#1060 words of no one getting hurt
percynorthwest · 3 months
Jegulus microfic - doctor
2/5-2024 @jegulus-microfic words:~1060
cw:medical inaccuracies, pregnancy scare (ig?), complications, ectopic pregnancy
"And how long has the pain been going on for?"
"It started maybe two days ago. But it got so much worse this morning." Regulus replied. "And my shoulders started hurting too, at the same time," Regulus shrugged, "I don't know."
James could see that tried his best to keep his composure, but he could see the pain Regulus was in by his stiff posture and the constant frown on his face.
"And since then, it feels like I'm constantly on the brink of fainting."
The doctor typed quickly on her computer. She too had a quaint frown on her face. James held Regulus' hand, stroking his thumb over the back of his hand. Regulus hand was cold, more so than usual, and he was looking a tad to pale, all furthering James' worry.
James looked up to Regulus' face, and saw how he took deep, rhythmical, breaths, once again indicating of how much pain he was in. His eyes were closed tightly, and when he opened them, he blinked rapidly to keep the tears at bay. James understood how much he hated this; being so in the centre of attention; being vulnerable; in pain. James raised Regulus' hand to give it a soft kiss.
"And how long ago since your last period?" the doctor asked.
Regulus stiffened further where he sat on the plastic bed. This wasn't a topic Regulus was particularly comfortable with.
"Ehm, two years ago, maybe." He replied, still looking uncomfortable, "It kinda stopped once I got on hormones."
The doctor swirled away from the computer screen, now instead facing Regulus on her chair.
"Are you sexually active?"
James could see Regulus getting immediately red, before he answered with a nod. Then Regulus' frown deepened further.
"But I have an IUD, since like three years ago. And I'm at no risk of STDs or anything" He explained quickly with a now really worried look on his face, looking even more pale.
"It's still highly unlikely, but not impossible." The doctor explained, following Regulus' line of thinking. "I want to be on the safe side though, so I'm going to order some blood test, that will not only screen for pregnancy, and then I'd also like to order an ultrasound."
Regulus was certainly looking a lot more pale now, but he nodded along.
"Both the blood test and the ultrasound could indicate what's going on, not only whether or not it's a pregnancy."
Regulus looked just as worried, but he nodded again, maybe just a tad relieved after the doctor's reassurance.
When the doctor left the room, Regulus dropped his head back on the plastic bed, groaning out loud. James dragged his chair closer to the bed, wanting to support Regulus in any way he could. Regulus dragged his legs up, folding himself up like a ball. James placed a hand on Regulus' knee. He could hear Regulus' uneven breathing, making his heart break further. He stood up, bringing his hands to Regulus' face, cupping slightly and wiping away the few tears that had started falling down his chin.
A nurse or something akin to one, maybe a midwife, entered the room. Both James and Regulus startled slightly, and Regulus immediately wiped away any of the tears James had missed. James didn't sit back down again, wanting to be as close as possible.
"If you could just come with me," she said softly.
They followed her into another room, in the same part of the hospital. The room had stirrups, which made Regulus grip James' hand more tightly. Another nurse sat in the room already, and he seemed to be preparing blood tests.
Regulus was asked to sit down, and the male nurse took two vials of blood, while the other nurse prepared the ultrasound. After the vials were filled with crimson red blood, the male nurse left -thankfully, as Regulus probably didnt want more people in the room than necessary.
The whole procedure was quite quick. Regulus was asked to take his pants off and place his legs in those uncomfortable stirrups, and the nurse could quite quickly confirm that Regulus had a ectopic pregnancy, letting Regulus get down and get dressed again.
"What does that mean?" James asked after Regulus didn't say anything.
"The egg has been fertilized outside of the uterus," she explained. "In your case on your left fallopian tube. It happens to about one in 90 pregnancy, and if one is to get pregnant while using an IUD, the risk increases." Regulus nodded, seeming to be listening in. "I'll have to confer with the doctor, but either you will have to wait it out, under observation, or you'll be given medicines to stop furthering growth. There's also a surgery, if necessary."
She left in order to get the doctor.
Regulus turned to James, with a stern look on his face.
"We are never having sex again."
James immediately burst out in laughter, slapping a hand over his mouth to stifle the sound, so stunned by the exclamation. Regulus was looking straight ahead, but James could see a smirk creeping on his face.
Once James had managed to stop, he turned to Regulus again;
"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, looking intently at his boyfriend's face, trying to gauge his emotions.
"Pretty fucking bad." he said, laughing slightly, but James could see the look of anxiety on his face, as well as a few tears escaping his eyes.
Regulus closed his eyes tightly, and groaned loudly as he pressed the heel of his hands into his face.
"I mean what the actual fuck? This is barley supposed to be possible!"
James didn't know what to say, instead just stroking Regulus' hair, tucking a lock behind his ear.
"I don't know, baby," he murmured, placing a kiss on top of his hair.
"This is your fault, you know." Regulus said, dropping his hands in order to glare at James. "You're sleeping on the couch indefinitely."
"Sure," he replied warmly. He would probably sleep on the street if Regulus so asked.
Regulus turned on the bed, dropping his legs of the side, now sitting turned to James. His face was still slightly crunched up in pain, and tears framed his eyes. He leaned towards James, who immediately engulfed him in a tight hug. Reg sobbed quietly into James' chest. James stroked his back.
"Everything will be okay," He murmured, once again into the top of his hair.
i don't have a medical degree or anything, this is from what i've been taught in school and what i've researched online, so this could possibly be incredibly inaccurate, probably most so regarding procedure etc.
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infiniteeight8 · 1 month
I dom't know if i asked this before but:
Alpha/Alpha ironstrange meeting in a Gala pre-ironman
Anon also added:
Oh that Alpha/Alpha ironstrange in Pre-ironman if you could please make it spicy with dom/sub tones.
I debated for some time if spicy meant smut or just flirting with intent, and I thought it probably meant flirting with intent, but the idea I got was smutty, so that’s what you’re getting. LOL. It seemed the best way to get in the dom/sub tones as well.
Also, Stephen may be a sub here, but he’s also an alpha, so. Uh, also, I got a little carried away. 1060 words carried away...
Under the cut for obvious reasons.
Stephen laughed in delight as the bathroom door swung open under the force of his body striking it, spilling him and Tony into the small room and breaking the kiss Tony had been going for at the same time. “If you’re going to push me up against a wall,” he mocked, “better make sure it’s a wall that can hold me.”
“Big words from a man pegging his strength on a door,” Tony shot back, but he did crowd Stephen up against a wall in the vestibule of this very fancy bathroom. He leaned in and ran his nose along the underside of Stephen’s jaw, the thick scent there going straight to his cock. The other alpha had a dry, spicy scent, so sharp it almost hurt. It made Tony’s mouth water with the desire to bite.
“And you have yet to deliver on the promise you made me on the dance floor,” Stephen said. “Perhaps I should find someone who will.”
A growl slipped out of Tony and he yanked Stephen away from the wall, turning and bending him over the counter that ran along one side of the vestibule wall instead. There were no sinks, not in here, but there was a long mirror. Stephen grinning at him from the reflection, the expression broken by a gasp when Tony gave him a hard slap on the ass. 
“You aren’t going anywhere,” Tony said. He pressed his cock, achingly hard but still restrained by his pants, against Stephen’s ass as he reached around to open the alpha’s pants and belt. 
“Well, not with that to look forward to,” Stephen moaned, rubbing back against Tony’s cock. 
Tony yanked Stephen’s pants and underwear down hurriedly, retrieved the lube from his own pocket, and pushed one slick finger into him. Stephen moaned. It was all Tony could do not to echo him. Stephen was even tighter than most alphas. If it hadn’t been for his absolutely filthy mouth on the dance floor, Tony would have thought he’d never done this before. 
Glancing at the mirror to check how Stephen was doing, Tony caught his breath to see the dazed, pleasure glazed look on his face. Fuck, Stephen loved this. Tony added a second finger, maybe a little too soon, but Stephen just moaned, head dropping as he pushed back into the touch. Tony rushed the prep, he knew he did, but Stephen was moaning and squirming and fuck, if he wasn’t entirely ready then he obviously wanted it that way. 
Tony buried his cock in one long stroke and Stephen cried out so loud that Tony wondered if they could hear him, back at the gala. It didn’t make him stop, though. Instead, the very real possibility that someone might wander into the unlocked bathroom and see Metro General’s star neurosurgeon bent over for Tony only made him go harder.
“Fuck,” Tony panted. He reached up and took hold of the back of Stephen’s neck, pressing him down into the counter and holding him there as he fucked him. “You are so fucking tight.” Tight and hot, fuck, the clutch of Stephen’s body was incredible, and the scent of him, sharp pheromones rising up in what felt like a cloud of need and arousal, making Tony almost dizzy with the drive to take. 
Stephen’s hoarse words caught in his throat twice before he managed to get them out, “Don’t hold back. I can take it.”
Tony groaned and thrust in harder. “Keep talking like that and you’ll end up taking my knot.”
“Was that—” Stephen cried out as Tony fuck into him again, then caught his breath and tried again. “Was that not the plan?”
Holy shit. Tony had been with alphas before, but not one of them had ever been willing to take a knot. Fuck, Stephen was perfect. Still— “You really want to get knotted in a public washroom?” It would almost double the length of time they’d be here, and thus the chances of someone walking in on them.
“Surely you can take care of it, alpha,” Stephen voice low and rough and fuck, Tony’s knot was swelling already, not enough to tie yet but close.
“Damn right I can,” he gasped, pride rising despite the fact he knew Stephen was doing it on purpose. He gripped the back of Stephen’s neck a little tighter and gave his hips a little twist on the next thrust and Stephen made a high, keening noise of pleasure and need and fuck, Tony was going to have to keep him, Stephen was going to ruin him for anyone else. “That’s it,” Tony said, driving his cock into Stephen again and again and again. “That’s perfect, just like that, fuck, you’re perfect.”
Stephen squirmed some more and Tony’s knot throbbed and yes, yes, that was it. Growling roughly, Tony thrust hard. For one breathless instant he thought it wasn’t going to work, and then Stephen’s body gave way and Tony’s knot popped into his ass, his hole immediately clenching down on Tony so hard that he came instantly. Tony gasped for breath as his cock spurted again and again, filling Stephen with his come. He was almost shaking when the waves of pleasure started to fade.
“Alpha,” Stephen begged, voice wrecked with need.
“I’ve got you,” Tony said roughly, reaching around Stephen to take the other alpha’s cock in hand. He was so hard it only took a couple of strokes before he came, his hole spasming around Tony’s cock so tight Tony had to clench his jaw against whines of overstimulation.
In the aftermath, the room almost seemed to echo with the sound of their panting as they tried to catch their breath. Tony caught Stephen’s gaze in the mirror and the two of them broke into laughter briefly. “I can take care of it,” Tony said, “but I really hope no one needs the bathroom in the next twenty minutes.”
“Likewise.” Stephen sighed as Tony slid his hand down from his neck to stroke gently up and down his back instead. “Please tell me we can do this again.”
“Hell yes,” Tony agreed. “Preferably somewhere private, where I can take my time with you.”
“Oh yes,” Stephen murmured. Tony met his gaze in the mirror and licked his lips at the heat he found there.
Sooner rather than later, he thought.
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ravensliterature · 1 year
Love Unvieled
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A/N:  I am behind and I am trying to get posts out. I apologize for the wait and please send me anything you want me to write
pairing: Sebastian x Reader
warnings: Primarily fluff, little angst
w/c: 1060
Prompt: Sebastian and Reader have begun dating. However, Sebastian wants to show the reader his secret. 
Y/N Phantomhive, sibling of the young Earl Ciel Phantomhive, lived a life unlike most within the walls of the grand Phantomhive Manor. Shadows danced around them, whispering secrets, and the winds carried echoes of the supernatural. Many rumors spread about the family, and there was more truth to them than one would like to admit. Among the enigmatic figures in the manor, none captivated Y/N as Sebastian Michaelis, the elegant and ever-dutiful butler.
From the moment they laid eyes on Sebastian, a subtle yet undeniable spark ignited between them. Their exchanges were laced with witty banter and fleeting glances that held promises of something more. It was a dangerous game, for Sebastian was no ordinary man. Deep down, Y/N sensed he held secrets darker than the night itself. Ciel had warned them against getting too close, but they knew Sebastian would never hurt them.
As days turned into nights and nights into days, the attraction between Y/N and Sebastian grew stronger. They found solace in stolen moments, glances, and the intoxicating allure of their forbidden connection. In the quiet corners of the manor, they would steal away, sharing kisses and whispered confessions. The boundaries of duty and social standing blurred as their hearts entwined.
One evening, as the manor's halls cloaked in silence, Y/N found themselves alone with Sebastian after he finished his evening duties. The air crackled with tension, their hearts beating in harmony as they confessed their hidden desires. It was a moment of vulnerability, truth hanging heavy in the air, waiting to be revealed. Their flirting had turned into a relationship. They had many nights talking and engaging in other activities, forming a bond, but something was wrong.
Sebastian, unable to bear the weight of his deception any longer, took a deep breath and made a confession that would change everything, including their relationship. He revealed his true nature, unveiling himself as a demon—an entity far removed from the realm of mortals. The revelation hung heavy in the air, heavy with uncertainty.
Y/N's eyes widened with disbelief, unable to comprehend the magnitude of the truth laid before them. "A demon?" they whispered, their voice trembling. "But... that's impossible…"
Sebastian's crimson eyes held a mix of anticipation and fear. He had braced himself for their reaction, knowing it could either solidify their bond or shatter it entirely. "I understand if this is too much for you to accept," he said softly. "But I wanted to share my true self with you, to be honest in a way I have never been before with you."
Y/N's mind raced as they tried to process the enormity of the revelation. Images of supernatural creatures, dark magic, and the unknown flooded their thoughts, but… It explains a lot. Amidst the chaos, there was something else—a deep-rooted trust and affection for the demon butler who had shown them love and devotion beyond measure. They knew what he said was true.
With a mixture of uncertainty and determination, Y/N reached out, their hand trembling slightly. "Sebastian... I may not fully understand the intricacies of your existence, but one thing I do know is that I love you. Your true form doesn't change that, and I wish to see you as you truly are."
Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise, his heart leaping at their words. For so long, he had hidden his true self, fearing rejection and repulsion. But here stood Y/N, not only accepting him but embracing him and sharing words he had longed to hear. A wave of relief washed over him, and a soft smile tugged at his lips.
Encouraged by their reassurance, Sebastian mustered the courage to reveal his true form—a sight that very few had witnessed and lived to tell the tale. In a swirl of darkness, his elegant butler's facade dissolved, giving way to the visage of a demon. His hair turned long and obsidian, black wings sprouting from his back, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. Horns sprouted from his forehead, adding an air of ethereal danger to his presence.
Y/N gasped, their breath catching in their throat as they beheld the sight before them. The initial shock was undeniable, for demons were creatures of nightmares and legends. But soon, their fear transformed into awe. They looked upon Sebastian's true form with a newfound appreciation, captivated by the raw power and beauty that emanated from him.
"You... You're astonishing," Y/N murmured, their voice filled with wonder. "Sebastian, you are more breathtaking than I could have ever imagined."
Sebastian's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and adoration. He had bared his soul, his deepest secret, and instead of rejection, he found acceptance and love. Their words washed away his doubts and insecurities, leaving only the certainty that they were meant to be together.
With a surge of emotions, Y/N stepped forward, their hand reaching out to touch Sebastian's transformed face gently. The ridges of his demon horns felt cool against their fingertips, and a shiver of excitement raced down their spine. "You've shown me a world beyond my wildest dreams, Sebastian. I want to be a part of it, to stand by your side. No matter the challenges we face, we'll face them together."
Sebastian's eyes glittered with tears of joy, a rare vulnerability shining through his stoic facade. He grasped Y/N's hand, intertwining their fingers and pulling them close. "Y/N, my love, you have given me a gift more precious than anything I could ever ask for. Together, we shall conquer the darkness and create our own paradise."
And so, in the depths of the Phantomhive Manor, two souls forged an unbreakable bond—a love that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding. As the moon cast its gentle glow upon them, Y/N and Sebastian stood united, ready to face the trials that awaited them, hand in hand. In each other, they had found solace, passion, and an eternal love that would defy the ages. Their journey was just beginning, and together, they would navigate the uncharted waters of their intertwined destinies, drawing strength from the love that bound them.
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moon-alight · 8 months
If the World was Ending - S.Coups
Synopsis: You and Seungcheol have been broken up for a year when a sudden Earthquake began to rip the world apart. You weren't sure why but you wanted to be with him and luckily, he did too.
Inspired by the song: If the World was Ending byJP Saxe and Julia Michaels.
Warnings: The end of the world, fluff, exes coming together Word Count: 1060
General Masterlist
Seventeen Masterlist
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You were merely watching television, a movie on the screen which you weren't really paying attention to. There was, however, one person on your mind, the same person who you weren't able to let go of no matter how hard you tried.
Seungcheol was everything, the best boyfriend you could've asked for but even the best people have issues. He liked to overwork himself. Staying late inside the Hybe building to finish certain things and even taking his work home which drove you up the wall.
Three beautiful years they were until yu both decided that it would be best to break up, to make sure you seperated so nobody would get hurt too much. It was the best decision but you still felt so lonely, so sad even after a year of being broken up.
It was when you were so deep in your thoughts that you felt it, the ground underneath you shook heavily and it should've scared you but it didn't. You frowned, stood up and walked towards the window. The sight in front of you was unerving to say the least.
Many people -- adults and children -- were running across the street, panicking and yelling. It struck you, this was serious. Everybody seemed to be rushing to get away, to escape death.
The movie you were originally watching on the tv got interrupted by a nation-wide broadcast, one with a warning popping up on the screen. The flashing lights and sounds caught your attention as you walked over to watch this broadcast.
"We interrupt your programming. This is a national emergency, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has detected a significant environmental event that will impact the greater Asia. You and your loved ones should seek the nearest fallout shelter immediately. Please stand by for further area updates."
If the world was truly ending, why weren't you scared?
No, instead you looked down at your phone and opened the one contact you swore you'd block a couple months ago but couldn't. Seungcheol was active but as much as you wanted to text him, you couldn't. Your pride stood in your way.
Truly the broadcast said 'you and your loved ones' and he was, oh he was. You knew he still was your loved one but were you his? He could have a new partner for all you knew. It honestly broke your heart to think about.
Knowing everyone would be rushing to safe areas, you sat down on your couch. Was there truly a safe area when the world was about to fall down? Everyone would be dead anyways, why bother, right?
The sun was slowly setting, the ground beneath you shook once more but much heavier than the first time. You held onto the couch, unsure what was about to happen though it felt as if the world was being ripped apart.
A repeated knock on your door snapped you out of your thoughts, you frowned, unsure who would've been at your door when this all was going down. Maybe some people were there to try and convince you of seeking shelter.
You stumbled, trying to balance on the shaking ground. You managed to reach the door and pulled it open only to come face to face with him. You inhaled sharply when your eyes landed on his.
He looked good. You hadn't seen him for almost a year but he looked rather the same. His dark raven hair stuck to his forehead thanks to the rainwater which had drenched him, he was breathing heavily and looked as though he had ran to you.
His arms wrapped around you, holding onto you. A feeling of familiarity and safety washed over you. You allowed yourself to break down, tears streaming down your face as you let yourself fall against him. He closed the door behind you two and sat you down on the floor of your apartment. He cradled you against him.
It felt as though he was never gone, he smelled the same -- like home -- and if he wasn't holding onto you so tightly you would've believed you were dreaming. He was drenched, sure, but you couldn't care less. He was here, with you, at the end of the world.
"You're here." You whispered in disbelief. You hadn't expect it, to be completely honest but you had hoped for him to show up.
"Of course, I promised you once that whenever you needed me, I would come and I will. I always will."
Sure, he did make that promise but when you were dating for two years. You thought after the breakup this promise would've been forgotten but Choi Seungcheol was a man of his word.
"I missed you." He muttered against you as he stroked your hair. "I have been thinking about you a lot. . . about our anniversary."
You huffed out a laugh at the memory. "Do you mean when we were so intoxicated that we stumbled into the house together like morons?"
"We didn't even make it past the kitchen, passing out right there." He reminded you. "I love you, I always have."
"Believe me, I love you too."
The tv began to rummage again, the noise made the two of you look up and stare towards it. The flashing letters took over the screen once more, announcing another warning.
"Seek shelter immediately." You looked towards Seungcheol without moving an inch, already feeling at ease. "This broadcast will go dark in five," You took in his wet hair which you always loved to tie into ridiculous ponytails just to tease him.
"Four," Your gaze fixated on his eyes next, his beautiful dark brown eyes which never failed to put you at ease in whatever situation you two had found yourselves in.
"Three," Your hands took ahold of his, squeezing gently as you knew how hard reality would hit in a few seconds. His big hands held yours in a way that made you feel comfortable.
"Two," There was so much noise outside as though the sky was falling and crashing onto Earth. Your eyes, however, without a care for what happened outside, focused on Seungcheol's smile which he held to make you feel calmer.
"One--" He leaned forward, pressing his plush soft lips against yours as he held onto you. A final explosion near your house setting off and complete darkness blinding you.
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seth-whumps · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 4
Chronic pain - whumpee JJ - 1060 words
tw: chronic pain, discussions of nonconsensual cryofreeze
JJ can't feel his hands.
That's not the worst of it. His shoulders aren't moving well, clicking and aching as the muscles hold the loose joints in place. He's had one bowl of dry cereal before collapsing back on the couch to fall in and out of sleep, where the fatigue wills it. His feet are swollen and red and they ache like hell on earth. All of which are incapacitating.
But none of that changes when he can't feel his hands. That's what scares him. That's the worst part. His fingers are white and numbed, all the warmth pulled out of them to cradle close to his heart.
Five years in a cryopod does that to people, he thinks. It's a bitter reassurance. There's nothing wrong with this situation. It happens all the time. It was basically prescribed when they thawed him–“Oh, at completely random times you'll be knocked out by your body rejecting the torture we submitted you to. Welcome back to the real world! Enjoy your stay!”–and the only changes to fix it have to happen when the pain starts. So, in modern terms? He's fine.
It still hurts, though.
Thankfully, he turned in the previous reports that morning. It takes at least a day or two to process. The flare-up won't calm down for a week or so, but he'll take any time to sit down and do nothing unnecessary.
He doesn't always get this reprieve. On the days he does, though, he won't turn it down.
The phone haphazardly shoved on his nightstand starts to ring. 
Oh, hell. Did they already review the papers? His shoulder protests the movement, but he swipes and holds the work phone to his ear. “Reporting.”
“Journey, this is Cavalry. Morrigan is requesting you.”
“Tell them to fuck off,” he says, and nearly slams down the phone. God, the robot won't leave him alone, will they?
“They say it's a good thing?” Cavalry's voice is hesitant, soft. She knows immediately what JJ's day has been like, so she's retreated a bit from her usual bright tone. “Something about a gift for you.”
“...fine. Tell ‘em to leave it at my door.”
“Copy that. And, Journey?”
“I canceled your mission briefing tomorrow and postponed the new case until Thursday. Consider yourself on vacay.”
He can't help the laugh. “You know just what to say, don't you, Cav?”
“Get some sleep, hero.” Her smile is clear and bright. He can picture the crook in her bottom teeth. What did the Cages do to deserve her? “We'll see you in a few.”
The phone line disconnects, and the telltale sound of the signal shredding fills his tiny studio.
Ugh. Visitors.
He turns on his side and goes to sleep.
Someone is knocking on the door and he's going to cry.
He can't get up to see anyone. He can't let anyone see him in the first place, he's Journey, he's the hero of the city, a legend of unsolved proportions. His name is whispered in alleyways like a prayer, his image is on posters and in comic books, he is what he read about as a kid in South Dakota. 
He can't ruin that image. But he also can't move. And he's crying. That's helpful.
JJ would yell, shout some “get off my lawn” comment, but if he opened his mouth to speak, he'd probably end up sobbing. So he curls up deeper and feels the pain take root far beneath his skin, so white hot it feels like ice all over again, and lets his tears stain the pillow.
“Jace, are you alright?” It's Morrigan. Of course it's Morrigan. They went on two missions together and suddenly they won't stop showing up. “I can hear you. Are you–”
Fuck. He forgot about their hearing.
“No,” he says. It's muffled in his blankets. It's shaky and pathetic.
“That was entirely unconvincing. I'm coming in.”
Before he can protest, the door is open, like the lock didn't even exist. And he's splayed out on his bed in his messy studio apartment and he's crying.
God, what kind of mess does he look?
Morrigan is beside him too quickly. They've dropped something, it thuds on the floor, but they're already looking him over with an incredibly serious look in their eyes. “What happened? Who hurt you?”
JJ tries to laugh, but he's not quite done crying yet, so it comes out more like a sob. “Same people as usual.”
“Wait. Jaxon and his gang came after you? Did they–”
“No, you fucking tin can.” He looks up at their face, and softens. Even androids can look anxious and concerned, apparently. “Same people who always hurt us. The head honchos. Mission riggers. The ones who send us to our death like it's no sweat off their backs. Being a hero was so much easier back when they didn't have fucking bureaucracy.”
He turns away and hisses at the popping in his shoulders, curling up tighter. “It's fine. I'm fine. Just give me a day to be miserable.”
Morrigan's weight is gentle on the bed. He doesn't remember ever inviting them in. They just showed up and never left. “...Jace, are you touch-averse?”
“Uh. Bless you? The fuck?”
“I'm asking if I can touch you.”
JJ scoffs. “Jesus. Take me to dinner first. You break into my house one time, and now you live here, I guess. I don't give a shit.” 
A cold hand rests on his shoulder. And slowly, gently, begins to massage the muscles.
He can feel himself melt. Shifting to stretch out against the pain, Morrigan works their thumb carefully into his shoulder blades, delts, even down his spine and up on his neck. Their hands are deft, precise, unyielding.
JJ can't help it when his eyes flutter shut.
“You can go to sleep. I'm not going to hurt you, unless it's working a particularly tough knot in your shoulders. You're built like a brick wall, I think the term is?”
“Brick house,” he corrects, mumbling. “Don't kill me in my sleep.”
“We've gone over this. I'm here to help.”
JJ lets himself slip closer to sleep, further from the ache. He can feel his hands, warmer against his chest.
Distantly, he makes a mental note to give Morrigan a key next time. 
He's asleep not long after.
ah. trust takes time. and a little glimpse into JJ's more hopeless side (he needs a hug)
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winniethewife · 11 months
Jewels made of stardust 
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Chapter 3: It was your heart on the line
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Words: 1060
Warnings: Violence and yelling
~After the funeral for Han Solo~
“Red, come on talk to me! You have to talk to me at some point!”  Poe pleaded with her desperately as he follows here through the base they hadn’t talked since that night outside the cantina.
“I don’t have to do anything Dameron!” She growls in desperation as she turns on him giving up on running away. “If I don’t want to talk to you I won’t!”
“What the hell Red, I’m just trying to help.”
“I don’t need your help! I don’t need anyone’s help!” She shouts at him her hands in the air in desperation.
“I don’t believe that, Rhoswen. Your father died…you don’t have to be alone.” Poe tried to stay calm.
“I don’t need reminding, we just left a funeral.” She gestures wildly at the location they were leaving from.
“You’re right! We just left your father’s funeral you shouldn’t be alone right now!” Poe was getting frustrated.
“Stop pretending you know what’s best for me!” She screeches as she turns to leave again. He grabs her wrist stopping her from leaving.
“Stop pretending you can do this alone!” he shouts. She turns and glares at him trying to pull her arm out of his grasp.
“Leave me alone!” She roars as her fire filled emerald eyes pierce his equally angry dark brown ones.
“No! I’m not going to leave you!” He holds her tighter. She lets out an animalistic cry as she pulls him to ground with her as she falls to her knees in grief and anger. He tried to get closer wrapping his arm around her but she pushes him away violently, he hits his head on the stone floor, hard. He sat up again seeing stars.
“Damn it Red! Why won’t you let me be there for you?” he growls at her as he rubs the back of his head.
“Look, Dameron I’m not looking for you to sleep with me out of pity like you do everything else that breathes okay?” She says with venom and malice. This pissed him off. She should know she means more than that to him. Ever so much more than that, it really hurt him for her to think that little of him. He replies without thinking
“It’s not like he was even you’re real Dad.” He regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. The look on her face was enough, her mouth open ever so slightly in shock, her eyes full of tears and pain, her eyebrows shot up her face in disbelief. She stood unable to look him in the eye and turned to run. He tried to stand but he was too dizzy from hitting his head. He called out her name after her, but it was too late. She was gone.
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~Current day~
Rhoswen is running some routine checks on her T-70 X-wing trying her best to go unnoticed by anyone, just really needing an hour or so to herself after a morning full of briefings and repetitive supposedly inspirational speeches. Mostly She just really wanted to throttle Vice-admiral Holdo, The two have never gotten along and for good reason. She was just taking a second to picture her hands around the Vice-admiral’s neck when she heard a familiar series of beeps. She turns to see the Orange and white Astromech,
“Oh! Hey BB. What brings you to see me huh?” She smiles wiping the grease from her hands onto her pants before getting  down on the droids level giving him an affectionate pat. The small droid let off a series of beeps and boops
“I know, I miss hanging out with you too, but hey I’m always around, just because your dad and I aren’t on great terms doesn’t mean you can’t come see me.” Great now she feels like she talking to a child from a broken family. She sits down on the ground with the droid and talks with him for a while. At some point she looks up and looks across the hangar to see Poe leaning on a wall and watching them. The ghost of a smile on his face.
Poe was just happy to see her happy even if it was for just a minute. She deserved every bit of happiness. Every bit he couldn’t give her. She wasn’t wrong that day, back when they fought. Poe slept around a lot, he was a flirt and a tease. A “partner of the week” kind of guy, but when he met her, he didn’t want anyone else. She was his conquest, she was the one person he felt like he could really settle down with, someone he could give his mother’s ring to. But he messed that up, he said something terrible that he didn’t mean. Now he was even more fast and loose with relationships, as if to just prove her right. He hated himself for it, all of it.
“Did he send you to distract me so he could stare or is this just a coincidence?” She asks as she looks at BB-8 and gives the little droid a knowing look, who responds with a sound that sounded remarkably close to “Uh-oh.” And he rolls away after realizing he’s been caught. She shakes her head and smirks before standing up wiping the dust from her pants as she goes back to work, preparing for the possibility that Poe was about to approach and try to talk.
“Hey…Red.” Right on cue, he approaches, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder before she pulls away.
“Can I help you commander?” She says attempting to sound professional with a hint of malice in her voice.
“Come on, Rhoswen. I…I just wanted to know if you wanted to Join Me and the rest of the squad for drinks tonight.” He gives her his signature smirk which he only gets an eye roll in response to.
“Ugh…you know what, fine I’ll come but not for you. For the squad.” She agrees.
“Oh! Um great…I didn’t actually expect you to say yes.” He admits rubbing the back if his neck
“Thank BB for that, he softened me up.” She remarks as she shakes her head.
“Right, I will, see you tonight then…” He smiles as he walks away. He didn’t expect that to go so well, she can’t believe she agreed to that.
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ao3feed-itafushi · 3 months
all because i liked a boy
by missgranger megumi was never one to fall in love, everyone knew that. but, ever since meeting yuuji, megumi thinks that changes. he accepts yuujis friendship, but in the end, gets heartbroken. leaving him all alone again. Words: 1060, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Gojo Satoru Relationships: Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Itadori Yuuji/Kugisaki Nobara Additional Tags: Song: because i liked a boy (Sabrina Carpenter), Hurt Fushiguro Megumi, Hurt/Comfort, itadori is an angel, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Fushiguro Megumi, Love at First Sight, sorry nobara i need a villian love you queen, Tags Are Hard, VERY brief nobara/yuuji, like they date for like 2 days from AO3 works tagged 'Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji' https://ift.tt/DVYvRjA
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hyungseos-cafe · 8 months
the letterbox series ; chapter four - music boy
paring: the boyz jacob x gn!reader
genre: time travel au, fluff, angst
warning: none
word count: 1060
taglist: @deoboyznet @winterchimez @mars101 @cloverdaisies @uwu0clock
series masterlist
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I got up and immediately turned to grandfather's book he had left me, searching the pages for any possible answers as to why I ended up back here. I flipped through each page and when I thought there was no hope, another sheet of paper fell out.
“My dearest granddaughter, 
By this point you should be in the basement again. Your head hurts too, right? I know how it feels, I remember how much it hurts. 
That’s besides the point! I’m glad you found this letter and now that you’ve read this, I want to warn you not to be too attached with those whom you encounter on your journey. If you get too attached, the departure is what will hurt most. 
Many of those whom you encounter will be from your memories, others will be from the future. I would highly advise you to learn and remember as much as you can from each time jump, okay? 
And please, be careful. 
Love, Grandfather” 
I continued to flip through the pages, nothing strikes my fancy quite like the very last page did. It was embellished with multiple pictures and cut-out snippets from old newspapers. 
“Adventure is in the unexpected” it read, as soon as those words left my mouth, the air changed as it got warmer. Suddenly I heard my name being called, it was my mother, she was calling my name. 
I put the book down and ran to where my mother was calling me. The interior looked different again, the walls were now a warm beige. When I arrived at the kitchen, my mother looked younger as well. However this time, she wasn’t alone, she was accompanied by another woman and her son. 
“Honey, I want you to meet Mrs. Bae and her son, Jacob”
“Hi” the boy shyly said, waving to me softly
I waved back and bowed towards them and turned to my mother with a questioning look 
“Oh yes, that’s right! Honey, Jacob will be your guitar tutor!”
“Oh, okay” I responded nonchalantly as I turned to rummage through the fridge for some snacks, I wasn’t super thrilled since my mother had practically forced me into guitar. She said I wasn’t good at piano, so guitar was apparently the next best thing. 
“Honey, why don’t you take Jacob up to your room so you can get started”
I felt bad, but I rolled my eyes and dragged the poor boy to my room and shut it before face planting into the nearest stuffed animal 
“Are you okay?” I heard, forgetting that Jacob was in my room 
“Yeah, I’m sorry my mother dragged you here”
“Oh, no that’s okay. She said she’d pay me”
“Really? So you must be really good then” I quipped at the boy, he had the most angelic like features, but I had to throw all my thoughts out the window since he would be my guitar tutor for lord knows how long. 
“I’ve been playing for sometime, but I’m really not that great” 
“Oh shut up! You’re the one I hear playing every Saturday morning, aren’t you?” At this, Jacob chuckled lightly as he began tapping his palm against his thigh. 
“Yeah, does it bother you? I can stop if you’d like”
“Are you kidding me? You’re amazing! Can you teach me how to play like that?”
Jacob enthusiastically nodded his head as he took a seat on your bed and grabbed your guitar from the side of the bed 
“First, you want to familiarize yourself with the feeling of holding a guitar, okay?”
I nodded, Jacob began his first lesson teaching me all the basics from fret numbers to chords. My fingers hurt from how hard I would have to press to strum each note, but nonetheless I pushed through. With that, the first lesson went by like a snap. Each lesson was roughly an hour long, but they never felt long because Jacob was so kind and patient. 
Jacob would be over 3 times a week for his lessons, and before I knew it, I didn’t need him anymore. I could play by myself and I was becoming quite proficient. My mother was pleased, she would have me play after dinner for the family to help close out the night. 
Once Saturday arrived, I remembered how I would hear Jacob strumming a melody, so this morning I decided to surprise him. I quickly got ready and hopped out to my balcony that faced him and waited for him to join. 
“What are you doing out here so early?”
“I thought I would join you, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course!” 
The two of us played well into the afternoon, and once our mini duet had ended, we could hear an applause coming from the neighborhood along with a few whistles. 
“Thanks for playing with me today, see you next week!” Jacob shouted before making his way back inside his bedroom. 
Jacob was always the sweetest with me, he was not only my guitar tutor, but also my neighbor and classmate from school. We did many things together, including performing at our school's talent show. 
You could say we were inseparable, he was always around me up until I had to leave that is. It all came crashing down one night, I couldn’t tell him, but I knew it was time. The only way he’d know is if I left him a note, and that was what I did. 
“Dear Jacob, 
You may not understand now, but I have to leave. Thank you for so many wonderful memories, you have been so kind and I am so sorry to leave you like this. 
Promise you that you won’t wait on me, okay? 
I love you.
I hope you see you in another lifetime. 
Jacob’s tears soaked through the note as he cried, his mother delivered him the note the same morning I left. Y/n was the closest thing to love he had ever felt, why did Y/n have to leave he thought, and in another lifetime? 
It was the next morning that I woke up in the same basement, cold and tired, but this time my face was wet with tears. Grandfather was right, I shouldn’t get attached to those I find in each time shift, but it was so hard.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 29 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/SIMvaKd by Rainydaize Damian was upset, everyone had to know, he was aware of just how terribly he was hiding it. Drake didn't want to be his brother and that was fine, he just had to let the older leave. He wouldn't stop him if Drake didn't want him to. "Damian, we need to talk." Damian had to admit he was surprised when one day Drake walked up to him, in the living room. "Yes, Drake?" Or a misunderstanding between brothers Words: 1060, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake (DCU), Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Additional Tags: Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Get Along, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are Siblings, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne Bonding, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Damian Wayne Gets a Hug, Damian Wayne Feels, Damian Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Damian Wayne-centric, Tired Tim Drake, Misunderstandings, Brotherly Angst, Symbolism, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/SIMvaKd
0 notes
luminous-jones · 2 years
Sailing Off To Find My Happy Ending- OUAT fanfiction- Killian Jones- Chapter 2
By Luna Jones (Luminous-Jones)
Word count: 1060
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On her way down to the docks, she made a stop at her favorite coffee shop to get a latte and a jam-filled doughnut. Now, she was approaching the docks with a paper cup and bagged doughnut in hand.
She took a sip of her coffee as she turned and stepped onto the docks. As she walked she thought about her step-father and how much he longed to fix up his boat and how at his death she promised not to give up. His boat would be fixed up and she'd take it out on the waters. She'd not be able to travel far in it. It would not survive out in the harsh sea waves for very long, unlike Killian's pirate ship from her dreams. It wasn't designed for travel, but maybe she could take it out to fish.
Still deep in thought, she carried on walking towards where her father's boat was and was immediately snapped out of them as she bumped into someone nearly scolding herself with the hot drink. Kenzie looked up to apologize to whoever it was, but as she saw who she suddenly found she couldn't speak.
"Sorry there, love. I didn't see you. I'm in a bit of a rush I've got myself a crocodile to kill," Hook said and carried on walking down the docks leaving Kenzie standing there watching him leave with wide eyes.
It can't be. Can it? Kenzie thought. That man looked and sounded an awful lot like Captain Hook from her dreams but it couldn't be possible. It was just a dream, Peter Pan was just a story but then who was that man? It had to be him. She believed it but how could she know for certain? Then his words played back in her head. "Crocodile?" She spoke allowed.
It had to be him because it all made sense and what her mother had said about happy endings did happen just like in fairytales had been true even though Kenzie had misunderstood what she had truly meant. If that was so she just let the man she was destined to be with walk away but if it was fate surely they'd meet again.
After walking away from that young woman with purple hair, Hook realized that she had been quite beautiful and something was telling him to stay and chat. And if the circumstances had been different he'd have loved to do just that and introduced himself, but he had more pressing matters to attend to than talking to pretty girls. He had the crocodile to kill. He would avenge Milah's death. The woman he had been in love with.
Kenzie turned and carried on walking this time taking care to look at her surroundings and then she saw it. How hadn't she noticed it before? The same huge pirate ship she and Killian went sailing on in her 'dreams' was down at the end of the docks. "It is true," she spoke aloud with a smile on her face, and with no control over them, her feet ran towards the ship.
She stopped before stepping aboard realizing what she was doing. Had she just nearly boarded a pirate ship? That was probably the worst decision she ever had, she knew tales about pirates and she knew they wouldn't take lightly trespassers on their ship. However his dream was one hundred percent right, she knew Hook wouldn't hurt her but alas she didn't know Killian not really and her dreams, or whatever they were might not exactly be completely truthful.
However, he was gone and she didn't know how long it would be until he came back she had always wanted to see a pirate ship up close. If she was quick she could be on and off again without him ever knowing she was there. Kenzie climbed on board.
First, she went to the very front of the ship and closed her eyes, re-imagining her dream from last night. Then she went to the wheel and grabbed hold of it and let out a sigh. I should have said something anything but it can't be too late to find out if my dreams were true about me and Killian, she thought as she turned and went to explore the rest of the ship.
Once she looked at every inch of the deck she made her way below deck. Looking around, a smile couldn't help but form on her face. Since being a little girl she had always dreamed of traveling and seeing the world and more importantly the ocean. Something about it had always intrigued her and now here she was standing on a pirate ship, with the potential to sail the oceans with a man she had believed to be fiction.
There came the sounds of footsteps trodding along the wooden planks and the sounds of voices. He was back. Damnit, how long was I on here? She thought but then she could hear the voices more clearly.
"In there," she heard a woman say as the footsteps approached closer. It wasn't him or maybe he was with the woman. She didn't know but in a state of panic, she grabbed her latte and doughnut off the table and then rushed to find a hiding place.
As she scrambled about the ship she somehow found a secret entrance to a different part of the ship. The door to where she was beginning to open just as she jumped down, she quickly but quietly closed the door above her head and listened.
The people entered and then the footsteps came to a stop but she heard someone groaning as if they were in pain.
Then she heard footsteps again. "Dad, can I help you to sail?" A little boy asked.
"Sure," a man answered, and then she heard a door close.
Who the hell are they? She wondered in thought. None of the voices belongs to Killian so who are these people? She had a feeling that whoever they were they weren't supposed to be there and neither was she.
How am I going to get off this ship? She thought as she accidentally dropped her latte. "Crap!" She whispered and went to pick up the cup.
As she got back up a voice shocked her causing her to lose her balance.
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thewickedxrp · 2 years
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                                                         ⁠TO THE PROMISE LAND
age / age they appear: 1060 / 25  occupation: massage therapist group: none
always a curious thing, soohwa is, always observing and drawing comments on his head about what unfolds around him, always an inviting smile on his lips and saccharine words on his tongue. the world resolves around him, and how could it not when he feels like a god? he takes and takes and takes while giving almost nothing in return, and why would he when it's the universe that owes him? a young little thing that even though he thinks that he has seen and been around enough to know where he's standing, there's still certain audacity that comes with inexperience, a condescendence that comes with youth— aspects that are intrinsic parts of how he views the environment around him and interacts with it.
a child of chaos; that was what he was born to be and therefore that's what he'll always be. he's detached from the things and people around him because they're all ephemeral existences that he has seen die and reborn way too many times to count. gumiho are creatures fated to be alone with the only purpose of feeding their own existence; that's what he was born to be and therefore what he'll always be, unapologetic about his being and indulging about his needs no matter how brief or long lasting they are.
always a curious thing, soohwa is, from the moment that he was born into existence.
so he was always watching, always peaking through bushes and any other hiding places that he could find, being raised on his own, feeding off leftover emotions that human left around him, from heartbreak to eternal love, from fondness born out of loyalty to wrath born out of betrayal, from affection for something as harmless looking as a white kit to anger for the ingratitude expressed by the animal that abandoned them so easily even after they so lovingly fed and kept him warm through the harsh winter.
always foolish things, humans are, soohwa learns through the years.
foolish and not very resilient, prone to finding their ends way too soon either through illness or age, that when they weren't killed by their own kind over mostly petty things, but soohwa always found antagonisms amusing and conflicts entertaining to the point that he doesn't even mind that much when humans are stupid enough to let themselves get hurt, to have others wrong them, but still insist on the same mistake no matter how much their trust or heart — or both — are broken.
he also finds that perhaps this is the universe proven to him that soohwa's existence is one to be catered to instead of catering to others. humans are so easily fooled because by simple things, go through the same cycle of happiness and misery again and again until they rot under the earth because how else soohwa is supposed to feed? where else is he supposed to find amusement in his endless existence?
always a playful thing, soohwa was, but not stupid, not in the way that humans usually are.
because not everything that looks human is human. soohwa is the living proof of that and if not him, he has met creatures here and there that hid something else under the a cover of meat and flesh. because humans are too trusting with things that they find pleasant to look at so soohwa spends his time, from the moment that he can shapeshift, taking advantage of how easy humans fall in love and how fast they fall out of it as well, how they promise him eternal love and then wish him hell the moment that he gets what they want from them. soohwa takes advantage that humans are also prone to chaos as long as you push the right button.
always full of whims, soohwa is, and always too easy to get bored of things.
that's why he doesn't really stay in the same place for too long, never really felt like he found nor needed a place to call home, nor does he stays in the same job for too long and hobbies are picked up as easily as they're dropped again. routine and stability bores him to the point that he swears he can feel his soul dies slowly and painfully, monotony being his sworn enemy, so soohwa chances excitement or whatever else he is feeling in the moment wherever it might be.
always a chaos loving thing, soohwa is, and that's why he's attracted to it.
that's also why he ends up interested in jeju, hearing from one of the creatures he ended up befriending, but what catches his attention isn't the promise of somewhat of a safer haven for the supernatural due to the amount of nonhumans in the city, but the battle for dominance. after all soohwa has always found antagonisms amusing and conflicts entertaining, . he isn't even interested in who is going to stand on top in the end, doesn't wish it to be his own species either, soohwa wants to see the world burn simply for the sake of it and he might see just that while living in jeju.
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armysantiny · 2 years
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I posted 4,247 times in 2022
2,112 posts created (50%)
2,135 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,071 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#minnie rambles - 1,353 posts
#minnie's lovely mutuals - 554 posts
#minnie answers - 427 posts
#my baby 🥺 - 188 posts
#bby dino 🦕 - 172 posts
#kyu bby <3 - 111 posts
#admin buddies ✨ - 88 posts
#xash guardians asks - 85 posts
#anon asks - 82 posts
#minnie finds tiktoks! - 79 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#how have i been a writer for 6 years to expect such a abysmal number of interactions/reblogs/etc from my work?? my follower count is 500+
My Top Posts in 2022:
-[ ateez: when you flinch
P: ateez x gender neutral reader| G: fluff, angst, headcanon | Inc: getting mad, outbursts, bad days, arguments, making up | Wc: 1060 | W: yelling, arguments, flinching, crying | R: G
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Park Seonghwa | 박성화
He’s silent. The air is still and hushed from the argument that had happened only moments prior. Tears well up in his own eyes as he watches how you silently plead for him to stop shouting. The whole argument was trivial, and he had shouted at you…?
“Y/n…I’m so so sorry…” You barely have time to respond before he’s putting the argument to bed, offering to give you space. And in the midst of his rambled apologies, you have to hold him and reassure him that no, he’s not a bad boyfriend. It just startled you. You still love him.
Kim Hongjoong | 김홍중
It happens so fast; he’s stressed about not finishing the melody he was working on and oh darling he didn’t mean to throw his hands back. He’s frozen in place and oh god you flinched because of him… his voice is nothing but a whisper, the air clinging to his words as he apologises over and over and over again. He wasn’t going to hurt you, he would never hurt you, oh god he’d never think about hurting you—
The moment you let him hold you it’s like he’d lose you forever if he let go; whispering hushed comforts as he soothes your trembling figure. You were only in there to check on him because there was radio silence the entire day. You just missed him – and oh god his heart drops.
Jeong Yunho | 정윤호
He’s a gentle giant but after hours of futile perfecting of a routine he just can’t get right, Yunho is intimidating. He can’t help how he towers over you, ranting about how he’s fine and he just needs a few more minutes to get this right, and that’s when it happens. His voice raises and you take a step back, eyes quivering in the wake of his outburst. He breaks, somehow seeming half his size as he takes in the gravity of what he had just done.
His hands reach out for you, freezing as he pleads with the universe that you’ll accept his chance to make up for his mistake. A breath he didn’t know he was holding finally leaves him when you take his hand, Yunho cradling your head in his chest and apologising for scaring you. He’s stressed, and that’s no reason for him to treat you the way he did.
Kang Yeosang | 강여상
As much as Yeosang loves the back and forth he has with you, he also has his bad days. Bad days where he wants nothing more than for someone to look past the aloof front and tell him that everything’s going to be okay. But tonight, somehow even you’re oblivious and it just bubbles over. He snaps, going off over how you should have seen it and did you even care?
And he feels so guilty when he realises you’ve been flinching away with every step. The anger leaves his system near immediately and the apologies tumble out. But he doesn’t have long to wait before you’re pulling him into your arms, comforting your exhausted boyfriend, sorry for not realising how bad he was feeling. Everything was going to be okay.
Choi San | 최산
San’s a passionate man and bless him he gets invested in whatever the topic of discussion (or argument) happens to be. He gets lost in it sometimes. Tonight was just one of those nights, and a simple comment led to an intense argument that neither on you were intent on losing. Even if there was nothing to lose. And so he slams his hand down on the table as he tries to physically show you what he was describing, but the words die in his throat when he realises you’ve flinched, shuffling away from him
“Baby, I—…” tears start collecting in his own eyes, pulling you into his arms and putting the conversation to bed. Whether he was right or not no longer mattered, not when he’s startled you so badly.
Song Mingi | 송민기
Mingi doesn’t get angry often, and he tries not to. As tall as you may be, he towers over you and it doesn’t play into his favour when he isn’t trying to be the dominant force in the room. He’s just had a long day and his voice has an edge to it and he doesn’t mean for it to sound so aggressive, but it does. What he intends to be a simple request comes out harsher than it sounded in his head and the volume makes you flinch.
Several deep breaths later and he’s brought you beside him, apologising for his outburst and admitting he was at his wits end. You were just trying to help and he knows that.
Jung Wooyoung | 정우영
You know Wooyoung has a tendency to be loud, a rarely tamed excitement that charmed you the first time you met the man. But sometimes it gets a bit much. He knows this too, and he can usually see the signs that you’d prefer a quieter day, but it slipped by him today. You’d both had a fast-paced, exciting day and in the midst of it all, it suddenly dawns that you need space to process everything and breathe. Enter Wooyoung in all his excited glory and—
His voice shrinks when he sees you flinch, the entire way he holds himself coated in concern. He whispers, holding you close and making sure you know he didn’t mean to startle you. He’ll get some blankets, switch on your favourite film and the pair of you can unwind from the day you had.
Choi Jongho | 최종호
Jongho never intends on shutting you out when he doesn’t feel emotionally present, he just needs time for himself to process and understand how he’s feeling in the moment so he can deal with it. And he loves you so much for being so open and willing to discuss your emotions, but today just wasn’t his day. As much as he loves listening to your voice, it’s just too overwhelming and he just wants quiet for one moment—
And you flinched. So he kicks himself (mentally) and pulls you into his arms. It wasn’t your fault; you were just trying to help, and he knows that. But all he wants you to know is that sometimes he needs those moments to bring himself back down to reality. With a kiss to your forehead, he makes sure you know he’s only in his room if you need something as well.
See the full post
244 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
-[ enhypen; late night headcanons
P: ot7 x gender neutral reader | G: fluff, headcanon | Inc: late night fluff, ice rinks, gaming, getting iced coffee, walking hand-in-hand, watching dramas together, face masks, teasing | Wc: 700| W: food/drink cw| R: G
minnie's notes: @renjuns-grillfreind I've finally done the enha version~ (why was hoon the hardest one to think of lmao)
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Lee Heeseung | 이회승
Walking hand-in-hand after getting hot chocolate, bundled up in scarves and your favourite coats. Finding craft stores and making little phone charms, teasing each other on the designs. Shrugging him off your shoulders while you try to meet assignment deadlines, promising to join him for much-needed cuddles when you make the progress you want. Burying your face in his chest after a long day and laughing when he calls himself your body pillow. Stealing his hoodie and curling up on the sofa wearing it, Heeseung unable to do anything but find you adorable.
Jay Park | 박종성
Doodling on his wrist while you watch a film together, Jay’s attention is on you rather than whatever was previously catching his eye. Stealing his hoodie and playing with the sleeves while he impresses you once again with his cooking ability. Reading a book beside him while he gets on with any outstanding work and looking over to give feedback and support every so often. Jay watching you excitedly explain the plot of your favourite book/show with a smile that screams oh my god I am in love with you. Going to watch fireworks together and putting your hand in his jacket pocket when it starts getting too cold. Walking under a shared umbrella after a night out and holding onto his arm.
Jake Sim | 심재윤
Sharing pictures of each other’s pets and sighing in defeat when he finally convinces you that Layla is definitely cuter. Experimenting with new ramen combinations you find online while rewatching Vincenzo and collectively simping over Song Joongki. Laying your head in his lap and letting him fiddle with your hair. Dragging him outside to 24/7 libraries to binge on manga collections together, revelling in the peace (that definitely gets broken by laughter). Taking pictures of the night sky together.
Park Sunghoon | 박성훈
Walking through the high street, pointing to every kind of penguin-themed merchandise, and asking if it’s him, relishing in the annoyed but amused look on his face. Getting him his favourite drink after a long day and Sunghoon engulfing you in one of those long hugs that you both know you need. Working on long overdue projects and making silly faces at each other from across the table, two iced drinks in between you. Visiting ice rinks and watching as he tries – and succeeds – to impress you while you two do a few rings of the ice, your hand in his.
Kim Sunoo | 김선우
Late nights spent binging rom-com after rom-com, laughing, and analysing each other’s favourite characters. Laying on his bed with a face mask while he games, the sound of Sunoo furiously hitting the keys against his soft and gentle tone. Sitting back while he insists on doing your hair, only for you to fall asleep and mess it up again later (don’t worry, he took a picture already, and you look cute asleep). Sharing your newest perfume and giving Sunoo the address of the store so you can buy a collection later on. Falling asleep sprawled over each other.
Yang Jungwon | 양정원
Late night picnics in the park sharing the light of the streetlamps with nothing but each other. Watching maeumi run around, giggling and running to grab a phone to record the adorable pet. Grabbing a wash-marker and doodling on whoever lost a round of rock paper scissors. Taking a picture of the finished result and running as Jungwon chases you to delete it. Promising not to show anyone your masterpiece and saving the image as your background. Helping him take care of his plants and debating over the name of his new plant-child.
Nishimura Riki | 리키
Gaming nights spent playing round after round of FIFA, groaning when he rubs his victories in your face, only to whine when you beat him three rounds in a row. Ordering takeout and sighing when he gets you to order three times the normal amount for a teenager because he’s a growing boy are you really going to deny him y/n? Complying eventually but shoving his over-6ft-tall height in his face and throwing your phone in his direction. Taking a picture of him sleeping and sending to the others with the caption the giant child, everyone. Getting the easels out and painting your portraits, comparing when you’ve finished and admiring his artistic talent.
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274 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
-[Jungkook; soft bf headcanon
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295 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
...soft bf!Jeno turns and smiles when he sees you dozing off on his bed, the video game on his PC screen suddenly much less interesting than it originally was. Saying goodbye to the others - while Hyuck yells at him for ditching them - and shutting the game off, he climbs into bed, arms wrapped around you.
446 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
-[ nct dream: late-night headcanons
P: ot7 dream x gender neutral reader | G: fluff, headcanons | Inc: laughter, playing the guitar, cuddles, taking pictures, art, playing games with them, making ramen, coffee shop runs, Daegal, late-night ice cream bc I said so, I'm in love with boys can you tell??, star-gazing, learning Chinese with Renjun | Wc: 681 | W: food/drink | R: G
Minnie's Notes: Here you go my lovely @renjuns-grillfreind <3
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Mark Lee | 이민형
Late nights with Mark are full of laughter and deep conversations about everything and nothing all at once. Eyes shut as you listen to him cover your favourite songs and embarrassed smiles while he teaches you how to play the guitar. Listening to the curated playlist he made for you while you lay together and watch the ceiling. Sneaking pictures of him without makeup, refusing to delete it because he looks pretty like that and pointing out every little feature you like about it. Hint; it’s everything.
Huang Renjun | 런줜
Twilight hours spent getting lost in various art projects together, watching over Jun’s shoulder as he finishes another one of his pieces. Deep conversations about the future and your goals; he promises to support you as much as humanly possible. Staying up over the phone for little Chinese language lessons while you both fight the urge to sleep. Tracing constellations in the night sky in the park with nothing else but coffee, blankets and all the time in the world. Late-night photoshoots against alleyways, laughing at how bad the picture came out while taking the best ones as shared wallpapers.
Lee Jeno | 이제노
Late nights spent looking at new desk setups and decorations for your shared gaming spaces. Laughing at Hyuck’s incessant yelling down the mics when you ‘accidentally’ let yourself get killed in-game to spend more time with Jeno away from the screen. Content smiles when he wraps his arms around you from behind while you’re making hot chocolates, his head buried in the crook of your neck. Constant discussions over adopting a puppy and all the aesthetic things the pair of you could do as pup-parents.
Lee Donghyuck | 이동혁
Staying up watching as he plays round after round with the others, chuckling as he shouts obscenities over his headphones. Filming Hyuck to use as ‘blackmail’ material in the group chat later on. Popping open a can for the pair of you when he finally finishes playing, the clock hits two am easily. Throwing a pillow in his face when he suggests something absolutely insane and laughing at his over-the-top offended face. Pretending to film that reality show he keeps talking about whenever he starts going off on one of his tangents. Sharing snacks while you bicker over what to watch and watching the same show for the nth time.
Na Jaemin | 나재민
Late night coffee runs where you gawk at the sheer amount of extra espresso shots he adds to his drink order. Running after him as he pulls you to the next 24/7 café he finds. Listening to him ramble about his day while you watch with an endeared smile because how does he still have all this energy? Waking up at unholy times because Jaemin’s calling you over to bake muffins with him. Enjoying your freshly made midnight snacks with a drama marathon wrapped under blankets.
Zhong Chenle | 천러
Falling asleep against his shoulder three dramas into your tv marathon, his hands gently laced through your hair. Playing with Daegal and struggling not to wake up the entire neighbourhood with your shared laughter, the small dog just too cute. Wandering the convenience store looking for the best midnight snack before settling on buying an entire bag full because no one could come up with a clear answer. Nibbling on the bag of snacks on the way home while ranting about each other’s day and making fun of his hyungs – with good intentions.
Park Jisung | 박지성
Waking up to Jisung pleading you to join him on one of his late-night craving-induced trips to the store to get ice creams. Laughing about your brain freezes while trying to down the frozen treats. Watching (read; supervising) him make ramen and applauding when he manages to not burn the kitchen down; his hyungs aren’t exactly keen on waking up to the smell of a burnt kitchen and a panicking Park Jisung. Eating said ramen by the balcony and watching the rain hit the ground outside. Counting as many graveyard shift workers making their way across the street and wondering what their day looks like. Laying in each other’s lap and relaxing while you play with each other’s hair.
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1,094 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Always Will
There was a small commotion outside of the room that paused Nyar's hand over his tie. A grunt, followed by a thud that sounded not unlike a body dropping to the ground. The door to his rooms opened only a moment later, with Nyar's hand reaching for a weapon he didn't have.
A short figure entered, dressed in the uniform of one of Lillians guards. Though the scarred face wasn't one Nyar recognized. Certainly wasn't the face of the guard posted outside his door the last he'd entered it.
The guard offered a smile and a small bow as their eyes flicked around the room. "Are you alright, my lord?"
Nyar nodded his confirmation, brow furrowed amd the tension in his shoulders not leaving as the guard continued to search around. Eyes scanning over every surface and ducking into the other rooms for a moment before reappering. Something about this wasn't right.
The guard nodded once before turning back to Nyar, satisfied the prince was alone. "Captain Greywolf sends eir regards," they finally said.
Nyar's heart lept, but he kept his expression as nuetral as he could. Only letting out a sharp intake of breath he couldn't hold back. "Who are you?"
He couldn't stop the voice in the back of his head telling him this was some sort of trick some sort of test. One he'd no doubt fail, if Jace was involved in any capacity.
"Cyrus Doyle, at your service should you wish it," the guard introduced. "A friend of your captains. And a messenger." Cyrus paused, giving Nyar a chance to speak should he take it. Only continuing on when Nyar stayed silent. "You're weddings today," they said, and Nyar's hand tightened at his side.
Wedding. His wedding. To Lillian. Scheduled only a short time from now, he'd been readying himself for it. Attempting to garner some sort of peace with it while he'd stared at his reflection in the mirror dressed in a suit she'd picked out. One of her roses pinned to his chest. The tie around his neck tightened like a noose, that spelled not his death but the next step trapped in a life not of his choosing. It might as well of spelled his death.
He wished it did.
"I've come to ask if you wish to go through with it."
Nyar blinked, his ears thundering. Throat thick. A test this was a test, one final one before his life was tied to Lillians forever. A last time of Jace dangled in front of him like a threat. Answer wrong...
It didn't matter if he answered wrong. There was nothing more that she could do to him. Nothing more that she could do to Jace.
He couldn't bear to answer the question correctly.
"Then you shan't," Cyrus said. "Greywolf is here, with a means to put an end to all of this. The only thing ey need is your consent, none of this happens without it."
"Can I talk to em?" Nyar asked, heart thundering almost as fast as his mind was racing. He tried not to put too much faith in Cyrus' words. Jace, here? No. That'd be an insane risk... coming back for him... it wasn't worth it. But when Nyar spoke again, he dared to let himself hope for a moment that perhaps it was true. Perhaps this wasn't some sick trick of Lillians meant to torment him. "What are ey planning? Where are ey?"
Cyrus shook their head. That wasn't information they could give. "All you need to do is play your part, go along with everything you're expected to. Wait. Can you do that?"
"Ey didn't give me anything to prove my legitimacy," Cyrus said, frowning a little. "Ey were stripped of anything ey had that you would recognize when her majesty had em abandoned for dead. But I can tell you of a scar, eir left shoulder blade. It came from a wound won while protecting you from a band of thieves that attacked your caravan. The two of you were the only survivors, and you spent the night under the stars. Stripped of your possessions and horses. You insisted on tending to em, despite eir protests. Offering your own shirt for a bandage
You awoke the next morning with Greywolf tucked under your arm and asleep against your shoulder."
Nyar sucked in another breath, pulled into the memory. He hadn't been supposed to fall asleep, had promised to keep watch while Jace slept. It'd been a cold night, the pair sharing their cloaks having not dared to light a fire. And they'd argued. First over Nyar cleaning and wrapping Jace's wound the best he could with what they had available. It wasn't his place, ey'd insisted. It was the least he'd owed em after saving his life as many times as ey had, he'd countered. And secondly, over Jace getting any sleep. He'd one both arguments, Jace surrending to sleep on the forest floor beside him while he'd promised to stay up and keep watch. While he'd promised to wake em halfway through the night to switch places.
He hadn't kept either promise.
And he'd never dared breath a word to the exact even'ts of that night to anyone.
To hear the story now, from someone else... It had to be Jace. Lillian never knew, she'd never been allowed that glimpse into the memories he kept locked close to his heart. And he had kept that night locked tightly to his heart.
And the morning after, when Jace had shifted against his against his shoulder; waking with the rising sun. When ey'd smiled at him a little, blinking against the cold of the morning.
Jace had pulled away suddenly, coming back to eirself. Ducking eir head and mumbling an apology.
Ey hadn't even chastised him for falling asleep.
"Tell Jace to go through with what ey have planned," Nyar said, clearing his throat while he pulled himself away from that morning. "Ey have my trust, and full support. Ey always will."
Cyrus nodded, and ducked back towards the door. He opened it just a crack, "do you have all of that, Loyd?"
A confirming knock resounded against the wood and Cyrus glanced back towards the prince.
"I'll be outside your door until you're ready, you should finish getting ready to see your Captain again."
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msbarrybeeson · 2 years
Don’t | Donnie X GN!Reader
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A/N: This was so lovely to write. In my opinion, Donnie would be the most challenging of the four brothers. I think there are specifics to his behavior and personality, so trying to accurately replicate it does take some time. Apologies for any out-of-characterness from Donnie. Remember that constructive criticism is always appreciated, especially for characters, and enjoy! 
Requested: @sunnyselks 
Summary: You were wounded from protecting Donnie. When you were waving off his demands to treat you, he had to take it into his own hands to tend to you.
Genre: Hurt-Comfort
Reader: Second POV. Gender-neutral pronouns if any.
Pairing: Rise!Donnie X Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood, needles, cuts. Argument over each other’s safety.
Word Count: ~1060
“Don, I’m fine.”
“Oh, sure, tell me that while your clothes are soaked in blood!” Donnie yelled. “Take off your shirt, (Name), or I’m not letting you leave the grounds of this room.”
“Donnie,” you stressed, clutching the wound on your arm. 
“(Name), don’t.”
You turned away from him, about to leave his room despite his warning. “It’s a minor injury, I’m perfectly fi—.”
Suddenly, small chips leeched onto your arm, catching you off-guard. They unfolded into wrist binds, where you realized this was his way of forcing you to stay put.
“Don!” you grunted, as the binds pulled you toward facing a wall. “Are you serious!?”
“As Galileo is about his heliocentric model.” Donnie took a binder clip from one of his desk drawers. “You leave me no choice, (Name).” As soon as the turtle lifted your shirt up from behind, chills ran over your skin from the cold air hitting the other cut on your back. He wrapped the hem over your collar, then proceeded to clip it.
“I could’ve done this myself or gone to a hospital,” you muttered.
Donnie scoffed. “And let them force you to pay expensive bills as your last resort when you have me? I thought you knew better than that.” He cleaned the blood around your wound with a wet paper towel before applying an alcohol wipe to disinfect.
“You know full well you can’t stitch your own back either. You wouldn’t want to risk inquiring your parental guardians for help in the end and being forced to give a whole explanation.”
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Donnie picking up a needle. The thought of it puncturing you made you shudder. There were vaccinations and blood tests, but they never changed your tension with needles.
You wanted to get this over with— the suspense was only making you more vulnerable.
“Are you going to inject the needle, Donnie—?” Your nails immediately dug into your palm as pain struck. "Argh..!" You winced badly.
“Don’t move,” he paused, “if that wasn’t obvious enough.”
“Easier said than done when I'm not used to having my skin pricked—!” You seethed, “Urgh.. couldn’t you have numbed it?”
“What, with lidocaine?” Donnie replied monotonously. “No, because you wouldn’t learn and would try to save me again—,” he pricked the needle the fourth time, “even though you are a human who could’ve gotten killed— God—why in the name of logic did you do that, (Name)!?”
“I did it to protect you!” you argued.
“Don’t you dare ignore the fact that you could’ve gotten killed!”
“I am capable of my own safety.”
“Scoffs. Think common sense, (Name). You’re a human,” he reminded, the anger in his voice showing. “I’m a mutant turtle; I have the biological features to defend myself!”
“You’re a soft-shelled turtle.”
Donnie stopped moving the needle. "Really, assuming that my soft-shell automatically makes me vulnerable? Are you trying to tell me I’m unable to protect myself because of that, (Name)?”
He frowned. “I have my technology— my intelligence to accommodate, so don’t put yourself in danger whenever the hell possible and let me handle myself. End of discussion.”
You wanted to slam your fists. As he was about to add another stitch, your body shook.
“They destroyed your battle shell!” Anguish scratching your voice. “Just because you're a mutant or because you have your military-grade tech, doesn't mean you won't get murdered, crushed!
God, don’t take it the wrong way. I’m not trying to assume or belittle neither you nor your tech. All I'm concerned about is keeping you alive!”
“You weakened your voice. “If me getting injured means you’d be okay, then that’s enough for me.”
Donnie’s breath hitched.
..You knew your turtle wasn’t great at apologizing, but his silence told you everything. He didn’t make a snarky or sarcastic remark.. instead, he listened.
“..I’m sorry.”
“I know. But don’t put yourself down.. I never once thought you're supposed to be perfectly strong or invulnerable. That applies to everyone all the same. Flaws happen, whether we're fine with it or not.”
You turned your head to look at Donnie. Something was still bothering him.
“But I’ll try not to scare you again if that makes you feel better.” The tension left his face, and he proceeded to finish the last few stitches.
It was all calm and quiet until he dragged his cold finger lightly over the stitched-up wound. You shuddered.
“You keep flinching so much.”
“You’re one to talk, you’re sensitive to touch as much as I am, if not so much more.”
“No, no, not that. I find it interesting, because.. I don’t see you reacting so violently when April stitched up the other cut on your back. You know, from falling off the table.” As Donnie applied a cotton pad and tape to cover your wound, he looked up to meet your eyes.  
But you quickly faced away to the other direction.
Donnie leaned the same way, one of his brows raised.
And you avoided eye-contact yet again.
“You’re flustered.”
“What?” The red rushing to your ears.
“Flustered,” he repeated. “Its definition being ‘agitated, confused, ruffled—.’”
“No, I meant: how am I flustered?”
Donnie dragged his finger along your skin again. You felt your face heat up.
“You’re flustered from having your back exposed to me.”
“I’m not.” You sensed his ego returning.
“Tell that to my lie-detector and we’ll see how that goes.”
“You have a polygraph?”
“Of course not,” Donnie actually scoffed. “We all know polygraphs are never accurate enough to be trusted.” He unclipped your shirt and released the binds on your wrists.
You groaned, rubbing your aching hands. “You had me binded to a wall, and lifted my shirt to stitch my cut— so of course— I would feel exposed.. and flustered.” You sat in your turtle's desk chair.
“Yes, exactly, I did that to treat you." He crossed his arms. "And I find that hypocritical, considering you exposed yourself and your whereabouts on the Internet."
You gave him a look, before holding your knees to your chest. There was a change in expression as you whispered, "..Thanks."
Donnie stood awkwardly, rubbing his arm once he heard you and finding sincerity on your face. The soft-shelled turtle stepped closer to you and slowly wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
"Hey, I thought you don't like this intimate stuff," you joked.
Now Donnie himself became flustered. “Don’t, (Name).”
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
could write a cissy x reader fic maybe some hurt comfort . Like we think she is cheating or smth🤍 btw i love your blog you’re an amazing writer ( sorry for mistakes English isn’t my first language)
pairing: narcissa malfoy x reader
word count: 1060
notes and warnings: love this request and thank youu <3 this is inspired by “the last beautiful thing i saw is the thing that blinded me” by paris paloma ALSO I made up a first name for Blaise Zabini’s mom bc she didnt have one and the only other death-eater-esque women are bellatrix (we don’t do incest folks) and alecto carrow sooo,, also i wrote this when i was deliriously tired so bear w me 😅
taglist: @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @thedeconstructionist @traumatisedfangirl @devriesgoode
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This shattered reality haunts us relentlessly.
Always, it is there, lurking in the shadows — such a past, such a fear that cannot be named, waiting for a moment to deliver us to death.
Step on the cracks, listen to the ticking of the clock.
Time has come for us — never again will we feel this love.
You waited.
You listened to the ticking of the clock.
It had been seven hours. Seven hours of a Saturday you had made plans to spend together, and it had been the third week in a row.
You knew you ought to be compassionate, but Lenora Zabini’s divorce was far from being your problem, which meant you had no reason to get involved in it, and neither did Narcissa.
“We’ve known each other since we were children,” Narcissa had said at the start of it all, “and when I separated from Lucius, she was endlessly supportive.”
You understood her call to compassion — in her truest form, she was built on compassion, and had always sacrificed her own stability for that of those she held dear.
Yet again, Lenora Zabini’s divorce was in no way your problem, and you were firm in your resolve that the two of you should stay out of it.
When Narcissa had disregarded your resolve, when she had rushed to Zabini every moment she could, that was when the fragile state of your reality had begun to fracture. Everything around you had turned into glass — every word, every glance, every touch so easily shattered.
You listened to the ticking of the clock. You were staring at it, now, watching the moments hurry by. It was nearing seven o’clock. With every moment that ticked by you could feel resentment growing like vines around your ribs, bursting into your lungs and suffocating you.
Last week she had only stayed with Zabini until six.
You could hear the front door open, and you turned back to the book in your lap, and though your gaze was focused on it you could not see a single word.
You could hear her heels echoing through the halls as she reached the living room, and from the edge of your vision you watched her approach.
“You said you’d be back by five.”
“Oh, hello, it’s nice to see you, too,” she teased, though she seemed to sense something was off, for her smile faded quickly. She did not press you, yet you could feel her analytical gaze resting heavily upon you as she sat down beside you on the sofa. “What are you reading?”
“The Secret History,” you said quietly, refusing to meet her gaze. You craved her presence, yet you wished just as strongly to isolate yourself. It was a balance that tortured you.
“What’s it about?” She rested her head on your shoulder, sighing in exhaustion.
“I don’t know,” you said blandly, “I just started it.”
Narcissa sat up, watching you for a moment before gently taking the book from your hands and placing it on the coffee table in front of you.
You dared not meet her gaze — for if you did, you knew your eyes would betray your every thought.
“What happened?” She asked softly.
“Nothing happened.”
She sighed once more, and finally you met her gaze, and there would be no escape now, for she could read all you were feeling in a single moment.
All of your fears, every shard of broken glass, felt ridiculous. You had no reason to worry, for she was here with you now, tangible.
Saying it all out loud was your greatest nightmare — if your suspicions were wrong, you could not imagine how deeply your words would cut her, how big of a blow you would release upon your own happiness.
Narcissa waited for you to speak. Her expression was gentle, and you could tell she was doing the best she could to provide comfort in her exhausted state, and this too made you feel terrible for what you were about to ask.
There was no other way to ask it except directly, and you attempted to center yourself before you mustered up the words, yet they flew out before you could stop them. “Are you cheating on me?”
You regretted your words as soon as you said them. There it was, your greatest fear, hanging so vulnerably between the two of you.
And your reality would shatter, in this very moment, or it would be saved.
You had already been blinded by the glass.
Narcissa’s expression changed completely. The surprise she bore could have itself proved her innocence, the way her body tensed. She shook her head, dumbfounded, breathing out a ‘no.’
You did not need any further explanation – part of you knew she was innocent before you had even asked.
Yet the fear kept coming back, kept harvesting your hope and watching as the blood drained from the wounds it pridefully inflicted.
There were a thousand things she could have said. She could have berated you for suggesting that she would do that to you, she could have turned the question around, she could have simply left without another word.
But there she was, still, beside you, and now she was the one watching the moments tick by.
“I would never do that to you,” she whispered, and if you had not been paying such close attention, you wouldn’t have heard her.
That was the moment you understood the profoundness of her silence – for she had once been in your position, and the answer of the person opposite had been very, very different.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I know you wouldn’t… but you’ve been spending so much time with Lenora, any second you can get, and I just assumed…”
And once she understood, the alarm faded from her features, and such delicacy was replaced with steadiness. “Lenora and I have never had anything between us. She’s like a sister to me.”
You nodded, taking a shaky breath.
She opened her arms, inviting you closer, and you leaned against her. The comfort of her presence radiated through you, and finally you were safe from the threats hiding in every corner, from the fear that so violently sought you.
The broken glass of your reality, never able to be repaired, was now constructed of diamonds.
A downpour of love followed you – a downpour of diamonds.
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wildbornsiren · 2 years
Rhett Abbot Master List (Outer Range)
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Rhett Abbott.
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Neighborly Rhett Abbott’s attempt at being a bit more neighborly. (2,088 words AFAB/Female reader) [Explicit: vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, talk of masturbation, cum play, internal ejaculation, creampie, dirty talk.]
Sweet :  Rhett Abbott drops by to help you repair some fences. He finds out exactly how sweet you are. ( 2,687 words. AFAB/Female reader) [Explicit: unprotective penetrative sex, fingering, dirty talk]
Sugar A moment of quiet, and daisies  (924 words. AFAB/ female reader.) [No warnings] Companion to Sweet  
A whiskey and a beer You get stood up at the bar, Rhett has plans to salvage your evening. (One shot 2,402 words  AFAB/Female reader. ) [Explicit: oral sex, public sex, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk]
I'm Jaded  The morning after isn’t always a disappointment.  (838 words. AFAB/ female reader. ) [Adult: sexual imagery, pre-cursor to smut]
After Midnight  It doesn’t matter if he’s won or lost, just that he’s home.  (1060 words AFAB/ female reader.) [Explicit: unprotected sex, hurt/comfort) Declaration  Rhett decides to take things public. (867 words AFAB/Female reader) [No warnings] Homecoming Rhett comes home after a long ride. The two of you talk about playing house (1,496 words AFAB/Female reader) [Explicit:  breeding kink, cream pie, dirty talk, unprotected vaginal sex]
Hot and Cold  Summer has hit, and Rhett has a couple ideas on how to keep cool. (1564 words AFAB/Female reader) [Explicit: vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, temperature play, internal ejaculation, creampie, dirty talk] Home isn’t just a place  He’s missed you. "Sometimes home is a person (because you can come inside.” (1,334 words. Female/AFAB reader.)     [EXPLICIT: unprotected vaginal sex. Creampie.]
Clean Up on Aisle Three : Gossip about you and Rhett. ( 340 word drabble AFAB/Female reader)  [No warnings] Protective : Rhett’s protective streak (342 word drabble AFAB/Female reader) [Warnings:  ‘off screen’ dv by OC, bruises, protective Rhett.] Night Swim : Skinny dipping with Rhett (411 word drabble AFAB/Female Reader) [Warnings: Skinny dipping] Almost does Count  A terrible, horrible, no good very bad week. And one almost that isn’t an almost. Rhett gives you a hand, and makes things a little better. (Female/AFAB reader)
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Kinktober 2022 Day 3: Spanking -- Rhett Abbott/Female-AFAB Reader  12 days of Fluffmas 2022  Day Five: Christmas Tree -- Rhett Abbott/Female-AFAB reader 3 Sentence AU Rhett Mechanic AU Rhett Abbott/Reader Banner credit: @writercole​ Divider credit: @firefly-graphics​
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