#10000 hertz
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2675 Hz Áudio de Ativação da Glândula Pineal Ressonância Cristal Música Meditação Taças Tibetanas
🙏✨Ativação da Glândula Pineal - Ressonância Cristal a 2675 Hz 🙏✨
🌌 | Meditação com Taças Tibetanas
🙏✨Prezados seguidores da Aura Divina Espiritual, é com grande alegria que compartilho nosso mais recente vídeo de elevação espiritual.
🌟 Experimentem a poderosa ativação da Glândula Pineal através da ressonância cristalina a 2675 Hz.
🎶Sintonizem-se com a música meditativa, habilmente harmonizada com taças tibetanas, criando uma sinfonia celestial que ressoa com os chacras mais elevados.
🎶 Deixe-se envolver por essa jornada espiritual única.
🌈Não se esqueçam de compartilhar essa experiência transcendental com seus entes queridos e ajudem-nos a espalhar a luz espiritual.
🌈 Juntos, estamos construindo uma comunidade vibrante de consciência elevada.
🙏✨Gratidão por fazerem parte da nossa jornada espiritual. 🙏✨
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Please give me podcast reccs UwU
hmmm i do listen to podcasts but idk if theyre very interesting... i really like every little thing, its like people call in and ask questions about anything and they go into a deep dive but its actually really interesting and NOT boring trust. i also like twenty thousand hertz where they go into sound stuff like for example they did an episode about how the netflix tadum sound came to be which was pretty cool. yeah im a nerd so i guess those two and then if ur a pjo fan i used to listen to camp half pod every single week, but then i havent listened since they finished toa because i didnt even read that series so i was just listening because i love the hosts. but i stopped litening because i havent read the sun and the star or the chalice of the gods or any of the new books but i still follow them on intsa and theyre so fun 10000% reccomend
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What’s your favorite astronomy fact?
I regret to inform you I don't have a single answer for this one--
So let me list some of my most favorite ones:
there's a hexagon-shaped storm located on Saturn's north pole, and I believe this is so far the only time a regular shaped polygon has been found to naturally form in the universe, although weirdly it doesn't form on Saturn's south pole. The side of the hexagon is about 14500 km long (Earth's diameter is about 12700 km for comparison)
But is it a coincidence that the 6th planet from the Sun has a 6-sided shape on it? :)
Naturally I've taken this fact into consideration when designing my current art logo/watermark.
Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (or Comet 67P for short) can "sing" as it makes its way through the solar system. Rosetta spacecraft (unmanned) was sent to study the comet's properties, making contact in 2014, shocking scientists around the world as the spacecraft's instruments managed to detect the "song" the comet was producing, which sounded like a series of clicks and grumbles.
Should be noted that the "song" was detected at 40 to 50 millihertz, far below the frequency range of human ear (20 to 20000 hertz). The frequency has been artificially increased by a magnitude of 10000 to convert it into a sound that humans can listen to. A possible explanation of the comet's "song" is rapid release of particles from the comet's surface/interior as it moves through the solar system.
Honestly there's far more facts that I know of but they're all equally interesting in their own way :) maybe I will make a string of reblogs as I remember.
In the meantime I want to show my most favorite image by Hubble, Red Rectangle Nebula. Because it does look like a series or a stack of rectangles. I hope James Webb Space Telescope can take a look at this structure to see what Hubble couldn't.
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he said he took the role only because the characters name is dick hertz lol
😭😭😭 i believe that 10000%
#definitely a pete thing to do#anon#<3#i’ll be honest he looked a little lost in the trailer#i’ll still watch it but only bc of him 😌#and idris#i mean and harley quinn maybe? idk i liked birds of prey but only the first time i watched it#hmmmmm#idek when it’s out thi#tho*
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10000 Hz Restauração Completa 2675 Hz Ressonância 528 Hz Tom do Milagre Ondas Alpha Batida Xamânica
🌈✨ Bem vindos! 🌈✨ Preparamos algo verdadeiramente extraordinário em nosso canal @AuraDivinaEspiritual e você não pode perder! Apresentamos o vídeo "10000 Hz Restauração Completa, 2675 Hz Ressonância, 528 Hz Tom do Milagre: Ondas Alpha e Batida Xamânica." 🌌 Por que Você Deve Assistir? Este não é apenas um vídeo, é uma experiência transcendental que tocará as fibras mais profundas da sua alma. As frequências divinas de 10000 Hz, 2675 Hz e 528 Hz foram cuidadosamente selecionadas para restaurar, elevar e conectar você ao sagrado. 🚀 O Poder da Transformação: Imagine-se imerso na serenidade das ondas Alpha, guiado pela batida xamânica em uma jornada interior de cura e renovação. Este vídeo é um convite para uma transformação interior profunda, e você é nosso convidado de honra! 🎁 Participe e Transforme sua Realidade: Assista agora ao vídeo no canal @AuraDivinaEspiritual. 🌈✨Compartilhe essa experiência única com todos que buscam crescimento espiritual.🌈✨ Inscreva-se para não perder futuras jornadas espirituais e conteúdos exclusivos. Não deixe essa oportunidade escapar. Sinta a energia, abrace a transformação e leve consigo a magia dessas frequências divinas. Sua jornada espiritual está prestes a atingir novos patamares! Com gratidão e antecipação, [@AuraDivinaEspiritual] 🌈✨
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Details, Expterise zu Test Elektrische Zahnbürsten Stiftung Warentest - 2020
Besonders Personen mit empfindlichen Zähnen und empfindlichem Zahnfleisch sollten eine normale Zahnbürste mit weichen Borsten verwenden. Wer die Zunge noch einmal nach reinigen möchte, der sollte ebenfalls noch einmal gut 30 Sekunden auf das Piepen des Timers aufschlagen. Und zum Abschluss des elektrische Zahnbürste Vergleich möchten wir Ihnen noch eine günstige elektrische Zahnbürste für Einsteiger vorstellen.
2 Aufsteckbürsten, weiß/blau wurde bewertet mit 5.0 von 5 von 1. Die Welt gehört den Kindern. Klassiker bleibt ungeschlagen (Elektrische Zahnbürste / Akkuzahnbürste)
Testsieger Elektrische Zahnbürste Stiftung Warentest 2015
Zahnbürste Elektrisch Testsieger 2015
Elektrische Zahnbürsten Vergleich 2016
Schall- und Ultraschallzahnbürsten sind zwar ebenfalls elektrische Zahnbürsten, führen aber immer einen entsprechenden Hinweis in ihrem Namen. Oszillierend-rotierend, (Ultra-)Schallzahnbürste oder Handzahnbürste - die Suche nach der passenden Zahnbürste ist mittlerweile wegen der Flut von verschiedenen Produkten am Markt ziemlich unübersichtlich und verwirrend geworden. Führen Sie die Zahnbürste in den Mund und schalten Sie sie ein. Verzichten Sie demnach bis zur vollständigen Abheilung Ihrer Wunde auf den Einsatz der elektrischen Zahnbürste. Eine elektrische Zahnbürste mit Akku kann hier schnell ohne Saft dastehen, passende Batterien findet man dagegen in nahezu jeder Region dieser Welt. Schall-Zahnbürsten - der längliche Kopf gleicht dem einer Handzahnbürste. Bei der elektrischen Zahnbürste muss kein sonderlich hoher Druck aufgebracht werden, was in der Praxis aber immer wieder geschieht, so dass es zu Verletzungen am Zahnfleisch kommen kann.
Wer sie sich in all ihren Facetten ansieht, kommt zu dem Schluss, Verantwortung und Schönheit dürfen sich nicht ausschließen. Wenn selbst die billigste (Vitality) für knapp 20 € so gut (Stiftung Warentest) putzt wie die teuerste (Genius 10000) für um 150 €, dann können die technischen Daten, wie Pulsationen Rotationen, nicht so relevant sein, oder? 5-7 Tage (etwa 30 Min.
Viele fragen sich, ob sie überhaupt noch zur guten alten Handzahnbürste greifen können, ohne ihre Zahngesundheit zu riskieren. Intelligentes Reise-Etui mit extra USB-Anschluss zum Aufladen Ihres Smartphones und Ihrer Zahnbürste mit nur einem Stecker. Sie können Sie völlig unbekümmert nutzen und in der Nähe Ihres Herzschrittmachers verwenden. 6. Fragen und Antworten rund um das Thema Kinderzahnbürsten. Elektrische Zahnbürste kaufen - Entwicklung.
Elektrische Zahnbürste Für Zwei
Elektrische Zahnbürste Philips
Verpackungsinhalt: 2 wiederaufladbare Handstücke für die elektrischeZahnbürste, 1 Aufsteckbürste, 1 Ladestation für Aufsteckbürsten. Tipp: Wenn Sie auch auf Reisen nicht auf Ihre elektrische Zahnbürste verzichten wollen, sollten Sie auf eine möglichst lange Akkulaufzeit achten. Sie arbeitet mit Schwingungen, die, je nach Modell, recht unterschiedlich sein können. Obwohl die richtige Anwendung von Bürsten generell entscheidend ist, geben Ihnen elektrische Zahnbürsten durchaus die Möglichkeit, den Komfort und die Effektivität beim Putzen der natürlichen Kauwerkzeuge nachhaltig zu steigern. Der Griff besteht aus besonders schnell nachwachsenden BAMBUS und die erdölfreien Borsten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. Anfangs kauten sie hierfür auf einem einfachen Stock herum, später entstand aus Knochen und Tierhaaren die erste Zahnbürste, die sich mit der heutigen Handzahnbürste vergleichen lässt.
Die Reinigung der Zähne ist daher nicht nur oberflächlich - sie wird stattdessen als Makroreinigung betitelt, die außerdem eine antibakterielle Funktion übernimmt. Besteht aus 1 x Elektrozahnbürste und 1 x Ladestation. Führen Sie die Zahnbürste an die Zähne und schalten Sie das Handstück ein. Testfazit № 1: Die Wahl einer elektrischen Zahnbürste sollte immer von der Anatomie und den zahngesundheitlichen Voraussetzungen des Nutzers abhängig gemacht werden, wie auch unsere Expertin - eine zahnmedizinische Prophylaxeassistentin aus Berlin - empfiehlt. Die exklusive Schnell-Ladefunktion sorgt dafür, dass die Zahnbürste sofort einsatzbereit ist. Dank der modernen Sonicare-Technologie und den vielen Reinigungsfunktionen ist die Reinigungsleiste der HX6972/35 FlexCare Plus besser als bei günstigeren Modellen. Vermeiden Sie es beispielsweise, die Zähne direkt zu putzen, wenn Sie Getränke oder Lebensmittel verzehrt haben, die viel Säure besitzen.
Während die elektrische Zahnbürste von einem kleinen Motor angetrieben wird, basieren Schallzahnbürsten auf dem Antrieb durch einen Schallwandler. Da ich häufig auf Reisen bin, war ich auf der Suche nach einer kompakten Zahnbürste. 5. Kinderzahnbürsten bei der Stiftung Warentest. Macht man es auf kann man durch eine eingebaute Kerbe im Deckel des Etui sein Smartphone einstellen. Sie sorgt für eine noch bessere Reinigungsleistung und vor allem für eine schonendere Reinigung, insbesondere für das Zahnfleisch. Putzen Sie Zahnfleisch und Zähne, zuerst die Außenseiten, dann die Innenseiten und zum Schluss die Kauflächen.
Jeder, der eine sehr günstige Schallzahnbürste sucht, kann hier zugreifen. Bei diesem Modell sind die Einstellmöglichkeiten noch vielfältiger, wie z. B. eine Refresh-Einstellung mit einminütiger Dauer oder eine Massagefunktion für das Zahnfleisch. Die Produkte lagen deutlich vor den Konkurrenzprodukten, was zum Ergebnis 1,7 geführt hatte.
2 St Zahnbürste. Unterschiede zwischen Schallzahnbürste und oszillierender Zahnbürste liegen hauptsächlich in Form und Bewegung des Bürstenkopfs. Zusätzlich hilft die Zahnbürste Ihnen mit der Andruckkontrolle Ihr empfindliches Zahnfleisch zu schützen. Elektrische Zahnbürsten - Das Wichtigste in Kürze. Elektrische Zahnbürste ProExpert+, 1 St.
In de Handteil ist ein Akku untergebracht. Sollten Sie oder Familienangehörige einen festen Zahnersatz oder eine Zahnspange tragen, wäre eine Munddusche das ideale Werkzeug zur Mundhygiene. Schallzahnbürsten verfügen übrigens über eine Frequenz von Oral B Testsieger 250 bis 300 Hertz. Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Schallzahnbürste-Typen. Oszillierende E-Bürste, Schall- oder Ultraschallzahnbürsten - die Wahl der richtigen Zahnbürste ist heutzutage ähnlich kompliziert wie die Suche nach dem richtigen Smartphone.
Oral B Elektrische Zahnbürsten Übersicht
Zusätzlich ist dadurch der Bürstenkopf länger haltbar. Oral-B Stages Power Cars & Planes Elektrische Zahnbürste für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Denn ein kindgerechtes Design und Melodien motivieren die Kleinen zum Putzen ihrer Zähne.
Schallzahnbürste Philips
Mit der Oral-B GENIUS 10000N Roségold können Sie beim Putzen nichts falsch machen. Testberichte zeigen, dass auch das Putzen und Reinigen nach dem Essen, etwa mit Zahnseide, zu einer umfangreichen Zahnpflege dazugehört. Sie eignen sich für alle, die engagiert in Ruhe jeden einzelnen Zahn putzen.
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Best Light Therapy Box 10000 Lux Review Those who suffer from SAD may not know the kind of treatment to seek. Although it can be cured through exposure to sunlight, sometimes the days are quite short, and you do not get enough sunlight. Studies have suggested that to make up for the deficient sunlight, you should get exposure to bright light which is usually obtained from a lightbox or a special lamp. SAD devices are brighter than the average lamps as they deliver 20 times more lighting than the regular lamps, that is 10,000 lux. This means that an exposure of 20 to 60 minutes is enough to help ease the SAD symptoms. We reviewed one of the best SAD devices in the market, the Alaska Northern Lights 10,000 LUX sad light therapy box, by looking at its pros and cons, features, health benefits as well as customer reviews. See also: [su_note note_color="#f4efe5"] Best Infrared Light Therapy Home Devices Best Red Light Therapy Device Circadian Optics Lumine Light Therapy Lamp [/su_note] Some Best Selling Light Therapy Box On Amazon: [amazon bestseller="light therapy box"] Alaska Northern Lights 10,000 LUX Sad Light Therapy Box REVIEW and ANALYSIS [amazon box="B003OWJCIM" grid="1"] Design This light therapy box is designed such that the entire unit is the lightbox. It is lightweight and easy to move around, and it looks like a suitcase which means there are no stands and hassles. It has some of the best mirror-finish reflectors which ensure perfect light delivery. It also comes with a low-glow light-diffuser to help protect your eyes. Fitted with both UV and electromagnetic shield, this therapy lamp is both safe and efficient. It contains no flicker, and it is very quiet. Reliability The Alaska Northern lights lamp has been used for more than 20 years, and experts highly recommend it. Having been used by some of the best doctors and veterans in various fields, its reliability has been tried and tested. This is why it comes with a full seven-year warranty. Performance This is a high-performing light therapy box which delivers 10,000 lux at two feet, which is 20 times the standard lamp. This makes it the brightest full-spectrum therapy lump on the market. It also comes with a fluorescent option which is the best for those people that are sensitive to LED lights and works perfectly for 3-4 years before you can make any replacement. Pros Doctor recommended Doctors highly recommend this light therapy box for SAD and in places with damp weather Quiet It does not have a flicker or an electromagnetic field, and it comes with 25,000-hertz electronic ballast. Improve mood Naturally relieves SAD effects and help the sufferers get an improved feeling which helps them enjoy the winter months. Sleep aid This light therapy box helps the body realign its circadian rhythm, making adjust to night-time schedule, thereby preventing sleep disorders like DSPS and jet lag. Increased productivity It helps the body feel naturally energized, which leads to improved focus, cognitive performance, and alertness during the day. Accommodative for light-sensitive people If you are sensitive to LED lights, then this therapy light box is the best for you. It has a florescent option which has a long lifespan of 3 to 4 years. [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2mhcmcj" target="blank" rel="nofollow" background="#fd710d" size="6" icon="icon: hand-o-right" icon_color="#ffffff"]Buy from Amazon.com[/su_button] Cons Missing user manual It does not come with a user manual which makes it hard for some people to assemble and use it. Tips over This light therapy box does not stand on its own, and it tips over once placed upright. It needs a broader base to avoid being tippy. Weak clips and poor packaging The plastic clips that hold the bulb are weak and flimsy. The packaging makes the plastic cover slides to bend hence not fitting correctly. There's a mix of the delivered product, with some products being delivered from China, instead of Alaska. Not Adjustable This therapy lamp is not adjustable, and you will need to place it at the exact position where you want the light to go. Health Benefits Helps to improve mood Helps you to feel more energized Helps to heal sleep disorders like DSPS and jet lag Helps to improve alertness, focus and cognitive performance Customers' Reviews Most of the users that gave their reviews had lots of good things to say about Alaska Northern lights therapy box. Majority of the users also gave a rating of 5 stars with many others giving a score of 4 stars. Some loved the effectiveness and brightness of the lamp, while others loved its total and sleek design. Others loved its lightweight and the fact that they could move it easily from one place to another. Below is what three of the users had to say: Timothy J. gave the therapy box a 5-star rating, and this is what he said: "Light box was excellent and a well-made product by far, and very glad I purchased this one. However, the accessory storage bag they charge $53.00 for is not worth this price at all.... maybe $10.00 at the most. The box that the therapy light box came in is stronger and better made than the storage bag!!! The first time I used this wimpy bag it ripped down the side as I tried to put the light box in to it. Again, the light therapy box GREAT, but don't waste your money on the wimpy bag!!!" Edward C. McClelland also gave it a 5-star rating and had this to say: "More than likely the most effective light on the market. The only improvement that I would suggest is that a wall mounting bracket accompany it. I made my own with a combination of Television mounting bracket and some other computer related components. On a table it could easily fall if left on its own. I sit about three feet away from it and along with taking Vitamin D and Vegan Omega 3 capsules, my SADD dissipated in about four days. I highly recommend it." Our Verdict [su_button url="https://amzn.to/2mhcmcj" target="blank" rel="nofollow" background="#fd710d" size="6" icon="icon: hand-o-right" icon_color="#ffffff"]Buy from Amazon.com[/su_button] We believe that the Alaska Northern Lights 10,000 lux SAD light therapy box is the best in the market. Considering its length of use and high recommendation by top doctors, topped by the many positive customer reviews, we believe that its effectiveness and high performance are some of the key characteristics to consider. Besides, it is designed in such a way that the entire unit is the lightbox making it give the brightest illumination effectively. Its warranty of 7 years assures you of long-term use without issues. Wrapping it Up Alaska Northern Lights 10,000 lux SAD light therapy box is one of the best SAD lamps in the market. It is highly effective when it comes to the relief of SAD symptoms and has been known to work where others have failed. It comes with many health benefits, and it can be used comfortably by people allergic to LED lights. This review was meant to give you a better perspective on what to consider in a therapy lightbox. You can also read through our website to learn more about other light therapy boxes and lamps which might benefit you. In case you have any queries or concerns, feel free to get in touch with us. Read Next: Philips Wake-Up Light Alarm Clock Bài viết đã xuất hiện lần đầu tiên tại https://www.cosmeticnews.com/light-therapy-box-10000-lux/?feed_id=368&_unique_id=5e32e2e67c644 #cosmeticnews #janebrody #haircare #makeup #skincare #skinconcern #beautydevices
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評論 行程概述: 北歐人自己也吐槽,覺得吃東西太貴了,但是他們人均GDP高,而且福利非常好,比如他們看病是免費的,上學是免費的,保險是免費的,有小孩的家庭每個月還可以領取補助金。還有就是,挪威所有的自然風光景點,都是不收取門票的,他們認為,每個人都有免費享受大自然的權利。而且,北歐的旅遊行業很註重環保,好多地區都在申請可持續旅遊目的地,他們希望能在旅遊的同時,盡可能減少對自然的破壞。比如特羅姆瑟,就有一種混合電輪船,他們希望能逐步實現這樣的旅遊方式。 關於自駕路線: ② 挪威西部 卑爾根-沃斯小鎮-Flam小鎮-Aurland觀景臺-精靈之路-大西洋之路-卑爾根
③ 挪威北部 特羅姆瑟-Skibotn-羅弗敦群島-極地動物園-特羅姆瑟
評論 關於現金: 關於停車,建議下載兩個app,一個是easy park(可以在線繳費的),一個是Parkopedia Parking(可以查詢附近停車場的)。如果在市區的大街上停車,一定要看好停車牌,P下面有Mot avgift這個詞的,就可以放心停了。但是要注意看,有沒有停車時限,有的會寫Maks 1 time,意思就是最多停1個小時。繳費機器比較復雜,拍了vlog,後面有時間我再傳上來。 關於住宿: ① Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz 推薦指數:☆☆☆☆☆ 地址:Rosenkrantzgaten 7, 5003 Bergen 價格:1200 RMB(2019年10月) 體驗:四星酒店,位置相當好,步行3分鐘可達佈呂根碼頭。非常適合自駕,因為酒店對面就是停車樓,一晚上250克朗,離開的時候在自助機上繳費,這個價格在挪威真的是高性價比了。再說說房間,也是很寬敞,很乾淨的,有的房間是帶浴缸的,入住的時候可以提要求,前臺都很Nice,會盡量幫你協調。重點推薦一下這家酒店的餐食,房間是含早晚餐的,這一點真的是完美。晚餐屬於輕食那種,早餐格外豐盛,三文魚、金槍魚,水果飲料,應有盡有。
② Flam小鎮的山間別墅 推薦指數:☆☆☆☆☆ 地址:Flam教堂對面 價格:1538 RMB(2019年10月) 體驗:這家民宿就坐落於弗洛姆小鎮,從陽臺可以對面山間穿行的小火車。旁邊只有幾戶人家,剩下的就是草地和牛羊,感覺這裡很像一個世外桃源。我們住的這戶人家,有兩棟緊鄰的木屋,我們住在其中一棟的二層,房東的媽媽住在一層,有獨立的入口,所以不會相互打擾。女主人很熱情,聽說我們要自己下廚,很仔細地介紹了廚房的各種用具。房間有地暖,冬天光著腳也不會覺得冷那種。廚房是開放式的,客廳也超級大,原木色的天花板和地板,滿��的北歐風。最愜意的是陽臺,外面的景色美到不像話,聽著潺潺的溪流聲,真的什麼煩惱都沒有了。
③ Olden小鎮的峽灣木屋 推薦指數:☆☆☆☆☆ 地址:Olden小鎮和Loen小鎮中間 價格:1100 RMB(2019年10月) 體驗:這是一間有50年歷史的老房子,坐落在松恩-菲尤拉訥郡,透過窗戶就能欣賞到北峽灣風光。有免費停車位,適合自駕遊。房間裡的壁爐和油畫,特別有年代感。屋外有個露天小庭院,旁邊還有一棵楓樹,我們去的時候正好是秋天,紅色的楓葉真的美翻了。廚房有烤箱,電磁爐,餐具也比較齊全。喜歡徒步的朋友,這裡是個很棒的選擇,房子後面有一條林間小道,大概一個半小時可以爬到山頂,那邊有一個Huaren viewpoint,很適合打卡拍照。Briksdalbreen冰川離這裡不遠,自駕遊的話,這裡很適合作為中途落腳點。
④ 大西洋之路的海島民宿 推薦指數:☆☆☆☆☆ 地址:大西洋之路���北 價格:1100 RMB(2019年10月) 體驗:這家民宿就在的大西洋之路橫跨的其中一個小島上,距離最著名的“斷頭橋”Storseisundet Bridge有18公里,開車20分鐘左右。小島上人煙稀少,看不到幾個房子那種,道路兩旁都是小樹林。這間民宿的特色就是空間非常大,有三個臥室,餐桌特別大,正常能坐下七八個人。可以免費停車,適合自駕遊。 挪威西部自駕Day 1 卑爾根古城5分/1篇遊記中提到門票¥預訂 地址:Sandviken, Bergen 查看詳情 10月9日早晨,我們從斯德哥爾摩出發,坐的北歐航空,中午抵達卑爾根,在機場與另外一個小夥伴成功匯合。卑爾根機場等行李的時候,看到一個超可愛的小Baby,只要一和你對視,就咧嘴沖你笑,感覺心都要被融化了。行李提取處有個很大的免稅店,好多特價商品,我們買了6罐啤酒+2罐飲料,一共95克朗,當時都覺得不可思議。依稀記得前些天在瑞典加油站的便利店,買了一罐啤酒,也是95克朗。後面逛挪威的各大超市,也再沒遇到過這麼讓人心動的價格了。
我們入住的酒店是Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz,從Booking上訂的,超級推薦。四星酒店,位置相當好,步行3分鐘可達佈呂根碼頭。非常適合自駕,因為酒店對面就是停車樓,一晚上250克朗,離開的時候在自助機上繳費,這個價格在挪威真的是高性價比了。再說說房間,也是很寬敞,很乾淨的,有的房間是帶浴缸的,入住的時候可以提要求,前臺都很Nice,會盡量幫你協調。重點推薦一下這家酒店的餐食,房間是含早晚餐的,這一點真的是完美。晚餐屬於輕食那種,早餐格外豐盛,三文魚、金槍魚,水果飲料,應有盡有。重點說一下水果,真的讓我驚呆了,每一個都很像道具,像假的一樣,因為真的太好看了,顏色也非常鮮艷,怎麼那麼好看啊。
評論 挪威西部自駕Day 2 弗洛姆 卑爾根是通往挪威峽灣的大門,北歐的旅遊業相當規范,不用擔心被坑蒙拐騙。卑爾根的遊客中心就在碼頭附近,進去以後記得先從機器上拿號,等著叫號。挪威的國家旅遊線路,規劃得相當好,全都可以在官網查到,建議大家點開英文界面,因為中文界面裡的內容相對簡略很多。我們本來的計劃是去爬步道石,但是遊客中心工作人員的建議是,下雨山路會結冰,爬山會有一些危險。於是我們放棄了這個計劃,決定往大西洋之路開,工作人員又很耐心地給我們在地圖上標註了自駕路線,還給我們推薦了幾個觀景臺打卡地。冬天,挪威峽灣很多道路都會關閉,建議大家提前看一下挪威公路網o,做好出行規劃。還有就是谷歌地圖,會給你規劃一些抄近路的方案,有些甚至能節省出1個小時,但還是建議大家走大路,安全放心。
從弗洛姆小鎮出發,第一站就是Stegastein觀景臺,車程20公里。在斯特伽斯特恩觀景臺(Stegastein Viewpoint)上可一覽艾於蘭(Aurland)峽灣的美景,而這座觀景臺本身就是挪威國家旅遊線路的一部分。觀景臺伸出山崖30米,很有設計感。
雖然始終沒見到房主本尊,但是房間裡有一個本子,詳細介紹了這家主人與房子的故事,還推薦了周圍一些不錯的景點。這是一間有50年歷史的老房子,坐落在松恩-菲尤拉訥郡,透過窗戶就能欣賞到北峽灣風光。有免費停車位,適合自駕遊。屋外有個露天小庭院,旁邊還有一棵楓樹,我們去的時候正好是秋天,紅色的楓葉真的美翻了。喜歡徒步的朋友,這裡是個很棒的選擇,房子後面有一條林間小道,大概一個半小時可以爬到山頂,那邊有一個Huaren viewpoint,很適合打卡拍照。Briksdalbreen冰川離這裡不遠,自駕遊的話,這裡很適合作為中途落腳點。
因為下雪封路,我們繞路花費了很多時間,一路上幾乎沒有停歇。除非遇到特別美的地方,停下來抓緊拍幾張照片,就繼續趕路了。午餐也是在車裡解決,基本就是面包+腸。中途經過了幾段輪渡,到達大西洋之路的時候已經天黑了。晚上入住的民宿也是在airbnb上訂的,在大西洋之路橫跨的其中一個小島上,距離最著名的“斷頭橋”Storseisundet Bridge有18公里,開車20分鐘左右。小島上人煙稀少,看不到幾個房子那種,道路兩旁都是小樹林。
這間民宿的特色就是空間非常大,有三個臥室,餐桌特別大,正常能坐下七八個人。可以免費停車,適合自駕遊。因為臨時訂的一間民宿,看評價說離大西洋之路不遠,想著第二天早晨方便過去。結果沒想到,當天晚上去民宿的路上就經過了大西洋之路,還沒做好準備,就迎面而來了。雖然天都已經黑了,但還是挺激動的,回頭把vlog發遊記裡。 早晨從民宿出發時,天蒙蒙亮,還看到了好幾頭鹿,來不及拍照,一溜煙就跑走了。這家民宿真的是挺偏僻的,很有林間小屋的感覺。大西洋海濱公路是挪威的國家旅遊線路之一,全長36公里,從Bud到Kristiansund,橫跨七座橋,而且是免費通行的。我們要去拍照打卡的,就是最著名的“斷頭橋”Storseisundet Bridge,有個觀景的步道。我們去的時候,一個人也沒有,周圍只能聽到海浪聲,和海鷗的叫聲。
Source Link: 2020年正妹挪威自由行終極攻略,10天自駕旅遊深度遊記 Read the full article
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3.1 Principales Repercusiones De La Contaminación Acústica
3.1.1 Daños Al Ambiente
Aunque la contaminación acústica es una problemática predominante en espacios urbanizados, también tiene un impacto ambiental en la vida salvaje. Al igual que los humanos, otras especies de animales sólo tienen tolerancia a determinadas intensidades de ruido, por lo que esto es tomado en cuenta cuando están en busca de un hábitat donde puedan sobrevivir. Por tanto, si una especie animal no tolera el ruido presente en su hábitat, probablemente no tolerará ninguna de sus otras condiciones, por lo que buscará desplazarse a espacios con menos ruido.
Debido a que el funcionamiento de un ecosistema es delicado y dependiente de muchos otros factores, el desplazamiento anormal de especies y la perturbación de hábitats pueden tener repercusiones en el equilibrio ecológico de un determinado lugar, ya sea de carácter terrestre o marino. Por ejemplo, si las especies que ocupan el puesto de consumidores primarios dentro de una cadena alimenticia huyen de su lugar de origen debido a la cantidad de ruido en su hábitat, entonces tras ellas irían las especies cuya alimentación depende de ellos, los consumidores secundarios, y así sucedería por igual con otras especies de los otros eslabones. O en cambio, si son los consumidores secundarios las especies afectadas por el ruido, sus presas crecerían sin control debido a la ausencia de sus depredadores y existiría el riesgo de una posible plaga, ocasionando un desequilibrio evidente en el ecosistema.
Al mismo tiempo, es posible que la contaminación acústica interfiera con los patrones de reproducción de algunas especies, con los ciclos de polinización y expansión de las semillas de las plantas, con la producción ganadera, e incluso puede contribuir a la extinción de una especie.
Por esta razón es de vital importancia controlar de manera adecuada la expansión de los espacios urbanos, mientras se asume una postura ecológicamente responsable para evitar el desequilibrio de los ecosistemas y conservar la biodiversidad de la vida salvaje,
3.1.2 Daños A La Salud
Las consecuencias más importantes de la contaminación acústica tienen lugar en los diversos ámbitos de la salud humana. Sin embargo, estas repercusiones se hacen evidentes de manera acumulativa y a largo plazo, lo cual diferencia al ruido de otros contaminantes que suelen ocasionan un daño instantáneo en el organismo. La gravedad de estos daños depende de la sensibilidad de cada persona y la cantidad de tiempo a la que es expuesta a este tipo de contaminación. Daños A La Capacidad Auditiva Y La Comunicación
Este tipo de daños se relacionan directamente con el órgano auditivo, pues interfieren con su funcionamiento regular y le ocasionan daños fisiológicos que pueden ser temporales o permanentes. Como punto de referencia, el mínimo umbral de audición se ubica a los 0 decibeles, mientras que el umbral al que se comienza a percibir dolor y molestia en el órgano auditivo se encuentra hacia los 120 decibeles, cuya intensidad, si se sufre de suficiente exposición, puede llegar a ocasionar daños irreparables e incluso sordera total.
Los efectos auditivos que la exposición prolongada del ruido tiene sobre el organismo generan desplazamientos del umbral de audición, es decir, una disminución de la sensibilidad auditiva para percibir sonidos de baja intensidad generada por la exposición momentánea o constante al ruido, la cual puede ser temporal o permanente.
· Desplazamiento temporal del umbral de audición (TTS por sus siglas en inglés): Es el aumento del umbral provocado por la exposición a ruidos de alta intensidad, donde existe una recuperación total después de haber transcurrido una determinada cantidad de tiempo, la cual suele ser de aproximadamente 1 hora, mientras la exposición no vuelva a repetirse.
· Desplazamiento permanente del umbral de audición (PTS por sus siglas en inglés): Es producto del agravamiento y la repetición durante un largo tiempo del desplazamiento temporal, ya que tras múltiples exposiciones la recuperación del umbral se ralentiza hasta el punto en el que se vuelve permanente y puede acabar en la sordera.
La OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud) recomienda que el máximo nivel de ruido permisible en el ambiente de trabajo sea de no más de 85 decibeles durante un máximo de 8 horas al día. Sin embargo, lugares como bares, clubes nocturnos y eventos deportivos presentan niveles más altos de ruido de regularmente 100 decibeles, nivel que sólo es seguro durante una exposición de 15 minutos, por lo que es necesario regular tales niveles de ruido para preservar la salud auditiva.
Aunque la principal consecuencia de la exposición a niveles altos de ruido sea la pérdida de la audición, también puede provocar otros problemas en el organismo como enfermedades cardiacas e incluso hipertensión. Asimismo, la contaminación acústica se ha relacionado con otros padecimientos como la gastritis, las cefaleas, la disfunción sexual y la perturbación del sueño (insomnio).
Otra consecuencia evidente de la exposición a la contaminación acústica es su interferencia en la comunicación oral, donde la inteligibilidad de ésta se reduce considerablemente en un ambiente con una alta intensidad de ruido, pues el órgano auditivo no puede distinguir entre las diferentes fuentes de ruido que capta. Aunque del rango de la frecuencia de la voz humana está comprendido entre los 100 y 10000 Hertz, el intervalo para la recepción y entendimiento de palabras y frases habladas sólo está entre los 500 y los 2500 Hz. Aunque no existen evidencias que lo sustenten, es posible que el ruido pueda ser la causa de accidentes provocados por la incapacidad de escuchar indicaciones de peligro y llamadas de advertencia ante una situación de riesgo cuando interfiere en la comunicación oral durante las actividades laborales. Daños Relacionados Al Estrés.
El estrés es el estado de cansancio mental provocado por la exigencia de rendimiento físico y psicológico por encima del regular, o bien por el percibimiento de una situación frustrante que altera el estado emocional de una persona. El ruido es una causa común de este padecimiento, ya que se siempre se encuentra presente en el ambiente, y si cuenta con intensidad y tiempo de exposición suficiente, puede alterar el equilibrio del organismo, produciendo diversas reacciones propias del estrés, como la irritabilidad, la histeria, la neurosis, y la fatiga. Esto se evidencia con la aceleración del sistema nervioso simpático ante la exposición al ruido intenso, la cual aumenta el riesgo de sufrir de enfermedades cardiacas. Asimismo, el estrés altera el rendimiento de los procesos cognitivos, afectando principalmente la atención, la lectura, la solución de problemas y la memorización, sobre todo en trabajadores y niños.
Además de éstas repercusiones, también existen otras consecuencias que afectan a diferentes partes del cuerpo y pueden terminar generando otros padecimientos. Por ejemplo, la exposición prolongada igual o superior a los 80 decibeles de intensidad propician la aparición de conductas agresivas y comportamientos violentos; sin embargo, se sabe que también bastan con sólo 50 o 60 decibeles para que el cuerpo humano asuma una postura defensiva y llegue a usar sus mecanismos de protección. El ruido también puede generar cambios y alteraciones en el ritmo cardiaco, la digestión, la tensión muscular, la presión arterial, e incluso la visión.
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Power outages on a regular basis occur without warning. Ideally, a homeowner is prepared with an automatic home standby generator installed and all the time ready to go. Then again, if a portable generator is the only option forbackup power throughout an emergency, the GP15000E unit is a great option, with enough power to run up to a 5-ton air conditioner and more. Also an ideal choice for jobsites with high power requirements. This model features Generac’s OHVI engine for extended run times and longer life. Featuring a compact, wheeled frame for easy transport, the Generac 15,000-Watt Portable Gas-Powered Generator with Electric Start provides a reliable power supply wherever you want it. A Generac OHVI (overhead valve industrial) engine delivers performance and power, whilst a sturdy steel-tube cradle protects the generator’s exterior. For safe and comfortable use, the circuit-breaker outlets prevent power overloads, and the low-tone muffler makes for ultra quiet operation.
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Portable gas-powered generators deliver power when you want it, where you want it–from outdoor parties to construction sites. View larger.
Circuit breaker protected outlets guard against circuit overload for reliable performance. View larger.
The hardened steel-tube cradle, convenient handles, and wheel kit ensure durability and portability. View larger.
Generac’s OHVI® engine is designed specifically for generators, and it lasts three to four times longer than competitive engines. View full diagram.
Determine your requirements for a portable generator: click here to view wattage charts.
(Note for California and Canadian residents: This model is not CARB-compliant (units sold to California must be CARB-compliant) or CSA-certified.)
A Durable Power Supply Wherever You Need It The Generac 15,000-Watt Generator with Electric Start is an ideal portable generator to have at home, on the job site, or wherever you want power. Its compact frame–48.5 x 31 x 39.5 inches (LxWxH)–is fitted with lifting eye handles and pneumatic, all-terrain wheels for easy portability. And with its hardened steel-tube cradle, this rugged generator holds up well for frequent trip, allowing you to look forward to years of operation. Plus, this model features an electric ignition for fast, easy start-up.
Thanks to its versatile design, this generator adds comfort and possibility to any situation. Use it to keep your family safe and well-equipped through unexpected blackouts or make construction jobs faster and easier.
A Low-Maintenance, High-Performance OHVI Engine Designed specifically for generators, the Generac 15,000-Watt Generator with Electric Start’s heavy-duty 992-cc OHVI (overhead valve industrial) engine boasts a host of features. An exclusive X-Torq governor maximizes the engine’s performance to keep it running without stalls. And so engine components continue moving smoothly, a pressurized lubrication system sends oil directly to critical areas.
Thanks to this full-pressure lubrication system, the engine can employ an automotive-grade, spin-on oil filter that sifts out dirt and other unwanted substances. The oil filter works alongside a dual-element air filter. Together, the two keep engine performance at a maximum and maintenance at a minimum.
Plus, this generator’s sturdy, 16-gallon resin tank ensures a full 10 hours of operation at a 50-percent load, letting you chill out for hours of use. The automatic-idle keep watch over reduces fuel usage and noise, whilst the tank’s built-in fuel gauge lets you monitor fuel levels at a glance. Generac even provides you with your first supply of oil.
Plenty of Wattage to Run a Full Range of Appliances The Generac 15,000-Watt Generator with Electric Start supplies 15,000 output watts and 22,500 maximum watts (for start-up of devices). It has an A/C voltage of 120/240 and a frequency of 60 hertz.
For unexpected blackouts, this is enough wattage to run home appliances such as security systems, computers, and electric stoves, as well as air conditioning systems and sump pumps. (A manual transfer switch is required to connect to air conditioning systems.) For construction and landscaping applications, it’s enough to give a boost to large devices such as lawn mowers, belt sanders, and table saws. And for camping and outdoor events, it can run portable stereos, outdoor lights, and electric grills.
(Note: All appliances should be checked for actual wattage ratings.)
Safe, Quiet Operation with Overload-Protected Outlets If security and quiet operation are important to you in a generator, then the Generac 15,000-Watt Generator with Electric Start is an ideal choice. Its outlets (two 120-volt, two 120-volt GFCI, one 120-volt 30 Amp twist lock, one 120/240-volt 50 Amp, and one 12 VDC battery charger) are circuit-breaker protected, guarding against power overloads and allowing the generator to smoothly send power to your appliances. And the low-tone muffler means the generator runs at a comfortable noise level that easily blends into the background.
This generator is backed by a two-year limited warranty.
What’s in the Box Generac 5734 GP Series GP15000E 15,000-Watt 992-cc OHVI Portable Gas-Powered Generator with Electric Start (Non-CARB Compliant), 12VDC 365-CCA battery, first oil supply, wheel kit, maintenance kit, and manual.
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Compare the Generac GP Series Portable Generators Model # GP1800 GP3250 GP5000 GP5500 GP6500 GP7000 GP7000E GP8000 GP8000E GP15000E GP17500E Running/starting watts 1800/2050 3250/3750 5000/6250 5500/6875 6500/8000 7000/8750 7000/8750 8000/10000 8000/10000 15000/22500 17500/26250 Fuel tank size (gallons) 4.0 4.0 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 16.0 16.0 Approx. run time @ 50% (hours) 14.5 12.5 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 10 10 Electric start (battery included) Yes Yes Yes Yes Dimensions (L x W x H – inches) 23.5 x 17 x 17.5 25 x 21 x 19.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 33.5 x 26.5 x 27.5 48.5 x 31 x 39.5 48.5 x 31 x 39.5 Shipping weight (pounds) 79 91 167 167 172 177 182 187 192 363 390
Generac 992cc OHVI engine incorporates full pressure lubrication with automotive style spin on oil filter for a longer life engine Electric start with battery (included) and plug-in battery charger jack Hour Meter / Low-oil level shutdown / Idle keep watch over reduces noise and conserves fuel 16 gallons fuel tank provides up to 10 hours of run time at 50% load Hardened 1 1/4″ steel tube cradle for added durability and strength with an integrated lifting eye for easy transport and security on the jobsite [amz_corss_sell asin=”B001GOOM2G”]
Generac 5734 GP15000E 15000 Running Watts/22500 Starting Watts Electric Start Gas Powered Portable Generator Power outages on a regular basis occur without warning. Ideally, a homeowner is prepared with an automatic home standby generator installed and all the time ready to go.
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Rotary Air Compressor Market: Competitive Dynamics & Global Outlook 2025
“The latest report, Rotary Air Compressor market attempts to explain as well as understand the buying pattern to help companies design a marketing strategy that can attract more buyers. The approach empowers stakeholders to target audience more accurately and reap highest profits. The product research carried out during the study of the Rotary Air Compressor market for the forecast period, 2019 to 2025 aims at helping product owners tweak their products or services according to the taste customers.
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Apart from this, the valuable document weighs upon the performance of the industry on the basis of a product service, end-use, geography and end customer.
When studying the major drivers a conscious effort is made to assess the rise in the product demand, changes in regulatory policies and fluctuating prices of the raw material. Importantly, the study quantifies the industry share occupied by the prominent vendors and offers an extensive view of the growing investment pocket in the Rotary Air Compressor industry worldwide.
Detailed evaluation of various aspects with respect to the geography for the estimated period forms an important part of the research.
A quick look at the industry trends and opportunities
The market opportunity analysis offered in the market intelligence report measures various intangible factors such as gross margin, profit, demand and supply, distribution channel and spending power of the customers. Importantly, the study classifies the industry into an array of segments based on product type, application and consumer preference
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The report also presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.
The key players covered in this report:
• The major manufacturers covered in this report Ingersoll Rand Hertz Kompressoren Atlas Copco AB Kobe Steel Ltd. Elgi Equipments Limited Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Suzler Ltd. Ebara Corporations Porter Cable VMAC Global Technology Inc. Campbell Hausfled Doosan Infracore Portable Power
• Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering North America Europe China Japan Southeast Asia India
• On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into Oiled Oil-free
• On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate for each application, including Food & Beverage Oil & Gas Manufacturing Medical Power Generation Others
• Key Stakeholders Rotary Air Compressor Manufacturers Rotary Air Compressor Distributors/Traders/Wholesalers Rotary Air Compressor Subcomponent Manufacturers Industry Association Downstream Vendors
This report studies the global Rotary Air Compressor market status and forecast, categorizes the global Rotary Air Compressor market size (value & volume) by manufacturers, type, application, and region. This report focuses on the top manufacturers in North America, Europe, Japan, China, and other regions (India, Southeast Asia).
A thorough evaluation of the key driving forces proves beneficial in understanding the manner in which major vendors communicate with their current prospects and existing customers. Detailed data on the restraining factors aid companies and individual lowering the risks. It does so by revealing which opportunities will result in generating more profits.
Purchase Rotary Air Compressor Market Research Report: https://www.marketgrowthinsight.com/checkout/18905
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What are the future prospects of the Rotary Air Compressor industry for the forecast period, 2019 to 2025?
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Frequency Modulation and Its Applications in the Wireless Communication | Soukacatv.com
The FM or Frequency modulation has been available approximately since AM (Amplitude Modulation) although it has only some issues. FM itself didn’t have a problem apart from we couldn’t recognize the FM transmitter potential. In the earlier time of wireless communication, it was measured that the required bandwidth of this was narrower, and necessary to decrease noise as well as interference. Under such a measure, frequency modulation was suffered whereas AM increased. After that, an American Engineer- “Edwin Armstrong” finished the conscious attempt to discover the intensity of FM transmitters. Edwin initiated the design of using FM intended for transmitting which was not in favor of the trend at that moment in time.
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What is a Frequency Modulation?
The frequency modulation can be defined as; the frequency of the carrier signal is varied proportional to (in accordance with) the Amplitude of the input modulating signal. The input is a single tone sine wave. The carrier and the FM waveforms also are shown in the following figure.
Frequency Modulation Generation
The frequency of a carrier (fc) will increase as the amplitude of modulating (input) signal increases. The carrier frequency will be maximum (fc max) when the input signal is at its peak. The carrier deviates maximum from its normal value. The frequency of a carrier will decrease as the amplitude of the modulating (input) signal decreases. The carrier frequency will be minimum (fc min) when the input signal is at its lowest. The carrier deviates minimum from its normal value. The frequency of the carrier will be at its normal value (free running) fc when the input signal value is 0V. There is no deviation in the carrier. The figure shows the frequency of the FM wave when the input is at its max, 0V and at its min.
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Frequency Deviation
The amount of change in the carrier frequency produced, by the amplitude of the input modulating signal, is called frequency deviation.
The Carrier frequency swings between fmax and fmin as the input varries in its amplitude.
The difference between fmax and fc is known as frequency deviation. fd = fmax – fc
Similarly, the difference between fc and fmin also is known as frequency deviation. fd = fc –fmin
It is denoted by Δf. Therefore Δf = fmax – fc = fc – fmin
Therefore fd = fmax – fc = fc – fmin
Freq deviation = 105 -100 = 5 MHz (or) Freq deviation = 95-100 = -5 MHz
Frequency Modulation Equation
The FM equation include the following
v = A sin [ wct + (Δf / fm) sin wmt ]
= A sin [ wct + mf sin wmt ]
A = Amplitude of the FM signal. Δf = Frequency deviation
mf = Modulation Index of FM
mf = ∆f/fm
mf is called the modulation index of frequency modulation.
wm = 2π fm wc = 2π fc
What is Modulation Index of Frequency Modulation?
The modulation index of FM is defined as the ratio of the frequency deviation of the carrier to the frequency of the modulating signal
mf = Modulation Index of FM = ∆f/fm
The bandwidth of Frequency Modulation Signal
Recall, the bandwidth of a complex signal like FM is the difference between its highest and lowest frequency components, and is expressed in Hertz (Hz). Bandwidth deals with only frequencies. AM has only two sidebands (USB and LSB) and the bandwidth was found to be 2 fm.
In FM it is not so simple. FM signal spectrum is quite complex and will have an infinite number of sidebands as shown in the figure. This figure gives an idea, how the spectrum expands as the modulation index increases. Sidebands are separated from the carrier by fc ± fm, fc ± 2fm, fc ± 3fm and so on.
Bandwidth of FM Signal
Only the first few sidebands will contain the major share of the power (98% of the total power) and therefore only these few bands are considered to be significant sidebands.
As a rule of thumb, often termed as Carson’s Rule, 98% of the signal power in FM is contained within a bandwidth equal to the deviation frequency, plus the modulation frequency doubled.
Carson’s rule: Bandwidth of FM BWFM = 2 [ Δf + fm ].
= 2 fm [ mf + 1 ]
FM is known as Constant Bandwidth System. Why?
The frequency modulation is known as a constant bandwidth system and an example of this system is given below.
Δf = 75 KHz fm = 500 Hz BWFM = 2 [75 + (500/1000)] KHz = 151.0 KHz
Δf = 75 KHz fm = 5000 Hz BWFM = 2 [75 + (5000/1000)] KHz = 160.0 KHz
Δf = 75 KHz fm = 10000 Hz BWFM = 2 [75 + (10000/1000)] KHz = 170.0 KHz
Although modulating frequency increased 20 times (50 Hz to 5000 Hz), deviation increased only marginally (151 KHz to 170 KHz). Hence FM is known as constant bandwidth system.
Commercial FM (Carson’s Rule.)
Max freq deviation = 75 KHz
Max Modulating freq = 15 KHz
BWFM = 2 [ 75 + 15 ] = 180.0 KHz
Difference between AM and FM
The main difference between AM and FM include the following.
Equation for FM: V= A sin [ wct +Δf / fm sin wmt ] = A sin [ wct + mf sin wmt ]
Equation for AM = Vc ( 1 + m sin ωmt ) sin ωct where m is given by m = Vm / Vc
In FM, the Modulation Index can have any value greater than 1 or less than one
In AM, the Modulation Index will be between 0 and 1
In FM, carrier amplitude is constant.
Therefore transmitted power is constant.
Transmitted power does not depend on the modulation index
Transmitted power depends on the modulation index
PTotal = Pc [ 1+ (m2/2) ]
The number of significant sidebands in FM is large.
Only two sidebands in AM
A bandwidth of FM depends on the modulation index of FM
Bandwidth does not depend on the modulation index of AM. Always 2 sidebands. BW of AM is 2 fm
FM has better noise immunity.FM is rugged/robust against noise. The quality of FM will be good even in the presence of noise.
In AM, quality is affected seriously by noise
The bandwidth required by FM is quite high.FM bandwidth = 2 [Δf + fm].
The bandwidth required by AM is less (2 fm)
Circuits for FM transmitter and receiver are very complex and very expensive.
Circuits for AM transmitter and receiver are simple and less expensive
Thus, this is all about frequency modulation. The applications of frequency modulation include in FM radio broadcasting, radar, seismic prospecting, telemetry, & observing infants for seizure through EEG, music synthesis, two-way radio systems, magnetic tape recording systems, video broadcast systems, etc. From the above information, finally, we can conclude that, in frequency modulation, both efficiencies as well as bandwidth depends on the maximum the modulation index and modulating frequency. Contrasted to amplitude modulation, the frequency modulation signal has a larger bandwidth, superior efficiency, & improved immunity toward the noise. What are the different types of modulation techniques in communication system?
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