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bluenight-radio · 3 months ago
blue night radio ♡ (99th broadcast)
stream: mixcloud
guest: okdal
commercial break: none
translation: none
cute parts: at 25:45-ish jonghyun calls a listener who won a ticket to the open studio, and she says after a while (at 26:30) "this isn't a prank call, right?" (she couldn't believe the situation, so cute!) and jonghyun replies "... i'm really jonghyun" hahaha. at 31:00 jonghyun says something about them (okdal) both saying hello at the same time, which they reply with "right?" again, at the same time! which makes them all laugh. at 1:17:20, they are talking about mothers and jonghyun says "my mom too, i have an older sister, and my mom [had my sister] when she was 22." and okdal let out a "woah!" then he says something which i didn't understand, but he continues with "when i look at old photos, [she was] really pretty" (i'm not sure if he's talking about his mom or his older sister here, he mentions his older sister after this - and i didn't understand what he said - so i don't know).
as usual, don't take my wanna-be-translations as 100% accurate because they still are not!
song list: here
picture: none
tweet: none
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seoul-italybts · 11 years ago
[✎ TESTO ♫ ITA] Skool Luv Affair (Special Addition) - BTS⠸ ❛ Miss Right ❜⠸ 14.05.14
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❛ Miss Right ❜
🏫💕 La ragazza giusta 🔔📚
__💿Skool Luv Affair (Special Addition) , 14. 05. 2014
Spotify | Apple | Twitter
Prodotta da: Pdogg Scritta da: Pdogg, Slow Rabbit, “Hitman” Bang, RM, Suga, j-hope
Sei la ragazza giusta, giusta per me
Se dovessi perderti, sarebbe un'occasione sprecata, dico bene?
Ragazza ideale (Bene)¹
Sei la ragazza giusta, giusta per me
Ragazza, vuoi i miei baci, vero?
Ragazza ideale (Va bene)
La tua mente è provocante e il tuo corpo anche
Donna, persino le increspature del tuo cervello sono attraenti, tutte quante
Già, pantaloncini di jeans, maglietta bianca e le Converse alte
Mi fan venir voglia di divertirmi con le tue linee
Dove finiscono i tuoi lunghi capelli di seta
I tuoi fianchi cantano, una boccata d'aria fresca²
Sei come una foresta, brilli in piena città
Avvolgi la mia realtà con la tua figura surreale
E voglio che tu sia davvero davvero vera³ con me
A volte come madre, altre come energia
Oh, sono sincero
Mia nemica, talmente bella sia dentro che esteriormente,
non mi lasci un attimo di respiro
Sarà perché sei diversa dalle tipe normali, là fuori,
Che i tipi come te sono chiamate ragazze ideali⁴
Già, quando ti penso, il mio cuore non fa che tremare
Sei il mio mare d'inverno, lungo la tua costa voglio camminare
Sì, sei l'unica per me, la migliore Voglio conoscere ogni tua giornata, fonte di sospiro diventare Sì, sei l'unica per me, la migliore Quella persona che solo nei film pensavo avrei potuto trovare Anche il tempo è perfetto, insieme a te io sembro proprio perfetto Ti va se passeggiamo insieme, ti va se passeggiamo insieme Anche il tempo è perfetto, insieme a me tu sembri proprio perfetta Quella persona che solo nei romanzi pensavo avrei potuto trovare Sei tu
Come fa una persona ad essere così?
Sembra quasi questo mondo sia fatto su misura per te
Mi passi accanto
E la tua dolce brezza mi riempie il cuore
Anche se non ti metti in ghingheri
Immagino tu ti sia messa il profumo chiamato fascino
Persino io che non ho mai creduto in un dio, ora ci credo
È grazie a te, tu sei la mia dea
Che tua sia giovane o meno, che tu sia più grande o abbia un figlio segreto
Non mi importa perché ti amo
Qualsiasi luogo, se sono con te, diventa un giardino fiorito
Invece di reggere una borsa firmata, tu mi tieni per mano
Invece di fare la gelosa, l'invidiosa, tu capisci la persona che sono veramente
È così che immagino il nostro futuro
Un paio di scarpe da bambini in mezzo alle nostre coordinate
Sì, sei l'unica per me, la migliore Voglio conoscere ogni tua giornata, fonte di sospiro diventare Sì, sei l'unica per me, la migliore Quella persona che solo nei film pensavo avrei potuto trovare Sei tu
Mi sembra quasi che l'eroina del mio cuore sia proprio di fronte a me, reale
Come un magnete, qui ed ora, mi attrai
La tua esistenza, il tuo cuore, il tuo viso, la tua figura
Sei come l'ultimo pezzo di un puzzle, vai a completare il mio tipo ideale
Mio dio, come il vento mi lascio trasportare dal clima che sei tu
Sei un fiore ed io l'ape, sempre attirato da te
Ti ho detto tanti requisiti per essere la mia ragazza ideale
Ma il motivo per cui tu sei quella giusta per me è.. ecco, perché sei
Semplicemente tu
Sì, sei l'unica per me, la migliore
Voglio conoscere ogni tua giornata, fonte di sospiro diventare
Sì, sei l'unica per me, la migliore
Quella persona che solo nei film pensavo avrei potuto trovare
Anche il tempo è perfetto, insieme a te io sembro proprio perfetto
Ti va se passeggiamo insieme, ti va se passeggiamo insieme
Anche il tempo è perfetto, insieme a me tu sembri proprio perfetta
Quella persona che solo nei romanzi pensavo avrei potuto trovare
Sei tu
¹ Gioco di parole: in eng, 'Miss right (ragazza giusta/ideale)' è composto da (1) 'miss' + (2) 'right'. Qui RM gioca sul titolo ed il significato delle due parole prese singolarmente:
"Se dovessi perderti sarebbe un'occasione sprecata (a miss), dico bene/vero? (right?) e prosegue la catena di rime ripetendo 'miss right (ragazza giusta/ideale)' e poi, nel coro, 'all right (bene/giusto/d'accordo)',
² 싱그러운 (singeuroun ), che lett. significa 'fresco/rinfrescante/piacevole', è un aggettivo solitamente abbinato ad alberi e fiori (ecco perché nel verso successivo fa rif. alla 'foresta'); mentre 지저귀다 (jijogwida) è un verbo associato agli uccelli ed al cinguettio,
³ Really really real for me: qui tradotto come 'davvero davvero vera' per ricollegarsi alla 'realtà' e alla 'figura/corpo surreale' del verso precedente, ma è inteso anche come (1) 'essere concretamente presente, vicina (nella relazione)' o (2) 'essere sincera',
⁴ gioco di parole: 이상 (isang) può significare sia “ideale (理想)” che “fuori dal normale (異常)”, quindi qui RM lo usa in entrambe le accezioni, in opposizione alle tipe/ai tipi (di ragazza) "normali", n.d.t.
⠸ ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS | eng:  © doolsetbangtan © BTS_Trans⠸
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thatgoddamngingerundercut · 11 months ago
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[Ize Korea] SUGA for Ize Magazine 140514
Behind the scenes photos
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exoplanetupdates-blog · 1 year ago
[ENG] Overdose Music Show Promotions - EXO
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140419 - Global Chinese Music (EXO-M)
Interview [2]
iQIYI Report
140508 - Mnet M! Countdown (EXO-K)
Interview + Overdose + Ending
Rehearsal Behind the Scenes
M! Countdown Begins EXO-K Cut
140510 - CCTV Global Chinese Music (EXO-M)
Interview + Overdose / [1]
140514 - Show Champion (EXO-K)
Preview [2]
Intro + Overdose + 1st Win Speech
Backstage Cut
140515 - Mnet M! Countdown (EXO-K)
Backstage + Overdose + 2nd Win
M! Countdown Begins EXO-K Cut
140517 - MBC Music Core (EXO-K)
Overdose + 3rd Win
Overdose / [1]
140518 - SBS Inkigayo (EXO-K)
Baekhyun Suho MC + Interview + Overdose + 4th Win
140522 - Mnet M! Countdown (EXO-K)
Overdose 5th Win [RAW]
140524 - MBC Music Core (EXO-K)
Overdose 6th Win [RAW]
140525 - SBS Inkigayo (Suho, Baekhyun)
Letter from Suho & Baekhyun
Overdose 7th Win
140601 - SBS Inkigayo (EXO-K)
Overdose 8th Win
140605 - Mnet M! Countdown
Moonlight + Overdose
140607 - MBC Music Core
140608 - SBS Inkigayo 
Interview + Suho Baekhyun MC + Ending
Overdose + Ending
140610 - The Show (EXO-K)
Interview + Overdose
KAI Facecam
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heyyouknowbts · 2 years ago
BTS Content Watchlist: January - June 2014
This list includes official fan content, member logs, and variety show appearances.
Master post: BTS Content Watchlist
January 2014
140101 V's log
140102 [BANGTAN BOMB] Dancing by Jimin and Shooting by Jungkook
140103 J-hope's log
140103 Jimin's log
140104 Jin's log
140105 [BANGTAN BOMB] 2014 New Year's greeting from BTS
140105 Rap Monster's log
140105 [BANGTAN BOMB] V's birthday episode
140106 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS on the runway like models
140108 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jungkook, Jimin is your elder lol
140109 ISAC Winter 2014 - video links to BTS cuts for every ISAC they participated in (2014-2016).
140114 [BANGTAN BOMB] RINGA LINGA by Taeyang dance party
140115 Suga's log
140118 J-hope & Jungkook's log
140119 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS at the 28th Golden Disk Awards
140121 [BANGTAN BOMB] Trot rookies on standby at rehearsal
140126 BTS' log
140127 [BANGTAN BOMB] Show your powerful sexy wave
140128 [BANGTAN BOMB] Drawing their 2014
140129 [BANGTAN BOMB] Show your feelings using your body
140130 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jump! Jimin entered the high jump
February 2014
140201 [BANGTAN BOMB] Hanbok dance time
140202 [BANGTAN BOMB] Just watching the Jungkook lip sync show
140203 [BANGTAN BOMB] Do you know 'Clon – kung ddari sha bah rah'?
140204 [BANGTAN BOMB] Before the last Japan showcase stage
140209 [BANGTAN BOMB] Free dance time in front of ARMY
140214 [EPISODE] Boy in Luv MV shooting sketch
140214 [EPISODE] Skool Luv Affair Jacket photo shooting sketch
140218 [BANGTAN BOMB] It's a J-hope-ful day!
140218 V's log
140219 J-hope's log
140220 BTS Kstars Wonderland
140222 [BANGTAN BOMB] Hello, Jin!
140224 [BANGTAN BOMB] Let's intercept Suga
140224 Jimin & Jungkook's log
140225 [BANGTAN BOMB] Welcome to BTS Class, Mr. Camera
140225 [BANGTAN BOMB] Boys' confession their own way
140226 After School Club 46
March 2014
140302 Suga's log
140304 [BANGTAN BOMB] Battle of acting charming
140304 [EPISODE] Jungkook went to high school with BTS
140307 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suga on the basketball hoop
140308 [BANGTAN BOMB] Something by Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin
140308 [BANGTAN BOMB] Why are you shaking up my heart? - V showtime
140310 'Don't Tease Me' dance by BTS
140314 [EPISODE] Suga's birthday support event
140316 [BANGTAN BOMB] V's change magic show
140322 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jungkook's dance guide
140325 [BANGTAN BOMB] 'You Don't Love Me' by SPICA dance by BTS
140327 BTS' log
April 2014
140401 [BANGTAN BOMB] V is wearing a bomb?
140401 Beatles Code 3D
140401 Rap Monster's log
140402 After School Club After Show 56 (RM & Jimin)
140404 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jutti Meri Oye Hoi Hoi Catallena of Orange Caramel
140404 Jin & J-hope's log
140405 Jungkook's log
140407 [EPISODE] Just One Day MV shooting sketch
140408 [BANGTAN BOMB] Angry J-hope lol
140410 Suga's log
140411 [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS Cypher Jungkook & V version
140412 [BANGTAN BOMB] 'This Love' practice for Show Champion
140414 [BANGTAN BOMB] After Show Champion special stage
140421 Jimin & J-hope's log
140424 BTS Now in Thailand
140430 Weekly Idol 144
May 2014
140508 After School Club After Show 63-64 (RM)
140513 Suga's Skool Luv Affair album review
140513 Rap Monster's log
140513 4things Show
140514 Skool Luv Affair Special Addition making film
140515 Jimin & Jungkook's log
140516 J-hope's log
140518 BTS China Job 1
140519 V's log
140521 After School Club After Show 68 (RM, Jimin, Jungkook)
140523 [BANGTAN BOMB] The way to express 'Some' by SoYou & JunggiGo
140525 BTS China Job 2
140526 [BANGTAN BOMB] Full Moon by Sunmi BTS cover version
140529 After School Club After Show 70 (RM, Jimin, Jungkook)
140530 [BANGTAN BOMB] Let's test BTS' nerve!
140531 [BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin's kiwi juice CF
June 2014
140601 BTS China Job 3
140602 V's log
140602 Suga & Jimin & Jungkook's log
140606 [BANGTAN BOMB] Nico Nico
140611 BTS' log
140612 [BTS 꿀 FM 06.13] FESTA 2014
140613 [EPISODE] 1st anniversary
140620 [BANGTAN BOMB] Medley show time performed by BTS
140621 [BANGTAN BOMB] Always happy happy boy, J-hope!
140623 [BANGTAN BOMB] Suddenly rap party
140623 [EPISODE] 1st BTS birthday party
140624 [BANGTAN BOMB] The reason why Jungkook and Jin were running
140626 [BANGTAN BOMB] Something version 2 by Rap Monster, Jimin, Jin, and J-hope
140627 [BANGTAN BOMB] ZzzzzZ....Z....zz...zzzZ
140627 [BANGTAN BOMB] Finding Jungkook by Jimin PD
140630 [BANGTAN BOMB] V's magic
Let me know if a link isn’t working, or if you find something I missed! My ask box is always open, anon or not 💜💜💜
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akmu-archives · 11 years ago
[140407] ['PLAY'] Promo Materials (Part 4 - 'Give Love')
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Unreleased Photos
Pre-release Promotional Materials for '200%'
Post-release Promotional Materials for '200%'
'Give Love' M/V
Unreleased Photos
-> Download Hi-res Images from Google Drive
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Pre-release Promotional Materials
[140413] Akdong Musician(AKMU) - 3rd TITLE TRACK {GIVE LOVE}
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[140501] Akdong Musician(AKMU) - Give Love M/V COUNTER
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[140508] Akdong Musician(AKMU) - 'GIVE LOVE' M/V MAKING
[140514] Akdong Musician(AKMU) - 'GIVE LOVE' Dance Practice
0 notes
galaxymagick · 5 years ago
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✧゚:* 52 weeks until ♡ taekwoon returns *:゚✧
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felipeandletizia · 4 years ago
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Letizia recycling black and white printed pants by Hugo Boss
March 18, 2014: ‘Jovenes Con Voz Propia’ at the CaixaForum in Barcelona
May 14, 2014: Final of FameLab 2014
August 5, 2014: Photoshoot in Marivent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 
June 26, 2015: Forum IMPULSA 2015
Letizia Recycling 366/??
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ugh-bangtan · 5 years ago
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fykadi · 6 years ago
140514 Ask in a Box: EXO-K (Part 2) [ENG SUB] 
Credit: 1theK
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bluenight-radio · 3 months ago
blue night radio ♡ (98th broadcast)
stream: mixcloud
guest: ko young-bae from soran and kim hyung-tae from busker busker
commercial break: none
translation: none
cute parts: at 28:30, jonghyun introduces "the radio" and ko young-bae says "radio, radio, radio" as an echoing effect, and you can hear them laugh in the background. when the song is fading out, jonghyun asks "what was that?" and young-bae says something along the lines of "i wanted to try out a delay", and then, jonghyun (very quickly lol) says "do you think this is a noraebang*?" and young-bae laughs very loud! and then after jonghyun introduces todays guests, they sing happy 100-day. jonghyun says, after they sing for like 2 seconds (haha) "enough with the song, give me my presents". young-bae replies "here, this amazing pencil" and then tries his best to sell it in ahhah. unfortunately i didn't understand what hyung-tae's "gift" was. at 1:08:35 young-bae says "please let's listen to a song" (because it's a mess hahaha) and jonghyun answers "no, we're not going to listen to a song" and young-bae says "why??" and jonghyun says something which i sadly didn't understand, then continues "we'll listen to a song, i'm only kidding" and then proceeds to introduce the next song but young-bae cuts in and says "we're really going to listen to a song?!" and they laugh!
*noraebang is a karaoke room, and as usual, don't take my wanna-be-translations as accurate because they still are not. i'm also confused as to how this is jonghyun's 100th day when it's only the 98th broadcast? i would assume, since they started counting the first broadcast as 140103, and this as 140514 perhaps? that would make it 100 days.
song list: here
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tweet: 1, 2, 3
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890428k · 8 years ago
‘Season 2′ Official Video Compilation
140514 - 'Last Romeo' MV Teaser
140516 - 'Season 2' Album Preview
140518 - Ready to Comeback "Last Romeo"
140521 - Last Romeo Music Video
140904 - Last Romeo Dance Practice
♡ happy 3rd anniversary, Season 2 ♡
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nso-csi · 3 years ago
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140514 Goong Musical
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rkbomi-blog · 3 years ago
「 ♔ 」
「 started from the bottom 」
3 sng / 4 dnc / 1 rap / 5 chr / 2 crt
「 now we here 」
92 sng / 250 dnc / 21 rap / 225 chr / 43 crt
「 achievements 」
check the temporary achievements page!
april 2014.
「 ♔ 」 140418 // achieved base points! ( 3sng / 4dnc / 1rap / 5chr / 2crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140423 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 7dnc / 1rap ) 「 ♔ 」 140424 // completed rkplaylist! ( 3crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140430 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
may 2014.
「 ♔ 」 140504 // completed rklanguage event! ( 2sng / 2rap / 10chr / 4crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140507 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140507 // completed rkship edit! ( 3crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140510 // completed katieleeday! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140514 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 2rap ) 「 ♔ 」 140521 // completed activity check! ( 2dnc / 1rap )
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ stairway to stardom: start! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
「 ♔ 」 140524 // completed rkdanceoff! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140528 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 2dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140528 // completed trc flyer event! ( 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140528 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 4rap )
june 2014.
「 ♔ 」 140604 // completed activity check! ( 2dnc / 1rap ) 「 ♔ 」 140605 // completed trainee workshop! ( 4sng / 2chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140612 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 1chr / 1crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140614 // completed trainee workshop! ( 4dnc / 2rap / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140618 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 1rap ) 「 ♔ 」 140618 // completed trainee workshop! ( 4sng / 2chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140627 // completed activity check! ( 1chr / 2crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140627 // completed trainee workshop! ( 6dnc / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140627 // completed rkvlog! ( 3dnc )
july 2014. 
「 ♔ 」 140702 // completed activity check! ( 1dnc / 2crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140704 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 4chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140704 // completed rkship drabble! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 140709 // completed activity check! (1dnc / 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 140710 // completed trainee workshop! ( 4dnc / 2crt / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140716 // completed rkgarden5! ( 3dnc / 3rap / 6chr / 3dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140716 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 1crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140717 // completed trainee workshop! ( 6crt / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140723 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 2crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140724 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 4chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140730 // completed activity check! ( 1dnc / 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 140730 // completed trainee workshop! ( 6dnc / 2dbt )
august 2014.
「 ♔ 」 140802 // completed stamina achievement! ( 5dnc / 5dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140804 // completed rktrccamp! ( 3sng / 3dnc / 3rap / 5chr / 2crt / 5dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140807 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 1chr ) 「 ♔ 」 140808 // completed trainee workshop! ( 6chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140813 // completed activity check! ( 3crt ) 「 ♔ 」 140814 // completed trainee workshop!  ( 2dnc / 4crt / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140820 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140827 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140827 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt )
september 2014.
「 ♔ 」 140904 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 2dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140905 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140910 // completed activity check! ( 3sng ) 「 ♔ 」 140911 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140917 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 140919 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140919 // completed rkdocumentary 1/10! ( 5chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140924 // completed activity check! ( 3sng ) 「 ♔ 」 140926 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 140926 // completed rkdocumentary 2/10! ( 3sng / 1dnc / 1chr / 1dbt )
october 2014. 
「 ♔ 」 141001 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 141003 // completed trainee workshop! ( 6dnc / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141003 // completed rkdocumentary 3/10! ( 4dnc / 1chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141008 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141009 // completed trainee workshop! ( 4sng / 2dnc / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141009 // completed rkdocumentary 4/10! ( 3sng / 1dnc / 1chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141015 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 1chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141015 // completed rkdocumentary mini-event! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141017 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141017 // completed rkdocumentary 5/10! ( 1sng / 3dnc / 1chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141022 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141026 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141026 // completed rkdocumentary 6/10! ( 5sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141029 // completed activity check! ( 3chr )
november 2014.
「 ♔ 」 141101 // completed rkhaunted! ( 3crt ) 「 ♔ 」 141102 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141102 // completed rkdocumentary 7/10! ( 5chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141105 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 1dnc / 1chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141105 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141105 // completed rkdocumentary 8/10! ( 3sng / 2dnc / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141112 // completed activity check! ( 3sng ) 「 ♔ 」 141116 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141119 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 141121 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141121 // completed rkdocumentary 10/10! ( 5sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141126 // completed activity check! ( 3chr )
december 2014. 
「 ♔ 」 141202 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141203 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 2dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 141205 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141207 // completed rkmakeover! ( 3crt ) 「 ♔ 」 141210 // completed activity check! ( 1dnc / 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141212 // completed trc wrap party! ( 3sng ) 「 ♔ 」 141212 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141217 // completed activity check! ( 1sng / 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 141224 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2sng / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 141229 // completed rksinchonmarket! ( 3chr )
january 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150101 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150107 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150109 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 1chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150114 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150118 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150121 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150126 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150128 // completed activity check! ( 3chr )
february 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150202 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150202 // completed trc winter mt! ( 3chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150204 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150206 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2dnc / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150211 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150212 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150218 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150221 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150221 // completed rkvdaycontest! ( 3dnc / 2chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150225 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150227 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt )
march 2015. 
「 ♔ 」 150304 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150309 // completed rkmarch15eval 1/2! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150311 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150313 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150318 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150320 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150325 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150325 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt )
april 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150401 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150402 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150402 // completed rkmarch15eval 2/2! ( 2chr / 4dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150407 // completed rkhongdaefest thread! ( 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150407 // completed rkhongdaefest week 2! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150407 // completed rkhongdaefest week 3! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150407 // completed rkhongdaefest week 4! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150407 // completed rkhongdaefest week 5! ( 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150409 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150410 // completed trainee workshop! ( 6chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150415 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150417 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1db ) 「 ♔ 」 150422 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150423 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150429 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
may 2015. 
「 ♔ 」 150501 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150506 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150508 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150508 // completed rkapr15eval! ( 2dnc / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150513 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150516 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150521 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150527 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150527 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
june 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150601 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150603 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150605 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150605 // completed rkmay15eval! ( 2dnc / 2chr / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150610 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150616 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150617 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150622 // completed charisma starters! ( 2chr ) 「 ♔ 」 150623 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150624 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
july 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150701 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150701 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150708 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150708 // completed rkjune15eval! ( 2dnc / 2dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150708 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150711 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150715 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150724 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150729 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150729 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
august 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150805 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 150805 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150813 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150819 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150827 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
september 2015.
「 ♔ 」 150903 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150909 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 1dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150916 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150923 // completed activity check ! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 150930 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
october 2015.
「 ♔ 」 151009 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 151016 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 151022 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc ) 「 ♔ 」 151028 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 151029 // completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt )
november 2015.
「 ♔ 」 151101 // completed rkthriller graphics! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 151101 // completed rkthriller non-au 1 & 2! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 151104 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 151113 // completed activity check! ( 2sng / 1chr ) 「 ♔ 」 151118 // completed activity check! ( 3chr ) 「 ♔ 」 151126 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
december 2015.
「 ♔ 」 151201 / completed trainee workshop! ( 2chr / 1dbt ) 「 ♔ 」 151203 // completed activity check! ( 3dnc )
3 notes · View notes
emsuacasanet · 3 years ago
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Peluche Coelho 100 x 75 cm Manta Cor de Rosa (100 x 75 cm) Animal: CoelhoMedidas aprox.: 100 x 75 cmInclui: MantaCor: Cor de RosaAs crianças merecem o melhor, por isso apresentamos-lhe Peluche Coelho 100 x 75 cm Manta Cor de Rosa (100 x 75 cm), ideal para quem procura produtos de qualidade para os mais pequenos! Consiga aos melhores preços! # e Jogos https://emsuacasa.net/pt/brinquedos-e-jogos/140514-peluche-coelho-100-x-75-cm-manta-cor-de-rosa-100-x-75-cm-8422802254894.html
0 notes
partycardigann · 7 years ago
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25 notes · View notes