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#also question for you when this chapter dropped were there a lot of reveal memes in this format#if so kind of sad it's not still a thing#very much a “celebrities shop too” by mysillycomics vibes#1000sunnygo#The Promised Neverland#The Promised Baldland#Yakusoku no Neverland#TPN#YnN#FSS Shenanigans#TPN Norman#YnN Norman#Norman#Norbald#Norman Minerva#Megamind Minerva#Emma#King of Paradise Arc#TPN 118#Noremma#because it's me#also also have you ever seen this comic by Arakawa#https://twitter.com/Arakawa3_3/status/1107522186443513858#with a young Ray trying to deal with the secret of the house and Emma and Norman trying to comfort him and make him smile#and Norman puts on a bald cap and it prompts an adorable and brilliant laughing fit out of Ray#and Emma and Norman think it's the most precious thing and I 🥺🤧
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@1000sunnygo pointed out that artur’s translation of the Rocky Port incindent was clearer than Pewpiece’s, which it is. I’ve got a screencap below, and the text for those without Twitter. And a link to the original:

“Q9: Please tell us about the Rocky Port Incident that resulted in Koby being called "the Hero". A9: I feel like it would take too long to draw it, so I don't think it'll be included in the main story. To put it simply, after hearing that there's a poneglyph on Pirate Island, Law snuck into and hijacked a massive passenger ship called the "Rocky Port", riding it all the way to Pirate Island. The ship was carrying the king and other important figures from a certain country. In reality however, the ship Law borded was a smuggling vessel which was doing business with Pirate Island under the flag of that same country, so some dangerous trouble brewed up. Law then got into conflict with the pirates. And later, Koby and Blackbeard got aboard with their respective objectives, resulting in the three fighting together. That's what came to be known as the incident. As the incident settled, Blackbeard became King of Pirate Island, Law joined the Royal Sea Warlords, and Koby came to be known as the "Hero".”
Also, read @1000sunnygo’s reflection! It’s interesting as always.
#one piece#Rocky port incident#trafalgar law#Blackbeard#koby#library of ohara#1000sunnygo#eichiro oda#one piece meta#opmeta#chromalami
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Was there a recent one piece poll ? I can't find it anywhere T_T
I cant actually find a post rn abt it, if i do ill rb it. Ive seen it on a couple japanese artist twitters and at one point on tumblr 🤔. You might find it on reddit w a quick google search or the one piece fan wiki. Otherwise i think @1000sunnygo is always a good source for translating stuff swore i saw it on their blog.
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Ok, so I was just going to stay quiet watching you talk about Law again after a time. But now I have read something it's getting on my nerves..
What if Cora is alive?
Suddenly, this theory seems to have catch the internet again after so long but honestly? I don't quite believe it.
I have read @/1000sunnygo theory here o Tumblr, but I would like to see an Trafalgar Law specialist talking about the case, if you may.😎
Woooooheeeeee thank you for the ask and MORE reason to keep talking about Cora and Law! I ADORE the "What Ifs?" I see of the world. Hell even Disney/Marvel published their own little thought experiment that leads to so many new and uncharted waters when it comes to the construction of an overall story and universe. Would Law be the same person if Cora lived? Would he have stayed on Swallow Island, met with Wolf, Shachi, Bepo and Penguin? Would Cora have taken him further into Navy protective custody now that he had a target on his back with the Op-Op Fruit? (...would the Gorosei even allow him to live after that, knowing what we know now?)
AH. So many ideas, just from surviving his injuries! So. After reading @1000sunnygo 's analysis (Which, I absolutely *love* how they put in the time to add in panels and images to support their statements) I have to agree with the points they've made for both sides of the argument. Overall, I do not personally believe that Cora is Alive. (But, as we've seen, Oda has left enough room in the story if he wants to bring him back for whatever reason, he can and will and I will not complain about it) I'm gonna take a little bit of a different look on this than the points previously mentioned that are within-universe, and instead tackle this from a literary standpoint. Let's ask these questions: 1. Why was Cora introduced to this story? 2. Has he fulfilled this purpose? 3. Will his presence later fulfill something that has yet to be explained/fulfilled? So let's talk about #1. Why was Cora introduced to One Piece? We probably won't ever know truly unless we actually ask Oda himself -- but Cora can arguably fit best as a Catalyst of sorts - character-wise, he's the reason why Law behaves and acts as he does, as well as puts the entire Arc of Dressrosa into perspective of how Doffy came into Power, Law's place in it, and acts as a sort of nice glue that ties everything in that arc together. If you remove Cora from this story, that story does not exist. There is no inner journey of healing, there is no misdelivering the missive to Vergo, and you could even argue Law maybe(?) is given the Op Op fruit by Doflamingo once they obtain it, who raises him to be his right-hand man as planned and BOOM. Law is now a villain. A villain who maybe even dies from the Perpetual Youth surgery before he ever gets to where we are now -- the What Ifs just snowball from there. Cora is the Sacrificial Lamb. Cora is the Catalyst which frames Death as a Sacrifice for the Greater Good, as an Act of Love, for Law to have a chance and for him to understand that. While Cora swore up and down that he should never try to put reason into love, Cora is the one that Gives Everything and gives Law's live the ultimate value simply because he unapologetically existed. (Of course, and to make sure that Doffy's plan wasn't fulfilled, but we're talking character growth here, and I personally believe that Cora's actions were framed equally both by his mission and his want for Law to thrive.)
Cora's role as a Marine was, if I remember correctly, was to act as a mole in Doflamingo's plan, relate that info back to the marines, and keep tabs on dangerous activity. So, that leads us into #2 - has is current presence in the story done its job? Overwhelmingly, yes. Law is who he is because Cora's death. His entire action and reason for going to Dressrosa was realized. He confronted, and won, against Doflamingo, brought him down, and "gave back" to Cora what he'd sacrificed so many years ago. Dressrosa is free. Law is Free. And lastly, #3, arguably where most of the "what ifs" are now being speculated. Let's say, if Cora was alive...why? What value does it add to the story now? One could say "Well, if would give Law a chance to say Thank You for Everything, and have a cathartic closure". That...kind of already happened in One Piece Odyssey -- if Oda was going to do this later, why even add it in the game as a beta test if he was planning something later? We argue the canonical viability of spin-off media all the time (and many, many series have heavily canonical events mentioned in passing in obscure media .... *cough cough Kingdom Hearts* ) but between the movies, books, and other publishing, Oda has made it pretty clear that generally whatever he touches has a specific purpose to the overall plot. "He could be part of Sword/Acting on his Own/Letting Law Act as His Own Man" Do I honestly believe that Cora, who wanted nothing more for Law to Live and Be Free, would idly sit back and allow him to put himself in as much danger as confronting his Brother? 13 years later? Was his job as a marine not to allow the seizure of Dressrosa to happen? These things, I believe, are only allowed to spiral out of control because Cora wasn't there to stop them. Would he have secretly gone back quietly to the marines? We already have the Fresh Bloods of the Marines (Koby, Helmeppo and the gang) already spearheading the new generation in -- what value would adding Cora back in there serve? Does Cora's presence in the future add anything to the overall plot of storytelling? Maybe as an ally in the final fight, an additional resource in the Marines or as a fruit user -- but truthfully, every other reason I can think to bring him back has either already been addressed or just...doesn't add any additional unique value. Law's story with him feels completed, he has done what he was brought in to do, and its not him but his legacy that is carried on by Law that's a huge part of the whole "Inherited Will" that One Piece has as part of a huge theme.
Now, would I be happy if Cora suddenly showed back up? YOU BETCHA.
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Today I read an allusion about interesting theory that impressed me. It's about Law's tattoos. In addition to the wonderful idea that I read from @1000sunnygo - that the image of the Heart on his chest dedicated to Cora refers us to the Catholic cult of the flaming heart Sacratissimum Cor Jesu and symbolized absolute human and divine love. Which confirms the unconditional elevation of Cora and his sacrifice to the status of a saint and sacred for Law.
The second part of the idea relates to the tattoo on his back. Just as the Celestial Dragons brand their slaves with the Hoof of the Soaring Dragon, Law voluntarily puts a mark on his back also dedicated to the Celestial Dragon - an image of his last smile. He did in ignorance of the origin of his benefactor and as if becoming a slave, a victim of someone else's love, voluntarily devoting himself to fulfilling the last will of the benefactor.
This makes me think about the unexpected symbolism of the marks on Law's body and the strange quirks of their joint Checkered fate. This may sound a little far-fetched, but it's still an interesting observation.

Сегодня прочитала намек на интересную теорию, которая меня впечатлила. Насчёт татуировок Ло. В догонку к той прекрасной идее, которую я читала у @1000sunnygo - что посвященное Коре изображение Сердца на груди относит нас к католическому культу пылающего сердца Sacratissimum Cor Jesu и безоговорочной любви к людям. Что подтверждает безусловное возведение Коры и принесённой им жертвы в статус святого и святыни для Ло.
Вторая же часть идеи относится к татуировке на его спине. Подобно тому, как Небесные драконы клеймят своих рабов когтем дракона, Ло добровольно наносит на спину знак, также посвященный Небесному дракону, пусть бывшему - изображение его последней улыбки. Еще не подозревая о происхождении своего благодетеля и словно становясь рабом, жертвой чужой любви, добровольное посвятившим себя исполнению последней воли благодетеля.
Это заставляет задуматься о неожиданном символизме знаков на его теле и странных причудах их совместной пёстрой судьбы. Может это звучит немного надуманно, но мысль интересная.
#one piece law#one piece#one piece meta#my thoughts#trafalgar one piece#trafalgar d water law#law's tattoos#meta breakonthroough
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Many thanks to @1000sunnygo for translating the remaining fourth light novel story. 🙏🙏 It's bookended by segments in 2050, but the main portion is set on January 28, 2046.
The ending that was included for this story's rerelease in the light novel is the inspiration for the top two photos in the series' fourth anniversary art:
Which is 🥺🥺🤧
Small smattering of reactions under the cut:
Emma knowing deep in her bones how amazing Don and Gilda are, even without her memories 🤧🤧
(Chapter 59)
Me, treasuring any crumb of Don and Emma interactions:
They take their responsibility so seriously 🥺🤧 goodest kids
FJLDSFLJEASD Gilda immediately shutting that shit down after what happened with Emma fainting two weeks ago…
…only to come to the conclusion this is exactly the kind of shit the trio would pull, in the same way that's conveniently summarized in "The Chess Proverb" short story:
With the spark of unconventionality that Emma brings and her drive to achieve the seemingly impossible to balance out Ray's wisdom and pragmatism and Norman's cunning and ruthlessness in execution.
They admire the trio so much after all the years they spent looking out for them and they want to do them proud, and then the look on their faces when Emma and Ray choose them to accompany them on the search for Cuvitidala and the Seven Walls without hesitation because of how much trust they have in them after everything they've been through—

Also this is hardcore I'm so proud of these two little ten year olds and how in sync they are throughout this whole thing.
"smiled softly" oh son I'm soft
Also yes you better be heaping praise on them after everything, including making Gilda cry which is a tragedy in its own right
And a little bit of Raydon banter at the end too to complement what we got in "Operation Stormy Night," beautiful. 🖤❤️🙏
#Long Post#The Promised Neverland#TPN#Yakusoku no Neverland#1000sunnygo#TPN Light Novels#Films of Memories#TPN Don and Gilda (Light Novel Story)#The Chess Proverb#FSS Chatter#FSS Shenanigans#Grace Field Kids#Post-Canon#TPN Don#TPN Gilda#Gildon#Cuvitidala Arc#TPN 096#TPN 099#TPN 059#Big Bro Don Tag#Big Sis Gilda Tag#I am in perpetual combat against the 20-tag and 30-tag limits on this webbed site#but oooo finally‚ it's here‚ the forbidden Gilda & Dontent‚‚‚#ty again Sunny let me know if you need me to delete#Read More
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I don't care about the punchline, and of course I should, but Onigiri welcoming Law back, and Law so pleased with it, and Law so happy that the Lapahn and lapahn children (kittens) are happy and healthy, and Law saying (I think), don't worry about (the trouble he went to), he's happy to see everyone's together and okay (implied, but the happy part is there). I always write him (Oda too) having an affinity with animals. Looks like Lucci does too! Haha. (Another kind of kitten).

Kid is still "good deeds" Kid, and calls Law "Trafalgar Kun". I'd be pulling that face too, Law. I dunno what the deal is (later, the illusion schtick is compounded, although not directly about Kid that I've come across yet).
The Kid frames come directly before the first frames I posted, btw. Law's just been warmed up in a hot spring.
For everything else, will wait for @1000sunnygo's translation. Check it out and give them love when it appears (and if it doesn't, go read all of their other stuff!). Translation is live! Thank you ❤️
The chapter is here. Free read at present. Click to the left. Special treat to get so much Law without his hat.
#one piece#one piece academy 53#one piece gakuin 53#trafalgar law#onigiri#eustass kid#monkey d. luffy#sir crocodile#rob lucci#usopp#chromalami#chromacaps#one piece academy spoilers
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Also, indulge me:

This scene from One Piece Academy some time ago (Law and Robin are just friends, but they're good friends, and Onigiri and she get on well!). Combined with:

this scene of Onigiri snoozing on Robin's lap from One Piece Academy 41 (safer than Cora!), to this placement:

of our dark-haired duo...
(Robin is saying "a certain" there (とある, toaru), not Law's name! (トラ男 tora-o) btw, and thank you for translation from @1000sunnygo! in this post.) ...Let's me imagine that OP Academy low-key sees them as having an affinity with one another! The fact that Robin hacks

Cora's security system (his password was his birthdate, but how did Robin know that? i'm sure it's in the lore somewhere, and Robin is Robin), and offers to help Law and Cora in their mission adds to it! (of course all of the Straw Hats are helping, Nami offers to charge!).
Robin calls Cora Cora-o kun (コラ男くん). The 男 (o --> otoko--> boy/man at the end of his name [as it is at the end of Tora]) is cute. It's pretty unusual for a non-adult to use the suffix 'kun' to an adult though, and even among adults is usually used for closer acquaintances, once past youth. That's my understanding anyway. So, that's another Robin quirk. Anyway But as 1000sunnygo says in this post, the academy society is mostly made up of students, including characters who should be adults, like Cora, or who are adults but still students.

Robin offering her and Brook's services because they're good at subterfuge, as seen in the screen-cap above, is very supportive of Law and his benefactor! I know all the characters have run-ins with the 'bad guys' at the academy and influencing the academy. The other person who seems to have an accidental (Robin's is not accidental) affinity for Onigiri (and by extension, Law) is Kid!

Not from the latest chapter (Kid needs to be nice to save himself from going to Hell). I am nothing if not a multi-shipper 😁. Onigiri is maybe as popular as Law himself :D
Source for the latest chapter / 1000sunnygo's translation
#one piece#one piece academy#one piece gakuen#one piece academy 41#trafalgar law#nico robin#lawbin#straw hat pirates#eustass kid#lawkid#kidlaw#onigiri#chromacaps#chromalami#chromanga
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#i am shooting laser eyes directly at shonen jump with their barbaric working conditions and crunch times. they are the true enemy
Say this on discord repeatedly but so viscerally real
(Mystic Code Book Chapter 5 | "Tracks to the Neverland" December 2020 Exhibition Interview)
(TPN Wiki Page on Chapter 134 | @TPNManga's translation of WSJ's Editorial Department Note)
(October 2020 Series Completion Commemorative Interview)

(Discussion of Dragonball author Akira Toriyama's and One Piece author Eiichiro Oda's work schedules | Sample Schedule of an Anonymous Weekly Mangaka | Naruto author Masashi Kishimoto's typical schedule)
(Notes by @1000sunnygo on this post)
This is why I personally can't fault Shirai for ending the series when he did while trying to maintain his sense of artistic integrity, even with my complaints about the back half of the series.
escape arc is easily the best tpn arc and there are critiques to be had about the pacing in later arcs but if you say everything post-escape is unoquivocally bad you are simply wrong and dumb i'm so sorry
#we are in desperate need of healthier work cultures this shit is fucking insane#“but they're self-employ—” any work culture that coerces people into this mindset at the cost of their health to get anywhere is horrid#capitalist hell world timeline#also one of the appropriate times to cite the TPN wiki#TPN Interviews#Shounen Jump#Kaiu Shirai#Escape Arc#King of Paradise Arc#Seven Walls Arc#Imperial Capital Battle Arc#Return to Grace Field Arc#Human World Arc#1000sunnygo#technikki#goldiipond#FSS Chatter#One Piece#Naruto#Masashi Kishimoto#Eiichiro Oda#Hiroshi Shiibashi#Akira Toriyama
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Personal highlights from the fourth chapter of the fanbook!!! You can read the entire chapter translation here :)
Thank you so much @/1000sunnygo for the translation!!!!!!
According to Shirai, one of the reasons why Emma needed to be a girl is because of her so called "soft idealism" in not wanting to kill demons, which (somehow????) could come off as "uncool" or "naïve" to readers if coming from a guy (?????????????). However Shirai also says that “he wished Emma's words were acknowledged even if it came from a male protagonist instead of having the stereotypical expectations of what a man should be like”, which is nice in its own way.
The idea of a demon with no face under the mask, which was used both in chapter 103 and later in chapter 155 for Legravalima's transformation, was inspired by an old note Demizu left on a early draft where she commented on how it would be “creepy if a demon is actually faceless if you remove their mask”.
Sugita comments that Shirai often used to say "I wanna draw another jailbreak!", like dude same 😔😔
Shirai says that the escape from the bunker felt close enough to a new jailbreak, but the sadness of knowing that Yuugo and Lucas would have had to die “overshadowed the joy of being able to draw an escape again.” (╥﹏╥)
Sugita thinks that since most of the adults of the story are selfish and filled with hatred, it was nice having Yuugo and Lucas as adults who were loving and caring towards the kids. I never thought about it that way, but it's actually a very sweet fact. Yuugo, Lucas and grandpa Alex for the best adults awards!!!
Shirai speds time complimenting Sandy's good heart and ability with the younger kids which has me (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Shirai actually addresses the matter of Lucas not having recognized that Minerva's voice in chapter 110 was too young to belong to an adult: he says that there was too much noise for Lucas to suspect the difference.
While Sugita had repeatedly asked Shirai and Demizu to make the series darker, he jokingly says that Andrew's face was overdoing it- Shirai remembers Sugita saying “It's too scary! The children will cry!” pffttttt
Sugita actually had Andrew's face at the end of chapter 110 censored because the original illustration was too gorish (the mangled half of Andrew's face was blurred)
Andrew survived the explosion by doing the opposite of what Yugo and Lucas did: using his subordinates as a shield.
This is such a cool fact yet I feel like I didn't want to know ಥ_ಥ
The initial plan was to have one of the children shoot (and supposedly kill?) Andrew, but “it was more satisfying to let him be eaten after he called the children "food" ”; I actually really like this detail. Shirai also says that thanks to the stray demon, Ray didn't have to become a murderer. Thank goodness! For once Shirai chose the non-traumatic way for Ray XD
The wild demon saying “uh” after eating Andrew is indicative of it gaining human intelligence. Said demon was supposed to reappear in his human form, but that plotline was ~once again~ discarded.
Shirai regrets not having named Andrew Bernard or Bell had him been female, both references to Tinkerbell. I love this!! Wish you had thought about it sooner @Shirai ahah
Vincent calling Norman "James" instead of "boss" in chapter 112 was him just being playful
Hayato "looks as a protagonist", since his design was taken from a resistance leader from a discarded plotline. Shirai's initial intention was to make him cool and serious, but Sugita suggested to make him kind of a fanboy of Emma's group to reflect how amazing they had become.
Sugita (jokingly) says he “used his absolute authority as the editor to make Anna and Ray interact”, since he likes them as a couple
During the serialization, Shirai used to calculate the timing of information release of both the SJ serialization and volume release so that magazine and volume readers could enjoy similar revelation simultaneously. Following that logic, he synchronized Norman's riapparence in the manga and the volume 12 “merry Christmas Vincent” to happen around the same time, which was also when anime season 1 started airing.
Q: Why do Peter’s men wear sunglasses?
A: Because Peter-sama is too dazzling.
Shirai says the symbol on the back of Norman's Minerva cape is the crest of the demons who lived at the hideout. Though I'm not completely sure it was intentional, the choice of having Norman wear the robes of a demon while planning the eradication of demons is... Peculiar, and also kinda ironic.
Peter and Andrew are related!! Andrew too was born from a branch of the Ratri family.
Okay this matter is tricky, but I think it was actually explained how there's demons like Musica and Sonju's horse and the demon pigeons that won't eat human meat. Apparently as of this panel of chapter 103 (which is also one of the few things included in the anime, ahah)-
There's five different species of demons, one of which - fourth column - may have gone extinct. Out of these five species, only one includes humanoid demons, who thus are the only ones who need to eat humans in order to maintain their form.
Also the Demizu note at the end of the chapter is such an highlight:
How he [Shirai] never gives up. Till the last minutes, he keeps adding corrections. I really admire his belief, “I'll surely bring a better result than the last time”. This “I'll bring something better than last time” mentality is a huge thing. Usually, when I make corrections, I feel like maybe it was better the last time. So I always used to think it's best not to mess with my arts too much. But I changed my mind after seeing Shirai sensei. There were times I'd be surprised to receive a text message at 4 am (laughs) It made me worry if he was resting properly.
You have my heart Demizu-san 🥺🥺🥺
#tpn#the promised neverland#I swear one day I'm rereading the whole fanbook and noting down everytime Shirai says something in the lines of#“I had already in mind a way to develop this but I discarded it not to make the story too complicated” because he says it all. the. time.#tpn emma#tpn legravalima#tpn yuugo#tpn lucas#tpn andrew#tpn sandy#tpn vincent#tpn peter ratri#tpn manga spoilers#tpn fanbook#Thank you again Sunny for your job 🥺🥺🥺#mine#Do you think... The Andrew-demon would maintain their hatred for the kids? It's something interesting to think about 🤔#Edit: Wait more notes: I've been wanting to continue doing these fanbook sums for a long time-#but unfortunately couldn't work on them until recently ಥ_ಥ#I'm already halfway through correcting rereading the following chapter post so please look forward to it if you'd like to!#If everything goes smoothly I plan to post the remaining two chapters on the next Sundays#And Sunny if you're reading this: I'm too shy for directly tagging you ahah#But thank you for your hard work I hope you enjoy reading this and I wish you have a wonderful day / night!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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Only the best
For my beloved @1000sunnygo
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Okay so if you haven’t heard the news, the TPN fanbook [as generously translated by @1000sunnygo] has confirmed that Adam and Norman can’t be twins because as they were never intended on “sharing the same genes.”
Which utterly and absolutely debunks my theory.
But that leads back to my confusion of... “why would they keep Adam’s birthday a secret” then? It makes no sense and only furthers the confusion.
Of course, me and some friends have been trying to figure out an unofficial date for Adam’s birthday so we can still celebrate it this year.
@maldito-arbol theorized that Adam would be a Gemini while @officersnickers theorized that Adam would have a “double date” similar to other Lambda kids...
With this information, it can be concluded that the best date for Adam’s unofficial birthday would be June 6th or 6/6.
Let me know what you think about making this Adam’s unofficial birthday.
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"But Emma is Emma, so if there's a chance, I think that 'amazing Emma' will come out again."
- Shirai, from the exhibition interview (translated by 1000sunnygo)
#the promised neverland#tpn#tpn emma#tpn manga spoilers#tpn spoilers#tpn comic#tpn phil#tpn chris#tpn gilda#hahahaha#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#this comic took so much of my energy#long post#thanks sunny for the translation#also thanks to my mutuals who had to deal with my constant sharing of wips lmao#left to right please#comic
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Kinda official art from One Piece Gakuen, Chapter 43, uploaded (and translated) by @1000sunnygo here!
And I know the picture (or preview) has been posted before, maybe by Sunny, but I just gotta get out this picture of baby Law on his tricycle (or actually, I think it's a pushbike!), learning to ride, I think.
Cora-san about to trip on that banana peel and bring everyone down with him. I don't know if the sweat drop is because Law is prescient, or he's concentrating on getting balance and motion right (something Cora does not know a lot about a lot of the time!)
#one piece#trafalgar law#donquixote rosinante#one piece gakuen#one piece academy#chapter 43#chromalami
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dare i add some of the ones i've collected, credit to mito3131 on twt (ty to @1000sunnygo for pointing it out)

One Piece - Trafalgar D. Law and Bepo

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@1000sunnygo episode 1115 delivered! Thank you, Toei, for the expansion, although I have to change my fics that have Kikoku as absent (probably was in the manga too).
#one piece#one piece anime#one piece episode 1115#heart pirates#tragalar law#bepo#polar tang#blackbeard#blackbeard pirates#one piece anime spoilers
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