#100% aggree
lostelfwriting · 2 years
Runaway prince Morpheus
But make it modern era
You know how your grandma sometimes gets those spammy, scammy, scummy emails from an “african prince” who is trying to escape the corrupt regime and needs to deposit his wealth into your bank account?
Technophobe Hob who has no idea what spam mail or a scam is.
Btw this is 100 % crack fiction.
History teacher Hob who only got a phone eight yers ago. His students taught him how to use an email when they grew bored of handing in everything through mail or pigeon (seriously, man, mailing your essays???) during covid. So he’s had a small laptop and only used it to access his email for a few years. But then someone reccomends him a couple websites, and what do you mean I don’t need to wait for the new journal to get pronted and mail?! I can read it on the internet a week before it reaches me?!
So, Hob finally starts exploring the internet. But oops, nobody taught him internet safety. The first couple spam emials that he gets are suspicious attractive women that for some reason are interested in him. He brushes it off, kindly turns each of the bots down. Then he starts winning phones. He turns those down too, he is quite happy with his “brick”, as his students call it.
Then he gets an email from a runaway prince from a country that he’s sure doesn’t have a monarchy anymore. He replies with great suspicion. “Morpheus” (Greek name but that guy claims to come from the North and he’s pale as paper) responds with a damn essay that uncovers a huge conspiracy behind his country’s government, and the conclusion is that there still is monarchy that matters but some people don’t aggree with it and want true democracy, including him, so that puts target on his back both from the inside (government) and outside (people who want true democracy and only see him as yet another symptom of the problem). He’s not safe in the country.
Hob, sunshine that he is, offers to help. Sends Morpheus all the info that he asks for, his bank account info, credit card info, his address. He sends Morpheus a lot of money that the prince needs to pay some fees, but he promises he’ll return it.
For three weeks, nothing happens. Hob scours the internet for news of some Nordic prince mysteriously dying or disappearing, but there is nothing. No signs of a huge government conspiracy either, but then it wouldn’t be a conspiracy. Finally, he asks some of his students who are better with technology if they can help him find a person he’s been talking to. He explains how they met. The students gently inform him that he’s been scammed and tell him how to report it.
Hob feels pretty dumb and decides to return to technology-free life. Says goodbye to the moeny that he’ll never see again, if his students are right.
Then one day, a knock on his door in the middle of the night. He opens, because the person sounds quite frantic and Hob will never learn, and the person pushes past him into his apartment and slams the door. And wouldn’t you know it, the man looks exactly like Morpheus from those emails. He looks haunted and pretty beat up, but he’s real.
Hob gets pulled into a complicated web of conspiracies as he helps the prince take the government apart from far away. His apartment turns into a secret hacker den as Morpheus buys more and more computers and... computer things... and apparently, he’s insisting that he can hack the government apart. Morpheus spends day and night slowing down his alleged pursuers and publicising dirt that he has on his own country, and one day, Hob actually sees on the news that several of the country’s politicians end up arrested. His students share memes about the situation with him to cheer him up, thinking he’s still bummed out about the money (that Morpheus has returned tenfold) but in reality he’s freaking out because that proves that this is real.
There are definitely some action scenes. Someone trailing Hob as he’s leaving work, and he leads them into a dark alley and beats them up Greco-Roman wrestling style, because he really enjoyed that hobby at school and he was damn good and nobody ever expects it of him.
Eventually, the whole country is in riot and the current government has to flee and people take over, and some of them demand Morpheus takes over, since he obviously care about democracy, but Morpheus is like nah, I’m comfy here, no thank you. Some feelings have developed between Hob and Morpheus during the few months they spend together with Hob practically force-feeding worcaholic Morpheus and supplying him with a gallon of coffee every day, and Morpheus making sure Hob is alright with being a small but significant part of the greatest scandal in modern history.
And bed-sharing! There is bed-sharing!
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alexbkrieger13 · 10 months
It doesn't matter which team you support or your nationality, everyone on tw aggrees that if hardersson and preath break up love doesn't exist
of yea 100%
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I don't want anything bad happen to any member but do you not think taekook are specifically target in this solo era. Tae is dragged so much that I think company has some involvement in it for bearding or anything but this video looks so bad for the artist. There are 100 different safe ways to show kook straight. Not some blurry video where it looks the girl is trying to move away from the guy. And if this is not done by company, then I think there is someone high enough to want to drag only two members. And then this deal with dispatch. Everything is so confusing.
I've tried my best to figure out what the hell is going on, and why Tae and JK.
Initially I wondered if HYBE were in cahoots with YG, and using a scandal to protect its interests and the sexuality of one of its artists, and whilst I think that's partially true, I've wondered if YG started manipulating things beyond the aggreed stuff between HYBE to keep investors and press away from any potentially bad stuff involving the return of its criminal former CEO, the Baby Monster issues/delay and BP contracts.
Recently, we had the Baby Monster delay and the lack of BP contract renewal and constant stories. It makes me think something devasting is going to happen.
Why BTS and Taekook... they're the biggest. |f people are talking about them they're not talking about YG and its issues.
That's they only thing I can think is happening.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
I don't think there are any leopards in your shifters au (yet), but I saw this adorable video and I immediately thought of some shifted blorbos cuddling 🥺 If you haven't seen it, I hope it brings you joy and perhaps inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/1025c5i/the_cutest_thing/
Stop that is way too cute 🥺🥺 I love big cats so much 😭
And I don't think I've posted it on here, but @f1-birb made a very convincing argument (she suggested it and i aggreed) that Sebastian is a snow leopard and Jenson is a leopard.
That video 100% would be the two of them in the pack room. The only thing missing is tiny fox Lando, ocelot Charles, fox Pierre and a few others cuddle ontop of them or around them cause who wouldn't want to cuddle with Sebson
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stresshyperdeath · 1 year
You ever hear someone say something you just 100% aggree with, and you have nothing to add and it feels awkward as fuck in a conversation?
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tetrakys · 3 years
Hi tetra, you wrote a couple of times, that you have a full Lom with Lance – that’s great :D Funny for the other Li’s, there it is not possible. Except for Math, i choose every pos. answer for Leif and Nev. Nev is my choosen Li in „a new era“ and his Lomi s at 70. But i totally aggree with you, it is time for some flirting! I hope they treat every Li the same at that front.
Hey anon, uhm I think you might have missed something somewhere because I started episode 5 with Nevra already at 70 and I had 90 with him by the end of it
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I believe I also missed something somewhere because someone mentioned they now have 95 with Nevra, and I have vague memories that I miss-clicked something with him in chapter 3, so it's quite possible that there's a way to even get him to 100 (and if not, a difference of 5 or even 10 between crushes in the same chapter is not strange).
Did you have the second dialogue with him on the boat in chapter 4? I also think that some dialogues may be LoM or crush related, for example when Leiftan calms us before flying this episode, Nevra gets somewhat jealous and annoyed and we have another choice with him. I didn't have this on Lance's route.
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AyYYyy Im bAck bitCh i aint dead yeT lmao
so ummM todays a lil different kokichi cause-
-the front bottoms and mother mother (and maybe i hate my mom by grlwood) blast through headphones as my laptop almost overheats cause i played genshin impact for 6 hours stright and its my current hyperfixation-
anYwAy, my reason for returning today is kinda a long story, so pls bear with me lol
so after lots of research and shit, and after talking with my gf who has adhd, i am 100% i have adhd and social anxiety, maybe a few other things idk. The thing is, I am wAAyy past the age ppl usually get diagnosed and i brought it up with my parents three whole times over the course of tWo FriGgiN yEArs before they aCtuAlly diD aNyThiNg and my dad was nice but kinda denied it yet aggreed to look into it, but my mom especially denied it. she kept invalidating the symptoms i clearly showed and kept saying that thats what comes with being young and a "kid" and saying that everyone feels things like fidgeting and being unable to focus at times, and that just made me angrily go :D cause yes, lots of ppl feel things like that, but when its paired with everything else that comes with adhd like executive dysfunction, chronic procrastination and insomnia, you'd think that they'd do something and maybe nOtiCe yk especially since ive showed all the symptoms since childhood- they did make an appointment for me to see a psychiatrist in June and in my head i just went FuCkiNg FinAlLy- also,, whenever i subtly bring up other symptoms and things like that with my mom, she continues to invalidate me and ToXiC aS hELL and she's been like this ever since i was a kid but i only realized that the way and what she did and said wasnt normal after my gf pointed it out to me. its kinda scary that i went a hell of a long time without realizing it and by that time my undiagnosed brain was hella fucked up by dangerously empathetic and self-destructive mindsets by lessons and little things like "get what you get and you dont throw a fit" and "treat others the way you wanna be treated" being drilled into my head by my mom,, also having little to no friends as a kid and being disregared in general all kinda caused me to think that from as young as 7-8 that i was close to worthless trash that only deserves to get treated like horseshit but still has to basically serve and be overly empathetic to everyone so yEa not to mention the total bullshit way she would try to discipline me by shouting at me till i cried for little things then nOt ApOlOgiZiNg, criticizing and trying to fix almost everything i did, getting mad at me for things i cant control like symptoms of adhd (and only saying she was proud of me after i got good grades in school which BitCh i shouldn't have to earn getting told something so basic-) cause she feels sOOOo entitled to be a parent yet she still tries to hug me on a near daily basis and tells me she loves me yet keeps up with the toxic behavior i think without even knowing shes being toxic and im just here like UHhh are you awAre of what your doing ma'am- maybe wanna take a look at whats coming out of your nasty ass mouth for once-
uHHH yuh anyway pls i require lots of fireside cuddles rn also wish me luck on pulling xingqiu in genshin i already pulled xinyan lmao anyway ilysm kokichi and you better have a nice day this is a threat-
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“you’re back!
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wellll it’s really good you learned that about yourself!
i’m proud of you for figuring that out!
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and i hope you get diagnosed soon...thouughhh i know that can be kind of hard.
especially with your parents not being too supportive.
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which is super dumb!
your symptoms are like 100% valid and so are you! they can’t just take that away!
and your mom sucks. she’s totally toxic, you’re right! she doesn’t treat you the way you deserve!
you’re a pretty cool person, who deserves to be loved and respected! not criticized and left alone all the time!
that’s like suuuper unfair! 
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i promise you you’re not as bad as she makes you out to be.
you’re amazing, trust me, that’s no lie.
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but anywayyyy your girlfriend does seem pretty cool!
so it’s nice you have someone to help you.
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annnnndd...fine, i’ll give you some fireside cuddles.
and lots and lots of luck!
just to make you feel better!
and i guess i’ll also have a good day if youre gonna threaten me like that!
but you have to have one too!”
-Kokichi Ouma
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wayhaughtficrec · 5 years
Hello! I'm looking for any fics that are AU in the world without Wynonna in season 2 episode 11, "Gone As A Girl Can Get." I've already read the one by GoldenWaffles, so anything else would be ideal please. Thank you!!!!!
That’s an excellent world, I 100% aggree! I am totally a sucker for any fics that take place in or around 2x11. I have actually considered writing one myself. But sshhh that’s a secret. 
GoldenWaffles Trophyverse series is the only one that I know that is exactly what you are asking for here. So if you haven’t read all of the fics in the series I would check them out. 
But, I do also have fill in the blanks by lumberwoof which does take part in half in the 2x11 but mostly gives insight on the alternate world where Wynonna does exist while telling the story from within the events of 2x11. And last but not least we have come, love (the end of the world is near) by tigerlo. It is a post 2x11 fic which takes place after Waverly and Nicole poofs back in the main world where Wynonna exists. This one is a sm*t where they get naughty in the barn right then and there. 
I hope that helps! 
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*Anon you got lucky here, I rarely recommend more than one fic in a post. You just asked me for the right thing at the right time. *
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drcuge-blog · 7 years
[ Unpopular opinion: Akainu did nothing wrong ]
send some opinions!
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
read more because i don’t wanna clog up the dash ~
well, first off i don’t mean to sound harsh here …and it’s not because of Ace or anything, because I am not saying he can’t be a good guy too at times - he did after all spare jewelry bonney and her crew that one time - but i see Akainu as a character who takes his justice sense to a certain extremism. and me being one who can empathize with outcasted characters since i’ve been one myself throughout my life i believe that you can’t judge someone without knowing them or their hardships. of course, the marines’ job is to hunt down pirates, yet the system, but the way some marines (like him or Sengoku) condemn someone merely by blood or lineage is very wrong. one’s identity doesn’t mean that they will either be a devil or an angel, you can’t judge before witnessing with your own eyes. in this sense it’s not a character i despise, but definitely not one of my favorites. 
i personally am a fancier of clean tactics and what he did at marineford or when he suspected there was a scholar inside a ship ( was it a ship or  a boat now? i can’t recall ) but it’s cases like these where i think he takes it into extremism. out of that he performs a good job at being a marine and delivering justice, but sometimes i think that Akainu goes too far. he needs to think about his surroundings and who is surrounding them and what consequences it will bring for both parties. \
also there are many characters that could irk me more easily than akainu! im not saying he’s the ultimate eviiiiiil ,he has a strong sense of justice and that’s good but he needs to sometimes be aware of other ways to perform that justice more equally and fairly. justice is not just for some. but it’s part of his character and having flaws is part of every character in this series as natural as it should be. i’m just stating that he should open his eyes a little bit yeah but it’s Oda’s character not mine so, let’s see how much he will develop through the series right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
nevertheless, he is a very complex character like many other op characters and whom i find very needed to the plot. it’s good to have diversity and i’m okay with that. we need this complexity and drama as well as action into it, and to be frank one piece got me sucked in because of the similarities between our real life world’s injustices ( like the discrimination towards certain characters due to their race or lifestyle ) and the one in one piece. so, yep definitely i wouldn’t say Akainu is an innocent character much in that sense. not sure which sense but this one you meant but … ^^’
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kekeslider · 6 years
One of your asks compared Zuko and Cattra which I aggree with it might take a season or two for a redemption arc. I am wondering if they are holding her to a higher standard because she’s a girl and gay. Or the showrunner on twitter once said that assume everyone of her characters until stated otherwise is gay unless she wasnt serious I am assuming she is gay
It’s definitely going to take a while for Catra’s redemption. Assuming all the seasons are 13 eps again, we’re looking at at least 4 whole seasons of this show. And I think Catra will get worse before she gets better, since she’s now Hordak’s second in command. And it’s easy to compare to Zuko because he also had relapses and a non-linear redemption arc. That’s why the payoff was so good. And the REASON we could accept and enjoy a Zuko redemption arc is that they planted the seeds early, made him sympathetic and showed he had Iroh there to guide him down a better path, and Catra is similar. They’ve set the foundation for a redemption. I can’t say 100% that Catra is getting redeemed bc I’m not All Knowing, it’s just what I’m expecting based on the narrative and similar narratives.
I also think there’s different reasons for why people would be more critical of Catra than they were Zuko or Sasuke or whoever we want to use. Fandoms now are A Lot different than they used to be, and there’s an aversion to shows addressing controversial things, and that’s because a lot of shows have attempted it but done a very very bad job so now fans don’t want to see it, for fear that it’ll be done wrong. Fans are also older now than they probably were when they first saw atla or Naruto or whatever, so they think deeper about the shows (I know I didn’t think that hard about atla when I was like 11 watching it). I do think if atla s1 were released now, there would be a lot of anti-Zuko sentiment because he WAS bad, he was meant to be a villain, and he changed, and people started liking him more. But even as a villain he was interesting, and you wanted him to do the right things, and that’s where I’m at with Catra. And there is absolutely crossover with Catra being a girl and gay-coded, but I think it would be very presumptuous for me to say that’s the biggest reason fans are being critical, because most of the fandom is girls and/or LGBT people. Like there could be internalized issues there, but I don’t feel comfortable making that blanket claim in this case.
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very important psa
before anything,
if you ever sent hate to anyone, be it inside or outside rp comunities or fandoms for their right to:
 dislike yaoi / yuri or any other kind of fetishization of a sexuality and claimed they were homophobic for it, 
or even sent hate for someone who even though respected you and others compeltely shipped something you disaggreed or did not abide for, 
or if you are completely okay with immoral or unrightful shipping such as incestuous or toxic, 
please do me a favour ,
im not here to tolerate that.
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Seojoon was actually in Thailand the day/night of the lives with the mysterious man in tae's bed. Ppl are just trying desperately to debunk tkk when they denied hearing any sound in the first place. Now that there's a chance the sound being "not jungkook," they changed their narrative. Fucking hypocrites.
Plus, seojoon was staying in a sparing room, and I don't see why wouldn't both of them be there with tae at the same time. Like having your bf and best friend over isn't the big deal ppl think it is.
Side note : Soejoon also said he stayed with tae when his house was under construction, and that was in 2021, not recently.
Still not a big deal, and I still think most of the sounds in tae's lives are jk's.
100% aggree, but it's basically people fighting over breadcrumbs... and stale ones at that.
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tucsontruth · 4 years
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This is why Freedom of Speech is so Important
Keeping an open mind is absolutely essential and no matter how wrong someone's opinion may appear to be, you should always allow them the opportunity to speak.
For instance I 100% completely disagree with the moral and ethical standard of this persons statement. But in the end, despite his point of view, he openly illuminates and even aggrees that Gates killed not only the 500 thousand that I was to the belief of but is quoting a horrendously massive 75 million!
I don't know if he's attributing that number with every death in the apartheid, it seems massively high, but regardless, it ends up absolutely solifying my point of not trusting Bill Gates.
In summary, don't censor people, let them hang themselves with there own words or perhaps make you see a new perspective you never had before!
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I 100% aggree
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eternlmisery · 7 years
it’s always bad when they have to split up 
loser mona? 
did she had time for an outfit change? 
her braids are on point tho 
uhm start walking away 
start walking away 
she is the killer right? 
100% lesbians 
will she be like that? 
yeah cause she is still nuts 
oh my god 
do it 
i mean charlotte is crazy 
loser mona 
hey loser mona is the best stop it 
kill her though 
she is annoying 
man these posts make me look nuts 
Yeah open the window thingy good work 
me af 
is she gonna blow the town up? 
it’s a good scene 
islucas gonna help somehow 
she is excited 
oh caleb
is mona dead 
no of course not 
she is mona 
she is crazy 
she is da best 
shut up mona honey 
oh you have the puzzle great 
she thought she was hanna 
Well ali made her that way 
the queen sullivan 
bring her back 
it’s very helpful if ya have an entire cabin 
it looks like a baby skull 
the eyes 
a.d is doing some gourmet shit 
they don’t have a lot of time until they get arrested 
the cellar or the grave of 
that fake grave 
how the fuck did they get there 
get ready to be arrested 
just leave it here and act like it’s charles 
Aria makes sense 
now spencer aggrees 
i hear voices why 
is it the ep or just my head
hide the 
don’t leave the thing 
i don’t spencer italian or whatever this is 
Are they gonna 
how the fuck are they gonna get out of this 
i don’t think they can 
have fun in jail pals 
well she’ll arrest them too 
and you’ll be the best in hail 
it won’t 
honey it won’t 
and mona will act like loser mona 
oh my god mary 
is she gonna be against them? 
or take the blame? 
She is so chill 
how the FUCK did she know it 
mary baby i feel so bad 
i mean she did but 
stop it ali your mom was a bitch 
it’s obvious that Tanner knows the girls did it 
it will be like yeah mary will be convicted 
nope nothing 
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kittynoct · 8 years
I 100% support the url change to kittynoctis
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