no you dont understand my blog has to be aesthetically pleasing or ill explode
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

what a way to announce your skills issue anyway how long is y'all's longest internet friendship, mine is 14 years
46K notes
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🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
whoever clogged the shower drains im coming for you
🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
okay so turns out it was me
60 notes
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
@Matador26 don i hope you slip on your flimsy ass wig and break your back and have that perfume bottle get chucked at you and your giant forehead
🌹Matador26 follow
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
i was bored
1000 notes
🍀 irishlad420 follow
i found a clover on the side of the road while i got pulled over. awesome
👑The-King100 follow
eat it so you can get even luckier
7 notes
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
remembered the time i went fishing with mac once and he fell in the lake trying to punch a fish
🥊Macaroni-Mac follow
why would you choose to remind me that
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
how about i remind everyone on that trip @The-King100 @.irishlad420 @Matador26 @charging-bull
🍀 irishlad420 follow
he also tried to eat a bug on that trip too
🌹Matador26 follow
didnt you also accidentally burn your hand, aran?
♉ charging-bull follow
both of you shut up i watched you two throw logs at each other
👑 The-King100 follow
everyone needs to shut up we dont talk about that trip again
🍫 duckthisone follow
i thought you all were going for a walk that day?? is that why you were all gone for 3 days???
🥊 Macaroni-Mac follow
oh no
986 notes
#punch out#punch out headcanons#punch out wii#aran ryan#bald bull#bear hugger#don flamenco#super macho man#heike kagero#king hippo#back on this acc again lol
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♉ charging-bull follow
you ever hit your head so hard you start seeing stars?
🥊macaroni-mac follow
Do you see birds flying on top of your head as well?
🍀 irishlad420 follow
do you also run off a cliff, float up in the air for a second before falling?
🥂 fizzydrinker follow
do you also start flying when you smell something good?
896 notes
🥖 baguettedude29 follow
i hate telling myself "yeah ill clean the house" as i sit down and get ready to stalk my opponents bloodline on Facebook for 5 hours
🌹matador26 follow
is that why you liked my moms picture from 2013
🥖 baguettedude29 follow
wait what
623 notes
🥯 gabby-yay follow
my back is giving out send help
🎊 bob-posts follow
its called the season of giving for a reason
78 notes
🇬🇧 prettybrit follow
Who needs therapy when you have tea??
♉ charging-bull follow
hell yeah
🇬🇧 prettybrit follow
not you though, you need therapy
982 notes
#punch out#glass joe#punch out headcanons#punch out wii#aran ryan#bald bull#don flamenco#soda popinski#narcis prince#bob charlie#gabby jay#little mac
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🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
branch a locker rooms are literally lawless, saw 3 different bald men stand in a circle like its some evil ritual
📀 dancing-king follow
imagine working off your ass to become a boxer just to get called a random bald dude
♉ charging-bull follow
@eternalhugz @fizzydrinker come take a look at this
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
how is "damn these bitches are summoning demons" your first thought when you see people in groups of 3
🥂 FizzyDrinker follow
"oh my god, 3 people, IN A CIRCLE?? this is some cult shit!"
89 notes
🥯 gabby-yay follow
hello tumblr!
🥯 gabby-yay follow
fuck you tumblr!
🥯 gabby-yay follow
sorry tumblr!
🗣️ ricksucks75 follow
the 5 stages of grief in a single tumblr thread
9986 notes
🌪️ here-comes-the-hurricane follow
"omg i could never do that" not me though i survived a fucking hurricane
596 notes
🎖️sandy-in-the-flesh follow
Just got back from a match just to see my locker covered in black paint, someone literally fingerpainted on my fucking locker with black paint. you all better count your fucking days
🌙 hondo1000 follow
have you checked if theres any footsteps covered in the paint? there could be some traces left from the culprit
🥖 baguettedude29 follow
we need a formal investigation for sandys locker @wvba-official-blog
🏆wvba-official-blog follow
We will be looking into this, thank you for informing us.
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
eating a cheeseburger
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
i hope you choke on it
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
i actually choked on my burger while reading this what the fuck. bitch.
665 notes
🌹 matador26 follow
i have a confession to make: im responsible for the black paint incident.
🎖️ sandy-in-the-flesh follow
count your fucking days im coming for you
🌹 matador26 follow
ok but i can explain myself so i was dying my hair and my hands got messy and ijdjdokenfndkkdlslosoeoenana
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
i think sandy got to him
🐻 eternalhugs follow
may don rest in peace
8812 notes
#punch out#bear hugger#disco kid#glass joe#punch out headcanons#punch out wii#aran ryan#bald bull#super macho man#don flamenco#gabby jay#heike kagero#piston hurricane#piston hondo#mr sandman#nick bruiser#soda popinski
83 notes
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🥖 Baguettedude29 follow
i cant live laugh love out of what im in.
89 notes
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
I need someone to absolutely decimate me
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
wait that sounds so wrong
986 notes
🏆 wvba-official-blog follow
Prepare for the rematch of your lifetimes... The one fight you need to see before dying... Bald Bull VS Don Flamenco! The match will be livestreamed between the times of 10 PM - 13 PM. Stay tuned!
📀 Dancing-king follow
oughh im getting flashbacks to the first fight
🌹 Matador26 follow
dont be so pesimistic! ill win this one for sure! Worst case scenario its a tie...
♉ charging-bull follow
you saying that you'll win this is like seeing joe prepare for a match against Sandman and think "man im soo gonna win this"
🥖 Baguettedude29 follow
Remember my only win, who was it against?
♉ charging-bull follow
you broke a stagelight and crushed the living fuck out of him i dont know why they count that as a win, im so baffled to how you stay so cocky after getting your ass kicked by literally everyone
🥖 Baguettedude29 follow
im baffled to see how people consider you sane and normal after seeing you chuck a dumbell into a crowd and get hit by a bull instead of going to therapy
🏆 wvba-official-blog follow
We will host a match between Bald Bull and Glass Joe to settle this. (After don & bulls match.)
🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
9899 notes
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
i stole hondos sailor moon wig dont tell him
🌙 hondo1000 follow
"dont tell him" And you post it on here
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
im rocking it though
🌙 hondo1000 follow
no way you would fit a cosplay of someone so courageous and talented. go cosplay a leprechaun instead
86 notes
🌹 matador26 follow
Who wants to help me write joe's eulogy? I dont have much experience with writing.
🌙 hondo1000 follow
yeah ill help with that,we need a bagpipe player though.
🍀 irishlad420 follow
im irish but i can play the bagpipe, whos gonna put out some flowers for him??
🐻 eternalhugs follow
yeah i can get some!
🥖 baguettedude29 follow
ARE YOU ALL ORGANIZING A FUCKING FUNERAL FOR ME?? ill win that match from spite fucking watch me.
95281 notes
🏆 wvba-official-blog follow
we write with great sadness to inform you all that joe has been hospitalized after his match with bull. Get well soon! @baguettedude29
♉ charging-bull follow
i might have almost killed you but get well soon though.
🥖 baguettedude29 follow
thank you both but that unfortunately wont fix the broken ribs i currently have
901 notes
#punch out#bear hugger#disco kid#glass joe#punch out headcanons#punch out wii#aran ryan#bald bull#piston hondo#don flamenco
100 notes
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🎖️ Sandy-in-the-flesh follow
i have a match against glass joe and i feel bad about it like the fuck why am i fighting a wet napkin
🥖 Baguettedude29 follow
none of you are invited to my funeral. all of my inheritance is going towards my 5 cats goodbye
4873792 notes
🇬🇧 prettybrit follow
my day is going so shit
🦋 one-and-only-heike follow
what happened?
🇬🇧 prettybrit follow
8483 notes
♉ charging-bull follow
sometimes running over someone with your car should be legal
🏆 wvba-official-blog follow
We recommend you reach out to the WVBA's psychologist as this could lead to unpleasant consequences.
🥖 Baguettedude29 follow
cant you just scare the living shit out of them so they die of a heart attack?
🍀 irishlad420 follow
its legal if you dont get caught
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
dont because what if your car gets ruined
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
just hug it out
🏆 wvba-official-blog follow
We have decided to make a mental health day for the WVBA thanks to this post.
40652 notes
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
Surfs up today! 🏄♂️🏖️ RISE AND GRIND DUDES! 🔥 The waves are out waiting for us and we cant let them keep waiting! 🐬🥂🏝️
🐅 Mirage-dance follow
this post would turn the average amish person into dust
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
GOOD! 🔥🔥🔥
938751 notes
📀 dancing-king follow
just remembered the time that i didnt notice a fire happening next door because i had my headphones on and i was doing karaoke lol
🥊 Macaroni-Mac follow
imagine dying in a fire and all you hear is judas by lady gaga as your skin melts off
🌹 Matador26 follow
mind if i recommend some psychologists to you all?
📀 dancing-king follow
go ahead
103 notes
♉ charging-bull follow
banging my head against the wall for eveytime i get mad
♉ charging-bull follow
97517 notes
#punch out#bald bull#punch out wii#punch out headcanons#glass joe#mr sandman#disco kid#heike kagero#bear hugger#super macho man#little mac#aran ryan#narcis prince
123 notes
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🐅 Mirage-dance follow
having clones is so fun because you can get them to make a tumblr account
🐯 Tiger5262 follow
stop having me bring you snacks you lazy shit
🐈 Tiger88977 follow
we have had enough of your dumbass, go get up and do your chores
1838 notes
🏆 Wvba-official-blog follow
We're sorry to inform you all about this: Great Tiger and Disco Kid's match will be cancelled due to an accident. We all wish you well.
🥖 Baguettedude29 follow
dont fucking say it like that he got his ass kicked by his own clones
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
excuse me WHAT
📀 Dancing-king follow
83783 notes
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
i think i just saw bull accidentally trip on his own bag and punch the floor
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
guys i think bull is co
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
aran is fucking dead
985 notes
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
going fishing : )
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
back from fishing : )
2 notes
#punch out wii#punch out#punch out headcanons#great tiger#bear hugger#super macho man#disco kid#glass joe
210 notes
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🌹Matador26 follow
going to my bullfighting match, wish me luck 💖
💗 Carmenblogss follow
good luck!! <3 love you! 💖
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
stop being in love this site is meant for screaming your evil thoughts into the evil abyss
🌹 Matador26 follow
shut up the only thing that would hug your body in a milion years is a straight jacket
🕶️ RichAndHot21 follow
oh my fucking god
🥾Fightingmachine90 follow
I wasnt meant to function in this society i was meant to punch people and scream like a wild badger
🍀 İrishlad420 follow
me too brother
♉ Charging-bull follow
hell yeah
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
i love how we all have the same goal, lets hold hands and walk off into that sunset like its the end of a romance movie
🥊 Macaroni-Mac follow
Doc told me to eat my greens and got mad at me when i started eating grass, isnt this what you wanted?? Im eating my greens.
🍫 Duckthisone follow
that is not what i meant and you know it
👑 The-King100 follow
yeah he meant green paint
🍫 Duckthisone follow
🐅 Mirage-dance follow
unpopular opinion: maple syrup isnt that good
🐅 Mirage-dance follow
why is there a bear in front of my door?
🐻 Eternalhugs follow
i love bears!!
📀 Dancing-king follow
self love is important
#punch out#glass joe#aran ryan#punch out headcanons#punch out wii#bear hugger#disco kid#bald bull#don flamenco#super macho man
86 notes
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heyy remember that poll i made?? yeah this is the result of that, main blog is @chompchompbite
I make fake punch out tumblr posts for fun here, i hope the names i made up for them are clear enough, if not dont feel shy to ask me whos who and ill answer
8 notes
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