#1.4 reverse 1999
stari-hun · 1 month
Numbers System in Prisoner and the Cave
This arc follows an island of philosophy culture surrounding Pythagrious, where they study numbers until they discover their “soul number”, a word coined in (5.x.?), and shed your name and take on that number. 
Numbers can repeat, it’s unclear whether a person can’t have a number matching another living person, but they do repeat as started by 27. (5.?)
People are divided into categories of Integers, Fractions, Irrational Numbers, and Imaginary Numbers.
Integers are like logical people who follow the system. They are calm and undisruptive people. Integers are typically the Arcanists who follow the rules and protocols and generally have an unshakable faith in things they’ve put their loyalty to.
Fractions are those who have a sense of justice and loyalty but don’t blindly follow anything and trust themselves over others before anything. 
Irrational Numbers are people who won’t follow orders unless convinced or they personally believe it’s worth pursuing, they’re free spirits.
Imaginary numbers are humans.
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delectica · 7 months
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toxicyeuriii · 2 months
The 1.7 main story had officially became my favorite. I don't know what type of drug they put in that but I'm here for it.
The amount of angst, yuri, and general craziness is crazy
spoilers -
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crazy, man
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abyss-idiot · 7 months
Chapter 5 New Storm Info
With 1.4 we got some more info about the "Storm." Below the read more will be spoilers to chapter 5.
Starting with what 37 has about the storm, at first we learn what knows it as and what they think of it. As Apeiron is immune to the storm and isolated from the world they have different information and thoughts on it.
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Pneuma is a Greek word for "breath", but if used in a religious context it can mean "soul." (I don't know what to make of this myself.)
They put the current year as 2007, as it would be that year if the storm never happened. So that means the storm has been around for 7ish years.
Later on we learn more about the dates and the fact that 37 and her mother predicted the years it happened.
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The years on the monitor are 1999 - 1996 2000 - 1985 2003 - 1977 2004 - 1930s 2006 - 1912 2007 - 1966 1930s is taken from dialog, and 1977 is brought up in the report in The Star.
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This tells us a few key things, first off that, excluding the latest storm there is a pattern that was able to be used to predict future storms. The monitor doesn't have the 1966 to 1929 or the 1929 to 1913 storms, tho the latter was messed with the Manus so it may break the pattern. Other key points it gives is the years of previous storms and the fact that the storm does not just move back in time, it also can jump forward as with the 1912 to 1966 storm. It could be inferred from the Green Lake event, but not directly stated. (Side note, 37 says 7 storms, the monitor shows 6, and adding the 1929 to 1913 storm it makes a total of 8.)
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timekeeper-suitcase · 7 months
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Oh god it’s not just any math cult they’re Pythagorean’s
(And yes historically there was a cult dedicated to Pythagoras teaching, you know guy who’s the reason why we had to find the sides of a right triangle in math)
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koks-kino · 6 months
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r1999-transcript · 6 months
The Story of Oliver 01 - The Prison of Fog
What lies beyond the exquisitely crafted cage of mist?
I can’t remember when it was that I began to hate the fog.
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This city, forever shrouded in fog, prompts the overwrought comparison between Sisyphus’s endless struggle and our own. The fog that covers this absurdity and unsightliness is like a bell jar imprisoning a cricket. Beyond those invisible intangible borders lie the jeering faces of the gods. They drained every ounce of vitality from the cricket, dispatching the fog as their most faithful instrument. And so, the cricket turned its head to find this thick fog everywhere—up, down, left, right—all around. No escape in sight, no perceptible boundaries… Even its cry would be lost in the fog. That fog as viscous as snot flowing from a runny nose enveloped the cricket to the point where the poor wretch couldn’t even make a sound. It rubbed its wings in vain, attempting to make even the slightest noise, but the only thing that filled the air was the fog and its silent ridicule. To this day, no one has responded to its pleas. In this thick fog, there is only silence, the silence of death… That’s what it does, this fog—it invariably forces the individual to face the certainty of their own demise. Walking in this endless fog, with no end in sight, surrounded by a cage of untouchable wire, where even the most furious strikes have no means of finding their target. The only thing one is allowed to feel is extreme loneliness and that deathly still. We, walking through this dense fog for the sake of our so-called mission, might possibly be the most pitiable crickets of all. How long has it been since I last saw the sun?
Vertin: … Oliver Fog?
Oliver: Oh… Sorry, Miss Vertin. I lost myself for a moment there. What were we talking about just now?
Vertin: That we hoped that you would aid our cause two days from now. With the enemy well hidden within the fog; determining their location will be no easy feat. It looks like we’ll be counting on you and your arcane skill to succeed.
Oliver: The day after tomorrow… That’s a holiday, isn’t it?
Vertin: It is indeed.
Oliver: Before I offer you a response, Miss Vertin, allow me to ask you a question. Who was it that proposed I join you in this operation of yours?
> Vertin: It was Mr. Knight.
Oliver: And will he also be taking part?
Vertin: Mr. Knight will not be taking part in this operation, but he recommended you wholeheartedly.
Oliver: You do know that he’s egging me on by passing this work to me? It’s quite evident, Miss Vertin.
> Vertin: And what if I were to say I was the one that chose you, recommendations notwithstanding?
Oliver: Deception is not your strong suit. It’s entirely obvious that you’re covering for him. You know for a fact that I am not the kind to work on a day off, and based on your personality, which is to say; conciliatory in nature, you would never have proposed such a plan. So, then. The suit of armour put you up to this? Am I right?
Vertin: …..Perhaps. But why would you suspect him in the first place?
Oliver: Miss Vertin, I intend to direct a formal complaint towards Mr. Knight.
Vertin: …
Oliver: Allow me to come straight to the point, Miss Vertin. I would be more than willing to help you in any way, merely due to the goodwill we have fostered through the course of our acquaintance. However, my principles will not permit me to sacrifice my hard-earned time off merely for the convenience of others. I will provide you with any advice you may require, but my practical assistance is out of the question.
Vertin: So then, this your latest experiment in reformist rhetoric?
Oliver: Not at all. It’s a manner of prevarication that’s been in use since Chamberlain’s day.
Vertin: Look— I won’t try to force you, Oliver. I’m merely here to discuss the matter with you.
Oliver: Then I thank you for your understanding, Miss Vertin. If there’s nothing else I can help you with, I will take my leave. There’s work I’ve yet to finish todayz
Somewhere in the Suitcase
A Knight: What someone is about to recount to you is a sworn testimonial of a face-to-face run-in with a dark spirit, a blood-thirsty creature of undeath someone encountered as a chivalrous knight long, long ago.
Sotheby: Brilliant! I love this story— I mean, Miss Sotheby knows she’s definitely going to love this story!
A Knight: Someone came across a long-abandoned castle with a close friend while journeying the countryside one dark night.
Sonetto: Hm…
A Knight: …The forest around the castle was a mire shrouded in eerie mist, and someone was traipsing right through it, boots trampling on rotten leaves and kicking up the most vile, putrid stink of rancid soil mixed with the damp stench of decay. But our destination was not far off. We had almost reached the castle gate.
Eagle: …
A Knight: Suddenly, someone and that faithful friend spied a shadowy figure up ahead. He was slumped askew against a tree, seemingly unconscious. Back then, someone was still a simple-minded knight. Someone stepped forward and went heedlessly over to the side of the mysterious figure…
Crowd: …
Just as everyone leans in closer, listening ever more attentively to the knight’s story, another figure passes by.
Oliver: I can confirm that there are no problems with the work plan. Everything seems to be in order… The schedule is a little tight, but if we proceed accordingly, we can still finish all work on time today.
A Knight: Someone tapped him on the shoulder, but he didn’t budge an inch. Then, someone tapped him again… He suddenly lifted his head to reveal a ghastly, desiccated face with black holes where his eyes should’ve been!
Crowd: What?!
Sotheby: Miss Sotheby knows! It must’ve been the Chupacabra!
A Knight: If only the truth were so simple. As soon as we saw that living corpse, someone and someone’s good friend knew right away— In the depths of the castle lay a terrifying, treacherous, blood-curdling banshee!
Sotheby: An evil spirit? What a surprise! All the spirits Miss Sotheby has met have been most cordial to her! Though to be fair. I have never had the misfortune of meeting a thirsty one before.
Sonetto: That’s a good point… They might be a bit on the quirky side, but Poltergeist and Click are good souls.
Oliver: Excuse me please, some of us have work to do.
Sotheby: Oh, this way, please—from my side, over here. Mr. Fog, Mr. Knight was telling us about his past adventures just now. In fact, he was right in the middle of a very interesting story when you came in. Would you like to say a while and listen with us?
Oliver: I’ll pass on the ghost stories; I am very busy. However, I feel I must caution you, ladies.
Sonetto: Oh?
Oliver: There exist people in this world whose mouths are incapable of speaking the truth. Not only do they spin their yarns, boasting about what has never truly transpired, but they may even shirk their responsibilities and force minors to carry out their work for them.
A Knight: Someone doesn’t even have a mouth! Although someone has been wondering for some time now—how does someone even speak without anything with which to speak out of?
Sotheby: Through the magic of your arcane skill!
Vertin: … I knew this was going to happen.
Sonetto: Timekeeper? You came to visit, too? Did something happen to Mr. Fog today? He appears to be in quite a foul mood.
> Vertin: I don’t think he’s very happy about having to work outside of his schedule.
Crowd: I see…
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socoolinmypajamas · 6 months
am I the only one who is ABSOLUTELY not normal about how good 6's story was????
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tsukietenma · 7 months
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crehador · 7 months
love that reverse 1999 patches are just like
1.0 - mafia gays 1.1 - art heist gays 1.2 - horror movie gays 1.3 - science gays 1.4 - math gays
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corndasby · 5 months
Brief Explanation of Time Travel in Reverse 1999
I still see people a bit confused about how the storm functions in r1999, so here's a quick summary. This is accurate up until patch 1.5 (I'm playing blind so don't know about 1.6-8!) and will contain some plot spoilers.
What we know
- Before 1999, time flowed normally.
- In 1999, storms began that reverted the world to an earlier year. It's like time is instantly set back to a previous date. After a storm, time flows normally until another occurs.
- Some locations in the world (Manus bases, the foundation, the island) are immune to the storm. The time in these locations has been flowing normally since 1999. They haven't "time travelled" in any way, they're just going forward linearly like ordinary.
- If a living thing is caught in a storm, it disappears. Seemingly the only exception to this rule is Vertin. Her being immune to the storm outside of safe areas is why the foundation is so interested in her. Two versions of a person will never be present at the same time.
- Time is never flowing backwards. Storms just instantly revert it to previous points. People/things do not literally act in reverse until the new time is reached.
- Both humans and arcanists are safe from the storm in safe areas like the foundation. However, only arcanists are safe inside Vertin's suitcase.
What we don't know
- What happens to people caught in the storm? It's unclear if those people are lost forever, or if the time they are in continues to exist and they're still alive there.
- Can the storm move time forward? It's unlikely because reversing is sort of the whole premise of the game, but it isn't ruled out yet. Perhaps this is how characters lost to the storm will return in the future. Schneider is fine everyone just keep believing.
- Why is Vertin immune? In 1.4 we found out it's because of Asymmetric Protein G, but we still don't really know what it is or why she has it. The island's cave seemed to contain the same substance, which could be a clue to how the safe spaces are created/function.
- Can you meet yourself in the past? This hasn't happened yet in the story, but could be a cool plot hook for a future patch.
To my knowledge this is all accurate, but please correct me if I got anything wrong, as long as it's not spoilers for content not yet in global. Thanks : )
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stari-hun · 1 month
Book 5 - Prisoner in the Cave 
1914 - 1913 , (the 1914 marked in the game doesn’t make sense, I’m counting it as a mistake)
This entire new update is based on the myth. The myth of The Prisoner in the Cave is about a group of prisoners chained to a wall in a cave their entire life, and only being able to see shadows on the wall from the outside. Skipping a lot but the point is their entire world is defined by the little fragments of the world reflected back to them.
~ Wiggle Wiggle edit this future me ~
Basically, the TLDR of this story is that the Foundation managed to do something besides cause trauma and brainwash people for once and isolated the chemical? atom? They catch wind of a Manus signal where they find a box with Ms Radio inside and it tells Vertin to go to Apeiron. This ties into Book 5.2 where they learned people in the Foundation had met some arcanists from Apeiron which included Sophia and 37's mother. A big chunk of the side stories with the event followed how 37 was following in her mother's footsteps to predict The Storm before Vertin and Co. had even reached the island. To note, 37's mother had successfully predicted a few storms herself, and with what we saw in Book 6, its a possible thing to do with little error. Vertin meets 37 and she tells her it's actually 2007 since the island had been calculating how many years should've passed. Regulus was immediately arrested for having a chaotic neutral alignment, some humans didn't even get to the island since the arcanists of Apeiron don't consider them as able to comprehend math and logic as they can. Comparing this fact to the other parts of the lore is interesting because typically arcanists are considered the irrational ones. The full system is here.
Plot ensues and Vertin and Sonetto go to their sacred info dump session and debate club. What they didn't know is that Arcana was there so Sonetto rightfully lost her cool and broke the sacred silence. For a huge chunk of the story thereafter they have a huge debate to let Sonetto live since usually after someone breaks the silence they have to drink poisoned wine (it's implied if they live they're free to go). Someone makes the point that while Vertin has a point that Sonetto didn't count as someone even there since she didn't have a soul number, the same applies to Vertin so the debate was void. 37 replied that Vertin does in fact have a soul number, some plot significance was revealed there with some ominous words about how a person's soul number can predict their future. 37's character event also said she finds out people's soul numbers as a hobby which is likely why she stayed with Vertin despite not wanting to be on escort duty. Vertin's soul number is 0, the origin point in any graph which says a lot but I'm not here for that rn. Arcana and Vertin get truce bangles so if one hurts the other side they experience pain and if it goes on they'll die. Manus however really didn't care about that since they recruit ample canon fodder. Plot skip later and Vertin is in the Cave of Truth with 37 to find the answer to the unknown Storm chemical. However it comes at the cost of them taking down the shroud hiding the island, leaving them to deal with the consequences of an unknown island showing up in the middle of 1914.
~ Wiggle Wiggle edit this future me ~
Book 5 shows how while the Foundation as a whole is morally grey at best, Manus Vindictae are merciless in their pursuit of continuing the Storm. Everyone in their ranks who isn't a powerful Arcanist is just a necessary sacrifice to them. This is shown near the end of the book when Manus Vindictae peons would repeatedly attack Vertin and her team despite the Peace Agreement meaning they’d die. Book 2 also showed how Manus Vindictae treats humans and Arcanists who join their ranks.
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vasito-de-leche · 6 months
A short (or not) ramble of scenarios and questions for reverse: 1999 self aware. (sorry if this bothers you, I just don’t have enough confidence to post it on my own blog (plus I love your content))
- Okay so first of all, in the main page of the game, when you click on the upper left corner with your level and username, you go to a screen with Vertin looking fly as ever along with some user information.
So if Vertin can see the game’s ui, then she can see the year in which the player has joined the game (2023-2024). I haven’t dived deep into Vertin’s character so I can’t portray her reaction to much, but I feel like she would tell this info to someone close like Sonetto.
Also our motto: I put “When in a rush, say ‘runs in high heels cutely.’”. I’d be so embarrassed if anyone (even fictional sentient characters) saw that. Like im dead.
On that topic, when you mentioned in your Sonetto self aware post that she can sometimes see us, and honestly, I’d be even more embarrassed. Cause like, if any of the characters from games I played, were sentient and could see me, id pray they didn’t see my bad angle. Like imagine looking up to the sky to see, just for a second, the chin of a head as the hands go to scratch their nose. Like the first impressions I would make.
- P2p players. Imagine the player spending money on the game (at the risk of Vertin possibly seeing their credit card number) to help level up or get costumes for their fave characters.
(Some misc. questions)
-what would happen if player didn’t log in the game for a while (a week to a month as best) cause I would ditch some games to spend more time on others
- What does Vertin think of the mail messages that the player gets? Like the latest mail I got was the discord event invitation. Upon closer inspection and critical thinking, it would hint that there would be more players other than us because it says the winners get 60 clear drops (oh and money too)
- If I remember correctly, I think you mentioned about Vertin hearing the player sometimes. So imagine her hearing us trash talk certain character *cough* Constantine *cough*.
(Anyways, I love your content ❤️ especially your fmn headcanons, can’t wait to see more posts!!)
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;R1999 - Self-Aware AU (2)
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Answering some questions and discussing the Self-Aware AU. A follow up of this post.
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not a bother at all, you bring up really good questions and details that are fun to explore! I'm glad you like my stuff, have a nice day o7!
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On the subject of Vertin seeing the player's profile.
With the way I intended to portray Vertin within the AU, I don't think she would be affected by the date on the Player's profile!
This is the date you came into contact with her from your perspective, whatever time and space that flows within your world, not hers─the world behind the fourth barrier that she cannot see nor hear nor even fathom, let alone try to make sense of. In a way, it's like expecting ants to care about concepts we made up, such as time. They understand night and day, they do not understand 3PM nor 8AM.
Is it truly proof that time can go beyond 1999, when this is something that only she can see? When it doesn't affect a single thing within her universe by being part of a game menu meant for your eyes only? There's also the fact that she finds out the proper time of the world in the 1.4 update, in Chapter 05.
Her dynamic with the Player is something I like to keep vague, so that everyone can fill in the blanks, but ultimately it is something so complex and private for Vertin─who sees it as a one-sided relationship, since she cannot hear nor see you, unlike other arcanists who may reach the 100% bond─that I don't think she would talk about it with anyone, not even Sonetto! The name on your profile and whatever message you've written there are secrets she will take to her grave. The idea of Vertin being the eyes and hands of the Player, but having no way to truly see or hear them makes for a really fun concept to explore!
And on the subject of messages, let's be honest, if you've written something funny or some modern shitpost, chances are she won't understand it LMFAO so it's okay! I literally just have my socials and "men enjoyer" listed there.
Oh! But since you brought it up, the message section could be a fun, little way to communicate with Vertin, since she can read what's on there!
As for P2P players, Vertin wouldn't see any information from the Player's credit card since that's something that happens outside the app lolol. Like, to me, it directly opens to google play transaction stuff.
On the subject of the player dropping the game for long periods of time.
Hmm, in the first post I said that there might be characters ouside Vertin and her suitcase who may be self-aware, with their own goals and such. But nothing truly "matters" unless the Player is there to witness it. So to keep including these possibilities and details, I feel like there's two options, pick whichever you like the most!
One, time continues as usual within the game─but once it reaches an important date where the plot is meant to kick in with some important event, it simply resets back to where you left it. This is a world that exists outside of your perception, but cannot continue without you.
Two, time freezes entirely within the game─but only for those who are not self-aware. Keep in mind we're talking about long periods of time, this wouldn't happen if you log in every day, or every few days. This is what happens when your phone picks up the fact that Reverse: 1999 is one of the unused apps taking up space in your phone. This is a world that stops existing once you stop looking at it.
In both options, the Wilderness would remain unaffected as it seems to be entirely disconnected from the flow of time and space outside of it.
On the subject of the game's mail.
Since the messages auto-delete and all, I can't check but I'm pretty sure Vertin receives mail too? There were a few ones from a few characters a while back like Druvis III or An-an Lee, and I think the implication is that they were vaguely addressing Vertin?
If someone has screenshots and can confirm this, please let me know!
Either way, the easy answer is that yeah, she knows this is a game, so she could make the assumption that there's more players. She has access to your friend list, after all! And even if you don't have anyone added, the fact that it exists is enough for her to start connecting the dots.
I don't remember saying that Vertin can hear the Player, though! I think I was pretty consistent with her not being able to see nor hear you, to have the Player as some sort of eldritch, unknowable entity. But I also write so much stuff in this blog that it's hard to keep up sometimes lolol, if I've mentioned somewhere that Vertin can hear the player, it was a mistake!
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windblume-violet · 4 months
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Reverse 1999 Ancedotes character arts: patches 1.4—1.5
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the-blossica-fan · 12 days
Tooth Fairy🤝Kanjira
Hitting people with their vehicles /j
What's your thoughts on r1999 currently, may I ask? c:
Thank you for asking, time to ramble (It's so sad I have no mischievous emoji)
To be fair, I joined Reverse 1999 around 1.4, so I'm not from the start of the game. And it's also my very first Gacha game ever so, I hold it dearly.
Reverse 1999 has such a story that, despite being complicated, it drives you in and never stops getting better and better. The element of drama always leaves you wanting more (THAT CLIFFHANGER IN CHAPTER 5 WAS SO UNFAIR) and the characters are so well fleshed out that even the NPCs are lovable. You can see why some characters do what they do, why they do it and also see them maturing as the story goes on.
Vertin is also why this game is my favorite, she's a strong main character who is strong on her own, but is stronger with company. She's exactly what I imagine a strong MC to be, I've seen enough stories and some MCs are not as memorable as others, but the story wouldn't be the same without Vertin. And she's funny! Her dumb silly jokes are such a contrast to her calm and collected demeanor, you can see how she's so silly while being serious.
And the events work to expand the world, to explain more corners of this place you're seeing from other people's perspective, that could be 1.1, the life before the story, 1.8 and how the storm is a real menace and not something you can dismiss. It explores so many characters in such a way that, you might not like them, but they're made in such a way that you have to admit they're unique.
And talking about the storm, it's such a complicated thing that even you, the player, can't seem to figure it out. Every time you know more about the storm, more questions pop up. You're just like the characters, unable to know how to stop the storm. It's something that makes you enjoy the experience because you're not omnipresent or stronger, you're just someone seeing the story through Vertin's eyes, and Vertin is just a little guy, not some goddess or the key to everything (though she might be very helpful to stop the storm)
And they really know how to make a good relationship with the characters. The characters that are obviously shipped together have majestic chemistry (Vila and Windsong are my favorite example, they're not doomed but in the beginning you can tell they're going to get together at some point). And somehow, they manage to make them so unique it's like "Yo what the hell???", You get a Centaur and a 80's horror movie girl, a siren and some pathetic badass girl, this huge nerd and her childhood friend, and so on! They're so fun to describe together.
I think Reverse 1999 is a depressive game superficially but once you drive deeper, it has so many things to say and touches so many subjects in a way that is so easy to digest but also to understand. They put so much love and effort into the game and you can feel it, their characters and the story, the extra content and so much more.
I'm always on the lookout for a good game and I've found it! It's not a perfect game, that's for sure, but it's so easy to love and, at least to me, it will never get boring.
I might have said too much nothing 😓, I get excited when someone asks me about this game that I end up missing the point of the question jeje. Thank you for asking!
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timekeeper-suitcase · 7 months
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As I’m continuing with The Prisoner In The Cave, I’ve noticed that there isn’t really a Greek accent here among the islanders. I get it sometimes it’s hard to get people for the job especially voice acting, and this was done before the global sever, but other than that casting folks who have a Greek accent or who can try to do one would have been nice. Though with how this is essentially a Pythagoras cult ehh it’s not like I’m demanding Ancient Greek accents but you win some you lose some.
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