winchestergifs · 9 months
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10.7 Girls, Girls, Girls Written by Robert Berens Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: November 25, 2014
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shootforthestars-28 · 2 months
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adamruz · 2 years
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Adam Ruzek & Kim Burgess in CHICAGO P.D. 10.07 "Into the Deep"
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eltonjohndenver · 6 months
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hes my girlfriend
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melancholyromance · 2 years
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indelibletraces · 2 years
Chicago PD 10x7 “Into the Deep”
Random thoughts:
Another episode that opens with a montage. In this one we learn just how dedicated Hailey is to her surveillance of Sean even as it seems that all he does is go to the gym and eat at the same dinner, with and without his father. She appears to be eating, sleeping, and basically living in her surveillance car. The sleeping in the car is confirmed when Voight asks her when she last slept and Hailey responds, “In a bed?” And yet she still turns down Voight when he offers to watch Sean, because she still has this driving need to fill the void that has been left in her life by Jay leaving.
Loved that Trudy was involved in the case! This needs to happen way more often. Her line about the white board being her “arts and crafts project” cracked me up. On a side note, I have always loved that they continue to use a simple white board with actual pictures, hand written captions and sticky notes, rather than some kind of smart board. To me it really adds to the old-school, blue collar vibe of Chicago the city and the show. I recently rewatched episode 3x4, where Mouse introduces a smart board, and at the end of the episode Al tells him to get rid of it because “it’s not us.” I 100% agree with him, and just that one episode with the smart board made me realize how much I appreciate even the small things, like the white board, that make Chicago PD great to me.
Their convert base of operations looks like Adam’s old undercover apartment.
The scene with Kim and Hailey in the van was revealing on multiple levels. On the surface there is Kim calling her on seeming “worn down,” to which Hailey finally admits out loud that she has been tailing Sean because she hasn’t wanted to go home. Underneath that is Kim’s seeming reluctance to voice her concern for Hailey. After working together for over 5 years it feels like these two should have a better friendship, and feel like they can lean on each other during tough times. Kim even seems shocked when Hailey reveals she has been tailing Sean. What did Kim think she was doing all this time and why wasn’t she concerned enough to find out before now. This has been an area where PD has lacked in recent seasons - the building of a friendship between it’s two female leads. Not that we have to see them hanging out outside of work, but it just feels like they should know each other better after all this time, and that their understanding and support of each other should be more evident on the show. Since it’s been hinted that Kim still has emotional baggage she hasn’t dealt with from her ordeal with Roy last season, maybe we will get to see them become more of a support system for each other as the season goes on.
The Cage! I can’t remember the last time they put a suspect in the cage. Obviously in the real world you wouldn’t want suspects put in the cage, but in the context of the fictional escapism of the show, I always found it intriguing to see Voight “deal” with suspects in the cage. Jason Beghe really knows how to portray rage and fury. (Of course, I think he’s excellent in all his scenes 😉)
Love that even though he was blowing their lead, Adam couldn’t just stand by and watch an innocent girl get hurt. Before the situation escalated to Adam intervening, it was interesting that Hailey was the one in the car wanting the situation to play out to get their guy. This mirrors Voight in the first episode wanting Torres’ undercover sting to play out even when the situation became more dangerous. It both cases it was two people blinded by their need for justice, which was filling a void in their life.
Amber’s interview scene with the intercutting of Hailey, Kim, and Trudy(!) trying to get her to open up was excellent. The straight on close ups of Amber’s face were unsettling and made the viewer feel like part of the interview. This is not an angle that we see too often.
Love how calm Voight was in trying to get Hailey to take a step back from the case. We don’t get to see his caring side all that often, so it’s always wonderful when we do. I also love that Hailey is also able to emotionally push back against Voight when she throws back at him that doesn’t he want something to save too? The pause is very telling to me that she probably knows Voight better than he wants her to and thus he never acknowledges her question.
I thought the ASA from last season was a one off character, so it was interesting to see her back in the episode for a short scene. Makes me wonder if she will be in more episodes this season. I wonder if Voight telling her he was good for the warrant without naming the suspect and then there being no evidence at the building will come back to bite him later on.
Loved the knowing look that Voight and Trudy give one another when Hailey questions how Sean knew they were coming. With one subtle glance you know they are both thinking the same thing. I really want more Hank and Trudy scenes. Their shared history has only been hinted at over the years, and I want to know more! I may have to rely on fanfiction for that 😊
The confrontation between Voight and Chief O’Neal was probably the best scene of the episode. As Voight pulls up you can see his jaw flexing as he mentally prepares himself for what is to come. Jason Beghe is amazing at using his face and jaw movements to emphasize what Voight is feeling and thinking. He also slowly and methodically parks, turns off the car, and then hesitates before getting out almost as if to delay the inevitable. Then, when the Chief first starts talking about reading the reports and says that he knows his son has a problem I thought for a second that he knew what his son was doing and I thought he was the worst. But then when he goes on to passionately plead that his son is not currently on drugs and “is doing great,” I suddenly felt bad for him that he was about to find out what his son truly is. That was some great writing that was acted beautifully. And you can tell Voight doesn’t want to tell him what he is really investigating Sean for, and then he passively takes O’Neal’s physical anger because Voight knows how he would feel if this was his son.
The final knowing looks between Hailey and Sean were intense. These last two scenes have made me very excited to see how this case is solved and how everything plays out between these characters. I feel like a broken record, but another great episode!
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Chicago PD 10x7 | Hailey Upton scenes (Part 5)
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uwuspaceboy · 4 months
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drulalovescas · 6 months
I'm sorry but this show was unintentionally hilarious
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But when the vessel changed
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if you know you know
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alea-says · 2 months
H50 season 10, episode 7 thoughts...
Well, that was a trainwreck of an episode.
Like, seriously, what were they thinking? I mean, the plots aren't always the best in H50 (I know, I love it anyway), but what were they trying to accomplish there?
First, you've got Steve heading off to do the CIA's dirty work - again. They're determined to make all the US agencies out to be complete bastards, aren't they?
Then, they say that no-one can go with him.
And there's questions about Doris' loyalty (ah, Doris, how I hate what you do to Steve).
Only to end with it not being clear what she was actually up to. Like... they're saying, hey, she planted listening devices and trackers, she was doing her job.
But when she was talking to Steve she was like, hey, I just wanted some money. But also to make my entire life worthwhile. And also, I was doing something good.
Make up your mind Doris! Did you want a payday? Or to do your job? Were you trying to do both?
Am I supposed to think Steve now blames himself for his mother's death because she was doing her job? Or am I supposed to think he's okay with his decision (not the outcome, but the decision he made) because she was aiming for a payday?
And why was Doris so certain if he didn't leave that he'd end up dead or whatever, worse, something (their less than 2min convo earlier in the ep).
And why - WHY? After Steve has taken out all 50 of the cartel people with help from Junior and their SEAL buddies, are you standing there arguing with Steve and refusing to say where the cartel lady is? Huh?
Because seriously? It's not like she's a civilian - she's smart enough to know that things be serious now. Does Steve get his control issues from her? (other than the fact his trauma, which she definitely gives him, feeds his need for control)? Can she just not cope with someone else calling the shots for once?
I dunno - I feel like the episode was kinda rushed, and a plotline around Doris that could have been interesting, etc was compressed so much it didn't end up making too much sense.
It's not like she's a once-off character. As a recurring character, I felt there wasn't enough development of what was going on.
And now poor Steve is mourning yet another parental figure.
Somebody give that man some hugs.
I am, however, very pleased that the knock on the door of his motel room was Danny (I was sitting here going, please let that be Danny - and it was!)
Also - there was only one bed!!!
I don't care that Steve told Danny to sleep on the couch, we all know he slept in the bed.
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winchestergifs · 9 months
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10.7 Girls, Girls, Girls Written by Robert Berens Directed by Robert Singer Original Air Date: November 25, 2014
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shootforthestars-28 · 2 months
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brutal-out-here · 3 months
There are so many Doctor Who references in Criminal Minds that now that I’ve seen it, it’s kinda funny to know that when I originally watched Criminal Minds I must have been so confused by these references and definitely did not realize they were all about the same thing
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adamruz · 2 years
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Adam Ruzek in CHICAGO P.D. 10.07 "Into the Deep"
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melancholyromance · 2 years
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he’s such a proud dad in the second gif🥹
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tiva2023vibes · 2 years
“Look, I don’t care who the guy is. I just thought we were, you know, telling each other things about things. The things that, you know, matter.” - Tony, 10x7
Tony, there is no funny veterinarian. There is no one, actually. Only Tali.
So much has grown between these two. No matter how much they deny it to themselves, there are mutual feelings beyond coworkers. Ziva is going to the opera and Tony is jealous of a man that doesn’t even exist! She opens up to him and he takes it to heart and bring her her own opera. It feels like each episode this season they exchange more and more pieces of their hearts
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