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arcanehatter · 5 years ago
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I wrote a new blog post about my first month on #theworldrace! Go check it out! I get into detail about some of the things that happened that I hadn’t shared before. The link is in my bio!!!😊👍🏻 • #teamagape #belize #worldrace #11n11 #vsco #vscocam #vscoedit #vscofilter https://www.instagram.com/p/B4CBsgCHXqz/?igshid=ucpx8nvejnwn
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Thailand:  pray it out
Wingapo friends!
Month two of the race we spent in Chang Mai, Thailand.  My team and I spent the month working with a ministry that does outreach to the bars and the women that work in the red light district.  I wrote some blogs while in Thailand about the outreach side of ministry.  Despite all of the stories we have from going out, some of the most memorable (and I suspect impactful) moments were much earlier in the day.
Every morning we got up and prayer walked around Chang Mai.  We split off into smaller groups or pairs and wandered around the streets praying over the bars and the women.  Many times, these were the powerful moments.
Ministry is a quick way to feel small in a very big world, and bar ministry will do that on a whole new level.  Seeing how many people were damaged and effected, seeing how vast the scope is, how many problems there are to address, how much fault there is, but also how little blame can be cast, you quickly realize that anything you do is not going to make a difference.  Only God can do that.
Prayer walking was something so simple and in-glamorous, but so powerful.  By humbling myself and admitting there was no possible impact I could have; I was blessed enough to have the Lord allow me to see where/how He was already moving in the city.
Every morning, I would walk the streets whispering scripture over the pavement, blessings over the workers, prayers over the customers, and listening for how the Lord was speaking to me that day.  He spoke peace and love for the women and children; He spoke restoration for the bars and the city; He spoke of peace and redemption for the customers.
Thailand taught me a depth and a love of prayer that reshaped the way I think of God and intimacy with the Holy Spirit.  The simplest thing turned out to be one of the craziest and most powerful moments on the World Race.
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connerjames · 8 years ago
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g r e e c e
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andthenbegantherain · 8 years ago
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T W O #bahhh #boats #worldrace #11n11 #belize
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cate-the-great-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Vietnam, I have fallen in love with your beauty. Thanks Papa for being so creative. #worldrace #11n11 #catietakestheworld #monkeymountain #vietnam (at Sơn Trà Mountain)
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eternalwavepe · 7 years ago
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Broaaaaders📣 Felices fiestas en Jesus! 🏄🏽🤙🏽 #broaders #11n11 #worlrace #EternalFamily #propositoseternos (en Eternal Wave Peru)
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catpollock · 8 years ago
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arcanehatter · 5 years ago
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Before leaving on the World Race last year, we had the opportunity to partner with Keys for the Journey. A bunch of us ordered keys to have a word prayed over us and then stamped on individual keys for us to bring with us on our new journey and if we ever had a moment where we felt led to, give our keys away. During PSL I figured out who to give my key away to, and THE DAY AFTER someone from another squad came up to me to give me this key. The day before this happened God had revealed that I would be going through a season of fire, meaning I had some intense growth to go through in this new chapter I’m starting in my life. Like, how cool! • #adventuresinmissions #theworldrace #worldrace #11n11 #psl #projectsearchlight #keysforthejourney #vsco #vscocam #vscofilter #vscoedit https://www.instagram.com/p/B3LLGNkHpD2/?igshid=lcf36mvq7vc8
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Ending the school week by praying in the yard. The better part is all the kids listening to me read The Hunchback of Notre Dame. #gallivantingwithgamgam #zambia #readingaroundtheworld #11n11
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quotesviral-blog · 7 years ago
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For all generations, this is a call that is never to late to answer! #… Love quote and saying Image Description For all generations, this is a call that is never to late to answer! #worldrace #11n11 #generation
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andthenbegantherain · 8 years ago
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T H R E E #worldrace #11n11 #belize #finaldebrief #sand #beachdays
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cate-the-great-blog1 · 8 years ago
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|| Tetelestai || It is finished. Jesus died on the cross so we can have life. And then three days later, He rose and defeated death forever. #11n11 #catietakestheworld #worldrace #hoppyEaster #heisrisen (at Wiang Pa Pao, Chiang Rai, Thailand)
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kingdomcomeapparel-blog · 6 years ago
Ryan O'Keefe
Ryan O’Keefe
Our Brother in Christ, Ryan O’Keefe, recently left America and his normalcies for an 11 month, 11 country missions trip to Preach the Gospel, Love on Lost Souls, and Pursue his Passion for People. You can follow along with Ryan’s journey right here! As Ryan would say, “YAY GOD!” #asyougochristianity #ryanokeefe #11n11 Keep being you…
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catpollock · 8 years ago
First week of a reading and blog writing challenge I set for myself.
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arcanehatter · 6 years ago
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I LOVE exploring parks! Especially when I get to find covered bridges.😊 • #vsco #vscofilter #vscoedit #vscocam #georgia #projectsearchlight #psl #theworldrace #11n11 #adventuresinmissions #worldrace (at Gainesville, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zq9xoH5SE/?igshid=3fnup6i8g3fq
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After a month of friend making, it was such a blessing to engage in some creative worship. God is good and so is Bacolod. #worldrace #11n11 #ministry #creativeworship #godisfun #philippines #bacolodcity
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