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aricastmblr · 1 year ago
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usafphantom2 · 6 months ago
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11Sept 1946 – First flight North American FJ-1 Fury, First operational jet aircraft in US Navy evolution would become land-based XP-86 prototype of USAF influential F-86 Sabre, which in turn formed basis for Navy's carrier-based, swept-winged North American FJ-2/-3 Fury
@CcibChris via X
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balancity1 · 4 months ago
Name: Gaia Nature Age: 11sept Species: the nature nymph Gender: female Powers: brings nature to everything, even if desolate or techno. she can and will return this planet to nature. she's planning with other earth spirits/gods God: nature Rank: old god Children: land spirits, the fox, Terra, nature spirits, nature, demigods Nieces: none Nephews: none Grandchildren: land spirits, kitsunes, foxes, gods, demigods Partner: Mibris
Children of Gaia:
Gaia's children tend to be tall, almost tree like in nature. Gaia's children are also said to be able to talk to nature, with some of Gaia's children having vitiligo as a representation of nature.
House of Gaia:
Gaia doesn't really like humans in recent years, so she has closed off her houses, but is willing to open them again to get people to safety. the houses are: Nature, Land, Earth, Nanymph, Livanet When you gain these houses, you gain the favor of Gaia, who has become sick in recent years
Signs Gaia is reaching out:
You appriacte nature You want to save nature You don't like humanity You go on walks more frequently You like the sunlight, the little plant you are You keep house plats
Gaia has gotten sick in recent years because of the pollution humans caused. there was pollution back in ye olden days, but that was natural waste and it was naturally recyled. Gaia is working with other dieties to save the planet, even if it means killing off some humans
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goingpostal1980 · 4 months ago
Gorcery store 9/11/24
9/11sept not really because it's novemrber
If I wake up tomorrow maybe it's not over for me yet
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vocesurgentes · 2 years ago
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"Colocado en un tránsito histórico, pagaré con mi vida la lealtad al pueblo". Último discurso de Salvador Allende, 11 de septiembre de 1973. #Allende #salvadorallende #chile #11september #11sept #11sep https://www.instagram.com/p/CiXZOcbutYx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rrrc71 · 2 years ago
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Un día de luto. La humanidad sometida a la crueldad de fanáticos. Un vergonzoso día hace 21 años el mundo fue testigo de la intolerancia. Mi solidaridad con el trabajador pueblo norteamericano. #US #11septembre2001 #11Septiembre #11Sept #11September Es un atentado al pensamiento occidental. A los valores de libertad e igualdad de las naciones libres del mundo. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiX821fOwpt82-uEKB-KMuHFJB4GaziNz_6Daw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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esabaqpk · 3 years ago
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The 73rd death anniversary of father of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quality Education with Less Expenses One-to-One Online Classes Visit for FREE Registration: www.esabaq.pk Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +92 308 463 2275 #QuaideAzam #Quaid_e_Azam #MuhammadAliJinnah #Pakistan #DeathAnniversary #11Sept #September11 #QuranRecitation #QuranMemorization #QuranTranslation #NazraQuran #elearning #trained #teachers #UrduLanguage #ArabicLanguage #EnglishLanguage #NoraaniQaida #quran #onlineclass #onetoone #AdmissinOpen #IslamicEducation #QuranQuotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CTrAtNrqkDO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thecanadiancomedian · 5 years ago
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#911 #11sept #sept11 #weremember #peace (at ProPics Canada Photography) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Rp2RRB4hk/?igshid=663cwmpzhxwz
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nycwtc-blog · 5 years ago
This is the only social networking that uses it own footages from September 11th events in New York City, to honors the victims that perished on that tragic day. Videos and editing by @andresbarrilaoficial ⠀ Esta es la única red social que utiliza sus propias videos de eventos del 11 de septiembre en la ciudad de Nueva York, para honrar a las víctimas que perecieron en ese trágico día. ⠀ Dies ist das einzige soziale Netzwerk, das seine eigenen Spuren von Ereignissen des 11. September in New York City verwendet, um die Opfer zu ehren, die an diesem tragischen Tag umkamen. ⠀ Questo è l'unico social network che utilizza i propri filmati dagli eventi dell'11 settembre a New York City, per onorare le vittime che sono morte in quel tragico giorno ⠀ Esta é a única rede social que usa seus próprios passos dos eventos de 11 de setembro em Nova York, para homenagear as vítimas que morreram naquele dia trágico. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #journalists #producers #directores #directors #worlddocumentary #independentfilm #noticias #11september #productorasdecine #torresgemelas #lastorresgemelas #11sept #11september https://www.instagram.com/p/B8OvbRbJMnR/?igshid=1uxyxuhuw7scb
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stopthefuckingcarr · 5 years ago
Hermano en serio que wea la gente que celebra este dia o le pone me divierte a publicaciones serias? Ponganse serios ctm no tienen ningun respeto
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mirnayonis · 6 years ago
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En este septiembre... el mes de la Virgen María... le corresponde hoy #11Sept a la Virgen de Coromoto #BendicionesAtusHijos #BendiceaVenezuela 🎵🌝🎶💖🙏 Regrann from @carlos_ocariz - Virgen de Coromoto Patrona de #Venezuela, a ti que siempre nos acompañas, hoy en tu día te pedimos que a pesar de las adversidades, nunca nos falten fuerzas para luchar por nuestra tierra amada. . . Esta foto es de @elrotjes en una procesión que hicimos en Mayo 2017 desde el Casco de #Petare hasta #Chacao, de las más bonitas que he visto. - #regrann (en Caracas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnmE347BURt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11nh9rjhekjrl
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sensitiveteeth · 7 years ago
woke up v v tired and had double bio with shoham in the morning which was good. then had a double free so worked downstairs wth Lucy, lea and people with lots of tea which was good. did a bunch of maths for later which was v v good and then headed to lunch with sarah (: then talked to iso for the rest of lunch which was v nice and then headed to a single period with thonemann and a double with McFadden which were both good. then ran out of school to meet cass and we walked home together. went via the GP to book an appointment with dr. Bomball and then went to the shops to buy cass some pickle and liquorice tea. made a pickle and cheese toastie for cassie before heading upstairs to watch some tv and chilled. watched Blair witch which was v scary but also good hehe and then had a bit of an argument but ended it hugs which was good. It started to thunder so dad drove cass back and now I'm all showered and had loads of take out curry hehe so already for bed (:
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vocesurgentes · 4 years ago
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Sangra Chile nuevamente con sangre primaveral, y ruge un eco abismal que hasta el día de hoy se siente. Se oye el grito de “¡Presente!” con rabia y con desazón, y es que aún nuestra nación padece por la milicia: “Sin verdad no habrá justicia. Sin justicia no hay perdón���. Vía @nano_stern #Chile #11sept https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_1BcSBt5F/?igshid=iarl8831b0if
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namyandtheowls · 5 years ago
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lupesalvarez · 7 years ago
It’s a good show but tbh, I as a not American felt like never watching the series again when so many times it seems so one-sided &pro American in everything. Like when the episode abt 11sept aired&Victor instantly decides to go back to fight for the freedom of USA. I get many felt like that at the time but knowing what we know, what followed, so many innocent lives lost in the stupid war after that, how the world changed, how many wars is USA’s fault. (1/2)
(2/2) I mean does the majority over there still believes that America is the land of the free and the brave and is everyone else to blame for the destruction the USA causes around the world? Do most ppl really think that going to a country in the other side of the world and fight and kill is for the USA freedom and protection…
Okay, so here’s my opinion. I’m Guatemalan/Salvadoran and have never ever felt that the U.S.A. is the greatest country in the world because both my parents lived through civil wars directly caused by the USA and my mom came out traumatized and that continues to have a huge effect on my family. I might live in the USA but I do not feel like an American in any sense of the word. And I probably am being entitled considering I was born here but all of my friends feel the same. We grew up in a poor Latinx neighboorhood so we never developed a sense of American pride or identity. I personally am very aware of what the USA has done and is continuing to do under the guise of freedom.But the Cuban-American experience has been different. They are the second or third longest group of Latinx immigrants that have been here aside from Mexicans. So, that being said with so many generations here already their views tend to be different. I live in South Florida and I’ve met many Cubans and heard so many different stories. I know Gloria only portrays some Cubans, she writes her experience and I can accept that. So, maybe that’s why I’m not bothered enough to be upset about that flashback. Did I like it? No, but I’m not old enough to actually remember 9/11 since I had just turned four.I’m not pro-military but so many of my friends have joined up because that’s their only option. Personally, I was really close to joining the air force because I had no other option and as someone who’s seen her aunts spend their lives cleaning houses, and gone with them and hated every minute of it I was not going to do that. I decided against it worked, my ass of went to a community college and now I’ve transferred and I’m one year away from graduating. But so many of my friends had enlisted before senior year had even started because there were just no options, our parents can’t afford to put us through college or let us live at home for free. On the other hand, I do have friends who were pro-military and joined up because they wanted to and I can’t really say anything other than they have their reasons even if I don’t understand and wish them well.America does continue to get involved in the name of cleaning up situations they have created themselves. The instability in the middle east, the overthrowing of Gaddafi, causing the complete destruction of Syria, the state Africa is in even though they have every reason to be so prosperous, Honduras and so many other things. Believe me, I know.
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Pratique Espace Virtuel (11sept)
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