#13 days of clexa
anonfanfic · 6 months
Write whichever ship you want! (Unless someone else suggests one. Or you could always do a random one)
Clexa it is! (haha)
"This trip is meant for mending fences and coming together!" The Raiders coach yelled above the din of the two teams disembarking from their buses and walking into the makeshift summer camp. 
“After you have found your bags, come to me for your room assignments!” The Hawks assistant coach yelled, her clipboard pressed tightly to her chest.
Clarke grabbed her backpack and single suitcase and walked over to figure out which Raider she would have to tolerate for three days of bonding.
“Griffin, Room 13 with Woods!” The coach announced so loudly that Clarke’s heart felt like it had stuttered over several beats. Both teams stopped what they were doing. Putting Clarke with the other captain was like putting oil and water together as far as they were concerned. They despised each other and it would be hard to make any bonding happen if the leaders tried to kill each other in their sleep. Clarke felt a strong and bright heat creep up to her cheeks and neck as she took the key from her outstretched hand.
Clarke walked toward the mess of cabins at the center of the grass field without looking back at the group. She had no desire to lock eyes with her cabinmate. The two teams that were involved in this little bonding trip did not like each other. That hatred was fueled mainly by the two leaders of either team. 
The Raiders and Hawks had always been rivals. But once Lexa Woods and Clarke Griffin took captain spots last year, the rivalry had intensified to nuclear standards.
Clarke heard lightfoot falls running behind her and didn’t have to turn around to know that Lexa was jogging to catch up.
“Clarke, wait up!” Lexa called and Clarke heard howls and jeering from the group.
“What the fuck, Lexa!” Clarke spun around on her heels, her face still red and her jaw now clenched tightly. “Do you have to make this more of a spectacle than it already is?” 
“Lexa stopped just short of where Clarke stood and lifted her arms up defensively. “Whoa, I was just trying to get out of this heat. Sorry, didn't know it was a whole thing to get to my bed.” 
Clarke rolled her eyes and turned back to continue her walk to their cabin. She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a quick breath. 
“Bullshit, you knew what you were doing.” Clarke grumbled, fumbling with the old key and lock system. “I just want to survive this and finish my senior year so I can get the fuck out of this place.”
The door finally creaked open and Clarke walked in taking the bunk on the far right side.
“Hate it that bad here?” Lexa asked, walking in and avoiding the other beds that were further from Clarke’s and putting her bag on the one right next to where she had chosen. 
“Fuck you. You made me hate it here.” Clarke growled, getting up and moving over the the bed on the far left.
Lexa got up and followed Clarke, this time not sitting on the bed next to Clarke but jumping down next to her on the same bed. 
A loud crack echoed inside the cabin and the center of the mattress they were sitting on buckled and fell in.
Both girls jumped up and Lexa moved over to sit on the bed across from the broken bed.
“Because I didn’t want to be hidden away for four years?” Lexa asked, slamming herself down on the bed and looking up at Clarke.
Clarke’s fists were balled up at her side as she walked over to Lexa. “You didn’t fucking care when it mattered to you, too.” Clarke sat down on the bed with such force that the wooden side of the bed frame splintered, sending both of them to the ground.
Lexa jumped up and without pausing walked over to the bed on the right closest to the door.
“It never fucking mattered to me, Clarke. I loved you more than all this shit.” Lexa sat on the bed and crossed her arms over her chest. The sting of tears on the edges of her words.
Clarke got up and walked over to Lexa. She stood in front of her and looked down with intense eyes. “Everything in my life has come with a condition. How the fuck am I suppose to know this god damn relationship wasn’t going to cost me more than I had?” Clarke almost jumped off her feet before landing next to Lexa on the bed. The old frame basically buckled on the stress. Both girls got up and eyed the only other bed left in the small wooden cabin.
“I don’t know what else I can say to make you understand how much I love you.” Lexa got up from the destroyed bed and gently sat on the last remaining bed in the cabin.
Clarke got up and moved to the only door out and turned the brass lock. She moved toward the bed Lexa was sitting on and sat next to her.
“Why don’t you show me?” Clarke whispered, leaning in close to her ex.
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homosexualbehaviors · 3 months
Welcome to my Blog
This is simply a post to let you know the fandoms I am in/the ships I ship. And to maybe get to know a bit about me.
*NOTE: If you have any questions about me or my fandoms or ships, please do not fear to ask. I will answer literally anything! (Nsft included)*
Fandoms and Ships
(The ships with "(#1)" by them are my top ship of that fandom. I have only marked such in fandoms I have listed multiple ships.)
Wednesday: Wenclair (#1), Yokovina, Yoko Divina and Bianca (I am unsure of the ship name)
Stranger Things: Ronance (#1), Elmax, Steddie, Byler
Pitch Perfect: Bechloe (#1), Staubrey
Arcane: Caitvi
She-Ra: Catradora
Adventure Time: Bubbline
Hawkeye: Bishova
The Owl House: Lumity (#1), Raeda, Huntlow
Heartstopper: Nick and Charlie (#1), Tara and Darcy, Tao and Elle
The Harley Quinn Show: Harlivy
The 100: Clexa
Atypical: Cazzie
Orange is the New Black: Vauseman
Dickinson: Emisue
Glee: Brittana
Euphoria: Rulez
One Day at a Time: Sydlena
Shameless: Gallavich
13 Reasons Why: Hannah and Clay (though I prefer to talk about this show as a whole, more than focusing on a ship)
Other shows/movies I enjoy
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anatomy
Everything Sucks
I Am Not Okay With This
Sex Education
The Fear Street movies
Every movie with Jenna Ortega in it
The Edge of Seventeen
(If I have listed a fandom but not a ship and you'd still like to ask something about it, please feel free, I am still open to answering! You may also ask about a fandom not listed, if I know of it, I will try my best to answer!)
About me
Hello, my name is August. You may refer to me as such. I am 18 years of age. I am Trans FTM/Trans Masc, as well as Omni. My pronouns are He/They. And I am autistic. The main Ship/Fandom I am in is Wenclair/Wednesday. My top three ships are Wenclair, Ronance and Bechloe. Most of my ships are Sapphic (This is not meant in a weird way, I just find them to be cute and they hold my interest.). Besides being delusional about my ships, I enjoy Reading (fanfiction and poetry), Writing (fanfiction and poetry as well) and Drawing (mainly 'horror' art) in my free time. As well as listening to music. My favorite musician is Billie Eilish. I have been a fan since the beginning. She means a lot to me. Anyhow, that is all I have about me for now. If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read this <3
Agian, if you have any questions about me or my fandoms or ships, please do not fear to ask. I will answer literally anything!
Here's a pretty flower, for you 🥀
Have a nice day, beautiful human 🖤
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dufrau · 2 months
hmm. I am bad at coming up with asks randomly, I think.
um ... if you were (for some bizarre reason) ever gonna write fic for any fandom other than ronance (or glee maybe, iirc?), what do you think you'd be most inclined to write fic for?
Ooh good question. Thank you!
Hmm. This is hard. Because it's not about, like, whether I like something, you know? Like I WISH loving something made me want to write about it.
I did write some Glee fic back in the day (since deleted off ffnet) and some clexa (never finished or posted). I think if I had been less drunk on a daily basis when Warehouse 13 was airing and therefore had more creative energy at my disposal I probably would have written some Bering & Wells but that ship has largely sailed unless i get back to my rewatch and it does something to me.
I think the most likely thing, just because I feel like I have a good handle on their characters, is Devil Wears Prada (but im probably not ever going to unless the sequel happens and it inspires me).
But beyond that, I think the next thing I'll write fic for hasn't happened yet, or I haven't seen it yet. It's rare! I have to like a thing in exactly the right way and it has to leave me yearning and unsatisfied in just the right way. Like it can't be too good because if it's too good I won't feel the need to fix anything, but if its not good enough i wont care about it enough to write for it 🤷 It's hard to predict! It also requires me to watch new things, which i am profoundly unlikely to do most of the time 😂
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katebishopofearth · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers
tagged by @wheelsup-sevenup
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 69 (nice 😏)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 317,923
3. What fandoms do you write for? Marvel (mostly ironwidow) and Our Flag Means Death. I have some Clexa fics from back in the day but haven't written for the fandom in years.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? i'm kinda surprised by these but i guess that older fics and multichapter fics have more time to accumulate kudos? - Something Worth Living For (2498 kudos) - A Night of Drunken Revelry (564 kudos) - iron masks and spider kisses (534 kudos) - Broken (485 kudos) - The Art of Taking a Blade (461 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES. I try to reply to every comment because each one is literally the best part of my day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oof. The shit I've put Natasha through lol. Probably falling. which is Natasha reflecting on her life as she falls to her death on Vormir. dream. is also up there, it's about kid!Natasha learning to love Yelena as a sister.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? "happiest" is not quantifiable lmao. In the context of canon, maybe Something Worth Living For, it was cathartic and healing to give Clarke and Lexa their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yup it's happened a handful of times, luckily few and far between, but they always feel like getting a splinter stuck in my skin for days afterwards.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I've written light smut of the sapphic variety. I'm ace so smut is never about the sex for me, it's about character dynamics, power and intimacy. For example, the (non-explicit) sex scene in iron masks and spider kisses is about Toni baring her deepest secrets to Natasha and letting herself be vulnerable with her, and Natasha's acceptance of Toni's scars and past.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope. My brain doesn't work that way.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I think that some of my very early ironwidow fics have ended up on Wattpad :/
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yup I've written a few early ironwidow fics for a challenge waaaaaay back in 2014, with the talented @auripigmentum, @kuailongs and SatinSatire. They helped me find my footing with writing ironwidow: Chemical Reaction (Tony gets kidnapped, Nat comes to his rescue), Never Simple (Natasha finds out secrets about her own past, angst ensues), and Good Intentions (speakeasy era AU that still lives in my head rent-free)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? i'd be lying if i said anything other than ironwidow. It's the ship I keep coming back to for over a decade.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh god. The teen vigilante Avengers AU I was writing in 2014. Idk if it'll ever see the light of day but it was my all-consuming pride and joy for months.
16. What are your writing strengths? idk, you tell me. probably putting characters through angsty situations lmao. Also action scenes (thank u Warrior Cats).
17. What are your writing weaknesses? actually writing lmao. It's hard to get into the mood/mindest for writing. Also writing multichapter fics – my attention span isn't built for anything longer than a 5+1.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I rarely do this because I know that code-mixing (mixing two or more languages when speaking) is incredibly nuanced, varying depending on language, context, and individual speakers. I pretty much only do this when the character canonically code-mixes in speech, and I try to stick to how they would speak, in order to sound as natural as possible.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Warrior Cats when I was about 12 on deviantart. Good times.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh MAN. It's hard to choose a favourite child. I don't think this is my most well-written fic, but the question is asking for a favourite fic not a well-written one, and it's probably iron masks and spider kisses. I loved exploring fem!Toni, and her relationship with her gender and femininity. It's a specific flavour of ironwidow that I haven't found in many other fics (tho there are a couple out there that definitely influenced how i wrote this fic). It's also truly a labour of love – I started writing this around the time Endgame was coming out, and wrote it over a time of enormous change, angst and upheaval in my life.
This was so much fun! I love talking about my writing haha and sharing older fics.
Tagging: @queeenpersephone @autumnwoodsdreamer @missmacfire also i'm realising that i don't remember which of my mutuals is a writer (it's 1 am u can't blame me for this) so if you're a writer – especially if you're on the OFMD fic server – consider yourself tagged!
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simplykorra · 1 year
1, 2, 12 and 13
What is your most popular fic?
the definition of insanity is my most popular fic by quite a bit. for as proud of it as i am, i think a big part of that is also based on the timing of when i put it right - right in that window after warrior nun was cancelled and people were passionately fighting for it. that fic will forever be special to me, it gave me so much confidence writing in that fandom
2. What fanfic do you wish you got more response on?
honestly, i can't really say i have one, i'm very lucky in that most of my stories have always went above and beyond my expectations as far as responses go. despite doing this for so long, i go into every new story with pretty safe expectations
12. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i do in some circumstances, if someone writes a massive, well thought out comment that just makes my whole day, i will let them know, and if anyone ever has a question i'll respond to it, but mostly i don't just because it feels very repetitive to me. there are only so many ways to tell someone how much their comment means or how happy it made me, because they all do
13. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oh yeah, not often, but my canon clexa fic had someone that really hated it, to the point they would go into the comments of my non-clexa stories and tell me to go back to those fandoms and stay out of clexa lol, then when i moved to avatrice they sent me another comment saying they were glad i was gone. it was very weird
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shortkingvi · 1 year
📖✨Shortkingvi's Fic Hall of Fame✨📖
Since I’ve been a regular fic reader since ~2011, I figure a list like this is long overdue. This is a (semi) comprehensive list of every fic that has irrevocably changed who I am as a person forever. Some of these may not be the most world-altering fic's you've ever read, but for some reason they have wormed their way into my heart and stuck with me since the first time I read them. So, in no particular order and across many fandoms, here are my all time top-10:
1. tin soldiers - idrilka (Marvel Cinematic Universe, rated T, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
this fic... what do i truly say about this one. i am a stucky bitch first and foremost and this is the absolute best of them. a direct companion to captain america: the winter soldier, this fic covers what the public opinion of cap, the plot of the movie, and his relationship with bucky was/is/might be. written as a collection of academic papers, social media posts, and book excerpts, this fic takes unique and unforgettable to a new level. 10/10 would recommend!
2. maybe it's just me - bleedtoloveher (The Hunger Games, rated M, Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes, although you could get by knowing the general premise.
this is the first fic i ever remember reading (at like 13 or 14) and boy oh boy did it stick with me. i regularly go back to read this one because it's just... so pure and sweet. an AU where katniss and peeta have been best friends for years and peeta is the only one reaped. upon returning after winning the games, he and katniss must pretend to be in a relationship so that he can protect her from president snow, who is unhappy with peeta. i adore this fic, it's just so lovely.
3. meet me halfway to your heart - ariadnerue (Carmilla, rated T, Carmilla Karnstein/ Laura Hollis)
Do you need to know the source material? No.
i may or may not have a thing for the fake/pretend relationship trope. this one is a fic where carmilla and laura are best friends and the children of two A-list actors. after a pushy dude in a bar won't leave laura alone, she and carm pretend to be in a relationship. of course, the media catches wind of their supposed love and has a field day with it, forcing them to have to pretend they're in love to avoid ruining the release of their parents' new film. this one is so CUTE and a one-shot (albeit 22k words), so it's an easy, sweet read!
4. human interest - mad_lori (Brokeback Mountain, rated E, Ennis Del Mar/Jack Twist)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes, but techincally only the first hour or so, though i think you'd miss out on the catharsis of this by doing so.
no movie truly sticks with me and breaks my heart quite like brokeback, and after a particularly depressing rewatch last year, i stumbled upon this. originally written in 2006, this fic is an AU that imagines what might've happened if ennis had said yes to jack's proposition after ennis' divorce. they open up a cattle operation up in vermont and get their happily ever after. it's slice of life, it's real, it's sweet and cathartic. if you too have been personally victimized by this film, i recommend this more than anything else on this list. it's wonderful. there's a sequel fic that is technically unfinished, but it's 40 chapters and ends on a decent stopping point, so i think that's more than fine.
5. been lovin' you for quite some time - onemilliongoldstars (The 100, rated E, Clarke Griffin/Lexa)
Do you need to know the source material? No.
for some reason i am physically unable to read in canon clexa shit because it hurts too much, so this is an AU. FWB clarke and lexa find themselves spending christmas together and have to pretend they're strangers. it goes about as well as you'd think. read this as a wee baby gay and it means so much to me because of that. clexa truly is my greatest ship of all time, so you can imagine how much this one has stuck with me. an easy, quick, fun read with almost no angst.
6. United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. 2d 143 (D.D.C. 2015) - fallingvoices, radialarch (Marvel Cinematic Universe, rated T, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
i didn't want to double dip on this list, but when they're this good, you have no choice. this fic is SO creative. similar to tin soldiers, this fic is formatted in an incredibly creative way! telling the story of bucky's hypothetical trial post winter soldier, this fic is a compilation of court transcripts, news articles, and social media posts. it's stucky at its core, but can also just be enjoyed as a bucky fic. it does an incredible job of holding your attention and truly making you feel like you're a part of this trial. this is the character work we should've gotten for bucky post winter soldier/civil war/endgame/ANYTHING.
7. i-80 west - socallmedaisy (Glee, rated M, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
read this one right around the time i was graduating high school and boy oh boy was that the perfect time to read it. brittana roadtrip fic/ last summer in lima fic where they just... go through everything that people go through at that time. i know this one is special to me because of when i read it and what it meant to me, but GOD this one burrowed into the depths of my baby gay trauma brain and has lived there ever since. if you have time, this is a great one. just... yeah.
8. strawberry ice cream (revamped!!!) - banneancroft69 (Ocean's 8, rated E, Lou Miller/Debbie Ocean)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes.
we do ocean's 8 here sir. this one is just truly lovely. unfinished, so be warned, but it doesn't really matter, because it's mostly a timeline of Lou and Debbie's relationship, starting way back at their first meeting. i'm one of the many who believes that lou and debbie canonically had a on again, off again love affair but are ultimately each other's soulmates, and i think this fic does well to kind of tie all that complexity together in a very fresh way. i think about this one a LOT.
9. roll with the punches - greatestchange (Avatar: Legend of Korra, rated M, Korra/Asami Sato)
Do you need to know the source material? No.
godddddd this fic. this SERIES. korra and asami are estranged high school best friends. when asami learns korra's back in town and fighting in an underground fight club, she goes to seek her out and figure out why she left and what she's been up to since. this series is HEAVY, let me preface, and deals with drug abuse, self-destructive tendencies, and overall complicated humans. it will likely be the most difficult read on this list because of this, but it also is one of the most important for me. i related BIG TIME to this version of korra, and it just really is a masterfully crafted series that i cannot say enough about. please give this a read if it sounds like your thing.
10. see your world in traces - spibsy (Professional Wrestling, rated E, Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose)
Do you need to know the source material? Yes, but a general understanding of wrestling would probably suffice.
burrowing this down at number 10 so no one notices it. seriously though, i find it hard to ever read anything wrestling related because it often veers way too far into RPF territory for me and those lines are muddy enough as is. this one though... this one is fully within kayfabe and just like.. has stuck with me since i was 16 for some reason. it's FCW era ambrollins aka PEAK twunk rollins era, and it's just such a perfect kayfabe explanation for the funky little feud they had at the time. it's genuine and messy and heartfelt and weird and i HAD to include it here if i truly wanted this list to be as honest and correct as i want it to be. if you're at all into wrestling, this is a lovely one that i should probably read again soon.
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melikochan · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @mr-jaybird. Anyone who hasn't done it please feel free!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Looks like 21!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
That's what sisters are for (gen), Letting the days go by (gen), Forge Fire (aloy x petra), Make me feel molten (aloy x petra), By the Love of the Ancestors (aloy x alva)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! But sometimes I get overwhelmed and intimidated and then I don't. But I love and appreciate every comment I receive.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Either The hint of these new tears are sharp (I try to choke them back), which is a very porny take on a Horizon Bad Ending™️, or maybe To Feel Something. I guess anything I write with Tilda.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure I have a great answer for this. Maybe Letting the days go by, for the catharsis?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write girls fuckin' 😎
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, though I did do a rewrite of the first episode of Leverage with characters from the 100 as the cast.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@mr-jaybird, @artistxforever04 and I collaborated on An Appreciation for the Arts.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Honestly not sure I have one? Clexa fucked me way up and after, well, you know, I could only read modern AU of them. I do love shipping Aloy with every cute girl that walks on screen in Horizon.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a Horizon "no-Faro Plague modern Parent Trap AU" fic planned pretty thoroughly out but I'm not sure I'll ever write it because it would be long and that intimidates the hell out of me.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm pretty good at nailing most characters' voices.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Imagery 😬
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'd need to confidently know another language in order to do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Either the Enchanted Forest Chronicles or ReBoot, according to my old ff.n account.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
By the Love of the Ancestors! Just really love how it developed.
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nd-mindoir · 11 months
20 questions
thanks @sideadde  for tagging me (: this is finally a 20 questions I can get behind :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14. and a bazillion wips on my drive.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Not that I've written much these days, but... Shoot, Wenclair, and Clexa. Want to write Sylvaina and used to write for Vauseman too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
once bitten (try again?)
(wo)man's best friend
ten steps to becoming a happy, well adjusted, homicidal maniac
returned with love
left with honor
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to. But I forget very often :( adhd brain says sorry
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
"nothing will ever change" or "left alone" not angst per se, but def sad. If I ever finish "destiny of trikru" it's gonna be that (spoiler alert xD)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
"(wo)man's best friend" I suppose? I'm not really equipped for happy endings ^^
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, when I did some Mass Effect fanfiction. Never wrote for Mass Effect again after that :')
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes, never upload it though :P
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love the idea of crossovers and tried for a Mass Effect x The 100. Still have the wip somewhere. But, well... Question 8 happened.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Only by myself.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nah, but I'd really like to :(
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Very tough... Probably Sylvaina or Shoot. Or Clexa.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
At this time? All honestly xD But "a thousand cuts upon the soul" is the one most unlikely to be finished
16. What are your writing strengths?
Angsty feely stuff content wise I guess.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Overthinking, for sure.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I used to do it a lot with Trigedasleng actually.. These days I wouldn't, I developed a distaste for it. A couple of words at most, but never full sentences. If they speak another language, I use italics now.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OITNB is the first I've uploaded. First I wrote for was loooong before I knew what fanfiction or fandom was. And that was for Gothic (an old german video game)
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
finished: "there is no order without chaos" unfinished: "the destiny of wanheda"
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Any headcanons for Madi having normal sister fights and drama with Saige in farm clexa?
They have a bunch of those normal sisterly fights, particularly because the house is small and they share a room, so there is bound to be some fighting.
There's a few years there from around ages 10 to 14 (Saige) and 13-17 (Madi) where they are either best friends or hate each other. From Saige stealing clothes from Madi that she thinks are cool and clearly not her style to Madi wearing Saige's makeup without asking and mixing a few colors, to them just complaining the other is being SO ANNOYING when they are just trying to read or do something in the room. Saige is also very clingy to Madi as any little sister is and sometimes she'll beg and cry because she can't go out with Madi's friends too and when Lexa asks Madi if she could take her for just a little Madi will shake her head and make a grossed out face at the thought of hanging out with her 13 year old sister because teens are teens and Saige will yell that she hates her and run to her room.
There's this one time Saige ruins one of Madi's shirts with some paint. It wouldnt be a horrible thing if it wasn't one of the shirts Madi bought with her own money from working at the diner, a shirt that cost her a whole 20 bucks, by far thr most expensive item she owns in her thrift store second hand or hand knitted closet. Saige cries and sobs as she apologizes for it, and although Clarke promises Madi the paint can be removed, it might leave a little stain. Madi is so pissed because she never really complains about the little space she has or the fsct she barely had anything thay isnt shared with the rest of her siblings but she had this one thing and Saige ruined it. So she gives Saige the silent treatment for a week - a week that is spent with her headphones in and little Saige tries to apologize over and over again, teary eyed because she misses her big sister.
Now, neither Lexa nor Clarke have siblings but Lexa has a lot of cousins and with Anya in particular she remembers her being mad at her for something during a summer she spent in town and Lexa looking like a kicked puppy following her big cousin trying to apologize to her for what she did so while she hates seeing her little girl all sad she also knows Madi's a teen and she just needs time to forgive her sister. Its a tense week at the cottage but one day when Madi is doing chores around the barn, ankle deep in mud, she watches Saige, known for HATING mud or anything dirty, put on her mud boots and walk to her, silently starting to help her and by the time they are done Saige has a disgusted look on her face, asking if they are done already after slipped fallen twice and having mud clearly caked into her blonde hair. Madi laughs out loud at her sister's misery and helps her move out of the mud without falling again, both walking into the house laughing and talking much to the relief of Lexa and particularly Clarke who, having never had siblings, thought this was it for her girls relationship!
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Femslash February Update ll
The following are the fandoms and ships I plan to write for for Femslash February:
28 stories in 28 days, with 4 stories per show and pairing. Prompts that have a line through it are ones I've done. Avalance - Ava/Sara, DC's Legends of Tomorrow (#7: Coffee, #11: Mistreat, #19: Explain, #22: Clear) Clexa - Clarke/Lexa, the 100 (#2: Nap, #14: Invite, #20: Reason, #24: Heart ) Palex - Paige/Alex, DTNG (#3: Fine, #9: Abandon, #18: Bottle, #21: Difficult) Sanvers - Maggie/Alex, Supergirl (#4: Danger, #12: Fight, #16: Discuss, #23: Fear) Spashley - Spencer/Ashley, SoN (#1: Spit, #8: Depend, #15: Tray, #17: Closed) Tillow - Tara/Willow, BTVS (#5: Kitchen, 10: Listen, #25: Last, #27: Sleep) Wayhaught - Waverly/Nicole, Wynonna Earp (#6: Risk, #13: Fast, #26: Safe, #28: Mood)
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creativekha0s · 8 months
I should be sleeping right now but I just wanted to provide another Arkadia update! And I’ll try to keep it as happy as possible considering the last one I was in a vulnerable state 😂
I wrote half of Chapter 15 today and, to me, might be one of the best chapters (considering it’s the technically the story’s finale and Chapter 16 will be treated as more of an epilogue). And considering only have two chapters left to write, this week I took a break from writing apart from today so I could leave myself with something write for this story. It still really pains me, like to my core, that I have almost nothing left to write for Arkadia.
The current goal is to have the entire story written and the last chapter posted by the first week of March. I’m going to try and post Chapter 12 this weekend and then Chapter 13 next week to make this happen. Today I had a very sad thought I’ve only experienced a few times where I fast forwarded to that first week of March, posting that final chapter knowing there will be nothing left to write. It scares me, it honestly does. I’ve lived inside of this story since last summer like no one understands, I really don’t know how to explain it. It’s going to be a tough one for me when that day comes, but knowing that I’ve told this story for Clexa has been nothing short of a dream come true. I hope I can tell more for them in the future but right now, I’m content with Arkadia. I love it so much. And I’m taking as much time as I possibly can to keep this energy as long as i possibly can.
As always, I can never thank the readers enough. I can never thank FairyLies for Fantascape enough. This will always be my greatest achievement in writing is getting to tell this story for Clexa, nothing can possibly top it or make me happier 💚💙
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owl127 · 9 months
I would gladly get in the sauna with you 👀, but the 🥵🥵 rating was for alpha x alpha Clexa
I could use a spa day this winter.
And it's always a challenge to keep things pg-13 with these two
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
13. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I don't know if there's anyone left here from my Clexa writing days. But I received 100s of hate messages at the penultimate chapter of my most popular fic (which no longer exists on ao3)
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ao3feed-the100 · 2 years
Laçando Você
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xd7ujSa
by letis7
Alexandra Monteiro de 19 anos uma garota de classe alta filha de fazendeiros estudante de medicina veterinária na UNIGRAN em Dourados no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, dona de um par de olhos verdes e um charme de deixar qualquer pessoa aos seus pés, por fora uma garota popular que está em todos os bares nos arredores de sua universidade antes, durante e após quase todas suas aulas, considerada a filha do "Rei do Gado" devido a riqueza dos rebanhos de sua família. Clarke Griffin uma garota americana que tenta se adaptar a sua nova vida no Brasil desde que seu padrasto brasileiro Lincoln resolveu voltar para o Brasil após o assassinato de sua esposa Abby Griffin ,sem Abby ,Lincoln apesar de sua dupla nacionalidade não tinha estabilidade nos EUA por não ser instruído intelectualmente ,a família Griffin nunca aceitou sua filha Abby uma medica se casar com um brasileiro pobre e de caráter duvidoso, com a morte de Abby a família Griffin não optou por acolher Clarke deixando assim a garota a deriva aos 17 anos sendo sua guarda confiada a Lincoln, no Brasil Clarke será desafiada.
Words: 6977, Chapters: 4/100, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: The 100 (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Lincoln (The 100), Gustus (The 100), Indra (The 100), Jake Griffin, Monty Green, Emori (The 100)
Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Clarke Griffin & Lexa, Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, Octavia Blake/Lincoln, Abby Griffin/Lincoln, Clarke Griffin/Other(s), Lexa (The 100)/Other(s), John Murphy/Ontari (The 100)
Additional Tags: Sex, Lesbian Sex, 13 Days of Clexa, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Money, Brazil, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Love, Slow Burn, Slow Burn Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xd7ujSa
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 5 years
Clextober 2019 - Vampires/Werewolves
Anon Prompt: “I’m not leaving this place without you.”
It was like clockwork. Every Wednesday at 6:45pm the quiet brunette would saunter into the quaint restaurant. It was a small town, the kind of town that if you were born there, you’d likely spend the rest of your life there. This mysterious brunette, though, she stuck out like a sore thumb. It had been short of two months of Lexa being there—her great uncle Alexander had passed away and she was his last known relative. It was supposed to be an “in and out” process—clean the house, list it for sale, box Alexander’s things up, donate them to shelters, and then be on her way, but her stay had extended far longer than anyone would have thought. The house needed some fixing before it could be listed on the market and the process of switching over the title of the house to her name ended up being more complex than it should have been.
This Wednesday was no different than the rest. Lexa walked into the small establishment and took it upon herself to walk past the host station and seat herself. She barely spoke to anyone and always kept to herself, and like every Wednesday before this one, she came alone.
“Your fan club is here,” Clarke heard Miller call from the front of house.
Clarke brushed off the teasing, “Thanks, Miller. Your food’s up for your corner table in the back, better get it out there before they stiff you a tip again.”
The blonde dropped off the tray of food she was carrying to her early-bird diners before she made her way to Lexa’s table—the brunette always sat on the same side of the same exact booth every visit, “Hey there. I’d ask if you wanted to hear the specials, but I already know the answer to that. Double whiskey, straight up and the check?
“If you don’t mind,” Lexa nodded
Clarke grinned, “Never have, won’t start now. I’ll bring it over in a few minutes, the bar shouldn’t have too many orders ‘round this time of day.”
Lexa nodded again as she watched the blonde walk off to put her order in with Octavia behind the bar. She found herself bringing her attention away from the waitress, her insides started to twist—she was hungrier than she should have been for the time of day. She looked down and laid her eyes on the gold watch that adorned her wrist, cursing at herself for skipping lunch earlier for the sake of getting a paint job done and over with.
Not even a minute had passed before the blonde reappeared, setting her drink down next to her check and joked, “Sure you don’t want to hear tonight’s specials?” She looked over her shoulder to the older couple eating their dinner, before turning back to Lexa, “Johnny and Cath over there are sure loving Murphy’s meatloaf.”
Lexa peered over Clarke’s shoulder, wincing at the sight of the meat mushed around their plates, “Never have, won’t start now.”
“Alrighty then, Lexa. Enjoy your whiskey. Maybe one of these days I can convince you to stay for dinner, too,” the blonde laughed.
Lexa took a sip, “Doubt it, the food here… It’s not really up my alley.”
Clarke nodded, though she wasn’t sure why she did. For the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why Lexa frequented the restaurant every week if all she wanted was a glass of cheap whiskey, “You know there are other places in town you can go to get a drink, right?”
“I can stop coming here, if that’s what you’re insinuating,” the brunette set her glass down on the table and looked straight into Clarke’s eyes.
The blonde inhaled deeply—Lexa was extremely difficult to read, but from what she gathered, the woman didn’t mean any malice behind her words. If anything, it seemed as if Lexa had taken a liking to her, especially from seeing her around town and barely speaking two words to anyone else, “Don’t get ahead of yourself. You’re an easy customer. Same day every week, same order, you leave when you’re done so you don’t hog up my tables, and you tip 100% of your check every time. I’d be an idiot to tell you to stop coming here.”
The brunette nodded, “So why the suggestion?”
“Just wasn’t sure if you’ve ventured around town. Maybe one of the bars would be more your scene, you don’t necessarily strike me as the type to be surrounded by the dinosaurs that come through this place,” Clarke shrugged.
“Well then, that’s appreciated,” Lexa let out a small smile, “I get along with dinosaurs quite well, though.”
Clarke raised a brow, “You have a sense of humor,” she pointed out. “Who woulda thought?”
“I’m an old soul, at heart,” Lexa said, bringing the glass to her lips again.
The blonde smiled, “I gathered that the second you walked in here that first time. There’s something about you. I can’t quite place it yet, but I’m sure in time I will. But that’s enough out of me, I’ll let you enjoy your evening treat.” Clarke tapped the table with her pen, “I’ll come back around to say bye before you head out—if that’s okay with you.”
“Sure,” Lexa nodded before turning her attention away from Clarke, looking back down at her watch again.
It was ten after seven—she had about fifty minutes to make it back home before her dinner would be ready. Just a few more weeks. After that, she’d be able to go back to her real home, back to the life she was used to. This short stint in Arkadia would be behind her, and so would the facade she had been having to keep up over the long few weeks.
She was jostled out her thoughts at the sound of a glass breaking. She looked up and noticed Clarke hovering over a table in the back in a heated argument with a customer, the brown-haired man was clearly inebriated, likely the cause of the glass shards lining the table. She waited a little longer, watching how her server was able to hold her own. It wasn’t until the man placed his hands around Clarke’s wrists that Lexa’s body went into overdrive.
In a matter of seconds, Lexa was standing next to Clarke, she now had a grasp on the man’s hand, “Let go.”
“Lexa?” the blonde was astonished, she hadn’t even realized the woman was standing right next to her.
“Get your hand off of me, you whack job,” the man huffed, trying to shake Lexa off as he still had a hold on the blonde.
“Now,” Lexa stated, “before I rip your hand off her myself.”
“You can’t threaten me like that,” he scoffed, still not loosening his grip, even under the brunette’s ice cold grasp.
“I believe I already did,” there was an esurient look in her eyes, her hunger pangs from before had been exponentially amplified. As the man finally let Clarke’s hand free, the small trail of blood running down her palm gave her a resolution as to why.
Lexa jumped back at the sight, looking down again at the small cut on Clarke’s hand, moving her eyes to the blonde’s, “Are you okay?”
All Clarke could do was nod—so much had happened in such a short period of time. Finn, the angry town drunk set his hands on her, Lexa appearing out of thin air and threatening the man on her behalf, and now, the brunette looked absolutely disgusted by her.
“Go home, Finn. You’re drunk,” Clarke said, tapping the man’s chair with her foot, then turned her attention to Lexa, “Thanks, I need to go get this wrapped up.”
“Yeah, okay. I should get going soon,” Lexa nodded, unable to look straight at the blonde.
Lexa made her way back to her booth to finish the rest of her drink. She watched from her seat as the man slapped a few bills and change on the table—to be frank, she was surprised he even did that. Her eyes never left the man, something he had realized on his way out. She took notice that he stood near the front door, lighting a cigarette, and she couldn’t help but wonder why he was still sticking around. The sound of someone clearing their throat brought her attention back inside the restaurant.
“You’re still here,” Clarke observed, zipping the front of her jacket.
Lexa nodded, taking the last swig of whiskey from her glass, “I am, and by the looks of it, he is too.”
“He’s drunk and he’s an idiot, but thank you again for that,” Clarke managed to smile. She brought her hand up to push a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and Lexa was glad to see that her cut had been bandaged up.
“You don’t have to thank me, I was just doing what was right.”
Clarke pursed her lips, “Right, well I’m going to head out. The boss said I could go home after all that, Octavia will be by to pick up your check. See you same time next week?”
Lexa looked out the window again, the man was still lingering near the door, “Is that the best idea? It looks like he’s waiting for you or something.”
“I’m a big girl, Lexa, I’ll be fine.”
“Let me walk you out, at least. This town is so small that we’re probably heading in the same direction,” Lexa offered, though her expression was still stoic.
“Really,” Clarke shook her head, “I’ll be okay, he’d be an idiot to try anything like that when there are people all around.”
“Clarke,” Lexa emphasized the blonde’s name, “he already grabbed you in a restaurant full of people. Not for nothing, but no one batted an eye. Let me walk you until he’s at least out of sight.”
The blonde took her bottom lip between her teeth, she knew Lexa was right, but there was also something about the woman that had her wondering if her suggested idea would be her best option—there was something about her, something that she still couldn’t quite place, and she didn’t like the feeling.
Before Clarke could respond, the brunette added, “I’m not leaving this place without you.”
“If you insist,” Clarke gave in, “but your uncle’s place is before mine, so I don’t need you to walk me the whole way.”
Lexa was reserved as the two walked, but that didn’t surprise Clarke one bit. Her uneasiness started to dissipate once she realized Lexa was really trying to help—Finn had still been outside the restaurant as the pair left, the drunk man screamed profanities at both women as they walked past him.
They had gone on in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Clarke spoke up, “So are you some sort of chef or something? You only eat the food you prepare yourself?”
“Huh?” Lexa looked over to the blonde, her hands were buried deep in her pockets and her head had been buried deep in her thoughts of why she insisted on walking with the woman in the first place.
“You’ve been to the restaurant every week and you’ve never ordered a thing. There aren’t many places to grab food around here and you don’t have a car, so I just assumed you preferred your own cooking to anyone else’s,” the blonde pointed out.
Lexa stopped walking, “How do you know I don’t have a car?”
Clarke shrugged, “Small town.”
“Right,” Lexa nodded, starting to walk again, “And I get my food delivered fresh every day.”
“One of those fancy farm-to-table meal services, huh? Clarke grinned, “Too rich for my blood.”
Lexa winced at the last word that left the blonde’s mouth, “Something like that.” The brunette looked around and realized that they were no longer going in the direction of Alexander’s home, “I thought you said my uncle’s place was on the way.”
“It was,” the blonde blushed, “I got kind of creeped about Finn so I kept walking, I’m sorry. I hope you don’t mind, it’ll only be a five minute walk back for you, though. We can part ways here if you’d like.”
“I didn’t know you were capable of such trickery,” Lexa smirked, “It’s fine, I have time before I have to be back,” she looked at her watch—she had about thirty minutes to get home and finally eat before her hunger would take the best of her.
“Thank you,” Clarke smiled, reaching into her purse to pull out a set of keys.
“You don’t have to keep thanking me.”
Clarke shrugged, “I know I don’t know you, but something tells me you wouldn’t have done that for just anyone.”
“I suppose you’re right about that,” Lexa stopped at the bottom of the steps leading to the front door of a modest craftsman-style house.
Clarke opened the door and walked in, turning around to see Lexa awkwardly standing at the base of the stoop, “What are you doing?”
“Well, I was going to head back now that I know you got home okay,” Lexa said, shuffling her feet.
Clarke nodded, “Well, I don’t want to be too forward, but since you want me to stop saying ‘thank you’ I figured I could do something nice for you. I have a pretty decent bottle of whiskey in here—tastes much better than what you drink at the restaurant. Stay for one?”
“Oh,” Lexa was honestly surprised. She knew she had enough time for one drink before having to be home, but something inside of her kept her at the bottom of the steps, keeping her from taking a step forward, “that does sound nice.”
Clarke arched a brow, “So what are you still standing there for?”
Lexa’s mind raced at how to tackle the conversation. There was something burning inside of her, wanting to step inside the home and be closer to Clarke—she knew it was partly because of the experience at the restaurant which fueled her hunger, but it was also partly because out of all the people in this small town, Clarke had been the only welcoming person towards her. She took a breath and cursed herself for how forward she was about to become, “I’m waiting for you to invite me in.”
The blonde was thoroughly confused, “I thought I just did.”
“I need you to say it,” Lexa sighed.
“Okay,” Clarke exhaled, still confused and now hoping she wasn’t having a lapse of judgement about inviting the woman in front of her into her home, “Lexa, would you please come inside for a drink?”
The brunette’s legs started to mindlessly move towards the door and into the house, “I only have twenty-five minutes, but I’d love to.”
Few notes here: I wrote this pretty hastily and didn’t have any time to proofread, so I’m sorry if there are any typos and whatnot. Secondly, I left this pretty open ended because I have a few ideas for how a larger story could pan out. If you guys are interested in that, let me know and I’ll start to post some snippets when I have time!
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writingcommander · 5 years
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My hair literally took an hour to finish. But I love how this costume came out!!
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