#120 Minute Fire Rated Wood Doors
idealspecial · 2 years
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Excited to showcase one of our most recent projects, located in Yas Island (Abu Dhabi), where we had the privilege to install IDEAL's proprietary mineral core doors. Our dedicated team ensured each and every aspect of the supplied & installed door assemblies met with ADCD (Abu Dhabi Civil Defense) and clients’ stringent quality requirements. Project Consultant: Serex Engineering Consultancy Main Contractor: Centro International Interiors Design LLC For beautifully crafted Fire & Acoustic rated timber doors that are tested & third-party certified, get in touch with us at +9716 7404840 or send your queries to [email protected]. #IdealSpecialProductsFZC #AcoufireDoor #FireDoor #FireDoorManufacturers #FireDoorManufacturersDubai #FireDoorManufacturingCompany #FireDoorSupplier #FireDoorUAE #ULFireRatedDoors #Doors #FireDoorQatar #90MinuteFireRatedDoorsQatar #120MinuteFireDoorQatar #FireDoorSaudi #FireDoorManufacturersRiyadh #AcousticDoorJeddah #FireRatedDoorJeddah #FireRatedPanelDoorDubai #120MinuteFireRatedWoodDoors
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mousumi03 · 1 month
The Indispensable Role of Fire Doors in Ensuring Building Safety
Designed with the primary purpose of preventing the spread of fire and smoke, fire doors are an essential component of any building’s passive fire protection strategy. Whether in residential, commercial, or industrial settings, these doors play a vital role in safeguarding lives and minimizing property damage.
What is a Fire Door? A fire door is a specialized door that has been rigorously tested and rated to withstand fire for a specific duration, typically ranging from 30 to 120 minutes. This expansion seals the gaps around the door, preventing the passage of fire and smoke between compartments within a building.
Unlike standard doors, fire doors are part of a complete assembly that includes the door frame, hinges, locks, and seals—all of which must work together to effectively contain a fire. The entire system is designed to maintain its integrity under extreme conditions, providing critical time for occupants to evacuate and for emergency responders to control the fire.
How Do Fire Doors Work? Fire doors are integral to a building’s compartmentation strategy, which aims to divide a structure into sections to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. When a fire occurs, the door’s intumescent seals react to the heat by expanding, creating a tight seal around the door edges. This prevents fire and smoke from passing through, thereby containing the fire to its origin and limiting the potential damage.
These mechanisms are crucial, as an open fire door cannot provide the protection it’s designed to offer. In many cases, fire doors are also connected to the building’s fire alarm system, automatically closing when the alarm is triggered.
Key Benefits of Fire Doors 1. Life Safety The foremost benefit of a fire door is its ability to protect lives. By containing the fire within a specific area, fire doors provide the necessary time for occupants to evacuate safely. 
2. Protection of Property Fire doors not only save lives but also help protect property by limiting the spread of fire. This containment reduces the extent of damage, making it easier and less costly to restore the building after the fire is extinguished.
3. Compliance with Regulations Many building codes and fire safety regulations require the installation of fire doors in certain areas of a building. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to ensure the safety of the building’s occupants and to avoid potential legal liabilities.
4. Sound Insulation
This makes them ideal for use in environments where noise reduction is important, such as hospitals, offices, and residential buildings.
Choosing the Right Fire Door
Fire Rating: The fire rating indicates how long the door can withstand fire. Choose a fire door with a rating that meets your building’s specific safety requirements.
Material: Fire doors can be made from a variety of materials, including steel, wood, and glass. The choice of material should align with the aesthetic and functional needs of the space.
Size and Fit: Ensure that the fire door fits perfectly within the door frame to provide maximum protection. 
Certification: Always choose a fire door that has been tested and certified by recognized authorities to ensure it meets the necessary safety standards.
Professional Installation: Proper installation is critical for the door to function correctly in the event of a fire. It is highly recommended to have fire doors installed by certified professionals.
Maintenance of Fire Doors Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that fire doors continue to perform effectively. This includes checking the door’s alignment, ensuring the seals are intact, and verifying that the self-closing mechanisms are working properly. Regular inspections should be part of the building’s overall fire safety plan.
Fire door are an essential investment in the safety and security of any building. Whether constructing a new building or upgrading an existing one, choosing the right fire doors—and ensuring they are properly installed and maintained—is a critical step in enhancing your building’s fire safety.
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chenmadoor · 1 month
Understanding the Classification of Entrance Fire Door Fire Resistance Ratings
The Entrance Fire Door plays a critical role in the safety infrastructure of buildings, providing a crucial barrier against the spread of fire. The effectiveness of these doors is determined by their fire resistance ratings, which are meticulously classified to ensure they meet the specific needs of different building types and safety requirements. This article delves into the intricacies of how Entrance Fire Door fire resistance ratings are divided, the criteria used, and the importance of these classifications in safeguarding lives and property.
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The classification of Entrance Fire Doors is based on a standardized set of tests that measure the door's ability to withstand fire for a specified period. These tests are conducted under controlled conditions and are governed by national and international standards, such as those set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
The primary factor in classifying Entrance Fire Doors is the duration for which they can resist the passage of fire. This is typically measured in hours and is denoted by a numerical value, such as 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes. The higher the number, the longer the door can withstand fire, providing more time for occupants to evacuate and for firefighters to respond.
In addition to the fire resistance duration, Entrance Fire Doors are also classified based on their structural integrity and insulation properties. Structural integrity refers to the door's ability to maintain its physical form and prevent the collapse of the door assembly during a fire. Insulation, on the other hand, measures the door's ability to prevent the transfer of heat to the unexposed side, thus protecting the area beyond the door from the effects of the fire.
Another aspect of Entrance Fire Door classification is the type of door construction. Doors can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, steel, and composite materials. Each material has its own set of properties that affect the door's fire resistance rating. For example, steel doors are known for their high strength and durability, but they can conduct heat more readily than wood or composite doors. As such, steel Entrance Fire Doors may require additional insulation to achieve the desired fire resistance rating.
The classification of Entrance Fire Doors also takes into account the door's components, such as the hinges, locks, and closers. These components must also meet specific fire resistance requirements to ensure that the entire door assembly can perform as expected during a fire. For instance, a fire door hinge must be able to withstand the heat and pressure of a fire without failing, as a failed hinge could compromise the door's ability to close and seal properly.
Furthermore, the classification system also considers the door's performance in a fire in terms of smoke control. In many cases, smoke can be as deadly as the fire itself, so Entrance Fire Doors are often tested for their ability to limit the spread of smoke. This is particularly important in high-rise buildings, where smoke can quickly spread through vertical shafts and pose a significant risk to occupants.
The classification of Entrance Fire Doors is not only about the door itself but also about its integration into the building's overall fire safety strategy. Doors must be installed correctly and maintained regularly to ensure they remain effective. This includes ensuring that the door closes and latches properly, that the seals around the door are intact, and that any automatic closing mechanisms are functioning correctly.
In conclusion, the classification of Entrance Fire Doors is a complex process that involves a range of factors, including the door's fire resistance duration, structural integrity, insulation properties, material composition, and component performance. These classifications are essential for ensuring that Entrance Fire Doors provide the necessary level of protection in the event of a fire, helping to save lives and decrease property damage. Understanding the nuances of Entrance Fire Door classifications is crucial for architects, building owners, and safety professionals, who must select the appropriate doors for their specific applications and ensure they are installed and maintained by high safety standards.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 5 July 1838
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awaked 2 or 3 times during the night, so terribly bit by something – had slept between my 2 cloaks (my old maclean plaid and 8 years old green and black Paris merinos) – my artillery man, lance-corporal Colin Morrison, an Edinburgh man, was waiting for me – a fine looking soldier-like, civil man of apparently 24 or 25 – very fine morning – off at 6 – soon passed the little fortified gate (drawbridge and double trench) out of the town, leaving (left) the sandy inlet and the long bridge over the river (Urumea) and the road to Passages – we soon passed thro’ the ruined village (vide line 2 above) and pursued our road by a steepish ascent towards Hernani distant 4 English miles – about a mile or more from St. Sebastian, a fort, (left) on the hill [manned] by Spanish soldiers – hilly road – hilly country – but not much wood beyond bush wood – Colin talked all the way and explained their positions at the useless siege of Hernani – for what have the chistianos got by it? merely a little more elbow-room about St. Sebastian and a walk of 4 miles into the country – nothing else – the carlists are still all roundabout – the Christianos destroyed the convents and village and houses about St. Sebastian for fear of their affording shelter to the carlists – whatever the carlists do, the xtians and British Legion rob just as much – and Colin has often been ashamed even for our artillery (about 120 men at St. Sebastian but entered as marines because we have no right to send a land force tho’ everybody sees thro’ this flimsy subterfuge) – Colin has seen our artillery ordered to go to the different villages 8 or 10 miles off and take even the very beds the people slept and what was worse oblige them to carry their own things thus plundered to St. Sebastian – the artillery men are quite sick of all this – but the officers wish to stay – they like to be on service – and the commandant has extra allowances and Lord John Hay has £6 a month extra for table money as commodore etc. etc. – Colin cannot like the Spaniards – they have no heart – give us no thanks whatever we do for them – They think they can do anything and everything, and can do very little – will not stir themselves more ambition than the English but not courage to follow it – they themselves (the Xtianos) could have done nothing at Hernani without the English -  the Carlists fight better – never saw men behave better than some of them did at Hernani – but they are all light armed – have nothing but musquettry  - or else he agreed with me they might easily take even St. Sebastian by a corp de main and Hernani – I see nothing to prevent it – the 200 or 300 of the British legion at Hernani, look miserable – whatever happens they are always put into the worst quarters and have the worst of everything and cannot get paid – they live on their rations and plunder and as they can – they had confidence in the bravery of general Evans, but not in his talent – he brought the artillery into action at Hernani much too close to the enemy’s fire – if Don Carlos had had any artillery, all our men would have been blown to pieces – Hernani a poorly walled little fortified town, Colin said of about 500 inhabitants – 1 longish narrow street opening into a little grande place and one or 2 little side streets – more picturesque than good – a few of the houses handsomely carved on the gable front towards the street and seeming to have been inhabited by better sort of people – porte cochère into large room where stood carts or what not and au fond the large wide stone (handsome perhaps if clean) staircase – altogether Spanish – walked thro’ the town to the last xtiano guard perhaps ¼ mile from the town – 4 or 5 men there one with a telescope watching the carlists in force on the opposite hill, and taking care that the last xtiano sentry at a house a little distance below us was not surprised – the women with the legion are chiefly if not all Irish – I saw the serjants’ wife bargaining in the street – she contrives to do pretty well for she washes etc. for the men, and when they got paid she gets something, and they can live on her husbands’ rations and her allowance of ½ ditto – I think Colin said they had per man 1lb. beef (very good considering) 1lb. bread 1/4lb. cheese – I forgot what of potatoes and I think a gill of rum – 20 or more above proof – would bear 4 water and still be as strong as our rum in England – the artillery have all this for 5d. English and Colin said they (the artillery) could sell it to the [pursuer] at St. Sebastian if they chose for 10d. that is the price it cost him at St. Sebastian – a road direct from Hernani along the valley to Passages but not open because the middle part of it in possession of the carlists – or I should have liked to walk the round back this way to St. Sebastian – 12000 of the legion at Passages – 12 companies with 4 officers to each = 48 that is the colonel and major and two more I forget what he called them – I had thought of breakfasting at Hernani – Luisa had said there was a café there where I could breakfast – but seeing no signs of it, I said nothing but turned back – off from St. S- at 6 at the last guard (about 1/4mile out of Hernani) at 7 35 and back again at the fonda at St. S- at 9 10 having just gone on the ramparts to see the breach made under the d. of Wellington – breakfast immediately – café au lait – I was thirsty and thought the warm breakfast would quite refresh – the café seemed to have a queer taste – took the milk by itself – it was hardly down before it was up again! (surely it was goats’ milk which never did and perhaps never will agree with me) – lay down for 50 minutes till 10 and was dozing when the Captain rapped at my door – said I had not breakfasted but should be ready in ¼ hour – I had luckily brought up my wine from dinner last night – ate a little bit of bread and drank a little wine and water which did very well for me – had Luisa up and got her to write
me out the bill – myself 20 réals – George 12 reals and 4 reals = 1 piastre or 1 franc .:. my bill was just 8 fr. – gave la fille 1 piastre or franc (took it from George who had exchanged a 5fr. piece) and in paying Madame veuve Iriarte gave her two 5fr. pieces saying that the 2 fr. over where for Mademoiselle Luisa – at the quai in 2 or 3 minutes but no captain – waited for him 20 minutes and embarked and put off from the jetty at St. Sebastian at 11 40 – dawdled a little in the port for one of our rowers (3 now instead of 4 as in coming) to pick up a bottle of wine or something – we were now myself and George our captain and 3 rowers – doubled the rock island to the westward as in entering and rowed 20 minutes till 12 – then hoisted 2 sails and went I should suppose at the rate of 5 knots an hour – a good deal of surf (considering the fineness of the day) under the citadel-rock and between this and the rock-island – we had considerably less to the westward of the island under the tower fort which Colin had told me they (our men) fortified without ever receiving anything for their labour – they did a great deal of work at first – they understood our government set all down to the Spanish debt – yes! said I, but Spain will never pay I think – In sight of Passages at 12 35 – sick at 1 ¼ - again at 2 ¼ and Fontarabia in sight at 2 35 – St. Sebastian-citadel, and rock-island, and tower fort – Passanges – all high green rock to the bay of Fontarabia (i.e. to the striking projecting rock called Pointe de Figuier [Figueres?]) – at the French end of it (north side of this bay as I call it, of Fontarabia – embouchure of the Bidassoa) red rock head looked at a distance like a red-tiled town – then while from this end all the way to St. Jean de Luz – land at 3 50 at St. Jean de Lux near the douane – the solider or douanier seemed afterwards ½ ashamed to have questioned me about my little packet of night things but I went in and opened it out – a good deal of surf in entering the little harbour at the embouchure of the little river Nivelle – I can well believe the difficulty and danger of getting in a bad weather – soon walked to the Inn – M. Junca and all glad to see me – followed me to A-‘s door, as if to see the happy meeting – but they fell back for all was deadly still – poor A- was poorly and all had seemed more glad to see [me] back than she – I had thought to try the land-way or at least go to the frontier, and stand on the bridge between the French sentry at one end and the Spanish at the other – no danger or difficulty so far – but A- wanted to be off immediately back to Bayonne – a diligence would go at 5 – But I fell faint – ordered a mutton chop – had it in the salle à manger and M. Junca and Conigo and others came round me – M. Junca had discovered that I was carlist – found it out from my manner on embarking yesterday – Conigo a contrebandier – M. Junca the means of getting formation for Mr. Mitchell  shewed me one of the notes Mr. M- pays him weekly I think for conveyance of messengers M. Junca a very good sort of little man – said I had trusted him and he would do the best he could for me – paid Conigo the 50/. as agreed and gave him 5/.  over for his crew – all parted good friends – the diligence, an omnibus à 6 places de chaque coté  (12 persons) horsed by M. Junca – about 7 persons besides A- and myself and George 6 women and a boy inside, and a gentleman on the box outside with the cocher – waited ¼ for us – off at 5 ¼ at the barrier at 7 ¼ - to leave our passport and take a receipt for it – I got impatient of waiting, and A- and I walked to our hotel St. Etienne – 12 minutes and arrived there at 7 ½ - ordered dinner – then had Josephine to do my hair at 7 50 – then a minute or 2 with A- all had heard of A-‘s not going to St. S- our coachman had not returned when she got back to St. Jean de Luz – poor M. Junca had looked after us, and not seeing the boat (while he turned aside we had put into the port of Socoa to land A-) was quite alarmed was just going to give orders for sending out after us when he saw A- returning and heard what had happened – A- said she had not got back till 5, and if I had not left her the umbrella could not have got back at all – the people told me she had got back between 3 and 4 – however I thanked heaven she had turned back – she could not have borne the boating and the impossibility of getting her anything comfortable at St. S- would have been terrible – with her a minute or two after my hair was done but I soon came to my room and wrote  the following in pencil in my little note book  she means to trouble everybody as little as she can will do for herself   I gently said well if you can do better I shall be very glad   I saw before she was all wrong and guessed the nature of her illness  it is astonishing how little I care  I was guiltless of thinking of her yesterday or this morning till my arrival   when at the moment I forgot my anticipations and ran up to the people and then to her I was soon set right  how different my last reception on returning from Spain to Lady S. de R-! dinner at 8 ½ to 9 25 and then had Josephine ¼ hour very fine day tho’ a light shower just before leaving St. Jean de Luz F71 ½° at 9 55
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tucsonwindowanddoor · 2 years
Some Tips to Buy Fire-proof Doors
The benefits and uses of a fire door are currently a piece of common sense. Moreover, a few safety inspection processes expect that all basic designs have the necessary fire-proof doors. However, picking an irregular fire-retardant entryway is certainly not a smart thought.
Does it mean you should purchase a door with a beating fire door cost to guarantee the quality? Quality comes from the material and the standing of the brand. Thus, before you go with the right entryway, here is all that you want to be aware of to pick the right fire entryway.
Where to introduce fire-rated doors?
Right off the bat, pick every one of the passageways that are, per rules, expected to be guarded by fire-rated doors. Disregarding guidelines can be perilous and cost-inadequate as well. Past that, pick rooms where you intend to store resources or combustible things to get with a heat-proof door.
For example, the container kitchen is one of the essential rooms where a fire can begin. Subsequently, it is ideal to pick a fire door to keep fire and blazes from spreading to different regions, or in the other case, from arriving at the kitchen if the fire is outward.
What is a decent heat-proof door?
There are a few styles of fire entryways on the lookout. To begin with, you can track down wooden fire entryways, leaned toward private designs. Be that as it may, they are not appropriate as they are made of wood eventually. No door material bursts into flames quicker than wood. There are additionally steel fire entryways. These days, they are being utilized in private as well as business structures. Albeit material assumes a fundamental part like the flame-resistant entryway, there is something else to it.
A fire retardant door has a casing, pivot, door closer, handles, and lock like any ordinary entryway. Alongside those, it has vision boards and smoke seals. On the off chance that the handle or the pivot isn't sufficient, the motivation behind the whole heat-proof door becomes void.
As an ordinary client, checking the nature of every moving and fixed piece of a fire door is essentially inconceivable. 
Here are a few specialized focuses presented by the specialists at Tucson Window and Door
A decent fire-resistant door ought to have a fire-evaluated entryway closer.
A decent door ought to have a smoke seal to keep smoke and fire from spreading. The intumescent strip would seal the whole entry.
Door locks, handles, vision boards, and pivots ought to be tried by government standards.
The necessary heat-proof season of an entryway is 120 minutes.
Finally, pick entryways with a decent powder covering and assembling guarantee.
Each component utilized in the entryway ought to be fire evaluated, similar to silicone gel, and vision glass, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
If you are planning to install fire-proof doors at your Tucsons' residential and commercial properties visit "Tucson Window and Door" a vast Doors showroom in Tucson, AZ.
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bestcartreviews · 4 years
15 Best Pizza Ovens Portable (May 2020), Pizza Ovens Home Kit
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Top 15 Best Pizza Makers, Types & Pizza Ovens Reviews 2020 - Buy a Best Pizza Ovens on Amazon
Compared & Reviewed, Choose the Best Homemade Pizza Ovens Portable based on your needs: Pizza Ovens for Home Pizza Ovens Stone Pizza Ovens Countertop Pizza Ovens Kits Pizza ovens for Indoors Pizza Ovens for Outdoors Pizza ovens Wood There's no one who doesn't like pizza but when it comes to preparing pizza at home or during camping, things get a bit problematic. A good pizza maker becomes a good choice to increase tastes and reduce your hardship. A first-rate pizza oven that maintains the right temperature and doesn’t tend to lose heat during cooking will provide maximum convenience. They’re different from the traditional wood-burning ovens, electric ovens, or gas-fired ovens.
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Making pizza at home or outdoors isn’t frustrating anymore when you have the pizza ovens with plenty of functions and capabilities. These ovens will serve you as a great way to get started that could last your lifetime. So, it’s the right time to have a look at some excellent pizza ovens based on pizza oven reviews. Setting these ovens is pretty easy even if you're planning to set them up in your backyard. They're quite developed when compared to normal ovens. The handpicked pizza oven portable mechanisms will guide you. The ovens listed here are reviewed by customers and experts. Moreover, each of them has gone through strict quality checks. These Pizza ovens will prepare pizza pies with meats, cheeses, and sauce toppings. Even restaurant owners and chefs can find each of these below-mentioned ovens to be quite practical when putting to use. These ovens are ready for preparing pizzas and non-pizza items alike.
Best Pizza Makers Reviewed and Compared in 2020
Here is a list of best 15 Pizza Ovens to make Delicious Pizza's at your Home:
1. Presto 03430 Pizzazz Plus Rotating Oven
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Best Presto Pizzazz Plus Rotating Pizza Oven - Pizzazz Plus Rotating Oven Review This significant oven has a rotating tray that turns continuously to assure even baking. With it, you will also get the top and bottom heating elements to bake foods evenly the way you want. Heating elements in this oven are separately controlled. So, you will get the flexibility of selecting the top, bottom, or both elements. With this oven, you can rest assured about getting perfect results every time. There is a Timer signal to mark the end of cooking time. These signals automatically turn off when required. The Presto Pizzazz Plus Rotating Pizza Oven saves as much as 60% in energy. So, it's better when compared to a conventional oven. The availability of removable nonstick baking pans makes it easy to clean and store. So, it's time to bake homemade, take-and-bake, frozen, and deli pizza. The accessories are specialized in delivering chicken nuggets, jalapeno–o poppers, cinnamon rolls, fish fillets, egg rolls, cookies, and much more. Moreover, the availability of the Nonstick pan gives added convenience because it is removable for easy cleanup and storage. The oven functions at 120 volts AC, 6o Hz, and 1235 watts. With the 13-1/4-inch-diameter pan in place, the pizza maker can deliver awesome results. Pros & Cons of Presto Pizzazz Plus Rotating Pizza Oven Pros: The oven makes pizza in half the time required by conventional ovens. There’s no requirement of preheating it. The availability of the independently controlled top and bottom heating elements will deliver custom baked foods. Cons: The shell is a bit thin with an inherently low center of gravity.
2. Luby Extra Large Toaster Oven
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Best Luby Toaster Oven - Extra Large Toaster Oven The large countertop Luby Toaster oven is a great one for baking a 14-inch pizza. What's more! It is also fantastic for roasting a 20-lb turkey, a family cake, or tenderloin. The Extra Large Toaster Oven pizza maker can comfortably fit 24 cup muffin trays. The availability of four rack positions will ensure that you can bake more at a time. There are available interior dimensions of 16-3/8 W x 15-7/8 D x 8-1/2 H to provide maximum convenience. The French door design ensures that when it is open, it does not occupy much space. So, the operation is convenient. With this Luby Toaster pizza oven, you will get a separate temperature selector along with precise temperature control. The control is available for upper and lower racks, allowing you to set two temperatures. With this oven, you can cook different foods at a time that enhances maximum cooking. The availability of the 60-minute timer lets us set the temperature and timer. Moreover, the user will also get the flexibility of the easy-to-turn knobs. There are available functions like auto-shutoff and signal bell to the percent of the food from being overcooked once the time is up. Pros & Cons of Luby Toaster Oven Pros: The availability of four heating Tubes makes it significantly over the competitors. This, it is perfect for baking pizzas, cookies, broiling turkey, fish, toasting bread and keeping food warm You can prepare big meals for your friends or family with the extra-large oven! Cons: Sometimes it becomes hard to move due to the chimney design and the bulk size of the equipment. It doesn’t conveniently fold.
3. Wisco 421 Pizza Oven, LED Display
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Best Wisco 421 Pizza Oven Reviews Wisco 421 Pizza Oven Led Display - This pizza oven hails with the removable clean out tray and works with the quick one-touch setting of 450F. At a time it works for 10 minutes. With this oven, you will get the adjustable thermostat working at 150F-500F in 25 increments. Forget about the typical pizza oven when you have this. With one simple push, you can get the benefits of the digital LED display to automatically set for 10 minutes. Even if you need more or less time at a different temperature, it's not at all a problem! The availability of the rotary dial design will help you with the objective to set it at what you need. Get creative with this pizza oven that is designed exclusively to yield amazing results. This countertop oven fits numerous Slices of bread, a big 14'' pizza, or a 20lb Turkey! Moreover, when you get a separate temperature controller for up and low heating tubes, you can harness the benefits of the maximum cooking flexibility. For a crisper crust, you can bake the pizza with heating elements. Now, baking is easy when you can finish it off with a few minutes of heating the bottom only. For extra cooking time, you'll have to just leave the top element a little longer. Pros & Cons of Wisco 421 Pizza Oven Pros: You can get more pizzas at a time. Availability of 60-minute timer cooks as long as you need It will give you the ability to open a single door, without letting too much heat escape Stainless steel interior becomes easy to clean up Cons: The model is a bit small compared to other pizza ovens
4. Hamilton Beach 31700 Red Pizza Maker
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Hamilton Beach Pizza Maker - Hamilton Beach Enclosed Pizza Oven Maker Review Pizza is a fascinating food that gives an unforgettable experience. But, there are few versatile and universally appealing tools to cook them. Now be ready to enjoy party time with the best quality oven. When your family wants pizza, you don’t have to undergo masses of ordering out. Save money and get the enriched tastes with your kitchen countertop. The Hamilton Beach Pizza Oven will now become your best friend and serve you the Hot & delicious pizza, snacks & appetizers. You can also cook a 12-inch pizza. The device rotates for even cooking. You can also get the availability of the viewing window to let you watch food while it is being cooked. You can also get the 30-minute cooking timer with the availability of the auto-shutoff feature. For getting exquisite tastes, no preheating is required. You can also get plenty of benefits with Adjustable heat control. Moreover, it cooks up to 40% faster & is up to 52% more energy efficient when compared to some high-end regular kitchen ovens. Pros & Cons of Hamilton Beach Pizza Maker Pros: Availability of Power light in this pizza oven outdoor kitchen will ensure that you’ll get notifications whenever needed. You’ll get the proper heating due to the enclosed top & bottom heating elements Not all ovens will give you the opportunity of viewing the pizza getting cooked through the window. Easy to use operations will give flexibility to the user. Cons: The bottom gets burned and the top doesn’t get cooked
5. Gemelli Twin Oven, Professional Grade Convection Oven
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Best Gemelli Twin Oven - Convection Pizza Oven Review The outdoor kitchen with pizza oven comes with a removable 3-pc chrome rotisserie spit rod along with the commercial-grade fork. You will get the availability of the removable rotisserie set for cooking a variety of healthy and flavorful meats (so, you will get 5-6 lbs cooked evenly). The significant part is that unwanted fats will drip away. The BUILT-IN CONVENIENCE of the drawer will give you the separate lower oven that allows you to cook 12” pizza, bagels, frozen snacks, toast bread, and more. So, with this oven, you don’t have to get another extra sheet pan. With this equipment, you can rest assured that there’s no need to preheat. The availability of the built-in convection fan allows the heat to be circulated evenly inside the pizza oven indoor. The remarkable part of this oven is that you can cook food 30% faster when compared to the standard conventional toaster ovens. The multi functional cooking equipment is best with the 3 rack positions and 8 cooking functions (the functions available include Bake, Convection Bake, Broil, Rotisserie, Defrost, Slow Cook, Convection Roast, and Keep Warm). Pros & Cons of Gemelli Twin Oven Pros: The availability of the interior light of Convection Pizza Oven for home stays on during cooking to see food being cooked The simplicity of the stainless steel knob will make this oven intuitive and easy to operate. The homemade pizza oven is completely scratch-resistant. Moreover, the non-stick coating makes the interior easy to clean. For safety, the appliance shuts off automatically thus preventing overheating of the interiors. You can also get the convenience of removing the baking pan for more compact storage. Cons: Some users find it a bit expensive
6. ROCCBOX by Gozney Portable Outdoor Pizza Oven
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Best Gozney Pizza Oven - Roccbox Portable Outdoor Pizza Oven The premium, portable, and stone pizza oven supplies are perfect for going beyond temperatures around 320° Fahrenheit. So, it will give you the ideal balance of perfectly perfect up and thin base. You can get the pizza ready in just 60 seconds. The ready to go interface comes with a built-in pizza oven thermometer, retractable legs as well as the detachable dual-fuel burners. The easy to transport oven will work with just the click of the switch and start button. It will give you the option of cooking even the traditional Pizzas with confidence. Roccbox Portable Pizza Oven is a convenient one with wood and gas burners. You will get a safe touch with the body insulation and Outer silicone skin. The family-friendly option will reduce the dangers of Skin burn that ensures that the metal body is flexible in all setups. The outdoor stand-alone pizza oven is perfect for both indoor and commercial stores. You can now get the comfort of cooking your delicious pizzas in the backyard. It helps to puff up the pizza dough, the crust and melt the chase the way you have never experienced before. It will completely transform the way of cooking at home. You can also use both the traditional and gas burners for added convenience. The availability of the superfast heat up system and blazing hot temperatures will let the equipment to bake, roast, grill or barbeque the food in a fraction of seconds. Pros & Cons of Roccbox Portable Pizza Oven Pros: Ready to use pizza maker that comes with peel and an inbuilt thermometer The safe-touch jacket will favor cooking with Roccbox family-friendly It delivers optimal conditions for cooking like dense insulation as well as the rolling flame to make cooking easy and consistent The availability of detachable burners and retractable legs will offer convenience. Cons: Propane regulator creates a problem in flowing fuel
7. Ooni 3 Outdoor Pizza Oven - Ooni pizza ovens
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Best Ooni Pro Multi-fuel Outdoor Pizza Oven - Ooni Pizza Oven Review Now, it’s time to have a look at the Ooni 3 pizza oven. With this oven, you will get the full-sized 16-inch interior along with a fairly thick (15 mm) cordierite baking stone. The construction of this oven with a powerful exterior from rolled carbon steel will be impeccable. Moreover, it is powder-coated for maintenance of appearance and scratch resistance. Building a pizza oven isn’t a nightmare anymore. Moreover, the availability of the Cordierite makes it the perfect material for baking pizzas on. Overall, the oven is durable and highly heat resistant. It is applicable for boosting the temperature. Some chefs dedicate their time, energy, efforts, and also their entire lives to craft the perfect pizza. This is the perfect pizza maker for the chefs with the temperature going up to 932 degrees Fahrenheit. The pizza oven ooni finds purpose in large parties and restaurants because it can quickly cook a perfect pizza. Moreover, it also serves a purpose as a general use oven. The ooni 3 pizza oven review suggests that it will meet with the expectations of the customers. The size of the pizza ovens ooni is relatively small making it portable. Light and easy to store an oven find a place even in a bit of room. It is also powered automatically to make it perfect for use anywhere. Propane provides a lot of oomph and is available at a fairly small cost. The most remarkable part is that it heats up in less than 20 minutes, making it easy to prepare delicious pizzas in no time. The exceptionally high-performance unit with an easy to use interface will serve everywhere equally. Pros & Cons of Outdoor Ooni Pizza Ovens Pros: Transports easily and can find purpose almost anywhere. Heats very fast and reaches the maximum temperature within just a few minutes. Cooks pizzas in reactions of seconds. Serves versatile purpose and is usable as a regular oven. You can use it like a regular oven at lower pizza oven temperatures. Sturdy carbon steel and cordierite baking stone ensures long-lasting impact. Cons: Price is a bit higher when compared to competitors.
8. Camp Chef Italia Artisan Pizza Oven
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Best Camp Chef Italia Artisan Portable Propane Outdoor Pizza Oven Review Now it’s time to bake and enjoy the perfectly crisp crust and toppings that are melded together. Enjoy true artisan style pizza with this high-end oven on your own. The portable Italia Artisan Pizza Oven has some exclusive features to replicate the performance of gas and wood-fired pizza oven bricks. You will get the maximum taste due to the double-walled construction, pizza oven reheat feature and specially designed burners. It will also provide ventilation along with the cordierite ceramic pizza stone. The availability of the micro-adjust valves will give precise heat control and responsiveness that will allow the cooking of perfect artisan pizza. You can use this oven in the backyard patio or at the campsite. Camp Chef Italia Artisan Pizza Oven is completely made from stainless steel with housing incredibly easy to clean housing to ensure that the pizzas are heated well. The double-wall construction and ventilated oven door will definitely enhance the heating dynamics. So, in every way, it truly mimics the authentic and wood-fired brick oven. It is a perfect oven for reaching temps upwards of 700F. The availability of the built-in valve ignition and micro-adjust valves will provide enhanced flame control. Moreover, the built-in temperature gauge will let safe monitoring of the internal air temps. With this equipment, the crust can be cooked to perfect golden brown. So, now he is ready to enjoy gourmet pizzas in the woods with the regulator and a five-foot hose. So, you will get the benefits of the standard bulk propane tank. The oven is designed by the top engineers for indoor and backyard use. Pros & Cons of Camp Chef Italia Artisan Pizza Oven Pros: The double-layered ceiling will give enhanced heating dynamics With the availability of micro-adjust valve, you can get total flame control Cons: If you leave the pizza unchecked, it will burn the pizza to charcoals
9. Read the full article
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biofunmy · 5 years
36 Hours in Yokohama – The New York Times
Yokohama resides in the perpetual shadow of its more prominent neighbor. Less than half an hour by train from Tokyo, the sprawling port city is the second-largest in Japan, yet registers as barely a blip among most tourists to the region. But that may soon change, at least among sports fans. This fall, Yokohama is hosting the final and semifinal matches of the Rugby World Cup. And during the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, the city will host spillover sporting events, including baseball, softball and soccer. Beyond the stadiums, visitors will find much to praise around town, from traditional gardens and temples to only-in-Japan night life and Chinatown cuisine worth a weekend detour from the capital.
1) 4 p.m. Waterside walk
Begin a visit to this bayside city with a walk along the waterfront, where hulking cruise ships, fishing vessels and industrial tankers glide in from Tokyo Bay. Start in the waterside Rinko Park, with lawns backed by towering high-rises, and try to spot fish jumping in the water offshore. Continue south past skyscrapers and a 369-foot-tall Ferris wheel, to the Red Brick Warehouse, a pair of former customs buildings constructed in the late 19th century that have been transformed into a popular shopping complex. Keep strolling south through Yamashita Park, home to blooming flowers and curious statues, and then loop back toward Osanbashi Pier, an international cruise terminal where the futuristic design — all undulating wood with plots of grass — is as impressive as the view of Yokohama’s Bay Bridge and glittering skyline.
2) 6 p.m. Sake and skewers
Join the local after-work crowd at Hanamichi, a boisterous standing bar on the B2 level of the Pio City building. Expect cheap sake — 200 yen a glass (about $1.85) from the decades-old self-serve dispensers on the counter — and snacks like tuna sashimi or piping-hot ebi (shrimp) tempura. Then continue into the neighboring Noge district, a traditional night-life area that has skirted recent waves of urban redevelopment. The lively streets are packed with dining options, but for dinner, duck inside Suehiro, a delightfully dated yakitori joint slinging grilled skewers of kawa (chicken skin), ginnan (ginkgo nuts), shishito peppers and chicken wings. Dinner for two, about 4,000 yen.
3) 8 p.m. Brilliant corner
Step back in time at Chigusa, an enduring jazz cafe that first opened in Noge in 1933. After surviving war, earthquakes, a fire and the death of its founder, this beloved institution was forced to close in 2007, but reopened on a nearby corner a few years later, thanks to support from an official Chigusa fan association. Live jazz shows are regularly staged inside the cozy space, but most nights, customers take turns choosing from the extensive collection of rare vinyl. While waiting your turn, sip a gin and tonic and respect the reverent atmosphere — this is a place for listening, not socializing.
4) 9:30 a.m. Canal course
The calm waters of Yokohama’s canals offer ideal conditions for stand-up paddle-boarding. For a rare perspective of this built-up city, glide past soaring office buildings and along tree-lined canals during a beginner’s course run by Mizube-so, an organization founded to promote aquatic activities in the city. Courses run year-round in good weather, but most popular are the fleeting days of cherry blossom season, when the banks of the Ooka River explode in fluffy pink petals. A morning 90-minute course costs 4,000 yen. In winter, wet suits are available to rent for an additional 1,000 yen.
5) Noon. Lunch lines
Expect a line outside Maruwa, a no-frills restaurant specializing in tonkatsu (fried pork cutlet), where regulars eagerly queue before opening time. Inside, this traditional spot has only 25 seats split between a bar, a few small tables and a corner tatami mat. There’s no English menu, but asking for tonkatsu will get you a set meal with hot tea, miso soup, Japanese pickles, rice, raw shredded cabbage and a tender pork cutlet coated in flaky panko and deep fried à la minute until the crust is perfectly golden brown. Absolutely famished? Order the rosukatsu, a larger, fattier cut of pork served with the same accompaniments. And don’t forget a generous drizzle of the house tonkatsu sauce, a thick Worcestershire-style condiment (tonkatsu, 1,200 yen; rosukatsu, 1,900 yen).
6) 1:30 p.m. Garden gems
After lunch, hop on bus 8 or 148 (200 yen) to reach Sankei-en, a peaceful Japanese garden south of the city center. Spanning over 43 acres, this sprawling garden was once the private residence of a wealthy silk merchant, but it has been open to the public since the early 1900s. Amid the forested hillsides sit 17 structures of historical significance that have been transported from other parts of Japan, including an asymmetric teahouse beside a tinkling stream, and a 15th-century, three-story pagoda from Kyoto that occupies a scenic hilltop. But the real draw is the seasonal nature: springtime cherry blossoms, summer’s blooming lotuses, fiery autumnal foliage and late-winter plum blossoms. Stroll along the peaceful paths, over bridges crossing small streams, past bamboo groves and ponds filled with waterlilies and lotus flowers, then rest with a matcha soft serve at a cafe beside the central pond. Admission, 700 yen. Free tours in English are often offered by volunteer guides at 2 p.m.
7) 5 p.m. Vertical diversion
Occupying the grounds of a former shipyard, the central business district of Minato Mirai 21 is today a glitzy neighborhood of modern high-rises, sprawling shopping complexes and several museums, including the Yokohama Museum of Art, the Mitsubishi Minato Mirai Industrial Museum, and the Yokohama Port Museum. Looming above it all is the angular, 972-foot-tall Landmark Tower, the city’s tallest building, where you’ll find an unparalleled vantage of the city and beyond from the Sky Garden, an observation deck on the 69th floor. Arrive before sunset for a view that extends to Mount Fuji on clear days, or go after dark to admire the twinkling urban sprawl. Admission: 1,000 yen.
8) 6:30 p.m. Chinatown color
Colorful, grandiose gates mark the entrances to Yokohama’s Chinatown, the largest in Japan. Wander the narrow alleys strung with red-paper lanterns, past bubble tea cafes and hawkers luring passers-by with multilingual dim sum menus. Hidden within the disarray is Kanteibyo, a gilded Chinese temple with an ornate, crimson-and-gold facade. After admiring the showy site, head to dinner at the Chinese restaurant Dalian. Dumplings are the specialty at this bi-level spot, so once seated — ask for a table upstairs — order some plump gyoza and piping-hot xiao long bao soup dumplings. Add to that an off-the-menu order of mapo tofu, which arrives sizzling and jiggling in a cast-iron skillet, though the spice level is adjusted to accommodate nonnative palates. Dinner for two, about 4,000 yen.
9) 9 p.m. Stand-up sips
Anyone who loves the pint-size bars of Tokyo’s Golden Gai will feel right at home exploring Miyakobashi Shotengai, a two-story riverside strip of bars and snack shops, each no larger than a suburban walk-in closet. Climb the pink staircase to reach the second level, where you’ll find Hoppy Sennin, one of the few bars still serving draft Hoppy, a low-alcohol brew that is mixed with shochu (a distilled spirit) to create a facsimile of a pilsner (original Hoppy) or stout (black Hoppy). Later, get the real thing downstairs at Una casa de G.b. G.b. El Nubichnom, an eccentric street-level tachinomi (standing bar) specializing in Japanese microbrews.
10) 10 a.m. Meditative morning
The Soto school of Zen Buddhism has two head temples, one of which is Sojiji, on the northern edge of the city, a short walk from Tsurumi train station. This temple has history dating to the eighth century, but it was relocated to Yokohama after a devastating fire in the late 1800s. Today the sprawling compound spans over 120 acres of manicured lawns, stately temple buildings, and educational facilities open to visitors interested in the practice of zazen, seated meditation. Stroll the meandering paths on your own, or arrange a guided tour in English with one of the resident monks (400 yen).
11) 1 p.m. Brew crew
The promise of free beer attracts many to the Kirin Beer Factory, an industrial brewery where popular, hourlong guided tours run several times a day (reserve online in advance; in Japanese with English audio guides). The well-organized tour covers the brewery’s history, the mythical creature that gave the brand its name, and its modern brewing techniques. It’s also informatively hands-on: you’ll smell fresh hops and sip first-press wort before being served three glasses of beer and a small snack in a spacious cafeteria. Those who prefer more adventurous, flavorful brews should head next door to Kirin’s foray into craft brewing, Spring Valley Brewery, where taps recently featured a yuzu white ale and an orange-infused I.P.A., worthy of an enthusiastic “Kanpai!”
The Hotel Edit Yokohama is a relatively new Western-style boutique property with spacious public areas, a street-level restaurant and 129 compact rooms in a central location beside the Ooka river, just a five-minute walk from a major train station (6-78-1 Sumiyoshicho, Naka-ku; hotel-edit.com/en; from around 5,000 yen).
Opened in late 2018, the Hare-Tabi Traveler’s Inn is a cozy Chinatown property with 20 wood-paneled capsule rooms fitted with mattresses, ample lighting and décor inspired by compartments on luxury sleeper trains (216 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku; hare-tabi.jp; from 2,100 yen).
The largest range of apartment rentals are in the Chinatown area, where you’ll find both Western-style bedrooms and Japanese-style rooms with tatami mats and futons. Rates for a one-bedroom apartment are often less than $100 on Airbnb.
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licencedtoretire · 6 years
Leaving the NZMCA Park in Te Araroa Sarah and I were undecided which way to head with the weather forecast still not good we thought maybe we would just head home. So after a quick visit to the local dump station which involved crossing a ford (read flooded road) we headed back towards Opotiki. But as you can do in a motorhome we changed our minds just a few kms up the road and decided to turn around and head for Gisborne and then onto Napier to catch up with some friends.
Given the amount of rain that had fallen and how strong the wind had been the previous night I was actually rather worried about driving at all. The drive to Gisborne was however uneventful with no issues on the road at all. If you don’t count driving through constant rain as an issue. But at least there was no more flooding or trees or slips on the road.
We arrived at the NZMCA Park in Gisborne and were surprised by both the size and location. The camp is huge although a lot of the space is a large grassed area that will come into it’s own in the dryer months as it looked rather wet on the day of our visit. Secondly it’s located just across the road from the beach a really handy location for those into water sports or fishing.
I have really enjoyed writing these reviews and using my review system but sometimes I think this is just my view so if anyone reading these has a different opinion please don’t hesitate to let me know. Or if you think I have left something out then please let me know as well.
The camp is located a couple of kms down the beach from the town and if the weather was better we probably would have got the bikes out and ridden down to have an explore of the area. Sadly however we appear to have chosen the wettest few days of this winter to make our trip and the bikes stayed safe and warm in the garage area of the motorhome.
There where two main reasons for coming this way despite the atrocious weather with the Gisborne reason being our friend Thomas who lived in our street for many years in Auckland and got to know Sarah really well during this time.
Thomas moved to Gisborne because it was one of the few places he could afford to purchase a house and this was the first time we had a chance to visit. Having lost one of his arms in a motorbike accident Thomas is doing an amazing job of renovating his house stripping it right back to bare wood and then repainting. He also has the most amazing vegetable garden that he has planted and maintained himself. it reminded us of the old TV programme It’s A good Life, Truly inspirational.
During the time spent with Dave and Nita (see previous post) Dave talked about his efforts to have the original No. 1 NZMCA motorhome at the rally his area is holding in March 2019 after the main national rally. He also mentioned that if we where going to be in Gisborne that we should take the time to go and visit Brian Hall and view the restoration.
Brian runs Hallright Plumbing in Gisborne where a team of volunteers are working on the restoration of the original Rio Bus. Brian freely admits that it has taken him away from his business but his passion for the restoration is obvious. Brian spent almost an hour with us showing us through the restoration and explaining the history of the motor caravan.
So far the team have spent 2 years working on the restoration so by the time the annual rally comes around it will have been a 3 year project. Quite the effort from all involved.
When Brian and his team first started on the restoration they didn’t have any exact plans to work off. It turns out that the bus had been modified from the original design twice so a lot of the restoration work was going to be educated guessing as well as staring hard at a few old photos to try and define measurements etc. Once they had worked out the basic plan restoration work began and with it publication of the work in the Motor Caravanner (the NZMCA publication) this publicity generated a few extra photos and this has greatly helped understand what goes where.
For the the inside Brian and his team have managed to find some old cupboards and a wood fired stove to replicate the original kitchen area. They have however hand crafted a piece of kauri to use as the kitchen bench. It all looks really amazing.
An old kauri wardrobe has been found which is close to the original, it’s just amazing how much space this takes up in what is really quite a small bus. Brian tells us that the whole family were short with Andy only around 5 foot tall meaning that the beds in the bus don’t need to be as large as you would need for other people. Just as well as what is going to be the main bed would be rather cramped otherwise.
Brian asked if we would like to hear the bus running to which we both said it would be great. Thinking that he would just turn the key I was rather surprised when Brian sat on the floor to depress the accelerator whilst he started it. I have had to edit the photo slightly as I promised Brian I wouldn’t show the floor covering they have chosen for the bus.
We both laughed at the custom designed fuel tank that has been fitted to the bus. As the bus is not going to be driven on extended runs all that was needed was something to get it going but also something that could be emptied or drained if the bus ended up sitting around for a while.
With Brian’s plumbing skills he has recreated the original electric toilet which fits neatly into an area created around the rear door of the bus. However since you cannot access the toilet from inside I am not sure that it would past today’s strict CSC requirements. Apparently the original toilet was actually underneath the drivers seat!
All in all the work that has been done by Brian and his team towards the restoration of the original number 1 is a sight to behold and it’s official unveiling at the National Rally in Gisborne in 2019 will be a proud moment for all involved as well as the NZMCA, with history coming to life.
Sadly for us we received some news that meant we needed to head back home. This also meant that the planned trip to Napier to see Sally and Adrian who we had met in the South Island would also have to be delayed for another time.  We both miss you guys!
Although we could have driven the whole way to Auckland in one day we decided to break the journey in Rotorua. I must say that after driving 4 hours to reach the Park I was really grateful we had made that decision as I was beginning to feel quite tired and it wouldn’t have been sensible to continue driving.
I have noticed that driving the 9 metre motorhome is completely different from driving any distance in the car it requires so much more concentration especially driving through places like the Waiweka Gorge with tight corners, steep drop off’s etc. Anyway we arrived at the park safe and sound.
The park is absolutely huge across four levels with space for 120 vans. At least according to the information inside the shed. I remember reading a couple of posts over summer on Facebook stating that the camp was full and I guess that’s a reflection on how popular Rotorua is as a place to visit with so many things to see and do.
The Park is located in the grounds of the old Ngongotaha Saleyards which closed in 2006 when the numbers of livestock being sold had fallen away dramatically due to the changing methods of farming in and around the area. In it’s heyday the yards would sell around 150,000 sheep and 20,000 cattle a year with 3 to 4 sales a week.
All that remains of those days now are some concrete pads in the Park and a couple of newspaper articles in the shed. I do think it is important to be aware of the history of places and that’s why I have shared this.
This time however for Sarah and I it was just a place to rest our heads for the night before continuing the trip back home. The park was actually quite empty for the night with only about 12 or so vans.
Murphy’s Law after seven days of almost constant rain the skies cleared as we were on our way home. I had to take a couple of photos of the sunset as I had just about forgotten what they looked like.
The following morning the sun of course continued to shine as if to taunt us about having to head home but at least it would make pleasant driving conditions. Google maps told me it was 3 hours and 1 minute to Auckland and so it proved to be with an uneventful trip back to the big smoke.
To view the places we have visited click here to see them on Google maps. You can click the links to read the blog about that area. [cardoza_facebook_like_box] To view the Ratings we have done for other camps click here  [jetpack_subscription_form]
Gisborne And Viewing Number One Leaving the NZMCA Park in Te Araroa Sarah and I were undecided which way to head with the weather forecast still not good we thought maybe we would just head home.
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creakybottombracket · 7 years
Rides We Like: An Early December Snowfall
I had two chances in my hockey career to play a game outside. Well, I had two chances to potentially experience a hockey game outside. The first possible time was a scheduled back-up role at the nearby prep school. Despite not being scheduled to play I still wanted to experience a game without a roof. Wouldn’t you know I came down with an illness the day before and couldn’t dress? The second time was never really a chance. Tupper Lake had covered their rink months prior, though I did play that game.
 It’s a pretty safe assumption to regard an outdoor game as something I will never get to experience. Sure there are pond hockey tournaments but they have no goalie. Up until recently I was a sportist without a calling. That is, until cycling came along I struggled to find ways to get outside even in the most inclement weather.
 At least that’s how I perceived my choice as I waited all morning for the weather. The forecast stated I would wake up to snow. There was none to speak of when the alarm went off. I checked the forecast for the day and warnings kept popping up saying to expect snow in ten minutes, then five, then ‘Snow will continue for 120 minutes.’ As I sipped my coffee at the window there was not one single flake to be seen.
 It may sound strange but I was waiting for the snow. I love the winter weather and all the trappings brought along with it. I love how the outside world gets quiet. The roads clear out of motorists. The only animals usually seen are cardinals robbing nests. Even the slow moving creeks quiet themselves. I love the wood burning smells of fireplaces cranked up in anticipation of a day of coffee and books. This is why I urged the skies to give up the resistance and let it happen.
 As I dressed I caught a glimpse of a flake. Here it comes! I was nearly finished dressing when more flakes appeared. At first I thought it was going to be a bust of a snowfall. Out the door and down the community I thought to do a short route and come home. It wasn’t falling remarkably for what was forecasted. I enjoyed the scant amount of flakes bouncing off of my model-like high cheekbones.
The route became more and more of a winter scene. The snow went from a sprinkling to a proper falling rate as the ride progressed. Few cars passed initially. My tires had yet to gain a coating of moisture. “I’ll just turn around after a few miles,” I thought.
 There was something that pulled me farther out. The snow got heavier and the roads began holding on to the precipitation. Bridges along the route became easy to identify because of their rectangles of snow unnaturally present on the pavement. I realized for a moment that I was perfectly dressed. “I’ll skip this turn and go out just a bit farther,” I thought.
 I crossed the steel grated bridge with slight nervousness. My perceptions came about that the back tire was skidding out from under me on the steel but really nothing happened. The silence of the snowstorm intensified. All I could hear was the hiss of my tires as they finally became wet. I turned along one of the old standby roads and laughed at the fact that every turn seemed to deal a headwind. The snow bounced off over part of me. The flakes died a smothering death on the drippy road. I fell in love with the sugary appearance my tires took on any time I rode through those snowy bridge accumulations.
 I was not the only one out enjoying this seasonal treat. I saw at least one person walking her dog. There were at least two groups of walkers bundled for the weather. I passed a house that had one of the biggest backyard bonfires I have ever seen. I wanted to stop and warm my hands by it but I wasn’t sure of the reception I would receive. I took in lungfuls of wood fire smells.
 As I made my return the traffic picked up. I imagined these were the grocery store raiders returning from throwing elbows in the bread and milk aisle. I imagined they were proud of scoring two loaves of smooshed bread as well as a bent carton of eggs, some of which were cracked in the melee. I also imagined the bewilderment of the motorists trying to figure out why a cyclist was out in the snow.
 I have had chances to ride outside the snow for my cycling career. I think I have gotten out each time the chance has presented itself. The timing was perfect. The roads began to puff up after I got my shoes off and waddled on frozen feet into the house. Expect to see me out on the roads any time a mid-day snow is in the forecast. That’s just my game.
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idealspecial · 3 years
New Machine Launch in Ideal Special Product FZC
Ideal Special Product LLC.(ideal.ae) is excited to launch their latest CNC Machine Tool Center . The brand focuses on delivering quality doors, even faster.
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mousumi03 · 1 month
The Vital Role of Fire Doors in Building Safety
Serving as both a protective barrier and a life-saving feature, fire doors are designed to contain and control the spread of fire and smoke, providing crucial time for occupants to evacuate safely. As regulations and safety standards evolve, the importance of fire doors in both residential and commercial buildings continues to grow. This article explores the essential functions of fire doors, their key features, and why they are a must-have in any fire safety strategy.
What is a Fire Door?
A fire door is a specially constructed door that can withstand the intense conditions of a fire for a specified period, typically ranging from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on its fire resistance rating. Unlike standard doors, fire doors are built from materials that resist combustion and prevent the passage of smoke and flames, ensuring that fire remains contained in one area for as long as possible.
Key Functions of Fire Doors
Protection of Escape Routes: Fire doors are often installed in corridors, stairwells, and other areas that serve as escape routes. By keeping these pathways clear of fire and smoke, fire doors ensure that occupants have a safe way to exit the building.
Minimization of Property Damage: By containing the fire to a specific area, fire doors help to limit the damage to the building and its contents. This can be crucial in protecting valuable assets and reducing overall repair costs after a fire incident.
Compliance with Building Regulations: Many building codes require the installation of fire doors as part of a comprehensive fire safety plan. Complying with these regulations not only enhances safety but also helps avoid legal and financial penalties.
Key Features of High-Quality Fire Doors
When selecting fire doors for your building, it’s essential to consider several key features that ensure optimal performance:
Fire Resistance Rating: The fire resistance rating indicates how long the door can withstand fire. Common ratings include 30 minutes (FD30) and 60 minutes (FD60), with some doors rated for up to 120 minutes. The appropriate rating depends on the specific requirements of the building and the fire risk assessment.
Smoke Seals: Smoke can spread rapidly during a fire, often faster than flames. High-quality fire doors are equipped with smoke seals that prevent the passage of smoke, protecting both the occupants and the building.
Durable Construction Materials: Fire doors are typically made from materials such as steel, aluminum, or specially treated wood, all of which offer superior resistance to heat and flames. The door’s core may also include fire-resistant materials such as gypsum or vermiculite to enhance its protective capabilities.
Thermal Insulation: Effective fire doors also provide thermal insulation, preventing the transfer of heat from the fire-affected side to the other side. This feature helps in reducing the spread of the fire and protecting areas of the building that have not been impacted.
Installation and Maintenance of Fire Doors
The effectiveness of a fire door is not solely dependent on its construction but also on its installation and maintenance:
Professional Installation: Proper installation by certified professionals is crucial for ensuring that the fire door functions as intended. This includes correctly fitting the door frame, hinges, and seals, as well as ensuring that the door can close automatically and securely.
Regular Maintenance: Fire doors should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they remain in good working condition. This includes checking for any damage, ensuring the seals are intact, and testing the door’s automatic closing mechanism.
Compliance with Standards: Fire doors must meet local building codes and fire safety standards. Regular inspections and maintenance help ensure continued compliance, protecting both the building and its occupants.
The Future of Fire Doors
As technology and materials science advance, the future of fire doors is set to bring even greater levels of safety and efficiency. Innovations such as smart fire doors, which can be monitored and controlled remotely, and doors made from advanced composite materials that offer even better fire resistance, are just some of the developments on the horizon. These advancements will further enhance the ability of fire doors to protect lives and property in the event of a fire.
Fire door are a fundamental part of any building’s fire safety strategy. By containing fire and smoke, protecting escape routes, and minimizing property damage, they play a crucial role in safeguarding lives and assets. Whether you are constructing a new building or upgrading an existing one, investing in high-quality fire doors, ensuring proper installation, and committing to regular maintenance are essential steps in protecting against the devastating effects of fire. As fire safety regulations continue to evolve, the role of fire doors will remain central to keeping buildings and their occupants safe.
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Fire Rated Doors Manufacturers in Pune
Fire Rated Doors is a door with fire resistance rating or fire fighting rating used as part of a passive fire protection system to reduce the spread of fire and smoke between separate compartments of a structure and to enable safe egress from a building or structure or ship. All fire doors are installed with an appropriate fire resistant fitting, such as the frame and doors hardware, for it to fully comply with any fire regulations.
Suniti Construction is one of the best leading manufacturer and supplier of Fire Rated Doors in India and in Maharashtra. It's situated in Pune. It provides all types of fire rated doors with good quality.
The door is tasted and frames receive a label that describes the amount of time the component is expected to provide to protection when exposed to fire. Because of this reason, all components of the door must include a , including the door panel rating label, locksets, the door frame, hinges gaskets  and door protection plates. In the permanent label is attached to the door frame and door panel usually on the hinge side of both. The Local codes should be reviewed, but in general, rated doors must be must have a positive latch and self-closing.  If there are also limits to the width of gaps between the size of glazing door panels, and the size of air transfer grilles, the height of the door under-cut.
Suniti construction is the leading manufacturer & supplier of fire rated doors, acoustic doors, fire rated exterior doors, functional sliding doors, steel fire rated doors, fire rated wood entry doors, rolling shutters and etc. Suniti offers thousands of choices the fire-rated doors including fire-rated wood doors  with fire ratings up to 90-minute and the fire rated doors are available with 20,45,60 and 90 minute fire ratings. The fire-rated glass doors are the great and perfect solution for conference rooms, offices and libraries where the fire door is required. Suniti fire-rated glass doors are built with the same premium construction as suniti’s other stile and the rail doors.The fire rated doors are usually used in buildings to prevent the passage of fire and smoke between two areas or compartments. They are used as protecting people and property from fires.
The fire and smoke must be stopped in their tracks to save property and, is more importantly, protecting lives.  Our advanced fire door systems compartmentalize a fire event quickly allowing immediately time from the building. 
As per national building code 2005, A fire door should pass three tests i.e. stability, integrity and insulation. Prompt’s technology offers 120 minutes integrity and insulation tested Fire Rated Doors. These doors are tested at international laboratories and also at CBRI Roorkee. Wooden fire doors can be painted laminated and veneered to match the surrounding interiors. Prompt Doors are accompanied with a test certificate from CBRI Roorkee.
Features and Benefits: 
In the manufacturer of a wide range of products which include cold room door, steel door, clean room door, fire resistant door, steel door, residential door and commercial steel door.
 If made for Clean room Interior Applications 
There are no Pressure Leakage
If the designed to meet hygienic and stringent requirement of  clean rooms
As per requirement of customer
It lush Surface, Easy to Assemble
It prevents Bacteria Growth
There are no Pressure Leakage  
The fire ratings up to 90 minutes.
Maximum availability in any size (up to 8 feet tall) for single and pair openings.
There is virtually any width to accommodate varying wall thicknesses.
 If the adjustable clip providing quick and easy installation
Suniti construction offers  the lots of choices the fire-rated doors and the fire rated wood doors with fire ratings up to 90-minute.The fire rated doors have been designed to match to other interior doors.Fire rated doors are available with 20-,  45-, 60- and 90-minute fire ratings.The fire rated doors play a vital role in keeping people safe and minimize the property damage during a fire.
 single or double-leaf
 wooden or steel door frame
 smoke tightness class Sa and Sm
 side glazed or full panel partitions available
 solid or with fireproof glazing
 noise insulation properties up to 32 dB
Fire Rated Door 
Fire Rated Door Manufacturer
Fire Rated Door Supplier
Fire Rated Doors Manufacturers In Pune
Fire Rated Doors Suppliers In Pune
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foodarillo · 7 years
Hop To It
When I heard last winter that the former Midtown Kitchen was reopening as Hopslice, my heart skipped a beat. Touted for their planned craft beer bonanza and gourmet wood fired oven pizzas, I thought I had found a new Amarillo home.
After all, pizza and beer go hand in hand, and even better if we can keep out the chain “pizza” and mass produced swill. Oh my...with a name like Hopslice, surely they must be drowning in good IPAs, choking on thin-crusted delicacies.
But alas, they only got one of those right. Score one for pizza, but an empty glass on the craft beer. More on that later.
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Hopslice occupies part of the former space once claimed by Sun Adventure Sports, which downsized and moved a few doors west. The look and feel of Hopslice is little different from its predecessor Midtown Kitchen, with the oven highly visible in the back, and a tiny bar area that must be traversed en route to the bathrooms. The dining area is simply and tastefully decorated, with a vertical rack of wine bottles attesting to its former status as an upscale Italian eatery.
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Our culinary journey began with more than 15 minutes of wait time before a server came to ask about drinks. Some 22 minutes had passed before we were asked for our order. We had arrived at 6:37pm on a Friday, and had hoped for a nice meal before the ZZ Top concert. Alas, our food did not arrive until 7:29, and we had to tell our server that we were now in a bit of a hurry, and to plan on a box for leftovers.
So much for a relaxing dinner. I suppose the relaxing came before the food. We then had to switch into eat-and-run mode for the best part, though, and it cost them a dessert order in the process.
We ordered two separate pizzas, so that we could experience more of the menu. Our order consisted of the Queso Gringo Pizza (with mozzarella, Romano, bleu cheese, and fontina) and the Almost Dyer pizza (mozzarella, Romano, cremini mushrooms, artichoke hearts, red peppers, and onions). Deanna chased hers with a watermelon sangria, while my chasers were a Dogfish 60 Minute IPA, followed by the Creme Brulee by Southern Tier.
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“The crust was the highlight,” Deanna said. “Thin and crispy is the way it should be...not greasy, not soggy.” I concurred, although I found the blobs of bleu cheese on the Queso Gringo to be a bit overpowering to the taste. Depending on what you bit into, you either got a savory blend of the other three cheeses, or a punch to the mouth of the other. And if you are not a bleu cheese fan, well...you reach for your beer. Fast. Big swig.
The Almost Dyer was a true delicacy, and won my heart quickly. The interplay of those veggies atop the two cheeses resulted in an explosion of flavor. The only thing that could have made it even better would have been sun dried tomatoes.
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Hopslice is a nice addition to the Amarillo pizza scene, which not too many years ago was a ghost town (Does anyone remember when Pizza Hut won top honors in its category? Yecch!). Compared to 575, Hopslice is good but not great. And compared to Fire Slice (its sister pizzeria), it comes in slightly behind.
Our server explained, though, that Fire Slice features pies that are more Italian in nature, while Hopslice’s menu (with 14 different pies, plus a few burgers, salads, and small plates) is more localized in flavor. All told, we like Hopslice, but not quite as much as some of the other gourmet pizzerias in town.
What really disappointed me (in addition to the extremely slow service) was the dearth of good beers. For a place that has the word “Hop” in its name, you would expect a plethora of craft beers. Instead, we were greeted with a tap menu board listing six beers and one cider. When asked about bottles and cans, our server responded with “Bud, Bud Light...” And then I interrupted him. I had heard about enough. The disconnect went from “door ajar” to “gaping hole.”
While the slow service left a bad taste in our mouths (along with those bleu cheese blobs in mine), we can be forgiving. It was a Friday night, and they were rather busy (in spite of our getting a table immediately).
And having only been open since February, Hopslice is a work-in-progress. We’ll give them a chance to tweak that beer menu, to work on service, to finesse all those cheeses. This is a real plus for Amarillo.
Nick & Deanna
Would We Go Back: Certainly, but only when we have lots of time. If the service we received is any indication of the norm, you should plan on 90-120 minutes for your dining experience. Let’s hope that changes. And even though we like some other places better, it’s nice to have to rank gourmet pizza shops in Amarillo and have a truly good one still come up a few tomatoes short of the best. It’s a nice problem to have. Verily I say to you, we have come a long way in recent years. The pizza situation was so bad here that I would have Giordano’s pizza shipped in from Chicago. And while I still crave those deep dish pies, I at least have some damn good alternatives here.
Dress: Casual to dressy...we saw it all.
Price: $$ Most pies are in the $14 range (and these being considered one-person entrees). Beers are $5 and $8, depending on octane rating. Plan on $50-60 for a date night.
Comments: We are thrilled to see Amarilloans embracing good pizza. This Chicago boy was heartbroken when he arrived in 1989, only to find Pizza Hut considered haute cuisine. Hell, Pizza Hut is scorned widely back home, a horrible terrible imposter among pros who know how to ply the craft. We raise our glass to us all. Keep it coming, y’all!
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Savoy, IL
1408 Fieldstone Dr
Price: $54900
This Lot/Land located at 1408 Fieldstone Drive, Savoy, IL is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 5 days. This property is listed by cbhonig-bell.com for $54,900. 1408 Fieldstone Dr is in the 61874 ZIP code in Savoy, IL.
110 Astoria Dr
Price: $67500
This Lot/Land located at 110 Astoria Drive, Savoy, IL is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 5 days. This property is listed by cbhonig-bell.com for $67,500. 110 Astoria Dr is in the 61874 ZIP code in Savoy, IL.
111 Astoria Dr
Price: $54900
This Lot/Land located at 111 Astoria Drive, Savoy, IL is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 5 days. This property is listed by cbhonig-bell.com for $54,900. The property has a lot size of 72×120. 111 Astoria Dr is in the 61874 ZIP code in Savoy, IL.
106 Summerbrook Dr
Price: $54900
This Lot/Land located at 106 Summerbrook Drive, Savoy, IL is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 5 days. This property is listed by cbhonig-bell.com for $54,900. 106 Summerbrook Dr is in the 61874 ZIP code in Savoy, IL.
4 Cedar Grove Ct
Price: $369900
Quality construction Armstrong Home! The “Scottsdale” was featured in the showcase of Homes in 2008. Beautiful mosaic tile entry and open dining room, greet you at the front door. Exceptional kitchen featuring granite counter tops, knotty alder doors and cabinets, built in SS appliances & tiled back splash. Kitchen opens into the living room w/ fireplace and lovely oak hdwd floors. Upstairs you’ll find the laundry room, along with 4 of the 5 bedrooms. Master suite includes full bath w/ tiled walk- in shower, whirlpool tub, and dual Silestone countertops. Basement offers additional stora ge space, a family room and an additional bedroom. Enjoy whole house sound! Large, maintenance free composite deck with patio and fire pit. New roof in 2014, new HVAC in 2016. Heated and cooled garage! Call listing agent, Rick Wilberg, with any questions. (217)359-8300
7 Cedar Grove Ct
Price: $355000
This lakefront cottage-style home was a 2008 Showcase Home built by Timber Creek. Located on a quiet cul-du-sac, this home features a cook’s kitchen. This space offers all of the luxuries you would expect from the stainless steel appliances, amber stained hickory custom cabinetry, quartz counters, and the espresso wood flooring. The kitchen opens into the great room that boasts a stone fireplace, and large windows overlooking the lake. The basement is finished for guests or for fun, with a family room, recreational room, and bedroom or media room. Situated on over .3 acres, you can enjo y the view of the multiple lakes from the large deck across the backyard. This homes location offers easy access to the UI campus, Carrie Busey Elementary School & shopping and dining in Savoy. Radon mitigation installed in 2013. 220v outlet in 3 car tandem garage/workspace in 2013. Backup sump pump installed in 2016. New master bath double vent fan added in 2015. See 3D virtual tour and HD photo galley.
804 Pheasant Ln
Price: $229900
Come check out this stunning home in a very desirable area in Savoy. Inviting porch welcoming you into a 4 bed, 2.5 bath home that really does sell itself. Upstairs you will find the large master suite with whirlpool tub plus another full bath, 3 additional nicely sized bedrooms & another full bath. The main level features a open kitchen/ dining room area, large family/ living room area & the utility room. 906 sq. ft. of additional basement space leaving you plenty of room for storage & indoor activities. Out back you will notice a large fenced in back yard that includes a nice deck whe re you can relax & grill out. New roof put on in 2010 & a new HVAC system was put in in December of 2015. This home is ready for a new family to create new memories! LOWER TAX RATES! Don’t wait – call today!
208 Cattail
Price: $284900
New Construction by Signature Homes in final phase of Prairie Fields. 2 Story Bradford II Design. Quality Selections and Finishes. Highlights include mud room with custom locker unit, large foyer with u-shaped open staircase, flex room with glass french doors, corner fireplace with stone surround to ceiling, large kitchen island, maple cabinetry with quartz tops, slate appliances, raised master bedroom ceiling, large master walk in closet, master bath with both whirlpool tub and tile surround shower, 2nd floor laundry room, craftsman style exterior with board and batten detail.
102 Clover St
Price: $249900
Wonderful Signature Built Wellington Plan in Prairie Fields Sub on corner lot with side load garage. This plan offers hardwood entry, 9 ft ceilings and 4 bedrooms on a basement foundation. Formal living and dining rooms, family room with gas fireplace. Kitchen is complete with stainless appliances, center island and walk in pantry. Sliding doors from the breakfast nook open to the stamped concrete patio in the large fenced back yard, which includes garden shed. The rear staircase is flooded with natural light that leads upstairs to the 4 bedrooms. Large master suite with cathedral ceili ngs, shower, whirlpool tub, dual sinks and walk in closet. Near Carrie Busey Elementary School and parks. Full basement for storage and future expansion. Living room can be used as office or play area.
705 Wesley Ave
Price: $218500
Soaring ceilings and gorgeous wood laminate flooring invite you into this magnificent 3 bedroom home. The 2-sided fireplace will catch your attention in the very spacious living room that leads into the dining room. The kitchen offers a breakfast bar, large pantry and abundance of cabinets. Enter through double doors into the family room with a beaming arched window. The master suite is complemented by a walk-in closet and full bath with double sinks. Bedroom two offers a large arched window and ½ bath. Entertaining will be a breeze in the fenced backyard with a terrific 2-tiered deck with pergola. The large garden shed has a concrete floor and sits on a concrete pad. This home is sure to please and should be on your list to see today.
901 Ramblewood Ct #B
Price: $155000
a rare find indeed. this home is was a condo, however, the seller had the home rezoned to a zero lot. this home offers an open floor plan. the living room has cathedral ceilings. the master bedroom offers a full bath and an amazing sun-room. this home is located in savoy where the property taxes are less. this home will not be around long as it is priced for a quick sale.
202 Capitol St
Price: $329900+
Brand new Miller Construction in the desirable Liberty on the Lakes subdivision! This 2 story home features 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths and a full unfinished basement. In the large, open concept kitchen, you’ll find sparkling white quartz counter tops throughout, white shaker cabinets with gray shaker on the kitchen island, dark engineered hardwood flooring, white and stainless steel mosaic- tile backsplash and shaker trim. The great room is host to a custom mantle with a gas log fireplace, making the room feel cozy and warm. Upstairs, you’ll find all 4 bedrooms, including the large master suite. All rooms feature carpet flooring. Enjoy the convenient 2nd story laundry room! Energy efficient construction and design by Miller Construction!
505 Mouton Ct
Price: $254900
Welcome to 505 Mouton Court, Savoy, IL, suburb of Champaign and close to the University of Illinois. This 9 yr. old approx. 2200 sq.ft. , ranch home was custom built by Drake Homes. It sits on a quiet, family friendly cul-de-sac just minutes from restaurants and shopping. It was built with a modern, open concept, vaulted ceiling great room with gas enclosed fireplace and solid hard wood floors. All stainless kitchen is separated from great room by bar height, curved counter ideal for entertaining. Pantry and lots of cabinetry complete the kitchen. Dining area adjacent to kitchen eas ily accommodates table for 8. French doors off dining room lead to tiled, four seasons sun room, with windows on 3 sides for year round viewing of sunsets across the prairie. Stone look patio has gas hook up for BBQ. Fully landscaped yard with flower beds, mature trees and garden area. Large master bedroom with tray ceiling and adjacent 5 pc sunny bath, his and hers walk in closets and sinks with large vanities. A room for office or nursery is located across from master plus two more bedrooms and full bath on opposite side of home for privacy. All bedrooms, sun room and great room have ceiling fans. Over-sized 2 car garage with wash tub, workbench area and plenty of storage. Laundry has its own separate room before garage. This home, painted in neutral tones, with like new carpeted bedrooms is move in ready for your enjoyment. Easy access crawl space is 3 ft. tall and fully rocked. Call/text owners for viewing @ 217-355-0306 or email [email protected]
204 Capitol St
Price: $313900+
Welcome to 204 Capitol Street, a brand new build by Miller Construction! This 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home features an open concept floor plan, an eat in kitchen as well as a dining room, dark engineered hardwood floors throughout, and cathedral ceilings in the living room area. In the kitchen, you’l find granite countertops throughout, medium-dark wood cabinets with beautiful oil-rubbed finishes, cream subway-tile backsplash and colonial trim. Enjoy the spacious master suite with large 10’x6′ walk-in closet! All bedrooms will have carpet flooring. In all bathrooms will be a charming “w ood-look” ceramic tile. Energy efficient construction and design by Miller Construction.
34 Lange Ave
Price: $196000
Spacious well maintained ranch on a Half Acre in centrally located Savoy. Enjoy evenings in the Great family room with cozy fireplace. Enjoy your days on the brick patio with Above-Ground Pool. Large Formal Living Room & Dining room. Updated Fully-Equipped Country Kitchen. 3 Large bedrooms. Extensive hardwood floors throughout. Over-sized 2 car attached garage with private workspace PLUS Over-sized 24×30′ Detached Garage.
210 Ellen Ave
Price: $140000
Lovely ranch home, open floor plan, lots of natural light. Kitchen and both bathrooms have ceramic tile. Master suite has a fire place, large bathroom with jacuzzi tub and walk-in closet. Backyard has a full privacy fence, garden area. Exterior has low maintenance handi-plank siding. Furnace and a/c were replaced in 2014. Roof update in 2014 as well. Garage has key-less entry. Ceiling fans throughout the living areas and bedrooms provide lots of airflow.
704 Wesley Ave
Price: $208000
Corner lot with nice fenced backyard. Many updates include new hardwood floors, Carpet new 1 year ago. LED Lights throughout home. Living room open to kitchen. 2 bathrooms remodeled. Close to Savoy elementary school. Don’t miss the virtual tour with floor plan and additional photos.
108 Summerbrook Dr
Price: $329900
This Single-Family Home located at 108 Summerbrook Drive, Savoy, IL is currently for sale and has been listed on theochomesearch for 5 days. This property is listed by cbhonig-bell.com for $329,900. 108 Summerbrook Dr has 4 beds, 2 ½ baths, and approximately 3,345 square feet. The price per square foot is $99. The property was built in 2016. 108 Summerbrook Dr is in the 61874 ZIP code in Savoy, IL.
709 Lake Falls Blvd
Price: $598500
Discover quality and amenities galore in this remarkable lake view home. Distinctive foyer, spectacular two-story great room with dramatic fireplace, incredible high-end gourmet kitchen with custom cherry cabinets, granite and six burner wolf cook-top. Inviting master suite has over-sized walk-in closet plus lavish master bathroom. Walk-in closets in all 5 bedrooms. Spacious basement with wet bar, theater room and fifth bedroom. Professional landscaping, irrigation system, sound system, deck, patio and hot tub make the exterior extra special. Truly an extraordinary home!
201 Cattail Ave
Price: $299900+
This Single-Family Home located at 201 Cattail Avenue, Savoy, IL is currently for sale. This property is listed by Holdren & Associates for $299,900. 201 Cattail Ave has 4 beds, 3 baths, and approximately 1,582 square feet. The price per square foot is $190. The property was built in 2017. 201 Cattail Ave is in the 61874 ZIP code in Savoy, IL.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-savoy-il/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158018730885
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mousumi03 · 1 month
The Indispensable Role of Fire Doors in Building Protection
The Indispensable Role of Fire Doors in Building Protection Within the sphere of building protection, fire doors represent a pivotal component that must not be disregarded. These doors are meticulously engineered to endure fire, hinder its progression, and safeguard both human lives and property. Be it in residential, commercial, or industrial environments, fire doors play an essential role in ensuring that occupants have sufficient time to evacuate safely during a fire emergency.
Defining a Fire Door A fire door is a specialized door, meticulously constructed to impede the movement of fire and smoke between distinct compartments of a structure. These doors are typically fashioned from materials such as steel, gypsum, or fire-rated wood and are equipped with intumescent seals. These seals are designed to expand upon exposure to heat, effectively sealing the gap between the door and its frame, thereby preventing the dissemination of fire and smoke.
Core Advantages of Installing Fire Doors
1. Augmented Safety
By confining the fire to a designated area, these doors provide critical time for individuals to evacuate and for emergency services to arrive and control the fire.
2. Preservation of Property Fire doors do more than just protect lives; they also minimize property damage. By decelerating the spread of fire, these doors help preserve other sections of the building, thereby reducing overall damage and the subsequent repair costs.
3. Regulatory Compliance Numerous building codes and safety regulations mandate the installation of fire doors in specific areas. Adherence to these regulations is vital to avoid legal repercussions and to ensure that the building meets all prescribed safety standards.
4. Acoustic Insulation Beyond fire protection, fire doors also provide acoustic insulation. This attribute makes them an excellent choice for environments where noise reduction is crucial, such as offices, hospitals, and residential buildings.
Selecting the Appropriate Fire Door When choosing a fire door, several critical factors must be taken into account:
Fire Rating: Fire doors are rated based on the duration they can withstand fire, typically ranging from 30 minutes to 120 minutes. Select a door with a fire rating that aligns with your building’s specific requirements.
Conclusion Fire doors are a crucial element of any building’s safety strategy. They offer essential protection against fire and smoke, aiding in the preservation of lives and the reduction of property damage. By investing in high-quality fire doors and ensuring their proper installation and maintenance, you can significantly bolster the safety of your building.
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mousumi03 · 2 months
Trusted Fire Door Manufacturer in Mumbai: Quality and Reliability You Can Depend On
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In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, ensuring the safety and security of buildings is a top priority. Among the crucial components of a robust fire safety system are fire doors, which are essential in preventing the spread of fire and smoke, thereby safeguarding lives and property. Choosing a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai is vital to ensure quality and reliability. This article explores why partnering with a reputable fire door manufacturer in Mumbai is crucial for optimal fire safety.
The Importance of Fire Doors
Fire doors are specially engineered to withstand high temperatures and prevent the spread of fire and smoke. Their primary functions include:
Protecting Occupants: Fire rated doors provide critical time for occupants to evacuate safely during a fire. Containing Fire: These doors help contain the fire to a specific area, reducing the spread and minimizing damage.
Supporting Firefighting Efforts: By containing the fire, these doors provide clear pathways for firefighters to access and extinguish the blaze effectively.
Why Choose a Trusted Fire Door Manufacturer in Mumbai?
Selecting a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai comes with several benefits that ensure the highest levels of safety and reliability:
Local Expertise and Compliance: A reputable manufacturer is well-versed in Mumbai’s specific building codes and fire safety regulations, ensuring their products are fully compliant with local standards.
High-Quality Materials: Trusted manufacturers use top-grade materials that offer superior fire resistance and durability. This guarantees that the fire doors will perform effectively in the event of a fire.
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques: Leading manufacturers employ cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to produce fire doors that meet the highest safety standards.
Customizable Solutions: Understanding that every building has unique needs, a trusted manufacturer offers customized fire door solutions tailored to specific architectural and safety requirements.
Comprehensive Services: From initial consultation and design to installation and ongoing maintenance, a reputable manufacturer provides end-to-end services to ensure the fire doors are always in optimal condition.
Key Features of High-Quality Fire Doors
When choosing a fire door manufacturer in Mumbai, consider the following key features that denote high-quality fire doors:
Fire Resistance Rating: Ensure the doors have a certified fire resistance rating, such as 30, 60, 90, or 120 minutes, depending on the building’s requirements. Effective Smoke Seals: Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. High-quality fire doors come with smoke seals to prevent the spread of smoke, ensuring safe evacuation routes. Durable Construction: Fire rated doors should be constructed from robust materials like steel, aluminum, or fire-resistant wood to withstand extreme conditions. Thermal Insulation: Proper insulation prevents heat transfer, keeping the side of the door opposite the fire cool enough to be safely touched.
Ensuring Proper Installation and Maintenance
Professional Installation: Certified professionals ensure the doors are installed correctly, adhering to all safety standards and regulations. Regular Inspections: Routine inspections help identify any wear and tear or potential issues that could compromise the door’s effectiveness. Timely Maintenance: Regular maintenance ensures that all components of the fire door, including hinges, seals, and latches, are in optimal working condition.
Choosing a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai is essential for ensuring the highest standards of fire safety. By partnering with a reputable manufacturer, you benefit from local expertise, high-quality materials, advanced manufacturing techniques, and comprehensive services. Investing in superior fire doors not only protects lives and property but also ensures compliance with safety regulations. Prioritize safety and reliability by selecting a trusted fire door manufacturer in Mumbai, and secure peace of mind for all building occupants.
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