jupiter. "The Pioneer programs were two series of United States lunar and planetary space probes exploration. The first program, which ran from 1958 to 1960, unsuccessfully attempted to send spacecraft to orbit the Moon, successfully sent one spacecraft to fly by the Moon, and successfully sent one spacecraft..."
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Image by NASA
3rd December 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Trevor Bailey Trevor Bailey, English cricketer and sportscaster (d. 2011) "Trevor Edward Bailey (3 December 1923 – 10 February 2011) was an England Test cricketer, cricket writer and broadcaster. An all-rounder, Bailey was known for his skilful but unspectacular batting. As the BBC reflected in his obituary: "His stubborn refusal to be out normally brought more pleasure..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
3rd December 1818 🗓️ : Event - Illinois Illinois becomes the 21st U.S. state. "Illinois ( IL-in-OY) is a state in the Midwestern United States. The Great Lakes are to its northeast, the Mississippi River to its west, and the Wabash and Ohio rivers to its south. Its largest metropolitan areas are Chicago and the Metro East region of Greater St. Louis. Other metropolitan areas..."
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3rd December 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Francis Xavier "Francis Xavier, SJ (born Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta; Latin: Franciscus Xaverius; Basque: Frantzisko Xabierkoa; French: François Xavier; Spanish: Francisco Javier; Portuguese: Francisco Xavier; 7 April 1506 – 3 December 1552), venerated as Saint Francis Xavier, was a Spanish Catholic missionary..."
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