little-red-toyota · 3 months
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A new chance in life? Granfos has been stored under a tarp since 2002, when he was sent from UHB to Lommedalsbanen (LB) as UHB no longer needed him and Odda… Sadly LB has a different gauge, and Granfos couldn't be regauged any smaller as he had already been regauged from 1435mm to 750mm. But they didn't want to scrap him, so they stored him instead. Last fall… we visited LB with the railway club and my daughter begged the staff to have a peek under the tarp to see her favorite locomotive… and she was allowed! She was the first person to enter his cab in 21 years… A few weeks ago I was working at the Norwegian Railway Museum and had a few beers with a staffmember there after work. He mentioned that the museum needs a narrow gauge diesel for light work on the line, and he asked me about it since he had seen photos of my daughter in the cab, knowing I had seen the locomotive up close. And then the ball started rolling from there… Today, we went to LB to have a closer look at Granfos, the volunteers there had removed the tarp, cut down some shrubs and even used a leafblower to clean him up a little bit. I was the first to arrive, so I examined the electric wiring closely and was surprised to find it in good condition despite all these years outside. The cables were still intact and there weren't many loose ends and damages. Then the team from the museum arrived and took a closer look at the engine, gearbox and overall condition of the machinery. We were pleasantly surprised to find the locomotive to be in such a condition restoration is highly possible. Now we just need to get the admins at the museum to say yes… 😉 So… maybe after all these years, Granfos will get a new life at the museum at Hamar?
And it all started with a little girl who wanted to lift the tarp to meet her favorite locomotive…
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What size gauge to you all run on?
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"UHB is 750mm narrow gauge. But I used to run on 1435mm standard gauge when I worked at the factory at Granfos Brug. I was regauged to 750mm when I arrived at UHB. I was very small for a standard gauge engine, so it was nice coming here and not feel so small anymore."
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thesopwithcamel · 1 year
The Three Hat's AU: Large vehicles
The large Vehicles in A hat in Time take many large, in my au I want to give some more technical aspects about them or even make some pretty drastic changes to the lore about them.
These concern the Owl and science expresses, The Trains in the metro, Ol' Stella and the SS literally can't sink which has been abrieviated to LCS(and by extention its younger sister the SS Absolutely Will Not Sink or AWNS).
The Owl Express:
The railway the Owl Express travels on was built in 6478 ATB by an independant railway company in the Confederation of Avian States (C.A.S), the Owl Express isn't the only train in 1HT but it is the first and only mainline transcontinental service. Its quite a surprise how it hasn't been taken over by the goverment due to how many unautharised stops are made each journey, it is also a miracle that the locomotive and rolling stock are in peak condition especially with its use in films and regular incidents.
The Owl express runs on a 1435mm railway gauge and has a consist of around 5 wagons and a caboose being pulled by an oil-burning tank locomotive capable of reahing speeds of 75mph, The wagons pulled by the owl express are around 55.5 feet high and are around 10.7 feet wide albiet the interior is quite a bit larger than the exterior.
The locomotive is an oil burning 2-6-4t which can rumble at speeds of up to 120kph and with its rather sizable boiler can generate enough power to go at these consistant speeds, the reason why an electric horn was the original steam whistle was shot off during production of the 3rd Conductors 1st movie. The current conductor has been trying to recover it ever since. It was built at around the same time the railway was finishing construction
There have been 4 conductor's since the trains construction, including our current one.
The Science express:
Basically 2HT's version of the Owl Express but unlike the Owl express was more serious and made use of many advances in experimental technology, causing the Alice in Wonderland size shennaniganry. The science owls use this train for their experiments and also for transport.
The train is ran by Gregg, Walter and Redd as well as 2HT's version of the Conductor, externally the Science and Owl expresses are almost exactly the same but internally there are many differences which make both of them stand out.
The Science Express was the development location of New Earth's KL-11, an alternate version of the Korean K11 assault rifle , which was rejected by the Metro's police force because of its cost in favour of the KL-7 (K7) Submachine gun, Caitlyn recieves the original KL-11 prototype after she stops the Shapeshifter's rampage.
The external dimensions of the Science Express are the same as those on the owl express.
The locomotive of the Science express uses an experimental steam-Diesel hybrid system, it looks like it's working to since a more conventional locomotive hasn't replaced it yet. (the system exists irl look it up).
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Shapeshifter is Natalie's shadow but had been originally contained in the Science express and experimented on for most of her life, when he escaped she decided to go on a murder spree before being kicked into the firebox of the Owl express.
The Metro Trains
Run on a hollowrail system, a system created in the metro seperate of the original railways, originally these rails were served by more conventional diesel-electric Multiple Units on more conventional rails but concerns about hygene and the carbon emmissions caused a full conversion to Hollowrail which started in 6544 ATB and ended in 6611 ATB but due to them being unable to purchase specially built rolling stock and lacking the material to make their own they instead removed the engines and genetically created these giant fuckoff cats to run them.
Can average the same speeds as your average London Tube train while being similar scale to the most up to date New York Subway units, the cat's aren't very fast when pulling the trains but can hit 100Kmh if pressed and without a burden.
The Empress has some say in what funding is put into the Metro since the Nyakuza was originally created by workers running the original Diesel Electric multiple unit's who grew disatsfied but due to several anti Union laws passed at the time they had to form this group to get their opinions and points across, violently.
The Metro's technology far outstrips the rest of the planet unless you count Caitlyn's ship as part of the rest of the planet.
Sirius Model yacht MK 14 conversion 'Ol' Stella'
The above is the full designation of Caitlyn's ship, since it is the 14th conversion of the Sirius Model Yacht.
Caitlyn built this out of a decommisioned Sirius Yacht and whatever shit she had lying around on hand to weild or bolt on which included starfighter engines and a bomb bay in the engine room, turned out to be surprisingly durable which was placed on full display when a prototype starfighter colided with it and Ol' Stella casually strolled away with little to no damage.
Stella's top speed in atmosphere is mach 54 and can has a 7 second accelaration from standing still to lightspeed.
Stella is armed with several pairs of plasma cannons and can be converted into probably the scariest close air support/ground attack platform ever due to Caitlyn's insistance that cluster munitions because they aren't forbidden by any intergalactic treaties.
Due to Stella making so many long distance high speed trips the Time Piece vault was expanded and modifed to feed into the core fragment tank in order to refill it without having to stop anywhere.
The events of A hat in Time were indirectly caused by Caitlyn neglecting proper maintenace on the vault door and the window due to her being far away from anywhere and hoping to get it fixed up at the next space station, while Stella has no interior defences it has an alarm system which can often be either too effective or next to useless. She got hell for it when it was discovered and was banned from flying for a whole Terran year while Stella was retrofitted with the newest technology.
Caitlyn dislodging her friends with a broom is a courtesy not given to many, if the system hadn't activated the emergancy stop the ship would have shot into hyperspace killing all those hanging off (except the Snatcher) in pretty nasty ways.
Low flyovers are not advised.
Literally Can't Sink class (SS LCS and SS AWNS).
The SS LCS was built in 6600 and was originally christned by the Walrus Captain's hero figure, the ship was 128.3 meters long and could carry up to 470 passangers on cruises up to the arctic circle, it weighed in at 6,690 tons and featured technology donated by the Metro. Both the SS LCS and its successor can reach 19 knots in a calm sea.
Its sister ship the SS AWNS was built in 6628 and was originally going to be called the SS Hat Kid but evidence of Caitlyn being the one causing the sinking was found, fortunetally the company who ran the ship decided to cover up this actual reason because Caitlyn rescuing everyone and then saving their collective arses at Times End was enough of a repayment but even so extra security and safety measures were poured into the new ship. SS AWNS is bigger and heavier than SS LCS and has more to pack in its relatively small shell with it carrying an onboard motorboat for recovery of things like Time Pieces as well as two more lifeboats.
The name SS Hat Kid went to the most modern recovery ship built which ended up being a massive help when the calamity occured.
Both the LCS and the AWNS are used as junior crew training ships for younger crew.
The AWNS is famous for the infamous arctic flyover when a Time Piece spotted and collected by the seals as a present for the captain ended with Stella showing up and scaring the hell out of everyone.
The SS AWNS is the largest vehicle in this post while the metro trains are the smallest.
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guerrerense · 2 years
556 0506 a U37 002
556 0506 a U37 002 por Karel Ječný Por Flickr: Na Jindřichohradecké splítce. Setkání za deštivého dne lokomotiv dvou rozchodů. Normální 1435mm a úzkorozchodná JHMD 760mm.
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zsmbr · 2 years
past concerts.
2022. 10. 29. Budapest - Robot 2022. 10. 08. Budapest - Yuk 2022. 09. 22. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2022. 08. 17. Mátrafüred - Fekete Zaj Festival 2022. 07. 08. Boskovice - Festival pro židovskou čtvrť [CZ] 2022. 06. 30. Orfű - Fishing On Orfű Festival 2022. 04. 02. Budapest - Szimpla Kert 2022. 03. 18. Budapest - Kék Yuk w/sunnata 2021. 12. 03. Budapest - Robot 2021. 11. 20. Szeged - Grand Cafe 2021. 10. 30. Veszprém - TEREM 2021. 10. 16. Győr - A Beton 2021. 10. 02. Pécs - FényFesztivál, Szabadkikötő 2021. 09. 10. Bratislava - Randal Club [SK] 2021. 08. 20. Mátrafüred - Fekete Zaj Festival 2020. 10. 30. Győr - A beton 2020. 09. 04. Székesfehérvár - Nyolcas Műhely 2020. 08. 07. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2019. 12. 20. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2019. 11. 23 Zenta - Zentrópia [SRB] 2019. 11. 22 Szeged - Grand Cafe 2019. 11. 09. Maribor - Gustaf Pekarna [SI] 2019. 11. 07. Delemont - The Pub Fiction [CH] 2019. 11. 06. Chambéry - Brin de Zinc [F] 2019. 11. 04. Strasbourg - Le Local [F] 2019. 11. 02. České Budějovice - Velbloud Music Bar [CZ] 2019. 11. 01. Brno - Bajkazyl [CZ] 2019. 10. 26. Budapest - Dürer kert 2019. 08. 19. Mátrafüred - Fekete Zaj Fesztivál 2019. 08. 17. Orom - Malomfesztivál (SER) 2019. 05. 11. Dunaújváros - /secret show/ 2019. 05. 10. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2019. 04. 20. Budapest - Szimpla Kert 2019. 04. 02. Debrecen - MODEM 2019. 04. 01. Miskolc - Tinta Social Grund 2019. 03. 29. Budapest - Nembáj!fest 2019. 03. 28. Pécs - Szabadkikötő 2018. 12. 28. Budapest - Dürer Kert, Téli Fekete Zaj 2018. 11. 24. Székesfehérvár - MehKasAula 2018. 10. 20. Budapest - Szimpla Kert 2018. 10. 02. Budapest - Hatszin teatrum - UH Fest 2018. 08. 17. Orom - Malomfesztival (SER) 2018. 05. 25. Budapest - Dürer Kert, Budapest BeerWeek 2018. 05. 19. Pécs - Szabadkikötő 2018. 05. 18. Szeged - Grand Cafe 2018. 05. 17. Békéscsaba - Csabagyöngye MH 2018. 05. 16. Szolnok - Tomi 2018. 05. 15. Debrecen - MODEM 2018. 05. 14. Miskolc - Tinta 2018. 05. 13. Budapest - Instan 2018. 05. 12. Dunaújváros - Tareeja 2018. 05. 11. Győr - Dongó 2018. 03. 28. Budapest - A38 w/Ufomammut 2018. 02. 10. Szeged - Grand Cafe 2017. 11. 21. Budapest - Dürer kert 2017. 10. 20. Budapest - Dürer kert 2017. 09. 14. Budapest - Dürer kert w/Shining 2017. 08. 18. Orom - Malomfesztival (SER) 2017. 07. 21. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj 2017. 05. 27. Kromeriz - das LIGA (CZ) 2017. 05. 26. Chemnitz - Lokomov (GER) 2017. 05. 25. Prague - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov/1435mm (CZ) 2017. 05. 24. Ybbsitz - Club2 (AT) 2017. 05. 23. Ljubljana - Klub Gromka (SI) 2017. 05. 06. Budapest - III. Thulsa Doom Fest - KVLT ​2017. 04. 22. Szeged - Grand Café Várkert 2017. 04. 22. Budapest - Wave music RECORD STORE DAY 1.00pm 2017. 04. 21. Budapest - Robot w/Porch 2017. 04. 15. Győr - Rómer Ház 2017. 03. 25. Debrecen - MODEM 2017. 03. 24. Budapest - Fészek Kulturális Központ 2016. 12. 08. Budapest - MüSzi 2016. 10. 13. Budapest - Dürer kert w/Karma To Burn 2016. 08. 21. Budapest - Dürer kert w/Ghost Bath 2016. 08. 20. Kecskemét - Kilele 2016. 08. 19. Szeged - Grand Café Várkert 2016. 07. 23. Sástó - Fekete Zaj Festival 2016. 06. 18. Budapest - GMK 2016. 06. 16. Prague - Nákladové nádraží Žižkov (CZ) 2016. 06. 15. Pilsen - Papirna Plzen (CZ) 2016. 06. 04. Maribor - Gustaf pekarna (SI) 2016. 05. 07. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2016. 04. 15. Budapest - Akvárium 2016. 04. 10. Bang! Radio Show (Tilos Radio) 2016. 03. 26. Szeged - Grand Café 2016. 03. 17. Budapest  - "Reign Of Fire" Dürer Kert 2015. 12. 03. Budapest - Dürer Kert 2015. 10. 09. Budapest - S8, NemBáj! Festival 2015. 08. 15. Pilsen - PsyHigh Festival (CZ) 2015. 07. 31. Sástó - Fekete Zaj Festival 2015. 05. 23. Budapest - R33, Harmadik Ember Festival 2015. 04. 04. Pécs - E78 club 2015. 03. 20. Budapest - KVLT 2014. 11. 21. Budapest - R33, Harmadik Ember Festival 2014. 11. 15. Budapest - Dürer kert 2014. 10. 17. Luzern - Sedel (CH) 2014. 10. 16. Linz - Stadtwerkstadt (A) 2014. 10. 15. Wien - EKH (A) 2014. 10. 10. Budapest - Roham 2014. 09. 27. Budapest - Yuk 2014. 07. 12. Budapest - Roham 2014. 06. 20. Murska Sobota - City Fest MIKK (SI) 2014. 06. 19. Torino - Alla Vecchia Maniera (IT) 2014. 06. 15. Paris - La Cantine (F) 2014. 06. 13. Brussels - Rock Classic (BE) 2014. 06. 12. Kortijk - Cine Palace (BE) 2014. 06. 11. Liege - La Zone (BE) 2014. 06. 09. Chemnitz - Odradek (GER) 2014. 06. 08. Praha - Kokpit (CZ) 2014. 06. 07. České Budějovice - Velbloud Music Bar [CZ] 2014. 06. 06. Kromeriz - Fcelka (CZ) 2014. 05. 03. Budapest - Super8 2014. 05. 02. Debrecen - Dharma Klub 2014. 04. 29. Szeged - Varmuzeum 2014. 03. 29. Nyíregyháza - Romkert 2014. 03. 21. Budapest - Kék Lyuk 2014. 01. 30. Budapest - Gödör 2013. 11. 14. Budapest - Dürer Kert w/Russian Circles 2013. 11. 09. Salgótarján - Talent Klub 2013. 10. 26. Nagymagocs - Pince Klub 2013. 10. 25. Cluj Napoca - Truda (RO) 2013. 10. 24. Bucharest - Underworld (RO) 2013. 10. 23. Sofia - Maze (BG) 2013. 10. 21. Sarajevo - Fis Club Bock (BA) 2013. 10. 20. Beograd - BIGZ Scena (SER) 2013. 10. 19. Novi Sad - CK13 (SER) 2013. 10. 18. Backa Topola - Panta Rhei (SER) 2013. 10. 16. Budapest - Dürer Kert w/Jucifer 2013. 10. 05. Debrecen - Lilla bar 2013. 10. 04. Balmazújváros - BAKI klub 2013. 09. 25. Szeged - Super 8mm Festival 2013. 08. 17. Budapest - Dürer kert, Fekete Zaj Festival 2013. 05. 01. Linz - Stadtwerkstadt (A) 2013. 04. 30. Budapest - Showbarlang 2013. 02. 25. Budapest - Gödör Klub 2013. 01. 12. Budapest - Roham 2012. 10. 19. Szolnok - TOMI 2012. 10. 18. Szeged - Vármúzeum 2012. 09. 29. Cerkno - Cmakajne Festival (SLO) 2012. 09. 28. Ljubljana - Menza Pri Koritu (SLO) 2012. 08. 19. Matrafured, Fekete Zaj Festival 2012. 07. 07. Szolnok - TOMI 2012. 06. 23. Debrecen - HNO3 2012. 06. 22. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2012. 05. 26. Budapest - A38 w/ VHK 2012. 04. 22. Budapest - Toldi Cinema 2012. 04. 11. Budapest - Trafik Klub 2012. 03. 04. Budapest - Toldi Cinema 2011. 08. 05. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj Festival 2011. 06. 04. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2011. 06. 03. Budapest - Tundergyar 2011. 03. 04. Szolnok - Tomi 2011. 02. 24. Budapest - A38 2010. 11. 01. Budapest - A38 2010. 10. 02. Budapest - Tundergyar 2010. 09. 25. Ottensheim - Gas Post (A) 2010. 09. 22. Ljubljana - Klub Gromka (SLO) 2010. 09. 12. Litomerice - Jemafor (CZ) 2010. 09. 11. Wroclav - Artystycznych Firlej (PL) 2010. 09. 10. Prague - Klub 007 (CZ) 2010. 09. 09. Brno - Jolanda Club (CZ) 2010. 08. 06. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj Festival 2010. 06. 24. Balchik - In the Palace Festival (BLG) 2010. 02. 22. Budapest - A38 2010. 01. 15. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2009. 12. 18. Szeged - Garabonczias 2009. 12. 28. Budapest - A38 2009. 12. 20. Novi Sad - CK13 (SER) 2009. 12. 19. Beograd - Livingroom SKC (SER) 2009. 12. 13. Budapest - Durer Kert 2009. 11. 28. Budapest - Tuzrakter 2009. 11. 21. Szekesfehervar - MehKas 2009. 10. 01. Budapest - Tuzrakter 2009. 08. 08. Matrafured - Fekete Zaj Festival 2009. 08. 01. Tasov - Besheda Bigbitu Festival (CZ) 2009. 06. 09. Budapest - Durer kert 2009. 05. 22. Linz - Stadtewerkstadt (A) 2009. 05. 21. Ljubljana - Klub Gromka (SLO) 2009. 05. 16. Budapest - Durer kert 2009. 04. 23. Budapest - Godor Klub 2009. 04. 10. Budapest - After Music Klub 2009. 02. 28. Szentendre - Vajda Lajos Studio 2009. 01. 31. Budapest - Kek Yuk 2008. 10. 25. Budapest - Avalon   2008. 10. 24. Balmazujvaros - BAKI 2008. 10. 23. Salgotarjan - Kakukkfogo 2008. 10. 18. Tatabanya - IFI 2008. 10. 17. Gyor - Romer haz 2008. 10. 12. Wien - Rhiz (A) 2008. 10. 04. Backa Topola - Panta Rhei (SER) 2008. 10. 03. Szeged - Garabonczias 2008. 10. 02. Kecskemét - Kilele 2008. 09. 30. Budapest - A38 hajó 2008. 09. 25. Prague - Chapeau Rogue (CZ) 2008. 09. 21. Torun - Piwnica Pod Aniolem (PL) 2008. 09. 20. Zgorzelec - Dom Kultury (PL) 2008. 09. 19. Piensk - Qultur Kombinat (PL) 2008. 06. 21. Budapest - Klub Vittula 2008. 05. 02. Sopron - Hangar 2008. 05. 16. Sarvar - Kastely 2008. 04. 24. Budapest - Kuplung 2008. 04. 13. Subotica - Ambush Music Festival (SER) 2008. 04. 12. Backa Topola - Panta Rhei  (SER) 2008. 04. 11. Szeged - Garaboncziás 2007. 11. 25. Asti - (ITA) 2007. 11. 17. Szeged - Garabonczias 2007. 11. 16. Kecskemet - Kilele Music Cafe 2007. 09. 22. Pecs - Labor 2007. 08. 30. Guta - Hannah-Hanna Festival (SK) 2007. 06. 22. Budapest - Klub Vittula 2007. 05. 26. Murska Sobota - MIKK (SLO) 2007. 05. 25. Vrhnika - Klub Zakon (SLO) 2007. 05. 24. Ljubljana - Metelkova, Menza pri koritu (SLO) 2007. 05. 18. Pecs - Labor 2007. 04. 21. Gyor - Romer Haz 2007. 04. 14. Berlin - Club Arcanoa (GER) 2007. 04. 13. Leiden - Bar En Boos (NED) 2007. 03. 24. Budapest - UH-FEST 2007. 03. 06. Budapest - Trafo Bar Tango 2006. 11. 18. Pecs - Szeszgyar 2006. 11. 09. Budapest - Kultiplex 2006. 10. 06. Debrecen - MODEM 2006. 10. 04. Budapest - Kultiplex 2006. 09. 23. Subotica - (SER) 2006. 09. 22. Bačka Topola - Phanta Rhei (SER) 2006. 09. 21. Szeged - Red Ship 2006. 09. 20. Budapest - Tűzraktar 2006. 09. 08. Dresden - Storm of Change/Moskau Festival (GER) 2006. 09. 07. Szekesfehervar - Fezen Festival 2006. 08. 18. Vásárosfalu - Vé-Festival 2006. 08. 14. Budapest - Sziget Festival 2006. 06. 07. Cluj Napoca - Transilvania Film Festival (RO) 2006. 05. 07. Potenza -  10+ Festival (ITA) 2006. 05. 06. Bologna - Ex-Mercato 24 (ITA) 2006. 05. 01. Komárom - Mediawave Festival 2006. 04. 23. Moscow - DOM Cultural Center, SKIF Festival (RUS) 2006. 04. 22. St. Petersburg - SKIF Festival (RUS) 2006. 04. 21. Moscow - Blow Up Club (RUS) 2006. 04. 14. Budapest - Süss Fel Nap 2006. 01. 07. Wien - Planet Music (A) 2006. 01. 05. Győr - Rómer-Ház 2005. 11. 13. Budapest - A38 2005. 10. 25. Budapest - Kultiplex 2005. 10. 11. Budapest - Akku 2005. 09. 10. Bačka Topola - Phanta Rhei (SCG) 2005. 09. 09. Szeged - Super8mm Fesztivál 2005. 09. 08. Subotica - Alcatraz (SCG) 2005. 08. 10. Budapest - Sziget Festival 2005. 07. 14. Senta - Youth Days Festival(SCG) 2005. 05. 21. Győr - Popkontroll Festival 2005. 05. 14. Weikersheim - Club W71 (GER) 2005. 04. 30. Győr - Underground Music Workshop 2005. 04. 29. Győr - Mediawave Festival 2005. 04. 17. Backa Topola - Phanta Rhei (SCG) 2005. 04. 16. Szeged - Bartók square 2005. 04. 15. Kecskemét - V-pub 2005. 04. 09. Budapest - RS9 Havizaj 2004. 11. 13. Győr - Rómer ház 2004. 10. 15. Székesfehérvár - MéhKasAula 2004. 10. 04. Eindhoven - Burgers (NED) 2004. 10. 03. Rotterdam - Worm (NED) 2004. 10. 02. Dortmund - Soahc (GER) 2004. 04. 30. Győr - Mediawave Festival 2004. 04. 22. Szeged - Old Timer 2004. 03. 12. Győr - Rómer Ház (Colors of Music) 2004. 01. 17. Budapest - Trafó 2003. 10. 12. Potsdam - Archiv (GER) 2003. 10. 11. Berlin - Supamolly (GER) 2003. 10. 10. Bochum - Wageni (GER) 2003. 10. 09. Rostock - JAZ (GER) 2003. 10. 08. Nijmegen - Onderbroek (NED) 2003. 10. 07. Liége - La Zone (B) 2003. 10. 06. Eindhoven - Burgers (NED) 2003. 10. 05. Dortmund - Soahc (GER) 2003. 10. 04. Berlin - Chokoladen (GER) 2003. 10. 03. Budapest - MU-Theatre 2003. 08. 03. Budapest - Sziget Festival ​2003. 07. 01. Budapest - Pesti Est Café w. Mono ​2003. 04. 30. Győr - Mediawave Festival
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neoflareon · 3 months
There's some funky stuff going on with track gauges in south east qld...
Passenger line runs on narrow (3ft 6in/1067mm)
Freight running on standard gauge (4ft 8.5in/1435mm)
Trams running on standard gauge (trams exclusive to Gold Coast currently)
And the freight lines, at least through Brisbane city run on dual gauge over the passenger lines out to the port, which seems to have more narrow gauge than standard gauge for some reason? Also there's locomotives owned by aurizon that seem to run on the narrow gauge but if that's the case then they are stuck on qld rail lines unless they get their bogeys swapped out?? Which just seems needlessly complicated so I'm probably missing something here...
Also the standard seems to run from Brisbane station to the port and towards Sydney (Sydney line runs dual gauge for a few kilometres as well despite it only being serviced by standard gauge trains, track maintenance equipment perhaps? Since some of that sits on the rails) so I must really be missing something bcs I don't see...
unless freight runs narrow gauge and the port line is just for standard gauge shipments... for arrivals or shipping for maintenance... that would make more sense... after all the turning loop at the port of Brisbane is narrow gauge and I've seen freight sat on the narrow gauge tracks there. Aurizon used to be qld freight (or some similar name) too so it's possible they use narrow gauge since that was built first, I should look into the history of the standard gauge around here maybe.
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railwaysupply · 9 months
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maros130 · 6 years
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Sbahn detail.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Evolution of the railway system in Romania, 1850-2013.
The thicker lines are for double track railways.
Green stands for electrification. They use the western european standard 25kV / 50Hz AC.
Romanian railways are standard gauge (1435mm) with the exception of two narrow gauge tracks near that indentation at the top.
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dampfloks · 2 years
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01 1100 Schnellzugdampflokomotive / Express steam locomotive
Hersteller / Manufacturer: Berliner Maschinenbau AG (BMAG)
Baujahr / Year of Construction: 1940 Fabriknummer: 11356 Typ: 01.10
Bauart / Type: 2′C1-h3 Gattung:  S 36.20
Hauptfeuerung / Main firing: Öl 7 oIL
Betriebsgewicht / Operating weight:  111,6 t
Spurweite / Gauge:  1435mm Nornalspur
Standort / Location:  DB Museum, Koblenz-Lützel (DE)
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kikokuso · 2 years
Alright listen up here motherfuckers resident train boy™ is here to teach you about
Also known as the reason why the trams in my city suck.
Let's begin with the basics: let's say that you want to build a railroad. Now, unless you want to build the railroad to be a closed circuit and you want to build everything including the trains by yourself, you can build it in any gauge you want. Go nuts, show nuts, I don't care. However, if you want your railroad to be compatible with... literally anything, you'll have to build it in a gauge of some sort. Which gauge should you build in? Most logical answer is: build it in the gauge that the railroads you're connecting to are in.
Now I know what you're all asking right now: "what the heck is a train gauge?" And it's a good question! Train gauge is essentially the spacing between the two rails of a railway line. You need this to be constant and uniform, so thag trains can actually run on the train teacks without derailing. The first trains were made with whichever gauge the owner wanted (going all the way to 2+ meters) Until a universally agreed upon gauge was made, which is 1435mm because fuck you. This decision to use 1435mm came from Britain, where they decided in 1829 to use such a gauge for all their rail lines, and so it spread across the island and after that across the world.
However, the first steam train made it's journey in 1804 and by 1829, countries were already building their own train tracks in their own gauges. Spain for example used 1672mm or six Castillian feet (this got later changed to 1668mm to be compatible with portugal), Russia uses 1524mm or five feet (this gauge was used by the USA too) and even the Brits didn't keep up with their standards of 1435mm when they were building trains in the colonies, with some being as small as a meter and some being as large as 1676mm. So what gauges are there in the world right now?
We have:
The standard 1435mm gauge used all across the world and on most high-speed trains (except the Russian ones)
The broad gauges, which include
The Russian 1524mm gauge used in Russia, former Soviet countries and Finland, which was chosen for completely meaningless reasons and not for military reasons like many people would believe
The Irish 1600 gauge used in Ireland (wow) and some places in Brazil
The Iberian 1668mm gauge, which is slowly being phased out in Spain and just like the russian gauge was not chosen for military reasons
The Indian gauge and it's whopping 1676mm of gauge that's used in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Chile andfor some ungodly reason that nobody knows the San Francisco BART train (???)
and many one-off gauges that are used on special lines like the Leipzig, Dresden, Toronto and Pennsylvania gauges used on like two tracks (why.)
then we have narrow gauge railways which include
mainly heritage 600mm gauge railways
Bosnian gauge railways built all over the former Austrio-Hungarian empire and stillfound there today
762mm gauge used in former british colonies and for some reason North Korea
900mm gauge used mostly in Europe on urban networks
914mm gauge mostly found in the Americas in the mountains (many narrow gauges were built in the mountains, probably for better turning radiuses)
950mm gauge used mostly in Italy and it's colonies from the 20th century (IDK why???)
1 meter gauge used in many trams, light railways and is the standard gauge for Brazil, Bolivia and the Southeast of Asia
1067mm gauge, which is used everywhere in Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand and East Asia (basically everywhere the Brits were)
1219mm gauge used for mainly trams
and 1372mm "scotch" gauge used today only in Japan.
I know what you're saying. You'e probably saying "why am i reading this." or "is he just taking information from wikipedia and pretending he's smart?" to which I don't know and yes respectively. But I know that some of you are saying "but what if i want to run multiple trains of different gauges on the same rail line?" or "what if i want to run a train on multiple different gauge railways?" To which I have and answer!
The dual-gauge rail is a genius idea that works by putting a third rail into an already built railway (see picture below)
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this allows multiple gauges to run on the same track (like this)!
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however the second problem is much harder to answer and the technology used for it is much more complicated. The most modern and efficient way to do it is by having trains capable of mid-travel gauge changes like this stadler train right here:
However if you live in a country with last-century technology such as Russia, you cannot have a cool train that changes gauge, which is why on the Trans-Mongolian railway, even in 2022, you still have to wait several hours on the Mongolian-Chinese border while your train gets taken into a depot and gets converted to 1435mm gauge.
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now back to the topic at the beginning. Why are the trams in my city inferior to other trams? Well, they are running on 1 meter gauge, while all the nearby trams are running on 1435mm gauge. This means that they cannot run as fast due to risk of derailment, the tracks they run on are incompatible with trains (unlike my country's other tram tracks which were frequently used by freight trains at night) and the trams are just... more proprietary compared to others.
So there. here's my big-ass essay on track gauge that everyone will probably ignore.
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citarofahrer · 7 years
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Eine Rh2068 der ÖBB mit einem, zuvor neu zusammengestellten, Nahgüterzug bei der Durchfahrt in Graz HBF. ------------ @rabe514 @unsereoebb ------------ #oebb #rh2068 #rangier #rangierlok #graz #suedbahn #CF #1435mm #railjet #15kV (hier: Graz Hauptbahnhof)
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guerrerense · 4 years
556 0506 a U37 002
556 0506 a U37 002 por Karel Ječný Por Flickr: Na Jindřichohradecké splítce. Setkání za deštivého dne lokomotiv dvou rozchodů. Normální 1435mm a úzkorozchodná JHMD 760mm.
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 Technical Data:
👉 Length: 3512mm
👉 Width: 3062mm
👉 Height: 2600mm
👉 Free Fall Height: 1435mm
👉 Min Surfacing Area: 37.56m2
👉 Min Space Required: 6.1m x 6.5m
🔥 Link product: https://www.ceria.com.de/product/ceria-de-pf0004-ascent/
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🌐 https://www.ceria.com.de/
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herbiemikeadamski · 2 years
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. (^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 6月25日(土) #先勝(己酉) 旧暦 5/27 月齢 25.6 年始から176日目(閏年では177日目)にあたり、年末まであと189日です。  . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 梅雨明けしたかの様なカンカン照り☀ 恰好の「#海日和」じゃないの😅💦 ビーチで寝転んでビール🍺が欲しく なる感じですよね🤣😆🤣朝から スミマセンm(__)mってか久々に「#朝松」 して来ました✋何年振りだろう❓ 食堂で食べるのも久しぶりなんで すが、相も変わらずウザイ⤵️隔とか あって酷っ⤵️あれ逆に不衛生じゃ なんですかね?よく見ると汚れて 居て汚いです⤵️大昔に蠅取り紙っ てのがあったけど、あれと同じw コンビニのレジでもビニールの幕があるが あれも不衛生でしょ⤵️沢山黴菌が 付いてるから触れない様に注意が 必要です✋つまらないプロパガンダ が横行⤵️いい加減にしろって💢 . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #馬車鉄道開業.  1882(明治15)年6月25日(日)友引.この日、日本で初の馬車鉄道(東京馬車鉄道)の  新橋~日本橋の区間で開業しました。  馬車鉄道とは発祥はイギリスであり通常の馬車に比べて乗り心地もよく輸送力も大きい  事から広く使われ始めて居ました。  後に蒸気機関車・路面電車の前身であり日本でも同様に馬車鉄道から始まりました。 1880(明治13)年に東京府東京市において馬車鉄道を設立した会社で初の私鉄です。  官営鉄道(後の日本国有鉄道→JR)で採用された軌間は1372mmを採用していた。  世界的に主流の1435mm軌間(標準軌)とは異なる当時、珍しい軌間を採用した。  以後、1372mm軌間は馬車軌間と呼ばれるようになりました。 . #先勝(サキガチ、センカチ、センショウ). 陰陽道(おんみょうどう)の六曜日の一つ。 この日は勝負ごと、訴訟や急用などに運がよいとされ、早い時刻ほど良くとされ、午後は凶になるなどの俗信がある。  寝坊は、もっての他とされますね😅💦 . #大明日(ダイミョウニチ). 民間暦でいう吉日の一つ。  通例、甲辰・甲申・乙未・乙丑・丙辰・丙午・丁卯・丁未・戊辰・己卯・己酉・庚戌・辛未・辛酉・辛亥・壬午・壬申・癸巳・癸酉の一九日と  されるが、異��もある。  この日は、建築・旅行・婚姻・移転などすべてのことに大吉であって、他の凶日と重なっても忌む必要がないともいう。 . #天恩日(テンオンビ).  天の恩恵をすべての人が受ける日。 民間暦でいう吉日の一つ。  この日は天から恩沢が下り、任官・婚礼などの慶事を行なうのに大吉とされる。  甲子(きのえね)、己卯(つちのとう)、己酉(つちのととり)から数えて各五日間、合わせて一五日間がこれにあたる。 一説に、正月は丑の日、二月は寅の日、三月は卯の日というようにして一二月は子の日がこれであるともいう。 . #神吉日(カミヨシニチ). 「かみよしび」ともいい、神社への参拝や、祭礼、先祖を祀るなどの祭事にいいとされています。 この日は神社への参拝や、お墓まいりに行くといい日です。 . #地火日(ジカニチ).  暦注の一。  地に火の気があるので、土を掘ることや植樹などを忌む日。  地火。 . #滅門日(メツモンニチ).  陰陽家の説で、悪日の一つ。  正月の巳の日、二月の子の日というように、月によって異なる。  この日に事をなすと、その家門は滅亡するという。  滅門。 . #ノーコード開発の日. . #道交法交付. . #生酒の日. . #サザンの日. . #住宅デー. . #天覧試合の日. . #救癩の日.(#キュウライノヒ) . #詰め替えの日. . #加須市うどんの日(埼玉県). . #指定自動車教習所の日. . #ハピカジの日. . #浜木綿忌. . #プリンの日(毎月25日). . #モザンビーク独立記念日. . #クロアチア国家の日. .  #スロベニア国家の日. . . ■本日の語句■. #礼も過ぎれば無礼になる(レイモスギレバブレイニナル). 【解説】 礼儀正しいことは良いことだが、あまり度が過ぎた礼儀は相手のご機嫌や顔色を伺うだけになり、それは礼儀ではなくなっている。 過剰なご機嫌取りは礼儀とは言えず、かえって相手を不快にさせるという意。 礼儀を尽くす事も、度が過ぎればかえって失礼にあたると云う事。 . . 1966(昭和41)年6月25日(土)大安. #高城ツヨシ (#たかしろつよし) 【俳優】 〔大阪府〕 . . (松屋) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfNLtxFB7tqqcUfkV_QUTVkUgjEaxcpkotiSNQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifeeconomypolitics · 2 years
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The group of volunteers exploring existing and non-conventional options for moving Ukrainian grains, wheat and agricultural products into the European Railway Network for distribution to EU Export terminals, primarily, but not exclusively on the Danube Waterway. Specifically, a Ukrainian train cannot travel on a European railway (track) and European trains cannot travel on Ukrainian railways. The width, called "Gauge", between rails is different. Ukrainian is 1520mm wide, while European is 1435mm. So important is locations where 1435mm & 1520mm railways interlace and where mechanized equipment at facilities can transfer materials and products from one train to the other By Ukrainnesgrains (at Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd5-B7xrdwS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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