sleepsucks · 1 year
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dreamings-free · 2 years
Louis singing Through The Dark at Lokerse Feesten 14/8/22
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blmpff · 7 months
A compilation of Aun doing that, because he's been on it forever, or at least since 14.08.22. Enjoy ✨️
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+ bonus:
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kevjrr · 1 year
Neybappe - their journey up till now
They met in 2017.
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Neymar helps Kylian relax before the latter’s first game for psg.
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Kylian celebrates his first goal for psg with Neymar on 07.09.17.
They grew closer and closer,
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Neymar celebrates his goal for Psg in Champions League Group C match against Liverpool with Kylian.
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Kylian and Neymar watched Psg vs St. Etienne match on 14.09.18 together.
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Neymar, Kylian and Davi attended Psg vs Toulouse match together on 24.11.18
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met a few obstacles along the way, but nothing they couldn’t overcome.
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Kylian attends Neymar’s birthday party.
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Neymar and kylian attend Cindy Bruna’s birthday party together.
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Neymar and Kylian watched Psg vs Real Madrid match on 18.09.19 together.
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They were inseparable. Joined at the hip,
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Neymar and Kylian do their signature handshake after the former scores a goal during the Psg vs Montpelier match on 02.02.20.
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Neymar and kylian celebrating the winning goal against Atlanta during the UEFA Champions League quarterfinal match.
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Kylian hugs Neymar after Champions League match between Psg and BVB, on 11.03.20.
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Kylian was forced off in the first half of the French Cup final match, Psg vs St Etienne on 25.07.20 because he got injured. At the end of the game, he returned to the pitch on crutches. Neymar was waiting there for him and was one of the first to give him a hug.
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Kylian comforted Neymar after he got injured in a match in February, 2021. The latter was down as there was a possibility that he would miss the first leg of the champions League against Barcelona.
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Neymar’s reaction to Kylian’s hat trick against Barcelona on 17.02.21.
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Neymar hugging Kylian after Psg vs St. Etienne match on 18.04.21 (in which Neymar didn’t play because he was suspended)
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Neymar and Kylian gossiping during the Psg vs Real Madrid match on 15.02.22.
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Neymar celebrates with Kylian after scoring a hat-trick during the Clermont vs Psg match on 09.04.22.
until they weren’t.
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Psg vs Montpellier, 13.08.22.
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Liking of tweets, 14.08.22. // Neymar not answering a question about his relationship with Kylian was after the Brazil vs Ghana match on 23.09.22. // An elaborate explanation of what happened from @neykyl << check this out before jumping to conclusions please!
However, none of these were enough to completely end their friendship.
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Kylian jumps on Neymar during Psg vs Pays de Cassel match on 23.01.23.
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Kylian and Neymar during training.
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Kylian remained by Neymar’s side and helped him after the latter suffered from an ankle injury on 19.02.23.
Their story is not over yet.
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Credit to @holdmyhopeinyourhands for the 3rd gif // credit to @griezsg for the 1st gif & 2nd gif
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lonelyfrenchpoet · 1 year
My safe place is on your shoulder
My safe place is on your shoulder
It's a place where I can cry on
It's a place where I can rest when I'm feeling sleepy
It's a place where everything is calm
It's a unique place
It's a place that nobody can have access to
It's our place
By Val (14.08.22)
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starlight-channie · 1 year
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Present. Many people love living in the present because they don't like thinking about the past and they don't want to worry about the future so they want to enjoy living in the present without thinking what has happened and what's about to come. But sometimes some people don't like living in the present because it's a life they didn't choose to live and enjoy. They want to go back to the past and undo all the mistakes or maybe that's just an excuse to escape the present and be somewhere else. They want to move forward towards the future as soon as possible because what if maybe things will get better once they outgrow this stage or pass this level but they are scared because what if the future is the same as the present or maybe worse? They want to be anywhere else but the place they are in right now, the present, because the present hurts a lot, confusion, emptiness, lack of motivation to do almost anything, loneliness although they are never alone, and being too emotionally sensitive towards everything.... Wanting to beg for a different life but unable to because society would call them selfish for wanting a better life because someone out there is fighting for any luxury of life given to them. Discarding their feelings because apparently someone has it worse than them.
─ beAn 14.08.22
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Our little crew would be breaking up soon and we’d be back on separate paths. It was probably high time. Dusty but not debilitatingly hungover we went down to Parc des Princes to watch Paris play Montpellier. Few famous footballers kicked some goals and I drank a Kronenburg out of a PSG branded cup. On Sunday I fared west to Place de la Madeleine in the 8th to La Madeleine, a grand neoclassical cathedral, a great barrack of a place suggestive of the roman pantheon. The cathedral, which has a rich musical history, is home to one of the grandest organs in France and wherein a long history of France’s finest organists have held title. Chopin’s funeral was held here in 1849, following a delay due to his requesting Mozart’s Requiem be played. The problem being females, who are required for the Requiem to be sung, were not welcome in the church’s choir at the time. The resolution being velvet drapery pulled across to conceal the female singers for the entirety of the service. 
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As with much of Paris due to the forthcoming Olympics, the cathedral was undergoing restorations and was cloaked in scaffolding. A rapacious Louis Vuitton billboard gorged the southern side of the cathedral, her corinthian columns furtively shrouded like female singers at a funeral. The hot weekend had brought the nave to a warmth and the four linen shirts seated in front of me had become translucent. The recital I had come for was an organ and trumpet concert, and the sound and songs were becalming, and the aisle seemed to dim to soft darkness as they went on. The run sheet was complete after something from Handel’s Water Music, I couldn’t translate all of the detail, and myself and the listeners stood to face the organ and applauded. The trumpet trio then raised their instruments and began to play again so we retook our seats. What they then played will haunt me forever. It was slow, slower than anything I’d heard sitting in similar positions before, and deep and low, so low I lost the sound of the organ playing, knowing only that the note was being held due to the bass passing through my body and draining my lungs of air. I would imagine a similar sensation standing at the throat of a fog horn. This was then countered by the trumpets, played in a shrillingly high pitch that pierced through the organ’s fog. Soon catatonia overcame me and felt as though I were sitting a finger’s width off the marble, dreamlike, and not wanting to wake up. Eventually I did wake up and joined my fellow churchgoers trickling back outside. I considered asking those leaving with me if they knew the piece that was played or how to find out, but I hadn’t the stable mind for it at the time. I know that one day I will hear that piece again. I don’t know where or how I will be hearing it, god can decide that, but I do know that that as soon as I hear it i’ll be brought back to Paris, floating on a hot pew in La Madeleine. 
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sleepingswift85 · 2 years
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Starting work shortly… August pre-#sunset altocumulus captures at Lydd-On-Sea - 14.08.22 ⛅️ (5 takes) 💎
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k-tasho · 1 month
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ersyaa · 1 month
has this become bi-annually things?
semoga tulisan kali ini rampung dan bisa di-post, ga cuman mendep jadi seonggok debu di draft lagi kayak tulisan lainnya. yuk bisa yuk, bu. 14.08.22 Halo. Jadi gini, i’m back with a new status: ibu 2 anak. lots of things happened in between this and a post before this. lots of drafts (ehm, 16, tbe) written as well. hehe. i wasn’t well most of the time. when was last time i post here? march…
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leticiasilva · 2 years
Às vezes, eu queria ser um espinheiro, para poder ser lavada pela chuva e banhada pelo sol. Com os espinhos, ninguém jamais tocaria em mim, e eu poderia viver sabendo que jamais fui ferida ou feri alguém.
— Leticia Silva
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dreamings-free · 2 years
"Come on, who knows it?"
Louis encouraging the crowd to sing the "you were my because" lyric in Walls - at Lokerse Feesten 14/8/22
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faesorrow · 2 years
você chora do mesmo jeito que todas nós, primeiro tenta segurar as lágrimas, seu corpo fica imóvel, seus pequenos lábios cerram; quem vê acredita piamente que é raiva ou birra, mas é tristeza. nós sabemos disso. todas nós olhamos quando você fez isso em estranha compreensão.
você mudou muito em alguns tempo. sempre foi extrovertida, sempre viveu no seu próprio mundo ao mesmo tempo, mas agora você canta enquanto anda segurando em minha mão, fala que meus brincos ou minha maquiagem está linda, chama todos de amigos de forma adorável. descobri também que você não gosta de dividir, deve ser mal de filha única - tirando o fato de que você tem mais quatro irmãos - complicado é sempre te explicar isso.
e nós somos tão parecidas, não é? quando eu tinha sua idade também pedia para ligarem para o papai para dizer que estava com saudades, não entendia muito bem que eu tinha irmãs, amava animais e até hoje batata frita é minha comida favorita! ah, nossos nomes, eles são quase idênticos, mas você não precisa saber os problemas que os envolveram agora.
eu sei que é muito para entender, você nem vai entender nada agora, porque assim como me mostrou nos seus dedinhos tens apenas cinco anos. porém, um dia, você terá que entender. um dia você vai chorar ainda mais e infelizmente nenhum de nós irá poder te proteger daquilo que assola nossa família. e você também vai parar de chorar por algumas coisas compreendendo que não há modo de mudar. mas quando isso acontecer, antes ou depois, quero que você lembre-se que dia 14.08.22 você disse que eu sou sua irmã favorita, causou uma guerra entre nós e portanto juro tentar te proteger e te acolher em qualquer situação que te fizer mal. mariazinha, aninha, como você preferir, prometo ser uma boa irmã e uma boa amiga.
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jymiy-a · 2 years
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Would you believe, this is the guy who brought me back to drawing fanart again
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lonelyfrenchpoet · 1 year
It's over but we are both not ready
It's over but we are both not ready
We don't agree with each other anymore
We are not the same anymore, not like the person we were when we met
Everything needs to stop
It's over, and we have to be ready for it because it will change everything
Maybe this break will be good for us
Maybe we'll find each other again
In a better mindset
By Val (14.08.22)
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dailyamane · 2 years
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