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freetobeafcknriot · 8 months ago
Okay but hello! I saw your post about a Soulmate!AU for TUA and with season 4 coming I feel like I need to know more sooooo may I?
anon the way you made me screech and giggle and cry tears of joy because of course you may know more?? i've been waiting for this??? for reference, this is the post and this is how i'm tagging the au to keep track of it on my blog. because i may not have a title, but i'm an editor and sometimes a writer and almost always i just have an overreacting imagination. so i definitely needed a tag. anyway! i'll... idk i will give you a few details? hcs? this is the gist of it, buckle up !
the psa for this is that there are two kind of soulmarks: the ones you already have when you are born (if you're born with it; not everyone is and as a matter of fact the only two brellies to have a twin flame are allison and klaus) and the ones that appear through life (way more common). a case could be made to differentiate between these two categories, for which we either talk about twin flames—allegedly what once was one single soul now split in two perfect halves who are said to recognize and yearn for one another—or soulmates—two souls drawn to one another out of compatibility or remembrance who connect and form something.
this may vary from one culture to another, but there generally is no fixed standard regarding romantic or platonic bonds, as every soulmark and soul bond are unique in form and shape and meaning. this is the core of it all.
now. . . when they're little, reginald makes six of his seven children get the umbrella academy tattoo. in this universe, that tattoo is sort of a faux mark, because reginald had a strict and precise stance on soulmarks and at the time claimed that such things were foolish compared to the duty the academy had towards the world. the team should have formed a united front, be a unit, so that tattoo was a symbol that was to be seen as binding. marks and bonds can be made not just by fate, after all! at the time, little viktor was exempt from it because he wasn't part of the academy.
(little did they know that years down the line, in the sixties, an actual mark would appear on that same spot. this time though there would be seven of them.)
anyway, i don't know if you want a rundown of the soulmarks and whatnot? i have an in-depth list of bonds (both marked and not) with backstories and considerations and hcs regarding canon events that is quite lengthy because i imagine the au splitting in two branches at some point—one canon compliant up to season 4 when it's out and one canon divergent post-season 1 or 2—and  i'm also writing down a list of the soul bonds within the academy that is basically an abstract from viktor's book (because he would have included it too). i'll keep it short for starters because otherwise i'll end up unloading too much on you all and i'm afraid of being too all over the place, but basically. THE SOUL BONDS:
there's the tattoo of the series/faux mark and the actual soulmark that in my mind appears on top of it mid-season 2 and is shared by the brellies. team zero, hey? then from the oldest to the most recent to manifest we've got. . .
FIVE & VIKTOR, the rings ┈ because i nicknamed them all according to their soulmarks they have this small pigmented ring on the right ring finger that changes in shade depending on the physical distance between them. very subtle and cool and with much lore following canon, as you may guess. the only thing i'm gonna say for now is that five and vik's soul bond goes back to when they were four and it played a small role in the leaving lights on and sanwiches out situation.
LUTHER & ALLISON, the cryptolect ┈ it means that they can speak a language of their own. literally! it's impossible for anybody but them to understand it, reginald probably tried and failed to identify patterns or elements from various linguistic branches to make some sense of it but it just can't be picked up or taught as it's basically second nature. given how luther and allison were as kids it was such a big deal and so obvious that no one even remembers a time before and obviously due to recent events it's kinda cool to me to see it as a bit deteriorated but still ever-present bond.
FIVE & BEN, the wisps ┈ literally what five started calling the two flame-like little spirits that represent his and ben's soul bond after ben pointed out that they looked like the will-'o-the-wisp he'd read about in a book. but also because of the way they would appear and always lead the way to one another. that was their thing. nobody but five and ben has ever been able to see the wisps, not even klaus, so they had a theory that maybe they were an echoed apparition of their souls or something like that. there's a lot of lore/hcs here, too, especially regarding five's disappearance and time in the apocalypse and ben's afterlife as a ghost. all i can say is ‘so close yet far’ and ‘never truly gone’.
KLAUS & BEN, the timers ┈ it is as it says, only there were speculations about what the timers led to given that they weren't aligned (read: they were counting down to different dates) and not even made out of conventional numerals. the soulmark itself was a bit above the inner crook of the left elbow, no darker than a sunspot, regularly in motion and indicating years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds in roman numerals, which is part of the reason why it was a bit difficult to interpret with no previous familiarity. even more so if you're oblivious or in denial. again, lore and angst and delayed realization came with a row of light null characters in its stead. quite a bit of baggage because i love them and canon says so.
DIEGO & KLAUS, the compass ┈ more specifically, i have it jotted down as a moving indicator that appeared more or less when they were around thirteen or fourteen. it might have seemed out of the blue then, but all things considered it wasn't that unexpected, especially when you look at season one or if you too think that diego used to haul klaus from the streets or drag him to rehab if they ran into one another. anyway, their soulmark is kind of a compass if you go by its shape. it's embedded on the lower part of the palm of their right hand, towards the thumb (below klaus' hello tattoo), and it does move and spin, but instead of pointing north it points you towards the general direction of the other.
OG!BEN & VIKTOR, the blossoms ┈ the most subtle and late soul bond of them all. i like to think that the lowest numbers were close as kids, given the information we were given, so even though their relationship might have stilled a little in their teens it was still tender enough to grant viktor and ben a soul bond. they were never sure of when it happened because the only instance where the soulmark in on itself becomes visible is when they touch. physical contact equals a tiny luminescent outlined flower appearing near the knuckle of their left middle finger. to which i feel the need to remind you all of this:
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so these are the soul bonds within the hargreeves siblings! without taking into account sparrow!ben (or the sparrows in general) because stars do i have something in store for pookie as well.
i was tempted to add more, but i also wanted to emphasize how there doesn't always need to be an actual, visible soulmark for a bond to be important plus i'm waiting to see if season 4 makes me add more lol. diego is a primary example of this because, without spoiling anything, he secretly craved that kind of bond as a child, even though his siblings love him just the same regardless. it's also the reason why i have a list of non-marked bonds as well as one for soul bonds featuring characters outside of the academy. there might also be a playlist somewhere, because each bond has a song in my mind, but i digress!
this has gotten super long already so for now, that's it that's all. but i'm tagging this au and working on it and my inbox is there if you uuh, wanna chat about it more? ngl it was hard not being able to rant about it with anybody, because there are some elements and facts and implications there that genuinely alter my brain chemistry daily. so thank you for the ask, nonnie! <3
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swedenis-h · 1 year ago
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A drunk call, 2009
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zombiefairies · 1 year ago
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 1 year ago
smthn shitty i made for my chinese final ft. the only 4 vsynths i currently have that natively support mandarin chinese
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jinouchibhue · 1 year ago
During my lecture, today, I was thinking about JoeHook and quickly jotted down some notes, and they read:
Hook boyish
What did i mean by that? lmaoooo
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music-fan · 10 months ago
This song!!!! Radiohead TKOL RMX 1234567 I'm general too. But this song especially!!
PT: little by little - Caribou RMX by Radiohead
(Bandcamp) (youtube)
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paramar · 1 year ago
esta weona tiene 30 y todavía tiene monitos de anime como iconos de tumblr. matémosla
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sillycyan · 2 months ago
talkin bout some half a sandwich for 7 dollars…
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jessiangravelblr · 3 months ago
[Show Champion] 방탄소년단 - DNA (BTS - DNA) l EP.247 (EN/JP/TW)
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orionangeline · 1 year ago
First night in the new apartment!! Woohoo 🎉🎉
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emberz7 · 7 months ago
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1234567 🌂
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jihyoruri · 2 years ago
I'm a wow!yn simp #1234567 after binge reading all of your wow!yn stories
May I request a wow!yn x Gaeul moments? I only saw an interaction between them once (+ I think they both fit the chill yet "handsome" vibes). It can be whatever you like~ Thank you and take your time!!!
sure ‼️‼️‼️
- clip one ☆
“yn’s stomach is hard.” gaeul says to the camera, pointing to the girl who stood behind her.
yn furrowed her brows at gaeul’s statement, “what…?”
gaeul then grabs yn’s arm and pulls her to stand beside her, “lift up your shirt.”, yn follows the girls command and lifts up her oversized shirt, revealing her stomach.
“look at those abs!” gaeul laughs slapping yn’s stomach.
yn side eyes gaeul and walks out of the cameras veiw, “you’re so weird.”
- clip two ☆
gaeul walked up to yn with the camera in her hand, “let’s go ask yn what she thinks about my hair.”
she finds yn laying on the floor with a backpack over her face, gaeul looks at the camera alarmed before taking the backpack off yn’s face.
“what do you think?”
yn rubs her eyes as she tries to get a good look at gaeul’s blonde hair, “you look like draco malfoy.”
gaeul then looks at the camera offended.
- clip three ☆
gaeul zoomed the camera on yn’s sleeping face as she laughed quietly, “this is the yn you guys don’t get to the see, the soft one.”
she pauses when yn shifts in her sleep, she laughs when she hears yn whine and groan.
she goes closer to yn’s face only for her phone to be smacked out her hand and the camera goes black, the only thing that was heard was gaeul’s scream and yn’s laugh.
- clip four ☆
“yn sing lesserafim’s new song.” gaeul reads before turning to yn with an expecting face.
“their new song?” yn asks before looking up in thought, “is that the one where they do the barbie dog dance move.”
“yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s the one.” gaeul says laughing,
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ginnyw-potter · 10 days ago
Did I just stay up late to finish a oneshot? Yes.
does that mean my AO3 account has 1234567 words precisely? Hell yeah
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scav-gifs-daily · 1 year ago
been really liking the number seven lately. so i request some seven-themed scavs :]
could we have #7, #1234567, and #7777777 (that's seven 7s!)?
greatly appreciated. love seeing these beasts on my dash 💚
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ID : 777777777
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ID : 7777777
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ID : 1234567
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ID : 7
the 7s gang.... also why does 1234567 do that. just holds their arms up huh
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unicaler · 2 months ago
Папа сказал, что на 8 марта-др мне подарят телефон
Немного обидно, что это за два праздника пойдет, ведь брату на его 18-ие подарили телефон, на 23 наушники, так ещё и деньги (да, я завидую и что?)
Но всё же я рада, веееедь... Камон, моему телефону 1234567 лет, память 16 гб, и он грузит всё ооооооочень медленно
Правда придется почистить телефон до марта... основательно (мемы по бсд, небожителям, песни тнб, полматери, книги по типу Ври... и прочие файлы на смертный приговор никто не отменял)
Хорошо, что у меня есть ноутбук и я могу всё перекинуть на время туда
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edgrara · 1 year ago
kung lao x waitress!reader?
helloo! thank you for this request! it was a pleasure writing this for you! ☺️
fluff, no warnings, sfw
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“Awwh! Can’t wait to order a full buffet! Thanks Raiden, I love you so much !”  Kung Lao made a clicky sound using his tongue and patted Raiden on his head.  Kung Lao just won a sparring match against Raiden and he has to treat Kung Lao for a meal at madam bo’s.  
You saw the two gentlemen ready to order as Kung Lao eagerly raised his hand up high. You worked as a waitress at madam bo’s as you needed money to study abroad to work for your dream job. you approached them with a smile and took out your notepad and taking down their orders.
“Hello gentlemen, how may i help you ?” You asked the both of them with a soft tone.  You made eye contact with Kung Lao, whose expression looks like he’s very excited to order. “Okay so can I have the whole menu? Like EVERYTHING,” he looked at you with glittering eyes.  Your jaw dropped and eyes expanded. “Excuse me? The WHOLE menu?” you were puzzled and wrote down on your notepad ‘the whole menu…’ 
You went back and told madam bo about the weird encounter. “Madam Bo, someone wants the whole menu..,” you told her and she laughed. “The guy with the straw hat right? Kung Lao always orders the whole menu. It’s not surprising (name). Poor Raiden i must say,” madam bo had her arms on her hips and walked to the kitchen.  “Kung Lao…” you repeatedly said the name until you forget that you were daydreaming.
After madam Bo had prepared the meal, she assigned you to hand over the food to Kung Lao. You walked wobbly with food in your hands and carefully placed the food on the table.  “Thanks waitress, or should I say my love?” Kung Lao placed a smirk on his lips and winked at you. You knew that he has some interest in you. You tried to act cool by flirting back to him. “You can drive me crazy, you don’t even need keys you know,” you looked at him and went off. You hid your face in embarrassment and you knew that you gave such a corny line. Kung Lao chuckled at your pick up line.
“You look like you had your eyes on her for a long time, Kung Lao…” Raiden glanced at kung lao with an expressive smile.  Suddenly, kung lao took a piece of tissue nearby and wrote something. Raiden tried to have a glimpse of it but failed.  He called for madam bo and gave her that slip of paper.  madam bo took the paper and handed it to you.
‘hey, my name is kung lao. do you want to go out with each other? this sat? my num : 1234567 😉’  you were speechless. of course you want to go out with him! So, you took a piece of tissue and wrote your response inside.  
“Bye madam Bo, see you!” Raiden waved at madam bo and kung lao took a glimpse of you and his face started to turn red.  “Hmm, what’s in my pocket?” Kung Lao felt something wrong and he took the paper. When he unopened it, he looked happy and turned to Raiden. “It’s a date!”
repost, likes and shares are appreciated!
@edgrara ‘24
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