#10 plus
10plussweden · 1 year
Lets you Digitize Your Business with 10Plus
10Plus is Sweden's best digital agency, allows you to digitize your business with us on Drupal, custom software development, mobile application and many more.We are passionate strategists, designers and developers
We develop and implement individual Drupal modules with passion and create a system for you that exceeds your specific requirements and reliably performs backup and recovery processes.
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wasyago · 5 months
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welp, didn't manage to get everything out before season 10 started, but i gotta post it one way or another so here we go! heard there was a fandom swap game going on, wanted to do a couple promts of my own :D
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moonlightphos · 20 days
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Darling, I will love you till the bitter end, And all the bitter moments till then
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cutiesigh · 1 month
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Wuthering Waves has taken over all of my free time recently, so here's a sketch of Scar!Ren I originally shared in da 14DWY Discord!!
#14 days with you#to be tagged later#Sometimes a team is just Sephiroth; some random flower girl; and a dragoon from FFXIV#Like....... Look me in my eyes and tell me that one of Jiyan's abilities isn't just stardiver /silly#Anyways!! Sharing dis on my main only because it's just a sketch and doesn't feel ''official'' enough for da 14DWY blog#If I come back to this piece + retouch/put more effort into it maybe I'll reupload it there instead#But ya!! Any inconsistencies in Scar's outfit is because I was too busy staring at Taoqi <3#There was also absolutely no rhyme or reason as to why I drew Ren as Scar specifically too—#—Other than the fact that he WOULD rock da onigiri strip (RIP T_T) /ij /silly#Plus I was going to draw [REDACTED] as (WUWA SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!) Geshu but?? Babes I don't think the timeline works out??#I really saw the marks in the same spot and was like “oh!! they're the same person :3” LIKE GIRL NO?? This is what happens when you skip cs#Geshu is still my number 1 next to Taoqi though (in terms of design) <3 I have a type teehee#Mayhaps I will draw [REDACTED] after all...... (It's currently 3pm and I'm nowhere near my tablet)#Also also!! A treat for those who've read this far: Day 3.5 will be made public very soon!! It's pride month n I wanna celebrate—#—With everyone's fave demi/pansexual enby (who sometimes does a bit of stalking) (as a treat) (he's a yandere)#Violet's birthday is also June 10!! Early birthday gift!! Yippeee!!#Ok I'll shuddup now <3
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salamispots · 6 months
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heard it was year of the dragon : 0 also been trying to learn clip studio more
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justwannabecat · 3 months
I need fics where Bruce/Dick explicitly tell people that they didn’t let Tim become Robin because he knew, or because of Bruce’s mental state, or even because of the fact that Tim kept coming back.
I need them to be like “Yeah we’re pretty sure he was gonna become a villain before this. We’re honestly pretty lucky that he looked up to us. I mean, he was blackmailing us at age 12, he trained with Lady Shiva, outsmarted Ra’s, fought an evil version of himself from the future where he was a joint dictator with his friends… But he’s a good guy, and we can only hope he stays that way :)”
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robotpussy · 5 months
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gingermaple · 4 months
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nightmare blunt rotation
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10plussweden · 1 year
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The company's knowledge is a valuable resource. Knowledge management is the process of collecting, disseminating and effectively using knowledge and making data and information available to the members of the organization as well as to partners and customers. CONTACT US
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sad-leon · 6 days
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i can't believe it's pride month and I haven't drawn Doe
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prideprejudce · 8 months
live action katara looks so much older than aang it actually might be physically painful to watch them get together
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teal-tealwren · 1 month
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set us free
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lunarharp · 1 month
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..polly pocket au.. (<- a type of doll.)
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leapdayowo · 4 months
I’ve been taking notes on hermitcraft stuff I’ve been wanting to paint over the last month or so (at least seven note cards)
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These are the more recent notes :P
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waterghostype · 4 months
um. joker voice why so yurious
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ithink ive just been going insane lately but does anyone see the vision.
i dib thee monsoon shipping
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