#11a || you must like to play with fire. [dash games]
ghostofnibelheim · 5 months
I diagnose you with hot
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person on the train reading a book hot
you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious, and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.
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Tagged by: @soldier-lodbrok (thank you~)
Tagging: @azure-steel, @poeticphoenix, @ofdraiocht (Biggs~). If you've already done this, @ me in the post!
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 [Do not Reblog]
1. What does your muse smell like?
This is not a headcanon! Crisis Core made this little trivia official:
According to a Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- fan letter mailed to Zack, Sephiroth uses an entire bottle of both shampoo and conditioner to wash his hair. Both are provided by the Shinra Company and are scented with thirteen kinds of perfumes.
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
Being a practiced swordman, his hands carry the obvious calluses of the trade. Yet, for how hard and rough his fingers may be, his touch can be surprisingly gentle. Sephiroth is aware of his own strength, and pays mind to it when coming in contact with others he doesn’t wish to harm.
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
Rigorously programmed diet regimen for First Class SOLDIERs. As the top of the top in his department, Sephiroth is carefully monitored by a team of physicians, dietologists and nutritionists who painstakingly dictate what his daily menu will present, with the occasional holiday-themed treat.
In most verses, Sephiroth finds no reason to explore outside of these boundaries, regarding his meals as nothing more but a task complementary to his job. The day he is pushed out of his comfort zone, however...
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
In most verses, not really. Sephiroth’s vocal chords are as flat as can be, him being a silent type to begin with. Unskilled in the matter of arts, he has never indulged into singing nor made an attempt to learn.
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
Sephiroth very rarely makes eye contact with the people he speaks to. This can be both out of arrogance as well as a personal insecurity of his, all depending on where the person stands in his social circle. If he doesn’t care about someone, he doesn’t care to take note of their expression. If he on the other hand cares about you, he may shy away over worry that his strange eyes might intimidate you (which is an effect he’s acutely aware of on the battlefield). Because of this habit, he is often seen as self-absorbed and detached.
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
Rarely will anyone get to see Sephiroth out of his uniform. Time spent outside of his First Class armor will typically be within the privacy of the penthouse he resides in. Baggy and loose clothes give him room to breathe and a nice change of pace from his usual.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
Not at all in general. But for the lucky few who will manage to break through his steel-coated heart, gestures of affections will be special and often surprising. Sephiroth’s love language is acts of service, but he also craves innocent touch very much.
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
On the right side and the back. Avoiding to sleep on his left side is a habit Sephiroth developed on the battlefield, where the ability to reach for his sword was key to his own survival. Sephiroth likes to have something to hold onto, usually a pillow... or a person. Yes, he’s a big spoon.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Like a storm brewing, Sephiroth isn’t one you can hear coming, so much as one you can sense. He may very well glide past your room in the hallway not unlike a ghost. But if he stopped and stared at you from the doorway, your urge to turn and look would get you way before your ears catch the tap of his boots.
Tagged by: @steeleidolon (Thanks!)
Tagging: @scorching-passion, @rcdfcxr (Reno!), @umbral-stigmata-unbound (Sephiroth~?)
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
Let me psycho analyse u while i assign u poetry
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bottled emotions
tell them. tell them right now. you keep your emotions bottled up and it is doing absolutely no one a favor including you. you're the type of person that incorporates your feelings into art because you have no idea how to say it out loud. you fear rejection and the fact that you might not be good enough. i'm sensing recent heartbreak or unrequited love. if it's for you, it will come back to you. you're enough, i swear.
Tagged: @scorching-passion (BBY WHY)
Tagging: No one. This is mine. Don't you dare. I will punch you.
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge || DAY 30 - Has Final Fantasy made an impact in your life? If so, how? If not, what do you like about the whole series itself?
Literally life-changing, in fact.
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//I’m pretty sure I’ve shared this story before, but it has been a long time, so why the hell not mention it again?
I am not a native English speaker, and in fact I was absolutely a disaster at English classes all the way to middle school. I just had no interest in the language and my votes were so bad my teacher would just skip me during tests and give me the lowest grade by default.
All that changed when my dad gave me a rare gift: Final Fantasy VII for Play Station. In English, of course.
I had very few play station games and never really played a RPG before, but I was immediately hooked. Even without understanding the dialogues, all I had was mash buttons and win the battles. It seemed easy enough and I was entertained.
Until... Wall Market.
The cross-dressing quest.
I was absolutely stuck, not understanding what I had to do to progress. I kept clicking on every person I could find and didn’t get anything to move forward. There was no internet back then, and I had no friends who played videogames, so eventually I gave up.
BUT, Final Fantasy VII came with an extra disc, where something else caught my interest: FFVIII’s trailer. The graphics were stunning, and I couldn’t get it out of my head.
Flash forward a year, and FFVIII comes to the shelves. To my shock: in my native language! I finally could read! The story was great for me at the time, and with this game I solidified my passion for the RPG genre. That meant one thing: I HAD to play FFVII again!
And again... I got stuck. Same issue.
That was it. Frustrated but determined, I picked up a massive English dictionary, a new journal and paper, and started to translate the game by myself, restarting from the very beginning. Each dialogue bubble, i’d search the words on the dictionary, one by one, and put sentences together.
And slowly but surely, my brain began to memorize the words as they kept coming up in the game. My English grades flipped to the highest in the class. Even my teacher was baffled: she thought I was cheating! And when I told her how I’d learned, she wasn’t happy either. It was the age of “videogames only teach violence!”, you see.
Thanks to FFVII, I learned English. That eventually lead me to Final Fantasy XI, which of course meant I needed the internet (I’d have had absolutely no interest in the internet were it not for FF, won’t lie). Through FFXI, I got into roleplay. And through roleplay, well... Let’s say my life would be a lot different right now, were it not for that hobby.
My father and FFVII shaped my life in such a dramatic way, it’s still crazy sometimes to think about. It moves me a little bit still, and I’m happy I got to share this story to finish this challenge. Even if it took me like ten months instead of 30 days haha.
If you took the time to read, thank you. And thanks for all you’ve done for me, FF series. Keeping your characters alive through RP is a little tribute to the amazing developers who have affected my life in so many fantastic ways.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge || DAY 29 - How many Final Fantasy games do you own?
Hard to keep track... at least 20 of them...?
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//I’m positive I have at least the full main series between discs and Steam apps, but then there’s also the spin offs. Four dissidia ones, the sequels... I definitely don’t have all of them, but it’s hard to make an exact list. One of my gripes with FF is the way the franchise splits between so many platforms with no real streamline that holds them all. The diehard FF collector (which I am far from be!) will need a whole room full of different consoles... some of which are still JP exclusive.
Also I won’t lie: having them all doesn’t mean I’ve played them all. I’ve had FFXV installed for years and still haven’t tried it. I just can’t seem to find the time.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge || DAY 28 - If Final Fantasy Type-0, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and Final Fantasy XIV were the last games to be made. How would you feel?
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//Honestly? Less sad than I originally thought I would.
It is not a lie nor a secret that I consider Final Fantasy to have lost its charm pretty much with the moment of the Squaresoft and Enix merge (it occurred about one year after FFXI, with Rise of the Zilart being the first FF-related content involving Enix in its production). Nothing really felt the same afterwards, and with pretty much everybody from the original Square team gone, it’s not wrong to say that the franchise has been handed over to a different software house now.
Would I love to see more JRPGs of the quality of Final Fantasy? Hell yeah. Does it have to be Final Fantasy? Not really. I’m open to new franchises, but at the same time, I am also aware that the generation of gamers is different. The things people want in their videogames now are not the same things I loved and still feel nostalgic for. Simply put, I am aware that the FF games made the way I liked them will not be coming back.
But that’s why I keep them on Steam to be replayed whenever I need that fix, you know?
Regarding the current state of FF, I’m not sure how much further it will go with its main titles. FFXVI is already pretty underwelming in its reception, and it may as well be the sign for SE that times have moved on and something new is needed. Will they still milk the franchise’s nostalgia until every old school FF player is dead? Yeah, of course they will. Will I be one of those fans sucking up to that milk? Also yes. I have no shame.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge || DAY 27 - Favorite scene in any game
Assault of the White Dragons (Final Fantasy IX)
//I could talk all about why I consider this one of the most powerful scenes in all of the Final Fantasy franchise, and why FFIX ranks so high among my favorite FF games just with this. But I’ll try to make it short here~
The story is reaching its climax, as Zidane’s group heads towards the final stage to confront Kuja and save the world. As they approach Valhalla, the largest horde of dragons the franchise has ever seen surfaces to stop them. The group is riding just one single airship, but against all odds, they are not alone!
Lindblum, Alexandria, the Tantalus: all the factions and people the group has met throughout the story emerge from the back to help, fighting off the dragons, shielding the Invincible with the body of their own ships, doing everything they can to open them a path through this impenetrable wall. The music is heartwrenching and thrilling, perfectly in tune with the scenes, expressing the pain, struggle and great determination of each of these people. They are simple soldiers, it is raw military power, without magic or high technology, but still everyone gives their all for the heroes.
It is a great scene that makes the world around Zidane and his friends so much vivid. The fate of Gaia doesn’t rest on their shoulders alone: these common soldiers and brigands want to live, and they won’t just sit on their asses waiting for you to save them. It makes all of the past interactions with them meaningful. They are participants in this war, and not just background figures with no impact in the story.
Play this game, you won’t regret it.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge || DAY 26 - Favorite Weapon/Type of Weapon
Gagnrad / Zantetsuken (Lightning Returns - Final Fantasy XIII)
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//Pretty much the best thing to come out of FFXIII as a whole. I’ve always favored long bladed weapons (with spears being my favorite weapon type IRL), both for its strong connection to horses (the main weapon in the cavalry) as well as its elegant and fascinating style. I think I have Samurai Warriors to blame for my crush on lances and spears actually.
But when it comes to Final Fantasy, I found something even better than spears: dual bladed swords. I discovered this weapon with FFIX and fell in love with it, but FFXIII doubled onto its charm by designing a blade carrying Odin’s name... and do you see the horses by the handle? I noticed them only now. Now I like it even more.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 25 - Favorite Monster
Mesmerize (Final Fantasy VIII)
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//I’ve never liked to kill horse-like creatures. But as far as looks go, no one excited me more than the Mesmerize. Even after over a decade without playing FFVIII I still remember these!
It always made me sad when I accidentally broke their blades. I think it’d be fun to own one as a pet... even though you couldn’t possibly ride it. Now without getting stabbed and sliced like a salami, anyway.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 24 - Favorite Quote
“Says the three hundred pound sack of it.” - Red XIII (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
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//Answering this question made me struggle at first, I think I sat there for a good 15 minutes with my brain going over all the FF games I played and trying to think of a quote that stuck with me and just drawing a blank.
Until I remembered of the ONE thing I liked about Red XIII’s new design in the FFVII sequel “Remake” (yes, it’s a sequel, you can fight me. I’ll be on this hill forever). His beautiful SNARK. I love his new dynamic with Barret and I’m here to watch it to the end.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 23 - Favorite Black Magic Spell
Meteor (Final Fantasy XIV)
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//This answer is kind of cheating because the specific spell I’m referring to, to the specific game, is not exactly a spell. Meteor is the Limit Break for Black Mages in Final Fantasy XIV, and it’s incredibly flashy. I’ve never cared much for Meteor as a spell in the other games, but this one really takes the cake. You really get a sense of magnitude when watching that big flaming rock slowly descend on the enemy.
Even if the damage is typically crap.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 22 - Favorite Theme
The Turk’s Theme (Final Fantasy VII)
//Attention: NOT TO BE MISTAKEN with the Final Fantasy VII Remake version!
Of the many emotions Remake gave me, nothing surpasses the disappointment I felt when I heard the new Turk’s Theme. Their track from the OG is one of my favorite in the whole franchise to this day, and definitely the one that first popped to my mind when I sat down to answer today’s question.
I remember back when I first played FFVII, as an early teenager with almost no understanding of English, my early experience of OG was all through visuals and sound. The Turk’s theme immediately set a tense tone in the Church, and made Reno a character that both scared me and made my skin crawl with excitement. I remember looking forward to his reappearance afterwards, and every time I heard this track again, I knew something important was going to be learned in the story, even if I couldn’t understand what back then.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 21 - Favorite Boss Battle
Yuna’s Aeons (Final Fantasy X)
//If you don’t cry during this fight, you have no heart.
I can’t think of any boss battle able to make me as emotional as this one did (cause in point, I rewatched this video while looking for a link for this post and my face is a mess now). The Aeons were your faithful companions your whole adventure, and all of a sudden you have to line them up one by one, watch them get possessed by Yu Yevon and execute them by your own hand. How is this not heartbreaking?
The small cutscenes of Yuna showing pain after defeating each one is a further stab to the chest that gets me every time. I am positive I am bringing this memory to the grave.
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 20 - Favorite Chocobo Theme
Ukulele de Chocobo (Final Fantasy IX)
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Here’s a link!
//As I’ve stated before, I value FFIX as my general favorite when it comes to the quality of the full soundtrack. FFVIII’s chocobo theme was a close second, but nothing gets me bouncing like Ukulele de Chocobo. I’ve never enjoyed spending time riding a big chicken as much as I did on FFIX!
Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 19 - Favorite Battle System
//I have already replied to this one!
Go see that post for a more in-depth answer, as for the short of it, because I am mainly a turn-based battle system fan, the crown goes to:
Final Fantasy X
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Dr. Saru\\
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ghostofnibelheim · 2 years
30 Day Final Fantasy Challenge ||  DAY 18 - Least Favorite Job
Mascot (Final Fantasy X-2)
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//There are many things to be disliked about FFX-2, and this job is somewhere at the top of that list to me. Not only for the completely silly concept that clashes with everything that FFX stood for, or the franchise for that matter, but also for how difficult it was to get. You have to nearly complete the game 100% in order to unlock the Mascot dress sphere.
And what would you know? It’s actually one of the most OP things you could own. If in other Final Fantasy games this was represented from ultimate weapons or special limit breaks, here you had this. It’s a joke. That’s what it is. And it helps in setting this game on a ugly pedestal as a title that attempts to cater to a completely different audience than everything FF used to. As a diehard fan, it felt like a punch in the gut, and to this day I refuse to use this class.
Dr. Saru\\
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