#11 Honoré
chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 32, 11 août 1895, Paris. Toilette de campagne. Modèle de la Maison Bresson-Chauvet; — Gueyton, successeur, rue Saint-Honoré, 189. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Robe en toile gris tourterelle, garnie d'entre-deux en guipure crème et valenciennes de même couleur. La jupe unie est ornée de quatre entre-deux bordés de Valenciennes froncée. Le corsage-blouse est garni d'entre-deux en guipure simulant un boléro par devant; le dos plissé se termine sous une ceinture en ruban rouge foncé, fermée devant par un nœud. Les épaules sont ornées d'entre deux bordés de Valenciennes froncée. Les manches bouffantes, demi-longues, sont disposées en plis étroits et ornées d'entre-deux. Col droit en ruban rouge foncé. Le chapeau rond, en paille crème, est garni de larges bandes en gaze crème, plissées de feuilles de palmier gris vert, et de nœuds en ruban rouge foncé.
Dress in dove-grey canvas, trimmed with insertions in cream guipure and Valenciennes in the same color. The plain skirt is adorned with four insertions edged with gathered Valenciennes. The bodice-blouse is trimmed with guipure inserts simulating a bolero in front; the pleated back ends under a dark red ribbon sash, closed in front with a bow. The shoulders are adorned with insertions between two edges of gathered Valenciennes. The puffed, half-long sleeves are arranged in narrow pleats and adorned with insertions. Stand-up collar in dark red ribbon. The round hat, in cream straw, is trimmed with wide bands of cream gauze, pleated with gray-green palm leaves, and dark red ribbon bows.
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womblegrinch · 2 years
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Alphonse Maria Mucha (1860-1939) - Houbigant
Advertising card. Printed in 1900 by F. Champenois, Paris.
2.5 x 4.4 inches, 6.6 x 11 cm. Estimate: US$1,700-2,000.
Failed to sell Poster Auctions Intl, New York, 26 March 2023.
Produced to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the luxury Parisian perfumier Houbigant, supplier of perfumes to Queen Victoria and the Russian nobility.
Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, in the 8th arrondissement, was then and still is one of Paris’s most fashionable streets. No.19, redeveloped to be no.17-21, is now a Tod’s boutique with Chanel next door.
Although this is really small, with Mucha’s printed works it all comes down to condition, desirability and rarity. Some designs have only a few examples known to have survived.
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breha · 11 months
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MONSTER MEMORY II | because one louis playlist wasn't enough | all iwtv playlists | bandcamp link generator
01. HEY BUDDY BOLDEN nina simone 02. YESTERDAYS billie holiday 03. I'M PUTTING ALL MY EGGS IN ONE BASKET carmen mcrae 04. ESSENCE OF SILENCE matthew shipp 05. IT DIDN'T TURN OUT THAT WAY mose allison 06. RICHARD PRYOR ADDRESSES A TEARFUL NATION joe henry 07. YOU'RE DEAD norma tanega 08. A TRUE STORY OF A STORY OF TRUE LOVE the books 09. L'ALBUM DE MADAME BOVARY, OP 128B: BOVARY, AUTOGRAPHE madeleine milhaud & alexandre tharaud (darius milhaud) 10. ENCORE marilyn crispell 11. ROMANCE IN THE DARK dinah washington 12. THE BLOODY NEAT malvina reynolds 13. THIS MAN robert cray 14. AT YOUR DOOR greta aagre, erik honoré 15. DIAL D FOR DEVOTION the avalanches 16. BLOOD THIRSTY BLUES victoria spivey 17. DADDY BLUES alberta hunter 18. WICKED WATERS benjamin booker 19. THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS boards of canada 20. I'M GONNA SIT RIGHT DOWN AND WRITE MYSELF A LETTER sarah vaughan 21. FLAMING TELEPATHS espers 22. L'ALBUM DE MADAME BOVARY, OP 128B: TRISTESSE madeleine milhaud & alexandre tharaud (darius milhaud) 23. WUTHERING HEIGHTS cécile mclorin salvant 24. I REMEMBER YOU jazzmeia horn 25. QUE RESTE-T-IL DE NOS AMOURS ? stacey kent
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oathkeeperoxas · 4 months
A continuation of @adiduck's bakery saintspy May kiss which can be found here, which is set after my fic from a few days ago, which is in turn a continuation of hers from last week.
11 Kiss on the cheek
Bart is no stranger to long nights and less than adequate sleep. Studying, then working double shifts, and then coming to the IMF – he’s used to it. The last week has been pretty nice actually, without any disruptions and a solid seven point six hours every day. Until last night, of course.
The goons have been handed over to the local police, who will hold them for at least two days. Bart is hoping that’s all they’ll need to wrap this one up. He had spent the small hours of the morning sweeping up glass at the Amiens bakery while Ethan “got a statement” from the baker.
Yeah, right.
He’s pretending to casually browse the local weekend market now, exchanging pleasantries with stall owners and digging around for any gossip about their quarry. Naturally, only when it comes up in the conversation of course. The locals here are like any small town, and stick to themselves, so they smile at him and show him their vegetables and honey and home made goods, and keep to themselves when whispering about the turn one of the local boys has taken.
No matter. They’ll find him. It’s only a matter of time.
“Do you think these are any good?” Ethan asks, holding up some oddly shaped and coloured vegetables that Bart thinks might be sweet potatoes.
“Sure?” Bart asks, squinting at him. “Why?”
“I was thinking of cooking tonight,” Ethan says, eyes glued on the produce in front of them, not the people they’re listening in on. It’s probably a good cover to actually buy something, so Bart picks up two onions at random and hands over several euros for them, and a bag of carrots too. Sure. Why not. He gives them to Ethan to carry, straining to listen in on two grandmothers who are sitting behind the stall they’re standing at, knitting away.
“I heard that John saw him yesterday,” one is saying, a bit louder than most gossip is exchanged. Probably losing her hearing a little and not aware of it. “Oh, I hope that boy can steer him right.”
“It’s all gone wrong for him,” the other says, shaking her head. “After his business went bust, he needed to find a good new job.”
“I heard his business was business,” the first woman says, shaking her head. “So when it went out…”
“Ah,” the second says, nodding her head sagely.
“Look, there are some spices over there,” Ethan says, and tugs Bart away.
“Did you hear that?” Bart asks in an undertone, smiling at two children as they run past him. He’s a happy tourist, nothing to see here…
“We already know about his illegal business dealings,” Ethan replies in the same tone of voice, stepping to the side so that a wheelchair can move past him on the path. “You need to trace the trail forward, not backward.”
Bart purses his mouth and keeps listening. It’s all well and good for Ethan to say that, but sometimes you need to know the past in order to make a coherent picture of the present.
“Mon chéri!”
Ethan pauses. Bart takes a slow breath in and resists the urge to sigh. They just finished up at this guy’s place – can’t he disappear for just a day?
“Honoré,” Ethan says, turning with pinpoint accuracy to face Amiens in the crowd.
“Ethan,” Amiens says, his slightly accented French curling affectionately around the name. Great. They’ve moved onto first names now. “What a surprise!” 
“It can’t be more of a surprise to see you,” Ethan returns. “How are you?”
It’s at this point that Bart realises that Amiens is wearing a familiar shirt. A very familiar shirt. It  proclaims I went to Provence and got this awesome shirt! in French, which would be a strange thing for a local to wear, unless… unless…
Bart resists the urge to smack his forehead. Can his team leader be any less subtle? Surely it isn’t a good idea to get this involved with a local? What if he sees something that Ethan can’t explain? Then their cover is blown!
“My grandmother has closed the shop for the day, to ensure everything is clean inside, and because we could not start baking early this morning due to the circumstances,” Amiens is saying as he and Ethan make big eyes at each other.
Yeah, sure, Bart wants to say. The circumstances of you banging my boss!
“And a man has to eat,” Amiens murmurs, leaning into Ethan’s personal space. “Though we may wish to live on what we can swallow, unfortunately it cannot replace food.”
Bart is going to barf. He can’t deal with this. There aren’t even any pastries to get him through it! They’re standing in the middle of the market, in full view of everyone! And they’re not even getting any actionable intel!
“It’s true,” Ethan is nodding sympathetically. “That being said… I know that you are quite busy that the moment, and perhaps don’t have time to make yourself a proper meal. Perhaps I could make you one?”
Bart is hallucinating. Someone slipped him drugs this morning. This cannot be happening.
“Oh,” Amiens says, fluttering his eyelashes. “You don’t have to go to the trouble of all that.”
“I insist,” Ethan says. “Please, let me cook dinner for you tonight.”
Bart makes himself stop listening to this. He can’t do this any more. He stares at the honeyed mead being offered at the table nearest to them, seriously considering buying some to drink his problems away.
“It’s a date,” Amiens agrees, and leans forward to kiss Ethan on the cheek. It’s something that many French people do, but somehow Amiens manages to make it on the edge of indecent. Then he winks at Ethan, and slips away into the crowd.
“What was that?” Bart hisses at him.
“The house on the edge of town,” Ethan says. “We agreed it’s suspicious. You should go and watch it tonight. All night.”
“Sounds good,” Bart agrees fervently.Anything to not have to see that again.
Send me a kiss for saintspy May 😘
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the-paintrist · 3 months
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Eugénie Servières - Portrait of Léonce Angrand -
oil on canvas
Musée Louis-Philippe, Eu, France
Léonce Angrand (8 August 1808 - 11 January 1886) was a French painter and draughtsman. While serving as vice-consul in Lima, Angrand "Produced albums of watercolours and drawings of cities such as Arica, Arequipa, Lima, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Urubamba and Tacna". According to the National Library of France, Agrand served as Consul to Edinburgh 1832–1839, and to different locations in Latin America from 1839 to 1842 and 1845 to 1856.
Eugénie Honorée Marguerite Servières, née Charen (1786 – 20 March 1855) was a French painter in the Troubadour style. She specialized in genre period paintings.
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sieclesetcieux · 1 year
This site compiled their addresses here though Barère's page is missing (here are some of his addresses), Lindet's address is different than the one give here, and though some mail was sent to Couthon where Robespierre lived, I think he had another address too? (Hérault is also just not listed but the site is centered around Thermidor.)
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Copy-pasted below for convenience. I added their birthdates and astrological signs (for those who care about that):
Jean-Baptiste Robert Lindet
Age : Né à Bernay (Eure), 48 ans en thermidor. [2 mai 1746 ♉]
Adresse : 68, rue de la Sourdière.
Métier : Avocat
Fonctions : Député de l’Eure, membre du Comité de salut public du 6 avril 1793 au 7 octobre 1794
Antoine Louis Léon de Saint-Just
Age: Né à Décize, 26 ans en Thermidor an II [25 août 1767 ♍]
Adresse: 3, rue Caumartin, 2ème étage (depuis mars 1794), à la même adresse que Thuillier. Il demeurait auparavant à l’hôtel des États-Unis, rue Gaillon.
Fonction(s): Député de l’Aisne à la Convention depuis le 5 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 10 juin 1793.
Georges-Auguste Couthon
Age : Né à Orcet, 38 ans en thermidor [22 décembre 1755 ♑]
Adresse : 366, rue Saint Honoré
Profession : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Puy-de-Dôme à la Convention le 6 septembre 1792. Membre du Comité de salut public du 10 juin 1793 au 9 Thermidor an II.
André Jeanbon, dit JEAN BON SAINT-ANDRÉ
Age : Né à Montauban, 45 ans en thermidor [25 février 1749 ♓]
Adresse :  7 rue Gaillon
Profession : Marin, puis pasteur
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Lot à la Convention le 5 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 10 juin 1793. Fréquemment en mission pour superviser les opérations maritimes, il est absent de Paris le 9-Thermidor.
Pierre-Louis Prieur, dit PRIEUR de la MARNE
Age : Né à Sommesous (Marne), 37 ans en thermidor [1er août 1756 ♌]
Surnom : Appelé Prieur de la Marne (pour le différencier de Prieur de la Côte-d’Or)
Adresse : 11, rue Helvetius
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de la Marne à la Convention depuis le 3 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de salut public du 10 juillet 1793 au 13 thermidor an II (31 juillet 1794), puis à nouveau du 15 vendémiaire au 15 pluviôse an III (6 octobre 1794-3 février 1795).
Absent de Paris au moment du 9-Thermidor.
Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre
Age : Né à Arras, 36 ans en thermidor. [6 mai 1758 ♉]
Adresse : 366 rue Saint-Honoré (numérotation actuelle : 398)
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de Paris à la Convention nationale depuis le 5 septembre 1792 ; membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 27 juillet 1793
Claude-Antoine Prieur-Duvernois, dit PRIEUR de la CÔTE-d'OR
Age : Né à Auxonne, 30 ans en thermidor [22 décembre 1763 ♑]
Surnom : Appelé Prieur de la Côte-d’Or (pour le différencier de Prieur de la Marne)
Adresse :  5, rue Caumartin
Profession : Ingénieur militaire
Fonction(s) : Elu député de la Côte-d’Or à la Convention le 5 septembre 1792. Membre du Comité de salut public du 14 août 1793 au 16 vendémiaire an III (7 octobre 1794).
Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot
Age : Né à Nolay, 41 ans en thermidor. [13 mai 1753 ♉]
Adresse : 2 rue Florentin
Métier : Mathématicien, physicien, militaire
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Pas-de-Calais à la Convention nationale le 5 septembre 1792 ; membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 14 août 1793, il le quitte le 7 octobre 1794 mais y siège à nouveau un mois plus tard, jusqu’au 6 mars 1795.
Jacques-Nicolas Billaud, dit BILLAUD-VARENNE
Age : Né à La Rochelle, 38 ans en Thermidor an II [23 avril 1756 ♉]
Adresse : 40 rue Saint-André-des-Arts
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de Paris à la Convention depuis le 7 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 5 septembre 1793
Jean-Marie Collot, dit COLLOT d'HERBOIS
Age : Né à Paris, 45 ans en Thermidor an II [19 juin 1749 ♊]
Adresse : 4 rue Favart (3ème étage)
Métier : Acteur, directeur de théâtre
Fonction(s) : Elu député de Paris à la Convention le 6 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 5 septembre 1793.
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joy2paris · 1 year
Paris To Do List!
- l’arc paris (jorja and burna went) - can’t go if you’re short apparently
- silencio 2nd (kaytranada did a set)
- pamela - disco. not as picky with who they let in but go on a thursday as more relaxed
- carmen
- wanderlust
- aquarium de paris cinéaqua
- la machine du moulin rouge
- JAZZ - caveau de la huchette (€10 entry)
- humeur exotique club
- raspoutine
- madeline
- bridge
- supersonic (indie vibes)
- the pop up (bar and concert venue with a free jazz night every tues by gare de lyon)
- palais de tokyo (izzybozzy did a set there)
- Pachamama (latin american bougie) also mainstream, cash only but bouncers can be weird
- le tres particulier 18th
- la pelle
- saint gervais
- le progrès
- bar griffon
- no entry - speakeasy in the basement
- lavomatic
- le syndicat (on same studio road)
- chez prune: next to canal st martin (11/10 from nimue)
- la cidrerie du canal
- the cork and cavern (have pub quizzes every tuesday)
- le nouvel institut (fun student bar 5e and open till late)
- l’orée du parc (5e and recommends any of the spritz)
- au clair du lune (nice cocktail bar with happy hour)
- le balto (6e, great happy hour and vibes, right by christine cinema)
- ruprances - in le marie, lots of young people (louis)
- la perle
- la flèche d’or (kaytranada inspired night)
- Le pavillon des canaux - old house that has been turned into a bar/working space
- la cafe d’église near 10e
- sky drinks thing (vanessa)
- fanzone - place de la concorde. rugby match
- Benedict - eggs (4e)
- big mama
- bistrot victoires
- kintaro opéra
- chez janou
- le bonaparte
- Jah Jah Paris
- Zinga
- super smash burgers paris
- pho tai - 13 rue philibert lucot 75013
- big black cook
- passage à niveau
- le petit bouillon pharamond (1e)‼️
- le jardin du petit palais
- walyfey
- cook n saj
- flottes
- candide in belleville
- Shana/shosh (2e)
- Chateau voltaire
- mouffetard saigon - most incredible food nimue has ever had in paris
- amagat
- chambre noire studio
- gros bao - amazing chinese/pan asian restaurant next to canal
- bouillon pigalle/république - best cheap french restaurant. good for cheap birthday meal: €15 for starter, main, glass of wine or alternatively their 3 litre bottle of wine to share
Cafes/Food spaces:
- le mazarin
- le mansart
- le très particulier
- chez meunier
- café saint honoré
- SAFE (sunday, work space) near Amar
- espeletia
- 45 rue olivier de serres 75015 paris
- carré pain de mie
- cafe bogata
- a fole
- le carre voltaire
- carette, place du trocadéro (viral place w hot chocs)
- belleville market
- arabica coffee at beau passage courtyard
- oliera paris
- sonny’s pizza
- galerie paradis
- recto verso
- benchy
- café berry
- the coffee
- bar principal
- brasserie martin
- onii-san
- cafe charlot
- poilane bakery
- asian/japanese next to opera
- rue santan - known for asian food
- mouffetard - best road in all of paris: right by sorbonne/pantheon/ENS. filled with cheap takeaway places and cute bars
- Le Cèdre - great falafel wrap
- chez nicos - best crepes. good for a night out and open until 3
- trantranzai - yummy noodle chain, one right by pantheon
- nomas tacos - 2ere
- bobs bake shop - 18ere, english speaking
- bonjour jacob
- 207 rue du faubourg
- dumbo paris
- gramme (11e)
- Princess cafe (10e)
- boulangerie de quatre
- le pain retrouve
Cafes to work in:
- cafe husby
- cafe nuage
- l’anti-cafe
- maison fleuret
- la marelle 2nd - go upstairs
- come on eileen
- Nuovo (quite middle aged vibes)
- villa cœur
- bobbv
- acid violette
- merci
- at dawn
- relique
- louise gift shop
- puces de vanves
- puces de montreuil
- ^ best flea markets in my friend who has recommended me this’s life: enormous and so cheap and better than the central paris ones)
- life drawing in montmartre (class every sunday in a cafe, spenny but lovely vibes, coffee after, discussion, v social. go w a friend and then go to au claire de lune after)
- OFR Paris - magazine shop (3e)
- 8 cité d’antin 75009 paris
- bouliner les halles -
- freepstar
- la pharmacie des âmes - book store
- yvon lambert
- palais galliera 16th
- mad paris
- sis rue du pas de la mule july
- lacrapule
- 59 rivoli
- fondation h (closed sun, mon)
- YSL museum
- louvre
- tokyo palace
- LV foundation
- rodin museum
- musée de l’orangerie
- pino
- galerie angalia paris 3 - congolaise
- musée de quai branley
- albercon museum and gardens
- south side of siene - shakespeare book company english language
- abbey book store
- perrotin
- pompidou
- Galeries La Fayette
- Bourse de commerce - Pinault collection
- le sentier - beautiful passages
- montmartre
- the latin quartier
- place des vosges - marais
- PARK - parc de buttes chaumont (best park in all of paris, go at sunset with some beers)
- 9th - good vibes (louis)
- 18th, 6th, 7th nice
- 16th and 8th to avoid
- giverny (monets gardens)
- jardin lazare-rachline
- montparnasse cemetery - rue Daguerre nearby
- canal st martin + chez prune drink
- montparnasse for drinks
- sénat - palais du Luxembourg
- Place where you can see people dancing
- @moviesinparis
- UGC les halles
- MK2
- christine cinema (6e, show lord of old english language films, do student discussions too)
- the filmothèque (best cinema in 5e, showing old 35mm films)
- la librarie du cinéma du panthéon
- la cinémathèque française - museum dedicated to history of cinema, masterclasses, special screenings
- le forum des images - debates, master classes, exhibitions related to cinemas
- l’arlequin- special screenings and cinema club
- cinema en plein air de l’hôtel paradiso screenings on the rooftop
- On rue Champollion - queue outside cinemas for tickets - you won’t be assigned a seat
- Le reflet Medicis
- La filmothèque (€5 tickets) - shows lots of older films
- Le champ - best programming - usually does all nighters
- Le grand action - shows new releases and English films in a cool cinema
- Lost in Frenchlation - works with cinemas around the city to put on French films with English subtitles! Reccommended at sorbonne nouvelle so lots of students go to meet people
- L’épée de bois
- BNF - national library and €15 for national student pass. access to all their reading rooms. lovely cafe
- eiffel tower
- 21st JUNE la fête de la music
- Arts et mètiers
- saint german des près
- sacré cœur
- banlieue blues
- la villette jazz festival
- le popup du label
- le compte “movies in paris” on IG
- @miaousb
- @bishopnast
- @vsaulz
- @monsieurbonheur
- Pigale (la fete)
- châtelet
- 99 ginger Bercy
- poissonière
- colonel fabien
- billard nation
- bi urban pop play game @mr.glo_ tiktok
- picnic by eiffel at port du belli (mia in france)
- bateaux mouches (1hr seine cruise, €15)
- disney land
- petit palais
- père lachaise
- journée de patrimoine
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bitbybitwrites · 8 months
If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - Recipe and Song list - Chp 22, 23, 24 (Part 2)
Here is the music/recipe wrap-up for chapters 22, 23 and 24.
Have to break this up into 2 posts because there is so much music!
You can see the recipes/music for these chapters under the cover art by @datshitrandom
Some spoilers are below, so if you’d like to read the fic first, click here
Click below for the recipe and song lists for:
Chapters 1, 2 and 3,  Chapters 4, 5 and 6,  Chapters 7, 8 and 9, Chapters 10, 11 and 12,  Chapters 13, 14 and 15, Chapters 16, 17 and 18, Chapters 19, 20 and 21, Chapter 22, 23 and 24 - Part 1,
To see the YouTube playlist for the fic, click here.
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Chapter 23 (continued)
Kurt nodded as his brain sped through a catalog of recipes stored there.   "Right," he said as he began to clear away more of the messy workstation in front of him.  "San, after you clean up a station for yourself, start working on some chocolate ganache, crème anglaise, and maybe some dulce de leche.  "  Kurt peered through the windows in the large convection ovens against the wall.  "When in doubt, we can cover whatever these are with them.  I'll help out and make some creme patisserie as well.  Trent, as painful as it is to ask, did they have anything in the walk-in we can salvage?  Did they do any pre-work and freeze it?"
Chapter 24 - music
Kurt stiffened as he heard his name called.   His workstation was scattered with the makings of another round of Saint Honoré cakes.  The pâte sucrée was cut, the diplomat cream was already prepped in a piping bag beside him, and the caramel was just the right consistency.  Even the choux pastry was cooled enough to fill.  His mind quickly reviewed everything he had done and could not find fault with anything he had done.
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At the tender age of 3, she was abandoned near the grounds of a cemetery and raised by the wild dogs roaming the forest nearby.
At the age of 6, she was found by the new local priest, father Henrik, of the town, and taken to the orphanage.
At the age of 8 she fell in love.
At the age of 10 she tried making friends and she joined the church choir.
At the age of 15...
At the age of 18, she became Father Henrik's church custodian and...
Age: Unsure, somewhere between her early or late 20s.
Pronouns: she/her. Hates being called an it as the people at the orphanage would call her that constantly.
Gender: Cis woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: Unsure when she was born, but the orphanage celebrated her birthday on November 30, the date she was taken in.
Sign: Unsure, but it would be a Sagittarius if we go of that her birthday is in late November.
Birthplace: Moldova, a little ghost town whose welcome board is so old, its name has become illegible.
Personality: a wary and anxious young woman who wishes to be loved and understood. Odile is very distrustful of many individuals who roam the forest and cemetery she dwells in, but with one kind action, she becomes putty in their hands. She acts like a wild animal when feeling threatened or scared with no way to escape. Lying or abandoning her spurs her aggression, making her act out and do everything in her power to prevent others from leaving her. However, if you manage to slowly chip away the feralness she has, you'll see that her shell contains a very shy and soft-spoken girl that is affectionate and sweet as sugar. One should also make sure not to make her question her relationship with you because she is EXTREMELY jealous when she loves someone romantically.
Height: 1.81 m/ 5' 11 " (but considering she tends to hunch down, she appears smaller than she is.)
Weight: 61 kg/134 pounds
Physical description: a tall and lanky young woman with long and unruly strawberry blond hair that reaches her hips and olive eyes. Her skin is sun-kissed (but quite pale when her tans leaves), littered with scars and beauty marks. A distinctive smell of incense, soil, and death seems to have ingrained itself on her skin.
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Hobbies: embroidery and sewing. Has a nice singing voice. Likes to read as well
Favorite authors: Charles Perrault, the brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen
Favorite stories: Beauty and the Beast, Donkeyskin (Allerleirauh), The Wild Swans, any story you suggest
Favorite artists: William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Alphonse Mucha, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, François Boucher, Viktor Vasnetsov
Favorite art pieces: The Swing, The Abduction of Psyche, The Fallen Angel
Favorite movies: Sleeping Beauty (1959), Beauty and the Beast (1946), The Little Mermaid (1968), The Scarlet Flower (1952), Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973), The Wild Swans (1962)
Music taste: soft ballads, classical music primarily that found in Ballet, church hymns, might even like soft rock if shown
Loves: her prince
Likes: bunnies, warm beds, soft dresses, fawns, baby pink, porcelain dolls, rose-scented products, sugary desserts, petrichor, fairytales, lambs, red meat, sugar cubes
Dislikes: loud noises, screaming, large bodies of water, pigs, cathedrals, thunder, demon imagery, the toaster, snakes
Hates: Lies and liars
Tends to stutter or slur her words when nervous or pushed to speak. Mispronounces a lot of words, too.
Giggles and let's out small chuckles out of nowhere, even during times she isn't meant to laugh.
Extremely expressive (unless she disassociates)
She is left-handed.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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From: Honoré Flaugergues, Ombrométrie du 31 décembre 1777 au 11 janvier 1828, 50 années, 1777-1828 [Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de Paris, Paris]
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 11, 12 mars 1899, Paris. Chapeau de printemps. Maison Lenthéric, rue St-Honoré, 245. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Chapeau en paille rose; la passe est relevée sur le côté gauche; on l'orne avec une garniture en rubans de satin rose se composant de bouclettes et d'une traverse. On pose sur la calotte du chapeau une guirlande de roses foncées, dont les branches se terminent sous la garniture de ruban.
Pink straw hat; the brim is raised on the left side; it is decorated with a trim of pink satin ribbons consisting of loops and a crosspiece. A garland of dark roses is placed on the crown of the hat, the branches of which end under the ribbon trim.
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« Il était très sage, très gentil. C’était un bon vivant. »
Sourire triste au visage, Richardson Charles Alida se remémore ses quelques souvenirs de Fritznel Richard. Tout comme une quarantaine d’autres personnes, il s’est rendu devant le complexe Guy-Favreau, dimanche après-midi à Montréal, pour lui rendre hommage. Les deux hommes s’étaient rencontrés à quelques reprises dans le quartier St-Michel, où ils résidaient tous les deux.
Le 4 janvier dernier, Fritznel Richard, demandeur d’asile d’origine haïtienne âgé de 44 ans, est décédé d’hypothermie à proximité du chemin Roxham, à Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle. Il tentait d’atteindre les États-Unis.
Les personnes présentes à la mobilisation, dont beaucoup d’origine haïtienne, ont honoré dans une ambiance solennelle la mémoire de ce père de famille, bougie à la main, en écoutant quelques orateurs se succéder. Pour plusieurs des groupes présents à la mobilisation, le décès de M. Richard soulève des enjeux plus larges de sécurité et de gestion des frontières.
« Nous voulons dire au gouvernement canadien [qu’il] a tué quelqu’un à cause de ses politiques migratoires », dénonce Frantz André, porte-parole et coordonnateur du Comité d’Action des Personnes sans Statuts.
En vertu de l’entente sur « les tiers pays sûrs », signée en 2004, une personne qui arrive au Canada ou aux États-Unis doit obligatoirement faire sa demande de statut de réfugié dans le premier pays où elle est arrivée. Les personnes en provenance des États-Unis qui souhaitent malgré tout faire une demande de réfugié au Canada doivent donc passer par des chemins non officiels, dont le chemin Roxham.
Frantz André affirme qu’il est en contact avec la famille du défunt. Sa veuve et l’un de ses enfants, âgé d’à peine 19 mois, se trouvent présentement en Floride. C’est en tentant de les rejoindre que M. Richard a trouvé la mort. Son autre enfant, âgé de 11 ans, serait demeuré en Haïti afin de s’y faire opérer. Selon M. André, l’enfant « n’est toujours pas au courant » du décès de son père.
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renatarenatah · 2 years
Eu li todos livros que Rory leu!
Por acaso, eu leio muito rápido e terminei esses livros por dias e semanas. Amei esses livros! Rory é estudiosa, tem boas escolhas para ler.
Listona com os 339 livros que Rory leu em ‘Gilmore Girls’:
1. 1 984 – George Orwell
2. As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
3. Alice no País das Maravilhas – Lewis Carroll
4. As Incríveis Aventuras de Kavalier & Clay – Michael Chabon
5. Uma Tragédia Americana – Theodore Dreiser
6. As Cinzas de Ângela – Frank McCourt
7. Anna Karenina – Leon Tolstoy
8. O Diário de Anne Frank – Anne Frank
9. The Archidamian War – Donald Kagan
10. A Arte da Ficção – Henry James
11. A Arte da Guerra – Sun Tzu
12. Enquanto Agonizo – William Faulkner
13. Reparação – Ian McEwan
14. Autobiography of a Face – Lucy Grealy
15. The Awakening – Kate Chopin
16. Babe – Dick King-Smith
17. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women – Susan Faludi
18. Balzac e a Costureirinha Chinesa – Dai Sijie
19. Bel Canto – Ann Patchett
20. A Redoma de Vidro – Sylvia Plath
21. Amada – Toni Morrison
22. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation – Seamus Heaney
23. Bagavadguitá
24. Os Irmãos Bielski – Peter Duffy
25. Bitch in Praise of Difficult Women – Elizabeth Wurtzel
26. A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays – Mary McCarthy
27. Admirável Mundo Novo – Aldous Huxley
28. Um Lugar Chamado Brick Lane – Monica Ali
29. Brigadoon – Alan Jay Lerner
30. Cândido – Voltaire
31. Os Cantos de Cantuária – Chaucer
32. Carrie, A Estranha – Stephen King
33. Ardil 22 – Joseph Heller
34. O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio – J. D. Salinger
35. A Teia de Charlotte – E. B. White
36. The Children’s Hour – Lillian Hellman
37. Christine – Stephen King
38. Um Conto de Natal – Charles Dickens
39. Laranja Mecânica – Anthony Burgess
40. The Code of the Woosters – P.G. Wodehouse
41. The Collected Stories – Eudora Welty
42. A Comédia dos Erros – William Shakespeare
43. Complete Novels – Dawn Powell
44. The Complete Poems – Anne Sexton
45. Complete Stories – Dorothy Parker
46. Uma Confraria de Tolos – John Kennedy Toole
47. O Conde de Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
48. A Vingança de Bette – Honoré de Balzac
49. Crime e Castigo – Fiodor Dostoievski
50. Pétala Escarlate, Flor Branca – Michel Faber
51. As Bruxas de Salém – Arthur Miller
52. Cão Raivoso – Stephen King
53. O Estranho Caso do Cão Morto – Mark Haddon
54. Filha da Fortuna – Isabel Allende
55. David e Lisa – Dr Theodore Issac Rubin M.D
56. David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
57. O Código da Vinci – Dan Brown
58. Almas Mortas – Nikolai Gogol
59. Os Demônios – Fiodor Dostoievski
60. A Morte de Um Caixeiro-Viajante – Arthur Miller
61. Deenie – Judy Blume
62. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America – Erik Larson
63. The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band – Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars e Nikki Sixx
64. A Divina Comédia – Dante Alighieri
65. Divinos Segredos – Rebecca Wells
66. Dom Quixote de La Mancha – Miguel Cervantes
67. Conduzindo Miss Daisy – Alfred Uhry
68. O Médico e o Monstro – Robert Louis Stevenson
69. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems – Edgar Allan Poe
70. Eleanor Roosevelt – Blanche Wiesen Cook
71. O Teste do Ácido do Refresco Elétrico – Tom Wolfe
72. Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters – Mark Dunn
73. Eloise – Kay Thompson
74. Emily, the Strange: Os Dias Perdidos – Roger Reger
75. Emma – Jane Austen
76. Empire Falls – Richard Russo
77. Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective – Donald J. Sobol
78. Ethan Frome – Edith Wharton
79. Ética – Spinoza
80. Europe through the Back Door, 2003 – Rick Steves
81. Eva Luna – Isabel Allende
82. Tudo se Ilumina – Jonathan Safran Foer
83. Extravagance – Gary Krist
84. Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
85. Fahrenheit 9/11 – Michael Moore
86. The Fall of the Athenian Empire – Donald Kagan
87. Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World – Greg Critser
88. Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas – Hunter S. Thompson
89. A Sociedade do Anel – J. R. R. Tolkien
90. Um Violinista no Telhado – Joseph Stein
91. As Cinco Pessoas que Você Encontra no Céu – Mitch Albom
92. Finnegan’s Wake – James Joyce
93. Fletch Venceu – Gregory McDonald
94. Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keyes
95. The Fortress of Solitude – Jonathan Lethem
96. A Nascente – Ayn Rand
97. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
98. Franny e Zooey – J. D. Salinger
99. Sexta-Feira Muito Louca – Mary Rodgers
100. Galápagos – Kurt Vonnegut
101. Gender Trouble – Judith Butler
102. George W. Bushism: The Slate Book of the Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President – Jacob Weisberg
103. Gidget – Frederick Kohner
104. Garota, Interrompida – Susanna Kaysen
105. Os Evangelhos Gnósticos – Elaine Pagels
106. O Poderoso Chefão: Livro 1 – Mario Puzo
107. O Deus das Pequenas Coisas – Arundhati Roy
108. Cachinhos Dourados e os Três Ursos – Alvin Granowsky
109. E o Vento Levou – Margaret Mitchell
110. O Bom Soldado – Ford Maddox Ford
111. The Gospel According to Judy Bloom – Judy Bloom
112. A Primeira Noite de um Homem – Charles Webb
113. As Vinhas da Ira – John Steinbeck
114. O Grande Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
115. Grandes Esperanças – Charles Dickens
116. O Grupo – Mary McCarthy
117. Hamlet – William Shakespeare
118. Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo – J. K. Rowling
119. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal – J. K. Rowling
120. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius – Dave Eggers
121. O Coração das Trevas – Joseph Conrad
122. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders – Vincent Bugliosi e Curt Gentry
123. Henry IV, parte I – William Shakespeare
124. Henry IV, parte II – William Shakespeare
125. Henry V – William Shakespeare
126. Alta Fidelidade – Nick Hornby
127. A História do Declínio e Queda do Império Romano – Edward Gibbon
128. Holidays on Ice: Stories – David Sedaris
129. The Holy Barbarians – Lawrence Lipton
130. Casa de Areia e Névoa – Andre Dubus III
131. A Casa dos Espíritos – Isabel Allende
132. Como Respirar Debaixo D’Água – Julie Orringer
133. Como o Grinch Roubou o Natal – Dr. Seuss
134. How the Light Gets In – M. J. Hyland
135. Uivo – Allen Ginsberg
136. O Corcunda de Notre Dame – Victor Hugo
137. A Ilíada – Homero
138. Confissões de uma Groupie: I’m With the Band – Pamela des Barres
139. A Sangue Frio – Truman Capote
140. Inferno – Dante Alighieri
141. O Vento Será tua Herança – Jerome Lawrence e Robert E. Lee
142. Ironweed – William J. Kennedy
143. It Takes a Village – Hillary Rodham Clinton
144. Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
145. O Clube da Sorte da Alegria – Amy Tan
146. Júlio César – William Shakespeare
147. A Célebre Rã Saltadora do Condado de Cavaleras – Mark Twain
148. A Selva – Upton Sinclair
149. Just a Couple of Days – Tony Vigorito
150. Os Últimos Dias dos Romanov – Robert Alexander
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carolinemillerbooks · 2 years
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/all-ye-need-to-know/
All Ye Need To Know
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Retired scientist Ronald Mallett continues to work on the possibility of time travel.   Like Albert Einstein, he believes time and space are interconnected. That’s why he is tinkering with technology that will allow him to bend time as if it were in a black hole. Despite this seemingly hopeless pursuit, he invites us to imagine the possibilities that could occur if he succeeds.  Covid-19 could have been stopped in its tracks if we’d been able to carry a vaccine into the past.   Mallett says nothing about negative consequences that could arise when we fiddle with history. An ill-fated adjustment might recreate the Mesozoic Era. True, some people make a habit of looking backward. Mississippi’s legislature is nostalgic enough to resurrect the separate but equal Jim Crow laws of the 1800s.  Unfortunately, in their bid to defend state rights, they forgot about human ones.   Knowing little of ourselves, substituting the past for the present takes us into a tulgey wood of thorns and bogs. Writers from William Saroyan to Honoré de Balzac see our misadventure as the Human Comedy. By the phrase, they mean that ignorance gives birth to countless absurdities. These literary giants have spent many a candle-lit night in pursuit of them. The result has been an endless series of written comedies and tragedies. If vanity could learn from genius, we might survive…perhaps even grow wise from the exposure.  But imagination isn’t the sole purview of brilliance.  Lesser minds employ it, roo.  How else could QAnon exist? Belief is awkward to confront because it is impervious to evidence. If I prefer strawberry ice cream to pistachio, the question of accuracy doesn’t apply. Ambiguity, of course, is part of the human condition.  Quantum physics informs us that truth is relative. Reality lies at the intersection of matter and the observer. Any ignorance we carry en route alters what we perceive. Just as a black hole bends time and space, so black holes of the mind bend reality.      Lauren Boubert, a Republican member of Congress, provides an example. She has submitted a tax proposal to Congress based on her notion of geography. Since her knowledge of our country is limited to the continental United States, she leaves out Alaska and Hawaii. If her bill succeeds, these two states would have to fend for themselves. Or, they could form a separate but equal union which Mississippi might envy. Equally unburdened by evidence, a drag queen astounded 11-year-olds at an elementary school with the announcement that many genders exist. Seventy-three to be precise. With a little imagination, more be possible. The number has been growing. President Barrack Obama created the opportunity for these endless possibilities. Executive Order 13672 was his attempt to end lifestyle discrimination at the federal level.  The impression the document left was that gender was a state of mind. A Facebook friend warned I was dipping my toe into troubled waters when I wrote a blog about Executive Order 13572. But how could I ignore it? I’m an  English teacher. When I hear plural pronouns used in the singular, I bristle. Yet as an English teacher, I also know that language changes. The MLA Style Center, that arbiter of modern usage, already prods me in the direction of a new “they.”…Jules is writing their research paper on Jane Austen’s Persuasion;  Ari read the instructions to themselves [or themself] before beginning the test. Unfortunately, no one has alerted Grammarly about the change. K. Rowling stumbled into the gender crisis without the benefit of a friendly warning.  Not one to mock different lifestyles, she uttered remarks meant to defend women’s rights. But, we all know where the road of good intentions leads. Harpies soon descended and claiming the high ground, they called for a boycott of her latest video game, though it, like many of her enterprises, provides the lifeblood of numerous charities. J. K. Rowling needn’t have worried.  Isle Bryson made her point for her. Faced with an 8-year jail sentence, “they” claimed to be a transgender female, and at “they’s” request, “they” was sent to a woman’s prison. No sooner had “they” donned a uniform of one shade of gray, than “they” proceeded to rape two fellow inmates. Rowling’s video game, as it happens, suffered no similar harm.  Hogwart’s Legacy game enjoyed record sales. In this Barnum and Bailey world, a little humility doesn’t go amiss.  As homo sapiens, we are no more in control of our lives or the environment than earth’s smallest creatures.  We may shrug with indifference at an ant war unfolding beneath our feet, yet we fail to consider that Nature may take the same view of us and our endless wars.  Like Lauren Boubart, Nature shows a wanton ignorance of geography. We’d do better to ponder our place in the universe than spend time making up rules that discriminate.  If a child born as a girl wants to be a boy,  I doubt the moon will fall out of the sky for that ambition. If we are honest, controlling someone’s inner life is more difficult than controlling the outer one. How can we take charge of anything when we are blind to events that will occur over the next 30 seconds?  Some of us avoid the terror of a random cosmos by placing our faith in a god or gods.  I, too, feel the impulse. Nonetheless, when studies show that prayer is no more successful than a coin toss, I’m disinclined to take a leap of faith. Should I be wrong in my irreligious leanings and one day find myself in the presence of a celestial being, I’m certain to be struck with another conundrum. Shall I refer to this deity as “he,” “she,” or “they”? 
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the-paintrist · 3 months
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Eugénie Servières - Louis XIII and Mlle de La Fayette - 1817
oil on canvas,
Fundación Casa de Alba. Madrid Edit this at Wikidata, Spain
Louise Angélique Motier de la Fayette (8 November 1618 – 11 January 1665) was a French courtier and close friend and confidante of King Louis XIII. She later left the court and entered a convent. She was known for her influence upon the monarch both before and after she left the court.
"Mademoiselle de La Fayette, walking with the King in the forest of Saint-Germain, met an old woman who asked her for alms, telling her that her daughter had just been widowed with two children, and that they were all in the greatest misery Mademoiselle de La Fayette gave her some coins, and promised to soon bring other help to her daughter and her children. The next day, the king went to the cottage of these poor people. , where he only finds the old woman's daughter with her two children; he does not make himself known, and gives this young widow a sum of money from Mademoiselle de La Fayette. afterwards and, upon entering the cabin, followed by the peasant woman who had taken a bundle of belongings from the carriage, she saw Louis XIII sitting on a bad stool, rocking the youngest child and letting the other play between. her legs She is ready to express her surprise and admiration but the King signals to her not to name him, and seems to want to apologize for having contributed with her to the relief of this poor family.
Eugénie Honorée Marguerite Servières, née Charen (1786 – 20 March 1855) was a French painter in the Troubadour style. She specialized in genre period paintings.
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tatsuma-forever · 1 year
rating random historical figures that appear in the rose of versailles by their names (+ their titles but in french for the drama):
Antoine-Louis-Marie de Gramont, duc de Guiche: wtf is a gramont. 4/10
Bernard Châtelet: like the dog? 2/10, -1 for the Rosalie situation
Charles-Philippe de France, comte d’Artois: would be better if it was just Philippe because one Charles is more than enough. 3/10
Charlotte de Polignac/Aglaé de Polignac, duchesse de Guiche: yeah i’d kill myself too if that was my name. 1/10
Christoph Willibald Gluck: 6/10
Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti de Mirabeau: sounds fake. 5/10
Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, comtesse de la Motte: remy like the rat!! 4/10
Yolande Martine Gabrielle de Polastron, comtesse puis duchesse de Polignac: holy moly. 6/10
Étienne-Charles de Loménie de Brienne: Étienne was the only good part. 3/10
Louis-Joseph Xavier François de France: goes pretty hard ngl. 8/10
Louis-Stanislas de France, comte de Provence, Louis XVIII: i’ve had enough Louis. i am done. 4/10
Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de France, duchesse d’Angoulême: mrs. Antoinette was not playing around with her kids names goddamn. Thérèse is a banger name. 7/10
Louis Marc Antoine Rétaux de Villette: another goddamn Louis. 4/10
Sophie Piper/Eva Sophie von Fersen: Sophie Piper sounds like the name of a mommy vlogger. 0/10
Stanislas Leszczynski, roi de Pologne, duc de Lorraine et de Bar: he’s literally mentioned once and never again, but holy shit, that’s definitely a name. 7/10
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