#1.5k being as much as/more than i was able to write even during my most productive time (around a year ago)
size-two-shrimp · 6 months
*loud hacking and wheezing as i crawl out of the coal writing mines*
Guess who hasn't written more than like 100 words across all fics in three months and then today was somehow able to write 1.5k today.
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h-c-u · 1 year
The Youngest Student
Summary: You're left without a nanny last second, so you decide to take your daughter to class with you.
Pairing: profesor Toto Wolff x PhD fem!reader
W/C: 1.5k
Rating: PG, age gap (reader is in late 20s)
A/N: I was about to write part 6 of No Longer a Secret, but this short blurb kinda... happened. So, I'm sorry to anyone who might be waiting for the next part. I promise it's in the works <3  I know Daisy's age is not specified, but I see her as being... 5-6 months old :) Also - it's inspired by >>this<<
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You were about to call your nanny, but a text from her came in just as you were grabbing your phone. 
"I'm really sorry for letting you know so late, but I won't be able to make it today. On my way to your house, me and I sister got into an accident, and my arm is broken. We're currently in the hospital, but there is no chance I will make it." 
After reading the message, you wanted to instantly call Cassie to see how she was doing; you cared much more about her health than her services as a nanny, although during the last four months, she was a godsend. But even before you dialed her number, you realized that she was probably scared and calling her family to let them know what happened, so instead of being one more conversation, you opted out for a short message. 
"Don't worry about us. I just hope that you and your sister are ok. Please, let me know if there is anything I could do, and in the meantime - focus on getting better."
After that, you quickly shot a message to the father of your child, but he didn't reply, and if you didn't want to be late for your only lecture of the day, you had to leave soon. For a moment you considered not going and staying at home with your daughter, but she had just been fed and burped, which meant a long nap, most likely even longer than the class itself. 
So instead of ditching, you moved her to the carrier, careful not to wake her up, and put a thick blanket over it, so both the light and noises would be muted, and she could continue sleeping without any interruptions. 
The drive to your college wasn't long, but you still got into the classroom just as the lecture was about to begin, so there was no time for you to explain the situation in more detail. 
- I'm sorry to bring her in... The sitter canceled, and she's just been fed so she should sleep through the whole lecture, but if she wakes up, I'll leave not to cause any disturbance... - you whispered quietly to Professor Wolff, but in the dead silence of the room, your voice still carried. You were older than the rest of this class and there was a wedding band on your finger, so the fact that you had a child wasn't exactly a surprise. What was surprising though, was your usually stoic professor who hated surprises donning a giant smile on his face, when he raised a blanket you put over the carrier just a little, to see your little girl. 
- It's ok, don't worry about it. - he replied, still looking at Daisy, completely enamored by her. You let him do that for a moment longer, but eventually, you took the blanket from his hand and put it down. He cleared his throat, realizing that the lecture was supposed to start around five minutes ago.
You quickly went to your usual seat, took out your laptop, and got ready to take notes, only this time with your daughter sleeping soundly in a carrier that you put on the desk next to you. 
About halfway through, you heard that your daughter woke up and was getting fussy, but she wasn't in that state when she was a disturbance yet, so you gently took her out of the carrier and laid her on your left arm, while you continued taking notes with your right. And it was working for a while... You weren't sure if it was unfamiliar smells or sounds, but her mood continued to deteriorate, even though she was wearing her favorite frog onesie, with the hood that was currently blocking at least some of the sounds and lights. You tried to lull her back to sleep by gently rocking her on your arm, but that didn't help, and just as you were about to close your laptop and leave, not to disturb other students, you saw Professor Wolff coming closer. You were about to apologize, but he just smiled, winked, and took Daisy in his arms, where she instantly calmed down. 
There was a very brief moment when you expected some sort of reaction from the other students, but besides a few hushed comments about how natural Professor Wolff looked with a baby in his arms, there was nothing, and the lecture continued. 
Your daughter eventually fell asleep again, calmed down by Toto's deep voice, and when she did, he put a green hood with embroidered eyes deeper over her head. She remained like that till the end of the lecture.
You couldn't help but smile every time you looked at them together, and you had to force yourself to actually pay attention, which proved to be challenging. 
But you made it, and when the end of the class was announced, you slowly packed your things, while the other students were leaving the room, a few of the female ones, unusually slowly, their eyes lingering on the professor and your daughter a bit too long, but you couldn't blame them, because you were doing the exact same. Eventually, you were alone and the door to the room automatically closed.
You came closer to the desk he was almost sitting on and put a carrier on the papers that were covering almost the whole surface. Toto leaned down to press a quick kiss on your forehead; after all - you were still in school. And even though the dean was informed about your relationship first - when Toto accepted a job offer here three years ago, and once again - earlier this year, when you came back to the university to finish your Ph.D. after the birth, neither of you wanted to advertise your marriage left and right, and walls here had eyes. 
- Cassie was in an accident on her way to us, and she broke her arm... I think we should give her a few weeks off because she seemed more afraid that we won't have anyone to take care of Daisy and disappointing me than she was about her visit to the hospital. - you explained, taking your daughter out of his arms, and putting her back in the carrier. 
- Is she all right? - he asked, watching you securing the clasps and putting the blanket over it once again. 
- She seemed to be, but I don't know much more... I didn't want to call and intrude, since everything was fresh when she messaged me. I'll check in with her in the evening. - you added, throwing the jacket over your shoulders, and moving your hair from under it. - You have one more lecture, right? - you made sure, and he sighed. 
- Yes... In half an hour. Although I doubt it will be as pleasant as this one. - he smiled, pulled you closer by your jacket, and kissed you softly. - Seeing you two honestly made my day. - you put your arms around him, letting yourself drown in his strong arms for a moment, but you didn't close your eyes, because you knew that if you did, you would fall asleep right then and there, standing up. You were good at keeping appearances, but being a new parent, even with such a well-behaved baby as Daisy, was exhausting, so you took every short moment of peace and quiet you could get. 
- I should go... - you whispered against his shirt and your words were followed by a loud sigh because you honestly didn't want to leave.
- Or... You could take a nap on the couch in my office, and I can take care of Daisy. - he proposed and you almost started crying from relief; he could always see right through you. Your first instinct was to ask him if he was sure, but the more rational thought, backed up by years of a relationship with him followed, saying that he was. 
- Thank you... - he squeezed your body a little harder before letting you go. 
- Come on then... - he took the carrier with your sleeping daughter from the desk, fished the keys to his office from the pocket of his jacket, and led you to the small room, not that far from the class he was teaching in. You almost fell onto the soft couch, letting the pillows swallow you whole, but before you fell asleep, you felt Toto putting a soft blanket that smelled like a fabric softener you used at home over your body. 
There was a moment when you woke up in a panic after about an hour, but as soon as you heard a familiar low rumble of Toto’s deep voice, carrying through the corridors despite the closed doors, you remembered what happened and went back to sleep. 
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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eluxcastar · 5 months
Begging for some romantic Pierro x readers if that’s okay !! 😭💕
Domestic fluff with Pierro
── ୨୧:pierro x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: brainless domestic fluff because yes
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, they're married because I said so, soft pierro (also because I said so), pierro is so quality time love language, neither of them know how to cook either, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 1.5k
ok something more chill to write. this has actually been on my mind cause I love this man sm Idk why I've got two Pierro posts back to back but this turned out way cuter than I originally thought?? maybe I just really like domestic fluff but the only thing able to interrupt that was the thought that reader is probably a dilf and/or milf and I can get behind that
side note reader would go GREAT in the little rumours fatuus pass around ruu and I were talking about because like. the instructor??? the jester's MARRIED to the instructor??? can you imagine being a fatuu in training and learning that your instructor is married to THE guy in the fatui
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Entrusting you with training new recruits was a good idea. It's a place where you are not restless but not in so much danger Pierro would worry. With subtlety and perhaps a little tapping into his knack for deceit, you had been stationed somewhere close and where he needed to travel regularly for unrelated business, usually to pass through, but the detour to see you is always a plus. 
He likes to see you working hard, especially if you clearly enjoy your work. He also likes that you take a break when he appears to spend some time with him before he goes. 
Pierro is always mindful that you have a job, much like him, and that it is of equal importance within the sphere it affects as his job is to the Fatui as a whole. If not for the two of you, the Fatui would suffer tremendously. In his mind, you're even a little more important. Your job is to weed out the weakest links into administrative duties and help the strong flourish. Without you, trainees would never get put in increasingly dangerous situations with someone strong to back them up and keep them comfortably on their feet rather than vastly out of their depth. 
Besides, the Fatui would never turn down the capable people you can produce with your methods.
Pierro seldom sees that training in operation, save for when he first arrives and just before he leaves. You spend the time he's there with him, settled inside where it's a little warmer and where you share whatever he brought for you to enjoy. For some reason, Pierro feels the need to bring you gifts whenever he visits, little things he saw that made him think of you or food he knows you enjoy but can't get your hands on out where you're stationed. He almost stockpiles them in a way and gathers them all just before he leaves.
There are a few rare times of year when all of your students are shipped off to their respective sectors of the Fatui. During that special little time, you return to your home where your husband is always waiting patiently for your return so that you can begin to interrupt his work days and bring him lunch when he tries to get away with not taking breaks.
Whenever you show up, he does almost the exact same thing you do. He drops everything to be with you, even just to talk for fifteen minutes to check up on him when you're back in Zapolyarny Palace on unrelated business that so happens to include a trip to wherever he might be on such occasion. Most of the time, that means finding him in his office where you'll waltz right in regardless of if someone's in there and who that is. If you're feeling generous, you might even kindly wait until they leave to press a kiss to his cheek and ask how his day is.
Some people's first reactions to finding out the two of you are married are…interesting. Even your students are in the dark until they start panicking because suddenly the infamous Jester is at their instructor's doorstep unannounced, and his subjectively endearing case of resting bitch face never helps that seem like a good thing.
Of course, there are the people who are used to it and positively despise it—mainly because it means they have to be on their best behaviour—but it's hard to pay them much mind when you are caught up spending what little time you can together before he inevitably has to leave. The simple truth is that caring about who is suddenly in a bad mood takes up too much of your precious time that could be better spent waving a pita pocket in his face, coaxing him to try just a few bites of it before he turns his nose up at it.
Besides, anyone who decides to interrupt your little lunch sessions is not getting through their conversation without it being interrupted by you stealing his attention a few times while the other person is still talking in the background. You'll be patient if he asks, but more often than not, the boring trifles of others can wait until he's heard what you have to whisper in his ear.
More often than not, he is a shell of himself because, around others, he is reserved and colder than in private when only you can see his slight smiles and the softening of his eyes at the sight of you. Once you return home, he behaves like you haven't been tending to training reports all day because, as long as you're loitering around Zapolyarny, that's probably what you're there for. Compiling your notes into a readable fashion for whatever miserable souls have to subject themselves to sorting through them is, unfortunately, a necessary contrast to the fun you have actually teaching. Despite being subject to many more inconveniences on your off days, he would rather make sure you're taken care of than let you take care of him, though he allows you to return the favour to a degree. 
You hate it, and it's taxing, he will reason, as if he isn't annoyed by half of his duties either. Unfortunately, he manages to be just a little bit more persuasive than you. For better or for worse, you will be the closest to spoiled he can manage, even if it means sweeping you off your feet only to put you back down the moment his back makes him regret that. One day, he always swears he will be able to pick you up so that he can quickly get you out of any danger you might find yourself in if need be. Today, however, is still not that day.
Most of your time after work is spent making whatever you will call dinner that night, as you both pour over whatever recipe you choose and try to make something that tastes good when you're not on the verge of starvation. Neither of you are exactly in positions that allow that. Still, the experience of making the food is what matters. The taste means nothing in comparison to listening to him behind you, chopping the vegetables to add to the soup you're absently stirring while he asks some probably commonplace question about the recipe as if you're supposed to have the answer. At the same time, you talk about your respective days and exaggerate the details to sound more interesting.
At the end of it, you're met with edible food. Perhaps objectively, it isn't the best, and never in a million years could either of you work as chefs if this whole Fatui career doesn't work out, but it's made with love. What matters is that you made it together with the time you set aside for each other. Though cooking together can be entertaining, the two of you struggling to feed yourselves for upwards of an hour is not the pinnacle of relaxation when most of your focus is on not burning down your house and him not cutting himself trying to slice onions at a snail's pace.
Mediocre food and a night in are so familiar and comfortable by now, pushing work aside for some future version of yourselves to deal with, though the stories of your students and their endeavours make it in, as do those of the many characters Pierro deals with in a day. Those sources of entertainment can slip past every now and then while you laugh over the strange ideas of rookie fatuus trying to figure out the ropes.
It is softer and sweeter than anything else in your day, draped over his lap like a tired housecat while he reads you a book you found on the shelf you thought might be interesting. He'll rest the book on your stomach and somehow always manage to spot you reaching to touch his cheek or brush his hair out of his face out of the corner of his eye. 
It also happens to be one of the only things the two of you do that you could call soothing, save for a bath together or falling asleep like that. Even better, falling asleep in your bed where you should be and where you'll inevitably steal all the blankets and force him to cuddle up to you for warmth. 
Getting to wake up to see you so peaceful and safe is as good a reason as any to get up in the morning, though it certainly will not be the thing prizing him out of bed anytime soon when the option to stay right there by your side is so much more appealing.
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vanishingcherry · 2 years
Just wanna ask, can you write about Draco with femreader who is 5,9? Like, if she wears heels she is kind of on his height or even higher?
You can ignore this if you want to lmao❤
high heels
words: 1.5k
warnings: kissing, insecurity, comments about height
summary: you realise you're taller than draco when you wear heels, and it seems like others don't like that
a/n: hey! thanks for being my first ever request. i wasnt sure if you wanted angst or fluff so i tried a mix of both. hope you like it.
Sitting on your bed, you slip on your heels before getting up and smoothening your dress in front of the mirror. You rarely ever decked out like this, making sure there wasn’t a hair out of place, but today was important to Draco, and was hence important to you. 
It was a business party, with people coming from all over the world to socialise and talk about their companies. If tonight went well, Draco’s business could double in all aspects, courtesy to the reason he was adamant everything be perfect.
He walks into the bedroom just as you add final touches to your eyeshadow, hurriedly straightening out his shirt and putting on his tie. He stops for a second when he sees you, breaking into a grin.
“You look”, he pauses, trying to find the right words, “absolutely stunning, darling.”
Walking towards you, he presses a soft kiss to your lips before taking a few steps back to once again admire how you look. You chuckle slightly, moving to grab his coat from the closet. 
Getting in the limousine a couple minutes later, the two of you sit in comfortable silence as you are driven to the party. 
Draco’s arm looped through your’s, the two of you walk into the grand hallway. Hundreds of wizards and witches were in one room, the sound of the orchestra could barely be heard over the voices of people making new business deals every second. 
Draco immediately finds one of his friends, and as the two of them discuss market trends you look around, realising that this was much bigger than your house. 
It was incredibly bright, a huge chandelier handing from the center of the room. There was also a couple people going around, offering things like champagne. You noticed that everyone there was wearing clothes just as fancy as yours if not more so, glad that you had made the right clothing choice. 
Draco taps you on your arm and you turn to look at him, he was done talking and it was now time to meet new people. As the two of you make your way through the crowd, you start hearing murmurs. Turning around, you realise it was a group of women, looking at you before turning away when they realise you saw them. 
Ignoring them, you continue walking, but you still hear their whispers. Soon enough, you are able to make out what they are saying. 
“She’s very tall isn’t she.”
“Her heels are too big, she’s anyways too tall she should’ve worn smaller ones.”
“It looks weird. Malfoy should be taller than her, not the other way around.”
“I agree, it looks bad, she should’ve realised they look stupid together.”
You suck in a breath, closing your eyes for a second as you comprehend what they’ve been saying. Were you really that tall? Looking at Draco talking to someone, you realise that you do have to look down slightly, but you never really noticed that before. 
Did Draco think the same? Should you not have worn heels?
You spend the rest of your night trying to make yourself as small as possible, overthinking every look you got. All the ladies you heard earlier kept sneaking glances at you while Draco remained blissfully unaware, happy that most interactions had gone well and there were meetings set up for further discussions. 
A night that was meant to be amazing had now turned into a nightmare. You didn’t feel beautiful in the dress anymore, you felt tired and wanted to get it off as soon as possible. 
During dinner, Draco realised that you hadn’t been talking much. 
“Are you okay love?”, he whispers to you.
“Mhm, I’m just tired.”, you reply.
“Sorry darling, we can leave in a while, I just need to meet a couple more people.”
You nod. “Take all the time you need, it’s okay.”
Around half and hour later, he’s walking you back to the limousine, and you get in, sighing with relief. Not twenty minutes later, you’d removed your dress and washed off your makeup. You were wearing your night clothes and got under the blankets, trying to calm down after the events of the night. Trying to forget those women and their comments. 
You had never been so happy to be home.
A couple day’s later, you’re sitting and reading on the couch when Draco walks in, arriving home earlier than usual. You get up and walk towards him, giving him a quick kiss and hugging him. 
“Hey love.”, you greet all the same, forehead creased in confusion as to why he was back. Did he forget something important?
“Let’s go on a date”, he said to you, grabbing both your arms and looking straight into your eyes. 
“What? Now?”
“Well yeah, in the night, we haven’t had a date in a long time. Just the two of us.”
“Okay, yeah”, you smiled at him, “What should I wear?”
“Anything you want, but fancy.”, he added. 
Later in the night, you got dressed for the date, putting up your hair and applying some makeup.
While pulling on your heels all the memories from that night come rushing in.  You realise that you would be taller than Draco again. Calling him into the room, you stand up, deciding that you would change your shoes if he looked short in comparison to you. 
He walks in, wearing black pants and a white shirt with the top few buttons undone. You eyes widen when you see him, breaking into a small smile as he smirks at you. 
“Hi love, you called?”
Breaking out of your trance, you ask “Yeah sorry, uh, is this fine?”. Twirling around, you show off your dress. 
“You look amazing darling, absolutely spectacular”, he rests his hands on your waist, pressing a kiss to your cheek and forehead. 
As he moved closer to you, you realised that you were taller than him. You could see him looking up at you while you had to look down. Almost immediately you pull away, before quickly giving an excuse.
“I just have to change my shoes, they are a bit uncomfortable. I’ll be down in a few.”
Draco nods, not thinking anything of it, and heads downstairs. 
You quickly changed into some flat shoes that matched your clothes and followed him down. Getting in the car, he drove the two of you to the restaurant.
You knew you were probably just being paranoid, but you couldn’t help but feel that everyone in the restaurant stared at you the second you walked in. 
After ordering wine for yourself, you could hear Draco talking, but zoned out, unintentionally focusing on what you thought everyone else thought of you. 
“Darling? Are you listeni-”
“Am I too tall?”, you ask, cutting him off, wanting to know if Draco shared the same thoughts as every else.
“What? Y/N you’re perfect, you know that. Right?”, he replies, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. 
“Yeah, but am I too tall? Do you think I’m too tall for you?”
“No, not at all. You’re perfect, your height, its perfect I swear. Where is this coming from?” He moves his arm across the table, grabbing your hand in his own before slowly rubbing his thumb over your fingers.
“Its- it’s just that when we went to that party a couple days ago, I could hear people saying that I was too tall and it wasn’t right. That you should be taller than me.”
“Oh love, why didn’t you tell me? I don’t care at all. So what if you’re a bit taller than me? I love you for you, that includes the few centimeters more than me. Okay?”
“Yeah.”, you mumble, feeling slightly better knowing that at least Draco didn’t think you were too tall. 
“Are you feeling okay? Do you want to go home, we can just have date night at home.”
You nodded, feeling bad that you had ruined the night he was so excited for, but you really didn’t want to be here anymore. 
He quickly payed for your drinks before the two of you left, him holding your hand the entire ride home. 
The two of you sat on your sofa, watching the first movie that turned up when you switched on the TV. You’d gotten Chinese takeout, and the both of you cuddled while eating, mindlessly watching the screen in front of you. 
During an ad break, you got up to throw away the garbage, and when you got back, Draco was looking at you.
“What?”, you question, giving a small anxious chuckle. 
“Is that why you changed your shoes? From heels to the flat ones?”
You sighed before replying, “Yeah, I figured flats would be better.”
“But you love wearing heels. Don’t ever do something like that again okay? If you want to wear heels then wear them. Forget what anyone else thinks.”
You nod while walking back to the couch. The movie had started playing again, so you lay down, resting your head in his lap. He plays with your hair, twisting it and moving his fingers through it when he says in a drowsy voice.
“We’re going to go shopping tomorrow, remind me. I’m going to buy you all the heels you want.”
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alyss01 · 3 years
Studying for finals headcanons:
Corpse x GN!reader, Sykkuno x GN!reader, Toast x GN!reader
Word count: 1.5K
Requested: no
Synopsis: How Toast, Sykkuno and Corpse would be with a S/O studying for finals. Headcannons and fluff.
Warnings: none
A/n: Do I have more than enough requests? Yup! Should I probably work on those? Most likely. Basically wrote this during / after the most intense two to three weeks of studying I’ve experienced in at least a year. I needed some comfort so i provided myself with it, hope it can do the same for others even though most people have most likely already finished all their exams, tests, finals and all that already. Enjoy! (This was also mostly written at like 2AM the day of my last final, but it is proofread)
Let's be honest, he would have no idea what exactly it is you're studying
He knows some basics that are common sense and bits and pieces that he's collected while you were rambling about the topics to him
Generally though, he has no clue what's going on and certainly will not be able to help you do the actual studying
However if it helps for you to explain the topics to him instead of reading the books for a hundred times with seemingly no pay off, he'll gladly listen
Allows you to rant of about the intricate details as he fakes an understanding and nods his head along
Don't get him wrong, he loves to hear you talk and is genuinely interested in what you're saying, but you might as well be speaking a different language cause he cannot understand a singular word that passes your lips
If you're a night owl, that's great! He'll love to bring you midnight study snacks and bring a glass of water every so often
He definitely stays up with you and likes to just hang around the room where you study in the background and vibe to some music
Every so often he will walk up to you for head pats
The screen in front of you shone brightly, lighting up the room. The only thing telling you the time and date was your laptop. With the curtains permanently shut and having lost any sense of time you did possess over the past days, you wouldn't have a single clue how much time had passed otherwise.
Music comes through your headphones in attempt to keep you focussed on the matter at hand, a word document that is much longer than you would've liked containing all the summaries you had made over the past days.
The music however also deafened you from the sound of the door opening and closing, as Corpse stepped into your room with a white plastic bag containing some snacks and a cup of your favorite drink in his other hand.
As he set the objects on the desk beside you, you realized he had come in and pulled one side of your headset off your ear.
Corpse's arms wrap around you from behind, his chin resting on your head as you nuzzle yourself closer in his embrace. His eyes lazily trail over the text on the screen for a moment before they narrow and turn away.
Tilting your head back, you look at him from underneath, chuckling as you catch his confused look at the screen.
"when did you have this exam again?" The question escapes his lips almost with a hint of pity within.
Honestly I think it really depends on what you're studying if he will understand it or not
No matter what it is however, he is proud
When he has a chance in any conversation he'll casually bring you up and proudly explain what kind of complicated things you have been studying and how smart you are
He is so encouraging, no matter if he quite understand what it is you study or not
He probably would leave you interrupted while studying, but if you come out of your room to seek his attention out first he'll be so happy
If something bothers you or frustrates you about the material he's waiting with open arms to take your mind off it
If you're studying for long times he'll come to crave some affection so he'll either be glued to your side when you do finish or he will come and seek you out first
Will provide you with snacks, your favorite food, smoothies, coffee, tea, whatever you prefer while studying, he'll get it for you
Will want to spent time together once the stressful period is over, catching up to affection he may have missed during it
I think he'd definitely keep quite a careful watch over you in terms of rest
He will drag you off to bed at 2AM if you're still studying demanding you get some proper rest
"you know staying up this late is bad for your health, right?" The worry was evident in his voice as he leant against your desk as he stood beside you. His back was turned to the furniture and his eyes were glued to your tired face.
"it'll be worth it once summer vacation hits." You shoot Sykkuno a tired smile, making him turn his head to where your mug dutifully stood, as it had been for the past three days, half filled with your favorite study drink which had turned room temperature by now.
He raised his eyebrow in question, watching as you turn back to the screen that lights up your face with white light, the page's reflection in your eyes, "rest is important if you want to do well on the exam."
"so is knowledge and caffeine," though your words may be harsh, the tone with which they leave your lips easily tell him it was a joke, "besides, I'll just need to finish this last part."
His hand finds your hair, and you lean into his warm touch as you shut your eyes for a moment, taking in the moment. A small smile formed on his lips at the sight, his fingers threading through your hair.
"promise this is the last part?" He speaks up as you open your eyes once more, looking up at him as you give him a small smile.
The bags under your eyes paired with the exhausted look on your face had noy been as clear in the past days as they were currently. He admired you for your willpower to study these amounts, but you worried him sometimes with your behavior.
Your voice pulled him back to the small smile that played on your lips, "I promise."
He's knowledgeable, not on all topics and subjects, but he's definitely knowledgeable
Start ranting to him about topics and he'll genuinely become interested and follow along, asking some questions here and there
If you ever need to write some sort of paper or essay, he'll gladly read it over for you for any mistakes or things to change
He won't admit it, but if you start explaining some of the things you're studying to him, he'll love it
Especially if it's something you're passionate about, he'd love to watch you explain stuff to him
The way your eyes shimmer, and how excited you look to talk to him about it all, he loves it
Forehead kisses while studying and will order food for you and bring drinks
Probably won't hang around too much in the room you're studying in to give you privacy and peace, but will come in and ruffle your hair before placing his lips on your head momentarily and wish you luck when he passes your door
In these moments often likes to sneak a peek at your papers or computer screen, just to see a glimpse of the topic you're working on
He doesn't mind if you stay up longer than him to study but will definitely drag you to bed for rest when he's decided you didn't give yourself enough rest
"I'm ordering take out, what do you want for dinner?" Toast is quick to poke his head around the corner of your door, phone in hand as he walks in and leans against the doorframe.
Pulling your headset off, you rotate your chair to the side, facing him as you question where he is planning to order.
He walks over to your desk to hand you his phone so you can scroll through the online menu, his hand quick to brush your hair back. Instead of pulling his hand away, he lets it stay in your hair, brushing through it a few times with his fingers.
While you were invested with the online menu, his eyes scan the screen, where you were working on the introduction to a paper.
He recognized the material, the day before you had trailed off on a small explanation that ended up much longer than intended when he asked what you were currently working on.
When you finish looking through the menu and having filled in your order, you catch his gaze glued to your screen.
Before he leaves your room he gives you some slight advice, offering to replace some words with others before wishing you good luck and leaving your room for the time being. At least until the food arrives.
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ghost-like-pale · 3 years
no need to hide from me
info: philza finds out about your scars. not that he's mad, he's just surprised. 》 they/them 》 irl + platonic 》 1.5k words
warnings: explicit selfharm, blood, hurt/comfort, implied father/child-like bond
a/n: my first piece, i don't know how i feel about it.
this blog it meant as a way of coping with trauma/mental issues, please don't report it. if you don't want to see what i write, please just block me.
you felt the pain run through your body as the blood slowly dripped past your forearm onto your thigh. a sharp inhale went through your airpipe into your aching lungs.
the small razorblade slid over your troubled skin for the fifth time these past 2 minutes, hoping no one would hear your small choked sobs from the echoing bathroom.
after letting the pain simmer down you get welcomed coldly by numbness. it never fails to meet you after a cut.
this meet-up has been nice, enjoyable, even. but the guilt of not being able to be as hyperactive as tommy and tubbo, the embarrassment of not understanding what wilbur was talking about and the shame of accidentally saying something stupid and phil laughing at it gave you a reason to punish yourself.
you didn't eat much during dinner, even though it was your favorite meal - kristen even cooked for everyone. that's exactly when phil knew something was wrong.
you excused yourself from the table and walked upstairs to the room you resided in. after the others moved on from the dinner table to the living room phil decided to go after you, telling kristen to heat up a plate of food and join the rest of their friends. kristen understood, and walked to the kitchen to grab a plate. phil quietly yet swiftly made his way upstairs.
you heard the stairs being climbed from the other side of the walls, widening your eyes and making you panic. the blade you were holding was stained with a mix of old and fresh blood. the tiny drops of dark-red liquid splashed on your leg once again. in a panic you threw the razor to the corner of the room and wiped the blood of your body hastily. you pulled your sleeves over your hands and hid them from sight, hoping the new cuts wouldn't bleed through the fabric.
phil knocked on the door to your room. you wipe your face entirely, trying to physically get rid of your anxious expression and answered phil's call.
"come in!"
you sounded grossly happy, making you cringe internally. you trapped your hands between your legs while feeling the mattress sinking next to you.
"you okay? you didn't eat much earlier."
phil wasn't stupid; he knew you weren't. he wanted to see if you would confess to him on your own terms.
"oh, yeah. i'm okay, just didn't feel too hungry, heh."
the small laugh you exuded only worsened phil's concerns.
"(y/n), i'm not sure i believe you. you can trust me."
your panic grew by the second, not wanting to worry phil, yet desperately wanting to tell him. you didn't have the words for it and your brain is not going to bother finding them - it was too busy trying not to cry.
"phil, i promise i'm alright. i just wasn't hungry and i'm worn out from the things we did."
phil exhaled through his nose. what the hell was he going to ask you now?
you bit your lip harshly, trying to focus on the pang of hurt coursing through your mouth rather than your head.
"listen, (y/n). i know you better than this. you can tell me what's wrong-"
before he could properly finish his sentence you stood up. you screwed your eyes shut and yelled at him.
phil was taken aback by the sudden and intense hostility you showed.
you slowly came to a realisation as to what happened. your lips sputtered unintelligible words and your eyes spilled out tears. phil quickly came to his senses and stood up as well. his arms wrapped around your upper arms and shoulders, his head resting on top of yours.
"it's okay, (y/n). i'm not mad, i promise."
you didn't respond. you only sobbed louder and pushed your face into his chest, finding safety in his secure embrace. you stood like this for a bit, calming down over time until the sobs from earlier were nothing more than hiccups.
"are you okay to talk about it now?"
phil eventually spoke up. you nod slowly, pulling away from the hug and letting yourself fall onto the bed you sat on a while ago, phil following your lead.
"what's wrong, kid?"
you let out a shaky breath and let go of the sleeve you were holding onto tightly during the conversation. you grabbed the end of your sleeve and tried to pull it up, but to no avail.
you couldn't. you couldn't show him yourself.
you whined softly, trying to think of a solution. phil rested his hand on your thigh as a way of non-verbal support, giving you an idea. you dropped your arm onto phil's hand, him instantly understanding what you meant and grabbing your arm gingerly. he placed it on his lap and carefully peeled off the sleeve.
"oh, (y/n)."
it was a sight to behold; a bloodied arm with messy cuts, a few still dribbling slightly, most of your skin covered in the half-dried crimson fluid.
refusing to look at phil, you stared at the wall on the other side of the room. you could feel his eyes staring daggers at it, your face heating up in shame and vulnerability.
"i'm so sorry, (y/n)."
you felt your sleeve being pulled over your arm again and you were pulled into another embrace. this time the hug felt sympathetic, like it was apologizing to you for everything you've ever been through, saying sorry for the fact you had to do this as a way to live with yourself.
if you had anything left, you could've cried for hours. but your tears ran out a while ago, so you stayed quiet, with the exception of a few whimpers and sighs.
"thank you for telling me."
phil broke the silence again, a small smile appearing on your tear-stained face.
"but- we should really clean up that arm. you don't want that to get infected."
he said with a hint of a chuckle. it was kind of nice hearing him be a little humorous in such a depressing scene.
"yeah, maybe we should."
you responded with the same tone. he grabbed your hand and lead you to the nearest bathroom. he fetched the softest towel he could find and dampened it with lukewarm water. he then turned his attention to you; he dabbed the still open cuts first and cleaning up the freshest blood. then he moved onto the dried blood around it, wiping it carefully, minding the sensitive wounds.
"stay here, i'll get the first-aid kit from the other bathroom."
phil said, before disappearing into the hall outside. you stood on the cold tiles for a few moments, pondering how you even managed to muster the strength to tell anyone. you were glad you did, though.
"i'm back!"
the familiar voice rang through the reverberating room and into your ears, making you turn your head in the door's direction. the smile grew slightly when phil's face entered your vision.
"arm, please."
you did as he asked and handed your arm to him. he took a cream-coloured bandage out of the small bag and gently yet firmly wraps your injured arm.
"thank you, phil."
your smile was persisting while looking at the bandaged arm. phil packed up the first-aid kit and grinned himself.
"you're welcome, kid. now, let's get some clean clothes and a plate of warm food."
tommy yelled from the couch he sat on. the rest of the group quickly turned around to greet their friends.
"hi, mate. what are we watching?"
wilbur waved over to you and signaled to come sit next to him. you happily obliged and sat down with a plate in hand. the couch was just big enough to seat 3 people, you, tommy and wilbur occupying said seats. kristen sat on the chair on the left, while tubbo sat on a pillow on the floor with his hand in a bag of crisps.
"no idea, we were just going to choose something."
wilbur answered for him, earning him a smack on the knee from the blonde. phil laughed while lowering himself into a chair on the right side of the couch.
"he asked me, you prick."
"well, you were just too slow."
the two boys bickered back and forth a bit until tubbo spoke up.
"why don't we let (y/n) decide?"
both wilbur and tommy seemed satisfied with that resolution, nodding their heads and verbally agreeing.
"uhm, how about ___."
kristen immediately agreed, so did phil and tubbo. tommy was still a bit bitter about not being the one to choose, but didn't object, the same for wilbur.
"alright, it has been decided!"
the movie was quite long, but enjoyable. your dinner was finished and the plate stood on the coffee table, next to an empty glass and a half-eaten bag of crisps.
your head rested on wilbur's shoulder, a fluffy blanket draped over you along with one of his arms. your eyelids were heavy, the light emitting from the tv becoming more distant every second.
a final consious breath escaped your lungs and you finally fell asleep.
the comfort this household has brought you is something you couldn't find anywhere else - you were truly home.
thank you for reading, please be nice
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shoyodon · 4 years
hi! your inarizaki manager headcanons were super cute so i was wondering if I could request headcanons or a scenario idm! of inarizaki maybe accidentally making their smol manager cry? 🥺
𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐲
Warnings: Language, Atsumu being mean
WC: 1.5k
Genre: Angst if you squint, fluffy ending
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one! Thank you for the awesome req anon 💞
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It had been a long day for everyone, the summer camp was grueling. The first two days of the week-long camp had been going alright, however the boys had lost a lot more games than they had originally anticipated. They just couldn’t seem to get into the groove of it, and it was putting everybody in a slump.
 The night of the second day of camp really put everyone on edge. Kita had called everyone, including you to the room they had been staying in to talk over why they have been in this slump and maybe find a solution. Opposing views on why the team was lacking during the past few days surfaced and Atsumus pessimistic attitude set something off in Suna, which resulted in the boys arguing.
Osamus bad habit of instigating emerged, which escalated the argument to a point where Kitas yelling would only fuel the argument more, which, in turn, made Aran try to calm Kita down, that then led to the two of them also arguing. Hitoshi had enough and left the room for a walk around the building, not even wanting to risk getting involved. Michinari and Ren sat with you in the corner, in silence, Michinari chose to stay purely for entertainment purposes, and Ren just wanted to sleep. 
As you turned to spark conversation with Ren a loud slap echoed through the room. Quickly your head snapped back to the group of boys. It took a couple of seconds to register what was happening. Everyone stood in silence and shock as Suna held his fist, Atsumu gripping his cheek. 
He glared at Suna before reeling back his arm to throw a punch towards him, Kita quickly grabbed his fist and shoved him against the wall, Aran dragged Suna outside, and Ren quickly scrambled up to follow the two boys. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you two think you’re doing but I will absolutely not hesitate to tell coach and get you both kicked off of this fucking team! We aren’t fucking middle schoolers Atsumu! When we have a problem we talk it out like adults we don’t start throwing fucking punches ESPECIALLY when you two are fucking teammates!” Kita yells, barely taking a breath between words. 
“If this shit continues the rest of camp you are both off the team. And you...we will have words.” Kita hisses, directing his final words at Osamu. Kita exits the room, leaving only The Miyas, you, and Michinari. 
Quietly, you shuffle towards Atsumu, who had slumped himself against the wall, sitting on the floor while cupping his cheek. “A-Atsumu…” you whisper, slowly sitting down in front of him while Osamu stands behind you. Slowly you reach your hand out, “Can I...take a look at your cheek for you..? I should bandage it before it starts bruising..” 
Gently you move to place your hand over his and right as the pads of your fingers touch his hand he slaps it away, scattering onto his feet. “Don’t fucking touch me. Get the fuck away from me..” He hisses at you, glaring down at you from above “I just-” “You just what? You’re only here because no other fucking club wanted you around! You thrive on the attention we give you in exchange for what? You nagging at us all hours of the fucking day? Give me a break, you have to be the most annoying girl I've ever met.” 
It takes him a couple seconds to realize what he said, both him and Osamu are silent. Michinar had been slowly making his way out of the room, the door slightly ajar, but he, too, was now frozen in shock. Tears brimmed the corner of your eyes until they overflowed. 
Quickly you stood up, running out of the half open door to be faced with the rest of the team who seemingly heard the whole thing. Too ashamed to look up at them you ran past, leaving the building. “I'll get her.” Aran spoke up, running in the direction you left while the rest of the team filed back into the room. 
Atsumu stood, dejected, arms hanging by his sides with a look of regret on his face. “I didn't mean it..” He whispers. Kita sighs, running a hand through his hair. “We know that. She's the only person that could truly ever put up with you...but she doesn’t. And you know how she is. She's going to take it to heart, because it's coming from someone she looks up to.” he whispers.
 Atsumu runs his hands over his face, sitting back on the ground. “Let's give her time...Let Aran work his magic.” Hitoshi says lightheartedly, sitting back on his mat.
The next day the team gets a very harsh scolding from their coach, the majority were issued warnings and went on their way. During the first couple hours of practice you were nowhere to be seen. After lunch the coach had called the boys for another meeting back in their room. He sat on the floor, placing his hands on his lap. “Can someone explain to me why Y/n just let me know that after the camp ends she will be resigning from her position?”
Almost immediately everyones heart simultaneously dropped, pure shock riddled with everyone's features. “Sh-she what?” Kita stutters out. “She told me today at lunch that she didn’t feel as though she was the correct person for the job, and that the team needed someone better. She offered me a list of potential new managers, however I feel like this has something to do with the fight that happened last night..” 
The boys all looked at Atsumu and he quickly got up, exiting the room before running to the managers quarters. When he got there he knocked twice, opening it quickly to find you sitting alone on your mat, looking through a list of potential club options. “Y/n!” “A-ah...Atsumu, good afternoon..” you mutter, looking up at him then quickly looking back down. 
“Why are you leaving the club? You know we need you-w-we’d be a mess if you didn’t take care of us like you do..” he stutters. Walking towards you slowly and sitting in front of you on the mat “You guys will be alright, it's not like I do much anyways...I gave a list of some really talented first years to the coach that should be an even better replacement.” “We want you! Y/n I know I said some really...really terrible things but I promise you I didn’t mean a word of it. I was just angry and I had been bottling it all up since we got here and I took it out on you and it wasn't fair. You take such good care of us...You make us each feel cared for and you do everything we ask of you and go above and beyond..You hold us together and.. We will never have a manager that could even compare to you...you’re also...our friend...and i’d hate to see you leave because I was acting like a fucking idiot. Please forgive me.” 
Stifling a sob, you nod. Atsumu wasn't one to show vulnerability to people, you and Osamu were the exception. His words were genuine, and you knew it by the way he looked you in the eyes when he spoke. 
He pulls you in for a tight hug, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. “So you'll stay with the team?” he whispers. “I couldn't just leave my family like that..” you whisper. “If you say some stupid shit like that to Y/n again I wont hesitate to break your nose next time.” A voice speaks up that you immediately identified as Sunas. 
As you looked up, the team was standing at the door, half smiles resting on their lips. “Don't think about leaving us like that again..i'd hate to have those sleepovers at my place monthly if you weren't helping me keep an eye on these idiots.” Kita speaks up, earning a giggle from you. 
You wave the boys over and they all shuffle in, sitting with you. “Let's work really hard the rest of the camp okay? Afterwards I think we need some serious bonding time so I say...Weekend road trip to the beach?” “Fine by me if Kita and Samu drive!” “That was the plan Michinari, you'd kill us halfway there..” “We have to split the Miyas up-” “I call Y/n in my car!” “rock paper scissors over her!” “I'm going in Kita’s car-” “Can we please resume practice now?” the coaches voice calls out through the room, his tone light, a smile adorning his features as you all turn to look at him. 
The team nods, still holding their conversation about seating on the trip down to the beach, and over the next few days they were able to get it back together, surprising the other teams there with the sudden difference in skill. 
You really were the thing that held these boys together.
and they couldn’t ask for a better manager, or a more reliable friend.
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
ana’s bnha x reader masterlist
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first updated 11.17.20 last updated 07.13.21 desktop version found here bkdk masterlist: desktop | mobile
fics [38] drabbles [13]
Thanks for dropping by! I want to note that I no longer write x reader and instead am writing bakudeku shipfic. So! By all means, read, like, comment on my fics here! But I can't recommend that you follow me unless you like bakudeku. Hope you enjoy your time here regardless! <3
character x character
Title w/ link | [rating] | word count | genre
ratings are bracketed: e.g. [g], [t], [m], [e]
[g] - appropriate for general audiences [t] - appropriate for audiences 13+ [m] - contains non-graphic adult themes [e] - explicit, 18+ readers only
🌸 = personal faves
characters x reader: no ship (1), aizawa (2), bakugou (12), endeavor (1), iida (2), kaminari (1), kirishima (4), midoriya (7), shinsou (2), todoroki (19)
Everything is in alphabetical order <3
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no ship
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.6k | hurt/comfort
The results are in and your class is all with you as you process the results
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aizawa x reader
Stress Relief | [e] | 3k | smut
There's a new regulation that forces you to take an extra class before you can graduate college. When you learn that Eraserhead is teaching the class, you’re a little more interested.
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.6k | hurt/comfort 
Aizawa reminds that you were prepared for this and, together, you can handle it.
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bakugou x reader
Can’t Find My Breath | [e] | 4.2k | smut 🌸
At the beginning of the day, Ground Zero was just another hero you wrote articles about. Now it’s nighttime and you’ve just left a bar together. Companion to The Rest with No Sound
Christmas Cold | [g] | 1k | fluff
You and Katsuki manage to make it to your parents' house for the holidays, but you've come down with a little cold.
Doing Something Right | [e] | 1.8k | smut
You’re pregnant and happily enjoying domestic bliss when Katsuki comes in, unable to resist you.
Frustration | [e] | 3.1k | smut
request. After a long day of work, Katsuki comes home frustrated and you, suffering from a different kind of frustration yourself, know exactly what will help you both.
Gorgeous | [e] | 1.5k | smut, hurt/comfort
ask. When you have a negative response to Katsuki touching you in a moment of insecurity, he intends to do whatever he can to alleviate your fears.
version 1: petite reader
version 2: curvy reader
Magic | [e] | 2.2k | smut
request. Katsuki comes home early and catches you...taking care of yourself.
Miniskirts | [e] | 0.8k | smut 🌸
After a long day, Katsuki takes a shower and his thoughts turn to you.
On the Job | [e] | 4.5k | smut 🌸
Super human society has a secret. Aphrodisiac quirks aren’t just of porn and fantasy--they’re common and too often fall into the wrong hands. When heroes get hit, someone has to be able to activate the quirk’s release condition. If they’re single, who might that someone be?
The Rest with No Sound | [t] | 8.5k | slow burn, fluff 🌸
Bakugou thinks that people who wake up not remembering where they are are idiots. This is confirmed when it happens to him, head aching from a night of drinking. Idiot. But when he looks over, and sees you there, he realizes he doesn’t remember anything. So he has to gather the scattered pieces from the day before to figure out exactly how he ended up with you. Companion to Can’t Find My Breath
Stay | [g] | 2.2k | hurt/comfort 🌸
ask. The last thing you want to do on a rough day is worry Bakugou with your problems. So you try to hide it. You should have known better.
Steamy | [e] | 2.7k | smut
request. You're a pro hero, rising in the ranks and, happy though he is for you, Katsuki's old jealousy begins to roil. After you've been paraded around all evening as one of Japan's finest, Katsuki finds himself feeling more than a little possessive, and can't help himself from taking you as his.
Steel and Lace | [e] | 3.8k | smut
The only one who manages to get Bakugou’s birthday right is you.
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endeavor x reader
When the Smoke Clears | [e] | 17.4k | slow burn, smut
Soulmate AU. After his battle with Hawks against Hood, Endeavor wakes up in the hospital to find that a young doctor saved his life, their quirk being able to counteract the negative effects of his own. His first thought is that he has to talk to you–you might be able to fix the drawbacks of his quirk. His second thought is oh no, not again.
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iida x reader
Broken Glass | [g] | 1.8k | fluff, mild comfort
request. In a quirk-related accident you find yourself surrounded by shattered glass. Worst of all, most of that glass is from every single pair of your boyfriend’s glasses.
Flotsam, Jetsam, Lagan, and Derelict | [g] | 1.5k | hurt/comfort
ask. Trying to hide a panic attack from your boyfriend isn’t easy when he’s right next to you. But you’re determined to suffer alone.
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kaminari x reader
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.4k | hurt/comfort
You share your unsteady hope with Kaminari.
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kirishima x reader
Silhouette | [e] | 1.8k | smut, hurt/comfort
ask.  Before a gala, you’re stuck in the mirror, caught on all your old body insecurities. Kiri comes in and loves you regardless.
version 1: petite reader
version 2: curvy reader
We’ll See | [g] | 6.3k | gen, light romance 🌸
demisexual!Reader. After a fateful meeting, you and Kirishima keep running into each other. And although he’s so nice, you fear the fact that he might be interested in you. Even though all you want is, for once, to let yourself be happy and maybe fall in love, you can’t seem to be able to.
What We Look For | [t] | 15.5 | slow burn
Last time, you and Kirishima became friends—nothing more, nothing less. The idea of being something more sounds nice. But you can’t. You just can’t. So you won’t. Whatever happens will be on your own terms. Sequel to We'll See
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.4k | hurt/comfort
Kirishima freaks out while you experience a numb calm. You meet in the middle.
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midoriya x reader
Bad Days | [g] | 1.4k | hurt/comfort
Izuku helps you get out of bed.
Sunlight | [e] | 2.1k | smut 🌸
request. An early afternoon in bed with your husband, Izuku.
Surprised, Just Once | [e] | 5k | smut
request. You were planning on just another predictable night out with the girls. What you got was much, much more.
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.3k | hurt/comfort
Izuku holds you close while you watch the results.
Multiple unrelated oneshots with Deku with an s/o with an eating disorder | ask
Gratitude | [t] | 1.4k | hurt/comfort
After having been with Izuku a while, you’re suffering a relapse and he helps you through with some gratitude practices on date night.
Picnic | [t] | 1.8k | hurt/comfort
Izuku surprises you with a picnic on your second date, much to your horror.
A Start | [t] | 1.2k | hurt/comfort 🌸
You ask Izuku for help when you realize you need it.
Trust Yourself | [t] | 2.3k | hurt/comfort
Shortly after moving in together, Izuku learns of your struggles and tries his best to comfort and encourage you.
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shinsou x reader
Passing the Night Stars | [g] | 3.2k | hurt/comfort
The party was neon and you needed darkness.
2020 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.4k | hurt/comfort
Shinsou helps you prioritize yourself.
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todoroki x reader
All Dressed Up | [e] | 4.6k | smut 🌸
quarantine fic. It’s been months since you’ve dressed up, felt pretty, and felt seen by anyone. Your husband’s birthday is a perfect excuse to get all dressed up. And then take it right off.
All the Wasted Time | [e] | 3.2k | smut, fluff
Three months ago, you’d been ripped from Shouto’s side with something less than a love confession, something more than a show of feelings. Now that you’re back, you’re eager to make up for lost time. Siberia sequel, First Snow prequel
Bad Days | [g] | 0.9k | hurt/comfort 🌸
Shouto comforts you when your demons arrive unexpectedly.
First Snow | [g] | 2.2k | fluff
A year after the events in Siberia, you and Shouto are happily together, and it’s the first snow of the year. Siberia and All the Wasted Time sequel
On the Job | [e] | 3.4k | smut 🌸
Super human society has a secret. Aphrodisiac quirks aren’t just of porn and fantasy--they’re common and too often fall into the wrong hands. When heroes get hit, someone has to be able to activate the quirk’s release condition. If they’re single, who might that someone be?
You. Sequel to On the Job (Bakugou); can be read alone
Siberia | [e] | 13.8k | pining/angst, smut, fluff 🌸
On the field, you and Todoroki are rising stars amongst hero pairings. Off the field…you’re kind of in love with him. After a successful capture, you’re boss brings you in to let you know you’re being sent on assignment in foreign country…alone. Before you leave, you have to act. You’re not partners anymore, after all. And with a little liquid courage you do. Then, the next morning, you still have to leave. All the Wasted Time and First Snow prequel.
Worth it | [t] | 0.3k | gen
The morning after with your boyfriend, Shouto.
2021 Election Night Comfort | [g] | 0.5k | hurt/comfort
The stress of election day comes back swiftly during the Georgia runoff and Todoroki’s quick to notice.
all works below are within the world of the a spare heart series:
A series about a fem, American reader who had to transfer to U.A. partway through second year. You’re there to become a hero, that much is obvious, but why else did you come? And, more importantly, what—or who—makes you stay?
may, year two:
- reader finishes junior year of American high school early
- reader transfers to u.a. from the united states
The Meeting | [g] | 0.1k | gen
Reader meets Tokoyami for the first time. Sequel to first impressions from my wip list
Hollow Victory | [g] | 9.6k | gen, action
chapter 1 | chapter 2
You transferred to U.A. from America two weeks ago. No one has found out your quirk yet. Today, they’re going be meeting it head on and you have the advantage: surprise.
june, year two:
Illiterate | [g] | 2.1k | fluff, comfort
Being unable to read Japanese makes you feel so stupid. And who comes into the common room after midnight just as you’re about to cry? The boy who hasn’t spoken to you in three weeks.
The Offering | [g] | 0.4k | fluff, gen.
The Mission (Shouto POV) | [g] | 0.3k | fluff, gen., silly
september, year two:
Impetus | [g] | 2.1k | friendship
Ever since Shinsou found out what your quirk was, the two of you have been each other’s best friends and confidantes. But when he turns a casual training session into a tease over your supposed crush on someone in your class, that trust might just break.
january, year two:
This Clock Never Seemed So Alive | [g] | 1.2k | fluff, comfort
You and your boyfriend, Shouto, always walk to class together, but today you haven’t yet left your dorm. When he checks on you, he finds you awake, but curled on your side, suffering from period cramps.
The Questions (drabble) | [g] | 0.1k | gen.
The Sweetness (double drabble) | [g] | 0.2k | fluff, comfort
february, year three:
Between Fear and Guilt | [t] | 2.5k | light angst, comfort
You and Shouto only started being intimate a couple months back, but you’re already experiencing a dry spell. Today you’re going to figure out what’s up with your boyfriend once and for all.
fifteen years after graduation
Something Perfect | [e] | 3.7k | smut, fluff
After years of questioning if Shouto would ever want children, he’s finally decided that he really does. Overjoyed, the two of you decide to get started.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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[ the same eyes as you ]
prequel to ‘it’s good to be home’ (read here)
pairing: tsukishima kei x f!reader
word count: 1.5k words
contains: slight angst, tsukishima is a FATHER
anon: henlo can you do one with tsukishima where he breaks up with reader and the reader just found out she's pregnant with his child, and then time skips he saw the reader with a child and he's like shookt and you can do whatever you want after that shhsahagag that's all i got. Sorryy if that's too weird.
a/n: omg YES PREGNANT!READER BUT MAKE IT ANGST !! i’ve been so excited to write this one and ngl it’s a bit short but i hope you like it !!
months ago, you would have never thought you’d be hiding a positive pregnancy test from tsukishima. in fact, he would be the first person you would show it to. in your mind, you could still see the way his eyes would light up despite the nervous quiver of his mouth at finding he was going to be a father. 
but after the fight you two just had, after hearing tsukishima say the words that put a period on your relationship, you kept the information firmly to yourself. you didn’t care if the child in your belly was also tsukishima’s. he said he no longer wanted you in his life and so, you were going to walk out of it. 
maybe months ago, you thought he would make a good father. 
“so, are you going to have the baby?” your friend asked. you decided to move into her place after leaving the apartment you and tsukishima once shared. you bit your lip, placing a hand over your belly, trying to imagine another beating heart inside of you. 
as much as you wanted to, you still couldn’t bring yourself to completely hate tsukishima kei. you wished things to go back to the way they were, that you would open your eyes in the morning and find his arm wrapped around you again or hear him mumbling an apology in your ear and a ‘don’t go’ that you were more than happy to oblige to.
you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of this baby and you were willing enough to raise them, even if tsukishima was no longer in the picture. 
tsukishima would rather die than admit that he quite liked it when he had to tour for school field trips. of course, he hated it when kids were rowdy but he found that they weren’t as annoying as adults said they would be. most of the time, tsukishima found that they were interested enough about the museum exhibits to be silent and pay attention. 
and most of all, tsukishima loved the funny questions that they would ask. his favorite one from the tour he just did earlier was when this young girl asked if it was possible that dinosaurs were furry or had hair since the fossils didn’t exactly said that they wouldn’t.
‘you sure are going places,’ tsukishima laughed to himself, shaking his head as he left the floor for another tour guide to take over with a fossil-digging activity. tsukishima suddenly remembered that at one point, he did consider having kids.
except, the person he wanted to start a family with was long gone. 
tsukishima was still filled with regret for saying those things to you years ago. after you left, the realization that the apartment, that was now technically his, was too empty. the bathroom didn’t have its usual amount of your skincare and hair products. the kitchen cupboards didn’t have your favorite cereal and tea. and the bed. it didn’t smell like you anymore. tsukishima actually stopped sleeping there for a week because it felt so wrong
he had half a mind to call you up and ask you back but you also changed your contact info, much to his surprise. and when he finally did get ahold of your number, tsukishima couldn’t press ‘call.’ 
after everything he said to you, would you really want to come back?
tsukishima did try to move on, tried to open himself up more to new relationships and meeting new people. but in the end, things never quite worked out. and tsukishima would always know that you were the one that got away.
‘no point in dwelling in the past,’ tsukishima reminded himself as he entered the museum cafe to get some lunch, which was funny because that’s exactly when the past caught up to him.
right when he sat at his table was when you sat at yours and when you looked up across the two tables between the two of you, your eyes landed on your ex-boyfriend.
“tsukishima kei,” you involuntarily said aloud.
“y/n,” you heard him say in reply. his eyes widened as he took in the sight of you. the fact that you were older was a given, but he couldn’t deny that you looked well. especially since the last time he saw you was when you were leaving his apartment.
“well,” you felt a wry smile tug at your lips. “look at you.”
you couldn’t put a pin exactly on how you were feeling. maybe years ago you would have turned away at the sight of him. but you had raised a whole child by yourself without his help. at this point, there wasn’t anything you were afraid of facing head.
“yeah,” tsukishima swallowed. “how have you been?” 
you had a feeling that tsukishima was drifting in and out of his comfort zone at this point so you knew you had to take some control. and with that, you decided to sit at his table.
“quite alright, actually,” you smiled. “got a job and a house and all that fun adult stuff,” you chuckled. with a pang, tsukishima realized you were playing on an inside joke between you two. he remembered that day you two went shopping for apartment furniture, laughing at the fact that you two were now ‘finally becoming adults because we bought a dishrack now’.
“ah, same here,” tsukishima nodded.
“you work here?” you asked, gesturing vaguely at the museum.
“yeah, curating and doing tours,” tsukishima said. he knew very well that he wasn’t being conversational but that’s because he wouldn’t be able to control himself. years ago, you left because he hurt you and he wanted you back for so long. and now, you were right here in front of him.
and then, you decided to finally drop the bomb.
"when i left, i was pregnant,” you said. tsukishima felt his world go cold as he stared at you in disbelief.
“did you...?”
“i kept it, her, actually,” you laughed before falling silent and looking softly at your child’s father. “...she has your eyes.”
as if on cue, a young girl ran into the cafe and into your arms. “mommy!” she exclaimed. tsukishima watched with wide eyes, recognizing the little girl as the one who asked the funny question about dinosaurs earlier during the tour. aside from his eyes, tsukishima could see that her hair was just a darker shade of blonde than his. but her smile, that was yours.
“hey, honey. how was the tour?” you smiled, fixing the ribbon on her hair that had come loose.
“it was great! there was this really big triceratops skeleton that was even bigger than you and then we had a fossil digging activity and i dug up a lot of them!” your daughter continued to chatter. over her head, you had a clear view of the look on tsukishima’s face. his mouth hung slightly open and other than the rise and fall of his shoulders, you couldn’t tell if he was breathing. his eyes looked close to watering.
“oh, it’s mr. tour guide man!” your daughter grinned, turning around to face tsukishima who looked like a deer in the headlights now. “mommy, do you know him?” 
“he’s... an old friend,” you said, patting your daughter’s hair. “now, why don’t you run along first? mommy’s only going to talk for a few minutes,” you smiled.
“grown-up talk?” your daughter wrinkled her nose.
“yes, grown-up talk,” you chuckled. your daughter hopped off your lap, waved a little goodbye at the man she didn’t know was her father, and ran off.
“i... i have a daughter?” tsukishima whispered, watching her leave. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“i don’t think it would have fixed anything, between us, i mean,” you sighed.
“but, i could have at least known,” tsukishima said. “i... all this time...” he sighed and hung his head, finally opening about what he wanted to say.
“i wanted to reach out to you, to get you back.” 
“why didn’t you?” you asked. “all this time, i thought you wanted nothing to do with me.” 
“i guess we’re even,” tsukishima chuckled mirthlessly. “but, i hurt you more. you had to raise her by yourself, didn’t you?” 
“pretty much,” you pursed your lips, remembering those first few months when you definitely needed someone around.
tsukishima swallowed. he had no right to ask for this, not after everything he’s done or rather, failed to do. but he wanted to at least let you know that he wanted this. “can i be there, for the rest of her life? for the rest of your life?” 
“not going to lie, i’ve been having a hard time letting people in after we broke up,” you said. “but... i have missed you, tsukishima kei.” 
it felt as if a huge weight was lifted off tsukishima’s chest. he didn’t deserve this second chance, but now that he had that, he wasn’t going to let that go.
“we could start small,” he offered. “i could come see you guys once a week if you like.” 
“that sounds good,” you nodded. “she’s a lot like you, you know? one hell of a smart mouth,” you chuckled. 
“i better brace myself then,” tsukishima laughed, genuinely now. “what’s her name?” 
“hikari,” you smiled. 
“hikari,” tsukishima nodded, looking out the window of the cafe and watching hikari, his daughter, laughing with her friends in the museum lobby. “she has your smile, y/n.” 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (still open to anyone who wants in!): @montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @tpwkatsumu
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Meet The Parents
Over on The Bog on Discord, there is a cursed Shrek channel. The idea for this fic was encouraged there and, well, 1.5k later, I have so many regrets, this is definitely what I'd call a shrekcident. All I can say is that writing Shrek and Fiona is really really difficult!
@dapandapod, @thecomfortofoldstorries and @fontegagrilledcheese I think you all asked to be tagged when this is up?
Meet The Parents
There had been several letters from back home, suggesting Jaskier return and brings his lovely travelling companion. It was, without a doubt, Jaskier’s mother writing the letters, she had always had a better grasp on courtly things than his father. Truth be told, it was no secret that the Count of Lettenhove absolutely hated ruling and would much rather spend his time out and about. There were several swamps in Lettenhove that he claimed needed his very dedicated attention. The fact Jaskier’s mother went along with him was no surprise. Despite her upbringing, she was quite fond of a swamp or two too.
“It’s another letter,” Jaskier sighed, flicking it into the fire in the inn. “I don’t understand why they are so insistent on me bringing you home. I mean, they’ve never been interested in previous love interests before. Probably because they’ve all held titles and had standards.” Geralt grunted, eyes fixed on the small alchemy set up he had going on the table. It didn’t deter Jaskier as he carried on. “Mother thinks you and father might get on well once you get past the initial shock of meeting.”
“I can’t imagine anyone being over the moon to meet a Witcher. Especially not one that their darling son is fucking.”
“Well, quite. Father had a couple of run ins with Witchers in his youth. Not all of them were pleasant. But I’m sure you can change his mind.” Jaskier hummed to himself as he thought. “Plus Mother was a cursed princess so you might find some common ground with her. And did I mention my uncle? I spent a lot of time with him growing up, he was really patient, letting me learn to walk by clinging to him. Anyway, he and his dragon-”
“Dragon?” Naturally Geralt perked up at that. “You should have started with that. We’re going to Lettenhove.”
Naturally Geralt had assumed the worst. As if anyone related to Jaskier would be able to keep a dragon against her will. His family was just too nice! But Geralt would learn that fact for himself in a few short weeks when they arrived at Jaskier’s ancestral castle. It was a castle, not a mansion, well kept, if a little more shabby than most. There were overgrown bushes around it and Geralt could have sworn the small of a sulphuric swamp drifted on the winds. They marched up the stairs, everything eerily quiet until the door burst open to reveal two menacing figures.
“Ogres!” Geralt shoved Jaskier behind himself, a snarl on his lips and ready to fight. “I believe this is the Count and Countess of Lettenhove’ residence. What are you doing here?”
“Witcher!” The male ogre spat. “Nothing good has ever come of your kind. You’re not making us move.”
From behind Geralt, Jaskier sprang forwards. “Mother! Father!” He embraced the ogres before being almost bowled over by a donkey. “Uncle!”
“You call this a greeting? This is how you say hello to your favourite uncle? What have I got to do before I get a hug from my favourite nephew?” The donkey looked to the side where the ogres were still staring and turned to see what the issue was. “That’s a Witcher. Oh, that’s your Witcher! That’s a nice Witcher.”
That seemed to pull Jaskier back into the moment and he stood up, clearing his throat. “Right, Mother, Father, Uncle, this is Geralt of Rivia. Geralt, my family.”
Vesemir would be so ashamed if he ever found out how Geralt reacted. All the years spent drilling manners into Geralt’s head were for naught.
“Well,” the donkey said into the stunned silence, “when one ogre loves another ogre and they’re into experimenting with potions-”
“Donkey!” Jaskier’s parents cried in unison before his mother continued. “Please excuse Donkey. I’m Fiona, this is Shrek. And to answer your question, ogres and humans had different anatomy. We got curious, had potions to change temporarily and, well, Jaskier happened during those three days.”
It was Jaskier’s turn to hiss, “Mother! Please don’t tell Geralt about your kinky sex lives.”
“Yes, Eskel told me about ogre anatomy and the differences in rather too much detail,” Geralt grumbled.
“Eskel fucked an ogre?”
“It was an orgy actually - though he insisted on calling it an ogre-y. Said he couldn’t get the mud from the swamp out of certain places for over a week.”
As far as first impressions went, Geralt didn’t think he could have done any worse. But he was being ushered in all the same, Donkey already chattering away about the inane things that had happened since Jaskier last visited. It left Geralt in the rather silent company of Shrek while Fiona led the way.
“Dinner’s at seven,” Shrek gritted out and Geralt hummed in acknowledgement which garnered a grunt in reply.
“Oh my word, you’re marrying your father,” Donkey cried at Jaskier, head snapping to look between Shrek’s retreating back and Geralt standing in the hallway as Fiona opened a door.
“Don’t mind him-” Whatever else she was saying went over Geralt’s head because he caught up with Donkey’s words. Just what was that about marrying?!
They stepped into the room and Jaskier let out a wail of anguish. “Mother! Two beds, really?”
“Just be glad Shrek let you even share a room. But I couldn’t talk him out of having Mirror on the wall.”
“Hello,” the enchanted mirror called. “Please don’t rearrange the room or do anything untoward, I really rather wouldn’t see those kinds of things.”
Geralt closed his eyes and took a few steadying breaths. This was fine, he could do this, there was a dragon somewhere around and he was duty bound to make sure she was free. He regretted such a decision by the evening. There was indeed a dragon who lived at the castle but she refused to take a human form, far too happy and, of all things, in love with Donkey, enough to have a clutch with him Dragon-Donkey babies were terrifying, Geralt had ascertained, menaces, taking their temperament from their father while their mother gifted them with wings and the ability to breathe fire. Suddenly, Geralt understood why there were never any contracts in the area. The locals befriended every creature, monster and anything in between. And any they couldn’t? Well, ogres and dragons could easily keep things in check.
Once the shock of it all had worn off, Geralt could actually focus on eating. Other than Jaskier, there seemed to be no one who cared for things like utensils.
“Please, Mother, Father, at least try to have some manners?” Jaskier looked pleadingly at his parents. His only response was Fiona letting out quite the impressive belch before high fiving Shrek.
The sound of small, pattering feet caught Geralt’s attention. He looked at Shrek and Fiona before trying to find the source of the sound. This seemed like the kind of company that would appreciate his party trick with a fork. A hand around his wrist stopped him.
“Not the Three Blind Mice. They’re friends.”
Almost disappointed, Geralt settled back to finish his surprisingly hearty meal. It wasn’t the usual fair of courts, this was more about being filling and warm rather than showing off all the money that went into making tiny portions full of expensive spices. However, it certainly helped set Geralt at ease.
“So, when’s the wedding?” The small amount of peace was shattered by Shrek asking around a mouthful. It had Jaskier shrieking while the rest of his family watched him, frozen in place but not exactly surprised. More like they were patiently waiting for him to be done. Shrek shrugged. “I thought you were bringing your Witcher home to get married. Isn’t that how it usually goes in fairytales?”
“That’s only princes and princesses,” Donkey cut in. “You have a viscount. They don’t have to get married. Unless…?”
“I’m not proposing,” Geralt blurted out. There was a collective groaning sigh from the table, some of it relief, some of it disappointment and Geralt didn’t know just how offended he should be. He didn’t expect Jaskier to loudly but delicately put his cutlery onto his plate to make in clink pointedly.
“Good. Because I wanted to be the one to propose. On my own terms. In my own time. Mother, do you still have the ring? I think I will take it with us. Might eventually use it.”
Donkey gasped. “Not the One Ring?”
“No!” Jaskier sounded exasperated. “We all know what happened to cousin Gollum with that one. I don’t have any wishes to lose my hair because of that. I meant Grandmother’s ring. I doubt Grandfather’s would be very useful.” He turned to Geralt. “Grandfather was turned into a frog. His ring is rather tiny as a result.”
Of course Jaskier had ogres for parents and a frog for a grandfather. He still took after his uncle the most by the sounds of things. Given how Donkey hadn’t stopped making noises, whether it was humming or popping his lips, it was incessant. Geralt felt he now understood Jaskier a whole lot better. And, when the time came, if Jaskier did offer him a ring, Geralt had zero reservations about the knowledge that he would say yes. But the wedding was going to be at Kaer Morhen, he was going to have to insist on that.
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✨ REQUEST by @meteora-fc: heyo! please can you do 3 from the smut prompt list with bishop 😏 ty ty!!
✨ Prompt: “Come to bed, I can't sleep without your hips pressed against mine”.
Gif credit: to my amazing @sonsofeorl.
WORDS: about 1.5k.
Warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, a little of overstimulation, mention of bodily fluid.
❚❙ A/N: thanks for requesting, my dear. I hope you enjoy this piece I wrote in less than 30 minutes, which is a record time. I’m sorry it took me so long and I know this should be part of ‘January of Prompts’, but I decided to take it as another request due it has been impossible for me to write this challenge.
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You have been trying to sleep for an hour now, but it has become an impossible mission knowing that your husband is still awake for some reason. He has been through some shit with Los Olvidados and Miguel Galindo lately and he doesn't want you to worry you feeling him spinning around your shared bed as he fights to fall asleep. But you prefer that than being alone. Getting up brushing your hair with your fingers, you lead your bare feet to the back porch, crossing your arms and rubbing them with both hands to get warm as you come closer to the outside.
Bishop is sitting on a chair with his legs rested on the wooden railings, smoking and holding an empty beer. Wrapping his chest from behind with your arms, you lean forward to press a gentle kiss on his raspy jawline. And you can't help but let go a soft purr as you sink your nose into the gap between his neck and his shoulder. Setting off the cig in the ashtray, he lands his right hand on the back of your head closing his eyes for a second.
“Come to bed... I can’t sleep without your hips pressed against mine”. You whisper into his ear with a provocative tone of voice, extending the last four words to highlight them.
You can see the smirk appearing on his face a second before standing up and lacing his fingers with yours, so you can guide him through your house straight to the main bedroom. In your way, he isn't able to put his free hand away from your throat to earn some exposed skin of your neck to kiss it slowly. Once Bishop puts a hand on your body, he can't stop touching you.
As soon as you reach your bed and tuck in, you get what you wanted, what you needed. His strong arms surround you without hesitation, pressing his body against yours; too close there's no distance between both. His lips continue adhered to you, leaving mouth-opened kisses from his starting point till finding your mouth in the middle of the gloom. Bishop tastes like nicotine and alcohol, but it doesn't disgust you, sliding your tongue into his cavity to crash with his in a friendly match.
Your husband bites and sucks your bottom lip, slowly swinging his hips against your ass and creating some friction as your t-shirt rolls up and down with every move from his body. You don't shut the soft moans that soon fills your room, grabbing his right wrist massaging your nipples over the cotton fabric to direct it down over your abdomen. His palm getting dragged gives you shivers, closing your eyelids when his fingertips caress your hipbone ending up playing with the waistband of your black panties.
“Tell me what you want, querida…” Bishop's voice puts you to tremble briefly, so needed after a couple of days without feeling him this close.
“I want you, Obispo”. You almost sob, dancing your hips in sync to earn more friction against the bulge growing under his boxers. “Need you inside me tonight… I need you”.
“I'll do anything for you”. He murmurs, while his hand makes his way to your already-ready pussy. “I'm so sorry for unattending you… Could you forgive me, mi amor?”
While he continues speaking to you, his index finger slightly caresses your swollen clit causing you to gasp eagerly.
“Yes… Yes, Bish”.
“I'll make it up to you”. And you know pretty well he will keep his promise.
Removing his hand from your panties, your husband pulls them down through your legs before doing the same with his underwear. You stirr at the simple touch of his bare skin and the heat it emanates from. Bishop urges you to raise a leg so he can guide his hard cock to your folds, playing with them as the head rubs your entrance to coat it with your arousal. And it feels so damn good after two days. Placing his hand on your inner thigh, he makes his way through your warm and soaked pussy, nailing his hardness as deep as he is able.
“Oh, god…” You cry out intertwining your fingers with the ones gripping your throat, rolling your eyes to the back of your head inevitably.
Bishop is so thick and big that you know you won't ever adjust to his size. He's aware of it, always giving you some seconds to get used to his cock, even if he adores the way your cunt suffocates him every time he's balls deep between your legs.
“Move… please… please”.
Sticking his chest to your back under the sheets, your husband rocks his hips slowly, taking his time to enjoy that being buried inside your body is the only way he feels like he's at home. There's no better place for him.
“You take me so good, baby girl… You're so tight… Can you feel it, ah?” His hoarse words fall onto your ear, urging you to lie a little over your back so he can devour your mouth.
Bishop doesn't give you the chance to reply, invading your cavity with his tongue and his grunts as his pelvis speed up furiously when he knows that your walls are already adjusted to his prominent erection. Tossing your leg behind to his and freeing his hand, he directs it to your breasts straight to one of your nipples. Bishop pinches it, twists it, pulls it, earning the delicious whinings that make him feel proud of satisfying you.
“Fuck, cariño… Oh, fuck… Please… Please, Obispo… fuck me harder”.
You can't deny you're such a filthy and needed whore for your man's dick. That's a fact. And can't do anything, but take your wishes as his commands. He lives for making you happy. The pace of his thrusts increases, creating a beautiful noise that fills your room when his hardness is sunk into your soaked cunt, not giving you time to catch back your breathing.
“Mi amor, you're so damn… perfect for me…” Bishop growls against your lips, keeping eye contact since he loves to see every expression drawn on your face. “You're my home… the only place I wanna come back… every single second of my life”.
You try to tell him how much you love him between short and clumsy kisses, running out of air and feeling the pearls of sweat touring your forehead.
Your husband needs to hear you screaming his name, substituting his lips for his fingers and sliding them into your mouth.
“Suck them, baby girl… Suck them like I know you can”.
And you give him a whole show, moans included before leading them to your thighs. Bishop spreads your folds using his digits, as he moves them from up to down stroking your most sensitive skin right now. He has learned how to touch you by paying attention to your vocals, how loud they are, the words you try to utter. Your husband knows to perfection how much pleasure these caresses to your inner lips provokes you, while he continues pounding you with no mercy. That gesture shortens the time you can resist till finding the orgasm, but when you explode, he pushes your soul out of your body.
Bishop makes you cum. He makes you cry, screams his full name, trying to put his hand away from your pussy when he wants to continue rubbing your satisfied pearl with his fingertips from one side to another; overstimulating you as he hasn't finished yet. You can't even talk, nor think. You aren't strong enough to make him stop, crashing his body against yours until emptying himself inside your guts.
“Oh, fuck, sweetheart!”
His seed fills you completely, pressing his anatomy to yours as his arms wrap you as much tight as he is able to. Bishop can feel his dick twitching buried in your more than pleased hole, as your legs and your hands are shaking for too much pleasure roaming every single inch of you.
“Good girl… Good girl”. Bishop whispers against your neck, resting his forehead there during a short moment. “You're the goodest girl, my lovely wife… You know how to cheer me up…”
“That's my job”. You giggle barely breathing, getting comfier under his tight grip. You don't want him to move away from you. “Don't… pull it out, please…”
“Want it inside the whole time, ah?” Bishop scoffs, pressing his body a little more against you, earning a soft and broken gasp. “Beg for it… I love to hear you begging”.
“I shouldn't”. You complain. “I've been a good girl… not disturbing you while you were working… and I was here alone. Needing my husband. So I have the right to keep your dick inside me a little more, Obispo. I'm not going to beg for it”.
You can feel him chuckling in silence, infecting you with his good humor after releasing all the tension the club has caused on him.
“Whatever”. He teases you, pretending to move back and not hear your speech.
But you don't let him. Of course not. You force his arms to stay around your body, sticking your body to his. You can't avoid a soft grunt escaping your lips when Bishop pushes his semi-erection a little deeper, hitting unexpectedly your g-spot. He's going to kill you. That's for sure.
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
Are We There Yet?
Bodhi Rook x gender neutral reader
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: suggestive content
A/N: This is a birthday surprise for my bestie @zinzinina​​​​ that the lovely @mandaloriandin​​​​ and I created, but anyone can read this if they want to!
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You weren't sure how many days you had been cramped up in the small ship with Bodhi. You were never good at keeping track of time in hyperspace — that was Bodhi's area of expertise, not yours. But you weren’t dumb; it was no coincidence that Bodhi took you on this little trip days before your birthday. You just weren't sure how many rotations were left before the big day — not with time seemingly dragging on as you stared out into the blue haze of hyperspace.
Bodhi greeted you with a smile as you approached the cockpit and sat in the copilot's seat beside him. He looked a lot happier here with you. He loved fighting for the Rebellion, but sometimes even the toughest fighters needed a break from it all. However, in war, a break was hard to come by. So he was taking a huge risk by 'borrowing’ this small ship to take you on what he described as an 'impromptu getaway.'
You knew there was nothing impromptu about it. Bodhi was not really the spontaneous type, and you knew he wouldn't desert the Rebellion when they needed him most. He must have planned this, and you were willing to bet credits that Cassian or Jyn helped him commandeer the ship too. You played along when he tried to write the trip off as nothing out of the ordinary. There wasn't much Bodhi could do to surprise you — not with constantly being on the Rebellion’s schedule. So you were happy to pretend his little plan had gone unnoticed if it made him feel like he was actually going to surprise you for your birthday.
Even without the element of surprise, you were still excited to see where he was taking you. You wouldn't have expected the trip would take this long, but then again, you assumed he had to find a destination left untouched by the Empire — something which was unfortunately becoming harder and harder to do nowadays.
"You're going to ask me again, aren't you?" Bodhi broke the comfortable silence in the cockpit, and you cracked a grin upon hearing his words.
"It's what you get for dragging me away from my comfy bunk back at the base."
"You and I both know those bunks are lousy."
You shrugged your shoulders, biting your lip to stop yourself from laughing too much. The entire crew had a running joke about the way Bodhi bemoaned the rock-hard bunks the Rebellion was infamous for. The first week he had spent there, he wouldn't stop complaining that even the cold-hearted Imperials gave them more comfortable beds than that. He only stopped his whining when Cassian teased, "We're rebels, Bodhi. We can’t afford luxurious beds." Your crew never let him live it down, but you knew he loved joking around with you about anything, even if it was at his expense sometimes.
"Alright, go ahead." Bodhi surrendered with a playful sigh. "Ask me."
You chuckled and got up from your seat so you could sit on his lap. If you were going to harass him for the rest of the trip, you might as well do it with his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Are we there yet?" You whined, putting on your best mock pout to drive the point home.
It was probably the 20th time you had asked him the silly question, as if he could just pull you out of hyperspace and arrive at the destination instantly. But this time, he seemed to do just that. He reached past your back and pulled at the controls, effectively bringing the ship out of hyperspace and stopping in front of a large, green planet. You glanced over your shoulder to look out the viewport and gasped at how beautiful it looked even from all the way out here in space.
"We're here," Bodhi responded with a grin. "It's been four standard rotations since we left, love. Which means… Happy birthday."
He looked almost bashful now, clearing his throat nervously as you snuggled closer to his chest.
"Thank you, Bodhi," you whispered before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. He leaned into your touch, his lips seeking yours out before you indulged him and deepened the kiss as a way to show your gratitude. The two of you stayed like that for a moment, happy in each other's embrace and far from the dangers of the war. Then he pulled away from you, eager to show you exactly where he had brought you.
The trip down to the planet's surface was exciting enough on its own, and you had barely made it through the atmosphere. You had never seen a planet crawling with so much life before. You were used to desert planets, having been born on one in the Outer Rim and sent on missions to some of the most dreadful dirtballs. As Bodhi expertly landed the ship in a clearing among the tall trees, you gaped at how beautiful everything looked. You weren’t sure if he had brought you to this specific spot on purpose, but past the trees, you could see a large river leading to a waterfall. You heard Bodhi chuckle from his seat beside you, drawing you back to reality before you turned to see his shy smile.
Your eyes welled with happy tears, amazed that he was even able to find such a lovely place that wasn’t under Imperial rule. “You did all this just for my birthday?”
Bodhi shrugged, acting as humble as ever. “It’s your first birthday with me, so I thought I’d make it special. We could all use one happy day during a time like this.”
He looked down at the controls of the ship, unable to hold your loving gaze for too long. No matter how much you reassured him how much he meant to you, he always felt a little shy bringing up the fight against the Empire because of the part he had played in it before defecting. You reached forward to tilt his chin up so he’d look at you.
“Thank you for bringing me here, love.” You brushed your lips against his again, helping him relax against you before you pulled away with a smile. “So, are we going to explore?”
Bodhi helped you pack some food and other necessities before the two of you made the short trek to the waterfall you had seen. Once you got past the trees, your jaw dropped at the sight of the crystal-clear water tumbling down the cliffside into the large pool of water below. There was just enough space for you and Bodhi to sit near the water and eat the food you had brought along with you. He helped you lay a blanket on the lush grass, his hands knocking against yours every once in a while as if he was a shy schoolboy trying to show you he had feelings for you. It was something so small, but somehow, the innocent gesture still left you flustered and yearning to feel more of him.
You felt at ease with Bodhi, able to talk to him about anything while the two of you ate together. You liked the way he watched you with rapt attention as you rambled on about whatever was on your mind. He always gave you the attention you deserved, filing away whatever information you shared for days like this, when he wanted to surprise you with something or show you he cared. He was everything you could ask for in a friend and in a partner. And as you stared at your gorgeous surroundings, you felt so grateful to have met the pilot.
“So… have you enjoyed your birthday so far?” Bodhi asked hesitantly, as if there was any way you could possibly say “no” after everything he had done.
You bit your lip and scooted closer to him so that you could wrap your arms around his body in a tight hug. “This is more than I could have ever asked for, love. I can’t thank you enough for it.”
He kissed your forehead and caressed you with feather-light touches. “I wish it could always be like this. You deserve so much more than the galaxy has to offer.”
Bodhi’s soft confession made your heart beat faster, and you wanted to tell him the same thing. But you were never good at receiving compliments, especially when they were spoken with such adoration. Instead, you wanted to show your feelings through actions.
You pulled yourself from Bodhi’s warm embrace and tugged on his arm to pull him to his feet. “You’ve treated me so wonderfully today,” you said with a glint in your eye. “Now I want to show you how grateful I am for such a lovely gift.”
Bodhi watched with wide eyes as you quickly shed yourself of your clothes, and you chuckled at the way he looked at you as if he had never seen you naked before. Another tug of his arm had him stumbling closer to you, and you pressed yourself against him so he could feel your soft skin beneath his fingertips.
“Take off your clothes, Bodhi. I want to take a swim with you.” You nodded your head in the direction of the clear pool, eager to feel how soothing the water would be. “I think there’s still one more thing we have left to do to celebrate my birthday, don’t you?”
Happy birthday, Sam!! Kylie and I hope you enjoyed this sweet fluff with Bodhi!
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oigimi · 3 years
. inspiration .
. arthur x reader . 1.5k words . inspired by @/delicateikemenmemes’ arthur abcs prompts! pls go check it out!! . NSFW!! MINORS DNI .
“Coffee and monte cristo…” you mused, setting down a tray for Arthur, tracing his jawline and kissing his cheek. Your boyfriend had been at work for a while now, diligently writing his latest manuscript while you cooked and cleaned with Sebastian. It was difficult being away from Arthur while the both of you worked, especially when you knew that he was just a small walk away, in the very same house as you at any given time.
So that’s why he decided on a little game to lift the both of your spirits.
He took the food off the tray and smirked. “Thank you, my delightful little secretary. This almost looks as delicious as you.”
“Of course. Now get back to work.” Your face was growing warmer and warmer as you stared down at Arthur. He’d been growing a bit bored as of late and decided that a little roleplay was exactly what you’d needed to spice things up between the two of you. And what was quite as exciting as getting frisky during work hours? You, his gorgeous, sexy secretary coming in and ordering him around, teasing him and keeping him on his toes. It made his heart race, and it got him motivated in more ways than one.
But what really committed him to the fantasy you two had created was the clothes you wore. A tight little miniskirt and a white blouse, partially buttoned to leave little to his imagination. God, you were ravishing, and he wanted to let you know. But he had to focus on work, and that was part of the fun. Restraint, with only a few moments where he could express his passions throughout the day.
You turned around on your heel, sauntering away from Arthur and making sure he got a nice view of your ass. You got a rush from the fantasy too, relishing in the power you had over Arthur during work hours, and counting down in your head to the moment when he could tear your tight little clothes off and release all the pent-up passions he felt into you. A symbiotic relationship, it was, and you and Arthur loved it.
“You have to finish this draft by the end of the week, Arthur. And if you want to take the weekend off you have to have at least the plot of your next one mapped out.”
“Thank you, love.”
“And you can’t get distracted!”
“I won’t get distracted!” Arthur turned back to his desk and continued to work on the manuscript, stealing glances of you out of the corner of his eyes. You just looked so adorable, no matter what you were doing. Whether you were helping him with tasks or ordering him around, or even just telling him about how your day was going, he found you irresistible, and just couldn’t help but want a piece of you while he was working.
“Darling, come here for a moment, will you?”
You looked up and made your way over to Arthur. “What is it?”
“Does this make sense to you?” He pointed to a line of dialogue in his story and looked up at you. You read it and shrugged.
“Looks like a standard line to me. Why?”
“Well, I think I’m having a few problems deciding what comes after.”
“Are you?” You turned and looked at Arthur, who had a completely serious look on his face. He took his glasses off and reached up for you, gently rubbing your sides.
“I am. I need to take a break, my little dove. I apologize if this thwarts your schedule, but I simply don’t think I’ll be able to make any meaningful advancements in the story without some… stimulation. Care to assist me?”
His rubs and squeezes sent little jolts through your body, and you couldn’t help but elicit a little groan. “Arthur…” You sat down in his lap, looking up into his deep blue eyes. “You’d better be stimulated quickly, and then get back to the manuscript. You know what happens to good boys who get their work done?” You leaned forward, pushing your breasts against him, and kissed his neck. “They get treats.”
“And what about naughty boys?” Arthur whispered, nibbling on your earlobe. He pulled you even closer to him, feeling your soft breasts against him. He rubbed your back and trailed his hands down your figure, massaging you and giving your ass a few squeezes.
“Arthur-!” you whispered, trying to suppress how much pleasure you were actually getting from the few touches the author gave. He went in and pressed his lips to yours, hungrily pushing his tongue in your mouth and exploring the soft, wet territory that he’d grown to know so well. Arthur’s kisses were versatile. They could be soft, but they could also be rough and passionate. They could be short smacks or long, sexy makeout sessions. His lips treated yours so well, and before you knew it, your fingers were tangled in his hair to keep you clinging onto him. He was absolutely gaining power, switching from long, messy kisses to many quick kisses, one after the other. You moaned a little bit, arching your back and loosening up.
He stood up and carried you with him, supporting you with his hands firmly below your ass. “Careful there, love. Your little mind is spinning faster than you realize.” Arthur laid you down on his bed and slid his hands up your legs, sticking his fingers around your panties and up your sweet spot in just a few quick motions. He rubbed and massaged your clit, wetting you more and more with every moment.
“Arthur!” you gasped, feeling your legs go weak as he rubbed and pleasured you with those pale, long fingers. “Ar- mmf!” He leaned on top of you and kissed you again, smirking in satisfaction at the ease with which he made your mouth open for him. You two kissed, growing louder and louder, and craving one another more and more. Eventually, he pulled away, his breath getting heavier.
“The way you make me feel… it’s unlike anything anyone else can do. I need you, sweet dove. Please, let me have you…”
You nodded, not a single doubt in your mind. Arthur undid his pants and tossed them aside before giving your skirt and panties the same treatment. He grabbed your hips and pulled you close to him, leaning down and giving your lips one last sweet kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” With a single motion, Arthur slid into you and elicited from you a little whimper. You were tight, and you were wetter than he’d left you moments ago. He thrusted in and out of you as quickly as he possibly could, his large member leaving you gasping and reaching up for him. Your breasts bounced with every push and pull you felt, and Arthur reached out to feel one with one hand. He stuck his hand underneath your shirt and rubbed your nipple with his thumb, satisfied with the intensity with which your face flushed.
You groaned and gasped with every last breath you had. Your walls were stretching and wettening, every part of your body crying out in desire for Arthur. He met your gaze, absolutely enamored with every part of you. With your gorgeous, longing eyes and your flushed, perky breasts, and everything else you had to offer. He couldn’t help himself. He released inside of you and pulled out, leaving you trembling in pleasure and catching your breath.
“Did you like it?” Arthur asked, laying down beside you and pulling you in for a hug.
“Of course I did! You know you always treat me well.”
“That’s good. I try my best to, anyway.” He smiled and smoothed out your hair. “You’re just so beautiful I can’t help myself when I see you sometimes.”
“That means a lot coming from the most handsome man in the world.”
“You know it!” Arthur kissed your lips and laughed, rubbing your noses together. “Oh dear. My little dove, you said earlier that good boys get treats. You never answered… What do naughty boys get? I do believe I’ve just proven myself to be quite naughty indeed, wouldn’t you agree?”
You smiled and sat up, cradling Arthur’s head in your arms. “What do naughty boys get? Hmm. I’d say with how today’s going that naughty boys…” You kissed his temples, forehead, and the corners of his eyes. “I’d say they get naughty girls.”
“How lovely! Now I’d say it was worth it skipping out on a few moments of work today.”
“Well no more!” you laughed, hugging Arthur tighter. “Back to work, mystery author!”
“Oh, come on! Lay with me a little longer? Grant me just a few more moments of inspiration, lovely secretary of mine?” He looked up at you with eyes reminiscent of his beloved dog, and grinned when you were unable to stifle your laugh.
“Alright. Just a little while longer.”
Arthur smiled wide, thanking you with hugs and kisses. The two of you lied in bed together, staring into one another’s eyes, rubbing each other’s noses, and thanking one another for your time and love, promising to always inspire one another as long as the both of you were together.
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yelenasdog · 4 years
hurricane (brian may x fem reader)
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request by the wonderful @speciallyred w prompts 45 and 58 from this prompt list! i was super nervous to write this bc i love her writing but i hope u enjoy!!
genre: per request of anna, angsty! but it ends w some fluff to mend ur broken heart hehe
summary: he’s never home, and neither is she. he can’t communicate, and she just wants to be loved.
words: 1.5k this was supposed to b a drabble OOPS
warnings: crying, sadness, mentions of marriage+kids, mentions and accusations of cheating, i think that’s it but as always, lmk if i missed any!
a/n: ok so a. y/n wasn’t used so if u wanted this do bri x some other female or oc that would work, and b. i also didn’t use anything that would keep this from being able to be read as a gwil!bri fic :) mwah (also i just realized this but this could totally be a song fic for i want love by elton john ok bye luv u)
 ⭑ 🎸
It was deathly silent in the spacious former home of Brian and his beloved, that had now been reduced to only a house. The ticking of the grandfather clock he had insisted that they had to have when they moved in could be heard ringing out and echoing, pestering the girl to no end.
It was always quiet in their house, even when they fought. There was never a rushed bustle of children you had to get out the door to school, and not even a cat or dog to create a disruptive chaos as they ran about, muddy paws leaving marks on the floor.
There would be the occasional record playing lowly, the notes floating about the house, and sometimes if she couldn’t sleep, she would have Bri play her a soft tune on his old acoustic, his voice having no issue bringing her to rest.
But even now, during one of the most heart wrenching fights that the pair had gone through, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the hardwood flooring.
As Brian was a soft and gentle man, never yelling or raising his voice in the slightest. He wasn’t mean or cruel, in fact, his entire aura calmed her to no end, which is why she supposed she hated this so much.
She scanned with careful eyes over his silhouette, watching as stray curls rustled from the draft coming in from the open window, goosebumps raising on both of their exposed arms.
“What are you looking at?”
“Just you, Bri.”
He rolled his eyes from where he sat on the white sofa, moving his fist under his chin. A scoff fell from his rosy lips as he turned his head to look out the window, not actually paying any mind to the green hills, a light frost covering the entire landscape.
“So are you just going to ignore me?”
“I’m not ignoring you.”
A salty tear rolled down her face, the incoming breeze hitting her dampened face. She inhaled sharply, her chilled skin becoming slimy and cold to the touch.
Brian wouldn’t know that, though, he hadn’t touched her in days. Weeks, even.
She had wanted to say that his words were malicious, with venom dripping from his tone, like some sort of acid was coating his vocal cords.
But they weren’t. His voice never raised a damn octave, staying completely neutral. And it was driving her mad.
“Then what is this, Brian?”
“I’m collecting my thoughts.”
She laughed, the sound lacking its usual melodic intonation that the guitarist adored so much. He was the reasoning behind the dry chuckle, that much he knew, and he hated it. God, how he despised it. But, he would never let it show. How could he, when he was the initiator of the (extremely childish, now that he thought over it) conflict to begin with? He knew his accusation was emptier than the large building they resided in, and he knew that the results would be horrendous.
But jealousy was an ugly green parasite that had rooted itself in Brian May’s heart, slowly consuming him from the inside out. It was like a devil that rested on his left shoulder, insisting that she was unfaithful, taking advantage of his extended leaves. He foolishly acted on the devil’s words, which led to where they were now.
“Well, how long do you need to ‘collect your thoughts’?” She folded her leg under her opposite thigh, leaning towards him, the distance of only a few feet feeling like worlds away to her broken heart. She would always be drawn to him like some sort of magnet, no matter how badly he hurt her.
“I’m not sure, would you like me to do so elsewhere?”
A beat passed.
“Why, so you can go shag someone else, just like I apparently have been?”
Again, silence.
“You were gone for 3 hours every night on every Tuesday the past month-“
“You kept track? You’re out of your damn mind.” She raised her voice, sitting up, suddenly enraged with his obsessive distrust rather than saddened.
“That’s not important-“
“What’s important is that you’re gone on tour for 10 times as long as that, leaving me here completely alone to my own devices! I trust you enough to believe that you remain mine while you’re away, but for some unknown reason, you can’t manage to think the same about me.”
His flippancy on the issue at hand agitated her (or his lack thereof in general, she supposed) to no end. She wanted him to scream and cry, to throw something, to loudly shout, to shed fury fueled tears as she had. She knew it was wrong, but quite frankly she didn’t care.
He tried to speak up for himself, stuttering out something about how he did in fact trust her, but all to no avail. She would have none of it, not now.
“What’s important, Brian, is that every Tuesday, I’m staying 3 hours after work to try to make it so that I don’t have to rely on you for money, because I don’t want you to think even for a moment I’m with you just because you’re some incredibly famous rockstar who happens to be loaded!”
She was standing now, although she couldn't quite remember bringing her body from the comforts of the soft chair by the mantle to her feet. The roaring fire beside her had died down into a flurry of golden embers, heat still radiating from the pile of charred logs, Brian failing to provide even a fraction of the same warmth.
“Because I love you, and as of late, I’m starting to wonder if you love me too.”
He stood, walking over to where she was in a timely manner, his long legs carrying him quickly. Her breath hitched at their sudden proximity, her surprise only growing when he gripped his hands on either side of her face, pulling her forward and capturing her lips in a long awaited union.
She loathed that her stiff figure was melting into him faster than she would like to admit, and she even more, she loathed the fact she knew she always would.
He was able to taste her tears that hadn’t ceased to roll down her face, the bitter droplets seeping onto the tip of his tongue. He pulled away, his right hand caressing her cheekbone while his forehead rested upon hers. His bottom lip quivered, a wave of emotions hitting him like a hurricane in full force.
His eyes become glassy, and all at once, tears flood his eyesight, pouring down his flushed features. He looked down, shutting his eyes and shaking his head. The bawling didn’t stop as he had hoped, though, it just slowed, the liquid dropping onto her shirt.
“I love you, I love you so much that it hurts. And ’m sorry, I’m so incredibly sorry, darling.”
She smiled softly, lightly massaging the top of his scalp, his locks growing frizzy.
“I know. But it’s just so hard- It seems everyone is getting married, and settling down. Hell, even Fred has his cats.”
They both laughed, and she chewed her bottom lip, a habit of hers that Bri had picked up on in the time he’d known her.
“I just get lonely, Bri, and it feels like you never let me know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours. That’s all, honest to God.”
They moved to sit down, and he pulled closer than they had been in ages.
“I’ll support you in any way shape or form, no matter what, yeah?”
She simply nodded, leaning onto his shoulder.
“Yeah. I know.”
Raising his eyebrows, he cocked his head, choosing his next words carefully.
“And if you’re serious about, y’know, having a family and ‘settling down’ and everything, I’ll do it.”
She met his eyes, her smile growing wider.
He hummed, nodding his head. “I love you, and this house is far too quiet.”
She giggled, tossing her arms around his neck and throwing herself on him.
“I must say I agree.”
After the grins had retreated into soft smiles, and the two had come to a much more stolid point, she sat up, patting her lap.
Brian understood immediately, laying his tired head down and allowing her to play with his hair. She moved her hands to oh so lightly trace the crook of his nose and the bags under his eyes (from the late nights he spent performing, wishing he was in the exact position he was in now), the ticklish feeling making him nuzzle into her hand with a whine.
She couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful boy beneath her, as even with all the work that there was to be done between them, she felt confident that he was in it for the long haul.
🦔⭑ 🎸
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me @ u for reading that
ty for reading, like and rb if u wanna :) go drink some water and eat some protein if u can!
as always, xx hj <3
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makebank · 4 years
silver lining
Request: “it's a day on set and you haven't been feeling good you pass out mid filming, and it turns out to be serious”
Warnings: nothing really, but mentions of surgery and emergency rooms
Rudy Pankow x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: i know i said i wouldn’t do the actor but i changed my mind bc this seemed innocent enough. not sure if i’ll do more, as i prefer the characters. but i figured i’d at least try once. if this bothers you i’m sorry. also not even a blurb lol, i can’t make them short unless they’re phrase prompts omg
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You woke up this morning feeling like you had been hit by a truck. All last night you tossed and turned alternating between sweating and shivering. When your alarm sounds, you roll to the side to turn it off and are hit with a wave of nausea. Instantly, you rush out of bed and barrel towards the bathroom. You thought you were going to be sick, but thankfully nothing came up. 
You sigh taking in your disheveled and damp appearance. Lifting up your shirt, you inspect your right lower stomach expecting to find a bruise. Oddly, there was nothing there but you felt a dull ache taking over the area. You were curious about why you suddenly felt so horrible, but knew you had to get to work. Turning on your shower, you steamed up the room and stepped in. You were hopeful that a nice, scorching shower would be enough. 
In the shower you contemplate how important it is for you to be okay. You finally landed an acting role and didn’t want to mess it up. It wasn’t the largest part, but you were in the second half of the TV series season quite a bit. This spring you had auditioned for a love interest on Outer Banks and shrieked when you got it. Your character was supposed to start slowly falling in love with the character JJ Maybank, while he secluded himself off from his friends. He goes through a tragedy of dealing with John B. being gone and feels left out by his best friends dating. So, he meets you while surfing alone and they continue to meet up often. Anyways, you were among so many great actors that you felt insecure at times. And the last thing you needed was to be calling in sick and halting filming. 
Besides, you had a huge crush on the actor who played JJ. You never did anything about it though. During filming it was professional and after you would smile and joke with the lively blond. It was hard not to like him. He was full of so much life, was intelligent, kind, and could have any room rolling with laughter. He was always so sweet and respectful towards you but that was it. You two had spent hours together rehearsing and filming. You were growing closer, but it didn’t seem that he wanted it to move any further. It wasn’t like him and his co-stars who were already all friends from the first season and had a visibly strong bond.
Pulling yourself from your thoughts as your long shower grew cold, you shut off the water and start to dry off. You would just have to fake it for the day. There was no way you weren’t going.
Arriving at set, your stomach pain only worsened. Instead now, it was sharper rather than dull. You head into your trailer and pop a couple painkillers before splashing water on your face and making your way to hair and makeup. Walking in you see the one person you got most excited to see, Rudy. 
“Hey y/n.” he greets with his usual bright smile.
“Hi Rudy, what’s up?” you try to match his tone. “Oh, you know, just getting my flowing locks perfected” he jokes while the hairstylist sprays the hairspray to hold his flawless gold waves in place. You chuckle in response but try not to wince at the pain it causes. But to no avail, your face gives it away. 
He frowns at your obvious discomfort. “Are you okay?” You beam at his genuine concern. “Sorta. I just have this weird stomach pain. But I’m fine!” you rush to reassure. He raises his eyebrow at you like he doesn’t believe you. “If you’re sure, just take care of yourself first please.” You actually fully smile this time, “Thanks, I will” you slightly lie. 
He rises from his chair with his hair finished. “See you on set, lover” he gives you a two-finger salute as he heads to film scenes with the other cast members. You feel your neck heat up at the nickname. You knew it was only because you played his love interest, but you couldn’t help but feel flustered every time he did it. 
After sitting through hair and makeup, you head to set overhearing a scene being filmed. It’s Rudy yelling at JD about something to do with his character JJ being distant and it being none of their business. You take in the sight of him now in different clothes. He’s wearing that cutoff you love that shows off every inch of his defined arms. They’re bulging even more, because he tenses with anger. His fingers covered in rings as they run through his hair. You admire Rudy’s acting and his seemingly effortless portrayal of JJ. 
Suddenly, while waiting another wave of sharp pain hits you. You curl up in your chair and whimper. No one notices because they are too entranced with the scene. Taking a couple deep breaths, you try to distract the pain away. It didn’t alleviate it at all. Shortly after, they’re done filming and Rudy is walking towards your chair next to his. Bounding with a sense of pride in his work, he innocently smiles towards you. Once he’s close enough to see your expression, his demeanor falls.
“Y/n you don’t look too good. You sure you should be filming today? We can take you to the doctor.” he offers becoming increasingly concerned. You quickly shake your head no. “I’m okay. C’mon let’s go” you try to get him to drop it. He looks unsure but ultimately follows you to the towel on the sand to start your scene.
The director starts to give you both some instructions that you can hardly pay attention to. He yells “action”. The scene starts off well, Rudy is acting perfectly as always, and you deliver a few lines without issue. 
Without warning, your stomach wrenches in agony. You start wincing and your eyes tear up. You curl your body up and start groaning. The camera men stop filming, and everyone rushes towards you. Rudy is the first to try to help. He places his hand on your arm to try to see if you’re okay.
“Y/N! What’s happening? What do you need me to do?” he’s frantic and rushing his words. You only cry in response until you muster the energy to speak. “I don’t know, it just hurts so much” you whimper. Immediately, Rudy is scooping you into his arms and hauling you to a vehicle. You hear everyone panicking in the background but can only focus on the soreness. 
Rudy rushes you to the emergency room where people surround you and start performing a series of tests. Soon you’re being sped to surgery. You’re told you have appendicitis and need emergency removal. It all happens, so fast your family isn’t able to get there before it starts. They live all the way on the west coast, so sadly they won’t make it until way after. 
You wake up from being put under on anesthesia in a hospital room. You slowly blink open your eyes to find an unexpected visitor. It’s Rudy nervously biting his nails and bouncing his leg in front of your bed. When he realizes you’re awake, you can see with weight being lifted off him
“Y/N! You’re awake! I’ve been so worried about you.” he looks so stressed and miserable. “I’m sorry.” you croak. He looks taken aback, “What? You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m just glad I forced you here when I did. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit” you tease and you both erupt into giggles. He grabs your hand and rubs his thumb softly on your fingers. “I’m really glad you’re okay.” “Me too. Thank you for everything you did and for waiting for me.” He stands up and places a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Are you kidding? There’s no way I was leaving you. I’ll go get the others, they’ll want to know you’re awake. Your family is about an hour out by the way.”
You sink further into your hospital bed feeling the butterflies taking over. You’re still slightly sore from surgery, but his lips and the pain medication make you feel on cloud nine. You weren’t sure if Rudy felt this way before and the emergency brought it out or if he’s just being kind, but you were loving every second of it.
A few days later you get to return home, but on bed rest for the next two weeks. Rudy spends every minute he can in bed with you watching movies and cooking for you both. He has to continue filming, but he reassures you that in a few short weeks you’ll get to pick up and finish the last few episodes you have with him. 
You weren’t excited about having your appendix removed, but it did bring the boy you cared for full force into your life. He was your best friend. And now eagerly becoming more. 
i didn’t add my everything tag list bc i dont normally write for actors and didn’t want to tag you guys for this just in case. 
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writeseasonally · 4 years
Just My Type (Fred Weasley)
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Summary: Wake, shower, eat, and study, that was (Y/n)’s weekly morning routine. She always studies before the start of class and tries her hardest to avoid all kinds of distractions. But when your best friends are the Weasley twins, it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Fred decides to disrupt her morning routine one time with words that leave (Y/n) all red and flustered. 
Prompt(s): “Well you’re fun.” “And you’re annoying.”
Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw!reader
Warning(s): none
Word(s) : 1.5k
A/N: This is for @im-a-writer-right​‘s 2k Followers Writing Challenge (congratulations again on 2k Ria! Well deserved 💖). This isn’t the first time I’ve written for the Harry Potter fandom, but this is the first I’m posting, so there may be some possible errors when it comes to characterization and I apologize in advance for that; While editing, I also noticed that I used “as if” quite often so...yeah, but with that being said, you may now proceed reading :)
[ please note that english isn’t my first language ]
Noise filled the Great Hall as the students' voices merged as one because of how they talked with each other continuously. It's a wonder as to how they managed to understand what the other was talking about, considering the Great Hall was filled with students who either enjoyed their breakfast while conversing with their friends or were trying their hardest to do a last-minute study before their first subject begins.
Sat on the end of the Ravenclaw table was (Y/n), who was alone. All the other Ravenclaws were with their friend groups; honestly, (Y/n) wished she could do the same, but with the coming OWLs, and with the essays she wanted to revise last minute, she was stuck on the furthest corner of the table with books surrounding her instead of her friends.
Letting out a frustrated groan, (Y/n) thought of how much time she wasted just to rapidly skim the book that didn't even give her much additional information. She closed the book and let out a shriek as a response when she saw a grinning face, specifically, Fred Weasley's grinning face.
"What're you doing sitting all alone here, (Y/n)?" he asked, pulling his face away and grabbing one of the books she previously read. He looked at the book cover and opened a random page before closing it abruptly, a bored look on his face. "I get that you're a Ravenclaw and all but you still need to have at least a little bit of fun." 
"Sorry Weasley, but unlike you, I actually would like to make a good impression for the teachers this year," (Y/n) retorted, she paused to look at Fred before continuing. "Though, it clearly doesn't help with potions since Snape knows I associate with you Gryffindor lot, but eh, I don't mind. It’s not like anyone can actually appease him." 
Fred grinned and swung an arm around her, "Well, Snape's clearly a greasy git of a teacher who shows his distaste towards anything other than the Slytherins. So I would've taken deep offense if you implied that being friends with us lovely and absolutely charming Gryffindors instead of those Slytherins was a mistake you've done."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, "There we are again, Weasley. You and your overdramatic self making me feel guilty for saying something I meant differently." Fred's grin grew larger at the statement, though it dialed down a little when (Y/n) removed his arm which was wrapped around her. She smiled at him one last time before burying herself in her textbooks again.
Letting out a small sigh, Fred tried to eavesdrop on what the other Ravenclaws near them were talking about. His grin returning for the umpteenth time when the words he was hearing started making sense.
"Come on Romina, you gotta tell us what your type is!" one Ravenclaw exclaimed. She, along with two other Ravenclaws, looked at a black-haired girl who looked unsure in answering the question. Though, not even a second after, the look of uncertainty immediately disappeared and was replaced by an odd confidence.
"First off, I'd like him to be a Gryffindor, considering as everyone in this house's too preoccupied with studying, it'll be fun to have someone who doesn't worry as much around." the girl explained, a smile on her face. "Especially if it's one of the Weasley twins, then that would be wonderful." She looked around and saw him staring, making her look away with an embarrassed smile. Fred too looked away, satisfied with what he's just heard. He didn't know some Ravenclaws acted like that, he thought all Ravenclaws were too busy burying themselves in their books to even care about those kinds of things; he assumed that all Ravenclaws were like (Y/n). He was proven otherwise.
"Not all Ravenclaws bury their noses in their books, you know," (Y/n) said from beside him as if she's just read his mind. She closed the book she was reading. "I just happen to be very conscious of my grades."
"Why couldn't have I befriended that girl over there? She's clearly more interesting and more interested," he asked, face being playfully serious.
(Y/n) snorted and replied, "Please, that girl over there's too possessive of what she thinks is hers. I'm surprised she hasn't yet declared her love for you, Weasley."
"Well, even if she did, I wouldn't be at all interested. She isn't my type, and I've already got my eyes for someone else," he stated proudly, his tone as if he's just won the Quidditch cup single-handedly.
(Y/n) looked at him with a raised brow. Curiousity about what he meant by 'his type' consumed her mind. "Oh? Then may I know what your 'type' is, Weasley?" she asked, emphasizing the word type.
Fred stared at her for a moment, amusement in his eyes. He pondered on whether answering her question seriously or if he should be the opposite of subtle.
Considering he's Fred Weasley, he decided to go with the obvious choice.
"Well (L/n), that's a tad bit too personal, don't you think? But if you must," he sighed heavily, as if (Y/n) was forcing him to share what his 'type' was. 
She on the other hand tried to hide her genuine curiosity with an annoyed expression, though Fred can easily see right through her. 
"First of all, she's got to be able to play Quidditch decently, making George and I constantly target her with a bludger since we both know she can easily swerve past it. She's also got to be a chaser for her house team, if I'm being more specific." Fred started rubbing his chin, making him look like he was thinking of something very deeply, "She's got to have (h/l), (h/c) hair with matching (e/c) eyes. Also, she's a prefect who'll obviously be head girl in her seventh year; she's always got her nose buried in a book as she claims that having fun is a last choice because she'd rather study, but we both know it's a lie. She's also able to be courageous at times, not physically, but implying it with the use of her wits." he paused for a second, holding on to (Y/n)'s eyes as her face suddenly felt hot. He smiled, "Pretty sure Granger's following her footsteps. But most importantly, she's got to be the person I'm talking to right now, whose face is almost as the same shade as my hair, and is the person I'm asking to be my girlfriend."
(Y/n) stared at him for a few more seconds, mind processing the words that just left his lips: 'the person I'm asking to be my girlfriend'. Um, what? 
“What– who– me– why?” (Y/n) spluttered, completely flustered. 
Fred only rolled his eyes teasingly at the question. He thought that his declaration was enough for her, but he did catch her off guard so he understood that she was still processing his words. But instead of repeating his essay-worthy declaration, he opted to use just simpler words that he knew would get a rise out of her, “Well, you’re fun.”
“And you’re annoying!” She immediately responded without a second thought. This emitted a laugh from Fred because her response was all too sudden as if she programmed herself to say those words every time he says she’s fun (and now that he thought about it, maybe she actually did. He could vividly recall telling her she was fun during first-year and her responding with the same three words. Huh).
(Y/n) zipped her mouth shut, she still felt flustered as she watched Fred’s amusement to her reaction, he was clearly entertained. Perhaps he achieved his goal after all: to distract her from her studying and entertain himself. She groaned on the inside, thinking of a way to compose herself. And she did just that
She closed her eyes for a second to calm her racing heart as she took in an intake of breath before releasing it. (Y/n) hoped that it would help her understand his previous words easier. And somehow, it worked.
When (Y/n) finally composed herself and got her confidence back, she looked at Fred with a small smile, her cheeks still burning hot, "Well, Freddie, you're lucky that you're just my type." She kissed his cheek before grabbing all of the textbooks in front of her, which were already arranged, before heading off to her first class.
George was watching everything that happened between Fred and (Y/n) from where he sat on the Gryffindor table. And when he saw (Y/n) plant a kiss on his brother’s cheek before scurrying off with a small, shy smile, he took this as his cue to finally near his brother and ask him about what happened. And tease him afterward of course.
"So was that a yes or a no?" asked George as he made himself comfortable on the empty space beside Fred. He looked at his twin expectantly, who didn't return his gaze, rather, he continued staring at the Ravenclaw's figure until she exited the Great Hall; mischief was evident in George's eyes as he gave his brother a teasing grin, "Merlin, you are already smitten."
gifs are made by yours truly unless stated otherwise
posted: 08-01-20
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