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rosaleenwolf · 5 years ago
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Baby me 2009 and mama me 2019. I think I age ok #grown #10yeardifference #model #skulldress https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GUgK2p3M4/?igshid=1papoh3m50srv
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laerika21 · 6 years ago
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Classic 🖤 Throwback; with age you get wrinkles, grey hair, face marks... wisdom, independence, and a sense of self & self love that comes only when you’re ready to embrace it. I can look in the mirror, and say “I love you” and mean it this time. . . #throwbackthursday #throwback #blackandwhite #tenyears #tenyearslater #10yeardifference #ten #twothousandnine #twothousandnineteen #black #white #instablackandwhite #selflove #grow #growthmindset #iloveyou #love #life #change #kiss #yay (at New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwtCNRWFtej/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d4zkd09pi7g1
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noits-katelynnsavage · 3 years ago
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✨ January 25th, 2012. Walking around London✨ #taylorswiftshopping #taylorswift2012 #flashback #flashback2012 #london #taylorswiftlondon #10yeardifference #tenyearchallenge #Taylorsversion #taylorswift #swiftie #swiftieforlife #swiftieforever #swiftietag #imfeeling2022 #imfeelin22 @taylorswift || @taylornation (at West Seattle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKJ-CmlOvX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mitch4546 · 3 years ago
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#10yearchallenge #10yearschallenge #10yeardifference #10yeardifferencechallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/CYhSidXJ1JJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rubbish78 · 7 years ago
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16 years old vs 26 years old 😭 Yeah it’s my birthday today and wowwwwwwww 🎉🤫🎁
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reecedarlene · 5 years ago
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#SmizeForLife #10YearDifference #2009 #2010 . Some shit doesn't change. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBoyW5bJxHxMHTysZB7qV89dNcs8J-9stgKjhs0/?igshid=1lqvmuc3aooj2
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dan-b-1976 · 5 years ago
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Wow... May 25th, 2020 on the left and me..May 25th, 2010 on the right. 🤭🤭😊😊😉😉 #10yeardifference #10yearsagotoday #nowandthen #44 #almost44 #44yearsold (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_bBl4ahyEViRzeM0yxKBO1k7mY5e49DHPs5JI0/?igshid=yx1qenfrl32v
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dems1432 · 5 years ago
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After longtime in #dandibeach #2015 To #2019 #beforeandafter #beforeandafterchallenge Dieses Denkmal in Dandi erinnert an die bedeutendste Aktion im Widerstand gegen die britische Besatzungsmacht: den Salzmarsch. Es zeigt eine kleine Geste mit großer Wirkung: Gandhi bückt sich und nimmt eine Handvoll Salz. Salz war ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor in Indien, auf dessen Gewinnung als auch den Handel die Engländer aber das Monopol hatten. Mit dem Salzmarsch setzte Gandhi 1930 ein starkes Zeichen zivilen Ungehorsams und des gewaltlosen Widerstandes. In der Sache war die Aktion simpel: Gandhi marschierte mit 80 Anhängern von seinem Wohnort in Ahmedebad die 385 Kilometer nach Dandi am Meer. Wie alle seine Aktionen hatte er auch dieses Vorhaben den Briten angekündigt. Der Marsch wurde zu einem Volkslauf: Tag für Tag schlossen sie mehr Menschen an. Etwa 10 000 Menschen erreichten nach 24 Tagen das kleine Dorf. Das Foto, wie Gandhi Salz aufhob, ging um die Welt und motivierte seine Landsleute, es ihm gleich zu tun. 50000 Inder, auch Gandhi, wurden daraufhin verhaftet, was den Erfolg der Aktion aber nur beflügelte. Bis zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens sollten aber noch 17 Jahre vergehen. #22yearchallengeaccepted #10yearchallengeaccepted #5yearchallengeaccepted #3yearchallengeaccepted #10yearchallenge #22yearschallenge #22yearsold #22yearchallenge #10yearchallenge #10yearschallenge #10yeardifference #10yearsagochallenge #10yearsold #5yearchallenge #5yearsold #5yearsagochallenge #5yearschallenge #5yeardifference #4yearchallenge #4yearsold #4yearsagochallenge #4yearschallenge #4yeardifference (at Dandi Beach, Dandi, Navsari, Gujarat) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DjQISH8OG/?igshid=10a1zcfqce672
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thecosmocaveman · 6 years ago
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My clone, @thefoxcaveman . No, he's not my son. . . . . #brothers😎 #hairstyleoftheday #brosforlife #wlyg #thecosmocaveman #travelingfamily #10yeardifference #crazyeyes #beautifuleyes👀 #modelfamily #modelbrothers #loveeachother #modelabroad #travelmodels #twinsofinstagram #modelinglife #modelfitness #cafetime #modelfrance #modelmaroc #internationalmodels #thefoxcaveman #imgmodelscout #bestoftheday #livingmybestlife #beardsofinstagram #beardmodel #mamaafrica (at Gueliz, Marrakech, Morocco) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwMpn5nJDB_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uzlp2dea3lqa
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erendincofficial · 6 years ago
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12 years ago 🌎 #10yearchallenge #10yearschallange #10yearchallengeaccepted #2009vs2019 #10yearsago #2009to2019 #10yearslater #10yeardifference #tenyearsago #10yearschallenge #tenyearchallenge #10 #tenyearsafter #10yrschallenge #2007vs2019 #10yearschallengephoto https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhfrnQnAni/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m1phc4k3vzlf
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jessemorrisart · 6 years ago
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Better late than never posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2FQfK61
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humawrites · 6 years ago
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#10yearchallenge #10yearschallenge #10 #10yearsold #10yearscallenge #10yearschallege #10yrschallenge #10yeardifference #10yearsago #10yearslater #10yearslaterchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsy8h8lAUzh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=114ymn6ucjpp9
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noits-katelynnsavage · 3 years ago
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✨January 21st, 2012 Taylor performed live on Allure of the Sea✨ #taylorswiftlive #Allureoftheseas #taylorswift2012 #flashback #flashback2012 #taylorswiftnow #taylorswiftthen #10yeardifference #Taylorsversion #taylorswift #swiftie #swiftieforlife #swiftieforever #swiftietag #imfeeling2022 #imfeelin22 @taylorswift || @taylornation || @allureoftheseasofficial (at West Seattle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY_0wp9lquQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goat6921 · 6 years ago
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My beautiful niece #10yearchallenge #10yeardifference #betterwithage https://www.instagram.com/p/BsuCdyhDiJ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o302wr673nu5
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ednaldoamorim-blog · 6 years ago
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#10yearchallenge #10yearschallenge #10years #10yeardifference #2009 #2009 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bstz4DHHTcp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1upr1yg7gmqkf
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Per il #10yearchallenge non ho molte foto, e grazie al cielo perché il 2009 lo ricordo come un anno abbastanza wild! Avevo 16 anni, pesavo 40 kili vestita e leggevo Palahniuk tutto il giorno, tutti i giorni. Erano i tempi in cui andavo a Piazza del Popolo a dare gli occhioni a Brutal e semi-Brutal (??), indossavo capi zebrati provando 0 shame e ho cambiato 4 colori di capelli in un anno. Però è stato anche un anno meraviglioso perché ho conosciuto la mia cara @bwitch_ (e fallo sto challenge! 🖤) e @lineadeglialberi, che ai tempi era il principe degli Emo di Velletri. Proprio una bella ammucchiata insomma 😂 Tornerei indietro solo per dire alla futura me stessa di salvarsi da qualche parte le foto di Netlog per poi riderci su nel 2019. . #10yearschallenge #10yearchallenger #10yeardifference #2009vs2019 #2009 #2019 #2009vs2019challenge #pinkhair #emo #emogirl #emogirls #memories #memory #tbt #pictureoftheday #challenge #challengeaccepted #backintheday #girl https://www.instagram.com/p/BstPFqjHk5G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lx2wfjovhftr
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