tuntetesinfo · 2 years
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A 10-14 éves korosztályt és szüleit a CEU épületébe várjuk (1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 15.) Előadások 10 órától: • Budapest School: alternatív földrajz óra • Szalay Krisztina színművésznő: Színészetről gyerekeknek • 13:00-15:00-ig Amnesty International Magyarország érzékenyítő foglalkozása (ide 10-18 évig várjuk a diákokat) • Végig a nap során a Pagony könyvesbolt felajánlásával lehet megtekinteni elfogadásról szóló mesekönyveket a helyszínen!
A 14-18 éves korosztályt a Prezi látja vendégül (1065 Budapest, Nagymező u. 54-56). 1,5 órás előadásukat két időpontban tekinthetitek meg 10:00 és 11:30-tól kezdve. Előadók: • Németh Edina a Prezi közösségfejlesztője, • Somlai-Fischer Ádám, alapító és médiaművész
Tematika: • Ötlettől a startupig: tehetség vagy sok munka? • Csapatmunka fontossága • Programozni jó és vidám- lányoknak is! De a bölcsészet is ugyanolyan fontos! • Becsületes, őszinte kultúráról- mit teszünk azért, hogy ez meg is maradjon? • Interaktív beszélgetés a diákokkal, milyen technológiákat használtok Ti és mit a Prezi?
A részvétel mindkét helyszínen regisztrációhoz kötött! https://forms.gle/3PKrkhThyPa4iwc3A
Az oktatás problémáira országosan kell felhívni a figyelmet! Ezért kérjük a vidéki helyi diákszervezeteket, hogy szervezzetek Ti is alternatív oktatási napokat szülővárosotokban! Ez lehet akár egy múzeumi tárlat vezetés vagy könyvtári program, esetleg állatkerti vezetett séta is. De egy kirándulás még ennyibe sem kerül. Most mindenki rátok figyel, értetek harcol, keressetek támogatókat és alakítsátok kedvetekre a pénteki alternatív oktatási napot! A fényképeket Tőletek is várjuk, hogyan és hol töltöttétek el a sztrájk idejét!
Támogatók: Prezi, Amnesty International Magyarország, Budapest School, aHang, Tanítanék, Civil Bázis
Legyen ez egy mindenki számára hasznos és felejthetetlen élmény!
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seaofreverie · 8 days
Sparkstember Day 15: Interior Design (Just Got Back From Heaven)
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So I'm just gonna go the easy route today and link back to my earlier post about this album, because it covers mostly everything I have to say about it. An update on my fav songs which is that Just Got Back From Heaven and A Walk Down Memory Lane have also joined their ranks since (and did I really not give a shoutout to So Important last time? Well, doing that now!). All in all I'm really fond of this album and I think it deserves more love!
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i spent all morning looking for the cheapest ways to get to venice next monday and i feel like i've cracked the code or something i think i got it
#i have to talk it with my mum cause she's the one with the money#but i've seen some good ideas#i have 5 options for now#for some reason flights to and from venice from madrid are expensive as fuck#so i'll have to get to another airport first#here are my options. keep in mind the exam i have to take is on monday 10 at 9:30 am. also ideally i wouldn't want to pay a hotel room#in venice. cause they're expensive as fuck#so let's see. you can also help me out all help is welcomed:#option 1. on sunday i get on a train to barcelona. i sleep in bcn (most likely in a hostel at the airport)#and at 6:35 am there's a flight to venice from bcn for 64€#i arrive at 8:25. i go take the exam#and there's another flight off from venice to bcn at 16:45 for 75€#this is the cheapest flight out of venice i could find so this will always be the flight back#and then i arrive at bcn at 18:45 and have cheap trains to madrid at around 20:00#option 2. i think this is the most likely one. it's similar to the previous one BUT instead of bcn i'd be flying from alacant#why is this important? because i have family there#more precisely my grandpa's sister. who just had a surgery#and my grandma wanted to go visit her. she was literally talking about this two days ago#so. if my mum agrees to it. she could drive us three to alacant on sunday#we would sleep at my great aunt (?)'s place#and then i'd have a flight at 5:45 to venice for 70€#i'll get to venice at 8:00 and then the going home plan is the same#if she doesn't agree i have trains to alacant for 49€. and even if i wouldn't sleep with family (i have tons in alacant not just#the great aunt) hotels are definitely cheaper than in bcn#option 3. there's a flight from santander on sunday 9 for 14€ !!!!!#i could get on a night bus to santander for 71€ and be there at 6:30. the flight is at 10:10 and i would be in venice at 12:15#i would have to sleep in venice but i think it would compensate for the flight being so cheap#and then you know the drill with the flight to bcn#option 4. this is also quite likely i think this is the cheapest and my favourite i think.#i could fly on sunday to florence from madrid for 54€. i would arrive at florence at 12:15
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freakinator · 2 months
Squidoo: "I wish I had object permanence but I don't."
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
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No Touching At All (2014) - parts that gave me brainworms
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rynfinity · 10 months
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Dang, buddy, why you so cute?
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teddyqd · 2 years
5 seconds away from making a wild magic surge chart but its just effects of caffeine
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pink-lemonadefairy · 5 months
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Y’all I cooked
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wanderingandfound · 9 months
I was too into my video game I didn't pay attention to getting a text that was about my referral going through so that I can schedule a PT appointment. And then I was on tumblr. And when I finally noticed and called.... their phones had been closed for 12 minutes.
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tuntetesinfo · 1 year
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A Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség számos intézményt tart fent, köztük szociális, oktatási, egészségügyi, családsegítő intézményeket, amikkel több mint 20000 embernek segítenek. Ezt az államtól átvállalt munkát a rendszerváltás óta, sőt bizonyos fontos részeit már azt megelőzően is teljes szívből végezték. Iványi Gáborék nem kapják meg az államtól azt a normatívát, ami a különböző szociális feladataikért járna nekik. A közel ezer munkavállalójuk többsége már két hónapja nem tud fizetést kapni, közülük 10% már fel is mondott. Akadályozzuk meg, hogy ezek a létfontosságú intézmények megszűnjenek!
Szolidaritási eseményt szervezünk Iványi Gábor és munkatársai mellett október 1-jén, a Megbékélés Háza 25. születésnapján. Csatlakozzunk minél többen, támogassuk a MET-et és az Oltalom Karitatív Egyesületet.
Támogatni itt tudjátok a Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösséget: https://noar.hu/MET-tamogatas Számlaszám: OTP Bank Nyrt. 11708001-20520380
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Holy shit holy shit holy Schist!!!!!
A hydrothermal explosion happened Yellowstone!! And I’m alive to see it! I wish I was there.
From USGS Facebook:
A small hydrothermal explosion occurred in Yellowstone National Park today (July 23, 2024) around 10:00 AM MST in the Biscuit Basin thermal area, about 2.1 miles (3.5 km) northwest of Old Faithful. Numerous videos of the event were recorded by visitors. The boardwalk was damaged, but there were no reports of injury. The explosion appears to have originated near Black Diamond Pool.
Biscuit Basin, including the parking lot and boardwalks, are temporary closed for visitor safety. The Grand Loop road remains open. Yellowstone National Park geologists are investigating the event.
Hydrothermal explosions occur when water suddenly flashes to steam underground, and they are relatively common in Yellowstone. For example, Porkchop Geyser, in Norris Geyser Basin, experienced an explosion in 1989, and a small event in Norris Geyser Basin was recorded by monitoring equipment on April 15, 2024. An explosion similar to that of today also occurred in Biscuit Basin on May 17, 2009.
More information about hydrothermal explosions is available at https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/yvo/news/hydrothermal-explosions-yellowstone-national-park.
Monitoring data show no changes in the Yellowstone region. Today’s explosion does not reflect activity within volcanic system, which remains at normal background levels of activity. Hydrothermal explosions like that of today are not a sign of impending volcanic eruptions, and they are not caused by magma rising towards the surface.
Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.
The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) provides long-term monitoring of volcanic and earthquake activity in the Yellowstone National Park region. Yellowstone is the site of the largest and most diverse collection of natural thermal features in the world and the first National Park. YVO is one of the five USGS Volcano Observatories that monitor volcanoes within the United States for science and public safety.
YVO Member agencies: USGS, Yellowstone National Park, University of Utah, University of Wyoming, Montana State University, UNAVCO, Inc., Wyoming State Geological Survey, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Idaho Geological Survey
Image courtesy of Vlada March.
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bottomoftheriverbed · 11 months
The way I automatically go nocturnal the moment I'm left to my own devices suggests it just my body's way of doing things so I'm hesitant to call it sleep reversal however having said that sleep reversal is really kicking my arse
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utsuroyihon · 1 year
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(Xユーザーの北野瑠華さん: 「10月14日(土)15時00〜 "不正商品撲滅キャンペーン ほんと?ホント!フェアin土岐" に出演させていただきます☺️🙏🏻 https://t.co/vuy2RsZczl クイズ大会では素敵なプレゼントもあります! 是非イオンモール土岐に遊びに来てね✊🏻 https://t.co/LpQRKCHadp」 / Xから)
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microbim · 1 year
07 - 绘制卫生间的隔间布置图 | BricsCAD 101零基础入门
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calico-kiwi · 1 year
i’m experiencing jet lag without actually traveling anywhere
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meiieiri · 4 months
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summary: the chairman of the gojo group of companies, gojo satoru, is in need of an heir. however, with a wife who is struggling to conceive and his subsequently crumbling marriage, he is forced to explore other options which now comes in the form of his wife's secretary.
warnings: 18+, angst, smut, unrequited love, themes pertaining to infertility, female reproductive health issues, surrogacy, mentions of pregnancy, marital troubles, suicidal tendencies, self-harm.
📌 pinned announcements: nothing yet. see everyone in the first chapter!
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episode list: 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | epilogue
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—𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓— (open!)
@lvstyangel @harlamarie @forever-war @indecisive-capricorn @sammytheotakunerd @luciesoflosses @raeyunshm @krokietino @bloopsstuff @cleostufff @polarbvnny @satxoru @seajelllies @aishies-stuff @catowru @pinkblossoms @chilichopsticks @bleppt @wizlizliz @ssetsuka @kouyoumarryme @ryumurin @gentlebeari @3lushkiii @username23345 @reine-son @sleepyyammy @stxrielle @gojoscock @alwaysfreakingout @iwanttohitmyself @an-ever-angry-bi @tbeanonia @tadabzzzbee @itachiiwrites @monserrath0730 @r0ckstar4rjk
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official playlist | fic art | inspirations | bonus stories
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