#1000 🍀
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hi ella💐 hope ur doing well!! i wanted to share a couple of success stories that have happened over the last 3 months. 💓
some of them happened without even really affirming it and others happened because i affirmed repeatedly.
1. in may i scripted that i had a trust fund that has maybe about 1.5 million dollars. and so like a week after i scripted that me and my family were sitting at the dinner table and my dad told me i had a trust fund and it’s already in the millions!! i was so shocked that it materialised so quickly😭
2. about 2 weeks ago i started affirming that i can complete my school work easily and quickly and i actually have motivation for it. im homeschooling and this was my biggest issue with it and recently i’ve realised that i actually look forward to it more‼️
3. in about less than 2 hours i manifested that i wouldn’t have to ask “this person” (idk how to describe it) to do something for me and that they would just do it and text me that they did that thing for me. for this one i listened to a subliminal and affirmed repeatedly for about 5 minutes maybe. i tend not to pay attention to time when i affirm and that works really well for me🍀
4. i manifested having 1000 dollars in my account because i didnt have much money in my account. this one was also kind of unexpected because i just kept on saying “money always comes back to me” maybe like twice a day and i got the money yesterday ‼️‼️
5. probably my favourite one because i’ve been in the loa community since 2022 and over complicating it was such a issue for me or even conditioning my desires so i’ve been affirming that everything comes easily to me. just here and there throughout the day and i also meditate in the mornings while affirming. 🧼
i’ve also loved subliminals made my slade on youtube and they just help keep programme my mind so i’ll link my favourites. i recommend listening to them if u feel anxious alot about ur desires. my advice is just to sit back and relax because ur desires are urs no matter what💓💐
🍀 https://youtu.be/1PVudDkTwnk?si=7ozuRCMGwB3h8DeD
🍀 https://youtu.be/Uu_BZvtQ8bk?si=i3_rvCjGkOc-j4TS
hello babes 💗
first of all, i'm doing great, and i hope so do you! second of all, congratulations!!! this is just so wonderful 🥹 i'm really really happy for you <3
thank you for sharing your success story (!), and i hope you'll get the rest of your desires as soon as possible! 🫶
#law of assumption#neville goddard#loassumption#loa#loablr#loa success story#loa success#manifesting#manifestation#manifest#the law of assumption#manifest it#manifesting it#master manifestor#success story#manifestation success#manifestation success story#success stories#successstory#successstories#spiritual#spirituality
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Illusions | SMAU
pairings: max x influencer!reader
part 2 of ?
summary: max gets cheated on by his girlfriend, now ex girlfriend, and the ex girlfriend gets with Charles after a while. Max gets reader to pretend to be his girlfriend to make her jealous as reader is charles’ ex girlfriend.
warnings: none (?)
previous | masterlist | request (open)


y/n 🫡
i don’t think anyone’s caught on yet💪
that’s good
thank you for doing this btw, y/n
yeah of course, i’d do anything to get back at charles 😀
lmao. also Christian wants us to go public in the next week or two but i just wanted to check with you first🙏🏼
yeah that’s fine with me
WAIT..does that mean we have to…kiss😰
lmao, yeah but don’t worry it’ll just be a small peck
… okay🫡

liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 816k others
yourusername: thank you @/redbullracing for having me and congrats to Max for winning !! 🫶
TAGGED: redbullracing, maxverstappen1
user: max looks so boyfriend in the last picture😭
user: never doubting you again🙏🏼
redbullracing: Glad to have you, until next time😉❤️
liked by yourusername
maxverstappen1: ❤️
liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc: red looks better on you
larissa.black: could you not?
landonorris: oop, little lovers quarrel already👀
liked by yourusername
landonorris: honestly never would’ve suspected Max
yourusername: that was the point
landonorris: you’re still a mclaren girl though…right?
maxverstappen1: she’s a red bull girl now
carlossainz55: she’s actually always been a ferrari girl, regardless of who she’s dating/dated ❤️
yourusername: so true Carlos🫶

liked by yourusername, landon oreos and 916k others
maxverstappen1: my lucky charm🍀
TAGGED: yourusername
yourusername: you did so well! ❤️
liked by maxverstappen1
user: STAWP, why are they so cute😭
user: no cos i 1000% ship it
larissa.black: literally, no he didn’t😭
user: can 100% confirm, yes, yes he has
user: user i agree, he 10000% upgraded from…that
larissa.black: literally stfu, you have tom holland as your profile picture😑
landonorris: you’re literally arguing with teenagers, get a life🙄
landonorris: my new favorite couple
yourusername: thank you, Lan🫶
landonorris: can i have you instead
maxverstappen1: no, no you cannot
landonorris: not even to borrow??
yourusername: i’m not an object, you know
landonorris: i’m sorry😔
i’m really enjoying this tbh, reminder that requests are open !! please let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list for this series !! 🫶
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🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
whoever clogged the shower drains im coming for you
🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
okay so turns out it was me
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🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
@Matador26 don i hope you slip on your flimsy ass wig and break your back and have that perfume bottle get chucked at you and your giant forehead
🌹Matador26 follow
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
i was bored
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🍀 irishlad420 follow
i found a clover on the side of the road while i got pulled over. awesome
👑The-King100 follow
eat it so you can get even luckier
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🐻 Eternalhugs follow
remembered the time i went fishing with mac once and he fell in the lake trying to punch a fish
🥊Macaroni-Mac follow
why would you choose to remind me that
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
how about i remind everyone on that trip @The-King100 @.irishlad420 @Matador26 @charging-bull
🍀 irishlad420 follow
he also tried to eat a bug on that trip too
🌹Matador26 follow
didnt you also accidentally burn your hand, aran?
♉ charging-bull follow
both of you shut up i watched you two throw logs at each other
👑 The-King100 follow
everyone needs to shut up we dont talk about that trip again
🍫 duckthisone follow
i thought you all were going for a walk that day?? is that why you were all gone for 3 days???
🥊 Macaroni-Mac follow
oh no
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#punch out#punch out headcanons#punch out wii#aran ryan#bald bull#bear hugger#don flamenco#super macho man#heike kagero#king hippo#back on this acc again lol
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I have 1000 followers now! Thank you very much everybody! Blessings for everybody who supported me, thank you all the likes and reblogs! 🙏💕🍀🫶
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🌷Пост про БАДы🍀
Решила рассказать о моем опыте с БАДами — ка��ие принимала, для чего они нужны, какие эффекты заметила (или не заметила) на себе. Может, кому-то будет интересно 🍓
Я безумно люблю постоянно принимать какие-то пилюли. Так мне кажется, что я делаю для себя что-то хорошее. В целом, могу с уверенностью сказать, что так и есть — жизнь определенно стала лучше и комфортнее с течением времени, как я начала стабильно закидываться всякими добавками. Здоровье, иммунитет, состояние кожи, поддержка веса, даже когда жрешь как свинья — это все есть.
В мой текущий стек (aka набор) капсул и таблеток входит следующее:
Витамин С 1000 мг — ��ой организм очень любит витамин С, каким бы методом я его ��е использовала: принимая внутрь, нанося на кожу в виде сыворотки, etc. Сейчас принимаю таблетки от BioTechUSA, в их состав также входят биофлавоноиды (порошок из цедры лимона и цветов бузины).
Кордицепс военный — ноотропный гриб, который также считается природным антибиотиком, поднимает иммунитет, положительно влияет на либидо. Принимаю мицелий в дозировке по 2100 мг в день. Особо каких-то эффектов не замечаю, но может они и есть. С грибами всегда так — действие может быть мягкое и не очевидное, заметное только тогда, когда прекращаешь курс — на контрасте.
Лецитин подсолнечный 2000 мг — у меня от бренда Healthis. Покупала только для одной цели — улучшения усвоения грибов. Но вообще лецитин нужен для нормализации обмена веществ, поддержки печени, улучшения когнитивных функций и устранения вредного холестерина. Могу сказать, что за счет масляной консистенции он помогает с пищеварением на диете, т. е. никаких запоров и страданий в этом плане нет.
Таурин 1000 мг — тоже от Healthis. Хорошее средство для поддержания здоровья сердца и сосудов, повышения жизненного тонуса. Смягчает негативное влияние кофеина, поэтому если перебарщиваете с кофе — таурин поможет нивелировать его побочные эффекты.
Пробиотики и метабиотики — опять от Healthis, это их "авторский" комплекс. Тут ничего объяснять не надо. Просто хорошие бактерии для ЖКТ.
Витамин D3 5000 МЕ — Healthis. Снова. Начала принимать эти капсулы недавно, вот буквально на днях, но с самим витамином знакома давно. Раньше принимала такую же дозировку от другого бренда, по велению эндокринолога. Мне, как жительнице хмурого Питера, еще и любящей сидеть дома, витамин D3 нужен всегда и везде, и много.
Берберин/берберин + хром — принимала и чистый (первый вариант), и с "диетической" добавкой (второй вариант; хромом снижают аппетит). Берберин нужен для поддержки хорошей консистенции крови, улучшения метаболизма и похудения (но тут индивидуально, кому-то помогает, кому-то нет), нормализации уровня сахара в крови, снижения артериального давления. Отлично подойдет людям с инсулинорезистентностью. Мне берберин чуть-чуть помогает поддерживать адекватный вес, когда я не контролирую питание и по идее наоборот должна набирать. С ним я медленнее толстею, короче.
L-лизин 1000 мг — у меня от бренда Be First, люблю их добавки. Это незаменимая аминокислота, которая делает кучу всего в организме: участвует в синтезе белка, росте мышц, действии ферментов и гормонов, поддерживает крепость костей и гибкость суставов, и т. д. Ее также принимают для снижения частоты появления герпеса на губах и ускорения его заживления (у меня, к сожалению, в холодное время года появляется такая проблема при даже малейшем переохлаждении; говорят, что от герпеса L-лизин лучше всего помогает в связке с монолаурином, но я еще не пробовала эту комбинацию). Как берберин, мне эта аминокислота помогает медленнее толстеть.
Что не принимаю сейчас, но длительное время принимала раньше и любила эффекты:
— Жидкий хлорофилл: хорошо сказался на состоянии кожи, надо бы еще купить и пропить; — Ежовик: ноотропный гриб, хорошо помог убрать брейнфог после ковида (болела им 3 раза); — Иммуностимул от "Доктора Море": пила для борьбы с герпесом. В составе фукоидан — классная штука, можете погуглить-почитать поподробнее, он много что делает; — Чесночное масло: источник аллицина, для иммунитета класс, особенно в сезон простуд; — Вирбетол: источник бетулина — обеззараживающего вещества, которое получают из березы. Тоже очень классно для иммунитета и сопротивляемости вирусам; — Альфа-липоевая кислота: всегда брала только от Be First. Снижает сахар в крови и уровень холестерина, работает как антиоксидант, улучшает углеводный и липидный обмен. Тоже отлично подойдет людям с инсулинорезистентностью. Классная штука, чтобы еще лучше контролировать вес, когда жрешь как свинтус, а сильно толстеть не хочешь; — Мумиё алтайское: лекарство от всего и для всех прямиком из СССР. Польза большая, ��е тоже проще нагуглить, чем перечислять; — GABA 500 мг: от Be First. Улучшает сон, снижает тревожность, поддерживает мозговую деятельность, чуть-чуть влияет на гормон роста, помогает мышцам и углеводному обмену. Я использовала для контроля веса. Лучше принимать GABA'у в связке с DMAE, потому что сама по себе она ГЭБ (гематоэнцефалический барьер) преодолевает не очень.
Что советую почитать и посмотреть по теме БАДов: — Telegram-канал Дмитрия Райза — Лекции и подкасты Эндрю Губермана — Подкасты с Полом Стаметсом (миколог; особенно интересно посмотреть его у Джо Рогана, чтобы заинтересоваться в грибочках и их возможностях)
#диета#дневник#похудение#худею#дневник худеющей#рпп#дневник похудения#калории#заметки#жизнь#ноотропы#бады
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Cuddling with 007n7 would be very nice me thinks…
I hc him as a chubby dude and maybe around…5’11? (Though my hcs switch/change to suit my needs lol..:P) He would be like a big teddy bear! Very comfy and lovely to cuddle with, 1000/10
Frfr missing 7n7 like a clingy ex I love him so much (I’m too busy to play forsaken or really do much 💔💔)
(Also could I be 🌈🍀 anon?)
DADBAD 7N7. DROOLS i absolutely AGREE to me hes either dadbod or a lanky dude NO in between
and yes u can be 🌈🍀anon!!!
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🚀 Want to grab some free Cryptocoin Tokens? This is a limited-time offer—don't miss out! 💰
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My favourite fic of yours is 1000% Everything in Aeor is Fine.:) I have reread it at least 8 times. I love everything about it and it is one of my favourite fics of any fandom. It’s beautiful in the type of way that means I have to go and stare at a wall for a few breaths while I recover from how well some sentences hit. Especially how you wrote the item's influence and the tenderness and care in between recovering from it all, I aspire to be even close to that good someday. A very very close second is a man by any other face. I've also reread that one several times and my entire body is warmed by it in the kindest of ways every time. My heart wants to do more yelling, but I think I'll find the courage to do it in an actual comment one day.🍀
Oh gosh 8+ times?? I'm so flattered!! EiAiF was very much an experimental fic, and its format/POV not aligning with more popular forms, so it means a lot to me that you enjoyed it so much! The sketch for this ended up a little silly versus the tone of the fic but honestly, it's fitting. Absurdity in the face of tragedy.
Thank you <3
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I have seen the lack of trey clover request and I shall request some.

🍀Imagen him baking something and being to focused on the baking and mc just want some love and they just pull on his suspenders and take away his hat giving him a kiss and running away.
Or if you write this for the female zenitsu
🍀Her running to trey pulling him by his suspenders crying she is going to die and want him to marry her to let her live with him (what happend she saw a spider ace killed it and the cursed thing gave birth to 1000 mini spiders )rip ramshackle 💀

For those who don’t know, this is a reference to this post of mine. Also, I’m a huge Trey simp.
Trey Clover
You were just relaxing at Ramshackle, finishing up some assignments for the day when you received a text from your boyfriend. You, being you, immediately smiled and read it. It read as follows: I need some assistance with a particular treat. Would you like to come over and help me, my love?
Now, you were not one to pass up an opportunity such as this, so you told Grim that you would be leaving and that you left a can of tuna for him. You all but ran to Heartslabyul, and anyone who got in your way was promptly kicked, shoved, or punched out of the way. Poor Epel, he was just standing there and listening to a fellow classmate. Now he has a black eye and a personal vendetta against you.
Once you got there, you were let in by your beloved, and you clung to his arm immediately. The baker was used to you doing this, and even grew to like how openly affectionate you are. So, when he greeted you at the door, he held his arm out for you to wrap yours around it. He then led you to the kitchen, where the ingredients were waiting for the two of you.
The truth was, he didn’t actually need your help. He just knows that he hasn’t been able to spend too much time with you and he feels guilty about it. So, this is his solution. You would sit on the counter as he mixes the ingredients together, and you would tell him about your world and what you missed about it. This allowed him to know you and your background better.
When the treat was in the oven, and before you went to go greet the other dorm members, you quickly pulled Trey by the suspenders into a kiss. This surprised him, but he wasn’t opposed and quickly wrapped his arms around your torso to pull you closer and reciprocate the affection. However, it was all a ploy to really steal his hat and run.
For once in your life, your demon slayer abilities allowed you to make a quick escape with the fedora. Your boyfriend could not even try to get you back, so he just waited for your inevitable return to him. However, what he did not expect was for the oven to be done before you had come back with his hat.
Then, he received a text from you saying: Sorry, baby! Ace, Deuce, and I had to go get Grim for the Unbirthday Party! I’ll be back!!! He shrugged his shoulders and went to take the cake out of the oven. As he was waiting for it to cool before decorating, he heard someone screaming his name from outside. He rushed out only to be nearly tackled to the ground by you.
“TREY THERE WAS A SPIDER AT RAMSHACKLE. ACE SQUISHED IT AND IT HAD A MILLION BABIES!!!” You exclaimed as you jumped into his arms. He turned and looked to see Deuce a bit shaken up and Ace grabbing all of the bug spray that the dorm had before making his way back to your dorm.
Said baker put you down and wiped your tears before placing a kiss on your forehead, chuckling a bit at this silly situation. However, you noticed that he wasn’t taking this seriously and pulled him by the suspenders once again. Then, you exclaimed how you were going to die and that Ramshackle was unfit for habitation and you asked if you could stay at Heartslabyul with him.
As much as the idea sounds lovely (cuddling with you at night, being the last thing the other sees before they fall asleep and the first thing the other sees when they wake up, etc.), he knows that it is against the rules. But, you did stay the night for the week once Trey explained the situation to Riddle. The latter was a bit hesitant, but he realized that you have helped him out in his moment of need, so it only makes sense that he does the same.
#twst#twst x reader#twst wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland#disney twst#trey#trey clover x reader#twst trey clover#trey x reader#trey clover#twst trey#twst trey clover x reader#twst trey x reader
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💙🩵🦋✨My Skinny Plan and How I Lost 30+ Pounds✨🦋💙🩵
🔴❗️❌TW: ED, ANA❌❗️🔴
My plan:
Calorie Limits: Daily calorie limit is roughly 800, but absolutely no more than 1000. This is high restriction. There should also be one day a week or every 2 weeks where you eat a maintenance/metabolism diet. This calorie limit will be what is required to maintain your current weight. This will allow your body time to recover from the restriction and your metabolism will not stall.
Exercise: We know that the key to weight loss is expending more calories than you intake. With any type of restriction, you will be doing this without exercise. This is why exercise is not as important as your diet. I only do light exercise, like walking or light weight lifting.
Stay Consistent: Do not get discouraged. It will take time, but it will happen. Just keep it up. Take your time and do it well. No cheating.
Vitamins: Daily vitamins are essential. You are not eating enough, so you need to make up for it. Protein is ESSENTIAL. It takes more energy/calories to digest than it costs in calories. You will burn calories eating protein! Shakes are easy and tasty! Make a matcha latte out of a vanilla one!
Fast Food: You can have it, but you have to be smart about it. A kids meal at Chipotle is an easy 300 calorie meal and it is full of protein. It is enough for the whole day. Grilled nuggets at Chick-fil-A are so easy and tasty! About 200 calories for 8. You can eat out, but you must make a plan for it and stick to it.
Drinks: There is no reason to drink your calories if you can avoid it. Why drink a Coke when you can have a Diet Coke? Why have Gatorade when you can have Gatorade zero? What’s the point? Protein drinks are fine, as they are extremely filling and good for you. Full sugar soda is a no! They make diet and low sugar everything, just drink that!
Keeping Track: Keep track of your weight. After sleeping and going to the bathroom is the best time to do it. You will be at your base weight. Record it every day, even if you have gained. It is vital to see your progress or get you back on track. There are tons of great apps for it. You can track your weight in pounds, kilograms, BMI, etc. Always record your food. It’s not hard. You can even plan your meals ahead of time in your app. It’s so simple!
I am currently in a week long plateau. It feels as though I haven’t lost weight in years and I am beginning to feel discouraged. I know it will happen, I’m just worried. I will stay consistent and I will achieve my dreams. I am not underweight, but I will be.
🪩🕷️🚬🖤I will be SKINNY🖤🚬🕷️🪩
❤️💋🍓🌹I will be THIN🌹🍓💋♥️
🟠🍑🍊🧡I will be BEAUTIFUL🧡🍑🍊🟠
💚🍀🥝🍏I will be WANTED🍏🥝🍀💚
🔵🐳🦋💙I will be PERFECT💙🦋🐳🔵
🪻🟣🍇💜I will be GORGEOUS 💜🍇🟣🪻
🌷🩷🎀💕I will be ENVIED💕🎀🩷🌷
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🍀🍀🍀🍀 we love ocs here
yes we do !
send 🍀 and i'll recommend an oc rp blog
@bloodrodeo is jessie's husband and love of her life but trent is also one of my favorites because he's just so shamelessly himself that it's so charming to see <3 he's a cowboy with a heart of gold and i think he's sooo neat and i think everyone should love him as much as i do actually
@sifonie / @bucketkicked writes some really cool ocs! i always get so happy learning about every oc that ramone comes up with because it's nothing like i've ever seen before. they also write majority lesbians and tumblr needs more lesbians #ToMe <3 ramone in general is just fun to talk to and to plot with and their ocs are amazing 1000/10
@petitsdieu 's writing blows me away with how beautiful it is. i think as far as oc's go, hara can be anything (mermaid, princess, ghost, vampire) and it's never out of character for her. she is sooo elegant and beautiful and very much barbie coded in the way she can be placed anywhere and i just adore her !!
was thinking about how can i can't make a post like this without @maggoths bc oomf has made probably the most fleshed out ocs i've ever seen with their own lore and elaborate backstories with npcs and just the most AMAZING graphics every single time . karma is such a fantastic storyteller and writer that i am forever in awe of everything she does and every blog she ever makes because i know so much brainpower and creativity goes into every miniscule detail of her characters (not even just theodora but ALL of them).
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Meds knocked me out and now I'm laughing hard at 5am imagining Madara in a ward I'm crying LMFAOOOO
Also new enstarrie haiiii and yes nothing at all could have prepared me for Madara angst train.
Like... At first my only impression was that he was a mama type guy and that was pretty unique cuz I was younger. But his VA made me cautious bc that guy was known for voicing the most suspicious men with the biggest lore impact (Genshin, TKRB) so something in my mind went: don't trust this guy completely
I didn't get too into Enstars lore even back then. But I did often see memes where he killed guys and I thought that was just a haha funny... He's so funny... Right? And then I finally got into Enstars seriously this year and that whole monologue about not being a real hero in the main story made me go "Okay maybe this guy has a guilt complex bc he killed someone"
Started going hey Madara is kinda hot lmao lemme get to know him by unlocking Technicolor Flowers (Gets hit by a train, ran over by the train, pedestrians spit at me, kids kick at me, ambulance called, ambulance ran over me, keeps running over me multiple times and charged me enough to go into debt for 50 lifetimes)
Then I spent like over 1000 gems unlocking his stories. Every single one. Nothing could have prepared me for the fucking pointed avalanche it gave me. I just got out of Obbligato. What the fuck. On GOD I'll write a yume lore where I change the narrative without compromising the plot and beat the love into him.
Submarine (gets hit by another train)
Secret Service (planets get dropped on me)
Okay it doesn't get worse ri
DF disbanding
Okay surely it doesn't get wo—
Madara hiatus
Oh come on
Finds this blog
Finally some comfort and mem—
Liking him feels like I'm a guy in Happy Wheels getting repeatedly abused AND IT DOESN'T END LORD WHAT NEXT
- Madara yume anon 🍀
lifecycle of the average madachiakana fan
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🌸spring break plan🍀
making this cause I screwed up on day 5 :( I also have a few interviews so I think I should increase my intake
Thursday <600 fasting+omad strength workout
Friday <1200 res+small meals cardio
Saturday <900 rest
Sunday <1000 res+small meals cardio
no eating after 7:30pm
no eating alone
fruit only for snacks
chew 15x
wait 1 hour before eating after hunger
scroll 10 mins before eating
#4n@diary#tw ana bløg#34t1ng d1s0rd3r#34t1ng dis0rder#3ating d1sorder#4nor3xia#4norexla#@n@ @ngel🪽#tw ed ana#light as a feather#4n4blr#4n4rexia#@na#@na blog#sk1n4nd🦴#sk1n@nd🩻#i wanna be sk1nn1
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Clowesia russelliana🍀🍀 Found in the dry open forest of Mexico, Guatemala, and Venezuela at elevations of 600 to 1000 meters. Plant blooms from summer to fall with fifteen to twenty 6.25 cm wide flowers Flowers are fragrant.
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🌺 hai hai !!! my name is taffy and im a gyaru coyote vtuber ! i want to hit 1000 twitch followers by 2025 !!! (*´∀`*)
i love to provide a fun, cozy, bipoc+lgbtq friendly space to chat and hang out !! 💖 i play a variety of games but my faves of all time are minecraft, geoguessr, and ultrakill ! i love kaigai idols, singing and dancing, isopods, and of course gyaru !!! if you like anything im into, or if you just want a new fave streamer, im your gal 😚
follow me on twitch for good luck !!!🍀
#vtuber#indie vtuber#envtuber#twitch streamer#vtuber uprising#3d vtuber#gyaru#cute#twitch#twitch vtuber#vtuber on tumblr#gyaru aesthetic
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Hey everyone!! Hope you all are doing well.
A small challenge for you all if you wanna to enter 2025 with your dream life and tried every single method. I promise if you persist then you are going to be the next success story.
Here are the steps-
Use these affirmations-
🍀My name is (insert your name) and I am so grateful or happy that I am entering 2025 with entire my dream life.
🍀If you feel overwhelmed by 3d use this affirmations idc because "my affirmation is my true reality it is all illusion"
💌And second step is getting off Tumblr or any other social media because here you see 1000 success story and method and get confused between them.
💌Third step- if you hate yourself then plz try some self love affirmations( ik some you think I am limitless and this is law of attraction shit..nope!! This is not law of attraction shit..because at the me of the day you are the only person who can change your life then how can you hate yourself start loving yourself)
Just go the fucking mirror smile and say I love you to youself.
That's it.
If you want your dream life then persist..🌷
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