#120 Anos
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pearcaico · 2 months ago
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O bispo de Olinda pregando depois da bênção da imagem de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, no Morro da Conceição, no dia 8 de dezembro de 1904.
Na manhã do dia 8, Dom Luiz Britto chegou acompanhado da comissão responsável pelos festejos, do monsenhor Marcolino do Amaral, vigário geral do bispado, dr. Coelho Ramalho, major Peregrino de Faria, acadêmico Raul Moraes, representando, respectivamente, o General Comandante do distrito, o Governador do estado e o Prefeito da cidade do Recife. Também faziam parte do séquito Frei Gaudioso, o monsenhor Oliveira Lopes, monsenhor Fabrício, cônego Freitas, os vigários Cavalcanti, Velloso e Francisco Silva. As bandas do Colégio Salesiano, Charanga do Recife e a banda musical da Sociedade 15 de junho do Arraial também estiveram presentes na ocasião. Após retirar o pano vermelho que envolvia a imagem, Dom Luiz deu a benção e em seguida foi executado pelas bandas o Hino Nacional e foram lançados vários fogos (A PROVINCIA, 1904c,p.1). As companhias de trem realizaram viagens extras para tentar suprir a demanda, mas ainda assim os vagões circularam cheios. Houve destacamento de 20 praças de cavalaria e 80 de infantaria para realizar o policiamento no local por conta no número de pessoas esperado (MOURA; LOPES NETO, 483). A celebração foi finalizada com os presentes entoando o Te Deum Laudamus.
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zsofiarosebud · 1 month ago
No minuto 16:47... Beethoven márcase un boogie.
What? Que si!
O tío adiantouse uns 60-70 anos ao nacemento do jazz máis primitivo.
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geekpopnews · 1 year ago
Cine Humberto Mauro promove "A rotina tem seu encanto: 120 anos de Ozu"
Confira as informações da mostra de cinema japonês, que o Cine Humberto Mauro fará em homenagem ao grande mestre cineasta Yasujiro Ozu. "A rotina tem seu encanto: 120 anos de Ozu" começará no próximo dia 12 de dezembro. #Cinemajapones #YasujiroOzu
Aclamados pela combinação de discrição estética e complexidade temática, os 29 filmes de Ozu serão exibidos em diversos formatos, incluindo cópias restauradas e obras em película. A programação promove ainda diálogos com os trabalhos de outros diretores, como Wim Wenders, Paz Encina, Pedro Costa, e o mineiro André Novais Oliveira. O Cine Humberto Mauro promove a retrospectiva “A rotina tem seu…
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losingwendy13 · 1 year ago
É oficialmente dia 25 de janeiro, agora eu tenho 25 anos, eu estou desde a meia noite mal e querendo chorar compulsivamente, se eu pudesse voltar no tempo pra quando eu tinha 15 anos kkk, que saudade dessa época, eu era só uma gorda estranha no ensino médio, mas eu era feliz, eu era tão feliz, eu tinha tudo que eu amava, tinha uma segurança que nunca mais vou sentir, eu sinto falta de achar que eu seria feliz e que nada nunca iria acabar comigo. Mas acabou, hoje eu tenho 25 anos, sou só uma fracassada, triste e solitária, não tenho nada, não sou nada, me sinto como um fantasma andando por ai sem rumo, eu não me formei na faculdade ano passado, tinha chegado a 57 kg e engordei muito agora estou com 77 (já pesei 120 kg), tenho diabetes tipo 1 o que me rendeu uma outra doença auto imune que me da dores infelizes e medo de viver normalmente, estou em uma depressão que não tenho mais metas de vida, não tenho mais esperança, não tenho paz e não tenho nada além de arrependimentos e uma tristeza e traumas que me consome todos os dias. Eu me odeio a cada segundo, eu me odeio em tudo, eu só queria ser diferente, eu nunca pensei que eu era mais feliz aos 15 e que se eu soubesse ou imaginasse como seria minha vida hoje eu teria feito TANTA COISA DIFERENTE. Mas as coisas não são assim e agora eu tenho que fazer algo pra isso mudar, eu só não sei como, eu só queria chorar, gritar e sumir. Nesse momento eu queria só não existir. "Feliz aniversário" pra mim.
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rjzimmerman · 27 days ago
120 Miles of Russian Forest Couldn’t Keep These Two Tigers Apart. (New York Times)
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Amur tigers Boris and Svetlaya, observed by a trail camera in 2018.Credit...ANO WCS
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
When Russian scientists released a pair of orphaned Amur tiger cubs into the wild in a remote corner of Russia’s far east in 2014, they were trying to save a species. While the tigers, sometimes called Siberian tigers and the world’s largest big cat, remain endangered, the scientists created something else: an unlikely love story.
The cubs, Boris and Svetlaya, had been rescued from the wild as unrelated 3- to 5-month-old cubs in the Sikhote-Alin mountains, the animal’s main stronghold. They grew up in captivity and were released at 18 months old. The cats were separated by more than 100 miles with the goal of expanding the distribution of released tigers as much as possible in the Pri-Amur region along Russia’s border with China.
The scientists tracked the cubs until, more than a year after their release, something strange happened: Boris walked over 120 miles, almost in a straight line, to where Svetlaya had made a home.
Six months later, Svetlaya gave birth to a litter of cubs.
While the strategy of releasing rescued cats raised in captivity to restore populations in the wild had proved successful with the Iberian lynx in Spain, it had never been tried with big cats.
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henriqueerenata · 9 months ago
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Minha namorada de 33anos e enteada 120 anos se exibindo em público
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subway-boss-jericho · 3 days ago
(Hammer anon) 
Hi =] 
It's worth mentioning that the twins did have a pretty solid understanding of what they were signing up for
That good to know! I think I’m just very used to arceus offering people a deal and then Not Explaining the Consequences (very… fae coded I suppose lol). It’s very sweet that despite all this they still agreed. Ingo wants to help people!! Of course he does. Every time I look into their in game quotes I’m always taken aback at how supportive and kind they both are. Like. Ingo is Nothing but encouraging and so so happy to see people succeed and grow. It makes sense that that sort of care would carry over to protecting the people he cares about (and even those he might not know!). Emmet is very similar- while he may be more to the point and use less words, he’s still super encouraging and kind! Even when he wins he still encourages you to come back and try again and again- he loves winning more than anything but even when he loses he’s still super happy! 
I think that’s sort of character for them has faded in and out over time, and it’s super nice to see it. In the end, both the twins are fundamentally kind people that want others to grow. 
… I forgot where I was going with that! Something something you are doing a fantastic job representing that with this story and how they act/ the decisions they make.
he has to made more of an effort to be kind and understanding and patient and gracious than he fucking wants to.
Customer service attitude sneaks up on him even without running a subway /silly 
There is. So much here I could gush over (how much emmet cares for ingo, how much he respects his brother and his want for others to understand and acknowledge him as well)  but the. They love encourager so much and want to help each other and although they struggle to find ways to do so, and cannot use the methods they used to, they still find ways to support and help each other though this. They still have eachother’s backs no matter what- even after such a huge shift in tracks. 
There is something verrry sweet about that. (A real “would you love me if I was a worm over 120 ft mechanical bearing bond comprehension / a magical mechanic that can make metal float?”) 
It’s funny to imagine Emmet being at the end of his rope talking with someone, and ingo just. Walking up to them and the other person hurrying away. (Well. It’s funny if you don’t think about it to much) 
That trust IS earned, that kindness is repaid.
I have many thoughts of the twins being kind no matter what. Even with nearly every odd turned against them and forever changed, they are kind. And, eventually, that kindness is returned. Love that message- it’s a hard one to internalize but it’s so worth spreading. 
… you are giving me fic ideas. (Not necessarily related to this au but)
No one else has heard him speak since the change, but Emmet listens, and Emmet is thrilled at every opportunity he has to hear him.
( ╥ ᴗ ╥)
I swear I had more to say here. This is just very sweet and I want to gesture at it with strong emotion (love listening to people talk. It’s so nice to hear them just speak. I’m sure for emmet and ingo it’s. So much.) 
they'd also be able to train and grow and continue to push eachother to greater heights, even if one of them is warden and the other isn't.
“You grow stronger by matching yourself against a strong opponent. Please do your best and run toward the destination, an even higher state."
“Winning against us is a milestone in your life. You can rack up more and more. Please move on toward an even greater goal!"
 “it was very fun! You want to win, and I don't want to lose. That's real. When we clash in battles, I feel very excited!"
“We won, but I am not really satisfied. I can tell that you won't give up. Because you will be much, much stronger. That's why we are waiting for you to come back!"
Yeah I think so too. 
I can just imagine how they would encourage each other to keep getting stronger- even when far away from one another. Better combinations! New strategies! Just for the next time the other visits. 
no special interest in trains (yet,)
I know the focus had been mostly on the getting used to everything in huisi but I would Love to hear about adventures in the future. I will. Ask specific questions in another ask! But feel free to ramble about anything so I can ping some ideas around =] 
Emmet can solve nearly every problem… monster or a tragedy or a weapon.
Not quoting that entires sections here as it’s rather long- but ough. I Know I keep going back to “the relationship they have is so sweet” but you are Killing me here. Emmet knowing he can take care of ingo… finding his new form buetiful thanks to the gifts he was given… being there and letting his brother rapid fire informations and rambles and thoughts… ingo being able to make his brother feel safe, being able to feel and sense him in ways that he never had before…
Seeing the other hurting and wishing with all their heart to comfort the other. Just doing their best to make sure the other knows that they are there for them, no matter what. 
they made me realize I have autism.
Yeah. Yup. I have the braking suspicion that a Lot of people had that realization (I! Also had that realization.) 
Ingo does mention that he thinks he recalls him and emmet used to “battle and discuss Pokémon, I think” so it makes sense they would do the same here! Even if ingo himself is the “Pokemon” lol. 
The most successful way Ingo finds to help Emmet sleep is actually by giving him his own room aboard.
(This is a link to a drawing- You can totally post it on your answer tho!) 
Just a sketch- fighting the combination of executive distinction + other ideas in my head + wanting to keep some of the other stuff a surprise 
I know! I skipped a lot of details (trust me I am chewing on All of them- I just may not have known what to add / not had anything to comment about it) but man I. Am shaking this around like a chew toy. 
Hiii :DD Hi welcome back!
I think I’m just very used to arceus offering people a deal and then Not Explaining the Consequences
Mhhhhm. That's a common fandom trope, and one that I'm frankly not very fond of. I have a lot of thoughts and opinions about how Arceus is handled in fandom and I don't want to get into all of them right now, but broadly in all my AUs where Arceus is involved, I try to write it sort of like a benign background grand master. It orchestrates these events and conclusions, but tries to avoid getting directly involved where possible. In my AUs, Arceus is actively avoiding being malicious whenever it is present and everything is done for a reason.
So in the case of Mecha AU, where it is directly getting involved in a drastic way, I want to actually give it a chance to have a character in the story than just being a 'deus ex machina.' (HAH. double pun) Most of that is through nuance, which is why I've been quick clarify that Ingo and Emmet knew what would happen and why I made Arceus' blessing so specific. It comes back as an key character later in their story, although that's a tale for a different time. Mainly, it's just really important to me that Arceus actually gets to Be a character instead of a plot point. It has motivations, goals, and a personality.
Every time I look into their in game quotes I’m always taken aback at how supportive and kind they both are. [...] Something something you are doing a fantastic job representing that with this story and how they act/ the decisions they make.
🥺 That actually means more than I can say. I've noticed that this particular trait does often get either overlooked (especially in?? Emmet's case??? for some reason??) or otherwise written in a way that doesn't quite feel right to me. I'm glad that this specific trait comes across in my work because i care about it a lot and it's the thing I focus on most when attempting to create anything about the twins.
I don't feel like I get it right all the time either, to be honest, but I do try my best. The way they're written canonically is so compelling to me but gamefreak please..... they have so few lines.... there is so little to work with. God knows I'm going to stretch it as far as I can but pokemon is just kind of Like This (vague gestures towards stories with a young target audience and casts way too large to thoroughly develop each arbitrary character)
In the end, both the twins are fundamentally kind people that want others to grow. 
(To summarize: This ^)
[Jericho-Typical ramble below:]
Customer service attitude sneaks up on him even without running a subway /silly 
It does!!!! It does and he HATES it!!! I think they should be nice to him and give him a break. I also think Emmet should get to go to a rage room as a treat.
They still have eachother’s backs no matter what- even after such a huge shift in tracks. [...] There is something verrry sweet about that.
THEY DO!!! THEY DO and it's SO important to me.
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They would still love eachother if the other was a wurmple. If Emmet was a wurmple he could live in Ingo's lungs with the rest of the wild wurmple colony (JOKE) (But not entirely. because. Ingo does have a couple of stowaway bugs in his vents now and then. He's so big that if he sits very, very, very still, they'll climb on him like he's any other mountain or building. Emmet keeps having to remove them from the premises so their webs and nests don't block the airways, but Ingo keeps letting them back in when Emmet isn't looking) <- He can get away with this because bug types are known to have fewer brain cells (intensely affectionate) so they don't immediately clock him as giant living threat
[Doodle from a few years ago]
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It’s funny to imagine Emmet being at the end of his rope talking with someone, and ingo just. Walking up to them and the other person hurrying away. (Well. It’s funny if you don’t think about it to much) 
Actually, since Emmet tends to stay nearby him and Ingo can reach very far, MY funny visual is Emmet just. TOTALLY pissed at somebody. and Ingo reaches over with his claw to drag Emmet away by the collar of his coat. This is not realistic. He probably just lets Emmet climb onto the inside edge of his claw and carries him off, but the first option is a lot funnier to imagine.
I have many thoughts of the twins being kind no matter what. Even with nearly every odd turned against them and forever changed, they are kind. And, eventually, that kindness is returned. Love that message- it’s a hard one to internalize but it’s so worth spreading. 
I feel a sappy kind of complicated feeling that I'm not quite sure how to put into words other than, y eah 🥺
The one thing that has never failed me is being kind. If nothing else succeeds, I am a firm believer that being kind cannot be completely overlooked, even in the face of fear, uncertainty, and anger. Kindness heals a lot more than people realize, even if you're directing it at other people. So, in stories I write, I also find it hard to write characters who are genuinely kind and caring in conflict with the people around them ksjdhgsg Call it a flaw, it probably is one, but man im a sap for kindness as a universal mediator.
… you are giving me fic ideas. (Not necessarily related to this au but)
:D!!! I'm thrilled to hear it!! If you ever write anything do let me know!! I love when my work can inspire other people to create things of their own, genuinely makes me so happy.
( ╥ ᴗ ╥) love listening to people talk. It’s so nice to hear them just speak. I’m sure for emmet and ingo it’s. So much.
I didn't have a lot specific to add to this but it reminded me of one of the first drawings I did of the Engineer and Mecha Ingo (This is from 2022) and I guess today is art day because I really wanna share some of the doodles I've made over the years of these two
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Emmet IS in this drawing he's just very very small.
This makes me want to draw something new between the two of them. A quiet conversation or something with Ingo talking while Emmet listens. I'm not sure if/when I'll have time but it would be really nice 🥺
I know the focus had been mostly on the getting used to everything in huisi but I would Love to hear about adventures in the future. I will. Ask specific questions in another ask! But feel free to ramble about anything so I can ping some ideas around =] 
Ohhhhohohohh......... This is not a good topic to let me ramble about anything. We've been mostly talking about Hisui so far, but the majority of my time with this AU until the last year or so was spent hyperfixated on Post-Hisui. I would say that just as much of the story takes place after Hisui as it does in Hisui, and I think the most important note about their "adventures in the future" is that, getting to that future is the hard part.
The Engineer, as previously mentioned in the main masterlist, falls into a coma not long after Ingo sinks into the ocean. Ingo... Does not. or, not right away. Emmet's sleep is very... different. And specific. It's unnatural. Forced. And, if you'll recall from that same initial post, Emmet will not die as long as Ingo is still alive. He's functionally immortal.
But that means that Ingo is still there, at the bottom of the ocean. He has internal oxygen stores. He has onboard water and power. He doesn't need to "eat food," necessarily. He can last for a long time without any external help, in large part because he can't move. (Half buried in the sand, the weight of the ocean is too great.) He's not using up the normally vast amount of energy he requires to function.
And he waits. and waits... and... ...The worst part is, Ingo doesn't have any point of reference for what is going on outside. He doesn't know what the people of Hisui are doing, he doesn't know where Emmet is. He doesn't know that Emmet falls into an unshakeable sleep right on cue alongside his own internal systems shifting to a power-saving hibernation.
Ingo is alone under the water for a very, very long time.
That's all I'll say for now. I'm very ill about it and I don't want to ramble too long when you've mentioned sending a different ask about it another time. Ingo's time under the ocean is, a lot, and none of it is happy.
Seeing the other hurting and wishing with all their heart to comfort the other. Just doing their best to make sure the other knows that they are there for them, no matter what. 
No matter what happens now or in the future, this is what their relationship is based on. As much as that love and care is the thing that fuels them, it's also one of the things that hurts the most. They care SO much, more than anything, yet sometimes they care so much that it aches. their whole story is like this unfortunately and I uhhmmm,,,,,,, i havent found a way to, fix that. so I'm working on that part.
I can't quote that whole section either because it really is so much, but I keep rereading it too. It does give a very good perspective into how both of them feel and the experiences they're having. In a way, I think it does a better job than most of my other explanations.
[The most successful way Ingo finds to help Emmet sleep is actually by giving him his own room aboard.] https://imgur.com/a/7wKhc3Q This is a link to a drawing- You can totally post it on your answer tho!
[Drawn by Hammer Anon]
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DUUUUUDE!!!! THIS IS SO CUTE OH MY GOSHHH 😭😭🥺 I've been staring at this all evening. This is so lovely and sweet and peaceful... I especially love how you've personalized Emmet's space here. He looks so comfortable in the hammock
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The way you've drawn his core is extremely fascinating to me but does make sense based on my extremely limited description. Mentally noting this down for later I didn't give a good description of Ingo's core, but this is what it was ""supposed"" to look like:
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I put ""supposed"" in quotations because while this was my first idea from years ago, it also feels extremely lackluster, so I've been wanting to redesign completely it for a while. But also holy shit please if anyone knows what that ^ shape is called I spent SO long trying to look it up with no results and I really don't want to just call it the Fruit Gusher Shape because surely there's an actual word for this kind of twelve sided shape (ignoring the bottom side-view drawing don't worry about that one)
The funny thing is, I HAVE tried to draw Emmet's room several times, but your sketch is actually closer to how it looks in my head than any of the drawings I've made. This is because. All fictional locations in my brain operate on dream logic and generally have incomprehensible non-Euclidian structures. So genuinely this is exactly how I envision it when I talk about it.
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The room is rectangular (longer than it is wide) in my head but this ^ was for a school project with specific requirements. Again, really don't like how Ingo's core looks here so I'm thinking of redoing it entirely/almost entirely. I like the closer/more cramped/more homey vibe of the sketch more than the digital one.
The way you drew it actually makes me really happy, and I'm thinking maybe I should push aside how I think it's "supposed" to look in order to actually mess around with how it Really looks in my head. You got the computer terminal basically perfect, and I love the addition of the pearl clan banner + the little gliscor plush/toy. Super lovely 🥺
I know! I skipped a lot of details (trust me I am chewing on All of them- I just may not have known what to add / not had anything to comment about it) but man I. Am shaking this around like a chew toy. 
All good! 🤝 I definitely do the same when I'm not sure what to add. Rest assured I have been regularly coming back just to reread everything and hrhghthhh. Yeah. Good. I fully understand. I wouldn't call your ask chew toys because those aren't my thing but like, if AUs are songs then your asks are like the Audio Visualizers that play in my brain whenever I think about them. Does that comparison make any sense? Maybe not. Point being: metaphor for a sensory stimuli I like
Mecha AU Masterlist
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ashgleam · 3 months ago
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A distância não nos permite enxergar melhor, mas achamos que em cima daquele dragão está LIATRIS ASHGLEAM, uma cavaleira de 25 ANOS, que atualmente cursa A QUARTA SÉRIE e faz parte dos CAVALEIROS. Dizem que é DESINIBIDA, mas também IMPACIENTE. Podemos confirmar quando ela descer, não é?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✦ㅤ 𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕. ㅤ✦ㅤ 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒔.
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Before the fire.
A única conexão que Liatris tem com seus pais biológicos é o próprio nome, registrado numa pequena tornozeleira de couro no idioma feérico. Foi abandonada nas ruas do Baixo Império quando ainda era um bebê de colo, e embora não tenha conhecimento até hoje de quem eram seus pais, é bem evidente que possui uma ascendência feérica muito próxima, provavelmente filha de um outro changeling e uma elfa – ainda bebê, era possível observar o início do crescimento de um pequeno par de chifres na cabeça, orelhas pontudas bem acentuadas, olhos prateados e pele cor de oliva.
Poucas pessoas ali estavam interessadas em tomar para si o problema de criar um filho alheio, diante do cenário tão desigual de Aldanrae. Teria sido deixada para morrer se a alma caridosa de Joleth Ashgleam, uma changeling que foi aposentada do exército antes sequer de concluir a sua formatura no quadrante da infantaria devido a um acidente no treinamento que resultou na perda total do seu movimento da cintura para baixo. Mesmo aos 120 anos e condicionada a uma cadeira de rodas rústica improvisada, o coração de Jo compadeceu pela pequena criança chorona, dividindo todo o pouco que tinha com ela até o fim de seus dias.
Somente por causa de sua "vovó Jo" a infância de Liatris não foi um completo show de horrores. As duas sobreviviam dos serviços de lavagem de roupas de famílias que tinham um pouco mais de recursos da região, morando num pequeno casebre improvisado no litoral de frente para Eldrathor, na periferia de Ânglia. Lia começou a lhe ajudar no que podia bem cedo, e aos seis anos já auxiliava trazendo as roupas sujas e levando as limpas de volta para os seus donos, tudo a pé, já que não tinham condições de investir num cavalo ou um burro de carga. Muito curiosa desde cedo, a pequena apreciava bastante as suas viagens, às vezes passando horas na praia observando os dragões sobrevoando o Wülfhere.
Quando estava bem perto de alcançar a idade da Captação, a saúde de Joleth parecia piorar exponencialmente a cada dia, tornando impossível que continuasse trabalhando ou sequer realizando tarefas básicas. Lia, ainda uma criança, dedicava todo o seu tempo para cuidar dela da melhor forma que podia, implorando por medicamentos nos vilarejos próximos, mas ninguém parecia querer ajudá-las. Apesar disso, Jo continuava insistindo que resistir à Captação era obsoleto e impossível, e ela não deveria tentar de forma alguma. A mais nova sabia, porém, que isso era praticamente uma sentença de morte para a enferma, então foi ter que ser levada da forma mais dramática e desagradável possível – se debatendo aos gritos, os olhos completamente embaçados pelas lágrimas enquanto via a única pessoa que se importara com ela na vida pela última vez.
Sua única figura materna de fato faleceu dois dias depois, algo que possivelmente teria acontecido mesmo que não tivesse sido levada ao instituto, mas que Liatris acreditou por muito tempo que teria conseguido reverter se não tivesse sido tirada de lá à força. Assim, seus primeiros anos estudando no Wülfhere foram uma enorme tortura, já que do seu ponto de vista infantil, aqueles eram os responsáveis pela morte da vovó Jo, então ela não colaboraria com nada enquanto pudesse lutar. Sua determinação para passar pelo Parapeito foi apenas a de sobreviver e voltar para casa, já que ela só descobriu a morte de Joleth duas semanas depois através de uma carta de um de seus vizinhos.
Fez o possível para tornar a vida da maioria de seus instrutores um inferno, detestando tudo o que dizia respeito àquele lugar. Um pequeno interesse ainda era evidenciado quando começaram a estudar os dragões, no entanto – eles eram o único tópico que fazia a expressão raivosa do seu rosto suavizar discretamente. A sensação de que estava completamente sozinha no mundo só começou a deixar o seu peito gradativamente alguns meses antes de sua colheita do ovo, quando começou a receber pequenos sinais em sonhos de que algo tentava lhe contatar.
Com o ovo de seu dragão em mãos, Lia tinha apenas um objetivo em mente durante a sua segunda série: que ele chocasse logo. Esperar até os dezoito anos parecia uma tortura infindável! A sua época mais dedicada aos livros foi justamente enquanto tentava descobrir métodos meio controversos de acelerar o amadurecimento de um ovo de dragão, alguns bem perigosos tanto para ela quanto para o ovo. Em seu âmago, no entanto, Liatris sentia que o dragão estava tão ansioso para eclodir quanto ela, incentivando as suas tentativas, mas infelizmente nenhuma foi bem sucedida. Só conheceu Mistvelyssar durante a Ceifa, conforme programado, uma dragão fêmea que quase ocasionou na perda de sua alma no Sonhār – ela precisava saber se Liatris estava apta a formar um vínculo com um dragão como ela, selvagem, orgulhosa, muito aventureira e, acima de tudo, livre.
Ao longo dos anos, o desgosto de Lia pela Wülfhere não diminuiu, mas passou a dedicar a sua atenção às matérias que realmente considerava úteis (normalmente só aquelas relacionadas a dragões e tudo que pudesse lhe ajudar a se tornar uma melhor cavaleira e combatente). Não poderia se importar menos com as honrarias advindas de uma posição mais prestigiosa no exército, já que acredita que ninguém se importa verdadeiramente com aquelas coisas, usam apenas para manter as aparências e os changelings em seu "devido" lugar. Seu único objetivo é tornar-se forte o suficiente para sobreviver sozinha com Misty onde quer que seja, sonhando com terras distantes e uma vida que não seja dedicada à proteção de pessoas que mal poderiam esperar para vê-la morta em combate.
Mistvelyssar, the shadow.
Mistvelyssar, apelidada por sua cavaleira de Misty, é uma amphiptere excepcionalmente ágil e rápida, uma das mais velozes do quadrante. Ainda não atingiu a maturidade, mas tem um tamanho um pouco abaixo da média dos dragões de sua idade, já o suficiente para ser montada por alguém pequeno como Liatris. Quase toda a extensão de seu corpo esguio é coberta por escamas cinza-escuro, clareando nas extremidades, sendo a cauda e a cabeça quase brancas. Possui uma penugem prateada e cinza-escuro nas asas e na cauda, e pequenas estruturas pontudas nos polegares assemelhando-se a garras, usadas para auxiliar no transporte terrestre ou no apoio de superfícies montanhosas. Sua cabeça é alongada e estreita, com dois chifres escuros bem longos e uma crina prateada que se inicia do topo da cabeça e desce pelo pescoço até um pouco antes das asas.
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sire-rizku · 1 year ago
Zde přináším kompletní list všeho, za co mi zákazníci vynadali za 2 a půl měsíce brigády.
Začínáme silně, celková existence Billa kartiček a slev pouze s Billa kartou - Nesnáším, vypadám jako někdo, kdo s tím může něco udělat? Ne. Ale když vím, že je v nákupu něco na billa kartu, nemám problém tam pípnout svojí. Pokud na mě teda nezačnou řvát jaká je to píčovina a že už sem nebudou chodit. Okay, tak nechoďte.
Dovolila jsem si zeptat se jich, jestli tu Billa kartičku mají
Jsem pomalá - aneb nálepka na mase byla roztrhnutá, skener ji nepřečetl, takže jsem musela vyťukat ten kód, u toho a spletla jsem číslo, takže jsem musela začít od začátku.
Jsem moc rychlá - Ženská měla velký nákup, přijela k pokladně jako první, takže když ona vykládala, já už jí skenovala nákup. Nákup byl načtený, jí zbývalo uklidit tak ještě polovinu zpátky do košíku, řekla, že bude platit kartou, já jí řekla, že může (jakože je zapnutá ta čtečka, protože zase když to neřeknu, tak čekají až jim to dovolím). Pak jsem si ještě dovolila pohnout tím oddělovačem, že do druhé přihrádky pošlu další nákup. Od tý doby radši taky sděluju, že vedle půjde další nákup.
Neznám cenu všeho z hlavy
Cena u pokladny je jiná než ta na cenovkách v obchodě - Dneska to byla smetana, měla být v akci. To byla, ale jiná značka než si vzala paní. Ale za to samozřejmě můžou všichni ostatní.
Zeptala jsem se kolik mají rohlíků - Prý si je mám spočítat, protože je to moje práce. Okay, spočítám, ale je mi jasný, že kdyby před tímhle chlapem stál týpek z večerky, co běžně kupuje třeba 120 rohlíku a řekl mi ať si je spočítám, tak se posere. (jen tak mimochodem, týpek z večerky je zlatíčko - všechno má spočítaný, peníze dává co nejpřesněji to jde, dokonce mi to nabízí i ve stovkách, protože těch mám vždycky málo a nechává dýško)
Sdělila jsem jim, že *libovolné zboží* má omezené kusy na 1 nákup - Pls, žádná velká věda, prostě to rozdělíme na víc nákupů. Není to tak dávno, co jsem to jednomu týpkovi dělila asi na 7 nákupů, protože cukr byl po 10 kusech. Ale někdo prostě musí udělat scénu.
Nemůžu jim jen tak dát peníze z kasy - chlápek prostě nedokázal pochopit, že když mi dá lístek vratných lahví, já potřebuju, aby mi nějaká stálá pokladní napsala kód, aby se otevřela kasa.
Nemám na vrácení - Prostě, pokud si hodláte koupit 10 rohlíků, který vyjdou na 29 Kč, a zaplatit to dvoutisícovkou, protože potřebujete rozměnit, přijďte s tím aspoň až kolem 10 hodin, ne v 8:01. Já když ráno začínám, tak v kase nemám žádný tisícovky, tudíž to musím vrátit v pětistovkách. A když jsou tyhle nákupy třeba 3 za sebou... Pecka.
Posílám je na jinou pokladnu, protože mi končí směna - Nejlepší odpověď: "Ale mě snad ještě vezmete, ne?". Ne, nevezmu, sorry.
Moje "oblíbená" historka, nedá se vyjádřit jednou větou, je prostě moc specifická - Nakoupil u mě chlap. Za 20 vteřin byl zpátky, jak je možný, že když kupoval jen 6 věcí, má jich na účtence 7. Začal řvát na celej obchod, že tohle snad není možný, tohle se mu děje pokaždý když tady nakupuje. A děje se to jen tady. Proč má na účtence nějaký kuřecí, když kuřecí vůbec nekupoval, co jsem mu to tam dala... Slyšela ho vedoucí, která doplňovala zeleninu, přišla to se teda podívat, co se děje. Fun fact - i když vám v Bille dají lahůdky/salámy do jednoho pytlíku s jedním kódem, všechny ty salámy se načtou jednotlivě (takže na účtence nejsou lahůdky za 80 korun, ale kuřecí šunka za 35 a vepřová šunka za 45 apod.) Takže ano, kuřecí vážně kupoval, jen to očividně stihnul zapomenout než došel k pokladně. Nejvíc mě dostalo, když se pak omluvil vedoucí, že ji tahá od práce, ale mně už ne.
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kimhortons · 4 months ago
meron akong kabobohang nagawa. haha. nag tataka kasi ako last time may magkasunod na bawas ng 95 pesos sa online banking ko sa UB, tas parang araw araw siya nagbabawas ng ganung amount.
dun kasi pumapasok yung sahod ko, buti nakaugalian ko na pagka sahod, tinatransfer ko agad lahat sa seabank—dun kasi mas madali mag send ng money, charge free pa. tas nung last sahod, nag tira ako dun ng halos 4k, tas nung nagtransfer ako nagtaka ako kasi parang kulang na, so chineck ko yung transaction. then ayun, may magkasunod na araw na bawas ng 95 pesos. haha
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nabother ako kasi magkasunod na araw, tas baka mag tuloy tuloy kaya kinuha ko na lahat ng laman. wala ako maalala nun kung saan ako ng subscribe using my card bukod sa Spotify.
tas last week lang, nag check ako nung budget tracker na napurchase ko sa Facebook last time (august 7), at that point di ko pa narerealize na ito yun haha. tas may link kasi dun ng tutorial sa Youtube kung paano gamitin yung sheet. tas nakita ko yung name ng user sa YouTube may dashify. e pagkakatanda ko nadisconnect ko naman na agad yung card ko sa meta pay, kaya takang taka ako paano nababawasan. tas late ko na 'to nakita:
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hahahaha napamura ako e. so ngayon, parang need ko tuloy gumawa ng bagong account para mas safe. haha. or may alam ba kayong ibang way? ayaw ko naman din kasi irisk na okay na since di ko na binubukasan yung file, baka kasi biglang hindi lang 95 pesos yung makuha.
haha. imbes na maging on track sa finances, baka lalo pa mawalan hayp na yan. biruin mo, nafall ako sa 80 pesos haha. tas meron pa palang almost 120 from Facebook. tas ano, aaraw arawin ako bawasan hanggang sa malalaki na yung makuha. huhu shunga ko sa part na 'to haha.
never naman ako talaga gumagamit ng card sa online purchase laging gcash, ewan ko bat naisipan ko 'tong gamitin, kesyo maliit na halaga lang kasi. haha. nakaka dala. never na talaga ulit haha. siguro naman pag gumawa ako bagong account kahit nasa same device, safe naman ata ano? hehe. skl
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pearcaico · 1 month ago
2024 120 Anos da Festa do Morro da Conceição.
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8 de Dezembro Festa do Morro da Conceição em Homenagem a Nossa Senhora da Conceição - Recife Em 1950.
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yuripoll · 11 days ago
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MOVING ON TO ROUND 3: Goodbye, My Rose Garden; Sasameki Koto; Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi; Rock it, GiRL!!; Dark Forest, White Road; Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl; Soulmate.
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And we have another tie! Both Sex Education 120% and Mai no Mushigurashi will be moving forward to a three-way match :)
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aspec-manga-snom · 1 year ago
My Aspec Manga List
This list will be continuously updated from time to time.
Everything on this list will be my personal recommendations for manga that either give off the aspec vibes, have a canon character or have an indirectly labeled character. I will admit a lot of these may be headcanons more than anything, but they aren't without their backing.
I'm using the term aspec as an umbrella term for arospec and acespec.
Trigger Warning Key:
*Contains Sexual References (Jokes, Mentions, etc.)
+Depictions of Sexual Imagery/Complete Nudity (Usually won't go that far, but just to be safe.
-Homophobia,Transphobia, Aphobia, etc.
!Themes of Suicide
/Gratuitous Violence, Gore
Aspec Stories with Canon Characters:
In which the words are said.
Mine-Kun is Asexual by Isaki Uta (ace)
My Astible by Amupaka * (aroace and demiaroace)
Our Dreams at Dusk by Kamatani Yuhki *-! (aroace)
Is Love the Answer? by Isaki Uta - (aroace)
Sex Education 120% by Takaki Kikiki, Illustrated by Hotomura *+ (aroace)
I Want to Be a Wall by Shirono Honami (aroace)
Scum's Wish Décor by Yokoyari Mengo *+- (aroace) (sequel anthology, haven't read the original)
Ame ga Shinai Koto by Okaya Izumi * (aroace) (they don't say the words but "never falls in love" is just right there)
Bloom into You by Nio Nakatani * (aroace) (demiromantic lesbians)
Kiryuu-sensei wa Renai ga Wakaranai by Haruka Ono * (aroace)
Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku by Umi Takase *-! (alloace)
Ano Yoru no Pool by Pukupuku (aroallo)
Romantic Killer by Wataru Momose * (aroallo)
Hatsukoi, Catharsis by Nuko Hatokawa * (gayace)
Lilies and Voices Born Upon the Wind by Mei Renjouji *- (aroace) (pan, demiace)
She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat by Sakaomi Yuzaki (ace lesbian)
Sensitive Boy by 46 *+! (aroace supporting)
Basically Unconfirmed but Implied Aspec Headcanons (Some Personal, Some Universal):
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. by Asou Shuuichi (aroace)
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End by Yamada Kanehito, Illustrated by Abe Tsukasa * (aroace)
Oshi no Ko by Akasaka Aka *! (aroallo)
It's Not Meguro-san's First Time by 9℃ *+ (alloace and aroallo)
Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon by Usui Shio *- (demiaro ace lesbians)
Last Gender: When We Are Nameless by Taki Rei *+-! (arospec aspec)
Umi ga Hashiru End Roll by Tarachine John (aroace)
Fly Me to The Moon by Hata Kenjiro * (aroace)
I Think Our Son Is Gay by Okura *- (aroace)
Renai Daikou by Akasaka Aka, Illustrated by Nishizawa 5mm * (arospec)
Spy x Family by Endou Tatsuya */ (aroacespec) (I'll die on this hill)
One Piece by Eiichiro Oda *+-!/ (aroace)
The Apothecary Diaries by Hyuuga Natsu & Nanao Ikki, Illustrated by Nekokurage *!/ (aroacespec)
Something Like the Dust That Is My World by Amano Shuninta*+- (aroallo)
Seibetsu "Mona Lisa" no Kimi e by Tsumuji Yoshimura *+-! (aroacespec) (kinda bad ideology of gender binary)
Dr.Stone by Riichiro Ingaki, Illustrated by Boichi * (aroace)
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun by Izumi Tsubaki * (aroace)
My Love Story!! by Kazune Kawahara, Illustrated by Aruko * (aroace)
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge by Nozomi Uda * (aroallo)
Skip & Loafer by Misaki Takamatsu * (demiaro? demiace?) (strong platonic relationships)
Dungeon Meshi by Kui Ryoko*!/ (aroace)
Girl Meets Rock! by Kuwahali, illustrated by Tetsuo Ideuchi (aro)
Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! by Miman *+ (aro & demiaro coded)
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losingwendy13 · 4 months ago
Acabei de me pesar: 89,4
Nem lembro a última vez que postei aqui, mas eu estava com menos peso, tanta coisa aconteceu e eu sei que não é justificativa de virar uma porca imensa, mas eu tô me sentindo tão lixo, como se eu não merecesse nada, eu estou me destruindo sabendo disso, eu tenho problemas de saúde que algumas de vocês nem imaginam o que é, além de diabetes, polineuropatia, dor nos músculos, catarata, eu não tô cuidando da minha saúde, não estou tomando a medicação e estou me sentindo piorar cada dia, eu me permito ter compulsão todos os dias, várias vezes no dia, eu estou tão tão inchada, minha barriga está enorme, flácida e caída em cima da 🐸, meus peitos estão assustadores, moles e cheio de banha dos lados, é tanta banha caída que nem sei o que pensar, perdi completamente o rumo, mas tenho que voltar por mim. Eu já tive 120 kg e cheguei a 57 kg. Eu tenho que voltar ao foco porque nunca mais quero pesar como antes. Eu quero ser magra, sempre foi meu maior desejo, quero ser magra e linda, delicada e inteligente. Eu preciso provar pra mim mesma e pras pessoas ao meu redor que eu tenho valor e que tenho força de vontade o suficiente pra mudar minha vida inteira. (Além de tudo abandonei a faculdade quando fiquei doente da catarata).
Quero voltar a ser alegre, a ser feliz, a sorrir e me sentir bem, quero voltar a emagrecer, ver os números na balança diminuindo cada dia mais. É como se eu estivesse morta desde que todo esse inferno começou na minha vida. Eu preciso me trazer de volta.
Vou postar meu peso toda semana aqui até fim do ano. Tenho uma tabela e vou usar. Vou fazer exercício e vou focar em mim. Fim do ano eu vou ser uma versão muito melhor do que qualquer outra que já fui. Isso é uma promessa
Idade: 25
Altura: 1,62
Peso: 89,4
Data: 6/9/23
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redgirl-o-o · 3 months ago
Tô me sentindo um lixo
୨ৎ tô esse tempo todo sem fazer dieta e provavelmente tô com 91kg
୨ৎ vou fazer NF de 2 dias, como punição,o que ajudou a essa compulsão foi eu ter conseguido dinheiro e ter pegado para comprar besteira, mas comprei um remédio para ajudar na compulsão, ele se chama 5-HTP de 120 cápsulas, e se alguém que já tomou puder me falar como foi e se isso ajudou a perder peso e controlar a compulsão, vou estar agradecida.
୨ৎ falei na último vez que ia fazer NF de dois dia, mas acabei não fazendo, mas dessa vez vou fazer direito e vou estar sempre escrevendo aqui, para ajudar manter o foco, falta muito pouco dias para o natal e o ano novo e pretendo estar com 50kg.
୨ৎ e a meta do mês é 70kg ou 75kg, comendo 300kcal por dia, e espero que o remédio ajuda a manter o foco.
୨ৎ me prometi me dar uma recompensa se eu bater a meta e me dedicar, vou comprar uma peruca que sempre quiz na shein, quero ela mais ainda por ter cortado meu cabelo no ombro e a peruca vai me ajudar com isso.
୨ৎ vou guardar todo o dinheiro que seria gasto com besteira e com ele vou sempre me recompensar (quando bate a meta)comprando algo que quero tipo maquiagem e etc..
୨ৎ vou volta a escrever aqui daqui a pouco, quando tiver de dia.
୨ৎ sei que sou um menina muito bonita, mas o que estraga e minhas gorduras, meu corpo nojenta aí, fora os braços grande 🤮
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meurefugio40 · 3 months ago
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