#andré jeanbon saint andré
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sieclesetcieux · 1 year ago
This site compiled their addresses here though Barère's page is missing (here are some of his addresses), Lindet's address is different than the one give here, and though some mail was sent to Couthon where Robespierre lived, I think he had another address too? (Hérault is also just not listed but the site is centered around Thermidor.)
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Copy-pasted below for convenience. I added their birthdates and astrological signs (for those who care about that):
Jean-Baptiste Robert Lindet
Age : Né à Bernay (Eure), 48 ans en thermidor. [2 mai 1746 ♉]
Adresse : 68, rue de la Sourdière.
Métier : Avocat
Fonctions : Député de l’Eure, membre du Comité de salut public du 6 avril 1793 au 7 octobre 1794
Antoine Louis Léon de Saint-Just
Age: Né à Décize, 26 ans en Thermidor an II [25 août 1767 ♍]
Adresse: 3, rue Caumartin, 2ème étage (depuis mars 1794), à la même adresse que Thuillier. Il demeurait auparavant à l’hôtel des États-Unis, rue Gaillon.
Fonction(s): Député de l’Aisne à la Convention depuis le 5 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 10 juin 1793.
Georges-Auguste Couthon
Age : Né à Orcet, 38 ans en thermidor [22 décembre 1755 ♑]
Adresse : 366, rue Saint Honoré
Profession : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Puy-de-Dôme à la Convention le 6 septembre 1792. Membre du Comité de salut public du 10 juin 1793 au 9 Thermidor an II.
André Jeanbon, dit JEAN BON SAINT-ANDRÉ
Age : Né à Montauban, 45 ans en thermidor [25 février 1749 ♓]
Adresse :  7 rue Gaillon
Profession : Marin, puis pasteur
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Lot à la Convention le 5 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 10 juin 1793. Fréquemment en mission pour superviser les opérations maritimes, il est absent de Paris le 9-Thermidor.
Pierre-Louis Prieur, dit PRIEUR de la MARNE
Age : Né à Sommesous (Marne), 37 ans en thermidor [1er août 1756 ♌]
Surnom : Appelé Prieur de la Marne (pour le différencier de Prieur de la Côte-d’Or)
Adresse : 11, rue Helvetius
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de la Marne à la Convention depuis le 3 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de salut public du 10 juillet 1793 au 13 thermidor an II (31 juillet 1794), puis à nouveau du 15 vendémiaire au 15 pluviôse an III (6 octobre 1794-3 février 1795).
Absent de Paris au moment du 9-Thermidor.
Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre
Age : Né à Arras, 36 ans en thermidor. [6 mai 1758 ♉]
Adresse : 366 rue Saint-Honoré (numérotation actuelle : 398)
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de Paris à la Convention nationale depuis le 5 septembre 1792 ; membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 27 juillet 1793
Claude-Antoine Prieur-Duvernois, dit PRIEUR de la CÔTE-d'OR
Age : Né à Auxonne, 30 ans en thermidor [22 décembre 1763 ♑]
Surnom : Appelé Prieur de la Côte-d’Or (pour le différencier de Prieur de la Marne)
Adresse :  5, rue Caumartin
Profession : Ingénieur militaire
Fonction(s) : Elu député de la Côte-d’Or à la Convention le 5 septembre 1792. Membre du Comité de salut public du 14 août 1793 au 16 vendémiaire an III (7 octobre 1794).
Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot
Age : Né à Nolay, 41 ans en thermidor. [13 mai 1753 ♉]
Adresse : 2 rue Florentin
Métier : Mathématicien, physicien, militaire
Fonction(s) : Elu député du Pas-de-Calais à la Convention nationale le 5 septembre 1792 ; membre du Comité de salut public depuis le 14 août 1793, il le quitte le 7 octobre 1794 mais y siège à nouveau un mois plus tard, jusqu’au 6 mars 1795.
Jacques-Nicolas Billaud, dit BILLAUD-VARENNE
Age : Né à La Rochelle, 38 ans en Thermidor an II [23 avril 1756 ♉]
Adresse : 40 rue Saint-André-des-Arts
Métier : Avocat
Fonction(s) : Député de Paris à la Convention depuis le 7 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 5 septembre 1793
Jean-Marie Collot, dit COLLOT d'HERBOIS
Age : Né à Paris, 45 ans en Thermidor an II [19 juin 1749 ♊]
Adresse : 4 rue Favart (3ème étage)
Métier : Acteur, directeur de théâtre
Fonction(s) : Elu député de Paris à la Convention le 6 septembre 1792, membre du Comité de Salut Public depuis le 5 septembre 1793.
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filipinawritcr · 7 months ago
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Something tells me that this committee needs help with the amount of Earth signs here.
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magicmagic09 · 11 months ago
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CSP member shitpost: Jeanbon Saint-André
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montagnarde1793 · 2 years ago
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Je viens de tomber sur une pièce de théâtre de 1868 sur la bataille navale du 13 prairial an II et Le Vengeur (ce qui est d’ailleurs le titre), et les dialogues sont d’un naturel ! C’est exactement comme ça que les gens parlent... (Sans parler du fait que Jeanbon a perdu son “Jean” XD)
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amateurvoltaire · 9 months ago
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I am geographically challenged, and I really, really wanted a way to visualise what constituencies the members of the Third Committee of Public Safety ( July 1793 – July 1794) represented. So, this map was born.
Bertrand Barère: Hautes-Pyrénées
Jacques Billaud-Varenne:  Paris
Lazare Carnot: Pas-de-Calais
Jean-Marie Collot: Paris
Georges Couthon: Puy-de-Dôme
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles: Seine-et-Oise
Robert Lindet: Eure
Pierre-Louis Prieur de la Marne: Marne (hence the name…)
Claude-Antoine Prieur: Côte-d'Or (ditto)
Maximilien Robespierre: Paris
André Jeanbon Saint-André: Lot
Louis Antoine de Saint-Just: Aisne
PS: It’s fascinating and telling how many of them represented provinces in the north of France.
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czerwonykasztelanic · 6 months ago
My apologies, Jeanbon Saint-André, I was unaware of your game
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deathzgf · 1 year ago
list update ^___^ red = new addition ( still open to expansion )
note : i changed the format of the list to not just last names but not quite their full name if this makes sense ( e . g . " robespierre " is now listed as " maximilien robespierre " , but not " Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre " )
Louis XIV ( unrelated but idgaf )
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
Baron de Montesquieu
Jean - Jacques Rousseau
olympe de gouges
Jean-Marie Collot d ' Herbois
Jean - Nicolas Billaud - Varenne
Betrand Barère
Lazare Carnot 
Marie - jean hérault de séchelles
Robert lindet
Prieur de la côte - d ‘ or
Prieur de la marne
André jeanbon saint - andré
Georges Couthon
Maximilien Robespierre
Louis Saint - just
Philippe Le Bas
Jacques - Louis David
Jean - Paul Marat
Fabre d ' Églantine
Joseph Fouché
georges Danton
Camille Desmoulins
Napoleon Bonaparte
Marquis de La Fayette
John Laurens
Alexander Hamilton
George Washington
Aaron Burr
James Madison 
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
John Hancock
John Jay
oh by the way ! ! ! ! ! if anyone has any historical figures from the eighteenth century ( around amrev + frev time ) they are interested in please let me know :3
even if you ' re not interested in them but you know about them and they were relevant to the period i ' ll probably be interested in them fkjdslfFKLJDSLKFSLF
i ' ve got a big google doc of a ton of people i ' m researching and so far i ' ve got :
Louis XIV
Louis XVI
Saint just
Le Bas
La Fayette
Quincy Adams
BUT i ' ve been trying to expand it :3
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snatching-ishidates-wig · 4 years ago
Robespierre Joins the Committee
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Robespierre joined the Committee on July 27, selected to strengthen it by his hold over Jacobins and sans-culottes. The men on the Committee took different views of their new colleague. 
Saint-André, who appeared regularly at the Jacobin meetings, approved of him highly. Saint-Just had long worshipped him from afar. Couthon was not greatly impressed; in a voluminous political correspondence in these and the next twelve months, Couthon mentioned Robespierre three or four times in the most incidental connections. 
Hérault-Séchelles, esthete and epicure, almost unique among the revolutionists in possessing an ironic mind, was amused, when he was not frightened, by the strait-laced little man who now sat beside him. 
Barère had never been an admirer; he had once cautioned against “raising pedestals to pygmies,” meaning Robespierre; and had called him a “petty tradesman in revolutions.” Robespierre, for his part, publicly declared Barère to be a good patriot but a weakling. It is to the credit of both that they could cooperate at all. 
Source: “Twelve Who Ruled”, R. R. Palmer
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lanterne · 2 years ago
Javier Litteé talking to Robespierre and Jeanbon Saint-André:
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Portrait of Jeanbon Saint André, 1795, Jacques-Louis David
Medium: chalk,pen,ink
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virurso773 · 3 years ago
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Jacques-Louis David’s, Portrait of Jeanbon Saint-André
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ltwilliammowett · 5 years ago
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French republican banner captured during the Battle of the Glorious First of June 1794.
It belonged to the boarding division of L'Amerique , 74- guns engaged and taken by HMS Leviathan, 74-guns, commanded by Lord Hugh Seymour (1759-1801).
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The banner is made of white silk, hand-sewn with a gold fringe on three sides and embroidered with the battle cry 'MARINS LA REPUBLIQUE OU LA MORT' (Sailors, the Republic or death) in yellow. There is fainter, illegible lettering in ink underneath 'BATAILLON DE PARAI...OI COMPAGNIE'. The banner shows the attempts by the French fleet to carry out the ideas of political commissioner, Jeanbon Saint-André - 'Distaining skilful evolution ... perhaps our seamen will think it more fitting and useful to try those boarding actions in which the Frenchman was always a conqueror'.
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azzrael99 · 7 months ago
Eath power!! 🤣
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Something tells me that this committee needs help with the amount of Earth signs here.
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montagnarde1793 · 11 months ago
Hi, thank you for your answer. The post i was alluding to before claims however that Carrier's recall letter and the recall letters of some other representatives in mission did not bear Robespierre's signature and that the recall letters of these proconsuls did not seem to take issue with their violence yet it seems to be an accepted fact even among hostile historians that Robespierre was against the behaviour of these representatives in mission. Is it because of their partecipation in Thermidor or are there other sources attesting to that?
So, to start, it's worth noting a couple of things:
1) As I've had occasion to mention before, it's not particularly indicative of anything which signatures a letter or decision of the CSP's bears, because despite internal disputes, there was a certain level of solidarity in those decisions and, on a practical level, there are often different drafts with different signatures, and often it's just a question of which ones happened to be preserved;
2) Recalls of representatives on mission almost never indicate the reasoning behind the recall, so it's not surprising that Carrier's doesn't either; however, in the CSP's letter to Prieur de la Marne, they do explicitly state that Carrier's "formes violentes" are among the reasons that they want Prieur to take his place. (Note as well that for both letters, we only have a draft, so we don't even know whether the signatures on the version that was actually sent are the same, and that while Robespierre's is not among the signatures on the drafts, despite their clearly coming from the same motivation, they don't have exactly the same signatures either: Billaud-Varenne and Barère signed both of them, but Jeanbon Saint-André and C. A. Prieur only one each.)
As I mentioned, though the signatures aren't really important. The key piece of evidence concerning Robespierre's involvement in Carrier's recall is the fact that he was recalled following a letter addressed to Robespierre in particular (Jullien's letter, that I mentioned previously). It's therefore logical that Robespierre would be the driving force behind the decision. Carrier's active hostility to Robespierre and participation in Thermidor is merely corroborative.
As I mentioned, as well, we do have a number of speeches of Robespierre's denouncing excessive violence and repression by representatives on mission in general terms, notably his speeches at the Jacobins in the lead-up to Thermidor and his final speech. Their advocacy for extending repression was also one element, among others, of Robespierre's rejection of the "ultras."
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amateurvoltaire · 9 months ago
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Second in the Mapping the CPS series: a map of Ancien Regime France with the places of birth of our notorious third CPS. On the side, you can see a timeline with the date of birth of each of the members.
Some fun facts:
The average age of the Committee of Public Safety in July 1793 was 37, with Lindet being the oldest at 47 and Saint-Just the youngest at 25.
Couthon and Prieur (Cote d'Or) share a birthday on the 22 of December.
Three of the members (Lindet, Robespierre and Carnot) were born in May (so the CPS has 3 birthdays coming up!)
The only deputy of Paris that was actually born in Paris was Collot.
I'm surprised Billaud-Varenne wasn't sent on mission to the West (instead of Prieur de Marne and Saint-André) since he was born in La Rochelle, had family there and lived there until he was 26.
Saint-André shares a birthplace with Olympe de Gouges (a rather small town called Montauban)
Where all the members were born:
Robert Lindet: Bernay
Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois: Paris
André Jeanbon Saint-André: Montauban
Lazare Carnot: Nolay
Bertrand Barère:Tarbes
Georges Couthon: Orcet
Jacques Billaud-Varenne: La Rochelle
Pierre-Louis Prieur de la Marne: Sommesous 
Maximilien Robespierre: Arras
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles: Paris
Claude-Antoine Prieur de la Côte-d’Or: Auxonne
Louis Antoine Saint-Just: Decize
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sauvesparlekong · 5 years ago
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🌠 Montauban by night 🌠 Montauban est classée « ville d'art et d'histoire » et depuis 2015 parmi les « Grands Sites Occitanie ». @cartoville @villemontauban @montaubantourisme La commune est connue pour être le lieu de naissance de plusieurs hommes et femmes célèbres : Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, l'un des plus grands peintres du xixe siècle, la ville étant d'ailleurs surnommée « la Cité d'Ingres », Antoine Bourdelle, le sculpteur, Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793) femme de lettres et femme politique, et enfin Jeanbon Saint-André (1749-1813) qui participa entre autres à l'adoption du drapeau tricolore français moderne. L'épisode historique connu sous le nom « les 400 coups » s'y est déroulé lors du siège de la ville huguenote, par Louis XIII, en 1621. (Source Wikipedia) #montauban #montaubantourisme #sauvesparlekong #sauvesparlapoesie #sauvespourlebac #alchimieduverbe #longlivethebook #sauvesparlequiz #longlivethebook #bacfrancais #baccalauréat #bacfrançais #bacrevisions #happyon #cartoville (à Ville de Montauban) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6sl9VXDvXQ/?igshid=goapjcxve0dl
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