#12 days of fictmas 2021
karahalloway · 3 years
A Winged Wish
A Choices Twelve Days of Fictmas One-Shot
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This is my submission for the 2021 Choices Twelve Days of Fictmas writing event. This year, the theme was 'All Of My Favourite Things' and the prompt that I'd received was 'Angel Tree'. This is also my submission for the CFWC Holiday Celebration.
Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: On a special December night in the lead-up to Christmas, Harper has a tough choice to make...
Word count: 2,000
Warnings: PG-13 (very minor swearing, one slightly steamy kiss, lots fluff)
Theme song:
A/N: So... A couple of things... (1) I appreciate that strictly speaking, an 'angel tree' is a charity-based gift-giving initiative that is run by the Salvation Army to collect items for in-need families in the lead-up to Christmas. However, when I saw the prompt, the first thing I thought of was literally an angel tree (as in a Christmas tree decorated with angels). And when I thought of angels and Christmas, I thought of wishes, which is how the idea of this fic was born. (2) While I make references to some European Christmas traditions and beliefs (which are factual), the concept of an 'angel wish' is something that I came up with for this fic and has no tie-in (at least none that I could find!) with Saint Lucia's Day, so any similarities to actual beliefs/traditions is purely coincidental. (3) Chronologically, this Christmas takes place in the same year as the social season and the engagement tour, but contains no real spoilers for the as yet untitled and unwritten Book 3 of the Harper and Drake trilogy.
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"Something on your mind, girl?"
I feel Drake's arms wrap around me from behind, and I lean back against him with a sigh.
"Just trying to decide what to write."
"For the past thirty minutes?"
"It's not been that long!" I peek up at him uncertainly. "Has it?"
"Sure has," he assures me. "Was on the verge of calling in search and rescue."
"I do have a phone..."
"Which you weren't answering."
I feel a blush rise up my cheeks. "Sorry... Got a bit lost in thought."
Drake rests his chin on my shoulder and glances down at the words that I've written down, then scribbled over. "It's not a fancy speech or press release, y'know... It doesn't need to be perfect."
"I know..." I huff. "But I want it to be meaningful."
"Then write from the heart."
I twist around to look at him with a quizzically raised brow. "Since when does Drake Walker give sentimental advice?"
"Since it's the most WON-derful time of the year...?" he carols with a grin, deepening his voice in imitation of the Andy Williams Christmas classic. "And I get to spend it with you."
His lips meet mine in a tender kiss as he pulls me into him. Laying a hand on his cheek, I breathe in his spicy scent, taste the whiskey on his tongue as I melt into the moment.
Our first Christmas together... the first of many.
"What did you write?" I ask him when we eventually pull apart.
He fixes me with an impassive look. "That's between me and Santa Lucia."
Now I was intrigued! "What did you write that's such a big secret?"
"Hey," he protests. "Did you run around sharing the contents of your letter to Santa?"
"No, but—"
"It's the same thing," he insists. "It only works if it stays private."
"Sentimental and superstitious," I declare with wide eyes. "The festive cheer really has addled your brain, Walker."
"My brain's perfectly fine, thank you," he replies dryly. "But, there are some things that you just don't mess with. Time-honoured holiday traditions being one of them."
I roll my eyes. But... I had to admit that he had a point.
Though, that still didn't help me decide what I was going to write...
I glance back down at the piece of paper in my hands, hoping that inspiration would finally hit me, and I could write a heartfelt 'winged wish'.
For on Santa Lucia – or Saint Lucia's feast day – every Cordonian took a moment out of their day to record a secret wish. For kids, it tended to be the special toys they hoped to receive for Christmas (delivered by Baby Jesus, rather than Santa Claus in this part of the world... the logistics of which I have not quite received a satisfactory explanation for, apart from maybe that Baby Jesus had unquestionable magical powers of teleportation). For adults, meanwhile, the wish was usually a bit more amorphous – good health, finding love and happiness, more money... basically the stuff that keeps people up at night, hoping for a miracle. But, in both cases, the process was the same. People would write their wish onto a piece of paper, fold it up to resemble angel wings and tie it to a branch of the Christmas tree, so Saint Lucia's spirit could fly them up to the heavens to Baby Jesus.
When Maxwell had innocently asked me whether I'd be writing a winged wish, I had stared at him in confusion. But, after he'd given me the low-down of what it entailed (and I'd received unbiased confirmation from Drake that this was actually a thing, given that I hadn't been sure whether I should take Maxwell on his word on something that sounded so alien to me, hailing, as I did, from the land of the Coca-Cola Christmas commercial), I had decided that yes – I did want to take part in this rather sweet and poignant Cordonian tradition.
And since I wanted my first time writing a special wish to be special, I had spent the whole day trying to decide what I wanted to ask for, motivated by the highly probable chance that I'd eventually need to repeat this story to my kids and possibly even grandkids. But, as the morning had ticked over into afternoon, and we had started getting ready for the Night of Light ball at the Palace – Saint Lucia being the patron saint of festive, holy light – I was still trying to home in on my one-true desire.
So, here I am, at the tail end of the night, standing in front of the gigantic Norway Spruce that had been set up in one of the corners of the ballroom, already chock-full of little paper angel wings ready to bear their author's hopes and dreams skywards, no closer to narrowing down my wish than I had been at the start of the day.
Should I wish for something material? That felt cheap – asking a higher power for something that I could just buy for myself. Should I think bigger? Like world peace? The end of hunger? Poverty? Or was that just wishful thinking on my part? What about love and happiness for everyone? Eugh… That just sounded so cheesy…
A low sigh of frustration escapes me.
Why was this so goddamn difficult?! It was just a stupid little wish... That probably wouldn't even come true anyway.
Drake's voice floats across my consciousness.
Looking up, I see that he's moved around to stand in front of me, his warm mocha eyes gazing down softly into mine.
Taking my hand in his, he says, "You're really overthinking this, girl. Just pick something you want. It's not rocket science."
"But, that's the problem!" I exclaim. "I don't know what I want!"
"You were eyeing up those boots pretty hard last week..."
"I was window-shopping! A girl's allowed a self-indulgent, Confessions of a Shopaholic moment every now and then!"
"I have no idea what that is, and I definitely do not want to know, but if you're struggling that much, just wish for those." He leans in conspiratorially. "You never know... Your wish may come true."
My mouth drops open. "You did not!"
"Did not what?"
"Buy them for me!" I cry. "They were almost $1,000!"
Even though I'd been here in Cordonia for over six months now, I was still converting everything back to US dollars as that was my instinctive baseline. And as awesome as those Louboutin black suede, kitten-heel ankle boots with statement bows on the back had looked in the store window, no shoe was worth that much money!
"I never said I did," he replies evenly. "And anyway... it's Baby Jesus who—"
I thump him on the chest. "I'm not five, Drake! I know how Christmas presents work! And you can't spend that much money on me!"
"Why not?" he asks, snaking his arm around my waist to draw me into him.
"Because it's too much!"
"I think that's for me to decide..." he murmurs, reaching up to brush my hair behind my ear.
"And I haven't gotten you anything nearly as expensive!"
"So? It's the thought that counts, not the price tag."
A sound of exasperation escapes me. "You're impossible..."
"Why is this still a constant source of surprise for you?" he drawls with a smirk, tilting my face up to his.
"I don't know..." I grumble ruefully. "I keep thinking that I've got you all figured out, but then you turn around and do something that takes my breath away."
"You complainin’?"
"No, but—"
"Then stop complaining."
Dipping his head, he gently brushes his lips against mine. My mouth parts with a soft sigh in anticipation of him deepening the kiss. But when a moment, then two passes, I blink my eyes open questioningly.
Drake is staring down at me with that impenetrable look of his, and I feel my heart skip a beat at the intensity of his gaze.
“What?” I ask softly.
“Nothing…” he murmurs, reaching up to cup my face in his palm.
“It’s obviously something…” I counter. “Or you wouldn’t be looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re expecting to wake up.”
“Because I am.” He closes his eyes as he heaves a breath. “Honestly, Harper… I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we’re here right now… Not only together, but engaged... of all things!” He shakes his head. “I… I know this is gonna sound cliché and stupid, but I wish we could freeze this moment… make it last forever. Because it’s goddamn perfect.”
Before I have a chance to reply, his mouth comes crashing down on mine. A low moan escapes me as his fingers tangle into my hair, pulling me to him, as if he couldn’t bear the thought of having even the tiniest sliver of space between us. My arms wrap around his neck, my body arching against his as his tongue—
My eyes fly open. "That's it!"
“…the hell?”
Extricating myself from his embrace, I rush to the table that held the writing implements. Dropping the dog-eared piece of paper I was holding, I pick up a fresh sheet and quickly jot down my wish. Giving it a quick read, I fold it up, tying a piece of string around the middle before popping it triumphantly into a branch.
Turning around, I see Drake eyeing me with a raised brow. “Care to explain?”
“You just gave me a brainwave,” I inform him, looping my arm through his.
His brow arcs higher. “You’re… welcome?”
“Oh, don’t look so put out,” I say, patting him on the cheek.
He scoffs as he leads us back to the main part of the ballroom. “How else am I supposed to look when you turn tail in the middle of us making out to go scribble on a piece of paper? Happy?”
“Yeah…actually,” I admit. “Because thanks to you, I now have the perfect wish.”
He throws me a sidelong look. “I told you… It doesn’t—”
“—need to be perfect,” I finish. “I know. But what you said… It made me realise that I’d been thinking about the whole thing wrong.”
“How so?” he asks as we arrive at the dancefloor.
“I was so focused on trying to choose something to receive in the future, that I forgot that I could actually choose something from the present.”
Drake glances down at me as he pulls me into a close hold. “You… wished for something you already have?”
“Yes,” I reply with a smile. “I wished for—”
“Don’t tell me!”
I shake my head with a laugh as he twirls us around. “Drake… You’re my fiancé, soon to be my husband. Surely I can tell you…”
His face remains impassive. “No.”
“Why not?” I press as he drops me into a dip.
“Because. It won’t happen if you do.” He bends down to whisper into my ear. “And I want all your wishes to come true.”
I tilt my face up to his. “They already have.”
It was true.
I already had everything I could ever want. I had found and fallen in love with the man of my dreams, who loved me in turn and had literally crossed mountains and oceans for me. He had proposed and I'd said 'yes', and our wedding was a few short months away. I had family and friends on two continents I could count on come what may. I was doing well physically, emotionally, and spiritually… and everything felt pretty damn perfect.
So, that is what I had wished for – to be able to find a moment of perfection in each day that I could hold onto and cherish… whether it be a smile… a kiss… something that made me stop and stare… or something that reminded me of how immeasurably lucky I really was.
Because when all was said and done, the only things that really mattered were those special moments in between…
…and I couldn’t wait to have a whole lifetime of them with Drake.
Moodboard credits
Tree - Angel - Dance - Drinks - Drake - Harper
Permatags (let me know if you want to be added!)
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @petiteboheme @aussiegurl1234 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @angelasscribbles @drakewalkerisreal @nestledonthaveone @tinkie1973 @lunaseasblog @indiana-jr @twinkle-320 @choicesficwriterscreations @knaussal @differenttyphoonwerewolf @texaskitten30
12 Days of Fictmas Writers (not already included in my permas)
@katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @alj4890 @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild @leelee10898 @kat-tia801 @emichelle @arosentinel @bebepac @txemrn @thegreentwin @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @axwalker​ @argylemnwrites 
12 Days of Fictmas Readers (not already included in my permas)
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leelee10898 · 3 years
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It's almost time...
Hey everyone, Alicia here! I know it's only October and technically still spooky season but… @emichelle and I were talking and decided to do the annual 12 Days of Fictmas again! This is just a feelers post to see who is still around and interested in participating again, or who would like to be tagged.
This year the theme is My Favorite Things...
I am going to tag everyone on the tags list from years past just in case.
We will have a list of all "holiday" things. I.E: Christmas lights, tree, elf, bells, wreath, etc.. Each person will be assigned a "thing" via random selection (Erin will provide proof of your outcome) that you will need to incorporate into your fic or art submission. It does not HAVE to be the sole focus, just included! Days will be assigned at that time as well. Any choices book or characters are welcome, you're also free to request an item for as many submissions as you'd like! 
Let us know! The official sign ups post will be available the first week in November and the 12 Days will kick off on December 1st!
Also, lots of dead tags on here. If it's a handle change, let us know and we can update.
@hopefulmoonobject @kennaxval @zaffrenotes @cordoniantrash  @burnsoslow  @Fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @msjr0119  @texaskitten30 @janezillow  @the-soot-sprite  @mskaneko  @blackcatkita @darley1101 @thecordoniandiaries @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @leelee10898 @annekebbphotography @brightpinkpeppercorn @Drakeandcamillaofvaltoria @theroyalweisme @alj4890  @bbrandy2002 @cordoniansgonewild @god-save-the-keen @debbramcg @emichelle 
Readers tag
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jerzwriter · 3 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You
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It's the 12 Days of Fictmas! I want to say thank you to @emichelle and @leelee10898 for hosting this event, I'm happy to be a part of it this year! My prompt is SANTA and I came up with this silly idea. I hope you enjoy my spoof.
Book: Open Heart
Characters: F!MC (Casey MacTavish), Sienna Trinh, Bryce Lahela, Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick, etc.
Rating: Teen
Summary: Casey fills in for Santa at the Edenbrook Holiday Party, and she ends up learning a whole lot more than she wanted to know.
Category: Pure silliness and fluff.
Warnings: None, unless you’re afraid of Santa.
A/N: Also participating in ChoicesDecemberChallenge2021 Day 9 prompt: Secrets.
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Casey walked into the hospital in pure pandemonium. Happy pandemonium, but still… pandemonium. As she turned a corner, an intern carrying bags full of presents slammed right into her, sending brightly wrapped packages in every direction.
“Oh! Excuse me!”
“Not a worry,” she said, helping to retrieve the gifts, “it looks like we got a lot this year!”
“There are more bags of toys out in that truck than we have patients!”
A smile as bright as the holiday lights that lined the halls spread across her face.
“Aww, that’s what I like to hear! Lots of happy kids. We’re so grateful to you and the other interns volunteering to help on your day off. It’s so nice of you. If Dr. Ramsey goes all Grinch on you, please let me know. I’ll handle him.”
“You got it, but can even he be grumpy today?”
She chuckled softly, “You’d be surprised!”
It was one of the most anticipated days each year at Edenbrook, the annual holiday party for the children in pediatrics, followed by a luncheon for the staff. There was always magic in the air and more trays of cookies than anyone knew what to do with lining every surface. Coupled with The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies being piped in through the halls, it was almost easy to forget you were in a hospital.
Moments later, she approached the nurse's station, and as much as she wanted to contain her laughter, it proved to be an impossible feat.
“What are you laughing at?” Sienna demanded.
“Nothing. You’re an adorable little elf, Si.”
“Thank you. But, I am not a happy one.”
“Aww, turn that frown upside down! You wouldn’t want to end up on Santa’s naughty list, now would you?”
“Well, therein lies the problem. There is no Santa.”
“Uh, Si. Could you keep your voice down? Or are you looking to destroy children’s hopes and dreams this holiday season?”
Sienna scoffed, “No, silly! I mean our Santa! I don’t have a Santa for our party.”
“What? Doesn’t Dr. Brenner play Santa every year? It’s a tradition!”
“Yes, but he had a conference in New York yesterday, and his plane was delayed. There is no way that he will be back on time. I would be willing to do it myself, but I’m too short for the costume.”
“Did you ask Raf? I’m sure he’d love to.”
“Yes, but he can’t be here on time either.”
Sienna eyed her friend nervously. “What do you think your chances would be if you asked Dr. Ramsey to do it.”
Casey snorted. “Now, there’s a thought!”
“I am serious! This is critical.”
“Well, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening. But I do have an idea….”
Casey and Sienna made their way to the on-call room where the Santa suit was stored. Casey rubbed the velvety fabric through her fingers as she mulled something over in her mind.
“Does the suit have padding?”
“It does. I mean, Dr. Brenner had his own, but we still have it in the closet.”
“Why don’t I try it on.”
“You? Case, not for nothing, but you don’t exactly soundlike Santa.”
Casey snickered, “Oh, you forget that this girl was the star of every high school performance she was ever in, not to mention my four years of theater club in college. I can do any voice you want… my exes always seemed to appreciate that.”
“OK, I don’t want to know about that last part, but can you do Santa?”
She closed her eyes and got into character, opening them up with a deep, loud “Ho! Ho! Ho! Have you been a good little girl this year, Sienna?”
“Probably more than most,” she said with a look of surprise on her face, “but holy crap, Casey! You may be able to pull this off! But wouldn’t you have to get Dr. Ramsey’s permission to take time off your rounds?”
“Nope. As luck would have it, I came in early for today’s festivities, and I’m not on the clock until two hours after the party ends.”
“I think this just might work!”
“Oh, it will!”
Ten minutes later, Sienna, the Elf, led a very jolly “Santa” down the hall to the reception room. Santa greeted everyone they passed by, and no one had a clue that it was Casey.
“Santa!” Harper beamed. “Now, I’ve heard a rumor that Dr. Brenner was unable to be here today, so who do we have the pleasure of having in that costume today?”
“Oh, sweet lady! You are fortunate indeed because this magical little elf here was able to deliver the real Santa to Edenbrook. Now, you better be nice today because Santa is watching!”
With a wink of her eye, Casey, uh, Santa, was on her way down the hall.
The party was a huge success. Those who knew Dr. Brenner was stuck in New York commented on how wonderful this year’s Santa was, several saying he was out of a job going forward. Casey had a wonderful time seeing all the children smile, but as she melted away inside that costume, she kept thinking, this was definitely a one-time thing.
She looked at the clock on the wall as the last young patient was brought back to their room by Nurse Sarah. The jolliest smile came to her lips because she could finally return to being Casey.
“Hey, where are you going, Santa?” Sienna asked.
Casey looked around to make sure no one else would be able to hear, then she answered in her own voice.
“I’m going to get back into my scrubs. Santa duty is over.”
“Well… not exactly.”
“See, the staff luncheon is about to start, and, traditionally, Santa stays for that. Any staff member that wants to gets to take their picture with Santa… Uhm, you?”
“Oh, you are kidding me. I am not doing this!”
"It's a tradition, Casey. When you signed up for this, you signed up for the whole gig."
"Yeah, but you conveniently left this part of it out."
"Hey, it's not all bad. Look at them! Everyone is so happy and filled with holiday cheer! I bet they'd be willing to confess some interesting things to Santa."
"I still don't think...."
"I'll make you a batch of snickerdoodles, and we can sit up after everyone has gone to sleep to discuss what they share!"
Casey sighed, confident she would regret this.
"OK, stop! You had me at snickerdoodles."
Santa went to take her place on an oversized chair set up for her in the corner. Being a mischievous little elf, Sienna went around encouraging everyone to take photos, even bribing with cookies when necessary. Her heart was in the right place, though. She figured if she got a picture of everyone with “Santa,” she could put together an album to give to Casey for Christmas. But the white beard covering Casey’s face was not enough to cover her scowl as she stared at Sienna as the line for photos grew and grew.
Bryce was the first to sit on Santa’s lap, and Casey winced. Of course, he’d be able to see it was her, then he would tease her relentlessly. It is was going to be a long afternoon.
“So, young man…Santa wants to know, have you been a good boy this year?”
“Santa, I have to confess…. not always.”
Casey thought back to that time in the shower and started chuckling.
“I’ll bet,” slipped out of her mouth in her own voice.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, uh, Ho! Ho! Ho! I just said I’ll bet it is hard to be a good boy. But were you good enough to ask Santa for a gift this year?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t that bad. But, I really don’t want a gift Santa. But I could use your help. See, I have this mad crush on this really amazing woman, and maybe you could help me figure out how to let her know.”
Casey’s eyes lit up. Who was this mystery woman? And he better believe Santa was going to help! Once she got this lady’s name, she would be all over her, convincing her that Bryce would be the best boyfriend in the world!
“I can see what I can do. Uh, who is it?”
“It’s my friend, Casey.”
She gulped as her eyes popped out so much they nearly hit the wire-rimmed glasses atop her nose.
“Uh, Casey? I take it this Casey person doesn’t know how you feel.”
“Nah, I mean, we had a friend with benefits thing going on for a while, but….”
“OK, OK, OK… Santa doesn’t need this much information!”
“You’re right. So, should I tell her?”
“Look, kid, I’m Santa, not Dear Abby. But good luck.”
“I’m out of her Santa, thanks for the picture, dude.”
Casey wiped her brow as he walked away. Clearly, she wasn’t expecting that. But at least the worst had to be over. Now she could just take pictures with a bunch of middle-aged doctors and then move about her day. The next person sat on her lap, and this time it was her friend Raf.
“So, what brings you here to see Santa, young man.”
“I come to see you every year, Santa. You know that, and you bring in the magic of the season.”
She smiled. Of course, Raf’s childlike wonder would sparkle even more during this time of year.
“So, before we take our picture, is there anything you would like Santa to bring you?”
“Well, there is one thing.”
“You name it, I have an in with the big guy, you know. Ho! Ho! Ho!”
“I may have a tiny… well, not a tiny… I have a big crush on one of my friends. Maybe Santa can sprinkle some fairy dust so she’ll feel the same way too.”
“Oh, and who is this special lady?”
“Her name is Casey.”
“Yes, Casey. Do you know her? Tell me you don’t know her. I was told you were an actor who….”
“No. No, don’t worry, young man, your secret is safe with me. But, uh, Santa’s really not a matchmaker, so how about some superhero boxer shorts instead. Is that good?”
“Uh, yeah, I guess. Thanks, Santa?”
“OK, OK, keep the line moving.”
Her friend and roommate, Jackie, sat on her knee a moment later. To say Casey was stunned would be an understatement, Jackie Varma? Santa? Sienna smirked as it was all her doing. She had to provide a doze peanut butter cookies to Jackie by noon tomorrow, but it was worth it.
“So what brings you here, young lady.”
“That little elf over there. She promised me peanut butter cookies if I did this.”
Casey scowled over at Sienna, who no longer cared. She stuck her tongue out at her in return.
“So, anything you want from Santa this year?”
“Other than the promise that I never have to do this again?”
“Trust me, neither am I.”
“Uh, nothing… but anything you want from Santa this Christmas. You don’t have an unrequited crush that you’re going to ask me to take care of now, do you?”
“Well, come to think of it,” Jackie bit her lip and stared into her lap. “I would love to get up the nerve to tell my roommate Casey that I’m crazy about her.”
“Judgey much, Santa!”
“No, no! that’s not it at all. It’s just… she has no idea, does she.”
“None at all. I was kind of an ass to her last year but considering that she has a crush on Ramsey, that may work to my advantage.”
“She does not….”
“She does. But it’s OK, it works for me if she has a thing for asses.”
“In the physical or proverbial sense?”
Jackie broke out laughing, “BOTH, of course!”
“Well, uh, would you look at that line, I think that….”
“I can take a hint, old man! Moving on! But to be honest with you, I don’t know if this was worth the cookies.”
Casey sighed. Three photos were taken, and three people were in love with her. This would make for some conversation over the snickerdoodles with Sienna tonight.
“Hi, Santa!” Baz smiled, greeting him with all the enthusiasm one would expect.
Casey smiled in relief, finally, someone who wasn’t going to confess his love to her, right? Wrong. The staff members continued… Inez, confession. Elijah, confession. Zaid. ZAID, confession. Casey began to consider transferring to another hospital.
She looked up, and there he was, with that characteristic smirk on his lips, Tobias Carrick. Thank God, that man was never going to have it bad for anyone. At least there would be one person saying they wanted tickets to a Red Sox Game or something reasonable like that.
“Well, hello, Tobias! It’s soo good to see you.”
“Santa,” he said bewildered, “how did you know my name?”
“Uh, well… Santa knows everything,” she stammered, then she eyed his ID badge, pointing it out to him for a quick save.
“So, young man….”
“Not exactly young there, Mr. Kringle.”
“Well, compared to Santa Claus, you are! Ho ho ho!”
“Uh yeah. So aren’t you supposed to ask me what I want?”
“Yes, please. Tell Santa something practical that you would like for Christmas.”
He eyed Santa suspiciously and shook his head.
“What I’d like is really on me, not you.”
“I want to ask my co-worker Casey out on a date. Do you think she’d be up for it, big guy?”
“Santa” slumped in her chair, doing her best to contain her exasperation.
“Well, I don’t know.”
“I thought you knew all?”
“I lied.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Santa, lying? Oh, you’re getting a lump of coal in your stocking.”
“You have no idea.”
Only two people left! Naveen and Ethan. Casey shook her head, wondering if she was seeing straight. Ethan Ramsey? On line to see Santa?
Naveen sat on her lap first.
“Well, hello there, Jolly Old St. Nick!”
“Hello, Jolly Old… uh you’re name.”
“Dr. Banerji, but friends call me Naveen, and of course, Santa is a friend!”
“Well, Naveen. Please tell me you don’t want to get up the nerve to ask Dr. MacTavish out for Christmas.”
“What? Oh, heavens no!”
“Oh, thank God.”
“If I were twenty years younger, perhaps, but….:
Casey dropped her head into her hand. Sienna eyed her, reminding her to stay in character, but Casey honestly didn’t care anymore.
“So… Naveen, what do you want for Christmas.”
“I want Ethan and Casey to get together.”
“You do?”
“Yes, I’ve been pushing for it, but it doesn’t seem to happen. I think I need some holiday magic to help.”
“You do realize he is her boss, right?”
“And how do you know that?”
“Santa knows everything.”
“So, can you help me?”
“Yeah, well, Santa is a toymaker, not a matchmaker… please move on.”
“Uh, OK. They said you were Jolly.”
“I was. Ten confessions ago.”
Finally, Ethan stood next to her, looking miserable as he stared into space.
“Well, young man, aren’t you supposed to sit on Santa’s lap?”
“Yeah, I think I will pass. I’m only doing this because Naveen is forcing me to.”
“Oh… good. Then I suppose you want to just take a photo and get it over with. No need to tell me what you’d like for Christmas….”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly my thing…,” but he stopped as he saw something warm, familiar in Santa’s eyes. As if the magic of the season possessed him, he suddenly felt like telling Santa what he truly wanted. Casey’s eyes opened wide when he sat on her lap, earning gasps from onlookers as well.
“What I’d really like is a do-over with Casey.”
“A… do-over?”
“Yeah. I really screwed things up with her in Miami years ago, and since then, we’ve been friends at best. But, now that her residency is winding down, I think it’s time….”
“It is! It’s time… it’s time for Santa’s break, but thank you, young man! This whole afternoon has given Santa a lot to think about.”
Casey stood up, ready to all but run out of the room when Nurse Sarah came back in.
“Wait, Santa! You have one more visitor!”
Casey smiled as she saw a familiar four-legged friend running her way.
“Jenner! What are you doing here!” Sienna laughed.
“I had him certified as an emotional support pet,” Ethan explained. “He has been visiting elderly patients this morning, but you can take him to see the kids now if you’d like.”
“I’d love that!” She squealed, “but why don’t we let him take his picture with Santa first?
“He’d like that,” Naveen grinned as he scratched Jenner’s belly.
Casey called Jenner over, and he jumped up on her lap.
“Wow, it’s as if he knows you!” Ethan smiled. But his smile could not begin to match the brightness of Casey’s.
THANK GOD! She thought. FINALLY, a visitor who would NOT confess his love for her!
“So, you good boy, what can Santa get you for Christmas!”
Jenner barked and ran off. Leaving Casey confused.
“Maybe he doesn’t want anything,” Santa laughed.
But moments later, Jenner returned and jumped into Santa’s lap again, dropping something into her lap.
Casey’s ID badge.
He retrieved Casey’s ID badge. She threw her head back in disbelief. This couldn’t possibly be happening. She pinched herself. She had to be dreaming. While she wasn’t paying attention, Jenner took the opportunity to start licking her face, causing Casey to giggle uncontrollably. Onlookers looked up. That giggle sounded too familiar to them. Jenner playfully pawed at her until he ended up knocking her beard onto the floor. A collective gasp spread over the room, but none were as loud as the one that came from Casey herself. If she could have a wish from Santa right now, it would be for the floor to open up and swallow her whole.
“Oh, shit…” Ethan muttered.
“You can say that again,” Jackie added.
“Yeah, no one should be saying that more than me!” Casey yelled as she marched toward the door.
“Wait? Where are you going, Sant ah… Casey?” Sienna asked.
“I hear Tufts has openings for residents. I think it’s time for me to apply.”
“No matter,” Tobias winked. “Same thing is bound to happen to you there.”
Fictmas Tags: @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @alj4890 @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild @kat-tia801 @twinkleallnight @arosentinel @bebepac @nestledonthaveone @txemrn @thegreentwin @karahalloway @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @aussiegurl1234 @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @lucy-268 @sillydg @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @texaskitten30 @axwalker @argylemnwrites @twinkle-320
Readers: @iaminlovewithtrr @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14
@choicesdecemberchallenge2021 @choicesficwriterscreations
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The three snowfalls
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My contribution to 12 days of Fictmas! Always is a pleasure to participate! I hope everyone enjoys it!
Book: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC
Warning: A bit of angst and mention of death but it’s mostly super fluff!
Prompt: Snow
Words: 1.821
**Tags in the reblog**
When Amy realized she was a vampire a year ago, she started to think about all the new things that awaited her. She had been excited about the super strength and speed, to share every new experience with Adrian and her friends. To experiment every single minute of it. But one of the things that she was most enthusiastic about was the Dark Solstice. She wanted to participate in it without any freak Santa trying to kill them and as a vampire and not just a spectator. But she never had expected that, when the day finally arrived, she would be looking at the obelisk with a heavy sensation inside.
She could hear the respectfully low music in the background, mixing up with the people's voices. The smell of the different drinks and food was delicious and inviting. She heard a few people get closer to greet them. But she didn't care. The only thing she was capable of feeling, other than the sorrow that filled her heart, was the sweet touch of Adrian, holding her near to him. She sobbed a little, leaning her head to his shoulder, hugging him as his hand caressed her cheek. Her eyes kept looking at the name carved in front of her in that handwriting she knew so well. She extended her fingers towards it, following the shape of the engraving 'Lily Spencer' under her fingertips, remembering that day. Amy took a deep and a bit flathered breath, drying the trace of tears.
"Are you okay, Amy?" His voice was a husky low whisper on her side, leaving a sweet kiss on her temple afterwards.
"I will be. It's just..." With effort, she tore her gaze away, looking at him and not the obelisk for the first time in what felt like hours. "I miss her so much."
"I know you do, my love."
"Do you think… I mean... Will this feeling disappear someday?" She hesitated before talking again. "Will it stop hurting or at least do you get used to it? I..." Adrian observed her, letting her order her thoughts and finished the sentence. "I don't want to forget her. I will never forget her. But this anguish it's too hard to handle."
"It doesn't disappear. Not completely at least. With time, you'll get used to it but it will never completely go away." Adrian kissed her forehead and sighed, looping his arms around her frame tightly. "The pain will dim a bit but it will always be there."
"I hope you are right." She muttered.
"I promise I am." After a while, and when her hold around him loosened, Adrian took the engraving tools of his pocket, just like he had done a year ago for Lily and Jax. "Are you ready?"
"I think so." She took the tools.
"Take your time." Amy slipped her hand into his, intertwining their fingers together, walking around the obelisk, trying to find an empty space. She would have liked to engrave her name next to Lily's, but there was no space available for her. She noticed a free square a few inches above Adrian's and, releasing her hold on him and grabbing each tool in each hand, wrote carefully 'Amy Miller' into the smooth marble. She blew the thin dust and stood up, a small smile on her lips as Adrian's arm found her waist again. "Not bad."
"Well thank you." They heard the clink of a fork against a glass and turned to watch Kamilah, walking to the center of the room, ready to give her annual speech.
The snow started to pile down on the window as they cozied up on the couch under Amy's favorite blanket with his computer in front of them.
"I think you are being stubborn, love."
"I'm absolutely not." She closed the video they had been watching. "I'm not going to spend our honeymoon in a cold place."
"If I remember correctly, you expressed your desire to see the northern lights."
"Well, yeah!" She narrowed her eyes in that mischievous way that he loved. "But not when I'm planning to exclusively wear lace and silk lingerie."
"I expect you will wear even less than that." He kissed behind her ear. "And you know I would never allow you to freeze." His lips, playfully and alluring, brushed her ear with his words.
"Tempting offer." She got seductively closer to his mouth, her lips only an inch from his, her gentle breathing brushing his skin. Amy turned away at the last second, smiling a bit devilishly. "But still no." Adrian shook his head, amused. "What do you think about this one?" Amy pointed to the photos of a white sand beach at night.
"Excellent choice." His fingertips moved on the touchpad, opening the hotel homepage. It was a three star boutique a few blocks away from the coast. "But we can do better than that." He immediately started a search for more exclusive accommodations.
"I forgot I was dealing with Mr. Moneybags."
"Are you complaining?" He lighthearted pinched her side, making her giggle.
"You know I'm not." She blissfully sighed, sinking deeper in his embrace.
"What do you think about this one?" He signed to the notebook with a move of his head. A beautiful huge white and gold hotel room was occupying the screen and Amy's jaw fell down, astound.
"It's… Incredible!"
"The room's view is directly to the beach and the hotel has a private beach for the guest."
"Adrian, it's gorgeous!" He smiled. He absolutely loved to make her happy. "Are you sure you want to spend so much?"
"Don't worry about that, love." She started to read all the amenities the room has, her eyes wined with each world and her factions full of wonder and excitement. “Do you truly like it?”
“Are you kidding? I love it!” She moved the laptop to the coffee table beside them and straddled his hips, leaning down to kiss him. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Amy.”
“I can’t believe how close the wedding is.” Her mouth, soft as the snowflakes falling outside, roamed to his jaw, kissing every inch of his skin on her way down.
“Sometimes it’s seems not close enough.” Adrian said, holding her hips under the cover, squeezing them when she nibbled that spot of his neck that she loved.
She smirked mischievously and he smiled back. “So I can be sure you won’t run away that day?”
He turned her, his hand taking one of her thighs and pulling it to his hips, claiming her lips to deeply and sensually kiss her. “If you think that’s a possibility, I’m not doing my job well.”
“A reminder is always nice.” She led her fingers through his hair. “And encouraged.”
“Good to know.” His mouth took hers, his palm roamed her leg and his body melted between her arms.
“Amy, love, it might not seem like that, but I believe Zuri doesn't need that much clothing.”
“It’s snowing outside! She might get cold!”
“I’m aware of that.” He gently took the eight month old baby from the changing table. “But a onesie, a t- shirt, a sweater, a jacket, pants, gloves, hat and scarf is more than enough.”
“You think it is too much?” She stopped and stood up, closing the drawer in which she was searching for another pair of socks. “Maybe I should take something off?” She bit down her bottom lip, concerned, studying their daughter in Adrian’s arms.
“For now, let’s leave everything on. If her temperature rises, we will uncover her.” Adrian kissed the tip of the tiny nose, a soft smile plastered on his face.
“Okay, perfect.” She rushed towards the cribe in where the diaper bag was open. “Diapers… Blanket… Pacifier… The extra onesie… Bottle…” She muttered checking the content of the bag. “Have you seen the purple dog plushie?”
“In our room.” He bounced Zuri on his hip making her joyfully giggle. “Are you ready for your first snow day, little angel?” Her bright green eyes, the only part completely visible under all the layers of fabric, blinked at him. “You are going to love it.” He lowered his voice to a muted tone, confidently talking to the baby. “If mom finally allows us to go outside.” The girl let out something similar to a giggle as her face broke down in a toothless smile.
“I heard that!” Amy said, annoyed, from the master bedroom.
“Apologies, my love.” Adrian smirked.
“Found it.” She triumphantly walked through the door with the stuffed dog, placing it safely in the bag. “I think we are ready?”
“We are.” They took their own coats, the baby stroller and the bag. After the short ride on the elevator and a quick friendly chat with Robert, the doorman, they stepped outside. Amy held Zuri tightly against her chest, frowning with worry. “Maybe she’s c--” But before she could finish the sentence, Zuri was stretching her arms and waving them around excitedly, trying to catch the snowflakes falling around her. She mumbled something that wasn't words quiet yet. “Oh my god, she loves it!” Adrian placed one hand on her waist and the other on the back of the baby, leaning close to them with a wistful smile lighting up his face even if the night was devouring their surroundings. “Are you okay, handsome?”
“I am. Just… Enjoying this quiet moment.” Zuri took one of his lower locks in her tiny gloved hand and pulled down. Since a couple days ago, that has become her new favorite game. Adrian flinched but didn’t move away, gently taking her fingers from his hair and holding her hand in his.
Amy sighed, snuggling against him. “I know what you mean.”
“Do you want to take the car?” They both looked at Zuri, who was leading her hand towards her mouth with a few flakes on it. Amy stopped her before she succeeded in her mission.
“No, let’s walk. Kamilah’s place is near and someone is enjoying herself.”
“Are you nervous?” Adrian asked, guiding with one hand the stroller and keeping the other around Amy.
“No. More like, curious.” She collected a bunch of snowflakes in her palm and presented them to Zuri, grinning when the small palm collided against her, babbling something understandable but excited. “I have no doubt that Jax will say yes but I can’t picture Kamilah’s reaction.”
“Knowing her, she will take the task with great care.”
“It’s kind of funny, right?” She said pensative. “ The whole ‘vampire godfather and godmother’ concept?”
“It definitely isn’t a very common idea. But nonetheless, a correct one.”
“Not that it would be needed.”
“I know.” Amy grinned at him as they turned to their left, walking to the apartment where the dinner had been planned and where Kamilah and Jax would have to answer a very important question regardless of the little person between their arms.
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bebepac · 3 years
King Liam Claus 🎅
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This is my submission for the 12 days of Fictmas hosted by @emichelle​ and @leelee10898​  which I drew day 4 “cookies for santa.”   which will be used in two different ways here, thanks to @dcbbw​ @12daysofficmas​
This also contains @wackydrabbles​​ prompt # 123 “I don’t feel so good”  which will appear in bold.
This chapter takes place in my The Days The Earth Stood Still flip realm, where Liam and Riley do wind up together, and William grows up with Liam in his life.  If you’re curious about that story line please click:  The Days The Earth Stood Still
The book:  TRH
Pairings:  Liam x Riley
Word Count:  1994
Ratings:  PG
Warnings:  a little sexual innuendo. that’s it.  This is pure fluff. 
William and mentions of the Brooks’ family are my own characters, all others belong to Pixelberry.
Song Inspiration:  Silent Night by the Temptations.
I don’t own rights to the music
Original Post Update: 12/4/21 at 10:32AM EST.  
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It was time for the royal Christmas pictures.  The grand hall had been ornately decorated from ceiling to floor for the holiday.
They had decided to wear their royal regalia, but in the photo releases and the virtual Christmas card shared  with all Cordonians  they would do some more relaxed photos in holiday attire.
"His Highness does not look happy at all." Ana De Luca, who had already snapped a picture of Will, looked at her camera and frowned.
William was not impressed by the Santa that had been heavily vetted and was a quite impressive looking Santa.
"Liam, he was the best Santa we interviewed."
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Riley crouched down to Will.
"Come on Will. Don't you want to say hi to Santa?"
William shook his head no.
"He's not Santa."
"He's Santa's friend, to help visit all the good little boys and girls, while Santa gets your presents ready.” Riley smiled softly, tickling William’s cheek.  He was not having it at all.
"Come on buddy, will you be my Little Lion and go say hi to Santa for Mommy. Mommy will be so happy if you do. See how sad Mommy looks right now?"
As William looked up at Riley's face, she put the saddest looking frown on her face.
"Don't be sad Mommy."
The little young Prince squared his shoulders, and walked proudly over to Santa. The closer he got, the slower he walked.
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He burst into tears as soon as Santa said "Ho Ho Ho!!" and he ran back to Riley.
She picked him up in her arms and he wrapped his arms tight around Riley's neck burying his face in her shoulder.
They kindly let Santa go but assured him he would still be paid for his services.
"I have an idea."
She whispered to Liam, who immediately told Ana De Luca the updated plan who was all smiles.
A few minutes later, a new Santa walked into the room.  
“You’re so special William.  Santa decided  to visit you himself to talk to you about Christmas.”
“He did?”
“He did, he hopes you like him too.”  
Liam’s voice was joyful and gregarious as he began to speak.  “Ho ! Ho ! Ho! Merry Christmas! Hello William!”
She could tell Liam was trying to disguise his voice.  William’s head perked up off of Riley’s shoulder as he turned to glare at Santa that had come to visit him.  
“Mommy’s here too.”  
Liam focused his attention onto  Riley.  “Merry Christmas Queen Mommy.”  His eyes twinkled as he smiled at her.  
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“Merry Christmas Santa.”
“See, he doesn’t look scary at all does  he?”
William shook his head no.  WIN!!!!
Liam went to sit in the green sleigh that  Ana had staged in the middle of the grand hall in a snowy scene for pictures.
“Want to go sit with Santa?”  
She put Will down, and he ran across the room towards Santa.  
“This is perfect, Your Majesty!  This is exactly what I was hoping for, with the pictures of Prince William.  Do you think he knows?”  
“I don’t think so, but he’s so relaxed with him. Maybe, deep down he does.”
William sat on Liam’s lap listening attentively as he read to him.  
Riley walked over to the two.  “Having fun with Santa, William?”
“Santa smells like Daddy.”  
Liam chuckled softly, “That’s because I'm friends with your Daddy.”  
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“Daddy knows Santa Claus Mommy?!?!?!”
“Daddy is friends with everyone!   Did you tell Santa what you want for Christmas?”
“Toys!”  William screamed excitedly.
“What kind of toys?”  
“All of them.”
Liam laughed again.  “Yes, all the toys in the world it is then for you, because you’ve been a good little boy this year. I know.”
“Oh there’s more, all the toys in the world aren’t enough?”  
“Santa….”  Riley said in a warning tone, but her smile  at the two he knew she was amused.
Will stood in the sleigh  and whispered into Liam’s ear.  Liam’s eyes widened and his eyes immediately cut to Riley.
“What else does he want, Santa?”
“You can’t tell her.” William's voice was strong and insistent.
“I’m sorry Queen Mommy, His Highness has sworn me to secrecy."
William pulled at Santa's arm again.
"Can I have one Santa?"
"We'll see."
Liam’s eyes rested again on Riley for a few moments.  
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They spent time taking more pictures, Santa had to eventually say his goodbye. 
Liam rejoined  them in the grand hall a few minutes later.  
“You know the real Santa Daddy?”  
“Daddy has meetings all over the world.”
Riley crossed her arms  over her chest, raising an eyebrow at him.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw the flick of the camera, as Liam smiled at her ever so dashing and charismatic.
“Apparently there is a secret present only William is sharing with Santa.”
“Let him have that  with his new special friend.  I promise you, My beautiful Queen, you will be let in on all his secrets.”
Ana took pictures  of  the family in multiple spots, first in their regal wear, then in their holiday attire.  
“We’re going to do a few takes of the soundbite for the end of the virtual Christmas Card for the Crown’s social media site. Are you ready?”
“You remember what you’re supposed to say William?”  Riley asked.  He nodded.
Liam: “From our family,"
Riley: "To yours"
William:  "Merry Christmas!!!!!"
Chance:  *BARK*
William: "Good boy Chance!"
"We've got so much great footage for the virtual Christmas Card, the people are going to love this!"
"When do you think it will be ready?"
I should be able to get you the finished product for review tomorrow."
The next day Liam and Riley watched the video and photo clips Ana had used to create their virtual Christmas Card.
"What do you all think, Your Majesties?"
Riley nodded at Liam.
"We love it Ana, post it as is."
As the holidays drew nearer, Liam noticed Riley looked sadder as each day passed.
"What's wrong Love?" Liam asked.
"I should be happy."
"That doesn't matter, tell me what you're feeling and why."
"You know how the palace is so grand, sometimes I feel like me, you, and Will get swallowed up here. That's one of the reasons why…."
"You designed our family dining room. And you're feeling the same way about Christmas?"
"Will is older now, this is his first real Christmas he really understands Santa and gets it. And we could really start some traditions for our little family that he will remember."
"Like spending Christmas in Valtoria? It can just be us, and Chance."
"Are you sure you are okay with this?"
"Christmas in Valtoria sounds lovely. William will get to play in the snow. It's perfect. We can leave in the morning."
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Valtoria Bound
Riley smiled as Liam woke up. Both her boys were sleeping.
"How was your nap?"
Enjoyable. I am so glad we decided on Christmas in Valtoria.”  
“Me too, Christmas will feel more intimate here with you, William and I.”  
Riley softly stroked William’s cheek as he slept in his child safety seat.
“He  falls asleep just as soon as the SUV starts moving.  Just like his father.”
“Hey!!!!! I don’t always fall asleep in the SUV when we are traveling!!!!”
Riley raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, maybe I do, but he sleeps almost the whole trip!!!”
Riley laughed at Liam.  “You’re truly adorable, just like your son. But if you fall back asleep, I’m not carrying you into the estate.”  
Riley was excited to do some decorating with Liam and William, however when they walked through the doors of the estate, the halls had already been decorated along with the tree, Riley frowned.
“What’s wrong Love?”
“I thought we would be able to decorate the tree at least Liam, like we did at the palace. It’s not a perfectly decorated tree, but it was our tree, we decorated together.”  
“I understand, you want another tree?  I’ll go chop one down for you.”
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Riley laughed out loud.  “You’ll go chop down a tree with what, your hands?”
“With an ax, or a chainsaw or some other manly tool. It can’t be that difficult.”
“You’re not Drake, that’s not your skill set honey.”  
“And Your Majesty chopping down trees in the Valtorian Woods is illegal.” Bastien confirmed.   
“Then where can we get another tree from?”  
“We passed a Christmas Tree Farm on the way here.”
As they changed into more relaxed clothes or play clothes as Will called them, the color drained from Riley's face.    
"Are you alright? Liam asked concerned.  
"I don't feel so good."
"Mommy you need a nap."
She gently kissed  the tip of William's nose.
"Maybe you're right, I'm the only one that didn't get one on the way here."
"Then trust us boys to pick the biggest, best tree for  our girl.  Chance! You're with us too boy!"
Once Riley was alone she called down to Gladys with a special request. One for all the ingredients for her mother's sugar cookies, and for something else a little more sensitive in nature; Gladys was able to assist on both, and bring Riley some tea to help settle her stomach.
Riley changed into her Christmas pajamas she had bought, and laying the matching pair for Liam and Will on the bed as well.  
It wasn’t long before she heard her boys come through the door of the estate  and Chance happily barking.  
“Feeling better Mommy?”
Liam was smiling at her Christmas pajamas.  
“You like these?  You both have a pair on the bed, go get dressed, or undress!!!!”
A few minutes later Liam, Will, and Chance came back in their matching pjs.
This was something the public didn’t have to see.  Yes, it would have made for amazing photo opportunities, as everyone wanted to get a peek into their lives as a royal family, but for them, that made the experience that much more special.  Riley, Liam, William, and even Chance, all matching around the tree, while they decorated the tree to their liking.  Not the Royal Family decorating their tree, a family decorating their tree, spending time together.
“We picked your favorite, to make sure it made you extra happy.”
Riley peeked into the bags of ornaments. Riley had always liked a structured tree.  White lights, with silver and gold ornaments, which ironically appealed to Liam too. 
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Last but not least,  Gladys had set up the kitchen with all of the ingredients Riley had specified for her to make sugar cookies.
“These are special cookies, William, because we’re going to decorate them for Santa.  We’re going to set out milk and cookies for Santa tonight so he can have a snack after he delivers your presents.”
“You know I hear Santa likes baklava too, just thought I'd put it out there.”
“Of course he does.”  Riley chuckled, pushing Liam.
William was such a good little helper as he stood on the stool between Liam and Riley, helping her first mix the ingredients, and using the cookie cutter to press out the little Christmas trees, and stars.   William had his father’s attention to detail.
“Mommy’s cookies have a wonderful personality, which you should know is the most important thing, William.”  
“Well Daddy has never complained about Mommy’s ‘cookies’ before.”  Raising her eyebrow at Liam.  
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Liam’s eyes darkened.  “Mommy has the best cookies.”  
“Smart King, and husband.”
Christmas Morning
“Santa came!!!”
“Look!”   Riley pointed to the plate of cookies, a bite was missing from the cookie, but the baklava was completely gone.  
“Santa loves baklava.”  
They watched  Will tearing into his presents one after the other, revealing more and more toys that would fill the toy room.  
“Come sit with Mommy and Daddy, we have something to tell you.”
“You know Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back again.”
William nodded.
“You have one more present.  Mommy has a baby in her tummy.”  
“A baby sister.”  
William patted Riley’s stomach.  “Hi baby sister.”
Baby Eleanor was born eight months later.
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txemrn · 3 years
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Book: The Nanny Affair
Pairing: m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler)
Summary: While preparing for the third grade Christmas jubilee, Brynn learns that her future stepsons have been bullying another student; but with a little tinsel and Brynn's big heart, she creates some Christmas magic of her own
Music Inspo: "My Grown-Up Christmas List" - Pentatonix ft. Kelly Clarkson
Warning: pretty fluffy; discussion of childhood bullying
A/N: This is my submission for the @choices12daysoffictmas, hosted by @leelee10898 and @emichelle (y'all are AMAZING! Thank you soooooo much for hosting this event for us!). I was given Day 6 (no, no. Your calendar is correct. I am posting this on the 7th!), and I was given the word ✨tinsel✨ HUGE Thanks to my pre-reader, hand-holder, cheerleader, and sergeant @kat-tia801 for helping me get this piece done!
A/N: Some characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry!
No more lives torn apart
And wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end…
… this is my grown-up Christmas list.
The crisp chill from the first snowfall of the holiday season tickles every nose, both young and old, into a perfect hue of pink. The sidewalks are lit up with festive lights, greenery and vibrant colors of deep red and brilliant gold. There's even a sweet hint of pine hanging in the air-- that, and the pungent exhaust fumes from the typical New York City traffic.
Preparing for the upcoming third grade Christmas jubilee at Sterling Academy, Brynn Schuyler plans an early Saturday morning outing with her favorite eight-year-old twins, Mickey and Mason, at a local craft store.
"Alright, team," she pulls out her shopping list, and begins reading to herself out loud. "Hot gluesticks; sixteen-ounces of red glitter; a ream of holiday paper; LED replacement heads. Hrmmm, let's see here." She contorts her lips while clicking her tongue. She studies her items, looking back and forth between the paper and her little helpers. "Oooo! I got it! Let's start with something fun."
With the boys curiously staring at each other, they follow their future stepmother up the main walkway. Brynn guides them with her shopping cart to a converged aisle of wall-to-wall tree ornaments, the shelves completely adorned top to bottom with glittering bulbs and glass characters on metal hooks.
"Whoa!" Exclaimed Mason, adjusting his glasses. "Look at all the colors--"
"Oh my gosh, Mase!" Mickey runs to a group of ornaments. "Dominion Royale!" Mason and Brynn catch up to Mickey, admiring the various designs. "Can we get one, Brynn? Please?"
"They're even on sale!" Points out Mason.
"Absolutely, you two." Brynn smiles at their enthusiasm. "You need to pick out one that represents you for your class's holiday tree, and then pick out one for the game room tree. Sound good?"
Mickey turns around with his arms filled with characters from his favorite role playing game.
"Oh, um, Mick, I love the enthusiasm, bud, but--" Brynn stifles her giggles, "--leave some for other customers." Brynn bends down, and starts hanging up the ornaments.
"Hey, Mase, look!" Mickey calls to his brother conspiratorially. "Isn't that Patches?" Mason chuckles into his cupped hands, nodding his head.
Brynn stands up, looking in the same direction as the boys. "Patches? Who's Patches?"
"He's this kid at school--" Mason starts to explain.
"--and his name is Patches?" Brynn interrupts, raises an eyebrow.
The twins nervously glance at each other as Mason continues. "His name is Peter, but we call him Patches."
"Why Patches?" Brynn's tone becomes more serious, more concerned with her future stepsons. The boys glance at each other again, a guilty look flooding their faces.
"He's not like the rest of us," informs Mason. "His uniform isn't from where we shop and oftentimes has holes that get patched up with another piece of clothing. Sometimes they are wrinkled--"
"And-and Mr. Hodges says, 'Boy, did you sleep in those?'" The boys snicker, but quickly stop when they notice the furrowing of Brynn's eyebrows.
"Are you kidding me right now, boys?" Brynn sighs. “You make fun of him?” Words fail her as she returns to her shopping list. The original joy on her face has run cold, and all that's left is a look the twins have never seen before this moment.
"Mom, I--" Mason starts, his voice mournful.
"Get your ornaments," interjects Brynn stoically. "We need to go."
At that moment, a woman with a young, red-headed toddler in her buggy turns down the ornament aisle. Brynn takes in the young woman’s exhausted appearance, noting the dark circles under her eyes and empty expression on her face.
"Peter. C'mon. Stop dawdling."
His mother. At her call, a lanky, fairly awkward red-headed boy with glasses sulks around the corner. Even with his eyes trained to the ground, it's clear he's several inches taller than the twins, maybe the tallest kid in the class.
Brynn's heart fills with so many emotions, especially seeing a child so downtrodden; however, she believes this is a perfect opportunity to show kindness--not just because it's the right thing to do, but Mickey and Mason need an example.
"Excuse me?" Brynn steps forward with a coy smile. "I don't believe we've met yet, but my sons were telling me that they go to school with Peter at Sterling."
The woman's face brightens with the gesture as she puts her arm around her own son. "Oh! You have to excuse me," she nervously chuckles, "I just got off shift,” she combs a hair strand behind her ear before fidgeting with her shirt. “We just needed to run some errands."
"Oh, I understand," smiles Brynn, pointing to her basket. "My name is Brynn Schuyler."
"Nicole. Nicole Reynolds," she eagerly shakes Brynn's hand. "I'm sorry," she looks down at Peter, "I'm not familiar with your sons. Schuyler?"
"Oh! Well,” Brynn titters, “technically they’re not my sons. I’m going to be their stepmother in a few months." Brynn turns towards the boys, noticing they are hiding behind the buggy. "That's Mickey and Mason Dalton."
"Dalton?" The woman's face falls at the mention of the name as she squeezes her arm tightly around her son. "Well, it was nice to meet you--"
"It was very nice to meet you, Nicole." Brynn stops her from taking off. "And maybe some time, Peter and the boys can have a playdate or something--"
"Mommy?" The girl in the basket innocently interrupts the conversation. "Can I have this?" The little girl lifts up a small bouquet of Dum-Dums candy.
"No," Nicole whispers, "you know we can't afford that. But maybe Santa--"
"I'm so sorry to interrupt," coyly says Brynn, "but I have a coupon." She digs into the pocket of her jeans, pulling up the folded up discount code, offering it to the young mother. "No one should ever pay full price in here--"
Nicole glared at the coupon before turning her withering stare at Brynn. "We don't need charity. Especially not from you or the Daltons." She backs up her cart to turn a different direction. "Excuse us."
Dumbfounded by how quickly the Reynolds family retreated from her presence, Brynn knows instantly there is more to the story, and there are two little boys that hold the truth. And it wasn't pretty.
The trip home is awkwardly informative as the boys reveal reluctantly that they, as well as their classmates, have been relentlessly teasing Peter Reynolds, a scholarship student at Sterling Academy whose mom works two jobs to make ends meet. Most of his clothes were from thrift stores or donated. He eats alone; he plays alone. But, otherwise, he’s a great student.
Brynn was at a loss for words. Her sons, the boys that she knows and loves so dearly, were always so kind and friendly and loving; it was a quality she would brag about with her friends and family. Now, Brynn isn’t foolish enough to think that Mickey and Mason were invincible from doing wrong. Afterall, she was their nanny; she is well-aware of their clever antics.
But, bullying?
What was she supposed to do now? Punish them? Reward them for coming clean about their poor actions? Force them to be friends with Peter? Would that subject them to being bullied, too?
After dinner, Brynn decided to go straight to bed as the guys played video games together. A few hours later, Sam joined her.
“You’re awfully quiet tonight.” Sam pulls back the covers, slipping between the warm sheets of their bed. He rolls over, slipping his arm around Brynn’s waist, pulling her back into his chest. “You barely said two words at dinner,” he whispers in her ear, his breath tickling goosebumps to life across her soft neck. As she laces her hand with his, he intimately presses his lips to her bare shoulder. “Wait,” he mumbles against her skin, “did I do something wrong?”
Brynn snickers, rolling over to face her fiancée. “What do you think?” She sweetly pecks once--twice against Sam’s lips before he’s able to grip ahold of her bottom lip.
“Tease,” he playfully growls, intertwining his legs with hers. But even as Sam peers into her eyes, he sees that the light in her natural sparkle is dim. “Okay, c’mon,” he tucks a hair behind her ear, “talk to me, baby.”
Brynn sits up, leaning up against the tufted headboard, pulling the blankets over her chest. Letting out a soft sigh, she offers a coy smile. “Do you know who Peter Reynolds is?”
Sam freezes with concern, raising an eyebrow at Brynn. “No,” he singsongs as he sits up to face his bride-to-be. “Do I need to?”
Rolling her eyes, Brynn clicks her tongue, dismissing his blooming jealousy with the wave of her hand. “He’s a student in the boys’ grade--actually in Mickey’s class.”
Sam traces circles seductively down her arm. “Is he giving them trouble?”
"Uh," she scowls at Sam's advances. "Hardly." Brynn scoffs, pulling her arm away. “Sam, I learned today that our boys, along with some of the other boys, have been teasing and making fun of him.”
Sam smirks, shrugging his shoulders. “Brynn,” he pulls a knee out from underneath him, hugging it loosely, “that’s just what boys do. I’m sure they’re all just playing--”
“--Sam, this--” she sighs, casually crossing her arms, “--this is different. I met him and his mom this morning. She was very friendly until I mentioned the name Dalton. Then she couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”
“So, your feelings are hurt because she wouldn’t be your friend?”
“Really?” Brynn furrows her eyebrows, shaking her head as she turns her attention to their bedroom window.
“Baby,” he reaches for her hand, warming it in his grasp. “Seriously, guys just do that. I’m sure Peter has teased the boys before--”
Brynn shakes her head. “That’s not what Mickey and Mason told me, Sam.” She pulls her hands back to herself, rubbing the top of her tickled nose with her finger. “He’s one of the students that received a scholarship to attend.” Brynn continues to explain Peter’s home situation, and how money seems to be a real challenge for them. “And on top of everything else, Mickey gave him the nickname Patches because of his worn clothes.”
Sam stifles a chuckle, looking away from his fiancé.
“Sam!” Brynn grabs her pillow, threatening to hit him with it.
“Okay, okay,” he shields himself for mercy, “I’m sorry.”
“Our sons are bullies--”
“Now wait a minute,” Sam scoots in closer, becoming more direct in Brynn’s face. “I wouldn’t go that far and call them that.”
“For the rest of Peter’s life, he will refer to Mickey and Mason as his childhood bullies.”
“Point taken,” Sam grimaces.
“Now, I know it’s not realistic that they are going to be friends with everyone,” Brynn pauses, giving Sam a tender look, her eyes welling with tears. “But our sons,” she presses her hand to her chest, “they know better. They know to be kind--they are kind! I just--”
There’s a sudden, gentle wrapping on the door.
"Dad? Mom?"
Brynn and Sam simultaneously shrug their shoulders at one another. Brynn slips out of bed, grabbing her robe before opening the door.
“Can we come in for a minute?”
Brynn sniffles back her tears, motioning for the twins to come inside the room.
“Hey, buddies--” Sam pats the bed, “--come get in bed. Let’s chat.”
As the whole family settles into bed together, curled up with warm throws, the boys start the discussion with apologies, naturally calming Brynn’s nerves. Together, they discuss Mickey and Mason’s behavior, and the importance of showing kindness to everyone regardless of their background and lifestyle. They also discuss how privileged the boys are to be born into such a notable name without a single need or want in the world, and because of that, it's important they use their privilege for goodness and love.
While they chatted, Brynn found the boys--her sweet, loving boys--clinging tightly to her arms as they snuggled into her side. These are the boys she knows, the boys she adores so much, the boys she would give her life for.
The twins fell asleep in Sam and Brynn’s bed that night, cuddled closely in their arms. As Brynn savors the smell of their chestnut curls, she realizes something: Sam is right; ‘boys will be boys’. But, that doesn’t mean it’s right. These precious kids aren’t perfect, but they won’t be boys forever.
The following Friday is the big day of the third grade holiday jubilee. Brynn was able to take off from the company to help the other moms decorate the rooms and set up the tables with scrumptious, Christmas-inspired treats. Right before recess, each student took the time to open and share with their peers the ornaments they had brought for their class tree. Brynn snuck into Mrs. McAllister’s class to watch Mason talk about his science beaker ornament, flipping a tiny switch in the back to show it glow lime green. After blowing him a kiss, she tip-toed over to Mr. Hodges’s class to watch Mason open his Mighty Minotaur ornament, his favorite character from his favorite video game.
Brynn stands up to excuse herself to start assisting the other moms with moving chairs and tables while the children are playing. But, the next name on the docket stopped Brynn in her tracks.
“Peter. Peter Reynolds. It’s your turn, buddy.”
Brynn tucks into a corner and watches as the young boy timidly steps in front of his classmates. He digs into his pockets, pulling out a sandwich bag filled with silvery strands of straw.
“Is that tinsel, Peter?” asks Mr. Hodges as a few students start to whisper, one begins to snicker.
Peter clears his throat. "Yes, sir."
"Did you not have another ornament to share with the class?" The teacher continues, but the only response Peter can give is a shrug.
Brynn watches the parents around whisper snide remarks.
"Ugh, so tacky."
"And cheap. I didn't know they still sold that stuff--"
"I think it's, like, a dollar. For a pound of it!"
"Poor kid. He shouldn't have shared anything at all."
"That kid doesn't belong here anyway."
Brynn had heard enough. She could feel her heart beginning to race as her hands formed fists at her sides. Tears well up in her eyes as a coat of red crawls across her skin. How could these children be so cruel?
Here’s the answer-- they're learning it from their parents.
Brynn ran to the bathroom to calm herself down. She splashes her face with water before taking big, deep breaths. Dabbing her cheeks and neck off, she stares at herself in the mirror, noting the glistening of her own eyes.
And suddenly, she forms a plan.
Returning to the classroom, she notices the kids are lined up and heading outside for a snowy recess. Brynn taps Peter on the shoulder, motioning for him to stay back with her.
With Mr. Hodges being the only other person in the room, Peter walks back in with Brynn, taking his seat. She squats down next to him.
"Do you want to put your tinsel on the tree?" Staring at the desk, Peter slowly shakes his head no. Brynn continues. "What if I helped you?"
For the first time, Brynn finally saw the gold flakes in Peter's hazel eyes as he looks up at her innocently. "My mom said not to let people feel sorry for me."
A smirk grows on her face. "You think I feel sorry for you?" She chuckles. "I feel sorry for this sad-looking tree." She points to the class holiday tree, Peter grinning. "This thing needs more holiday cheer and I really think your tinsel will do the trick." Brynn ducks her head down, trying to match her stare with his.
Quickly stealing his attention, Brynn shows him tricks on how to hang the tinsel. "I think three strands is the perfect amount for each branch." She grabs the tip of the arm of the fake pine tree, and shows where to place the silver straw. Peter watches intently, draping the tinsel as instructed.
He timidly looks back at Brynn. “Th-thanks. Miss Schuyler.”
Brynn continues to decorate, not making eye-contact with him. “For what? We’re just making this Christmas tree look better. Plus, tinsel is not a one-person job.” She offers a cordial smile. “Oooo, that looks perfect, Peter,” she nods in approval. “You’d never guess this was the same tree.”
Branch by branch, the tree becomes covered in a stunning, silver sparkle. As the string lights reflect off the tinsel, fractals of beaming colors cascade across the room. Peter's tinsel is the absolute perfect addition.
Once finished, Brynn crawls onto the floor, laying on her back under the Christmas tree. She quickly calls out to her partner-in-crime. “Peter! Come over here!” She pats her hand on the rug next to here. “Best seat in the classroom!”
Mr. Hodges lets out a hearty, encouraging chuckle as he watches Brynn. He puts a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. “Go on. Take a look, son.” The teacher turns off the overhead lights to the classroom, allowing only the holiday tree to illuminate.
As soon as Peter relaxes under the tree, his eyes widen with excitement at the vision, a smile growing across his face. “This is so cool.”
As the children come back in from recess, they are stunned at the beautiful sight. Their lights from the tree shimmer across the entire room in a beautiful dance thanks to the addition of the tinsel. Even the ornaments shine a little brighter.
“Wow, Mr. Hodges!” exclaims a little girl. “Did you do this during our recess?”
Mr. Hodges gives a mischievous grin as he addresses his stunned students. “I didn’t do anything.” He walks over to Peter is laying. He helps him stand up, patting him on the back. “Peter did this.”
An abrupt hush falls over the students, their shocked gazes turning to Peter.
“This is so cool, Peter!”
“We have the best tree now!”
“Good job!”
Brynn sits up from under the tree, and starts motioning students to come over, encouraging them to take her spot. Within an instant, the classroom is silent with only the sudden ‘awe’ of wonder. The stepmom-to-be leans against a desk at the back of the classroom, admiring the children coming together, loving each other over a creation they made together.
Suddenly, her attention is pulled by the classroom door opening abruptly.
“Ms. Reynolds,” Mr. Hodges whispers intently, “we are so grateful you were able to make it today. The jubilee isn’t for another twenty minutes, but the kids are enjoying the tree they just finished–””
“Hey, Moma,” Peter runs up to his mom, giving her a big hug. The gesture clearly catches her by surprise as her eyes grow big.
“Hi, baby,” she giggles reluctantly, rubbing endearing circles on his back. “Are you having a good day?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispers, trying to conceal his snaggle-tooth grin. “Look at the tree!” Peter buries his head into his mother’s shoulder, her arms enveloping snuggly around him. She looks around the room, bewildered at the children obsessing over the tree. The young red-head looks back at his mother. “Thanks to Mickey and Mason’s mom, everyone loves my tinsel.”
“Oh,” Nicole’s face drops, her attention finally landing on Brynn at the back of the class.
“Peter, come over here with us!” Calls out one of the boys, inviting him into a group of classmates that included Mickey.
“Go play, Peter,” his mother encourages. As he scurries away, Nicole stands up, sauntering closer to Brynn, her attention remaining on the children. “For what it’s worth,” she sighs, “thank you for helping my Peter.”
Brynn kindly smiles, nodding at the sentiments.
“But let me make it clear,” she lowers her voice, “we don’t need people feeling sorry for us, or to write us off as a tax break–” she crosses her arms across her chest, “--or-or to make them feel better about themselves for being unkind to us.”
Brynn chews on the sides of her mouth. She looks at her shoes as a stillness settles between the two women. She knows she can’t take back what the boys have done against Peter; she knows that her words of encouragement will fall on deaf ears. Brynn did the only thing she knew she could do: she could relate.
“I was six years old when my dad left my mom and older brother–”
“Miss Schuyler, I–”
“--and my mom, a full-time homemaker–and damnit, she was the best,” Brynn glances at Nicole with a twinkle in her eye, “was forced to work outside the home with only her GED. Two jobs, barely ever home, and we still were hungry, We wore hand-me-down clothes that had holes in them.” She sardonically chuckles to herself. “Gah, we were so poor. But,” she smiles brightly to herself. “All I ever wanted was a real friend.”
Nicole’s expression softens as she turns towards Brynn.
Brynn continues. “Now, here I am, years later, about to marry into the Dalton family.” She turns towards Nicole. “And still, all I want in life are real friends.” She puts her hand on Nicole’s shoulder. “I hope today is a fresh start for Mickey, Mason, and Peter. And then maybe you and I can have a coffee sometime.”
At that moment, the women are called to help arrange the room for the third grade Christmas jubilee. Brynn grabbed her purse to store it away, but before she could walk off, someone grabs her arm.
“How about Sunday morning?”
Brynn twirls around, and instantly smiles, seeing Nicole holding on to her arm kindly. “How does nine sound?”
“Nine it is.”
PERSONAL TAGS (please let me know if you'd like to be added/adjusted/removed):
@ao719 @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @peonierose @schnitzelbutterfingers @sfb123 @shannonwrote @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@choices-addict @rookiemartin
@katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @alj4890
@ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose
@burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita
@debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild
@leelee10898 @kat-tia801 @emichelle
@twinkleallnight @arosentinel @bebepac
@nestledonthaveone @txemrn
@thegreentwin @karahalloway
@annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash
@sincerelyella @aussiegurl1234
@boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont
@chemist-ana @lucy-268 @jerzwriter
@sillydg @mynotsohealthyobsession
@camillemontespan @texaskitten30
@axwalker @argylemnwrites @twinkle-320
@iaminlovewithtrr @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14
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alj4890 · 3 years
Choices 12 Days of Fictmas
Day 6 Homemade Ornaments
(Drake x Olivia) in a Choices: The Royal Romance holiday drabble.
A/N It's no mystery that I am a diehard Dralivia stan, LOL. For this prompt, I'm going to the AU @krsnlove and I created for the TRR characters and their adult children. In this drabble though, we will see them when they are little.
Rating: Fluff!
Length: 1,246 words
writers: @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild @leelee10898 @kat-tia801 @emichelle @twinkleallnight @arosentinel @bebepac @nestledonthaveone @txemrn @thegreentwin @karahalloway @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @aussiegurl1234 @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @sillydg @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @texaskitten30 @axwalker @argylemnwrites @twinkle-320
readers: @iaminlovewithtrr @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14
New Ornaments
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Lythikos, Cordonia...
"A little more." Olivia motioned with her hand in a downward motion. "There! That's perfect."
Drake finished attaching the lighted garland along the balcony overlooking the den.
He came downstairs to study this part of their home decorated for Christmas.
It was quite a change from how Olivia once decorated. When she was on her own, she would only have a tree decorated in the harsh, old Lythikosian style. Rough, plain wooden ornaments were intermingled with lighted candles upon one of the infamous talon trees that grew deep in the woods of Lythikos.
His nose wrinkled over the memories of that overpowering smell.
Once she became close to his group of friends and well, himself, she began to be a little more open to adding some color with lights and ornaments to her usual display. Soon the plain wooden cutouts were given new life amidst the glittery balls that Riley had gifted one year. Twinkle lights replaced the candles.
And Drake got her to compromise their first year of marriage by getting a Balsam Fir tree.
He took a deep breath of the heavenly evergreen scent mixed with the spicy steam wafting from the Lythikos nog that had recently been brought in by a servant. All was how it should be...
"Wait, where are the kids?" He asked.
Olivia carefully lifted some ornaments from a nearby box. "In the playroom. With the snowstorm earlier, Hana decided to do a zoom meeting with all the kids to keep the Christmas craft tradition going."
Drake chuckled at that. Leave it to Hana to want to make sure all her friends' children along with her own had everything she had missed out on growing up.
"I wonder what they'll make this year." He took a few ornaments from his wife to hang on the higher branches. "Hana is so good with all of them. I'm amazed at the creativity she brings out in them."
"We'll find out soon enough." Olivia smiled at the notion. "I'm certain it is something we will want to add to their memory boxes."
"But I want the yarn!" Juliet shouted.
"I don't!" Jackson shouted back. "Aunt Hana said I could pick!"
"And you can!" Hana tried to speak over all the excited voices.
It might have been expecting too much to zoom six children along with her own son and daughter.
"Candy cane swords!" Prince Emerick handed his little brother Ellis one to start an epic fencing match.
"Aunt Hana." Nicky Beaumont called out sweetly. "Can Emily and me use glitter?"
"Pleeeeaaaase!" Her little sister pleaded while bouncing up and down. "Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!"
"Mommy!" Alex pulled on Hana's hand. "Izzy won't let me hold the glue!"
Hana wanted to bury her head in her hands.
Eight pairs of eyes zeroed in on her. Little mouths were parted in surprise. Their sweet aunt/mother never shouted, not even on a rollercoaster.
The group of seven- and four-year-old's began to pout and tear up.
"We're sorry!" Nicky rubbed her eyes.
Emily blubbered her own apology.
Emerick and Ellis hung their heads in shame while discreetly setting their candy canes on their table.
Izzy and Alec looked up at their mother, whispering their own apologies.
Jackson and Juliet Nevarkis-Walker reacted differently.
"This is all your fault!" Jackson pointed an accusatory finger at his little sister.
"Nu-uh!" Juliet stuck her tongue out at him. "It's yours. You won't give me the yarn!"
"Please, everyone." Hana pleaded, overwhelmed with guilt for losing her patience. "I must apologize to each of you." She cuddled her sniffling two in her arms, wishing she could do the same with the little faces on her computer screen. "I allowed my disappointment of not being able to be with all of you to make me lose my temper."
"We wish you was here, too." Emily Beaumont blew her nose loudly.
The others mumbled the same.
"You know what we are going to do?" Hana decided. "We are going to forget directions this year." She crumbled up the papers she had printed off with the homemade ornament ideas and tossed them over her shoulder. Her heart warmed with the giggles she could hear.
"Whatever you want to do for your Christmas ornaments is what we will do."
The kids cheered while each scrambled around to get the supplies they needed.
Hana released a frustrated breath once she was alone. Lifting her eyes to the ceiling, she whispered a brief prayer that whatever they came up with would be something they would always remember fondly.
An hour later...
Drake and Olivia turned toward the sound of the pounding footsteps of their offspring running down the hall.
The pair came barreling into the room, hiding something behind their backs. Jackson and Juliet each had the proudest smiles gracing their faces as they stood before their parents.
"How was craft time with Aunt Hana?" Drake asked.
"The best!" Juliet exclaimed. "She let us make what we wanted."
"Oh?" Olivia wondered how Hana had managed that. "What did you decide to make?"
"You go first, Jax." Juliet whispered.
He grinned at her before producing what he had created.
Drake and Olivia's eyes widened.
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"It's...er..." Drake began.
"That's...definitely..." Olivia stuttered.
"It's a peppermint star!" Jackson told them. "For the top of the tree!"
Drake and Olivia looked up at their beautifully decorated tree.
Sharing a grin, Olivia reached for it. She traced the lopsided star with her finger then handed it over to Drake to hang on the tree.
Picking the highest branch, Drake set it directly in the center. He couldn't stop smiling over Jackson beaming proudly up at his ornament.
"My turn! My turn!" Juliet pushed her thick red curls out of her eyes before presenting her ornament.
Olivia choked back a laugh when Drake managed to ask, straight-faced if she was inspired by the Beaumont's. Whatever that thing was that their youngest created, it did appear to have come from the mysterious depths of the ocean.
"No. Why?" She asked.
"No reason." He took the ball of tangled yarn from her. "This is beautiful, Jules."
"I love how it looks like he's melting." Jax complimented before falling to the ground in a reenactment of a snowman dying a gruesome death.
"He lost a battle." Jules told her family with all the seriousness a four-year-old could muster.
Her green eyes met her mother's. "He wasn't made of Lythikos snow."
Olivia picked her daughter up, hugging her close. "Then he never stood a chance."
Juliet nodded, knowing out of everyone in her family that her mother would understand.
"We'll hang him here." Drake decided, chuckling softly to himself.
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"You know," Olivia spoke up once Drake had lifted Jackson in his arms, "I think this is the best our tree has ever looked."
She gazed about at the sight of her home decorated for the holidays. For the most part, it was beautiful with the greenery and lights. She knew though that it was those two poorly constructed ornaments that proved that this cold castle was indeed a home.
They were the proof that she had achieved the one thing she had wanted most in life: a family. Those ornaments were worth more than any medal or recognition she had ever earned simply because they came from the two, she loved with her entire heart.
"I think you're right." Drake smiled first at her then at their children. "I've never seen a better tree."
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axwalker · 3 years
A Simple Christmas
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Thank you so much to @leelee10898​
and  @emichelle​ for hosting the 12 Days of Ficmas 2021 ! 
This is day 12 and the prompt is: Reindeer 🦌!
A/N: Featuring Drake and Lexie, six years after their marriage. I followed canon up until the end of the second season. After that my canon for them is quite different from the original story. For starters, they don’t have a freaking duchy. 
Thank you so much to @mskaneko for helping me find the picture in the moodboard and for that gorgeous edit! 
Thanks to @burnsoslow​ for her suport and for reading this. I was in a deadline so she only read the content. Any grammatical or any other kind of mistakes are completely mine! 
“Oh,” Lexie gasped as her body tensed for a quick second then relaxed against my chest. I circled my arms around her waist before she could get away from me.
 “It’s you. I didn’t hear you come in.”
 “Were you expecting someone else?” I stared down at her as her head fell back against my chest and she looked up at me.
 “Good answer.” I leaned down and dropped a quick kiss on her forehead. When our eyes met, she smiled at me, and my arms involuntarily tightened around her. Years had passed since she’d first told me she loved me, and I still couldn’t get enough of seeing how much she loved me in her eyes without her having to say it. “You don’t get to use that smile on me,” I said, my heart warming just at the sight of that sweet expression on her face.
 “What? Why?” 
“I still haven’t forgotten about the mess you left in the room this morning, Lex. You still haven’t made up for that.”
  She snorted and her smile got bigger. I loved it, loved seeing her eyes sparkle when she looked at me with such open love. “I had an appointment with the publishing house. You knew that.”
 “Yeah, at noon. When I came into the room after work I thought your closet had exploded. There were clothes everywhere.”
 “Oh, shut up.” Her arms started running over my forearms, caressing, seducing me without even noticing what she was doing. “It wasn’t that bad.” She bit her lip fully knowing that little tic drove me wild.
 “I spent two hours cleaning, Lex. Two damned hours. Now you’re going to have to be very nice to your husband.”
 “I’m always nice to my husband.” Husband—every time the word left her pretty mouth, my chest puffed up, and I couldn’t help but feel proud. She was mine, my Lexie, and I was the luckiest bastard to walk this earth. I didn’t mind if I had to spend the next 50 years picking up her clothes from the strangest places. Leaning down, I ran my nose along her neck and breathed in her cherry scent. “Doc found your little white thong on the floor. I had to chase the damn dog all over the house.” I stopped and lifted my head from her neck. “That’s not funny at all, Lexie.”
 She laughed. Her soft body shook in my arms as she turned and pulled my head down for a quick kiss. “Then don’t put funny images in my head. Now go away so I can finish the romeritos, and don’t open the fridge—you don’t get to see the dessert yet.”
 There was no way she could get rid of me that easily. Instead of getting out, I pushed her back against the kitchen island and trapped her between my arms. “I like where I am.” I kissed her again but she shook her head.
 “Everyone will be here soon and nothing is ready yet.”
 “Relax. Everything is ready. The fireplace is lit, our tree Is gorgeous, and Lennie and I will set the table, okay? No pressure” I murmured against her throat.
 “Is her gift ready?” I ignored Lexie’s question and sucked the skin on her neck to make her go crazy. “Drake,” she groaned, her voice a huge giveaway as to how close she was to giving in to me, but then again, she always gave in to me. I stole another kiss, this one longer and dirtier as I tasted every inch of her mouth and took her breath away. By the time I gave her a break, she was panting and standing on her tiptoes and reaching up for seconds. Her eyes still closed, she swallowed hard and licked her lips. I pushed my hands under her silk shirt and caressed her back, smiling when I felt goosebumps break out over her skin.
 “So, her gift?” she murmured.
 I buried my face in her neck and grazed her skin with my teeth. “Liam is bringing it.
 “And did you pick the cheese? You know how much Marion enjoys her fancy cheese after dinner” I let my hands travel all the way up her back and couldn’t hold back my grin when she shivered and tried to plaster the lower part of her body against mine. I gave her what we both desperately needed—always—and lifted her up on the counter, pushed her skirt higher on her thighs, and pulled her legs around me until I could feel the heat radiating from her core through my pants. “I got everything. Do we have enough time?”
 “They—” Before my gorgeous wife could give me an answer, we heard footsteps rushing toward us, then my beautiful little girl appeared around the corner. Her eyes got bigger when she saw me, and her little feet sprinted.
 “Daddy!” she shrieked; arms open, ready for me to catch her.
 “Squirt!” I yelled back as Lexie unwrapped her legs from my back and I took a step back from her. The little monster aiming for me was the only thing that could distract me from my wife. I kneeled and caught my little Lennie in my arms.
 “Oooff,” I groaned when she crashed into me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Daddy,” she whispered as she laid her face on my shoulder, and my heart just melted. I straightened and saw Lexie watching us with a huge smile on her face. I couldn’t get enough of them, never would, not till the day I died. Leaning toward her, I gave Lexie a small kiss on her lips as she closed her legs and focused on our daughter.
 “I missed you like crazy,” my squirt whispered when she was done hugging me and looked at my face.
 “I know, I missed you like crazy, too.”
 “It’s only been a few hours you two,” Lexie said, interrupting our usual lovefest as she jumped down from the counter. I’d have to wait until everyone went to bed before I gave her all my attention. Small hands turned my head, and I looked into my daughter’s happy little face, her deep brown eyes just like mine. “I can’t believe you paused ‘Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer’ to come to greet your dad.”
 “Mommy is jealous,” she whispered loudly, and Lexie snorted.
 “I know, she is always jealous of us.” Lena nodded eagerly then a grin touched her face. “Your face looks happy, Daddy. Is it because it’s my birthday?”
 “It’s Christmas too, you know,” I replied. My baby was a little mini version of Lexie with all her quirks and looks, but she had been born on Christmas Eve—the best present Lexie could ever give me.
 “Happy Christmas, Daddy. But your face is happy because it’s my birthday, right?”
 I laughed. “Yeah, I think that’s why my face is happy.”
 “See, told ya. Did you buy my Rispis?”
 “Yes, I got your Reese’s pieces.”
 “My Nutella?”
 “Got that, too.”
 “Show me.” She was the bossiest little thing in the house, and I loved her for it although I was a bit scared about what that predicted for her teenage years.
 “Let’s check them out.” I winked at Lexie as she stood barefoot next to the stove and stirred the mole, she was preparing for the romeritos. Our Christmas was a mix between Cordonian, American and Mexican traditions.  She shook her head, but I knew how much she enjoyed seeing me with Lena.
 Marriage hadn’t killed our love or sex life. We still couldn’t keep our hands off of each other, and I hoped it’d stay that way till we were wrinkly and old. I took Lena to the counter and showed her everything I’d gotten one by one. To say both my daughter and wife had a sweet tooth would have been the understatement of the century.
 “Good, good. You did good, Daddy. Now put them all in my closet so I can eat one every day.”
 “I don’t think so, Squirt. I’ll put them in the candy jar here in the kitchen.”  
 She shrugged. “Worth the try.”
 I threw my head back and laughed. She was the funniest little thing, repeating everything she heard 
 “Where is your uncle Max, Lennie?” Lexie asked, and she turned her attention to her mom.
 “Yeah? What’s he doing outside?”
 She lifted her little shoulder in a shrug until it touched her ear. “I dunno.”
 “My favorite ball went missing and he is helping me look for it.”
 My chest shook with silent laughter. “Did you hide it, Squirt?”

She turned her huge, innocent eyes to me and gave another shrug. “I dunno.”
 Gently, I put her down and righted her pigtails so they were even again. “Come on, go get uncle Max and uncle Rash—everyone will be here soon.”
 “For my birthday, right?”
 “Yes, everyone is coming to see you. Now go get him.”
 Happy with everything she was hearing, she ran out of the kitchen after giving Lexie’s leg a quick hug and a quick “Love you, Mommy,” all the while yelling for Maxwell.
 “Uncle Maxie, everyone is coming! We’re gonna have cakes and I’m gonna get lots of pressies!”
 I went back to Lexie and she gasped when my hands went up toward her boobs. She slapped my arms and forced my hands out of her shirt. “Max and Rash are coming downstairs, what are you doing?”
 “You weren’t worried about them a minute ago.”
 “Yeah, because I knew they were upstairs. Now Lena will get them down faster than you can give me a kiss. And Li is arriving any minute now.”
 Ignoring her protests, I hugged her and rested my chin on top of her head. “We could’ve gotten pizza—why are you cooking so much food?”
 “Don’t say pizza. I want one so bad. Everyone will stay for the weekend, so we’ll order some tomorrow, and you know how much Savvie loves Mexican food and Liam loves my homemade turkey.”
 “And you love them.”
 “Well…yeah…” I pressed a kiss against her cheek. She loved my family, and they loved her in return. My sister had taken her side on more than a few occasions, and I couldn’t have been prouder of my best friend with the way he had welcomed her, even after everything that had happened.
 “Did they land? Did they call you? Marion texted me before they boarded the helicopter, but I haven’t checked my phone since then.”
 “They did. I just talked to Li before coming inside. He had to attend an official Christmas lunch.” I reached forward and stole a piece of cheese before she could stop me.
 “Things with Marion seem to be going great,” Lexie said before turning off the stove.
 “Yeah, he’s happy. She’s perfect for him.” My best friend had had a hard time meeting someone he could truly fall in love with, but he’d never given up on anything in his life. Lexie’s choice wasn’t going to change that. Just a different road now, he’d said. Just a different dream.
 “When is Leo coming?”
 “He should be here any minute, and Liv should be here not too long after him.”
 “Good.” I nuzzled her neck. Fuck, she was an addiction. “Are you happy to live just an hour away from your friend? She’s doing better, right?” She tilted her head to give me more access and dropped the wooden spoon on the counter.
 “Yeah,” she murmured. “She’s not dating seriously, not after that Justin guy, but she is at least dating. Drake, Max is gonna come in the kitchen any minute—Drake! Don’t do that.”
 “I can hear them, and Lennie is asking him what pressies he got her.” I chuckled and gently bit Lexie’s neck as she melted into me. “Just in case you didn’t know, we’re raising a monster. I don’t want her to grow up. This size is perfect.”
 “You’re just now noticing that? Mmmm, that feels good. Kiara can’t make it by the way. She’s busy with work, but she said she’d call us later.” I nodded and kept brushing small kisses on her skin. The doorbell rang and we both froze. A second later we could hear Lena’s shriek as she ran through the house to get the door.
 “Uncle Li is here!”
 Lexie chuckled. “Li—he’s gonna get you back for that, you know,” she mumbled as we reluctantly let go of each other. I sighed and yelled at my daughter. “You’re not allowed to answer the door, Squirt! Wait for me.”
 “Hurry up, Daddy. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!” I saw Max come into the kitchen with a smile on his face and left Lexie with him so I could go open the door for my best friend, Lena’s Uncle Li.
 Lexie and Liam’s relationship had definitely evolved. They were much closer than they had been six years before during those first few months after he learned about everything, but it had taken them a long time to get where they were. There were still moments where you could see them holding back, but Lexie was happy she got to see him as often as she did since we went to Cordonia city as often as we could. And Lena…well, Liam was her favorite human in the world, and we were pretty sure her feelings were reciprocated, which was probably why he came to our house for dinner three or four times a month. As much as his position as Cordonian leader allowed him.  
 As I walked through the and made it to the front door, Lena was talking to her favorite uncle through the door. “I missed you, Uncle Li. Where were you? Did you bring my presents with you? It’s my birthday today.”
 Laughing, I opened the door and Lena threw herself at Liam, shouting joyfully when he lifted her up in his arms. “Who is this beautiful girl?” Liam asked, and my daughter beamed at my best friend.
  “It’s me, silly.” Liam drowned her in kisses and her laughter echoed throughout our house.
“If you call me silly, I won’t be giving you your gift, princess.” Liam had called Lennie princess since the day she had been born. In fact, when she had turned four last year, Liam had performed an official ceremony at Cordonia castle.
 “Sorry, Uncle Li. Please! Give me my pressie.”
 Liam gave me an apologetic smile and, for a minute, I didn’t get why. I was the one that had adopted the little Golden retriever. I knew Lena was getting a dog. Lexie and I had agreed together after we had had the talk with Lennie explaining her a puppy wasn’t a toy. Plus, my squirt was great with Doc, our Labrador.
 Then I saw the big truck parked in front of our cabin.
 “What did you do, Liam?”
 Before he had time to answer, Bastien came from behind the truck holding a rope and what seemed to be a reindeer attached to it. An actual fucking reindeer with a fake red nose in my front lawn.
 “Rudolph!” Lennie shrieked and tried to run towards him. I didn’t know anything about the deer so I stopped her, grabbing her by her small shoulder.
 “You can let her go to him,” Marion said. “He’s completely tamed, and he loves kids.” I trusted Li’s fiancée, so I let Lennie go and she ran to the reindeer and started petting him.
 “What the fuck, Li?” I whispered so my daughter didn’t hear me curse. Again.
 “Lennie face-timed with me two days ago from Lexie’s phone. All she could talk about was that movie Rudolph and his red nose, and how she had asked for a reindeer for Christmas. I knew we had some at the royal zoo. She looked so cute, I couldn’t help myself.”
 “Damn, Li. Animals aren’t toys. Do I have to give you the same speech I did Lennie?”
 I turned my head to look at my daughter and my heart stopped. My little girl was asking the deer all kinds of questions.
 “Is Santa really fat? Do all kids have presents? Is it true that if I don’t do what mommy says you gets sad, Rudolph?”
 I kneeled next to Lena, cursing Liam because I had to break her little heart. “I know you love him, baby but we can’t keep him.”
 Lena laughed. “Of course, we can’t daddy! Rudolph lives with Santa! He would be very sad without him.” She rolled her eyes to convey how silly she thought I was to even suggest it. “Can he spend the day here though?”
 “Of course, he can Squirt. Liam will help you feed him and clean after him. Won’t you, Li?”
 “Yes, anything for the princess.” He winked at her and crouched down at her level.
 Lexie shook her head. “I’ll go to finish making diner.”
“I’ll go with you,” Marion said.
 It was eleven PM when I found Lexie sitting on our bed. “Where did you disappear to?” I asked as I opened the door wider and stepped inside.
 She looked at me over her shoulder and smiled. “I’ll be down in a minute. Where is Lena?”
 I grinned. “She fell asleep in Liam’s lap while Marion told her a story.” I sat down beside her and grasped her hand in mine.
 “Is everything okay? Are you angry at Li?”
 “What? No. I would’ve been if Lennie had been heartbroken about having to say goodbye to ‘Rulsdof’,” I grinned, “but she understands, so it’s fine. Are you just tired Lex? You barely sat down today.”
 She sighed and rested her shoulder against mine, eyes on our hands. “It’s a good tired. It was the best day.”
 She glanced at me and our eyes met as she whispered, “Happy Christmas, Drake. Don’t think I forgot you. I have your present right here.” She gives me a small box but I don’t open it right away. 
My smiling lips touched hers and we broke apart too soon for my liking. “You okay?”
 She touched my cheek and smiled. “Yes.”
 “Are you happy, Lexie?”
 She laughed. “Why are you asking me that?”
 I just continued with my questioning. “Do I make you happy? Does our life make you happy?”
 Her brows drew together and then she was climbing onto my lap, holding my face in her hands. “Where is this coming from?”
 “Just want to make sure.” Her hands moved to my shoulders and she settled down more comfortably on top of me, earning a small grunt and groan from me.
 “I’m so happy, it’s terrifying,” she whispered.
 “Do I give you everything you want?”
 “Yes, you idiot, and so much more. I would’ve been happy with just you—”
  I cut her off. “Crazily happy.”
 “Yes, crazily happy, but look at everything you’ve given me. I love our family so much. I love you so much, Drake Walker. I’m so happy .”
 “Glorious, yes—good word choice.” We laughed together as I caressed her back. “And your little family loves you back, especially me. I love you the most, baby. I’m your biggest fan. However, you missed our breakfast this morning, so clearly I’ve been worrying. I could barely do my push-ups without your eyes on me. Don’t make it a habit, my little pervert.” My dick was already hardening under her, and with the smile she gave me, I lost the battle.
 “I was getting our daughter ready.” 
“And that’s the only reason I didn’t come get you so you could stare at me.”
 Holding my neck, she rested her forehead against mine, our lips almost touching. “Am I too weird for you? You always make fun of the mess I leave behind me and my quirks.”
 “Quirks? Oh, is that what we’re calling them now?” I held her butt in my palms and pulled her a little forward then pushed a little back. Thanks to her short skirt, she could feel all of me. Her eyes closed on their own and she bit her bottom lip.
 “I’m stuck with you so…I guess I’ll make do?” I smirked and she chuckled. Ever since the first day I met her, she’d never seen her own perfection, but that was okay. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere; I’d be right next to her to show her every day for the rest of our lives how fucking perfect she was. It’s hard to explain what attracts you to a person, what it is about them that makes them so special that you give them your heart. I believe it’s all about who you are together, how you are together. 
“Open it,” Lexie says, eying the little white box with the brown box.
I do and my heart jumps at the sight of the white stick and the little pink cross. “Is this–? Uhm, are you? Fuck! Are you, baby??”
She just nods, tears filling her eyes. “Soon we’ll be four, Drake.”
“Fuck baby, I love you so much.” I press her body against me, as tight as I can without hurting her or our new baby. 
 It’s simple, what I feel for her—the most powerful thing in the world. We chose each other, and we’d keep choosing each other long after we’re gone from here. 
Lexie O’Brien Walker is my forever, the love of my life, and I was hers. 
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twinkle-320 · 3 years
Picture This
Pairing:  Drake Walker x MC (Riley Nevin Walker)
Book:  The Royal Romance series
Word Count:  1821
Rating:  PG-13 (language)
Summary:  Riley takes Drake down memory lane with Christmas pictures from her childhood which prompts Drake to start traditions of their own with a surprise in the mix.
Author’s Note:  This is my entry for the 12 Days of Fictmas event hosted by @leelee10898​ and @emichelle​.  My prompt for Day 9 was Christmas pictures.  This piece isn’t necessarily canon compliant but fits in with other one shots I’ve written where Drake and Riley are married and have twins, Aislynn and Jackson.
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“Fuck,” Riley huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.  Tangled in her lap was a mass of Christmas lights that Drake had pulled from the attic of the estate in Valtoria.
“What happened to merry and jolly, Nevin?” Drake laughed as he entered the room with another arm load of decorations.
“This, this happened to merry and jolly,” Riley replied, lifting the gigantic ball of lights in the air.  “Who stores lights like this?”
Drake looked around the parlor cluttered with boxes and totes, shaking his head.  “I’d say they had so many, they probably didn’t care.”
Riley dropped the lights back to the ground, and crawled over to the couch where she flopped down and closed her eyes.  “Is this all of it?”
Drake sat down and pulled her into his lap.  “I just brought down the last of what the last duchess left, but I still have your stuff to bring down.  This is a big house, Nevin…but I don’t know where we’re going to put half of this crap.  The ornaments alone could probably decorate every tree in the village.”
Riley’s eyes snapped open.  “Those we will definitely need!”
“For what?”
“For the trees of course!” Riley said matter-of-factly, sitting up and holding his gaze.
Drake’s expression was one of bewilderment.  “Trees?  As in…multiple.”
“Why do you say it like that?” Riley retorted.
“Ah…why would you have more than one tree?  This isn’t the palace, Nevin.”
Riley laughed.  “You don’t have to live in a palace to have more than one tree, Drake.  We always had more than one in my house.”
Drake was happy to see her merriment return but he eyed her with skepticism.  “Exactly how many is ‘more than one’?”
Riley looked thoughtful as she counted in her head.  “Hmmm…I think the most we ever had was five.”
“Five?” Drake exclaimed.  “That…that…I don’t know, Nevin.  I mean..why?  What the hell are we going to do, spread the presents out between trees?”
“No,” Riley laughed.  “First of all, it’s not like it was five in one room!  They were just decoration in other rooms.  And second, presents go under the main tree.  Here…I’ll show you.”
Riley stood from Drake’s lap and crossed the parlor to where she had placed all of her old photo albums on the bookshelves.  Despite the vast number of albums, she quickly selected the one she was looking for and returned to sit back down with Drake.
“This is just one of my Christmas albums,” she explained, flipping open the cover.  “It’s my favorite time of year to take pictures.  Everything is just so bright and beautiful and…happy.  I think I get that from my mom.  From the time I was born she always had our family photo taken as Christmas pictures.  She’d get them framed as gifts for my grandparents.”
“Now those I have to see,” Drake laughed.
“We’re supposed to be looking at trees, Drake.”
“Come on, Nevin…we’ll get there…show me the family photos first.”
Riley closed the book in her lap.  “Okay, okay.  They’re in the other album.  Grab the whiskey…we’re going down the Nevin Christmas memory lane.”
Drake jumped up and went to the bar, pouring them both two fingers and bringing the bottle with him back to the couch.  Riley returned a moment later with two more photo albums.
“Those are all Christmas pictures?” Drake asked, staring at the two large binder-sized books in her lap.
“These are just the ones I put together,” Riley smiled.  “I have a few more that my mom put together through the years.”
“You know you can digitize all that now, right Nevin?”
Riley shook her head, opening the first book.  “It’s not the same.  Especially with the older ones…knowing my mom put them together, held those photos, and organized them just so.  I can’t get that feeling scrolling on a screen.”
Drake wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, handing off the tumbler of whiskey.  Taking a delicate sip, Riley set it down on the coffee table before snuggling into Drake’s side and placing the album between them.
“So…this is our first family Christmas picture,” she said, lovingly gazing at the 5x7 on the page as she touched it lightly with her fingertips.  “I was a little over a month old.”
Drake looked at a young Em J in a blush blouse gently cradling a sleeping Riley dressed in a little pink dress.  Beside her sat Chad, smiling proudly with Drew sitting excitedly in his lap.
“You look so much like your mom,” Drake whispered.  “It’s almost like looking at you holding Aislynn.”
Riley nodded and quickly wiped at the tears that had come to her eyes.  “I know…I’ve been seeing it more and more lately myself.”
After a brief pause for Drake to light the fire, they continued flipping through the album until they reached the last picture, taken the Christmas before Em J passed.
“And that’s it…” Riley sighed.  “Dad didn’t keep up the tradition, I guess it was too hard.  Mom would have kept it going forever.  The photographer was actually already scheduled that year but then…well, you know.  She was over the moon when Drew married Leigh, and then Tim came along.  And don’t even get me started on how excited she was that Emma was due to arrive in time for that last one that never happened.  I guess she always hoped that the picture would just keep growing as our family grew.”  Riley quickly closed the album, took a deep breath and tried to shake away her thoughts.
“It’s okay to be sad, Nevin…I get it,” Drake said, taking her hand.
“Well…it fucking sucks that we both ‘get it’…they should be here.  But, I don’t want to be sad.  This is Aislynn and Jackson’s first Christmas, and I want to give them this…” she said, opening the original album to all the pictures of her childhood home beautifully decorated.
“Then let’s do it…start our own Nevin Walker traditions.  We don’t need any of this crap that was left over from before. We’ll get our own decorations.  And hell, if you want five trees, I’ll cut them all down myself…ten even.”
Riley laughed through her tears.  “Ours were never real…mom was allergic.”
“Oh no…that’s non-negotiable, Nevin.  We will have at least one real tree.  It’s not a Walker Christmas if you don’t trek into the woods with provisions for s’mores and cut it down yourself.”
“Deal…one real tree,” Riley smiled.
“And pictures,” Drake added, laying his hand on the family album. “…let’s do it.  Ais and Jack deserve something like this to look back on someday.”
Riley threw her arms around Drake’s neck and pulled him into a kiss.  “I love that idea.  I’ll call Anna.”
Drake shook his head.  “I’ll handle the details, Nevin.  After we throw out all this junk.”
“I’m sure there’s something salvageable here,” Riley replied, looking around.
“I don’t even want to look…we won’t know what we’re missing if we don’t know what’s there.  Right now, we’re going to bed.”
Days later, true to his word, Drake had ensured that all of the old, leftover Christmas decorations had been hauled away.  All that remained were the boxes that Riley had brought from the States with her ornament collections and a few things that had been her mom’s.  While Drake focused on clean-up, Riley had gladly gone on a shopping spree, bringing in almost as much new stuff as what they had just disposed of…including four artificial trees.  Their trip into the woods of Valtoria was short since the babies were still so little, but they had s’mores as promised and came home with a 10 foot tree that Drake had cut down and loaded into a cart pulled by Lonestar.
Once the entire house had been decorated and every tree had been dressed, Drake arranged for Anna de Luca to come take Christmas pictures in the comforting, festive atmosphere of their home.  Riley didn’t want anything too formal, so Drake got a good laugh when she came downstairs dressed in a black skirt with an ugly Christmas sweater with an elf design.  In her arms she held their twins; Aislynn, dressed in a red and white stripped dress and Jackson who wore buffalo plaid pants with a gray sweater that had red, green and white Christmas trees on it.  Drake was more than happy to keep things casual but decided to step it up a notch from his usual denim and opted for a red and blue plaid shirt.  As they got the babies settled and ready, Gladys stepped into the room and announced Anna’s arrival.
Like a blur, Anna swept in, wearing her signature sunglasses and gasped when she saw the family cozied up on the couch.  “Your Graces…I thought we were doing a formal Christmas portrait sitting!”
Riley rolled her eyes.  “You should know by now we’re not formal people, Anna.”
“But…” Anna began to protest.
“But nothing,” Drake interjected.  “These aren’t public photos.  They’re just for us.”
Anna nodded.  “Very well, Your Grace.”
Thankfully the babies cooperated and after twenty minutes, Anna seemed satisfied with the pictures she had captured.  “I think that’s it…I’ll send you proofs tomorrow.”
“Umm…one second, Anna…I think we need one more,” Drake said, standing from where they were posed in front of the Christmas tree.
Riley watched curiously as he crossed the parlor and opened the double doors that led to the foyer.
“It’s not a family picture,” he said, “without the whole family.”
Riley gasped as one-by-one, members of both her family and Drake’s streamed into the room.  Chad beamed at his daughter as he rushed to her side, quickly joined by Drew, Leigh, and their kids.  Savannah was close behind, holding Bartie in her arms with Bianca at her side and Bertrand and Maxwell trailing just behind them.  Everyone was dressed in their casual Christmas best, except Bertrand of course, who just couldn’t give up the sweater vest.
Drake closed the doors and rejoined Riley, dropping his arm over her shoulder and pulling her close.
“How,” Riley gasped.  “How did you pull this off without me knowing?”
“I have my ways, Nevin.”
Riley stood on her toes and pulled him into a kiss.  “You’re incredible.”
Drake shrugged.  “It was nothing, Nevin.”
“It’s everything, Drake.”
Anna cleared her throat and the chatter in the room silenced.  “Where would you like to do this photo, Your Grace?”
“Right here…in front of the tree and the fireplace would be perfect,” Riley replied.
Drake held up a hand.  “One more thing.”
Crossing the room to the bookcase where Riley kept several framed photos, he grabbed the frames holding the pictures of Jackson and Em J.  Carrying them to the fireplace, he positioned them on the mantel behind the gathered family.
“Now we’re ready,” he declared.
“Perfect…” Riley whispered.  “I love you.  Merry Christmas, Drake.”
“Merry Christmas, Nevin.”
Fictmas Writers: @katedrakeohd​ @sirbeepsalot​ @alj4890​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @queenrileyrose​ @burnsoslow​ @darley1101​ @blackcatkita​ @debramcg1106​ @cordoniansgonewild​ @leelee10898​ @kat-tia801​ @emichelle​ @twinkleallnight​ @arosentinel​ @bebepac​ @nestledonthaveone​ @txemrn​ @thegreentwin​ @karahalloway​ @annekebbphotography​ @cordoniantrash​ @sincerelyella​ @aussiegurl1234​ @boneandfur​ @thehonorarybeaumont​ @chemist-ana​ @lucy-268​ @jerzwriter​ @sillydg​ @mynotsohealthyobsession​ @camillemontespan​ @texaskitten30​ @axwalker​ @argylemnwrites​ @twinkle-320​
Fictmas Readers: @iaminlovewithtrr​ @tessa-liam​ @tinkie1973​ @lovingchoices14​
Perma Tag: @ladyangel70​ @petiteboheme​ @gkittylove99​
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argylemnwrites · 3 years
With Care
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f!MC (Cassie Vanderfield)
Book: Open Heart (just over 2.5 years after Cassie’s residency/ about 3.5 post Book 2)
Word Count: ~1200
Rating: PG
Summary: Bryce is surprised by a shipment from someone unexpected.
Author’s Note: This is my entry into the 12 Days of Ficmas event graciously hosted by @leelee10898 and @emichelle! My prompt for Day 8 was stocking. Not really relevant to this piece, but my fic is only canon compliant through OH2.
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Bryce frowned as he grabbed the package from the mail room. This was not the Amazon box they were expecting. He glanced at the return address and let out a sigh. He wasn’t expecting anything from them for the holidays. They hadn’t sent him gifts in years, after several packages were returned to Hawaii unopened.
Riding the elevator up to the fourth floor, he pondered what to do with the package as he stared at it. He was tempted to send it back, just as he’d done so many times before. But he was also curious as to why they were sending something this year. Thinking back, the last gift from them was probably back when he was in med school. He didn’t think he’d gotten anything from them since moving to Boston.
He unlocked the door to the loft and tugged off his hat, hanging his wool coat and scarf up before kicking off his boots. It smelled amazing, so Cassie must have started something in the crock pot before she went in this morning. Sure enough, some sort of stew was simmering on the counter.
He set the package on the island counter and flipped open his laptop as he took a seat. Cassie should be home in a half hour or so; he could catch up on some emails until then. He was just addressing scheduling his semi-annual review with his program director when he heard the lock twisting on the door. A few seconds later, the door swung open, revealing Cassie, her dark hair and earmuffs flocked with a dusting of snow. She unzipped her oversized winter coat that was growing snugger across her abdomen by the week and tossed her bag on the console table.
“Why didn’t you light the tree?” she asked as she stepped into the main room, sliding a hand across his shoulders as she walked over to the far wall and flipped the switch, the Christmas tree instantly glowing on the other side of the room.
Bryce shrugged. “Guess I forgot.”
“How was the OR today?” she asked as she maneuvered her way over to the back counter, but Bryce joined her, nodding for her to sit down.
“So boring. Just varicose vein stripping all morning.”
Cassie chuckled. “You only have one more week at the Surgical Center. I somehow think you’ll endure having all the 50 and 60 year old women flirt with you for just a few more days.”
Bryce grinned, grabbing two bowls out of the cupboard and a ladle and two spoons from the drawer. “Yeah, the patients are real charmers, but trust me, even they can’t make up for how dull day surgery is. Why do surgeons do that to themselves?”
“Ahh, well they should just get themselves a rich wife instead. That’s worked well for me.”
Cassie rolled her eyes as she pulled two sparkling waters from the fridge. “Yeah well, I’m only going to be out earning you for three and a half more years, so don’t get too used to it.” Bryce was about to ask how her QI meeting went, but her eyes locked on the package as she sat down. “What’s this?” she asked.
“Check the zip code,” Bryce said as he slid Cassie’s bowl in front of her. “Don’t know why this is the year they decided I needed a Christmas present.”
“Maybe it’s a baby shower gift?”
Bryce twisted around, pausing with the ladle over the stew. “Sienna invited them to the baby shower?”
Cassie nodded as she stirred her spoon through her meal. “Inviting them, knowing that they would never fly in thousands of miles for a few hours, was way less drama than if they’d heard that Keiki was helping to host and they weren’t invited.”
Bryce sighed and shook his head. “Well, you should open it then. It’s probably for you.”
He heard Cassie slicing through the strapping tape as he finished serving his dinner. She was just opening the box as he made his way back around the island and sat down with his food. He watched as she pulled out a card. Her eyes scanned over it quickly before she passed it to him.
“Well, not a baby shower gift.”
Bryce glanced down and read the card, delicate gold-embossed evergreen boughs depicted around the border.
Now that you are starting your own family, your father and I hoped that you might carry on the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. 
Merry Christmas, Mom
Bryce glanced over and saw Cassie holding a large stocking in his hand, one he knew very well. It was heavy, a snow-dusted forest surrounding a sleigh embroidered across the entire body,  with bead work designed to imitate the sparkle of a fresh snowfall and his name stitched in gold cursive on the top. It had hung in his parent’s home for his entire childhood, been loaded with handheld games, iPods, gift cards, and new phones year after year. Generic gifts that any child or teenager would want. Gifts that didn’t require his parents to get to know him as a person but still allowed them to look like awesome parents to outside observers.
It had been part of a matching set - A New England Christmas. All four stockings were pretentious, stuffy, and over-the-top, not to mention wildly out of place in Hawaii. He hadn’t seen this stocking in over a decade, but here it was, in his home. He honestly never thought he’d see it again.
“Wow.” Cassie’s words pulled him back to the present. “This is beautiful. It must’ve cost a fortune.”
Byrce just hummed in acknowledgement. “Yeah, well. Money wasn’t exactly a constraint for Lahela family Christmases.”
“Sorry, I know. I just… my grandmother used to do some cross-stitch and embroidery. This sort of work would take forever.”
“If she wants it, she can have it.”
“I don’t think she knows any other Bryces, but I’m sure she’ll appreciate the gesture.”
Bryce forced a smile at that. “Sorry, just… not a lot of awesome holiday memories attached to that stocking.”
Cassie nodded. “I get it.” They both were quiet for several seconds, the only sounds coming from them both eating their stew. Eventually, though, Cassie spoke again. “Do you want to do family stockings?”
Bryce paused, so she kept going. “Not like this one, but more regular, less fancy ones? Maybe even ones that we could decorate with this little girl next year? That might be fun.”
Bryce smiled, glancing down at Cassie’s gradually growing abdomen. “Yeah, something like that might be nice.”
“New memories, right?”
“Absolutely. New, better memories.” 
And so after dinner, they browsed for DIY stocking kits online, Bryce’s old stocking laying on the counter, a relic of his past that didn’t deserve a second more thought or worry. They had better things to celebrate, not only this year, but hopefully for many more to come.
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Ficmas Writers: @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @alj4890 @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild @leelee10898      @kat-tia801 @emichelle @twinkleallnight @arosentinel @bebepac @nestledonthaveone @txemrn @thegreentwin @karahalloway @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @aussiegurl1234 @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @sillydg @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @texaskitten30 @axwalker @argylemnwrites @twinkle-320
Ficmas Readers: @iaminlovewithtrr @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14​
Perma: @mom2000aggie​ @octobereighth​ @kingliam2019​
OH: @mskaneko​ @louvregirl​
Bryce x MC: @anotherbeingsworld​ @lahellacute​ @weaving-in-words​ @fortunatelywaywardsandwich​
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mywritingworld1994 · 3 years
12 Days of Fictmas 2021: Day 2
Prompt: I’m not leaving this snow fort! Wrestler: Damian Priest OC: None Triggers: None
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I was awoken in the morning by the force of two kids jumping on me. I let out a grunt before slowly opening my eyes. My 8 year-old twins were looking back at me with big smiles on their faces.
“Mommy, get up!” My little girl, Aleah, said with excitement.
“Yeah,” My little boy, Jonah, said. “It’s snowing!”
I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table to see that it was almost noon. I got confused before I looked over and saw that the other side of the bed was empty.
“I figured I would let you sleep in since you had a rough night last night at the show,” I heard a voice say from the doorway.
I looked over and saw my husband, Damian, leaning against the door frame. He was right though. Last night’s episode of RAW completely kicked my ass. I botched a move and was lucky that I didn’t cause serious injury to myself or Natalya.
“I appreciate you letting me sleep in,” I said, a small smile coming to my face. “Alright, kids, let me up.”
The twins moved, allowing me to slowly sit up on the bed. I stretched and let out a content sigh before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up. I winced a bit as I felt my back tighten a bit.
“Alright,” Damian said, looking at the children that were sitting on the bed. “Go get your snowsuits on and make sure you’re bundled up, then I’ll take you out of play.”
The kids got really excited and literally jumped off the bed and took off running to their rooms. Damian let out a chuckle before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Do you wanna come play in the snow with us?” Damian asked.
“I would love to,” I said, smiling up at him. “But, let me get coffee first.”
Damian simply nodded before leaning down to kiss me. I kissed him back, before he let go of me and I walked down to the kitchen. As I was pouring my cup of coffee, I saw the kids running down the stairs all bundled up in their winter clothes, patiently waiting to go out into the backyard. Damian soon followed behind, simply wearing a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, and some boots. I rolled my eyes, not only for the fact that he was barely wearing anything warm, but also for the fact that I was jealous that I couldn’t walk out into the cold dressed like that.
I watched from the kitchen window as Damian and the twins built a whole snow family. They were having such a fun time, and I couldn’t stand to just sit there and watch anymore. I ran upstairs and quickly changed into some warmer clothes before coming back downstairs and walking out the backdoor.
Aleah and Jonah looked like they were in the process of building a fort on one side of the yard. On the other side of the yard was Damian, doing the same thing. I already knew how this was going to go. I walked over to the kids before kneeling beside them.
“Jonah, do you wanna go be on daddy’s team?” I asked. “Have it be boys vs girls?”
“Yeah!” Jonah said excitedly before running across the yard to his dad.
I chuckled and continued to help Aleah work on the fort. Jonah happily helped his daddy with their fort as well. Once both forts were built, Aleah and I took cover behind ours and started making snowballs.I knew that Damian had the same thought I did because as soon as we finished making a pile of snowballs, a snowball passed in between Aleah and I.
“You know you’re gonna lose, baby!” I heard Damian call from across the yard. “You might as well just give up now.”
“In your dream, babe!” I called back.
“I’m not leaving this snow fort!” Damian yelled aggressively. “Well, at least not until this battle is won!”
Aleah and I let out a chuckle as we started tossing snowballs over the wall of our fort. I heard Damian let out a grunt and knew that he had gotten hit by one of our snowballs. The battle raged on for at least another 30 minutes before I saw Aleah start to shiver in the cold. I put my hand up and waved to get Damian’s attention to which he came jogging over.
“I think it’s time to go inside and get some hot chocolate,” Damian said, picking Aleah up.
I smiled and held my hand out for Jonah to follow and he took it without hesitation. We all walked back inside and once I got the kids undressed, they went and sat patiently for me to turn the fireplace on. Once I got the fireplace started, they sat in front of it to get warm.
Once the hot chocolate was made, Damian and I came and sat on the couch and turned on a christmas movie. The kids took their hot chocolate with excitement. Damian wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and kissed my temple. I loved my little family and I couldn’t wait for more fun in the snow with them.
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sprqpointintern · 3 years
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Kara and Lena decide to try online dating at Christmas. The Bantr dating app is completely anonymous though. This leads to some confusion around certain 'mystery matches'. This year, it's gonna be a Christmas to remember.
Chapter 1: Secret Bantr (link to ch 2 here)
Kara tries online dating for the first time. The only problem is, her mystery date might be a little more familiar than she's expecting
Read the chapter here or
Read the chapter below:
"Kara, I hate to break it to you but sending corny Christmas jokes to a woman you've never even met does not count as flirting." Alex had been called over to Kara's apartment to hear some big news. She hadn't expected the news to be that Kara was trying online dating.
"Well, you should see the way she reacts," Kara bragged. "She sent me four laugh emojis today."
"That's…" Alex paused for a moment, "not something you should be bragging about. Remind me again why you don't even know this woman's name?"
"Well, that's the whole point of Bantr," Kara started. "Instead of matching with someone based on their profile picture, you match up with them based on their personality. It means instead of the usual shallow world of online dating where everything is based on looks, it's based on a real connection."
"I didn't know sending Christmas jokes counted as connecting with someone," Alex teased.
"What did you expect from me? Christmas day is in a week!" Kara said defensively. "That's not all we talk about, you know. Besides, LadyL27 seems to like my corny Christmas jokes."
"LadyL27?" Alex raised her eyebrows a little. "As in Lady Lesbian?".
"I mean, I guess," Kara paused. "What else could the L stand for?"
"I mean, it could stand for," Alex started, "No that's ridiculous, forget I said anything."
"Okay, you're being weird." Kara wondered what Alex had stopped herself from saying.
"No I'm not." Alex was trying to change the subject. "What's your username on the app?".
"BigDEnergy." Kara said proudly.
"Your name on a dating app is big dick energy?" Alex exclaimed.
"No, it's big Danvers energy. Obviously, the D is for Danvers." Kara made it sound like Alex was the one who had made a mistake.
"No one on the app is gonna get that!" Alex shouted.
"Oh my god really?" Kara was starting to sweat a little. "So Lady Lesbian thinks she's been talking to big dick energy this whole time. That's so embarrassing."
"This is why you should have come to me first." Alex was enjoying being right. "I don't know why you sent her daily Christmas jokes though."
"We matched in December and I thought I should show her how festive I was," Kara shrugged as she said this. "And the Christmas jokes are a real icebreaker. Get it? Icebreaker?"
"You do know I carry a gun right?" Alex should have expected the Christmas pun but Kara had surprised her with that one. "And the minute she sees you in person she'll see how festive you are."
"Oh you mean this?" Kara motioned down to her Christmas dress. The dress was bright red and was covered in miniature gingerbread men. To make matters worse, some of the gingerbread men had bits of them broken off and were saying "Give me a break!" in speech bubbles.
"Are you sure that's what you want to wear to a first date?" Alex sounded worried for Kara.
"Of course," Kara answered smiling. "If she can't handle me at my most festive, she's obviously not the girl for me."
"Can we at least talk about the tights?" Alex pointed down to Kara's legs. The tights, which Kara had bought the second she had seen them in a store, were green and filled with drawings of elfs. Above each elf it said "treat yo elf" in capital letters.
Alex had tried to convince Kara not to buy them at the store, her efforts had been in vain in the end.
"I love these tights!" Kara spun a little to show them off." "They help me to express my elf."
"Was I not clear about me carrying a gun?" Alex rolled her eyes at the second Christmas pun she had to hear in the space of a few minutes.
"You love my jokes," Kara laughed back.
"I don't think love is the word I'd use." Alex crossed her arms as she said this. "I guess I can't talk you out of wearing those boots either."
The boots in question were red leather ankle length zip up boots. Kara had insisted on buying them because they made her think of Christmas as soon as she saw them.
"Nope. You definitely can't." Kara beamed back. "I didn't spend all this time putting a Christmas outfit together just to let you talk me out of wearing it."
"Well in that case," Alex paused. "Can you at least tell me where you're meeting your mystery date?"
"We're meeting in National City Square." Kara couldn't hide her excitement when she said this. "Under the massive Christmas tree they put up there every year."
"The one you drag me to every year?" Alex asked.
"That's the one." Kara said, sounding a little guilty. "Then we're getting hot chocolate and going for a walk in the square. It's gonna be perfect!"
"Maybe curb your expectations a little," Alex warned. "For all you know, you could be meeting a middle aged man with a bald spot."
"As if." Kara wasn't hearing a word Alex was saying. "She literally has lady in her name. I mean come on."
"You've clearly never been catfished." Alex groaned. "You better go, you don't want to miss your date."
"You're right. But first, I need to get my coat, gloves and scarf. And of course, I can't forget the pièce de résistance."
After putting on her extra layers, Kara then took out a headband that had a pair of reindeer antlers attached and placed them on her head. The antlers shook around a little every time Kara moved her head.
"Okay wow." Alex stared in disbelief. "This is a lot to take in."
"I told her that she would know me if she looked for the woman wearing the reindeer antlers." Kara explained.
"Oh yeah. It's not like the Christmas dress, tights or boots are a dead giveaway." Alex said sarcastically. "How are you gonna know her?"
"She told me she'd be wearing a low cut black dress. You can never be too careful though." Kara checked her watch. "Just call me Rudolph because I gotta run."
Before Alex had a chance to sigh or groan at yet another Christmas joke, Kara was gone with only a breeze behind her.
Kara hurried over to the Christmas tree in the square. She had landed away from the crowds and was scanning every woman she saw. So far she hadn't seen any women in low cut black dresses.
After a few minutes of scanning, she did see one woman in a black dress. This wasn't just any woman though. This was Lena, her best friend.
Lena was wearing a fluffy coat with leather gloves, a beanie hat and a knitted scarf. She had left the coat open though, to show off her black dress.
As opposed to Kara's festive tights, Lena had opted for a pair of black tights. And of course, she had picked out a pair of high heels that probably cost more than Kara's whole outfit put together.
"Kara?" Lenas eye's met Kara's through the crowd. "What are you doing here?" Lena then looked Kara up and down seeing the reindeer headband and realising what had happened.
"Oh my god, are you BigDEnergy?"
"Yeah that's me." Kara looked down at her feet when she said this. "Which would make you LadyL27 right?"
"You got me." Lena laughed. "I have to admit, this is a surprise. I had no idea you were-"
"Into women?" Kara interrupted.
"I was gonna say dating but that works too." Lena was clearly surprised by Kara's outburst. "So the D in BigDEnergy stands for…"
"Danvers!" Kara cut in. "Definitely Danvers!"
"Okay, I thought maybe it stood for something else." Lena smirked at Kara when she said this.
"Nope, just Danvers." Kara laughed "And the L in LadyL27 stands for…"
"Lena, of course." Lena explained. "What did you think the L stood for?"
"It's not important." Kara hadn't expected to be this nervous. "All that matters is we know what our usernames mean now."
"I am a little surprised though," Lena admitted. "I didn't even know you were trying dating. Especially not with women."
"Well there's a story behind that," Kara paused to collect her thoughts. "Alex talked to me a few weeks ago and said if I didn't ask you out before the year was over she would kill me. She said she couldn't watch all my failed attempts at flirting anymore."
"Alex is certainly honest," Lena giggled. "She's not wrong though. I've been wanting you to ask me out for years."
"You have?" Kara hadn't been expecting that from Lena. "Now I feel really stupid. I was gonna ask you out a few weeks ago but then I totally chickened out at the last minute. I thought maybe you weren't into me so I backed out."
"Which led you to Bantr?" Lena inquired.
"Pretty much," Kara answered. "Something about talking to a woman online and not even knowing what she looked like felt easier. Of course, I had no idea that woman was you.. What led you to using Bantr?"
"Well," Lena bit her bottom lip. "I was waiting for this really cute girl to ask me out and she never did. I've had a crush on her for so long too"
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Kara rubbed Lena's arm a little. "Who was it? Oh my god! Was it Andrea? I know you two have been friends for years but I didn't know you liked her like that."
"I'm talking about you Kara." Lena explained. "I've been into you for as long as I can remember. And Alex talked to me about her plan. How she was going to make you take action. When you never asked me out I just assumed you changed your mind. I thought maybe I had misread things."
"Lena I had no idea, '' Kara said apologetically. "I was just so scared of you saying no. And I didn't want to ruin 5 years of friendship."
"Kara, this has been so much more than just friendship for so long now." Lena fidgeted with her gloved hands. "I just wanted it to go further. And when it didn't, I downloaded Bantr. I thought maybe I could distract myself from thinking about you all the time."
"Did it work?" Kara queried.
"Clearly not, the first woman I matched with was you." Lena was smiling again. "No wonder I enjoyed our conversations so much."
"I enjoyed them too!" Kara shouted a little louder than she had meant to there. People passing by gave her a glance before going back to their business.
"Oh, sorry. I got a little over excited there."
"I could tell," Lena teased. "Especially seeing as you're going redder than Rudolph's nose right now.
Kara then attempted to pull her scarf up over her face as if hiding would make her any less embarrassed.
"Well now you just look even more adorable." Lena said through laughter. "You know I can still see you right?"
"Yeah I know," Kara answered. "I thought maybe it would help me though."
"A for effort," Lena gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up."
"How about we just focus on the positives," Lena began. "Even though it's not the way I thought it was gonna happen, me and you are on our first date. And it's Christmas. So let's just enjoy it okay?"
"Okay," Kara readjusted her scarf. "This isn't how I saw us doing this either. It doesn't make it any less perfect though."
"Aww Kara," Lena squeezed Kara's hand. "This is the best present I've ever gotten for Christmas. Just being with you, that's all I ever wanted."
Before Kara could answer, Lena was kissing Kara's lips with hers. Pulling Kara in closer, their bodies sharing warmth and passion.
The tree above them was sparkling and both their faces were illuminated by the Christmas lights.
"That was…" Kara was still attempting to regain her composure. "The best kiss I've ever had."
"High praise indeed," Lena glanced at Kara's lips as if she was already thinking of kissing them again. "You were definitely worth the wait darling."
"Merry Christmas Lena!" Kara proclaimed.
"Nollaig Shona Dhuit." Lena replied. "That's Merry Christmas in Irish, in case you were wondering."
"One day you have to teach me the whole language." Kara pleaded.
"You've got yourself a deal." Lena agreed. "But for now, let's just enjoy our date. I've been waiting for this for a long time."
Kara and Lena hadn't imagined that this would be the way they had the first date. That didn't stop them from enjoying the Christmas festivities though. Two lost souls who had been brought together by something stronger than fate. For the first time, they could experience Christmas together.
They joined the crowd of happy couples and families wandering through the square. As Kara and Lena walked hand in hand, they knew that this Christmas was going to be perfect. Their first Christmas as a couple, the first of many.
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katedrakeohd · 3 years
Yule Be Merry (Part One)
12 days of fictmas - day 10
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I love Christmas and had to jump on the chance to participate again this year for 12 days of Fictmas hosted by @emichelle and @leelee10898 🎄.
For day 10 my prompt was wreath.
As usually happens when I get into a story mood, it ends up becoming bigger than I can handle in one sitting. (Kinda like Christmas dinner does to me too, tbh 😄)
This story is set in the Royal Finale universe, as the Royal Heir has reached four years of age, but I've totally avoided all of the via imperii crap because there's nothing festive or fun about it.
Content warnings: So far none, this is basically fluff. But who knows where the next parts might take us. 😉
Romantic pairing: Drake Walker and his wife Kate (MC)
Characters: As many Pixelberry folks from Cordonia as I can gather because I miss TRR that much.
Word count: ~ 3223 for Part One.
Tagging writers:
@sirbeepsalot @alj4890 @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @kat-tia801 @twinkleallnight @arosentinel @bebepac @nestledonthaveone @txemrn @thegreentwin @lucy-268 @karahalloway @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @aussiegurl1234 @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @jerzwriter @sillydg @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @texaskitten30 @axwalker
Tagging readers:
@iminlovewithtrr @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14
It's December 20th in Cordonia. In the capital the citizens are busy preparing for Christmas. At the Royal Palace a happy holiday tradition has been revived after many years; The Yuletide Festival. Representatives from neighboring countries as well as the Cordonian Duchies were invited to celebrate during the four days of events. This year Princess Brooklyn Walker of Valtoria, the heir to the throne, was the guest of honor.
In his office, King Liam is meeting with the heads of various festival committees, each having a small army of staff and festival volunteers at their disposal. His Stepmother Regina was in charge of coordinating international and noble guests and their itineraries, Maxwell Beaumont was in charge of entertainment, while Hana Lee was heading the decorations for each event. Liam picks up the pen from his desk and looks down the list in front of him. He points his pen toward each person as he addresses the items on his list.
"Regina, have all the guests arrived and confirmed their attendance for tomorrow's Welcome Gala?"
"Most have, Your Highness," she replies, checking the guest list on her phone. 
"Most?" Liam's eyebrows rise, "Are there any concerns?"
"The Walkers haven't arrived yet, but we've received confirmation that they will be here today and are participating in each event."
Maxwell emits a chuckling snort, opening his mouth to comment but Hana gives him a warning glance and he shuts up again. 
"Do you have something to add, Lord Maxwell?" Liam asks with a sigh.
Maxwell shrugs, "Well they better be here today, cuz Princess Brooklyn is the one everyone's here to see,..they can't skip out on their own party."
Liam frowns, making a note on his paper, "Lord Maxwell, since you're so concerned about them being here on time, why don't you send them a friendly message for me? See what's keeping them, and then let me know."
Maxwell grins, eagerly picking up his phone, his thumb already swiping the screen. Liam shakes his head and clears his throat, motioning for him to drop it. "Ahem, after our meeting is over,  please."
"Oh, right," Max says quietly, giving Liam his full attention again.
Liam nods, then goes back to his list, addressing Regina again, "You said 'Most' of our guests have either arrived or confirmed, are there any other concerns…"
While Liam and Regina talk about other guests, Hana notices how Maxwell seems to be fidgeting in his seat and keeps glancing down at his phone. She pats Maxwell on the arm, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "You're wound up pretty tight.  How much coffee have you had this morning?"
Maxwell shrugs, crossing and then uncrossing his legs.  Brushing off her concerns with a smirk and a wave of his hand, he whispers back. "Nothing more than my..my usual. Don't worry about me. I've got everything under control."
"You don't look under control to me," She replies with concern. 
"Lord Maxwell," Liam, speaks up.
Maxwell jumps, blinking, "Yes, Your Majesty?"
"What's the status of the music you have lined up for the festival?" Liam asks, tapping his pen against the next section of his list.
Maxwell's expression brightens, happy to have something to contribute, "Various parts of the Cordonian Philharmonic Orchestra have agreed to play throughout the festival," he ticks off events on his fingers, "For the Welcome Gala and the Yule Banquet there's a string quartet. For the Winter Ball there's going to be a live band with a piano backing the vocalist."
Liam nods, impressed, "And what about the Festival of Trees?"
"Olivia has handpicked a group of Lythikos carolers, and a children's choir for me."
Hana's smile falters, "Lythikos carolers? You better check in with the Choirmaster about what songs they plan to sing. Traditional Lythikos Blood Hymns might not go over well here in the Capital with the international crowd."
Liam nods, addressing Hana, "Good point. So for the Festival of Trees, have the trees and wreaths from each duchy participating arrived yet?" 
Hana smiles, "Yes, and the garden courtyard outside of the main ballroom has been decorated like a winter wonderland to showcase them."
Liam looks down at the Yule Festival itinerary of events in front of him.
"What about the other venues, are they ready as well?"
Hana hands him a paper with photos detailing the types of decor for each event. "The throne room, main ballroom, and banquet hall are all set. The Palace Kitchens and extra catering staff are preparing as we speak."
Liam looks over the photos, feeling a nervous excitement welling up inside. The grandeur of a festival this size rivaled his own Coronation in international attention. The first four years of his reign had been rocky ones, and now that there was a relative peace among Cordonia and its neighbors, it was nice to have something to celebrate again. 
Liam sits back in his seat with a warm smile of gratitude, putting everyone at ease. 
"Alright then, thank-you for coming. I'm sure you all have your own people to check in with, and your own personal arrangements to make. I'll check in with the KingsGuard next to make sure everything is secure. See you at the Gala tomorrow."
Two hours north of the Capital in Duchy Valtoria, the Duke and Duchess are finishing their packing and getting ready to leave. While Kate Walker double checks that each of their many suitcases are properly packed, her four year old daughter Brooklyn plays on the other side of the bedroom with their four corgis. They yip and bark as they huff and scramble to get to the stuffed reindeer toy first as she keeps tossing it for them. Brooklyn giggles and squeals with laughter as they tackle each other for the toy and then jump into her lap to lick her face when they return the toy to her. 
Kate smiles with amusement, even though she disapproves, "Take it easy on them Beanie, they only have little legs and running and wrestling tires them out, especially Charlie. Besides you're getting your travel clothes all covered in doggy hair. Why don't you give them a break, and go down to your room to change? Ok, Beanie? I'll let them go out on the balcony to cool off and get a breather while you're gone."
"Aww, Mommy. But I'm going to miss them so much while we're gone. Can I take Charlie with me, at least? He won't be any trouble," Brooklyn pleads. 
Kate picks up the soggy reindeer toy delicately by its ear, and then leads the dogs to the balcony door. Charlie stays behind, laying his head in Brooklyn's lap, rolling over onto his back with his mouth gaping open and his long pink tongue lolling to the side. Brooklyn rubs his furry belly and watches him kick and peddle his back legs happily.
Kate wipes her hands on her jeans with a sigh, "Ok, fine. Take Charlie down to your room, for now. But when it's time to leave he has to stay here with the others. You'll see him again on Christmas day when we come home."
Brooklyn gets up from the floor, running over to give her mother a brief hug around the waist, and then heads for the door with Charlie plodding along at her heels.  "Ok, Mommy. Love you…...C'mon Charlie, help me pick out some clothes."
After Brooklyn leaves, Kate looks toward the hallway to the ensuite bathroom. Drake hadn't returned yet from the closet, where he was picking out his formal wear. Glancing at her phone to check the time, Kate pulls a worried face. They had to leave in less than twenty minutes. She calls out to Drake as she heads over to see what was taking him so long.
"Drake, Honey? We have to leave soon. Just pick out something and then we can go."
Stopping in the doorway she watches him paw through his suits with a frown of frustration on his face. On the bench, his old grey suit and trousers were laid out, along with several pairs of different colored dress shoes. 
When he notices Kate watching him, he gives the hanging suit jackets an angry shove and then throws his hands up. 
"Help..me!" He barks. "I don't know if I should just bring the one suit, and hope nobody cares, or if I'm supposed to coordinate my clothes with yours and Brooklyn's."
Kate brings up the Yuletide Festival details that she had received from Hana by email on her phone, hoping for some help. 
"Haven't you attended the Yuletide Festival before?" Kate mumbles, glancing up from her phone.
Drake runs his hands through his hair, and then scrubs his bearded cheeks and chin feeling slightly embarrassed. "Not for a long time, and I was a single guy and hardly high society material at the time."
Kate gives him a sympathetic look as she reads off the first event.
"So have you been to the Welcome Gala before?"
Drake gives a dismissive chuckle, "Liam would always invite me, but I wouldn't be caught dead at the time in a borrowed suit trying to make small talk with foreign royalty and upper crust nobles. I would probably just make an ass of myself and embarrass Liam somehow." Drake cringes as he remembers, "Back when Savvy was in her teens she begged me one year to take her to the gala so she could meet some of the fancy guests. I told her 'no, because then it would look like she was my date and that would be awkward as fuck'.. Of course that pissed her off, and she refused to talk to me for days afterward. Sure was a quiet Christmas that year."
Kate shakes a scolding finger at him with a smirk, "Well it's a good thing that you've had four years of Duke practice, so now you can bullshit and glad-hand your way through the evening just as well as the rest of em."
Drake chuckles back at her, "But what do I wear to this pretentious holiday cocktail party? What are you and Beanie wearing?"
Kate looks down at her email again, "Well, according to Hana, since Brooklyn is the guest of honor, we should colour coordinate. There are going to be photos taken as well." 
Drake turns to look in the mirror. His shaggy brown locks were anything but tidy, nor was the month of beard he was hiding behind. Reaching into his back pocket he pulls out the old plastic comb he'd been carrying around for years. A few teeth were missing, but it still worked. After giving his hair a quick combing he sighs in disappointment, "I think I'll need a haircut and a shave before the gala. Definitely not photo ready."
Stepping up behind him and wrapping her arms around his chest, Kate lays her cheek against the back of his shoulder. "Your long hair and beard is still sexy as hell to me. You're my mountain man first, Brooklyn's Daddy second and a Duke underneath all that a distant third. If you'll allow me, I could cut your hair for you?"
Scratching at his cheek he says, "I trust you enough to cut my hair, I guess. But I'll trim my own beard, thanks."
When Kate's phone buzzes, Drake can feel it against his chest. "You're being paged, feels important."
Taking the phone out of her hand he glances down. "You have a text from Maxwell."
Stepping away from the warm surface of his back, Kate asks, "What's he saying?"
Drake drags down the notification bar to read the text.  After a few seconds he chuckles. "He's asking: So what's keeping you guys? Please tell me Yule be here soon? You're going to miss the best of the festivus, so come celebrate with the rest of us."
"Oh, Max." Kate laughs, turning to look through Drake's dress clothes. "Tell him we're on our way."
Drake pecks out a quick text response before handing her phone back, "Ok, done."
Kate sucks in a deep breath, tucking her phone back in her pocket, letting out a sigh as she pulls a black suit jacket with matching trousers and hands him the hook of the hanger. "Ok, since Brooklyn and I are wearing a Christmassy shade of red you should too."
Drake replies with a quirk of his eyebrow, "But this is black."
"I know that, Mr. Smarty Pants. But I figured you could carry this same black jacket through different formal events and just change the color of your shirt and tie. Bring your grey suit too, as a backup. " 
After pushing some rarely worn dress shirts aside she chooses one in a deep cranberry red. "Here this should work."
Drake tucks the shirt inside the jacket, turning around to look in the mirror as he holds the clothes in front of himself. "Do I have to wear a tie?"
Kate opens a shallow drawer where all of Drake's ties are neatly arranged, "I'm sorry, yes you do. Hmm, but which one?"
"Most of my ties are black, blue or grey. So it shouldn't be too difficult." He remarks, hanging his suit back up in an empty space. While Kate looks through his ties, he picks out his most comfortable black shoes and buffs the tops with a nearby rag.
Turning around, Drake bumps into Kate as she lands flush against his chest with a black tie in her hands. He catches her by the shoulders with a smile, "Oof, attacking me with my own finery? Could there be another reason you're so enthusiastic about dressing me up that has nothing to do with being festive?"
Kate pushes against his chest, but he wraps his arms around her to hold her still. Looking up at him and giggling at the mischievous grin on his face, she rolls her eyes and says, "Oh no, my secret is out in the open."
Sliding his hands slowly down her back and leaning in to kiss her neck, he growls playfully, "Oh, and what secret is that?"
Kate squirms and pushes back harder when his beard tickles her skin. He lets her go and steps back with a look of disappointment. "I thought you said my beard was sexy?"
After handing him a black tie with gold pinstriping, she takes another step back. "I said it looked sexy on you, but scruffed up against my skin it doesn't feel so sexy. But to finish what I was trying to say about my secret. It's as plain as all the fancy shmancy stuff that lines your closet. My favorite part of dressing you up in all this handsome finery is watching you take it all off later."
Looping his tie around his neck and fashioning a quick knot he lowers his voice and waggles his eyebrows suggestively, "While I do enjoy getting naked just for you, if the fancy stuff is such a turn on, maybe later tonight I'll wear only the tie."
The husky tone of his voice brings a  sudden heat that fills up her cheeks and an appreciative smile to her lips. Grabbing his tie, she tugs him closer. When he leans in for a kiss, feeling encouraged that his flirting has worked, he runs into the denial of her pulling away. When she undoes the knot and pulls off his tie, turning to tuck it into the pocket of his suit jacket he feels even more dejected.
"Oh, come on," he protests.
Kate goes back to looking through his dress shirts, "I'm sorry, Drake. But as tempting as the thought of you in only a tie might be, you're clearly trying to distract me from picking out your clothes."
"Am not," he replies defensively.
"Uh huh, sure. You've been dressing yourself for formal events for years now. There's got to be some other reason you're holding us up from leaving."
Kate pulls two crisp white shirts down and turns to hand them to him. She's met with his folded arms and a scowling frown. 
"Two more white shirts?" He barks, not wanting to take them.
"Well yes, one to wear to the Yule Banquet and the other for the Winter Ball on Christmas Eve."
Drake takes them and throws them down onto the bench with his grey suit. 
"And if I don't want to attend either?"
Kate sighs, folding her arms. "Ok, out with it. What's really eating you?"
Drake shoves his clothes aside and sits down on the bench. "Well maybe I'm not in the mood to spend the next few days celebrating Christmas with a big group of strangers so publicly."
"Well nobody says you have to talk to and make friends with everybody. I'll be there too, in case you get tired of shaking hands and doing introductions. Besides it's Brooklyn's official debut as the Royal Heir, so we kind of have to be there. You get to play proud Daddy for four days. Liam is expecting us, and we've already confirmed we're on our way."
"Yeah, Liam." Drake grumbles, folding his arms and looking down at the floor.
Kate shakes her head and then turns back to pull open his drawer of ties again. She picks out a black bowtie and a basic navy blue one.
"Two more ties? Seriously?"
"I'm just thinking about how sexy we're going to look for the Winter Ball. You in your black suit and bowtie, with me in your arms as we twirl around the dance floor. Plus for the banquet I plan to wear a blue dress, hence the blue tie."
Drake strokes his bearded chin thoughtfully, trying to picture what dress Kate is going to be wearing to the ball. "Ok, I'm listening. What about Beanie? I'm assuming the ball isn't exactly a family affair."
"According to the emailed itinerary, there's going to be a supervised Family Movie night in the media room on Christmas Eve as well. So she should be well looked after."
Drake breathes a deep sigh of resignation, "So I guess if our itinerary is set and we're being expected there's no backing out now."
Kate walks over to hug Drake around the shoulders, stepping into his arms as he hugs her around the middle. Pressing a kiss into his hair, she feels his arms tighten around her. "Nope, no skipping out on this party I'm afraid. It's Christmas time, and we're spending it with our friends. Don't worry about all the rest, it's supposed to be fun, remember?"
Drake closes his eyes and murmurs against the soft pillow of her chest as he feels Kate stroke his hair, "I'm only doing this for you and Brooklyn. Somebody has to watch over you both and keep you safe."
Kate can't help but feel the warmth spreading through her chest at his loving words as she returns the sentiment, "And it's our job to make sure you have the best Christmas ever."
Out in the bedroom the double doors burst open and Brooklyn comes running in with Charlie hustling along at her heels. "Mommy, Daddy? It's time to go!"
Drake and Kate share a quiet chuckle as they part. 
"We better have a Merry Christmas, our little Princess demands it," Kate says. "Now help me gather your things so we can go."
"Yes, ma'am. The festival awaits," Drake replies
(To be continued..)
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millywidow · 3 years
Underneath The Mistletoe (Day 6)
Prompt ~ Did you put the mistletoe here just so you had an excuse to kiss me?
Ship ~ Clintasha
Characters ~ Clint Barton; Natasha Romanoff
Warnings ~ Mentions of sexual assault/harassment
AN/ I rewrote this at least 5 times and I still do not like it. It's just a really crappy story, but I needed to get it out today. I promise not all my stories are this bad, so if you are new to my account, please check out my other fics! :)
FC - 1
Natasha had a love-hate relationship with mistletoe.
Too many bad experiences with men thinking that it was an excuse to do whatever they like with her. Besides, it was an outdated misogynistic tradition that had no place in her little bubble.
For the majority of her life in America, she had managed to dodge the ritual. Purposefully placing herself far away from the plant at SHIELD parties and gatherings
But then the 'Invasion of New York' happened, and she was thrust into the world of the Avengers. Since then all her carefully built walls had come crashing down, and the five other misfits had found a place in her heart (just don't tell them that). She even found herself looking forward to Christmas. Anticipating the cringe-worthy movies on Christmas Eve. The excitement of opening presents with the rest of her team. Everything there was about Christmas. It was a massive change.
In other news…Clint had happened.
Six hours after Loki had been taken into custody, he had said those magic words. He had told her about his feelings. Despite the whole of SHIELD thinking they had been together for ages, the pair only became a pair at that moment. A moment shared between the two assassins, under the cover of darkness in the ravaged section of Stark Tower that would soon become their home.
It was still fresh, but they had been friends for such a long time that they just melted together perfectly.
Even with her newfound family, and boyfriend, the idea of mistletoe still sent chills up her spine.
She had hoped that the red-berried plant would not make an appearance. However, living with a man built on traditions - Steve - a Norse god who basically created those traditions and a man with too much money, made that practically impossible.
Natasha had rolled her eyes when she spotted it in the trolley. Steve had basically forced them to all go Christmas shopping together, which was turning out to be very chaotic. But it also meant that Natasha was able to find out what decorations were going to be around the tower in the coming week. So she could better prepare herself for the unwanted attention.
She had asked Steve why they needed to decorate the tower in mistletoe, it seemed unconventional as it only made situations more uncomfortable. 'It's tradition' he had said, smiling in the way he always did when anybody mentioned traditions that had lasted from his childhood to now.
Steve, noticing Natasha's clear discomfort, hastily added that she didn't have to kiss anyone if she didn't want to.
It did make her feel a little better. It also made her realise that the Avengers were not like her old handlers - they would never force her to do anything she didn't want to. It was comforting to realise that. That she was safe. She was cared for.
The small conversation with the captain had definitely helped to quieten the anxiety that had threatened to bubble over.
Over the next couple of weeks, she cleverly worked around the mistletoe, fortunately never finding herself stuck underneath it. Clint had playfully tried to trap her once, but she had stepped away at the last moment, laughing at his frustration.
She found it more heart-warming than scary that Clint wanted to kiss her. Because Clint would never see her as a piece of meat, he always saw her as a smart, intelligent woman, that was so much more than her reputation. And she loved him for that.
The archer, knowing her better than anybody else, noted her avoidance of the small shrub, and stopped attempting to 'spontaneously' find her underneath the mistletoe. Instead opting for other Christmas traditions. Hot chocolate next to the fire. Snowball fights. You name it, they did it together and had a blast doing it.
But even with all that fun and excitement, Natasha still felt like she was missing something.
She had noticed that after his last attempt, Clint had stopped trying to find her underneath the mistletoe, and a small part of her missed that. Missed the feeling of his childish pouting face against her shoulder when he realised she had moved at the last moment. Missed the determined look in his crystal blue eyes after he recovered.
So she formed a plan. The hunter would become the hunted.
Armed with pockets full of mistletoe, she stalked through the tower.
As soon as she found the sandy-haired man she pounced. Running up behind him and throwing her arms around his waist. As he turned around, she stuck her left hand in the air, holding up the mistletoe for all to see.
"Did you put the mistletoe here just so you had an excuse to kiss me?" He laughed jovially, realising what had just happened.
"Yup," she smirks as she leans onto her tippy toes to kiss him full on the lips. He returns the gesture.
The mistletoe drops to the ground, laying there forgotten as the pair break apart.
Even without the plant, which started the kiss, Clint continues on. Planting tiny kisses all over her face. Her mouth. Her nose. Her cheeks. Her forehead.
Natasha couldn't help the laugh that escaped her mouth as the archer's lips touched a ticklish spot. A real smile graced her pale face.
She realised that she didn't mind mistletoe, as long as it was Clint who was standing underneath it with her.
Question Of The Day; What is the coolest gift you ever gave someone?
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girlpornparadise · 3 years
The twelve days of Maurice
Five Golden Rings
It's Christmas Eve and you've just finished wrapping Esteban's gift so you walk into the living room to put it under the tree. There's Esteban standing in front of the Christmas tree holding a box with a ribbon on it, hands gripping the box at hip level, smiling.
Your heart falls a little.
"Esteban, did you get me your dick in a box?"
"You'll have to open it to find out." His grin is mischievous.
You roll your eyes and decide to get it over with. But when you open the box, all that's inside is a much tinier box.
"I know you can't fit your dick in there."
You pull out the tiny box and open it. The first thing you notice is the gold reflecting the lights of the Christmas tree.
"It was my grandmother's ring," he smiles, "I want you to have it."
"It's beautiful!" You kiss him and he slides the ring on to your finger.
"Then it matches you perfectly."
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geek-and-nina · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe Additional Tags: Christmas fic, Mention of Parent Death Series: Part 1 of Geek and Nina's 12 Days of Fic-mas Summary:
Sara goes home to her small town after the death of her mother to celebrate Christmas with her father
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