clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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KENT JIN is TWENTY-EIGHT years old and lives in BARDSEY GROVE. He is a MALE and is a BARTENDER at the CROSSTOWN PUB. He has been in Clovers Circle for SIX months, is portrayed by ROSS BUTLER, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Depression, Drug Dealing
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Growing up, Kent struggled to find his place in the family, and growing up in the south side of the big city meant there was no place for stragglers to weigh down the wagon. Kent’s father suffered severe depressive episodes after the loss of his wife, resulting in Kent and his brother fending for their other siblings in what seemed like a dog-eat-dog community. Alas, it allowed the boy to find his title in the group - the Caregiver. Despite being three years younger than his eldest brother, Kent had been working two jobs since the age of FIFTEEN, allowing his brother to complete his diploma and find some kind of direction. Lack of attention-span and disruptive charm had proved the school environment not to be his cup of tea and he instead focused his time and energy on scraping together gas payments or trying to work out how to slip vegetables unnoticed into the hot-pocket only diet of two under-12s. Whilst this obviously wasn’t an ideal situation for him, there was something about it Kent enjoyed–the reliance his siblings held to him made him feel needed, even if it was simply to ensure they had enough hot water for a shower in the evening. It seemed natural to him to fill the gap their mother left, with his fiercely protective nature turning him into a maternal figure the parents in the playground did not want to fuck with.
However, the admittance of his brother on a full-ride to college put Kent officially in charge, a pressure he struggled with on his own. He soon discovered the dodgy garage who gave him work and McDonald’s alone couldn’t provide for the increasing needs of two teens and his run-dry bank account pushed him through the doorway of some local neighborhood boys who were known to have work. Whilst this started as waiting on street corners to discretely accept and deliver small packages, he became dizzy with the influx of money and pushed for bigger, riskier jobs. The weed turned to harder substances, and over time Kent became the biggest pusher of opioids in the south side. He barely lasted a year until one of his newer customers was found slumped in his car. With his number the most recent contact in his cracked iPhone, it wasn’t long before questions were asked and all fingers were pointed at Kent. With swift goodbyes and a threat for his father to “get a fucking grip”, the boy fled his hometown and hasn’t looked back since, except for a birthday card that arrived annually for the twins with enough money to keep them going throughout the year.
After floating from town to town, Kent shacked up with an aspiring actress, restless in the bustling city. Their inevitable split left him out on his ass, and he hiked a lift to Clovers Circle where a distant aunt resided. His presence on her couch obviously took a toll on her and she passed away within 2 months of him living there, leaving him alone with the crooked house and a dead-end bartending job. Kent’s managed to keep to himself so far in Clovers, but his erratic personality hasn’t died out–his charisma is often taken arrogantly, although he really only is out to have a laugh. He can often appear thoughtless and abrasive with his lack of boundaries, but upon getting to know him it’s evident he’s harmless and that’s simply his way of extending himself to people. He’s done a good job of distancing himself from trouble in Clovers Circle so far, but his addictive personality can only hold him so far from the party scene–he’s also known as a ‘go-to’ guy, with many connections and the ability to do people favors for a small price.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Bold, Gallant, Optimistic
( - )  Abrasive, Arrogant, Mischievous
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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SAGE INOUYE is TWENTY-SEVEN years old and lives in HOLYWELL. She is a FEMALE and is a PHOTOGRAPHER. She has been in Clovers Circle for TEN years, is portrayed by HAYLEY KIYOKO, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Homophobia, Emotional Abuse
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Sage is the oldest of four, in a loving family of six. Sage always fought a little harder than the others for attention; a little harder to be someone her parents were proud of. Although not always intentionally, or too obviously, Sage was always treated differently than the other Inouye children. Still young and too innocent to to really understand why, she just lived her life at, possibly, her truest form and self, because there was nothing there to influence her. That quickly changed when they started rolling in as she grew older. Essentially, she was growing up in an environment where homosexuality was not universally accepted–especially not by her parents. And, during a Thanksgiving dinner when she was SEVENTEEN, after listening to dozens of slurs spoken by her parents and siblings, Sage outed herself in a fury of tears.
Her parents practically disowned her, and her siblings, too scared to stick up for her, did the same. Sage became an outsider in her own home, but she felt so relieved. But there was still so much weighing on her shoulders. Sage tried and fought for her family’s love and attention, and she focused all of her energy on trying to fit in once again. But it was too late to continue trying, and she could never take back what she’d confided in them. After months of side-eyed glances and avoided conversations that only left her drained, a couple of older friends, who lived in Clovers Circle, called and asked if Sage could photograph their upcoming wedding. She agreed and packed up her equipment, and ran away the following night.
It took her awhile, but Sage made friends and even a life for herself in Clovers. And she found inner peace in the process. Her childhood was filled with a lot of repressed feelings, which led to her first years into adulthood being filled with a lot of self-discovery. Sage, now TWENTY-SEVEN is in search of something more permanent. She wants to feel fulfilled with her work and in her personal life. Sage hopes to start her own business or find a permanent place at a magazine, rather than continuing with freelance work. She wants to find something meaningful in her photography and allow it to bring peace into others lives like it did to her own.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Free-Spirited, Humble, Loyal
( - )  Desperate, Insecure, Sarcastic
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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EMIL SINGH is THIRTY years old and lives in ST. ASAPH. He is a MALE and is a CHEF at CLOVES VEGAN. He has been in Clovers Circle for THIRTY years, is portrayed by DEV PATEL, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: N/A
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Emil grew up surrounded by family. He had his mom, dad, two brothers, and extended family who would visit nearly every week after attending their daily prayer at the mosque. Because of this, he grew up surrounded by love, and he knew from a young age he wanted to live the rest of his life surrounded by it. In school, Emil was popular only because he talked to everyone. He didn’t play sports, but he went to every football game, went to every party, and he never wanted to be anywhere where he wouldn’t be surrounded by people. When he turned SIXTEEN, he started working as a LINE COOK at CLOVES VEGAN. And, through his time there, became very close to the owners.
Emil spent most of his free time at work and would then go home to parents who grew progressively more upset that he hadn’t been spending as much time with them or at the mosque. When time came to graduate high school, Emil couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do after. So, he took the year off, and worked at the restaurant. When the owners told Emil that the business had started to go under, he took initiative. The next year, he attended culinary school, where he hoped to improve his culinary skills only so he could bring it all back with him to the restaurant; he’d update the menu and keep the place open–he had to.
During his sophomore year, he met a girl. They were paired up for a baking assignment and worked together so well they kept pairing up together willingly. They eventually became friends, and then they were dating. Emil had never been excited for a future with anyone else before. They were married a year after graduation, and they moved into a home together. He lived close to his family, and he was in love while doing what he loved. It was months later that she got pregnant and had to stop working due to the stress it was causing her. This forced Emil to start working more, needing to save money for their child. He was at home less and less, leaving early in the morning and returning late at night; and, in turn, he began neglecting his wife and future child.
Things were dark after that, especially once the baby was born. They began fighting more, her telling him it was his fault for not being home, for not taking care of her, and Emil yelling back saying he needed to make money for them. This went on for a year and half before they decided they weren’t happy together anymore. And they got a divorce. Emil kept the house, and she took the baby and moved towns to be closer to her new job. It’s been nearly FIVE years since the divorce now, and Emil only see’s his child on birthday’s and holiday’s.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Charismatic, Enthusiastic, Witty
( - )  Inconsistent, Superficial, Unpredictable
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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MAGDALENA DAWSON is TWENTY-FIVE years old and lives in LAKE SWANSEA. She is a FEMALE and is a RECEPTIONIST at TWIN SILKS. She has been in Clovers Circle for TWENTY-FIVE years, is portrayed by LILY JAMES, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Toxic Relationships, Miscarriage.
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
For as long as Lena could remember, SACRED COVENANT in St. Asaph has always been her second home. Raised a devout Catholic, religion has always been a major part of her life, finding a bond with God and the natural world around unlike any she has ever had before. She still remembers the day her mother took her shopping for her first communion dress and the way her father beamed at her as she accepted her role in the church community. Sunday mass was a time of peace and reflection and, Lena had to admit, a time to let her mind wander. There was so much to know about her religion and so much to remember, but Lena has always been adamant on Jesus: a new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another. All that hullabaloo about Catholics and Christian’s hating others for being different? Lena believed it was a lie contracted by those who didn’t understand her religion as well as she did. Often she would be teased in school about the meaning behind her name–Magdalena–and in high school the boys would leer at her, wondering when she would live up to her namesakes reputation. Holding her ground, Lena would always hold her head high and not let any talk get to her.
With her strong connection to God, Lena was left dumbfounded at the mere age of ELEVEN as she watched her parents go through a messy and ugly divorce, turning their heads on everything they ever preached to her. Worse, she watched as her mother packed up her suitcases, grabbed her car keys, and left without so much of a goodbye to the daughter she had always claimed to love. Afterwards, Lena’s father became absent within her life–focusing on his work and his after-hours beers instead of his young daughter–but Lena would never say he was a bad parent. He was still there for her whenever she needed it, they had their weekly dinners, and every once and while he would accompany her to church, despite his resistance to go there post-divorce. Since her parents’ split, Lena has firmly believed that it was her time to mature and take care of herself when it seemed that her parents couldn’t. Why did it matter if they weren’t there for her if she would always have God on her side? If her mother didn’t want her, then why should Lena miss her? Still, there’s much to be said about a young girl putting on a brave face in such a difficult situation because whether she’ll admit it or not, Lena often wonders what was so wrong with her that her mother wouldn’t even try to take her as well.
Lena was only FIFTEEN years old when she went on her first date and, simultaneously, obtained her first boyfriend. The catch? She started dating him in secret. She knew that her father, her priest, and all of her friends at the church would cast judging eyes on her choice, claiming she was out to fix those she thought needed to be fixed. He might not have been the best influence, but there was no denying young Lena liked him. As it turned out, Lena found herself in hotter water than she was expecting. Possessive and unrelenting, her boyfriend kept her away from most of the world around her, even to the point of getting her to quit attending church. Though there was no physicality to the abuse, there was no denying the toxicity of her relationship–a toxicity that was hidden behind the lovesick eyes of a girl who hadn’t known love for quite a while. Lena stayed in that relationship for four years, unable to get out because of the hard and fast belief that she loved him dearly and, as God’s creature, there was more to him than others might say. All of that shattered at nineteen when he decided to actually do something with his life and skipped town, leaving her behind with the expectation that she would wait for him. Unbeknownst to him, however, Lena was pregnant. A pregnancy that did not last past its first trimester when Lena had a miscarriage and lost the baby. The miscarriage being the last straw on her fragile mental state, Lena, now twenty-one, disappeared from Clovers Circle to “discover the world” when, in reality, she had checked herself into a rehabilitation center to gain the therapy and help she needed to move past her difficult adolescence. FOUR years later, Lena has finally returned back home to Clovers Circle where she can be found working as a receptionist at Twin Silks and volunteering at the local animal shelter all the while trying to obtain some degree and get her life back on track.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Precocious, Faithful, Magnanimous
( - )  Stubborn, Meddlesome, Secretive
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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REVA CHAUDHARY is THIRTY-SIX years old and lives in ST. ASAPH. She is a FEMALE and is a VETERINARY SPECIALIST at CLOVERS CIRCLE PET CLINIC. She has been in Clovers Circle for THIRTY-SIX years, is portrayed by PRIYANKA CHOPRA, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Cancer, Fraud, Wrongful Imprisonment
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Reva’s life, like her mother, began in BARDSEY GROVE in a small house that had barely anything but cement in the backyard. Her parents went on to give birth to three children in said home: first Suraj, then Bodhi, and lastly Reva. They were never a family who could splurge, but when her eldest brother suddenly got sick, every cent went to paying off his hospital bills. At first Reva acted out, angry the family had no money to spend on anyone but her brother, but one day she took a proper look at Suraj and realized his physical change went far beyond losing his hair and eyebrows–he now looked like a sick strange. Reva’s parents would cry and hold each other, and after witnessing that, she never complained again, but held Suraj’s hand through it all.
It was during this time her dad would wait outside wealthy Lake Swansea businessmen’s homes and offices, pitching ideas, pleading for a better job than the one he currently had as a maintenance man, barely making minimum wages and not getting the benefits either that could’ve helped pay off his son’s hospital bills. Eventually, a wealthy business man took pity on him and promised to set up a few interviews at his companies. Her father ended up getting a job, but, unbeknownst to her dad, his superiors spent the next few years setting him up as the “perfect fall” guy if anyone were to find out they’d started laundering money from the company. Reva was sixteen when he was accused, and seventeen when he was sentenced to fourteen years in prison.
When Reva graduated a year later, she left Clovers Circle and moved the a big city, where she studied veterinary medicine. Her plan was to focus on her new life and hopefully never return to Clovers Circle again. Her mom still lived there, paying off the mortgage on their home, as did Suraj, who called Reva to tell her that the cancerous cells that had remained childhood had started spreading again, and that he was starting treatment soon. After hearing the news, Reva immediately scrapped her plans of ‘never going back’ and started her transition back to her hometown.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Honest, Loyal, Spontaneous
( - )  Cynical, Guarded, Obsessive
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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ROXANA BELMONTE is TWENTY years old and lives in ST. ASAPH. She is a FEMALE and is COLLEGE JUNIOR. She has been in Clovers Circle for TWENTY years, is portrayed by HERIZEN GUARDIOLA, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: N/A
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Roxana Belmonte, a name that’s synonymous with style in Clovers Circle. To say the least, Roxana is certainly what you’d call daring, but with every risk she took she was met with praise; she was someone who truly set trends and never once did follow them. What you saw her wearing, you’d eventually see in an issue of a fashion magazine months after she’d already moved onto the next great thing. She was someone who was in “vogue”, as she was not only gorgeous, but emanated flair. Just ask her legion of devoted fans of social media, just dying to know what she’ll throw on next.
Her fan may have come for her looks, but they stayed for what Roxana stood for. She was someone who encouraged girls, and boys, to break away from the norm and try things that scared them. Fashion is about what makes you feel powerful, not what people should deem acceptable. That messages resonates with a lot of her fans, to the point where it propelled Roxana into the industry she loves so much–fashion. She started getting invites to sit front row at major fashion shows in nearby cities and was attending parties with all of her favorite supermodels. She’d proven herself to be more than a socialite with a good closet. She put in work daily, intending to make herself bigger within the industry.
At a young age, Roxana is already getting requests from giant names to have her style them. She’s well on her way to becoming a prominent member of the fashion world, so you might be asking, why is she still going to CLOVERS CIRCLE UNIVERSITY? Because her mother doesn’t want to raise a fool. And, what’s better than being beautiful? Being intelligent. Roxana has always strove to be a well-rounded woman, and her high marks in her business classes has not only allowed her to run her very own mom-and-pop styling agency, but do with with her parents support and blessing.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Daring, Hardworking, Polished
( - )  Busy, Haughty, Self-Indulgent
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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DEXTER PARRISH is TWENTY-FIVE years old and lives in LAKE SWANSEA. He is a MALE and is UNEMPLOYED / a TRUST FUND KID. He has been in Clovers Circle for TEN years, is portrayed by EZRA MILLER, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Death, Drug Use, Casual Sex
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
When Dexter first moved to Clovers at FIFTEEN, he was just about as mysterious as they came. More than anything, though, Dexter was fascinated by how quickly news traveled, fascinated by how everyone new everyone. This fascination ended abruptly, however, when the LAKE SWANSEAcommunity discovered his father was having an affair with another man. The news of such a scandal spread through the gated community like a wildfire, and his parents headed in the direction of a high publicized divorce.
After, Dexter found himself in a constant whirlwind of substance and naked women. Dexter knew the neighborhood boys watched in awe as his style and swagged commanded drovers of admiring girls who baked him food, warmed his bed, and left sweaty notes in his car. Dexter’s virility typically set him against the the effeminate women of Lake Swansea, but also against the boys themselves. His relationship with his father, however, was also different than the other boy’s in Lake Swansea. Dexter and his father always treated each other as equals, turning a blind eye to each other’s erotic adventures. Within their community, his father’s homosexuality was strictly taboo. It was for this reason that Dexter always respected the privacy of love and refused to discuss a single detail of his sexual exploits with the other boys.
More generally, Dexter’s drugs, alcohol, hair gel, and hot rod were common symbols of the typical suburban masculinity. His burgeoning drug trade showed that he was a self-made man, and that specific endeavor freed him from the restraints of high school. His epicurean love of women showed the refined taste and conspicuous consumption of the affluent playboy, while his discretion marked him as a gentleman. But just after Dexter hit the tender age of TWENTY, his father died of liver failure, leaving his son with the family’s multi-million dollar mansion and a hefty trust fund. After this, Dexter found himself in the downward spiral of a young playboy: alcoholism, a new found dependency on heroin, and a different lover every night.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Admirable, Confident, Leisurely
( - )  Careless, Misguided, Provocative
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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HARRIET BALDWIN is TWENTY-ONE years old and lives in ST. ASAPH. She is a FEMALE and is UNEMPLOYED. She has been in Clovers Circle for TWENTY-ONE years, is portrayed by ALISHA BOE, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: N/A
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
One word that’s most commonly used to describe Harriet is “different”. She’s quite different from everyone else in town, and she likes it that way. With a strong spirit, Harriet is a hundred-percent sure that she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to… once she actually finds something she’s interested in enough. With a small problem of anger management issues, Harriet is very much used to people tip-toeing around her as if she’s some ticking time bomb. She doesn’t particularly like the feeling, but she is also perfectly fine with tolerating it. Anger is an emotion Harriet just connects with. She’s unsure why she’s so angry, but she likes to blame it on the fact that she despises being stuck in the small, good-for-nothing town of Clovers Circle.
Though she does love her family dearly, Harriet just can’t help but want to get out. It’s suffocating and she’s certain if she stays any longer she’s going to go insane. However, there’s something that’s holding her there, rooting and anchoring her to the town. It’s her home, and she’s been there for as long as she can remember. And, despite the fact that she’s mentally ready to move on, she isn’t necessarily emotionally ready. And Harriet is strong enough to admit that.  Harriet is willing to go through anything to get what she wants, whatever that may be. However, it isn’t only her strength and emotions that set her apart from the rest, but the fact that, just like everyone else, she’s vulnerable. She has weaknesses–weaknesses that could very well ruin everything she tries to do.
Just like any other young adult, Harriet has constant daily struggles that she has to deal with in order to make it through the day; Harriet lives with AGLIOPHOBIA. The fear of pain is something so great that a simple pinch or stepping too hard on the sidewalk could send her off the deep end. Careful with everything she does, Harriet walks with caution through a town that has no danger. Yes, she’s a peculiar child, different from the rest. Longing for the future, yet living in the past. Rebellious by nature, but cautious by nurture. Harriet Baldwin is a walking, talking, and breathing juxtaposition.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Electric, Logical, Passionate
( - )  Reckless, Self-Righteous, Worrisome
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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“ Sadly, as she started the engine and began driving the curving road back to her house, a dark omen began to calmly fly beside her—a crow, a bird so often associated with death. It didn’t take long, though, before she took noticed of the creature. It became almost illuminated as she observed it from her side-view mirror, seemingly watching her every move as she drove. It distracted her just enough, taking her eyes away from the road. And, it was in that moment, that the worst of it came.
                   HOME  -  PLOT -  CHARACTERS -  ASK
Originally established in April 2013 as a biography roleplay, Clovers closed its doors at the end of that year. However, it has now been revamped as an skeleton-based group. Here, we’ll focus solely on character development, allowing you the freedom to explore your muse in the newly updated world of Clovers Circle.
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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“ Sadly, as she started the engine and began driving the curving road back to her house, a dark omen began to calmly fly beside her—a crow, a bird so often associated with death. It didn’t take long, though, before she took noticed of the creature. It became almost illuminated as she observed it from her side-view mirror, seemingly watching her every move as she drove. It distracted her just enough, taking her eyes away from the road. And, it was in that moment, that the worst of it came.
                     HOME  -  PLOT -  CHARACTERS -  ASK
Originally established in April 2013 as a biography roleplay, Clovers closed its doors at the end of that year. However, it has now been revamped as an skeleton-based group. Here, we’ll focus solely on character development, allowing you the freedom to explore your muse in the newly updated world of Clovers Circle.
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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PAUL WINSLOW is TWENTY-NINE years old and lives in HOLYWELL. He is a MALE and is an ART TEACHER at CLOVERS CIRCLE HIGH SCHOOL. He has been in Clovers Circle for TWENTY-NINE years, is portrayed by ALFRED ENOCH, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Death
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Paul never wanted to go through life needing the help from anyone else; Paul wanted to be his own person entirely. However, as he began to grow older, he noticed girls always seemed to like the outgoing types. They liked the strong, big guys who acted like they could, and would, beat you up at any given moment. But Paul didn’t want to trade in all of his beliefs and be like all the other guys just so he could get some girl. The moment Paul graduated high school, he never looked back. He was so ecstatic to never be in the same room with the people he’d grown up with. This also meant that he could finally leave Clovers and and travel like he’d always wanted to.
Unfortunately, days before he was set to leave on a month long trip to Asia, Paul’s younger sister fell sick and passed away in her sleep from a severe case of the flu. He was then forced to stay in Clovers and help his family sort out his sister’s funeral. And, as devastated as Paul was, he felt as if his dreams had been crushed. He’d been saving up the money he used to buy the plane tickets and hostels for as long as he could remember; it was going to take him years to save that much again.
In order to cope with his sister’s death, Paul began tagging walls in Downtown Clovers. Before long, his art began to fill the streets and everyone was spouting crazy theory’s as to who the tagger might be. Paul was pleased with what he’d created, and the adrenaline he got from filling an empty space was what he needed to push the overwhelming sadness out of his life. One night, however, Paul was caught by a cop as he was finishing up a new piece. Paul was fined, sent to court, and, for the first time since his sister’s death, felt scared. When he met with the judge, he made him a deal: Clovers Circle High School had been looking for a new art teacher, but hadn’t had any luck. If Paul was willingly to give it a try and help the school, he wouldn’t be appointed any community service hours and the fine would be taken out of his first paycheck.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Affectionate, Focused, Headstrong
( - )  Cynical, Snippy, Stubborn
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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PENNY LABELLE is TWENTY-TWO years old and lives in ST. ASAPH. She is a FEMALE and is a RECEPTIONIST at CLOVERS CIRCLE CITY HALL. She has been in Clovers Circle for TWENTY-TWO years, is portrayed by NATALIA DYER, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Death, Physical Abuse
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Penny was the girl who no one truly loved. After her mother’s death in a hit-and-run, her father, a drunk, was found to be an unsuitable guardian. Thus, at THREE, Penny was taken away and placed into the foster care system. For six years, she bounced from home to home. Some were worse than other’s; fighting and screaming were common in many, and often the other children didn’t get along. Sometimes, Penny was beaten. Though the feel of knuckles pounding against against her flesh wasn’t something Penny enjoyed, she tolerated it… Until it went to far.
Penny was placed with a deadbeat family who only housed foster kids for the money. One morning, she woke to screaming. When she walked out of her room, she witnessed the her foster-father repeatedly smacking his wife until she was bloody and unable to stand. Out of instinct, the then FOURTEEN year old, grabbed the nearest weapon-like objects she could find, a lamp, and slammed it over his head. Charges were filed against Penny, as the wife refused to acknowledge what her husband had done to her, and she was escorted out of the house and to the police station.
From then on, Penny vowed never to involve herself in anything like that again, unless she really needed to. A few days later, she was taken to a new home to live with a woman named JULIA LABELLE, who she later learned was head of the town council, under the mayor CECIL CLOVERS IV. Penny quickly put on her best behavior–she needed this; she needed and stable home and a person to confide in. Julia quickly took a liking to Penny and began the long process of adoption: four months of homestudy, eleven months of placement, and another six months for the finalization. Just under two years later, Penny had become part of the small LaBelle family.
Shortly after the adoption, Penny realized Council Woman LaBelle’s “good Samaritan” act was really just that, an act… She’d returned to the world she’d so desperately tried to leave. Only this time, it was permanent.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Humble, Kind-Hearted, Trusting
( - )  Naive, Unrealistic, Violent
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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AURA O’LEARY is TWENTY-EIGHT years old and lives in HOLYWELL. She is a FEMALE and is a SALES ASSOCIATE at NAPOLI-BELMAR. She has been in Clovers Circle for FIFTEEN years, is portrayed by MARGOT ROBBIE, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Physical Abuse
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Growing up, Aura could only imagine what it’d be like to live lavishly, considering she’d grown up in a small, desert ranching community. On her family’s little dial television, one of the only electronics they owned, Aura could always be found watching her mother’s old movies while she was supposed to be out helping with the cattle. She’d watch ones where Marilyn Monroe frolicked around within the black and white picture, and the ones where Elizabeth Taylor flaunted fabulous dresses and perfectly tamed curls. Aura’s desire to live a glamorous Old Hollywood-type of life never seemed to ceased, and, while she didn’t want to be a movie star, Aura wanted to be charismatic and classy. Her eyes, continuing to live on her family’s ranch would only assure she’d grow up to be a small-town nobody, or, like her mother, a bored housewife.
Then, just like that (and much to Aura’s father’s disappointment), the family’s small ranch went bankrupt. With no money and nowhere else to go, the family, when she was FOURTEEN, was forced to move in with Aura’s aunt in Clovers Circle. She knew that the loss of the ranch had hit her parents hard, but Aura looked at it as a way to completely reinvent herself. She wanted to be like the women she watched in the movies. Since the family had so little money, though, Aura found herself having to thrift for her new clothes, and often times she’d find nothing more than acid wash jeans and fake pearls. But by her sophomore year in high school, it seemed as if boys had begun to notice her. And Aura had every intent of using that to her advantage.
It’s safe to safe the she became a complete tease. Aura would lead the boys on, only to receive gifts of chocolate, roses, and–sometimes from the wealthier boys–jewelry. However, after getting involved in a turbulent relationship with an older boy at the end of her Senior year, which often lead to possessive behavior, and, occasionally, him hitting her, Aura became a shell. She dumped the boy, avoided parties, and drew inside herself. For so long, she’d wanted people, especially boys, to fawn over her. But she’d taken it too far. Aura just didn’t know how to be who she wanted to be without the attention of others. It’s been a little over TEN YEARS since she left high school, but she’s still weary of most men, avoiding relationships all together if she can.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Charming, Idealistic, Quirky
( - )  Flamboyant, Hostile, Reserved
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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JACK WALKER is THIRTY-SIX years old and lives in ST. ASAPH. He is a MALE and is a MARINE MECHANIC at HIDDEN WORLDS BOAT REPAIR. He has been in Clovers Circle for THIRTY-SIX years, is portrayed by CHADWICK BOSEMAN, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Death / Drowning
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Growing up in Clovers Circle can cause a person to go insane, and that’s exactly what happened to Jack. While he grew up with his mother and father and had a fairly easy life, Jack had always had the dream of jumping onto a boat and sailing far away. No one could figure out what’d caused this mindset in him, but they respected his determination to make it happen. So, whenever they could, his parents would take him on vacations so he could see the world, and to, hopefully, make him realize that his hometown wasn’t quite as bad as he made it out to be. Instead, however, it just made Jack want to travel more.
Growing up, Jack began to paint in secret, and he wanted to continue travelling the world so he could portray it the way he saw it. He knew his father would never approve, though, and all he wanted was for his father to not be as close-minded. Unfortunately, when Jack was a teenager, he witnessed his father fall drown. Jack watched as his father struggled, sinking deeper and deeper into the  water until it was finally over. Jack had frozen, unable to bring himself to pull his father out of the water, and he began to hate himself for it.
At the age of SEVENTEEN, Jack ran away from home and got a job on a fishing boat, which took him to places he’d never been before. When the boat would dock, Jack would sit on the piers and paint portraits of the passerby’s, charging very little each. But, really, he didn’t care about the money all that much. He was just happy to be doing what he loved while travelling the world, and he always made sure to paint each location they stopped at, and each of those paintings became his souvenirs.
TEN years passed before Jack went back to Clovers Circle. He missed his mother, and decided it was time to leave the boat and head back home. Since then, he’s bought a new home for him and his mother in ST. ASAPH, where they live together while he works at the HIDDEN WORLDS BOAT REPAIR in LAKE SWANSEA. He still continues to paint in his free time.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Artistic, Determined, Self-Sufficient
( - ) Compulsive, Flighty, Impatient
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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PATRICIO ACOSTA is TWENTY-FOUR years old and lives in LAKE SWANSEA. He is a MALE and is a TRUST FUND KID. He has been in Clovers Circle for SIX years, is portrayed by ALBERTO ROSENDE, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Physical Abuse
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
Patricio was born to two actors, who, at the time of his birth, were both A-list celebrities. And, after staying the necessary 48 hours at the hospital, he was taken home to his lavish home in the middle of an equally lavish neighborhood. There, he grew up with his every need waited on. Not once had the family ever been in debt, not once had there never been enough food on the table or in the fridge. Patricio’s life was filled with the finer things; he always had cash in his pocket, chefs always made the family dinner, and his mother was always buying him high-end clothing. The boy was obviously not aware of how things went down in less-wealthy households, and he had no idea of the everyday struggles.
However, his parents always seemed to be donating money to churches and orphanages that surrounded a small town called Clovers Circle. Patricio just figured it was because they had extra money to burn. However, a few months after his eighteenth birthday, Patricio’s father died of a heart attack. After the couple hundred-thousand dollar funeral, Patricio and his mother were presented with his father’s will. His mother had inherited the estate, and most of the fortune; Patricio inherited his father’s prized collector-car (a 1949 Buick Roadmaster) and a few lousy rose bushes; and an undisclosed trustee inherited three million dollars. Patricio was outraged, but if your father had left three million dollars to someone else, wouldn’t you be, too?
As time went on, the mystery of where the money had gone and, more importantly, who it’d gone to began to weigh heavy on Patricio’s mind. After much digging, he discovered that all three million been directed to a small Catholic church in, none other than, Clovers Circle. It was then that he confronted his mother, and, eventually, she confessed the reason: five years before he was born, only a few months after his parents had met on the set of a movie, his mother had gotten pregnant. Unfortunately, his father, at the time, had been dating another woman, and his mother had been a secret for quite some time. He wasn’t ready to leave his girlfriend, and he was no where ready to be a father. So, instead, his father sent his mother to Clovers Circle.
His mother gave birth to a baby girl a few months later, and soon as she looked into her eyes, she could feel herself growing attached. So she left her on the steps of the only Catholic church in town. After taking it all in, Patricio decided he was going to find his long-lost sibling, and he began the journey to Clovers. He’s now been there for a little under six years and has been conducting his search with very little information, only knowing how old she’d be and which church she was left at. He hasn’t gotten very far.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Caring, Persistent, Smooth-Talking
( - )  Materialistic, Non-Committal, Selfish
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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YVONNE WRIGHT is THIRTY years old and lives in HOLYWELL. She is a FEMALE and is a BARTENDER at BENTLEY’S BAR. Se has been in Clovers Circle for THIRTY years, is portrayed by GAL GADOT, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Drug Abuse, Drug Overdose
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
When the word “perfection” came into anyone’s mind in Clovers Circle, it was often associated with Yvonne. Since the day she was born, Yvonne and her chocolate locks had been adored by anyone she come in close proximity of. So, it was no surprise when she grew up to be voted queen of the Clovers Circle High’s Prom, while also spending her free time volunteering at Meals on Wheels and also retaining a 3.9 GPA. Yvonne had the whole world in the palm of her hand, and the fact that she was born into an upper class family certainly helped keep it that way. She was her parent’s darling, and, in most people’s mind, the perfect child.
This meant that her constant nosebleeds often went ignored. Yvonne loved to pretend it truly was nothing, but it wasn’t just nothing. Yvonne, since the start of high school, had been abusing cocaine and adderall, and her success, for the most part, could be accounted to the drugs. Unfortunately, she was always looking for the next best thing, and she’d never truly thought about the consequences if she just so happened to lose it all. Because, well, she never thought she would. That all changed when an unexpected cocaine overdoes landed her in the hospital during her senior year. All of her carefully thought-out plans for the future were ruined, and the facade she’d hidden behind for so long was destroyed.
Yvonne was sent to stay at the CECIL CLOVERS REHABILITATION CENTER in ST. ASAPH, where she put on her bravest face and brightest smile and convinced herself that she’d make it through and, one day, become the golden girl she once was. However, it was quickly becoming obvious to her that, no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, life would never go back to the way it had been… Not for her family and not for her. For the next few years after, Yvonne could see the pitying glances from Clovers locals; they all looked at her like she were a princess who’d been robbed of the fairytale ending.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Daring, Good-Willed, Spontaneous
( - ) Extreme, Hedonistic, Perverse
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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clovercirclepromos · 6 years
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SABRINA PALMER is TWENTY-FIVE years old and lives in BARDSEY GROVE. She is a FEMALE and is a BAKER / CASHIER at the PALMER BAKERY. She has been in Clovers Circle for TWENTY-FIVE years, is portrayed by ZOEY DEUTCH, and is OPEN.
Trigger Warnings: Mental Illness, Eating Disorder
PAST + PRESENT: While each character’s backstory and personality are mostly up to their player, we do include sets of bulleted lists which detail each character + what we expect to see in their bio. We feel that this helps give each player a jumping off point, while also keeping the character grounded in the Clovers Circle world.
If you’re interested in applying for this character, but don’t wish to include something we’ve written out, message us of anonymous and we’ll chat about it.
People could always tell Sabrina was going to be a very special kind of girl. She exuded kindness and always had a way of leaving the ones around her with a smile on their face. That’s just how she was. It’s why plenty of people in Clovers Circle like her. She’s absolutely nothing like her twin brother, SEBASTIAN PALMER, and it makes them ecstatic to know that the genes aren’t entirely the same in the Palmer family. Why? Well, the Palmer family has a strong history of mental illness and it’s only natural that when Sabrina goes around town, people whisper and children call her names. Sabrina refuses to let of that get to her, though. She has a strong resolve. She know the majority of Clovers Circle love her, and she doesn’t seem like the rest of her family at all.
But that’s the funny part: Sabrina is like the rest of her family, only she knows how to hide it. Ever since she was a little girl, Sabrina has been struggling with bulimia. She’d see models in magazines or on TV, and watch the popular girls walk around on summer days in nothing but bikinis. And she’d wonder: why don’t I look like that? She started eating less and less and it’d do nothing for her–she just loved food too much, and surely someone would notice. So, after a bad case of the stomach flew where Sabrina threw up and lost five pounds, she knew that was the only way to do it.
Sabrina refuses to admit she has a problem. She eats normally, like any other person does, and just because she throws it all up after doesn’t mean she has a problem. An extremely good actress, Sabrina seems like one of the most normal people around. How can she have an eating disorder when she works at her aunt’s shop, PALMER BAKERY? How can she have an eating disorder when she’s one of the most popular people in town? One thing about Sabrina: she puts everyone else’s problems ahead of her own. She’d rather focus on somebody else than realize she needs help, too.
✽ — HEADCANON #001: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #002: Up to Player.
✽ — HEADCANON #003: Up to Player.
( + ) Charismatic, Kind, Motherly
( - ) Passive, Perfectionist, Strict
ALTERNATE FACECLAIM’S: If you’re interested in applying for this particular character, but aren’t a fan of the faceclaim, simply message us off anonymous and we’ll discuss a possible change. Keep in mind, however, that if the FC we’ve listed for this character is a POC, then your new suggested FC should also be a POC of the same ethnicity. And, if this character has family/siblings, the new suggested FC should fit with the same ethnicity / look similar to the family/siblings, as well.
If you have any questions about this, we’d be happy to answer them!
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