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It was my dad’s birthday a while back, so today, me and my mum baked him a surprise cake. He’s gonna arrive tomorrow.
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its-wormin-time · 2 years
skitter after the first Mannequin fight
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One of the cool things about Worm is all the puzzle bosses, the way Taylor beats enemies with these unusual and creative ways.
On the other hand, that's also one of the most annoying, when you step back, because a lot of them feel like they tailor-made (hah!) to be beaten by Taylor.
And l kinda... I feel like that makes the world almost feel too small?
Like the Mannequin fight was really badass, but it almost feels like the specifics of the rather absurd way he built himself was built to be beaten, or at least blocked off so well, by Taylor's swarm gumming up his works so much the way she did with the silk?
It's a tough hair to split right, balancing 'MC is clever and solved a problem' vs 'enemy had to be made in such a way they were beatable by Mc', I guess. Sometimes Wildbow makes it land, and the Mannequin fight was an intense read, for all that Manny the Kinless didn't fucking talk and was boring in of himself, but I dunno. Didn't quite feel organic.
I guess what continues to get me is that Manny's body and the way be built himself remains so fucking baffling to me it's hard to imagine a reason why he actually made those specific choices that aren't just 'specifically crafting a boss fight for Taylor to beat in this way'.
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yirmisekizfecr · 7 days
Hüznün sahtesi olmaz değil mi Baba?
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casualist-tendency · 1 year
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biogist · 6 months
uh. that sure is a test!
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marcusrobertobaq · 4 months
I think i know enough about sniper rifles to affirm Connor and the SWAT's precision rifle is a 338.
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proverbialschoolmarm · 7 months
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heartofhubris-a · 8 months
Being a child is complaining about how cold my room is, only to be dismissed.
Being an adult is having a thermometer in my room and finding out my room runs at least 10-15°f colder than the rest of the house
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shovshur · 9 months
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nksistemas · 9 days
Lanzamiento de MX Linux 23.4: Basado en Debian 12.7 y Kernel 6.10
MX Linux 23.4, la última actualización estable de la popular distribución MX Linux “Libretto”, ha sido lanzada. Esta versión, basada en Debian 12.7 “Bookworm”, incorpora varias mejoras y actualizaciones de software que optimizan su rendimiento y compatibilidad con hardware moderno. Novedades de MX Linux 23.4 Basado en Debian 12.7: Esta versión integra todos los paquetes actualizados de la…
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whateverdays-art · 2 months
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it never stops, it's always something.
cleaned up and on redbubble (link's in my bio.)
edit: i really can't decide if it's ptsd or the hyperfixation in radioactive stuff i get. you decide? also look up long term nuclear waste warnings. those are cool
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yirmisekizfecr · 24 days
Gözlerimi yollarına bırakmıştım, meğer bıraktığım gönlümdü..
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tuangelbaby · 4 months
“I think I lost my mind, but it’s my kind of love’
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plumeopiacee · 1 year
quand j'attends qu'au bout d'un appel à l'autre, peut-être cela décroche. mon coeur bat de plus en plus vite. seule une voix me ramène à la réalité. et voila de nouveaux appels manqués, plutôt devrais-je dire ignorés. et je retourne de nouveau me coucher. encore un soir à douter, une nuit de nouveau à pleurer... penser et questionner, comment pourrais-je vous expliquer, ce que peut engendrer, un amour infaillible qui jamais ne vous a insatisfait? comment pourrais-je me contenter, d'un autre amour, vide de sens et sans intérêt, sans le véritable être aimé? vous ne finissez que mort de regrets, de ne pas jusqu'au dernier souffle avoir essayé, de vous regarder encore une fois, sans que un mot ne soit prononcé, ayant parlé plus fort que les cris et les insultes échangées... seuls deux coeurs savent se déchirer, mais seules deux âmes destinées savent se retrouver... alors sommes-nous coupables de ce que chair et os ont créé? devrions-nous se sentir désolés des erreurs et des fautes causées par l'ignorance de faire partie de ceux qui peuvent respirer?
la manœuvre de "celui" qui nous a faits, autant erronés, et ayant été poussés à s'égarer, à l'heure du goûter, nous fût apporté le fruit pêché. à l'arche de noé, où faute à la survie nous nous y sommes noyés. les excuses, seules paroles frêles et fragiles des cœurs rejetés. j'aurai aimé ne pas y aller, dans cette incertitude s'endort ma gaieté, je succombe et voilà l'amour de mon entité qui réapprend à parler... alors oui de quelle façon pourrais-je terminer mon éloge à ton âme qui m'est tant adorée? que de par ce simple poème, je ne peux y exprimer, plus mon regret de ne pas savoir changer, celle que l'on m'a assignée à mon arrivée... alors oui, en ce language poreux et désabusé, je t'aime, telle est ma véritable réalité, et telle une lueur presque d'improbabilité, je suis aussi désolée.
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odinsblog · 3 months
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JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades, a settlement tracking group said Wednesday, a move that is likely to worsen already soaring tensions linked to the war in Gaza.
Israel’s aggressive expansion in the West Bank reflects the settler community’s strong influence in the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the most religious and nationalist in the country’s history. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a settler himself, has turbocharged the policy of expansion, seizing new authorities over settlement development and saying he aims to solidify Israel’s hold on the territory and prevent the creation of a Palestinian state.
Authorities recently approved the appropriation of 12.7 square kilometers (nearly 5 square miles) of land in the Jordan Valley, according to a copy of the order obtained by The Associated Press. Data from Peace Now, the tracking group, indicate it was the largest single appropriation approved since the 1993 Oslo accords at the start of the peace process.
Settlement monitors said the land grab connects Israeli settlements along a key corridor bordering Jordan, a move they said undermines the prospect of a contiguous Palestinian state.
U.N. spokesperson Stephane Dujarric called it “a step in the wrong direction,” adding that “the direction we want to be heading is to find a negotiated two-state solution.”
The newly seized land is in an area of the West Bank where, even before the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, settler violence was displacing communities of Palestinians. That violence has only surged since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack ignited the war in Gaza. Settlers have carried out more than 1,000 attacks on Palestinians since October in the West Bank, causing deaths and damaging property, according to the U.N.
The land seizure, which was approved late last month but only publicized on Wednesday, comes after the seizure of 8 square kilometers (roughly 3 square miles) of land in the West Bank in March and 2.6 square kilometers (1 square mile) in February.
That makes 2024 by far the peak year for Israeli land seizure in the West Bank, Peace Now said.
By declaring them state lands, the government opens them up to being leased to Israelis and prohibits private Palestinian ownership.
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