strikingly-rhys · 9 days
Rhys really tried to be on good behavior, well... better behavior than usual. However, the longer he stayed in the Princes orbit, the more he felt irritable, cagey, the anger beneath the surface begging and scratching to be let loose. The very fact that the only reason Envy was attempting to bring back his sister was to reunite her with her supposed love, instead of doing what was right, was now the main cause of his ire. The witch's eye twitched, the only indicator of his rising fury, a small tsking noise falling from his lips. "You think this vindicates you? You aren't doing this because it's right or because it's bringing back my twin who never deserved the fate she got dealt. Even if you could magically pull a resurrection spell out of your ass, you're doing this for yourself and that fucking brother of yours." Rhys' voice was quiet as he stepped closer, closing the distance between the two so he could grip Envy's tie in his hands gently as if to straighten it. "Maybe I should let you do it so you can experience the loss of a loved one first hand. I never look down on a witch, ever. However, one witch performing a spell as powerful as my mother's will not be enough, which would make sense why my mother never dared the spell on her own– you're killing your Queen for your brother." Rhys tightened the knot of the tie until it got uncomfortably tight on the Prince's throat, "so, knowing that your Queen's life is on the line, what is it that you wish that I help you out with?"
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I admit, we all should have done something the moment our King took her. His possessive habits were not a secret to the Princes and yet, while Celeste suffered, we kept our mouths shut and our hands to ourselves. Well, six of us had. I'm going to tell you why coming after us will be the greatest mistake of your life, Rhys, and believe me when I say that it could change everything. You know Gianna holds your mother's grimoire with its ancient spells far beyond the magic this realm has seen in a very long time. We're using the power of the coven's lives to bring your sister back, but in order to do so, you and I can help each other.
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strikingly-rhys · 25 days
Oh, I see. Just because you know that your brother was fucking my sister means you now think you know what it's like to carry burden? At least Wrath is alive for now. It doesn't matter what she would have wanted. Celeste is dead, asshole, the only thing that's guiding me right now is making sure everyone who had a hand in her death pays. You may not have hurt her, Wrath pay not have hurt her, but you all stood by as she took her life and did nothing until it was centuries too late. I will not stop until I bathe in the blood of the King and his sons, ripping his empire to shreds with my very hands and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.
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I am just saying, Rhys, of all my brothers, I am perhaps the best person who could understand the guilt carrying a sibling's burdens right now. Go fucking balls off the wall with the King for all I give a flying shit, but do you think hunting down my brothers and I releases you from your never-ending torment? That killing us is what she would have wanted for you? You knew her better than me, yet, I don't think so.
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strikingly-rhys · 25 days
"See, I'm glad you remembered that you actually do like my presence." Rhys' eyes floated around the room, landing on his mother that was talking to someone that made his lips curl in anger; his father. Unmistakable with how tall the man was above the masses– even if he hadn't seen Ezekiel in centuries. "The first thing the First Son does, besides harass every Prince here, is get horrendously drunk," Rhys said once his eyes moved to the hellhound again, his perfect mask of mischievousness slipping on with a smirk on his face. Holding up a finger, he walked to the bar– only coming back with two cocktail glasses that shimmered dangerously in the light. Holding one out for the girl. "I asked for the booziest thing they could make and, from the looks of it, it's everything behind the bar."
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Well, we did agree last time that neither of us were overly mindful of the other's company, you aren't as bad as I'm leading myself to believe. I would say you seem rather bothered by something, but if you need a distracting presence, then I could oblige. Tell me, what does the First Son do for fun at a party one is not thrilled being at?
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strikingly-rhys · 25 days
Sorry to burst your bubble, Little Jo-Jo, but we were never friends– friendly, yes, but never friends. You see, I'm not someone that needs to feel like they're wanted in order to feel content with themselves, unlike you. You call it a cheap shot when in all actuality, I can feel your doubt– you're afraid that I'm right and that the only use you'll ever bring to any partner of yours is what you can do with the orifices that your maker gave you. There's more to this world than being a sex magnet, but not that I could fault you. It's all you know.
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Oh, right, how am I foolish enough believing I wasn't speaking with the First Son who would stab any friend he clearly doesn't possess in the back if it best suited his revenge schemes? And while we're being frank, taking a cheap shot at Gluttony does not hide the fact there is no one on this realm and Hell who would wrap their mouths around yours.
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strikingly-rhys · 25 days
"You sure know how to make sure someone doesn't forget their attractive."
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"If by someone you mean the pissants that call themselves Princes, then yes." Rhys took the shot of gin, clinking his glass against Kai's before downing it without a wince– the burn only welcoming. Using the heel of his shoe, the witch pulled out a chair before all but plopping into it; leaning back to place his feet on the top with a clatter. "First of all, we aren't going to wait for a server to come by with drinks, I hate waiting." Rhys whistled loudly then, getting the attention of a server with a full platter of drinks, waving them over only to divest them of the tray completely; placing it on the table. Rhys lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips before grabbing one of the glasses from the tray, shrugging, "I can stir up a lot of things but most of the time it's utter destruction, so I have to express some restraint."
"Then it's proven false and I stick my foot in my mouth, gorgeous."
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"You can't live a single moment without irritating the piss out of someone, can you?" Kai plucked two shots of gin from a tray a server was carrying that passed by them, holding one out for Rhys, "It could lead us down an endless possibility of roads. Let's see what the First Son can stir up."
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strikingly-rhys · 25 days
Oh please– if I held any disgust towards you, I would have made it known by now, Donny. Does there really have to be a reason other than enjoying your company and wanting to do something other than irritating someone?
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Or perhaps, any internal disgust you have being in my presence overrides anything resembling lust. Then let's talk about the reason you really came over here besides irritating me.
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strikingly-rhys · 26 days
Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? I'm aware of how shit my coven has gone and I fully intend on breaking it apart until it's nothing but mortar and rubble under my boots. However, my first priority is taking down your King and then hunting down each and every one of your brothers until you're gone. Then I'll worry about my coven and sitting on my throne– how's that for 'booze addled brain'?
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You are speaking with someone whose very existence is weaved by the darkness. This isn't me trying the bonding right to save our lives, I don't appeal to anyone's humanity, but I will make my point clear in case your booze addled brain cannot compute. Why not take this darkness you've always possessed and redirected it toward something that rightfully belonged to you since birth? The coven, for instance.
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strikingly-rhys · 26 days
If the atmosphere was getting to my head, then I wouldn't be talking, Abbadon. Let's talk about anything but my mother.
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The atmosphere of this party is really getting to your overly large head, First Son. I could have avoided you all night and yet, you love playing the bothering asshole. Maybe that's why your mother is really avoiding you like the plague.
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strikingly-rhys · 26 days
Josie, Josie, Josie. Just because we got along doesn't mean that we were friends enough to tell secrets to. Especially since word in the party is, you're on the fast track to becoming Queen next once you get Gluttony's cock in your mouth.
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Reason number one, I thought we were friends and reason number two, I thought we were friends. Friends don't lie.
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strikingly-rhys · 26 days
That sounds just like the type of shit Ezekiel would lead you to believe, Envy. How would I not relish in it when it's the very fiber of my being. This darkness has been with me since I was a child. So, is this shared darkness supposed to make us bond? Make me more sympathetic so that I'll spare your measly lives when this is all said and done? Spoiler alert, it won't.
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He had his reasons for leaving just like you have yours for hating him. You and Pandora were turning into people he did not recognize, Rhys, filled with nothing but ugly vengeance hating a King who stole the only person who ever mattered to you. I'll tell you what, though. That darkness you feel every hour of the day creeping in, haunting you like an infection, I live with that too. It itches just below the skin, fucks with your brain, and you relish in it. I understand that better than anyone.
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strikingly-rhys · 26 days
I expected such complacency from your other brothers but not from yourself, Pride. What did happen to that stick in your ass? I can only assume that Bel removed it so she could peg you with it.
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And what would that have done when my brother and the succubus my brothers drag around will throw a party regardless? Nothing.
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strikingly-rhys · 28 days
So everyone claims until it's proven false.
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Sure, why not, I don't have anyone to annoy right now. We can always see where drinking far too much takes us.
Stick around me long enough and I'll make true on my claim. I'm big, alright.
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I feel that. What do you say to us being the other's distraction from family shit? Take it however you want.
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strikingly-rhys · 29 days
I never said it was to impress me which means somewhere in your brain, you fought with yourself to not impress me.
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As if I would sink that low trying to impress you, Rhee Rhee.
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strikingly-rhys · 29 days
Mighty big claim there, big guy.
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Family issues.
I could drink the whole bar by myself and not feel much.
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You know, I can feel the rage coming off you, pretty boy. More than I did last time.
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strikingly-rhys · 29 days
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That was the whole reveal, why would I steal my mother's moment?
You know, I would've sent your invitation personally if you had mentioned the princes' sister was your mother.
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strikingly-rhys · 29 days
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So, what– you want a pat on the back for being in the know and talking to a man who walked out on his family centuries ago? Let me be the first to say, congratu-fucking-lations.
Not according to Pride, as fate would have it.
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I know Wrath was in love with her, Rhys. Had a nice chat with your daddikins about it.
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strikingly-rhys · 1 month
Well, know thy enemies and all that bullshit.
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So I see. Why so interested in my family matters?
Thank you. Finally, I feel vindicated even from someone who hates me.
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I see the whole First Family's here. You talked to Pops yet?
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