angelsanarchy · 1 year
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 14
"What happened son?" "I met a girl."
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @siriuslymooned @cc-luvr @crypticsewerslut @icarus-star @desert-springtime @shady-the-simp @izuoyarmin
Clyde stood at the laundromat for two hours doing his dirty laundry. He tried to keep his mind focused on anything but Y/N but he just couldn't stop looking at his phone. He realized he never got her phone number which made him feel like an idiot. Snow had texted him throughout the day asking if he had heard from her yet and by the afternoon time, he finally asked her to stop asking because it was bumming him out.
He kicked around the apartment for awhile, cleaning random things. His apartment had never looked so put together, even when he moved in. Johnny had stopped in to see if he wanted to go to a show tonight but when he saw the state of the apartment, he was worried.
"Dude...are you moving out or something?" Johnny ran his hand on the kitchenette counter and it wasn't sticky for a change.
"No I just...I can't stop thinking about Y/N and the possibility that I may have fucked up. I've been trying to stay busy all day but she hasn't called or texted...nothing." Johnny knew that Clyde wasn't someone who put himself out there romantically. He knew he was really into Y/N when he finally stepped up and asked her out because usually he would provide safe haven for people and let them drift off into the night whenever they wanted to. She was different. He could tell his best friend really cared about this girl.
"Did you ask Snow if maybe she's called her? I mean I know she's got her number because she sent pictures to her from the other night." Johnny tried and Clyde's eyes went wide.
"Snow has her number?! She didn't say that!" Clyde snatched his phone up and started texting Snow immediately. She apologized and sent him her number and the photos she had.
"Look, I don't want to leave you here like this man. Why not just come out for a little bit to take your mind off of things. She'll call. She was definitely into you. Beau was actually butthurt she turned him down for you." Clyde looked at Johnny.
"She did?" He asked almost desperately.
"Yeah man! You've gotta stop shitting on yourself. That's my job!" Johnny put him in a headlock and Clyde pinched his nipple.
"I'm good here man. I might take a drive later just to grab groceries but I'll hit you up. Thanks for having my back." Clyde held his hand out and Johnny dapped him up, pulling their hands to his chest in a side hug.
Clyde considered actually going to the grocery store just to restock in case Y/N just randomly showed up but first he tried to text, just to check in.
"Hey, it's Clyde. I was thinking about you and wanted to check in." Clyde sent the text, thumb shaking over the SEND button for a few moments before he let it fly. He sat on the couch, bouncing his knee up and down for about 10 minutes before pacing back and forth, biting his thumbnail.
"Jesus I'm fucking losing it." Clyde raked his hands through his hair and pocketed his phone. He walked out of the apartment, jumping in the van and batting the idea of doing a drive by around in his head. He had no idea what she drove so checking the lot for a car was pointless. He kept checking his phone but the message still went unanswered. He cruised past her apartment complex but there weren't any lights on.
"Okay if she's not home, why isn't she answering her phone?" Clyde said outloud to himself.
"Fuck it." He dialed the number and waited.
"The number you are trying to reach is currently not available."
Clyde felt like he had been punched in the gut. He tossed his phone on the seat and shook his head. This wasn't like him. He wasn't this guy and he hated that he was acting this crazy. He pulled away from her apartment and just started driving. He didn't want to go back to his apartment and he didn't want to be around anyone so he went to the last place anyone would look for him.
He knew it was late but he didn't see a car in the driveway which meant either no one was home or he was about to walk in and create chaos. He used the key and made sure to enter the code in the keypad before the alarm sounded but he jumped when his dad popped around the corner.
"Jesus Clyde! You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here?" His dad was holding a carton of milk in one hand and his cellphone in the other.
"I...um...I don't know if Shelly is home or not but I was wondering if I could stay here tonight." Clyde tucked his hair behind his ear and his Dad knew something was wrong. Clyde never asked to do many things. He usually would just do things and try to charm people into not being pissed about it. Despite being kicked out of the home, Clyde had a decent relationship with his dad. He was always kind of a little shit to his step mom and shooting the dog didn't help but his dad was actually grateful. They both couldn't handle watching the dog suffer any longer.
"She's out of town so you can stand down." Clyde relaxed and followed his dad into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? I was about to make some cereal." He grabbed Clyde a bowl knowing the boy stayed hungry but Clyde shook his head.
"Is everything okay? You never turn down food." His dad sat down at the table and Clyde stayed in the corner, arms crossed bouncing on his feet.
"Yeah I'm...I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." Clyde didn't meet his dad's gaze until the screech of the chair legs across the floor sounded, his dad extending his arm inviting him to sit. Clyde did and started biting his thumb again.
"What happened son?" His dad was beginning to really worry.
"I met a girl." Clyde breathed.
"Oh God! Is she pregnant? Is she okay? How long-"
"No God no! Nothing like that. I just...I've never felt like this before and I keep thinking I already fucked it up or if I hadn't then I absolutely will." Clyde rambled.
"Oh...well that's good. Not that you think you'll fuck it up but that, you know...no babies...not yet anyway. You know I wouldn't mind being a grandpa just not...you know, right now." Clyde shook his head. It was times like this where he knew what traits he got from him and what he got from his mom, which wasn't much.
"You think you love her?" Clyde looked at him pained.
"Yeah...I'm pretty sure I do which is crazy. I mean we spent two days together and I can't stop thinking about her but I don't know! How do you know? I've never been in love before." Clyde racked his hands through his hair and his dad reached out to him.
"Son, you've got to take a breath. Love isn't something that should make you carry dread. You have a big heart so the idea of falling in love with someone can be scary but if the person truly has the same feelings, they'll never make you feel that dread." Clyde nodded at his dad.
"What if she doesn't realize I'm like this? What if she finds out I've been freaking out about her all day and she's too overwhelmed by it...by me?" His dad laughed.
"Clyde, if she spent even two hours with you, I'm sure she knows that you are a hurricane of chaos but in the best way. You've just got to let her meet you halfway." Clyde felt like that would be impossible. He was so anxious about the whole situation that he didn't know if he liked feeling like this if it was what love was.
His phone beeped in his pocket and his heart jumped. He pulled his phone from his pocket and frowned.
"Is it her?" His dad inquired.
"No just Snow." Clyde opened the message and saw it was a picture of him and Y/n from last night. She was sitting on his lap, arm around his neck and they were both laughing. She had her eyes on him and looked comfortable being so connected to him. He looked truly happy just being able to be in her presence.
"This is Y/N. Snow must have taken it the other night." Clyde didn't usually show his dad photos of his friends because he knew how all of them looked out on the town.
"She's very pretty. She seems to be pretty infatuated with you..unless she just likes to sit on everyone's lap and wrap her arms around them." Clyde chuckled.
"No actually. She's pretty good about her personal space." Clyde said making his dad laugh.
"Just not when it comes to you...I wonder why that might be? I think she might like you a little bit." Clyde rolled his eyes.
"You look like you need sleep kid. Go upstairs, get comfortable and if you head out early, please let your old man know. Things will work themselves out. You just have to let it fall into place." His dad gripped his shoulder and Clyde nodded. He didn't come to his dad too often for these sorts of talks but he could tell it meant a lot to him. Clyde climbed the stairs and flopped down on his bed unsure of how he was just supposed to sleep.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Closed (8/30/23) | New Kings AU
"Kevin, I am not going to eat those things again." Neil says rising up to his feet, "I'm going to go practice some precision and make sure my tapes good." he says and starts to walk away.
Kevin scowls.
There really was only one option left.
"I will eat one bite of the worst part of every MRE that you eat." Kevin offers and he watches as Neil goes still.
"What?" he asks not turning around.
"For every MRE you eat, I will eat one bite of whatever you consider the absolute worst part of it and I will swallow it." Kevin says.
Neil turns around.
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arnaudpattin · 1 year
Le cimetière flamand oublié.
Neuville-sous-Montreuil 13 mai 2023 : commémoration pour les réfugiés belges de la 1ère guerre mondiale qui ont été enterrés non loin du monastère “La Chartreuse”. Neuville-sous-Montreuil 13 mei 2023 : herdenking voor de Belgische vluchtelingen uit WO 1 die niet ver van het klooster ‘La Chartreuse’ werden begraven. De bijna vergeten Belgische begraafplaats / Le cimetière belge presque oublié /…
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8pxl · 7 months
14 yrs ago i started playing magic the gathering as a kid, and i had the dream to do art for them
3 yrs ago i tweeted about those dreams:
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today i’ve released 11 official magic the gathering cards, and it’s honestly so surreal and insane to me! i did that!! i fulfilled a childhood dream, and i honestly couldn’t be more proud 🥹
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angelnumber27 · 7 months
the amount of damage I did to myself thinking I wasn’t going to live past like 23…
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pounds-of-f1esh · 5 months
Me after having a normal eating day: wow maybe I'm recovering, maybe food doesnt scare me anymore maybe I can just enjoy food now!
Me 3 hours later
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
So Danny is just a bunch of good that takes a humanoid shape, and we've seen him stretch and warp himself. What is sometimes he just leaves bits of himself behind. He has restoration so he can heal himself and others so when he realizes he left a foot behind he just grows a new one.
Batman: We've found more of the meta, 3 left feet all genetically identical, either were dealing with a cloning operation or someone using a regenerative meta as an organ farm. The most recent finds washed up between Gotham and metropolis.
Meanwhile Danny: I've gotta visit Dani more Madrid was beautiful can't wait to show Jazz the photos, tried to land and eats it, Damn it I though I fixed this!
Danny loves his new power- he likes to call it "Play-Boo" as a pun on playdough because it allows him to shift and change his body as he sees fit.
It was hard to mentally change his appearance as his core was tied to his idea of himself. Still, he can make his hair longer at will, shift to a younger or older version of himself, and even slightly change his coloration, though that takes a bit more concentration.
Danny is sadly unable to shape-shift into someone else. He thinks being able to regenerate is an okay trade-off. Especially when Danny accidentally leaves bits of himself behind with his new warping technique.
It's not the kind of warping he would like- seeing as he could only go a few yards from his original spot- but he hopes with time and practice, he will be able to fling himself from one side of the country to the other, much like opening portals.
But unlike the portals, he won't have to step into the ghost zone as a layaway.
One day, he'll be able to think, "Star City!" and bam will be there without having to destabilize his whole body or lose limbs. Or some internal organs. Like his left kidney.
Which was currently somewhere in Gotham as his warping has developed to the point that he can send himself to the area within eyesight, and he had traveled to metropolis in this method instead of flying to try to perfect it.
"Shoot," He grumbles, falling into a booth across from Dani. She had asked that he visit the big city with her, do a few sights, and then the two would fly downstate to check out some national parks.
"Lost something again?" She asks, sipping the soda she had ordered while waiting for him. Dani had been in the city for about three days and had fallen in love with the diner they were eating at.
She insisted they meet up there just so Danny could try some of their roast beef sandwiches. The favorite food of the two siblings.
"My left Kidney." He sighs, patting his side. Thank goodness his Play-Boo allowed him to not feel pain. He hated to have to feel every time he lost one of his body parts. "I need to eat my troubles away until a new one grows back."
"I'm not paying for your meal."
"But Dani! I'm down a kidney!"
She snorts. "It'll grow back by the time we leave, and you know it. But fine, you big baby, I'll pay for lunch. You have to cover the diner."
Satisfied, he lets her call over a waitress who quickly takes their orders and vanishes to the back, where the cook will likely make "the best damn roast beef" for him. He leans back, asking Dani about her travels.
She eagerly starts talking about the local art she has taken pictures of. At one point, her travels had turned into photo albums, documenting everything she saw and experienced.
She made some money this way, selling some of her photos, but mostly, Dani preferred to keep them for herself or the family.
As she talked about the light reflecting on some large News building- the daily planet- and the great lengths she had to go to get close enough to capture the sunlight, the door to the dinner chimed.
Two men in suits ushered in, one wearing a dark blue that seemed far cheaper than the deep black of his companion. Danny instinctively turned towards the sound, but he quickly looked away as the two men found a seat in a booth furthest away from him.
"I met this guy, Jimmy, who promised to have my photos submitted for a junior photographer contest. It's to help promote tourism, so it's based on the "Metropolis' beauty," but first place is five hundred!" Dani eagerly tells him, her eyes sparkling.
"I know you'll win. You'll make a name for yourself in no time as the best photographer of our era." Danny smiles at his little sister. He lowers his voice "Maybe with that money you win we won't have to sell my organs for a while."
She laughs, adding to the joke like it's second nature, "But you're so fun to harvest! Side's it's not like Vlad will allow you to walk away from the operation. He already has two more kidney orders from Gotham waiting for you."
Danny grimces. "I just lost one this morning. Why does he overbook me so much."
"I can do it if you-"
"Not on your life. I can regerate. You can only cry."
Dani kicks him hard in the shin. She waves her coffee spoon at him like a wizard banishing a wand. "Are you calling me a crybaby?"
"Well, I'm not calling you a cry-lady." He laughs as she scoffs. She opens her mouth to say something when her eyes lock with something over his shoulder. Her face closes down at once, hardening into someone who has traveled through the roughest parts of cities and towns.
Danny used to be worried that her instance of traveling alone at such a young age would ruin her childlike wonder and innocence, but he knew it would be worse to keep her at home.
Even with Vlad finally getting the much-needed help, the fact that Dani has existed for two years now didn't mean she was comfortable with being tied down.
Twisting around, he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. The two men are casually eating their meals by the far window- too far for them to hear, the waitress is sitting behind the counter flipping through a magazine, and the chef can be seen through a little window making something at his gril.
What had alarmed Dani so much?
"We have to go," She hisses in ghost speech, eyes never leaving the man in the blue suit. Was it him? He seems to unthreatening with his big bulky glasses and easy smile. "I don't know why, but I don't like that guy's vibe."
Well, he won't argue with her about her gut feelings. Those were never important to ignore. "Let's take the rest of this to go."
She raises her hand, calling over the waitress, flipping open her wallet to leave enough to cover their bill and leave a generous tip. Danny quickly gathers their food in take-home boxes, keeping his body in front of Dani to block the men's view of her.
He's grateful that he had pulled on his hood, as his ears had gotten cold from the warping. With the fact he never turned around once since they walked in and his trusty hood, his face has been kept hidden from the men.
A small victory.
Hopefully, he won't see them again after this.
"Come on." He tells Dani, as she quickly gathers her stuff. "Vlad is going to have my arms and legs if we late meet him. I don't want to be just a torso again."
"I mean, it's your fault for trying to run away." She sighs. "You know how he gets. At least you didn't have to entertain his guests."
"Yeah laying in a dark room hoping to regrow my limbs is much better than letting those freaks touch me." Danny agrees thinking back to the big gala Vlad had invited them to.
To show goodwill and try to move past their hostility, the Fentons' children- Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Dani- had all agreed to go with him, under the condition that they be on their best behavior.
Danny had been running late due to a ghost attack and had chosen to use his wrapping far past the agreed limitation his parents, and Vlad had set for him.
He got to Vlad's castle but none of his limbs had followed him. Mom had been so outraged by his reckless behavior he's been grounded staying in one of the guest rooms without tv to "think about what could have happened!"
Dad and Vlad had merely nodded to their wife's punishment for their child. (And he was still getting used to the idea of Vlad being married to his parents.)
Jazz, Dan, and Dani were left to the gala, where Jazz had intellectual conversations with college professors Vlad was funding or where Dan was talking up some pretty men and women with a drink in hand, Dani as the youngest was left to affluent old ladies pinching her cheeks and giving her backhand compliments on being a "lady."
The Dannies hated being touched by strangers, and those higher-class old ladies had no concept of personal space.
"Don't worry, I'm almost too old soon." Dani chirps, holding the door open for him. "Soon Vlad will have to find other kids to flaunt in front of rich people."
"That would be the day." The two exit the dinner, switching the conversation to the idea of dessert- deciding to search on their phones a local frozen yogurt place.
Neither notice the two men- one whose fork has crumbled in his grip and another who is clicking away on his phone with a look of outer disgust on his face
"I'm already messaging Babs. She's following them with the city cameras as we speak. Don't worry, Clark, this "Vlad" isn't going to get away with it."
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reminder that the Bad Kids are just that -- KIDS!!! Fabian is allowed to flirt with everything he sees without defining his sexuality. Kristen is allowed to still be figuring out who she is and what her beliefs are. Gorgug is allowed to take as many levels of Artificer he wants. Fig is allowed to change parts of her personality or class. Adaine is allowed to be cool without her anxiety defining her. and Riz is allowed to try out new styles and vibes as much as he wants.
They are KIDS!!!! they are allowed to change and be complex and make choices that a competent adult might not. they are figuring themselves out. stop saying they're "bad" or "stupid" for it. they aren't. this is normal.
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jesncin · 5 months
what are either of you guys favorite queer hcs for your favorite characters (if you have any ofc)
I have a cursed current fav queer headcanon:
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I like to think Johnstantine had a massive crush on Ray Monde when he was young, and is embarrassed about it once he got older. Ray keeps gently turning young Constantine down but still takes care of him on the occasional times Constantine's homeless.
This probably isn't a popular hc but a friend of mine who I'm calling a Constantine Scholar had a similar hc so it counts now!!
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silverwoodwork · 2 months
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"Fusion capabilities of Dr. Gero's Androids!! Thanks to the unique feature of a biological base, these soldiers usher in a new age for the Red Ribbon Army!"
- DRAGON BALL Red Ribbon Special
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jtl-fics · 1 year
oh 🥺but I can't ignore my girl, Smalls AU hehehe
WIP Wednesday - Closed (9/6/23) | Smalls AU
"Here we are." The hostess says and Janie's eyes snap back to where she was walking and realized they were in front of a large booth that was bolted to the ground as if someone might steal it. Is that a common concern at Applebees? "Your server will be with you shortly, but in the meantime here is the drink menu." she says setting the thin and tall menu down before handing them each a small laminated book.
"Thank you." Wymack says and the hostess smiles and nods before heading out.
Janie felt like she deserved a drink after the last few shit show weeks and after Wymack had the audacity to drag her here as her first non-psych ward meal in her entire new life?
Yeah Wymack can foot that bill and with a brief glance at the menu she felt like she'd need a drink to get through some of the gastro-intestinal nightmares she was about to pick through.
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fruifruit · 2 months
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i like these kids :)
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girlkisser13 · 3 months
cabin headcanons masterlist
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a/n: these are all my personal headcanons. i will be making ones for more minor gods.
cabin 1- zeus ⚡️
cabin 3- poseidon 🌊
cabin 4- demeter 🪴
cabin 5- ares ⚔️
cabin 6- athena 🧠
cabin 7- apollo ☀️
cabin 8- artemis 🌙
cabin 9- hephaestus 🛠️
cabin 10- aphrodite 💗
cabin 11- hermes ⚕️
cabin 12- dionysus 🍷
cabin 13- hades 💀
cabin 14- iris 🌈
cabin 15- hypnos 💤
cabin 16- nemesis ⚖️
cabin 17- nike 🏆
cabin 18- hebe 🍶
cabin 19- tyche 🎰
cabin 20- hecate 🪄
cabin 21- hestia 🔥
cabin 22- thanatos 🪦
cabin 23- morpheus 🛌
cabin 24- melinoe 👻
cabin 25- persephone 🌸
cabin 26- eros 💘
cabin 27- nyx 🌌
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pounds-of-f1esh · 5 months
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sugdensdingle · 7 days
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thelaurenshippen · 1 year
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