#1.18 minecraft smp servers
theminecraftbee · 2 years
What's Vault Hunters like? I've only really watched Hermitcraft. :'3c
alright! so, vault hunters! this is the modpack/unique mod that goes with the pack that iskall and his dev team are developing! the game is designed to be somewhat like an RPG level progression system and skill tree has been added to minecraft, as well as a roguelike dungeon system.
at the beginning, it's basically just regular minecraft with a few extra skills you've chosen and weaker armor. however, after you beat the ender dragon and get access to end materials, you can build your vault altar and vault portal, and visit the vaults, and start vault hunters proper! you "win" vault hunters, progression-wise, once you collect all 25 artifacts from the vaults and complete the "final vault" at the end of the modpack.
the vault is basically a roguelike dungeon. you cannot heal without using healing potions in the vault, and your goal is to get as much loot from the vault as you can, as well as find the obelisks and beat the boss to escape. (you can also choose to bail a vault if you don't think you can beat the boss, which is often what happens instead if the vault isn't locked. however, you need to defeat the boss to gain experience and get a chance at getting an artifact.) the vault is full of special vault gems, vault gear (which is funky armor with lots of different bonus effects), unique loot, the things you need to get points to unlock mods, and more. as you finish vaults, you'll gain items to help you level up, be able to get new skills, eventually start unlocking mods, etc.
there's also some like, background lore about the existence of the four vault gods, which i often rotate in my head, but also which is mostly background details to make the world of the modpack more interesting. the 'vault gods' refers interchangeably to the four characters who you gain favor with - idonna, wendarr, tenos, and velara - and to the devs of the modpack. (this puts iskall in an interesting position, given that he both plays the modpack and is in charge of dev. also, douwsky specifically is normally referred to as the janitor instead of a vault god.)
the vault hunters smp is a related thing. we're about to get season 3. it serves both as the beta testing ground for the vault hunters modpack and as a fun smp to watch some creators play on! i do not know exactly what set of people will be in S3; presumably hbomb, iskall, and captain sparklez will be there, as they all played on the original server pretty religiously. i would be surprised if pete isn't around again, stressmonster is doing a whole bootcamp series so she's definitely going to be around again, and tubbo is apparently the one who leaked the date (lol) so he may be trying to be more active in S3 than he was in S2. i'd be surprised if antonioash wasn't there as well he was also pretty dang active. uh. i'm not good at names so i'm DEFINITELY forgetting people who may be around in S3 but we will find out for sure when it comes out.
S3 will be the 1.18 version of vault hunters, which will be fun! additionally, it, like the previous two seasons, will presumably contain the twitch integration that went with progression in the SMP version of the modpack. (the public release does not have this integration.) it allowed viewers to end up involved in how things worked, and personally i thought it was pretty fun. stuff like "people who sub/gift subs getting statues" or sub fighters or basically anywhere there are skins present in the public release, there was some twitch integration element in the private, SMP version.
it's worth noting that S3/the 1.18 version of vault hunters is expected to have some pretty major changes from S2/the current public modpack in 1.16, as it's somewhat more of a 'sequel' than something you're expected to update your current worlds to. so i'm excited to see that!
the fastest way to figure it out if this doesn't explain it well for you would probably be to watch someone play in singleplayer, although that won't have the twitch integration stuff, so if you want to watch someone, here is iskall doing a playthrough (he knows what he's doing very well), here is welsknight doing a playthrough (he does NOT know what he's doing and it's relatable), and here's stressmonster doing a playthrough (somewhere between those two poles)!
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cosmogalaxy2 · 2 years
Updated mulitverse-Total 11 smps
I posted a mutiverse theory a couple months ago but this is the new and updated version. Now holding 11 smps from big ones like hermitcraft to smaller smps like Joey's one block series. Be warned over 2000 words long.
In resent times we have discovered the interconnectivity of a multitude of minecraft smp. There are multiple different ways the multiverse can be can connected however this is my version.
It is important to note the main two ways charaters can travel through smp's.
One is moving on after death or when a story has finished and is the main way we see characters switch between smp's. After most of these death's characters will go to what i call the inbetween a state inbetween servers where they wait for the next to start. In the inbetween most get their memories erased so they start the new smp with a clean slate. There are a few execptions from this however in the life series where characters seem to remember past lifes and events.
The second is through dreams. The first place i came across this directly was through Gem. Gem's lore on both empires season 2 and hermitcraft season 9 is that she is just playing minecraft with her friends and happens to be on both servers. Her interdimensional travel seems to occour via her bed in which she can go to  sleep in one server and wake up in another. Sausage in empires season 2 also displays this one time however his lore about interdimensional travel can be very confusing at times and often leads to him server hopping on accident. Still these 2 sources show us a second way for server travel.
Dispite some characters being able to hop between servers we can still get an idea of a constant time line of order of events. While some of the servers seem to happen similatiniosly some can beplaced in a specific order.
We start with Minecraft Evo. Here we learn about the watchers a pair of over arching detietes that whatch over all minecraft smp's creating each one for their entertainment. At the end of Evo they wish for Grian to join them as the watcher he didn't agree and continues to live among all the other mcyt's.
Next is 3rd life this is cononically linked as a death game created by the watchers we know this from Martyn's pov where the watchers are telling him to try and convince Grian to join them as the 3rd watcher. After 3rd life most of the people go into the inbetween they forget lots of what happens however there memories are recovered in other life series smp's.
Scott and Jimmy however never go to the inbetween they instead go to their own afterlife a perfect version of their hobbit home. They never get their memories wiped from 3rd life thats why we can see constent reference to them in later smps.
Soon after the members of 3rd life split to their new servers mainly hermitcraft and empires. I'm mainly going to focus on empires as it is a server i am more familiar with. Empires goes on as normal each emperor either running away or dying at the end. The ones we see die join the inbetween and all have their memories erased. The few we don't see die on screen can be assumed to have joined the inbetween as the watchers see no need for a server where its story has ended.
Sausage in empires season 1 collects lots of different version of his dog Bubbles a cannon character in every sever Sausage is a part of. All the Bubbles can communicate with eachother and almost seem to know the future off eaah server they're on. This connects lots of Sausage's single player worlds such as his 1.18 hardcore world.
An important note to consider is members like Gem who are on both hermitcraft and empires. Unlike Gem's lore that was previously mentioned in empires season 2 Gem in season 1 can be assumed to be different to her hermitcraft counterpart. We know this because of Sausage hopping back to empires season 1 where he mets Gem. If Wizard Gem were also a 'rolplayer' she would understand how Sausage could be similar to the on she knows but isn't however she dosn't.
Another rule brought in around this time, the fact that love seems to transend the memory wipe. We see this mainly in flower husbands and Lizzie and Joel. All members of the life series and empires know and remember Scott and Jimmy realtionship in 3rd life dispite all but the 2 of them having their memories wiped. The same with Lizzie and Joel everyone seems to remember their marriage. This can be furthered by ranchers after the hermitcraft and empires crossover.
The only exception to the inbetween and memory wipes is Pearl. Pearl from empires soon goes on to be offered the chance at godship after empires season 1 however she says she wants to take part in the other 2 seasons of the life series before taking her rightful place as a goddess.
Both last and double life take place now memories of 3rd life being recovered due to the similarity of all 3 servers. The watchers constently disappointed in Martyn for not making Grian the 3rd watcher yet.
After Pearl takes part in the life series her empires self takes to godhood while her hermit self continues in hermitcraft. Pearl dosn't seem to have the same element of power as the watchers but is still a goddess in her own right.
Now the memories of older love seems to fade. Memories of Lizzie and Joel being married aswell as Scott and Jimmy's time in the flower valley. It is a possiblity these kind of memories together do eventually fade with time because of the nature of how they continued to exist in the first place. Or maybe it is for another reason. We see in double life Joel and Etho fall in some kind of love it may not be as strong  as Joel was with Lizzie but something was there. However it is definitive that Jimmy and Tango fell in love during double life. Possibly this new love pushes away memories of the old. Not the feeling but the memories.
Then is afterlife. Afterlife is an is an interesting case as it is not a smp in the same way the others are. Afterlife is instead as the name suggests an afterlife just a different manifestation of the inbetween. Its a game made it entertain the players while we wait for empires season 2 to be ready. This can explain the rapid death during the end of the smp. Once enough time has pasted in the empires cannon universe they can bring the emperors back into the real world however the watchers can't break the rules of their own game. So they make it more difficult to live, to finish the smp quicker.
It can also explain why players such as Oli and Lauren die slower because the watchers don't need them for empires season 2.
Sausage at the end of afterlife goes to god Pearl's home. This can expain why Sausage has messed up memories in empires season 1. Pearl struggles to bring herself to completly wipe Sausage's memories and allows him the ability to unlock them if he finds the right key. She gives him the ability to hop servers and time all he has to do is control it.
As we know Oli then - after missing sausage - runs out of afterlife and into Pearl's godly home. After a run in with her Pearl sends the man off into empires. Sausage is shown sleeping in Pearl's home explaining how Oli could leave afterlife after everyone else but arrive in empires first. Pearl rushes Oli out so fast so she can insure the timeline continues as expected she forgets to wipe his memories and he keeps them going into afterlife.
Now if empires season 2 taking place thousands of years after season 1. All of the emperor's - apart from Oli - have no memory of past servers.
Sausage after seeing a statue of Saint Pearl starts regaining memories from empires season 1 and later afterlife after meeting Oli. At first Sausage only sees flashbacks of past events we have seen before. For example the battle area with him and Pearl or his final death in afterlife but soon he is able to move around these world and comunicate with those with in. After the hermits crossover he can now take hermits with him on his adventures. However he can travel to previous seasons of hermitcraft with Bdubs and Ren aswell as to Gilded Helianthia with Pearl. All of the times he travels to previous hermitcraft seasons he travels at a time just before the end of the world. While when he travels to empires season 1 we can believe he travels to an alternate version of empires as it is the one we see evil Sausge get banished to at the end of the season. Evil Sausage speaks to Sausage during one of his travels to the previous season. Here Evil Sausage says about his wish to take over empires something that makes Sausage wish to never go back to empires.
Now we are going to tackel the hermitcraft and empires crossover. The rift is the main way of transfer between the two servers apart from Gem's previously mentioned bed travel. The rift has some phisical effects on people after travling through. These include Pearl changing into her empires season 1 outfit; Impulse loosing his beard; Jimmy growing again; Sausage gaining a crown aswell as many emperors loosing possesions such as hats.
In people on both servers like False; Gem and Pearl they all have very different cases. False is very clearly 2 different people. Both know of eachothers existence both conserned for the others intentions.
Gem is cannonicaly the same person on both servers able to travel between via beds. At first she tried to hide the fact she was on both servers from the emperors however this is no longer reasonable as the emperors move to hermitcraft.
Pearl is difficult in empires Pearl and hermitcraft Pearl were previously shown as different people due to the fact that empires Pearl is now a god. However now hermitcraft Pearl and empires Pearl are becoming more combined. Hermitcraft pearl and empires Pearl looked exactly the same on empires a physical representation of the change. Sausage bringing Pearl to Gilded Helienthia is also significant as previously Sausage had only traveled with people to a server they were a part of. Pearl also says on multiple occasions that she feels connected to Saint Pearl furthering the combination of the 2 versions of herself.
Memories are an interesting topic within the Hermitcraft and empires crossover. All of the Hermits bar Pearl and False remember/know the emperors making references to things like Youtube and other real world things references that would never canonicaly happen in empires normaly. Pearl and Gem only remembers Gem due to her being in hermitcraft.
Memories on the empires side are very inconsistent. Gem and Pix seem more connected with the hermits Gem for being on the server and Pix for doing the hermitcraft reacap. Players like Scott, Sausage, Lizzie, Shelby, Joey and Kathrine don't remember the hermits or at least not to the extent of the others. The rest of the emperors have almost imedent recognision of the hermits. This can be explained by the different method of sevr hoping. The rift is almost a broken way of moving through servers a cheat created by Grian and Grumbot. It breaks some of the rules of our timeline because of the nature of the transfer.
A few other small servers are linked into the multiverse.
One is rats smp. One day on rats tommy as a flying rat came and traded with the rats a Jimmy sherrif toy made by Joel in empires season 2.
We can link area unknown as Chromia Scott traded with Owen. Scott on the area unknown server is also a demon from the nether and reverneced Xornoth and blood sheep multiple times.
Another smp we can link is Joey's one block server as many empires characters join the server as guest apperences.
There are probaly lots of other smps we could link into the multiverse but these are the main ones.
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pixiecaps · 2 years
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The Origins SMP, also called the Origins Mod SMP, is a private, whitelisted survival multiplayer server (SMP) played on by a group of Minecraft streamers. The server uses the Origins mod, which gives the players unique abilities based on the origin they choose.[1]The members currently all have different origins, giving each of their streams a different perspective. There is light-hearted roleplay on the server, with each member playing into their origin's attributes. The server was founded on February 11, 2021. Season 1 lasted until July 2021. Season 2 began on September 27, 2021 and lasted until January 10, 2022 in an experimental 1.18 snapshot, with only-
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buildvewor · 2 years
Clementine player multiple ip addresses
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There are many custom features and progressions systems that are unique to each server. Instead of falling, you must contend with acid water when expanding your island and players can boat to each other's islands. You're on an island, in a sea of acid! If you like Skyblock, try AcidIsland for a new challenge! The object of the map is to survive without cheating, expand your island, grow your own food and thrive. SkyBlock is a survival map where players are challenged to live and build on a floating island. You go through certain phases, and the infinite block slowly upgrades to better blocks, chests, and new mobs! You can mine the same block over and over, and it gives you basic materials that slowly become better and better. OneBlock is a survival map in which you stand on a lonely block floating in the void. Special Machines, Technical Gadgets, and most importantly Magic! New Food Items, Drinks, Plants, and Fruits Gives players more than 300+ unique items that do not require modsĪbility To Grow Material Plants Like Gold, Iron Plants Survival, OneBlock, SkyBlock, AcidIsland, Fun & Games, and Competitive Games. We at present offer 4 Servers that you can play on being
MCIndia is a cracked community server that aims to provide the best experience by offering new and exciting features for all players!. Well, Read This And Find Out For Yourself We are yet another Minecraft Server, so you must ask yourself "Why must I join this Server? There are Many Other servers Of More Than hundreds!". You can play Survival, SMP, LIFESTEAL,CRACKED, TNT RUN, SPLEEF, and More coming soon on the Lifesteal SMP Minecraft Server.Ĭonnect to this Minecraft 1.18.1 server using the ip Where gamemodes can I play on Lifesteal Smp? The Lifesteal Smp server is currently hosted in United States and has a great connection. Where is Lifesteal Smp minecraft server hosting located? Lifesteal Smp supports Minecraft version: 1.18, you may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play on the server. What version does Lifesteal Smp server support? How do I play on the Lifesteal Smp Minecraft server?ġ.) Open the launcher, next click the "Play" button then select "Multiplayer" from the menu.Ģ.) Click "Add Server" tab and input the text on the "Server Address" box then hit "Done".ģ.) Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on Lifesteal Smp. The server IP address for Lifesteal Smp is " In order to find the server IP please use the information provided on the left side of this page. Sunucu ekibimiz yaklaşık yirmi kişi olmakla birlikte tüm ekip arkadaşlarımız ile uzun bir süredir tanışığız ve çalışma halindeyiz.Ĭonnect to this Minecraft 1.18.1 server using the ip Saloon Network ekibimizden yönetim kadromuzda, 2014 yılından itibaren Türkiye'nin en büyük minecraft sunucularından birinin kurucuları ve yöneticilerinden olup uzun yıllar büyük bir kitleye hizmet etmiş kişiler mevcut. Bu yüzden sunucumuza giriş yapan herkesin kabul etmiş sayılacağı kurallarımıza adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz. Saloon Network'ün öncelikli amacı minecraft oyununu "premiumsuz" olarak (premium hesap gerektirmeden) sizlere en kaliteli ve eğlenceli şekilde oynatmaktır. 2020 Nisan ayından beri tekrardan aktif hâle gelen sunucumuz henüz taze bir sunucu olmasına karşın kısa süre içerisinde büyük bir gelişim kaydetmiştir. 2018'de başlayan maceramız 2019 yılının sonlarında yaklaşık bir yıllık aranın ardından yeniden başlamıştır. Saloon Network 2018 yılında açılmış Türkiye'nin en eski köklerinden birine sahip en tecrübeli minecraft sunucularından biri. Bu sebeple Saloon'da ahlâka ters düşen her türlü kötü davranışa izin verilmemekle birlikte oyuncular arasında abi-kardeş, abla-kardeş, kardeş-kardeş ilişkisi hedeflenmekte ve uygulanmaktadır. Saloon Network minecraft sunucusunun en temel amacı minecraft oyununu ücretsiz, premiumsuz ve samimi bir şekilde hiçbir engel tanımaksızın siz oyuncularımıza ulaştırmak. 2014 yılından süregelen bir birliktelik ve çalışma ortamına sahip olan yönetim ekibimiz yedi yılı aşkın bir süredir sizlerin çoklu oyunculu minecraft oynama arzunuzu gerçekleştiriyor. Saloon Network 2018 yılında temelleri atılmış ve bir yıllık özlemin ardından 2020'de tekrar sevenleriyle kavuşmuştur. ŞİMDİ YENİ OYUN CAPTIVE (BOXED) DE SİZLERLE! DÜNYADA İLK DEFA SALOON NETWORK'TE
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witchyplantmc · 2 years
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probably my fave survival base
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quartzcraft-mc · 2 years
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Welcome to QuartzCraft!
A public, semi-vanilla, all inclusive Minecraft server JAVA VERSION 1.18.2 - No client-side mods needed!
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LGBTQ+, POC, and Neurodivergent friendly, with a whole mountain of plugins to enhance the Vanilla Minecraft experience, including:
Marriage, including Polyam Marriages!
Vault Economy!
Admin Shop NPCs!
Player Chest Shops!
Custom Head Database!
/hat, /sit, /crawl, and /lay!
Daily Prize Crates!
Random Teleport!
Mineable Spawners!
Eggable Mobs!
Player and Staff coordinated Events!
But what’s so special about QuartzCraft?
We pride ourselves on our inclusivity and do our absolute best to make sure everyone feels welcome on our server. We have plenty of things avaliable, including an exclusive Player Mall area and a Creative Plots world! There are plenty of plans for our future too, including Player events, Rank/Merch giveaways, and Money-raising events for Player voted charities.
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How can I join?
You can join our Minecraft Server straight away by using our IP address:
If you’re not sure how to input a server IP, we have a tutorial on our FAQ page which can be found here or on our Discord server. Speaking of our Discord server, you can join it right here! You don’t have to be a part of our Discord to play on our Minecraft server, but we definitely recommend it!
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We opened in February 2021 and already have a sizable, active, and friendly community!
We can’t wait to see you online and hope that you stick around to see what the future of QuartzCraft holds!
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girldickman · 3 years
my reaction to Grian's first episode of season 9:
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parallelmc · 3 years
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Spawn Town Redux
Our players are stuck in a Parallel world for the moment, but its not so bad to be stuck somewhere as beautiful as this.
Come join us at play.parallelmc.org! Please reblog, it helps us a lot!
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Let me guess Check it’s 3am and you built another house?
YES it’s 3am and I built ANOTHER house.
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are-yaks-real · 3 years
Dream gets out of prison. Hell breaks loose. Technoblade has to choose between his grudges or his friends. Either way Dream dies one final time. Nothing changes at first, but with the server admin dead the stories begin to fizzle out until all loose ends are tied. Then a new world starts. Welcome to 1.18
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pixiesempire · 3 years
does anybody with minecraft java want to start a server with the likeliness of the empires smp for 1.18? ☺️💗
obviously, it's not gonna be a complete carbon copy, but if we get a couple of people we can all choose a biome to rule over, and build them up like empires! and we can have a discord server where we discuss plans and stuff ( ◜‿◝ )♡
if you're not interested, you can still reblog so others could see and possibly join!! also, if you want to join, message me and i'll sort out a server ip and stuff and a time where we can all log on and decide our empires!!
- pixie (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
EDIT: thank you guys so much for the sharing!! sadly we have all of the spaces full now, but thanks everybody for being a part of this! stay tuned if you wanna find out about our lore, builds and stories!! 🥰💗🍓
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So mcyt seems like just the sort of thing I'd enjoy having on in the background, could you recommend a good place to start? I play quite a bit of single player but don't really know anything about how multiplayer minecraft works, and I enjoy watching people make cool stuff.
So I had this big enlightening post all typed out and then tumblr crashed and immediately after that my COMPUTER crashed, which I am blaming tumblr for. SO you get the (likely still longish) quick and dirty version!
I started with Hermitcraft season 8, and I think it's a very good place to start. Hermitcraft is a vanilla survival smp where a bunch of friends who've all been invited to the server at one time or another start a fresh world every season, build some really awesome stuff, and engage in copious shenanigans of various types. Season 8 was extremely short compared to the others, because they knew the caves and cliffs update (1.18) would drop sometime during the season, and they decided to try a shorter season so that after that, they could start a new world with 1.18. So it's a good place to start and a lot easier to get into and through.
(s9 started a couple weeks ago, so in theory it's also a good place to start, but with it being SO new most people only have 2-3 videos up so far and that's more difficult to really dig into imo tho that's maybe just me.)
The advice I got was "pick one of the new Hermits if there are any in the season you're watching, watch their videos if you like them, and go check out the videos of anyone that catches your eye that they interact with, and repeat the process" and really I think that's a very good system, at least for getting involved in Hermitcraft. (I started with Pearlescentmoon, one of the two s8 newbies, and branched off from there to Grian, GoodTimesWithScar, and beyond!)
Following Hermits you enjoy back to their own channels and checking out the non-Hermitcraft series they've been a part of can also help find you new stuff! The stuff I've personally gotten into through starting with Hermitcraft have been 3rd Life, Last Life, Grian's specific "100 Hours in Hardcore" series (and associated videos) he did during the post-s8 hiatus (all 3 of which series were short-term and contained hardcore series), and to a lesser extent Evolution SMP (though it's an older and long-finished series and about half of the players are not active anymore), Empires SMP, and Afterlife SMP. Plus a lot of just... one off build videos and solo series! There's a lot and not all of it's my speed, but most of the stuff I've run into with Hermits in has been pretty good. :)
The Hermits are, ultimately, a very good entry point tho, imo. It's a longstanding series, all the players are adults over 25, many of whom have kids, and it's exceedingly clear that they're all friends who very much enjoy playing with each other.
ANYWAY (and can you believe this is the SHORT version?) the Hermits are pretty family friendly (I don't know how much of mcyt that's true of, but everything I've seen with them in even off of Hermitcraft is generally family friendly as well) and have a variety of content and video styles. If you like energetic and maybe a little hyper, try BdoubleO100 for building or Tangotek for redstoning! Dry sarcasm and cool things done with armor stands? ZombieCleo! Energetic but not quite to the point of hyper (at least imo), I'd go with Grian, GeminiTay, or GoodTimesWithScar - all builders, as I don't watch a lot of redstoners unfortunately. If you want pretty chill but still entertaining, Pearlescentmoon is a great builder for that and MumboJumbo is a great redstoner! And if you want to see redstone be manipulated beyond the limits of what should even be fucking possible and experience the sublime (in all its terrifying and admirable beauty and horror) in minecraft form, check out Docm77! And SO MANY MORE!
If you're overwhelmed and uncertain of where to start, though, or can't figure out who to choose to start with, the solid advice I see often is to start with Grian, and I can't disagree that he's a good entry point even if he wasn't my entry point, so if you're struggling at all, just start there and branch out as you find people who seem interesting. :)
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umbrify · 2 years
🌻🏡🎂📷 for the ask game? ^^
The ask game
🌻(sunflower) what are your favourite biomes? Furthermore which biome feels most like home to you (might not even be your fave!). If you could add new biomes to the game what would they be?
I’ve always loved big snowy mountain biomes and ice spikes, but I also really love those ancient taiga biomes with the rocks around them! I’ve always found meadows biomes to be very homely, they’re nice and have a lot of flowers, and usually they have large flat planes that would be easy to build on. As far as new biomes, I’d love to see more biomes in the End! I also really love the lavender biome from Biomes o’ Plenty, so that would be cool to have too.
🏡 (house) what style do you like building with most? What style would you like to try out? Maybe share some pictures of some of your builds if you’d like!
I don’t know if I can necessarily pin down my style, per se? I really love stuff with big spikes, and my interiors tend to have some sort of wood as a primary block, so there’s that! My best pictures of my most recent build are all in my creative test world, but I’ll slap a few in anyway!
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This is one build that’s part of my most recent project on a server I play on! I’m making an empire in a snowy biome (hence all the snow and ice) and this is a battle coliseum!
🎂(cake) favourite recent addition to the game? (1.16 and after)
I can’t pick just one, so I’ll pick something from every major update from 1.16 to 1.19 just for fun :D
1.16: so much good stuff in this one, it’s hard to pick. If I were to pick just one, it would probably be netherite, but blackstone blocks are a VERY close second. That, and of course, Nether biomes my beloved
1.17: glow lichen and candles are absolutely phenomenal, two small light sources that really change the game when it comes to lighting up your builds. This update also added in some of the bases for the cave biomes, which are incredible.
1.18: the mob spawning change that makes it so they can’t spawn in any light level greater than zero was added here, and it’s easily the best thing to happen to every Minecraft build ever, so I have to pick that one
1.19: sculk blocks my absolute beloved, they’re my favorite block in the game <3
📷 (camera) do you watch any streamers or mcyt? Is there anyone whose style influences you?
I watch DSMP, Hermitcraft, and Empires SMP, as I’m sure you (and everyone else who looks at my blog) know. I definitely take a lot of inspiration from various MCYT’s in my builds! One of the main ones you can see in the build i showed before is the influence from Tango’s Decked Out 2 build!
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As you can see here, his build uses a lot of pointed blackstone with the warped stem walls, which I definitely took inspiration from!
There’s other inspirations that I’ve taken for just my one build alone, such as iJevin’s season 9 castle for the floors, and Scar’s season 6 boardwalk for the upper floor level. The whole idea of making an empires comes from, well, Empires, and I’m definitely looking towards their builds (especially fWhip and Sausage) when I think about my own empire.
Funny enough, I think I’ve probably taken the least inspiration from DSMP, despite it being my home fandom for the longest time. Though, if you look closely, you can see some sculk vines on the build and within the inner arena, which is an idea I got from BBH’s egg arc.
Tysm for the ask, and sorry it’s so long LMAO
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heeleys-the-musical · 3 years
Hermitcraft Season 8 Theorycrafting
This is all a hypothesis, but based on current and future information I have some ideas on an overarching plotline for season 8. This is very long, so TLDR is evil alter egos wreck the server so bad they have to flee to the end/nether and nuke the overworld.
Minecraft’s Caves and Cliffs update was so big it had to be split in two. With season 7 fading and new features on the horizon, the Hermits have decided to jump right into season 8. The second part of the update has been postponed to winter 2021; this will completely change minecraft’s world generation. In the past, the Hermits have been able to update and extend the world border so they can play with new features, but I don’t see this being possible this time. This update will change the world height limit and geography so drastically it would probably break the server or make a awkward transition. What to do?
Partway through season 7, there was a major nether update. Instead of restarting the whole server or travelling very far to get the new stuff, the Hermits reset the whole dimension. Could they potentially do this with the overworld when 1.18 comes out? I’m sure it’s possible, but resetting the overworld is a pretty drastic change to make. All the builds there would be deleted and have to be abandoned. Certainly there would have to be a bigger reason.
After the success of the 3rd Life SMP, more hermits seem to be warming up to the possibility of roleplaying/improving. There’s always been a light roleplay element on Hermitcraft, and it’s only been increasing with time. I don’t think it’s impossible that they could plan long-term for a major event like this.
Evil alter egos are making a comeback! Most notably, the recent animation that heralds Evil X’s return and what appears to be a corruption of iJevin (whether this will be an alter ego or just a gimmick is still to be seen.) Helsknight was born in season 7, and Wels has already expressed a greater interest in season 8, which seems to indicate him being more active. It’s worth pointing out that Wels has embraced roleplay/lore in the past, in regards to his late arrival to season 7, and seems to adore the Helsknight character. Ren’s Stargazer plotline is following him to season 8, and Ren is basically the server’s loremaster supreme so he could lead this whole charge (after his performance in 3rd Life as the Red King I expect great things from Ren). There are other, less ‘canon’, fan favorite alter egos that could be included in this list, like NPC Grian and badtimeswithscar, or even an enemy no one saw coming, like a certain robot son that was lied to and betrayed by his fathers and now seeks revenge. The Hermits are creative people, I’m sure they can come up with even more.
My theory: season 8 begins as per usual. They play, build, mine, and have fun. The evils are there, but at the moment they are just up to regular small-scale shenanigans and allude to something bigger. The Hermits make modest bases, and perhaps have an unspoken affinity for building in dimensions other than the overworld. Over time, iJevin and potentially Ren would have to be redeemed/purified, and I’m sure they could play up their guilt about previous evil actions.
As Caves and Cliffs part 2 gets closer, the evils start to ramp up their actions. (A backup save of the server would probably have to be made at this point). I’m talking death traps, TNT dupers, murdering beloved pets, wither storms, perhaps even spawning an ender dragon in the overworld. At some point, they become unstoppable. The Hermits all agree that the only way to stop this reign of terror is to destroy the overworld dimension with the evils still in it. They evacuate, carrying all of their possessions to the other dimensions and stocking up on blocks that will no longer exist in 1.18, such as deepslate iron and coal ore. Farms are torn down and packed into shulker boxes to be reassembled. Villagers are moved to the nether. There are tearful goodbyes to day one bases.
Finally, the Hermits completely evacuate the overworld and reset the whole dimension, sealing the evils and their chaos inside. When they come back through the portal, there is a freshly generated 1.18 overworld waiting for them. Thus begins season 8.2. They have to start building from scratch, but they are able to keep all of their progress from earlier in the season. From this point on, the server proceeds as a regular SMP.
How the story proceeds from here depends on how well it went over with fans. If it wasn’t popular, all major roleplay plots can end here and they can proceed as they used to. If it does go over well with the fans, it can be hinted that the evils survived the purge and will return one day.
3rd Life SMP proved that the Hermits are capable of and very skilled at improv, and this storyline could contribute to that. This theory could be the overarching plot, but the rest of the content would be up to the creators. It would be entertaining without feeling scripted, it would explain the transition to 1.18 terrain mid-season, and it would have a set end point in case they want to tone it down later.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I am a fully employed and college-educated adult who spends her free time writing theories and fanfiction about the silly people playing the block game.
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andy-andromedus · 3 years
What's the difference between dsmp and osmp?
oh boy here we go again
dsmp, or the dream smp is a mc server started by dream- originally intended for just playing mc with his friends, it evolved into a roleplay server with more convoluted plots and characters with the additions of people like wilbur soot, tommyinnit, and ranboo. it started april/may 2020, and became popular due to the rising amount of people getting back into Minecraft for nostalgia reasons/kids getting into the game in general, and thrived due to the lockdowns, because both the streamers and viewers couldn't do anything but sit and play online games. it has recently been updated to 1.18, but has not been reset. as far as I know main builds/areas have remained and unloaded chunks have been converted into 1.18 (feel free to correct me on this)
osmp, or origins smp, is a modded Minecraft server started February 2021 by tommyinnit and wilbur soot, along with friends he made via streaming. the server was started with the intention of it being a roleplay server, and features some of the same cast as the dream smp, along with others like dangthatsalongname, sneegsnag and beautie. this server is on it's third version,as it was originally in 1.16, but was rarely played on by the larger streamers from the dream smp that made it originally popular, and was reset when the 1.17 update came out, only keeping one central build. it has been reset again with the 1.18 update, keeping the same build. as far as I know the same people have remained on the server, and their characters and character relationships from the dream smp have not carried over onto the origins smp, as many characters appear to be completely different. the fact that the same streamers play on both smps and that character designs sometimes overlap can be confusing, so I hope this helps!
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transfaguette · 3 years
rough draft of the mission statement/rules of the server, to get some feedback and set some expectations before I start sending out discord invites!
Welcome to Androcraft! A semi-vanilla 1.18 Java SMP.
We have a few simple goals with this community:
Foster a positive and uplifting environment for people of all identities and walks of life, including and especially, male, male-aligned, and/or masculine persons.
Create a place to escape the stresses and anxieties of the outside world.
Have fun, and play some good old-fashioned minecraft!
In order to maintain those goals, these are our rules:
Respect others, their identities, and beliefs.
It is your duty to sort out personal issues with the parties in question, or to remove yourself from situations where problems may arise.
If your conduct in or outside of the server is found to be harmful, hateful, or egregious, you will be removed from the server.
Immediate removals will be made in the case of, but not limited to; racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, verbal or sexual harrassment, threats of violence, doxxing, …
No discourse, at all, ever.
Though it may be fun or cathartic to rant about certain topics such as transandrophobia, I ask that we keep this an environment focused around positivity and removal from topics that may induce stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, or frustration.
This includes both the minecraft and discord server, and no channels will be made for discussion of these topics, or any other vent or “heavy topics” channels. I hope you understand, and can find other communities to discuss these topics.
Keep things pg-13
This is a 16+ server. Please keep topics light and generally appropriate. Swearing is allowed.
Respect the server
You will not be judged on your skill level, but please do not construct things that are purposefully ugly, crass or obtrusive. You do not have to be an amazing builder, or a good one even, just create things earnestly.
Please keep your redstone contraptions and farms reasonable to avoid excessive amounts of lag. You may be asked to make modifications as we figure out what the limits are.
Respect other players. Ask when building near others. Griefing, stealing, using cheats, duplication glitches or hacks is obviously not allowed.
Keep spam and capslock to a minimum in chat.
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