prosy-days · 2 years
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August 10, 2022 - Day 52
The storms foiled our plan to meet in person, but we had a great book club virtually anyways.
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devonjwerkheiser · 2 years
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devonwerkharder “we came • we saw”
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uitwaaiien · 2 years
I don’t want to be near you. I want nothing to do with you anymore. Your presence gives me absolutely nothing but anxiety and toxic energy. I was never the problem. Even if I was at a point in time, I loved you enough to fix myself. I did the work. I put in the work. I took accountability for all my issues. And you? Still blaming me? Shows a lot. You can never accept the fact that you were the problem. I was NEVER like this before you came back into my life. All your hate. All your negativity. All your abuse. All your coldhearted-ness. It ALL transferred to me. I picked it up from you. I was NEVER this way before you came back into my life. And yet, it was still my fault? No. It wasn’t. You’ll never see that and I am done convincing you. I’m done trying to help you. I am done trying to get you to see my side and understand me.
Congratulations. You really lost the person who would have jumped in front of a bullet for you. I would have done ANYTHING for you. I did. I did everything. I did anything you wanted. Anything you needed from me. All you had to do was ask and communicate with me, and you got it. I did everything I could to make you happy.
You broke so many promises to me. I thought you kept them and I was so fucking gullible for believing in you. I loved your potential. I love who I thought you could be. I loved 18 year old you. But I do not love you. I do not love the version of you that lied to me. Manipulated me. Abused me. Gaslit me. Cheated on me. Disrespected me. You are an absolutely horrible person. Do you know how NASTY I feel??? Knowing you were with ALL THOSE WOMEN, and you BROUGHT THAT HOME?! TO YOUR WIFE?! To your FAMILY?! Without a second fucking thought?! You are disgusting. And you yelled at ME?! For what?! For having a sex life before you? At least I was loyal. I stayed with you. Through all your hells. Through everything. Even when you were with other girls, you still called me. You ALWAYS ran back to me. And I stupidly always let you back in. You did nothing for me. Honestly, you did nothing but bring hate and negativity into my heart and into my life. The only time you benefited me was when we were kids. You made me happy then. You were respectful and I was so in love with you. But that boy is dead now and he is not coming back. Fuck you for tricking me. For fooling me. For making me look like an idiot. For betraying me - the one person who loved you more than she loved herself. For stabbing me in the back over and over again. For lying to my face…when you knew how deeply you had already hurt me. I loved you with such a pure, genuine, wholesome heart. You did nothing. You did nothing but sit back and watch as you tore me apart. How do you do that to someone? And to come home from Arizona…and still lie to my face. After I had already decided on divorce, there was nothing else that would have saved you. But yet, you still did it. You still did the absolute worst thing you could to me. Lie to me again. And cheat on me…again. You have no self control. You have no respect for anyone but yourself. You care about nobody but yourself. You never loved me. You loved what I did for you. You loved the love I gave you. The comfort. The security. The company. You never loved me. You never cared about me. You never viewed as more than someone you could use until you were done with her. Because that’s what you always did. You used me…and abused me. Over and over again without blinking. You didn’t give it a second thought to all the things you did to me. And then you would come home and start doing it all over again. I never cared about the thoughts that went through your head. Or about your deployments and all the things you did that keep you up at night. I never cared about all the things you hated about yourself. I loved you. I wanted to protect you. I wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. To protect your heart. To keep your soul and body safe in my arms. You never did that for me. When you were young, you did. And stupidly…I held onto that. That he would come back. That he magically appear in my arms one day. But you killed him. And then you faked it…and you tricked me. Every time. You cheated on me…every time. And I should have let you go so long ago. But you dragged me along. You made me think you were better. That you had changed. That you were capable of changing. But you didn’t. And you aren’t. So fuck you….for everything you have ever done to me. Please don’t come back this time. No matter what is happening, or what happens to you, or your family, or Zulu, or wherever you are. Please leave me alone. Please stay so far away from me. I don’t care if I cross your mind. I don’t care if you see me in a bookstore or on the street walking to my car. Please for the love of all the hell you have put me through, please leave my life for good this time. I don’t ever want to cross paths with you again. I know who you are now. I finally figured it out. And I hate it. Every inch of it. I never deserved that. I was so good to you. To your family. You lied to my family. To my mom…the woman who loved you more than life even. How dare you…how dare you break someone like me.
How dare you.
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smeagles · 2 years
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Aftershock 10.8.2022 | Raymond Ahner
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I miss my old route so much. I keep hoping that the construction will be finished up soon so I can have an easily accessible path. But, since it's October, the likelihood of that happening before snowfall is pretty slim. It was good to be able to walk some of it today at least.
Final wedding cake of 2022! I'm definitely glad I'm done transporting that kind of precious cargo for a bit. It's so nerve-wracking! Today's road was 20 miles of curves. . . I have next week off (mostly) so I'm looking forward to some rest.
Miles: 22.5/50
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p-h03n1-x · 2 years
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Yibo Official Weibo update 10.8.2022 with Wang Yibo for SDC5 (part 2, link to part 1 here)
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asexualbookbird · 2 years
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Friends and I went to NYC to see MIYAVI! I had such a good time! Ate some great food, went to DAISO and kinokuniya, and said hi to Bowser at the Nintendo store! I was also up for 26 hours and crashed as soon as I got home.
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rainbowmoodring · 2 years
Seasonal Elation
I think, if I think quite hard, That I have had the same  Favorite season All my life. It is one of the few things I have successfully narrowed down to  A single, most desirable thing. And it is Autumn.
Yet I find myself,  In my young adulthood, Becoming more and more fond Of Spring, as well. I love it wholly in second place. Winter resides penultimately in third, And summer, last, where it belongs. (I say that half-jokingly.)
When people ask what your favorite season is, I wish they would ask instead, During which time Are you most comfortable? Do you feel love the most? During which time Do you thrive? Do you feel most alive And receptive to the gifts that The world has to offer you, Just for being present as this time?
Autumn and Spring, The more I think about them, The more I understand why I enjoy them so much, And a large part of it Is change.
Every day looks different, Feels different.  Things are going to sleep and dying. Life is cozy, and I am at my most peaceful. Things are waking up and blooming. Life is curious, and I am excited.
Summer is lush green for the whole season. Life is at its peak for many things On hot days And I, like a pond, like a puddle, Stagnate.
Winter is barren dead for the whole season. Life is frozen and resting for many things On cold days And I, like the mammal I am, Yearn for hibernation.
Summer is endless, for me. And Winter, sometimes, too.
But Autumn, but Spring, They lead us between the extremes, Transition periods. (Another half-joke for my preference, Since I am transition, And life is transition, And while it is tiring at worst, At its best, It is  Exhilarating!)
There is a magic! To the changes! In the breeze, in the air! In the way the tilted earth  Makes the sun rise and set, And the colors, Gosh, the colors, They make me know That this is why we live. To find these moments, Distinctly ours, Because if we were not present, Everything, Everything Would be different.
And isn’t it amazing?
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getoutofthisplace · 2 years
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Mom came home this morning -- she'll still wear a mask for a few days, but we're all excited that she's back.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 10.8.2022 - 8.52am.
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jakegalvez · 2 years
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FIRST LOOK Voile 5720: 1 of 2 designs of my collaboration with @artisanpro 🤎 Exactly 3 years ago when lash architect @redavelltjen and I designed eyelashes best suited for filipina eyes 👁️ After numerous design revisions and fittings, we finally created a design that will be a certified classic. (2nd photo) Trying out the final design for the first time. Made from ultra-soft band, it will follow the shape of your eyes. Perfect curve even without the glue yet 👍🏼 Get an everyday lift with these natural-looking lashes. Perfect also for bridal makeup 👰‍♀️ Launching 10.8.2022 🔜 via @luxebeautyphl @lazadaph @shopee_ph @tiktok_philippines @sueshmakeuptoolkit 🛍️ #ArtisanProxJakeGalvez #EyelashesfortheFilipina #ArtisanProPH #ArtisanPro (at Bonifacio Global City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjP08NhPA3k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ginsleftnut-ink · 1 year
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obituario-grafico · 2 years
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Fernando Chalana. [futebolista e treinador] 10.2.1959 - 10.8.2022
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allaneagr · 1 year
H διαχείριση ζωικών υποπροϊόντων και οι κίνδυνοι για τη δημόσια υγεία
Με «χαλαρότητα» αντιμετωπίζει το πρόβλημα που έχει προκύψει με το κλείσιμο της Μονάδας Επεξεργασίας Ζωικών Υποπροϊόντων στην Πελοπόννησο η Διεύθυνση Δημόσιας Υγείας του υπουργείου Υγείας.
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Έγγραφο που έφυγε από της Γενική Διεύθυνση Δημόσιας Υγείας προς την αντίστοιχη στην Αρκαδία ζητά να διαβάσουν την σχετική αλληλογραφία για ενδεχόμενες επιπτώσεις στη Δημόσια Υγεία και να κάνουν σχετικές ενέργειες, αφήνοντας τους στη δική τους ευχέρεια να αποφασίσουν για το αν θα λειτουργήσει η Μονάδα και θα «μαζέψει» τα κρέατα που έμειναν από τις σφαγές του Πάσχα ή αυτά θα καταλήξουν σε κάδους απορριμμάτων, σε λίμνες, ποτάμια και πλαγιές, όπως και καταγράφηκε ήδη να γίνεται στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα και στα νησιά.
Η εν λόγω εταιρεία διαχειρίζεται πάνω από το 40% των ζωικών υποπροϊόντων στην Πελοπόννησο και ο γενικός διευθυντής Κτηνιατρικής έχει προτείνει να συνεχίσει τη λειτουργία της μέχρι τα τέλη Απριλίου για να μπορέσει να διαχειριστεί τον μεγάλο όγκο των παραγόμενων αυτών προϊόντων που θα προκύψουν από τις σφαγές του Πάσχα.
Όπως γράψαμε και στις 21 Απριλίου στο θέμα: «Ο πόλεμος για τους κανόνες υγιεινής στη διαχείριση ζωικών υποπροϊόντων» η εταιρεία FARGECO, τηρώντας την προβλεπόμενη αδειοδοτική διαδικασία για την έγκριση εγκατάστασης και λειτουργίας της Μονάδας Μεταποίησης, έχει νομίμως λάβει: Την υπ’ αρ. 95703/04-06-2021 απόφαση του Γενικού Διευθυντή Χωροταξίας και Περιβαλλοντικής Πολιτικής ΑΔΠΔΕΙ περί Έγκρισης των Περιβαλλοντικών Όρων (ΑΕΠΟ) και την υπ’ αρ.  129352/10.8.2022 τροποποίηση αυτής καθώς και την υπ’ αριθ. 312547/ 30.09.2021 απόφαση του αντιπεριφερειάρχη της Π.Ε. Αρκαδίας με την οποία χορηγήθηκε έγκριση (άδεια) εγκατάστασης της Μονάδας. Επιπροσθέτως έχει προβεί στην υπ’ αριθ. 1257469/01.09.2022 Γνωστοποίηση Λειτουργίας.
Παραδόξως και ενώ στην ίδια περιοχή λειτουργεί σε απόσταση 500 μ. και μονάδα επεξεργασίας σκουπιδιών, ο Δήμος Τρίπολης και ορισμένοι κάτοικοι της περιοχής με την υπ’ αρ. Ε1620/2021 Αίτηση Ακυρώσεως  και συγχρόνως η Περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου  με την υπ’ αρ. Ε2388/2021 Αίτηση Ακυρώσεως  προσέφυγαν  ενώπιον του Συμβουλίου της Επικρατείας και αιτούνται την ακύρωση της υπ’ αρ. 95703/04-06-2021 απόφασης της ΑΕΠΟ καθώς και της υπ’ αριθ. 312547/ 30.09.2021 απόφασης χορήγησης άδειας εγκατάστασης. Η εταιρεία έχει ασκήσει παρέμβαση στις ακυρωτικές δίκες προς υποστήριξη των έννομων συμφερόντων της. Οι κύριες αιτήσεις αυτές συζητήθηκαν στις 5/4/23 και αναμένεται να κριθεί επί της ουσίας η νομιμότητα της λειτουργίας της.
Πρόβλημα δημόσια υγείας σε όλη τη χώρα Το πρόβλημα διαχείρισης των ζωικών υποπροϊόντων αρχίζει να διαφαίνεται σε όλη την Ελλάδα καθώς σύμφωνα με τα ειδησιογραφικά site, στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα ήδη σχηματίστηκε δικογραφία ενώ στα νησιά βρέθηκαν ζωικά απόβλητα σε μπλε κάδους.
Συγκεκριμένα, το theopinion.gr, αναφέρει ότι στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα σχηματίστηκε δικογραφία εις βάρος ενός 59χρονου προέδρου και διευθύνοντος συμβούλου εταιρείας, καθώς, έπειτα από αστυνομική έρευνα διαπιστώθηκε ότι διέθετε ανεπαρκώς επεξεργασμένα υγρά απόβλητα.
Ειδικότερα, όπως αναφέρει ο συντάκτης, καταγράφηκε ανεξέλεγκτη διάθεση Ζωικών Υποπροϊόντων (ΖΥΠ), καθώς η εταιρία προέβη σε ανεξέλεγκτη διάθεση συνολικής ποσότητας κατά τεκμήριο άνω των 4.000 τόνων Ζωικών Υποπροϊόντων κατά τα έτη 2020 και 2021 ενώ δεν διαχειρίστηκε ως όφειλε τα παραγόμενα ΖΥΠ, κατά παράβαση των όρων της σχετικής ΑΕΠΟ καθώς και ανεξέλεγκτη διάθεση ιλύος, διότι όπως διαπιστώθηκε προέβη σε ανεξέλεγκτη διάθεση άνω των 125 τόνων ιλύος κατά τα έτη 2020 και 2021.
Ενώ, και στα νησιά το πρόβλημα είναι εμφανές, με το politischios.gr να αναφέρει ότι την περίοδο του Πάσχα παρατηρήθηκαν ζωικά απόβλητα στους μπλε κάδους ανακύκλωσης τα οποία και έφτασαν στο Κέντρο Διαλογής Ανακύκλωσης Υλικών.
Με λίγα λόγια η δημόσια υγεία σε όλη τη χώρα είναι σε σημείο συναγερμού και οι αρχές δεν έχουν επιληφθεί του θέματος. Και από την άλλη στην Πελοπόννησο που υπάρχει εργοστάσιο τέτοιων αποβλήτων το οποίο τηρεί όλα τα πρότυπα κλείνει για άγνωστους λόγους.
Πηγή άρθρου: H διαχείριση ζωικών υποπροϊόντων και οι κίνδυνοι για τη δημόσια υγεία
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नाबालिग से बलात्कार का आरोपी शादाब पुलिस की गिरफ्त में 25000 का था ईनाम
देहरादून रायपुर     रायपुर पुलिस व SOG टीम को मिली बड़ी सफलता, नाबालिक युवती से दुष्कर्म के अपराध मे 09 माह से फरार चल रहे 25000/- के इनामी आरोपी को गैर राज्य महाराष्ट्र से किया गिरफ्तार। https://www.lokjantoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/VID-20230328-WA0050.mp4 https://www.lokjantoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/VID-20230328-WA0048.mp4 घटना का विवरण- दिनांक 10.8.2022 को शिवपुरी कॉलोनी…
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fariahmay · 2 years
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Photographer: Hannah Lee Photography
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avistadamontanha · 2 years
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Ultimamente, vi várias informações falsas rolando nas redes sociais sobre a autoria do orçamento do ano de 2023 ter sido elaborado pelo presidente eleito.
Todo orçamento do ano é realizado pelo governo executivo do ano anterior, ou seja, quem planejou o orçamento de 2023 foi o governo de 2022. <https://www2.camara.leg.br/orcamento-da-uniao/leis-orcamentarias/ldo>
O orçamento de 2023 do governo de Jair (Lei 14.436, de 9 de agosto de 2022 - Publicada no DOU de 10.8.2022) não tem recurso previsto para merenda escolar, Farmácia Popular, creches e a manutenção do auxílio no valor de R$600, prometido por ele em campanha.
FONTE:<https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/economia/noticia/2022/11/governo-eleito-vai-propor-pec-emergencial-de-transicao-diz-relator-do-orcamento-de-2023-cla192t8r002f01g7ysp0anve.html> <https://revistaforum.com.br/politica/2022/11/4/ele-implodiu-brasil-escandaloso-rombo-de-r-400-bilhes-deixado-por-bolsonaro-125996.html>
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